SECTION 4.1 Payment or Performance
SECTION 4.1 Payment or Performance
SECTION 4.1 Payment or Performance
ART. 1232: Payment means not only the delivery of money but also the INDIVISIBLITY: performance in a single act.
performance, in any other manner of an obligation. EXCEPTION:
a) Express stipulation
Payment or performance is the normal, the perfect more of b) Prestations which necessarily entail partial
extinguishment of obligations performance.
Every obligation looks to payment or performance as the manner of c) If debt is liquidated in part and unliquidated
its extinguishment. In this sense, therefore, all the other modes are in part
abnormal d) Joint divisible obligations
e) Solidary obligations in which debtors are
PAYMENT: proper term for obligations to give bound under different terms or conditions
PERFORMANCE: for obligations to do or not to do. f) In compensation when a balance is left
g) If the work is to be delivered partially, the
RULES OF PAYMENT/PERFORMANCE price for each part having been fixed, price
REQUISITES: also payable partially.
I. THE PRESTATION: h) Several guarantors who demand division
SPECIFIC- the very thing or service must be delivered or i) Impossibility or extreme difficulty of single
performed performance.
GENERIC- the prestation must be neither inferior nor II. THE PARTIES (SUBJECTIVE)
superior in quality. A. THE PAYOR:
MONEY DEBTS: without need of creditor’s consent:
a) Payment must be in the currency stipulated. If there is no a. Debtor/obligor himself
such stipulation, it must be in Philippine Currency. b. His heir or assignee
b) Payment in negotiable paper c. His agent
- Must be refused by creditor; d. Anyone interested in fulfillment of obligation (guarantor)
- Provisional only until encashed or impaired through With creditor’s consent:
the creditor’s fault (Manager/Cashier’s check are a. Anyone
not an exception to this rule)
- Revaluation in case of extraordinary inflation or EFFECT OF PAYMENT BY THIRD PERSON:
deflation. a) WITH DEBTOR’S CONSENT: subrogation
EXCEPTION TO THE RULE EXCEPTION: if third person indented it as donation
a) Dacion de pago b) WITHOUT DEBTOR’S CONCENT: reimbursement to the
b) Novation extent of the benefit
GARNISHMENT OF CREDIT: which the debtor has against the Art. 1245: Dation in payment, whereby property is alienated to the
third person effectively freezes such credit. The debtor’s debtor creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money, shall be governed by the law
should hold the payment of the debt in abeyance and await further of sales.
orders of the court.
Any payment made to the debtor by his debtor DACION EN PAGO: transmission of the ownership of a thing by
after service of the order of garnishment will be the debtor to the creditor as an accepted equivalent of the
ineffective as to the debtor’s creditor. performance of an obligation.
Might expose the debtor’s debtor exposes himself
: a special mode of payment the debtor offers another thing to the
to the risk of double payment.
creditor who accepts it as the equivalent of payment of an
Solution indebiti
outstanding debt
Art. 1244: The debtor of a thing cannot compel the creditor to receive a :A special form of payment since it departs from the requisite of
different one, although the latter may be of the same value as, or more identity of prestation
valuable than that which is due
In obligations to do or not to do, an act or forbearance cannot : the obligation is extinguished by the performance of a prestation
be substituted by another act or forbearance against the obligee’s will. that was not originally intended or contemplated by the parties.