Nidek Automatic Chart Projector CP-690 Service Manual

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Model CP-690



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Table of Contents
I' Page
§1 INTRODUCTION•••••••••....•..............................................................••..••••••••••••...••••••••.• 1-1

§2 CAUTIONS ............................•..•.•..•.•.••••••...••...•••••••.••....•...•.................•.......................• 2-1

§3 TROUBLESHOOTING ...............•.......•..•.•..•..•.•.••....•......••••.••....•.......••.........•..•.••....... 3-1

§4 SUB TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................•.........••••..••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 4-1

4.1 The Initialization does not Start......................................................................•......... 4-1
4.2 The Motor does not Work ......................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 The Motors do not Stop........................................................................................... .4-3
4.4 The Projection Lamp does not Go On ..................................................................... .4-4
4.5 The Chart Image is Partly Blocked.....................................................................•.... .4-5
4.6 The Chart Brightness is Unsuitable ......................................................................... .4-6
4.7 The Chart Brightness is Uneven...............................................................................4-8
4.8 The Chart Image is not Clear.............................. ~ .................................................... .4-9
4.9 The Chart Image does not Change as Operated by the Remote Control. .............. .4-10
4.10 The Polarized Chart does not Disappear.............................................................. .4-11
4.11 The LED does not Go On .........................................•.......................................... .4-12

§5 REPLACEMENT ......................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 How to Remove the Covers ........, ............................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Replacement of the Circuit Boards ........................................................................... 5-3
5.2.1 Replacement-of the BAOI board ...................................................................... 5-3
5.2.2 Replacement of the BA02 board ...................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Replacement of the Sensors ...................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.1 Replacement of the chart sensor ...................................................................... 5-5
5.3.2 Replacement of the mask sensor ...................................................................... 5-6
5.4 Replacement of the Chart Motor............•.................................................................. 5-7
5.5 Replacement of the ChartAS~Y .............................................................................. 5-9
5.6 Replacement of the Mask Motor and Mask ASSY ........... :..................................... 5-11
5.7 Replacement of the Bottom Cover ASSY (power LED) ........................................ 5-13
5.8 Replacement of the Power Switch .......................................................................... 5-13
5.9 Replacement of the Power Transformer ................................................................. 5-14

5.10 R~placement of the C lens ASSY, Lamp Cable and Reflecting Mirror ............... 5-15
5.11 Replacement of the Holder ASSY ........................................................................ 5-17
5.12 Replacement of the Halogen Lamp ....................................................................... 5-18
5.13 Replacement of the Fuses ..................................................................................... 5-18
5.14 Cleaning ................................................................................................................ 5-19
5.14.1 Cleaning of the chart and mask .................................................................... 5-19
5.14.2 Cleaning of the halogen lamp, reflecting mirror and condenser lens .......... 5-20
5.14.3 Cleaning of the holder ASSY ...................................................................... 5-21

§6 ADJUSTEMENT .....••.....................................................................•••••••••••................... 6-1

6.1 Adjustment of the Initialized Position ...................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Adjustment of the Sensor Voltage ............................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Adjustment of the Lamp FilamentPosition ................ ;... ;......................................... 6-3
6.4 Adjustment of the Fixed Mask Position ....................................................•............... 6-4
6.5 Adjustment of the Chart and Mask Positions ........................................................... 6-5
6.6 Setting .............................. :........................................................................................ 6-6
6.6.1 Setting of the voltage sensor ............................................................................ 6-6
6.6.2 To display or not display the visual acuity ...................................................... 6-7
6.6.3 Selecting the amount of chart light.. ................................................................ 6-8
6.6.4 Setting of the beep sound volume (Response sound) ...................................... 6-8
6.6.5 Setting of the DIP switch ................................................................................. 6-9

§7 INFORMATION ..................................................................:.••••.••.....................•.••....... 7-1

7.1 Wiring Diagram ............................................. '" ........................................................ 7-1
7.2 How to Carry Out the Wiring .................................................................•................. 7-5

§8 LIST OF REPLACEABLE PARTS ...................................••••••....................••••••••••.... 8-1

§9 TOOLS AND MEASURING DEVICES .................................•••••••••.••••••.•.............•••• 9-1

: Y 1 .
This service manual provides information for after-sales service of the NIDEK Automatic Chart
Projector Model CP-690.

For proper after-sales service, it is necessary to understand this manual thoroughly before

Refer to "CP-690 Operator's manual".

Specifications are subject to change without notice for improvement. As for important changes,
refer to Technical Bulletins;

In case the instrument cannot be repaired by procedures described in this manual, please tell us
the serial number ofthe instrument and details of the symptom or symptoms.

<Before service>
• Only service personnel, who are used to handling tools and are familiar with this instrument,
can perform the servicing.

• Perform the servicing according to the procedures described in this manual. If not, an
unexpected accident or a failure may be caused.

• Before maintenance, unless "Turn the power switch ON" is written, be sure to tum the power
switch OFF and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.

• Pay attention not to perform the servicing with moist hands. This may cause an electric shock
or a failure.

<During service>
• If a malfunction occurs, check the symptom and tum the power switCh OFF.

• Once the lamp goes on, its surroundings become hot. Do not touch parts near the lamp while
it is lit or just after the light goes off.

• When handling circuit boards, be sure to touch only parts indicated in this manual. If not, an
electric shock or a failure may be caused.

• In case the ·instrument produces smoke or an unusual odor, turn the power switch OFF
immediately and then unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
Do not use the instrument in abnormal conditions. This may cause an electric shock or a fire.

• Do not lose or drop the screws, parts, etc. inside the instrument.
As for the parts which are easy to lose, prepare a case beforehand and store the parts in it.

• If the screws, to which a threadlocking adhesive has been applied, are loosened, apply a
threadlocking adhesive to the screws after re-tightening them.

• The following words are used in §4 SUB TROUBLESHOOTING.

- Power voltage check -
CD Plug the power cord and turn the power switch ON.
@ Measure the voltage of the confirmed points with a tester (selecting voltage).
- Continuity check -
CD Tum the power switch OFF and unplug the power cord.
@ Measure the resistance of the confirmed points with the tester (selecting resistance).
- Cable check (Check of poor contact) -
CD Turn the power switch OFF and unplug the power cord.
@ Check that the connectors are inserted correctly. (Refer to §7 WIRING DIAGRAM.)
@ Reconnect the connectors and then check that there are no poor contacts in the connectors.
@ Measure the resistance of the confirmed points in a broken cable with the tester (selecting

Tum the power switch ON.

Does the LED next to the power switch 00 to 4.11.
goon? N

Does the initialization *1 start?
(Do the motors rotate?) N
Do both chart and mask
motors work? y 00 to 4.1.

y I , 00 to 4.2.

Does the initialization finish? , 00 to 4.3.

(D.o the motors stop?) N -

Does the projection lamp go on? 00 to 4.4.


After initialization, is the first projected , 00 to 4.5.

chart image blocked by a mask? Y


Is the chart brightuess suitable? 00 to 4.6.


Is the chart brightness even? 00 to 4.7.

N ---
. 3 - 2

Is the chart image clear? Go to 4.8.

Does the chart image change as operated , Go to 4.9.
by the remote control? N

Are there any charts blocked by the
mask? Y

Does the chart tilt against the mask? Make fine adjustments of the chart
Y and mask ASSYs.
(Refer to 6.5.)
When looking at the polarized chart , Go to 4.10.
with polarizing glasses, does the chart N
image disappear?

Is the volume of the beep sound , Adjust the volume of the beep sound
(response sound) appropriate? N (response sound).
(Refer to 6.6.4.)

*1 The initialization performs the following operations.

1) The chart ASSY rotates and then stops by the sensor.
2) The chart ASSY moves little by little to correct its position.
3) The mask ASSY rotates and then stops by the sensor.
4) The mask ASSY moves little by little to correct its pqsition.
5) The projection lamp goes on. The first chart is presented.
4.1 The Initialization does not Start.
Are the fuses blown? y/ Replace the fuses.
(Refer to 5.13.)

Is the working voltage ±! 0 % of the Use another wall outlet or a voltage
rating voltage? N regulator.

Is the setting of the voltage selector . Set the voltage selector again.
N (Refer to 6.6.1.)

ly .

Does the power cord have continuity? , Replace the power cord.

Does the power switch have continuity? Replace the power switch.
(Before checking the continuity, unplug N / (Refer to 5.8.)
the power cord from the wall outlet and
tum the power switch ON and OFF.)
(Refer to 7.1.)

Is the voltage between the 1st and 3rd , Replace the transformer.
pins of the PI connector AC 15.6 V N (Refer to 5.9.)
±5 %? (Before measuring the voltage,
disconnect the P! connector from the
circuit board.)

ly .

Replace the BAO! board.

(Refer to 5.2.1.)
. 4 - 2

4.2 The Motor does not Work.

When interchanging the connector , Replace the BAOI board.
positions of the chart and mask motors, y (Refer to 5.2.1.)
does the working motor change?

Replace the motor that does not work.
As for the chart motor, refer to 5.4.
As for the mask motor, refer to 5.6.
. 4 - 3

4.3 The Motors do not Stop.

Do the J4 and J6 connectors on the Reconnect the connectors.
BAOl board have poor contact? Y

Is each voltage between TP 1 and TP3 Adjust the voltage of each sensor.
(of the chart motor) and between TP2 N (Refer to 6.2.)
and TP3 (of the mask motor) on the Is the problem corrected?
BAOl board as follows?
When the shading plate blocks the
light, ....................... +4.5 to 5 V
N ~Y
When the shading plate does not End
block the light, ......... under +0.5 V

ly Replace the sensor whose motor does

not stop ..
Replace the BAO 1 board. As for the chart sensor, refer to 5.3 .1.
(Refer to 5.2.1.) As for the mask sensor, refer to 5.3.2.
Is the problem corrected?

N ~Y

Replace the BAOI board.

(Refer to 5.2.1.)
. 4 - 4

4.4 The Projection Lamp does not Go On.

Is the filament of the halogen lamp , Replace the halogen lamp.
broken? y (Refer to 5.12.)

Is the voltage between the 1st and 2nd , Replace the BAOI board.
pins of the J2 connector over DC 5 V? N (Refer to 5.2.1.)
(when the setting of SW2 is channel 2)

Does EA04 (CABLE LAMP) have Replace EA04 (LAMP CABLE).
continuity? N (Refer to 5.10.)

Replace the BAOI board.
(Refer to 5.2.1)
· 4 - 5

4.5 The Chart Image is Partly Blocked.

Is the blocked part on the right side of Move the VA mask toward the inside of
the visual acuity indication or chart? N the instrument (mask motor side).
(Refer to 6.6.2.)
Are the motors, chart ASSY and mask Adjust the chart and mask positions.
ASSY fixed securely? N' (Refer to 6.5.)

Adjust the initialized position. /'

(Refer to 6.1.)

Does the mask (disk) block the chart? Adjust the sensor voltage.
N (Refer to 6.2.)

Does the fixed mask block the chart? ,
Adjust the chart and mask positions.
N' (Refer to 6.5.)

ly ~
Adjust the' position of the fixed mask. Adjust the initialized position.
(Refer to 6.4.) (Refer to 6.1.)

Adjust the sensor voltage.
(Refer to 6.2.)
· 4 - 6

4.6 The Chart Brightness is Unsuitable.

Is the setting of the light control switch Set the light control switch to the
N /
(SW2 on the BAOI board) appropriate? appropriate channel.
[This switch has five channels; from 1 (Refer to 6.6.3.)
(most bright) to 5 (darkest).]
* The setting at shipment is "2".

~ Y
Is the setting of the voltage selector Reset the voltage selector.
N (Refer to 6.6.1.)

li .

Is the working voltage ±10 % of the , Use another wall outlet or a, voltage
rating voltage? N / regulator.

t y

The halogen lamp is the rated one (6 V, Replace the halogen lamp.
20W)? N (Refer to 5.12.)

Is the halogen lamp dirty? Clean the halogen lamp.
y (Refer to 5.14.2.)

Is the reflecting mirror dirty? Clean the reflecting mirror.

y (Refer to 5.14.2.)

Does the aluminum coating on the Replace the reflecting mirror.

Y / (Refer to 5.10.)
reflecting mirror come off?


Is the aluminum coating deposited on Clean the condenser lens.

the condenser lens? y (Refer to 5.14.2.)

. 4 - 7

Is there any dust on the chart ASSY? Clean the chart ASSY.
Y , (Refer to 5.14.1.)

II .

Is there any dust inside the lens barrel? Clean the projection lens inside the lens
y / barrel. (Refer to 5.14.3.)


Is the polarized chart dark? Is the polarizing filter burht? (is it

Y , brown?)

. N ,!, Y
N Replace 1:\1e chart ASSY.
(Refer to 5.5.)

Is the voltage between the 1st and 2nd ~

pins of the J2 connector over DC 5 V? Replace the transformer.

(when the setting ofSW2 is channel 2) N (Refer to 5.9.)

\ Y
I Replace the screen.
. 4 - 8

4.7 The Chart Brightness is Uneven.

Does the unevenness show up in the ~
Clean the chart ASSY.
same area of the chart? N (Refer to 5.14.1.)

\ Y
Is the C lens ASSY dirty, burnt or Clean the C lens ASSY.
N /
scratched? (Refer to 5.14.2.)
If the dirt or burnt area can not be
cleaned, or the ASSY is scratched,
replace it. (Refer to 5.10.)

Is the holder ASSY dirty, burnt or Clean the holder ASSY.

scratched? N (Refer to 5.14.3.)
If the dirt or burnt area can not be
Y cleaned, or the ASSY is scratched,
replace it. (Refer to 5.11.)

Adjust the position of the lamp filament. End
Is the chart brightness still uneven? N
(Refer to 6.3.)

Replace the screen.

. 4 - 9

4.8 The Chart Image is not Clear.

Adjust the focus of the chart.· Is the End

image still not clear? N
(As for the adjustment method, refer to
the operator's manual.)


Clean the chart ASSY. Is the image , End

stilI not clear? N
(Refer to 5.14.1.)

Clean the holder ASSY. Is the image End

still not clear? N
(Refer to 5.14.3.)

Replace the screen.
. 4 - 1 0

4.9 The Chart Image does not Change as Operated by

the Remote Control.

Are the batteries in the remote control Replace the batteries with new ones.
drained? y /


Does the chart image change normally Install the instrument apart from
y /
by cutting the interference light off? windows or spot lights.

The settings of the remote control and , Make the settings for using several CP-
main body (channel of the remote y 690 units. ~eferto 6.6.5.)
control} are correct?

Is the voltage between the 1st pin of the Replace the BAOI board.
J7 connector and TP3 DC 5 V ±5 %? N (Refer to 5.2.1.)

Do the points below have continuity? Replace the BA02 board.

N (Refer to 5.2.2.)
BA01 board BA02 board
J7 P7
1st pin B 1st pin
2nd pin B 2nd pin
3rd pin B 3rd pin


Replace the remote control.

. 4 - 1 1

4.10 The Polarized Chart does not Disappear.

Is the main body tilted? Install the main body on a stable and
y level surface.

Is the projected chart tilted? ~ Adjust the initialized position.

y ~
(Refer to 6.1.)

Is the refractor used to polarize the

y , Replace the chart ASSY.
(Refer to 5.5.)

Is the trial lens used to po larize the Does the polarized chart
chart? Y / image disappear by moving N
the lens?


Are the polarizing glasses used to Does the view change by

po larize the chart? y reversing the right and left N
of the glasses?


Replace the polarizing glasses.

. 4 - 1 2

4.11 The LED does not Go On.

Is the voltage between the 1st and 2nd , Replace the BAOI board.
pins of J9 on the BAOI board +4.5 to 5 N ~ (Refer to 5.2.1.)
(Before measuring the voltage, remove
the P9 connector from the board.)

Replace the bottom cover ASSY
(including the power LED).
(Refer to 5.7.)

5.1 How to Remove the Covers

[NOTE]Before removing the covers, unless "Tum the power switch ON" is written, be sure to
tum the power switch OFF and unplug the power cord.
[NOTE] Once the lamp goes on, its surroundings become hot. Do not touch parts near the lamp
until they cool down.

[How to remove the top cover ASSy]

Rotate the fastener a half-tum with a coin.

Remove the top cover ASSY by lifting the
rear side of it up.

[How to remove the front cover ASSy]

L Remove the top cover ASSY.

- _ 2
2. Unscrew PT3 x 10 and remove the front
cover ASSY together with the plate (M074).
* When remounting this part, be careful of
the orientation of the plate (M074). (See the
right figure.) PT3x 10'

[How to remove the bottom cover ASSy]

1. Remove the top cover ASSY.

2. Disconnect the connector from J9 on the

BAOI board.

3. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc2 to remove the hook


4. Unscrew BS3 x 6zn c2 and PC3 x 10c/ to

remove the bottom cover.
* When the lens barrel obstructs the removal, -
shorten it to the minimum.
. 5 - 2

[How to remove the disk cover]

1. Remove the top cover ASSY.

2. Unscrew AS3 x 6zn c4 to remove the disk

cover (M030).
* When remounting the disk cover, direct the
side affixed with the CAUTION label to the
lamp side (the rear side of the instrument).
· 5 - 3

5.2 Replacement of the Circuit Boards

5.2.1 Replacement of the BAOI board
Replacement part: BAOI board (33155-BAOI)
* Circuit board, bridge diode, regulator IC, insulating sheet (Each I pc.)
1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Remove all connectors from the BA01 board.

3. Pull out 1 chip CPU from the BA01 board and install it into the new board.
[NOJE] Be careful of the orientation of the CPU.

4. Unscrew BS3 x 10ZnC2 fIXing the bridge diode (D1) and regnlator IC (IC2).

5. Remove the BA01 board while holding the tip of the four spacers with long nose pliers
and then mount the new circuit board.
* Push the new board into the spacers securely.
6. Fix the new bridge diode (D1) and regulator IC (IC2) into the radiator plate (M032)
with the screws and then solder each terminal onto the BA01 board.
* When tightening the screws, catch the insulating sheet (80399-01006) between the
regulator IC and radiator plate.
* Do not catch the insulating sheet between the bridge diode and radiator plate. However,
apply heat sink grease to the side contacting the cooling heat.
* After soldering, .cut the tenninals protruding from the circuit board to a position of 2 to 4
mm from the board.
* As the same with the last circuit board, adjust the position of VRI (beep sound volume)
and VR2 [light amount (voltage)] and set SWI (DIP switch) and SW2 (light amount
selecting switch) of the new board.
BS3 x 10zoc

7. Assemble the removed parts in BS3 x10zoc \I

11 .
reverse order. ~IC2 Spacer
Insulating sheet / 1.~'
/ , .
(80339·01006) .
. J

BA01board _
1 chip CPU
. 5 - 4

5.2.2 Replacement of the BA02 board

Replacement part: 33 I 55-BA02

1. Remove the top and front cover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Disconnect the connector from J7 on the BA01 board.

3. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc2 to replace the BA02

board with a new one.

BA02 board

4. Assemble the removed parts in reverse order.

. 5 - 5

5.3 Replacement of the Sensors

5.3.1 Replacement of the chart sensor

Replacement part: Chart sensor (33155-EA05)

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Disconnect the connector from J6 on the BA01 board.

* Cut the tie wrap (T18R) which ties the cables of the chart sensor.
3. Remove the disk cover (M030). (Refer to
2 .
4. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc to remove the chart
IT BS3 x 5Znc2
sensor and sensor fitting plate (M009).
~sensor fitting plate

5. Unscrew PC3 x 62 from the sensor fitting

plate (M009) and replace the chart sensor
I ~ :Chart sensor
(EA05) with a new one. .!l PC3x52
* Check that the shading plate of the mask
disk does not interfere with the mask

6. Assemble the removed parts (except for the top cover) in reverse order.
* Write the connector number "P6" on the connector of the replaced chart sensor with an oiI-
based ink (black).
* Tie the wiring with the tie wrap (T18R) in its original position. (Refer to "7.2 How to
carry out the wiring".)

7. After performing "6.2 Adjustment of the sensor voltage", remount the top cover.
. 5 - 6

5.3.2 Replacement of the mask sensor

Replacement part: Mask sensor (33 I 55-EA05)

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Disconnect the connector from J4 on the BAOI board.

* Cut the tie wrap (T18R) which ties the cables of the mask sensor.
3. Remove the disk cover (M030). (Refer to 5.1.)

4. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc2 to remove the mask If 2

sensor and sensor fitting plate (M009). ~.
8S3 x 620C
Sensor fitting plate ~ .

5. Unscrew PC3 x 62 from the sensor fitting Mask sensor ~ I .

plate (M009) and replace the mask sensor PC3x6

" I
(EA05) with a new one.
* Check that the shading plate of the mask
disk does not interfere with the mask

6. Assemble the removed parts (except for the top cover) in reverse order.
* Write down the connector number "P4" on the connector of the replaced mask sensor with
an oil-based ink (black).
* Tie the wiring with the tie wrap (T18R) in its original position. (Refer to "7.2 How to
carry out the wiring".)

7. After performing "6.2 Adjustment ofthe sensor voltage", remount the top cover.
. 5 - 7

5.4 Replacement of the Chart Motor

Replacement part: Chart motor (33 I 55-E003)

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Disconnect all connectors (except for J7) from the BA01 board.
* Cut the tie wrap (T18R) which ties the cables of the chart motor.
3 Unscrew BS3 x 6znc 2 to remove the
P.C. board ASSY (1500). Holder

4. Loosen HH3 x 52 and unscrew

SB3 x 6, SW3 and 3PW3 to
remove the holder ASSY (1300).

(BAOl board)

5. Unscrew SB3 x 64 to remove the base

plate (M001).
AS3x6 41)' .
4 '"' ~DISkcover
6. Unscrew AS3 x 6ZnC to remove the
Chart motor / /'1 I
disk cover (M030). \
,,/ J

7. Loosen HH4 x 64 of the chart disk

PW4~/~/ ! i HH4x62 HH4X62
;~~/~ ! 1 Chart disk retainer
SB4xl04 :' Disk housing

8. Unscrew SB4 x 10\ SW44 and SB3x64 fijl

PW44 and remove the chart motor Base plate

I L-.~
i. /

to replace it with a new one. \ ////

* During this replacement, leave the

chart ASSY ill the disk housing.
* Mount the chart motor being careful
ofthe wiring side.
. 5 - 8

9. Make a clearance of 0.5 mm between the mask and chart disks by displacing the chart
ASSY. Tighten HH4 x 64 ofthe chart disk retainer.
* Tighten the four screws (HH4 x 6 4) while checking that the two tips contact the notch of
the motor shaft (flat side) vertically.
* Check that the mask and chart disks do not contact each other by rotating them by hand.
(As for the bottom of the disk housing, check the disks by shining light in there with a

10. Assemble the removed parts (except for the bottom and top cover ASSYs) in reverse
* Check that the shading plate of the chart disk does not interfere with the chart sensor.
* Write down the connector number "P5" on the connector of the replaced mask sensor with
an oil-based ink (black).
* Tie the wiring with the tie wrap (T18R) in its original position. (Refer to "7.2 How to
carry out the wiring".)

11. After performing "6.1 Adjustment of the initiali,zed position", "6.2 Adjustment of the
sensor voltage" and "6.4 Adjustment the fixed mask position" and "6.5 Adjustment of
the chart and mask positions", remount the bottom and top cover ASSYs.
· 5 - 9

5.5 Replacement of the Chart ASSY

Replacement part: Chart ASSY (U type: 33156-1400, M type: 33156-3400, F type: 33157-
1400, T type: 33158-1400, P type: 33159-1400, I type:
33160-1400, UK type: 33161-1400, A type: 33162-1400)

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.),

2. Disconnect the connector from J3 on the BA01 board.

* Cut the tie wrap (Tl8R) which ties the cables of the mask motor.
3. Remove the disk cover (M030). (Refer to /,'" BS3 x 6 ZnC


~ I
VA Illumination ASSY
4. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc to remove the VA k " Mask sensor /

~ / ~~ ..fl
mask (M029). 2
!I~ SB3x6
5. Unscrew SB3 x 6 2 to remove the . i I ~. ,
illumination ASSY (1200). j i ' ,A
, /'
6. Unscrew BS3 x 6zn c2 to remove the mask
sensor and sensor fitting plate (M009).

7. Unscrew SB4 x 104 , SW44 and PW44 to

remove the mask ASSY.
* In order to remove the mask ASSY, slide it
to the rear side slightly and pull it out

8. Loosen HH4 x 64 of the chart disk retainer,

pull out the chart ASSY from the shaft ofHH4x6 4
the chart motor by sliding the chart ASSY
and then insert the new chart ASSY. (Do
not tighten HH4·x 6.)
* Before mounting the new chart ASSY,
check that it has no dirt such as dust.
. 5 - 1 0

9. Make a clearance of 0.5 mm between the mask and chart disks by displacing the chart
ASSY. Tighten HH4 x 64 of the chart disk retainer.
* Tighten the four screws (HH4 x 64) while checking that the two tips contact the notch of
the motor shaft (flat side) vertically.
* Check that the mask and chart disks do not contact each other by rotating them by hand.
(As for the bottom of the disk housing, check the disks by shining light in there with a

10. Assemble the removed parts (except for the bottom and top cover ASSYs) in reverse
* Check that the shading plate of the mask disk does not interfere with the mask sensor after
remounting the mask sensor.
* Tie the wiring with the tie wrap (T18R) in its original position. (Refer to "7.2 How to
carry out the wiring".)
* Remount the VA mask (M029) toward the inside of the instrument (mask motor side).
(Refer to "6.6.2: To display or not display the visual acuity".)

11. After performing "6.1 Adjustment of the initialized position", "6.2 Adjustment of the
sensor voltage" and "6.4 Adjustment the fixed mask position" and "6.5 Adjustment of
the chart and mask positions", remount the bottom and top cover ASSYs.
. 5 - 1 1

5.6 Replacement of the Mask Motor and Mask ASSY

Repiacement part: Mask motor (33155-E003), mask ASSY (U, M, F, T and P types: 33156-
1100, I type: 33160-1100, UK and A types: 33161-1100)

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Disconnect the connector from J3 on the BAOI board. Cut the tie wrap (TI8R) tying
the cables of the mask motor.

3 Remove the disk cover (M030). (Refer to S84x104

Mask ASSY ~/,?lil
5.1.) SW4
PW44 .~
4. Unscrew BS3 x 6zn c2 to remove the mask
sensor and sensor fitting plate (M009),

5. Unscrew SB4 x 104, SW44 and PW44 to

remove the mask ASSY.
* Remove the mask ASSY by sliding it to the
rear side slightly and then pult" it out

6. Loosen HH4 x 64 of the mask disk retainer

to replace the mask motor (E003) or mask
ASSY with a new one. Retainer
* The two tips among HH4 x 64 shall contact
the notch of the motor shaft (flat side)
* Fix the exposed part of the motor shaft to
about 1 to 2 mm with HH4x 64
'b I

1 to mm
. 5 - 1 2

7. Fix the mask ASSY in the disk honsing.

* Mount the disk motor being careful of the wiring side. (Refer to the figure on page 5-11.)

8. Loosen HH4 x 64 of the mask disk retainer to make a clearance of 0.5 mm between the
mask and chart disks. Retighten HH4 x 64•
* Tighten the four screws (HH4 x 64) while checking that the two tips contact the notch of
the motor shaft (flat side) vertically.
* Check that the mask and chart disks do not contact each other by rotating them by hand.
(As for the bottom of the disk housing, check the disks by shining light in there with a

9. Assemble the removed parts (except for the bottom and top cover ASSYs) in reverse
* Check that the shading plate of the mask disk does not interfere with the mask sensor.
* Write down the connector number "P3" on the connector of the replaced mask sensor with
an oil-based ink (black).
* Tie the wiring with the tie wrap (T18R) in its original position. (Refer to "7.2 How to
carry out the wiring".)

10. After performing "6.1 Adjustment of the initialized position", "6.2 Adjustment of the
sensor voltage" and "6.5 Adjustment of the chart and mask positions", .remount the
bottom and top cover ASSYs.
. 5 - 1 3

5.7 Replacement of the Bottom Cover ASSY (Power

Replacement part: Bottom cover ASSY (33156-1010)

1. After removing the top and front cover ASSYs according to "5.1 How to remove the
covers", replace the bottom cover ASSY with a new one. (Refer to 5.1.)
* Peel off the fuse label (lOOV system: 33102-MI03, 200V system: 33138-M086), serial
number label and serial number plate from the bottom ASSY and stick them to the new
bottom cover ASSY in the same positions. (The A type does not have the serial number

2. Assemble the removed parts in reverse order.

5.8 Replacement of the Power Switch

Replacement part: Seesaw switch (80460-00103)

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs.

(Refer to 5.1.)

2. Unscrew BS3 x 6ZnC2 to remove the base


3. Remove the hook part of the seesaw switch

from the base (M033). Positioning of
the switch

~ Seesaw switch

4. Disconnect the black and white wires (each: 2) from the removed seesaw switch and
then connect these wires to the new seesaw switch.
c::::J2 ...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------,
flA !Black wire of the inlet terminal A -> Terminal 1 of the switch part !
o U' 10 sao . !WhitewireoftheinletterminaIB->TerminaI2oftheswitchpart !
3 =4 5 !Blackwire of the inletterminal L -> Terminal1a of the switch part !
2::, E b
iWhite wire of the inlet terminal N -> Terminal 2a of the switch part
1.. ___________________________ ...: ___________________________________________________ J

Terminal position of the inlet

5. Assemble the removed parts in reverse order.

* Be careful of the positioning of the seesaw switch.
. 5 - 1 4

5.9 Replacement of the Power Transformer

Replacement part: Power transformer (100 V system: 33155-E001, 200 V system: 33155-

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs. r=2

(Refer to 5.1.) o[f- 10 ~ 0
3 =4 S
2. Disconnect the connector from J1 on the L N
BA01 board. =
Terminal position of the inlet
3. Disconnect the wires from the terminals (1,
2 and 5) of the inlet. \/SB4xS'
* Cut the tie wrap (Tl8R) which ... SW4 4
ties the wires. Power l
· 2
4. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc to displace
the board ASSY (1500) until the
screws IlXing the transformer

5. Unscrew SB4 x 84 , SW44 and Terminal of the inlet

3PW44 to replace the

transformer with a new one.

6. Draw the wires (black, brown and red) of the new transformer through the clearance
between the base plate (M001) and chart motor. Connect the wires to the following
terminals of the inlet.
!slack wire ofthe transformer -> TerminalS ofthe inlet •
!Srown wire of the transformer -> Terminal 1 of the inlet o[f- 0 ~ 0
3 =4 S
!Red wire of the transformer -> Terminal 2 of the inlet
![Wiring of the 200 V system power transformer] =E=
!Slack wire ofthe transformer -> TerminalS of the inlet =
i~~:~~_~_~:=_~~~~_~~~~~~~=~_~_~~~~~~~_:_~!_:~=:~_I=~ _ Terminal position of the inlet

* Retie the wiring in the original position with the tie wrap (Tl8R).
7. Assemble the removed parts in reverse order.
. 5 - 1 5

5.10 Replacement of the C lens ASSY, Lamp Cable

and Reflecting Mirror
Replacement parts: C lehs ASSY (U, M, F, T, P and I types: 33156-1210, UK and A types:
33161-1210), lamp cable (33155-EA04), refiectingmirror (33156-0002)

[NOTE] Once the lamp goes on, its surroundings become hot. Do not touch parts near the lamp
until they cool down.

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to


2. Unscrew SB3 x 62 to remove the

illumination ASSY (1200).

Illumination ASSY
3. Looseu the screw fixing the lamp cover to
open the lamp cover..

Lamp cover Screw fixing the lamp

. 5 - 1 6

[Replacement of the C lens ASSy]

I) Unscrew PC3 x 102 to replace the C lens
~ PC3x12

ASSY (1210).
I Halogen
* Mount the C lens ASSY so that the 2 ,fl/lamp
screws are facing up. Lamp cable I 'trl'
[Replacement of the lamp cable]
Spring ~
I) Pull out the halogen lamp. (82041-05851)~
* Do not touch the halogen lamp directly.
Hold it with tissue paper etc. ~
2) Disconnect the connector from J2 of the • I
BAOI board. f/;:;" /'" PC3x 10 2

3) Unscrew PC3 x 123 to replace the lamp

cable (EA04). /.~ @

* Pay attension not to lose the spring

(82041-05851 ). ~/
* Cut the tie wrap (T18R) tying the lamp
cable (EA04). After replacing, retie it
in the original position.
4) Insert the halogen lamp into the original
position securely.

[Replacement of the reflecting mirror]

I) Unscrew PC2 x 143 to remove the mirror
holder (M020) and reflecting mirror. Spring
2) Bend the three tabs of the mirror holde('
(M020) to replace the mirror with a new
one. Mirror holder \
* Pay attension not to lose the spring /'
(82041-04651 ).

"1 . ®_ _ _
* When bending the tabs, do not strain the
reflecting mirror. If not, the edge of the Re.fiecting
~ L mirror
mirror may be chipped. •
4. Close the lamp cover securely and tighten the screw fIXing thc lamp cover.
* Tighten the screw with a flatblade screwdriver.
5. Assemble the removed parts (except for bottom and top cover ASSYs) in reverse order.

6. After performing "6.4 Adjustment of the fIXed mask position" and "6.3 Adjustment of
the lamp filament position", remonnt the bottom and top cover ASSYs.
. 5 - 1 7

5.11 Replacement of the Holder ASSY

Replacement part: Holder ASSY (U, M, F, T, P and I types: 33138-1300, UK and A types:

1. Remove the top and bottom eover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Loosen HH3 x 52 to remove SB3 x 6, SW3

and 3PW3 and replace the holder ASSY 'HH3x5 2
with a new one. Holder ASSY !

3PW3 1
SW3 ~
3. Assemble the removed parts in reverse I
SB3x6 ,
order. Adjust the installed position of the
main body and the focus according to the
operator's manual.
· 5 - 1 8

5.12 Replacement of the Halogen Lamp

Replacement part: Halogen lamp (80426-00069)

[NOTE] Once the lamp goes on, its surroundings become hot. Do not touch parts near the lamp
until they cool down.

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Loosen the screw fixing the lamp cover to

open the lamp cover.

3. Pull out the halogen lamp and insert the

new halogen lamp into the socket.
* Do not touch the halogen lamp directly.
Hold it with tissue paper etc .
. * Check that-the halogen lamp is inserted

4. Close the lamp cover securely and tighten

the screw f"IXing the lamp cover. Lamp cover Screw fixing the lamp
* Tighten the screw with a flatblade cover

5. After performing "6.3 Adjustment of the lamp filament position", remount the top
cover ASSY.

5.13 Replacement of the Fuses

Replacement parts: Two fuses [100 V system:· 80402-02039 (1 A, 250 V), 200 V system:
80402-02037 (0.5 A, 250 V)]

Replace the fuses according to the operator's manual.

· 5 - 1 9

5.14 Cleaning

5.14.1 Cleaning ofthe chart and mask

1. Remove the top cover ASSY and disk cover (M030). (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Blow off the dust on the disks with a blower.

* For stubborn dirt on the disks, wipe it with Open mask

a swab whose tip is wrapped in lens
cleaning paper and is dampened with the
liquid mixture.

* When cleaning the opposite sides of the

chart and mask disks, rotate both disks by
.hand and wipe the chart disk through the
open mask. [If it is impossible, remove
the chart or mask ASSY (Refer to 5.5, 5.6)
to wipe the disks.]

* Wipe the disks so as not to leave wipe marks.

* When wiping the mask disk, pay attention not to leave lint on the disk.
* When cleaning the filter bond with the chart, wipe only its surface lightly. Do not touch
the adhesive.

3. Assemble the removed parts in reverse order.

. 5 - 2 0

5.14.2 Cleaning of the halogen lamp, reflecting mirror and

condenser lens

[NOTE] Once the lamp goes on, its surroundings become hot. Do not touch parts near the lamp
until they cool down.

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Loosen the screw fixing the lamp cover to open the lamp cover.

3. [Cleaning of the halogen lamp]

Wipe the dirt on the lamp with a dry cloth. Cleaned side of the
At this time, do not pull out the lamp from condenser lens
the socket and change the position and angle
of the lamp.
If the lamp position is changed or the lamp is .~

removed, perform "6.3 Adjustment of the

lamp filament position".

* Pay attention not to touch the surface of the

lamp directly.

[Cleaning of the reflecting mirror and

condenser lens]
Blow the dust off with a blower.
For stubborn dirt, wipe it with a swab whose Lamp cover Screw fixing the lamp cover
tip is wrapped in lens cleaning paper and is
dampened with the liquid mixture.

* Wipe them so as not to leave wipe marks.

4.· Close the lamp cover and remount the top cover ASSY.
* Close the lamp cover securely and tighten the screw fixing the lamp cover with a flatblade
. 5 - 2 1

5.14.3 Cleaning of the holder ASSY

1. Remove the top and front cover ASSYs. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Rotate the objective holder

counterclockwise to remove it from the
lens barrel.
Lens barrel

Objective holder .

3. Clean the surface of the lens of the

objective holder.

* Blow the dust off with a blower. For stubborn dirt, wipe it with a swab whose tip is
wrapped in lens cleatring paper and is dampened with the liquid mixture.
* Wipe them so as not to leave wipe marks.

4. After assembling the removed parts in reverse order, perform the adjustment of the
installed position of the main body and the focus according to the operator's manual.

6.1 Adjustment of the Initialized Position
The sensors and shading plates detect the initialized position.
The sensor voltage (position) must be adjusted when the motor, sensors and disks are
misaligned by replacing or adjusting the parts.

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Tnrn No.8 of the DIP switch on the BAOI board to the ON position and turn the power
switch ON.
* Install the main body on a stable and level surface.
* When turning the DIP switch to the ON or OFF position, slide the switch without loading
the circuit board. If not, a failure may occur.

3. Project the chart on the screen and roughly adjust the focus.

4. Operate the remote control as follows so that the first projected chart and open mask
become horizontal.
VA UP button • • .. . • • • .• Move the chart up
VA DOWN button •.•... Move the chart down
START button' . . . . . . • .. Move the mask up
NEXT button •..•..•.•. Move the mask down

5. Mter checking that the chart is not blocked, press the RIG button. (The initialized
position is memorized.)

6. Tnrn No.8 of the DIP switch to the OFF position, remount the top cover ASSY and
then turn the power switch OFF and ON.
. 6 - 2

6.2 Adjustment of the Sensor Voltage

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Turn No.8 of the DIP switch ou the BA01 board to the ON position and turn the power
switch ON.
* When turning the DIP switch to the ON or OFF position, slide the switch without loading
the circuit board. If not, a failure may occur.

3. Adjust the voltage of the chart and mask sensors as follows.

[Voltage adjustment of the chart sensor]

I) Measure the voltage between TP1 and TP3 on the BAO I board. Check that this voltage
is within the applicable range as follows. If it is not, make the voltage within the
applicable range by displacing the chart sensor.
[Applicable range: 4.5 V to 5.0 V]
2) Press the VA DOWN botton on the remote control twice and the VA UP button once.
3) Measure the voltage between TP1 and TP3 on the BAO I board. Check that this voltage
is. within the applicable range as follows. If it is not, make the voltage within the
applicable range by displacing the chart sensor.
[Applicable range: 0.5 V or less]
4) Press the VA UP button on the remote control once. Check that the voltage between
TP1 and TP3 is 4.5 V to 5.0 V.

[Voltage adjustment ofthe mask sensor]

I) Measure the voltage between TPZ and TP3 on the BAO I board. Check that this voltage
is within the applicable range as follows. If it is not, make the voltage within the
applicable range by displacing the mask sensor.
[Applicable range: 4.5 V to 5.0 V]
2) Press the START botton on the remote control twice and the NEXT button once.
3) Measure the voltage between TP2 and TP3 on the BAOI board. Check that this voltage
is within the applicable range as follows.. If it is not, make the voltage within the
applicable range by displacing the chart sensor.
[Applicable range: 0.5 V or Jess]
4) Press the NEXT button on the remote control once. Check that the voltage between
TP2 and TP3 is 4.5 V to 5.0 V.

Guide: When the voltage is higher than the applicable range, bring the sensor close to the shading
plate. When it is lower, locate the shading plate away from the sensor.

4. Turn No.8 of the DIP switch to the OFF position, remount the top cover ASSY and
then turn the power switch OFF and ON.
. 6 - 3

6.3 Adjustment of the Lamp Filament Position

* Before adjustment, check that the lamp cover is closed securely. Tighten the screw fixing the
lamp cover.
[NOTE] The parts around the lamp become hot. Do not touch the parts directly by hand.
Lens barrel
1. Remove the top cover ASSY (refer to 5.1) Lamp cover
and turn the power switch ON. Place a
piece of white paper at a position of 0 to 10 White
mm from the lower side of the front cover. paper
* The true and reflection images of the lamp
filament appear on the paper as follows. Main body

Real image Reflection image

2. Adjust the focus of the real image of the

lamp filament by pushing and pulling the
lamp adjustment screws (n = 3) as shown Lamp adjustment screws
in the right figure. (See the figure of the
real image above.)
* When the filament image is unclear, move
the paper back and forth.

3. Move the reflection image of the lamp

filament by pushing and pulling the mirror
adjustment screws (n = 3) as shown in the Mirror adjustment
right figure so that the true and reflection
images overlap partly. Real image
* At this time, check that the reflection image
is focused.

Refiection image

4. Project the chart onto the screen to check that the chart brightness is even. If it is
even, apply a thread locking adhesive to the top of the lamp and mirror adjustment

5. Remount the top cover ASSY.

. 6 - 4

6.4 Adjustment of the Fixed Mask Position

[NOTE] The parts around the lamp become hot. Do not touch the parts directly by hand.

1. Turn the power switch ON, project the chart on the screen and adjust the focus.

2. Turn the power switch OFF, remove the top cover ASSY and disk cover (M030).
(Refer to 5.1.)

3. Disconnect the connectors from J3 and J5

on the BAOI board.
VA mask

4. Unscrew BS3 x 6znc to remove the VA

mask (M029).

5. Turn the power switch ON again, rotate

the chart and mask disks by hand to check
the position (tilt) ofthe f"Ixed mask.
* Thef"Ixed mask resembles the open mask of
the mask disk in shape.
* When checking the position, adjust the
focus to the chart. (The fixed mask
appears such as a fuzzy image.)

6. Loosen HH3 x 4 2 to rotate the fIXed mask

by hand. Adjust it to satisfy the following Fixed mask
• The fixed mask shall be horizontal against the chart.
• When overlapping the chart with the fixed mask horizontally, the fixed mask shall not hide
part of the chart. (perform the same check on the astigmatism clock dial and dots charts.)

7. Tighten the loosened screws while pushing the fIXed mask into the lamp side.
* After tightening the screws, check the position of the fixed mask again.

8. Assemble the removed pa"rts in reverse order.

* Remount the VA mask (M029) toward the inside ofthe instrument (mask motor side).
. 6 - 5

6.5 Adjustment of the Chart and Mask Positions

1. Remove the top and bottom cover ASSYs and disk cover (M030). (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Turn the power switch ON, project the chart onto the screen and adjust the focus.

3. Loosen SB4 x 104, SW44 aud PW44 fIXing the mask motor. Make fine adjustments of
the mask motor position to satisi)' the following conditions.
* If the adjustment can not be completed by moving the mask motor, move the chart position
by making fine adjustments of the chart sensor position. However, when the chart sensor
is moved, perform "6.4 Adjustment of the fixed mask position".

• Single letter mask position

When applying the single letter mask to the following charts [the parenthesized numbers are
visual acuity], the alphabetical letter shall be in about the center ofthe mask.
U type: Alphabet (70), M type: Alphabet (100), F type: Alphabet (0.3), T type: Alphabet
(0.2), P type: Alphabet (0.2), I type: Number (0.25); UK type: Alphabet (24), A type:
Hiragana (0.3)

• RIG filter position

The boundary between the red and green filters shall be in the middle of the chart horizontally.
As a guide, the boundary is within about 3 mm from the center at the refractive distance of 5

• Blocking ofthe astigmatism clock dial chart

The projected astigmatism clock dial chart shall be not blocked.

• Positions of the horizontal and vertical line masks

When applying the horizontal or vertical line mask to the following charts [the parenthesized
numbers are visual acuity], the mask shall not incline and the next chart shall not be seen (for
checking the light leakage).
U type: Alphabet (70 to 50), M type: Alphabet (100 to 20), F type: Alphabet (0.3 to 0.5), T
type: Alphabet (0.2 to 0.4), P type: Alphabet (0.2 to 0.32), I type: Number (0.25 to 0.4),
UK type: Alphabet (24 to 15), A type: Hiragana (0.2 to 0.4)

4. Tighten the loosened screws and check to satisi)' the above conditions.

5. Perform "6.1 Adjustment of the initialized position" and "6.2 Adjustment of the sensor
. 6 - 6

6.6 Setting

6.6.1 Setting of the voltage selector

* Check that the number indicated in the voltage indication window, which is next to the
power socket on the bottom side of the instrument, matches the supplied power voltage. If
not, change it as follows.

1. Turn the power switch OFF and

disconnect the power cord from the main

2. Pull the fuse holder out while pushing both

sides of the fuse holder with thin flatblade
screwdrivers to release the f"lXing lips.

Power cord
3. Remove the voltage selector together with
the fuses, change the orientation of the

voltage selector so that the applicable
voltage is indicated and reinsert it. Fuse holder


Voltage indication window

4. Fit the fuse holder into the original

. 6 - 7

6.6.2 To display or not display the visual acuity

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to BS3 x 6Znc

2. I,oosen BS3 x 6znc fixing the VA mask.

3. Switch between the display and non-display of the visual acuity by moving the VA

[In order not to display the visual

Move the VA mask (M029) toward the 0000
outside of the instrument (right side). OOCO
Tighten the loosened BS3 x 6znc 0000
When the visual acuity
is not displayed..

[In order to display the visual acuity]

Move the VA mask (M029) toward the inside
of the instrument (left side: mask motor side). 0000 0.5
Tighten the loosened BS3 x 6znc temporally. OOCO 0.5
0000 0.7
When the visual
acuity is displayed.

4. Turn the power switch ON and project the chart onto the screen to check that the all
visual acuities are displayed (or not displayed). (Check also the light leakage and
chart blockage.)
* When light leakage or chart blockage is found, make fine adjustments of the VA mask

5. Tighten BS3 x 6 ZoC securely and remount the top cover ASSY.
. 6 - 8

6.6.3 Selecting the amount of chart light

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to

2. Turn the power switch ON and set the

Channel Chart brightness
rotary switch (SW2) on the BAOI hoard
I 300 cd/m2
with a flatblade screwdriver.
2 250 cd/m2
* The light amount has 5 levels. (See the
right figure.) 3 200 cd/m2
* Channel 6 is the same brightness as 4 130 cd/m2
Channell. 5 100 cd/m2
* The setting at shipment is Channel 2. * These values are the brightness when
the chart is projected on the attached
screen at the refractive distance of 5 m.

3. Turn the power switch ON and project the chart on the screen to check that the chart
brightness is suitable.
* Use the screen attached to the CP-690 main body.
4. Remount the top cover ASSY.

6.6.4 Setting of the beep sound volume (Response sound)

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to 5.1.)

2. Rotate the volume (VRl) on the BAOI

board with a flatblade screwdriver.
* Rotating the volume clockwise makes the
beep sound louder.
* ill order to check the beep sound volume,
press the program next button on the remote

3. Remount the top cover ASSY.

· 6 - 9

6.6.5 Setting of the DIP switch

1. Remove the top cover ASSY. (Refer to

2. Change the setting of the DIP switch

(SWI) on the BAOI board.
* When turning the DIP switch to the ON or
OFF position, slide the switch without
loading the circuit board. If not, the board
may fail.
* See the table below as for each function of
the DIP switch.

3. Remonnt the top cover ASSY.

[DIP switch functions of the BAOI board of the CP-690j

Switch No .. Function OFF ON
According to the combination of the
Setting of the channels of the remote
2 switch codes
control (For using several units)
(See the table on the next page.)

None The setting is definitely OFF.
Changing ofthe automatic shutoff time
of the lamp
6 (When connecting the CP-690 to the 15 minutes 5 minutes
RT-2100, the setting of the RT-2100 is
put on a higher priority.)
7 Focused writing of program A Not wiring Wiring

8 Adjustment mode The setting is defmitely OFF.

* All settings at shipment are OFF.

· 6 - 1 0

[Setting when using several units (Switch code setting)]

When several CP-690 units are used in the same room, set the switches of the main body and
remote control according to the table below in order to prevent electrical interference of the
remote control.
(When using the CP-690 with the RT-1200, set also the control box (CB) of the RT-1200.)

On the BAOI board of In the battery box of the remote Rear side of the
Switch the CP-690 mainJ>.~clX_ control as shown below RT-1200CB
i i
Left slide
! Right
I slide
SW2-8 I SW2-7
I st unit OFF I OFF ! OFF Leftward Leftward Connected OFF OFF
2nd unit OFF i ON I OFF Rightward Leftward . Connected OFF ON
3rd unit ON JI OFF I OFF Leftward I Rightward I Connected ON I OFF
4th unit ONi ON ! OFF Rightward Rightward Connected ON ON
5th unit OFF I OFF I ON Leftward Leftward Cut OFF OFF
6th unit OFF i ON ! ON Rightward Leftward i Cut OFF ON
7th unit ON i OFF II ON Leftward ! Rightward I Cut ON I OFF
8th unit ON i ON I ON Rightward Rightward I Cut ON ,j ON

* The setting at shipment is the same as the 1st unit.

* The usage environment such as setting of the DIP switch of the RT-1200 and software is the
same as the CP-670.
* When using the CP-690 with the RT-2100, the setting of the switch code is not necessary.
(It can control the CP-690 with the RT-2100 regardless of the setting from SWI to SW3 of the
main body.)
However, the switch codes of the main body and remote contro I need to be set in order to use
the remote control.
* Select "CP-690 Type**" when selecting the visual chart of the RT-2100 control box.
* Once the jumper wire of the remote control is cut, it can not be reconnected. Only when using
five units or more, cut the wire.
____- _____ Right slide

Rear side of the

remote control

: y / .
7.1 Wiring Diagram
[Total wiring Diagram)





EOOl "-
·••• (E002)
•• ""
·.. _-----------
- - - ______1

~.... ~~
SWITCH:MR-21-N-H (stamp4) - ~


B F2
TR-13-7-6 LVH-21T-Pl.l x2
. INLET :4301.2042
FUSE-DRAWER: 4301. 1024.46 F. GND (Connected to the transformer)
FUSE Fl, F2:218001(1. OA) x2
TERMINAL :LTO-41T-187N-8 x12
FVl.25-3 TUBE :CAT No. 821 5xO.25

3110QA 01 BOO
~ ~
SWITCH: MR-21-N-H (stamp4) ~

E002 Pl
10 2 ¢BAOl

LVH-21T-P1. 1 x2
INLET :4301. 2042 F. GND (Connected to the transformer)
FUSE Fl.F2:218.500(0.5A) x2
TERMINAL :LTO-41T-187N-8 xll
FV1. 25-3 TUBE :CAT No.821 5xO.25

::t:'13i ~

=, 5
3110QA 01 BOO
=, ~
. 7 - 4

P9 TUBE:CAT No. 821 2xO.2
SEH-001T-PO.6 x2 LED:GL3KG8

.m Q l:: LL T~ '"re~' "_" ... ~() rf~]

LVH-21T-Pl.l x2
NO. 994
Mounting screw part :3mm

* This unit does not include the halogen lamp.


P4/P6 * ~ 1
MA BRN ....
BAOl /'0
. ORN ; GP1S51V
ME I 4
VEL .J"-
EHR-4 11 11
SEH-G01T-PO.6 x4
UBE :CATNo.82l 2xO.2
* Write the number on the connector when of the assembly.
• Mask side : P4
• Chart side : P6
I 1 I
2 I 2 I

:.~ EI~I§I~[~-~l~.~~~~l~~~l~~~~!§i§!f~ ~A01
TCS127~1-6101 TCS127G-Ol-6101
TUBE:CAT No.821 3xO.25
45T 4 5 ( )
-1 . -380L <1> 14
I 5 I
SEH-001T-PO.6 x4

. 7 - 5

7.2 How to Carry Out the Wiring

Carry out the wiring as follows and tie the wiring with a tie wrap (Tl8R) in the position

lie wrap (T18R)

lie the cables of the mask motor and mask
sensor. Draw the tie wrap through the hole
of the disk housing.

lie wrap (T18R)

the cables of the chart motor and chart
sensor. Draw the tie wrap through the hole
of the disk housing.

lie wrap (T18R)



[U type)

Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board) 33155-BAOI I
Board insulati!lg sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 1
Power }.~9.Y.~~~~~~ __ ._----------------.--
33155-EOOI 1
-- --- -
-- -- --- .-------
transformer 200 V system 33155-E002 I Parts in EA02
Motor (fot chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: 1
1 chip CPU (for U type) 33156-E100 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Fuse }gQY_s2'~~~._ ---- 80402-02039 2
- - ----- ---- ----- -------------
1 A250V
--- --- ---- ---- - - - -----------
Slow-blow type 200Vsystem 80402-02037 2 0.5A250V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogenlamp . 80426-00069 1
Screen 33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY 33156-1100 I
Unit ClensASSY 33156-1210 I
Holder ASSY (30 x) 33138-1300 1
Chart ASSY 33156-1400 1
Remote control .-.--.-------------- 33156-2030 -.-----------
--------------------. I ----------------------------
ASSY Magnon brand 33156-2090 I
· 8 · - 2

1M type]
Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks
IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BA01 board (main board) 33155-BA01 1
Board insulating sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 1
Power .!.~~.Y. .sX~!~.'E.. --------------------
33155-E001 1 Parts in EA01
------------- ----------------------------
transformer 200 V system 33155-E002 1 Parts in EA02
Motor (for chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: 1
1 chip CPU (for M type) 33156-E200 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Fuse ).QQ 'y'.sX~!~~.. -----.-----_.-------
80402-02039 2 , -----
........... 1 A250V
-- --- ---- ---- -------.-.
Slow-blow type 200 V system 80402-02037 2 0.5 A250V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EA01
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1
Screen 33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33l35-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1 .

Mask ASSY 33156-1100 1

Unit C lens ASSY 33156-1210 I
Holder ASSY (30 x) 33l38-l300 1
Chart ASSY 33156-3400 1
Nidek brand
Remote control ----------.--.------ 33156-2l30 1
-------------------- ------------ ----------------------------
ASSY Magnon brand 33156-2190 1
· 8 - 3

[F type]

Type Parts name Parts No. Nnmber Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board) 33155-BAOI I
Board insulating sheet
(each: I pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 I
Power .!.~!l.:Y:.sX~~~~._ 33155-EOOI 1 Parts in EAOI
-------------------- ------------ - -. - - -- .-- -.--- ---- ---_.----
transformer 200 V system 33 I 55-E002 I Parts in EA02
Motor (forchartlmask) 33 I 55-E003 Each: I
IchipCPU(forF~e) 33157-EIOO 1
Reflecting mirror 33 I 56-G002 1
Fuse J .QQ. 'y':.s.x~~~lI!_. --------------------
80402-02039 ------------- 2 I A250V
Slow-blow type 200 V system 80402-02037 2 0.5A250V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 . 1 Parts inEAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1
Screen 33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 I
Mask ASSY 33156-1100 I
Unit C lens ASSY 33156-1210 1
Holder ASSY (30 x) 33138-1300 1
Chart ASSY 33157-1400 1
Remote control -------------------- 33157-2030 1
--------------------- .------------ ----------------------------
ASSY Magnon brand 33157-2090 1
· 8 - 4

IT type]
Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks
IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board)- 33155-BAOI 1
Board insulating sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 1
Power _!_Q~Y_s.¥~~~_~ __ -- -33155-EOOI 1 Parts in EAOI
- -- ----- ------ - --- ------------- ----------------------------
transformer 200 V system 33155-E002 1 Parts in EA02
Motor (for chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: 1
1 chip CPU (for T type) 33158-ElOO 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Fuse Jg~y_sl'~!~_Il! __ --------------------
80402-02039 2 1 A250V
------------- ----------------------------
Slow-blow type 200 V system 80402-02037 2 0.5 A250V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1
Screen 33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY , 33156-1100 1
Unit C lens ASSY 33156-1210 1 .

Holder ASSY (30 ) x 33138-1300 1

Chart ASSY 33158-1400 1
Remote control NIDEKbrand 33158-2030 1
-------------------. -------------------- .----------- ----------------------------
ASSY Magnan brand 33158-2090· 1
· 8 - 5

[P type]

Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board)· 33155-BAOI I
Board insulating sheet
(each: I pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33 I 55-BA02 I
Pow~r -~-~~y-~~~~~~-- 33155-EOOI I Parts in EAOI
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------------
transformer 200Vsystem 33 I 55-E002 I Parts in EA02
Motor (for chart/mask) 33 I 55-E003 Each: I
I chip CPU (for P type) 33159-EIOO I
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Fuse _!_Q9_Y_s.¥~~~~ __ 80402-02039 I
- -- -- --- -- -.-- ---- --- -----.-.--.-
1 A250V
Slow-blow type 200Vsystem 80402-02037 1 0.5 A250 V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 I
Screen .
33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY 33156-1100 1
Unit ClensASSY 33156-1210 1
Holder ASSY (30x) 33138-1300 1
Chart ASSY 33159-1400 1
Remote control -------------------- 33159-2030 1
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------------
ASSY Magnan brand 33159-2090 1
. 8 - 6

[I type]

Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board) 33155-BAOI 1
Boards insulating sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 I
Power _~_~9.y_s.¥~~~_~ __ --------------------
33155-EOOI 1
------------ Parts
--- -- -- - in
-.--- -- ---- ----.
transfonner 200 V system 33155-E002 1 Parts in EA02
Motor (for chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: 1
1 chip CPU (fori type) . 33160-EI00 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Fuse }g9_Y_sy~~,!! __ 80402-02039 2 1 A250V
- -- -.--- - ----------- ------_.---- - ----- - -- --- ----- -- ---- -----
Slow-blow type 200 V system 80402-02037 2 0.5 A250V
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1 .

Screen 33156-M050 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1

Sensor (for chart /mask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1

Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY 33160-1100 1
Units C lens ASSY 33156-1210 1
Holder ASSY (30 x) 33138-1300 1
Chart ASSY 33160-1400 1
Remote control ASSY
33160-2030 1
(NIDEK brand)
. 8 - 7

[UK type]

Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAO I board (main board) 33155-BAOI I
Board insulating sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (IR board) 33155-BA02 1
200 V system power transformer 33155-E002 I Parts in EA02
Motor (for chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: I
I chip CPU (for UK type) 33161-EI00 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Parts Fuse, slow-blow type
80402-02037 2
(200 V system: 0.5 A 250 V)
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1
Screen .
33361-M080 1

Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1

Sensor (for chart Imask) 33155-EA05 Each: I
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY 33161-1100 1
Unit ClensASSY 33161-1210 1
Holder ASSY (25 ) x 33362-M4604 I
Chart ASSY 33161-1400 1
Remote control ASSY
33161-2030 1
(NIDEK brand)
. 8 - 8

[A type]

Type Parts name Parts No. Number Remarks

IC board, bridge
diode, regulator IC,
BAOI board (main board) 33155-BAOI 1
Board insulating sheet
(each: 1 pc.)
BA02 board (JR board) 33155-BA02 1
100 V system power transformer 33155-EOOI 1 Parts in EAOI
Motor (for chart/mask) 33155-E003 Each: 1
1 chip CPU iforA nme) 33162-E100 1
Reflecting mirror 33156-G002 1
Parts Fuse, slow-blow type
80402-02039 2
(l00 V system: 1 A 250 V)
Seesaw switch 80460-00103 1 Parts in EAOI
Halogen lamp 80426-00069 1
Screen 33361-M080 1
Lamp cable 33135-EA04 1
Sensor (for chart /mask) 33155-EA05 Each: 1
Bottom cover ASSY 33156-1010 1
Mask ASSY 33161-1100 1
Unit C lens ASSY 33161-1210 1
Holder ASSY (25 x ) 33362-M4604 1 .

Chart ASSY 33162-1400 1

Remote control ASSY
33162-2010 1
(NIDEK brand)

[Tools and measuring devices]

Phillips screwdriver set

Flatblade screwdriver set
Precision screwdriver set
Hexagonal-head wrench set
Nipper (For cutting tie wraps)
Long-nose pliers
Soldering iron


Threadlocking adbesive (Three Bond 140lB)

Liquid mixture (methanol 50% + ether 50%)
Heat sink grease (MIZUTANI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.)
Insulating tape (N1TOFRON tape: NITTO No. 973UL Width: 19 mm)
Tie wrap (Tl8R)
Lens cleaning paper

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