Approximation and Estimation

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rr Approximation
r, and Estimation

One way to approximate the exact value is by rounding - round up or
round down or to the nearest.

For example, consider the whole numbers 22,25 and27 .

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

22 is nearer to 20 than 30. thus it is rounded down to 20.

27 is closer to 30 and thus it is rounded up to 30.
As a general guide, 25, which is exactly halfway between 20 and 30,
is rounded up to 30.

Rounding decimals can also be done in the same way.

Rules for rounding:
1. Consider one digit to the right of the place value of rounding.
(i) If this digit is > 5 (ii) If this digit is < 5
For rounding whole numbers
add 'l' to the digit in the place |
. the digit in the place value of
value of rounding I rounding remains unchanged
a replace the digit(s) to the right of the place value with 0
For rounding decimals
o add '1' to the digit in the place | ' the digit in the place value of
value of rounding rounding remains unchanged
. 'drop' the digit(s) to the right of the place value of rounding

CH,A,F3THF: 3 ] E4
::i, : i : i I ii.;r. l;l l-:i,..: r.-i :'i:::-.
. All non-zero digits are significant.
. A zero (or zeros) between non-zero digits is (are) significant.
. In a whole number, zeros after the last non-zero digit may or may
not be significant.
. In a decimal, zeros before the first non-zero digit are not signiflcant.
. In a decimal, zeros after the last non-zero digit are significant.

>'F EXAMPLE 1 ' -; i,t:;.r'rl :1,:rit:'::-ri:ii lil-ll

Correct each of the following numbers to the nearest 50.
(a) 22638
(b) 23sttz (c) s7 s67

For (a), 22 638 is closer to
22 650 than to 22 600. Likewise,

(b) 23s r00 for (b), 235 112 is closer to

235 100 than to 235 150; for (c),
(c) 57 550 +
57 567 is closer to 57 550 than

i to 57 600.

};" EXAMPLE 2 i,'r,r,;irjiri! r:r ,,.i

,,.,.:ri :.,,,, ii;r,,.r, ,il;

Round 48 379 to the nearest
(a) thousand, (b) ten thousand.

oig"'8' is the place value;
(a) 48 379 = 48 000 ,$
consider one digit to the right.
i.e. '3', which is less than 5, thus
'8'remains unchanged and all
the digits after'3'are replaced
with 0.

Digit '4' is the place value:

(b) 48 379 = 50 000
{ consider one digit to the right,
i.e. '8'. which is more than 5.
thus we add 1 to 4 and replace
i all the digits on the right with 0.

>.3 EXAMPLE 3 i,r llj:il{.i il:: ii:1, 'ari1 .'1, :il :1.1t;..i i r: i j,:'il:,'ili:l t.i
Round 6.3501 correct to
(a) I decimal place, (b) 3 decimal places.

(a) 6.3501= 6.4
f Digit '3' is the first decimall
consider one digit to its right, i.e.
'5', thus we add 1 to 3 and drop

i all the other decimals.

(b) 6.3501 = 6.350

f Digit '0'is the third decimal:
consider one digit to its right, i.e.
'1'. which is less than 5, thus '0'
I remains unchanged and the digit
1 is dropped.

!:5 Ct-jAPTEn 3
Round 107.0305 correct to
(a) 2 significant figures,
(b) 4 significant figures,
(c) 5 significant figures,
(d) 6 signiflcant figures.

(a) 110
(b) 107.0
(c) 107.03
(d) 107.031

it i:-, i:ti,jll:-:

To estimate the value of the result of numbers in a calculation, the numbers

in our working should be rounded to one more significant figure than
that of the required result.

>"b EXAMPLE$1,.'t -. .,,. ,, ., ' i.r;',ii,-:r'tr'l-:f 11111rr:fr,,-:'r,'l,i:it;r't;l

Estimate the value of .,405 x 11.3 - 44.7 corect to 1 significant figure.

Jros x tt .3 - 44.j
= Joo x 11- 45 / ./ Round all the numbers to 2

= 10x ll-45 significant figures.

=65 /'''t. Do not forget to check if your

answer is correct to 1 significant
-70 i is not,you mustround
flgure.If it
.i up/down once more.

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