Pro Con: Family Values Harm From Stds and Pregnancy

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The liberal position regarding sex is that any type The conservative position regarding sex is that
of non-harmful or non-exploitive sexual conduct sexual activity should take place only between a
is morally permissible and should be legal. man and a woman in a monogamous marriage.
Positions: Nontraditional sexual practices such as premarital
1. Freedom sex, is considered as immoral and should be
2. Cultural relativism
3. Different strokes.
Natural law
Family values
Harm from STDs and pregnancy
Sexual activity serves a wider range of functions  1. Natural law: sexual activity is for the purpose
than mere procreation. It strengthens a couple’s
relationship, enhances their feelings towards of procreation, and purely recreational sex is
each other, and gives people a great sense of contrary to this natural aim. Human nature is not
pleasure; these non-procreative functions apply open-ended, and does not allow for a free-for-all
to many nontraditional sexual practices as well as of any conduct that we like. Our nature is defined
they do to traditional ones. by a larger human good that is reflected in many
of our natural inclinations and functions
children thrive just as well in many nontraditional 2. Family values: Nontraditional sexual practices
family settings as they do in traditional ones. damage the social institution of marriage and its
Certainly, all parents should give the highest commitment to raising children in the most
priority to their children’s wellbeing, but there stable home situation. Society is not just about
are ways of doing this without eliminating the desires of individual adults, but also about
nontraditional sexual practices. raising the next generation of citizens who will
carry on in our footsteps and hopefully improve
on what we have done. Nontraditional sexual
practices weaken family units by leading to single
parenthood, same sex parenthood, divorces,
marital conflict, all of which reduce a child’s
opportunity to thrive
There are ways of reducing the risks associated  3. Harm from STDs and pregnancy:
with nontraditional sexual practices. Safe sex Nontraditional sexual practices are accompanied
reduces STDs, contraception use reduces by serious harms, such as sexually transmitted
unwanted pregnancies, avoiding one night stands diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and
reduces feelings of shame. With the right type of psychological feelings of shame. To the extent
risk management, the benefits of premarital sex that we judge the rightness of our conduct based
may outweigh the potential harms and risks. on their consequences, the negative side effects
of nontraditional sexual practices are enormous,
and not worth the risk. 
1. Freedom: One of our most important values is Freely chosen sexual actions of nontraditionalists
the freedom of individuals to act as they choose, may have a negative impact on the lives of
as long as their actions do not harm others, and traditionalists. Sexual permissiveness pervades all
this includes nontraditional sexual activity. aspects of culture including movies, television
Toleration of differences is an important shows, music, internet sites. This compromises
component of a free society, and, while the abilities of traditional parents to raise their
conservative critics might not especially like children in a way that conforms to more
nontraditional sexual practices, they are not traditional sexual values.
justified in attempting to suppress them.
2. Cultural relativism: Like many social values, Just because everyone is doing it does not mean
moral attitudes about sexual practices vary that society should approve of it. True, people’s
dramatically from culture to culture, and our sexual attitudes and behavior do change with
society is slowly accepting nontraditional sexual cultural trends, but traditional sexual values have
practices as a social norm. It makes no sense to withstood the test of time and remain an
hold people to a nineteenth century standard of important standard of morality amid cultural
sexual morality when our culture has shifted to shifts.
one that is so much more sexually permissive. 
        3. Different Strokes: Some people are not Traditional monogamous marriage is a viable
suited for traditional monogamous marriage, and option for most people. Some may opt out if they
sexual alternatives should be available to them. find it too restricting, but that does not mean
To the extent that homosexuality is biologically society should approve of every sexual activity
grounded, it is not realistic to expect gays to that non-traditionalists choose to engage in.
change their sexual orientation, any more than it
is possible for heterosexuals to change theirs. 
The most pervasive nontraditional sexual practice
is premarital sex, and people largely approve of
Pros Cons
 Once you get married, sex will be a part  The biggest disadvantage of having
of your life for obvious reasons. Hence, it premarital sex is that more often than not
is much better if you know about the it is not safe. In most cases,
same at an earlier stage of your life, and contraceptives are not used, which leads
there is no better way than experiencing it to STDs and sometimes even results in
firsthand. Here is a guide to first-time sex abortions. FAQs on induced abortion are
for women. answered here.
 In India, sex is considered a taboo and is  Having a physical relation with someone
generally not discussed in detail, which leads to greater emotional connect. In
leave us uninformed about it. It is such cases, if any of the partners is not
therefore much better to experience it faithful, it can be emotionally disastrous
before marriage so that you know how for the other partner.
your body reacts to the hormonal changes.  In many cases having multiple partners
Adjusting to the same after marriage may before marriage results in a need for
be a pain, especially when you have a variety, which can lead to infidelity
non-cooperating partner. among partners after marriage.
 Sex plays a big role in a successful  There is a factor of accountability that
marriage. Having premarital sex will help comes in after marriage which is often
you know and understand the sex absent before marriage. There is always a
positions you are comfortable in. Trying risk of you being duped by your partner
them out before marriage will make you into videos and pictures which can
more confident in bed. Here are top obviously wreck your life.
kamasutra positions to add that zing to
your sex life.
 Having a healthy sex life before marriage
results in better mental and physical
stability with your partner. Of course one
can argue that the same can be achieved
after marriage, but we are no longer living
in dark ages where child marriages were
rampant. It s more likely that you will
want to know and understand your partner
much before you actually get married.
 There will be awkwardness and it may
just be an exploration of each others
bodies when you have sex for the first
time. You may also face sexual problems
like premature ejaculation, erectile
dysfunction and even an allergy to your
partner s semen. It is always better to
solve these issues before marriage so that
you do not have to address them in the
future. Here are some tips to deal with
erectile dysfunction and premature
 These days, people generally marry when
they are in their late 20s. However, your
body is mature enough for sex after 18. It
makes no point for one to starve for sex
for such a long time. You can never
predict the side effects it can result into. It
is important to remember that everything
has a right time and you can choose to do
it whenever you want to.

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