Indo Language
Indo Language
Indo Language
Language models based on the Transformer architecture [1] have achieved
state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of natural language process-
ing (nlp) tasks such as text classification, question-answering, and token
classification. However, this performance is usually tested and reported
on high-resource languages, like English, French, Spanish, and German.
Indian languages, on the other hand, are underrepresented in such bench-
marks. Despite some Indian languages being included in training multi-
lingual Transformer models, they have not been the primary focus of such
work. In order to evaluate the performance on Indian languages specifically,
we analyze these language models through extensive experiments on mul-
tiple downstream tasks in Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu language. Here, we
compare the efficacy of fine-tuning model parameters of pre-trained models
against that of training a language model from scratch. Moreover, we em-
pirically argue against the strict dependency between the dataset size and
model performance, but rather encourage task-specific model and method
selection. Finally, we present effective strategies for handling the modeling
of Indian languages and we release our model checkpoints for the commu-
nity :
1 Introduction
Natural Language Processing (nlp) has witnessed a paradigm shift from employing task-
specific architectures to fine-tuning the same pre-trained language models for various down-
stream tasks [2, 3]. These language models are trained on large corpora of unlabelled text in
an unsupervised manner. With the advent of Transformer-based architectures and various
pre-training techniques in the last two years [4, 5, 6, 7], the state-of-the-art results have
improved on various downstream tasks. However, much of this research has been limited to
high-resource languages such as English, French, Spanish, and German [8]. There are 7000+
languages spoken around the world and yet most of the nlp systems are largely evaluated
on a handful of high-resource languages. Hence, there is a dire need to work on nlp beyond
resource-rich languages [9]. Our work contributes to filling this gap, as we focus on nlp for
Indian languages.
India is a multilingual country with only 10 percent of its population speaking English
[10]. There have been some concerted and noteworthy efforts to advance research in Indian
Equal contribution
Our paper is structured as follows. In the next Section 2, we place our research in context
with related work in the downstream tasks we examine here. In Section 3, we provide the
necessary theoretical background to the various Transformer-based models we anticipate to
employ, and the subsequent Sections 4 and 5 explain our experimental setup and our results,
respectively. We conclude our work with a brief discussion in Section 6.
[16] for the Bengali language. While [15] only used static data for evaluation, [16] collected
data from Wikipedia and annotated it for qa. As research significantly progressed in recent
years, more advanced algorithms for different components were proposed in these systems.
[17] used Convolutional Neural Networks (cnns) and Recurrent Neural Networks (rnns)
for the classification of a question, the software Lucene4 for the retrieval of the document,
and similarity features such as term-coverage and proximity-score for extracting the answers.
Similarly, [18] used a language-independent graph-based algorithm for document retrieval
and bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (gru) [19] for answer extraction in a multilingual
setting for English and Hindi. More recently, Transformer-based models have been applied
to the task of qa, but this has been restricted to fine-tuning of mbert [4] over translated
datasets [20]. A major issue for all the approaches discussed above is that they use different
datasets or translate existing datasets, and hence lack a common benchmark. qa in English
and other high-resource languages has become more end-to-end largely because of the squad
dataset [21] and a very clear definition of the task. Lately there have been efforts to make
nlp more multilingual and many squad-like datasets have been curated for low-resource
languages [22, 23, 24].
pos tagging for Indian languages has been a challenging task not only due to the lack of
annotated data but also because of their rich morphology. Most of the earlier attempts [25]
made to tag such languages relied heavily on morphological rules and linguistic features of a
language and did not generalize to other languages. [26] tried to counter this by proposing
a simple pos tagger based on a Hidden Markov Model (hmm) which achieved reasonable
results. Amongst Indian languages, a lot of work has been done on tagging Hindi when com-
pared to other low-resource languages. [27] proposed a method to transfer features from a
comparatively high-resource Indian language like Hindi using parallel translation corpora
which were more easily available. pos tagging for code-mixed5 [28] Indian languages was
another effort in this direction. It involved tagging code-mixed data in multiple language
pairs including English-Bengali, English-Telugu, and English-Hindi, collected from various
social media platforms [29, 30]. More recently, a lot of surveys have focused on evaluat-
ing contextualized embeddings for pos tagging across many languages using the Universal
Dependencies [31] treebanks. For example, [32] present a comparative analysis of 54 lan-
guages on tasks like pos tagging, dependency parsing and lemmatization using Embeddings
from Language Models (ELMo) [3], flair [33] and bert embeddings. Furthermore, [34]
analyse how mbert performs by evaluating it on tasks of pos tagging and Named-Entity
Recognition (ner).
Advancements in nlp for Indian languages mirrors the progress made for English albeit it
has been slower due to the lack of annotated datasets, pre-trained word embeddings, and,
more recently, pre-trained language models. Nonetheless, inltk [11] and indic-nlp [35] have
curated datasets, trained embeddings and created benchmarks for classification. Indic-nlp
provides pre-trained FastText [36] word embeddings in multiple Indian languages. They
have also curated classification datasets for nine languages providing a common benchmark
for future research. Apart from these contributions towards the classification task, we
briefly discuss some other notable work. Similar to tagging code-mixed text, sentiment
analysis of code-mixed social media text has also drawn attention [37], involving English-
Hindi and English-Bengali datasets that saw various machine learning and deep learning
approaches being applied to classification. [38] presented a comparative study of various
classification techniques for Hindi. They train cnn and lstm architectures built upon
FastText embeddings. They also evaluate mbert sentence embeddings on their translated
Code-mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech.
3 Transformer Language Models
The Transformer model by [1] uses stacked encoder and decoder layers comprised of multi-
headed self-attention layers without using any recurrent or convolutional modules. Despite
being a departure from the then state-of-the-art rnn-based approaches to translation, the
Transformer model showed significant performance improvements on the WMT 2014 trans-
lation task6 . Inspired by this use of attention mechanism, the language models described
below make use of the encoder layers from this model architecture.
3.1 BERT
3.2 DistilBERT
Although the bert language model achieves state-of-the-art performance, it comes at the
cost of a large model size having more than 340 million parameters [4]. This makes it harder
to deploy and use it on resource-constrained devices. [40] proposed a method to reduce
bert’s model size by 40% using distillation. The model, called Distilbert and consisting of
only 66 million parameters runs 60% faster and retains 97% language understanding capa-
bilities of the original model. Since we aim to show the effectiveness of Transformer-based
language models in a production setting as well, we have included Distilbert (Distilbert)
in our experiments.
3.3 RoBERTa
[12] performed an analysis of the training procedure of bert and showed that bert’s per-
formance can be improved by training bert on a larger dataset for a longer duration. This
model, called roberta, shows an improvement of 4-5% over bert on natural language infer-
ence and qa tasks. Another interesting modification that the authors make is the use of a
byte-level BPE (Byte Pair Encoding) tokenizer, instead of a character-level BPE tokenizer
used in bert, to have the advantage of a universal encoding scheme at the cost of a mi-
nor degradation in performance. Camembert [41], a roberta language model trained from
scratch on French language data, achieves state-of-the-art performance on downstream tasks
using a relatively small web crawled dataset. We aim to verify this in our experiments by
including a similar monolingual roberta model trained on a web crawled Indian language
Using over 2 terabytes of web-crawled data, the xlm-roberta model [42] achieves state-
of-the-art performance on natural language inference and several downstream tasks. More
interestingly, their work shows that lower resource languages such as Urdu benefit signifi-
cantly through cross-lingual training at a large scale. Unlike the language-specific tokeniza-
tion employed by mbert, xlm-roberta uses Sentencepiece [43] tokenization on raw text
without any degradation in performance.
A detailed task description and the dataset are available at (
4 Experimental Setup
All our experiments are run on bert-based Transformer language models. We use the
Huggingface Transformers library [44] for setting up our experiments and for downloading
pre-trained models. For each language model, we use three setups:
1. Setup A: We directly use the pre-trained multilingual version of the models re-
leased along with research papers for bert, Distilbert and xlm-roberta. roberta
was only trained on English language data and has no multilingual variant. These
models form the baseline for all our experiments. The pre-trained models are down-
loaded from the Huggingface model hub7 .
2. Setup B: We use the pre-trained models from above and train them further, or fine-
tune them, keeping the vocabulary unchanged. We fine-tune separately for Hindi,
Bengali, and Telugu using monolingual corpora of each language. With this setup,
we want to see the effect that increasing the amount of language data has on the
original multilingual model. We train these models on the monolingual data for 5
epochs using approximately 300MB of data for each language.
3. Setup C: As observed in [39], training the German language bert model from
scratch results in a better performance than mbert. For each of the architectures,
including roberta, we train Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu models on monolingual data.
We do not transfer any parameters from either the pre-trained (Setup 1) or the fine-
tuned models (Setup 2). The models are trained for 5 epochs on monolingual data
for each of the languages. We compare this setup with previous setups to see what
impact, if any, does cross-lingual training have on performance.
1. Hindi: The Hindi language belongs to the Indo-Aryan family [45] and is spoken by
around 322 million people in India [10] making it the most widely spoken language
in the country. Most speakers of Hindi live in the Northern part of India. Hindi is a
verb-final language with its verbs and nouns being inflected for gender and number.
It is written in the phonetic Devanagari script with spaces being used to separate
2. Bengali: Spoken by more than 96 million people in the Eastern part of India,
Bengali is the next most popularly spoken Indian language after Hindi. It also
belongs to the Indo-Aryan family, but unlike Hindi it has no grammatical gender
[46]. Bengali is also written in a phonetic script but is distinct from Devanagari.
3. Telugu: While Bengali and Hindi belong to the same family of languages, Telugu
belongs to a separate family of Dravidian languages. It is spoken by 81 million
people, largely in the Indian states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in the South.
Telugu is an agglutinative language [47], meaning morphemes are combined without
a change in form to produce complex words. Its nouns and verbs are inflected for
both number and gender. Telugu, like Hindi and Bengali, is written using a phonetic
script but with a separate orthography.
4.2 Datasets
We evaluate the performance of different model architectures on qa, pos tagging, and Text
Classification tasks. While training our language models from scratch (Setup 3), we use
monolingual unlabelled datasets. As described in Setup 1 and Setup 3, we train all the
language models from scratch to compare the effect of pre-training. The Open Super-large
Crawled ALMAnaCH coRpus (OSCAR) dataset [48] is a filtered version of the Common-
Crawl dataset and has monolingual corpora for 166 languages. Prior to training, we nor-
malize the OSCAR dataset for Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu using the inltk library.
The Stanford Question Answering Dataset (squad) [21], which is commonly used in the
evaluation of Transformer language models, has all its examples in English. Inspired by the
original squad dataset, there are now a few multilingual datasets available which fulfil the
same purpose. The TyDi QA dataset by [23] covers 11 languages with diverse linguistic
features in order to evaluate the performance of language models on languages beyond
English. The dataset contains 204K question-answer pairs and is divided into two sets of
tasks. The primary tasks include selecting the relevant passage and the minimal answer span
from the entire context based on the question. However, we use the dataset for the secondary
‘Gold Passage’ task where the relevant passage is directly provided. The secondary task is
similar to squad and allows us to readily test existing language models.
Hindi is more widely spoken than Bengali and Telugu, yet, interestingly, does not have a
comprehensive qa dataset available for training. Both the MLQA [49] and the XQuAD
[24] datasets contain validation and test sets for Hindi but not for training. The XQuAD
dataset contains a machine-translated training dataset that has not been human-verified.
We instead combine the training and the evaluation sets from XQuAD and MLQA datasets
and split the training and test sets in the ratio 90:10. We refer to this dataset in our paper
as mergedQuAD. We release the training and test split for mergedQuAD dataset for future
pos tagging occurs at the word level and focuses on the relationship between words within
a sentence. We use open-source treebanks annotated by the Universal Dependencies [31]
framework for Hindi and Telugu. We use the UPOS8 tags to evaluate our models on pos
Tagging. The treebank for Hindi comprises of 16 tags and the Telugu treebank is tagged
using 14 such tags. Finally, for Bengali, we use the tagged sentences which are a part of
the Indian corpus in nltk. There are 887 examples overall which we split manually into a
training and a validation set. 29 unique tags are used in this dataset.
While qa and pos tagging look at parts of documents and sentences, text classification con-
siders the entire document before placing it in a category. We have, therefore, included this
task for completeness in our evaluation of Transformer-based language models. For Hindi,
we use the BBC Hindi News Articles9 which contains annotated news articles classified into
14 different categories. Since the dataset only has train and validation splits, we evaluate on
the validation set only. We report our results on Bengali on a dataset released by Indic-nlp
[35]. The examples are categorized into 2 different classes. For Telugu10 too, we use the
classification dataset provided by Indic-nlp. Each example in the dataset can be classified
into any one of 3 different categories. We summarize the exact dataset splits for all the
languages and tasks in Table 1.
Table 1: Detailed break-down of all dataset-splits for the various tasks over which we evaluate
our models. Each cell represents the number of examples in each split for every language.
For cases where test split is missing, we used validation split for testing and validation was
performed on a subset of training data.
1. Freezing. In this setting, we use Transformer models as feature extractors. Specifi-
cally, we freeze the weights of the language model and use its output as feature-based
embeddings to train different layers on top. For simplicity we refer to the language
model as the base model and the trainable layers that we add on top as the head
model. We experiment with multiple head types which include:
(a) Linear. This simply involves passing the base model outputs to a linear layer.
(b) Multilinear. Two linear layers are added on top of the base model.
(c) lstm. We keep the configuration of lstm layers added on top as flexible as
possible by varying all its parameters along with other hyperparameters. As
such, the head models can have multiple lstm layers, can be bidirectional, or
(d) Transformer. A Transformer encoder layer was added above the base model.
2. Fine-tuning. In this setting, the entire language model is trained along with a
single linear layer on top of the model.
• We report our results for our text-classification experiments in terms of the accuracy
obtained on the validation/test set.
• For pos tagging, we report F1 scores for all our experiments. This is calculated
using the seqeval package11 . Before feeding the labels and our model’s prediction
to the metric function, we ensure that we only consider the non-padded elements
of the inputs.
• For qa, we report the F1 score on the validation set. We use the functions from
the SQuAD v2.0 Evalutaion Script12 to calculate this score.
Table 2: Summary of the results from experiments based on Setup A, where we evaluate
multilingual Transformer models on downstream tasks under two training settings, which
are specified for each model variant. The training settings are (a) frozen: we use Trans-
former models as feature extractors and (b) fine-tuned: we fine-tune the entire model. The
highlighted metrics show the highest performance across the models that we compare for
every language. A similar tabular structure is used for subsequent tables in this section.
A general trend (Table 2) across all three languages is that the results improve as we
move from mdistilbert to mbert and then from mbert to xlm-roberta. Although the
Multilingual distilbert (mdistilbert) for Bengali performs better than xlm-roberta, the im-
provement is marginal. For Hindi, this trend is most evident. xlm-roberta improves the validation
accuracy on mdistilbert approximately by 7%. Such an increase is less evident for Bengali and
Telugu where all model variants achieve high metrics rather easily. For each task and each model
variant, we further report results in two different training settings: frozen and fine-tuned. In the
former setting, we find that the best performing head model out of all the different head models
we experimented with, for all experiments (across all tasks and languages) is generally a multilayer
lstm or Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (bilstm) which is shown specifically for pos tag-
ging in [4]. Hence in the table above and the subsequent result tables, we only report results from
a multilayer lstm or bilstm as the head model. While the current norm in nlp literature is to
fine-tune the entire language model, the classification results show that freezing gives comparable
to better results than fine-tuning.
The trend of xlm-roberta outperforming other variants across all languages is apparent when
we compare pos tagging results. The performance gain with xlm-roberta against mdistilbert is
more evident for Bengali (+8%) and Telugu (+6%). For pos tagging, the best results are achieved
consistently with fine-tuning. Moreover, fine-tuned xlm-roberta performs better by approximately
6% for Bengali when compared to the frozen setting.
xlm-roberta gives the highest accuracy, except for Telugu(-1.78%), in the qa task as well. The
pre-trained variant of xlm-roberta shows a performance gain in Hindi (+2.74%) and Bengali
(+1.52%) compared to the next best performing model.
5.2 Setup B
Table 3: Summary of results from the experiments based on setup B, where we augment
multilingual Transformer models with monolingual data for each language. More specifically,
we fine-tune mbert with 300 MB of monolingual data.
In this setup, we augment the multilingual Transformer models by fine-tuning the language model on
300 MB of monolingual data for each language. We did not test this hypothesis on all model variants
because the initial results (Table 3) of doing so with mbert were not encouraging. Augmenting
the mbert with data from a single language (Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu in our case) does not
lead to massive improvements in performance on downstream tasks, and the results are similar
or at best comparable to mbert. We believe that one of the possible reasons for this is that the
dataset size with which we fine-tune the model is small and that the performances might improve
with larger dataset size. However, for qa, there is a considerable drop in performance with this
setup when compared to mbert. While this drop could be task-dependent, there might be other
reasons which need to be studied and analyzed in much more detail. We plan to conduct a more
comprehensive analysis pertaining to this experimental setup alone in the future, where we would
also include other multilingual models and vary the dataset sizes to understand these behaviours
more concretely.
5.3 Setup C
Table 4: Summary of results from experiments based on setup C, where we train four
variants of contextual monolingual models for three languages.
In setup C, we train monolingual language models from scratch and evaluate their performance on
downstream tasks. We observe (Table 4) that our model variants for bert and Distilbert perform
better than their multilingual counterparts (setup A) across all tasks and languages. While our
xlm-roberta variants post competitive results for Bengali and Telugu, they still fall short of the
multilingual model by a small margin. xlm-roberta-Hindi performs poorly than expected on
classification, pos tagging and qa under both the training settings. We believe this behaviour
can be attributed to the fact that we put some constraints on our training setup. We trained all
our model variants uniformly for the same number of epochs. Essentially, we conjecture that our
xlm-roberta model for Hindi is under-trained and can be trained more to furnish better results
on downstream tasks.
Another observation that warrants our attention is the relatively poor performance of roberta
models across all tasks and languages. roberta uses a Byte-Level BPE tokenizer, which is known
to have poorer morphological alignment with the original text compared to a simple unigram
tokenizer, and that this results in a higher performance gap on SQuAD and MNLI tasks [50]. The
authors of roberta [12] choose the Byte-Level BPE tokenizer for higher coverage and notice no drop
in performance when it comes to English. However, dealing with morphologically rich languages,
as in our case, clearly seems to impact the performance.
Fine-tuning the model for the qa tasks results in improvements in Setup C as well (more than
11% improvement for Bengali and Telugu). Across all setups, there is a marked performance gain
when a model is fine-tuned against the dataset compared to when only the classifier head is used.
This gain is more marked in the case of qa task than it is for pos tagging or Text classification.
Especially apparent from the results for the qa task is that the pre-trained models always perform
significantly better than the models trained from scratch.
Table 5: Direct comparison between the best results from setup A and setup C and related
work. The empty cells denote models were either not evaluated on that particular task/lan-
guage (e.g., Indicbert on pos Tagging) or that the model was only evaluated on one specific
task (e.g., TyDiQA).
Finally, we compare our best results from setup A and setup C with other relevant work in the field.
The most recent and relevant work related to ours is by [51], who released the Indicbert model, a
multilingual ALBERT model [52] pre-trained on 11 Indian languages. They, however, do not report
results for pos tagging and squad-based qa tasks. For Hindi classification, we compare our results
with inltk [11] that uses a fine-tuned ULMFiT language model. We compare our results with the
baseline results for the TyDi QA Gold Passage task for Bengali and Telugu. We do not have a
comparable dataset and baseline for Hindi qa tasks and we publish our results with our merged
dataset. We report competitive results for Hindi and Bengali classification, both attained by our
language models in setup C. Even for Telugu, the difference between our model and Indicbert
is marginal. As for the qa task, our results do not match up to the baselines of TyDi QA Gold
Passage task. The baseline scores for TyDi QA were calculated by fine-tuning over the entire
dataset, and not on individual languages. This strongly suggests that the qa tasks benefits a lot
from cross-lingual transfer learning.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we have investigated the efficacy of state-of-the-art Transformer language models on
languages other than English. We trained 4 variants of monolingual contextual language models
with different sizes and capabilities for 3 Indian languages that cover more than 60% of the country’s
population. We evaluated our models on three downstream tasks (pos Tagging, text classification,
and qa) under two distinct training settings and across three carefully planned experimental setups.
By doing so, we present a highly exhaustive analysis of the performance of Transformer-based
models on Indian languages, something which has been lacking in this research space. Our best
models reach or improve the state-of-the-art results across multiple tasks and languages.
One of the most important aspects of our analysis is that we directly compare our trained language
models with their existing multilingual counterparts. Upon comparison, our results demonstrate
that while monolingual models perform better for some tasks/languages, the improvement attained,
if at all, is marginal at best. Our analysis also shows that some variants of Transformer models
might be better suited to your needs depending on the available resources, training-dataset size,
and downstream task. Furthermore, our experiments also show that competitive results can be
Classification Accuracy (Te)
100 POS F1 (Te)
QA F1 (Te)
80 Classification Accuracy (Hi)
POS F1 (Hi)
QA F1 (Hi)
60 Classification Accuracy (Bn)
POS F1 (Bn)
QA F1 (Bn)
Setup A Setup B Setup C
Figure 1: Relationship between the dataset size that the language model was trained on and
its performance on various downstream task. The Y-axis here denotes the generic metric
which is F1 score in case of pos tagging and qa and accuracy in case of text classification.
achieved by using Transformer models as feature extractors and training different layers on top
(lstm for best results).
We observed that a Byte-Level BPE (in roberta) affects model performance especially in qa tasks.
In our follow up work, we aim to explore the impact of tokenizers choice on Indian languages.
We notice that the Telugu language model tends to perform well in the qa task despite a lower
monolingual dataset size (Table 9). This encourages us to explore more on what combination of
monolingual dataset size and task level dataset size is sufficient to train models with high accuracy
on language inference tasks (an area where there is a lot of room for improvement).
7 Future Scope
While there is still a lot of work to do in this area, we outline a few ideas that we hope to pursue
in the future. Firstly, we need to create larger corpora for under-resourced languages in order
to train more powerful and efficient language models. This work shows that monolingual models
trained from the data currently available perform only marginally better than multilingual models.
Secondly, we also establish the need of curating annotated datasets for various downstream tasks
like pos Tagging and qa in Indian languages and more importantly, make them easily accessible
to the research community. At the same time, we need to create uniformly annotated datasets and
benchmarks for Indian languages so that new approaches can be compared easily. [51] very recently
released such a benchmark for Indian languages called the IndicGLUE, which we believe is a step
in the right direction.
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8 Appendix
Setup B Setup C
Hindi Bengali Telugu Hindi Bengali Telugu
Distilbert 300 MB 300 MB 300 M 10 GB 6 GB 2 GB
bert 300 MB 300 MB 300 M 3 GB 3.1 GB 1.6 GB
roberta - - - 10 GB 6 GB 2 GB
xlm-roberta 300 MB 300 MB 300 MB 3 GB 3.1 GB 1.6 GB
Table 6: A comparison of the dataset sizes used for training different language models
B.1 Telugu
B.2 Bengali
B.3 Hindi
C Training metrics for Text Classification
This section shows similar graphs for text classification. Here we have taken plots for mdistilbert
from setup A to demonstrate our experimental setups.
C.1 Telugu
C.2 Bengali
C.3 Hindi
D Results for Mask Filling
We show the results of mask filling for each of our language models. We used human translators
to translate “It is important to be able to communicate with them”. The word corresponding to
“communicate” was masked for each language.
Human Translations उनके साथ संवाद करने में सक्षम होना महत्वपूणर् है
BERT Base Cased (Setup A) उनक साथ न करन म सकषम होना महतवपरण ह
BERT Base Uncased (Setup A) उनक साथ काम करन म सकषम होना महतवपरण ह
BERT Scratch (Setup C) उनक साथ काम करन म सकषम होना महतवपरण ह
BERT Finetuned (Setup B) उनक साथ काम करन म सकषम होना महतवपरण ह
DistilBERT Scratch (Setup C) उनक साथ काम करन म सकषम होना महतवपरण ह
RoBERTa Scratch (Setup C) उनके साथ मदद करने में सक्षम होना महत्वपूणर् है
XLM-RoBERTa Base (Setup A) उनके साथ काम करने में सक्षम होना महत्वपूणर् है
XLM-RoBERTa Scratch (Setup C) उनके साथ काम करने में सक्षम होना महत्वपूणर् है