These Are Very Easy Work Your Scenario Is

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These are very easy work…your scenario is -- You are working in an organisation of your choice as

Finance Officer. You have been assigned to prepare the report for Finance Manager addressing the
tasks. Based upon the above scenario please attempt the task.

Ekahen total word 1700 but er modhe 500 word u can copy but those 500 word
must be in red color! Ora 500 word plagarison allow tomar er theke 1 ta
word o besi kora jabena copy…this is a special case!

answer korte hbe to the ppint e ..u can use bullet and follow the suggsteed answer..these are
collage work

Structure would be—

Introduction- 50 word

Task 1 – 450 word

a) (1.1) Describe the sources of initial finance needed when setting up a new business.

Hints: Short term finance: grants; loans; savings;

Long term finance: investors; shareholders; loans; venture capital

b) (1.2) Describe the sources of finance needed when running a new business:

Hints: Bank – overdraft, loans;, trade credits; factoring; leasing

Task 2- 230 word

Continuing with the scenario prepare a report for the following task. Use specific

a) (2.1) Describe the sources of financial advice and guidance available for business

Hints: Enterprise agencies; trade unions; Government/local Council websites; HMRC; banks

Task 3- 230 word

(3.1) Create a 12 month cash flow forecast to enable a business to manage its cash.

Hints: Opening balance

Income: sales forecast
Expenditure: Fixed costs; variable costs
Task 4- 450 word

(4.1) Describe the purpose of budgets for a new business

Hints: Forecasting; resource allocation; motivation; communication; conflict resolution;

prioritisation; target setting; financial control

(4.2) Prepare affordable budgets plan for your business

Hints: Staffing; marketing; stock, office supplies; overheads

Task 5- 220 word

(5.1) Produce a set of final accounts using information from the accounting systems of own

Hints: Profit and loss account: sales; cost of sales; expenses; overheads; opening and closing stock
Balance sheet: trial balance; assets and liabilities; capital and reserves; gross and net profit;
U can take example of the statement and paste as picture and explain it a bit..thats it

Conclusion : 50 word

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