Cargo Midterms Reviewer
Cargo Midterms Reviewer
Cargo Midterms Reviewer
1. Who is required to indicate the time of 11. Which among the following shall report to
intended departure? proper authorities any vessel of
Answer: Master of the Vessel commercial registry manifestly built for
2. Which among the following shall be warlike purposes and about to depart from
responsible for reporting the arrival of a the Philippines with a cargo consisting
foreign aircraft to the District Collector or principally of arms and munitions of war?
to the customs officer detailed to meet the Answer: District Collector
aircraft at the place of first landing? 12. Who may grant the entry of goods
Answer: Pilot in Command unloaded from a vessel which entered to
3. which among the following refer to the act a port from necessity?
of throwing away of cargoes to save life or Answer: District Collector
property at sea?
Answer: Jettison 13. For nonscheduled arrivals, Before an
4. What is the allowable period wherein aircraft comes into any area in the
vessels may extend their stay in a port of Philippines from any place outside
entry? thereof, a timely notice of the _______
Answer: 48 hours max shall be furnished to the District Collector
5. Who are the composition of the board of or other customs officer-in-charge.
referees? Answer: Intended flight
Answer: Philippine Postal 14. Vessels which encountered stress of
Corporation, BOC and, agent of the weather my be allowed to enter a port of
vessel entry, other than her designated port of
6. How much is the security for warlike entry. Goods which were unloaded from
vessels? necessity may be allowed to enter the
Answer: NONE port, other than her designated port of
double the value of the vessel and cargo entry, and may be reloaded to proceed to
7. What is the period wherein the master of its original port of entry.
the vessel, after its entrance to port out of
necessity, make a protest under oath Answer: Both statements are correct
setting forth the causes of such necessity?
15. Notice of arrivals for all incoming aircrafts (BOC Function- Suppression and
are expected by the Bureau of Customs, prevention of smuggling and facilitation
the District Collector in Particular. Aircraft of International trade, In addition to that
operators or its agent are likewise part of the function of the BOC is the
expected by the BOC to submit a copy of
supervision and control foreign vessels
their cargo and passenger manifest.
Answer: 1st statement is true, 2nd is which the Bay Service Section executes.)
false The Bay Service Section shall be headed
by a Chief, who shall have direct
supervision and control over all
MANUAL personnel therein. He (CHIEF) shall issue
instructions to the Customs Senior
Administrative Provisions
Boarding Officer (Part of Boarding
❑ Bay Service Section or equivalent office team), and who shall in turn be held.
Uniform & Insignia (Piers and Inspection
responsible for their proper execution of
the instructions given from time to time
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of COOIII
and to render reports.
(Customs Senior Boarding Officer)
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of COOI Uniforms & Insignia (Piers and Inspection
(Customs Inspector) Division)
❑ Port Utilization Section
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant (Insignia- Logo of the BOC or particular
Customs Operations Officer office in the BOC)
(Wharfingers) ➢ The Chief, Bay Service Section,
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant Customs Senior Boarding Officers,
Customs Operations Officer (Designated Customs Inspectors, Customs Guards
Assistant Wharfingers) and Wharfingers shall always wear the
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant appropriate and prescribed uniform,
Customs Operations Officer (Customs insignia, name plate, Customs badge,
Guards) black shoes and regulation cap. (The
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant essence of wearing proper uniform is to
Customs Operations Officer. establish authority)
(Designated Customs Gatekeeper