Current Affair
Current Affair
Current Affair
NTN: 0802694-7
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GHULAM HAIDER Customer No. 9760671
STN Number.
Customer NTN No.
RAFI PLAZASECTOR G 7/1 Invoice No. G0081209212
ISLAMABAD Invoice Date 14/07/2016
+920519252958 Pakistan Bill Cycle 14/06/2016 - 13/07/2016
Credit Limit Rs. 1800
Security Deposit Rs. 0
Total Subscription Charges: Rs. 325.00 Total Usage Charges: Rs. 158.760
**Being charged as per FED act 2005 (First Schedule Table II Sn. 6) rates
Account History Free Usage Summary @ 18.5% charged for Islamabad, AJK, GB, FATA where applicable.
As per Sindh Sales tax on services act 2011 (Second Schedule Part A) rates
Date Type Amount Balance Name Available Used @ 18% charged for Sindh where applicable.
As per Second Schedule of Punjab Sales tax on services act 2012, KPK Sales
15-06-2016 Invoice 439.00 439.00 m300 - 500 MBs 500.0 MB - tax on services act 2013 and Baluchistan Sales tax on services act, 2015 Sales
tax @ 19.5% is charged where applicable.
21-06-2016 OTAR Indigo -440.00 -1.00 m300 - 150 SMS 150 sms 11 sms Telecom Services are excluded from Federal and Provincial Sales Tax
Bill Payment Withholding Rules and Mobilink falls under Jurisdiction of Large Tax Payers
Unit (LTU), Islamabad.
m300 - 150 offnet mins 150 min 73 min Outgoing call charges of international roaming partner are excluded from
the sales tax calculation.
m300 - 150 Onnet mins 150 min 150 min Special/Unpublished discounts are added back into taxable amounts for tax
* Advance Income Tax applicable @ 14% w.e.f. 1st July, 2014.
2014 Broadband service charges are inclusive of all government taxes,
where applicable.
The Customer(s) acknowledges and agrees that PMCL may use the advance,
securities and deposits extended by Postpaid Customers to PMCL as
advance, security and deposits for purchasing/activating a postpaid
The customer shall not be entitled to any profits, proceeds and/or interest
on these advances, securities and deposits of any kind whatsoever.
Discount Legend H Free Usage I Partial Discount A FnF/CUG Call Invoice No: G0081209212 Bill Date: 14/07/2016
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Itemized Details
Calls - to Mobilink Calls - to Mobilink (continued...)
Time Number Network Duration Charges Discount Net Time Number Network Duration Charges Discount Net
(mm:ss) Charges (mm:ss) Charges
14 Jun 08 Jul
H 12:09 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 09:00 03041545134 Mobilink 03:00 4.500 0.000 4.500
17 Jun 11:19 03049242199 Mobilink 08:00 12.000 0.000 12.000
16:14 03007689187 Mobilink 04:00 6.000 0.000 6.000
H 12:41 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 20:05 03006053214 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
H 14:17 03087819859 Mobilink 10:00 15.000 15.000 0.000 20:13 03006053214 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
18 Jun 20:41 03006053214 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
H 10:26 03002877522 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 09 Jul
20 Jun 14:33 03041545134 Mobilink 12:00 18.000 0.000 18.000
08:57 03006053214 Mobilink 13:00 19.500 19.500 0.000 18:23 03015436330 Mobilink 03:00 4.500 0.000 4.500
09:19 03087819859 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 18:41 03015436330 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 0.000 3.000
19:10 03015436330 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
H 16:55 03005519220 Mobilink 19:00 28.500 28.500 0.000
H 21:24 03006053214 Mobilink 03:00 4.500 4.500 0.000 10 Jul
22 Jun 18:13 03035852510 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
19:55 03041545134 Mobilink 10:00 15.000 0.000 15.000
H 14:37 03035852510 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
11 Jul
23 Jun
16:08 03035852510 Mobilink 11:00 16.500 0.000 16.500
H 16:23 03087819859 Mobilink 08:00 12.000 12.000 0.000
16:48 03009502035 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 0.000 3.000
25 Jun
12 Jul
H 13:08 03087819859 Mobilink 21:00 31.500 31.500 0.000
19:39 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 0.000 1.500
27 Jun
H 15:29 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 Totals 252:00 378.000 225.000 153.000
H 16:19 03035852510 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
H 16:44 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 Calls - to Other Mobile Networks
H 16:48 03041545141 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 Duration Net
Time Number Network Charges Discount
H 17:05 03076430294 Mobilink 03:00 4.500 4.500 0.000 (mm:ss) Charges
H 17:35 03005519220 Mobilink 08:00 12.000 12.000 0.000
H 19:55 03006053214 Mobilink 30:00 45.000 45.000 0.000 18 Jun
H 20:25 03006053214 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 H 09:46 03334062762 Ufone 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
28 Jun H 10:31 03005159331 Zong 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
09:07 03006053214 Mobilink 05:00 7.500 7.500 0.000 H 20:07 03005159331 Zong 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
H 14:09 03005519220 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000 19 Jun
H 15:25 03006829390 Port-In 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000 H 17:46 03335375163 Ufone 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
29 Jun 20 Jun
H 08:17 03006053214 Mobilink 06:00 9.000 9.000 0.000 H 17:38 03455185216 Telenor 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
H 15:39 03057535836 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
21 Jun
30 Jun
H 17:40 03335155349 Ufone 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
H 15:38 03005519220 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
23 Jun
01 Jul
H 15:48 03365381702 Ufone 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
H 15:35 03015436330 Mobilink 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
24 Jun
03 Jul
H 16:46 03335283370 Warid 09:00 13.500 13.500 0.000
I 14:36 03005519220 Mobilink 14:00 21.000 9.000 12.000
25 Jun
04 Jul
H 12:09 03455646312 Telenor 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
16:06 03087819859 Mobilink 24:00 36.000 0.000 36.000 H 16:17 03335283370 Warid 03:00 4.500 4.500 0.000
05 Jul H 19:33 03351598953 Ufone 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
09:59 03049242199 Mobilink 04:00 6.000 0.000 6.000 27 Jun
06 Jul H 19:28 03435165109 Telenor 02:00 3.000 3.000 0.000
08:29 03049242199 Mobilink 02:00 3.000 0.000 3.000 30 Jun
07 Jul H 08:02 03005159331 Zong 01:00 1.500 1.500 0.000
18:27 03087819859 Mobilink 03:00 4.500 0.000 4.500 H 15:55 03342323007 Ufone 08:00 12.000 12.000 0.000
H 16:06 03351598953 Ufone 05:00 7.500 7.500 0.000
Discount Legend H Free Usage I Partial Discount A FnF/CUG Call Invoice No: G0081209212 Bill Date: 14/07/2016
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Itemized Details (continued)
Calls - to Other Mobile Networks (continued...) SMS - to Other Network Numbers (continued...)
Time Number Network Duration Charges Discount Net Time Number Network Charges Discount Net
(mm:ss) Charges Charges
27 Jun
18:10 1217 PTCL Dir Service 03:00 5.760 0.000 5.760
SMS - to Mobilink
Time Number Network Charges Discount Net
06 Jul
H 08:59 03041545134 Mobilink 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 10:04 03008501676 Mobilink 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 11:47 03006616478 Mobilink 0.750 0.750 0.000
06 Jul
H 09:00 03453785432 Telenor 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 09:00 03335957133 Ufone 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 09:06 03334062762 Ufone 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 09:21 03365137133 Ufone 0.750 0.750 0.000
H 10:02 03335129765 Ufone 0.750 0.750 0.000