Syllabus of Ba Geography Bhu

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Department of Geography, 2013-2014

NOTE: The courses for B.Sc. and B.A. are identically the same, except code GRB/ GRA.

B. Sc./ B.A. First Year


Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit

GRB101 Theory Physical Basis of Geography 4
GRB102 Practical Map: Reading and Interpretation 2
Total Semester I 6

Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit
GRB 201 Theory Human Geography 4
GRB 202 Practical Elementary Statistics 2
GRB 203A* Theory Man and Environment (Ancillary 2
Total Semester II 8

B. Sc. Second Year

Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit
GRB 301 Theory Economic Geography 4
GRB 302 Practical Map Projection and Weather Map 2
Total Semester III 6

Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit
GRB 401 Theory Regional Study of Developed and 4
Developing Countries: U.S.A. and
GRB 402 Practical Surveying 2
GRB 403A* Theory Basics of Remote Sensing 2
(Ancillary Course)
Total Semester IV 8

B. Sc. Third Year


Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit

GRB 501 Theory Geomorphology 4
GRB 502 Theory Geography of India 4
GRB 503 Practical Representation of Geographical Data 4
GRB 504 Practical Field Study, Field Trip and Report 4

Students may select any ONE from the following Elective (Theory) Papers
GRB 505 Theory Population Geography * 4
GRB 506 Theory Social Geography 4
GRB 507 Theory Agricultural Geography 4
GRB 508 Assignment-based Paper offered in V semester 2
Total Semester V 22
* Currently GRB 505 Elective Paper Will Be Offered Only

Paper Code Explanation Title of the Paper Credit
GRB 601 Theory Climatology 4
GRB 602 Theory Evolution of Geographical Thought 4
GRB 603 Practical Geological Map and Map Projection 4
GRB 604 Practical Elementary Remote Sensing 4
Students may select any ONE from the following Elective (Theory) Papers
GRB605 Theory Regional Development and Planning 4
GRB606 Theory Political Geography 4
GRB607 Theory Industrial Geography 4
GRB 608 Assignment-based Paper offered in VI semester 2
Total Semester V I 22
* Currently GRB 605 Elective Paper will only be offered.

I Semester
B. Sc./ B.A. Geography,
GRB 101. Theory, Paper: 1. Physical Basis of Geography
Number of Lectures : 52
Unit I
Origin of the earth (James and Jeffrey, Russell, Lytileton, Lemaitre); Interior of the earth;
Rocks: origin and classification; Earth’s movements.
Unit II
Major landforms: mountains, plateaus and plains; Gradational processes: weathering and
erosion; Works of running water, glacier and wind.
Unit III
Composition and structure of the atmosphere; Insolation; Temperature: vertical and horizontal
distribution; Pressure and pressure belts; Winds: planetary, periodic and local.
Unit IV
Theories of origin of ocean basin (Tetrahedral); Physical properties of sea water: temperature
and salinity; Ocean currents; Tides and Coral reefs.

Books Recommended
1. Barry, R. G. and Chorley, R. J. (1998): Atmosphere, Weather and Climate. Routledge, London.
2. Bryant, H. Richard (2001): Physical Geography Made Simple, Rupa and Company. New Delhi
3. Bunnett, R.B. (2003): Physical Geography in Diagrams, Fourth GCSE edition, Pearson Education
(Singapore) Private Ltd.
4. Garrison, T. (1998): Oceanography, Wordsworth Company., Belmont.
5. Lake, P. (1979): Physical Geography (English and Hindi editions), Cambridge University Press,
6. Leong Goh Cheng (2003): Certificate Physical and Human Geography, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
7. Monkhouse, F.J. (1979): Physical Geography. Methuen, London
8. Singh, S. (2003): Physical Geography. (English and Hindi editions.). Prayag Pustak Bhawan,
9. Trewartha, G.T., Robinson, A.H., Hammond, E.H., and Horn, A.T. (1976/1990): Fundamentals of
Physical Geography, 3rd edition. MacGraw-Hill, New York.
10. Singh, M.B. (2001): Bhoutik Bhugol, Tara Book Agency, Varanasi
11. Strahler, A.N. and Stahler, A.M. (1992): Modern Physical Geography. John Wiley and Sons, New
12. Wooldridge, S.W. and Morgan, R.S. (1939): The Physical Basis of Geography- An Outline of
Geomorphology. Longman, London. Recent edition and Reprint.

I Semester
GRB 102. Practical, Paper: 1. Map: Reading and Interpretation
Number of Lectures : 52
Construction of scale: simple, diagonal and comparative; Map reading and Interpretation of
topographic sheets, Relief features and profiles (serial, superimposed, projected and
composite); Reduction and enlargement of maps.

Books Recommended
1. Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, F.J. (1985): Maps and Diagrams. Methuen, London
2. Raisz, E. (1962): General Cartography. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 5th edition.
3. Sarkar, A. K. (1997): Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach. Orient Longman, Kolkata.
4. Sharma, J. P. (2001): Prayogik Bhugol., Rastogi Publication, Meerut 3rd. edition.
5. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana P.B. (1993): Elements of Practical Geography. (Hindi and English
editions). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi,.
6. Singh, L.R. (2006): Fundamentals of Practical Geography, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.

II Semester
GRB 201. Human Geography
Number of Lectures : 52
Unit I
Meaning, nature and scope of human geography; Concepts of human geography; Man-
environment relationships: determinism, possibilism and probabilism, and environmentalism.
Unit II
Evolution of man; Classification of races; Characteristics of races and their broad distribution;
Human adaptation to environment: Eskimo, Masai and Bushman; Primitive people of India:
Tharu, Naga and Bhil.
Unit III
Growth of population; Distribution of population; Major human agglomerations; Types of
Migration; Trends of Urbanization.
Unit IV
Rural settlements: characteristics, types and regional pattern; Urban settlements: evolution and
classification; Rural houses in India: types, classification and regional pattern.

Books Recommended
1. Chisholm, M. (1985): Human Geography, 2nd edition, Penguin Books, London.
2. de Blij, H.J.(1996): Human Geography: Culture, Society and Space,. 2nd edition. John Wiley and
Sons, New York,
3. Fellman, J. D., Arthur, G., Judith, G., Hopkins, J. and Dan, S. (2007): Human Geography:
Landscapes of Human Activities. McGraw-Hill, New York. 10th edition.
4. Haggett, P. (2004): Geography: A Modern Synthesis. 8th edition, Harper and Row, New York.
5. Hussain, M. (1994): Human Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
6. Johnston, R. J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G. and Watts, M. (2009): The Dictionary of Human Geography.
5th edition, Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
7. Kaushik, S.D. and Sharma, A.K. (1996): Principles of Human Geography (in Hindi), Rastogi
Publication, Meerut.
8. Norton, W. (2008): Human Geography, Oxford University Press, New York. 5th ed.
9. Singh, K. N. and Singh, J. (2001): Manav Bhugol. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Gorakhpur. 2nd edition.
10. Singh, L.R. (2005): Fundamentals of Human Geography, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
11. Smith, D. M.(1977): Human Geography- A Welfare Approach, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd.,
12. Stoddard, R.H., Wishart, D.J. and Blouet, B.W. (1986): Human Geography. Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

II Semester
B. Sc. Part I
GRB 202 : Practical . Elementary Statistics
Number of Lectures : 52
Sources of data; classification and Tabulation of data.
Measures of central tendency: mean, median and mode, and quartile.
Measures of dispersion: mean deviation, standard deviation.
Correlation (Karl Pearson and Spearman).

Books Recommended
1. Bhagwathi, V. and Pillai, R.S.N. (2003): Practical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Company, New
2. Ebdon, D. (1977): Statistics in Geography: A Practical Approach, Blackwell Publishers Inc.,
3. Gregory, S. (1973): Statistical Methods and the Geographer, Longman, London.
4. Gupta, S.P. (1998): Advanced Practical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi
5. Mahmood, A. (1986): Statistical Methods in Geographical Studies, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi
6. Zamir, A. (2002): Statistical Geography: Methods and Applications, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.

GRB 203 A*
Ancillary Theory Paper; Man and Environment
Unit I :
Evolution of Man; Human Race: Bases and classification; Human Adaptation in different
environment: selected tribes.
Unit II :
Man’s interaction in environment, Biomes: Meaning and types; Major Biomes: Rainforest,
Savannah, Tundra.
Unit III :
Environment: Meaning and Components; Food Pyramid; Forms and Functions of Ecosystems:
Terrestrial, Aquatic; Biodiversity; Climatic Change; Environmental Conservation and

Books Recommended
1. Chisholm, M. (1985): Human Geography, 2nd edition, Penguin Books, London.
2. de Blij, H.J.(1996): Human Geography: Culture, Society and Space,. 2nd edition. John
Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. Johnston, R. J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G. and Watts, M. (2000): The Dictionary of Human
Geography. 4th edition, Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
4. Kaushik, S.D. and Sharma, A.K. (1996): Principles of Human Geography (in Hindi),
5. Odum, P. E. and Barret, W. G. (2005): Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd,
6. Huggett, R. J. (1998): Fundamentals of Biogeography, Routledge, London.
7. Saxena, H. M. (2000): Environmental Management. Rawat Publications., Jaipur and New

III Semester
B.Sc. Part II
GRB 301. Economic Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning and approaches to economic geography; Main concepts of economic geography;
Resource: concept and classification; Resource conservation.
Unit II
Natural resources: soil, forest and water; Mineral resources: iron ore and bauxite; Power
resources: coal and petroleum; Principal crops: wheat, rice and cotton.
Unit III
Agricultural regions of the world (Derwent Whittlesey); Theory of agricultural location (Von
Thunen); Theory of industrial location (Weber); Major industries: iron and steel, and cotton
Unit IV
World transportation: major trans-continental railways, and sea routes; WTO and International
trade: patterns and trends; Major trade blocs: EEC, ASEAN; Effect of globalization on
developing countries.

Books Recommended
1. Alexander, J. W. (1988): Economic Geography. Prentice-Hall, New Delhi,.
2. Bryson, J., Henry, N., Keeble, D. and Martin, R. (eds.) (1999): The Economic Geography Reader:
Producing and Consuming Global Capitalism. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York.
3. Clark,G. L., Gertler, M. S. and Feldman, M. P. (eds.) (2000): The Oxford Handbook of Economic
Geography. Oxford University Press, USA.
4. Coe, N. (2007): Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction. Blackwell Publishers, Inc.,
5. Gautam, A. (2006): Aarthik Bhugol Ke Mool Tattava, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
6. Guha, J. S. and Chattoraj, P.R. (2002): A New Approach to Economic Geography: A Study of
Resources. The World Press Private Limited, Kolkata.
7. Hanink, D. M. (1997): Principles and Applications of Economic Geography: Economy, Policy,
Environment. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York.
8. Hartshorne, T. A. and Alexander, J. W. (1988): Economic Geography (3rd revised edition)
Englewood Cliff , New Jersey, Prentice Hall
9. Hudson, R. (2005): Economic Geographies: Circuits, Flows and Spaces. Sage Publications,
10. Knowles, R, Wareing, J. (2000): Economic and Social Geography Made Simple, Rupa and
Company, New Delhi.
11. Sokal, Martin 2011. Economic Geographics of Globalisation: A short Introduction. Cheltenham,
UK : Edward Elgar

B.Sc. III Semester

GRB 302: Practical. Map Projection and Weather Map
Credits: 2
Number of Lectures: 52
Map Projection: Conical: simple conic with one and two standard parallels, Bonne’s;
Cylindrical: simple and equal area; Zenithal (Polar case): equidistant and equal area.
Weather Map: Weather symbols, Representation of atmospheric features, Interpretation of
Indian daily weather maps (July, October and January)

Books Recommended
1. Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, F.J. (1985): Maps and Diagrams. Methuen, London.
2. Raisz, E. (1962): General Cartography. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 5th edition.
3. Robinson, A., Sale, R. Morrison, J. and Muehrcke, P. C. (1984): Elements of Cartography, John
Wiley and Sons, New York
4. Sarkar, A. K. (1997): Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach. Orient Longman, Kolkata.
5. Sharma, J. P. (2001): Prayogik Bhugol. Rastogi Publication, Meerut 3rd edition.
6. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana P.B. (1993): Elements of Practical Geography. (Hindi and English
editions). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi,

B.Sc. IV Semester
GRB 401
Regional Study of Developed and Developing Countries: USA and China
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Concepts, bases and characteristics of developed and developing countries; Indicators and
Levels of development: Developed, Developing, Under-developed, and Least-developed
Unit II
Physical resource base: landforms, climate, soils, vegetation, power and mineral resources
Unit III
Cultural resource base: population, agriculture, industries.
Unit IV
Agricultural and industrial regions of USA; Agricultural and geographical regions of China.
Books Recommended
1. di Blij, H. and Muller, O. (1993): Geography: Regions and Concepts. John Wiley and Sons,
New York..
2. Jackson, R. H. and Husman, L. E. (1991): World Regional Geography: Issues for Today. John
Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. Jones, P. and Bryan, P. (1954): North America: An Historical, Economic and Regional
Geography, Methuen and Company. Ltd, London.
4. Kolb, A. (1971): East Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Methuen, London.
5. Rai, Gayatri (2007): Vishwa Ka Pradeshik Bhugol, Mishra Trading Corporation, Varanasi
6. Sharma, P. R. (ed.) (1991): Perspectives on Third World Development. Rishi Publication,
7. Stamp, L. D. (1976): Asia: A Regional and Economic Geography, Methuen, London.

IV Semester
GRB 402 : Practical. Surveying
Credits: 2
Number of Lectures: 52
Surveying: meaning, classification and significance.
Chain and Tape surveying; Plane Table surveying; Prismatic Compass, Abney Level and
Indian Clinometer

Books Recommended
1. Davis, R.E. and Foote, F.S. (1953): Surveying, 4th edition, McGraw Hill Publication, New York
2. Jones, P.A.(1968): Fieldwork in Geography, Longmans, Green and Company Ltd., First
Publication, London
3. Kanetker, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V.(1967): Surveying and Levelling, Vol I and II V.G. Prakashan,
4. Natrajan, V. (1976): Advanced Surveying, B.I. Publications., Mumbai.
5. Pugh, J.C. (1975): Surveying for Field Scientists, Methuen and Company Ltd., London, First
6. Punmia, B.C.(1994): Surveying, Vol I, Laxmi Publications Private Ltd, New Delhi.
7. Shephard, F.A. (1968): Surveying Problems and Solutions, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd,
8. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana P.B. (1993): Elements of Practical Geography. (Hindi and English
editions), Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana and New Delhi.
9. Venkatramaiah, C. (1997): A Text Book of Surveying, Universities Press, Hyderabad.

GRB 403 A*
Ancillary Theory paper. Basics of Remote Sensing
Unit I
Remote Sensing: Concept and Scope; Electro-magnetic Radiation: Characteristics, Spectral
regions and Bands; Interaction with earth surface features and atmosphere; Spectral Signature
Unit II
Types of Remote Sensing: Air borne and Space borne; Aerial photos: Types and
Characteristics; Remote Sensing satellites: Platforms and sensors
Unit III
Visual and Digital image processing techniques; Remote Sensing application in resource
mapping and environmental monitoring
Books Recommended
1. Curran, P.J. (1985): Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London
2. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2000): Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. 4th
edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York
3. Campbell, J.B. (2002): Introduction to Remote Sensing. 5th edition, Taylor and Francis,
4. Bhatta, B. (2010): Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
5. Nag Prithvish and Kudrat M. (1998): Digital Remote Sensing, Concept Publishing
Company, New Delhi

B. Sc. Part III. V Semester

GRB 501. Geomorphology
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Nature and scope of geomorphology; Principles and basis of geological time scale;
Fundamental concepts: uniformitarianism and dynamic equilibrium, relief and differential rates
of geomorphic processes.
Unit II
Cycle of erosion and slope evolution: contributions of Davis, Penck and King; Isostasy, Plate
tectonics, Earthquakes; Folded structure and topography; Faulted structure and topography.
Unit III
Mass wasting and different geomorphic agents and processes― fluvial water, Aeolian, glacial,
marine and karst.
Unit IV
Evolution and development of river valleys; Drainage patterns and their significance; concept
of graded stream; river channels ― form, pattern and dynamics; Regional geomorphology of
Uttarakhand Himalaya and Middle Ganga Plain.

Books Recommended
1. Bloom, A. L. (1992): Geomorphology–A Systematic Analysis. Prentice-Hall India, New Delhi.
2. Chorley, R. J., Schumm, S. A. and Sugden D.E.(1984): Geomorphology. Methuen, London
3. Holmes, A. (1987): Principles of Physical Geology. Nelson, New York, 3rd edition.
4. Sparks, B.W.(1969) : Geomorphology. Longman, London.
5. Stoddard, D. R. (ed.)(1996): Process and Form in Geomorphology. Routledge, London,.
6. Kale, V. and Gupta, A. (2001): Elements of Geomorphology. Oxford University Press, Delhi.
7. Thornbury, W. D. (1990): Principles of Geomorphology. Wiley Eastern Edition, New York,.
8. Singh, S. (2000): Geomorphology. (in Hindi). Vasundhra Prakashan, Gorakhpur.
9. Singh, S. (2004): Geomorphology, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
10. Skinner, B. J. and Porter, S.C. (1996): The Dynamic Earth. John Wiley and Sons, New York,.
11. Wooldridge, S.W. and Morgan, R.S. (1959): The Physical Basis of Geography: An Outline of
Geomorphology. Longman, London, several reprints.

B. Sc. Part III. V Semester

GRB 502. Geography of India
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Geology; Physiographic divisions; Drainage systems; Climate and climatic regions; Soil and
Unit II
Minerals and power resources (iron ore, and coal); Multipurpose projects: Damodar Valley,
and Bhakhra Nangal; Irrigation; Major industries (iron and steel, cotton textile, and sugar).
Unit III
Crops (rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane, and tea); Agricultural regions; Green revolution and its
Unit IV
Meso-regions of India (Karnataka plateau, and Uttarakhand) and their characteristics;
Transport and communication; Trade: composition and recent changes.

Books Recommended
1. Chauhan, P.R. and Prasad, M. (2003): Bharat Ka Vrihad Bhugol, Vasundhara Prakashan,
2. Farmer, B.H. (1983): An Introduction to South Asia. Methuen, London
3. Gautam, A. (2006): Advanced Geography of India, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
4. Johnson, B.L.C. (1963): Development in South Asia. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth
5. Krishnan, M.S. (1982): Geology of India and Burma, CAS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
6. Khullar, D.R. ( 2007): India: A Comprehensive Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
7. Nag, P. and Gupta, S. S. (1992): Geography of India, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
8. Rao, B.P. ( 2007): Bharat kee Bhaugolik Sameeksha, Vasundhara Prakashan, Gorakhpur.
9. Sharma, T.C. and Coutinho, O. (2003): Economic and Commercial Geography of India, Vikas
Publishing House Private Ltd. New Delhi.
10. Singh , J. (2003): India: A Comprehensive Systematic Geography. Gyanodaya Prakashan,
11. Singh, J. (2001): Bharat: Bhougolik Aadhar Avam Ayam, Gyanodaya Prakashan, Gorakhpur.
12. Singh, R.L. (ed.) (1971): India: A Regional Geography. National Geographical Society of India,
13. Spate, O.H. K., Learmonth A. T. A. and Farmer, B. H. (1996): India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Methuen, London, 7th edition.
14. SukhwaI, B.L. (1987): India: Economic Resource Base and Contemporary Political Patterns.
Sterling Publication, New Delhi
15. Tiwari, R.C. (2007): Geography of India, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
16. Wadia, D. N. (1959): Geology of India. Mac-Millan and Company, London and student edition,

B.Sc. Semester V
GRB 503: Practical. Representation of Geographical Data
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Graphical Representation
Bar diagram, Frequency polygon, Frequency curve. Rainfall dispersion diagram, Water
balance graph, Climograph.
Cartographic Representation
Distribution maps: Dot, Isopleth, Choropleth; Pie diagram. Cartogram: Traffic flow
diagram, Isochronic cartogram.

Books Recommended
1. Monkhouse, F. J. (1985): Maps and Diagrams. Methuen, London.
2. Raisz, E. (1962): Principles of Cartography, McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Robinson, A. H., Sale. R. D., Morrison, J. L. and Muehrcke, P. C. (1984): Elements of
Cartography. 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
4. Sarkar, A. K. (1997): Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach. Orient Longman, Kolkata.
5. Sharma, J. P. (2001): Prayogik Bhugol., Rastogi Publication, Meerut 3rd. edition.
6. Singh, R.L. and Singh Rana P.B. (1993): Elements of Practical Geography. (Hindi and
English editions). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

GRB 504: Practical

Field Study, Field Trip and Report Writing
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Fieldwork: Meaning, types and objectives of fieldwork; Fieldwork methods and techniques;
Importance of fieldwork in geography, Field work-based report writing.
Field Trip: Uttarakhand, Vindhyan Plateau, Thar Desert.

Books Recommended
1. Archer, J.E. and Dalton, T.H. (1968): Field Work in Geography. William Clowes and Sons Ltd.
London and Beccles.
2. Bolton, T. and Newbury, P.A. (1968): Geography through Fieldwork. Blandford Press, London.
3. Jones, P. A. (1968): Field Work in Geography. Longmans, Green and Company Ltd., London and
4. Lousenbury, J. F. and Aldrich, F.T. (1986): Introduction to Geographic Field Methods and
Techniques. Charles E. Merrill Publishing. Company, Colombus.
5. Pugh, J.C. (1975): Surveying for Field Scientists. Methuen and Company Ltd. London.
6. Knight, Peter G. and Parsons, Tony (2003): How to do your Essays Exams & Coursework in
Geography and Related Disciplines. Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham U.K.
7. Parsons, Tony and Knight, Peter G. (2005): How to do your Dissertation in Geography and Related
Disciplines. Routledge, London. 2nd Ed.
8. Kitchen, Rob and Tate, Nicholas J. (2009): Conducting Research into Human Geography: Theory,
Methodology & Practice. Prentice Hall-Pearson, Harlow U.K. 2nd Ed.
9. Kitchen, Rob and Fuller, Duncan (2005): The Academic’s Guide to Publishing. Vistaar Publs.
(Sage), New Delhi.
10. Hay, Iain (ed.) (2005): Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography. Oxford University
Press, Melbourne. 2nd Ed.
11. Hay, Iain (ed.) (2004): Communicating in Geography and the Environmental Sciences. Oxford
University Press, Melbourne. 2nd Ed.
12. Stoddard, Robert H. (1982): Field Techniques and Research Methods in Geography. Kendall/Hunt
Pub. Dubuque IO.

B.Sc. Semester V. Optional Paper

GRB 505: Elective Theory Paper
Population Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Nature and scope of population geography; Sources and types of population data: census,
sample survey and vital registration system.
Unit II
World population: growth, causes and consequences; Factors affecting population distribution;
Migration: types and determinants; Urbanization: trends and pattern
Unit III
Population dynamics: fertility and mortality, age and sex structure; Occupational structure;
Demographic transition theory; human resource development: indicators and patterns.
Unit IV
INDIA:- Population growth; Distribution of population; Density types; Population problems;
Population Policy.

Books Recommended
1. Chandna, R. C. (2006): Geography of Population. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Clarke, J.I. (1972): Population Geography. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
3. Demko, G.J., Rose, H.M., and Schnell, G.A. (1970): Population Geography: A Reader. McGraw-
Hill, New York.
4. Dube, K.K. and Singh, M.B.(1994): Jansankhya Bhoogol, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
5. Garnier, B.J. (1993): Geography of Population. 3rd edition. Longman, London.
6. Jones, H. R. (1981): A Population Geography. Harper and Row, New York.
7. Peters, G. L. and Larkin, R.P. (1983): Population Geography: Problems, Concepts and Prospects.
Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IA.
8. Trewartha, G.T. (1985): A Geography of Population: World Patterns. John Wiley and Sons, New
9. Zelinsky, W. (1966): A Prologue to Population Geography. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

B.Sc. Semester V. Optional Paper

GRB 506: Elective Theory Paper
Social Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning and scope of social geography; Concept of social space; Social differentiation and
stratification; Social morphology.
Unit II
Social differentiation and region formation: Bases of social region formation; Evolution of
socio-cultural regions of India; Role of race, caste, tribe, religion and languages; India ― unity
in diversity
Unit III
Concept of social wellbeing; Physical quality of life; Human development: concept and
measurements; Rural-urban interfaces in India: health care, education and shelter; Gender
issues in India
Unit IV
Public policy and social planning in India; Appraisal of Five-Year Plans and social policies in
India; Social policy and planning for drought and flood prone areas; Social impact assessment
of development projects

Books Recommended
1. Ahmad, A. (1999): Social Geography. Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi.
2. Anderson, K. (2006): Race and Crises of Human Development. Routledge, London and New
3. Betizlle, A.(1983): Equality and Inequality, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
4. Brewer, J.D. (2000): Ethnography, Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelphia, First Edition.
5. Coates, B.E., Johnston, R.J. and Knox, P.L. (1977): Geography and Inequality, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, London.
6. Eyles, J. (ed.) (1986): Social Geography in International Perspective. Rowman and Littlefield, New
Jersey and Los Angeles.
7. Dubey. S.C. (1991): Indian Society. National Book Trust, New Delhi.
8. Forde, C. D. (1934): Habitat, Economy and Society, Methuen and Company London
9. Gregory, D. and Larry, J. (eds.) (1985): Social Relations and Spatial Structures. McMillan, London
10. Gore, M.S. (1985): Social Aspects of Development, Rawat Publications, Jaipur
11. Jackson, P. and Susan, J. S. (1984): Exploring Social Geography, George Allan Unwin, Boston and
12. Jones, E. (ed.) (1975) : Readings in Social Geography, Oxford University Press, London.
13. Haq, M. (2000): Reflections on Human Development. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
14. Maloney, C. (1974): People of South Asia. Winston Norton, New York.
15. Moseley, W. G., Lanegran, D. A. and Pandit, K. (eds.) (2007): The Introductory Reader in Human
Geography. Contemporary Debates and Classic Writings. Blackwell Publishers., Oxford.
16. Norton, W. (2006): Cultural Geography. Environments. Landscapes. Identities. Inequalities. Oxford
University Press, Toronto. 2nd edition.
17. Planning Commission, Government of India (1981): Report on Development of Tribal Areas. New
18. Sahlins, M. D. (1968): Tribesmen, Prentice Hall, New York.
19. Sharma, K.L. (1980): Essays on Social Stratification, Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi,
first edition.
20. Smith, D. (1977): Geography: A Welfare Approach. Edward Arnold, London.
21. Sopher, D. (1980): An Exploration of India: Geographical Perspectives on Society and Culture,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, first edition.
22. Subba, R. B. (1958): Personality of India: Pre- and Proto- Historic Foundation of India and
Pakistan. 2nd edition. M.S. University Baroda, Vadodara.
23. Stump, Roger W. (2008): The Geography of Religion: Faith, Place, and Space. Rowman &
Littlefield Publs., Lanham USA.
24. Valentine, G. (2001): Social Geographies: Space and Society. Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.

B.Sc. Semester V. Optional Paper

GRB 507: Elective Theory Paper
Agricultural Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning and scope of agricultural geography; Approaches to agricultural geography; Physical,
cultural and institutional factors affecting agriculture.
Unit II
Crop concentration and crop diversification; Delineation of crop combination regions;
Agricultural regions of the world; Detailed study of subsistence, plantation, commercial and
mixed farming.
Unit III
Agricultural land-use and carrying capacity; Land use pattern with special reference to India;
Measures of agricultural efficiency and agricultural productivity.
Unit IV
Agro-climatic regions of India, Green revolution in India; Second generation reforms in Indian
agriculture: Land and institutional reforms; Organic and contract farming; Agricultural
planning and policies in India.

Books Recommended
1. Dumont, R.(1970): Types of Rural Economy: Studies in World Agriculture, Douglas Manin,
London Methuen
2. Gregor, H. P. (1970): Geography of Agriculture. Prentice-Hall, New York.
3. Husain, M. (1996): Systematic Agricultural Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
4. Misra, R. P. (1967): Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations, University of Mysore, Mysore.
5. Mohammad, A.(1978): Studies in Agricultural Geography, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi
6. Morgan, W. B. and Norton, R.J.C. (1971): Agricultural Geography. Methuen, London.
7. Sauer, O. C. (1969): Agricultural Origins and Dispersals. MIT Press, Cambridge.
8. Shafi, M. (2006): Agricultural Geography, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
9. Sen, Sudhir (1975): Reaping the Green Revolution. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
10. Shafi, M.(2000): Agricultural Geography of South Asia, McMillan, Delhi
11. Singh, B.B. (1979) : Krishi Bhugol. Tara Publications, Varanasi.
12. Singh, J. and Dhillon, S.S. (2000): Agricultural Geography. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
13. Singh, S. (1994): Agricultural Development in India: A Regional Analysis, Kaushal Publications,
14. Symons, L. (1967): Agricultural Geography. George Bell and Sons, London.
15. Tarrant J. R. (1974): Agricultural Geography. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

B.Sc. Semester V
GRB 508: Assignment-based Seminar
Credits: 2
B. Sc. Part III. Semester VI
GRB 601. Climatology
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning and scope of climatology; Atmosphere: Composition and structure; Insolation:
determinants and distribution; Temperature: Controlling factors and Distribution; Processes of
heating and cooling of the atmosphere.
Unit II
Heat budget of earth and atmosphere; Temperature change; Air stability and its importance;
Laws of Horizontal Motion and general Atmospheric Circulation, Monsoon, Jet Stream and
their significance with reference to India
Unit III
Precipitation: Theories of Precipitation Formation, forms and types; Air Masses: classification
and modification; Fronts: source regions, types and associated weather
Unit IV
Cyclones: tropical and temperate; Climatic classification: Köppen and Thornthwaite; Climatic
change: evidences and theories; Global Warming: causes and consequences.

Books Recommended
1. Barry, R.G. and Carleton, M. (2001): Synoptic and Dynamic Climatology, Routledge, London.
2. Chorley, R.J. (2001): Atmosphere, Weather and Climate. Methuen, London.
3. Critchfield, H.J. (2002): General Climatology. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi..
4. Finch, J. C. and Trewartha, G. T.: Elements of Weather and Climate. Prentice-Hall, London.
5. Kendrew, W.C. (1998): Climatology. Edward Arnold, London. 5th edition.
6. Lal, D.S.(1986): Climatology. Chaitanya Publications, Allahabad.
7. Oliver, J.E. and Hidore, J.J. (2003): Climatology: An Atmospheric Science, Pearson Education
Private Ltd, Patparganj, Delhi.
8. Robinson, P. J. and Henderson, S. (1999): Contemporary Climatology, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education Ltd., Harlow, UK.
9. Singh, M.B. (1998): Jalvayu Avam Samudra Vigyan. Tara Book Agency, Varanasi.
10. Singh, M.B. (1999): Jalvayu Avam Jal Vigyan. Tara Book Agency, Varanasi,.
11. Singh, S. (2005): Climatology. Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
12. Singh, S. (2006): Jalvayu Vigyan. Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.

B. Sc. Part III. Semester VI

GRB 602. Evolution of Geographical Thought
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
The field of geography; Geography as a discipline: natural science vs. social science;
Approaches to geography; Relevance of geography
Unit II
Classical contributions to geographical thought: Greek, Roman, Indian, Arab; Geography
rethought: Varenius and Immanuel Kant.
Unit III
Foundations of geography: major contributions of Alexander von Humboldt, Carl Ritter, and
Frederick Ratzel; Dualism and Unity in geography
Unit IV
Schools of geographical thought: French, British and American; Recent trends in geography;
Evolution of geography in India: formative periods, establishments and emerging scenario.

Books Recommended
1. Ali, S.M. (1960): Arab Geography, Institute of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, First Edition.
2. Daniel, P., Bradshaw, M., Shaw, D. and Sidaway, J. (2000): Human Geography. Issues for the 21st
Century. Prentice Hall, London.
3. Diddee, J. (ed.) (1990): Indian Geography, Institute of Indian Geographers, Pune, first edition.
4. Dikshit, R. D. (2003): Geographical Thought. A Critical History of Ideas. Prentice-Hall of India,
New Delhi. (in English and Hindi).
5. Dube, B. (1967): Geographical Concepts in Ancient India, National Geographical Society of India,
6. Getice, A., Getis, J. and Fellman, J. D. (2007): Introduction to Geography. 10th edition. McGraw
Hill, New York.
7. Hartshorne, R. (1959): Perspective on the Nature of Geography, John Murray, London
8. Harvey, D. (1969): Explanations in Geography. Arnold, London.
9. Holt-Jensen, A. (1980): Geography: Its History and Concepts. Harper and Row Publishers, London.
10. Husain, Majid. (2002): Evolution of Geographical Thought, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
11. Johnston, R., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., Watts, M. and Whatmore, S. (2003): The Dictionary of Human
Geography. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 5th edition.
12. Johnston, R. and Sidaway, J.D. (2004): Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human
Geography Since 1945, Arnold Publishers, London.
13. Rawling, E. and Daugherty, R. (eds.) (2005): Geography into the Twenty-first Century. 2nd edition.
John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
14. Singh, Rana P.B. 2009: Uprooting Geographic Thoughts in India: Toward Ecology and Culture in
21st Century. Planet Earth & Cultural Understanding Series, Pub. 1. Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, New Castle upon Tyne (UK).
15. Singh, Rana P.B. 2009: Geographical Thoughts in India: Snapshots and Vision for the 21st Century.
Planet Earth & Cultural Understanding Series, Pub. 2. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle
upon Tyne (UK).
16. Singh, Ravi S. (ed.) 2009: Indian Geography in the 21st Century: The Young Geographers Agenda.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle upon Tyne (UK).
17. Singh, Ravi S. (ed.) 2009: Indian Geography: Perspectives, Concerns and Issues. Rawat
Publications, Jaipur/New Delhi.
18. Taylor, G. (ed.) (1953): Geography in the Twentieth Century. Methuen and Company, London.

B. Sc. Part III. Semester VI

GRB 603: Practical. Geological Map and Map Projection
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52

Geological Map: Conformable and folded geological structure and their description.
Map Projection: Conical: Polyconic, and Sinusoidal; Cylindrical: Gall’s and Mercator’s;
Zenithal: Gnomonic; International Map Projection

Books Recommended
1. Hinks, A. R. (1921): Map Projection, Cambridge University Press, London.
2. Misra, R.P. and Ramesh A. (1989): Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
3. Raisz, E. (1962): Principles of Cartography, McGraw Hill, New York..
4. Robinson, A. H., Sale, R., Morrison, J. and Muehrcke, P. C (1984): Elements of Cartography. 5th
edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
5. Singh, R.L. and Singh, Rana P.B. (1993): Elements of Practical Geography. (Hindi and English
editions), Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Steers, J. A. (1965): An Introduction to the Study of Map Projection. University of London Press,

B. Sc. Part III. Semester VI

GRB 604: Practical. Elementary Remote Sensing
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Fundamentals of remote sensing; Interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite imageries;
Determination of scale, Basic principles of photogrammetry; Elements of photo/image
interpretation; Identification of geomorphic features from stereogram; Application of remote
sensing in natural resource studies and monitoring environmental changes.
Books Recommended
1. Campell, J. B. (2003): Introduction to Remote Sensing. 4th edition. Taylor and Francis, London.
2. Chaunial, D. D. (2004): Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System(in Hindi), Sharda
Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
3. Cracknell, A. and Ladson, H. (1990): Remote Sensing Year Book. Taylor and Francis, London.
4. Curran, P.J. (1985): Principles of Remote Sensing. Longman, London.
5. Deekshatulu, B.L. and Rajan, Y.S. (ed.) (1984): Remote Sensing. Indian Academy of Science,
6. Floyd, F. and Sabins, Jr. (1986): Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation. W.H. Freeman,
New York.
7. Gautam, N.C. and Raghavswamy, V. (2004). Land Use/ Land Cover and Management Practices in
India. B.S. Publication., Hyderabad.
8. Jensen, J.R. (2004): Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective. Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Indian reprint available.
9. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2000): Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
10. Nag, P. (ed.) (1992): Thematic Cartography and Remote Sensing. Concept Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
11. Rampal, K.K. (1999): Handbook of Aerial Photography and Interpretation. Concept Publishing.
Company, New Delhi.

B.Sc. Part III. Semester VI. Elective Theory Paper

GRB 605: Regional Development and Planning
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I.
Meaning, concepts and scope of regional development and planning; Approaches to Regional
Development; Approaches to Regional Planning; Theories of regional development (Myrdal
and Perroux).
Unit II
Evolution of Regional Planning in India; Concepts and types of regions; Schemes of
regionalization; Macro micro planning regions of India; Multi-level planning; Participatory
Unit III
Regional development in India: patterns and imbalances; Planning for regional development;
Role of agriculture, industry and infrastructure (transport and power) in regional development.
Unit IV
Area development and planning: National Capital Region; Local-level planning and Panchayati
Raj; Planning for Eastern Uttar Pradesh and North-East India.

Books Recommended
1. Bhat, L.S. (1972): Regional Planning in India, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.
2. Bhat, L.S. (2003): Micro Planning: A Case Study of Karnal Area, KB Publications, New Delhi.
3. Chand, M. and Puri, V.K. (2004): Regional planning in India; Allied Publishers, New Delhi,
4. Chandana, R. C. (2005): Regional Development and Planning. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Dube, K.K. and Singh, M.B. (1986): Pradeshik Niyojan. Tara Book Agency, Varanasi.
6. Friedman, J. and Alonse, W. (eds.) (1968): Regional Development and Planning, M.I.T. Press,
7. Gopalakrishnan, R. 1991.North-East India: Land, Economy and People. New Delhi: Har-Anand
8. Gopalakrishnan, R. 1990. Political Geography of North-East India. New Delhi: Har-Anand
9. Kuklinski, A.R. (ed.) (1975): Regional Development and Planning: International Perspectives,
10. Kuklinski, A.R. (1972): Growth Centres in Regional Planning. Mounton and Company, Paris.
11. Misra, R.P, Sundaram, K.V., and Prakasarao, V.L.S. (1976): Regional Development Planning in
India, Vikas Publishers., New Delhi.
12. Misra, R.P. (1969): Regional Planning. University of Mysore, Mysore.
13. Misra, R.P. (2002): Regional Planning, Concepts, Techniques, Policies and Case Studies. Concept
Publishing Company, New Delhi.
14. Sharma, P.R. (ed.) (1993): Regional Policies and Development in the Third World. Rishi
Publication., Varanasi.
15. Singh, Ravi S. 2005. Paths of Development in Arunachal Pradesh. New Delhi: Northern Book
16. Sundaram, K.V. (1977): Urban and Regional Planning in India, Vikas Publishers. New Delhi.
17. Sundaram, K.V. (1997): Decentralized Multilevel Planning: Principles and Practice. Asian and
African Experience. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi
B.Sc. Part III. Semester VI. Elective Theory Paper
GRB 606: Political Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning, approaches, historical development, recent trends in political geography; geopolitics.
Unit II
Nations, states and nation states; Frontiers and boundaries; Capital cities, core and periphery
Unit III
Geographical basis of international relations; Conflict resolution; Strategic locations, routes
and raw material; Geostrategic regions of the world; Theories of Heartland and Rimland
Unit IV
Geopolitical and geo-economic significance of:- Indian Ocean, West Asia and Central Asia;
Problems of nation building in India; Geopolitics of energy and resources.
Books Recommended
1. Cohen, Samuel (1964): Geography and Politics in Divided World. Random House, New York.
2. De Blijj, H. J. and Glassner, M. (1968): Systematic Political Geography. John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
3. Dikshit, R.D. (1987): Political Geography and Geopolitics. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Dikshit, R.D. (2000): Political Geography: A Contemporary Perspective. Prentice-Hall, New Delhi.
5. Siddiq, M. (1997): Indian in the Indian Ocean: A Geopolitical Study, Rawat Publications, Jaipur
6. Moddie, A.E. (1961): Geography Behind Politics. Hutchinson, London.
7. Pannikar, K.M. (1959): Geographical Factors in Indian History. 2 vols. Asia Publishing House,
8. Pearcy, G. E. and Fifield, R. (1948): World Political Geography, Thomas Y Crowell, New York
9. Pounds, N.J.G. (1972): Political Geography. McGraw Hill Publication., New York.
10. Short, John R. (1982): An Introduction to Political Geography. Routledge, London
11. Singh, T. D. (1988): Hind Mahasagar Avam Parimandaliya Rashtra: Ek Bhougolik Adhyayan, Tara
Book Agency, Varanasi.
12. Sukhwal. B.L. (1987): Modern Political Geography of India. Sterling Publication, New Delhi.

B.Sc. Part III. Semester VI. Elective Theory Paper

GRB 607: Industrial Geography
Credits: 4
Number of Lectures: 52
Unit I
Meaning and scope of industrial geography; Industrialization; Concept of industrial revolution
with reference to Britain and India.
Unit II
Factors of industrial location; Theories of industrial location: Weber, Hoover, Lösch and
Unit III
Distribution, growth, production trends and problems of: iron and steel, cotton textile, and
sugar industries; Industrial policies in India; Role of industries in regional development.
Unit IV
Concept and methods of industrial regionalization; Major industrial regions of the world;
Structure of major industrial complexes: Mid -Atlantic coastal region of USA, Rühr Industrial
region, Mumbai -Ahmedabad industrial region.
Books Recommended
1. Alexanderson, C. (1967): Geography of Manufacturing. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Hoover, E. M. (1948): Location and Space Economy. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Lodha, R.M.(2005): Audyogika Bhoogol, Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur
4. Miller, E. (1962): A Geography of Manufacturing. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
5. Riley, R. C. (1973): Industrial Geography, Chatto and Windus Ltd. London.
6. Singh, M. B. (1990): New Perspectives in Industrial Geography. Lotus Publication, Varanasi.
7. Singh, M. B. (1988): Industrial Geography. Lotus Publication, Varanasi.

B.Sc. Part III. Semester VI.

GRB 608. Assignment-based Seminar
(Papers offered in VI Semester)
Credits: 2

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