NUR 210 Syllabus and Outline - Summer 2021

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The key takeaways are that this course introduces fundamentals of nursing including the nursing process, therapeutic communication, basic nursing skills, and professional behaviors. It covers theory, clinical, and lab components.

Some of the student learning outcomes include identifying the nursing process, foundational nursing concepts, therapeutic communication skills, components of a health history and physical exam, recognizing individualized nursing needs, decision making, basic nursing skills, and professional behaviors.

The components of a client's health history and physical exam include subjective and objective data, health issues, medications, allergies, family history, social history, and physical assessment findings.


College of Nursing
Course Syllabus
NUR 210: Fundamentals of Nursing
Credit Hours: 10
Theory: 66 Hours
Clinical: 33 Hours
Lab: 66 Hours

Course Description: This course introduces the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for safe, effective practice
of a professional nurse. Content includes comfort measures, assistance with daily living activities, environmental
concerns, positioning and transporting, asepsis and sterile technique, and communication techniques.
Introduction to nursing and the nursing process as related to promoting healthy lifestyle patterns across the life
span; promotion, maintenance, and illness prevention. Concepts related to nursing fundamentals and nursing care
is integrated throughout the course.

Course Prerequisites: BIO103, MTH101

Course Co-requisites: PSY214

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify and initiate the five phases of the nursing process.

2. Identify the foundational concepts of professional nursing practice.
3. Define therapeutic communication skills.
4. Identify the components related to a client’s health history and physical exam.
5. Recognize clients as unique individuals with specialized nursing needs.
6. Demonstrate beginning decision-making and problem solving related to nursing practice.
7. Provide basic care and comfort for stable clients.
8. Demonstrate professional behavior consistent with the legal and ethical guideline in the practice

Clinical Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify and initiate the five phases of the nursing process.
a. Identify subjective and objective data in the assessment of client
b. Describe the process of developing the nursing diagnosis
c. Describe an appropriate goal and expected outcome for assigned client
d. Identify appropriate interventions for client’s situation
e. Identify appropriate steps through which evaluation is conducted
2. Identify the foundational concepts of professional nursing practice.
a. Provide the evidence-based information for practice decisions and actions
b. Identify the evidence when evaluating resources
3. Define therapeutic communication skills.
a. Assess communication format preferences of the client, family, and other members of the
healthcare team

Effective Date: 06/2018 Version: A

b. Utilize therapeutic communication skills when interacting with client and significant support
c. Report and document client care in a concise and clear manner
d. Define SBAR and its purpose in communication among healthcare providers
4. Identify the components related to a client’s health history and physical exam.
a. Protect and promote the client’s dignity
b. Maintain client’s privacy
5. Recognize clients as unique individuals with specialized nursing needs.
a. Provide client care
b. Adapt care in consideration of the client’s values, customs, cultural, and habits
c. Allow clients to make decision about their own care
6. Demonstrate beginning decision-making and problem solving related to nursing practice.
a. Seek assistance and guidance when the situation encountered is beyond level of knowledge
and skill
b. Participate in building consensus or resolving conflict in the context of client’s care
7. Provide basic care and comfort for stable clients.
a. Perform basic nursing skill competently
b. Assist the client to achieve optimum comfort and functioning
c. Use technologies and equipment that contribute to safety
8. Demonstrate professional behavior consistent with the legal and ethical guideline in the practice
a. Ability to respond appropriately to conflicts, constructive criticism, and negative emotions
b. A respectful attitude and behavior towards others
a. Accept responsibility for own learning and actions
b. Identify policies and procedures specific to the facility

Assessment of Outcomes: Specified on course outline

Grading System:
Letter Grade Range Definition
A 93-100 Excellent
B 85-92 Above Average
C 78-84 Average
D 70-77 Below Average
F 0-69 Failing
W ----- Withdrawal during 1st 7 weeks
WF ----- Withdrawal failing after 7 weeks
NF ----- Failing – not actively engaged

Depending upon the student’s academic program, a grade of C or better may be required for successful

For more details about the Grading System, please see the current catalog and Nursing Addendum Handbook.

Active Participation: Students must be actively engaged in the course. For a definition of active engagement,
please see the current catalog.
Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses against the University’s Academic Integrity
Policy and are consequently strictly prohibited.  All students must familiarize themselves with the University policy
on Academic Integrity.

Penalties for cheating and plagiarism are described in the University policy on Academic Integrity in the Catalog.
They include failure of the assignment, failure for the course, or dismissal from the university. For the complete
Cheating/Plagiarism policy, please see the current catalog.

Students with Disabilities: Students who have disabilities that may impact their performance in this course
should follow the process described under the heading Accommodations for the Disabled in the current catalog.

Nursing –Specific Information:

HESI and Evolve/Elsevier:

HESI and Evolve/Elsevier testing packages offer comprehensive and adaptive learning systems to assist students in
developing knowledge and skills needed for entry into the nursing profession. The benefits to students is the
opportunity to master nursing content through standardized exams and adaptive quizzing specific to the content
presented by Sullivan University College of Nursing. The standardized exams and adaptive quizzing are
administered throughout the program to prepare students for the NCLEX examination. The exams are designed to
predict a student’s ability to meet the licensing exam requirements and is a requirement of the nursing

HESI Proctored Exams:

All HESI proctored exams are mandatory to complete and is a requirement of the curriculum. The proctored exam
is a one-time nationally normed exam. Failing to sit for a scheduled proctored exam will result in failure of the

Students are expected to achieve a minimum benchmark score of 850 on each HESI proctored exam which
compares to a 95% predictability of successfully passing the NCLEX on the first attempt.

Remediation is required after each HESI proctored exam, regardless of student score.

Students that do not achieve a minimum benchmark score of 850 on the HESI Exit Exam will be required to
remediate for 2 weeks and re-take the exit exam after remediation.

HESI Standardized Proctored Exam

There is no HESI Standardized Proctored Exam for this course.

Note: All HESI Proctored Exams are completed on campus.

Evolve/Elsevier Adaptive Quizzes and Homework:

All Evolve/Elsevier Adaptive quizzes and assigned homework must be completed each week. Evolve assignments
will reflect content on each course exam. If the assignments are not completed, the student will not be allowed to
sit for the course exam and will receive a zero on the exam.
Policies and Procedures:

Please see the Nursing Addendum to the Student Handbook for a complete list.

Students are to be in proper dress code for every class. If a student is unable to correct the dress code
violation on the spot, the student will be sent home and the attendance policy will apply. If there is an
exam or quiz scheduled for this day, the student will not be allowed to take either before being dismissed.
If a student misses an exam, the make-up exam policy will be followed as listed in the Nursing
Addendum. If a student has not missed a prior exam in this class, the student will be allowed to schedule
a make-up exam and must have it completed within 48 hours from the day the student was dismissed
from class.

For example, if a student was dismissed from a class on Friday, the student has until the end of the
business day Tuesday to complete the make-up exam. Please see the Nursing Administrative Assistant for
business hours.

If a student is going to miss an exam for any reason, the student MUST speak to the instructor or the
school before class starts. No exceptions! Texting or emailing is not an acceptable form of
communication. If for any reason a student calls after class starts, the student will receive a zero on the
exam and no make-up exam will be offered. If the student calls in the time allotted, the student will have
48 hours to make up the exam. Students are only allowed one make-up exam per class per quarter. The
make-up exam may be in a different format, such as fill in the blank, essay, or short answer questions.
Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the make-up exam with the Nursing
administrative assistant and notify their instructor of the scheduled date/time. If the student fails to
schedule a make-up exam, the student will receive an automatic zero.

Review of exams will be during class time. Each exam review will take place during the next scheduled
time the class meets. If students have a class which meets more than once during the same week, it is up
to the instructor as to when the exam review will be completed. The instructor may choose to conduct
the exam review the first class following the exam, or the next week following the exam. The exam
review is considered remediation and students should be present to participate.

Students will be required to make an appointment with the instructor for remediation if students fail any
and all exams with a grade below 78%, including the final exam. Quizzes are excluded from remediation.
Students will have one week to meet with the instructor for remediation. If a student fails to meet with
the instructor in the allotted time, a copy of the remediation form will be placed in the student’s file with
the phrase “student declined remediation” listed on the form. It is the student’s responsibility to contact
their instructor for remediation. Students that do not remediate will be reported to the director.

Clinical & Skills Lab Absences:

See College of Nursing Student Handbook Addendum

NUR 210: Fundamentals of Nursing
Day Division

**Course Outline**

Instructor: Shelley Leezer, RN, MSN/Ed., RNC-MNN Office Hours: Tuesday 9 – 10 am
Email: [email protected] or by appointment
Office Phone: (502)449-7851


Gulanick, M., & Myers, J. (2020). Nursing care plans: Diagnoses, interventions, and
outcomes (10th ed.). Elsevier Mosby.

Lynn, P. (2015). Taylor’s clinical nursing skills: A nursing process approach (5th ed.).
Wolters Kluwer.

Potter, P., Perry, A., Stockert, P., & Hall, A. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing. (10th ed.).

Silvestri, L. (2017). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination (8th
ed.). Elsevier.

Turner, S. (2019). Mulholland’s the nurse, the math, the meds (4th ed.). Elsevier.

Lab Kit – to be used in Skills Lab


Week/ Date

Introduction to Nursing - Attend Microsoft Teams Session Tuesday at 0900

Review of Syllabus & Course Outline

Week 1
 Potter & Perry
 Ch 1: Nursing Today
 Ch 2: The Health Care Delivery System
 Ch 28: Infection Prevention and Control

 Read Potter & Perry Chapters 1, 2, & 28
o Pay attention to bold words, pictures/tables
 Read Saunders Comprehensive Review book Chapters 1 – 4 (NCLEX-RN Exam
Preparation section). Chapter 4 provides some test-taking strategies that you can
begin to use now!!
 Complete the Intro to Nursing Worksheet posted in the Course by Sunday at
midnight. Submit the assignment into Dropbox 1.1
 Submit signed Statement of Understanding (last page of syllabus/outline) into Drop
Box 1.2 by Sunday at midnight.
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Welcome, Overview, Basics, and Quiz 1)
– More information will be provided in our Week 1 Collaborate. Submit a screen shot
of the completed quiz by Sunday at midnight into Drop Box 1.3.
 Math Chapter 2 and 3 Homework – Due Sunday by midnight – Submit into Drop Box
(see box below)
Week 1 Medication Dosage Calculations:
Mulholland’s – Chapters 2 – 4
**Math is part
of your weekly Homework: Due by Sunday at midnight.
hours. Math is Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4:
not optional😊
Complete for Homework:
Chapter 2: pg 57 -58 Rapid Practice 2-3 (#1 – 5 a & b only)

Chapter 3: pg 84 – 87 Rapid Practice 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-13 (all #s)

pg 90 Rapid Practice 3-14 (all #s)

pg 93 Final practice (#2 – 18 & #20)

Review of Nursing Handbook

Week 2
Lab Discuss Lab/Clinical Expectations

Evolve Sign-up/Demo

Get to know your classmates! Teamwork is an important part of nursing😊

We will Demo the following skills in lab on Monday and practice on Thursday. You will check
off on these skills on Monday of Week 3: hand washing, donning and removing PPE, donning
and removing sterile gloves.

Lab Assignment:
1. Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing – Nursing Skills Related to Infection
Prevention by Sunday at midnight – Submit screen shot into Drop Box 2.2 in
Blackboard by Sunday at midnight.
2. Read Gulanick & Myers (Nursing Care Plans) pages 1 – 7 (Chapter 1) and 76 – 79
(Risk for Infection)
3. Read in the Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills book:
a. Performing Hand Hygiene Using an Alcohol-Based Handrub
b. Performing Hand Hygiene Using Soap and Water
c. Using Personal Protective Equipment
d. Putting on Sterile Gloves and Removing Soiled Gloves
4. Watch lab videos uploaded into Teams
5. Practice Week 2 Lab skills

Safety and Hygiene


Week 2  Potter & Perry

Lecture  Ch 27: Patient Safety and Quality
 Ch 40: Hygiene

 Read Potter & Perry Chapters 27 & 40
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzes for Chapters 27 and 40 on
Submit a screen shot showing completion of each quiz into Drop Box 2.1 by Sunday at
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzes (Nursing Skills Related to Infection Prevention) by
Sunday at midnight.  Submit screen shot into Drop Box 2.2 by Sunday at midnight. 
Please note - this is a lab assignment:  lab cannot be completed without finishing
and submitting this assignment.
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Odds and Ends, Circulatory System, &
Quiz 2). Submit a screen shot of the completed quiz in Drop Box 2.3 by Sunday at
 Math Chapter 5 Homework – Due into Drop Box 2.4 by Sunday at midnight.
 Study for Exam 1, which will cover Chapters 1, 2, 27, 28, & 40, Week 1 and 2 Medical
Terminology (5 questions), and Week 1 and 2 Math (5 questions)

Week 2 Medication Dosage Calculations:

Mulholland’s Chapter 5

Oral Medications

Homework due Sunday by midnight:

Page 188 – 194
Final Practice (#1 - 10, a & d for each EXCEPT #4 – you only need to do d for #4)

Week 3 Monday Skills Check off: Handwashing, PPE, sterile gloves

Demo/practice complete bed bath and occupied bed change
Week 3 Lab Assignments:
 Read the following in the Taylor’s Skills Book:
o Skills 7-1 through 7-11
 Complete the following Elsevier Adaptive Quizzes & submit a screen shot into Drop
Box – Week 3 Lab Assignment in Blackboard by Sunday at 2359.
o Nursing Skills: Bathing & Perineal Care
o Nursing Skills: Nail & Foot Care, Oral Hygiene, Mouth Care, & Bedmaking
 Read Gulanick & Myers: Self-care deficit (pgs 118 – 122)
o Please read prior to Thursday lab. We will complete a care plan together on
 Review Week 3 Lab videos in Teams

***Please bring your gait belt to lab on Monday!!***

Week 3 Exam 1: Covers Week 1 & 2 Content

Activity and Immobility


 Potter & Perry

 Ch 38: Activity and Exercise
 Ch 39: Immobility

 Read Chapters 38 & 39
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 38 & 39 on by
Sunday at midnight. Submit screenshot into Drop Box 3.1.
 Complete Math Ch 7 & 8 Homework – Due Sunday by midnight into Drop Box 3.2
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Nervous System and Quiz 3). Submit a
screen shot of the completed quiz by Sunday at midnight into Drop Box 3.3.
 Complete Week 3 Lab Quizzes - Nursing Skills:  Bathing and Perineal Care, Nursing
Skills:  Nail & Foot, Oral Hygiene, Mouth Care, & Bedmaking and submit to Drop Box -
Week 3 Lab Assignment by Sunday at midnight. As a reminder, lab assignments are
mandatory to complete lab.

Week 3 Medication Dosage Calculations:

Mulholland’s Chapters
6, 7, & 8
Injectable Medications

Homework due Sunday at midnight:

Chapter 7 Final Practice (1 cd, 2 cd, 4 bc, 5ac, 6b, 7ad, 8b, 9b)

Chapter 8 Final Practice (1 bde, 2d, 3 bde, 4c, 5 bde, 6b, 7d, 8b, 9d, 10c

Skill Check off Monday: Complete bed bath, occupied bed change
Week 4
Lab Demo/practice
1. Assisting a falling client
2. Applying a gait belt
3. Ambulating a client
4. Transferring a client from bed to wheelchair

Lab assignments:
 Read the following skills in the Taylor’s Skills book
o Performing a situational assessment Skill 4-1
o Fall Prevention Skill 4-2
o Activity Skills: 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-10
 Review Week 4 Videos in Teams
 Practice skills for Skill check off next week:
o Applying a gait belt
o Assisting a falling client
o Ambulating a client
o Transferring a client from bed to wheelchair

**You will need your stethoscope and BP cuff with you each day for the remainder of lab!!
Week 4 Vital Signs
 Potter & Perry
 Ch 6: Health and Wellness
 Ch 29: Vital Signs

 Read Potter & Perry Chapters 6 & 29
 Read Gulanick & Myers (Nursing Care Plans) pgs. 147 - 153 (Patient Readiness for
Health Promotion – Health-Seeking Behaviors and Program of Regular Physical
Activity) AND pgs. 165 - 169 (Managing Stress)
o Remember – when you are reading the care plan book, read through each
section, including headings, and through the interventions and their
rationales. This is to familiarize yourself with the book, nursing process,
and to help build your nursing knowledge!!
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 6 & 29 on
Submit screen shot into Drop Box 4.1 by Sunday at midnight.
 Complete Math Chapter 9 Homework – Due Sunday by Midnight in Drop Box 4.2
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Digestive System and Quiz 4). Submit a
screen shot of the completed quiz to Drop Box 4.3 by Sunday at midnight.
 Study for Exam 2 – Covers Chapters 6, 29, 38, & 39, Week 3 & 4 Math (5 questions),
Week 3 & 4 Medical Terminology (5 questions).

Week 4 Medication Dosage Calculations:

Math Mulholland’s Chapters 9
IV Medications

Homework due Sunday at midnight:

Pg 336 Chapter 9 Final Practice
• #2, 3a, 4a, 8c, 9a

Week 5 Monday Skills Check off: Applying a gait belt, Assisting a falling client, Ambulating a client,
Lab Transferring from bed to wheelchair

Demo/Practice for the week: Vital Signs

Lab Assignments:

 Read the following in your Skills Book

o Assessing Body Temperature Skill 2 - 1
o Assessing a Peripheral Pulse by Palpation Skill 2-4
o Assessing the Apical Pulse by Auscultation Skill 2 - 5
o Assessing Respiration Skill 2 - 6
o Assessing Blood Pressure by Auscultation Skill 2 – 7***You must do the 2-
step method!!!
o Using a Pulse Oximeter Skill 14 – 1
 Review Week 5 lab videos in Teams
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing – Nursing Skills Related to Vital Signs. Submit a
screen shot into Assignment in Teams by Sunday at midnight
 Practice Vital Signs at home – the more practice you get in, the better!!!!!
Week 5 Exam 2: Covers Week 3 & 4 Content
The Nursing Process

 Potter & Perry
 Ch 15: Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice
 Ch 16: Nursing Assessment
 Ch 17: Nursing Diagnosis
 Ch 18: Planning Nursing Care

 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 15 – 18
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 15, 16, 17, and 18 on and submit a screen shot to Drop Box 5.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Begin Care Plan Assignment – not due until end of Week 6
 Complete Math Ch 10 – 12 Homework – Due Sunday by midnight into Drop Box 5.2
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Respiratory System and Quiz 5). Submit
a screen shot of the completed quiz by Sunday at midnight into Drop Box 5.3.

Week 5 Medication Dosage Calculations:

Math Mulholland’s Chapter 10, 11, 12

Homework due Sunday by Midnight:

Pg 347 Rapid Practice 10-1 # 2ac, 3a, 4a, 5a
Pg 349 Rapid Practice 10-2 # 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a
Pg 351 Rapid Practice 10-3 # 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a
Pg 355 Rapid Practice 10-4 # 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a
Pg 373 Final Practice #1 (DA equation and answer only), 2b, 6b, 10a
Math Worksheet Given in Class (uploaded)

Week 6 Practice: Vital Signs (Check off in Week 7)

Lab Caring for the client – Putting the skills together
Building patient relationships

Lab Assignments:
 Watch Week 6 Lab Videos in Teams
 Read Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN pages 120 – 124 (Vital signs
& Pain)
 Independent practice for Vital Signs – Assess and record 1 – 2 sets of vital signs each
day this week – Bring your list to lab on Monday!
Week 6 The Nursing Process Continues

 Potter & Perry

 Ch 19: Implementing Nursing Care
 Ch 20: Evaluation
 Ch 21: Managing Patient Care

 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 19, 20, 21
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 19, 20, and 21 on evolve website
and submit screen shot to Drop Box 6.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Complete Care Plan Assignment (found in Week 5) – Submit to Drop Box 6.2 by
Sunday at midnight
 Complete Math Ch 13 Homework – Due into Drop Box 6.3 Sunday by midnight
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Urinary System and Quiz 6). Submit a
screen shot of the completed quiz to Drop Box 6.4 by Sunday at midnight.
 Study for Exam 3 – Covers Ch 15 – 21, Week 5 & 6 Math (5 questions), Week 5 & 6
Medical Terminology (5 questions)
Week 6 Medication Dosage Calculations:
Pediatric Medications

Homework due Sunday by midnight:

Pg 492 Final practice:
# 1 (safe dose range and amount to give), 2 B&E, 8 A&D, 10A

Week 7 Monday: Vital Sign Practice

Lab Intro to Sim Man

Thursday: Vital Sign Check offs (T, P, R, BP, O2)

Lab Assignment:
 Math Review Packet – Submit into Drop Box 7.2 in BLACKBOARD by Sunday at
 Study for Math Quiz in Week 8

Week 7 Exam 3: Covers Weeks 5 & 6 Content

The Health Care Environment

 Potter & Perry
 Ch 3: Community-Based Nursing Practice
 Ch 4: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice
 Ch 5: Evidence-Based Practice

 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 3, 4, 5
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 3, 4, and 5 at
and upload screen shot into Drop Box 7.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Male Reproductive System and Quiz 7).
Submit a screen shot of the completed quiz into Drop Box 7.3 by Sunday at midnight.

Week 8 Comprehensive Math Quiz will be given this week on Tuesday!!

Caring in Nursing

 Potter & Perry
 Ch 7: Caring in Nursing Practice
 Ch 9: Cultural Competence
 Ch 10: Family Dynamics

 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 7, 9, 10
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 7, 9, and 10 at
and submit screen shot to Drop Box 8.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Female Reproductive System and Quiz
8). Submit a screen shot of the completed quiz to Drop Box 8.2 by Sunday at
 Study for Exam 4 – Covers Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, Week 7 & 8 Medical Terminology
(5 questions), and Math (5 questions).

Week 9 Exam 4: Covers Weeks 7 & 8 Content

Professional Standards in Nursing

 Potter & Perry

 Ch 22: Ethics and Values
 Ch 23: Legal Implications in Nursing Practice
 Ch 24: Communication

 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 22, 23, and 24 on in Drop Box 9.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 22, 23, & 24
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Musculoskeletal System and Quiz 9).
Submit a screen shot of the completed quiz to Drop Box 9.2 by Sunday at midnight.

Week 10 Professional Standards in Nursing

 Potter & Perry
 Ch 25: Patient Education
 Ch 26: Informatics and Documentation

 Read Potter and Perry Chapters 25 & 26
 Complete Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Chapters 25 & 26 at and
submit a screen shot to Drop Box 10.1 by Sunday at midnight
 Complete Medical Terminology Assignment (Cancer Terms and Wrap-up/Final Quiz).
Submit a screen shot of the completed quiz to Drop Box 10.2 by Sunday at midnight.
 Study for your final exam – This will be comprehensive and will be given on Tuesday
of Week 11 ON CAMPUS at 0900

Week 11 The comprehensive final exam will be given on Tuesday, 9/7/21, on campus at 0900.
Finals Week

All homework and reading assigned chapters are due by Sunday at midnight of the week assigned.
Homework assignments are listed in the course outline. No late work will be accepted and will result in a zero
for the assignment.

Final Exam
The final course exam is comprehensive, and covers all material presented throughout the quarter. The
final exam will be scheduled by your class instructor and administered on campus during week 11. There is no
make-up for the final exam.


Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Assessment Weight SLO

Homework/Quizzes 10% 1-6, 8
Math Quiz 5% 6
Exam 1 15% 1-5, 8
Exam 2 15% 1-6, 8
Exam 3 15% 1-6, 8
Exam 4 15% 1-6, 8
Comprehensive Final 25% 1-6, 8
Lab S/U 1-8
Clinical S/U 1-8
Total 100%
Late Work
Late work will not be accepted and will result in a zero grade.

Students will automatically fail the course if they miss greater than 10% of class time (6 hours and 36


Return of Graded Work

The instructor is required to return graded work within seven days.

Submission of written work

All written work should be APA format, 12 font, and double spaced.

Extra Credit
Extra credit is not considered for nursing courses.


A variety of methodologies are used to meet course objectives including lecture, discussions, case studies,
NCLEX questions, additional reading assignments, skills, power point, simulation, You-Tube videos, and clinical


The College of Nursing assumes two hours of outside preparation for every one hour in a lecture course.
Therefore, homework and course preparation is expected for all courses offered in order for students to
achieve the intended learning outcomes.


See Nursing Addendum Student Handbook


Sullivan University recognizes the value that technology can bring to the classroom. Students and faculty are
encouraged to use technology to improve learning outcomes. With the increasing use of technology, the need
for responsible use has also increased. The technology used by students (including but not limited to laptops,
tablets, cell phones, etc.) should be directly related to the requirement of the course. Please see the Sullivan
University catalog for complete details of Student Use of Technology in the Classroom.

This course requires use of Sullivan email account, Power Point, and Microsoft Word.

Contact instructor for appointment.


Students are responsible for knowing the University policies, and they should use the Student Portal to access
the University catalog, handbooks, and other communications, such as the weekly newsletter.
No food is allowed in any classroom. The only beverage allowed is bottled water.
Statement of Understanding

I have read the course requirements as outlined in the syllabus for NUR210 – Fundamentals of Nursing. I
have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have my questions answered to my satisfaction. I
understand that the Nursing Addendum to Student Handbook also applies to this course.

I have received a copy of the syllabus and have had the policies explained to me. My signature indicates
that I understand these policies and agree to them for this course.

Signature: ____________________________________________________

Printed Name: ________________________________________________

Student ID#: __________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________

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