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The key takeaways are about focusing on high-leverage activities, optimizing for learning, prioritizing regularly, investing in iteration speed, measuring what you want to improve, validating ideas early, improving project estimation skills, balancing quality with pragmatism, minimizing operational burden, and investing in your team's growth.

The book is about how software engineers can leverage their efforts to make a disproportionate and meaningful impact. It provides mindsets and frameworks for engineers to increase their own effectiveness.

The author is Edmond Lau. He is a leadership coach and early engineer at Quip. Prior to Quip, he was an early engineer at Quora where he led the engineering team on user growth. He has also worked at Ooyala and Google. He has a Bachelor's and Master's in Computer Science from MIT.

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How to Leverage Your Efforts in Software Engineering
to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact

Edmond Lau
The Effective Bookshelf
Palo Alto, CA
Copyright © 2015 by Edmond Lau. All rights reserved.
Published by The Effective Bookshelf, Palo Alto, CA.

Visit the website at: No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of
brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

For more information, please contact: [email protected].

Printed in the United States of America.

978-0996128100 (ISBN 13)

whose hard work and sacrifices made my
opportunities possible
Table of Contents
Foreword ix
Introduction 1

Part 1: Adopt the Right Mindsets 7

1. Focus on High-Leverage Activities 9
2. Optimize for Learning 19
3. Prioritize Regularly 41

Part 2: Execute, Execute, Execute 61

4. Invest in Iteration Speed 63
5. Measure What You Want to Improve 83
6. Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 107
7. Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 127

Part 3: Build Long-Term Value 153

8. Balance Quality with Pragmatism 155
9. Minimize Operational Burden 173
10. Invest in Your Team's Growth 193

Epilogue 215

Next Steps 217

Appendix 219
Acknowledgments 223
Notes 225
About the Author 249

M y first job out of Stanford’s Computer Science program was

as a Product Manager at Google. It was an amazing first job. I shared
offices with engineers who had written the textbooks I used in college. I helped
create Google Maps, which is still my proudest achievement as a product de-
signer and engineer. And I learned how to be effective on large scale software
projects. By the time I left Google to start my first company, FriendFeed, I had
worked on so many projects at scale, I felt extremely confident I could start one
However, being a product manager at a large company is different than
founding a startup. For one, you are judged differently. While, in theory, prod-
uct managers are judged on the success of the products they work on, in prac-
tice, large companies also judge product managers on their ability to manage
all the people and departments that have a stake in a product’s outcome. Did
you engage the PR team enough time before launch? Did you integrate your
product with the CEO’s pet project? Did you convince the competing executive
of your product direction before the big executive review? At software compa-
nies that aren’t as enlightened as Google, product managers are judged more on
these political issues than they are on any aspect of the products they work on.
That’s why so many engineers and product managers that come out of larg-
er companies have trouble with the concept of leverage that Edmond Lau talks
about in The Effective Engineer. They are effectively trained to care about low
leverage activities because the bureaucracy that trained them values and re-
wards them. The most successful engineers I’ve worked with in my career were
x The Effective Engineer

the few that were able to see past these bureaucratic idiosyncrasies and rec-
ognize the one or two things that would really impact their product’s success.
The engineer that taught me the most about leverage is, without question, Paul
Paul was one of the co-founders of FriendFeed. He had previously created
Gmail, and while we hadn’t worked together much at Google, we had enough
mutual respect to join forces with Jim Norris and Sanjeev Singh to start a com-
pany together in mid-2007. More than any person I’ve ever met, Paul was will-
ing to challenge conventional thinking, and he completely changed my per-
spective on engineering and product management.
Whenever we would encounter a challenging technical problem, I would
ask “How should we do this?” Paul would respond, often obnoxiously, “Why
do we need to do it at all?” Instead of trying to solve impossible problems, he
would more often challenge the assumptions so we could simply work around
them. At times, it almost seemed like Paul was lazy—given any sufficiently hard
project, Paul would question the purpose of the project. But he was almost al-
ways right. Unless the project was destined to make or break our nascent com-
pany, why spend our precious engineering resources on it?
Working with Paul proved to me through experience that engineering was
much more about leverage than programming ability, and I’ve tried to apply
that lesson to all my subsequent jobs. When I became the Chief Technology
Officer of Facebook after the company acquired FriendFeed, I spent as much
time canceling projects as creating them. At Quip, the company I founded with
Kevin Gibbs in 2012, we felt so strongly that effective engineering was not cor-
related with hours of effort that we have proudly embraced a “nine-to-five” cul-
ture unheard of at Silicon Valley companies.
I love the culture of Silicon Valley. I love that young engineers have as much
of an impact on our industry as veterans, and I love how our industry redefines
itself every decade. But I also think the culture of working endless hours is un-
necessary and abused by ineffective managers around our industry. In addition
to being unnecessary, that aspect of our culture is one of the main things that
prevents people from choosing long term careers in software engineering—it
Foreword xi

is unsustainable for people with families, and it creates a homogeneous, imma-

ture atmosphere at the companies where it is ubiquitous.
I’m happy Edmond chose to write this book because I think Silicon Valley
would be a much better place for both managers and engineers if people em-
braced “working smart” rather than “working hard.” It’s neither counterintu-
itive nor hard in practice, but very few people do it, and I hope more people
embrace Edmond’s philosophy and techniques to make their companies and
careers more successful.

— Bret Taylor, CEO of Quip


M y first few years working at startups stand out as some of

the longest in my career. They were a relentless grind punctuated with
intense personal growth and countless emotional roller coasters. My team al-
most never worked fewer than 60 hours each week, and months would go by
where we would toil away for 70 to 80 hours. I’d start my work day in the office;
I’d regularly spend lunch consulting with my team; and then I’d continue to
work from home after dinner—or sometimes even stay in the office until mid-
night. Even while visiting family over the holidays, I’d still squeeze in time to
code and to respond to emails on my laptop.
After all, the nature of startups meant that we were the underdogs fighting
formidable competitors. The harder we worked, the more value we could pro-
duce, and the more likely it was that our startup would succeed. Or so I
A few experiences forced me to reconsider this assumption. There was the
custom analytics module that I spent two weeks building—and that the cus-
tomer never used. There were the new tools to improve content quality that
we spent months tweaking and perfecting before launch—and that never got
the user adoption we wanted. There were the weekly traffic spikes—followed by
hours spent spinning up and winding down extra servers. There was the time
when I was hiking up the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii—and I got a text mes-
sage saying that the infrastructure generating analytics reports for customers
was down, and could I please take a look.
2 The Effective Engineer

I worked the long hours because I wanted to make a meaningful impact,

but I couldn’t help but wonder: Was putting in 70- to 80-hour weeks really
the most effective way of ensuring our startup’s success? Our intentions were
sound, but could we have worked smarter? Could we have reduced some of that
effort and achieved the same impact, or possibly even more?
In the ensuing years, I’ve come to learn that working more hours isn’t the
most effective way to increase output. In fact, working too many hours leads to
decreased productivity and burnout. Output may even turn out to be negative
when it’s necessary to repair the mistakes made by overworked and fatigued
To be effective engineers, we need to be able to identify which activities
produce more impact with smaller time investments. Not all work is created
equal. Not all efforts, however well-intentioned, translate into impact.

What Makes an Effective Engineer?

How do you measure an engineer’s effectiveness? Is it by the number of hours

she works? The amount of effort he applies? The number of tasks she com-
pletes? At the end of the day, a hard-working engineer who pours his energy
into a feature whose schedule slips and that no one uses isn’t that effective. I’ve
been that engineer before, as have many talented people I know.
For over a decade, I’ve worked as a software engineer at many technology
companies, including Microsoft, Google, Ooyala, Quora, and Quip. Through-
out this time, the question of what makes an effective engineer has always been
on my mind. I wanted to increase my impact, but working 70 to 80 hours per
week to do it wasn’t sustainable. And so I searched for an answer that would let
me work less and accomplish more.
Others have asked this question, too, particularly in the context of hiring.
I’ve had the good fortune of participating in various aspects of growing an en-
gineering team. Through that experience, I’ve screened thousands of resumes,
interviewed over five hundred candidates, and debated their merits in hiring
committees. At the end of each debate, we ultimately needed to decide: Will
Introduction 3

this individual grow into a strong contributor on the team and effectively get
things done?
I’ve also created onboarding and mentoring programs and have trained
dozens of new engineering hires. The people I mentor inevitably ask me how
they can be more effective. Understanding what makes one engineer more ef-
fective than another, to the point where I can then teach that effectiveness to
others, has been a holy grail of mine. In my quest to find the answer, I’ve had
conversations with dozens of engineering leaders. I spent the last few years con-
suming shelves of productivity, team-building, personal psychology, business,
and self-help books. Even though most of them weren’t targeted at engineers, I
found ways to experiment with and apply their lessons in an engineering con-
There will always be more effectiveness techniques to learn. But what I’ve
developed on my journey is a powerful framework for reasoning about effec-
tiveness that can be applied to any activity. I’m excited to share this framework
with you in The Effective Engineer. This book examines and describes what it
means to be an effective engineer, and it distills the key lessons that I’ve learned.
More importantly, it supplements the framework with actionable and tested
strategies that you can use right away to become more effective.
So what makes an effective engineer? Intuitively, we have some notion of
which engineers we consider to be effective. They’re the people who get things
done. They’re the ones who ship products that users love, launch features that
customers pay for, build tools that boost team productivity, and deploy systems
that help companies scale. Effective engineers produce results.
But if they took too long to accomplish these tasks, then we might hesitate
to call them effective. They might be hard-working, but we would consider
someone who produced the same results in less time and with fewer resources
to be more effective. Effective engineers, therefore, also get things done effi-
Efficiency alone doesn’t guarantee effectiveness, however. An engineer who
efficiently builds infrastructure that can scale to millions of requests for an in-
ternal tool that would be used by at most a hundred people isn’t effective. Nor
is someone who builds a feature that only 0.1% of users adopt, when other fea-
4 The Effective Engineer

tures could reach 10% adoption—unless that 0.1% generates disproportionate-

ly more business value. Effective engineers focus on value and impact—they
know how to choose which results to deliver.
An effective engineer, therefore, is defined by the rate at which he or she
produces value per unit of time worked. This is exactly what leverage—a con-
cept that we’ll introduce in Chapter 1 and revisit throughout this book—cap-

What You’ll Learn from Reading This Book

Despite being a book for software engineers, you won’t find a single line of code
in The Effective Engineer. Books and articles abound on different technologies,
programming languages, software frameworks, and system architectures. Tech-
nical knowledge, however, represents only a fraction of the skills that engineers
need to learn in order to be effective.
More important for effectiveness, but often overlooked by engineers, are the
meta-skills. These skills help you determine where to focus your time and en-
ergy so that more of your effort translates into impact. The Effective Engineer
teaches you these meta-skills. My promise to you is that after reading this book,
you’ll have a useful framework, called leverage, for analyzing the effectiveness
of different activities. You’ll be equipped with actionable tools to increase your
impact, and you’ll develop insights into the common engineering pitfalls that
sap precious time and energy.
I learned some of these skills through my own experiences, from conver-
sations with other engineers, and by applying lessons from scientific research
in productivity and psychology. But you’ll find much more than just my own
stories in this book. I’ve also interviewed senior engineers, managers, direc-
tors, and VPs at technology companies around Silicon Valley to distill their se-
crets for effectiveness. You’ll find their stories about the most valuable prac-
tices they’ve adopted, as well as the costliest mistakes they’ve made. And even
though everyone’s narrative was different, many common themes emerged.
In Chapter 1, you’ll learn why leverage is the yardstick for measuring an
engineer’s effectiveness. In each subsequent chapter, you’ll find a high-leverage
Introduction 5

habit—accompanied by research, stories, and examples—that effective engi-

neers use. You’ll learn what key engineering principles Instagram’s co-founder
Mike Krieger followed to enable a small team of 13 to scale effectively and sup-
port a product with over 40 million users. You’ll learn about key habits that
former Facebook director Bobby Johnson fostered in his infrastructure team as
the social network grew to over a billion users. And you’ll hear many more sto-
ries from people at Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Box, Etsy, and other top tech-
nology companies, as they share their philosophies on how to be more effec-
tive individual contributors as well as leaders. Ignoring these habits often led to
hard-learned lessons, and you’ll find some war stories here, as well.
The themes of this book are organized into three parts. Part 1 describes the
mindsets that allow us to reason more rigorously about and increase our effec-
tiveness. We begin by outlining the mindset of leverage (Chapter 1), and then
move on to show how both optimizing for learning (Chapter 2) and regular pri-
oritization (Chapter 3) let us accelerate our growth and make the most of our
time. Much of engineering revolves around execution, and Part 2 takes a deep
dive into the key strategies we need to consistently execute and make progress
on the tasks we’re faced with: iterating quickly (Chapter 4), validating ideas ear-
ly and often (Chapter 6), measuring what we want to improve (Chapter 5), and
developing our project estimation skills (Chapter 7). Effective engineers aren’t
short-term investors, and so in Part 3, we’ll shift gears and look into approaches
for building long-term value. We’ll learn how to balance quality with pragma-
tism (Chapter 8), minimize operational burden (Chapter 9), and invest in our
team’s growth (Chapter 10).
Whether you want to increase your impact on the world, get promoted
more quickly, waste less time grinding away at mindless tasks, or work fewer
hours without sacrificing results, The Effective Engineer gives you the tools you
need. This book is not a comprehensive guide for everything that can help you
grow, but it provides you with a consistent framework—leverage—for navigat-
ing which skills might be good investments of your time. Teaching and men-
toring are passions of mine, and I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you.
Part 1: Adopt the Right Mindsets

Focus on High-Leverage Activities

I n the span of three months, Quora’s engineering team doubled.

Our startup had an ambitious mission: to build a question-and-answer
platform that would share and grow the world’s knowledge. To achieve that in-
ternet-scale Library of Alexandria, we needed more engineers. And so, during
the summer of 2012, 14 new engineering hires crammed into our small office
on the second floor of 261 Hamilton Avenue in downtown Palo Alto, Califor-
nia. Even after construction crews knocked down three sets of walls to expand
our office space, we could still barely accommodate everyone’s desks.
I had met many times with Charlie Cheever, one of Quora’s two co-
founders, to prepare for the influx of people. I had volunteered to be directly
responsible for onboarding new engineering hires, and so I needed to design
the team’s plan to ramp everyone up quickly. How would we ensure that the
product wouldn’t break all the time, especially since we deployed code to pro-
duction multiple times a day? How would we keep code quality high with so
many new people unfamiliar with the design and conventions in the codebase?
How would we make sure new hires were productive and not blocked on what
to do next? Figuring out these answers would be a marked departure from my
regular duties of writing software, but I was excited because I knew that on-
boarding the new hires effectively would have a larger impact than any code I
10 The Effective Engineer

could produce. It would directly affect how much work half of the engineering
team would get done during their first few months.
I researched onboarding and mentoring programs at other companies and
talked with their engineers to learn what worked and what didn’t. With support
from the rest of my team, I formalized a mentoring program at Quora for new
engineering hires. Each new engineer was paired up with a mentor for two to
three months, and the mentor was responsible for the new hire’s success. Men-
toring activities included everything from reviewing code, outlining technical
skills to learn, and pair programming, to discussing engineering tradeoffs, ex-
plaining how to prioritize better, and offering guidance on how to work well
with different team members. Mentors also planned a sequence of starter tasks
and projects to increase the new hires’ mastery of our systems.
To ensure that our hires started on a common foundation, I also created an
onboarding program with a series of 10 recurring tech talks and 10 codelabs.
Codelabs, an idea I borrowed from Google, were documents that explained
why we designed core abstractions, described how to use them, walked through
the relevant code, and provided exercises to validate understanding. Through
tech talks and codelabs, we gave our hires an overview of the codebase and the
engineering focus areas, and taught them how to use our development and de-
bugging tools.
As a result of these efforts, many of our hires that summer were able to suc-
cessfully deploy their first bug fix or small product feature to users by the end of
their first week, and others deployed their first changes soon after. During those
months, we launched a new Android application, an internal analytics system,
better in-product recommendations, improvements to our product’s news feed,
and much more. Code quality stayed high, and mentors met regularly to share
thoughts on how to make the onboarding process even smoother. Even after I
moved on from the company, dozens of new engineers have continued to go
through these onboarding and mentoring programs. 1 They were two of the
highest-leverage investments that we made on the engineering team.
In this chapter, we’ll define what leverage is and explain why it’s the yard-
stick for measuring our effectiveness. Then we’ll go over three ways of reason-
ing about how to increase the leverage of our activities. And finally, we’ll dis-
Focus on High-Leverage Activities 11

cuss why directing energy toward our leverage points, as opposed to easy wins,
is key to increasing our impact.

Use Leverage as Your Yardstick for Effectiveness

Why did Quora engineers spend so much energy on mentoring and onboard-
ing new engineers? We all had hundreds of other things that we could have
worked on—ideas to prototype, features to build, products to launch, bugs to
fix, and teams to run. Why didn’t we focus on these instead? More generally,
given the hundreds or more tasks that we all could be doing in our jobs right
now, how should we decide what to actually work on in order to more effec-
tively achieve our goals?
The key to answering these questions and prioritizing these different activ-
ities is assessing their leverage. Leverage is defined by a simple equation. It’s the
value, or impact, produced per time invested:

Put another way, leverage is the return on investment (ROI) for the effort that’s
put in. Effective engineers aren’t the ones trying to get more things done by
working more hours. They’re the ones who get things done efficiently—and
who focus their limited time on the tasks that produce the most value. They
try to increase the numerator in that equation while keeping the denominator
small. Leverage, therefore, is the yardstick for measuring how effective your ac-
tivities are.
Leverage is critical because time is your most limited resource. Unlike other
resources, time cannot be stored, extended, or replaced. 2 The limitations of
time are inescapable, regardless of your goals. You might be a product engineer
deciding what to tackle to maximize your impact on users. Or you might be
an infrastructure engineer figuring out what scaling issue to focus on next. You
might be a workaholic who loves to code 60 to 70 hours per week at the office.
Or you might be a subscriber to Timothy Ferris’s 4-Hour Work Week philoso-
12 The Effective Engineer

phy and only want to put in the minimal hours per week required to sustain
your lifestyle business. No matter who you are, at some point in your career
you’ll realize that there’s more work to be done than time available, and you’ll
need to start prioritizing.
Another way of thinking about leverage is the commonly-mentioned Pare-
to principle, or 80–20 rule—the notion that for many activities, 80% of the im-
pact comes from 20% of the work. 3 That 20% comprises the high-leverage ac-
tivities, activities that produce a disproportionately high impact for a relatively
small time investment.
Effective engineers use this simple equation as their central, guiding metric
for determining how and where to spend their time. Greek mathematician and
engineer Archimedes once declared, “Give me a place to stand, and a lever long
enough, and I shall move the world.” 4 It can be hard to move a huge boulder
by yourself, but with a powerful enough lever, you can move almost anything.
High-leverage activities behave similarly, letting you amplify your limited time
and effort to produce much more impact.
Based on the principle of leverage, it’s clear why our engineering team fo-
cused on mentoring and training new engineers. Mentoring is a prime exam-
ple of a high-ROI activity. In a single year, a typical engineer works between
1,880 and 2,820 hours. 5 Devoting even 1 hour every day for the first month (20
hours) to mentor or train a new hire may seem like a large investment; yet it
represents only about 1% of the total time the new hire will spend working dur-
ing her first year. Creating reusable resources like codelabs paid off even higher
dividends and required little upkeep after an upfront investment.
Moreover, that 1% time investment can have an outsized influence on the
productivity and effectiveness of the other 99% of work hours. Pointing out
a useful UNIX command could save minutes or hours on basic tasks. Walk-
ing through debugging tools could drastically reduce development time for
every new feature. Reviewing code early and thoroughly to catch common er-
rors could remove the need to re-address similar issues later and prevent bad
habits from forming. Teaching a new hire how to prioritize different projects to
complete or skills to learn could easily increase his productivity. Planning good
Focus on High-Leverage Activities 13

starter projects that teach core abstractions and fundamental concepts could
improve her software designs and reduce future maintenance requirements.
Since the success of our startup depended more on the success of the entire
team than on what any one engineer could accomplish, investing in programs
to ramp up new engineers as quickly and as seamlessly as possible was one of
the highest-leverage activities that we could have done.

Increase Your Leverage in Three Ways

In his book High Output Management, Former Intel CEO Andrew Grove ex-
plains that by definition, your overall leverage—the amount of value that you
produce per unit time—can only be increased in three ways: 6

1. By reducing the time it takes to complete a certain activity.

2. By increasing the output of a particular activity.
3. By shifting to higher-leverage activities.

These three ways naturally translate into three questions we can ask ourselves
about any activity we’re working on:

1. How can I complete this activity in a shorter amount of time?

2. How can I increase the value produced by this activity?
3. Is there something else that I could spend my time on that would produce
more value?

Your output as an engineer is measured in a variety of ways, including the

numbers of products launched, bugs fixed, users acquired, and engineers hired,
along with ranking quality improved, revenue generated, and many other met-
rics. Your total output is the sum of the output of your individual activities. In a
typical work day, these activities might include attending meetings, responding
to emails, investigating bugs, refactoring old code, developing new features, re-
viewing changes, monitoring metrics, maintaining production systems, inter-
viewing potential hires, and more.
However, spending your work day going through the motions of these dif-
ferent activities does not necessarily mean that you’re producing value the en-
tire time. As Figure 1 shows, each individual daily activity has its own leverage,
14 The Effective Engineer

measured by the activity’s output divided by the time it takes to complete that
activity. Some activities, like implementing a feature request, learning a new
testing framework, or fixing an important bug, have high leverage; others, like
surfing the web or responding to email, might take up just as much time but
have lower leverage because they don’t generate as much value.

Figure 1: Leverage of different activities during a typical workday.

To increase the leverage of each activity, ask yourself the previous three ques-
tions, each of which leads to a different avenue of potential improvements. For
example, you might have a one-hour meeting that you’ve scheduled with your
Focus on High-Leverage Activities 15

team to review their progress on a project. You can increase the meeting’s lever-
age by:

1. Defaulting to a half-hour meeting instead of a one-hour meeting to get the

same amount done in less time.
2. Preparing an agenda and a set of goals for the meeting and circulating them
to attendees beforehand so that the meeting is focused and more produc-
3. If an in-person discussion isn’t actually necessary, replacing the meeting
with a email discussion and spending the time building an important fea-
ture instead.

Or perhaps you’re a product engineer, ready to start working on a new cus-

tomer-facing feature for your company’s flagship product. You might increase
the leverage of your development time by:

1. Automating parts of the development or testing process that have thus far
been done manually, so that you can iterate more quickly.
2. Prioritizing tasks based on how critical they are for launch so that you max-
imize the value of what you finally ship.
3. Talking with the customer support team to gain insights into the customers’
biggest pain points, and using that knowledge to understand whether
there’s another feature you could be working on that would produce even
more value with less development effort.

Or suppose that you’re a performance engineer identifying and fixing the bot-
tlenecks in a web application. The application might slow down as the product
teams launch new products and features, and it’s your job to ensure that it stays
fast. Some approaches you might consider to increase your leverage include:

1. Learning to effectively use a profiling tool so that you can reduce the time
it takes to identify each bottleneck.
2. Measuring both the performance and visit frequency of each web page so
that you can address the bottlenecks that affect the most traffic first, thereby
increasing the impact of each fix you make.
16 The Effective Engineer

3. Working with product teams to design performant software from the out-
set, so that application speed is prioritized as a feature during product de-
velopment rather than treated as a bug to be fixed.

As these examples illustrate, for any given activity, there are three approaches
you can take to increase the leverage of your time spent. When you successfully
shorten the time required for an activity, increase its impact, or shift to a high-
er-leverage activity, you become a more effective engineer.

Direct Energy Toward Leverage Points, Not Just Easy Wins

We have a limited amount of time and a large number of possible activities. As

you make your way through this book, constantly keep one lesson in mind: fo-
cus on high-leverage activities. This is the single most valuable lesson that I’ve
learned in my professional life.
Don’t confuse high-leverage activities with easy wins, however. Just as a
lever lets you apply a small amount of force over a long distance to generate a
much larger force, so too do many high-leverage activities require consistent
applications of effort over long time periods to achieve high impact. Yishan
Wong, an early director of engineering at Facebook and a former CEO of Red-
dit, shared a story with me of his proudest accomplishment at Facebook that
underscores this point. 7
Facebook has a strong hiring culture. Employees view themselves as the
guardians of high standards, and hiring is a top priority for both managers and
engineers. But it wasn’t always this way. When Wong first entered into a man-
agement position at Facebook in late 2006, engineers viewed recruiting and in-
terviews as distractions from getting their work done 8—an attitude that’s com-
mon to engineers at many companies. Everyone knew on some level that hiring
was important, but translating it into action was another matter.
Wong had to gradually apply pressure to change the prevailing mindset to
one where people considered the hiring process an art form to be mastered.
When engineers asked him how the company would ensure that the people be-
ing hired were strong engineers, Wong would tell them that this was their job.
And because hiring was a top priority, engineers didn’t skip interviews to do
Focus on High-Leverage Activities 17

other work. They were expected to submit feedback immediately, as opposed

to deferring it for hours or days. When recruiters needed to schedule inter-
views with candidates, Wong would push them to schedule the conversations
in the “first humanly-possible time slot.” 9 Can’t meet until tomorrow? How
about 8am? Not free until the afternoon? What about 1pm? Wong built a cul-
ture where even rejected candidates would leave interviews wanting to work
at Facebook. And over his four years at the company, an obsession with speed
and quality in hiring became one of Facebook’s competitive advantages. While
slower-moving companies dilly-dallied, Facebook closed candidates.
Building a strong hiring culture wasn’t a quick and easy fix; it was a high-
leverage activity that required consistent effort over many years. Once strong
people joined the company, however, it became easier to attract more strong
people. It’s clear that Facebook could not have become a massively successful
$220+ billion company with over 9,000 employees without its emphasis on the
hiring process. 10
Our own work might not be on as grand a scale, but the concept of leverage
is as powerful of a framework for us as it is for Facebook. Moreover, leverage
is used not just by effective engineers, but also by the world’s most successful
people. Bill Gates, for example, after retiring as the CEO of Microsoft, started
focusing his time and energy on how to best invest his billions of dollars in
philanthropy. While the $40.2 billion managed by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation may be a lot of money, it’s still not nearly enough to solve all of the
world’s problems. 11 “[I]n a global economy worth tens of trillions of dollars,
any philanthropic effort is relatively small,” writes Gates in a November 2013
Wired essay. “If you want to have a big impact, you need a leverage point—a
way to put in a dollar of funding or an hour of effort and benefit society by a
hundred or a thousand times as much.” For Gates, those leverage points include
funding measles and malaria vaccines that cost less than 25 cents each but that
save millions of lives. 12
Similarly, engineering has its own set of leverage points. This book won’t be
a substitute for mindful reflection, but it can help shortcut your path to find-
ing these points. In each subsequent chapter, you’ll find a high-leverage habit
of effective engineers—reinforced by scientific research, stories from industry,
18 The Effective Engineer

and concrete examples. You’ll read about why the leverage of each habit jus-
tifies its time investment, and you’ll also find concrete and actionable tips for
incorporating each habit into your own craft. Doubling down on these leverage
points will help you transform the time and effort you spend as an engineer in-
to meaningful impact.

Key Takeaways

• Use leverage to measure your engineering effectiveness. Fo-

cus on what generates the highest return on investment for
your time spent.
• Systematically increase the leverage of your time. Find ways
to get an activity done more quickly, to increase the impact of
an activity, or to shift to activities with higher leverage.
• Focus your effort on leverage points. Time is your most lim-
ited asset. Identify the habits that produce disproportionately
high impact for the time you invest.

Optimize for Learning

A Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton stands guard over the

Googleplex, Google’s Silicon Valley headquarters. It’s right next to the
company’s sand volleyball court and a building that houses a replica of Space-
ShipOne, the plane that completed the first manned, private flight to space.
Scattered around the rest of the campus are foosball and ping-pong tables,
video arcade machines, climbing walls, tennis courts, a bowling alley, and even
a brightly colored ball pit. Carefully placed mini-kitchens stocked with drinks
and snacks, and 18 cafes serving a variety of cuisines, all ensure that employees
stay well-fed.
In the summer of 2006, right after graduating from MIT, I landed a job at
Google’s Search Quality team and found myself in this corporate playground.
For a curious and motivated 22-year-old, the fun didn’t stop with the amazing
facilities. Google turned out to be an intellectual playground as well.
Exciting new things to learn were everywhere, and I hungered to soak
in all the knowledge I could get my hands on. I raced through codelabs,
the documents that explained why core software abstractions like Protocol
Buffers, 1 BigTable, 2 and MapReduce 3 were developed and described how
they all worked. I read internal wikis and design documents to learn about the
rationale for and the internals behind Google’s state-of-the-art search, index-
20 The Effective Engineer

ing, and storage systems. I studied programming guides for C++, Python, and
JavaScript, in which veteran engineers had distilled decades of collective expe-
rience and best practices into easily digestible forms. I dug around in the source
code of libraries written by early Google legends like Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghe-
mawat. I attended tech talks given by renowned architects like Joshua Bloch,
who designed core Java libraries, and Guido van Rossum, the creator of the
Python programming language.
Writing software at Google proved to be an exhilarating adventure. My two
teammates and I built and launched query suggestions on, help-
ing tens to hundreds of millions of people every day refine their search queries
and find better search results. Empowered by Google’s massive data centers,
we orchestrated MapReduce jobs over thousands of machines to build data
models. One night, just before a meeting with then-VP of Search Products
Marissa Mayer, the three of us hacked together a working demo to get initial
approval for our first experiment on live traffic. Another surge of adrenaline
rushed through the team weeks later, when we presented our metrics and our
feature to Google’s co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, for their final ap-
proval. And for our small team to build and launch the entire feature in just five
months made the experience all the more memorable.
The other perks were hard to beat, too. In addition to the free food, the
campus gym, and the on-site massages, Google engineers went on annual com-
pany trips to places like Squaw Valley Ski Resort and Disneyland. My search
team even received an all-expenses-paid trip to Maui. Life was grand.
And yet, despite all this, I left Google after two years.
I left when I realized that Google was no longer the optimal place for me
to learn. After two years, my learning curve had plateaued, and I knew I could
be learning more somewhere else. I had consumed most of the training materi-
als and design documents that I had cared to read, and the exciting five-month
timeline for launching a new end-to-end feature turned out to be the exception
rather than the rule. When I projected what I could accomplish with an addi-
tional year at the company, I felt unsatisfied. I knew it was time for my next
Optimize for Learning 21

After Google, I spent my next five years at Ooyala and Quora, two fast-
paced startups in Silicon Valley. And with each transition, I’ve optimized for
learning and found myself growing, both professionally and personally, more
than I could ever have done if I had stayed within the comforts of the Google-
plex. Google might be one of the few places where you can work on large-scale
machine learning, self-driving cars, and wearable computers, and these pro-
jects attract many talented engineers. But since leaving, I’ve found unique op-
portunities to work with amazingly talented people, help grow great engineer-
ing teams, shape company culture, and build products used by millions of peo-
ple from the ground up—opportunities that would have been much harder to
find had I stayed at Google. The mantra of optimizing for learning has guided
much of what I do, and I’ve never regretted my decision.
Optimizing for learning is a high-leverage activity for the effective engineer,
and in this chapter, we’ll examine why. We’ll walk through how adopting a
growth mindset is a prerequisite for improving our abilities. We’ll discuss the
compounding effects of learning and why it’s important to invest in your rate
of learning. We’ll identify six key elements about a work environment that you
should consider when looking for jobs or switching teams. We’ll cover action-
able tips for taking advantage of learning opportunities on the job. And finally,
we’ll close with some strategies for how you can always be learning, even out-
side of the workplace.

Adopt a Growth Mindset

Several years after graduating, I still mostly hung out with a few close college
friends. I’m an introvert, and even though I would’ve been much happier with
a larger social circle, meeting new people and making small talk weren’t my
strong suits. I much preferred the conversational comfort of people I knew well.
I turned down coffee meetings with people I didn’t know, I stayed away from
big parties, and I passed on networking events, all because they made me un-
comfortable. Eventually, however, I realized that avoiding social events wasn’t
exactly conducive to meeting new people (what a surprise) and that the situa-
tion wouldn’t improve on its own.
22 The Effective Engineer

And so one year, like Jim Carrey’s character in the movie Yes Man, I re-
solved to say yes to every social engagement that I was invited to or came
across. I showed up to parties and meetups where I didn’t know anyone, and
I grabbed coffee with people who reached out to me online. Awkward silences
and forced small talk punctuated many initial conversations. I would spend
hours at some networking events and leave with no meaningful connections.
But I kept at it. If I botched one conversation, I would think about wittier re-
sponses I could have given and try to improve on the next one. I practiced
telling better stories. I held onto the belief that being an engaging conversation-
alist was a learnable skill and that I would get more comfortable with it over
time. That year was a formative experience for me. Not only did I make a num-
ber of great friends and contacts—people I wouldn’t have connected with oth-
erwise—I also stretched the limits of my own comfort zone. I still have ample
space to improve, but I learned that like many other skills, engaging in dialogue
with strangers gets better with effort and practice.
This story might not seem like it has much to do with engineering, but it
illustrates the power of the right mindset about any of our skills. How we view
our own intelligence, character, and abilities profoundly affects how we lead
our lives; it largely determines whether we remain stuck in our current situa-
tions or achieve what we value. That’s what Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck
concludes in her book Mindset, written after 20 years of researching people’s
self-perceptions and beliefs. 4 Dweck’s findings are relevant to us engineers, be-
cause how we view our own effectiveness impacts how much effort we invest in
improving it.
Dweck found that people adopt one of two mindsets, which in turn affects
how they view effort and failure. People with a fixed mindset believe that “hu-
man qualities are carved in stone” and that they’re born with a predetermined
amount of intelligence—either they’re smart or they’re not. Failure indicates
they’re not, so they stick with the things they do well—things that validate their
intelligence. They tend to give up early and easily, which enables them to point
to a lack of effort rather than a lack of ability as causing failure. On the oth-
er hand, those with a growth mindset believe that they can cultivate and grow
their intelligence and skills through effort. They may initially lack aptitude in
Optimize for Learning 23

certain areas, but they view challenges and failures as opportunities to learn. As
a result, they’re much less likely to give up on their paths to success. 5
Mindset influences whether people take advantage of opportunities to im-
prove their skills. In one study conducted in a Hong Kong university where
all classes were taught in English, Dweck offered struggling English speakers
the chance to enroll in a remedial language class. By asking if they agreed with
statements like “You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you can’t really
do much to change it,” she distinguished between the students with fixed and
growth mindsets. Tellingly, 73% of students with a growth mindset enrolled in
the class, compared with only 13% of the fixed mindset students. 6 This makes
intuitive sense—after all, if you believe your level of intelligence to be set and
unchangeable, why waste time and effort trying and failing to learn? Another
study compared two groups of 7th graders in New York City public schools.
The students who were taught about the nature of intelligence and how it could
be increased through experience and hard work saw their math grades improve
over the year. The math scores of the control group, who didn’t receive the
extra lesson, actually worsened. 7 Several other studies have confirmed the pat-
tern: those with growth mindsets are willing to take steps to better themselves,
whereas those with fixed mindsets are not. 8 9
This research reminds us that the mindset we adopt about our effectiveness
as engineers drastically shapes whether we learn and grow or let our skills
plateau and stagnate. Do we treat our abilities as fixed quantities outside of our
control? Or do we direct our efforts and our energy toward improving our-
So how do we build a growth mindset? One piece of advice that Tamar
Bercovici, an engineering manager at Box, offers to new hires is “own your sto-
ry.” In just two years, Bercovici had risen to become a staff engineer and man-
ager at a company that helps over 200,000 businesses share and manage content
online. But prior to joining Box’s 30-person engineering team in 2011, Bercovi-
ci hadn’t even done any full-time web development. She came from a theoreti-
cal and math-heavy background at an Israeli university. Engineering interview-
ers assumed that she didn’t enjoy coding, that her PhD provided few practi-
24 The Effective Engineer

cal advantages, and that she didn’t know enough about engineering to ramp up
Someone with a fixed mindset might have concluded from those assess-
ments that she ought to stick with her strengths and do more theoretical work.
But rather than let those preconceptions define her, Bercovici adopted a growth
mindset and took control of the parts of her story that were within her sphere
of influence. She studied new web technologies, distilled relevant engineering
lessons from her PhD, and practiced for the whiteboard interviews common
at many engineering companies—and she got the job. “It’s not about apologiz-
ing for where your resume doesn’t line up but rather telling your story—who
you are, what skills you’ve built, what you’re excited about doing next and why,”
Bercovici explained to me. By writing her own story instead of letting others
define it, she ended up leading the distributed data systems team at one of Sili-
con Valley’s hottest companies, which went public in January 2015.
Bercovici’s story is a great illustration of what adopting a growth mindset
looks like. It means accepting responsibility for each aspect of a situation that
you can change—anything from improving your conversational skills to mas-
tering a new engineering focus—rather than blaming failures and shortcom-
ings on things outside your control. It means taking control of your own sto-
ry. It means optimizing for experiences where you learn rather than for expe-
riences where you effortlessly succeed. And it means investing in your rate of

Invest in Your Rate of Learning

In school, we learn about the power of compound interest. Once interest gets
added to the principal of a deposit, that interest gets put to work generating fu-
ture interest, which in turn generates even more future interest. There are three
important takeaways from that simple lesson:

1. Compounding leads to an exponential growth curve. As Figure 1 shows,

an exponential growth curve looks like a hockey stick. It grows slowly at
first, looking flat and almost linear; but then suddenly it transitions to rapid
Optimize for Learning 25

Figure 1: An exponential growth curve due to compounding.

2. The earlier compounding starts, the sooner you hit the region of rapid
growth and the faster you can reap its benefits. That’s why financial advisors
suggest investing in retirement accounts like 401(k)s as early as possible: so
you can take advantage of additional years of compounding.
3. Even small deltas in the interest rate can make massive differences in the
long run. This is illustrated graphically in Figure 2(a), which compares two
accounts that pay 4% and 5% interest respectively, compounded daily. The
5% account produces 49% higher returns after 40 years and 82% after 60.
And if you manage to double the interest rate to 8% as in Figure 2(b), you
end up with almost 5x higher returns after 40 years and 11x after 60. 10

Figure 2: Growth of value over time in accounts that (a) pay 4% and 5%
interest and that (b) pay 4% and 8% interest, compounded daily.
26 The Effective Engineer

Learning, like interest, also compounds. Therefore, the same three takeaways

1. Learning follows an exponential growth curve. Knowledge gives you a

foundation, enabling you to gain more knowledge even faster. For example,
an understanding of recursion provides the basis for many other concepts,
like trees and graph searches, which in turn are necessary for understand-
ing compilers and network topologies.
2. The earlier that you optimize for learning, the more time your learning has
to compound. A good first job, for example, makes it easier to get a better
second job, which then affects future career opportunities.
3. Due to compounding, even small deltas in your own learning rate make a
big difference over the long run.

This last point about the compounding returns of intelligence is the least in-
tuitive: we tend to drastically underestimate the impact of small changes on
our growth rate. But when we spend our work hours on unchallenging tasks,
we’re not just boring ourselves and missing out on chances to learn—we’re also
paying a huge opportunity cost in terms of our future growth and learning.
Stephen Cohen, the co-founder of Palantir, a technology company that powers
the infrastructure of intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, and MI6, empha-
sized this point at a Stanford guest lecture. When companies pay you for cushy
and unchallenging 9-to-5 jobs, Cohen argues, “what they are actually doing is
paying you to accept a much lower intellectual growth rate. When you recog-
nize that intelligence is compounding, the cost of that missing long-term com-
pounding is enormous. They’re not giving you the best opportunity of your life.
Then a scary thing can happen: … [y]ou get complacent and stall.” 11
So how do we avoid complacency and instead shift ourselves toward a
growth mindset? LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman suggests treating yourself
like a startup. In his book The Startup of You, he explains that startups initially
prioritize learning over profitability to increase their chances of success. They
launch beta versions of their product and then iterate and adapt as they learn
what customers actually want. Similarly, setting yourself up for long-term suc-
Optimize for Learning 27

cess requires thinking of yourself as a startup or product in beta, a work-in-

progress that needs to be invested in and iterated on every single day. 12
Continuous iteration is also advocated by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, in his
book Delivering Happiness. 13 Pursuing growth and learning is one of the ten
core values at the online shoes and clothing company, which grew its revenue
from zero to over $1.2 billion in ten years. Hsieh and his CFO, Alfred Lin, gave
a standing challenge to all employees: “Think about what it means to improve
just 1% per day and build upon that every single day. Doing so has a dramat-
ic effect and will make us 37x better, not 365% (3.65x) better, at the end of the
year.” 14 15
What will you learn today to improve yourself by 1%? That 1% is a high-
leverage investment to develop the skills and the knowledge to make use of fu-
ture opportunities. Mutual funds and bank accounts build your financial capi-
tal, but learning builds your human and career capital. You would rather invest
your financial assets in accounts that pay high interest rates, not low ones. Why
would you treat your time—your most limited asset—any differently? Invest
your time in activities with the highest learning rate. In the rest of the chapter,
we’ll give some concrete examples of how we can do that and improve ourselves
by 1% per day.

Seek Work Environments Conducive to Learning

Because we spend so much of our time at work, one of the most powerful lever-
age points for increasing our learning rate is our choice of work environment.
When starting a new job or joining a new team, there’s a lot to learn up front.
We pick up new programming languages, adopt new tools and frameworks,
learn new paradigms for understanding the product, and gain insight into how
the organization operates. But how do we ensure that beyond the initial learn-
ing curve, the work environment remains one where we can sustainably learn
new things day after day?
Some work environments are more conducive than others for supporting a
high personal and professional growth rate. Here are six major factors to con-
28 The Effective Engineer

sider when choosing a new job or team and the questions you should be asking
for each of them:

1. Fast growth. When Sheryl Sandberg was deciding whether to join Google,
CEO Eric Schmidt gave her a valuable piece of advice: “If you’re offered a
seat on a rocket ship, you don’t ask what seat. You just get on.” 16 That ad-
vice to focus on growth served her well: she rose to become a VP at Google,
which opened the opportunity for her to later become Facebook’s COO. At
fast-growing teams and companies, the number of problems to solve ex-
ceeds available resources, providing ample opportunities to make a big im-
pact and to increase your responsibilities. The growth also makes it easier to
attract strong talent and build a strong team, which feeds back to generate
even more growth. A lack of growth, on the other hand, leads to stagnation
and politics. Employees might squabble over limited opportunities, and it
becomes harder to find and retain talent.

Questions to consider

• What is the weekly or monthly growth rates of core business metrics (e.g.,
active users, annual recurring revenue, products sold, etc.)?
• Are the particular initiatives that you’d be working on high priorities, with
sufficient support and resources from the company to grow?
• How aggressively has the company or team been hiring in the past year?
• How quickly have the strongest team members grown into positions of

2. Training. Strong onboarding programs demonstrate that the organization

prioritizes training new employees. Google, for example, invests significant
resources in its engEDU program—a set of classes, professional seminars,
design documents, and programming guides geared toward helping em-
ployees grow as engineers and leaders. Facebook has a six-week onboarding
program called Bootcamp, where new engineers learn about the company’s
tools and focus areas and do their initial hands-on development. 17 A
smaller company won’t have the same volume of resources, but any team
Optimize for Learning 29

that understands the value of ramping up new hires as quickly as possible

will invest in creating similar programs—like our team did at Quora. Sim-
ilarly, a solid mentorship program also indicates that the team prioritizes
professional growth.

Questions to consider

• Is each new person expected to figure things out on his or her own, or is
there a more formalized way of onboarding new engineers?
• Is there formal or informal mentorship?
• What steps has the company taken to ensure that team members contin-
ue to learn and grow?
• What new things have team members learned recently?

3. Openness. A growing organization isn’t going to figure out the most effec-
tive product idea, engineering design, or organizational process on its first
attempt. If it can continuously learn and adapt from past mistakes, however,
then it stands a much better chance of success. That’s more likely to happen
if employees challenge each others’ decisions and incorporate feedback into
the future iterations. Look for a culture of curiosity, where everyone is en-
couraged to ask questions, coupled with a culture of openness, where feed-
back and information is shared proactively. Reflecting on failed projects,
understanding what caused production outages, and reviewing the returns
on different product investments all help the right lessons get internalized.

Questions to consider

• Do employees know what priorities different teams are working on?

• Do teams meet to reflect on whether product changes and feature
launches were worth the effort? Do they conduct post-mortems after out-
• How is knowledge documented and shared across the company?
• What are examples of lessons that the team has learned?
30 The Effective Engineer

4. Pace. A work environment that iterates quickly provides a faster feedback

cycle and enables you to learn at a faster rate. Lengthy release cycles, for-
malized product approvals, and indecisive leadership slow down iteration
speed; automation tools, lightweight approval processes, and a willingness
to experiment accelerate progress. Smaller teams and companies tend to
have fewer bureaucratic barriers to getting things done than larger ones.
While I was at Google, for example, any visible change (even experimental
ones) to Google search had to go all the way up the management chain to
a weekly user interface review with Marissa Mayer, the VP of Search Prod-
ucts and User Experience, which slowed the pace of experimentation. At
startups, the aggressive risk-taking and oftentimes longer hours can con-
tribute to an increased learning rate—as long as you don’t burn out. Do
push yourself, but also find a pace that’s sustainable for you in the long run.

Questions to consider

• Is moving quickly reflected in the company or engineering values?

• What tools does the team use to increase iteration speed?
• How long does it take to go from an idea’s conception to launch ap-
• What percentage of time is spent on maintenance versus developing
new products and features?

5. People. Surrounding yourself with people who are smarter, more talented,
and more creative than you means surrounding yourself with potential
teachers and mentors. Who you work with can matter more than what you
actually do, in terms of your career growth and work happiness. At small-
er companies, you might be able to switch teams soon if you don’t gel with
your co-workers, but bigger companies generally recommend that you stay
on a team for at least six months to a year to reduce switching costs and
overhead. Meet with potential team members ahead of time before starting
a new position. Don’t leave getting assigned to a strong or subpar team to
the luck of the draw.
Optimize for Learning 31

Questions to consider

• Do the people who interviewed you seem smarter than you?

• Are there skills they can teach you?
• Were your interviews rigorous and comprehensive? Would you want to
work with the types of people who would do well on them?
• Do people tend to work on one-person projects, or are teamwork and
cooperation common themes?

6. Autonomy. The freedom to choose what to work on and how to do it drives

our ability to learn—as long as we have the support that we need to use
that freedom effectively. At established companies, employees tend to work
on specialized projects, but they also have access to more coaching and
structure. At smaller companies, you’ll end up wielding significantly more
autonomy over the total surface area of product features and responsibil-
ities, but you’ll also need to take more ownership of your own learning
and growth. In my three years at Quora, for example, I had opportunities
to work on a broad range of technical challenges (including experimenta-
tion tools, real-time analytics frameworks, site speed, infrastructure, rec-
ommendations, spam detection, and mobile development) as well as orga-
nizational challenges (including training interviewers, creating onboarding
resources, building the mentoring program, and coordinating the intern-
ship program). It would have been difficult to work on such a diversity of
projects at a larger company, where the problems might be tackled by spe-
cialized teams and where the processes might already be well-established.
32 The Effective Engineer

Questions to consider

• Do people have the autonomy to choose what projects they work on and
how they do them?
• How often do individuals switch teams or projects?
• What breadth of the codebase can an individual expect to work on over
the course of a year?
• Do engineers participate in discussions on product design and influence
product direction?

These six factors vary from company to company and from team to team, and
their importance to you will also change during the course of your career. On-
boarding and mentoring are more important earlier in your career, and autono-
my matters more later on. When switching teams or jobs, make sure that you’re
asking the right questions: find out if they are a good fit and offer you ample
learning opportunities.

Dedicate Time on the Job to Develop New Skills

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by how much you need to get done at work. People
whom I’ve mentored, particularly ones who’ve recently started at a new job, of-
ten feel that their task list keeps growing and growing and that they’re falling
further and further behind. They spend all their energy trying to catch up and
don’t devote enough time to developing the skills that could actually help them
work more effectively.
The solution is to borrow a lesson from Google. Google pioneered an idea
called “20% time,” where engineers spend the equivalent of one day a week on a
side project to make the company better. Initially, 20% time was a controversial
proposal; people doubted it would improve the company’s bottom line. In fact,
the investment empowered engineers to create and launch products like Gmail,
Google News, and AdSense—which now comprise three of Google’s core offer-
ings. 18 Many other engineering companies have followed suit, adopting simi-
lar innovation policies. 19 20
Optimize for Learning 33

To invest in your own growth, you should carve out your own 20% time.
It’s more effective to take it in one- or two-hour chunks each day rather than in
one full day each week, because you can then make a daily habit out of improv-
ing your skills. Your productivity may decrease at first (or it might not change
much if you’re taking time away from web surfing or other distractions), but
the goal is to make investments that will make you more effective in the long
So what should you do with that 20% time? You can develop a deeper un-
derstanding of areas you’re already working on and tools that you already use.
Or, you can gain experience in what Steven Sinofsky, the former head of Mi-
crosoft’s Windows division, calls “adjacent disciplines.” 21 These are the disci-
plines related to your core role and where increased familiarity can make you
more self-sufficient and effective. If you’re a product engineer, adjacent dis-
ciplines might include product management, user research, or even backend
engineering. If you’re an infrastructure engineer, they might include machine
learning, database internals, or web development. If you’re a growth engineer,
adjacent disciplines might be data science, marketing, or behavioral psycholo-
gy. Knowledge in adjacent disciplines will not only be useful, but you’ll also be
more likely to retain the information because you’ll be actively practicing it.
Whichever route you decide, here are ten suggestions to take advantage of
the resources available to you at work:

• Study code for core abstractions written by the best engineers at your
company. Particularly if you’re at a big technology company with a large,
shared codebase, read through code in some of the core libraries written by
early engineers. Start with ones that you’ve used before. Ask yourself if you
would’ve written similar code and how you might learn from their exam-
ples. Understand why certain choices were made and how they were imple-
mented, and see if earlier versions of code were rewritten to address short-
comings. You can also do the same with any well-designed, open source
projects that your company uses or is considering using.
• Write more code. If you feel that programming is your weak point, shift
time away from other activities like meetings and product design, and
34 The Effective Engineer

spend more of it building and writing code. Over a decade of research

on learning has shown that the more effort you expend when retrieving
knowledge from memory, the better you’ll learn and retain those ideas. 22
Since actively programming expends more effort than passively reading
code, you’ll find that practicing the craft is a high-leverage activity for im-
proving your programming skills. Moreover, it’s easy to think you under-
stand something you’ve read, only to find large knowledge gaps when you
actually set out to do it.
• Go through any technical, educational material available internally.
Google, for instance, has a wide array of codelabs that teach core abstrac-
tions and guides of best practices for various languages, all written by vet-
eran engineers. If your company maintains design documents or holds tech
talks, use them as learning opportunities.
• Master the programming languages that you use. Read a good book or
two on them. Focus on developing a solid grasp of the advanced concepts in
that language, and gain familiarity with core language libraries. Make sure
that at least one of your languages is a scripting language (e.g., Python or
Ruby) that you can use as your Swiss army knife for quick tasks.
• Send your code reviews to the harshest critics. Optimize for getting good,
thoughtful feedback rather than for lowering the barrier to getting your
work checked in. Ask for a more detailed review on those implementations
you’re not as confident about. Discuss software designs with your compa-
ny’s best designers in order to avoid writing great code for a design that
doesn’t work well.
• Enroll in classes on areas where you want to improve. These could be
courses offered on the company campus, at nearby universities, or online
through educational initiatives like Coursera, edX, Udemy or Udacity. On-
line education is exploding; you can easily sign up for classes in machine
learning, mobile development, computer networking, compilers, and more,
many of them taught by professors from world-class institutions like Stan-
ford or MIT. Many of the larger technology companies will even pay for
your classes.
Optimize for Learning 35

• Participate in design discussions of projects you’re interested in. Don’t

wait for an invitation. Ask project leads if they’d mind you being a silent
observer or even a participant in a design meeting. If mailing lists are open
internally, add yourself or read through key conversations in the archives.
• Work on a diversity of projects. If you find yourself always doing similar
tasks using similar methods, it’s going to be hard to pick up new skills.
Interleaving different projects can teach you what problems are common
across projects and what might just be artifacts of your current one. More-
over, research on learning confirms that the interleaved practice of different
skills is more effective than repeated, massed practice of a single skill at
preparing people to tackle unfamiliar problems. 23
• Make sure you’re on a team with at least a few senior engineers whom
you can learn from. If you’re not, consider changing projects or teams. This
will help increase your learning rate for the remaining 80% of your time.
• Jump fearlessly into code you don’t know. After years of observation, Bob-
by Johnson, a former engineering director at Facebook, concluded that en-
gineering success was highly correlated with “having no fear in jumping in-
to code they didn’t know.” Fear of failure often holds us back, causing us to
give up before we even try. But as Johnson explains, “in the practice of dig-
ging into things you don’t know, you get better at coding.” 24

Create learning opportunities out of your 20% time, and you’ll steadily improve
your skills and productivity.

Always Be Learning

Learning opportunities aren’t limited to the workplace. We should always be

asking: How can I improve? How could I have done this better? What should
I learn next to best prepare me for the future? These questions may not have
anything to do with engineering—maybe you’re interested in music, art, sports,
writing, or crafts. Some skills we learn could be cross-functional and help our
engineering work (increasing my comfort level in conversing with strangers,
for example, helped me when meeting and interviewing other great engineers
for this book). Other skills might not translate directly into engineering bene-
36 The Effective Engineer

fits, but the practice of adopting a growth mindset toward them still makes us
better learners and more willing to stretch beyond our comfort zone. This itself
is a high-leverage investment. Plus, there’s a side benefit: research in positive
psychology shows that continual learning is inextricably linked with increased
happiness. 25
There are many ways to learn and grow in whatever you love to do. Here are
ten starting points to help inspire a habit of learning outside of the workplace:

• Learn new programming languages and frameworks. One of the most

exciting aspects of working in software is that the technology landscape
changes so rapidly. But this also means that if you’re not continuously
learning, your skills might get stale and outdated. Moreover, new skills can
expand your mind and teach you how to think in different ways. Keep a
running list of the programming languages, software tools, and frameworks
that you want to learn, and set goals to spend time and master them.
• Invest in skills that are in high demand. If you’re unsure about what types
of skills you should be learning, see what’s being included in job postings
you find interesting, or evaluate the current industry trends and demand
for skills. For example, as of 2014, 15% of Internet traffic now comes from
mobile devices, 26 and global annual smartphone sales are triple that of
consumer PCs. 27 As these trends continue, honing your expertise in mo-
bile development can open up many other opportunities.
• Read books. Bill Gates reads a lot and mostly non-fiction, using books to
discover how the world works. 28 Books offer a way for you to learn from
the lessons and mistakes of others: you can re-apply that knowledge with-
out having to start from scratch. This is such a high-leverage investment
that I’ve actually trained myself to speed read. I can now read 2–3x faster,
sharply increasing my rate of learning, and I read 1-2 books a week. You
can find a list of non-fiction books that shaped my thinking on engineering
effectiveness in the Appendix.
• Join a discussion group. In the eighteenth century, politician and inventor
Benjamin Franklin organized a group of friends into a “club of mutual
improvement.” The club met every Friday evening to discuss and debate
Optimize for Learning 37

“morals, politics, or natural philosophy,” providing members with a struc-

tured opportunity to improve themselves. 29 I’m a part of a few book clubs
and reading groups that meet regularly for discussion at cafes and apart-
• Attend talks, conferences, and meetups. Growing technology companies
often hold open tech talks, both to share knowledge and to help recruit
new engineers. Google even shares many of its on-campus talks on
YouTube. 30 31 Conferences and meetups can be hit-or-miss in terms of
quality, so ask around to see which ones are worth attending. Some confer-
ences, like TED, provide high-quality recordings of inspiring ideas. 32 At-
tend targeted conferences to get more familiar with industry trends and to
meet people who share your interests.
• Build and maintain a strong network of relationships. I used to avoid
coffee meetings and meetups with people I didn’t know. But I’ve since
learned that the more people you meet, the more you’ll find serendipitous
opportunities. Richard Wiseman captures this idea in his book The Luck
Factor, when he writes, “Lucky people dramatically increase the possibility
of a lucky chance encounter by meeting a large number of people in their
daily lives. The more people they meet, the greater opportunity they have of
running into someone who could have a positive effect on their lives.” 33
• Follow bloggers who teach. Admittedly, social media and technology jour-
nalism sites can be online sources of distraction—but at the same time,
many bloggers share thoughtful and useful lessons. Subscribe to their
newsletters and learn ways to shortcut around the mistakes that they’ve
made. You can find a starter list of engineering blogs in the Appendix.
• Write to teach. When you write to teach other people, you gain a deeper
understanding of ideas you’re already familiar with and pinpoint the details
that you didn’t fully understand. That’s the technique that Physics Nobel
Prize winner Richard Feynman used to learn faster. 34 Writing also pro-
vides an opportunity for mindful reflection on what you’ve learned. So start
a blog and begin writing. These days, platforms like Blogger, Tumblr, Word-
press, Medium, and Quora make it easy. Presenting at conferences can have
similar benefits.
38 The Effective Engineer

• Tinker on side projects. Side projects, even ones not related to engineer-
ing, provide further opportunities to hone your skills, particularly in areas
of interest that you don’t typically engage in at work. Research suggests that
creativity stems from combining existing and often disparate ideas in new
ways. 35 Projects in seemingly orthogonal areas like drawing and writing
can have benefits that flow over to help you be a better engineer.
• Pursue what you love. Replace passive time spent aimlessly surfing TV
channels or the web with time actively spent doing what you love. The av-
erage American watches 34 hours of TV per week, 36 and psychology stud-
ies show that the average mood while watching TV highly is mildly de-
pressed. 37 Spend time on what you’re passionate about instead, and let that
passion fuel your motivation to learn and to grow.

More important than any of these individual suggestions, however, is embrac-

ing a growth mindset in which you’re motivated to learn about the things that
excite you. Interviewers often ask candidates, “Where do you see yourself five
years from now?” It’s a tough question, and most people don’t have an answer.
But by adopting a growth mindset and optimizing for learning, you’ll be best
prepared to make the most of whatever opportunities do come your way.
Optimize for Learning 39

Key Takeaways

• Own your story. Focus on changes that are within your sphere
of influence rather than wasting energy on blaming the parts
that you can’t control. View failures and challenges through a
growth mindset, and see them as opportunities to learn.
• Don’t shortchange your learning rate. Learning compounds
like interest. The more you learn, the easier it is to apply prior
insights and lessons to learn new things. Optimize for learning,
particularly early in your career, and you’ll be best prepared for
the opportunities that come your way.
• Find work environments that can sustain your growth. Inter-
view the people at the team or company you’re considering.
Find out what opportunities they provide for onboarding and
mentoring, how transparent they are internally, how fast they
move, what your prospective co-workers are like, and how
much autonomy you’ll have.
• Capitalize on opportunities at work to improve your technical
skills. Learn from your best co-workers. Study their code and
their code reviews. Dive into any available educational material
provided by your company, and look into classes or books that
your workplace might be willing to subsidize.
• Locate learning opportunities outside of the workplace. Chal-
lenge yourself to become better by just 1% a day. Not all of
your learning will necessarily relate to engineering skills, but
being a happier and better learner will help you become a
more effective engineer in the long run.

Prioritize Regularly

S ustainable and scalable strategies to grow a product’s user

base are holy grails for startups. More engaged users drive more revenue,
more venture capital, and higher startup valuations, and in recent years, teams
dedicated to the art and science of user growth have proliferated. These teams
focus on optimizing how users flow into and out of a product. 1 They live and
breathe data and metrics, running endless user experiments and optimizing
conversion rates in their mission to acquire users. They combine engineering,
data, and product marketing to build their strategies, and they can be found at
fast-growing companies ranging from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to
Dropbox, Airbnb, Square, Uber, Lyft, Path, and many others.
Some of the problems that user growth teams tackle, like building experi-
mentation frameworks and analyzing metrics, are similar to the ones solved by
traditional engineering teams. What makes user growth especially challenging
and exciting, however, is that the list of ideas for driving traffic and growth is
extremely open-ended and spans virtually the entire product. Does the team:

• Optimize the conversion rate of the signup form on the home page?
• Buy traffic through Google, Facebook, or Twitter ads?
• Improve application speed to increase user engagement?
• Attempt to create viral content to spread through social media and email?
42 The Effective Engineer

• Increase search referral traffic by improving search rankings?

• Invest in making the product simpler to learn, use, and adopt?
• Iterate on user engagement emails to improve open and click-through
• Encourage users to refer their friends to the product?
• Optimize content ranking and people recommendations to increase the
product’s stickiness?
• Improve the mobile experience and increase distribution through the iOS
and Android app stores?
• Internationalize the product to major languages and countries?
• Do something else entirely?

The right focus can significantly accelerate a product’s growth rate. Even small
0.5% wins in key areas can compound like interest and add a million users
down the line. But by the same token, the opportunity cost of working on the
wrong ideas can set back growth by months or years.
I was the first engineer on Quora’s user growth team and eventually became
the engineering lead for the group. Our team developed a healthy cadence
where we would prioritize ideas based on their estimated returns on invest-
ment, run a batch of experiments, learn from the data what worked and what
didn’t, and rinse and repeat. In a single year, our team grew Quora’s monthly
and daily active user base by over 3x. 2 And I learned through that experience
that a successful user growth team rigorously and regularly prioritizes its work.
Prioritizing isn’t only relevant to user growth, however. In any engineering
discipline (and in life), there will always be more tasks to do than you have time
for. Working on one task means not working on another. Therefore, regular pri-
oritization is a high-leverage activity, because it determines the leverage of the
rest of your time. After all, if you work for weeks on a project that has little im-
pact and garners few lessons, how is that different for your business than not
working at all?
Prioritization is hard work, and like most skills, it requires practice. The
most effective engineers work persistently on improving their prioritization
skills. You’ll have days where you misallocate your time, but as long as you’re
Prioritize Regularly 43

retrospective, you’ll continuously improve. You’ll also have periods where you
don’t feel like prioritizing; perhaps it’s your leisure time and you’re not optimiz-
ing for anything other than curling up on the couch with a good book. That’s
perfectly fine! Everyone needs time to recharge. But when it comes to your per-
sonal and professional goals, taking the time and energy to prioritize will sig-
nificantly increase your chances for success.
In this chapter, we’ll walk through the strategies used to prioritize effective-
ly. We’ll start by explaining why it’s important to track all our to-dos in a sin-
gle and easily accessible list. From that list, we’ll make pairwise comparisons
between what we’re doing and what we could be doing instead, in order to it-
eratively shift our time toward higher-leverage activities. To help us identify
what’s high-leverage, we’ll discuss two simple heuristics: focusing on what di-
rectly produces value, and focusing on the important and non-urgent. Iden-
tifying high-priority tasks isn’t enough, however; we also need to execute on
them. So we’ll cover how you can accomplish your priorities: first, by protecting
your maker’s schedule, and second, by limiting the amount of work you have
in progress. We’ll talk about creating if-then plans to help fight procrastination.
Finally, since it’s important to make a routine of prioritization, we’ll end the
chapter by walking through a sample implementation of a prioritization work-
flow, using all the strategies we’ve discussed.

Track To-Dos in a Single, Easily Accessible List

No matter how much of an expert you might be, a well-designed checklist

can significantly improve your outcomes. In The Checklist Manifesto, Dr. Atul
Gawande shows how the adoption of checklists has drastically reduced errors
in field after field, even for the most seasoned experts working on routine tasks.
Pilots who follow pre-flight checklists, surgeons who follow operation check-
lists, and construction managers who follow safety checklists all eliminate large
classes of avoidable errors simply by writing steps down and tracking what
needs to be done. 3
Engineers can benefit from adopting checklists as well. The first step in ef-
fective prioritization is listing every task that you might need to do. As David
44 The Effective Engineer

Allen explains in Getting Things Done, this is because the human brain is opti-
mized for processing and not for storage. 4 The average brain can actively hold
only 7 +/- 2 items—the number of digits in a phone number—in its working
memory. This is a shockingly small number, and yet in experiments, once there
are more than 7 items, people fail to repeat digits and words back in the correct
order over half the time. 5 The only way that memory champions can memo-
rize 67,890 digits of pi is by expending large amounts of mental resources. 6 7
Research shows that expending effort on remembering things reduces our at-
tention, 8 impairs our decision-making abilities, 9 and even hurts our physi-
cal performance. 10 For you and me, that brainpower is much better spent on
prioritizing our work and solving engineering problems than on remembering
everything we need to do.
When I started my software engineering career, I smugly dismissed to-do
lists. I didn’t think I needed the overhead, and I believed I could just keep track
of tasks in my head. Within two years, I starting noticing tasks falling through
the cracks. I knew I had to adopt to-do lists, and they’ve since become an inte-
gral part of my workflows. Given the vast body of research proving the value of
to-do lists, it’s a wonder I got much done at all before.
To-do lists should have two major properties: they should be a canonical
representation of our work, and they should be easily accessible. A single mas-
ter list is better than an assortment of sticky notes, sheets of paper, and emails,
because these scattered alternatives are easily misplaced and make it harder for
your brain to trust that they’re comprehensive. Having the master list easily ac-
cessible allows you to quickly identify a task you can complete if you unexpect-
edly have a block of free time. Plus, if you think up a new task, you can add it
directly to your list even when you’re out and about, rather than investing men-
tal energy in trying to remember it.
Your to-do list can take many forms. It can be a little notebook that you
carry around, task management software that you use on the web, an applica-
tion you access on your phone, or a Dropbox text file that you synchronize be-
tween your computer and your phone. When you consistently offload to-dos to
your list, you reduce the number of tasks you need to remember down to just
Prioritize Regularly 45

one—to check your single, master list—and you free your mind to focus on a
higher-leverage activity: actually prioritizing your work.
If you could accurately compute the leverage of each task, then you could
just sort all the tasks by leverage and work down your prioritized list. Unfor-
tunately, estimating both the time required and the value produced by each
task is incredibly hard. When I started working on user growth at Quora, our
team brainstormed hundreds of ideas for how we might increase product usage
and engagement. Huddled around a conference room table, we systematically
went through every idea and estimated its percentage impact (0.1%, 1%, 10%,
or 100%) on our growth metrics as well as the time it would take to implement
(hours, days, weeks, or months). Not only were many of these estimates quite
off because we had limited data, but every task we tackled inspired new tasks
that we’d then insert into our to-do list—which in turn meant that we never
got to most of the backlogged items on our ranked list. The net effect was that
much of the estimation work we did to build that ranked list was wasted.
It’s not actually that useful to know that the 100th task provides higher
leverage than the 101st task. It’s far easier and more efficient to compile a small
number of goals that are important to complete, pick initial tasks toward those
goals, and then make a pairwise comparison between what you’re currently do-
ing and what else is on your to-do list. Ask yourself on a recurring basis: Is there
something else I could be doing that’s higher-leverage? If not, continue on your
current path. If yes, it’s time to rethink what you’re doing. The goal isn’t to es-
tablish a total ordering of all your priorities, since any ordering you make will
be based on imperfect information; instead, it’s to continuously shift your top
priorities toward the ones with the highest leverage, given the information you
So how do you determine if something else has higher leverage than what
you’re currently doing? The next two sections present two heuristics that can
help: focusing on what directly produces value, and focusing on the important
and non-urgent.
46 The Effective Engineer

Focus on What Directly Produces Value

When measuring the leverage of different activities, an inevitable lesson

learned is that the time and effort expended do not necessarily correlate with
the value produced. Yishan Wong, based on his 4 years leading engineering
teams at Facebook, explains that “activity is not necessarily production” and
that many work activities “do not directly contribute towards useful output.
Writing status reports, organizing things, creating organizational systems,
recording things multiple times, going to meetings, and replying to low-prior-
ity communications are all examples of this.” 11 These tasks only have a weak
and indirect connection to creating value.
Therefore, the first heuristic for prioritizing high-leverage activities is to fo-
cus on what directly produces value. At the end of the day (or when it comes
time for performance reviews), what matters is how much value you’ve created.
That value is measured in terms of products shipped, users acquired, business
metrics moved, or sales made, rather than in terms of hours worked, tasks com-
pleted, lines of code written, or meetings attended. Focus on tasks that direct-
ly bring a product closer to launch; that directly increase the number of users,
customers or sales; or that directly impact the core business metric your team
is responsible for. Write code for a necessary product feature, tackle roadblocks
or secure necessary approvals that would hold back a launch, ensure your team
members are working on the right tasks, address high-priority support issues,
or do anything else that leads to results.
Once you’re producing results, few people will complain about declined
meetings, slow email response times, or even non-urgent bugs not being fixed,
unless those other tasks are blocking even more valuable results from being de-
livered. When you get the important things right, the small things often don’t
matter. That’s true in life as well. For example, if you’re trying to save money,
skipping the $3 Starbucks latte doesn’t make much of a budgetary impact com-
pared to investing an hour or two searching for cheaper plane tickets and sav-
ing a few hundred dollars on your next trip. Shopping for cheap tickets doesn’t
matter as much as investing a few extra hours in job negotiations to boost your
annual salary by a few thousand dollars. And in the long run, even the job ne-
Prioritize Regularly 47

gotiations might not be as significant as adopting a healthy investment port-

folio that can earn a few more percentage points in compounding returns per
year. You may still decide to save money on that latte, of course. But make sure
that the effort you invest is proportional to its expected impact.
After you ship a change that produces value, find the next task that will
produce value. Prioritize the ones that produce the most value with the least
amount of effort. Once you do this a few times, it becomes easier to recognize
which tasks are the most valuable. As our user growth team at Quora ran more
product experiments, we became significantly better at identifying which types
of changes we could get done quickly and which activities would have higher
The corollary to focusing on the activities that directly produce value is to
defer and ignore the ones that don’t. You only have a finite amount of time.
When a co-worker schedules you for an unnecessary meeting, a manager as-
signs you a small bug, or a product manager comes into your office with a shiny
new prototype, they’re oftentimes not considering the opportunity cost of your
time. Learn to say no. Don’t treat every invitation to do something as an oblig-
ation. Explain how the meeting, bug, or project will detract from your other
tasks, and discuss whether it should have higher priority. If not, you probably
shouldn’t be spending your time on it.
Don’t try to get everything done. Focus on what matters—and what matters
is what produces value.

Focus on the Important and Non-Urgent

We’re inundated every day with urgent requests demanding our attention:
meetings, emails, phone calls, bugs, pager duty alerts, the next deadline. Some
of these requests are important; others aren’t. If we’re not careful, our default
script is to respond immediately to whatever urgent issues come our way. We
let life’s daily interruptions, rather than our priorities, dictate our schedules.
Therefore, along with prioritizing the activities that directly produce value,
we also need to prioritize the investments that increase our ability to be more
48 The Effective Engineer

effective and deliver more value in the future. Stated simply, the second heuris-
tic is to focus on important and non-urgent activities.
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey explains that ur-
gency should not be confused with importance. He advocates “putting first
things first.” 12 Covey partitions the activities that we do into four quadrants,
based on whether they’re urgent or non-urgent and important or unimportant.
This is illustrated in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Partitioning of activities based on urgency and importance.

When we let the urgent activities in Quadrant 1 (high-priority support issues

or upcoming deadlines, for example) and in Quadrant 3 (most of our emails,
phone calls, and meetings) determine how we spend our time, we neglect the
non-urgent but important activities in Quadrant 2. Quadrant 2 activities in-
clude planning our career goals, building stronger relationships, reading books
and articles for professional development, adopting new productivity and ef-
ficiency habits, building tools to improve our workflows, investing in useful
abstractions, ensuring that infrastructure will continue to scale, learning new
programming languages, speaking at conferences, and mentoring our team-
mates to help them be more productive.
Prioritize Regularly 49

Quadrant 2 investments don’t have any natural deadlines and won’t get pri-
oritized as a result of urgency. But in the long run, they provide significant val-
ue because they help us to learn and to grow both personally and profession-
ally. It’s often easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks that need
to get done, especially if you’re a new college graduate or an engineer joining
a new company. One piece of advice that I consistently give my mentees is to
carve out time to invest in skills development. Their productivity might slow
down at first, but with time, the new tools and workflows that they learn will
increase their effectiveness and easily compensate for the initial loss.
When I discussed prioritization techniques with Nimrod Hoofien, an engi-
neering director at Facebook who’s also run engineering teams at Amazon and
Ooyala, he shared an exercise that he used to do. He would label everything on
his to-do list from 1 through 4, based on which quadrant the activity fell un-
der. The exercise “worked really well when what you’re trying to do is to whittle
down what you do to the important [and] not urgent,” he explained. “It’s a real-
ly good tool to get started.”
Find which of your to-dos fall within Quadrant 2, and de-prioritize Quad-
rant 3 and 4 activities that aren’t important. Be wary if you’re spending too
much time on Quadrant 1’s important and urgent activities. A pager duty alert,
a high-priority bug, a pressing deadline for a project, or any other type of fire-
fighting all may be important and urgent, but assess whether you’re simply ad-
dressing the symptoms of the problem and not its underlying cause. Often-
times, the root cause is an underinvestment in a Quadrant 2 activity. Frequent
pager duty alerts might indicate a need for automated recovery procedures.
High-priority bugs might be a symptom of low test coverage. Constant dead-
lines might be caused by poor project estimation and planning. Investing in
Quadrant 2 solutions can reduce urgent tasks and their associated stress.
The act of prioritization is itself a Quadrant 2 activity, one whose impor-
tance often gets overlooked because it’s rarely urgent. Prioritize the act of pri-
oritization, and you’ll be on the road to dramatically increasing your effective-
50 The Effective Engineer

Protect Your Maker’s Schedule

By now, you’ve identified some high-leverage tasks based on what directly pro-
duces value and what’s important and non-urgent. The next step is to use your
time to execute on those priorities.
Engineers need longer and more contiguous blocks of time to be produc-
tive than many other professionals. Productivity increases when we can main-
tain periods of what psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi calls flow, described
by people who experience it as “a state of effortless concentration so deep that
they lose their sense of time, of themselves, of their problems.” Csíkszentmihá-
lyi studied the state of flow in painters, violinists, chess masters, authors, and
even motorcycle racers, and he called flow the “optimal experience” because of
the spontaneous joy we feel when we’re deeply focused. Flow requires focused
attention; interruptions break flow. 13
Unfortunately, the meeting schedules at many companies don’t accommo-
date flow conditions for engineers. In his essay “Maker’s Schedule, Manag-
er’s Schedule,” programmer and venture capitalist Paul Graham discusses how
managers have different schedules than the people who create and build things.
Managers traditionally organize their time into one-hour blocks, but “people
who make things, like programmers and writers[,] … generally prefer to use
time in units of half a day at least. You can’t write or program well in units of
an hour. That’s barely enough time to get started.” 14 Empirical research high-
lights the cost of breaking the maker’s schedule. A study from Microsoft Re-
search found that employees take an average of 10 to 15 minutes to return to
focused activity after handling email and instant messaging interruptions; 15 a
study from UC Irvine put the number even higher, at 23 minutes. 16
When possible, preserve larger blocks of focused time in your schedule.
Schedule necessary meetings back-to-back or at the beginning or end of your
work day, rather than scattering them throughout the day. If people ask you
for help while you’re in the middle of a focused activity, tell them that you’d
be happy to do it before or after your breaks or during smaller chunks of your
free time. Block off hours on your calendar (maybe even with a fake meeting)
or schedule days like “No Meeting Wednesdays” to help consolidate chunks of
Prioritize Regularly 51

time. Learn to say no to unimportant activities, such as meetings that don’t re-
quire your attendance and other low-priority commitments that might frag-
ment your schedule. Protect your time and your maker’s schedule.

Limit the Amount of Work in Progress

After prioritizing our tasks and blocking off contiguous chunks of time, it can
be tempting to try to tackle many things at once. When we fragment our at-
tention too much, however, we end up reducing our overall productivity and
hindering our ability to make substantive progress on any one thing.
David Rock, in his book Your Brain at Work, says that the brain’s working
memory is like a stage and its thoughts are like the actors. The part of our brain
called the prefrontal cortex handles our planning, decision-making, and goal-
setting, as well as all of our other conscious thoughts. The stage has a limited
amount of space (for 7 ± 2 actors), but in order to make decisions, the pre-
frontal cortex needs to bring all the relevant actors onto the stage at once. 17
When we work on too many things simultaneously, we spend most of our
brain’s mental energy moving actors on and off the stage rather than paying at-
tention to their performance.
I learned this lesson during my early days of working at Quora. I would
find two or three major projects that sounded interesting and exciting and am-
bitiously volunteer for all of them. I put in the hours and alternated back and
forth between projects. But because the progress on each project came in fits
and starts, it was hard to build any momentum. I couldn’t give each individual
project and team the attention they deserved, so I didn’t do an excellent job on
any of them. Moreover, because the timeline of each project dragged out, psy-
chologically, I felt less productive.
I later realized that the key—which Tonianne DeMaria Barry and Jim Ben-
son describe in their book Personal Kanban—is to limit your work in progress.
A juggler can keep three balls in the air with little effort but must concentrate
significantly harder to keep track of six or seven. In the same way, there is a lim-
it to how many things we can work on at once. “[T]he closer you get to reach-
ing your capacity, the more [the] stress taxes your brain’s resources and im-
52 The Effective Engineer

pacts your performance,” Barry and Benson write. “[I]ncreasing work linearly
increases the likelihood of failure exponentially.” 18 Constant context switching
hinders deep engagement in any one activity and reduces our overall chance of
Nowadays, I’m much more deliberate about limiting my work in progress.
This means prioritizing and serializing different projects so that I can maintain
strong momentum. The same principle applies to how teams tackle projects
as well. When a small group of people fragment their efforts across too many
tasks, they stop sharing the same context for design discussions or code re-
views. Competing priorities divide the team, and momentum on any one activ-
ity slows down.
The number of projects that you can work on simultaneously varies from
person to person. Use trial and error to figure out how many projects you can
work on before quality and momentum drop, and resist the urge to work on
too many projects at once.

Fight Procrastination with If-Then Plans

Sometimes, what hinders focus isn’t a lack of contiguous time or too much con-
text switching. Instead, many people do not have sufficient motivation to sum-
mon the activation energy required to start a difficult task. In the 1990s, Psy-
chology Professor Peter Gollwitzer researched the science of motivation. He
asked students on their way to final exams if they would volunteer to partici-
pate in a study; as part of the study, they would have to write an essay on how
they spent their Christmas holidays. Students who agreed were told that they
had to mail in their essays within two days of Christmas. Half of these students
were also asked to specify when, where, and how they would write the essay. Of
the students who articulated these “implementation intentions,” 71% of them
mailed in their essays. Only 32% of the other students did. A minor tweak in
behavior resulted in over twice the completion rate. 19 20
Based on studies like Gollwitzer’s, social psychologist Heidi Halvorson lays
out a simple practice to help us overcome procrastination. In her book Succeed,
Halvorson describes the if-then plan, in which we identify ahead of time a situ-
Prioritize Regularly 53

ation where we plan to do a certain task. Possible scenarios could be “if it’s after
my 3pm meeting, then I’ll investigate this long-standing bug,” or “if it’s right
after dinner, then I’ll watch a lecture on Android development.” Halvorson ex-
plains that the “planning creates a link between the situation or cue (the if) and
the behavior that you should follow (the then).” When the cue triggers, the then
behavior “follows automatically without any conscious intent.” 21
Subconscious followup is important because procrastination primarily
stems from a reluctance to expend the initial activation energy on a task. This
reluctance leads us to rationalize why it might be better to do something easier
or more enjoyable, even if it has lower leverage. When we’re in the moment, the
short-term value that we get from procrastinating can often dominate our de-
cision-making process. But when we make if-then plans and decide what to do
ahead of time, we’re more likely to consider the long-term benefits associated
with a task. 22 Studies have shown that if-then planning increases goal comple-
tion rates for people like high school students studying for PSATs, dieters try-
ing to lower their fat intake, smokers attempting to quit, people wanting to use
public transportation more frequently, and many others. 23 If-then planning is
a powerful tool to help you focus on your priorities.
The concept of if-then planning also can help fill in the small gaps in our
maker’s schedule. How many times have you had 20 minutes free before your
next meeting, spent 10 of those minutes mulling over whether there’s enough
time to do anything, finally picked a short task, and then realized you don’t
have enough time left after all? An if-then plan that I’ve found to be effective
is to make an “if I only have 20 minutes before my next activity, then I will do
_____.” I save a list of short tasks that I need to get done and that don’t require
a big chunk of uninterrupted time, and I use them to fill in the blank. Tasks
that have worked well for me include finishing a code review, writing interview
feedback, responding to emails, investigating a small bug, or writing an isolat-
ed unit test.
If-then plans made those college students more than twice as likely to com-
plete their Christmas essays. Think about how much more effective you’d be
if you could double the likelihood of completing something important you’ve
54 The Effective Engineer

been procrastinating on—whether it’s picking up a new language, reading that

book on your shelf, or something else. Make an if-then plan to do it.

Make a Routine of Prioritization

The strategies laid out so far help us to focus on the right things: the activities
with the highest leverage. Once we’re knee-deep working on those tasks, a com-
mon pitfall for many engineers is neglecting to revisit those priorities. As time
passes, our current projects may no longer represent the best use of our time.
Why might that happen? Perhaps after working for two weeks on an infra-
structure change that you initially estimated would take a month, you discover
technical challenges or increased project requirements that bump the estimate
up to three months. Is the project still worth completing? Or perhaps as you
were building a new product feature, an older one starts triggering scalability
issues or pager duty alerts that you need to spend an hour each day address-
ing. Would it be higher leverage to pause development of the new feature and
develop a longer-term fix for the old one? Or perhaps during development you
realize that you’re spending a large portion of your time wrestling with a legacy
codebase. Would it be worthwhile to refactor that code before continuing?
The answers to all these questions will vary from case to case. The key to
answering these questions correctly is being retrospective and making a habit
of revisiting your priorities.
Using the strategies presented in this chapter, you’re ready to develop your
own routine to manage and execute on your own priorities. Every productivity
guru recommends a different set of workflow mechanics. David Allen, in Get-
ting Things Done, suggests grouping to-do items by location-based contexts and
then handling tasks based on your current context. 24 Tonianne DeMaria Bar-
ry and Jim Benson, in Personal Kanban, recommend creating a backlog of your
work, transitioning tasks through various columns on a board (e.g., “back-
log,” “ready,” “in progress,” and “done”), and limiting the amount of work-in-
progress according to your own bandwidth as determined by trial and error. 25
In The Pomodoro Technique, Francesco Cirillo uses a timer to track 25-minute
focused sessions, called pomodoros; he works on a single task during each ses-
Prioritize Regularly 55

sion. 26 Nick Cern, author of Todoodlist, is an advocate of the old-fashioned

pencil and paper to track what you need to get done. 27 The suggestions are
After experimenting with various systems and task management software,
I’ve come to realize that there’s no “best” prioritization workflow. Instead, take
general principles, like the ones laid out in this chapter, and iteratively adapt
your own system until you find something that works well for you. If you don’t
have a system, then reading productivity books or using another engineer’s sys-
tem can help provide a starting point. Just remember that the actual mechanics
of how you review your priorities matter less than adopting the habit of doing
If you need a sample system to get started, however, I’ll share what I cur-
rently do. As of this writing, I use a web product called Asana to manage my
to-do list. From my perspective, Asana’s key features are that it’s fast, it supports
keyboard shortcuts, it allows tasks to be tagged with projects and filtered by
project, and it has both Android and iPhone apps so that I can update my to-do
lists while I’m on the go. I maintain a backlog of all my personal and work tasks
in Asana.
I have a “Current Priorities” project that I use to track the tasks that I want
to accomplish in the current week. If it’s the beginning of the week, then I add to
the project the tasks that I want to accomplish during that week, pulling either
from my backlog or from any unfinished work from the previous week. I prior-
itize tasks that directly produce value for whatever projects I’m working on and
also some longer-term investments that I deem important. Because optimizing
for learning is important and non-urgent, I generally include some tasks relat-
ed to learning something new. Some of my current priorities include writing
one thousand words per day on this book, learning about self-publishing, and
making daily progress on tutorials for mobile development.
Project tasks can be sub-divided into sections in Asana. In my “Current
Priorities” project, I borrow ideas from Personal Kanban and have sections for
“This Week,” “Today,” and “Doing.” Tasks start the week out under the “This
Week” section. Every morning, I move a number of tasks from the “This Week”
section into the “Today” section, based on their sizes and my availability. I like
56 The Effective Engineer

to do this in the mornings when I have more energy, because prioritizing is im-
portant but mentally taxing. Figure 2 shows what a sample task list under this
scheme might look like.

Figure 2: A sample snapshot of tasks in my prioritized to-do list.

I estimate and annotate each task with the number of 25-minute pomodoros
(there’s no reason you couldn’t use a differently-sized unit) that I think each will
take, using a simple notation like “[4] Instrument performance of signup flow
and add graphs to dashboard.” This indicates that the task will take 4 chunks.
On a typical day, I may have time for 10–15 chunks; the rest of the day tends to
be spent dealing with meetings or other interruptions. I try to cluster meetings
together to maximize my contiguous blocks of time.
Prioritize Regularly 57

An effective way to ensure that this morning prioritization happens is to

make it part of your daily routine. While Quora was headquartered in Palo Al-
to, for example, I incorporated the practice into my walk to work. I would stop
at a coffee shop along the way, where I would spend 5–10 minutes reviewing
my to-dos while consuming my morning dose of caffeine. This helped me iden-
tify a small number of important tasks that I wanted to accomplish during the
rest of the day. Moreover, whenever I didn’t get something done that I had pre-
viously prioritized, the routine gave me an opportunity to review why: had I
worked on something else more important, misprioritized, or simply procras-
When I have free time during my day, I pick a task, move it from the “To-
day” to the “Doing” section, and work on it. Again, because I know I have
more mental energy in the mornings, I use if-then plans to note that if it’s in
the morning, then I’ll pick tasks requiring more mental effort and creativity.
To increase my focus, I block off sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. through my
/etc/hosts file 28 and use a timer program called Focus Booster to time my
25-minute sessions. 29 Timing what I’m doing might seem like overkill (and in
fact, I’ve only recently starting experimenting with it), but I’ve found that it in-
creases my awareness of how much time I spend on a given task and makes
me more accountable when distractions arise. I track how many 25-minute
sessions I spend on a task, mainly to validate and learn about whether my
initial estimates were accurate. In between those 25-minute sessions, I take a
5-minute break to stretch, check email, or surf the web before resuming.
When I complete a task, I check it off, and Asana takes care of archiving it
and hiding it from my default project view. At the end of the day, I have a fairly
clear idea of whether I’ve been productive or not, based on this system. I can
count up the number of completed chunks and know whether it’s on par with
what I’ve done historically. I repeat this process throughout the week, and as
new tasks and ideas come up, I add them to my “Today” or “This Week” section
if they’re urgent, or to my backlog if they’re not.
I’ve also found that committing to an end-of-the-week 30-minute planning
session helps ensure that I’m spending time on the right activities. On a Sunday
afternoon or Monday morning, I review the priorities I’ve accomplished, ex-
58 The Effective Engineer

amine the ones I had planned to finish but didn’t so I can understand why, and
scope out what I hope to accomplish in the following week. Asana makes it easy
to define custom views, such as which tasks I finished in the past week, for this
Whereas my daily prioritization sessions typically result in small tweaks to
what I’m currently working on, my weekly sessions provide opportunities to
make larger course corrections. Is there something important and non-urgent
that I should be spending more time on? Perhaps my team isn’t iterating as
quickly as it could be and would benefit from building better tools and abstrac-
tions. Or perhaps I had intended to brush up on mobile development but hadn’t
found the time the previous week. I might then resolve to work on the new pri-
orities during the next week; I might even block off some time for this in my
daily schedule. Periodically (about once a month), I do a larger planning ses-
sion around my progress for the month and think about the things I’d like to
change for the future.
This system works well for me right now, although it’s likely that I’ll still ex-
periment with more tweaks in the future. The system that works for you may
look quite different. What’s important isn’t to follow my mechanics, but to find
some system that helps you support a habit of prioritizing regularly. This will
allow you to reflect on whether you’re spending time on your highest-leverage
Prioritizing is difficult. It consumes time and energy, and sometimes it
doesn’t feel productive because you’re not creating anything. Perhaps you won’t
want to do it during your downtime when you want to relax. That’s okay—you
don’t have to always be prioritizing. But when you have certain personal or
professional goals that you want to achieve, you’ll find that prioritization has
very high leverage. You’ll see its outsized impact on your ability to get the right
things done. And as you get more effective at it, you’ll feel incentivized to pri-
oritize more regularly.
Prioritize Regularly 59

Key Takeaways

• Write down and review to-dos. Spend your mental energy

on prioritizing and processing your tasks rather than on trying
to remember them. Treat your brain as a processor, not as a
memory bank.
• Work on what directly leads to value. Don’t try to do every-
thing. Regularly ask yourself if there’s something higher-lever-
age that you could be doing.
• Work on the important and non-urgent. Prioritize long-term
investments that increase your effectiveness, even if they don’t
have a deadline.
• Reduce context switches. Protect large blocks of time for your
creative output, and limit the number of ongoing projects so
that you don’t spend your cognitive energy actively juggling
• Make if-then plans to combat procrastination. Binding an in-
tention to do something to a trigger significantly increases the
likelihood that you’ll get it done.
• Make prioritization a habit. Experiment to figure out a good
workflow. Prioritize regularly, and it’ll get easier to focus on and
complete your highest-leverage activities.
Part 2: Execute, Execute, Execute

Invest in Iteration Speed

O n any given day, our team at Quora might release new versions
of the web product to users 40 to 50 times. 1 Using a practice called con-
tinuous deployment, we automatically shipped any new code we committed to
production servers. On average, it took only seven minutes for each change to
be vetted by thousands of tests and receive the green light to roll out to millions
of users. This happened throughout every day, all without any human interven-
tion. In contrast, most other software companies shipped new releases only
weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and the mechanics of each release might take
hours or even days.
For those who haven’t used it before, continuous deployment may seem
like a scary or unviable process. How did we manage to deploy software more
frequently—orders of magnitude more frequently, in fact—than other teams,
without sacrificing quality and reliability? Why would we even want to release
software that often? Why not hire or contract a quality assurance team to sanity
check each release? To be honest, when I first joined Quora back in August
2010, I had similar concerns. New engineers add themselves to the team page
as one of their first tasks, and the notion that the code I wrote on my first day
would so easily go into production was exhilarating—and frightening.
64 The Effective Engineer

But now, after having used the process for three years, it’s clear to me that
continuous deployment played an instrumental role in helping our team grow
the product. We increased new user registrations and user engagement metrics
by over 3x during my last year at Quora. Continuous deployment, along with
other investments in iteration speed, contributed in large part to that growth. 2
A number of high-leverage investments in our infrastructure made this
rapid release cycle possible. We built tools to automatically version and package
our code. We developed a testing framework that parallelized thousands of unit
and integration tests across a tier of worker machines. If all the tests passed, our
release scripts tested the new build on web servers, called canaries, to further
validate that everything behaved as expected, and then rolled out the software
to production tiers. We invested in comprehensive dashboards and alerts that
monitored our product’s health, and we made tools to easily roll back changes
in the event that some bad code had fallen through the cracks. Those invest-
ments eliminated the manual overhead associated with each deployment and
gave us high confidence that each deployment was just business as usual.
Why is continuous deployment such a powerful tool? Fundamentally, it
allows engineers to make and deploy small, incremental changes rather than
the larger, batched changes typical at other companies. That shift in approach
eliminates a significant amount of overhead associated with traditional release
processes, making it easier to reason about changes and enabling engineers to
iterate much more quickly.
If someone finds a bug, for instance, continuous deployment makes it pos-
sible to implement a fix, deploy it to production, and verify that it works—all in
one sitting. With more traditional workflows, those three phases might be split
over multiple days or weeks; the engineer has to make the fix, wait days for it to
be packaged up with other bigger changes in the week’s release, and then vali-
date that fix along with a slew of other orthogonal changes. Much more context
switching and mental overhead are required.
Or suppose you need to migrate an in-production database table from one
schema to another. The standard process to change a live schema is: 1) create
the new schema, 2) deploy code to write to both the old and new schemas, 3)
copy existing data over from the old schema to the new schema, 4) deploy code
Invest in Iteration Speed 65

to start reading from the new schema, and 5) remove the code that writes to
the old schema. While each individual change might be straightforward, the
changes need to happen sequentially over 4–5 releases. This can be quite labo-
rious if each release takes a week. With continuous deployment, an engineer
could perform the migration by deploying 4–5 times within a few hours and
not have to think about it again in subsequent weeks.
Because changes come in smaller batches, it’s also easier to debug problems
when they’re identified. When a bug surfaces or when a performance or busi-
ness metric drops as a result of a release, teams with a weekly release cycle often
have to dig through hundreds of changes from the past week in an attempt to
figure out what went wrong. With continuous deployment, on the other hand,
it generally is a straightforward task to isolate the culprit in the handful of code
changes deployed in the past few hours.
Just because changes are deployed incrementally, however, doesn’t mean
that larger features aren’t possible or that users see half-finished features. A
large feature gets gated behind a configuration flag, which is disabled until the
feature is ready. The same configuration flag often allows teams to selective-
ly enable a feature for internal team members, beta users, or some fraction of
production traffic until the feature is ready. In practice, this also means that
changes get merged incrementally into the master code repository. Teams then
avoid the intense coordination and “merge hell” that often accompanies longer
release cycles as they scramble to integrate large chunks of new code and get
them to work together correctly. 3
Focusing on small, incremental changes also opens the door to new devel-
opment techniques that aren’t possible in traditional release workflows. Sup-
pose that in a product discussion, we’re debating whether we should keep a cer-
tain feature. Rather than letting opinions and politics dictate the feature’s im-
portance or waiting for the next release cycle to start gathering usage data, we
could simply log the interaction we care about, deploy it, and start seeing the
initial data trickle in within minutes. Or suppose we see a performance regres-
sion on one of our web pages. Rather than scanning through the code looking
for regressions, we can spend a few minutes deploying a change to enable log-
ging so that we can get a live breakdown of where time is being spent.
66 The Effective Engineer

Our team at Quora wasn’t alone in our strong emphasis on the importance
of iterating quickly. Engineering teams at Etsy, 4 IMVU, 5 Wealthfront, 6 and
GitHub, 7 as well as other companies, 8 have also incorporated continuous de-
ployment (or a variant called continuous delivery, where engineers selectively
determine which versions to deploy) into their workflows.
Effective engineers invest heavily in iteration speed. In this chapter, we’ll
find out why these investments are so high-leverage and how we can optimize
for iteration speed. First, we’ll discuss the benefits of iterating quickly: we
can build more and learn faster. We’ll then show why it’s critical to invest in
time-saving tools and how to increase both their adoption and your leeway.
Since much of our engineering time is spent debugging and testing, we’ll walk
through the benefits of shortening our debugging and validation loops. Most
of our core tools remain the same throughout our career, so we’ll also review
habits for mastering our programming environments. And lastly, because pro-
gramming is but one element in the software development process, we’ll look
at why it’s also important to identify the non-engineering bottlenecks in your

Move Fast to Learn Fast

In the hallways of Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters, posters proclaim in red

caps: “MOVE FAST AND BREAK THINGS.” This mantra enabled the social
network to grow exponentially, acquiring over 1 billion users in just 8 years. 9
New employees are indoctrinated into the culture of moving fast during Boot-
camp, Facebook’s 6-week onboarding program. 10 Many new employees, in-
cluding those who’ve never before used PHP, the website’s primary program-
ming language, ship code to production in their first few days. Facebook’s cul-
ture emphasizes iterating quickly and focusing on impact rather than being
conservative and minimizing mistakes. The company might not use continu-
ous deployment in production, but it has managed to effectively scale its work-
flow so that over a thousand engineers are able to deploy code to
twice a day. 11 That’s an impressive feat.
Invest in Iteration Speed 67

Facebook’s growth illustrates why investing in iteration speed is such a

high-leverage decision. The faster that you can iterate, the more that you can
learn about what works and what doesn’t work. You can build more things and
try out more ideas. Not every change will produce positive value and growth,
of course. One of Facebook’s early advertising products, Beacon, automatically
broadcasted a user’s activity on external websites onto Facebook. The product
caused an uproar and had to be shut down. 12 But with each iteration, you get
a better sense of which changes will point you in the right direction, making
your future efforts much more effective.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg captured the importance of moving fast
in his letter that accompanied the company’s initial public offering. “Moving
fast enables us to build more things and learn faster,” he wrote. “However, as
most companies grow, they slow down too much because they’re more afraid of
making mistakes than they are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly …
[I]f you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough.” 13 A
strong focus on maintaining a high iteration speed is a key ingredient for how
Facebook got to where it is today.
Moving fast isn’t just restricted to consumer web software, where users tend
to more tolerant of downtime. And in actuality, the worst outage Facebook ever
faced over a four-year period lasted only 2.5 hours—much shorter than outages
experienced by larger, slower-moving companies. 14 Moving fast doesn’t neces-
sarily mean moving recklessly.
Consider Wealthfront, a financial advisory service whose offices are located
in Palo Alto, CA. Wealthfront is a technology company whose mission is to
provide access to the financial advice offered by major financial institutions
and private wealth managers, at a low cost. They do this by replacing human
advisors with software-based ones. As of June 2014, the company manages
over a billion dollars in customer assets. 15 Any code breakage would be very
costly—but despite this, Wealthfront has invested in continuous deployment
and uses the system to ship new code to production over 30 times per day. 16
They’re able to iterate quickly despite operating in a financial space that’s heavi-
ly regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and other authorities.
Pascal-Louis Perez, Wealthfront’s former CTO, explained that continuous de-
68 The Effective Engineer

ployment’s “primary advantage is risk reduction,” as it lets the team focus on

small batches of changes and “quickly pinpoint problems when they occur.” 17
Continuous deployment is but one of many powerful tools at your disposal
for increasing iteration speed. Other options include investing in time-saving
tools, improving your debugging loops, mastering your programming work-
flows, and, more generally, removing any bottlenecks that you identify. We’ll
spend the rest of the chapter discussing actionable steps for these strategies. All
of these investments accomplish the same goal as continuous deployment: they
help you move fast and learn quickly about what works and what doesn’t. And
remember: because learning compounds, the sooner you accelerate your itera-
tion speed, the faster your learning rate will be.

Invest in Time-Saving Tools

When I ask engineering leaders which investments yield the highest returns,
“tools” is the most common answer. Bobby Johnson, a former Facebook Direc-
tor of Infrastructure Engineering, told me, “I’ve found that almost all successful
people write a lot of tools … [A] very good indicator of future success [was] if
the first thing someone did on a problem was to write a tool.” 18 Similarly, Raffi
Krikorian, former VP of Platform Engineering at Twitter, shared with me that
he’d constantly remind his team, “If you have to do something manually more
than twice, then write a tool for the third time.” 19 There are only a finite num-
ber of work hours in the day, so increasing your effort as a way to increase your
impact fails to scale. Tools are the multipliers that allow you to scale your im-
pact beyond the confines of the work day.
Consider two engineers, Mark and Sarah, working on two separate pro-
jects. Mark dives head first into his project and spends his next two months
building and launching a number of features. Sarah, on the other hand, notices
that her workflow isn’t as fast it could be. She spends her first two weeks fixing
her workflow—setting up incremental compilation of her code, configuring her
web server to automatically reload newly compiled code, and writing a few au-
tomation scripts to make it easier to set up a test user’s state on her develop-
ment server. These improvements speed up her development cycles by 33%.
Invest in Iteration Speed 69

Mark was able to get more done initially, but after two months, Sarah catch-
es up—and her remaining six weeks’ worth of feature work is as productive as
Mark’s eight weeks’. Moreover, Sarah continues to move 33% faster than Mark
even after those first two months, producing significantly more output going
The example is somewhat simplified. In reality, Sarah wouldn’t actually
front-load all that time into creating tools. Instead, she would iteratively identi-
fy her biggest bottlenecks and figure out what types of tools would let her iter-
ate faster. But the principle still holds: time-saving tools pay off large dividends.
Two additional effects make Sarah’s approach even more compelling. First,
faster tools get used more often. If the only option for travel from San Francisco
to New York was a week-long train ride, we wouldn’t make the trip very often;
but since the advent of passenger airlines in the 1950s, people can now make
the trip multiple times per year. Similarly, when a tool halves the time it takes
to complete a 20-minute activity that we perform 3 times a day, we save much
more than 30 minutes per day—because we tend to use it more often. Second,
faster tools can enable new development workflows that previously weren’t pos-
sible. Together, these effects mean that 33% actually might be an underestimate
of Sarah’s speed advantage.
We’ve already seen this phenomenon illustrated by continuous deployment.
A team with a traditional weekly software release process takes many hours
to cut a new release, deploy the new version to a staging environment, have
a quality assurance team test it, fix any blocking issues, and launch it to pro-
duction. How much time would streamlining that release process save? Some
might say a few hours each week, at most. But, as we saw with continuous de-
ployment, getting that release time down to a few minutes means that the team
can actually deploy software updates much more frequently, perhaps at a rate of
40–50 times per day. Moreover, the team can interactively investigate issues in
production—posing a question and deploying a change to answer it—an oth-
erwise difficult task. Thus, the total time saved greatly exceeds a few hours per
Or consider compilation speed. When I first started working at Google
back in 2006, compiling C++ code for the Google Web Server and its depen-
70 The Effective Engineer

dencies could take upwards of 20 minutes or more, even with distributed com-
pilation. 20 When code takes that long to compile, engineers make a conscious
decision not to compile very often—usually no more than a few times a day.
They batch together large chunks of code for the compiler and try to fix mul-
tiple errors per development cycle. Since 2006, Google has made significant
inroads into reducing compilation times for large programs, including some
open source software that shorten compilation phases by 3–5x. 21
When compile times drop from 20 minutes to, say, 2 minutes, engineering
workflows change drastically. This means even an hour or two of time savings
per day is a big underestimate. Engineers spend less time visually inspecting
code for mistakes and errors and rely more heavily on the compiler to check
it. Faster compile times also facilitate new workflows around iterative develop-
ment, as it’s simpler to iteratively reason about, write, and test smaller chunks of
code. When compile times drop to seconds, incremental compilation—where
saving a file automatically triggers a background task to start recompiling
code—allows engineers to see compiler warnings and errors as they edit files,
and makes programming significantly more interactive than before. And faster
compile times mean that engineers will compile fifty or even hundreds of times
per day, instead of ten or twenty. Productivity skyrockets.
Switching to languages with interactive programming environments can
have a similar effect. In Java, testing out a small expression or function entails
a batch workflow of writing, compiling, and running an entire program. One
advantage that languages like Scala or Clojure, two languages that run on the
Java Virtual Machine, have over Java itself is their ability to evaluate expressions
quickly and interactively within a read-eval-print loop, or REPL. This doesn’t
save time just because the read-eval-print loop is faster than the edit-compile-
run-debug loop; it also saves time because you end up interactively evaluating
and testing many more small expressions or functions that you wouldn’t have
done before.
There are plenty of other examples of tools that compound their time sav-
ings by leading to new workflows. Hot code reloads, where a server or appli-
cation can automatically swap in new versions of the code without doing a full
restart, encourages a workflow with more incremental changes. Continuous in-
Invest in Iteration Speed 71

tegration, where every commit fires off a process to rebuild the codebase and
run the entire test suite, makes it easy to pinpoint which change broke the code
so that you don’t have to waste time searching for it.
The time-saving properties of tools also scale with team adoption. A tool
that saves you one hour per day saves 10 times as much when you get 10 people
on your team to use it. That’s why companies like Google, Facebook, Dropbox,
and Cloudera have entire teams devoted to improving internal development
tools; reducing the build time by one minute, when multiplied over a team of
1,000 engineers who build code a dozen times a day, translates to nearly one
person-year in engineering time saved every week! Therefore, it’s not sufficient
to find or build a time-saving tool. To maximize its benefits, you also need to
increase its adoption across your team. The best way to accomplish that is by
proving that the tool actually saves time.
When I was working on the Search Quality team at Google, most people
who wanted to prototype new user interfaces for Google’s search result pages
would write them in C++. C++ was a great language choice for the high perfor-
mance needed in production, but its slow compile cycles and verbosity made it
a poor vehicle for prototyping new features and testing out new user interac-
And so, during my 20% time, I built a framework in Python that let en-
gineers prototype new search features. Once my immediate teammates and I
started churning out prototypes of feature after feature and demoing them at
meetings, it didn’t take very long for others to realize that they could also be
much more productive building on top of our framework, even if it meant port-
ing over their existing work.
Sometimes, the time-saving tool that you built might be objectively superi-
or to the existing one, but the switching costs discourage other engineers from
actually changing their workflow and learning your tool. In these situations, it’s
worth investing the additional effort to lower the switching cost and to find a
smoother way to integrate the tool into existing workflows. Perhaps you can
enable other engineers to switch to the new behavior with only a small config-
uration change.
72 The Effective Engineer

When we were building our online video player at Ooyala, for example,
everyone on the team used an Eclipse plugin to compile their ActionScript
code, the language used for Flash applications. Unfortunately, the plugin was
unreliable and sometimes failed to recompile a change. Unless you carefully
watched what was being compiled, you wouldn’t discover that your changes
were missing until you actually interacted with the video player. This led to
frequent confusion and slower development. I ended up creating a new com-
mand-line based build system that would produce reliable builds. Initially, be-
cause it required changing their build workflow off from Eclipse, only a few
team members adopted my system. And so, to increase adoption, I spent some
additional time and hooked the build process into Eclipse. That reduced the
switching costs sufficiently to convince others on the team to change systems.
One side benefit of proving to people that your tool saves time is that it
also earns you leeway with your manager and your peers to explore more ideas
in the future. It can be difficult to convince others that an idea that you be-
lieve in is actually worth doing. Did the new Erlang deployment system that Joe
rewrote in one week for fun actually produce any business value? Or is it just an
unmaintainable liability? Compared with other projects, time-saving tools pro-
vide measurable benefits—so you can use data to objectively prove that your
time investment garnered a positive return (or, conversely, to prove to your-
self that your investment wasn’t worth it). If your team spends 3 hours a week
responding to server crashes, for example, and you spend 12 hours building a
tool to automatically restart crashed servers, it’s clear that your investment will
break even after a month and pay dividends going forward.
At work, we can easily fall into an endless cycle of hitting the next deadline:
getting the next thing done, shipping the next new feature, clearing the next
bug in our backlog, and responding to the next issue in the never-ending
stream of customer requests. We might have ideas for tools we could build to
make our lives a bit easier, but the long-term value of those tools is hard to
quantify. On the other hand, the short-term costs of a slipped deadline or a
product manager breathing down our necks and asking when something will
get done are fairly concrete.
Invest in Iteration Speed 73

So start small. Find an area where a tool could save time, build it, and
demonstrate its value. You’ll earn leeway to explore more ambitious avenues,
and you’ll find the tools you build empowering you to be more effective on fu-
ture tasks. Don’t let the pressure to constantly ship new features cause the im-
portant but non-urgent task of building time-saving tools to fall by the wayside.

Shorten Your Debugging and Validation Loops

It’s wishful thinking to believe that all the code we write will be bug-free and
work the first time. In actuality, much of our engineering time is spent either
debugging issues or validating that what we’re building behaves as expected.
The sooner we internalize this reality, the sooner we will start to consciously
invest in our iteration speed in debugging and validation loops.
Creating the right workflows in this area can be just as important as invest-
ing in time-saving tools. Many of us are familiar with the concept of a minimal,
reproducible test case. This refers to the simplest possible test case that exercis-
es a bug or demonstrates a problem. A minimal, reproducible test case removes
all unnecessary distractions so that more time and energy can be spent on the
core issue, and it creates a tight feedback loop so that we can iterate quickly.
Isolating that test case might involve removing every unnecessary line of code
from a short program or unit test, or identifying the shortest sequence of steps
a user must take to reproduce an issue. Few of us, however, extend this mental-
ity more broadly and create minimal workflows while we’re iterating on a bug
or a feature.
As engineers, we can shortcut around normal system behaviors and user
interactions when we’re testing our products. With some effort, we can pro-
grammatically build much simpler custom workflows. Suppose, for example,
you’re working on a social networking application for iOS, and you find a bug
in the flow for sending an invite to a friend. You could navigate through the
same three interactions that every normal user goes through: switching to the
friends tab, choosing someone from your contacts, and then crafting an invite
message. Or, you could create a much shorter workflow by spending a few min-
74 The Effective Engineer

utes wiring up the application so that you’re dropped into the buggy part of the
invitation flow every time the application launches.
Or suppose you’re working on an analytics web application where you need
to iterate on an advanced report that is multiple clicks away from the home
screen. Perhaps you also need to configure certain filters and customize the
date range to pull the report you’re testing. Rather than going through the nor-
mal user flow, you can shorten your workflow by adding the ability to specify
the configuration through URL parameters so that you immediately jump into
the relevant report. Or, you can even build a test harness that specifically loads
the reporting widget you care about.
As a third example, perhaps you’re building an A/B test for a web product
that shows a random feature variant to users, depending on their browser cook-
ie. To test the variants, you might hard code the conditional statement that
chooses between the different variants, and keep changing what gets hard cod-
ed to switch between variants. Depending on the language you’re using, this
might require recompiling your code each time. Or, you can shorten your
workflow by building an internal tool that lets you set your cookie to a value
that can reliably trigger a certain variant during testing.
These optimizations for shortening a debugging loop seem obvious, now
that we’ve spelled them out. But these examples are based on real scenarios
that engineers at top tech companies have faced—and in some cases, they spent
months using the slower workflow before realizing that they could shorten it
with a little time investment. When they finally made the change and were able
to iterate much more quickly, they scratched their heads, wondering why they
didn’t think to do it earlier.
When you’re fully engaged with a bug you’re testing or a new feature you’re
building, the last thing you want to do is to add more work. When you’re al-
ready using a workflow that works, albeit with a few extra steps, it’s easy to
get complacent and not expend the mental cycles on devising a shorter one.
Don’t fall into this trap! The extra investment in setting up a minimal debug-
ging workflow can help you fix an annoying bug sooner and with less headache.
Effective engineers know that debugging is a large part of software devel-
opment. Almost instinctively, they know when to make upfront investments to
Invest in Iteration Speed 75

shorten their debugging loops rather than pay a tax on their time for every it-
eration. That instinct comes from being mindful of what steps they’re taking
to reproduce issues and reflecting on which steps they might be able to short
circuit. “Effective engineers have an obsessive ability to create tight feedback
loops for what they’re testing,” Mike Krieger, co-founder and CTO of the popu-
lar photo-sharing application Instagram, told me during an interview. “They’re
the people who, if they’re dealing with a bug in the photo posting flow on an
iOS app … have the instinct to spend the 20 minutes to wire things up so that
they can press a button and get to the exact state they want in the flow every
The next time you find yourself repeatedly going through the same motions
when you’re fixing a bug or iterating on a feature, pause. Take a moment to
think through whether you might be able to tighten that testing loop. It could
save you time in the long run.

Master Your Programming Environment

Regardless of the types of software we build throughout our careers, many of

the basic tools that we need to use on a daily basis remain the same. We spend
countless hours working in text editors, integrated development environments
(IDEs), web browsers, and mobile devices. We use version control and the
command line. Moreover, certain basic skills are required for the craft of pro-
gramming, including code navigation, code search, documentation lookup,
code formatting, and many others. Given how much time we spend in our pro-
gramming environments, the more efficient we can become, the more effective
we will be as engineers.
I once worked with an engineer at Google who moused through the folder
hierarchy of Mac’s Finder every time he wanted to navigate to the code in an-
other file. Say it took 12 seconds to find the file, and say he switched files 60
times per day. That’s 12 minutes he spent navigating between files every day. If
he had learned some text editor keyboard shortcuts that let him navigate to a
file in 2 seconds instead of 12, then over the course of one day, he would have
saved 10 minutes. That translates to 40 hours, or an entire work week, each year.
76 The Effective Engineer

There are numerous other examples of simple, common tasks that can take
a wide range of times for different people to complete. These include:

• Tracking changes in version control

• Compiling or building code
• Running a unit test or program
• Reloading a web page on a development server with new changes
• Testing out the behavior of an expression
• Looking up the documentation for a certain function
• Jumping to a function definition
• Reformatting code or data in text editor
• Finding the callers of a function
• Rearranging desktop windows
• Navigating to a specific place within a file

Fine-tuning the efficiency of simple actions and saving a second here or there
may not seem worth it at first glance. It requires an upfront investment, and
you’ll very likely be slower the first few times you try out a new and unfamiliar
workflow. But consider that you’ll repeat those actions at least tens of thou-
sands of times during your career: minor improvements easily compound over
time. Not looking at the keyboard when you first learned to touch type might
have slowed you down initially, but the massive, long-term productivity gains
made the investment worthwhile. Similarly, no one masters these other skills
overnight. Mastery is a process, not an event, and as you get more comfortable,
the time savings will start to build. The key is to be mindful of which of your
common, everyday actions slow you down, and then figure out how to perform
those actions more efficiently. Fortunately, decades of software engineers have
preceded us; chances are, others have already built the tools we need to acceler-
ate our most common workflows. Often, all we need to do is to invest our time
to learn them well.
Here are some ways you can get started on mastering your programming

• Get proficient with your favorite text editor or IDE. There are countless
debates over which is the best text editor: Emacs, Vim, TextMate, Sublime,
Invest in Iteration Speed 77

or something else. What’s most important for you is mastering the tool that
you use for the most purposes. Run a Google search on productivity tips
for your programming environment. Ask your more effective friends and
co-workers if they’d mind you watching them for a bit while they’re coding.
Figure out the workflows for efficient file navigation, search and replace,
auto-completion, and other common tasks for manipulating text and files.
Learn and practice them.
• Learn at least one productive, high-level programming language. Script-
ing languages work wonders in comparison to compiled languages when
you need to get something done quickly. Empirically, languages like C,
C++, and Java tend to be 2–3x more verbose in terms of lines of code
than higher-level languages like Python and Ruby; moreover, the higher-
level languages come with more powerful, built-in primitives, including list
comprehensions, functional arguments, and destructuring assignment. 22
Once you factor in the additional time needed to recover from mistakes or
bugs, the absolute time differences start to compound. Each minute spent
writing boilerplate code for a less productive language is a minute not spent
tackling the meatier aspects of a problem.
• Get familiar with UNIX (or Windows) shell commands. Being able to
manipulate and process data with basic UNIX tools instead of writing a
Python or Java program can reduce the time to complete a task from min-
utes down to seconds. Learn basic commands like grep, sort, uniq, wc,
awk, sed, xargs, and find, all of which can be piped together to execute
arbitrarily powerful transformations. Read through helpful documentation
in the man pages for a command if you’re not sure what it does. Pick up or
bookmark some useful one-liners. 23
• Prefer the keyboard over the mouse. Seasoned programmers train them-
selves to navigate within files, launch applications, and even browse the web
using their keyboards as much as possible, rather than a mouse or trackpad.
This is because moving our hands back and forth from the keyboard to the
mouse takes time, and, given how often we do it, provides a considerable
opportunity for optimization. Many applications offer keyboard shortcuts
78 The Effective Engineer

for common tasks, and most text editors and IDEs provide ways to bind
custom key sequences to special actions for this purpose.
• Automate your manual workflows. Developing the skills to automate
takes time, whether they be using shell scripts, browser extensions, or
something else. But the cost of mastering these skills gets smaller the more
often you do it and the better you get at it. As a rule of thumb, once I’ve
manually performed a task three or more times, I start thinking about
whether it would be worthwhile to automate it. For example, anyone work-
ing on web development has gone through the flow of editing the HTML
or CSS for a web page, switching to the web browser, and reloading the
page to see the changes. Wouldn’t it be much more efficient to set up a tool
that automatically re-renders the web page in real-time when you save your
changes? 24 25
• Test out ideas on an interactive interpreter. In many traditional languages
like C, C++, and Java, testing the behavior of even a small expression re-
quires you to compile a program and run it. Languages like Python, Ruby,
and JavaScript, however, have interpreters available allowing you to evalu-
ate and test out expressions. Using them to build confidence that your pro-
gram behaves as expected will provide a significant boost in iteration speed.
• Make it fast and easy to run just the unit tests associated with your cur-
rent changes. Use testing tools that run only the subset of tests affected by
your code. Even better, integrate the tool with your text editor or IDE so
that you can invoke them with a few keystrokes. In general, the faster that
you can run your tests, both in terms of how long it takes to invoke the tests
and how long they take to run, the more you’ll use tests as a normal part of
your development—and the more time you’ll save.

Given how much time we spend within our programming environments, mas-
tering the basic tools that we use multiple times per day is a high-leverage in-
vestment. It lets us shift our limited time from the mechanics of programming
to more important problems.
Invest in Iteration Speed 79

Don’t Ignore Your Non-Engineering Bottlenecks

The best strategy for optimizing your iteration speed is the same as for optimiz-
ing the performance of any system: identify the biggest bottlenecks, and figure
out how to eliminate them. What makes this difficult is that while tools, de-
bugging workflows, and programming environments might be the areas most
directly under your control as an engineer, sometimes they’re not the only bot-
tlenecks slowing you down.
Non-engineering constraints may also hinder your iteration speed. Cus-
tomer support might be slow at collecting the details for a bug report. The
company might have service-level agreements that guarantee their customers
certain levels of uptime, and those constraints might limit how frequently you
can release new software. Or your organization might have particular process-
es that you need to follow. Effective engineers identify and tackle the biggest
bottlenecks, even if those bottlenecks don’t involve writing code or fall within
their comfort zone. They proactively try to fix processes inside their sphere of
influence, and they do their best to work around areas outside of their control.
One common type of bottleneck is dependency on other people. A product
manager might be slow at gathering the customer requirements that you need;
a designer might not be providing the Photoshop mocks for a key workflow;
another engineering team might not have delivered a promised feature, thus
blocking your own development. While it’s possible that laziness or incompe-
tence is at play, oftentimes the cause is a misalignment of priorities rather than
negative intention. Your frontend team might be slated to deliver a user-fac-
ing feature this quarter that depends on a piece of critical functionality from
a backend team; but the backend team might have put it at the bottom of its
priority list, under a slew of other projects dealing with scaling and reliability.
This misalignment of priorities makes it difficult for you to succeed. The soon-
er you acknowledge that you need to personally address this bottleneck, the
more likely you’ll be able to either adapt your goals or establish consensus on
the functionality’s priority.
Communication is critical for making progress on people-related bottle-
necks. Ask for updates and commitments from team members at meetings
80 The Effective Engineer

or daily stand-ups. Periodically check in with that product manager to make

sure what you need hasn’t gotten dropped. Follow up with written communica-
tion (email or meeting notes) on key action items and dates that were decided
in-person. Projects fail from under-communicating, not over-communicating.
Even if resource constraints preclude the dependency that you want from being
delivered any sooner, clarifying priorities and expectations enables you to plan
ahead and work through alternatives. You might decide, for example, to han-
dle the project dependency yourself; even though it will take additional time
to learn how to do it, it will enable you to launch your feature sooner. This is
a hard decision to make unless you’ve communicated regularly with the other
Another common type of bottleneck is obtaining approval from a key de-
cision maker, typically an executive at the company. While I was at Google, for
example, any user interface (UI) change to search results needed to be approved
in a weekly UI review meeting with then-VP Marissa Mayer. There was a limit-
ed supply of review slots in those weekly meetings, coupled with high demand,
and sometimes a change required multiple reviews.
Given that bottlenecks like these generally fall outside of an engineer’s con-
trol, oftentimes the best that we can do is to work around them. Focus on se-
curing buy-in as soon as possible. Mayer held occasional office hours, 26 and
the teams who got things done were the ones who took advantage of those in-
formal meetings to solicit early and frequent feedback. Don’t wait until after
you’ve invested massive amounts of engineering time to seek final project ap-
proval. Instead, prioritize building prototypes, collecting early data, conducting
user studies, or whatever else is necessary to get preliminary project approval.
Explicitly ask the decision makers what they care about the most, so that you
can make sure to get those details right. If meeting with the decision makers
isn’t possible, talk with the product managers, designers, or other leaders who
have worked closely with them and who might be able to provide insight in-
to their thought processes. I’ve heard countless stories of engineers ready to
launch their work, only to get last-minute feedback from key decision-mak-
ers that they needed to make significant changes—changes which would undo
Invest in Iteration Speed 81

weeks of engineering effort. Don’t let that be you. Don’t defer approvals until
the end. We’ll revisit this theme of early feedback in more depth in Chapter 6.
A third type of bottleneck is the review processes that accompany any pro-
ject launch, whether they be verification by the quality assurance team, a scal-
ability or reliability review by the performance team, or an audit by the secu-
rity team. It’s easy to get so focused on getting a feature to work that you de-
fer these reviews to the last minute—only to realize that the team that needs
to sign off on your work hadn’t been aware of your launch plans and won’t be
available until two weeks from now. Plan ahead. Expend slightly more effort in
coordination; it could make a significant dent in your iteration speed. Get the
ball rolling on the requirements in your launch checklist, and don’t wait until
the last minute to schedule necessary reviews. Again, communication is key to
ensure that review processes don’t become bottlenecks.
At larger companies, fixing the bottlenecks might be out of your circle of in-
fluence, and the best you can do is work around them. At smaller startups, you
often can directly address the bottlenecks themselves. When I started working
on the user growth team at Quora, for example, we had to get design approval
for most of our live traffic experiments. Approval meetings were a bottleneck.
But over time, we eliminated that bottleneck by building up mutual trust; the
founders knew that our team would use our best judgment and solicit feed-
back on the experiments that might be controversial. Not having to explicitly
secure approval for every single experiment meant that our team could iterate
at a much faster pace and try out many more ideas.
Given the different forms that your bottlenecks can take, Donald Knuth’s
oft-cited mantra, “premature optimization is the root of all evil,” is a good
heuristic to use. Building continuous deployment for search interface changes
at Google, for example, wouldn’t have made much of an impact in iteration
speed, given that the weekly UI review was a much bigger bottleneck. Time
would have been better spent figuring out how to speed up the approval
Find out where the biggest bottlenecks in your iteration cycle are, whether
they’re in the engineering tools, cross-team dependencies, approvals from de-
cision-makers, or organizational processes. Then, work to optimize them.
82 The Effective Engineer

Key Takeaways

• The faster you can iterate, the more you can learn. Converse-
ly, when you move too slowly trying to avoid mistakes, you lose
• Invest in tooling. Faster compile times, faster deployment cy-
cles, and faster turnaround times for development all provide
time-saving benefits that compound the more you use them.
• Optimize your debugging workflow. Don’t underestimate
how much time gets spent validating that your code works. In-
vest enough time to shorten those workflows.
• Master the fundamentals of your craft. Get comfortable and
efficient with the development environment that you use on a
daily basis. This will pay off dividends throughout your career.
• Take a holistic view of your iteration loop. Don’t ignore any
organizational and team-related bottlenecks that may be with-
in your circle of influence.

Measure What You Want to Improve

S oon after I joined Google’s Search Quality team, I began work

with a team of engineers focused on increasing user happiness. Every time
a user entered a query into Google’s search box, sophisticated algorithms sifted
through billions of possible web pages, images, and videos. The algorithms
evaluated over 200 signals—ones like PageRank, anchor text matches, website
freshness, proximity of keyword matches, query synonyms, or geographic loca-
tion 1—and returned the top 10 results in a few hundred milliseconds. 2 But
how did we know that users were finding what they were looking for, and that
they were happy when they left their search? Our intuition may have suggested
that one user interface was better than another or that one particular combina-
tion of weights for signals was optimal. But without a reliable way of measuring
user happiness, it would have been hard to determine whether a given change
to the search results page actually resulted in forward progress.
One way to assess user happiness is to directly ask users about their expe-
riences. Dan Russell, a tech lead responsible for search quality and user happi-
ness at Google, has done exactly that in his field studies. He interviews people
to understand what makes them tick and why they query for what they do. 3 In
his talks, Russell explains that user happiness is correlated to “that sense of de-
light” you get in successful searches, like when you type the query weather and
84 The Effective Engineer

the results include a cartoon result of the week’s forecast, or when the query 28
euro to usd automatically converts the currency for you. 4 While increasing
user delight is a valuable and laudable notion, delight is difficult to quantify; it’s
not something that can be collected and monitored as an operational guide for
day-to-day decisions. It’s much better to use a metric based on the behavior of
Google’s 100+ million monthly active users. 5
Google logs a treasure trove’s worth of data when people search—what gets
clicked on, how people refine their queries, when they click through to the next
page of results 6 7—and perhaps the most obvious metric to guide search qual-
ity would be result clicks. But click-through rate as a metric has its shortcom-
ings. A user might click on a result with a seemingly reasonable snippet only to
land on a low-quality web page that doesn’t satisfy her intent. And she might
even have to pogostick and bounce through results for multiple queries be-
fore finding what she’s looking for (or perhaps even abandoning her attempt).
Clearly, click-through rate, while important, is insufficient.
For over a decade, Google guarded what key metrics it used to guide search
quality experiments. But in his 2011 book In the Plex, Steven Levy finally shed
some light on the subject: he revealed that Google’s best indication of user hap-
piness is the “long click.” This occurs when someone clicks a search result and
doesn’t return to the search page, or stays on the result page for a long time. A
long click means that Google has successfully displayed a result that the user
has been searching for. On the other hand, a “short click”—occurring when
someone follows a link only to return immediately to the results page to try an-
other one—indicates unhappiness with the result. Unhappy users also tend to
change their queries or go to the next page of search results.
One set of results leads to happier users than another if it has a higher per-
centage of long clicks. 8 That metric, the long click-through rate, turns out to
be a surprisingly versatile metric.
One team, for example, worked on a multi-year effort to produce a name
detection system. Early on, Amit Singhal, the head of Google’s ranking team,
had observed that the query audrey fino would return heaps of Italian pages
for the actress Audrey Hepburn (fino means fine in Italian), but none for the
attorney Audrey Fino based in Malta. Given that 8% of Google’s queries were
Measure What You Want to Improve 85

names, the example revealed a huge problem. To help train the classifier, they
licensed the White Pages with its millions of names. But even volumes of name
data couldn’t answer the question of whether someone searching for hous-
ton baker was looking for a Texan bread baker or someone with that name.
To do that, they also needed to use millions of long clicks and short clicks to
determine which results matched the user’s intent and which didn’t. Through
this mechanism, Singhal’s team successfully taught the name classifier that the
user’s intent depended on whether he was searching from Texas. 9
Similarly, when engineer David Bailey first worked on universal search to
enable a single query to search all of Google’s corpora—images, videos, news,
locations, products, etc.—he faced the difficult problem of how to weigh the
relative importance of different result types. Someone searching for cute pup-
pies might want to see images and videos; someone searching for us chi-
na relations might want news results; and someone searching for palo al-
to restaurants might want reviews and maps. Deciding which result type
to rank higher was akin to comparing apples and oranges. The solution again
came partly in the form of analyzing long click data to decode the intent of
a query. Have users who searched for cute puppies historically clicked and
spent time on more images or more web results? From long clicks and oth-
er signals, Bailey’s team was able to accurately combine results from different
corpora with sensible and data-driven rankings. 10 Today, we take for granted
Google’s ability to search over everything, but that wasn’t the case for more than
ten years after the company was founded.
My experience at Google demonstrated the power of a well-chosen metric
and its ability to tackle a wide range of problems. Google runs thousands of
live traffic search experiments per year, 11 and their reliance on metrics played
a key role in ensuring search quality and building their market share.
In this chapter, we’ll look at why metrics are important tools for effective
engineers, to not only measure progress but also to drive it. We’ll see how
choosing which key metrics to use—and not use!—can completely change what
work gets prioritized. We’ll walk through the importance of instrumenting our
systems to increase our understanding of what’s happening. We’ll go over how
internalizing some useful numbers can help shortcut many decisions. And last-
86 The Effective Engineer

ly, we’ll close by discussing why we need to be skeptical of data integrity and
how we can defend ourselves against bad data.

Use Metrics to Drive Progress

Measuring progress and performance might seem to fall within your manager’s
purview, but it’s actually a powerful tool for assessing your own effectiveness
and prioritizing your work. As Peter Drucker points out in The Effective Ex-
ecutive, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” 12 In product develop-
ment, it’s not uncommon for a manager to conceive of some new feature, for
engineers to build and ship it, and for the team to celebrate—all without imple-
menting any mechanism to measure whether the feature actually improved the
product experience.
Good metrics accomplish a number of goals. First, they help you focus on
the right things. They confirm that your product changes—and all the effort
you’ve put into them—actually achieve your objectives. How do you know
whether the fancy new widget that you’ve added to your product improved user
engagement? Or whether a speed optimization fixed the performance bottle-
neck? Or whether a new recommendations algorithm produced better sugges-
tions? The only way to be consistently confident when answering questions like
these is to define a metric associated with your goal—whether that metric is
weekly active rate, response time, click-through rate, or something else—and
then measure the change’s impact. Without those measurements, we’re only
able to proceed based on intuition; and we have few avenues for understanding
whether our intuition is correct.
Second, when visualized over time, good metrics help guard against future
regressions. Engineers know the value of writing a regression test while fixing
bugs: it confirms that a patch actually fixes a bug and detects if the bug re-
surfaces in the future. Good metrics play a similar role, but on a system-wide
scale. Say your signup rate drops. In your investigation, you might find that a
recent JavaScript library change caused a bug in Internet Explorer, a browser
that you don’t test frequently. Or if the application latency spikes, that might
tell you that a newly-added feature is putting too much load on the database.
Measure What You Want to Improve 87

Without a dashboard of signup rates, application latency, and other useful met-
rics, it would be hard to identify many of these regressions.
Third, good metrics can drive forward progress. At Box, a company that
builds collaboration software for the enterprise market, the engineers care
deeply about their application’s latency. A dedicated performance team worked
hard over three months to shave seconds off of their main page. However, the
other application teams added those seconds right back when they launched
new features, making the page no faster than before. In a conversation I had
with Sam Schillace, Box’s VP of Engineering, he explained a technique called
performance ratcheting that they now use to address this problem and apply
downward pressure on performance metrics. In mechanics, a ratchet is a device
that allows a wheel with many teeth along its edge to rotate in one direction
while preventing motion in the opposite direction. At Box, they use metrics
to set a threshold that they call a performance ratchet. Any new change that
would push latency or other key indicators past the ratchet can’t get deployed
until it’s optimized, or until some other feature is improved by a counterbalanc-
ing amount. Moreover, every time the performance team makes a system-level
improvement, they lower the ratchet further. The practice ensures that perfor-
mance trends in the right direction.
Fourth, a good metric lets you measure your effectiveness over time and
compare the leverage of what you’re doing against other activities you could be
doing instead. If historically you’ve been able to improve a performance metric
or a user engagement metric by 1% per week, that number can be used as a tar-
get for establishing future goals. The metric also can become a way to prioritize
ideas on the roadmap; you can compare a task’s estimated impact for its expect-
ed time investment against your historical rate. A task that could improve met-
rics by more than 1% with a week’s worth of effort would be higher-leverage; a
task with lower estimated impact would get deprioritized.
Quantifying goals with a metric isn’t always easy. An individual bug fix, for
example, might be visible in the product but not make much of a dent in core
metrics. But consistent bug fixing could be reflected somewhere, whether it be
in reduced customer complaints, higher user ratings in an app store, or higher
product quality. Even these seemingly subjective notions can still be quantified
88 The Effective Engineer

over time via user surveys. Moreover, just because it’s hard to measure a goal
doesn’t mean that it’s not worthwhile to do so. We’ll often be faced with tricky
situations where intuitively something seems valuable, but it is hard to quantify
or takes too much effort to measure.
Even still, given the benefits of good metrics, it’s worth asking yourself:

• Is there some way to measure the progress of what I’m doing?

• If a task I’m working on doesn’t move a core metric, is it worth doing? Or is
there a missing key metric?

So how do you actually pick good metrics? We’ll look at that next.

Pick the Right Metric to Incentivize the Behavior You


Selecting what you measure is as important as measuring itself. As engineers,

we often set metrics and goals for our teams, or we work to improve the metrics
set for us. We tend to be good at solving problems and optimizing a metric once
it’s been set. However, it’s crucial to remember that the choice of which metric
to measure dramatically impacts and influences the type of work that we do.
The right metric functions as a North Star, aligning team efforts toward a com-
mon goal; the wrong metric leads to efforts that might be ineffective or even
Consider a few examples of how tracking different metrics can affect team

• Hours worked per week vs. productivity per week. During my first five
years at startups, I’ve gone through a few crunch periods where engineering
managers pushed for 70-hour work weeks in the hopes of shipping a prod-
uct faster. Not once have I come out of the experience thinking that it
was the right decision for the team. The marginal productivity of each
additional work hour drops precipitously once you reach anywhere near
this number. Average productivity per hour goes down, errors and bug
rates increase, burnout and turnover—with their own difficult-to-measure
costs—intensify, and overtime is typically followed by an equal period of
Measure What You Want to Improve 89

“undertime” as employees try to catch up with their lives. 13 Ultimately, at-

tempting to increase output by increasing hours worked per week is unsus-
tainable. It is much more reasonable to align your metric with productivity
per week, where productivity in your focus area is measured by factors like
product quality, site speed, or user growth.
• Click-through rates vs. long click-through rates. When working on rank-
ing for search or recommendations, a common approach is to use click-
through rates to measure results quality. However, as previously discussed,
optimizing for click-through rate can be problematic when “short clicks”
(where users follow a superficially relevant link only to bounce back to the
search page to try another one) skew the results. Although short clicks ap-
pear to improve the click-through rate metric, they actually indicate that
the page was irrelevant; this is why Google measures “long clicks” instead.
Only “when someone [goes] to a search result, ideally the top one, and
[does] not return,” Steven Levy writes in his book In the Plex, does it mean
that “Google has successfully fulfilled the query.” 14
• Average response times vs. 95th or 99th percentile response times. Nu-
merous studies by Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook show that the
speed of website response times matters to users. 15 16 17 18 But how should
you measure speed? Focusing on the average response time leads to a very
different set of priorities than focusing on the highest 95th or 99th per-
centile of response times. To decrease the average, you’ll focus more on
general infrastructure improvements that can shave off milliseconds from
all requests. The average is the right metric to use if your goal is to reduce
server costs by cutting down aggregate computation time. To decrease the
95th or 99th percentile, however, you’ll need to hunt down the worst-case
behaviors in your system. In this case, it’s important to focus on the slow-
est responses because they tend to reflect the experiences of your power
users—users who have the most data and the most activity and who tend to
be more computationally expensive to support.
• Bugs fixed vs. bugs outstanding. A friend who used to work on Adobe
quality assurance shared a story about how his team would reward devel-
opers for bugs fixed. Unfortunately, this only incentivized the developers to
90 The Effective Engineer

be less rigorous about testing when building new features: they were giving
themselves the opportunity to fix easy bugs later and rack up points. Track-
ing the number of outstanding bugs instead of bugs fixed would have de-
incentivized this behavior.
• Registered users vs. weekly growth rate of registered users. When grow-
ing a product’s user base, it’s tempting to track gross numbers of total reg-
istered users and be content with seeing those metrics move up and to the
right. Unfortunately, those numbers don’t indicate whether you’re sustain-
ably increasing growth. A good press article might spark a one-time bump
to growth numbers but not have much long-term impact. On the other
hand, measuring growth in terms of your weekly growth rate (for exam-
ple, the ratio of new registered users in a week over total registered users),
shows whether growth is slowing down.
• Weekly active users vs. weekly active rate by age of cohort. When track-
ing user engagement, the number of weekly active users doesn’t provide a
complete picture. In fact, that number might increase temporarily even if
product changes are actually reducing engagement over time. Users could
be signing up as a result of prior momentum, before there’s time for the
long-term effects of the changes to be reflected in the gross numbers. And
they might be more likely to churn and abandon the product after sign-
ing up than before. An alternative and more accurate metric would be the
weekly active rate by age of cohort. In other words, measure the fraction of
users who are still weekly actives the nth week after signing up, and track
how that number changes over time. This metric provides more actionable
insight into how product changes have affected the engagement of newer
cohorts of users as compared to older ones.

These examples illustrate that there can be more than one way to measure
progress toward any given goal. In addition, the magnitude of the goal for a
metric also matters. For example, if your goal is to reduce website latency but
you don’t have a specific target, you may be satisfied with small, incremental
improvements. But if your goal is to drastically reduce latency to below 400ms
for a website that currently takes multiple seconds to render, it may necessitate
Measure What You Want to Improve 91

cutting features, re-architecting the system, or rewriting a bottleneck to a faster

language. It no longer makes sense to tackle small wins if you have a more ag-
gressive goal. The metric you choose influences your decisions and behavior.
What you don’t measure is important as well. In Delivering Happiness, Zap-
pos CEO Tony Hsieh shares a story of how he built a culture of great customer
service by making a key decision about what not to measure. Most call centers
assess the performance of customer service representatives using their “average
handle time.” This measures the average number of minutes it takes an employ-
ee to handle a customer call. Reducing this metric saves costs because employ-
ees handle more phone calls per day—but this was something that Hsieh didn’t
actually want to optimize for. “This [metric] translates into reps worrying about
how quickly they can get a customer off the phone, which in our eyes is not de-
livering great customer service,” Hsieh explains. “At Zappos, we don’t measure
call times (our longest phone call was almost six hours long!) … We just care
about whether the rep goes above and beyond for every customer.” 19 This de-
cision enabled Zappos to distinguish itself in customer service. As a result, the
company grew from zero revenues in 1999 to over $1 billion in annual revenue
by the time that it was acquired by Amazon in 2009.
Picking the right metric applies to your personal goals as well as your pro-
fessional ones. I knew writing this book would be a long and challenging pro-
ject, so I established the habit of writing every day. Early on, I set a goal of writ-
ing for at least three hours per day, and I kept track of my progress. What I no-
ticed after a few weeks, however, was that I would spend much of those three
hours re-reading and re-writing to perfect my sentences. In fact, some days af-
ter editing, I actually would end up with fewer words than I had started out
with initially. Great writers like Stephen King and Mark Twain underscore the
importance of revision, but I knew that I was rewriting too much too early, and
that I would be better off drafting more chapters. And so, I changed my met-
ric. Rather than focusing on writing three hours per day, I focused on writing
1,000 words per day. Some days, that took me two hours; other days, it took
four or five. The new metric incentivized me to focus on drafting new content
rather than focusing on sentence quality—something I could revisit at a later
92 The Effective Engineer

time. That simple change was all I needed to significantly increase my writing
The more complex the product and the goal, the more options there are for
what to measure and not to measure, and the more flexibility there is to guide
where effort gets spent and what output gets produced. When deciding which
metrics to use, choose ones that 1) maximize impact, 2) are actionable, and 3)
are responsive yet robust.
Look for a metric that, when optimized, maximizes impact for the team.
Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great, argues that what differentiates great
companies from good companies is that they align all employees along a single,
core metric that he calls the economic denominator. The economic denominator
answers the question: “If you could pick one and only one ratio—profit per
x …—to systematically increase over time, what x would have the greatest
and most sustainable impact on your economic engine?” 20 In the context of
engineering, the core metric should be the one that, when systematically in-
creased over time, leads you and the rest of your team to make the greatest and
most sustainable impact. Having a single, unifying metric—whether it’s prod-
ucts sold, rentals booked, content generated, or something else—enables you
to compare the output of disparate projects and helps your team decide how
to handle externalities. For example, should a performance team cut a product
feature to improve page load times? That decision might be a yes if they’re just
optimizing a site speed metric, but it will be more nuanced (and more likely
aligned with the company’s desired impact) if they’re optimizing a higher-level
product metric.
An actionable metric is one whose movements can be causally explained by
the team’s efforts. In contrast, vanity metrics, as Eric Ries explains in The Lean
Startup, track gross numbers like page views per month, total registered users,
or total paying customers. Increases in vanity metrics may imply forward prod-
uct progress, but they don’t necessarily reflect the actual quality of the team’s
work. For example, page views might continue to increase (at least initially) af-
ter a mediocre product change, due to prior press coverage or growth in organ-
ic search traffic from the momentum of past launches. 21 Actionable metrics,
on the other hand, include things like signup conversion rate, or the percentage
Measure What You Want to Improve 93

of registered users that are active weekly over time. Through A/B testing (a top-
ic we’ll discuss in Chapter 6), we can trace the movement of actionable metrics
directly back to product changes on the signup page or to feature launches.
A responsive metric updates quickly enough to give feedback about whether
a given change was positive or negative, so that your team can learn where to
apply future efforts. It is a leading indicator of how your team is currently do-
ing. A metric that measures active users in the past week is more responsive
than one that tracks active users in the past month, since the latter requires
a month after any change to fully capture the effects. However, a metric also
needs to be robust enough that external factors outside of the team’s control
don’t lead to significant noise. Trying to track performance improvements with
per-minute response time metrics would be difficult because of their high vari-
ance. However, tracking the response times averaged over an hour or a day
would make the metric more robust to noise and allow trends to be detected
more easily. Responsiveness needs to be balanced with robustness.
Because the choice of metric can have such a significant impact on behav-
ior, it’s a powerful leverage point. Dedicate the time to pick the right metric,
whether it’s just for yourself or for your team.

Instrument Everything to Understand What’s Going On

When establishing our goals, it’s important to choose carefully what core met-
rics to measure (or not measure) and optimize. When it comes to day-to-day
operations, however, you should be less discriminatory: measure and instru-
ment as much as possible. Although these two principles may seem contradic-
tory, they actually complement each other. The first describes a high-level, big-
picture activity, whereas the second is about gaining insight into what’s going
on with systems that we’ve built.
The goal of airline pilots is to fly their passengers from point A to point B,
as measured by distance to their destination; but they do not fly blind—they
have sets of instruments to understand and monitor the state of their aircraft.
The altimeter measures pressure differences to show the plane’s altitude above
sea level. The attitude indicator shows the aircraft’s relation to the horizon and
94 The Effective Engineer

whether the wings are level. The vertical speed indicator measures the rate of
climb or fall. 22 These and the many hundreds of other cockpit instruments
empower pilots to understand the complexity of the plane and cross-check its
health. 23
If we’re not mindful, we will fly blind when we’re building software—and
we will pay the cost. Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and founder and CEO
of the mobile payments company Square, reiterated this in a Stanford entrepre-
neurship lecture. He told us that one of the most valuable lessons he learned
at Twitter was the importance of instrumenting everything. “For the first two
years of Twitter’s life, we were flying blind,” Dorsey explained. “We had no idea
what was going on with the network. We had no idea what was going on with
the system, with how people were using it … We were going down all the time
because of it, because we could not see what was happening.” Twitter users were
becoming accustomed to seeing the “Fail Whale” graphic—a whale held up by
a flock of birds—since the site was overloaded so frequently. Only after Twitter
engineers started monitoring and instrumenting their systems were they able
to identify problems and build the much more reliable service that over 240
million people now use every month.
When we don’t have visibility into our software, all we can do is guess
at what’s wrong. That’s a main reason why the 2013 launch
was such an abysmal failure. The website was a central feature of the United
States’ Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), and government contractors
had spent nearly $292 million building a site plagued with technical issues. 24
Estimates suggest that only 1% of the 3.7 million people who tried to register
in the first week were actually successful; the rest hit error messages, timeouts,
or login issues and couldn’t load the site. 25 “There’s no sugarcoating,” President
Obama admitted. “The website has been too slow, people have been getting
stuck during the application process, and I think it’s fair to say that nobody’s
more frustrated by that than I am.” 26 Even worse, as one journalist reported,
the contracted engineers attempted to fix the site “much as you or I might re-
boot or otherwise play with a laptop to see if some shot in the dark fixes a sna-
fu.” 27 They were flying blind and guessing at fixes because they had no instru-
Measure What You Want to Improve 95

A team of Silicon Valley veterans finally flew into Washington to help fix
the site. The first thing they did was to instrument key parts of the system and
build a dashboard, one that would surface how many people were using the site,
the response times, and where traffic was going. Once they had some visibili-
ty into what was happening, they were able to add caching to bring down load
times from 8 seconds down to 2, fix bugs to reduce error rates down from an
egregious 6% to 0.5%, and scale the site up so that it could support over 83k si-
multaneous users. 27 Six weeks after the trauma team arrived and added mon-
itoring, the site was finally in a reasonable working condition. Because of their
efforts, over 8 million Americans were able to sign up for private health insur-
ance. 28
The stories from Twitter and Obamacare illustrate that when it comes to
diagnosing problems, instrumentation is critical. Suppose there’s a spike in the
number of user login errors. Was a new bug introduced? Did the authenti-
cation backend hit a network glitch? Was a malicious user programmatical-
ly guessing passwords? Was it something else entirely? To effectively answer
these questions, we need to know when the errors started, the time of the latest
code deployment, the network traffic of the authentication service, the maxi-
mum number of authentication attempts per account over various time win-
dows, and possibly more pieces of information. Without these metrics, we’re
left guessing—and we might end up wasting effort addressing non-problematic
Or suppose our web application suddenly fails to load in production. Did
a traffic spike from Reddit overload our servers? Did our Memcached caching
layer or MySQL database layer run out of space or start throwing errors? Did a
team accidentally deploy a broken module? Dashboards with tables of top re-
ferrers, performance graphs for the data stores, and error graphs for the appli-
cation all can help narrow down the list of possible hypotheses.
In a similar way, effectively optimizing a core metric requires systematically
measuring a slew of other supporting metrics. To optimize overall signup rate,
you need to start measuring signup rates by referral type (whether the user
came from Facebook, Twitter, search, direct navigation, email campaigns, etc.),
landing page, and many other dimensions. To optimize a web application’s re-
96 The Effective Engineer

sponse time, you need to decompose the metric and measure time spent in the
database layer, the caching layer, server-side rendering logic, data transfer over
the network, and client-side rendering code. To optimize search quality, you
need to start measuring click-through rates, the number of results, the searches
per session, the time to first result click, and more. The supporting metrics ex-
plain the story behind the core metric.
Adopting a mindset of instrumentation means ensuring we have a set of
dashboards that surface key health metrics and that enable us to drill down to
the relevant data. However, many of the questions we want to answer tend to
be exploratory, since we often don’t know everything that we want to measure
ahead of time. Therefore, we need to build flexible tools and abstractions that
make it easy to track additional metrics.
Etsy, a company that sells handmade crafts online, does this exceptionally
well. The engineering team instruments their web application according to
their philosophy of “measure anything, measure everything.” 29 They release
code and application configurations over 25 times per day, and they move
quickly by investing time in gathering metrics for their servers, application be-
havior, network performance, and the countless other inputs that drive their
platform. To do this effectively, they use a system called Graphite that supports
flexible, real-time graphing, 30 and a library called StatsD for aggregating met-
rics. 31 A single line of code lets them define a new counter or timer on the fly,
track statistics every time the code is executed, and automatically generate a
time series graph that can be transformed and composed with any number of
other metrics. They measure everything including “numbers of new registra-
tions, shopping carts, items sold, image uploaded, forum posts, and application
errors.” 32 By graphically correlating these metrics with the times of code de-
ployments, they’re able to quickly spot when a certain deployment goes awry.
Successful technology companies build the equivalent of a pilot’s flight in-
struments, making it easy for engineers to measure, monitor, and visualize sys-
tem behavior. The more quickly that teams can identify the root cause of cer-
tain behaviors, the more rapidly they can address issues and make progress. At
Google, site reliability engineers use a monitoring system called Borgmon to
collect, aggregate, and graph metrics and to send alerts when it detects anom-
Measure What You Want to Improve 97

alies. 33 Twitter built a distributed platform called Observability to collect,

store, and present a volume of 170 million individual metrics per minute. 34
LinkedIn developed a graphing and analytics system called inGraphs that lets
engineers view site dashboards, compare metrics over time, and set up thresh-
old-based alerts, all with a few lines of configuration. 35
You don’t have to be a large engineering team operating at scale to start in-
strumenting your systems. Open-source tools like Graphite, StatsD, InfluxDB,
Ganglia, Nagios, and Munin make it easy to monitor systems in near real-time.
Teams who want a managed, enterprise solution have options like New Relic or
AppDynamics that can quickly provide code-level performance visibility into
many standard platforms. Given how much insight instrumentation can pro-
vide, how can you afford not to prioritize it?

Internalize Useful Numbers

The company Percona provides MySQL-related consulting services. 36 If you

want to optimize the performance of your MySQL database, Percona con-
sultants can audit everything from your configuration, operating system, and
hardware to your architecture and table design, and, within a day or two, assess
how well your database is performing. 37 They can quickly determine whether
any queries are running slower than normal and how much faster they could
get; whether there are too many connections; how much more runway a sin-
gle master database has before data needs to be partitioned across multiple
machines; and what type of performance improvement might result if you
switched from hard disk drives to solid-state ones. Their expertise is in part
due to their familiarity with MySQL internals. However, even more significant
is their collective experience of working with the MySQL installations of thou-
sands of customers.
“We’ve generally seen just about everything people throw at databases,”
explains Percona consultant Baron Schwartz. “Tagging, friends, queues, click
tracking, search, paginated displays—we’ve seen these and dozens of other
common patterns done a hundred different ways.” 38 As a result, they’ve inter-
nalized useful numbers that they can use to benchmark a particular system’s
98 The Effective Engineer

performance. They might not know exactly how much better your system
might behave with a certain change, but they can compare your performance
with expected numbers and let you know what’s going well and what has ample
room for improvement. In contrast, someone less knowledgeable would need
to test various MySQL configurations or architectures and measure what differ-
ence (if any) the changes made. This, of course, would take significantly more
time. The knowledge of useful numbers provides a valuable shortcut for know-
ing where to invest effort to maximize gains.
We’ve seen that measuring the goals you want to achieve and instrumenting
the systems that you want to understand are high-leverage activities. They both
take some upfront work, but their long-term payoffs are high. Oftentimes, how-
ever, you don’t need accurate numbers to make effective decisions; you just
need ones that are in the right ballpark. Ensuring you have access to a few use-
ful numbers to approximate your progress and benchmark your performance
is a high-leverage investment: they provide the benefits of metrics at a much
lower cost.
The numbers that matter to you will vary based on your focus area and
your product. When it comes to building software systems, for example, Jeff
Dean—a long-time Googler who has been instrumental in building many
of the company’s core abstractions like Protocol Buffers, MapReduce, and
BigTable, as well as key systems like search, indexing, advertising, and language
translation 39—has shared a list of 13 numbers that every engineer ought to
know. 40 41 These numbers are illustrated in Table 1.
Measure What You Want to Improve 99

Access Type Latency

L1 cache reference 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict 5 ns
L2 cache reference 7 ns
Mutex lock/unlock 100 ns
Main memory reference 100 ns
Compress 1K bytes with Snappy 10,000 ns = 10 μs
Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network 20,000 ns = 20 μs
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory 250,000 ns = 250 μs
Round trip within same datacenter 500,000 ns = 500 μs
Disk seek 10,000,000 ns = 10 ms
Read 1 MB sequentially from network 10,000,000 ns = 10 ms
Read 1 MB sequentially from disk 30,000,000 ns = 30 ms
Send packet CA → Netherlands → CA 150,000,000 ns = 150 ms

Table 1: Common latency numbers.

These numbers tell us the latencies associated with common operations and
let us compare their relative orders of magnitude. For example, accessing 1MB
worth of data from memory is 120x faster than accessing the same data from
disk, and 40x faster than reading it over a 1 Gbps network. Also, a cheap com-
pression algorithm like Snappy that can compress data by, say, a factor of 2, can
halve your network traffic while adding only 50% more latency. 42
Knowing useful numbers like these enables you, with a few back-of-the-
envelope calculations, to quickly estimate the performance properties of a de-
sign without actually having to build it. Suppose you’re building a data storage
system, a messaging system, or some other application with persistent storage
where performance is important. In these systems, writes need to be persist-
100 The Effective Engineer

ed to disk, but data is often cached in memory to improve read performance.

What kind of read and write throughput can we expect? You might reason that:

• Your writes will go to disk, and since each disk seek takes 10 ms, you can
do at most 100 writes per second.
• Your reads hit the in-memory cache, and since it takes 250 μs to read 1MB
from memory, you can read 4GB per second.
• If your in-memory objects are no more than 1MB in size, you can read at
least 4,000 objects per second from memory.

That means that in this standard design, you can handle reads roughly 40x
faster than you can handle writes. Writes tend to be the bottleneck for many
systems, and if that’s the case for your system, then designing the system to
scale the writes might mean parallelizing them across more machines or batch-
ing multiple writes to disk.
Internalizing useful numbers can also help you spot anomalies in data mea-
surements. For example, suppose you’re an engineer building web applications
on top of a standard software stack like Ruby on Rails. Numbers that you care
about might include the time it takes to fetch a database row, perform an aggre-
gation query, join two database tables, or look up data from the caching layer.
If your development web server is taking a slow 400ms to load a simple, sta-
tic page, that might suggest that all the static assets—your images, CSS, and
JavaScript—are being served from disk and not from cache. If a dynamic page
is taking too long to load and you find that the time spent in the database is
over a second, perhaps some code in your application’s model is doing an ex-
pensive table join that you didn’t expect. These are, of course, just possible hy-
potheses, but it’s easy to formulate them quickly when you have ready access to
baseline numbers regarding normal performance.
Lastly, knowledge of useful numbers can clarify both the areas and scope
for improvement. Suppose you’re an engineer responsible for improving user
engagement for a social product. If the product sends out email campaigns to
users, knowing your industry’s average open and click-through rates can be
very illuminating. The email marketing service MailChimp, for example, has
published delivery data from hundreds of millions emails and computed open
Measure What You Want to Improve 101

and click-through rates by industry. Emails to social networks or online com-

munities get roughly 22% open rates and 3.9% click-through rates. These num-
bers can give you a sense of whether your own emails are doing poorly, satis-
factorily, or extremely well. 43 If your emails perform poorly, then investments
to improve them can potentially be high-leverage and have huge payoffs. Sim-
ilarly, knowing typical conversion rates for landing pages, the acceptance rates
for invite emails, and the types of daily, weekly, and monthly active rates seen
by similar products can highlight other underinvested areas.
Taken all together, these numbers help you to build more intuition about
where to direct effort to maximize your leverage. They allow you to do the
mental math and back-of-the-envelope calculations necessary to quickly rea-
son about decisions. Other numbers that might be useful to internalize or at
least have readily at hand include:

• the number of registered users, weekly active users, and monthly users
• the number of requests per second
• the amount and total capacity of data stored
• the amount of data written and accessed daily
• the number of servers needed to support a given service
• the throughput of different services or endpoints
• the growth rate of traffic
• the average page load time
• the distribution of traffic across different parts of a product
• the distribution of traffic across web browsers, mobile devices, and operat-
ing system versions

The small amount of upfront work it takes to accumulate all this information
gives you valuable rules of thumb that you can apply in the future. To obtain
performance-related numbers, you can write small benchmarks to gather data
you need. For example, write a small program that profiles the common opera-
tions you do on your key building blocks and subsystems. Other numbers may
require more research, like talking with teams (possibly at other companies)
that have worked in similar focus areas, digging through your own historical
data, or measuring parts of the data yourself.
102 The Effective Engineer

When you find yourself wondering which of several designs might be more
performant, whether a number is in the right ballpark, how much better a fea-
ture could be doing, or whether a metric is behaving normally, pause for a mo-
ment. Think about whether these are recurring questions and whether some
useful numbers or benchmarks might be helpful for answering them. If so,
spend some time gathering and internalizing that data.

Be Skeptical about Data Integrity

Using data to support your arguments is powerful. The right metric can slice
through office politics, philosophical biases, and product arguments, quickly
resolving discussions. Unfortunately, the wrong metric can do the same
thing—with disastrous results. And that means we have to be careful how we
use data.
Sam Schillace, who ran engineering for Google Apps before his role at Box,
warned, “One of my counter-intuitive lessons from Google is that all data can
be abused … People interpret data the way they want to interpret it.” Some-
times, we pick easy-to-measure or slightly irrelevant metrics, and use them to
tell a false narrative about what’s happening. Other times, we confuse corre-
lation with causality. We might see users spending more time on a newly re-
designed feature and optimistically attribute it to increased engagement—when
in reality, they are struggling to understand a confusing interface. Or perhaps
we’ve made a change to improve search results and celebrate when we see that
ad click-through rates are increasing—but users actually are clicking on ads be-
cause the search quality dropped. Or maybe we see a sustained spike in page
views and celebrate the organic growth—but a large fraction of the new re-
quests had really just come from a single user who had deployed a bot to auto-
matically scrape product data.
When I asked Schillace how to protect ourselves against data abuse, he ar-
gued that our best defense is skepticism. Schillace, who was trained as a math-
ematician, tries to run the numbers whenever he’s analyzing data. He explains,
“Bad math students—they get to the end of the problem, and they’re just done.
Good math students get to the end of the problem, look at their answer, and
Measure What You Want to Improve 103

say, ‘Does that roughly make sense?’” When it comes to metrics, compare the
numbers with your intuition to see if they align. Try to arrive at the same data
from a different direction and see if the metrics still make sense. If a metric im-
plies some other property, try to measure the other property to make sure the
conclusions are consistent. The useful numbers described in the previous sec-
tion come in handy for many of these sanity checks.
Other times, data can simply be flat-out wrong or misinterpreted, leading
us to derive the wrong conclusions. Engineers learn quickly that writing unit
tests can help ensure code correctness; in contrast, the learning curve for care-
fully validating data correctness tends to be much higher. In a common sce-
nario, a team launches a product or an experiment and logs user interactions
to collect different metrics. The data initially appears acceptable (or the team
doesn’t even bother to check), and the team focuses their attention elsewhere.
A week or two later, when they start to analyze the data, they realize that it
had been logged incorrectly or that some critical behavior isn’t tracked. By the
time they get around to fix the logging, weeks of iteration time have been wast-
ed—all because they didn’t proactively invest in data accuracy.
Untrustworthy data that gets incorporated into decision-making processes
provides negative leverage. It may lead teams to make the wrong decision or
waste cognitive cycles second-guessing themselves. Unfortunately, it’s all too
common for engineers to underinvest in data integrity, for a few reasons:

1. Since engineers often work against tight deadlines, metrics—whose impor-

tance only shows up after launch—can get deprioritized.
2. When building a new product or feature, it’s much easier to test and val-
idate their interactions than to verify whether some seemingly plausible
metric (like page views) is actually accurate.
3. Engineers reason that because their metrics-related code was well unit-test-
ed, the metrics themselves also should be accurate, even though there could
be system-level errors or incorrect assumptions.

The net result is that metrics-related code tends to be less robust than code for
other features. Errors can get introduced anywhere in the data collection or
processing pipeline. It’s easy to forget to measure a particular code path if there
104 The Effective Engineer

are multiple entry points. Data can get dropped when sent over the network,
leading to inaccurate ground truth data. When data from multiple sources get
merged, not paying attention to how different teams interpreted the definitions,
units, or standards for what ought to have been logged can introduce incon-
sistencies. Bugs crop up in data processing and transformation pipelines. Data
visualization is hard to unit test, so errors can often appear in a dashboard. As
we can see, there are a myriad of reasons why it’s hard to tell from visual in-
spection whether a metric that claims 1,024 views or a conversion rate of 3.1%
is accurate.
Given the importance of metrics, investing the effort to ensure that your
data is accurate is high-leverage. Here are some strategies that you can use to
increase confidence in your data integrity:

• Log data liberally, in case it turns out to be useful later on. Eric Colson,
former VP of Data Science and Engineering at Netflix, explained that Net-
flix throws reams of semi-structured logs into a scalable data store called
Cassandra, and decides later on whether that data might be useful for
analysis. 44
• Build tools to iterate on data accuracy sooner. Real-time analytics address
this issue, as do tools that visualize collected data during development.
When I worked on the experiment and analytics frameworks at Quora, we
built tools to easily inspect what was being logged by each interaction. 45
This paid off huge dividends.
• Write end-to-end integration tests to validate your entire analytics
pipeline. These tests may be time-consuming to write. Ultimately, however,
they will help increase confidence in your data integrity and also protect
against future changes that might introduce inaccuracies.
• Examine collected data sooner. Even if you need to wait weeks or months
to have enough data for a meaningful analysis, check the data sooner to en-
sure that a sufficient amount was logged correctly. Treat data measurement
and analysis as parts of the product development workflow rather than as
activities to be bolted on afterwards.
Measure What You Want to Improve 105

• Cross-validate data accuracy by computing the same metric in multiple

ways. This is a great way to sanity check that the number is in the right ball-
• When a number does look off, dig in to it early. Understand what’s going
on. Figure out whether the discrepancy is due to a bug, a misinterpretation,
or something else.

Make sure your data is reliable. The only thing worse than having no data is the
illusion of having the right data.

Key Takeaways

• Measure your progress. It’s hard to improve what you don’t

measure. How would you know what types of effort are well
• Carefully choose your top-level metric. Different metrics in-
centivize different behaviors. Figure out which behaviors you
• Instrument your system. The higher your system’s complexity,
the more you need instrumentation to ensure that you’re not
flying blind. The easier it is to instrument more metrics, the
more often you’ll do it.
• Know your numbers. Memorize or have easy access to num-
bers that can benchmark your progress or help with back-of-
the-envelope calculations.
• Prioritize data integrity. Having bad data is worse than having
no data, because you’ll make the wrong decisions thinking that
you’re right.

Validate Your Ideas Early and Often

J oshua Levy had barely slept for days. He and his 20-person team
had just unveiled Cuil (pronounced “cool”), the stealth search engine high-
ly anticipated as a potential Google-killer. 1 With over 120 billion pages in its
web index, Cuil claimed to have crawled an index that was three times the size
of Google’s, on infrastructure that was only a tenth of the cost. 2 3 And on July
28, 2008, millions of users finally got to try out what Levy and his team had
been cooking up for the past few years. 4 But rather than popping open cham-
pagne bottles, the Director of Engineering was scrambling to fight fires and
keep everything running under a brutal onslaught of traffic.
The crawling, indexing, and serving infrastructure running across over a
thousand machines was aflame under the heavy load. 5 And because Cuil had
built out its own computing hardware in an era before Amazon Web Services
had popularized cloud computing, the engineering team didn’t have many ex-
tra machines with idle capacity. Users were typing in distinct queries like their
own names, and the diversity of searches was overwhelming the in-memory
cache of common query results and slowing down the search engine. 6 Shards
of the index were crashing and leaving gaping holes in the search results, and
massive computations over petabytes of data were hitting hard-to-track bugs. It
was very hard to keep things stable, let alone do fixes or upgrades. “It felt like
108 The Effective Engineer

being in a car knowing you’re going off a cliff, and thinking, ‘Well, maybe if we
hit on the gas, we can make it across,’” Levy recounts.
To top all it off, it was clear that users weren’t happy with the service. An ed-
itor from PC Magazine called Cuil “buggy,” “slow,” and “pathetic.” 7 CNet char-
acterized its search results as “incomplete, weird, and missing.” 8 Time Maga-
zine called it “lackluster,” 9 and the Huffington Post called it “stupid.” 10 Users
criticized the poor quality of the search results and complained about how
the search engine lacked rudimentary features like spelling correction. Most
damningly, they pointed out that for the majority of queries, Cuil returned few-
er results than Google, despite its larger index. The launch was a public rela-
tions disaster.
Ultimately, Cuil was a failed experiment—one that cost over $33 million
in venture capital and decades of engineering person-years. “It definitely was a
frustrating and humbling experience to work on something so hard and then
see it all come to naught,” reflected Levy. Levy had joined Cuil as an early en-
gineer and bought into the founders’ game-changing vision of building a better
Google. “The company had a very solid set of engineers,” he told me, and two
of the founders even came with decorated pedigrees from Google’s own search
team. So what went wrong? How could Cuil have missed such obvious short-
comings in a product that so many tech bloggers wrote about?
When I asked Levy what key lessons he learned from this experience, the
one that stood out was the importance of validating the product sooner. Be-
cause Cuil had wanted to make a big splash at launch and feared leaking de-
tails to the press, they hadn’t hired any alpha testers to play around with the
product. Prior to launch, there was no external feedback to point out that the
search quality wasn’t there, that the search engine wasn’t returning enough re-
sults, and that users didn’t care about the size of the index if it didn’t actually
lead to higher quality results. Cuil didn’t even have anyone working full-time
on spam, whereas Google had a whole team of engineers fighting web spam
and an entire organization focused on search quality. Not validating their prod-
uct early led Cuil to overinvest efforts in cost-efficient indexing and to under-
invest in quality. This was a harsh lesson learned.
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 109

When Levy left Cuil to be the second hire at his next startup, BloomReach,
he took that lesson with him. BloomReach builds a marketing platform to help
e-commerce sites optimize their search traffic and maximize their online rev-
enue. There were many unknowns about what the product would look like
and what would and wouldn’t work. Rather than repeat Cuil’s fatal mistake of
spending years building a product that nobody wanted, Levy and his team took
a drastically different approach. They built a very minimal but functional sys-
tem and released it to their beta customers within four months. Those cus-
tomers shared thoughts on what they liked and didn’t like and what they cared
about, and that feedback helped the team prioritize what to build next.
Optimizing for feedback as soon as possible—in other words, understand-
ing what customers actually want and then iterating on that feedback—has
been critical for BloomReach’s growth. The company now employs over 135
people, and counts top brands like Nieman Marcus and Crate & Barrel in its
portfolio of customers. On average, it helps online brands generate 80% more
non-branded search traffic, significantly increasing their revenue. 11 12 “Don’t
delay … Get feedback. Figure out what’s working,” Levy, who eventually be-
came the head of operations at BloomReach, told me. “That’s by far better than
trying to … build something and then trust that you got everything right—be-
cause you can’t get everything right.”
In Chapter 4, we learned that investing in iteration speed helps us get more
things done. In this chapter, we’ll learn how validating our ideas both early and
often helps us get the right things done. We’ll discuss the importance of find-
ing low-effort and iterative ways to validate that we’re on the right track and to
reduce wasted effort. We’ll learn how to use A/B testing to continuously vali-
date our product changes with quantitative data, and we’ll see how much im-
pact that kind of testing can have. We’ll examine a common anti-pattern—the
one-person team—that sometimes hinders our ability to get feedback, and we’ll
address ways of dealing with that situation. Finally, we’ll see how the theme of
building feedback and validation loops applies to every decision we make.
110 The Effective Engineer

Find Low-Effort Ways to Validate Your Work

During my junior year at MIT, three friends and I participated in the MASLab
robotics competition. We had to build a one-foot-tall self-driving robot that
could navigate around a field and gather red balls. 13 The first skill we taught
our robot was how to drive forward toward a target. Simple enough, we
thought. Our initial program scanned for a red ball with the robot’s camera,
turned the robot toward the target, and sent power to the motors until the robot
reached its destination. Unfortunately, minor variations in the motor speed of
the front and rear axles, differences in the tread of the tires, and slight bumps
on the field surface all caused our simple-minded robot to drift off at an an-
gle. The longer the path, the more these little errors compounded, and the less
likely the robot was to reach the ball. We quickly realized that a more reliable
approach was for the robot to move forward just a little bit, then re-check the
camera and re-adjust the motors for errors in orientation, and repeat until it
reached the target.
Our little robot’s process for forward motion is not that different from how
we should be moving forward in our work. Iterative approaches lead to few-
er costly errors and give us opportunities between each iteration to collect da-
ta and correct our course. The shorter each iteration cycle, the more quickly
we can learn from our mistakes. Conversely, the longer the iteration cycle, the
more likely it is that incorrect assumptions and errors will compound. These
cause us to veer off course and waste our time and effort. This is a key reason
why the investments in iteration speed (discussed in Chapter 4) are so critical.
Oftentimes when we build products and set goals, we embark on paths that
aren’t clear-cut. We may have a general idea of where we’re going but don’t
know the best way to get there. Or we may lack sufficient data to make an in-
formed decision. The sooner that we gain a better understanding of a risky is-
sue that impedes our progress, the earlier we can either address it to increase
our chances of success, or change course to a more promising avenue. Zach
Brock, an engineering manager at Square, frequently advises his team, “What’s
the scariest part of this project? That’s the part with the most unknowns and
the most risk. Do that part first.” 14 Demystifying the riskiest areas first lets you
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 111

proactively update your plan and avoid nasty surprises that might invalidate
your efforts later. We’ll revisit this theme of reducing risk early when we discuss
how to improve our project estimation skills in Chapter 7.
When working on projects, in particular large ones, we should continually
ask ourselves: Can I expend a small fraction of the total effort to collect some
data and validate that what I’m doing will work? We often hesitate to add even
10% extra overhead because we’re in a hurry to get things done or because
we’re overly confident about our implementation plans. It’s true that this 10%
might not end up contributing any useful insight or reusable work. On the oth-
er hand, it could save us the remaining 90% of wasted effort if it surfaces a large
flaw in our plans.
Startup entrepreneurs and engineers think through these questions often,
particularly when they’re building what’s called a “minimum viable product”
(MVP). Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup, defines the MVP as “that version
of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of vali-
dated learning about customers with the least effort.” 15 If you think that defin-
ition resembles our definition of leverage, you’d be spot on. When building an
MVP, you want to focus on high-leverage activities that can validate hypotheses
about your users as much as possible, using as little effort as possible, to maxi-
mize the chances that the product will succeed.
Sometimes, building an MVP requires being creative. When Drew Houston
first started building Dropbox, an easy-to-use file-sharing tool, there were al-
ready countless other file-sharing applications on the market. Houston believed
that users would prefer the seamless user experience his product could pro-
vide—but how could he validate this belief? His solution was to make a short
4-minute video as his MVP. 16 17 Houston demoed a limited version of his
product, showing files synchronizing seamlessly across a Mac, a Windows PC,
and the web. Overnight, Dropbox’s beta mailing list grew from 5k to 75k users,
and Houston knew he was on to something. Dropbox used the MVP to build
confidence and validate its premise, without having to invest too much work.
As of February 2014, Dropbox has over 200 million users and is valued at $10
billion, 18 and it still continues to grow.
112 The Effective Engineer

We might not all be working on startup products, but the principle of val-
idating our work with small efforts holds true for many engineering projects.
Suppose you’re considering migrating from one software architecture to anoth-
er. Perhaps your product is hitting the scalability limits of a MySQL database,
and you’re considering switching to a newer NoSQL architecture that claims
to be more scalable. Or perhaps you’re rewriting a service from one language
to another with the goal of simplifying code maintenance, improving perfor-
mance, or increasing your iteration speed. The migration would require a sig-
nificant amount of effort, so how can you increase your confidence that com-
pleting it won’t be a waste of time and that it will actually help achieve your
One way to validate your idea would be to spend 10% of your effort build-
ing a small, informative prototype. Depending on your project goals, you can
use your prototype for anything from measuring performance on a represen-
tative workload, to comparing the code footprint of the module you rewrote
against the original module, to assessing the ease of adding new features. The
cost of building a quick prototype doesn’t amount to much in the scheme of the
larger project, but the data that it produces can save you a significant amount
of pain and effort if it surfaces problems early, or convinces you that the larger
migration wouldn’t be worthwhile.
Or suppose that you’re redesigning the user interface of your product to
make it speedier and more user-friendly. How can you increase confidence that
your UI will boost user metrics without investing all the effort associated with
a full redesign? 42Floors, a company that builds a search engine for office space
rentals and commercial real estate listings, ran into this problem. 19 When
users searched for office space on their product, they were shown all available
listings via a Google Maps interface. Unfortunately, if there were many results,
it could take upwards of 12 seconds to load them all. In their first attempt at a
fix, 42Floors engineers spent three months building a faster view of office list-
ings with big photos, infinite scrolling, and a mini-map. They expected the con-
version rate of visitors who would request office tours to go up. However, none
of their metrics moved even a little bit after they deployed the project.
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 113

The team had other ideas for what they could do, but no one wanted to in-
vest so much effort into another redesign and have it fail. How could they vali-
date those ideas in less time? The team came up with a clever solution: they de-
cided to fake their redesign. They designed 8 Photoshop mockups, contracted
a team to convert them to HTML, and ran a Google AdWords campaign that
sent some users who searched for “new york office space” to these fake pages.
The pages were pre-populated with static data and looked real to first-time visi-
tors. Then, they measured what fraction of visitors requested tours. With a frac-
tion of the effort they had invested in the first redesign, the team was able to
use the conversion rates to validate 8 potential redesigns. They implemented
the winning variation, shipped it to production, and finally got the conversion
wins that they had been looking for.
The strategy of faking the full implementation of an idea to validate
whether it will work is extremely powerful. At one point, Asana, a company
that builds collaboration and task management software, was considering
whether to implement a new Google Signup button on its home page. Its goal
was to increase signups. Rather than building the entire signup flow, they val-
idated the idea by adding a fake signup button: when visitors clicked the but-
ton, a pop-up message appeared, reading, “Thanks for your interest—the fea-
ture is coming soon.” Asana engineers measured the click-through rates over a
few days, and only built out the full flow after the data confirmed that it would
help with signups. 20
The list of scenarios in which small validations can save you time goes on
and on. Maybe you have an idea for a scoring algorithm that you believe will
improve ranking for a news feed. Rather than spending weeks building a pro-
duction-quality system and running it over all the data, you can assess the new
scoring metric on a small subset of data. You might have a brilliant product de-
sign idea; rather than building it in code, you can hack together a paper proto-
type or low-fidelity mock to show your teammates or participants in user stud-
ies. Or say you’re asked if you’d be able to ship a new feature on an aggressive
10-week schedule. You can sketch out a timeline, validate whether you’re on
track after a week, and incorporate that data into your evaluation of whether
the original schedule is even feasible. Or maybe you’re contemplating tackling
114 The Effective Engineer

a gnarly bug. Before investing time into fixing it, you can use data from logs to
validate whether the bug actually is affecting a sufficient numbers of users to
justify spending your resources.
All these examples share a common takeaway lesson: Invest a small amount
of work to gather data to validate your project assumptions and goals. In the
long run, you’ll save yourself a lot of wasted effort.

Continuously Validate Product Changes with A/B Testing

In June 2012, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign desperately

needed more money. Obama’s digital team decided to email his donor mailing
list and explain that unless his supporters rallied together and raised support,
Obama was at risk of being outspent by his opponent Mitt Romney. The email’s
proposed subject line, “Deadline: Join Michelle and me,” was perfectly rea-
sonable. But then the team began brainstorming other potential lines, ranging
from “Change” to “Do this for Michelle” to “If you believe in what we’re doing,”
to better catch donor attention. 21
Ultimately, the email sent to 4.4 million subscribers’ inboxes had an entirely
different subject line: “I will be outspent.” This line was deliberately engineered.
The team had tested 17 sample subjects on small sets of subscribers and found
that this particular wording would raise about 6x as much as some other sub-
ject lines—over $2 million more. And in fact, that single campaign email raised
an astounding $2.6 million dollars. That’s a huge payoff for tweaking a few
words of copy.
Obama’s campaign email test is a prime example of how using data to val-
idate your ideas, even ones that seem perfectly reasonable, can be extremely
high-leverage. More importantly, the email wasn’t just a one-off test. It was part
of a systematic process that the team established so that they could validate and
optimize every single email campaign with real data and not just their intu-
ition. They found the tests to be so effective that they hired an engineering team
to build tools for measuring and improving email effectiveness, and a staff of
20 writers whose sole job was to brainstorm and draft email variations. 22
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 115

In 2012, the team sent over 400 national fundraising emails and tested
10,000 different variations of subject lines, email copy, donation amounts, for-
matting, highlighting, font size, and buttons. 23 Each email from the Obama
campaign was tested on as many as 18 smaller groups, and the best variations
often raised 5 to 7x as many donations as the worst one. 24 Over the course
of 20 months, the heavily-tested fundraising emails raised the majority of the
Obama campaign’s $690 million via online donations, well worth the invest-
ment of the team’s time. 25 26
The concept of testing ideas with data doesn’t just apply to emails; it applies
to product development as well. Even a well-tested, cleanly designed, and scal-
able software product doesn’t deliver much value if users don’t engage with it or
customers don’t buy it. One problem that typically arises with product changes
is that the team observes a shift in metrics (you have picked the right metric for
your goal, right?) but can’t be confident how much of the lift (or drop) can be
attributed to the product launch. Was any of the movement due to traffic fluc-
tuations from the day of the week, press coverage, ongoing product changes,
performance issues, outstanding bugs, or anything else on the laundry list of
factors? A powerful tool to isolate these effects and validate whether something
is working is an experiment called an A/B test.
In an A/B test, a random subset of users sees a change or a new feature;
everyone else in the control group doesn’t. An A/B testing framework typically
assigns users to buckets based on their browser cookie, user ID, or a random
number, and the bucket determines the product variant that they see. Assum-
ing there’s no bias in bucket assignment, each bucket gets affected by traffic
fluctuations in the same way. Therefore, by comparing metrics across the ex-
perimental and control groups, any statistically significant differences can then
be attributed solely to differences in the change’s variant. A/B tests provide a
scientific way of measuring the effects of the change while controlling for other
variations, letting us assess the product’s impact if it’s launched to all users.
An A/B test doesn’t just help you decide which variation to launch. Even if
you were absolutely convinced that a certain change would improve metrics, an
A/B test tells you how much better that variation actually is. Quantifying that
improvement informs whether it makes sense to keep investing in the same
116 The Effective Engineer

area. For instance, a large product investment that only yields a 1% lift in re-
tention rates means that you’d likely find more leverage elsewhere, whereas you
might decide to double down on the same area had it yielded a 10% improve-
ment. You won’t know which situation you’re in unless you measure your im-
A/B tests also encourage an iterative approach to product development,
in which teams validate their theories and iterate toward changes that work.
The metrics-driven culture at Etsy, the online marketplace for handmade crafts
that we discussed in Chapter 5, prompted them to build their own A/B testing
framework. This enabled them to continuously experiment with their product
and measure the effects of those experiments. Marc Hedlund, Etsy’s former Se-
nior VP of Product Development and Engineering, told me the story of when
his team redesigned the product listing page for a seller’s item. This particular
page displays a large photo of the product, product details, seller information,
and a button to add the item to the shopping cart. Listing pages for the hand-
made and vintage products in Etsy’s marketplace get nearly 15 million views
per day and are often a visitor’s first impression. 27 Before the redesign, nearly
22% of visitors entered the site through the listing page, usually by clicking on a
Google search result, but 53% of them would bounce and leave immediately. 28
As part of the redesign, Etsy engineers wanted to reduce bounce rates, clarify to
shoppers that they were purchasing from independent designers, makers, and
curators, and make it easier for customers to shop and check out quickly.
This is where Etsy took a non-traditional approach. Many other engineer-
ing and product teams design and fully build out a product or feature before
launching them to users. They might then discover, after months of work, that
what they built didn’t actually move core metrics as much as they had hoped.
The Etsy listing page team approached their redesign much more incremen-
tally. They would articulate a hypothesis, construct an A/B test to validate the
hypothesis, and then iterate based on what they learned. For example, they
hypothesized that “showing a visitor more marketplace items would decrease
bounce rate,” ran an experiment to show images of similar products at the top
of the listing page, and analyzed whether the metrics supported or rejected the
hypothesis (in fact, it reduced bounce rate by nearly 10%). Based on that exper-
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 117

iment, the team learned that they should incorporate images of more market-
place products into their final design.
Like the team that worked on Obama’s emails, the engineers at Etsy repeat-
edly tested different hypotheses using a feedback loop until they had a data-in-
formed intuition of what would and would not work in the final design. “They
did this redesign, and it took like eight months or so. And it was very rigor-
ously driven by [A/B] testing,” Hedlund explained. “It came out, and it had
just ridiculously good numbers—far and away the single best project that we
shipped in terms of performance. And it was quantifiable. We knew what the
effect was going be.” In 2013, Etsy topped $1 billion in sales. 29 Its experiment-
driven culture played a large role in that growth.
Similarly, one of the highest-leverage investments that we made at Quora
was constructing our in-house A/B testing framework. We built a simple ab-
straction for defining experiments, wrote tools to help us verify the different
variants during development, enabled push-button deployments of tests, and
automated the collection of real-time analytics—all of which helped to opti-
mize our iteration loop for getting new ideas in front of live traffic. 30 The
framework enabled us to run hundreds of user experiments. It also allowed
us to measure the effects of changes resulting from a new signup flow, new
interface features, and behind-the-scenes ranking adjustments. Without our
A/B testing framework, we would’ve been guessing at what would improve our
product rather than approaching the question scientifically.
Building your own A/B testing framework might seem daunting. Fortu-
nately, there are many existing tools that you can use to test your product hy-
potheses. Free or open source A/B testing frameworks include Etsy’s feature-
flagging API, 31 Vanity, 32 Genetify, 33 and Google Content Experiments. 34 If
you want more tooling and support, you can pay a monthly fee for software
like Optimizely, 35 Apptimize, 36 Unbounce, 37 and Visual Website Optimiz-
er. 38 Given how much you can learn through A/B testing, it’s well worth the
When deciding what to A/B test, time is your limiting resource. Hone into
differences that are high-leverage and practically significant, the ones that actu-
ally matter for your particular scale. Google can afford to run tests on tiny de-
118 The Effective Engineer

tails. For example, they analyzed which of 41 shades of blue they should use for
a search result link, and picking the right shade netted the search company an
additional $200M in ad revenue per year. 39 Google, of course, has enough traf-
fic to achieve statistical significance in a reasonable amount of time; and, more
to the point, even an ostensibly minute 0.01% improvement in revenue repre-
sents $3.1M to a company with an annual revenue of $31B. 40 For most other
companies, however, such a test would be prohibitively expensive in terms of
time and traffic; the gains, even if we could detect them, would not be mean-
ingful. Initially, it’s tricky to determine what’s practically significant, but as you
run more experiments, you’ll be able to prioritize better and determine which
tests might give large payoffs.
Performed correctly, A/B testing enables us to validate our product ideas
and transform an otherwise-baffling black box of user behavior data into un-
derstandable and actionable knowledge. It enables us to iteratively validate
our product changes, and it assures us that our time and effort are well-
spent and that we’re achieving our goals. Even when the luxury of quantitative
data through A/B testing isn’t available, however, we can still validate our
ideas through qualitative feedback. We’ll spend the remaining two sections dis-
cussing how.

Beware the One-Person Team

Given the importance of validating early and often, a common anti-pattern to

watch out for is the one-person team. An iconic Silicon Valley story features the
engineer who designs and builds an ambitious system all on his own. Expecting
to launch his project soon, he sends a large code review to a teammate—only to
learn about a major design flaw he’d missed, and to be informed that he should
have built his system in a completely different way.
One summer, while I was interning at Google, I built a search feature for
Orkut (one of Google’s early social networking sites). I worked diligently on the
project, tweaking the indexing, ranking, and filtering of user profiles in search
results. I sanity-checked my initial design with other engineers, but because I
got more and more pieces working every day and didn’t have much experience
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 119

with code reviews, I figured I didn’t really need to show my actual code around.
The last week of my internship, I packaged my summer’s work into a multi-
thousand-line code review. Google classifies code commits based on the num-
ber of lines of code changed. Sitting in my mentor’s inbox was an email labeled:
“Edmond sent you a ginormous code review.”
Over lunch, I casually mentioned my code bomb to some other interns. I
was feeling rather smug about what I’d accomplished that summer, but they
were horrified. “You what?!? What if your mentor found a glaring design issue?
Will your mentor even have time to review everything? Would you even have
time to fix all the issues if he did find something? What if he doesn’t let you
check in your ginormous code commit?” My heart sank. Would my entire sum-
mer’s work be wasted? I spent my last week at Google worrying about how
events would unfold.
Fortunately, my mentor was accommodating and offered to handle any is-
sues that surfaced after my internship. I was able to commit my code, and the
feature launched within a few months of me leaving. But too much was left up
to chance, and my whole project could have been scrapped. In hindsight, it’s
clear that if I had just committed my code more iteratively and in chunks, my
work wouldn’t have existed in isolation for so long and I would have eliminated
a large amount of risk. My mentor would have had a much easier time review-
ing my code, and I would have received valuable feedback along the way that
I could have applied to future code. In the end, I got lucky: I learned a lesson
about solo projects early in my career and with little cost.
There are many situations where you have to work on a project by yourself.
Sometimes, in an attempt to get rid of the communication overhead, managers
or technical leads staff single-person projects. Other times, teams split them-
selves up into one-person subteams so they can tackle smaller tasks indepen-
dently and make coordination easier. Some organizations emphasize in their
promotion processes that an engineer has to demonstrate ownership in a pro-
ject; that can incentivize engineers to work on their own in the hopes of max-
imizing their chances for promotion. Some engineers simply prefer to work
more independently.
120 The Effective Engineer

While there isn’t anything inherently wrong with working on a one-person

project, it does introduce additional risks that, if not addressed, can reduce
your chance of success. First and foremost, it adds friction to the process of get-
ting feedback—and you need feedback to help validate that what you’re doing
will work. It’s hard to get good feedback on a code review, for instance, unless
the reviewer works on your team and shares your project context. If you’re not
mindful of setting up a feedback loop, it can be tempting to defer getting feed-
back on something until you think it’s nearly perfect. And if you don’t find out
until the end that you’ve gone in the wrong direction, you’ll waste a lot of effort.
There are other risks of one-person projects as well. The lows of a project
are more demoralizing when you’re working alone. Sand traps that you struggle
to get out of, monotonous work that you need to grind through, and bugs that
seem to defy all understanding become less draining and more bearable when
there’s someone there to share your pain. A single stall can grind the project to
a halt, causing deadlines to slip (we’ll see how to address this in Chapter 7). I’ve
been in that situation, and I’ve seen it happen to other engineers as well. When
there’s at least one additional person on the project, however, the team can still
maintain overall momentum and preserve morale even if someone gets stuck.
Similarly, the highs can be less motivating when you’re working alone. Cel-
ebrating an achievement with teammates is a great way to boost morale. If you
work alone, who’s going to give you a high-five when you finally fix that frus-
trating data corruption bug? In addition, knowing that your teammates are de-
pending on you increases your sense of accountability. The desire to help your
team succeed can override the dips in motivation that everyone occasionally
Even if you find yourself working a one-person project, don’t despair. These
risks are surmountable. Steve Wozniak invented the Apple I and Apple II com-
puters, designing the hardware and the software by himself at home and later
in Steve Jobs’s garage. How were his inventions transformed from hobbyist toys
for the Homebrew Computer Club into pillars of the personal computer revo-
lution? One key factor for Wozniak was that Jobs provided him with a counter-
balance and a feedback loop to validate his ideas. Although Wozniak was an in-
trovert and ostensibly doing his own thing, he did not isolate himself and work
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 121

in a vacuum—and spurred on by Jobs’ vision and ambition, the two men even-
tually created Apple. 41
Like Wozniak, we can also set up the necessary feedback channels to in-
crease the chances of our projects succeeding. Here are some strategies:

• Be open and receptive to feedback. If you adopt a defensive mindset about

your work, it will be difficult for you to listen to feedback—and people will
be less willing to offer it in the future. Instead, optimize for learning. View
feedback and criticism not as personal attacks but as opportunities for im-
• Commit code early and often. Large code changes are hard to review, take
longer to get feedback, and are a big waste of time and work if it turns out
that there’s a design flaw. Focus on making iterative progress, and use those
iterative commits as forcing functions for soliciting feedback. Don’t be the
person who sends out the ginormous code review.
• Request code reviews from thorough critics. There is a large variance in
the rigor with which different engineers review code. If you’re in a hurry
to ship something, you might be tempted to send your code review to the
engineer who skims and approves. But if you’re optimizing for quality or if
you want to make sure your approach works, you’ll find much more lever-
age asking for a code review from someone who gives thoughtful criticism.
It’s better to get harsh feedback from a teammate early on than to get it from
users later when something doesn’t work.
• Ask to bounce ideas off your teammates. The most direct path to getting
feedback is to request it. Ask a teammate who’s lounging around the water
cooler if you might have a few minutes of her time to talk through some
ideas on a whiteboard. Research shows that explaining an idea to another
person is one of the best ways of learning it yourself; 42 moreover, your ex-
planation might reveal holes in your own understanding. Most people want
to be helpful and appreciate a quick break to grapple with a different and
possibly interesting problem. That said, if you want to keep the feedback
channel open in the future, be respectful of your co-workers’ time. Prepare
beforehand. Make sure that you can articulate the problem that you’re try-
122 The Effective Engineer

ing to solve and the approaches that you’ve already tried. After the discus-
sion, reciprocate with an offer to be a sounding board for their ideas.
• Design the interface or API of a new system first. After your interface
is designed, prototype what the client code would look like if your feature
were built. Creating a concrete picture of the interactions will surface poor
assumptions or missing requirements, saving you time in the long run.
• Send out a design document before devoting your energy to your code.
While it might seem like it adds extra overhead, this is an example of in-
vesting 10% of your effort to validate the other 90% of work that you plan to
do. The document doesn’t have to be particularly formal—it could just be a
detailed email—but it should be comprehensive enough for your reader to
understand what you’re trying to do and be able to ask clarifying questions.
• If possible, structure ongoing projects so that there is some shared con-
text with your teammates. Rather than working on a separate project in
parallel with your teammates, consider working together on the same pro-
ject and tackling the other project together afterwards. Or, consider work-
ing in the same focus area as your teammates. This creates a shared context
that, in turn, reduces the friction in discussions and code reviews. Serial-
izing team projects to increase collaboration rather than doing them inde-
pendently and in parallel can provide learning benefits as well: each pro-
ject takes a shorter amount of calendar time to complete, so within a given
timeframe, you can be exposed to a larger diversity of project areas.
• Solicit buy-in for controversial features before investing too much time.
This might mean floating the idea in conversations and building a proto-
type to help convince relevant stakeholders. Sometimes, engineers miscon-
strue or dismiss this type of selling and marketing as office politics, but it’s
a fairly logical decision from the viewpoint of leverage. If a conversation to
get feedback only takes a few hours but an implementation takes weeks, the
shorter path to earlier feedback is extremely valuable. Failing to get buy-in
from those who understand the domain might mean you’re on the wrong
path. However, even if you think they’re wrong, the conversations will at
least surface the issues that others care about and that you should address if
you decide to proceed.
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 123

The goal of all these strategies is to overcome the friction of collecting feedback
when you’re working alone so that you can validate your ideas earlier and more
often. They’re particularly important if you’re working on a one-person pro-
ject, where the default behavior, unless you’re proactive, is to work in isolation.
But the same strategies can be equally valuable even when you’re working on
a team. Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, two Googlers who started
the Chicago engineering office, capture the mentality well when they write in
Team Geek, “[S]oftware development is a team sport.” 43 Even if you prefer to
work independently, you’ll be more effective if you conceptualize your work as
a team activity and build in feedback loops.

Build Feedback Loops for Your Decisions

Whether you’re working on large implementation efforts, developing products,

or working on teams, it’s important to build feedback loops to validate your
ideas. But even more broadly, the principle of validation generalizes to any de-
cision you make.
Sometimes, validation is difficult. There might not be many data points,
or there may only be qualitative data available. Which programming language
should you use to write a new service? What should the abstraction or the in-
terface look like? Is the design simple enough for what you’re trying to do? Is it
worth the engineering effort to invest in more scaling right now?
Moreover, the more senior of an engineer you become (and particularly if
you enter into management), the tougher and the more nebulous your deci-
sions become. How should you coordinate your team’s work? Can your team
afford to pause (or not pause) feature development to reduce technical debt?
Should performance reviews and feedback be given anonymously, directly, or
in an open setting? How should you arrange compensation structure to im-
prove recruiting and retention?
When I interviewed Nimrod Hoofien, a Director of Engineering at Face-
book, he said that creating a feedback loop is necessary for all aspects of a job.
“It applies to recruiting. It applies to team design. It applies to how you build
your culture. It applies to your compensation structure,” Hoofien explained.
124 The Effective Engineer

“Any decision you make … should have a feedback loop for it. Otherwise,
you’re just … guessing.”
Previously, when Hoofien was the Senior VP of Engineering at Ooyala, he
experimented with various aspects of building effective engineering teams, and
built feedback loops to learn from those experiments. For example, when fig-
uring out the optimal number of team members to maximize effectiveness,
Hoofien varied the size of the team and looked for obvious dysfunctions. “The
most common [dysfunction] is that the team starts behaving like two teams,”
observed Hoofien, “and these two groups will only work [on tasks] on their side
of the board.” Another experiment was tightly tying bonuses to engineering-
wide metrics like reliability. It launched to an overwhelming positively senti-
ment because the bonus equation was clear-cut, but then was rolled back after
a quarter because engineers became upset that they didn’t have enough control
over the metrics.
Hoofien has run similar experiments when researching fundamental ques-
tions in effective team structure at Ooyala: should tech leads also be managers
(yes); should positions like site reliability engineers, designers, and product
managers be embedded in development teams (yes for product managers);
and under which situations should teams adopt methodologies like Scrum (it
varied). Hoofien deployed many of these experiments for a few weeks and
then gathered data—sometimes by just talking to people—to understand what
worked and what didn’t. Other ideas, however, like a radical proposal for dou-
bling the salary of the best engineers to create a superstar team, were run as
thought experiments. Hoofien gathered the engineering tech leads and dis-
cussed possible consequences (they predicted that non-top performers would
quit in droves and that it would take too long to find great people to replace
The principle of validation shows us that many of our work decisions,
which we might take for granted or adopt blindly from other people, in fact are
testable hypotheses. How to discover what works best varies based on the sit-
uation and the people involved, and Hoofien’s learnings on team setup might
vary from your own. But regardless of whether we engineers are writing code,
creating a product, or managing teams, the methodology of how to make de-
Validate Your Ideas Early and Often 125

cisions remains the same. And at its core, the willingness to run experiments
demonstrates the scientific method at work.
Validation means formulating a hypothesis about what might work, de-
signing an experiment to test it, understanding what good and bad outcomes
look like, running the experiment, and learning from the results. You may not
be able to test an idea as rigorously as you could with an A/B test and ample
amounts of traffic, but you can still transform what otherwise would be guess-
work into informed decision-making. Given the right mindset—a willingness
to test your ideas—there’s little that you can’t validate by building feedback

Key Takeaways

• Approach a problem iteratively to reduce wasted effort. Each

iteration provides opportunities to validate new ideas. Iterate
quickly to learn quickly.
• Reduce the risk of large implementations by using small vali-
dations. Invest a little extra effort to figure out if the rest of your
plan is worth doing.
• Use A/B testing to continuously validate your product hy-
potheses. By incrementally developing a product and identify-
ing what does and doesn’t work, you increase the probability
that your efforts are aligned with what users actually want.
• When working on a solo project, find ways of soliciting regu-
lar feedback. It may be easy and comfortable to keep working
in a silo, but you run the huge risk of overlooking something
that, if spotted early, could save you lots of wasted effort.
• Adopt a willingness to validate your decisions. Rather than
making an important decision and moving on, set up feedback
loops that enable you to collect data and assess your work’s
value and effectiveness.

Improve Your Project Estimation Skills

I n August 2008, two months after I had joined Ooyala, the

engineering team embarked on a mission to completely rewrite our Flash-
based video player. Ooyala, an online video startup, helped customers like TV
Guide, the Association of Tennis Professionals, Armani, and TechCrunch man-
age and serve the thousands of videos on their websites. We offered a content
management system, video transcoding services, and a player that customers
embedded on their web pages to deliver videos to their viewers.
Our top-tier customers cared about video performance: they wanted a play-
er that would load faster, quickly adjust a viewer’s video quality based on
available network bandwidth, and support additional custom integrations. We
wanted to make our customers happy. But because a large amount of technical
debt had accumulated in the player codebase in the 18 months since the com-
pany had been founded, developing new features was slow and error-prone.
There were no automated tests to ensure that changes wouldn’t cause regres-
sions. We knew we wouldn’t be able to ship these and future customer require-
ments quickly enough without a more reliable foundation. And so we decided
to rewrite the player to make it more modular and performant, and to build a
cleaner and better-tested codebase.
128 The Effective Engineer

During one of our weekly meetings, the CTO and the product manager un-
veiled the rewrite plan and schedule to the 8-person engineering team. Gantt
charts broke down the work assignments, showed how long different tasks
would take, and mapped out the dependencies between various parts. We were
slated to work in parallel on the video playback, analytics, ads, user interface,
and other modules, and then to spend a week at the end integrating everything
together. A team of 3 senior engineers estimated it would take 4 months for the
entire team to complete the project, right in time for the Christmas holidays.
New feature development would pause for the next four months, and account
managers had been instructed to push back on customer requests during that
It was an ambitious project, and I was looking forward to it. I was impressed
by how much the team had accomplished in the past year and a half. However,
the sprint to build a product quickly had left the codebase in a tattered state. I
was used to building on top of Google’s well-tested codebase that allowed quick
feature development, and I viewed Ooyala’s rewrite as an opportunity to bring
us closer toward that state. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed the schedule
overlaps and the aggressive assignment of the same engineer to two projects at
once. But since we couldn’t afford to delay new feature development for much
longer than 4 months, I brushed off the worry and hoped that we’d finish some
pieces earlier than expected.
A few hiccups surfaced along the way that, with more experience, I would
have recognized as red flags. We wanted to make the analytics module more ex-
tensible by encoding analytics data in Thrift, a new protocol that Facebook had
open sourced, but we had only dedicated a few days to this endeavor. And be-
cause Thrift didn’t support ActionScript, the programming language for Flash,
I had to write a C++ compiler extension for Thrift to auto-generate the Action-
Script code we needed; that in itself took over a week. We wanted to integrate
some new third-party ad modules into the new player, but they turned out to be
buggy; one, under some fairly normal conditions, even caused the video play-
er to screech painfully. While building the video playback module, a teammate
discovered that one of Adobe’s core, low-level interfaces that we wanted to use
for better performance didn’t reliably report whether the video was buffering
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 129

or playing. We had to painstakingly develop heuristics to understand what was

As we approached the December deadline, we knew we were falling behind.
We plowed ahead anyway, mentioning to the release manager that, if we weren’t
careful, our launch might be pushed back into January. Even then, I don’t think
anyone on the team had an inkling of how much we would actually slip.
The new player—ironically named “Swift”—fully shipped 5 months later
in May 2009, nearly 9 months after the project initially started. 1 Our jour-
ney—while formative and eye-opening—was anything but swift. Had we
known that the project would have taken 9 months instead of 4, we would’ve
thoroughly explored other alternatives like scoping down the project, doing a
more incremental rewrite, or cutting back on other customer obligations. In-
stead, I worried with every passing month whether our small startup would
survive the late schedule. We were in the middle of the 2009 recession; cus-
tomers had tight budgets and venture capitalists were loathe to fund. Fortu-
nately, our company stayed afloat, and the launch opened up many other busi-
ness opportunities. Today, Ooyala delivers over 1 billion videos to nearly 200
million unique viewers across the globe every month. 2
I’ve since learned, both from my own experiences and from discussions
with other engineers, that the Ooyala story isn’t all that out of the ordinary.
Windows Vista slipped behind by over 3 years. 3 4 Netscape 5.0 slipped by 2
years, and the browser saw its market share plummet from 80% to 20%. 5 6 The
game Daikatana, aggressively slated to launch in 7 months, slipped multiple
times; it didn’t launch until two and half years past the original delivery date,
went millions of dollars overbudget, and led to the demise of the company. In
2009, after studying over 50,000 software projects, the Standish Group conclud-
ed that 44% of projects are delivered late, overbudget, or missing requirements;
24% fail to complete; and the average slipped project overruns its time budget
by 79%. 7
Project estimation is one of the hardest skills that an effective engineer
needs to learn. But it’s crucial to master: businesses need accurate estimates to
make long-term plans for their products. They need to know when resources
might free up to work on upcoming features or when they can promise feature
130 The Effective Engineer

requests to customers. And even when we don’t have pressure to ship against a
deadline, how long we think a project will take affects our decisions of what to
work on.
We’ll always operate under imperfect information. Therefore, successful
project planning requires increasing the accuracy of our project estimates and
increasing our ability to adapt to changing requirements. These two goals are
particularly important for larger projects. Short projects don’t tend to slip too
much in absolute terms. A project estimated to take a few hours might slip to
a few days, and one estimated for a few days might slip by a week or two. We
sometimes don’t even notice these little blips. But then there are the multi-week
and multi-month projects that slip by months, or sometimes even years. These
become the war stories.
In this chapter, we’ll arm you with the tools to take charge of your own pro-
ject plans and push back against unrealistic schedules. We’ll look at ways of
decomposing project estimates to increase accuracy. We’ll walk through how
we can do a better job of budgeting for the unknown. We’ll talk about how to
clearly define a project’s scope and establish measurable milestones, and then
we’ll cover how to reduce risk as early as possible so that we can adapt sooner.
And finally, we’ll close with a discussion of why we need to be careful not to
use overtime to sprint toward a deadline if we find ourselves falling behind: we
may actually still be in the middle of a marathon.

Use Accurate Estimates to Drive Project Planning

“How long do you think it will take to finish this project?” We’re often asked
this question on software projects, and our estimates, even if they’re inaccurate,
feed into other business decisions. Poor estimates can be costly, so how do we
do better?
Steve McConnell, in his book Software Estimation, lays out a working defi-
nition of a good estimate. “A good estimate,” he writes, “is an estimate that pro-
vides a clear enough view of the project reality to allow the project leadership
to make good decisions about how to control the project to hit its targets.” 8 His
definition distinguishes the notion of an estimate, which reflects our best guess
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 131

about how long or how much work a project will take, from a target, which
captures a desired business goal. Engineers create estimates, and managers and
business leaders specify targets. How to effectively handle gaps between the es-
timates and targets is the focus of this chapter.
Project schedules often slip because we allow the target to alter the estimate.
Business leaders set a particular deadline for a project—say 3 months out. En-
gineers estimate that the feature requirements will take 4 months to build. Af-
ter a heated discussion about how the deadline is immovable, perhaps because
the sales team has already promised the project to a customer, engineers then
massage their estimates to shoehorn the necessary work into an unrealistic
3-month project plan. Reality sinks in when the deadline approaches, and the
team must then readjust their prior commitments.
A more productive approach is to use the estimates to inform project plan-
ning, rather than the other way around. Given that it’s not possible to deliver all
features by the target date, is it more important to hold the date constant and
deliver what is possible, or to hold the feature set constant and push back the
date until all the features can be delivered? Understanding your business prior-
ities fosters more productive conversations, letting you devise a better project
plan. Doing so requires accurate estimates.
So how do we produce accurate estimates that provide us the flexibility we
need? Here are some concrete strategies:

• Decompose the project into granular tasks. When estimating a large pro-
ject, decompose it into small tasks and estimate each one of them. If a
task will take more than two days, decompose it further. A long estimate
is a hiding place for nasty surprises. Treat it as a warning that you haven’t
thought through the task thoroughly enough to understand what’s in-
volved. The more granular a task’s breakdown, the less likely that an uncon-
sidered subtask will sneak up later.
• Estimate based on how long tasks will take, not on how long you or
someone else wants them to take. It’s natural for managers to adopt some
version of Parkinson’s law, which argues that “work expands so as to fill the
time available for its completion.” 9 Managers challenge estimates, pushing
132 The Effective Engineer

for tasks to be completed sooner. If you’ve made your estimates granular,

however, you can defend them more easily. One compromise that I’ve seen
is to use the estimates to set a public goal and the manager’s demands to set
an internal stretch goal.
• Think of estimates as probability distributions, not best-case scenarios.
Tom DeMarco, in his book Controlling Software Projects, writes that we of-
ten treat an estimate as “the most optimistic prediction that has a non-zero
probability of coming true.” Estimation becomes a game of “what’s the ear-
liest date by which you can’t prove you won’t be finished?” 10 Because we
operate with imperfect information, we instead should consider our esti-
mates as probability distributions over a range of outcomes, spanning the
best-case and worst-case scenarios. Instead of telling a product manager or
other stakeholder that we’ll finish a feature in 6 weeks, we might instead
tell them, “There’s a 50% likelihood that we can deliver the feature 4 weeks
from now, and a 90% chance that we can deliver it within 8 weeks.”
• Let the person doing the actual task make the estimate. People have dif-
ferent skill sets and levels of familiarity with the codebase. Therefore, what
takes you one hour to complete might take someone else three hours. As
much as possible, have the person who will work on a task do the actual
estimation. Part of what made the estimates for Ooyala’s player rewrite pro-
ject unrealistic is that a small set of people estimated the work for the entire
team. Divvying up the estimation work also enables more team members to
practice estimation skills and builds team-wide visibility into how different
members over- or underestimate their work (most people underestimate).
When I now need to set project goals, I schedule sessions with my team
where we dedicate time to estimate work.
• Beware of anchoring bias. Dan Ariely, a Duke professor who studies be-
havioral economics, conducted an experiment where he asked students to
write down the last two digits of their social security number and then es-
timate the price of a bottle of wine. Students with higher social security
number digits estimated significantly higher prices for the wine, sometimes
more than twice as high. The arbitrary numbers had subconsciously an-
chored and affected their estimates. 11 A similar effect often happens in
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 133

software projects where a manager might casually guess at the amount of

work (again, usually an underestimate) required for a project or ask you for
a quick ballpark estimate. Avoid committing to an initial number before ac-
tually outlining the tasks involved, as a low estimate can set an initial an-
chor that makes it hard to establish a more accurate estimate later on.
• Use multiple approaches to estimate the same task. This can help increase
confidence that your approach is sound. For example, suppose you’re build-
ing a new feature. You can 1) decompose the project into granular tasks,
estimate each individual task, and create a bottom-up estimate; 2) gather
historical data on how long it took to build something similar; and 3) count
the number of subsystems you have to build and estimate the average time
required for each one.
• Beware the mythical man-month. In engineering, project durations typ-
ically get measured in terms of person-hours, person-days, person-weeks,
or person-months—i.e. the number of hours, days, weeks, or months of
work that it takes an average engineer to complete a project. Unfortunately,
this type of accounting leads to the myth that people and time are in-
terchangeable. But just because one woman can give birth to a baby in
nine months doesn’t mean that nine women can give birth to a baby in
one month. As Frederick Brooks explains in The Mythical Man-Month,
as additional members join, the communication overhead from meetings,
emails, one-on-ones, discussions, etc., grows quadratically with the size of
the team. 12 13 Moreover, new team members require time to ramp up on a
project before they’re productive, so don’t assume that adding more people
will shorten a project timeline.
• Validate estimates against historical data. Joel Spolsky, the co-founder of
Stack Exchange, argues for using data-driven estimates backed by historical
evidence. 14 If you know that historically, you’ve tended to underestimate
by 20%, then you’ll know that it’s worthwhile to scale up your overall esti-
mate by 25%. Or, you might argue that because you increased the growth
rate of users or revenue by 25% last quarter, you might expect to do some-
thing similar this quarter.
134 The Effective Engineer

• Use timeboxing to constrain tasks that can grow in scope. You can always
spend more time researching which database technology or which
JavaScript library to use for a new feature, but there will be diminishing re-
turns on the time invested and growing costs on the schedule. Plan instead
to allocate a fixed amount of time, or a time box, to open-ended activities.
Rather than estimating that the research will likely take three days, commit
to making the best possible decision you can, given the available data after
three days.
• Allow others to challenge estimates. Because estimation is hard, we have
a tendency to cut corners or eyeball numbers. By reviewing estimates at a
team meeting, we can increase accuracy and buy-in at the cost of some ad-
ditional overhead. Others may have knowledge or experience that can help
highlight poor or incomplete estimates.

In Chapter 6, we learned that iteratively validating our ideas can lead us to bet-
ter engineering outcomes. In the same way, iteratively revising our estimates
can lead us to better project outcomes. Estimates contain more uncertainty at
the beginning of a project, but the variance decreases as we flesh out the details.
Use incoming data to revise existing estimates and, in turn, the project plan;
otherwise, it will remain based on stale information.
Measuring the actual time it takes to perform a task and comparing it
against the estimated time helps reduce the error bounds both when we’re re-
vising past estimates or making future ones. Over time, the evidence teaches us
whether we tend to underestimate or overestimate, or if we’re usually on tar-
get. From that data, we may, for instance, adopt a rule of thumb of multiplying
our engineering estimates by a factor of 2 to capture unestimated tasks. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 5, we should measure what we want to improve, which in
this case, is our project estimation skills. When schedules slip for small tasks,
pause to consider whether future tasks will be affected as well.
A little measurement can go a long way. For one project where a team had
to port a Python application to Scala, I set up a simple spreadsheet for team
members to track how many hours they estimated a task would take and how
long it actually took. Most team members initially underestimated, often by a
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 135

factor of two. Within a week or two, the visibility enabled people to get a more
accurate sense of how many lines of code they could migrate in a week. This
paid off later when it helped them make more accurate estimates of timeframes
for future milestones.
Discovering that certain tasks take much longer than expected lets us know
sooner if we’re falling behind. This, in turn, allows us to adjust the schedule
or cut lower-priority features sooner. Those adjustments aren’t possible if we’re
not aware how behind we are.

Budget for the Unknown

Many software projects miss their deadlines for multiple reasons, and it’s usu-
ally not due to a lack of hard work. The engineering team at Ooyala certainly
didn’t lack talent or motivation. It was just as strong—if not stronger—than the
typical team I worked with at Google. Most people pulled 70–80-hour weeks
for months, and many of us, trying to finish the project, coded away even as we
visited family over the holidays.
But try as we might, we just could not deliver the player rewrite on time. We
had underestimated the timeframes for individual tasks, and that mistake alone
might have been salvageable. What caused the schedule to slip excessively were
all the unknown projects and issues that we hadn’t estimated or accounted for
at all. These included:

• Developing a unit testing harness for our new codebase, and writing our
own mocking and assertion libraries for testing. These were tasks that we
wanted to start doing as a best practice, but they hadn’t been included in
the original estimates.
• Realizing that a set of style guidelines could improve long-term code qual-
ity and that we should develop those guidelines before writing so much
• Getting interrupted by a few high-priority customer deals, each of which
pulled a few engineers off the team for a week or two.
136 The Effective Engineer

• Debugging video corruption issues that would crash Adobe’s player if a user
jumped to video frames in certain, difficult-to-reproduce ways on Internet
• Firefighting scalability problems in the product as our customers’ video li-
braries grew larger and we needed to process more analytics data per day.
• Losing an early engineer to another company mid-project, necessitating a
large amount of knowledge transfer and work redistribution.
• Resuming new product development after 4 months, since the organization
couldn’t afford to postpone it further.
• Rewriting user interface components from scratch instead of using the
third-party rendering libraries we had previously used, to meet the goal of
reducing the size of the player’s binary.
• Migrating our Subversion repository to Git to improve our development

Each of these would have been surmountable in isolation. But the compounded
effects of each event wreaked havoc with our schedule.
In his book The Mythical Man-Month, Frederick Brooks explains that my
particular project experience actually reflects a general pattern in slipped soft-
ware projects. He writes, “When one hears of disastrous schedule slippage in a
project, he imagines that a series of major calamities must have befallen it. Usu-
ally, however, the disaster is due to termites, not tornadoes.” 15 Little decisions
and unknowns caused the Ooyala schedule to slip slowly, one day at a time.
We can better deal with unknowns by acknowledging that the longer a pro-
ject is, the more likely that an unexpected problem will arise. The first step in
dealing with this is to separate estimated work time from calendar time. Dead-
lines often catch us by surprise because we conflate statements like “this pro-
ject will take one month of engineering work to complete” with “this project
will be completed in one calendar month.” Our estimates more naturally re-
volve around the time required to complete work, but managers, customers,
and marketers think in terms of delivery dates. The problem is that a month of
estimated work takes longer than one calendar month to complete.
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 137

As engineers, our jobs typically require us to fix outstanding bugs, conduct

interviews, attend team meetings, hold one-on-ones with our managers, partic-
ipate in pager duty rotations, train new engineers who join the team, respond
to email, and tackle many other recurring duties. Once you factor in these de-
tails, an 8-hour workday doesn’t actually provide 8 hours of working time on a
One-off interruptions happen as well. Engineering organizations may
schedule bug fixing days, hackathons, off-sites, or performance reviews. Oper-
ations teams may schedule mandatory downtime of core developer services for
upgrades, maintenance, or data migrations. The sales team may urgently need
some custom work to be done to close a deal. Unexpected outages or high-pri-
ority security bugs may need to be fixed. A sudden drop in a key business met-
ric may require investigation. Team members may fall sick, get called for jury
duty, or head out on vacation. In any given week, the probability that any one
of these interruptions happens may be predictable or low. But the larger and
longer a project, the more likely that some subset of these factors will affect
some members of the team and throw off the schedule in a significant way.
The effect of these interruptions is further compounded when schedules
slip. Suppose that after missing a deadline, a team estimates that there is still
one more month of work remaining. That month is likely to expand for the ex-
act same reasons as before. Moreover, there may be a buildup of demand for
engineering time immediately after the original delivery date. Teammates may
have scheduled their vacations for a week after the original deadline. If the pro-
ject was slated to finish before some holiday, the holiday delays the delivery
date even further. Tasks that have been postponed until the project was finished
may be deemed undelayable for any longer. Because our team at Ooyala had de-
ferred new feature development for 4 months, when that time budget expired,
we suddenly found ourselves hurrying to both complete the player rewrite and
address the requests that customers had been patiently waiting for. The net re-
sult was that our development speed slowed down even more after we missed
the original delivery date.
When setting schedules, build in buffer time for the unexpected interrup-
tions. Some combination of them will occur with reasonable probability dur-
138 The Effective Engineer

ing long projects. Be explicit about how much time per day each member of
the team will realistically spend on a given project. For example, Jack Heart, an
engineering manager at Asana, explained that the team maps each ideal engi-
neering day to 2 workdays to account for daily interruptions. 16
If someone is staffed on large projects, be clear that a certain schedule is
contingent on that person spending a certain amount of time each week on the
project. Factor in competing time investments, and leave buffer room for un-
knowns. Alex Allain, who leads the internal platforms and libraries teams at
Dropbox, sometimes lays out the week-by-week project schedule in a spread-
sheet, annotates it with who’s working on what each week, and blocks off
the holidays and vacations. 17 The lightweight exercise provides a quick sanity
Explicitly track the time spent on tasks not initially part of the project plan,
in order to build awareness. By doing so, you can reduce the chance that these
distractions will catch your project plan by surprise.

Define Specific Project Goals and Measurable Milestones

While we were rewriting the analytics module in Ooyala’s video player, we

knew that we would eventually switch to a more extensible logging format. So
why rebuild the module on top of the old format, given that it would soon be
replaced? It would be less work in the long run to make the change up front,
or so the argument went. Unfortunately, a series of well-intentioned decisions
like this one created costly delays for our project. What frequently causes a
project to slip is a fuzzy understanding of what constitutes success—in Ooy-
ala’s case, reducing total work vs. shipping a working product earlier—which,
in turn, makes it difficult to make effective tradeoffs and assess whether a pro-
ject is actually on track.
Define specific goals for a project based on the problem you’re working
to solve, and then use milestones to measure progress on those goals. Tamar
Bercovici used these techniques to successfully manage one of her large infra-
structure projects at Box, the cloud storage company. In late 2012, Bercovici’s
team faced a critical scaling challenge. For the previous 7 years, their entire ap-
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 139

plication database had resided on a single MySQL database instance, and the
simple arrangement had sufficed. But now, database traffic had grown to nearly
1.7 billion queries per day, and even though the team had replicated the data-
base to other servers, most of the traffic still needed to go through a single,
primary master database. Key tables that stored folders and files had grown to
tens and hundreds of millions of rows, respectively; they were increasingly dif-
ficult to manage and update. The team anticipated aggressive customer growth,
and they knew that they would outgrow their architecture’s capacity in a few
months. 18
After researching potential scaling options, Bercovici and her team kicked
off a project to shard the massive folder and file tables. The goal was to horizon-
tally partition the two tables so that they could store the partitions, or shards,
on different databases. When the web application needed to access any data,
it would first check a lookup table to see which shard contained the data, and
then query the appropriate database storing that shard. Under a sharded archi-
tecture, they could accommodate future growth simply by splitting the data in-
to more shards, moving them to additional database machines, and updating
the lookup table. The tricky part was doing it without any downtime.
The project was time-sensitive and involved modifying large swaths of their
800K-line codebase. Every code path that queried one of the two tables needed
to be modified and tested. Bercovici described it as “a project where you’re go-
ing to be touching everything … [and] literally changing the way that the basic
data components are fetched.” It was also a risky project. It had the potential to
grow in scope and slip behind schedule, much like Ooyala’s player rewrite, and
failing to complete the transition before their data and traffic exceeded capacity
could spell disaster for Box.
Bercovici used a key strategy for reducing risk: she articulated a clear goal
for her project based on a clear problem. The problem was that Box would soon
be unable to support its growing traffic on a single database. Her goal was to
migrate to a sharded architecture as soon as possible without any downtime.
The simple exercise of setting a project goal produces two concrete benefits.
First, a well-defined goal provides an important filter for separating the must-
haves from the nice-to-haves in the task list. It helps defend against feature
140 The Effective Engineer

creep when someone inevitably asks, “Wouldn’t it be great to take this oppor-
tunity to also do X? We’ve always wanted to do that!” In fact, during Box’s ar-
chitecture migration, Bercovici initially pushed for rewriting the data access
layer so that engineers couldn’t pass in arbitrary SQL snippets to filter results.
Arbitrary filtering made sharding more complicated because they had to parse
the SQL snippets to determine whether they touched the file and folder tables;
plus, removing it would also provide other benefits like easier performance op-
timizations in the future. But when they considered their goal, the engineers
agreed that the rewrite would make the project a lot longer, and they could
work around it in other ways. “[B]eing very, very explicit about what exactly …
we were trying to solve helped us to determine what was in scope and what was
out of scope,” Bercovici emphasized.
The more specific the goal, the more it can help us discriminate between
features. Some examples of specific project goals are:

• To reduce the 95th percentile of user latency for the home page to under
500 milliseconds.
• To launch a new search feature that lets users filter their results by content
• To port a service from Ruby to C++ to improve performance.
• To redesign a web application to request configuration parameters from the
• To build offline support for a mobile application so that content is accessi-
ble even when there is no cell connection.
• To A/B test the product checkout flow to increase sales per customer.
• To develop a new analytics report that segments key metrics by country.

The second benefit of defining specific project goals is that it builds clarity and
alignment across key stakeholders. “[I]t’s very, very important to understand
what the goal is, what your constraints are, and to call out the assumptions that
you’re making,” Bercovici explained. “[M]ake sure that you build alignment on
that … with any other stakeholders you might have in your project.” Skipping
this step makes it easy to over-optimize for what you believe to be the main
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 141

concerns—only to have a manager ask, right as you’re about to ship, “What

about these key X, Y, and Z features that you didn’t address?”
Building alignment also helps team members be more accountable for local
tradeoffs that might hurt global goals. In the middle of a long project, it’s easy
for someone to disappear down a rabbit hole for a week, rewriting some code li-
brary or building a partially-related feature. From the perspective of each indi-
vidual engineer, taking a small detour won’t slow the schedule down that much,
and tasks like cleaning up the codebase may even reduce work in the long-
term. Many of the benefits from local engineering tradeoffs, however, don’t ma-
terialize until after the project finishes, whereas increasing the total work in-
side a project’s time window introduces delays. The costs of these delays de-
pend on the project, and building alignment helps ensure that team members
internalize those costs and make consistent tradeoffs. Otherwise, what ensues
is a classic tragedy of the commons, 19 where each individual tradeoff is ratio-
nal but translates into an unacceptable delay in the aggregate. A well-defined
scope makes it easier for team members to check on each other and ask, “Does
what you’re doing contribute to the main goal?”
In retrospect, defining a more specific goal than “Rewrite Ooyala’s player in
4 months” would have been an effective way of shortening the project’s time-
line. For example, we could have chosen as our goal, “As soon as possible, build
a drop-in replacement for the video player that supports dynamically loadable
modules, is unit tested, and can later be extended to support additional ad in-
tegrations, analytics reports, and video controls.” Doing so would have enabled
us to build alignment around the required tasks and the ones that could be de-
ferred and incrementally added later.
Even more effective than defining specific goals is outlining measurable
milestones to achieve them. This is the second complementary strategy that
Bercovici’s team used to reduce risk. When asked about the status of a certain
task or project, our answer is frequently, “Almost done,” or “90% code com-
plete,” partly again because we’re poor at estimating our status and how much
work is left. A concrete milestone, with a specified set of features X, Y, and Z
and preferably accompanied by a target completion date, keeps us honest and
lets us more accurately measure whether we’re on track or far behind.
142 The Effective Engineer

For the sharding project, the milestones included:

1. Refactor the code so that file and folder queries can be sharded, e.g., by con-
verting single-database MySQL joins into application-level joins that can
work across multiple databases.
2. Logically shard the application so that it goes through the motions of look-
ing up a shard’s location but still accesses data from a single database.
3. Move a single shard to another database.
4. Completely shard all file and folder data for all accounts.

“Each milestone was a very clear point where we had introduced some value
that we didn’t have before,” Bercovici explained. In other words, the milestones
were measurable; either the system met the criteria and behaved as promised
or it didn’t. The measurable quality enabled her team to scrutinize every single
task and ask, “Is this task a prerequisite for this milestone?” This lens allowed
them to aggressively prioritize the right things to work on.
If scoping a project with specific goals is like laying down the racetrack to
the finish line, outlining measurable milestones is like putting down the mile
markers so that we can periodically check that we’re still on pace to finish. Mile-
stones act as checkpoints for evaluating the progress of a project and as chan-
nels for communicating the team’s progress to the rest of the organization. If
we’ve fallen behind, a milestone provides an opportunity to revise our plan, ei-
ther by extending the deadline or by cutting tasks.
Months later, Bercovici and her team at Box had successfully migrated
to a sharded architecture, and grew to support billions of files across tens of
shards. 20 Bugs certainly were introduced along the way—including one where
the application would show duplicate folders as a shard was being copied from
one database to another—but the team managed to avoid an overly long and
drawn-out project by sticking to their goals and milestones.
We can benefit from the same techniques. Define specific goals to reduce
risk and efficiently allocate time, and outline milestones to track progress. This
allows us to build alignment around what tasks can be deferred and decreases
the chance that a project inadvertently grows in scope.
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 143

Reduce Risk Early

As engineers, we like to build things. Seeing things work and getting things
done fire off endorphins in our brains and get us excited in a way that planning
and attending meetings do not. This tendency can bias us toward making vis-
ible progress on the easier parts of a project that we understand well. We then
convince ourselves that we’re right on track, because the cost of riskier areas
hasn’t yet materialized. Unfortunately, this only provides a false sense of secu-
Effectively executing on a project means minimizing the risk that a dead-
line might slip and surfacing unexpected issues as early as possible. Others may
depend on the initial projected timeline, and the later they discover the slip-
page, the higher the cost of failure. Therefore, if a problem turns out to be hard-
er than expected, it’s better to find out and adjust the target date sooner rather
than later.
Tackling the riskiest areas first helps us identify any estimation errors as-
sociated with them. The techniques to validate our ideas early and often (out-
lined in Chapter 6) also can defuse the risks associated with projects. If we’re
switching to a new technology, building a small-scale end-to-end prototype can
surface many issues that might arise. If we’re adopting new backend infrastruc-
ture, gaining an early systematic understanding of its performance and failure
characteristics can provide insight into what’s needed to make it robust. If we’re
considering a new design to improve application performance, benchmarking
core pieces of code can increase confidence that it meets performance goals.
The goal from the beginning should be to maximize learning and minimize
risk, so that we can adjust our project plan if necessary.
In addition to the specific risks associated with a project, a risk common to
all large projects comes during system integration, which almost always takes
longer than planned. Unexpected interactions between subsystems, differing
expectations of how components behave under edge cases, and previously un-
considered design problems all surface their nasty heads when we put different
pieces of software together. Code complexity grows as a function of the num-
ber of interactions between lines of code more than the actual number of lines,
144 The Effective Engineer

so we get surprised when subsystems interact in complex ways. Moreover, it’s

extremely hard to decompose integration into granular tasks during the ear-
ly estimation phases of a project, when you’re not sure what the end state will
look like. For example, in one project, we realized only at integration time that
a number of comments with to-dos were still scattered throughout the code-
base. The time to finish the punted tasks wasn’t included in the budget for inte-
gration testing, so teams had to scramble to meet the deadline.
How can we reduce integration risk? One effective strategy is to build end-
to-end scaffolding and do system testing earlier. Stub out incomplete functions
and modules, and assemble an end-to-end system as soon as possible, even if
it’s only partly functional. Front-loading the integration work provides a num-
ber of benefits. First, it forces you to think more about the necessary glue be-
tween different pieces and how they interact, which can help refine the integra-
tion estimates and reduce project risk. Second, if something breaks the end-to-
end system during development, you can identify and fix it along the way, while
dealing with much less code complexity, rather than scrambling to tackle it at
the end. Third, it amortizes the cost of integration throughout the development
process, which helps build a stronger awareness of how much integration work
is actually left.
Our initial project estimates will exhibit high variance because we’re oper-
ating under uncertainty and imperfect information. As we gain more informa-
tion and revise our estimates, the variance narrows. By shifting the work that
can take highly variable amounts of time to earlier in the process, we reduce
risk and give ourselves more time and information to make effective project

Approach Rewrite Projects with Extreme Caution

A very common characteristic of software engineers is our desire to rewrite

something from scratch. Perhaps the original codebase is littered with technical
debt or covered with monkey patches accumulated over time, and we think,
Wouldn’t it be nice to redesign it and make it cleaner? Or perhaps the original
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 145

design was too simple and lacked features—Wouldn’t it be great if we could do

X and Y?
Unfortunately, rewrite projects are also some of the riskiest projects. My
Ooyala story gives one example of how the timeline for a rewrite project
can spiral out of control and put a business in jeopardy. When I asked Sam
Schillace, who ran Gmail and Google Apps for four years, about the costliest
mistake he’s seen engineers make, his response was, “Trying to rewrite stuff
from scratch—that’s the cardinal sin.”
Rewrite projects are particularly troublesome for a few reasons:

• They share the same project planning and estimation difficulties as other
software projects.
• Because we tend to be familiar with the original version, we typically un-
derestimate rewrite projects more drastically than we would an undertak-
ing in a new area.
• It is easy and tempting to bundle additional improvements into a rewrite.
Why not refactor the code to reduce some technical debt, use a more per-
formant algorithm, or redesign this subsystem while we’re rewriting the
• When a rewrite is ongoing, any new features or improvements must either
be added to the rewritten version (in which case they won’t launch until the
rewrite completes) or they must be duplicated across the existing version
and the new version (in order to get the feature or improvement out soon-
er). The cost of either option grows with the timeline of the project.

Frederick Brooks coined the term “second-system effect” to describe the dif-
ficulties involved in rewrites. When we build something for the first time, we
don’t know what we’re doing, and we tend to proceed with caution. We punt
on improvements and try to keep things simple. But the second system, Brooks
warns, is “the most dangerous system a man ever designs … The general ten-
dency is to overdesign the second system, using all the ideas and frills that were
cautiously sidetracked on the first one.” We see opportunities for improvement,
and in tackling them, we increase the project’s complexity. Second systems are
particularly susceptible to schedule delays as a result of over-confidence.
146 The Effective Engineer

Engineers who successfully rewrite systems tend to do so by converting a

large rewrite project into a series of smaller projects. They rewrite a software
system incrementally, in more controlled phases. They adopt the mindset that
Martin Fowler advocates in Refactoring: engineers should use a series of incre-
mental, behavior-preserving transformations to refactor code. “By doing them
in small steps you reduce the risk of introducing errors,” Fowler advises. “You
also avoid having the system broken while you are carrying out the restructur-
ing—which allows you to gradually refactor a system over an extended period
of time.” 21
Rewriting a system incrementally is a high-leverage activity. It provides ad-
ditional flexibility at each step to shift to other work that might be higher-
leverage, whether it’s because the project is taking longer than expected or be-
cause something unexpected comes up. Using an incremental approach may
increase the overall amount of work, but the dramatically reduced risk is often
worth it. After the player rewrite, Phil Crosby, a fellow tech lead at Ooyala, led
a project to migrate a large Flash-based content management system over to
HTML5 to increase future iteration speed. Attempting a full rewrite all at once,
however, carried a large risk: if the schedule slipped, new feature development
would have to happen in both Flash and HTML5 until the rewrite launched.
Instead, Crosby’s team took a different approach. They invested some time up
front building infrastructure to support a hybrid version of the application, one
that allowed them to embed HTML5 components within the Flash application.
This allowed them to incrementally port and launch HTML5 components one
at a time, while also opening the doors for new features to be written solely in
HTML5. The approach took more work overall, but it increased the team’s flex-
ibility and also significantly reduced the time pressure of the project.
Harry Zhang took a similar approach when rewriting the software that
powers the API at Lob. Zhang’s team builds an API for companies to print and
mail documents and products. Their codebase had become messy and diffi-
cult to work with, and they decided to rewrite their API services in Node.js.
Rather than doing it all at once, they built a proxy server that would selectively
route traffic for different API endpoints between the old and new API servers.
As long as they preserved the interface, they could incrementally deploy their
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 147

servers to handle new endpoints and also switch back if they encountered er-
rors or issues. The incremental approach gave them significantly more leeway
to complete the rewrite while addressing ongoing customers issues.
Sometimes, doing an incremental rewrite might not be possible—perhaps
there’s no way to simultaneously deploy the old and new versions to different
slices of traffic. The next best approach is to break the rewrite down into sep-
arate, targeted phases. Schillace’s startup Upstartle had built an online docu-
ments product called Writely that went viral and grew to half a million users
before it was acquired by Google (and subsequently became Google Docs). His
four-person team had written Writely in C#, but Google didn’t support the lan-
guage in its data centers. Thousands of users continued to sign up every day,
and the team was expending too much energy patching up a codebase that they
knew wouldn’t scale.
Their first task, therefore, was to translate the original C# codebase into Java
so that it could leverage Google’s infrastructure. One of Schillace’s co-founders
argued that they ought to rewrite the parts of the codebase they didn’t like at the
same time. After all, why rewrite the codebase to Java only to have to immedi-
ately throw parts away? Schillace fought hard against that logic, saying, “We’re
not doing that because we’ll get lost. Step one is translate to Java and get it stood
back up on its feet again … [O]nce it’s working again in Java, step two is … go
refactor and rewrite stuff that’s bugging you.” In the end, he convinced the team
to set a very clear goal for their rewrite: to take the shortest possible path to-
ward getting the site up and running in Google’s data centers. Even that alone
was painfully hard. They had to learn and integrate 12 different internal Google
technologies for the product’s new infrastructure. They spent a week running
the codebase through a series of regular expressions to convert large batches
of code to Java and then painstakingly fixed up tens to hundreds of thousands
of compile errors. But as a result of their disciplined two-step approach, their
four-person team completed the rewrite in just 12 weeks, setting the record for
the fastest team to port into Google infrastructure as an acquisition and paving
the way for the growth of Google Docs. 22
In hindsight, pursuing a similar two-phase approach with Ooyala’s player
rewrite is likely the single, most effective change that we could have made to
148 The Effective Engineer

maximize our chances of delivering a working product in time. Had we set our
goal as deploying a new, modularized player with feature and performance par-
ity as soon as possible, we would have aggressively deferred anything unneces-
sary (like migrating to Thrift for analytics, integrating with additional ad mod-
ules, designing a sleeker player skin, or improving performance beyond what
was minimally viable). Subsequent improvements could then have been prior-
itized against other tasks on our roadmap and tackled incrementally, after the
initial version had launched. That would have meant fewer 70–80 hour weeks,
fewer features that we subsequently had to duplicate between the old and new
players, and increased flexibility to respond to unexpected issues.
Convincing yourself and team members to do a phased rewrite can be diffi-
cult. It’s discouraging to write code for earlier phases, knowing that you’ll soon
be throwing the intermediate code away. But it would be even more demoraliz-
ing to miss the target date by a wide margin, delay the launch of new features,
or be forced to build urgent functionality twice. For large rewrite projects, an
incremental or phased approach is a much safer bet. It avoids the risks—and
associated costs—of slipping and offers valuable flexibility to address new is-
sues that arise.

Don’t Sprint in the Middle of a Marathon

I’ve been involved in two major, multi-month projects where an ambitious and
well-intentioned engineering manager pushed the team to work overtime in a
sprint to the end. Both teams consisted of talented and dedicated people try-
ing to hit an aggressive deadline, convinced that a project slip would break the
business. We increased working hours from 60 to roughly 70 hours per week.
And in each case, after several months of sprinting, the project still wasn’t fin-
ished. It turned out that we weren’t actually in the home stretch of a marathon.
We had started sprinting somewhere in the middle, and our efforts weren’t sus-
Despite our best efforts, we’ll still sometimes find ourselves in projects with
slipping deadlines. How we deal with these situations is as important as mak-
ing accurate estimates in the first place. Suppose with two months remaining
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 149

until a deadline, a manager realizes that the project is two weeks behind sched-
ule. She probably thinks something along these lines: The team needs to put in
25% more hours—working 50 hours per week instead of 40—for the next two
months, in order to hit the deadline. Unfortunately, the actual math is not that
simple. There are a number of reasons why working more hours doesn’t neces-
sarily mean hitting the launch date:

• Hourly productivity decreases with additional hours worked. Over a

century of research shows that long hours actually can decrease productivi-
ty. 23 Employers in the 1890s achieved higher total output per worker when
they experimented with 8-hour work days. 24 In 1909, Sidney Chapman
found that productivity during overtime declines rapidly; fatigued work-
ers start making mistakes, and the short-term increase in output comes at
the expense of subsequent days’ output. 25 Henry Ford instituted a 40-hour
work week in 1922 because years of experiments showed him that it in-
creased total worker output. 26 27 The decrease in marginal productivity
during overtime hours means that a team won’t increase output by 25% by
working 25% more hours. A boost in total weekly output may, in fact, not
materialize at all. A 1980 study found that in situations “[w]here a work
schedule of 60 or more hours per week is continued longer than about two
months, the cumulative effect of decreased productivity will cause a delay
in the completion date beyond that which could have been realized … on a
40-hour week.” 28
• You’re probably more behind schedule than you think. The fact that your
schedule has slipped means that the work in previous months was under-
estimated. This, in turn, likely means that the entire project was under-
estimated, including the remaining two months. Moreover, we tend to be
much better at estimating the beginnings of projects, where we’re working
on concrete development tasks that we understand. In contrast, estimating
the ends of projects is more difficult; teams often underestimate how long
integration takes, and each unexpected issue can throw schedules off by a
week or more.
150 The Effective Engineer

• Additional hours can burn out team members. Those extra overtime
hours come from somewhere—people are sacrificing time that would oth-
erwise be spent with friends or family, exercising, resting, or sleeping. That
recovery time is being traded for stressful work hours, with the attendant
(if hard-to-quantify) risk of burning out. In their book Peopleware, Tom
DeMarco and Timothy Lister document a phenomenon they call “under-
time.” They have found that overtime is “almost always followed by an equal
period of compensatory undertime while the workers catch up with their
lives.” 29 Furthermore, they add, “the positive potential of working extra
hours is far exaggerated, and that its negative impact … can be substantial:
error, burnout, [and] accelerated turnover.” 30

• Working extra hours can hurt team dynamics. Not everyone on the team
will have the flexibility to pitch in the extra hours. Perhaps one team mem-
ber has children at home whom he has to take care of. Maybe someone
else has a 2-week trip planned in the upcoming months, or she has to com-
mute a long distance and can’t work as many hours. Whereas once the team
jelled together and everyone worked fairly and equally, now those who
work more hours have to carry the weight of those who can’t or don’t. The
result can be bitterness or resentment between members of a formerly-hap-
py team.
• Communication overhead increases as the deadline looms. A frenzy of
activity often accompanies the days or weeks leading up to the launch date.
The team holds more meetings and shares more frequent status updates to
ensure everyone’s working on the right things. The additional coordination
requirements mean that people have less time to devote to the remaining
• The sprint toward the deadline incentivizes technical debt. When a team
works overtime to hit a deadline, it’s almost unavoidable that they’ll cut cor-
ners to hit milestones. After the project finishes, they’re left with a pile of
technical debt that they have to pay off. Maybe they’ll make a note to revisit
the hacks after the project is over, but they’ll have to prioritize code cleanup
against the next critical project that comes up.
Improve Your Project Estimation Skills 151

Overtime, therefore, is not a panacea for poor project planning, and it comes
with high long-term risks and costs. Unless there is a realistic plan for actually
hitting the launch date by working extra hours, the best strategy in the long run
is either to redefine the launch to encompass what the team can deliver by the
target date, or to postpone the deadline to something more realistic.
Having said this, at times you’ll still be in situations where you think a small
dose of overtime is necessary to hit a key deadline. Perhaps everyone in the or-
ganization has been expecting the launch for a while. Perhaps the project is so
critical that your manager believes the business will fail if it gets delayed. Or
perhaps you fear what would happen if your team misses the deadline. And so
sometimes, despite the long-term costs, you make the decision that it is neces-
sary. In this case, secure buy-in from everyone on the team. Increase the prob-
ability that overtime will actually accomplish your goals by:

• Making sure everyone understands the primary causes for why the time-
line has slipped thus far. Is momentum slowing down because people are
slacking off, or have parts of the project turned out to be more complex and
time-consuming than expected? Are you sure those same problems will not
persist going forward?
• Developing a realistic and revised version of the project plan and time-
line. Explain how and why working more hours will actually mean hitting
the launch date. Define measurable milestones to detect whether the new
and revised project plan falls behind.
• Being ready to abandon the sprint if you slip even further from the re-
vised timeline. Accept that you might have sprinted in the middle of a
marathon and that the finish line is farther away than you thought. Cut
your losses. It’s unlikely that working even harder will fix things.

Don’t rely on the possibility of overtime as a crutch for not making a contin-
gency plan. When you’re backed into a corner and have no other options, you’re
more likely to panic and scramble as the deadline looms closer. An effective en-
gineer knows to plan ahead.
Project estimation and project planning are extremely difficult to get right,
and many engineers (myself included) have learned this the hard way. The only
152 The Effective Engineer

way to get better is by practicing these concepts, especially on smaller projects

where the cost of poor estimations is lower. The larger the project, the high-
er the risks, and the more leverage that good project planning and estimation
skills will have on your success.

Key Takeaways

• Incorporate estimates into the project plan. These estimates

should be used as an input to decide whether delivering a set
of features by a certain date is feasible. If it is not, they should
lead to a conversation about whether to change the feature set
or the delivery date. Don’t let a desired target dictate the esti-
• Allow buffer room for the unknown in the schedule. Take into
account competing work obligations, holidays, illnesses, etc.
The longer a project, the higher the probability that some of
these will occur.
• Define measurable milestones. Clear milestones can alert you
as to whether you’re on track or falling behind. Use them as
opportunities to revise your estimates.
• Do the riskiest tasks first. Reduce variance in your estimates
and risk in your project by exploring the unknown early on.
Don’t give yourself the illusion of progress by focusing first on
what’s easy to do.
• Know the limits of overtime. Many teams burn out because
they start sprinting before they’re even close to the finish line.
Don’t sprint just because you’re behind and don’t know what
else to do. Work overtime only if you’re confident that it will
enable you to finish on time.
Part 3: Build Long-Term Value

Balance Quality with Pragmatism

G oogle has exceptionally high coding standards. Programming

style guides dictate conventions for C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, and
other languages used within the company. They spell out mundane details like
whitespace and variable naming, and they dictate which language features and
programming idioms are allowed within Google’s codebase. 1 Before any code
change can be checked in, another engineer must review it and verify that the
change adheres to style conventions, has adequate unit test coverage, and meets
Google’s high standards. 2
Google even requires engineers to formally pass a readability review for
each programming language that they use at the company. Engineers must sub-
mit a code sample to an internal committee and demonstrate that they have
read and internalized all the documented style guidelines. Without the com-
mittee’s stamp of approval, another engineer who has passed the review must
approve each and every code change.
This high bar for code quality has enabled an organization of over 45,000
employees distributed across offices in over 60 countries to scale incredibly ef-
fectively. 3 4 Google had the fourth highest market capitalization of any pub-
licly traded company in the world at the end of 2013, further validating that its
approach to scaling engineering can build a massively successful business. 5 Its
156 The Effective Engineer

code remains comparatively easy to both read and maintain, especially relative
to many other organizations. The code quality also self-propagates; new engi-
neers model their own code based on the excellent code that they see, creating
a positive feedback loop. When I joined Google’s Search Quality Team right out
of college, I picked up best practices for programming and software engineer-
ing much faster than I could have at many other places.
But this upside comes with a cost. Since every code change, regardless of
whether it’s designed for 100 users or 10 million, is held to the same standard,
the overhead associated with experimental code is extremely high. If an exper-
iment fails—and, by definition, most do—much of the effort spent in writing
high quality, performant, and scalable code gets wasted. As a result, it’s harder
to nimbly prototype and validate new products within the organization. Many
impatient engineers, longing to build new products more quickly, end up leav-
ing for startups or smaller companies that trade off some of Google’s stringent
code and product requirements for higher iteration speed.
The engineering practices that work for Google would be overkill at a start-
up or a small company. Requiring new engineers to read and pass a readabil-
ity review would add unnecessary overhead to getting things done. Imposing
strict coding standards on prototypes or experiments that might get thrown
away would stifle new ideas. Writing tests and thoroughly reviewing prototype
code might make sense, but blanket requirements don’t. It’s possible to over-in-
vest in quality, to the point where there are diminishing returns for time spent.
Ultimately, software quality boils down to a matter of tradeoffs, and there’s
no one universal rule for how to do things. In fact, Bobby Johnson, a former
Director of Engineering at Facebook, claims that “[Thinking in terms of] right
and wrong … isn’t a very accurate or useful framework for viewing the world
… Instead of right and wrong, I prefer to look at things in terms of works
and doesn’t work. It brings more clarity and is more effective for making de-
cisions.” 6 Rigidly adhering to a notion of building something “the right way”
can paralyze discussions about tradeoffs and other viable options. Pragma-
tism—thinking in terms of what does and doesn’t work for achieving our
goals—is a more effective lens through which to reason about quality.
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 157

High software quality enables organizations to scale and increases the rate
at which engineers can produce value, and underinvesting in quality can ham-
per your ability to move quickly. On the other hand, it’s also possible to be
overly dogmatic about code reviews, standardization, and test coverage—to the
point where the processes provide diminishing returns on quality and actually
reduce your effectiveness. “[Y]ou must move quickly to build quality software
(if you don’t, you can’t react properly when things—or your understanding of
things—change …),” writes early Facebook engineer Evan Priestley. “[A]nd you
must build quality software to move quickly (if you don’t, … you lose more
time dealing with it than you ever gained by building it poorly …).” 7 Where is
time better spent? On increasing unit test coverage or prototyping more prod-
uct ideas? On reviewing code or writing more code? Given the benefits of high
code quality, finding a pragmatic balance for yourself and for your team can be
extremely high-leverage.
In this chapter, we’ll examine several strategies for building a high-quality
codebase and consider the tradeoffs involved: the pros, the cons, and the prag-
matic approaches for implementing them. We’ll cover both the benefits and the
costs of code reviews, and we’ll lay out some ways that teams can review code
without unduly compromising iteration speed. We’ll look at how building the
right abstraction can manage complexity and amplify engineering output—and
how generalizing code too soon can slow us down. We’ll show how extensive
and automated testing makes fast iteration speed possible, and why some tests
have higher leverage than others. And lastly, we’ll discuss when it makes sense
to accumulate technical debt and when we should repay it.

Establish a Sustainable Code Review Process

Engineering teams differ in their attitudes toward code reviews. Code reviews
are so ingrained in some team cultures that engineers can’t imagine working in
an environment without them. At Google, for instance, software checks prevent
engineers from committing code into the repository without a code review, and
every commit needs to be reviewed by at least one other person.
To these engineers, the benefits of code reviews are obvious. They include:
158 The Effective Engineer

• Catching bugs or design shortcomings early. It takes less time and energy
to address problems earlier in the development process; it costs significant-
ly more after they’ve been deployed to production. A 2008 study of software
quality across 12,500 projects from 650 companies found that a pass of de-
sign and code reviews remove, on average, 85% of remaining bugs. 8
• Increasing accountability for code changes. You’re much less likely to add
a quick and dirty monkey patch to the code and leave the mess for another
person to fix if you know that someone else on your team will be reviewing
your code.
• Positive modeling of how to write good code. Code reviews provide an
avenue for sharing best practices, and engineers can learn from their own
code reviews as well as from others’. Moreover, engineers pattern-match
based on the code that they see. Seeing better code means writing better
• Sharing working knowledge of the codebase. When someone reviews
your code, this ensures that at least one other person is familiar with your
work and can address high-priority bugs or other issues in your absence.
• Increasing long-term agility. Higher-quality code is easier to understand,
quicker to modify, and less susceptible to bugs. These all translate directly
into faster iteration speed for the engineering team.

Although they usually acknowledge that code reviews can improve quality, en-
gineers who don’t do them often cite their concern about their impact on itera-
tion speed. They argue that the time and effort associated with code reviews is
better spent on other aspects of product development. For example, Dropbox,
a file sharing service founded in 2007, didn’t formally require code reviews for
its first four years. 9 Despite that, the company was able to build a strong en-
gineering team and a compelling product with tens of million of users, before
they had to institute code reviews to help scale code quality. 10 11
Fundamentally, there’s a tradeoff between the additional quality that code
reviews can provide and the short-term productivity win from spending that
time to add value in other ways. Teams that don’t do code reviews may experi-
ence increasing pressure to do them as they grow. Newly hired engineers may
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 159

reason incorrectly about code, pattern-match from bad code, or start re-solv-
ing similar problems in different ways, all because they don’t have access to the
senior engineers’ institutionalized knowledge.
Given these tradeoffs, does it make sense to do code reviews? Successfully
navigating this question requires a key insight: deciding on code reviews
doesn’t need to be a binary choice, where all code is either reviewed or not re-
viewed. Rather, think of code reviews as being on a continuum. They can be
structured in different ways to reduce their overhead while still maintaining
their benefits.
At one extreme, there’s Google, which requires all code changes to be re-
viewed. 12 At the other end of the spectrum, smaller teams employ much nim-
bler code review processes. In the early days of Instagram, engineers often did
over-the-shoulder code reviews where one person would walk through anoth-
er’s code on a shared monitor. 13 Square and Twitter often use pair program-
ming in place of code reviews. 14 15 When we introduced code reviews at Ooy-
ala, we started off with comments over email cc’ed to the team and only re-
viewed the trickier pieces of core functionality; to move more quickly, we also
reviewed code post-commit, after it had already been pushed to the master
At Quora, we only required reviews of model and controller code for busi-
ness logic; view code that rendered the web interface to users didn’t need to
be reviewed. We reviewed most code after it was pushed to production; we
didn’t want to slow down iteration speed, but at the same time, we wanted to
ensure that we were investing in a high-quality codebase for the future. Code
that touched hairy infrastructure internals tended to be riskier, so we frequent-
ly reviewed those types of changes before they were committed. The more re-
cent the employee, the more valuable reviews are for bringing their code qual-
ity and style up to the team’s standard, and so we would also review new hires’
code sooner and with more attention. These examples illustrate that code re-
view processes can be tuned to reduce friction while still retaining the benefits.
In addition, code review tools have improved dramatically in the past few
years, significantly reducing overhead. When I first started working at Google,
engineers sent reviews over email, manually referencing line numbers in their
160 The Effective Engineer

comments. Reviews at other companies meant teams sitting in conference

rooms reading code on projectors. Today, code review tools like GitHub and
Phabricator provide lightweight web interfaces. When engineers mention a
teammate’s name in a commit message, facilities like git hooks can automat-
ically send a code review request to that person. Reviewers can make inline
comments right in a web interface, easily seeing what changed since the last
round of feedback. Lint checkers can automatically identify deviations from
style guidelines, boosting consistency. 16 17 These tools all help reduce code
review friction and focus engineering time on what matters: getting valuable
feedback to the implementer.
Experiment to find the right balance of code reviews that works for you
and your team. In the early days of Ooyala, our team operated without code re-
views. But because lower quality code interfered with product development, we
eventually introduced reviews as a way to increase quality. Later, some team-
mates even built an open source code review tool called Barkeep to further
streamline the process. 18

Manage Complexity through Abstraction

At Google, I could write a simple C++ MapReduce program to compute the

frequency of every single word across the billions of web pages in its search
index—with just half an hour of effort. The MapReduce programming frame-
work allowed engineers without any expertise in distributed processing, net-
working, or building fault-tolerant systems to easily define parallelized com-
putations over a large, distributed cluster of machines. I could use MapReduce
to orchestrate thousands of machines in Google’s data centers to do my bid-
ding. Other engineers used it for web indexing, ranking, machine learning,
graph computations, data analysis, large database joins, and many other com-
plex tasks. 19
In contrast, my experience prototyping a distributed database for my Mas-
ter’s thesis at MIT back in 2005 was much more painful. I spent weeks writing
thousands of lines of code to define distributed query trees, collect and or-
ganize computational output, start and stop services on machines, define my
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 161

own communication protocol, set up a data serialization format, and gracefully

recover from failures. The net result of all this work: I could run a query on
my distributed database … of 4 machines. 20 Admittedly, this was not quite at
Google’s scale.
If every engineer at Google had to spend weeks like I did to assemble all
the plumbing needed for distributed computations, it would take much longer
and significantly more code to get things done. Instead, MapReduce abstracted
away the complexity and let engineers focus on what they actually cared about:
the application logic. Most engineers using the MapReduce abstraction didn’t
have to know about the abstraction’s internals, and small teams could easi-
ly parallelize computations over massive amounts of data without specialized
knowledge. Within 4 years of its internal release within Google, engineers had
written over 10,000 unique MapReduce applications 21—a testament that the
right abstraction makes a huge difference. Later abstractions, like Sawzall, even
made it possible to write simple scripts that could be compiled into MapRe-
duce programs, requiring tenfold less code than equivalent C++ programs. 22
Google’s MapReduce inspired the popular open-source Hadoop MapReduce
framework, which has enabled other companies to reap the same benefits.
MapReduce illustrates how the right abstraction can dramatically amplify
an engineer’s output. In his book Software Abstractions, MIT Professor Daniel
Jackson explains just how important it is to choose the right abstractions. “Pick
the right ones, and programming will flow naturally from design; modules will
have small and simple interfaces; and new functionality will more likely fit in
without extensive reorganization,” Jackson writes. “Pick the wrong ones, and
programming will be a series of nasty surprises: interfaces will become baroque
and clumsy as they are forced to accommodate unanticipated interactions, and
even the simplest of changes will be hard to make.” 23
Jackson’s short quote touches on how the right abstraction increases engi-
neering productivity:

• It reduces the complexity of the original problem into easier-to-under-

stand primitives. Rather than having to reason about reliability and fault
tolerance, engineers using MapReduce deal with two much simpler con-
162 The Effective Engineer

cepts: a Map function to transform inputs from one form to another, and a
Reduce function to combine intermediate data and produce output. Many
complex problems can be expressed using a sequence of Map and Reduce
• It reduces future application maintenance and makes it easier to apply
future improvements. My simple MapReduce program to count words was
no more than 20 lines of custom code. The thousands of lines of plumbing
code that I needed to write for my distributed database at MIT were un-
necessary at Google because MapReduce already provided all the plumb-
ing—in other words, these were thousands of lines of code that didn’t have
to be written, maintained, or modified later.
• It solves the hard problems once and enables the solutions to be used
multiple times. A simple application of the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
principle, 24 a good abstraction consolidates all of the shared and often-
times-complex details into one place. The hard problems are tackled and
solved once, and the solution pays off with every additional use.

Similar to the time-saving tools we studied in Chapter 4, the right abstraction

can increase engineering productivity by an order of magnitude. Strong engi-
neering teams invest heavily in these abstractions. In addition to MapReduce,
Google built Protocol Buffers to encode structured data in an extensible way, 25
Sawzall to simplify distributed logs processing, 22 BigTable to store and manage
petabytes of structured data, 26 and many other programs to increase produc-
tivity. Facebook built Thrift to support cross-language service development, 27
Hive to support relational queries over semi-structured data, 28 and Tao to sim-
plify graph queries on top of a MySQL database. 29 At Quora, we created ab-
stractions like WebNode and LiveNode that made it easy to add real-time up-
dates to any feature we built in our web framework. 30 In many cases, these
tools reduce the time to build new features from weeks or months down to
hours or days.
But like many other aspects of code quality, building an abstraction for a
problem comes with tradeoffs. Building a generalized solution takes more time
than building one specific to a given problem. To break even, the time saved by
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 163

the abstraction for future engineers needs to outweigh the time invested. That’s
more likely to happen with software the team relies heavily on—such as logging
or user authentication libraries—than with peripheral parts of the codebase, so
focus more energy on making the core abstractions great.
Even with core abstractions, however, it’s possible to overinvest in them up
front. Asana, a startup that builds a task and project management tool, spent
nearly the entire first year of its existence developing Luna, a new framework
for building web applications. The team even developed their own accompa-
nying programming language called Lunascript. 31 Jack Heart, an engineering
manager at Asana, explained the team’s early reasoning, “The opinion of Asana
is that the power of the abstraction granted by Lunascript is so great that, even-
tually, it will have been faster to write Lunascript and then write a webapp on
the scale of Asana than to write a webapp on the scale of Asana without writing
Lunascript.” 32 The engineering investment brought with it a massive opportu-
nity cost: the team didn’t have a product to publicly demo until two years after
the company’s inception. Ultimately, the team had to abandon their ambitious
goals with the Lunascript compiler (though they were still able to reuse parts of
the framework) and revert back to using JavaScript. There were too many un-
solved research-level problems for generating performant code and insufficient
tool support for the language, and both detracted the team’s time and energy
away from actually building the product.
Just as overinvesting in an abstraction can be costly, so too can building a
poor abstraction. When we’re looking for the right tool for the job and we find
it easier to build something from scratch rather than incorporate an existing
abstraction intended for our use case, that’s a signal that the abstraction might
be ill-designed. Create an abstraction too early, before you have a firm handle
on the general problem you’re solving, and the resulting design can be overfit-
ted to the available use cases. Other engineers (or even you) might haphazard-
ly bolt on modifications, tip-toe around the shortcomings of the abstraction,
or avoid the abstraction entirely because it’s too hard to use. Bad abstractions
aren’t just wasted effort; they’re also liabilities that slow down future develop-
164 The Effective Engineer

So what makes an abstraction good? Years ago, I attended a lecture by

Joshua Bloch, the architect behind many of Java’s core libraries and, at the time,
a principal software engineer at Google. He talked about “How to Design a
Good API and Why it Matters,” discussing the characteristics of good software
interfaces, and showing how those same properties apply to good abstractions
as well. 33 Good abstractions should be: 34

• easy to learn
• easy to use even without documentation
• hard to misuse
• sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements
• easy to extend
• appropriate to the audience

Moreover, good abstractions disentwine complex concepts into simpler ones.

Rich Hickey, the author of the programming language Clojure, explains in his
talk “Simple Made Easy” that simple things take on one role, fulfill one task, ac-
complish one objective, or deal with one concept. 35 Simple abstractions avoid
interweaving multiple concepts, so that you can reason about them indepen-
dently rather than being forced to consider them together. Techniques such as
avoiding mutable state, using functional rather than imperative programming,
preferring composition over inheritance, and expressing data manipulations
declaratively rather than imperatively are just a few examples of how to reduce
incidental complexity when building software.
Designing good abstractions take work. Study other people’s abstractions to
learn how to build good ones yourself. Because the adoption of an abstraction
scales with its ease of use and its payoffs, an abstraction’s usage and popularity
provides a reasonable proxy for its quality. Here are some ideas to get you start-

• Find popular abstractions in your codebase at work or from repositories on

GitHub. Read through their documentation, dig through their source code,
and try extending them.
• Look through the open source projects at technology companies like
Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Learn why abstractions like Pro-
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 165

tocol Buffers, Thrift, Hive, and MapReduce have been indispensable to their
• Study the interfaces of popular APIs developed by Parse, Stripe, Dropbox,
Facebook, and Amazon Web Services, and figure out what makes it so easy
for developers to build on top of their platforms. Also reflect on APIs that
you or the rest of community don’t like, and understand what you don’t like
about them.

Automate Testing

Unit test coverage and some degree of integration test coverage provide a scal-
able way of managing a growing codebase with a large team without constantly
breaking the build or the product. In the absence of rigorous automated test-
ing, the time required to thoroughly do manual testing can become prohibitive.
Many bugs get detected through production usage and external bug reports.
Each major feature release and each refactor of existing code become a risk, re-
sulting in a spike to the error rate that gradually recovers as bugs get report-
ed and fixed. This leads to software error rates like the solid line in the graph
shown in Figure 1: 36
166 The Effective Engineer

Figure 1: Error rates over time, with and without automated testing.

A suite of extensive and automated tests can smooth out the spikes and reduce
overall error rates by validating the quality of new code and by safeguarding
changes of old code against regressions. This leads to the improved dotted line
in the graph. In fact, before modifying a piece of untested code, first add miss-
ing tests to ensure that your changes don’t cause regressions. Similarly, when
fixing a bug, first add a test that the bug breaks. This way, when you get the test
to pass, you’re more confident that you’ve actually addressed the bug.
Automated testing doesn’t just reduce bugs; it provides other benefits as
well. The most immediate payoff comes from decreasing repetitive work that
we’d otherwise need to do by hand. Rather than manually triggering variations
from different code branches, we can programmatically—and quickly—run
through large numbers of branches to verify correctness. Moreover, the more
closely the tests mirror actual conditions in a production environment and the
easier it is for engineers to run those tests, the more likely it is that engineers
will incorporate testing into their development workflow to automate checks.
This, in turn, leads engineers to be much more accountable for the quality of
their own work.
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 167

Tests also allow engineers to make changes, especially large refactorings,

with significantly higher confidence. When I perform multi-thousand-line
refactors to improve code quality or to implement a new abstraction, I’m ex-
tremely grateful for the protection afforded by unit tests. This protection is par-
ticularly important when the person or team modifying the code didn’t write
the original code (a common scenario) and isn’t aware of all the edge cases.
Automated tests mitigate against a culture in which people are fearful of mod-
ifying and improving a piece of code just because it might break. They make it
easier to do future code transformations.
When code does break, automated tests help to efficiently identify who’s
accountable. Without an automated test failure, a problem takes longer to be
discovered and often gets misrouted to whoever owns the feature that broke
rather than whoever authored the change. Alex Allain, an engineering manag-
er at Dropbox, recalls a time when certain user flows for business customers
mysteriously stopped working. Multiple teams, including his, had to scramble
and investigate what went wrong before they finally traced it back to a seem-
ingly harmless change from the data team. An engineer had tweaked how ob-
ject caching worked in the database layer and inadvertently modified the be-
havior of the internal database API—and Allain’s team had depended on the
old behavior. Had his team written an automated test that exercised the API
dependencies (or had the data engineer written tests to catch the discrepancy
between the old and new APIs), the right person might have been looking at
the bug from the start, saving his team the wasted effort.
Finally, tests offer executable documentation of what cases the original au-
thor considered and how to invoke the code. Average familiarity with a code-
base decreases as both the code and the team grow, making it difficult to
make future modifications without sufficient tests. And, just like documenta-
tion, writing tests is done more easily by the original authors when their code is
fresh in their minds, rather than by those who try to modify it months or years
Just because automated testing is beneficial, however, doesn’t mean that
building automated tests for everything is always a good idea. 100% code cov-
erage is difficult to achieve. Some code is harder to test automatically than
168 The Effective Engineer

others. Moreover, unless you’re working on mission-critical or safety-critical

pieces of software, dogmatically requiring test coverage for all code is unlikely
to be the best use of your time. The extent to which you should automate testing
again boils down to a matter of tradeoffs. Small unit tests tend to be easy to
write, and while each one might only provide a small benefit, a large library of
them quickly builds confidence in code correctness. Integration tests are hard-
er to write and maintain, but creating just a few is a high-leverage investment.
Despite its benefits, it can be difficult to foster a culture of automated test-
ing. There may be organizational inertia: people may believe writing unit tests
will reduce their iteration speed. Perhaps historically, parts of the code have
been untested because tests were hard to write. Or it may not be clear whether
the code currently being written actually will get shipped to production—and
people have little incentive to write tests for a product that may not even ship.
This is the dilemma that Kartik Ayyar found himself in when he was lead-
ing the development of Cityville, a social online game at Zynga. 37 In Cityville,
players grow a virtual city from a small development into a bustling metropolis
by building houses, laying out roads, and running businesses. The game sky-
rocketed to over 61 million monthly users within 50 days of its launch; at one
point, it had the highest number of monthly active users of any Facebook ap-
plication. 38 Ayyar joined the Cityville team as an individual contributor when
it was still a handful of engineers, but he soon became the engineering director
of the 50-person team.
Before Cityville became a hit, Ayyar told me, many of the gameplay iter-
ations didn’t make it into the launched product. This made it difficult to jus-
tify investing in testing. “How much do we invest in testing if you’re actually
throwing away so much of this gameplay?” he had asked himself. Moreover,
even after the game had launched, the need to continuously ship new content
to sustain its growth trumped other needs. Content creation, in the form of
adding new types of buildings, was the top priority. Teams of artists, product
managers, and engineers collaborated to aggressively release new content al-
most three times a day. There was little time left over to build automated tests,
and the value they could provide was unclear.
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 169

Moreover, achieving high test coverage was extremely daunting. The con-
structor for a class that represented an item in the game’s city map contained
around 3,000 lines of code, and a single city building might have 50–100 lines
of textual configuration specifying the look-and-feel and the dependencies of
the building. Testing that many permutations was intimidating.
The inflection point came when a simple unit test visibly started to save
them time. Because the dependencies for a building were so complex, deploy-
ments often ran into problems: engineers would accidentally drop dependen-
cies when they merged in feature code for a release. One engineer finally wrote
a basic automated test for a city building, ensuring that an image asset refer-
enced by a building’s configuration was actually in the codebase and not delet-
ed mistakenly during a code merge. That simple test started catching a lot of
bugs in Cityville’s deployments, paying for itself many times over in terms of
time saved. When the time savings became obvious, people looked for oth-
er strategic tests to help them iterate faster. “Well, we’re checking this image,
so why can’t we check other parts of the configuration file?” Kartik explained.
“Once people really started running those unit tests and [integrated them] into
the build, they really started seeing how much time it saved.”
Writing the first test is often the hardest. An effective way to initiate the
habit of testing, particularly when working with a large codebase with few au-
tomated tests, is to focus on high-leverage tests—ones that can save you a dis-
proportionate amount of time relative to how long they take to write. Once you
have a few good tests, testing patterns, and libraries in place, the effort required
to write future tests drops. That tips the balance in favor of writing more tests,
creating a virtuous feedback cycle and saving more development time. Start
with the most valuable tests, and go from there.

Repay Technical Debt

Sometimes, we build things in a way that makes sense in the short-term but
that can be costly in the long-term. We work around design guidelines because
it’s faster and easier than following them. We punt on writing test cases for a
new feature because there’s too much work to finish before the deadline. We
170 The Effective Engineer

copy, paste, and tweak small chunks of existing code instead of refactoring it to
support our use cases. Each of these tradeoffs, whether they’re made from lazi-
ness or out of a conscious decision to ship sooner, can increase the amount of
technical debt in our codebase.
Technical debt refers to all the deferred work that’s necessary to improve
the health and quality of the codebase and that would slow us down if left un-
addressed. Ward Cunningham, the inventor of the wiki, coined the term in a
1992 conference paper: “Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A lit-
tle debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite
… The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-
quite-right code counts as interest on that debt.” 39 Just like financial debt, fail-
ure to repay the principal on our technical debt means that increasing amounts
of time and energy get devoted to repaying the accumulating interest rather
than to building value.
Past some point, too much debt impedes our ability to make progress.
Debt-ridden code is hard to understand and even harder to modify, slowing
down iteration speed. It’s easier to inadvertently introduce bugs, which further
compounds the time needed to successfully make changes. As a result, en-
gineers actively avoid debt-ridden code, even if work in that area might be
high-leverage. Many decide to write roundabout solutions simply to dodge the
painful area.
Technical debt doesn’t just accumulate when we make quick and dirty
workarounds. Whenever we write software without fully understanding the
problem space, our first version will likely end up being less cleanly designed
than we’d like. Over time, we develop new insights into better ways of doing
things. Since our initial understanding of problems always will be incomplete,
incurring a little debt is unavoidable; it’s just part of getting things done.
The key to being a more effective engineer is to incur technical debt when
it’s necessary to get things done for a deadline, but to pay off that debt peri-
odically. As Martin Fowler, author of the book Refactoring, points out, “The all
too common problem is that development organizations let their debt get out
of control and spend most of their future development effort paying crippling
interest payments.” 40 Different organizations use various strategies to manage
Balance Quality with Pragmatism 171

technical debt. Asana, a startup that builds an online productivity tool, sched-
ules a Polish and Grease Week at the end of every quarter to pay off any UI and
internal tools debt that they might have accumulated. Quora devotes a day af-
ter every week-long hackathon to do cleanup work. Some companies explicitly
schedule rewrite projects (with their attendant risks) when their technical debt
gets too high, evidenced by slow development speed visibly taxing the team’s
ability to execute. Google holds Fixit days like Docs Fixit, Customer Happiness
Fixit, or Internationalization Fixit—where engineers are encouraged to tack-
le specific themes—as a lightweight mechanism to pay off technical debt. 41
LinkedIn, for example, paused feature development for two whole months after
the company went public. They used the downtime to fix a broken process—en-
gineers were taking a month to deploy new features—and then resumed devel-
opment at a much faster rate. 42
At many other companies, however, it’s up to individual engineers to sched-
ule and prioritize repayment of technical debt against other work. It might even
be up to you to argue for and justify the time spent. Unfortunately, techni-
cal debt often is hard to quantify. The less confident you are about how long a
rewrite will take or how much time it will save, the better off you are starting
small and approaching the problem incrementally. This reduces the risk of your
fix becoming too complex, and it gives you opportunities to prove to yourself
and others that the technical debt is worth repaying. I once organized a Code
Purge Day where a group of teammates and I deleted code that was no longer
being used from the codebase. It was a small but focused effort with little risk
of failure—plus, who doesn’t like the feeling of getting rid of unused code? We
purged about 3% of our application-level code, and it was easy to justify be-
cause it saved other engineers wasted time navigating around stale and irrele-
vant parts of the codebase.
Like the other tradeoffs we’ve talked about, not all technical debt is worth
repaying. You only have a finite amount of time, and time spent paying off tech-
nical debt is time not spent building other sources of value. Moreover, inter-
est payments on some technical code debt is higher than others. The more fre-
quently a part of the codebase is read, invoked, and modified, the higher the
interest payments for any technical debt in that code. Code that’s peripheral to
172 The Effective Engineer

a product or that rarely gets read and modified doesn’t affect overall develop-
ment speed as much, even if it’s laden with technical debt.
Rather than blindly repaying technical debt wherever they find it, effective
engineers spend their finite time repaying the debt with the highest lever-
age—code in highly-trafficked parts of the codebase that takes the least time to
fix up. These improvements generate the highest impact for your effort.

Key Takeaways

• Establish a culture of reviewing code. Code reviews facilitate

positive modeling of good coding practices. Find the right bal-
ance between code reviews and tooling to trade off code qual-
ity and development speed.
• Invest in good software abstractions to simplify difficult prob-
lems. Good abstractions solve a hard problem once and for
all, and significantly increase the productivity of those who use
it. But if you try to build abstractions when you have incom-
plete information about use cases, you’ll end up with some-
thing clunky and unusable.
• Scale code quality with automated testing. A suite of unit and
integration tests can help alleviate the fear of modifying what
might otherwise be brittle code. Focus on ones that save the
most time first.
• Manage your technical debt. If you spend all your resources
paying off interest on your debt, you won’t have enough time
left to work on new things. Focus on the debt that incurs the
most interest.

Minimize Operational Burden

W ith one small tap, I applied the Nashville filter to my

otherwise-mundane iPhone photo and transformed it into a stylistic
and retro Polaroid shot. This was the magic of Instagram, a photo-sharing mo-
bile app that promised people a “fast, beautiful, and fun way to share moments
with friends and family” 1 and that turned millions of amateur photogra-
phers—myself included—into budding artists. I could follow friends, celebri-
ties, and even professional photographers; their artwork would fill my Insta-
gram feed, inspiring me to share more.
Instagram grew like magic as well. They launched to the public via Apple’s
App Store on October 6, 2010. 2 Within hours, Instagram’s app had already
been downloaded over 10,000 times, and usage exploded in the coming
months. 3 A year and a half later, when Facebook acquired the company for
over $1 billion, Instagram’s user base had skyrocketed to 40 million. 4
Few other mobile apps have grown at Instagram’s pace. Scaling a product to
support that much growth in such a short period of time would be extremely
challenging for any team. What’s surprising, however, is that when Instagram
was acquired in April 2012, it had only 13 employees. Its ratio of users to em-
ployees was over 3 million to one—much higher than most other companies. 5
This was a testament to just how effective each member of that small team was.
174 The Effective Engineer

How did Instagram’s engineers manage such a feat? What high-leverage

principles enabled them to support so many users, given their limited time and
resources? I sat down with Mike Krieger, Instagram’s co-founder and CTO, to
find out.
During Instagram’s early years, Krieger explained, its team consisted of no
more than five engineers. That scarcity led to focus. They couldn’t afford to en-
gineer any solutions that would break frequently or require constant mainte-
nance. Far and away, the most valuable lesson they learned was to minimize op-
erational burden. Krieger operated like the chief of a small fire department: he
knew that each additional feature and new system represented an extra house
that the team needed to support—and possibly firefight. Development costs
didn’t stop accruing at launch time; in fact, they were just starting to accumu-
Keeping a system up and running, scaling a feature to support more users,
fixing the bugs that surface, transferring an ever-growing body of institutional
knowledge to new engineers—all of these costs continue to tax a team’s re-
sources, even after a feature or system ships. When a team is small, minimizing
that tax is critical.
Unfortunately, it is tough to fully internalize this cost. Even the smartest
and most talented engineers can become enamored with the hottest new tech-
nologies and dream of ways of incorporating them into their next project.
They’ll try out a new system that’s yet to find major adoption, a new language
that few team members know, or some experimental piece of infrastructure, all
without factoring in the future maintenance costs. These decisions impose an
ongoing cost on their time and reduce their engineering efficiency.
This is why minimizing operational burden is so critical. The recurring
costs of operating a system or product require time and energy that could be
spent on higher-leverage activities. How much time do you spend each day
or week on maintaining systems and fixing bugs, rather than on building new
things? How often do you find yourself interrupted by operational and product
issues and switching contexts to address them, rather than making progress on
tasks that you’ve prioritized? Shaving time off of recurring costs frees you to fo-
cus on what matters most.
Minimize Operational Burden 175

Whenever they could, the Instagram team picked proven and solid tech-
nologies instead of shiny or sexy new ones. “Every single, additional [technol-
ogy] you add,” Krieger cautions, “is guaranteed mathematically over time to go
wrong, and at some point, you’ll have consumed your entire team with opera-
tions.” And so, whereas many other startup teams adopted trendy NoSQL da-
ta stores and then struggled to manage and operate them, the Instagram team
stuck with tried and true options like PostgreSQL, Memcache, and Redis that
were stable, easy to manage, and simple to understand. 6 7 They avoided re-in-
venting the wheel and writing unnecessary custom software that they would
have to maintain. These decisions made it significantly easier for the small team
to operate and scale their popular app.
In this chapter, we’ll examine strategies for minimizing operational burden.
We’ll analyze Instagram’s core mantra—do the simple thing first—to learn why
we should embrace operational simplicity. We’ll show how building systems
to fail fast makes them easier to maintain. We’ll walk through the importance
of relentlessly automating mechanical tasks. We’ll talk about how making au-
tomation idempotent reduces recurring costs. And we’ll close with why we
should practice and develop our ability to recover quickly.

Embrace Operational Simplicity

Effective engineers focus on simplicity. Simple solutions impose a lower oper-

ational burden because they’re easier to understand, maintain, and modify. At
Instagram, simplicity was a key principle enabling the team to scale. “One of
the core engineering tenets is to do the simple thing first,” Krieger explained.
“We apply that to product. We apply that to hiring. We apply it to engineering.
We have posters that say it.” In reviewing each other’s designs, the team would
ask, “Is this the simplest thing?” or, “Is the simplest thing to create an entirely
new system for this one feature you’re writing?” If the answer was no, then they
reconsidered their approach.
As a product grows, software complexity tends to grow along with it. New
features may require engineers to build new systems to support them. In-
creased traffic may require additional infrastructure to successfully scale the
176 The Effective Engineer

product and maintain its speed and quality. A newly-open-sourced piece of ar-
chitecture or a new programming language may promise attractive benefits,
luring engineers into trying them out on problems they’re facing. Or, engineers
may decide to build a new feature with a non-standard toolchain because it
has slightly better performance characteristics or features than what other team
members use. The additional complexity may be a necessary evil—but often-
times, it’s not.
When asked what he’d learned from designing the iPod, Steve Jobs re-
sponded, “When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions
you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you
keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you
can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Most people
just don’t put in the time or energy to get there.” 8
Simplicity has been a value and characteristic of Instagram from the be-
ginning. When Krieger and his co-founder, Kevin Systrom, first embarked on
their venture, they were working on a location-based social networking appli-
cation called Burbn. Tackling the same crowded space as other startups like
Foursquare and Gowalla, Burbn would award points to its users for checking
into locations, hanging out with friends, and posting pictures. Krieger and Sys-
trom spent over a year building an iPhone app—and then decided that it was
too complex. “We actually got an entire version of Burbn done as an iPhone
app, but it felt cluttered, and overrun with features,” writes Systrom. So the two
of them shed all of Burbn’s complexity and honed in on the one activity that
users flocked to the most: sharing photos. “It was really difficult to decide to
start from scratch, but we … basically cut everything in the Burbn app except
for its photo, comment, and ‘like’ capabilities,” Systrom continues. “What re-
mained was Instagram.” 9
When engineering teams don’t focus on doing the simple thing first, they
either end up being less effective over time because their energy is spent on a
high upkeep cost, or they reach a point where the operational burden gets so
high that they’re forced to simplify their architecture. In fact, the engineering
team at Pinterest—the popular online pinboard where users collect and orga-
nize things from around the web—made this mistake in its early days. Over
Minimize Operational Burden 177

the course of two years, Pinterest grew rapidly from 0 to 10s of billions of page
views per month. In a talk entitled “Scaling Pinterest,” engineers Yashwanth
Nelapati and Marty Weiner describe how the team initially introduced more
and more complexity into their infrastructure to overcome the scaling prob-
lems they encountered. 10 At one point, their database and caching layers alone
involved a mixture of seven different technologies: MySQL, Cassandra, Mem-
base, Memcache, Redis, Elastic Search, and MongoDB. 11 This was much more
complexity than their small engineering team (3 people at that time) could
Having too complex of an architecture imposes a maintenance cost in a few

• Engineering expertise gets splintered across multiple systems. Every sys-

tem has its own unique set of properties and failure modes that must be dis-
covered, understood, and mastered. The more systems there are, the longer
this process takes.
• Increased complexity introduces more potential single points of failure.
Too much surface area in the system architecture, coupled with too few en-
gineering resources, means it’s harder to ensure that at least two people can
cover any given area. What happens when the only person familiar with a
critical component gets sick or goes on vacation?
• New engineers face a steeper learning curve when learning and under-
standing the new systems. Ramp up time increases, since every engineer
must internalize a larger body of knowledge to be productive. In compari-
son, an architecture with a smaller set of reusable abstractions and tools is
easier to learn.
• Effort towards improving abstractions, libraries, and tools gets diluted
across the different systems. As a result, no one system is as well-support-
ed as it could be if engineering resources were pooled together and focused
on a smaller set of building blocks.

When system complexity grows faster than the engineering team’s ability to
maintain the system, productivity and progress suffer. More and more time gets
178 The Effective Engineer

diverted towards maintenance and figuring out how things work; less time is
spent finding new ways to build value.
Eventually, the Pinterest team realized that they needed to simplify their ar-
chitecture to reduce their operational burden. They learned the hard way that
a well-designed architecture supports additional growth by adding more of the
same types of components, not by introducing more complex systems. By Jan-
uary 2012, they had substantially simplified their data and caching architecture
to just MySQL, Memcache, Redis, and Solr. Since then, they’ve grown more
than 4x by just scaling up the number of machines in each service rather than
introducing any new services. 12
Instagram and Pinterest demonstrate that the discipline to focus on sim-
plicity provides high leverage. That lesson applies to a variety of scenarios:

• It’s fine to experiment with a new programming language for a prototype or

a toy project, but think hard before using it in a new production system. Do
other team members have experience with the language? Is it easy to pick
up? Will it be hard to hire engineers fluent in it?
• Proponents of new data stores promise that their systems solve the prob-
lems in battle-tested relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. Be-
fore using these new storage systems in production, however, do your re-
search. Find out if other teams have successfully used them for projects of
a similar scope and whether they have actually been able to maintain and
scale them with lower operational burden than more standard solutions.
• When tackling a new problem, consider whether repurposing an existing
abstraction or tool would be simpler than developing a custom solution.
People often say, “Use the right tool for the job”—but that can also increase
the number of moving parts. Does the complexity of having more parts
outweigh the benefits of simplicity through standardization?
• If you’re processing large amounts of data, consider whether the data is ac-
tually large enough such that you need a distributed cluster, or whether a
single, beefy machine will suffice. Clusters are harder to manage and debug
than single machines.
Minimize Operational Burden 179

Remember: do the simple thing first. Always ask, “What’s the simplest solution
that can get the job done while also reducing our future operational burden?”
Revisit sources of complexity, and find opportunities to trim them away.

Build Systems to Fail Fast

Many engineers associate robustness and reliability with an absence of crashes.

They spend their energy adding workarounds to automatically handle software
errors so that their programs can continue to function. Workarounds may in-
clude setting misconfigured parameters to default values, adding catch-all ex-
ception handlers to deal with unexpected issues, and swallowing unexpected
return values.
These techniques cause software to fail slowly. The software may continue
to run after an error, but this is often in exchange for less decipherable bugs
further down the road. Suppose we introduce logic into a web server so that if
it reads in a misspelled configuration parameter for max_database_connec-
tions, it defaults the parameter to 5. The program might start and run as usu-
al, but once deployed to production, we’ll be searching everywhere trying to
understand why database queries are slower than usual. Or suppose our appli-
cation silently fails to save a user’s state to a data structure or database, so that
it can keep running for longer. Later on, when it doesn’t read back the expect-
ed data, the program might be so far removed from the failure that it’s difficult
to pinpoint the root cause. Or suppose an analytics program that processes log
files simply skips over all corrupted data that it encounters. It’ll be able to con-
tinue generating reports, but days later, when customers complain that their
numbers are inconsistent, we’ll be scratching our heads and struggling to find
the cause.
Slowly failing systems muddy the sources of code errors, making it difficult
for us to discover what went wrong. As we discussed in Chapter 4, debugging
is an integral part of software development. Inevitably, bugs will arise and soft-
ware will be misconfigured, and we will need to spend time reproducing the
issues and pinpointing the sources of errors. The more directly we can link the
180 The Effective Engineer

feedback to a source, the more quickly that we can reproduce the problem and
address the issue.
A valuable technique for shortening that feedback loop is to make your
software fail fast. Jim Shore explains the technique in his IEEE Software article
“Fail Fast”: “[In] a system that fails fast …, when a problem occurs, it fails im-
mediately and visibly. Failing fast is a nonintuitive technique: ‘failing immedi-
ately and visibly’ sounds like it would make your software more fragile, but it
actually makes it more robust. Bugs are easier to find and fix, so fewer go into
production.” 13 By failing fast, we can more quickly and effectively surface and
address issues.
Examples of failing fast include:

• Crashing at startup time when encountering configuration errors

• Validating software inputs, particularly if they won’t be consumed until
much later
• Bubbling up an error from an external service that you don’t know how to
handle, rather than swallowing it
• Throwing an exception as soon as possible when certain modifications to
a data structure, like a collection, would render dependent data structures,
like an iterator, unusable
• Throwing an exception if key data structures have been corrupted rather
than propagating that corruption further within the system
• Asserting that key invariants hold before or after complex logic flows and
attaching sufficiently descriptive failure messages
• Alerting engineers about any invalid or inconsistent program state as early
as possible

The more complex the system, the more time that fail-fast techniques can save.
My team once encountered a nasty data corruption bug on a web application:
reads from the data store generally worked fine, but a few times a day, they
would return completely unrelated data. Code would request one type of data
and get back another, or it would ask for a single value and get back a list of ob-
jects of a completely different type. We suspected everything from data corrup-
tion in our application-level caching layers, to bugs in the open source caching
Minimize Operational Burden 181

services themselves, to threads overwriting each other’s data. It took multiple

team members over a week to resolve the problem.
It turned out that when a web request timed out, the application didn’t
properly reset the MySQL connection that was part of a shared connection
pool. When the next unsuspecting web request came in and reused the same
connection, its first query would get the response intended for the timed-out
request. The erroneous response would propagate throughout the caching lay-
er. Because the web application was under more intense load that week, the la-
tent bug surfaced more frequently than usual. Failing fast by killing the con-
nection on timeout or by asserting that a connection was clean at the start of a
web request would have saved us many collective hours of grief.
Another time, I was working with Memcached, a high-performance and
distributed in-memory caching system. Engineering teams at many web com-
panies cache values retrieved from their databases in Memcached to improve
read performance and reduce database load. Memcached essentially behaves
like a big hash table; clients write key-value pairs and then later retrieve the
data by key very quickly. Clients also can specify an expiration time on a key to
expire stale data and manage the amount of memory consumed by it.
To reduce the load on our database, I decided to increase the expiration
time (from 10 days to 40) for a key that cached the results of certain expensive
database queries. After deploying the change to production, however, alerts on
our database started firing; the load on the database spiked and was even high-
er than before. I quickly reverted the change, trying to understand how in-
creasing the expiration time could have increased load. After much investiga-
tion, it turned out that a Memcached expiration time was expressed in seconds,
but only up to 30 days. Any number larger than 30 days (2,592,000 seconds)
was interpreted as a UNIX timestamp. Memcached had treated what I thought
was 40 days as a timestamp from 1970, even though that made little sense. 14
As a result, values expired immediately after being set, as if they weren’t being
cached at all. If Memcached’s interface had failed fast and returned a more sen-
sible error rather than just using my invalid input (or if the interface had been
more intuitive), the error would have easily been caught during development
and would never have made it to production. In both of these cases, failing fast
182 The Effective Engineer

would have made errors more easily detectable, helping to reduce the frequen-
cy and duration of production issues.
Failing fast doesn’t necessarily mean crashing your programs for users. You
can take a hybrid approach: use fail-fast techniques to surface issues immedi-
ately and as close to the actual source of error as possible; and complement
them with a global exception handler that reports the error to engineers while
failing gracefully to the end user. For example, suppose you’re working on a
complex web application where the rendering engine produces hundreds of
components on a page. Each component might fail fast if it encounters an error,
but a global exception handler could catch the exception, log it, and then fail
more gracefully for the user by not rendering that particular component. Or
the global exception handler might show a notification requesting the user to
reload the page. What’s more, you can build automated pipelines to aggregate
the logged errors and sort them by frequency in a dashboard, so that engineers
can address them in order of importance. In contrast to a situation where com-
ponents simply overlook the error and proceed as usual, failing fast allows you
to capture the specific error.
Building systems to fail fast can be a very high-leverage activity. It helps
reduce the time you spend maintaining and debugging software by surfacing
problematic issues sooner and more directly.

Relentlessly Automate Mechanical Tasks

Launching new products and features is a big rush. However, every launch typ-
ically brings with it the dreaded—but necessary—responsibility of pager du-
ty, a job that I’ve become intimately familiar with throughout my software en-
gineering career. Somebody has to keep everything up and running. During
pager duty rotation, on-call engineers take turns at being the first line of de-
fense against any and all production issues. Being on-call means traveling with
your laptop and a wireless data card so that no matter where you are, you can
quickly hop online if you get an alert. It creates an unpredictable schedule: you
might get called away at any moment, sometimes to address nerve-wracking
and time-sensitive outages that legitimately require your attention, but other
Minimize Operational Burden 183

times to deal with trifling issues. It’s particularly frustrating to get woken up
at 3AM only to find out that you need to run a series of 5 commands that a
machine could have done for you. And yet, it’s surprisingly easy to forge ahead
with other work the next day, particularly if there’s deadline pressure, instead
of creating a long-term fix.
Time is our most valuable resource. Pushing relentlessly toward automa-
tion to reduce avoidable situations like 3AM wake-up calls is one high-leverage
way to free up our time and energy so we can focus on other activities. Apply-
ing a quick manual band-aid to address a problem might take less time than
building a sustainable fix. But in the long run, automating solutions and script-
ing repetitive tasks reduce our operational burden, providing powerful ways to
scale our impact.
When deciding whether to automate, the judgment call that an engineer
must make is: Will I save more time overall by manually doing a particular task
or by paying the upfront cost of automating the process? When the manual labor
required is obviously high, the decision to automate seems simple enough. Un-
fortunately, situations are rarely that black and white. Engineers automate less
frequently than they should, for a few reasons:

• They don’t have the time right now. Upcoming deadlines and managerial
pressure often prompt engineers to sacrifice the long-term benefits of au-
tomation for the short-term benefit of shipping a product sooner. Launch-
ing the product in a timely fashion may very well be important right now,
but consistently deferring the decision to automate will eventually erode
engineering productivity.
• They suffer from the tragedy of the commons, in which individuals act
rationally according to their own self-interest but contrary to the group’s
best long-term interests. 15 When manual work is spread across multiple
engineers and teams, it reduces the incentive of any individual engineer to
spend the time to automate. This happens often with those weekly pager
duty rotations, for example. As teams get bigger, each individual rotation
occurs less frequently—and it’s tempting to apply quick manual fixes that
184 The Effective Engineer

last just long enough for you to punt the responsibility to the next on-call
• They lack familiarity with automation tools. Many types of automation
rely on systems skills that non-systems engineers are not as familiar with.
It takes time to learn how to quickly assemble command-line scripts, com-
bine UNIX primitives, and hack together different services. Like most
skills, however, automation gets easier with practice.
• They underestimate the future frequency of the task. Even when you
think a manual task might only need to be completed once, requirements
sometimes change and mistakes get made. It’s fairly straightforward to up-
date a script, but manually redoing the entire task over and over again is
• They don’t internalize the time savings over a long time horizon. Saving
10 seconds per task might not seem like a big deal, even if it happens 10
times a day. But over the course of year, that’s almost an entire workday

Every time you do something that a machine can do, ask yourself whether it’s
worthwhile to automate it. Don’t let your willingness to work hard and grind
through manual tasks cause you to throw hours at a problem, if what’s really
needed is a little cleverness. Activities where automation can help include:

• Validating that a piece of code, an interaction, or a system behaves as ex-

• Extracting, transforming, and summarizing data
• Detecting spikes in the error rate
• Building and deploying software to new machines
• Capturing and restoring database snapshots
• Periodically running batch computations
• Restarting a web service
• Checking code to ensure it conforms to style guidelines
• Training a machine learning model
• Managing user accounts or user data
• Adding or removing a server to or from a group of services
Minimize Operational Burden 185

The cost of automating (including learning how to automate) may initially be

higher than the cost of doing the job manually. However, if the experience in-
creases the efficiency with which you can automate in the future, that skill will
compound and pay for itself as you use automation for more and more prob-
Do certain activities make more sense to automate than others? Bobby
Johnson, a former Director of Engineering at Facebook who ran the infrastruc-
ture team, provided valuable insight into this question. Facebook runs one of
the largest MySQL database installations in the world, with many thousands of
servers across multiple data centers. Each Facebook user’s profile is assigned to
one of many thousands of partitions, called shards, and each database server
contains multiple shards. If a server fails (and tens or hundreds might fail on a
given day) or a shard gets too big, one or more shards need to be redistributed
to another database server. 16
Given the complexity of their MySQL configuration, one would imagine
that Facebook must have built systems to automagically handle MySQL
failovers and load balancing early on in their history. Not so, according to John-
son. “I was at a conference, and all these people were talking to me about these
crazy things they had for magically failing over on MySQL and doing magi-
cal load balancing,” Johnson explained. “We actually still just had a guy who
did that.” Engineers at companies managing just 20 servers were writing scripts
that tried to get the system to automatically heal and correct itself when things
went wrong. But at Facebook, an engineer was manually load balancing their
massive database cluster.
That doesn’t mean that automation wasn’t important; it would have been
impossible for one person to manage thousands of machines without automat-
ed tools. Johnson, however, distinguished between two types of automation:
automating mechanics and automating decision-making. Automating the me-
chanics of a sequence of steps tends to be straightforward and testable. Au-
tomating the right decisions to make, particularly in the context of building
systems that can heal and repair themselves when things go wrong, turns out to
be much more challenging. “[T]he problem when you do build those systems
is that they tend to run amok,” Johnson added. “So many of the worst outages
186 The Effective Engineer

we ever had were because those things went crazy. They rarely get tested well,
because by definition they run in unusual circumstances.”
For example, consider a simple automated rule for a load balancer that han-
dles a failed server by routing traffic destined to that server to others in the
group. This policy works great when one server goes down, but what happens
if half the servers fail? The policy routes all the traffic destined to those failed
servers to the other half. And if the servers had gone down because of too much
load, then the automation would end up taking down the entire cluster. That’s
a much worse situation than just dropping half of the requests to shed load.
And so, for a long time, to balance database shards at Facebook, an engi-
neer ran a script to look for the most overloaded machines and then ran anoth-
er script to move some shards off of those machines. The mechanics of moving
a shard from one database server to another was heavily automated, but a hu-
man decided which of thousands of shards to move where. It would be many
years before Facebook reached the point in their development where it was
worthwhile to tackle the harder task of decision automation. They ultimate-
ly deployed a system called MySQL Pool Scanner to automatically rebalance
Automation can produce diminishing returns as you move from automat-
ing mechanics to automating decision-making. Given your finite time, focus
first on automating mechanics. Simplify a complicated chain of 12 commands
into a single script that unambiguously does what you want. Only after you’ve
picked all the low-hanging fruit should you try to address the much harder
problem of automating smart decisions.

Make Batch Processes Idempotent

As you automate more operations, your time’s leverage increases—but so does

the probability that some of your automation will fail. Scripts executing a se-
quence of actions without human intervention (also known as batch processes)
that you schedule to run periodically, will hit network timeouts or unexpect-
ed hiccups. Scripts processing large amounts of data, increasingly common as
data analytics become key to more businesses, work most of the time, but they
Minimize Operational Burden 187

take a long time to retry or recover when they fail. If you’re not careful, the time
required to maintain your automation will climb. Therefore, minimizing that
burden is a high-leverage activity.
One technique to make batch processes easier to maintain and more re-
silient to failure is to make them idempotent. An idempotent process produces
the same results regardless of whether it’s run once or multiple times. It there-
fore can be retried as often as necessary without unintended side effects. For
example, imagine that you’re processing the day’s application logs to update the
weekly database counts of different user actions. A non-idempotent approach
might iterate over each log line and increment the appropriate counter. If the
script ever crashed and needed to be re-run, however, you could inadvertent-
ly increment some counters twice and others once. A more robust, idempotent
approach would keep track of the counts of each user action by day. It would
read through the logs to compute the counters for the current day, and only
after that’s successful, would it derive the weekly totals by summing the daily
counters for that week. Retrying a failed process in the idempotent approach
simply overwrites the daily counters and re-derives the weekly count, so there’s
no double counting. A day’s counters could similarly be derived from separate
hourly counters if there’s too much data.
When idempotence isn’t possible, structuring a batch process so that it’s at
least retryable or reentrant can still help. A retryable or reentrant process is able
to complete successfully after a previous interrupted call. A process that’s not
reentrant typically leaves side effects on some global state that prevents it from
successfully completing on a retry. For instance, a failed process might still be
holding onto a global lock or have emitted partial output; designing the process
so that it knows how to handle these inconsistent states can reduce the amount
of manual handholding required later. Make each process either fail entirely or
succeed entirely.
Idempotence also offers another benefit that many effective engineers take
advantage of: the ability to run infrequent processes at a more frequent rate
than strictly necessary, to expose problems sooner. Suppose you have a script
that runs once a month. Perhaps it generates a monthly analytics report, pro-
duces a new search index, or archives stale user data. Much can change in a
188 The Effective Engineer

month. Initially valid assumptions about the data size, codebase, or architec-
ture may no longer be true. If these false assumptions break the script, this can
cause a monthly scramble to figure out the cause, perhaps under extreme time
pressure. One powerful technique made possible by a idempotent script is to
convert infrequent workflows into more common ones by scheduling dry runs
every day or week; this way, you get quicker feedback when something breaks.
If a dry run fails in the middle of the month, there’s still ample time to figure
out what went wrong; moreover, the window of potential causes is much nar-
rower. Rajiv Eranki, a former Dropbox engineer responsible for scaling infra-
structure from 4K to 40M users, even suggests scheduling scripts intended only
for manual invocation (like scripts to fix user state or to run diagnostics) to be
run regularly to detect errors. 17
Running batch processes more frequently also allows you to handle assort-
ed glitches transparently. A system check that runs every 5 to 10 minutes might
raise spurious alarms because a temporary network glitch causes it to fail, but
running the check every 60 seconds and only raising an alarm on consecutive
failures dramatically decreases the chances of false positives. Many temporary
failures might resolve themselves within a minute, reducing the need for man-
ual intervention.
Idempotence and reentrancy can reduce some of the complexity and recur-
ring costs involved in maintaining automated and batch processes. They make
automation cheaper, freeing you to work on other things.

Hone Your Ability to Respond and Recover Quickly

At Netflix, engineers did something counterintuitive: they built a system called

Chaos Monkey that randomly kills services in its own infrastructure. 18 Rather
than spending energy keeping services alive, they actively wreak havoc on their
own system. It turns out that this strategy actually makes their infrastructure
more robust and reduces the pain of pager duty. By configuring Chaos Monkey
to kill services on weekdays during regular work hours, engineers can identify
architectural weaknesses while they’re in the office rather than having to deal
with unexpected and untimely emergencies on the weekends or in the middle
Minimize Operational Burden 189

of the night. As they note on their blog, “The best defense against major unex-
pected failures is to fail often.” 19 When Amazon Web Services, which Netflix
depends on for its cloud services, suffered major outages, Netflix was able to es-
cape with little service disruption—while other companies like Airbnb, Reddit,
Foursquare, Hootsuite, and Quora suffered multiple hours of downtime. 20
Netflix’s approach illustrates a powerful strategy for reducing operational
burden: developing the ability to recover quickly. Regardless of what we’re
working on, things will go wrong some of the time. If we’re building a product
that depends on the web, some downtime is inevitable. If we’re building desk-
top software, some bugs will pass through undetected and get released to users.
Even if we’re doing something as fundamental as checking in code, we’ll occa-
sionally break the build or the test suite, no matter how careful we are. It’s im-
portant to focus on uptime and quality, but as we go down the list of probable
failure modes or known bugs, we will find that our time investments produce
diminishing returns. No matter how careful we are, unexpected failures will al-
ways occur.
Therefore, how we handle failures plays a large role in our effectiveness.
And at some point, it becomes higher leverage to focus our time and energy
on our ability to recover quickly than on preventing failures in the first place.
The better our tools and processes for recovering quickly from failures, and
the more we practice using them, the higher our confidence and the lower our
stress levels. This allows us to move forward much more quickly.
However, even though the cost of failure can be very high, we often don’t
devote enough resources to developing strategies that address failure scenarios.
Simulating failures accurately is difficult, and because they happen infrequent-
ly, the payoff for handling them better seems lower than working on more
pressing product issues. Recovery processes to handle server failures, database
failovers, and other failure modes therefore tend to be inadequate at best. When
we do need the processes, we bumble around trying to figure things out when
stress levels are at their highest, leading to subpar performance.
One strategy for fixing this imbalance comes from Bill Walsh, former coach
of the San Francisco 49ers. In The Score Takes Care of Itself, Walsh discusses
a strategy called “scripting for success.” 21 Walsh wrote scripts, or contingency
190 The Effective Engineer

plans, for how to respond to all types of game scenarios. He had a plan for what
to do if the team was behind by two or more touchdowns after the first quar-
ter; a plan for what to do if a key player got injured; a plan for what to do if the
team had 25 yards to go, one play remaining, and needed a touchdown. Walsh
realized that it’s tough to clear your mind and make effective decisions during
critical points of the game, especially when thousands of fans are roaring, heck-
lers are throwing hot dogs and beer cups at you, and the timer is ticking pre-
cious seconds away. Scripting moved the decision-making process away from
the distracting and intense emotions of the game. In fact, the first 20 to 25 plays
of every 49ers game eventually became scripted, a tree of if-then rules that cod-
ified what the team would do in different scenarios. By scripting for success,
Walsh led the 49ers to 3 Super Bowl victories and was twice named NFL Coach
of the Year. 22
Like Walsh, we too can script for success and shift our decision-making
away from high-stakes and high-pressure situations and into more controlled
environments. We can reduce the frequency of situations where emotions
cloud our judgments and where time pressure compounds our stress. As en-
gineers, we can even programmatically script our responses and test them to
ensure that they’re robust. This is particularly important as an engineering or-
ganization grows and any infrastructure that can fail will begin to fail.
Like Netflix, other companies have also adopted strategies for simulating
failures and disasters, preparing themselves for the unexpected:

• Google runs annual, multi-day Disaster Recovery Testing (DiRT) events.

They simulate disasters, like earthquakes or hurricanes, that cut the power
for entire data centers and offices. They then verify that teams, communica-
tions, and critical systems continue to function. The exercises surface single
points of failure, unreliable failovers, outdated emergency plans, and oth-
er unexpected errors, allowing teams to deal with them in a controlled set-
ting. 23
• At Dropbox, the engineering team often simulates additional load for their
production systems. Doing so enables them to artificially trigger issues
sooner; when they hit a system limit that causes errors, they disable the
Minimize Operational Burden 191

simulated load and have ample time to investigate the issue. This is much
less stressful than firefighting the same issues when they have to deal with
real traffic that they can’t just turn off. 24

Netflix, Google, and Dropbox all assume that the unexpected and the unde-
sired will happen. They practice their failure scenarios to strengthen their abil-
ity to recover quickly. They believe that it’s better to proactively plan and script
for those scenarios when things are calm, rather than scramble for solutions
during circumstances outside of their control. While we might not necessarily
work at the same scale or have the same scope of responsibility as the engineers
at these companies, it’s just as important for us to be prepared for whatever fail-
ure scenarios we experience. Ask “what if ” questions and work through con-
tingency plans for handling different situations:

• What if a critical bug gets deployed as part of a release? How quickly can
we roll it back or respond with a fix, and can we shorten that window?
• What if a database server fails? How do we fail over to another machine and
recover any lost data?
• What if our servers get overloaded? How can we scale up to handle the in-
creased traffic or shed load so that we respond correctly to at least some of
the requests?
• What if our testing or staging environments get corrupted? How would we
bring up a new one?
• What if a customer reports an urgent issue? How long would it take cus-
tomer support to notify engineering? How long for engineering to follow
up with a fix?

Practicing our failure scenarios so that we can recover quickly applies more
generally to other aspects of software engineering, as well:

• What if a manager or other stakeholder at an infrequent review meeting

raises objections about the product plan? What questions might they ask,
and how might we respond?
• What if a critical team member gets sick or injured, or leaves? How can we
share knowledge so that the team continues to function?
192 The Effective Engineer

• What if users revolt over a new and controversial feature? What is our
stance and how quickly can we respond?
• What if a project slips past a promised deadline? How might we predict the
slippage early, recover, and respond?

Just like service downtime, it’s hard—indeed, sometimes impossible—to pre-

vent these failure modes. The best that we can do is to “script for success,” prac-
tice failure scenarios, and work on our ability to recover quickly.
All the strategies in this chapter focus on minimizing the time and energy
spent operating and maintaining what we build. Instagram grew and scaled
successfully in part because the team didn’t spend all their time keeping their
app up and running. Minimizing our own operational burden means that we,
too, can invest our time in more meaningful ways of driving impact.

Key Takeaways

• Do the simple thing first. Simpler systems are easier to under-

stand, extend, and maintain.
• Fail fast to pinpoint the source of errors. Make debugging
easier by not masking your errors and by not deferring failures
until later.
• Automate mechanics over decision-making. Aggressively au-
tomate manual tasks to save yourself time. At the same time,
think twice before trying to automate decision-making, which
tends to be hard to get correct.
• Aim for idempotence and reentrancy. These properties make
it easier for you to retry actions in the face of failure.
• Plan and practice failure modes. Building confidence in your
ability to recover lets you proceed more boldly.

Invest in Your Team’s Growth

“S ink or swim.” These weren’t the most encouraging words that

Sean Knapp, my new CTO, could have said to me as I was ramping up,
but they did set the tone for my onboarding experience at Ooyala, my first for-
ay into the startup world. No life preserver was coming—I had better figure out
how to stay afloat, fast.
Knapp and his two other co-founders had brought along much of their
Google spirit to Ooyala. They envisioned using superior technology to disrupt
the online video space, just as Google had disrupted the online search and
advertising spaces. Greens, yellows, reds, and blues—traditional Google col-
ors—were splashed throughout the open-floor office layout, giving visitors
the impression that Ooyala could actually be a small Google offshoot. But
the founders also shared a Red Bull-chugging intensity that I hadn’t seen in
Google’s laid-back culture, an environment where I hadn’t experienced many
urgent deadlines or panics.
My first assignment at Ooyala was to build and launch an already-promised
feature that would allow video publishers to schedule when their online videos
would go on the air. 1 I had two weeks. On my first day, I found myself wading
through a confusing codebase laced with technical debt—accumulated in the
team’s sprint to build a working product—and lacking any documentation or
194 The Effective Engineer

unit tests. Most of the code was also written in a Java-like language called Ac-
tionScript that I wasn’t familiar with. I needed to learn ActionScript, get com-
fortable with Ruby on Rails, and familiarize myself with Flash video and graph-
ics libraries before I could even get started building the feature. My eyes glued
to my monitor, I traced through code littered with obscure variable names like
qqq and questionable function names like load2 and load3.
That “sink-or-swim” onboarding program created one of the most tense
and intimidating experiences of my career. I ended up pulling two nerve-
wracking 80-hour weeks to ship my first feature on schedule, wondering the
whole time whether leaving the comforts of Google and joining the startup
world had been the right choice. Eventually, I acclimated to the new environ-
ment, and over time, the team supplanted the untested and cryptic code with a
much stronger foundation. But sending me flailing into the water induced un-
necessary stress and was not an effective use of my time and energy. Moreover,
for a long time, subsequent new hires had to struggle through a similar experi-
One of the biggest lessons I learned from Ooyala is that investing in a pos-
itive, smooth onboarding experience is extremely valuable. That lesson was re-
emphasized when I joined the 12-person team at Quora. Onboarding wasn’t
well-structured; it mainly consisted of haphazard and ad hoc discussions. Nei-
ther company was opposed to having a higher quality onboarding process, but
creating one also hadn’t been prioritized. My desire for something better mo-
tivated and informed my subsequent work building Quora’s onboarding pro-
gram, discussed later in this chapter.
Investing in onboarding is just one way to invest in your team’s growth. Up
until now, most of what you’ve read have been lessons on how to be a more
effective individual contributor. So how did a chapter on team-building find
its way into a book about becoming a more effective engineer? It’s because the
people and the team that you work with have a significant impact on your own
effectiveness—and you don’t have to be a manager or a senior engineer to in-
fluence your team’s direction. For some people, developing a team may be less
enjoyable than developing software. But if you want to increase your effective-
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 195

ness, it’s important to recognize that building a strong team and a positive cul-
ture has a considerable amount of leverage.
The higher you climb up the engineering ladder, the more your effective-
ness will be measured not by your individual contributions but by your impact
on the people around you. Companies like Google, Facebook, and others all
have similar criteria for senior engineers, staff engineers, principal engineers,
distinguished engineers, and their equivalent positions: the higher the level, the
higher the expected impact. Marc Hedlund, the former Senior VP of Product
Development and Engineering at Etsy and now the VP of Engineering at Stripe,
offered a succinct description of the different positions. “You’re a staff engi-
neer if you’re making a whole team better than it would be otherwise. You’re a
principal engineer if you’re making the whole company better than it would be
otherwise. And you’re distinguished if you’re improving the industry.” 2 Think-
ing early in your career about how to help your co-workers succeed instills the
right habits that in turn will lead to your own success.
Investing in other people’s success is important for another reason: you can
get swept up the ladder with them. Yishan Wong, based on his decade of expe-
rience leading teams in Silicon Valley, argues this point with a thought exper-
iment. “Imagine that you have a magic wand, and by waving this magic wand,
you can make every single person in your company succeed at their job [by]
120%. What would happen?” Wong answers his own question: “[I]f everyone
knocked their job out of the park, the company would probably be a huge suc-
cess and even if you did nothing else, you’d be swept along in the tide of success
of everyone around you.” 3 Wong firmly believes the secret to your own career
success is to “focus primarily on making everyone around you succeed.”
And he is not the only one giving that advice. Andy Rachleff co-founded
Benchmark Capital, a venture capital firm that’s invested in over 250 companies
and manages nearly $3 billion in capital. He’s accumulated decades of experi-
ence in growing companies. 4 Rachleff tells students in his Stanford class, “You
get more credit than you deserve for being part of a successful company, and
less credit than you deserve for being part of an unsuccessful company.” 5 The
message is clear: your career success depends largely on your company and
team’s success, and the success of your company or team depends on more
196 The Effective Engineer

than just your individual contributions. You’ll accomplish much more if those
around you are aligned with you rather than against you, and you can do that
by investing in their success.
In this chapter, we’ll go over techniques to invest in different phases of your
team’s growth. We’ll start by walking through why strong engineering compa-
nies make hiring a top priority, and what your role should be in the hiring
process. We’ll talk about why designing a good onboarding process for new
members of your team is a high-leverage activity and how to do it. We’ll dis-
cuss how, once you’ve assembled your team, sharing ownership of code makes
your team stronger. We’ll go over how using post-mortems to build collective
wisdom leads to long-term value. And we’ll close with a discussion of how to
build a great engineering culture.

Make Hiring Everyone’s Responsibility

Interviewing new engineering candidates can feel bothersome. It interrupts

productivity and breaks up our day, and it’s time-consuming to write feedback
on candidates and debrief with the team. If the recruiting pipeline is not set up
well, interviews can feel like hit-or-miss sessions with unqualified candidates
who bomb our questions. We can leave interviews feeling like we weren’t able
to get sufficient signal on a prospective hire. And since it’s hard to recruit the
best talent, the majority of interviews don’t actually result in accepted offers. As
a result, individual interviews might not appear to be particularly good time
It’s only when we look at interviews in the aggregate do we realize that hir-
ing is an extremely high-leverage activity. The smaller the company—and the
more likely that the person you interview will be an immediate co-worker—the
greater the leverage of those interviews. When Quora’s team was only about 30
people, I had a 20-day stretch where I interviewed one engineer per day. On av-
erage, I spent two hours of every day that month talking with a candidate, writ-
ing up feedback, and debriefing on whether to make an offer. It was exhausting.
But if those 40 hours resulted in even just one additional hire, the 2,000+ hours
of output that he or she would contribute per year would more than justify the
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 197

cost. And, in fact, we struck gold with that particular batch; we ended up hiring
five full-time engineers and one intern.
I’m not alone in adopting a mindset that hiring ought to be a top priority.
Albert Ni, one of the first ten engineers at the popular file synchronization ser-
vice Dropbox, also realized that building a great team can be higher-leverage
than working on “traditional” software engineering. Ni built out the original
analytics and payments code at Dropbox during his first few years at the com-
pany. He loved the work, but in October 2011, when the company consisted
of 30 engineers, he switched his focus to recruiting. “I became responsible for
the engineering hiring problem that we had here,” Ni told me. “We were re-
ally struggling to hire engineers at the time.” A core part of the problem was
that engineers simply weren’t spending enough time on hiring. There was no
standardization across interviews, no organized process for sourcing new can-
didates, and no formalized campus recruiting efforts. 6
Focusing on recruiting instead of writing code was difficult. “I’d be lying if
I said I was super excited to do it at the time, because I really enjoyed the work
I was doing,” Ni explained. But he also knew that there weren’t enough engi-
neering resources to execute on everything the team wanted to do, so improv-
ing the hiring process would have a huge impact. Ni immersed himself in the
problem. He started reviewing all the inbound resumes, screening all the inter-
view feedback, and attending the debriefs for every engineering candidate. He
did the actual interview scheduling and talked with candidates to understand
their perspectives on the process. Over the years, Ni’s work paid off. Slowly, in-
terviews became more standardized, and the company built a culture where in-
terviewing was everyone’s responsibility. By early 2014, the engineering team at
Dropbox had grown to over 150 members, more than 5x its size when Ni began
focusing on recruiting.
So how do we design an effective interview process? A good interview
process achieves two goals. First, it screens for the type of people likely to do
well on the team. And second, it gets candidates excited about the team, the
mission, and the culture. Ideally, even if a candidate goes home without an of-
fer, they still leave with a good impression of the team and refer their friends
198 The Effective Engineer

to interview with the company. One of your primary levers as an interviewer is

therefore making the interview experience both fun and rigorous.
As an interviewer, your goal is to optimize for questions with high signal-
to-noise ratios—questions that reveal a large amount of useful information (sig-
nal) about the candidate per minute spent, with little irrelevant or useless data
(noise). Good, well-executed questions let you confidently differentiate among
candidates of varying abilities; bad, poorly managed questions leave you unsure
whether to hire the candidate.
The types of questions that generate the most signal depend on the qualities
most correlated with success on your team. Traditionally, many large technol-
ogy companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon require engi-
neering candidates to answer algorithm and coding questions on a whiteboard.
These textbook-style questions evaluate a candidate’s computer science knowl-
edge, but they can often fall short in gauging whether an engineer actually gets
things done in a work environment.
An increasing number of companies have shifted toward interviews that in-
clude a hands-on programming component. At Quora, for example, we aug-
mented our suite of whiteboard interviews with a practical coding exercise on
a laptop. Candidates navigated around, debugged, and extended a large, open-
source codebase in their favorite text editors, and they used Google, Stack
Overflow, or other online resources as needed. The exercise revealed whether
someone could effectively use a terminal, invoke basic UNIX commands, dive
into unfamiliar libraries, set up a tight development loop, and write clean
code—all of which were valuable signals not well captured by the traditional
whiteboard interview.
At the payments startup Stripe, the team similarly designed its on-site inter-
views to simulate the work that their engineers do on a day-to-day basis. Prob-
lems included designing and implementing a small end-to-end system, squash-
ing bugs in a popular open-source codebase, refactoring a poorly organized ap-
plication, and pair programming on a self-contained project. 7 Ooyala tasked
candidates with implementing and demoing a functional Tetris game to test
their ability to manage a project and trade off different technical choices un-
der time constraints. Dropbox, Airbnb, Uber, Square, and many other compa-
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 199

nies have also incorporated hands-on or even take-home programming exer-

cises into their interviews. 8 These interview questions do require a larger up-
front investment to design and calibrate, but their growing adoption indicates
that many teams find the payoffs to be well worth it.
Ample literature exists to help you get started on designing questions. Gayle
Laakmann McDowell’s book Cracking the Code Interview, for example, cov-
ers standard interview patterns and questions at some of the larger technology
companies. 9 Beware, however, that your interviewees have access to the same
question banks.
Perhaps trickier than the choice of questions is how to continuously iterate
on improving your interview process. Based on my experience conducting over
500 interviews, here are a few higher-leverage strategies to keep in mind:

• Take time with your team to identify which qualities in a potential team-
mate you care about the most: coding aptitude, mastery of programming
languages, algorithms, data structures, product skills, debugging, commu-
nication skills, culture fit, or something else. Coordinate to ensure that all
the key areas get covered during an interview loop.
• Periodically meet to discuss how effective the current recruiting and inter-
view processes are at finding new hires who succeed on the team. Keep on
iterating until you find ways to accurately assess the skills and qualities that
your team values.
• Design interview problems with multiple layers of difficulty that you can
tailor to the candidate’s ability by adding or removing variables and con-
straints. Building a fast search interface can, for instance, be made harder
by requiring the search query to be distributed across multiple machines.
Or, it can be made simpler by assuming size constraints on the items to be
indexed. Layered problems tend to provide more fine-grained signals about
a candidate’s ability than binary ones, where the candidate either gets the
answer or he doesn’t.
• Control the interview pace to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio. Don’t
let interviewees ramble, get stumped, or get sidetracked for too long. Either
200 The Effective Engineer

guide the interviewee along with hints, or wrap up and move on to a differ-
ent question.
• Scan for red flags by rapidly firing short-answer questions to probe a wide
surface area. Questions like how parameter passing works in a program-
ming language or how a core library works might take a qualified candidate
no more than a few seconds or a minute to answer, but can surface any
warning areas that you might want to further address.
• Periodically shadow or pair with another team member during interviews.
These sessions help calibrate ratings across interviewers and provide oppor-
tunities to give each other feedback on improving the interview process.
• Don’t be afraid to use unconventional interview approaches if they help you
identify the signals that your team cares about. Airbnb, for example, de-
votes at least two of its interviews to evaluating a candidate’s culture fit be-
cause they attribute much of their success to everyone’s alignment on the
company’s core values.

As with all skills, the only way that you can become more effective in interview-
ing and hiring is through iteration and practice. But it’s worth the effort: the
additional output from adding a strong engineer to your team far exceeds the
output of many other investments that you could make.

Design a Good Onboarding Process

Despite my sink-or-swim experience at Ooyala and my ad hoc ramping up

at Quora, I was convinced that onboarding could be more organized and less
stressful. Sure, I had survived both initiation processes, but they left much to
be desired if we wanted to successfully scale our engineering organizations. In
a small team, there aren’t many places to look or people to consult when you’re
trying to figure out what’s most important. As the team grows and the surface
area of new things to explore increases, it becomes harder and harder for a re-
cent hire to figure out what to learn first without any guidance. Employees lay
out different subsets of concepts to new people, and it’s easy for useful infor-
mation to be omitted among the scattered explanations. An engineer might not
learn a key abstraction because his initial projects deal with peripheral features
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 201

that don’t touch core parts of the codebase. Or, if expectations aren’t commu-
nicated clearly, a new engineer might spend too much time reading through
design documents or programming language guides and not enough time fix-
ing bugs and building features. And so, when we were growing the engineering
team at Quora, I volunteered to lead an effort to build an onboarding program
for new engineers.
I’d never done anything like this before—it was way outside of my normal
software-building comfort zone. So I researched Google’s EngEDU training
program and Facebook’s 6-week Bootcamp onboarding program, and I reached
out to engineers at different companies to learn what had and hadn’t worked for
them. Based on my research, I formally defined the role of engineering men-
torship at Quora and organized a recurring series of onboarding talks. Over
time, I took on responsibilities for coordinating the creation of training materi-
als, holding mentor-training workshops, and mentoring many of the new hires
on the team.
I was motivated by my realization that a quality onboarding process is
a powerful leverage point for increasing team effectiveness. First impressions
matter. A good initial experience influences an engineer’s perception of the en-
gineering culture, shapes her ability to deliver future impact, and directs her
learning and activities according to team priorities. Training a new engineer for
an hour or two a day during her first month generates much more organiza-
tional impact than spending those same hours working on the product. More-
over, the initial time investment to create onboarding resources continues to
pay dividends with each additional team member.
Onboarding benefits the team and the company, but if you’ve already
ramped up and become a productive contributor, you might wonder how help-
ing new hires acclimate benefits you personally. Why take time away from
your own work? Remember: investing in your team’s success means that you
are more likely to succeed as well. Effectively ramping up new team members
ultimately gives you more flexibility to choose higher-leverage activities. A
stronger and larger team means easier code reviews, more people available to
fix bugs, increased resources for on-call rotations and support, and greater op-
portunities to tackle more ambitious projects.
202 The Effective Engineer

As an example, one component of Quora’s new onboarding program is

pairing each hire with a mentor. Mentors assign small features or bugs from
their task lists to do as starter projects. These are great learning opportunities
for new hires, since the mentors have context for each project and can provide
guidance and answer questions. It also frees mentors to shift their attention
from less-interesting tasks to higher-leverage projects that they are better suited
to tackle. Onboarding is a win-win situation; the new hires receive valuable
training, and the mentors get more things done.
Conversely, a poor onboarding experience reduces a team’s effectiveness.
Productive output gets lost when a recent hire takes longer to ramp up. Code
quality suffers if new team members use abstractions or tools incorrectly, or if
they aren’t familiar with team conventions or expectations. Insufficient training
means it’s harder to accurately identify low performers—are they doing poor-
ly because they were bad hires, or do they just need more time to acclimate?
Moreover, good engineers undergo unnecessary stress and may even get weed-
ed out because of weak guidance. The impact of low-quality onboarding is far-
Regardless of your seniority, you can contribute meaningfully to onboard-
ing. If you’re a new engineer and have just experienced the process yourself,
you can provide the most direct feedback about what worked and what didn’t.
If there are wikis or internal documents that you used, see if you can directly
update and improve them. If you’re a more senior engineer, observe what new
team members pick up well and what they struggle with, and use that knowl-
edge to improve onboarding for future employees.
So how do you create a good onboarding process for your team? First, iden-
tify the goals that your team wants to achieve. Second, construct a set of mech-
anisms to accomplish these goals. When designing Quora’s onboarding pro-
gram, I outlined four goals that I thought the process should achieve:

1. Ramp up new engineers as quickly as possible. Onboarding does require

a short-term productivity hit for those leading it. The sooner new employ-
ees get ramped up, however, the sooner they’ll produce meaningful out-
put—enabling the team to get more done in the long run.
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 203

2. Impart the team’s culture and values. While new engineers may have
glimpsed parts of the culture through recruiting, marketing materials, and
interviews, the onboarding process helps ensure that they learn the values
that the team shares. Those values might include getting things done, being
data-driven, working well as a team, building high quality products and
services, or something else.
3. Expose new engineers to the breadth of fundamentals needed to suc-
ceed. What are the key things that every engineer should know? What valu-
able tips and tricks have you learned since joining the team? A key part of a
good onboarding program is ensuring that everyone starts on a consistent,
solid foundation.
4. Socially integrate new engineers onto the team. This means creating op-
portunities for them to meet and develop working relationships with other
teammates. The sooner that new engineers become full-fledged parts of the
team rather than isolated silos, the more effective they will be.

Depending on your team, your own goals may vary. What’s important is un-
derstanding what you want to achieve so that you can focus your efforts appro-
priately. Using these goals, we developed the four main pillars for Quora’s on-
boarding program:

1. Codelabs. We borrowed Google’s concept of codelabs to introduce abstrac-

tions and tools at Quora. A codelab is a document that explains why a core
abstraction was designed and how it’s used, walks through relevant parts of
its code internals, and supplies programming exercises to validate under-
standing. We created codelabs for our web framework WebNode, our re-
al-time updating system LiveNode, our caching layer DataBox, and our de-
bugging tools, in order to teach new engineers the fundamentals of how we
built Quora. 10
I invested extra effort to create the first codelab that others could use
as a model; I then scaled the effort by recruiting teammates to pitch in.
These investments primarily involved an upfront, one-time cost of creating
reusable resources, followed by a small recurring cost of updating any stale
materials. The codelabs clarified what abstractions were important to mas-
204 The Effective Engineer

ter early on and recommended a particular order for learning them. They
enabled new engineers to ramp up more quickly and make product changes
2. Onboarding talks. We organized a series of ten onboarding talks to be de-
livered during a new hire’s first three weeks. These talks, given by senior
engineers on the team, introduced the codebase and site architecture, ex-
plained and demoed our different development tools, covered engineering
expectations and values around topics like unit testing, and introduced
Quora’s key focus areas—the things we believed were the most important
for new hires to learn. They also provided a great opportunity for everyone
on the team to get to know each other. The most critical talks, like “Intro-
duction to the Codebase,” were scheduled each time a new hire started; oth-
ers were batched together and given once there were several new people.
Together, the onboarding talks and codelabs helped ensure that new hires
learned the fundamentals.
3. Mentorship. Because each new hire’s background is different, onboarding
programs can’t be one-size-fits-all. Quora paired each new hire with a men-
tor to provide more personalized training during their first few months.
Mentors checked in daily with their mentees during the first week, and then
met for weekly 1:1s. Responsibilities included everything from reviewing
code, discussing design tradeoffs, and planning work priorities, to intro-
ducing new hires to the right people on the team and helping them accli-
mate to the fast pace of a startup. Quora also held mentoring workshops
and meetings to exchange tips and help mentors improve.
As a team, we built a shared understanding that it was acceptable—and,
in fact, strongly encouraged—for mentors to spend time away from their
regular work to train new employees. On their first day, I would explicitly
tell my mentees that getting them ramped up had higher priority than get-
ting my other work done. We even took physical space into consideration;
we placed mentees close to their mentors so it was easy for them to ask
questions. All of this helped establish the shared goal of ramping up new
hires as quickly as possible, and set the expectation that they shouldn’t hes-
itate to seek guidance.
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 205

4. Starter tasks. New engineers pushed commits to add themselves to the

team page on their first day, and we aimed for each of them to complete
a starter task—whether it be deploying a bug fix, a small new feature, or a
new experiment—by the end of the first week. This aggressive target con-
veyed the value of getting things done and moving fast. It also meant that
the team needed to remove enough onboarding friction for new hires to
build momentum quickly. For example, we had to reduce overhead suffi-
ciently for them to be able to set up a development environment, make a
simple change, run tests, commit the code, and deploy it—all on their first
Mentors were responsible for identifying starter tasks of increasing
complexity for their mentees. These tasks could be bugs, features, or exper-
iments that the mentors needed to get done and that provided a valuable
learning opportunity. I generally advised mentors to pick a project that
would take them a day to finish, so that even if ramping up took longer than
expected and the project slipped, there would still be a high probability that
the new hire could ship it in the first week.

These goals and implementations are just some examples of what to consider
when designing the onboarding process for your own team. It’s important to
realize that building a good onboarding program is an iterative process. Maybe
you simply start with a document on how to set up a development environ-
ment, with the goal of getting a new engineer ready to write code on day one.
Perhaps you realize later that not all starter projects provide the same ramp-up
benefit, and decide to articulate a set of guiding principles for how to pick good
ones. Maybe you notice that you’re giving the same codebase or architecture
walkthrough over and over again, and realize that it would be more efficient to
prepare a talk or even record a video on the topic.
Wherever you are in designing an onboarding process, think about your
own experience and survey others on the team to get a sense of what worked
well and what could use some improvement. Reflect on where new hires strug-
gled and what things you can do to help them ramp up more quickly. Enumer-
ate key concepts, tools, and values that you wish you had learned earlier. Imple-
206 The Effective Engineer

ment your most valuable ideas, and then survey new hires and their mentors to
see if the changes helped. Rinse and repeat.

Share Ownership of Code

The entire engineering team at Ooyala had been sprinting to launch a rewrite
of our video player. We had pulled 70-hour weeks for months, and I was ex-
hausted. But finally, I was able to take a much-needed vacation in Hawaii. One
day, I was hiking the Crater Rim Trail on Mauna Loa, the world’s largest vol-
cano, enjoying the welcome respite from my office routine. Suddenly, my phone
buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text message from Ooyala’s
CTO: “Logs processor down.”
The logs processor. I had inherited this particular piece of software when
we were still growing Ooyala’s analytics team. It ingested all the raw data we
collected from millions of online video viewers and crunched out analytics re-
ports for our business customers. The continuously-updated reports showed
customers how their viewers engaged with online videos and provided detailed
metrics segmented by viewer demographics. And at that moment on Mauna
Loa, I was the sole person who knew how to run it.
Since my CTO had paged me, I knew that the problem was non-trivial. I
also knew that no one else at the office understood the system well enough to
debug the issue. Unfortunately, since neither my laptop nor Wi-Fi were readily
accessible, all I could do was reply, “Hiking on a volcano. Can’t look at it until
tonight.” The problem loomed over my head for the rest of the day.
When I finally got back to my hotel, I investigated the problem and revived
the logs processor. But it was clear that our process was far from ideal. The sit-
uation wasn’t great for me; my vacation was disrupted. It wasn’t great for my
team; they depended on me, and I wasn’t available. And it wasn’t great for our
customers; they didn’t have access to any new analytics reports for almost an
entire day.
There’s a common misconception that being the sole engineer responsible
for a project increases your value. After all, if fewer people know what you
know, then the scarcity of your knowledge translates into higher demand and
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 207

value, right? What I’ve learned, however, is that sharing code ownership bene-
fits not only yourself but your entire team as well. As you increase in seniority,
your responsibilities as an engineer also grow. You become the point-person
for more projects, and other engineers consult with you more frequently. While
that can feel good and may even increase your job security, it also comes with a
When you’re the bottleneck for a project, you lose your flexibility to work
on other things. High-priority bugs get routed to you more frequently because
your expertise enables you to fix them faster. When you’re the only one with
complete knowledge of a working system and it goes down, you find yourself as
the first (or only!) line of defense. When a good chunk of your time is spent re-
sponding to issues, performing maintenance, tweaking features, or fixing bugs
in a system simply because you’re the most knowledgeable person, it’s harder
for you to find free time to learn and build new things. Identifying others on
your team who can relieve some of those demands gives you more freedom
to focus on other high-leverage activities. That’s a key reason why investing in
your team, particularly by teaching and mentoring, helps you in the long run.
From a company’s perspective, sharing ownership increases the bus factor
to more than one. The quirky term refers to the number of key people who can
be incapacitated (for example, by getting hit by a bus) before the rest of the
team is no longer able to keep the project going. 11 A bus factor of one means
that if any member of the team gets sick, goes on vacation, or leaves the com-
pany, the rest of the team suffers. It also means that it’s harder for engineers on
the team to be fungible. When engineers are fungible, “nobody is uniquely po-
sitioned to do one thing,” explains Nimrod Hoofien, Director of Engineering
at Facebook. “Any one thing can be done by multiple people, and that allows
you more degrees of freedom, more flexibility in development, and fewer con-
straints for on-call and support.” 12 Shared ownership eliminates isolated silos
of information and enables an engineer to step in for another teammate, so that
everyone can focus on whatever produces the most impact. Moreover, since en-
gineering often involves grinding through unpleasant tasks, shared ownership
also means that everyone participates in maintenance duties and one person
doesn’t carry the entire burden.
208 The Effective Engineer

To increase shared ownership, reduce the friction that other team members
might encounter while browsing, understanding, and modifying code that you
write or tools that you build. Here are some strategies:

• Avoid one-person teams.

• Review each other’s code and software designs.
• Rotate different types of tasks and responsibilities across the team.
• Keep code readable and code quality high.
• Present tech talks on software decisions and architecture.
• Document your software, either through high-level design documents or in
code-level comments.
• Document the complex workflows or non-obvious workarounds necessary
for you to get things done.
• Invest time in teaching and mentoring other team members.

The engineering organization at Ooyala has adopted an increasingly stronger

emphasis on shared code ownership. Anyone on a given team can be on-call
and responsible for issues that arise. This gives senior engineers more free time
to work on other projects and junior engineers an opportunity to ramp up
on the infrastructure and the codebase. Share ownership and remove yourself
from the critical path to give yourself more opportunities to grow.

Build Collective Wisdom through Post-Mortems

In our haste to get things done, we often move from task to task and project to
project without pausing to reflect on how effectively we spent our time or what
we could have done better. Developing the habit of regular prioritization, cov-
ered in Chapter 3, provides one opportunity for retrospection. Another valu-
able opportunity comes from debriefing after incidents and projects and shar-
ing lessons more widely across other teams.
After a site outage, a high-priority bug, or some other infrastructure issue,
effective teams meet and conduct a detailed post-mortem. They discuss and an-
alyze the event, and they write up what happened, how and why it happened,
and what they can do to prevent it from happening in the future. The goal of
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 209

the post-mortem is not to assign blame, which can be counterproductive to the

discussion, but to work together to identify better solutions. If the situation is
not preventable, the post-mortem may prompt the team to build new tools to
make recovery easier or compile a step-by-step document that explains how to
deal with similar situations. The post-mortem write-up generally gets shared
across teams, since many people in the organization want to know what hap-
It’s less common to dedicate the same healthy retrospection to projects and
launches. Your team might launch a feature to a favorable press write-up. You
clink champagne glasses to celebrate a job well done, and then move onto
the next project. But how effectively did your feature actually accomplish your
team’s goals? Or say your team rewrites the infrastructure code, making it 5%
faster after a few months of work. Was that actually the best use of your team’s
time? Without pausing to debrief and review the data, it’s hard to know. More-
over, even when post-mortems do get conducted on projects, their results often
are not widely distributed, and every team has to re-learn the same lessons on
their own.
There’s some friction to doing this better. If your team hasn’t defined a clear
goal or metric for a launch, it’s difficult to assess its success. If your team doesn’t
want to publicly declare months of work to be a failure, it’s tempting to close
discussions. Or if your team is overwhelmed with new projects, it’s hard to
make time for reflection. As a result, opportunities for building collective wis-
dom get lost. Lessons might not get learned; or if they do, they are isolated in a
few people’s heads. Costly mistakes are repeated. And when people leave, col-
lective wisdom decreases.
Contrast this typical experience with how knowledge is collected at NASA.
NASA astronauts debrief with their supporting teams after every simulation
and every mission to extract all the lessons they can about what went wrong
and what they could do better. Debriefs are intense. Experts fire barrages of
questions, and every decision and action is dissected carefully. A 4-hour simu-
lation might be followed by a 1-hour debrief. A space flight might be followed
by a month or more of all-day debriefs. Participants have to steady themselves
210 The Effective Engineer

for critical feedback, keeping in mind that the goal is not to levy blame but to
maximize collective wisdom.
The mission debriefs are time-consuming but invaluable, and the cumu-
lative lessons from 200+ space flights are captured in NASA’s comprehensive
tome, Flight Rules. Chris Hadfield describes Flight Rules in his book An Astro-
naut’s Guide to Life on Earth, writing, “NASA has been capturing our missteps,
disasters and solutions since the early 1960s, when Mercury-era ground teams
first started gathering ‘lessons learned’ into a compendium that now lists thou-
sands of problematic situations, from engine failure to busted hatch handles to
computer glitches, and their solutions.”
The compendium describes in minute detail what to do in a myriad of dif-
ferent circumstances—and why you should do it. Have a cooling system fail-
ure? Flight Rules tell you how to fix it, step by step, supplementing with the ra-
tionale for each step. Fuel cell issue? Flight Rules tell you whether the launch
needs to be postponed. The playbook contains “extremely detailed, scenario-
specific standard operating procedures,” all the lessons ever learned and dis-
tilled from past missions. Mission control consults Flight Rules every time they
run into an unexpected issue; they add to it whenever they tackle a new prob-
lem. Given that each space shuttle launch costs $450 million, 13 it’s not hard to
understand why NASA spends so much time preparing for and debriefing after
Most of us aren’t launching spacecraft or coordinating moonwalks, but
NASA’s practice of conducting project post-mortems to build the team’s col-
lective wisdom is still extremely valuable for our work. We certainly can com-
pile step-by-step operational guides like NASA’s Flight Rules for different pro-
cedures. MySQL database failure? Flight Rules tell you how to fail over from
the master to the slave. Servers overloaded from traffic overload? The playbook
tells you which scripts to run to bring up extra capacity.
These lessons and rules also apply at the project level. Project falling behind
schedule? Flight Rules tells you what happened in the past when different pro-
ject teams worked overtime, what those teams believed were the main contrib-
utors to their eventual success or failure, and whether team members burned
out. Have an idea for a new ranking algorithm? Flight Rules contains a compi-
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 211

lation of all past A/B tests, what their hypotheses were, and whether the exper-
iments confirmed or rejected those hypotheses.
To build their own version of Flight Rules, companies like Amazon and
Asana use methodologies like Toyota’s “Five Whys” to understand the root
cause of operational issues. 14 15 For instance, when the site goes down, they
might ask, “Why did the site crash?” Because some servers were overloaded.
“Why were they overloaded?” Because a disproportionately high fraction of
traffic was hitting a few servers. “Why wasn’t traffic more randomly distrib-
uted?” Because the requests were all coming from the same customer, and their
data is only hosted on those machines. By the time the fifth why is asked,
they’ve moved from the symptom to the root cause. A similar methodology can
be used to facilitate productive discussion about a project’s success or failure.
Ultimately, compiling team lessons is predicated upon honest conversa-
tion—and holding an honest conversation about a project can be uncomfort-
able. It requires acknowledging that months of effort may have resulted in fail-
ure, and viewing the failure as an opportunity for growth. It requires aligning
behind a common goal of improving the product or team, and not focusing
on where to assign blame. It requires being open and receptive to feedback,
with the goal of building collective wisdom around what went wrong and what
could’ve been done better. But if a difficult hour-long conversation can increase
the chances that your next month-long team project succeeds, it’s high-leverage
and well worth both the time and the emotional investment.
It’s difficult to instill a culture of collective learning into an entire organi-
zation. However, consistent applications of effort can go a long way. Start with
small projects that you’re working on with your immediate team; gradually es-
tablish the practice of doing post-mortems after larger projects as well. The
more you learn from each experience, the more you’ll take with you into your
next project, and the more you’ll succeed. Optimize for collective learning.

Build a Great Engineering Culture

Throughout my career, I’ve reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed

over five hundred candidates. Many of them were engineers from top tech-
212 The Effective Engineer

nology companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Dropbox, Palantir, and

Apple. Interviewers tend to develop a set of questions that they’ve calibrated
against multiple candidates. For example, I always asked, “What is one thing
that you like and one thing that you dislike about the engineering culture at
__________?” I’d fill in the blank with the name of the company the engineer
was leaving or, if the candidate was a fresh college graduate, a company where
she had previously interned.
Initially, I just wanted to make sure that a candidate shared good engineer-
ing hygiene for best practices. But I kept tallies of the responses, and, over
time, they painted evocative pictures of different engineering cultures. Some
responses illustrated toxic culture—the elements that pushed some of the best
engineers to leave their teams. Others revealed great culture—the characteris-
tics engineers actually look for when deciding whether to join a new organiza-
tion. I used my tallies to visualize what our own team culture should look like.
Engineering culture consists of the set of values and habits shared by people
on the team, and a great culture provides a number of benefits. Engineers feel
empowered to get things done, which makes them happier and more produc-
tive. Happy and productive engineers in turn translate to higher employee re-
tention. The culture provides a shared context and a framework for making de-
cisions, which helps teams and organizations adapt more quickly to problems
they encounter. And because the best engineers look for a strong engineering
culture, it becomes a useful tool for recruiting talent. Hiring those engineers
further strengthens the culture and creates a positive feedback loop.
So what do the best engineers look for in a prospective company? Based on
my hundreds of interviews and conversations, I’ve found that great engineering

1. Optimize for iteration speed.

2. Push relentlessly towards automation.
3. Build the right software abstractions.
4. Focus on high code quality by using code reviews.
5. Maintain a respectful work environment.
6. Build shared ownership of code.
Invest in Your Team’s Growth 213

7. Invest in automated testing.

8. Allot experimentation time, either through 20% time or hackathons.
9. Foster a culture of learning and continuous improvement.
10. Hire the best.

You’ll notice that most of these topics have already been covered in this book.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. The best engineers enjoy getting things done,
and the high-leverage investments we’ve been discussing empower them to get
things done faster. The best engineers want to build on top of high-quality and
well-tested codebases. They want to have short iteration and validation cycles
so that they learn quickly and aren’t wasting effort. They believe in relentlessly
automating processes to relieve their operational burden so that they can keep
learning and building new things. They know the value of leverage, and they
want to work at places where they can create meaningful impact.
A great engineering culture isn’t built in a day; nor is it already in place
when a company first starts. It begins with the values of the initial team mem-
bers, and it’s a continual work-in-progress that every engineer helps to shape. It
evolves over time with the decisions we make, the stories we tell, and the habits
we adopt. It helps us make better decisions, adapt more quickly, and attract
stronger talent. And when we focus on high-leverage activities, we not only be-
come more effective engineers, we also lay the groundwork for a more effective
engineering culture.
214 The Effective Engineer

Key Takeaways

• Help the people around you be successful. The high rungs of

an engineering ladder are reserved for those who make their
co-workers more effective. Moreover, the success of those
around you will also carry you along.
• Make hiring a priority. Keep a high hiring bar and play an ac-
tive role in growing your team.
• Invest in onboarding and mentoring. The more quickly you
can ramp up new team members, the more effective your team
will be. The more effective your team, the more freedom you
have to tackle different projects.
• Build shared ownership of code. Increase your bus factor to
be greater than one so that you’re not a bottleneck for devel-
opment. This will give you the flexibility to focus on other high-
leverage activities.
• Debrief and document collective wisdom. Reflect on projects
with team members, learn what worked and what didn’t work,
and document and share the lessons so that valuable wisdom
doesn’t get lost.
• Create a great engineering culture. This will help you be more
productive, streamline decisions, and recruit other strong en-
gineers. You build a great culture by fostering the same habits
you need to effectively deliver impact.

I began this book with a search. How could I create meaningful

impact without pulling the 70- to 80-hour work weeks characterizing my
early startup days? How could I cut out the hours building products and fea-
tures that customers didn’t use, the hours maintaining infrastructure that soft-
ware could automate, and the hours stuck on tasks where I was the bottleneck?
How could I have worked less and accomplished more?
In this book, I’ve shared what I learned in my journey to be a more effective
engineer. We’ve covered a broad range of topics and lessons. At the same time,
we’ve only barely scratched the surface of the problems that we face as engi-
neers. When should we use one technology over another? Which programming
languages or paradigms are worthwhile to learn? Should we work on side pro-
jects or focus on skills directly relevant to our jobs? How much time should we
spend improving our communication or presentation techniques? The list of
questions could go on and on, and distilling the best advice to tackle each one
would take volumes. Moreover, the best answer varies based on our circum-
stances, our personal preferences, and our goals.
The good news is that the same operating principle—leverage—that we’ve
used throughout The Effective Engineer can help us navigate these waters. If
there’s one idea that I want you to take away from this book, it’s this: Time is
our most finite asset, and leverage—the value we produce per unit time—al-
lows us to direct our time toward what matters most. We should always ask
ourselves: Does the work I’m doing provide the highest leverage for my cur-
rent goal? If not, why am I doing it? Moreover, when we make the wrong
216 The Effective Engineer

choice—which is bound to happen over the course of our careers—a growth

mindset allows us to view each failure as an opportunity to learn and do better
next time.
Leverage is the lens through which effective engineers view their activities.
And, as you might have realized, most of the advice in this book applies beyond
engineering. The limitations of time apply just as much in life as it does in work.
The principle of leverage can guide us toward those life activities that provide
the highest impact for our efforts.
When we’re planning our finances, we should spend significantly more
time on negotiating our salaries and setting up our investment asset alloca-
tions—both of which could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars
down the line—than on agonizing over the tens of dollars that we might save
by changing a coffee habit. When planning trips or events, we should focus on
the parts that matter most to us—whether it’s the location, the food, the activ-
ities, the invitees, or something else—before sweating the smaller details. We
should make similar calculations about the best use of our time when we’re de-
bating whether to hire a virtual assistant, outsource a task to a remote team,
or call Uber or Lyft instead of waiting for public transportation. Even when I
was writing this book, I needed to overcome the risks of a one-person team and
consciously remind myself that an hour spent collecting feedback would fre-
quently provide higher leverage than a siloed hour spent writing and editing.
Does this perspective mean that we should be pursuing only high-leverage
activities? No; that would be exhausting. We enjoy plenty of leisure activities
like traveling, hiking, salsa dancing, and spending time with family and friends
without giving any thought to whether they’re high-impact or represent the op-
timal use of our time—and that’s how it should be. But when it comes to achiev-
ing our work and life goals, leverage is a powerful framework for helping us fo-
cus on the right things.
Next Steps

W hen I first started working on this book, I didn’t know what

I was getting myself into. I thought I’d be traveling the world, leisurely
sipping lattes at cafès while writing, but the self-publishing process turned out
to be twenty-two grueling months.
The long journey was well worth it, though. By far, the most rewarding and
amazing part of the journey has been the stories from readers like you about
how the book has impacted your work and life.
I’d love to hear your stories. Please send your results and success stories, big
or small, to [email protected]. I’ll follow up by sending you a free
video of one of my workshops — one that will help accelerate your growth and
engineering impact even further.
And if you found value in the book, please help me out by leaving a review
on Amazon or Goodreads.

Take Your Engineering to the Next Level

For those who would like to continue their journey and take their engineering
to the next level, go to
you’ll find:

• In-depth, podcast interviews with top engineering leaders. Listen to

some of the best conversations I had with engineering leaders, including
ones with Mike Krieger (Co-founder and CTO of Instagram), Nimrod
Hoofien (Engineering Director at Facebook), and Tamar Bercovici (Senior
218 The Effective Engineer

Engineering Manager at Box). Learn what engineering qualities correlate

with future success, what investments pay off the highest returns, what
lessons they’ve learned while scaling teams, and much more.
• Master-level videos, each walking through strategies for common and
critical problems that engineers face. Since launching the book, I’ve
worked closely with over a hundred engineers through office hours, Q&A
sessions, and workshops — coaching them on their toughest and most
pressing challenges. These videos address the common questions and issues
that your peers have shared. You’ll be well-equipped with concrete strate-
gies tackle to each one.
• The Effort to Impact companion guide on how to implement a system
to continuously improve your leverage. This step-by-step guide breaks
down the exact process you can take to systematically increase your lever-
age week-over-week. We walk through how to establish quarterly goals,
how to prioritize the highest-leverage activities to achieve those goals every
week, and how to ensure you’re making daily progress.
• The Tactical Toolkit to significantly increase your leverage in common
engineering activities. The detailed questions and checklists in this toolkit
give you the tactics you need to excel at the day-to-day activities you do as
an engineer. Amplify your effectiveness when you’re designing and build-
ing new features, debugging and verifying your code, running and attend-
ing meetings, proposing new designs or ideas to your team, or learning and
mastering new skills.

Visit for all these resources

and more. I’m excited to keep learning and growing with you in your career.

M any resources have guided and inspired my journey. The

following books have significantly shaped my way of thinking about
what it means to be an effective engineer. In addition, you may wish to follow
the listed blogs to continue your own learning.

10 Books Every Effective Engineer Should Read

• Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams by software consultants Tom De-

Marco and Timothy Lister. First published in 1987, this book discusses the
many dynamics within projects and teams, presenting ideas backed up by
actual research. Though somewhat dated, the book provides many pearls of
wisdom, like how imposing overtime can destroy a team’s ability to gel and
how listening to music while programming can interfere with our ability
to focus. Peopleware started me on my path toward thinking about how to
build effective engineering teams and great engineering cultures.

• Team Geek: A Software Developer’s Guide to Working Well with Others by

Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman. In this book, two Googlers
who founded Google’s Chicago engineering office share stories and insights
about how to work well with your fellow engineers. Covering strategies on
how to deal with managers or poisonous team members, and discussing
both patterns and anti-patterns on how to lead teams, it’s a worthwhile
book for any growing engineer to read.
220 The Effective Engineer

• High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove. Grove, the former CEO of

Intel, introduced me to the language of leverage and provided me with the
lens that I now use to allocate my time. Don’t be turned off by the word
“management” in the title. His advice on how to increase your output is rel-
evant to both people managers as well as to those he calls “know-how man-
agers”—people like senior engineers who hold much of the valued knowl-
edge within an organization.

• Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. This
book thoroughly describes a concrete implementation of how to manage
to-dos and task lists. While I don’t subscribe to all of Allen’s ideas, it was
eye-opening to read about one possible way of doing things. If you don’t
have a good workflow for prioritizing and getting things done, this book
can provide you with a baseline.

• The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by
Timothy Ferriss. Regardless of whether you actually choose to subscribe to
the type of extreme lifestyle that Ferriss advocates, this book will teach you
two things. First, it shows what’s possible if you relentlessly prioritize your
work and focus on the 10% of effort that produces most of your gains. Sec-
ond, it drives home the importance of creating sustainable systems with low
maintenance. That’s a lesson that’s often underemphasized in engineering,
where our inclination to build new features with the latest sexy technolo-
gies doesn’t necessarily take into account the cost of future maintenance.

• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

by Stephen R. Covey. I’m not actually a fan of Covey’s writing style—much
of it is a little too abstract and fluffy—but the lasting impact of the ideas in
the book compensate for it. From Covey’s third habit of “putting first things
first,” I learned that people tend to neglect important but non-urgent activ-
ities and spend a lot of time dealing with tasks like emails, phone calls, and
meetings that may be urgent but ultimately unimportant. A key takeaway
from this habit is to explicitly budget time to invest in yourself, whether it’s
by learning new skills, maintaining relationships, reading, etc.
Appendix 221

• Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values by Fred Kofman.

Kofman taught leadership seminars at companies like Facebook and
Google, and his book transformed how I approach difficult conversations
with others. Through simple language and well-constructed hypotheticals,
Kofman demonstrates that we often conflate the facts of a situation and our
own interpretations, resulting in unproductive conversations. Only by sep-
arating fact from story can we actually have those difficult conversations
where we achieve our goals.

• Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus,

and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock. In this easy-to-read
book, Rock combines research on the brain’s functions with actionable
advice on how to work more effectively around the brain’s limitations.
For instance, this book taught me that because prioritization is a difficult
but high-leverage activity that requires substantial cognitive effort, it’s best
done at the beginning of the day.

• Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. In

this book, Csíkszentmihályi, a Hungarian professor and the world’s leading
researcher on positive psychology, summarizes years of research on what’s
required to make someone feel fulfilled and motivated. Criteria include a
quick feedback loop, an appropriate level of challenge, and an absence of
interruptions. Given how much time we spend working, being conscious of
these requirements as we go from job to job and from project to project is
very valuable.

• Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson. Halvor-
son discusses different frameworks for thinking about goals and how to
best frame a goal to increase our chances of success. When is it helpful to be
optimistic versus pessimistic in a goal? Is it better to think about why you
want to achieve a certain goal, or to think about what steps are necessary to
achieve it? Should you visualize what you might gain from achieving a goal
or what you might lose by failing to achieve it? It turns out that depending
on the type of goal, different ways of mentally framing the goal can signifi-
cantly affect your chances for success.
222 The Effective Engineer

Recommended Blogs To Follow

• The Effective Engineer is my personal

blog, where I write about engineering habits, productivity tips, leadership,
and culture.
• Patrick McKenzie runs his own software
business and has written many excellent long-form articles on career ad-
vice, consulting, SEO, and software sales.
• Kate Matsudaira, who has worked at large companies
like Microsoft and Amazon as well as at startups, shares advice about tech,
leadership, and life on her blog.
• Michael Lopp has worked for many years in
leadership positions at Netscape, Apple, Palantir, and Pinterest, and writes
about tech life and engineering management.
• Oren Ellenbogen curates a high-quality
weekly newsletter on engineering leadership and culture.
• Cal Newport, an assistant professor of computer
science at Georgetown, focuses on evidence-based advice for building a
successful and fulfilling life.
• Joel Spolsky, the co-founder of Stack Ex-
change, provides all sorts of programming pearls of wisdom on his blog.
• Martin Fowler, author of the book Refactoring,
writes about how to maximize the productivity of software teams and pro-
vides detailed write-ups of common programming patterns.
• Philip Guo, a computer science professor, has written
extensively and openly about his graduate school and work experiences.

I am grateful to the many people who helped make writing and

publishing The Effective Engineer possible.
A huge thank you to my wife, Chen Xiao, for her patience and support as
I took a personal sabbatical away from work to follow my dream of writing a
book. She beta tested many of my early book drafts and really helped me to fig-
ure out a unifying structure for the book.
My editor, Emily M. Robinson, brought the quality of my writing to another
level, and it was a joy to iterate with her on the drafts on Quip. As a first-time
author, I couldn’t have hoped for a better editor.
Many thanks to Philip Guo, Leo Polovets, Phil Crosby, Zach Brock, Xiao
Yu, Alex Allain, Ilya Sukhar, Daniel Peng, Raffi Krikorian, Mike Curtis, Jack
Heart, Tamar Bercovici, Tracy Chou, Yiren Lu, Jess Lin, Annie Ding, Ellis Lau,
and Jessica Lau for reading drafts of the book and providing valuable feedback.
Many people contributed to the stories in the book: Mike Krieger, Marc
Hedlund, Sam Schillace, Tamar Bercovici, Bobby Johnson, Albert Ni, Nimrod
Hoofien, Kartik Ayyar, Yishan Wong, Jack Heart, Joshua Levy, and Dan McKin-
ley. Thank you all for taking the time to sit down for interviews. The stories and
lessons you shared were invaluable.
Thanks to Bret Taylor for taking the time to write the foreword and for
starting a company around a product that made the collaborative writing and
project management aspects of this book so much more enjoyable.
224 The Effective Engineer

Thank you to the team at Quora for building a knowledge-sharing platform

that re-inspired my passion for writing, and particularly to Charlie Cheever,
who empowered me to create meaningful impact at the company.

Chapter 1: Focus on High-Leverage Activities

1. Kah Keng Tay, “The Intern Experience at Quora,” Quora, November 4, 2013,
2. Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive (HarperBusiness 2006).
3. “Pareto principle,” Wikipedia,
4. “Archimedes,” Wikipedia,
5. Assuming a 40–60 hour work week, 2 weeks of federal holidays, and 3 weeks
of personal vacation.
6. Andrew S. Grove, High Output Management (Vintage 1995), p53–54.
7. Yishan Wong, interview with the author, March 14, 2013.
8. Yishan Wong, “Engineering Management,” October 22, 2009, http://algeri-
9. Yishan Wong, “Engineering Management - Hiring,” October 23, 2009,
10. “Company Info | Facebook Newsroom,”
11. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, “Foundation Fact Sheet,”
12. Bill Gates, “Bill Gates: Here’s My Plan to Improve Our World—And How
You Can Help,” Wired, November 12, 2013,
226 The Effective Engineer

Chapter 2: Optimize for Learning

1. “Protocol Buffers: Developer Guide,”

2. Fay Chang et al., “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured
Data,” Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2006, http://re-
3. Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, “MapReduce: Simplified Data Process-
ing on Large Clusters,” Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2004,
4. Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Ballantine Books
2007), p6.
5. Dweck, Mindset, p6–7.
6. Dweck, Mindset, p17–18.
7. Dweck, Mindset, p218–224.
8. Dweck, Mindset, p23.
9. Dweck, Mindset, p57.
10. The formula for compounding interest is V = P(1+r/n)^nt, where V = the
future value of the investment, P = the principal investment amount, r = the
annual interest rate, n = the number of times that interest is compounded per
year, and t = the number of years the money is invested for.
11. Blake Masters, “Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup - Class 5 Notes Essay,” April
20, 2012,
12. Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha, The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future,
Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career (Crown Business 2012).
13. Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose
(Business Plus 2010), p173–175.
14. 1.01^365 = 37.78.
15. Hsieh, Delivering Happiness, p163–165.
16. Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Knopf 2013),
Notes 227

17. Andrew Bosworth, “Facebook Engineering Bootcamp,” Facebook Notes,

November 19, 2009,
18. Ryan Tate, “Google Couldn’t Kill 20 Percent Time Even if It Wanted To,”
Wired, August 21, 2013,
19. Ryan Tate, “LinkedIn Gone Wild: ’20 Percent Time’ to Tinker Spreads
Beyond Google,” Wired, December 6, 2012,
20. John Rotenstein, “Atlassian’s 20% Time now out of Beta,” Atlassian Blogs,
March 23, 2009,
21. Steven Sinofsky, “The path to GM – some thoughts on becoming a general
manager,” Steven Sinofsky’s Microsoft TechTalk, September 19, 2005,
22. Peter Brown et al., Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (The
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2014), p19.
23. Peter Brown et al., Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (The
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2014), p46–66.
24. Bobby Johnson, interview with the author, December 17, 2013.
25. Philip Moeller, “Why Learning Leads To Happiness,” Huffington Post, April
10, 2012,
26. Aden Hepburn, “Infographic: 2013 Mobile Growth Statistics,” Digital Buzz,
October 2013,
27. Benedict Evans, “Mobile is Eating the World,” Slideshare, November 2013,
28. Bill Gates, “The Best Books I Read in 2013,” gatesnotes, December 12, 2013,
29. “Junto (club),” Wikipedia,
30. “Google Tech Talks,” YouTube,
228 The Effective Engineer

31. “Talks at Google,” YouTube,

32. “TED: Ideas Worth Spreading,”
33. Richard Wiseman, The Luck Factor: The Four Essential Principles (Miramax
2004), p38.
34. Scott H. Young, “Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique,” Scott H Young
35. Karlyn Adams, “The Sources of Innovation and Creativity,” National Center
on Education and the Economy (NCEE) Research Summary and Final Report,
July 2005, p4,
36. “State of the Media Trends in TV Viewing—2011 TV Upfronts,” Nielsen,
37. Martin E. P. Seligman, Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychol-
ogy to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment (Free Press 2002), p176.

Chapter 3: Prioritize Regularly

1. Greg Buckner, “Andy Johns’ ‘The Case for User Growth Teams’,” Quibb, 2012,
2. Alexia Tsotsis, “Quora Grew More Than 3X Across All Metrics In The
Past Year,” TechCrunch, May 28, 2013,
3. Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (Picador
4. David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (Pen-
guin Books 2002).
5. George Miller, “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Lim-
its on Our Capacity for Processing Information,” The Psychological Review,
1956, vol. 63, .81–97,
6. “Pi World Ranking List,”
Notes 229

7. Joshua Foer, Moonwalking with Einstein (Penguin Books 2012).

8. Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2011).
9. Baba Shiv and Alexander Fedorikh, “Heart and Mind in Conflict: The In-
terplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making,” Journal of
Consumer Research, December 1999, Vol. 26, https://5aeed477-a-62cb3a1a-
10. Samuele M. Marcora, Walter Staiano, and Victoria Manning, “Mental fa-
tigue impairs physical performance,” Journal of Applied Physiology, 2009, 106:
11. Yishan Wong, “What are some ways to ‘work smart’ rather than just work-
ing hard?,” Quora, June 30, 2010,
12. Stephen. R. Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster
13. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
(Harper Perennial Modern Classics 2008).
14. Paul Graham, “Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule,” July 2009,
15. Shamsi T. Iqbal and Eric Horvitz, “Disruption and Recovery of Computing
Tasks: Field Study, Analysis, and Directions,” ACM CHI Conference, 2007,
16. Jennifer Robison, “Too Many Interruptions at Work?,” Gallup Business Jour-
nal, June 8, 2006,
17. David Rock, Your Brain at Work (HarperCollins Publishers 2009).
18. Tonianne DeMaria Barry and Jim Benson, Personal Kanban: Mapping Work
| Navigating Life (Modus Cooperandi Press 2011).
19. Frank Wieber and Peter Gollwitzer, Overcoming Procrastination through
Planning in C. Andreou, M. D. White (Eds.), The Thief of Time. Philosophical Es-
says on Procrastination (New York: Oxford University Press 2010), p 185–205.
230 The Effective Engineer

20. Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm, Peter M. Gollwitzer, and Gabriele Oettingen,

“Action Control by Implementation Intentions: Effective Cue Detection and Ef-
ficient Response Initiation,” Social Cognition, 2007, Vol. 25, No. 2, . 248–266,
21. Heidi Grant Halvorson, Succeed: How we can reach our goals, p177–180.
22. Halvorson, Succeed, p14–20.
23. Halvorson, Succeed, p175–177.
24. Allen, Getting Things Done.
25. Tonianne DeMaria Barry and Jim Benson, Personal Kanban.
26. Francesco Cirillo, “The Pomodoro Technique,” 2007, http://pomodorotech-
27. Nick Cernis, todoodlist.
28. On any Linux-based system (like a Mac), you can add a line like to route network requests to that domain to localhost, ef-
fectively blocking the site.
29. “focus booster,”

Chapter 4: Invest in Iteration Speed

1. Martin Michelsen, “Continuous Deployment at Quora,” Quora, https://engi-
2. Alexia Tsotsis, “Quora Grew More Than 3X Across All Metrics In The
Past Year,” TechCrunch, May 28, 2013,
3. George Neville-Neil, “Merge Early, Merge Often,” ACM Queue, October 29,
2009, vol. 7, no. 9,
4. Erik Kastner, “Quantum of Deployment,” Code as Craft, May 20, 2010,
5. Timothy Fitz, “Continuous Deployment at IMVU: Doing the impossible fifty
times a day,” February 10, 2009,
Notes 231

6. David Fortunato, “Deployment Infrastructure for Continuous Deployment,”

Wealthfront Engineering Blog, May 2, 2010,
7. Jake Douglas, “Deploying at GitHub,”
8. Brett G. Durrett et al., “What are best examples of companies using contin-
uous deployment?,” Quora,
9. Haydn Shaughnessy, “Facebook’s 1 Billion Users: Why The Sky Is Still The
Limit,” Forbes, October 4, 2012,
10. Andrew Bosworth, “How does Facebook Engineering’s ‘Bootcamp’ pro-
gram work?,” Quora, October 11, 2011,
11. Chuck Rossi, “Ship early and ship twice as often,” Facebook Notes, August 3,
12. “Facebook Beacon,” Wikipedia,
13. Josh Constine, “Facebook’s S-1 Letter From Zuckerberg Urges Understand-
ing Before Investment,” TechCrunch, February 2012,
14. Robert Johnson, “More Details on Today’s Outage,” Facebook Notes, Sep-
tember 23, 2010,
15. “$1 Billion. Two and a Half Years.,” Wealthfront, https://www.wealth-
16. David Fortunato, “Deployment Infrastructure for Continuous Deploy-
ment,” Wealthfront Engineering Blog, May 2, 2010,
232 The Effective Engineer

17. Pascal-Louis Perez, “Continuous Deployment in an SEC-Regulated En-

vironment,” Wealthfront Engineering Blog, May 25, 2011, http://eng.wealth-
18. Bobby Johnson, interview with the author.
19. Raffi Krikorian, conversation with the author.
20. Nils Klarlund, “distcc’s pump mode: A New Design for Distributed C/
C++ Compilation,” Google Open Source Blog, http://google-open-
21. Ian Lance Taylor, “gold: Google Releases New and Improved GCC Linker,”
Google Open Source Blog,
22. Research by Prechelt that compares 80 implementations of the same set of
requirements across 7 different languages shows that solutions written in C.
23. Joshua Levy, et al., “What are the most useful ‘Swiss army knife’ one-
liners on Unix?,” Quora,
24. Phil Crosby, “Live CSS - Making the browser dance to your CSS,” GitHub,
25. “LiveReload,”
26. Nicholas Carlson, “The Truth About Marissa Mayer: An Unauthorized Bi-
ography,” Business Insider, August 24, 2013,

Chapter 5: Measure What You Want to Improve

1. Steven Levy, “Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web,” Wired,
February 22, 2010,
2. “Algorithms - Inside Search - Google,”
3. Daniel Russell, “Daniel Russell’s Home Page,”
Notes 233

4. Eric Savitz, “Google’s User Happiness Problem,” Forbes, April 12, 2011,
5. Emil Protalinski, “comScore: Google is once again the most-trafficked US
desktop site, ends Yahoo’s seven-month streak,” TheNextWeb, March 25, 2014,
6. Steven Levy, “Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web,” Wired,
February 22, 2010,
7. Peter Fleischer, “Why does Google remember information about searches?,”
Google Official Blog, May 11, 2007,
8. Steven Levy, In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
(Simon & Schuster 2011), p47.
9. Levy, In the Plex, p49.
10. Levy, In the Plex, p57–59.
11. “Algorithms - Inside Search - Google,”
12. Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive.
13. Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister, Peopleware: Productive Projects and
14. Steven Levy, In The Plex.
15. Jake Brutlag, “Speed Matters,” Google Research Blog, June 23, 2009,
16. Stoyan Stefanov, “YSlow 2.0,” CSDN Software Development 2.0 Conference,
December 6, 2008,
17. Zizhuang Yang, “Every Millisecond Counts,” Facebook Notes, August 28,
18. Kit Eaton, “How One Second Could Cost Amazon $1.6 Billion in Sales,”
Fast Company, March 15, 2012,
19. Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness, p145–146.
234 The Effective Engineer

20. Jim Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And
Others Don’t (HarperBusiness 2001), p104–105.
21. Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous
Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (Crown Business 2011),
22. “Flight Instruments,” Wikipedia,
23. Paul Mulwitz, “What do all the controls in an airplane cockpit do?,” Quora,
March 6, 2012,
24. Sharon Begley, “Insight - As Obamacare tech woes mounted, contractor
payments soared,” Reuters, October 17, 2013,
25. Paul Ford, “The Obamacare Website Didn’t Have to Fail. How to Do Better
Next Time,” Businessweek, October 16, 2013,
26. Adrianne Jeffries, “Obama defends despite massive tech
problems: ‘there’s no sugarcoating it’,” The Verge, October 21, 2013,
27. Steven Brill, “Obama’s Trauma Team,” Time, February 27, 2014,
28. Jeffrey Young, “Obamacare Sign-Ups Hit 8 Million In Remarkable Turn-
around,” Huffington Post, April 17, 2014,
29. Ian Malpass, “Measure Anything, Measure Everything,” Code as Craft, Feb-
ruary 15, 2011,
30. “Graphite Documentation,”
31. “StatsD,” GitHub,
Notes 235

32. Mike Brittain, “Tracking Every Release,” Code as Craft, December 8, 2010,
33. “We are the Google Site Reliability team. We make Google’s websites work.
Ask us Anything!,” Reddit, January 24, 2013,
34. Cory G. Watson, “Observability at Twitter,” Twitter Engineering Blog, Sep-
tember 9, 2013,
35. Greg Leffler, “A crash course in LinkedIn’s global site operations,” LinkedIn
Engineering Blog, September 18, 2013,
36. “Percona,”
37. “MySQL Performance Audits,”
38. Baron Schwarz, “How Percona does a MySQL Performance Audit,” MySQL
Performance Blog, December 24, 2008, http://www.mysqlperformance-
39. Jeffrey Dean, “Google Research Scientists and Engineers: Jeffrey Dean,”
40. Jeffrey Dean, “Building Software Systems At Google and Lessons Learned,”
Stanford EE380: Computer Systems Colloquium, November 10, 2010,
41. Jeffrey Dean, “Software Engineering Advice from Building Large-Scale
Distributed Systems,”
42. “Snappy, a fast compressor/decompressor.,” Google Project Hosting,
43. “Average Email Campaign Stats of MailChimp Customers by Industry,”
44. Eric Colson, “Growing to Large Scale at Netflix,” Extremely Large Databases
Conference, October 18, 2011,
236 The Effective Engineer

45. Edmond Lau, “What A/B testing platform does Quora use?,” Quora, No-
vember 10, 2012,

Chapter 6: Validate Your Ideas Early and Often

1. Anthony Ha, “Cuil might just be cool enough to become the Google-killer
in search,” VentureBeat, July 27, 2008,
2. Michael Arrington, “Cuill: Super Stealth Search Engine; Google Has Defi-
nitely Noticed,” TechCrunch, September 4, 2007,
3. Anthony Ha, “Cuil might just be cool enough to become the Google-killer
in search,” VentureBeat, July 27, 2008,
4. Joseph Tartakoff, “‘Google Killer’ Cuil Looks To Make Money—Perhaps Via
Google,” GigaOm, June 24, 2009,
5. Danny Sullivan, “Cuil Launches—Can This Search Start-Up Really Best
Google?,” Search Engine Land, June 28, 2008,
6. Saul Hansell, “No Bull, Cuil Had Problems,” The New York Times Bits, June
29, 2008,
7. John C. Dvorak, “The New Cuil Search Engine Sucks,” PC Magazine, July 28,
8. Rafe Needleman, “Cuil shows us how not to launch a search engine,” CNET,
July 28, 2008,
9. Anita Hamilton, “Why Cuil Is No Threat to Google,” Time, July 28, 2008,,8599,1827331,00.html.
Notes 237

10. Dave Burdick, “Cuil Review: Really? No Dave Burdicks? This Search Engine
Is Stupid,” Huffington Post, August 5, 2008,
11. “BloomReach Customers,”
12. John Constine, “BloomReach Crunches Big Data To Deliver The Future Of
SEO and SEM,” February 22, 2012,
13. MASLab stood for Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory.
14. Zach Brock, conversation with the author.
15. Eric Ries, “Minimum Viable Product: a guide,” Startup Lessons Learned,
August 3, 2009,
16. Eric Ries, “The Lean Startup,” p98.
17. Drew Houston, “DropBox Demo,” YouTube, September 15, 2008,
18. Alex Wilhelm, “Dropbox Could Be A Bargain At An $8 Billion Valuation,”
TechCrunch, November 18, 2013,
19. Darren Nix, “How we test fake sites on live traffic,” 42Floors Blog, November
4, 2013,
20. Jackie Bavaro, “Have you tried a fake buy button test, as mentioned in Lean
UX, on your website?,” Quora, August 30, 2013,
21. Joshua Green, “The Science Behind Those Obama Campaign E-Mails,”
Businessweek, November 29, 2012,
22. Adam Sutton, “Email Testing: How the Obama campaign generated ap-
proximately $500 million in donations from email marketing,” MarketingSher-
pa, May 7, 2013,
238 The Effective Engineer

23. “Inside the Cave: An In-Depth Look at the Digital, Technology, and Analyt-
ics Operations of Obama for America,” engage Research,
24. Alexis C. Madrigal, “When the Nerds Go Marching In,” The Atlantic, No-
vember 16, 2012,
25. Jeremy Ashkenas, et al., “The 2012 Money Race: Compare the Candidates,”
The New York Times, 2012,
26. Alexis C. Madrigal, “Hey, I Need to Talk to You About This Brilliant Obama
Email Scheme,” The Atlantic, November 9, 2012,
27. Jaclyn Fu, “The New Listing Page: Better Shopping, More Personality,”
Etsy News Blog, July 24, 2013,
28. Frank Harris and Nellwyn Thomas, “Etsy’s Product Development with
Continuous Experimentation,” QCon, November 8, 2012,
29. Sarah Frier, “Etsy Tops $1 Billion in 2013 Product Sales on Mobile Lift,”
Bloomberg, November 12, 2013,
30. Edmond Lau, “What A/B testing platform does Quora use?,” Quora, No-
vember 10, 2012,
31. “Feature API,” GitHub,
32. “Vanity: Experiment Driven Development,”
33. “Welcome to the home of genetify,” GitHub,
34. “Benefits of Experiments - Analytics Help,”
35. “Optimizely,”
Notes 239

36. “Apptimize,”

37. “Unbounce,”
38. “Visual Website Optimizer,”
39. Alex Hern, “Why Google has 200m reasons to put engineers over design-
ers,” The Guardian, February 5, 2014,
40. Laura M. Holson, “Putting a Bolder Face on Google,” The New York Times,
February 28, 2009,
41. “Steve Wozniak,” Wikipedia,
42. research on teaching for learning.
43. Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, Team Geek: A Software Devel-
oper’s Guide to Working Well with Others (O’Reilly Media 2012).

Chapter 7: Improve Your Project Estimation Skills

1. “Ooyala Launches ‘Swift,’ Version 2.0 of the Ooyala Player,” http://www.ooy-
2. “Ooyala Video Technology,”
3. Philip Su, “Broken Windows Theory,” The World As Best As I Remember
It, June 14, 2006,
4. “Windows Vista,” Wikipedia,
5. Joel Spolsky, “Painless Software Schedules,” Joel on Software, March 29, 2000,
6. Jamie Zawinski, “resignation and postmortem,” March 31, 2009,
7. “CHAOS Summary 2009,” The Standish Group, 2009, http://emphasysbro-
8. Steve McConnell, “Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art,” Mi-
crosoft Press, 2006.
240 The Effective Engineer

9. Cyril Northcote Parkinson, “Parkinson’s Law,” The Economist, November 19,

10. Tom DeMarco (1982), Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measure-
ment, and Estimates (Prentice Hall 1986).
11. “Anchoring,” Wikipedia,
12. Frederick Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineer-
ing, p20.
13. Quadratic growth is proportional to the square of the input. With commu-
nication the number of distinct channels of pairwise communication among N
people is described by N choose 2 = N (N + 1) / 2 = O(N^2).
14. Joel Spolsky, “Evidence Based Scheduling,” Joel on Software, October 26,
15. Frederick Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month, p154.
16. Jack Heart, interview with the author, March 21, 2014.
17. Alex Allain, conversation with the author, October 15, 2014.
18. Tamar Bercovici and Florian Jourda, “One to Many: The Story of Sharding
at Box,” Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo, 2012, http://www.per-
19. The “tragedy of the commons” is an economic term describing the situation
where individuals acting independently and rationally according to their own
self-interest deplete a shared resource despite knowing that the depletion is
contrary to the group’s long-term interests.
20. Tamar Bercovici, “Scaling MySQL for the Web,” MySQL Conference & Expo,
21. Martin Fowler et al., Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Ad-
dison-Wesley Professional 1999).
22. Sam Schillace, interview with the author, April 8, 2014.
23. Sara Robinson, “Bring back the 40-hour week,” Salon, March 14, 2012,
Notes 241

24. Evan Robinson, “Why Crunch Modes Doesn’t Work: Six Lessons,” Inter-
national Game Developers Association, 2005,
25. “Sidney Chapman,” Wikipedia,
26. Samuel Crowther, “Henry Ford: Why I Favor Five Days’ Work With Six
Days’ Pay,” World’s Work, October 1926, p613–616,
27. “Ford factory workers get 40-hour week,” History,
28. Roundtable Report, “Scheduled Overtime Effect on Construction Projects,”
Business Roundtable, 1980,
29. Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister, Peopleware, p15.
30. Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister, Peopleware, p179.

Chapter 8: Balance Quality with Pragmatism

1. “Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects,”
2. Ben Maurer and Kevin X. Chang, “What is Google’s internal code review pol-
icy/process?,” Quora, June 7, 2010,
3. “2014 Financial Tables,” Google Financial Tables,
4. “Ten things we know to be true,” Google,
5. “List of public corporations by market capitalization,” Wikipedia,
6. Robert Johnson, “Right and Wrong,” Facebook Notes, October 9, 2009,
242 The Effective Engineer

7. Evan Priestley, “How did Evan Priestley learn to program?,” Quora, Novem-
ber 20, 2013,
8. Capers Jones, “Software Quality in 2008: A Survey of the State of the Art,”
Software Productivity Research LLC, January 30, 2008, p52,
9. Albert Ni, interview with the author, October 9, 2013.
10. Josh Zelman, “(Founder Stories) How Dropbox Got Its First 10 Million
Users,” TechCrunch, January 2011,
11. Victoria Barret, “Dropbox: The Inside Story Of Tech’s Hottest Startup,”
Forbes, October 18, 2011,
12. There’s a small exception. Experimental code checked in within certain di-
rectories don’t need to be reviewed.
13. Mike Krieger, interview with the author, October 2, 2013.
14. Allen Cheung, “Why We Pair Interview,” The Corner - Square Engineering
Blog, October 5, 2011,
15. Raffi Krikorian, conversation with the author.
16. “Pylint - code analysis for Python,”
17. “,”
18. “Barkeep - the friendly code review system,”
19. Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, “MapReduce: Simplified Data Process-
ing on Large Clusters,” OSDI, 2004,
20. Edmond Lau, “HARBOR : an integrated approach to recovery and high
availability in an updatable, distributed data warehouse,” Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology, 2006,
Notes 243

21. Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, “MapReduce: Simplified Data Process-
ing on Large Clusters,” Communications of the ACM, January 2008, Vol. 51, No.
1, 107–113,
22. Rob Pike et al., “Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall,”
Scientific Programming Journal, 13:4, . 227–298,
23. Daniel Jackson, Software Abstractions: Logic, Language, and Analysis (The
MIT Press 2012).
24. “Don’t repeat yourself,” Wikipedia,'t_re-
25. “Protocol Buffers - Google’s data interchange format,” GitHub,
26. Fay Chang et al., “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Da-
ta,” OSDI, 2006,
27. “Apache Thrift,”
28. “Apache Hive,”
29. Mark Marchukov, “TAO: The power of the graph,” Facebook Notes, June
25, 2013,
30. Shreyes Shesasai, “Tech Talk - webnode2 and LiveNode,” Quora, May 25,
31. Justin Rosenstein, “Asana Demo & Vision Talk,” YouTube, February 15,
2011, 34:38,
32. Jack Heart, “Why is Asana developing their own programming language
(Lunascript)?,” Quora, December 9, 2010,
33. Joshua Bloch, “How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters,” YouTube,
January 24, 2007,
34. Joshua Bloch, “How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters,” Library-
Centric Software Design, 2005,
244 The Effective Engineer

35. Rich Hickey, “Simple Made Easy,” InfoQ, October 20, 2011,
36. Jiantao Pan, “Software Reliability,” Carnegie Mellon University 18-849b De-
pendable Embedded Systems, 1999,
37. Kartik Ayyar, interview with the author, October 28, 2013.
38. “Cityville,” Wikipedia,
39. Ward Cunningham, “The WyCash Portfolio Management System,” OOP-
SLA, 1992,
40. Martin Fowler, “Technical Debt,” October 2003,
41. Matt Cutts, “Engineering grouplets at Google,” Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google,
and SEO, October 22, 2007,
42. Ryan Tate, “The Software Revolution Behind LinkedIn’s Gushing Profits,”
Wired, April 10, 2013,

Chapter 9: Minimize Operational Burden

1. “Instagram,”
2. MG Siegler, “Instagram Launches With the Hope of Igniting Communica-
tion Through Images,” TechCrunch, October 6, 2010,
3. Christine Lagorio-Chafkin, “Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Founders of
Instagram,” Inc., April 9, 2012,
4. Kim-Mai Cutler, “From 0 To $1 Billion In Two Years: Instagram’s Rose-Tint-
ed Ride To Glory,” TechCrunch, April 9, 2012,
5. “Pinterest beats Facebook in number of users per employee,” Pingdom, Feb-
ruary 26, 2013,
Notes 245

6. “What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies,”

Instagram Engineering Blog, 2012,
7. Instagram recently switched over to using Cassandra after they hired some-
one who had actually worked on Cassandra internals.
8. Steven Levy, “Good for the Soul,” Alt+Tabs of an Open Mind, October 16,
9. Kevin Systrom, “What is the genesis of Instagram?,” Quora, January 11, 2011,
10. Todd Hoff, “Scaling Pinterest - From 0 To 10s Of Billions Of Page Views
A Month In Two Years,” High Scalability, April 15, 2013, http://highscalabil-
11. Yashwanth Nelapati and Marty Weiner, “Scaling Pinterest,” QCon, 2012,
12. Yashwanth Nelapati and Marty Weiner, “Scaling Pinterest,” QCon, 2012,
13. Jim Shore, “Fail Fast,” IEEE Computer Society, 2004, p21–25, http://martin-
14. “Memcached,”
15. “Tragedy of the commons,” Wikipedia,
16. Shlomo Priymak, “Under the hood: MySQL Pool Scanner (MPS),” Facebook
Notes, October 22, 2013,
17. Rajiv Eranki, “Scaling lessons learned at Dropbox, part 1,” Rajiv’s blog,
July 12, 2012,
18. John Ciancutti, “5 Lessons We’ve Learned Using AWS,” The Netflix Tech
Blog, December 16, 2010,
246 The Effective Engineer

19. Cory Bennett and Ariel Tseitlin, “Chaos Monkey Released into the Wild,”
The Netflix Tech Blog, July 30, 2012,
20. Adrian Cockroft, Cory Hicks, and Greg Orzell, “Lessons Netflix Learned
from the AWS Outage,” The Netflix Tech Blog, April 29, 2011, http://tech-
21. Bill Walsh, The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership (Port-
folio Trade 2010), p51.
22. “Bill Walsh (American football coach),” Wikipedia,
23. Kripa Krishan, “Weathering the Unexpected,” ACM Queue, September 16,
24. Rajiv Eranki, “Scaling lessons learned at Dropbox - part 1,” http://eran-

Chapter 10: Invest in Your Team’s Growth

1. Mark R. Robertson, “Ooyala Video Scheduling – New Flight Time Feature,”

ReelSEO, June 29, 2008,
2. Marc Hedlund, interview with the author, October 9, 2013.
3. Yishan Wong, “The Secret to Career Success,” April 23, 2009, http://algeri-
4. “Benchmark (venture capital firm),” Wikipedia,
5. Andy Rachleff, “48 Hot Tech Companies To Build A Career,” Wealthfront
Knowledge Center, October 25, 2012,
6. Albert Ni, interview with the author, October 9, 2013.
7. Greg Brockman, “What is the engineering interview process like at Stripe?,”
Quora, August 27, 2013,
Notes 247

8. Parth Upadhyay, “Pair Programming Interviews,” The Corner: Square En-

gineering Blog, September 11, 2013,
9. Gayle Laakmann McDowell, Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Program-
ming Questions and Solutions (CareerCup 2011).
10. Tommy MacWilliam, “What is the on-boarding process for new engineers
at Quora?,” Quora, November 5, 2013,
11. “Bus Factor,” Wikipedia,
12. Nimrod Hoofien, interview with the author, October 29, 2013.
13. “Kennedy Space Center FAQ,” NASA,
14. Pete Abilla, “Jeff Bezos and Root Cause Analysis,”, January 23,
15. Sara Himeles and Joey Dello Russo, “5 powerful tactics we use to achieve
great teamwork,” Asana Blog, December 16, 2013,
About the Author

E dmond Lau is a leadership coach and an early engineer at Quip,

where he’s building a productivity suite to help teams work together more
Prior to Quip, he was an early engineer at Quora, where he led the engi-
neering team on user growth and built the onboarding and mentoring pro-
grams for new engineers. He has also worked as the tech lead of analytics at
Ooyala and as an engineer on search quality at Google. He earned his Bache-
lor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science at MIT.
He lives in Palo Alto, CA. Visit him at, where
he shares more lessons, stories, and habits to help engineers be more productive
and effective.
Edmond’s personal mission is to empower engineers and technical leaders
to bring their best selves to their work and to perform at their highest levels.
His writing has been featured on Forbes, Slate, Fortune, Inc., and Times. He’s
taught workshops — including past ones at Google, Facebook, and Pinterest —
to train engineers on mindsets and frameworks for increasing their own effec-
tiveness. And he’s also guest lectured at MIT and Stanford.
The Effective Engineer is his first book. He’d love to get your thoughts
and feedback over Twitter (@edmondlau) or over email (hi@effectiveengi-

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