Academic Writing For Grad Student - 3rd Edition - Unit 5
Academic Writing For Grad Student - 3rd Edition - Unit 5
Academic Writing For Grad Student - 3rd Edition - Unit 5
Writing Summaries
Of all the writing tasks we have discussed so far, summary writing may well
be the one you are most familiar with. We make summaries of many differ-
ent things, including meetings, lectures, and readings. OUf summaries may
be quite elaborate, or they may only involve one or two key phrases, depend-
ing on our purpose for writing them. These summaries of what others have
written or said may be for our own personal use. Most often we use this
material for future reference. In an academic setting especially, summaries
can form an essential part of our preparation for an exam, a class discussion,
a research paper, a thesis, or a dissertation. In these situations, we are free to
concentrate on what we think is important Of interesting about the source,
In the first half of this textbook, you could successfully complete most
of the writing tasks by relying either on information that you already pos-
sessed or on a small amount of information from a source. In the second
half, we will pay more attention to writing that heavily relies on the use of
sources. Unit Five deals with summary writing. Unit Six expands our discus-
sion of summary writing to the writing of critiques of or critical responses to
source material, including book reviews. Finally, in the last two units, we
move on to writing sections of an entire research paper.
Summary writing may be part of a more public communication {such as
a published research article} and an integral part of other work that you may
do. For example, your advisor may ask you to summarize some recent litera-
ture that could be useful for your research group. Instructors may ask you to
write a literature review or critique articles. You may need to write a major
research paper at key points in your degree program or write a proposal. At
the very least you will need to summarize some published work to support
claims in your papers and to build a foundation for your research. In each of
these cases, you use the work of others to add credibility to your claims and
you have an opportunity to "display" your understanding of the work in
your field. Look back at the reality television text that starts on page 56. By
summarizing relevant portions of this text, you can support your view as to
whether reality TV programs are similar to or different from traditional doc-
Let's say you have been asked to write a paper in Public Health
that examines the consumption of energy drinks such as Red Bull,
Lipovitan-D, and Cobra. You come across this article and want
to use it to support your claim that these drinks are potentially
harmful and should be closely regulated. Underline the information
you might borrow to support your perspective. Be prepared to dis-
cuss your choices.
Uohnson, 2006), and 200 new brands launched in the U.S. in the
12·month period ending July 2007 (Packaged Facts, 2007). "From
2002 to 2006, the average annual growth rate in energy drink
sales was 55% (Packaged Facts, 2007) (Fig. 1).0 The total U.S.
retail market value for energy drinks (from all sources) was esti·
mated to be $5.4 billion in 2006 and has shown a similar annual
growth rate over this same period (47%) (Packaged Facts, 2007).
o These drinks vary widely in both caffeine content (ranging from
50 to 505 mg per can or bottle) and caffeine concentration (rang·
ing from 2.5 to 171 mg per fluid ounce) (Table 1).0 For compari·
son, the caffeine content of a 6 oz cup of brewed coffee varies
from 77 to 150 mg (Griffiths et aI., 2003).0 The main active ingre'
dient in energy drinks is caffeine, although other substances such
as taurine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, other B vitamins,
and various herbal derivatives are also present (Aranda and Mar·
lock, 2006). 0 The acute and long·term effects resulting from
excessive and chronic consumption of these additives alone and in
combination with caffeine are not fully known. Gil Although the full
impact of the rise in popularity of energy drinks has yet to be real·
ized, the potential for adverse health consequences should be can·
sidered and may be cause for preemptive regulatory action.
Figure 1. Energy Drink Sales in the U.S. 2002-2006
700 +---
J 300
Fig. 1. Data are based on scanner data from over 32,000 stores such as supermarkets, drug stores,
and discount merchandisers other than Wal-Mart. Data are from retailers with $2 million or more in
annual sales but exclude: clubstores/warehouse clubs, convenience stores, dollar/variety stores, food
service, vending, concession sales and specialty channels/retailers of all types (e.g., gourmet/specialty
food stores, hardware/home improvements stores, military exchanges). (Based on data from Pack-
aged Facts, 2007.)
Data on drink volume and caffeine content were obtained from the manu-
facturer via product label, website, or personal communication with manu-
facturer representatives. The one exception was that the caffeine content
for BooKoo Energy was obtained from the energyfiend website (Energyfiend
website, 2008).
Here are two other possible writing scenarios that are very different
from the original task.
1. You are working on a course project focused on product develop-
ment for a beverage company, and you have been asked to pro-
pose ideas for a new beverage. You think that the company
should create an energy drink. Would you choose the same infor-
mation as you did at the beginning of the task (see page 190)?
2. You have been asked to write a recommendation about including
energy drinks in campus vending machines. Would your selec-
tions from the source text change?
In this next task we would like you to take a look at some attempts at
using the energy drink text to support the claim that energy drink use may
be a growing health concern. But first, we need to make a few comments.
Whenever possible, you should directly cite original sources, rather than cite
a citation (indirect citation). If you wanted to use the information on the
number of energy drinks introduced to the market, you should find and
read the Johnson (2006) paper. As a scholar, it is better to check the original
source to make sure that the information you saw elsewhere is accurate. If
the source is not accessible but you want to use information from it, then
you need to make it clear that this is what you have done by citing both
sources. The data in the report prepared by Packaged Facts, a market
research company, is not easily accessed and so it would be reasonable to use
the cited information from it.
This citation suggests that you have read the repon yourself, which
would be misleading.
Note that this citation clearly attributes the data to Packaged Facts and not
to Reissig et a1.
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Which of these five texts seems best as a general background para-
graph for a paper arguing that energy drinks are a potential public
health problem? Explain your choice.
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Now use information from the Reissig et al. text to respond to the
question of whether energy drinks pose a public health problem.
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At this point, we want to draw your attention to an issue that has been
receiving increasing attention within and outside academia, specifically
using your own words when you borrow information from the work of oth-
ers as you write your papers.
Indeed, if you can never use standard phraseology and expressions of your
field or academia in general, it would be difficult to improve your writing.
The key is knowing the difference berween language used by most writers to
present their own perspectives and new ideas and language that expresses
someone else's unique content and ideas. For instance, let's look at a text that
we provided in Unit Two.
In this text, we believe there is language in Sentence 1 that you can borrow.
o The increasing popularity of _ _ _ _ is attributed to
So, you might write this new sentence for a completely different topic.
If you wanted to use this phrase, you should recognize its special status. We
would encourage you to borrow standard phraseology of your field and
skeletal phrases when appropriate, but not special expressions such as the
Pasteur quote (unless these are placed in quotation marks).
Here are some approaches to writing, beginning with a plagiarizing
approach and ending with an acceptable quoting technique. Where
does plagiarism stop? Draw a line between the last approach that
would be considered plagiarism and the first approach that would
produce acceptable original work.
Students in one of our writing courses were given a section of a
research paper on a driver support system and asked to respond to
this question: Is there a need for a shift in the focus of research on
car safety systems? With this question in mind, read the passage,
and then underline the information that you would include in your
response. Can you tell how the text is organized?
o The fact that the motor vehicle fatality rate per 100 million
vehicle miles has gone down from 5.1 to 1.4 [2] since the 1960s
is most certainly the result of improved driver safety regulations,
higher driver training standards, better road design, and advance-
ments in car-safety systems. 8 From the early seatbelts and anti-
crash bodies to airbags and side impact protection systems, car
manufacturers have come up with a broad range of passive safety
improvements that significantly reduce the severity of driver,
passenger, and pedestrian or cyclist injury when involved in a traf-
fic accident.
8 However, with the increased importance of the car as a
personal means of transportation, nondriving-related devices,
such as car stereos, mobile phones, and, more recently, navigation
systems, divert drivers' attention increaSingly more away from the
primary sources of information necessary for safe operation of
the vehicle: the road and other road users. e With traffic accident
statistics attributing driver inattention as one of the major causes
of traffic accidents [3-5], this increase of in-vehicle devices is
worrisome at least-if not dangerous.
0To bridge the gap between the gain in improved passive
safety and the increasing development and use of nondriving-
related in-vehicle devices, research on car safety systems is
Note that the questions are simply a starting point. You can
devise your own questions when you summarize parts of papers
from your own field.
o Since the 1960s the motor vehicle fatality rate per 100
million vehicle miles has gone down from 5.1 to 1.4 . • This
improvement is the result of improvements in driver safety
regulations, higher driver training standards, better road design,
and advancements in car-safety systems. 8 Important advances
in car safety include seatbelts, anticrash bodies, airbags, and side
impact protection systems (Mulder et aI., 2011). (;) All of these
are systems that have no influence on a driving situation until
an accident occurs. 0 Because they are idle until needed they are
known as passive safety systems.
0Passive systems are important, but may not be enough to
protect today's drivers, whose vehicles now contain nondriving-
related devices, such as car stereos, mobile phones, and, more
recently, navigation systems, that can divert their attention increas-
ingly more away from the primary sources of information neces-
sary for safe operation of the vehicle: the road and other road
users (Mulder et aI., 2011). Thus, to continue the improvement
in driving safety, there is a need for a shift in the focus of research
on car safety systems that take into account driver distraction.
A paraphrase is a restatement (in your own words) of the ideas in the origi-
nal. Good paraphrasing can demonstrate that you have understood the text
you have read and can avoid plagiarizing. The most common strategy used
to accomplish this involves replacing words in the source with synonyms
and perhaps changing the grammar. Look again at Sentence 3 from the text
on new car safety systems .
If you want to use this information but write it in your own words, you
could begin by identifYing the important information in the sentence and
the relationships between points. You then might think about language to
establish relationships, as demonstrated here.
Important points
• There are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operat-
ing a vehicle.
• These devices can distract drivers.
• Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road
and other drivers.
Important relationships
• cause and effect
Linking phrases and expressions that can connect the two points
• because
• therefore
• as a result
Verbs that might establish other relationships
• is due to
• caused by
• can be attributed to
• leading to
Next you might consider possible synonyms for the source vocabulary and
changing the part of speech (nouns to verbs, for instance).
• such as -+ like, including
• more recently -+ lately?
• devices -+ technology
• divert -+ distract, sidetrack, take away, diversion
• non-driving ---+ ?
• primary sources ---+ main inputs?
• necessary -+ needed, required
• saft ---+ secure?
Other considerations
• Is this always true? Should the claim be softened?
Re-write the excerpt at the bottom of page 202 using because and
lead to, changing the vocabulary and grammar as necessary. Here
are two examples using due to.
Example: due to
1. Use because
2. Use lead to
Important points
Possible synonyms
Paraphrase 1
Paraphrase 2
The rearrangement of the ideas is good and is an important strategy for par-
aphrasing. However, grave and critical are not quite similar enough in this
context. Perhaps dangerous would be a better choice here. In addition, pres-
ent persistent car-following support does not work so well because the colloca-
tion (simply put, words that tend to go together) is awkward. Offir might be
a better choice.
If you need to check whether the words you want to use go together,
you can search the internet, ideally Google Scholar. To conduct your search,
place the expression of interest in quotation marks and, if you think it would
be helpful, use a wild card indicated by an asterisk (*) in the expression so
that you can capture variations of the expression. For instance, we did this
search on Google Scholar. To narrow hits to your field of study, include a
relevant term outside the quotation marks.
Note that the language has been substantially changed, although the sense of
the original is fully maintained. A paraphrase approach to summarizing can
be somewhat successful, but if you do this sentence by sentence for a longer
stretch of text, you run the risk of not demonstrating your full understand-
ing of the passage. You might miss an opportunity to highlight key points.
Another possible danger is that the resulting summaty may not be original
enough and could be considered plagiarism by some.
If you (understandably) feel that your paraphrasing ability is not strong,
you can copy some material and place it in quotation marks; however, a bet-
ter but more difficult strategy would be to carefully consider the elements
you have identified as important, put the original away, and write what you
have understood. This may allow you to condense the ideas in the source
even further.
To sum up, when you write a formal summary of someone else's ideas,
you should keep in mind the following guidelines.
1. Always try to use your own words.
2. Include enough support and detail so that your message is clear.
3. Do not try to paraphrase specialized vocabulary or technical terms.
4. Make sure the summary reads smoothly. Focus on old-to-new infor-
mation flow; use transition devices where necessary; and provide sup-
porting detail. You do not want a collection of sentences that does not
5. If it is impossible to use your own words, then quote the material.
Remember, however, that too much quoting will not likely result in a
successful paper. Information ftom sources should support, but not
replace, your own ideas, interpretations, and explanations.
Here is a second draft of the response to whether there is a need for
a shift in the focus of research on car safery systems. Read it and
answer the questions on page 209.
Since many of the summaries you write will be woven into your own origi-
nal text, it is very important to identify at least the source author, depending
on your field of study.
Note that when your citation style requires the use of author names, you
need to provide the family name. First names only are not used in in-text
citations since this makes it difficult for your reader to know to whom you
might be referring. One of our students chose to identify the source of the
vehicle safety text in this way.
Generally, family names alone are sufficient, but occasionally, you may see
citations that include both first and last names of a single author. One rea-
son to do this is to distinguish two authors with the same family name.
Another reason has to do with requirements of certain styles such as MLA
that may prescribe the use of an author's full name the first time that author
is cited. Finally, another reason, for which we can offer only anecdotal evi-
dence, is to acknowledge an author's status in the field. Well-known figutes
in certain fields are frequently teferred to by both first and last names. Take,
for example, these sentences.
These relations arise from the energy conservation considera·
tion originally proposed by Albert Einstein.
According to John Maynard Keynes, "There is, clearly, no
absolute standard of 'liqUidity.'"
Other possible models include those of the Kibbutz as
explained by Bettleheim (1969) and Kaffman (1972) or the
Samoan Village as described by Margaret Mead (1961).
Most summaries will have a sentence near the beginning that contains two
elements: the source and a main idea. Notice the use of the present tense in
many of the examples.
You may cite your source material following APA (American Psychologi-
cal Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), IEEE (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers), or another style, depending on your
field of study. The APA and MLA systems refer to a source similarly, by
author and date. The following citations are in APA style.
How does the citation in the second sentence differ from those in the other
two sentences?
For a thorough discussion of APA and MLA styles, see Publication Man-
ual of the American Psychological Association and MLA Handbook for Writers
of Research Papers. In Engineering and some other fields, it may be more
common to use reference numbers.
Always check the style guides in your discipline to learn more abour
proper documentation. Members of a field expect writers to be familiar with
their disciplinary practices.
There is a range of reporting verbs that you may use when referring to
your source material. In fact, a srudy by Ken Hyland (1999) identified more
than 400 different reporting verbs; however, nearly 50 percent of these were
used only one time in his corpus of 80 research articles. A much smaller
number of verbs tend to predominate. In Table 15 we show the most fre-
quently used reporting verbs from a variety of disciplines, with the most fre-
quent on the left and the sixth most frequent on the far right. As you can
see, there are some disciplinary differences.
t i,a
If you have not done so already, find at least five, but preferably
more, well-written published research papers that are typical of
papers in your area of study. It does not matter whether these are
seminal papers or where the research was conducted. We simply
want you to have a small data set (a corpus) that you can analyze to
gain some insights into the important characteristics of published
work in your discipline. Choose 2 to 5 papers from your collection
(or more) and underline all the reporting verbs. If your field is rep-
resented in Table 15, do your results match with those in the table?
If your field is not represented, is there one field that is close to
yours in its use of reporting verbs?
The authors speculate that people who scrap their old cars will
immediately buy another, new(er) car.
Some reporting verbs are less objective than others. Can you identifY
which verbs in the table seem to be objective and which verbs have
the potential to be evaluative? The first one has been done for you.
Objective Evaluative
describe x
Ens H Wi?P :
You may have wondered why we have not said anything about the verb
mention to refer to your source, If you were to llse mention instead of one of
the other verbs suggested, you would greatly change the importance of the
information that follows.
Mention is used for information that was most likely given without detail or
support. The example sentence using mention makes it seem as if the reason
journals are now published in English is a minor point in the article. We
suggest that you avoid using mention in summaries, unless the point is truly
a minor one. A better choice here would be note.
Here are some citation statements that students wrote in a
discussion of the benefits of caffeinated energy drinks using the
passage in Task One of this unit. Which, if any, would you prefer
to have written? Why? Edit the weaker sentences.
In a longer summary, you may want to remind your reader that you are
In fact, if your summary is quite long, you may want to mention the
source author's name at different points in your summary-the beginning,
the middle, and/or the end. When you mention the authot in the middle Ot
end of the summary, be sure to use the surname only.
Look back at the student text in Task Six on pages 208-209. Would
you insert a reminder phrase? If so, where? Now read these sum-
mary reminder sentences written by our students. Which, if any, of
these would you prefer to have written? Try to improve the weaker
5. Reissig and others (2009) conclude about the current risks that
Sometimes you may want to capture only the main idea{s) of a soutce. In
this case, you might choose some specific information or you may recast the
source material so that it is more general than in its original form.
Read "Improving the Environment in Urban Areas" and try to
determine the text-type. Then read the texts that follow. Decide
which you think is most successful at supporting the point that
urban planners can have a positive effect on the environment. Write
one or two sentences after each text, explaining what you like Of
dislike. Then discuss each with a partuer.
Think of a topic in which you have some interest and then find
an article on that topic. Create a yes-no question that could be
answered using the information from the article. If you need some
examples, review the yes-no questions in Task One on page 193.
The following are questions from the fields of Neurobiology,
Economics, and Epidemiology. How would you approach each
of these tasks? What do you think are the instructor's expectations?
Students in an Acoustics course were asked to write a paper on
unpleasant sounds, one section of which was required to discuss
why certain sounds ate considered highly unpleasant. This, of
course, required the use of previous studies. Read this first drafi of
the section and mark the instructor comments on pages 222-223 as
reasonable (R) or unreasonable (U). If you ate uusure, indicate this
with a question mark (?).
Instructor Comments
I think <'!ou Mve '" e00cL st",rt he,e, rut
I thCnk <,!OU am do more
to e.x),ain where the current thinking is 1M the issu£.
3. Ove,alL, I ",m not sure wMt <'!OU, 'point is. You seem to
be discussing the 'piLSt wo,k om<,! bemuse <'!OU know <,!OU
Me suyyosed to talk MOiht WMt othe,s Mve done. But
discussing wMt others Mve done shouLd not st",nd in
yLace if '" yoint. 'Do <'!OU Mve '" 'point to nwke?
4-. I "m l'Wt (jetting " sef1Se tMt (tou understmui whae
the field st"nds to witt certain sounds "re
considered real0J u¥MScent. can (tou revise to refLect
(tour uJWLerst"ndine?
Now read this second draft and discuss with a partner how it differs
from the previous one. Has the author positioned herself as knowl-
edgeable and capable? Explain your conclusion.
As you noticed, the first text in Task Fourteen, while accurate in terms of
content, fails to highlight the similarities and/or differences among the dif-
ferent studies. As such, it is difficult to see what point is being developed.
The author has missed the opportunity to reveal a broader understanding,
causing the reader more work to find the important information on his Of
her own. In the second text, the writer has revealed an ability to see connec-
To Show Similarity
Similarly, According to Macey (2011), the average four-
year-old in the U.S. watches approximately
four hours ofTY each day. Similarly, those in
Australia view about 3.5 hours ofTY daily
(Smuda, 2010).
Similar to Similar to Kim (2008), Macey (2011) found
that the average four-year-old in the U.S.
watches four houts of TV each day (Smuda,
Likewise, ... Macey (2011) found that the average four-year-
old in the U.S. watches fout hours ofTY each
day. Likewise, in Australia fout-year-olds watch
several houts ofTY daily.
As inX in Y . .. As in Australia, the average four-year-old in the
U.S. watches more than three hours ofTY each
day (Macey, 2011).
To Show Contrast
In ... In contrast to Nigerians, 28% of whom have
internet access, Liberians have very limited
opportunities to connect to the internet.
UnlikeX Y ... Unlike Indonesians who have limited access to
the internet, the majority ofJapanese have easy
In contrast to ... In contrast to the U.K. where internet access is
widespread, less than 10 percent of the popula-
tion in India can connect to the internet.
On the other hand, ... In developed countries internet access is viewed
as a necessity. In most African countries, on the
other hand, it is a luxury.
· . . ; however; . . . Overall, just over 30% of the world's popula-
· .. . However, ... tion has internet access; however, only 110/0
of Mricans have this same opportunity.
, but ... Nearly 45% of the Turkish population can eas-
ily access the internet, but in nearby Syria this is
possible for only 20% of the population.
Whereas . .. , .. . Whereas 16% of Argentinians have internet
· .. , whereas . . . access, only 8% of Columbians do.
While... , .. . While 87% of South Koreans consider
· .. ,while . . . themselves to be frequent internet users,
50% of Brazilians do so (Lee, 2011).
To Show Contrast
to differ from The conclusion in this study differs from that
to contrast with in Barber et a1. (2011).
to be different from
Take a look at the second discussion in Task Fourteen. Find the devices
used by the author to highlight similarity or difference.
Review and respond to the task you created for yourself in Task
Thirteen (Item 5). Alternatively, come up with a yes-no question on
a topic in your field that you are interested in exploring. Find three
or four published journal articles that you can use to respond to
your question. Using the articles you have chosen, write up your
response to your question. Note that your response may in fact
resemble a brief literature review. For a more in-depth exploration
of writing literature reviews, you may want to consult Telling a
Research Story: Writing a Literature Review, which is published by
the University of Michigan Press (Feak and Swales, 2009).