BASIC Toolkit Web
BASIC Toolkit Web
BASIC Toolkit Web
The BASIC methodology includes a set of ethical guidelines This brochure was prepared by Jun Nakagawa and
to help policymakers ensure they are applying BI responsibly. Francesca Papa, with inputs from Filippo Cavassini, James
BI can raise ethical concerns related to collecting data on Drummond and Faisal Naru, and assembled by Andrew Esson
individual or group behaviours, as well as using experimental of Baseline Arts Ltd. The OECD developed the BASIC Toolkit
methods to test theories at small scales before implementing in partnership with Dr Pelle Guldborg Hansen of Roskilde
them more broadly. Issues around privacy, consent and University, drawing partly on tools developed by his work
ethics of applying certain solutions to only some groups with iNudgeyou – The Applied Behavioural Sciences Group.
can arise. This toolkit presents both general principles for Early versions of the toolkit were tested with participants
the ethical application of BI, as well as a set of dedicated to the Western Cape Government-OECD Behavioural
guidelines to follow during each stage of the BASIC process. Insights Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, from 27-28
September 2018 as well as through public consultation with
NOTE TO READERS the behavioural community.
This toolkit is composed of two pieces that helps walk you
through the why and what of behavioural insights:
People’s attention
is limited and
easily distracted.
The “ABCD” of behavioural insights
in public policy People rely
on mental
Have you ever missed an important appointment
lief f
willpower is
because you had too much to do and forgot? limited and The ABCD and often
Given up on properly filling out a public form
subject to framework estimate
because it was too cumbersome and hard to biases. outcomes
and probab
understand? Driven a little above the speed limit
because all the other drivers were going fast
as well? C h oice
These are everyday examples of how context and
People are influenced by the
behavioural biases can influence decision-making. framing and the social as well as
situational context of choices.
A better understanding of human behaviour can lead to
better policies. If you are looking for a more data-driven
and nuanced approach to policymaking, then you should Table 1.1 provides examples of successful behaviourally
consider what actually drives the decisions and behaviours informed strategies and their impact. These are interpreted
of citizens rather than relying on assumptions of how they through the lens of the ABCD framework, which focuses
should act. on four key drivers of behavioural problems: Attention,
Belief Formation, Choice and Determination.
This is exactly what behavioural insights (BI) provides.
Drawing from rigorous research from behavioural economics You can start applying BI to policy now. No matter where you
and the behavioural sciences, BI can help public bodies are in the policy cycle, policies can be improved with BI through
understand why citizens behave as they do and pre- a process that looks at Behaviour, Analysis, Strategies,
test which policy solutions are the most effective before Interventions, Change (BASIC). This allows you to get to the
implementing them at large scale. By integrating BI into root of the policy problem, gather evidence on what works,
policymaking, you can better anticipate the behavioural show your support for government innovation, and ultimately
consequences of your policy and ultimately design and improve policy outcomes. This toolkit guides policy officials
deliver more effective policies that can improve the welfare through these BASIC stages to start using an inductive and
of citizens. experimental approach for more effective policymaking.
The “ABCD” of
Problem behavioural drivers Behavioural strategy Impact
Patients fail Attention: People have Send SMS reminders 25% reduction in missed
to attend limited attention and that include the cost of appointments.
their medical recall, but tend to respond a missed appointment to
appointments. to environmental cues. the health system.
Residents speed Belief formation: Paint series of white lines 36% fewer crashes in
up at sharp turns People tend to to create the illusion of 6 months.
resulting in more underestimate speed speeding up so people will
car crashes. and be overconfident slow down.
when performing tasks
like driving.
Households do not Choice: People tend to Send letters to residential 2.0%, reduction in
make sufficient align with the behaviour utility customers electricity consumption
efforts for energy of others and what others comparing their electricity (estimated reduction of
efficiency. think is appropriate. use to that of their 450 000 tonnes of CO2
neighbours. and USD 75 million in
energy savings)
Job seekers are Determination: People Create a “commitment 23% more job seekers
struggling to find have difficulties staying pack” that includes found work.
work. motivated to long‑term meeting with an
goals if left to their own employment advisor to
devices without any plans create an actionable job-
and feedback. hunting plan.
Sources: Hallsworth (2015); Nudgeblog (2010); BIT (2014); (Allcott, 2011); BIT (2018).
Have you ever grabbed a chocolate bar at the check-
out line only to regret it later? Filled up your entire bowl
with pasta even though you intended to only take a small
portion? Found yourself sticking with the side of chips or
fries, instead of substituting for a salad?
For example, if your desired policy outcome is to lower adult l Information: Residents do not know exactly how calorific
obesity rates, then you can start by selecting a relevant, burgers are.
specific behaviour (i.e. proportion of healthy items ordered
from restaurant menus). l Cost: Residents find burgers to be cheaper than the
healthier options.
Say you learn that 60% of residents who eat out frequently
intend to take the healthy options but end up choosing l Access: Residents cannot easily access restaurants that
burgers. You start by writing your assumptions to explain why: serve healthy options.
l Require calorie labelling on restaurant menus. l Require calories labelling on restaurant menus that put
calorie counts before the food item because people give
disproportionate weight to the first piece of information
they see. Dallas (2019) found that displaying calories first
resulted in a 16.31% decrease in ordered calories
l Implement a junk food tax on burgers to make them l Implement a junk food tax that requires the price hike
less affordable. of burgers to be clearly marked on the menu because a
price difference is more salient at the point of decision-
making. Chetty (2009) found that tax-inclusive prices
reduced demand by 8%.
l Provide a tax credit to restaurants that provide l Provide a tax credit to restaurants that only provide
healthy alternatives to increase availability. healthy options because adding healthy items next to
burgers can vicariously fulfil healthy-eating goals and
increase indulgent eating habits. Wilcox (2009) found
that adding a healthy alternative increased unhealthy
ordering by 230%.
In theory, better information, prices, or access should lead to adult obesity rates before setting policy and full-scale
healthier eating habits. This is aligned with classical economic implementation.
theory that assumes individuals will choose the rational
decision that maximises their utility. People use information This approach is not only limited to healthy eating or
to make better decisions so you may assume that the more complementing traditional policy levers. By integrating BI
information they have about how unhealthy burgers are, the from the start of the policy cycle, policymakers can design
more likely they will choose a healthier option that will benefit behaviourally informed policies on a variety of issues that
them in the long-run. go with the grain of how people actually behave rather than
go against it, and ultimately improve outcomes without
Unfortunately, we know, even from our own personal compromising people’s autonomy.
experience, that this is not always the case. This is
the central idea behind BI, which is built on extensive This guidebook helps you get started by breaking a policy
research from the field of behavioural economics and the issue down to its behavioural components and identifying
behavioural sciences that have repeatedly found that people potential behavioural barriers that can undermine the
systematically deviate from traditionally explained rational intended policy outcome or enablers that can ultimately
behaviour. This is not to say individuals are irrational but enhance the effectiveness of the policy. It uses a process
rather that you cannot always rely on your assumptions that that guides the policymaker through Behaviour, Analysis,
people will always make the decision that leads to the best Strategies, Interventions and Change (abbreviated “BASIC”)
outcome for them. to apply BI to any policy problem from start to finish
(see Figure 2.1).
By understanding how people actually react and behave
in different situations, you can better anticipate the WHAT IS BASIC?
behavioural consequences of your policy and ultimately
design policies that can help citizens make the healthy BASIC is a toolkit that equips the policymaker with best
choice. practice tools, methods and ethical guidelines for conducting
BI projects from the beginning to the end of a public policy
At this point, you can choose which solution(s) is/are the cycle. Earlier BI frameworks have primarily focused on the
most appropriate in your context, and test which is the end stages of the policy cycle such as experimentation or
most effective in increasing the proportion of healthy items compliance while less emphasis is placed on the behavioural
ordered from restaurant menus. Through testing, you will analysis of a policy problem (OECD, 2017a). BASIC aims to
gain evidence-based results to inform your policy to lower bridge this gap by providing guidance on how to apply to
Identify and target Scrutinise target Identify and Design experiments Plan for
Increase pension Individuals tend to Change the default. Test whether allowing Share results with
savings by stick with defaults Automatically enrol individuals to opt-out citizens, apply
encouraging more and choose inaction individuals into increases pension findings to system-
citizens to enrol in over action. pension plans and savings rather than wide reminders and
pension plans. allow them to the current practice monitor long-term
opt-out. of opt-in. consequences of the
BI to ex ante appraisal as well as the ex post evaluation and context but have limited or even no experience with BI.
stage of a policy cycle. This approach is reflected in the five You can find approaches, proofs of concepts and details on
stages of BASIC (Table 2.1). By understanding how and under methods for designing and implementing a behaviourally
what circumstances BI can be applied to cause behaviour informed policy intervention in the BASIC Manual
change, policymakers are far more likely to design and deliver accompanied by an introductory guide.
more effective policies.
Specifically, the guide will give you:
With the rise of BI around the world, a number of useful frameworks have been developed by both government
and non-government agencies. BASIC has been developed to fill a need in the community for how to implement
behaviourally informed public policy.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of widely referenced frameworks that complement BASIC and could be a resource for
policymakers looking for different ways to analyse a behavioural problem.
l MINDSPACE (The Behavioural Insights Team, 2010): Provided an early checklist for thinking about how nine well-
evidenced behavioural insights may inform public policy development, design and delivery.
l Test, Learn, and Adapt (The Behavioural Insights Team, 2013): Gave an accessible introduction to the basics of
using randomised controlled trials in policy evaluation.
l EAST Framework (The Behavioural Insights Team, 2014): Provided a simple framework considering how behavioural
insights may help design policies based on leveraging convenience, social aspects of decision-making and the
attractiveness and timeliness of policies.
l World Development Report Mind, Society, and Behavior (World Bank, 2015): Gave a comprehensive overview of
how the BI perspective on human decision-making is of relevance to development policy.
l Define, Diagnose, Design, Test (ideas42, 2017): Provided a practical framework for thinking through a problem and
identifying behaviourally informed solutions.
l US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Behavioral Insights Toolkit (IRS, 2017): Created to be a practical resource for
use by IRS employees and researchers who are looking to use BI in their work.
l Assess, Aim, Action, Amend (BEAR, 2018): Presented a playbook developed for applying BI in organisations
outlining four steps for applying BI.
S T A G E 1 – I N T R O D U C T I O N : 11
Applying BI to public policy can raise specific ethical to be carefully considered since
concerns as BI uses data on individual or group behaviours, individual are inherently not ideally
as well as experimental methods for testing these theories rational.
at small scales before implementing more broadly. As a
result, issues related to privacy, consent or the ethics of You should then discuss and consider the ethical
applying certain solutions to only some groups arise. implications of the intervention.
First, consider some general principles to dispel some BEFORE STARTING A BEHAVIOURALLY INFORMED
misconceptions on the ethics of BI: INTERVENTION
Consider establishing an ethical review board from day
l While we are always being behaviourally influenced, this one. If time and resources do not allow it, then outline the
does not exempt behaviourally informed interventions ethical issues associated with the project, how to address
from ethical evaluation. When applying BI, you are them and continuously consider where ethical approval
intentionally trying to intervene to change the behaviour may be required. A university ethical review board may be
of citizens. This means citizens will experience influences considered for expert advice..
that they would not otherwise, requiring an ethical
evaluation. Appoint ethical supervision of data collection, use
and storage. BI often involves data collection and analysis
l Public acceptance of BI does not make it always ethically that goes beyond what is standard in public policymaking.
permissible and ethical considerations should be Consider appointing at least one responsible – to supervise
discussed for each intervention. ethical aspects of data collection, use and storage.
l While people may avoid a behavioural intervention in Observe existing ethical guidelines and codes of
principle, this does not mean that they can in practice. conduct, which are often already present in public
BI interventions neither force individuals to act a certain institutions. Where existing standards are not sufficient
way nor sanction them for not acting a certain way. This for BI, flag these issues and establish procedures for these
does not mean they are always free to choose how they instances. Ensure appropriate procedures are in place to
want and issues related to consent and awareness needs protect whistleblowing and ensure anonymity is respected.
12 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
Switch to Do laundry
3. List as many concrete Bring own
Take the train energy-efficient during off-peak
decisions, behaviours, coffee mugs
for work trips appliances vs on-peak
to meetings vs
and procedures for each vs planes vs keep old Image here.
single-use cups
appliances hours
strategic domain as possible.
14 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
Ethics Are there any potential risks or unintended consequences when pursuing the desired
Are there uneven risks (i.e. positive for the majority but harmful risks for
minority groups)?
Data access Is baseline data readily available? Can you collect individual or group-level
prospective data?
Frequency Does the behaviour occur frequently? Is there a reasonable base rate for
the preferred behaviour?
S T A G E 1 – B E H A V I O U R : 15
Specific: Define a quantifiable Realistic: If the baseline rate is low (i.e., 10%), then aiming
target at a key decision point. for a 20% increase (12.0%) is a realistic goal.
Knowing which data can be used and generated will better prepare you for the Intervention section. When defining your
outcome, consider what kind of data can be collected, how much resources it costs and ways to ensure that collection
does not compromise data privacy. For example, determine if you can link who received which phone notifications
(intervention) with who transferred part of their income towards savings (outcome). Finally, understand the ethical
considerations or preparations (i.e. ethical review board) necessary to protect user privacy and your organisation.
16 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
No Surcharge
Parking Parking
START 30 days delay added and
fine paid fine paid
reminder sent
The start and A process step Delay that
Yes No Handed
end of a process which represents an represents a time Reminder
END over to tax
(denoted as ovals) activity (denoted as period paid
a rectangular box)
The process map should reflect how people “actually” behave rather than how they should behave. Speaking to or surveying
relevant stakeholders and target individuals can generate helpful insights. Observations can expose new insights because people
may not provide honest answers, not remember past behaviour or not be consciously aware of their own behaviours or biases
(Ng, 2016). If you are using a user journey map, go to actual users, observe their process and listen to their real-time feedback.
If you are using the behavioural flowchart, observe friction points such as delays to know how long the delays really are.
S T A G E 1 – B E H A V I O U R : 17
Observe the limits of legitimate public policy Beware not to simplify behaviour
interventions. Not all behaviours driving a policy too much. Behavioural analysis of
problem fall within the legitimate confines of policy problems aggregate patterns of
policymaking. Make sure that you refrain from groups, yet individuals usually hold distinct
targeting and changing behaviours that cannot be preferences. Distributional impacts may also result in
defended as being in the public interest or aligned some citizens being influenced differently than others.
with government priorities. Always consider how to minimise potential side effects
and protect individual rights, values and liberties when
Secure acceptance when targeting behaviours. targeting behaviour change.
Policymakers suffer biases too, which can influence
the decision to target certain behaviour(s). To avoid
these biases, always evaluate the existing evidence
for targeting a given behaviour change.
18 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
Stage 2: Analysis...
People’s attention
is limited and
easily distracted.
Once you have identified the
behavioural problems at the People rely
heart of your policy issue, it is on mental
lief f
important to understand why willpower is
and often
people behave as they do. The limited and The ABCD over/under
subject to framework estimate
second section, Analysis, aims psychological
to examine, through the lens biases.
and probab
of BI, which psychological and ilities.
cognitive factors are causing the
C h oice
targeted behaviours.
People are influenced by the
framing and the social as well as
situational context of choices.
2. Attention 5. Determination
3. Belief formation
S T A G E 2 – A N A LY S I S : 19
Attention People should focus on what is People’s attention is limited and Forgetting an appointment.
most important in light of their easily distracted.
knowledge and preferences.
Belief People should form their beliefs People rely on mental shortcuts Underestimating how long a
formation according to the rules of logic or intuitive judgments and often task will take.
and probability. over/underestimate outcomes
and probabilities.
Choice People should choose so as to People are influenced by the Being influenced by what our
maximise their expected utility. framing and the social as well as social circle thinks is the right
situational context of choices. thing to do rather than choosing
the rational option.
Determination Provided that one decides to People’s willpower is limited and Failing to quit smoking.
pursue certain long-term goals, subject to psychological biases.
one should stick to the plan.
S T A G E 2 – A N A LY S I S : 21
2. Attention
Have you ever failed to take medication or to file taxes on by focusing on making the key information salient and
time? These are everyday examples of attentional problems understandable, seizing the person’s attention and planning
that originate from our cognitive limitations. Humans have for inattention in the decision-making process. In particular,
a finite ability to sift through a large amount of information getting the timing of an intervention right can really make
and to focus on what is important. the difference between the success or failure of a policy.
Attention is often scarce, easily distracted and quickly Guiding questions for ATTENTION biases
overwhelmed. This results in individuals having a hard time
making choices based on relevant information and aligning 1. Is the targeted decision point well-timed and placed in
their decisions with their intrinsic preferences. Common a context where people are in a suitable state of mind?
examples of inattention are forgetting commitments and
overlooking non-obvious information (or “salient,” in BI 2. What is seizing people’s attention in that particular
terms); as well as falling prey to distractions while working. context?
As we will see in the Strategies section, behaviourally 3. What happens if people are inattentive at the decision
informed policy solutions can target attention problems point? Is there a default safety mechanism in place?
Attention biases have been shown to affect numerous domains of relevance for policymakers. For example, they can
affect the number of people who enrol in pensions (Thaler and Benartzi, 2004) or donate organs (Johnston and Goldstein,
2004) when they do not actively exercise their attention and just choose the default option that a system offers them.
Equally, forgetfulness can have important effects on important health and legal effects if, for instance, people do not
show up to court (Ideas42, 2018) or doctor’s appointments because of memory limitations.
Sources: Thaler, R.H. and S. Benartzi (2004); Johnson, E.J. and D.G. Goldstein (2004).
22 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
3. Belief formation
It is a well-replicated finding in the social psychology As we will see in the Strategies
literature that, when asked to compare their driving skills section, behaviourally
to other people, the majority of participants (up to around informed solutions provide
90%, as in Svenson (1981), rank themselves in the top 50% – processes and tools to move
which cannot possibly be mathematically true. away from this confirmation bias with a view of supporting
good judgment and accurately assessing probabilities.
This form of overconfidence is in line with the behavioural
findings on belief formation, which show that individuals Guiding questions for BELIEF FORMATION biases:
tend to rely on a coherent worldview to make
predictions and decisions. In doing so, they ignore relevant 1. What are people’s pre-existing beliefs? What questions
information that goes against their views or only accept direct their search?
information that confirms these beliefs. The consequence
can be over/underestimation of outcomes, missing relevant 2. How does context interact with belief formation?
information and relying “too much” on heuristics (i.e. mental
shortcuts or intuitive judgments) to make decisions.
While they are only rarely within the scope of policy discussions, erroneous beliefs can be a real threat to policymakers.
For example, if a population misperceives the probability of high-consequence events such as natural catastrophes or
terrorist attacks (Sunstein, 2003), this might affect the appropriateness of the time and resources their community
spends to prevent them.
Moreover, cognitive traits linked to belief formation, and notably overconfidence, have been linked to issues of high
priority for policy, such as financial crises (Lo, 2013) or people’s beliefs about whether climate change will personally
impact them (Gifford et al., 2009).
Sources: Sunstein, C.R. (2003); Lo, A.W. (2013); Gifford, R. et al. (2009.
S T A G E 2 – A N A LY S I S : 23
4. Choice
Have you ever been confronted with too many options for Guiding questions for CHOICE biases:
you to possibly choose the best one? This phenomenon is
defined as choice overload and is one of the ways in which 1. What makes a given choice attractive to people?
our decision-making is influenced by behavioural factors.
The context and moment in which we make choices 2. How are choices framed?
have a distinct upshot on whether we will choose the
best option according to our preferences. Often, people
value more intrinsic factors and motivation like the feeling
of “doing the right thing” than purely material or economic
incentives, running sometimes counter to traditional
economic models. Failing to think of all rational and
irrational aspects of choice can lead to policies that miss
the driver of individuals’ decisions.
Biases in choices can have negative consequences on important policy outcomes. Think, for example, of how biases
are used to sell us things we do not want or guide us to certain choices over others. Instances include restaurants that
structure their menus strategically or airline companies that exploit people’s inattention and set the purchase of flight
insurance as a default option (European Commission, 2014). Having awareness of these choice biases is fundamental in
order to create responsive regulatory regimes that effectively protect consumers in the market. It is in this context that
behaviourally informed interventions can be leveraged for “better information disclosure, access to customer service,
usage and consumption of data and understanding of bundled services” (OECD, 2016).
5. Determination
Taking the right decision is not enough, as anyone who Guiding questions for DETERMINATION biases:
has ever subscribed to a gym and then hardly attended
can easily understand! Individuals can have a hard time 1. What are the points of friction relative to the desired
sticking to some of their choices over time because behaviour? Is it too easy to do the wrong thing?
of issues with will-power, self-regulation, self-control
and choice architectures that guide people away from 2. Do people have plans and are they given feedback?
their decisions. Problems with determination involve the
psychological discomfort of not being able to achieve a 3. How do performance and goal achievement interact
long-term goal and guide people to search for immediate with the social context? For example, do people
gratification. Determination challenges can also create commit to their long-term goals privately or publicly?
mental taxation or exhaustion, which has been shown And what kind of expectations do such commitments
to decrease our decision-making abilities. Finally, the create in other people?
determination biases can create a climate of inertia and
procrastination and eventually lead to excessive self-
directed blame.
Intention-action gaps can bring about many policy problems and make existing policies ineffective. For example, they have
clear implications for public health, which is hugely impacted by people’s limited ability to act upon their desire to lead a
healthy lifestyle, in terms of exercising and eating healthy but also, for instance, quitting smoking.
Similarly, it may impact people’s ability to think long terms, in terms of monetary savings as well as in the case of
sustainable behaviour.
S T A G E 2 – A N A LY S I S : 25
Stage 3: Strategies...
Building on your behavioural analysis, the
next step is to identify behaviourally informed
strategies that will effectively change the
identified behaviours that you wish to or can
address, at the root of your policy problem.
3. Targeting choice
4. Targeting determination
S T A G E 3 – S T R A T E G I E S : 27
1. Targeting attention
Attentional issues are rarely at the centre of the l Timing and placement of an intervention play a huge
development, design and delivery of public policies. Yet, as role in whether people will pay attention. For instance,
mentioned in the Analysis stage, inattention is widespread to increase the likelihood of people paying fines, it might
and it can make the difference between failure and success be strategic to time the deadlines of fines and charges
of a policy. For this reason, it may prove effective to revise relative to when people receive their pay. Similarly, placing
and design policy interventions so that they become more healthy food at eye-level rather than far from sight could
relevant, seize attention and, if this is not possible, so that positively impact people’s choices (Thaler and Sunstein,
they plan for inattention. 2008).
For interventions to work effectively, it is first of all One of the ingredients that can make an intervention
important to engage with people in impactful ways. This successful is simply making sure to seize people’s attention.
means engaging with them at the right time, in the right Behavioural insights shows us that people often fail to
place and at the point where they are most willing to enact attend to what may be perceived to be important in
the behaviour that you aim to promote. Some behavioural a given context. In light of this knowledge, you should
insights to keep in mind in this regard: always carefully consider how to design the details of your
policy intervention so that people will not overlook what
l State of mind: People’s abilities and motivation are not is important for the intervention to succeed. Three BI
constants (Loewenstein, 1996) but rather are influenced strategies can help to do so:
by their current state of mind. For example, if you are
hungry or tired, you are more likely to make mistakes, l Make it salient: Activate, guide or retain focus on a
make worse decisions and eat bad food. particular aspect of the choice architecture so that
people attend to it. A famous example of this principle
is a behavioural experiment in the Schiphol Airport in
Amsterdam, where engraving silhouettes of flies into the
urinals reduced spillage by 80% and cleaning costs by 8%
(Evans-Pritchard, 2013).
28 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
for us when we do not have the time or capacity to carefully l Question trees. We are all 4 5 6
7 8 9
examine the vast array of choices available. It is, therefore, familiar with call centres 0 #
crucial to get the arrangement of defaults right and to guiding us to the right service
prevent their misuse. In particular, if your policy issue involves section by using prompts
defaults, ensure that these are well aligned with individual such as “press 1 for English”.
and societal preferences, in order to guarantee compliance Using this type of Q&A tools
with ethical standards. It is also important to consider (sometimes called
active decision-making, by sometimes still offering a choice, “question trees”) is
otherwise, defaults could backfire. another powerful way
S T A G E 3 – S T R A T E G I E S : 29
to guide users to the right answer and help people find Similarly, adjusting
their way around vast and complex sets of information. information architecture and
In the public policy domain, this could, for example, be layout on public websites so
applied to guide citizens to the information they need that, in BI terms, it conforms
when interacting with public bodies. to their “mental models”
(i.e. resembles what they
MAKE IT INTUITIVE are used to, searching for,
or browse most frequently)
If you want to help people navigate information, it is also may significantly improve the
important to structure information in a way that is easy for functionality and experience
them to understand. The concept of “intuitive coding” might of the service.
prove crucial for putting in place user-centric interfaces in
public policy, such as creating medical prescription forms As in the case of King et al 2014, where prescribing errors
that are intuitive for any citizen and will help them adopt the were significantly reduced through slight changes in the
right behaviour (King et al., 2014). format of the prescription form.
New camera
0 0
€4.5 €2.5
4. Targeting determination
Finally, we overview Strategies to overcome the intention- l Commitment devices. Make use of strategies that will
action gap. Simply, if you want people to achieve a goal, help people follow their plan of action. For example,
you should strive to make it easy for them to achieve it. encourage people to publicly, rather than privately,
Otherwise, even relatively small obstacles may become a commit to a certain goal so they will have the added
reason for people to postpone action. incentive of maintaining their reputation.
l Work with friction. Reducing the hassle-factor and l Leverage social norms. These are the mutual
simplification can make it easier to take up a preferable expectations that govern the behaviour of members of
service or performing an action. This might translate into groups and societies. These can lead people to forego
reducing the number of actions, clicks or questions people self-serving behaviour in favour of fairness and persist
need to go through to achieve a goal. The simpler it is to even when everyone in the group would prefer the norm
perform an action, the more likely it is that people will do it. did not exist. In some situations, these norms can help
achieve policy goals – especially when promoting pro-social
l Provide plans and feedback. As anyone who has been behaviour – but care should be taken as they intervene
on a diet can understand, behaviour change requires and make use of the structures and foundations of society.
that goal-directed behaviours are not just initiated or
considered once or twice, but are also continuously Future lock-in, holding policy constant
maintained over time. Mental taxation and balancing Distant future emphasis increases strength of support for gas tax increase
Increase in school
S T A G E 4 – I N T E R V E N T I O N : 39
Consider whether legal permission is required and Take all measures to protect confidentiality and
demonstrate the necessity of the experiment. ensure ethical data analysis. You should carefully
You should consider if the laws in your country deem consider using procedures and protocols that ensure
experimentation as legally permissible in public the confidentiality of participants’ responses, e.g. by
service. It may also be necessary to demonstrate that using randomised response methods or determining
the intervention will improve a policy situation, reveal not to collect or connect any data about potential
knowledge not currently known, provide necessary identifiers. Ethical data analysis can be strengthened
data, be used to inform policy and protect the rights by pre-registering studies, over accounting for
of individuals. data outliers and truthfully reporting on attrition,
to strictly follow standards of statistics and their
40 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
1. Revisiting the political context and project level. 4. Maintaining the policy initiative. While crucial to
Are the interventions aligned with the current context avoid watering down behavioural policies, sometimes
such as political, and technological, state of affairs? maintenance of BI interventions may be neglected.
Are the results sufficiently promising to motivate policy This can happen because BI features may appear as
action, in light of the current legal landscape? Would the unimportant or may be in conflict with what seems
intervention be in line with public opinion or feasible in the necessary from a more rational perspective. Therefore,
current climate? Are the resources in place to implement it is important to have instructions for the proper
the intervention in the long term? maintenance – physical or systemic – of the policy. To
avoid problems with maintaining a policy initiative over
2. Implementing and scaling behaviourally informed time, practitioners should consider what audiences need to
policies. How can you best implement and scale up your be involved in the maintenance and produce material and
intervention? Should you change a law, regulation or instructions that fit these audiences and the situations in
regulatory regime (OECD, 2016)? Is it possible that the which this material is to be used (Hansen, 2018).
results might fail to generalise when scaled? Keep in
mind that through the implementation and scaling up of 5. Disseminating knowledge widely. While the idea of
a behaviourally informed policy, certain groups could be disseminating results is common in the behavioural
more or less affected than what was suggested by the community, it is still not so in most public institutions.
intervention. This, in turn, may lead to further iterations As a result, many early BI projects were not reported at
and tweaks in the design of the policy in question. all or only for internal use. In particular, null results have
not been widely publicised leading to publication bias.
3. Setting up monitoring of long-term and potential Likewise, the lack of standards has led to non-transparent
side effects. Because most BI experiments are limited in reporting; reporting without moderators; reporting only
time span, plan to have specific plans for monitoring the in local languages; overstatement of effects, savings
scaled-up policy in the long term as well as its potential and revenues; and understatement of true costs (for
side effects. This may be done by integrating an ex post examples, see OECD, 2017a, and Osman et al., 2018). For
evaluation or review of a given policy as a required step this reason, it is crucial that researchers and practitioners
of the policymaking process. In this way, evaluations or participate, support and systematically share and report
reviews will help ensure the quality of policy over time. their work in national as well as international networks of
both researchers and policymakers.
42 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
What are the ingredients of good behavioural This introductory guide provides a tool for
public policies? When and how should BI be incorporating these insights when designing and
applied to policymaking? Can we use our implementing public policies, by overviewing the
knowledge of how people think and make basic steps and best practices of behavioural
decisions to create more effective interventions? insights. Once you have gained an initial
The BASIC Guidebook addresses these understanding of these through the guide, we
fundamental questions and provides a starting recommend referring to the BASIC Manual for a
point to learn about the process of incorporating more detailed and comprehensive depiction of the
BI into policymaking. BI approach, that will allow you to fully grasp the
rationale and mechanisms of the BASIC framework.
The guide offers an introductory look at how
to identify, scope and address the behavioural
aspects of a policy problem and emphasises the
importance of applying BI from the beginning to
the end of the policy cycle. It aims to show how a
nuanced understanding of human behaviour can
provide new tools for policymakers. Introducing
subtle changes to choice of architecture, Identify
for Change
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48 : T H E B A S I C G U I D E B O O K
OECD work on Behavioural Insights:
Nick Malyshev
[email protected]
OECD work on Behavioural Insights:
Nick Malyshev
[email protected]