Implementation of A Simulation Model Using The Systems Dynamics: Case Study From Study of Mass To Digital Manufacturing

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Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51


Implementation of a Simulation Model Using the Systems

Dynamics: Case Study from Study of Mass to Digital
Carolina Araújo1, Fernando Vázquez Ramos2
(Master Program in Architecture, University São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, Brazil).

With computer technology reaching the construction industry, much has changed in the way that these are
idealized and designed. Currently, with the increasing availability of tools for the development of the models and
parametric models intended for digital manufacturing, the insertion of these characteristics as design tool allows
the designer to test solutions on various factors that permeate the design process, especially as regards the
constructive points. The experience of the parameterisation dynamics and the dynamics of digital manufacturing
from the design of the project allows the development of complex geometries, since the control their properties
the analyses of structural variables of environmental comfort and aesthetics. The growth of the complexity of the
projects and the capacity of computing resources, has arisen the need to use a more systemic approach, as well as
have emerged the simulation programs based on dynamic systems, a digital simulation methodology in order to
understand complex forms, which is part of the concept of systemic thought for the resolution of problems. The
objective is in this Article is to identify and analyse the aspects of potential simulation based on dynamic
systems and demonstrate a practical case drawn up in Dynamo software.
Keywords: Automated Production, Dynamo Software, Manufacturing Process, Parametric Model, System

I. INTRODUCTION dynamics of the parameterisation, dynamics of

Digital manufacturing, as well as any digital manufacturing, and the dynamics of systems,
software that allows the parameterisation has shown introducing the graphical interface of programming
innovative results, combining efficiency, speed and Dynamo, software that allows you to customise
precision to the design process. The potential that certain model in order to facilitate the analysis of
these new technologies bring to the production and conceptual solutions and the behaviour of elements
management of projects extends the dimensional and parametric data.
processing of forms, collaborating in spatial Concomitantly, an empirical approach
understanding and in the development of models that that portrays the dynamics of model simulation, the
can be prototyped. [1]. The dynamics of calibration demonstration of a case study since the process of
and the dynamics of digital manufacturing allow conceptualization of the project up to its finalisation.
projects which are versatile and of different This process is divided into two steps, the creative
applications, since once the parametric data is set, process, which covers the conceptualisation and
the shaping change becomes much more agile. modelling in the Revit software, and the process
To introduce the concepts of calibration of digital manufacturing, which extends from the
(aspects of design translated into numbers), digital study of masses to finishing in the Dynamo
manufacturing (production of elements which can be software. The analysis of the experience of systems
constructed as a result of digital processes), and dynamics, in the developed model, previously
systems dynamics (analysis of complex systems and enabled a greater understanding of the possibilities
dynamic), the objective is to present the operation of in the development of complex geometries.
a simulation of a model using the systems dynamics
in the Dynamo software, contemplating the study of III. DYNAMIC CALIBRATION
masses, analyses, and the process of digital The current stage of parametricism is
manufacturing. related with the steady advance of digital
programming technologies, sophisticated parametric
II. METHOD OF APPLICATION techniques and parametric modelling. Parametricism
This article presents part of the data of a emerges from creative exploration of systems for
broader research on design processes whose parametric drawing, in order to articulate processes
methodology is sustained by the two fundamental of increasingly complex projects. Works toward
pillars. First in a theoretical discussion about the complexity organised (governed by rules) that
assimilates parametric jobs to natural systems, where 43 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

all forms are the result of forces that interact by The dynamic processes intervene in the
means of rules. As well as the natural systems, the concept in a dynamic way, where the adjective
parametric compositions are integrated and cannot ''dynamic'' refers not only to a flexible way that
easily be broken down into subsystems independent. can be modified over time, but also to the creative
[2] process, that is, continuous flows are part of
The characteristics of parametricism are programmatic formulation, the phases of the design
due to the advance in the systems architecture, and its construction. [7].
scripts, processes, software design, new techniques The shape is generated by the manipulation
of parametric modelling, new possibilities of of commands, within rules established by the user.
building materials and techniques. In figures 1 and 2 In this process geometry and parameters dialogue
we observe forms guided by parametric data. and the shape is edited, transformed, decomposed or
The parameters are the aspects of the fragmented. However, there are different ways to
project translated into numbers which are connected shape in the virtual environment, either free shaping
to the geometrical entities of the digital model. or the one resulting from parameters. There are,
Designing with parameters requires the therefore, modelling tools for complex shapes and
establishment of the series of parametric principles tools that generate shapes from ideas or data
and the creation of a model that includes geometric sequence translated by the parameters; both define
elements defined by its mutable variables, acting as the transformational behaviour of the shape.
an interconnected information system. [3] In the analysis of these techniques Oxman
and Liu in 2004 [8], and also Dennis Dollens in
2002 [9], show that the computer, in some cases, has
become a co-protagonist of conception and
idealization of the project, almost a co-designer, a
collaborator in the definition of the shape. [10].
According to Oxman [7], the combination
of interactivity with generated, processed and
manipulated variables derived from
parameterisation, generate shapes with a large
degree of accuracy, in the scope of the project.
Fig.1Evolutionary Computation, Jens Mehlan, Thus, the digital model has parameters for
Christoph Opperer, Jorg Hugo, 2006. Source: the modelling from surfaces, extrusion, surfaces of
Architectural Design, 2009, p. 73. [4]. revolution, solid modelling, modelling of free-form,
among others, which are mathematical
representations of three-dimensional geometry, from
a simple 2D line, circle, arc or curve, to more
complex surface or solid 3D free shapes. Because of
their flexibility and accuracy, the models can be
used since the design until the manufacture of rapid
prototyping processes. [10].


Fig.2 Code [9], Patrik Schumacher Studio, 2014. The technological innovation that the areas
Available at: of design and construction industry have achieved in
<Http://>. recent decades is due in large part to the rapid
development of the computing industry, which has
The parametric description of forms is an introduced new techniques, established new
extremely versatile representation of curves and challenges and created new tools in the routine of
complex surfaces. The values of the parameters can architects. Thus, it has become possible to use digital
be modified and thus changing the shape of the geometrical models directly for the production of
curve, without their fundamental description physical artefacts, from scale models and prototypes
expressed by data provided is amended. [5]. in actual size until finished parts for civil
The highest value of the parameter is construction. [11].
the ''ability to define, determine and reconfigure the In the area of architecture, engineering and
geometric relationships''. [6]. In highly complex construction, the three-dimensional processing has
forms, the parametricism is paramount for the nowadays become the standard process in several
holistic control and for the dynamic processes of the procedures, making rapid prototyping and digital
form. manufacturing a major ally in the new challenges of 44 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

the design process. One of the main benefits of ever

greater development of its use is the option to have
visualisation as great collaborator of spatial
understanding, as well as complementing and path
for the confection of rapidly prototyped models. This
new possibility has caused a huge impact from the
beginning of the design process until its
construction, contributing to changes in the form of
design and in its production, automating tasks and
introducing new technologies. [11].
The technology of digital manufacturing is
reconfiguring the relationship between design and
the production of shapes, creating an inter-
relationship between what can be designed and what Fig.4 Metropol Parasol, Jürgen Mayer H. Architects
can be built. Digital processes are opening new (2004-2011). Available at:
territories in the exploration of concepts, forms and <Http://
tectonic of these forms, articulating the morphology 2/metropol-parasols-sevilla-espanha.html>. Access
and topology focused on emergent properties and in: 08 Apr. 2016.
their adjustments. This enables the designer to
produce and run very complex shapes that, not long The methods for the automated production
ago, could not be designed and built using the of digitally tooled parts can be categorized according
traditional means. [10]. to their purpose, according to the number of
An example of that in their use in rapid dimensions with which they work, and also
prototyping, which are being gradually incorporated according to the way they produce the objects.
not only to the possibility of building free shapes or Regarding its purpose, they can be intended for the
seeking ways, but also to the possibility to generate production of prototypes, i.e. assessment
shapes allied with the concepts of dynamic systems models, known as prototyping methods
and pre-manufacturing. (prototyping). The production of final products, such
Thus, interdependencies between elements as building elements to be directly employed in the
and the definition of behaviour of these elements construction, are referred to as fabrication systems or
during the formal transformations are established. manufacturing. [12].
An example of digital manufacturing process can be Professor Regiane Trevisan Pupo [13]
seen in figures 3 and 4, the Metropol Parasol project describes step by step the digital manufacturing
(2004-2011), Sevilla - Spain, by Jürgen Mayer H. processes of a building element, from its conception
Architects. The project comprises 3,000 pieces of until its use in the construction site, from a digital
wood, the largest wooden structure in the world, model:
which conforms six mushroom-shaped parasols.  The design of the architectural form;
 Construction of a building element;
 Preparation of the model to which parametric
data shall be set;
 Analyses;
 Finishing;
 The building elements ready to be used in the
 Location of building elements;
 Wrap Up.

Among the techniques and methods used in

the design process, three terminologies portray how
digital tools of control in shape generation, but with
different concepts and characteristics: the parametric
Fig.3 Metropol Parasol, Jürgen Mayer H. Architects model, building information model and the digital
(2004-2011). Available at: manufacturing. The BIM platform presupposes the
<Http:// parametric model in its functionality, but not all
/11.130/4066>. Access in: 08 Apr. 2016. parametric models assume the BIM platform. BIM
systems comprise a set of programmes and
computational applications that include analysis,
structure, mechanical, automation and building 45 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

control and management systems and subsystems, enable metamorphoses on objects and between
amongst others. After an object and shape oriented objects, dynamic joints between parts of objects and
programming, the systems could be integrated into a the implementation of forces either external or
digital 3D model. BIM is a platform for digital internal to the object. [10].
manufacturing building, however, that does not The application of a force variable as an
always happen. It is possible to manufacture the initial condition becomes the cause of both the
elements through rapid prototyping without movement and the specific inflections of the shape.
necessarily the object have been designed using The dynamic simulation takes into consideration the
BIM. Although they are associated with issues of effects of forces in the movement of an object or a
high performance and productivity during the system of objects, especially the force not originated
preparation of the project, it can be said that the in the system itself: physical properties of objects,
project has a parametric strong action in the such as mass, elasticity, statics and kinetic friction
generation of shape; on the other hand, BIM can be are defined; gravity or wind forces are applied;
associated with techniques of rapid prototyping, collision and detection of obstacles forces and
propitiating the digital manufacturing of computerized dynamic simulations are specified.
components. [10]. Therefore, the shape may be subject to a continuous
The difference between the new production evolution, by the use of animation and force
methods based on digital models and the old simulation techniques, which can represent the flows
methods of mass production is that the new of people or of traffic, weather phenomena or any
production methods are not intended to produce other type of force. [10].
identical copies of the same product. On the
contrary, they are sufficiently adaptable systems to VI. GRAPHICAL PROGRAMMING
produce a large spectrum of different shapes, INTERFACE OF DYNAMO SOFTWARE
i.e. mass customization, i.e. standardized Autodesk’s Dynamo software provides a
production. [12]. visual programming interface that allows you to
customise certain model in order to facilitate the
V. DYNAMIC SYSTEM analysis of conceptual solutions and the behaviour of
The methodology System Dynamics is used elements and parametric data.
to analyse complex and dynamic systems. Created in The visual programming software
1961 by Professor Jay W. Forrester, from the Dynamo is a concept that offers users the means for
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, it was the construction of programmatic relations using a
firstly applied in engineering, but it is currently a graphical interface. Instead of typing a given “code"
tool for the analysis of administrative, social, from scratch, the user can combine custom relations
economic, physical, chemical, biological and by connecting nodes together to produce a specific
ecological systems. [14]. custom algorithm. This means that the user can
Nowadays, there are several software obtain shapes from computational concepts, without
programmes based on System Dynamics in the the need to writing the code. (Fig. 5 and 6). [16].
market. The great advantage of those software, Dynamo is a plug-in for Autodesk Vasari
compared to the ones based on other methodologies, and Revit that allows the design process, custom
is their flexibility and comprehensiveness. The automation through a node-based visual
software based on System Dynamics allow, for programming interface. Once the software is
example, to model a process of industrial programmed to precisely calculate complex systems,
production, linked to the financial accounting capacities of data manipulation, relational and
system, and if necessary the market in which the geometric control structures (that are not possible in
company would be inserted or even the a conventional modelling interface) are given. In
socioeconomic system. All that in a model generally addition, it is possible to leverage the pre-established
impossible to be solved through mathematical shapes and the work flows of computational design
analysis, though possible to be built without within the context of a BIM environment. [16].
requiring advanced knowledge in mathematics from
the user. [15].
Modelling is a creative and individual
process, fruit of a systemic way of seeing the world
in which there are multiple forms of simulating the
same model, which depends on the software
employed, tools and parametric data supplied.
System Dynamics was the methodology that
substantiate the development of software such as
Dynamo, Stella, Vensin and Ithing. Such software 46 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

The connections of the scripts that

determine the programming sequence (wires) of
Dynamo link nodes to create relationships and
establish a programme flow, like electrical wires that
carry impulses of information from one object to
another. The wires connecting the output of a node
to the entry of another node, are represented as
dashes when dragged, and solid lines when
connected successfully. The nodes can represent
elements of the Revit in the form of reference points
or operations such as math functions with inputs and
outputs. Each node gets data, codes, parameters that
connect together with the wires to form a visual
Fig.5 Node-based visual programming interface in
program. [16]. However, we believe that the visual
Dynamo. Available in:
and interactive interface of the software is graphic as
to simplify the operating system software, a visual
invention to ease the understanding of the
Access on: 08 Apr. 2016
programming system friendly interface.
The ports are rectangular areas, receptors
for the wires. The information flows through the
ports, which are prone to receive a certain type of
data, for example, a node you can connect with XYZ
inputs and outputs, which are the coordinate points
in space, or connect with the reference points, which
are the elements of the Revit. (Fig.7). [16].

Fig.6 Interactive interface of Dynamo with Revit.

Available in:
Access on: 08 Apr. 2016
Fig.7 Example of nodes, wires and ports in the
Some of the characteristics allowed by Dynamo: Dynamo software.
 Visual Programming allied to Revit and Vasari Source: Dynamo: Visual programming for Design,
software; p. 12. [16].
 Usage of geometry extracted from the Revit;
 Dynamo geometry: nodes, wires, points, Figure 8 depicts a metal lattice, being an
vectors, lines, solids, parameters; adaptive component, which was developed from
three curves and the XYZ matrix. We determine the
 Management of the parameters of the Revit
spatial position of each curve node, and provide the
building model;
data of each node, so we obtain the lattice in
 Analysis of constraints, structural analysis;
function of the geometry of the curves.
 Options for conceptual parametric pre-
established shapes;
 Parametric flexibility;
 Adaptive component;
 Automating tasks;
 Custom nodes, custom functionality to reuse
 Interoperable workflows for documentation,
manufacturing, coordination, simulation and
 Import and export documentation data, analyses
and manufacture in Excel spreadsheets; Fig.8 Example of an adaptive lattice in Dynamo
 Control structures to the creation, positioning software
and visualization of geometry. 47 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

Source: Dynamo: Visual programming for design, As demonstrated in Figure 10, during the
p. 25. [16]. creative process, in Revit Architecture, it was
possible to develop the modelling of the
In the manipulations panel of the software architectural design, modelling of structures in steel
it is also possible to obtain data from analyses of deck and steel frame, modelling of hydraulic
constraints, such as the example in Figure 9, the elements, modelling of components, the
analysis of the model built from data as the position representation of views in blueprints, cuts, elevations
of the sun, date and place. With the solar simulation, and perspectives, the documentation of tables, and
we verified that the Dynamo software provides data the possibilities for drawing regarding the formal
the size of each amount and panel. The panel sizes aspects in an organic language.
vary in order to fit the project and the results of the Each component modelled on Revit has
analyses are extracted as an Excel spreadsheet. been added or modified according to the needs of the
project. All the components have been defined with
parameters, determining its characteristics,
restrictions and behaviour in any view on the file.
Thus, a floor, for example, can be visualised on
different views with every information and
characteristic entered therein, such as: coatings,
thickness and levels, amongst others.
In the drawing box of the software, in plant,
two-dimensional view, various types of shapes and
volumes of the model were outlined; for the final
result of the towers we explored the mass tool in
which we designed the curved perimeter of volume
in the basement, copied this same perimeter in the
crowning floor and, when copying, supplied
parameters and the degree of rotation for all floors,
thus allowing twisted volumes.
Fig.9 Example of solar analysis in Dynamo
Source: Dynamo: Visual programming for design,
p. 39. [16].


The case study presented here demonstrates
the processes of architectural drawings with the BIM
method, the results of a 3D view, the notion of
computational tools and their ability to use such
tools in a complex and curvaceous geometry in the
Revit software.
The model is a multifunctional complex,
chosen from exploratory nature and qualitative
approach, which aims to understand the perception
and the behaviour of a model simulation, combined Fig.10 Case Study, creative process in Revit.
with the application of digital manufacturing Source: The authors.
developed in the Dynamo software.
As aforementioned, the methods address The way to design with Revit rather
since the process of conceptualization of the project facilitated the work, generating details in the
up to its finalisation. The process was divided into application of the modelling. The software allowed
two steps which were crossed in several moments, that the generation of quantitative in tables and
making possible the understanding of shape and documents were made automatically, as well as the
their more accurate solutions: tables of private and common areas, and tables of
 Creative process: conceptualization and frames.
modelling in the Revit software; Through the experience of the simulation
 Digital manufacturing process: study of masses, we obtained a virtual reality of space, which is
finalized in Dynamo; defined by the systems dynamics, creating a 3D 48 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51

interactive environment that can be experienced by

those who manipulate it.
The characteristic of storing information
and every step of the project defines the relationship
between the design of the project and its final result,
for the file contains the entire lifespan of the project
and the building built in a virtual environment. This
not only requires the understanding of the concepts
of constructive elements, but also the limitations and
possibilities of those elements conducted virtually.
The usage of Dynamo software alongside Fig.12 Stage of constraints analyses of the case
with Revit for the development of the digital study. Source: The authors.
manufacturing process made it possible to organize
those processes on the computer, the model for the In the stage of model structure elaboration,
spatial representations and to the final assembly of the modelling began in Revit, from the defined
the integrated model, in order to allow the structural mesh on steel frame and steel deck and the
manufacturing process contemplating: concept, positioning of the pillars that were used as reference
analyses, structure, floors, panels and finalisation. for the positioning of the beams. After inserting the
In the conceptualization stage, volumetry beams, we placed the slabs. All of the wooden
was developed from a closed curve drawn on the beams and the elements that compose the slab were
mass environment of Revit. Subsequently the modelled, completing the structural model of the
creation of geometry in the Dynamo, specifying the building.
parameters as the height of the top, the displacement In Dynamo, the mass created was imported
of the top in relation to the X or Y axis, rotation of to the project, thus enabling the automatic creation
basis in relation to the Z axis and rotation of the top of levels using the Dyno Browser solution in order
in relation to the Z axis, allowed the automatic to generate the mass floors. The creation of the mass
creation of mass in the Revit, making it also possible floors was automatically generated in Revit from the
to be manipulated in the Dynamo. (Fig.11). created levels, which served as basic geometry for
the determination of the height of the columns. Due
to the organic shape of mass we developed a
“bridging” method of it in Dynamo for elaboration
of the structure. Thus, the columns of circular
section were also generated automatically, and
finally the adjustment of the columns in Revit.

Fig. 11 Step of conceptualization of the case study.

Source: The authors.

In the analyses of constraints and geo-

referencing stage, we specified information such as
date, time and positioning of the sun, which allowed
the analysis of sunshine on a given area of the mass,
Fig.13 Stage of the structure elaboration of the case
thus extracting every data into Excel. The
calculation was done based on direction of the sun
Source: The authors.
and the scalar product of the mass surface normal at
various points. (Fig.12).
In the stage of the floors elaboration, they
were automatically generated in Revit, taking mass
floors as a basis, making it possible to edit them in
several aspects, such as finishing, structural
materials and total thickness, for instance. This way,
it also possible to assess different behaviours of
coating materials, manipulating its variables and
tolerance. (Fig.14). 49 | P a g e
Carolina Araújo . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -2) July 2016, pp.43-51


The application of a simulation model using
system dynamics allowed more flexibility and scope
as an alternative to understand the processes of
digital manufacturing.
The virtual environment allowed us to
simulate and integrate shapes and aspects of physical
space, involve the inter-relations of the proposed
project with the capabilities of the software, as well
as identify compositional strategy, their
Fig.14 Stage of mass floor elaboration of the case programmatic aspects and their structural design.
study. In seeking this integrity, spatial
Source: The authors. organization in the software provided exploring
dynamic joints; besides, parametric modelling
In the stage of the panels elaboration, from techniques, alongside with the involvement of
the selection of the mass faces, the panels were computational tools, have become essential for the
automatically generated in Revit. Once we set the development of the case study.
laminated tempered glass for the facades, it also
allowed us to study the profiles of the metallic joints IX. CONCLUSION
that support the windows, which auto fit according The systemic thought is a valuable
to volume and parametric data. (Fig.16). instrument for the understanding of the complexity
of the shapes and the simulation based on System
Dynamics enables the emergence of capabilities as a
systemic view, employment of information as a
work tool, visualization of strategies and formal
compositions, creative capacity and project design.
The experience of system dynamics asks a
series of imponderables factors which intervenes to
modelling, such as extracting new models,
behaviour, parameters, references, a series of
elements that contribute to our perception and
identify the special features or differences in
Fig.16 Stage of panels elaboration of the case study.
simulations of space.
Source: The authors.

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