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Nickel Allergy EN

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Useful tips Avoid skin contact Presented by: Nickel allergy

Use high-quality oils During a low-nickel diet, intensive skin contact with
Nickel is used as a objects containing nickel should be avoided. Fashion, Avoid nickel!
catalyst for the hy- silver and white gold jewellery, buttons, glasses
drogenation of ve- frames as well as 1 € and 2 € coins contain nickel.
getable fats, but it
is up to 99 % remo Last but not least
ved through suita-
ble processes. For Unfortunately, important types of fruit and vegetab- practice stamp
this reason, high- les as well as recommendable wholemeal products
quality vegetable would have to be avoided. White flour is the alterna-
oils should be used. tive. Despite all efforts to reduce nickel consumpti-
on, a balanced diet should be ensured. It’s a question
of reducing nickel. You will not manage to be com-
pletely nickel-free.

Peel fruit and vegetables Recommended reading

As nickel (but also vitamins!) is found in a higher Behr-Völtzer C., Hamm M., Vieluf D., Ring J.: Diät-
concentration in the skin, nickel consumption can empfehlungen bei Nahrungsmittelallergie. Allergo J
be reduced by peeling all fruits. For example, a 1997; 6: 197-203
50 % reduction is achieved for potatoes. Vegetab-
les and fruit from areas with increased industrial
nickel emissions should be avoided.

Use the right kitchenware

Sausage products and pâtés often contain nickel-
rich innards. The storage of meat products in alu-
minium, high-grade steel or tinplate (normal tins)
does not result in an increase in the nickel con-
tent. When using chrome and nickel steels in the
household, the release of nickel is increased in the
case of foods with a high acidity in particular. Ab- IMD Berlin MVZ
rasion-proof, temperature-resistant kitchenware Nicolaistraße 22
made from enamel, glass or plastic is recommen- 12247 Berlin (Steglitz)
ded. Tel +49 (0) 30 7 70 01-220
Fax +49 (0) 30 7 70 01-236
info IMD-Berlin.de · IMD-Berlin.de
FL_005_03_E Fotos: © fotolia
Nickel allergy

Nickel allergy Identifying personal sources of nickel > Foods that frequently contain nickel < Foods that contain little nickel
15 % are affected Important sources of nickel in households are pots
Around 15 % of the Ger- made from steel and pans made from chrome, nickel
Milk and milk Hard cheese, easy-to-slice cheese, soft cheese, Milk and milk Full-fat milk, skimmed milk, buttermilk, yoghurt,
man population suffer and steel, electric kettles as well as coffee and es- products processed cheese products soured milk, ice cream, sweet and sour cream,
from a nickel allergy. Of- presso machines where the water is in direct contact quark, fresh cheese, layered quark, mozzarella
ten, but not always, the with the heating coil. Coffee from a coffee machine
symptoms are limited to the can contain up to ten times more nickel than coffee Meat and meat Innards such as liver and kidney, sausage products, Meat and meat All types of meat (fresh or frozen), roast beef
products, eggs sausages, pâtés, parfait products, eggs Homemade sliced cold meat, eggs (fresh!)
skin. In around 30 % of the that you brew yourself.
patients affected, nickel inge-
stion through food can stimulate the Tinplate tin cans (normal tins) and stainless steel are, Fish and fish Pike, herring, smoked herring, lobster, sardines, Fish and fish All types of fish except pike, herring, smoked her-
development of chronic inflammatory diseases. however, quite safe. Water that has stood in fittings products mussels products ring, lobster, sardines, mussels

for a long time frequently contains high quantities of

Patients with atopic dermatitis, eczema, migraines, nickel. The draining of this water should become a Confectionary Chocolate of any kind , confectionary made from fruit Confectionary Sort and hard caramel, cakes and baked products
rheumatic symptoms and even chronic fatigue syn- habit. It should also be noted that nickel is present in extracts, confectionary made from peanuts, almonds made from wheat flour
drome report the intensification of their symptoms tobacco smoke. and nuts, marzipan, muesli bars, nougat, liquorice

after consuming things such as chocolate, nuts and

certain types of meat, fruit and vegetables. Uncha- Reducing nickel in food Desserts Almost all ready-made products Desserts All desserts that are prepared at home, such as:
stewed fruit, cold fruit soup, fruit quark, fruit ice
racteristic general symptoms such as tiredness, a cream, milk ice cream, blancmange and similar
reduction in physical capacity, headaches as well as This isn’t always easy,
desserts bound with wheat starch and egg

muscle and joint complaints may occur. because the nickel Spreads Peanut butter, cherry and peach jam, vegetarian Warning: only use suitable fruits – see list of fruits
content of food is in-
In such cases, a diet with reduced nickel content fluenced by the site Spreads Butter, clarified butter, lard, margarine, jam (except
cherry/peach), honey
should be maintained. The required daily amount of of cultivation, the Drinks Tea (especially black tea), cocoa and instant hot
16 µg (nickel is an essential trace element) will very type of food, the age chocolate products, alcoholic drinks (including beer
and wine)
probably be attained even with a strictly observed diet of the plant and the Drinks Drinking water after draining the first 2 litres,
that is low in nickel. However, a sufficient supply of manner of proces- mineral water, brewed filter coffee, milk, juice (only
Cereals and Coarse wholemeal breads, bran, buckwheat, barley, use suitable fruits), spritzer
vitamins, folic acid, carotene, potassium and magne- sing. Diet recom- cereal products wholemeal wheat flour, oatmeal (rolled oats), ready-
sium should be ensured, as the consumption of some mendations can thus made muesli, sprouts
Cereals and Wheat bread, wheat starch, parboiled rice
vegetable and grain products is reduced. only take account of cereal products
Vegetables Beans (white and kidney beans), peas (dried, yellow
foods that are particu- and green), soya beans, lentils, broccoli, spinach,
larly good or bad at accu- asparagus, cabbage (Chinese, green, red, white and Vegetables All other vegetables (fresh where possible),
savoy cabbage), cooking herbs (particularly parsley)
mulating nickel. Although the potatoes
amount of the individual food consumed should be
Fruit Bananas, cherries, peaches (including fruit juices),
taken into consideration alongside the total content in nuts such as cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, Fruit Fruit, fresh or frozen food
the food, the following recommendations will help to pistachios, walnuts

reduce nickel intake considerably.

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