5f6301accae47 Chakshu Jindal

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Software Engineer
B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology

[email protected] +91 9790713787

linkedin.com/in/chakshujindal github.com/chakshujindal

A career that encompasses professional skills, the work atmosphere that appreciates performance and
teamwork, provides ample career advancement opportunities in keeping with formal education and personal

Software Developer at Société Générale Global Solution Center, Bangalore Jul’19 – Jun’20
• Python Developer in Airflow-as-a-service, responsible for designing
workflows and maintaining middleware components.
• Python Developer and System Reliability Engineer in a cloud platform team
responsible building Amazon ElastiCache like Highly available Caching-as-

Internship at Société Générale Global Solution Center, Bangalore Jan’19 - Jun’19

• Backend Python Developer in a platform team responsible building
Amazon ElastiCache like Highly available Caching-as-a-service

Internship at CT Infotech, Karur April’18 - Jun’18

• PLC programming using Structured Text, HMI development to control

Internship at ITC Ltd, Haridwar May’17 - Jun’17

• Developed an inventory management system & Gate Pass System.

Internship at Hackr.io May’17 - Jun’17

• Online internship at Hackr.io as a Programming and Marketing Intern.
• Developed a Facial Mood Detection system & Content creator.

Degree University Institute Year CGPA/%

B. Tech (Computer Sc.) UGC Vellore Institute of Technology 2015-2019 8.92

Intermediate/+2 CBSE Delhi Public School, Ranipur, Haridwar 2014-2015 80.6%
Matriculation CBSE Delhi Public School, Ranipur, Haridwar 2012-2013 9.8


Python C++ Java Ansible SQL Flask REST Airflow

reStructuredText UNIX Redis Postgres SpringBoot TDD DevOps

Airflow - Société Générale GSC
• Author workflows as Directed Acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks by using Apache airflow.
• Install, configure and troubleshoot Middleware components (AWX)
• Engage in problem and incident solving using pre-defined procedures and troubleshooting
knowledge gained from past experience
• Contribute to documentation and review standards and operational procedures
• Enforce technical and security standards for infrastructure and services

Caching-as-a-Service - Société Générale GSC

• Python application based on Flask framework using automation to create Open-stack virtual
machines and automated Ansible based installation of Redis service Replication and Sharding,
hosted using Docker-Kubernetes CI/CD model.
• Set up CI/CD DevOps, Dev labels, Architecture labels.
• Designing playbook roles and creation of Redis instance.
• Support to clients and Marketing of the service.
• Test Driven Development and Agile model, often worked as scrum master.

Cloud based Weather Monitoring System (IOT)

• An Arduino based temperature and humidity sensing system that processes and keeps on transmitting
data locally and to the Cloud over a Wi-Fi connection. Helpful for mountain trekkers, etc.

Facial Mood Detection System (Image Processing)

• Implementing Fisherface algorithm using opencv which detects the mood of the person’s face and
displays it thereby. Designed specifically for the human face which works on Webcam and the image
datasets extracted from social media, but also works on objects sometimes.

Parktel: Parking Management System (DBMS, Software Engineering & Web Development)
• A website which can help you to reserve a parking place among different locations in different cities.
Using MySQL database with php, HTML and CSS.
Real time Analytics on Top trending # hashtags on Twitter (Big Data)
• TOP TEN TRENDING #COMMENTS using Apache Storm, which fetches the live comments of twitter
and helps to do analysis on it

• Award - Best Learner of the month Sep • Award – Best Team of the Quarter Oct
• 4th rank in B. Tech First year • All India Rank 11th in B. Fad
• Won Coding Competition in C++ • Won various essay writing and painting
championship and placed 3rd in python competitions
programming Competition • Social Work via SG’s Corporate Citizenship
• An Orator and a Toastmaster ‘Model School Program’.
• Participation in various DEBATES and MUNs • Organized “TURN COAT DEBATE” in the
like VITness Leadership Summit, Joint War “Vibrance” Fest in March 2017 in VIT
Cabinet, etc. Chennai.

• Complete Python Bootcamp on Udemy • Introduction to Python Programming on
• The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop – Tame Udemy
your Big data! on Udemy • Real time Analytics with Apache Storm on
• Courses on Pluralsight on Python, Testing, Udacity
TDD, Flask • Learning Angular - Node.js and SpringBoot
in Java
• “If naa janasi pure Saskritam” article in “Unnayan”, an annual magazine by DPS Ranipur, Haridwar in
December, 2012.
• Content writer on Quora

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