Approximation and Estimation
Approximation and Estimation
Approximation and Estimation
rr Approximation
r, and Estimation
One way to approximate the exact value is by rounding - round up or
round down or to the nearest.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
CH,A,F3THF: 3 ] E4
::i, : i : i I ii.;r. l;l l-:i,..: r.-i :'i:::-.
. All non-zero digits are significant.
. A zero (or zeros) between non-zero digits is (are) significant.
. In a whole number, zeros after the last non-zero digit may or may
not be significant.
. In a decimal, zeros before the first non-zero digit are not signiflcant.
. In a decimal, zeros after the last non-zero digit are significant.
For (a), 22 638 is closer to
22 650 than to 22 600. Likewise,
i to 57 600.
oig"'8' is the place value;
(a) 48 379 = 48 000 ,$
consider one digit to the right.
i.e. '3', which is less than 5, thus
'8'remains unchanged and all
the digits after'3'are replaced
with 0.
>.3 EXAMPLE 3 i,r llj:il{.i il:: ii:1, 'ari1 .'1, :il :1.1t;..i i r: i j,:'il:,'ili:l t.i
Round 6.3501 correct to
(a) I decimal place, (b) 3 decimal places.
(a) 6.3501= 6.4
f Digit '3' is the first decimall
consider one digit to its right, i.e.
'5', thus we add 1 to 3 and drop
!:5 Ct-jAPTEn 3
Round 107.0305 correct to
(a) 2 significant figures,
(b) 4 significant figures,
(c) 5 significant figures,
(d) 6 signiflcant figures.
(a) 110
(b) 107.0
(c) 107.03
(d) 107.031
Jros x tt .3 - 44.j
= Joo x 11- 45 / ./ Round all the numbers to 2
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