Literature On Rpo
Literature On Rpo
Literature On Rpo
I ntroduction
This research paper explores the links and
complete package of skills, tools, technologies and
interconnection between the concepts of Recruitment process outsourcing looks like
recruitment process outsourcing and growth of an a strengthening trend as a lot of budget is used for the
organisation. Recruitment process outsourcing trend in-house recruitment process; and the outcome of the
is increasing rapidly all over the world (Clott, 2004). RPO process always results in big savings for the
Recruitment HR activities were traditionally organisation. In addition, there are lot of benefits of
performed in house but now recruitment process RPO, including quicker and more promptly executed
outsourcing trend has been speedily increasing than any other function of HR, BPO or HRO
(Stewart and Woods 1996, Schneider and Bowen (Shelgren 2004; Won and Kim 2007). A company can
1985). This research explores the perception and give lot of time to its HR managers and focus them to
feelings of in-house HR professionals and top core activities.
management about the impact of RPO on their Moreover, the RPO can provide the best
corporate brand. It also studies the RPO performance quality of candidates, decreases in time and cost of
within organisations and its impact on their corporate hiring, increases the HR reputation internally and
growth. The main objective of this literature review is externally. Additionally, does improvement in
to explore the insights on the impact of RPO on branding by training the outsourced employees as
growth of an organisation. good brand ambassadors for the organisation (Wood
II Literature Review and Collings, 2009).
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a According to Kakabadse and Kakabadse
form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where (2002) and Woodall, et al. (2009) the main reasons
employer outsources or transfers all or part of its for recruitment outsourcing process is always cost
recruitment activities to an external service provider savings. Yet they also added certain different aspects
(Stroh and Treehuboff, 2003). RPO may involve the for outsourcing like best practice, good service
outsourcing of all or just part of recruitment functions quality and focus on the core competencies of any
and process. The external service provider may serve company.
as a virtual recruiting department by providing a According to Lever (1997), Abdul-Halim et