Learning Contract For Level 3

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing

First Semester AY 2021 – 2022

Name: __________________________________
Year Level - Section: _________

The contract terms below ensure that students are cognizant of the expectations that
guide policies and guidelines in taking online classes. By signing this contract, you are
acknowledging awareness of your responsibilities for completing this course. Should you decline
to sign, the conditions and requirements stipulated below set forth will still apply. No exception
will be made to the terms and conditions below and in the syllabus.


Computer Skills
As a student enrolled in online courses, I have the basic computer skills to:
1. Open files in standard formats (e.g. MS Office documents, PDFs, and images);
2. Create, save, organize, and maintain digital files;
3. Communicate electronically; and
4. Search, navigate and browse the web.

Attendance during Synchronous Class Meeting

1. I know that incurring 50% of the total number of hours of absence/s will result in
Withdrawal with Failure (WF) unless reason/s for absence/s are acceptable as stipulated
in the College of Nursing Students Policy Handbook and that of the university’s.
2. I am responsible for all materials covered in class even if I fail to attend any of the
scheduled synchronous class meetings.

Course Outline and Class Policies

1. I have read and understood the course outline and class policies regarding conduct,
coursework, exams, and requirements.
2. I understand that it is my responsibility to regularly check the course e-class for learning
materials, online discussion schedules, announcements, and activities.
3. I am willing and ready to regularly communicate with classmates and instructor online.
4. I will actively participate in weekly activities in this course.
5. I will be focused and engage in class activities, assignments, online discussions; and
diligently complete assessment tasks and deliverables by the due date.
6. I will find time to evaluate my progress by checking and calculating my own grades based
on the assessment feedbacks given by my teacher.
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing

Reading Assignments
1. I need to read, annotate and complete the given reading assignment or performance
task/s BEFORE the online class discussion covering the material.

2. I am responsible for asking questions, in advance of the due date, if I do not understand
the material or contact the instructor if I am having difficulty comprehending the
material/s or meeting course requirements.

1. I fully understand that all deliverables and/or assignments should be submitted on the
specified dates unless the instructor has granted an extension.
2. I am aware that all plagiarized assignment or written work, either accidentally or
deliberately done, will be given failing scores and will be subject to proper disciplinary
3. I know that all writing assignments, written works and performance tasks submitted after
the deadline will have a deduction of points per day from the date of the deadline.

1. I understand the policy on missed quizzes as stipulated in the College of Nursing Policy
Handbook (Section D, p. 23) and due consideration for make-up quiz will only be given
with valid reason and will have to be certified by my parent/guardian.
2. I am aware that I have to communicate with my instructor the soonest possible time if I
am not able to take the exam on the scheduled date in case of a valid scheduled absence.

Minimum Competencies
1. I have read fully and understood the minimum competencies set for this class/course in
relation to the Retention Policy for Level 3 (College of Nursing Policy Handbook
Revised 2019):

To be promoted to Level 4, a student must:

a. Pass NCM 112, NCM 113, NCM 116 and NCM 117;
b. Complete all RLE requirements for NCM 112, NCM 113, NCM 116 and NCM 117,
including the payback duties; AND
c. Pass oral and written case study, COPAR and research requirements.

2. I understand that failure to meet any of the minimum competencies will result in a failing
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing

Any other policies, rules and regulations, which are not stipulated in this document but are
specified in the University Student’s Handbook and/or College of Nursing Policy Handbook are
also applicable in this class.

I have read, fully understood, and agreed to abide by the terms above.

Student’s signature over printed name

Date signed

Parent’s/guardian’s signature over printed name

Date signed

Contact Numbers:
Residence landline#: _______________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Cellular phone #: _______________
Email address: _______________

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