Semi-Supervised K-Means Ddos Detection Method Using Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm
Semi-Supervised K-Means Ddos Detection Method Using Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm
Semi-Supervised K-Means Ddos Detection Method Using Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm
ABSTRACT Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable
by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. Therefore, it is necessary to propose an effective
method to detect DDoS attack from massive data traffics. However, the existing schemes have some
limitations, including that supervised learning methods, need large numbers of labeled data and unsupervised
learning algorithms have relatively low detection rate and high false positive rate. In order to tackle these
issues, this paper presents a semi-supervised weighted k-means detection method. Specifically, we firstly
present a Hadoop-based hybrid feature selection algorithm to find the most effective feature sets and propose
an improved density-based initial cluster centers selection algorithm to solve the problem of outliers and
local optimal. Then, we provide the Semi-supervised K-means algorithm using hybrid feature selection
(SKM-HFS) to detect attacks. Finally, we exploit DARPA DDoS dataset, CAIDA ‘‘DDoS attack 2007’’
dataset, CICIDS ‘‘DDoS attack 2017’’ dataset and real-world dataset to carry out the verification experiment.
The experiment results have demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms the benchmark in the
respect of detection performance and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution
(TOPSIS) evaluation factor.
INDEX TERMS DDoS attack, semi-supervised k-means, Hadoop-based hybrid feature selection, ratio of
average sum of squared errors (SSE) to cluster distance (RSD), TOPSIS.
are difficult to detect new attacks. So, anomaly detection detection methods. Machine learning methods mainly
techniques are introduced to detect unknown attacks by com- include unsupervised learning and supervised learning.
paring the current activity of destination network to an estab- Unsupervised learning techniques deal with learning tasks
lished normal activity represented as a profile. The basic with unlabeled or untagged data, and clustering is the most
detection approach is to use machine learning to create a popular unsupervised learning technique. K-means algo-
model of trustworthy activity, and then compare new behavior rithm, as a clustering method, has been successfully used
against this model. Machine learning methods mainly include to detect anomalies [1] and DDoS [2], and some modified
supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Machine k-means methods [3], [4] are provided to improve detection
learning-based detection methods have the following limita- efficiency. Besides, there are some other unsupervised learn-
tions. Insufficient labeled data of supervised learning meth- ing methods to detect DDoS attacks [5].
ods lead to low detection rate, and unreasonable initialization Meanwhile, many supervised learning algorithms are used
of unsupervised learning parameters leads to local optimal for DDoS detection [6]. Nguyen et al. [7] uses k-NN clas-
or poor detection effect. In addition, too many features in sifier method and cosine formula based algorithm to detect
learning process cause ‘‘the curse of dimensionality’’, and DDoS attacks. Xiaoet al. [8] presents a CKNN (KNN with
unreasonable feature sets lead to poor detection performance. Correlation analysis) detection method, which exploits cor-
In order to overcome the above limitations, this paper pro- relation information of training data to improve classification
poses a semi-supervised clustering detection method using accuracy. Vijayasarathy et al. [9] uses multiple Bayesian
hybrid feature selection algorithm, and the provided method classifiers to detect DDoS attacks. However, naive Bayes is
uses only small amount of labeled data and relatively large based on a very strong independence assumption, which is
amount of unlabeled data to detect DDoS attack behavior. not always satisfied. Bouzida et al. [10] proposes a decision
tree-based detection method and exploits KDD99 dataset for
B. CONTRIBUTIONS model training and testing to obtain 93% detection rate. But,
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as this model requires a large number of labeled data for effec-
follows: tive training. Li et al. [11] demonstrates a DDoS detection
1) It presents a hadoop-based hybrid feature selection system based on LVQ neural network to improve accuracy.
method combined with subsequent learning process to Cheng et al. [12] proposes a flow correlation degree feature
find the most effective feature set. (Section III) and applies a random forest detection model, which has a
2) It proposes a semi-supervised weighted k-means 98.57% detection rate and a 2.72% false positive rate. With
method using hybrid feature selection algorithm increase of labeled samples, detect accuracy is improved.
(SKM-HFS) to achieve better detection performance, Khundrakpam et al. [13] detects DDoS attack using a mul-
and this method requires fewer labeled data sets for tilayer perceptron (MLP) classification method with genetic
training. (Section IV) algorithm.
3) It provides an improved density-based initial clus- In summary, supervised learning method has better accu-
ter centers selection method to solve the problem racy. But, one limitation of it is the need of large-scale labeled
of outliers and local optimal of k-means clustering. data to train the classifier, which is not easy to get. Unsu-
(Section IV) pervised learning has the advantage of detecting new sam-
4) It exploits DARPA DDoS dataset, CAIDA ‘‘DDoS ples better than supervised learning. However, the manually
attack 2007’’ dataset, CICIDS ‘‘DDoS attack 2017’’ assignment of cluster numbers and other parameters could
dataset and real-world dataset to verify that the pro- result in relatively low accuracy.
posed method outperforms the benchmark in the In addition to the above machine learning methods, chaos
respect of detection performance and TOPSIS evalu- theory is used in DDoS detection in recent years [14]–[16]
ation factor. (Section V) and has a nice detection performance. This paper mainly deals
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. with the limitations of supervised learning and unsupervised
In Section II, we review the related works about DDoS detec- learning detection methods, and also compares the detection
tion methods and feature selection methods in DDoS detec- performance between the proposed method and the chaos
tion. Section III provides the hybrid feature selection method theory based method.
and Section IV proposes the semi-supervised k-means DDoS
detection algorithm using hybrid feature selection method, B. FEATURE SELECTION METHODS
and Section V shows the experiment details and gives the The research on machine learning based DDoS detection
experiment results and analyses. Finally, conclusions and method not only focuses on detection models, but also
future work are provided in Section VI. includes the feature selection methods. Related papers of
feature selection methods in DDoS detection are shown as
A. DETECTION METHODS Yusof et al. [17] combines the consistency subset eval-
There are many DDoS attack detection methods, while uation (CSE) and DDoS characteristic features (DCF) for
this paper mainly focuses on machine learning based feature selection, which is superior to traditional features
selection method such as Information Gain, Gain Ratio, packet type (H (PacType)), occurrence rate of TCP packet
Correlated features selection(CFS), but this paper does not (TCPRate), occurrence rate of UDP packet (UDPRate) and
tackle feature redundancy. Balkanli et al. [18] employs the occurrence rate of ICMP packet (ICMPRate), time interval
Chi-Square and Symmetrical Uncertainty with Decision Tree of packets (PckTimeInt). Many other features are variants
classifier to detect backscatter DDoS behaviors, which needs of the above 13 features, or derived from them. Therefore,
large number of labeled features. Zi et al. [19] provides the it is practical to compare the detection effects between these
linear correlation coefficient for feature ranking and Modified 13 features as candidate features and select the final feature
Global K-means algorithm(MGKM) to detect attacks. As the sets from them.
number of top-ranked features decreases, a point where the In order to verify the performance of each feature while
cluster function value drops heavily will be chosen and reducing the number of candidate features, we compare the
the final selected features will be identified. However, this changes of each feature value before and under DDoS attacks.
method could not capture correlations between features that The DARPA DDoS dataset [35] is used in comparison experi-
are not liner in nature. Jiang et al. [20] proposes the filter ments. The variation of each feature is shown in the following
algorithm GAIG for feature selection by combing genetic figures (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The first half (left of the dotted
algorithm as the search strategy and information gain as the line) of each figure shows the feature value fluctuation with-
evaluation function, which could reduce the noisy features. out attack, and the second half (right of the dotted line) shows
However, the provided genetic search strategy has a high time the feature value fluctuation under attack.
complexity. Osanaiye et al. [21] presents an Ensemble-based As we can see from these figures, the larger the relative
Multi-Filter Feature Selection (EMFFS) method combining difference of feature values between left part and right part
Information Gain, Gain Ratio, Chi-square and ReliefF, which is, the more obvious the distinction between normal traffic
has a high computational complexity. and attack traffic is, the more effective the feature is. Fig. 1
From the above analysis, it is necessary to provide a rea- shows the values of 9 features with better performance, and
sonable feature selection algorithm before model training to Fig. 2 shows the other 4 feature values with relatively poor
achieve effective attack detection. performance.
In addition, this paper focuses on feature selection method
III. HYBRID FEATURE SELECTION METHOD rather than extracted features. If other good features are
As we know, there are many features used for DDoS detec- found, they can be added to the corresponding candidate
tion. While, too many features in the learning process cause feature set to participate in the proposed feature selection
‘‘the curse of dimensionality’’, and unreasonable feature sets process. Therefore, this paper chooses these 9 features in
lead to poor detection performance. This paper proposes a Tab. 1 as the candidate feature set.
hybrid feature selection method for DDoS detection. The
TABLE 1. Main features used in DDoS detection methods.
method includes three steps, namely data normalization, fea-
ture ranking and feature subset searching. The input of this
method is the candidate feature set and the output is the
selected feature set for detection model.
Before making feature selection, data normalization is an
essential process, which scales the value of each feature into
a well-proportioned range, so that the bias in favor of fea-
tures with greater values is eliminated from the dataset. The
normalization transforms each feature value linearly scaled
to the one in the range of [0], [1] using the equation (2):
in which max xmj and min xmj respectively stands for the
xmj ∈Xi xmj ∈Xi
maximum and minimum value of the mth feature. The process
FIGURE 1. Nine features with better detection effect.
of data normalization is described as follows.
1) Collect the necessary metadata from the actual dataset,
theory is directly analogous to the definition used in statistical
including data record number, time, protocol type,
thermodynamics. Entropy could be used as such a metric to
source IP address, destination IP address, source port
detect DDoS attacks effectively, which represents the random
number, and destination port number, which are stored
feature of network traffic. It describes the degree of concen-
in the txt or csv file.
tration and dispersal characteristic of traffic. Entropy is the
2) The above file is processed by sliding window
measure of information and uncertainty of a random variable.
The entropy of variable X can be defined as:
3) Use the metadata of each sliding window unit in the
X above file to calculate the feature values in Tab. 1 and
H (X ) = − P(xi ) log2 (P(xi )) (1) form the value set for each feature.
i=1 4) The value of each feature is normalized by equation (2).
k−1 X
ci − cj
2 .
After feature normalization, all candidate features will be
i=1 j=i+1
ranked by filter models. Traditional filter methods analyze
features independent of the classifier and use ‘‘goodness’’ The larger the dinter−cluster is, the lower the inter-cluster
metric to decide which features should be kept. They sort similarity is.
each feature through specific evaluation index, and ‘‘poor’’ Since the RSD is proportional to the intra-cluster dis-
ranking index may not have ideal accuracy in attack detection. tance and inversely proportional to the inter-cluster distance,
In this paper, the filter process is combined with subsequent the RSD of each feature ft is computed as
learning algorithm, and a novel ranking index is proposed by
using the objective function SSE (Sum of Squared Errors) RSD (ft ) = .
k−1 k
of k-means method. The definition of the provided ranking P P
ci − cj
index is as follows: i=1 j=i+1
Definition 1: Ratio of average SSE to cluster
Distance (RSD) The smaller the RSD (ft ) is, the better the clustering result
The datasets X = {x1 , . . . , xn } are clustered by k-means is by using the feature ft , which means the feature is much
algorithm based on each feature ft (t = 1, 2, ..., l), and the better for detecting attacks.
center of each cluster Ci (i = 1, 2, · · · , k) is expressed as ci . So, the candidate feature set is sorted by RSD (ft ) and
So the ratio of average SSE to the sum of the distances features whose RSD values are above a given threshold are
between each pair of centers is obtained, which is shorted discarded. And finally, the initial feature subset is obtained
as RSD (ft ) as F = {f1 , f2 , · · · , fl 0 } from the candidate feature set F =
{f1 , f2 , · · · , fl }. The process of feature ranking is described as
RSD (ft ) = , (3) follows.
k−1 k
1) The normalized candidate feature set is clustered by
ci − cj
i=1 j=i+1 k-means method.
and SSE is computed using the following equation (4) 2) According to the clustering results, k clustering centers
{ci (i = 1, 2, · · · , k)} of each feature value and SSE are
k X
X obtained.
SSE = kci − xk2 . (4) 3) Calculate the RSD values of each feature using
i=1 x∈Ci
equation (3).
Why we useRSDas the feature ranking index? 4) The RSD values are arranged in ascending order, and
The evaluation criterion of good clustering model is having the first l 0 features are selected as initial feature set or
both high intra-cluster similarity and low inter-cluster similar- the corresponding feature set whose RSD values are
ity. Intuitively, the proposed ranking index should be propor- less than a given threshold are selected as the initial
tional to the intra-cluster distance and inversely proportional feature set F = {f1 , f2 , · · · , fl 0 }.
to the inter-cluster distance.
For the intra-cluster similarity, SSE in k-means algorithm D. FEATURE SUBSET SEARCHING
characterizes the clustering degree of intra-cluster data. The After getting the initial feature set F , we need a proper search
dataset X is clustered by k-means algorithm, and the center strategy to find the best feature subset for detection model.
of each cluster Ci is expressed as ci . The mean intra-cluster In order to reduce the time complexity, we use the Sequential
distance of X in the k clusters is Forward Selection (SFS) algorithm. SFS is a search method
k that starts with an empty set of features and adds a single
1 1XX 0
dintra−cluster = SSE = kci − xk2 . feature from F in each iteration with the fitness function f (x)
n n monotonously increasing or decreasing. The SFS algorithm
i=1 x∈Ci
has following steps:
The smaller the dintra−cluster is, the higher the intra-cluster 00 00
1) Initialize the empty feature subset F : F = {∅};
similarity is. 0 00
2) Select a feature fi from F and add it to F , satisfying
For the inter-cluster similarity, the distance between any
fitness function
two clusters Ci and Cj is expressed by the distance between 00 00 00
the centers of the two clusters as f Fk = min f Fk−1 , f1 , f Fk−1 , f2 , · · · ,
dinter−cluster (Ci , Cj ) =
ci − cj
f Fk−1 , fl 0 −k+1 ,
So, the inter-cluster similarity of k clusters is expressed by
the sum of all the cluster-cluster distances as in which Fk stands for the current selected feature
k−1 X
k subset after the k th iteration;
00 00
3) If f (Fk ) > f (Fk−1 ), the algorithm is stopped, and Fk−1
dinter−cluster = dinter−cluster (Ci , Cj ) 0
i=1 j=i+1 is the final selected feature subset; Else if k = l ,
the algorithm is stopped, and Fk" is the final selected Algorithm 1 Hadoop-Based Hybrid Feature Selection
feature subset; Else return 2. Algorithm.
Furthermore, we need to find a fitness function f (x) with Input: Threshold θ, set of data points X =
monotonous decreasing. As we know, DDoS detection effect {x1 , x2 , · · · , xn }, set of labeled data L ⊂ X , candidate
is mainly evaluated by two indexes: True Positive Rate (TPR) feature set F = {f1 , f2 , · · · , fl }, and each feature’s values
and False Positive Rate (FPR). TPR also called the Recall and labels are stored in each feature_file
Rate (RR) in some fields, measures the proportion of actual Output: Selected feature subset F = {f1 , f2 , · · · , fl 00 }
positives (DDoS attacks) that are correctly identified as Method:
such. FPR is calculated as the ratio between the numbers of 1. MapTask1:
negative events (normal traffics) wrongly categorized as pos- Context. write(key, value) //construct
itives and the total number of actual negative events. The fit- <key, value> pairs for the feature_file
ness function f (x) of feature selection in DDoS attacks should 2. ReduceTask1:
be related to these two evaluating indexes RR and FPR. (2.a) Normalize each data point in L and get dataset
So, we need to find a method or function to consider these L
two evaluation indexes simultaneously, which is a multi- (2.b) Calculate RSD(ft ) for each ft (t = 1,2,. . . ,l) in
criteria decision-making problem. TOPSIS [37] is exactly dataset L
a multi-criteria decision-making approach. This paper uses 3. Arrange RSD values in the ascending order
TOPSIS method, whose value is expressed by T(RR, FPR) 4. if RSD(ft ) < θ (for t = 1,2,. . . ,l)
as the evaluation factor. T(RR,FPR) is set to 1-RR+FPR to add ft to F
represent the fitness function of the SFS process. The smaller else
the T(RR,FPR) value is, the selected feature subset is much discard ft
better for detecting attacks. 5.Repeat
(5.a) MapTask 2:
E. HYBRID FEATURE SELECTION ALGORITHM Context. write(key, value) //construct <key,
This paper exploits parallelism to provide a hadoop-based value> pairs for the filter_file
feature selection method shown in Fig. 3, and the correspond- (5.b) ReduceTask2:
0 00
ing algorithm is shown as Algorithm 1. In this algorithm, Select a feature fi from F and add it to F ,
the parameter key in the step 1 and step 5.a represents the satisfying the value of T (RR,FPR)
label, whose values include 0 (labeled attack data), 1 (labeled is minimum for the set X
normal data), 2 (unlabeled data) and 3 (test data). The (5.c) if the value of T (RR,FPR)
parameter value represents the feature value corresponding is decreased after adding the new feature fi in 5.a
to each key.
update filter_file
return 5.a
end Repeat
return F
Algorithm 2 Selection Algorithm of Radius (Take Labeled C. SEMI-SUPERVISED K-MEANS ALGORITHM USING
Input: Dataset N with Normal Label This paper provides a semi-supervised clustering detec-
Output: Radius λ tion algorithm, which is named as Semi-supervised
Method: K-Means algorithm using Hybrid Feature Selection method
1. xi is the randomly selected data point in N , (SKM-HFS). This method uses the small amount of labeled
and calculate the Euclidean distance between xi data to guide the selection of initial cluster centers, and use
and other data points in N , expressed other unlabeled data to train and form clusters.
as di1 , . . . , di(n−1) , adds ni to dataset P The detection system based on SKM-HFS algorithm is
2. Arrange distance sets from di1 to di(n−1) divided into three parts: feature selection, model training and
in ascending order and store in dataset Q model testing. In the feature selection phase, feature subset is
3. k = (n − 1) /h; //h >1 selected using the proposed hybrid method in Section III.
λ = dik ; // set the dik as the initial λ
Q.clear(); // empty the dataset Q Algorithm 4 Semi-Supervised K-Means Algorithm Using
4. Repeat Hybrid Feature Selection Method (SKM-HFS).
(4.a) xj is another randomly selected data Input: Set of data points X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }, set of
point from N -P, and calculate the Euclidean labeled data L ⊂ X , number of clusters k, selected feature
distance between xj and other data points in N , 00
subset F = {f1 , f2 , · · · , fl 00 } using Algorithm 1, feature
expressed as dj1 , . . . , dj(n−1) , adds xj to dataset P weights W using equation (5).
(4.b) Arrange above distance set in ascending order Output: Disjoint k partitioning {Xi }ki=1 of X such that
and store in dataset Q SKM-HFS objective function is optimized
(4.c) k = (n − 1) /h; z = djk ; Q.clear(); Method:
if z < λ, λ = z; 1. Obtain k initial cluster centers {ci } using
(4.d) if P = N , Algorithm2 (i = 1, . . . , , k)
end Repeat; 2. Repeat until algorithm convergence
else (2.a) For xj ∈ L, if xj ∈ Li assign xj to the cluster i.
return 4.a / L, assign xj to the cluster i∗ ,
For xj ∈
return λ l 00
(xmj − cmi ) · wm
2 )
satisfying i∗ = arg min(
i m=1
Algorithm 3 Improved Density-based Initial Cluster Cen- (2.b) Update the center of cluster i :
ters Selection Algorithm (Take Labeled Normal Dataset for P
Example). xj
xj ∈Xj
Input: Radius λ, Dataset N with Normal Label ci =
Output: The Initial Center c1 of the Normal Dataset |Xi |
Method: return {Xi }ki=1
1. Calculate the density of each data point
xi with the radius λ, which is expressed
respectively as D (x1 , λ) , . . . , D (xn , λ). (xi ∈ N , n In the model training phase, the SKM-HFS algorithm is
is the number of data points in N ) provided as Algorithm 4. Using the small number of labeled
2. Arrange the point density set in the data, the initial cluster centers are calculated by Algorithm 2.
descending order D (xi , λ) ≥ D xj , λ ≥ · · · ≥ The equation (6) is used to calculate the similarity between
D (xz , λ) (i, j,. . . ,z ∈[1,2, . . . ,n]) other unlabeled data and the initial cluster centers until
3. If the data point of the maximum density is not this algorithm converges (SKM-HFS objective function is
unique, the mean value of all corresponding points optimized).
with the maximum density is taken as c1 , or else the In the detection phase, by capturing new data packets and
data point xi with the maximum density D (xi , λ) extracting features, the distances between the feature values
is c1 of new data and each cluster center are calculated. Then,
return c1 the new data is assigned to the closest cluster, which is based
on the distance.
FIGURE 7. RSD values of candidate features on DARPA. FIGURE 10. RSD values of candidate features on real-world dataset.
TABLE 3. Performance comparison of Different Feature Selection Methods using different datasets.
FIGURE 15. TOPSIS values of four initial center selection methods on FIGURE 16. TOPSIS values of four initial center selection methods on
DARPA dataset. CAIDA dataset.
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ZHENYANG GUO received the B.S. degree in
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[43] H. Luo, Y. Lin, H. Zhang, and M. Zukerman, ‘‘Preventing DDoS attacks ing, network security, and detection on botnet.
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[46] H. Liu, Y. Sun, V. C. Valgenti, and M. S. Kim, ‘‘TrustGuard: A flow-
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sum. Commun. Netw. Conf. (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2011,
pp. 287–291.
YONGHAO GU received the Ph.D. degree from YONGFEI WANG received the B.S. degree from
the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommu- Hebei North University, China, in 2012. He is
nications, China, in 2007, where he is currently a currently pursuing M.Eng. the degree with the
Lecturer with the Beijing Key Laboratory of Intel- Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Telecom-
ligent Telecommunications Software and Multi- munications Software and Multimedia, School
media, School of Computer. His current research of Computer, Beijing University of Posts and
interests include network security and privacy Telecommunications, China. His current research
preservation. interests include network security and privacy