Technical Examination, July/August-2021 Paper - I (180 W.P.M.)

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Paper - I (180 W.P.M.)

Time : 5 Minutes for dictation

1 Hour & 30 Minutes for condensation ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions to the Dictator :

(1) The following passage is to be dictated to the candidates ONCE ONLY in a loud and
distinct voice, no word or phrase being repeated and no punctuation stops


(2) The passage should be dictated at a uniform speed of 180 words per minute. To
facilitate this, it has been marked for every quarter of a minute.

(3) The candidate should be told to take down the following passage in Shorthand and
transcribe the same into Longhand. No candidate will be allowed to pass who makes
more than 4 percent of errors or omission in his transcription.

(4) Before commencing dictation, the reader should first look through the passage and
adjust himself / herself to the required time with the help of a watch which has a

second’s hand.

(5) At the end of the time allowed for transcription, both the Longhand and Shorthand
performances should be given to the Superintendent.

(6) Immediately after the dictation is over, all the copies of the Shorthand Paper-I
question paper must be sent in a sealed cover after duly signed by the Observer,

Dictator and the Chief Superintendent to the Secretary, State Board of Technical
Education and Training, by name separately (not along with the answer books).

[ Contd….


* I am very happy to be here this Chambers of Commerce that would play

evening to participate in the celebrations key role in the economic development of

of Chamber of Commerce and Industry. the country. It acts as a bridge between

Indeed, 100 years is a long time in the the governments and the industry in

history of any organization and I creating conductive atmosphere for the

congratulate the Chamber of Commerce businesses to (1) thrive and produce

for having completed this milestone / in wealth. They also play a role in advising

the Service of trade and industry in this the governments in enacting legislations

region. I wish the Chamber many that promote ease of doing business

more years of service to the business

rather than act against the interest of
community in the state. chambers of commerce. At the same time,

Your Chamber of Commerce and these bodies also have a responsibility in

Industry is one of the oldest Chambers of promoting tax / compliance and corporate

Commerce in the country and affiliated // social responsibility among its members.

to the Associated Chambers of Commerce While organizing seminars and

and Industry of India, New Delhi, as one of workshops on important subjects, it is


its five Promoter Chambers. necessary to create awareness among its


I believe that Chamber of members. I would like bodies such as the

Commerce and Industry is a true Chambers of Commerce and Industry to

representative of the corporate sector in take the lead in promoting corporate social

Kerala as is the case with similar // responsibility among various private

associations in /// other States. Friends, I enterprises. Here, I urge the corporate

* would like to emphasize the importance of sector not to get confined to what has

been stipulated by the statute and go the fruits of the reforms must reach the //
*beyond in taking up corporate social poorest sections of the society. Economic

responsibility initiatives. That is the need prosperity is meaningless if there is no

of the hour and I hope and trust /// your equity in wealth distribution.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry will The initiatives taken up by the

play a pro-active role in this regard. Union Government are aimed at

Perhaps, the Chamber of empowering the poor and putting an end

Commerce can identify the felt needs of a to their financial inclusion. Commerce and

given area and assign the task for fulfilling Industry bodies like yours /// must chip in

it to an industry or a group of industries to see that nobody is left behind in the

located in (2) that region. In such a way, financial inclusion initiative.
the corporate sector can supplement the As mentioned earlier, today

efforts of the government in taking up Chambers of Commerce needs to play a

community oriented projects and develop more important role in the community and

projects in some cases. The Chamber can take on a leadership role. The Chamber

take up a project to ensure the poor can be the centre sphere (3) of influence

children have access to good quality / in community and governance issues and

education. provide innovative thoughts to those in


As a result of the economic power.

reforms initiated and implemented by You are aware that our State

successive governments, India has enjoys a rich and varied history. From

emerged as one of the fastest growing ancient times, it has had trade relations

economies in the world today. However, with many other regions in the world and
* every reform must have a human face and was the / centre of trade and commerce

with spice becoming the principal took the initiative for Investment
*exporter. Known as God’s Own Country, it Promotion and Facilitation to ensure that

is one of the most beautiful destinations delays are avoided in granting various

and also one of India’s most progressive licenses, permissions, approvals and

States in terms of social welfare and clearances required under various

quality of life. In this state you // have enactments. I hope and trust that / it will

top-class infrastructure and a well-trained change the industrial growth in the State.

human resources pool to meet the This move will ensure the Ease of Doing

demand of global business needs. Business in the State in keeping with

There are immense prospects in India’s initiatives in this regard.

the areas of agriculture, mining, fishing, I request you to seize the
manufacturing and construction industry. opportunities and work towards the

As a result of medical tourism, the State is development of your State that // you are

already being marketed as /// a health capable of. The State is endowed with rich

destination mainly for its packages. You natural and human resources, favourable

have great scope to grow in the trade environment and it has immense

Information Technology because of the potential to expand its footprint in various


initiatives taken by the Government. areas.


Manufacturing, fishing, industry, mines Looking ahead, I believe that the

and minerals sector also hold huge future success of your Chamber of

prospects. The chemical and fertilizer Commerce and Industry will /// be

manufacturing industry has grown. determined by its strategic development,

Construction (4) is yet another area to be financial health and well-being of the
* looked at. I am told that the Government community.

In short the Chamber of and commerce effectively but also serve
*Commerce and Industry will have to the larger interests of the State and

reinvent itself to not only promoting trade nation. (5)




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