EPRI - Corona Phenomena

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Corona Phenomena

Bernie Clairmont
Transmission Line Design
& Operations Seminar
Lenox, Massachusetts
June 2002
Corona Phenomena

CORONA: Electrical discharges due to the

breakdown (ionization) of air at the surface of a

conductor when the electric field at the surface

(surface gradient) exceeds a certain critical value.

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 2

Corona Inception: Peek’s Law

 0.3 
E 0 = 30Mδ 1 + 
 δr
E0 = inception gradient (kV/m)
M = surface “roughness” factor (0 < M < 1)
= 1 for a smooth cylinder
D = relative air density = 3.92 P/T
P = atmospheric pressure (cm of Hg)
T = temperature (oK)
r = conductor radius TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 3
How Corona Happens

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Corona Effects
z Corona loss = ∫ IVdt
z Radio interference
z Television interference
z Audible noise
z Ozone

z For DC, space charge and ion current

(and sensations)

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 6

Influencing Factors
z Conductor surface condition:
nicks, scratches, loose strands
z Fair weather sources:
insects, pollen, etc.
z Foul weather sources:
rain drops, snowflakes
z Conductor aging
z Atmospheric conditions:
humidity, air density
z Altitude:
air density
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 7
DC Corona

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AC Corona
z Mixed mode + Corona
z Positive noise dominates

- Corona
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Components of AN Spectrum
z Broadband
z Incoherent pressure waves
z ‘Random’ addition

z Pure tone
z 120 Hz, 240 Hz ...
z Phase addition

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Pure Tone Component
z AC:
z Cyclical motion of space charge 120 Hz, 240 Hz, ...

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No Pure Tone Component
z DC:
z Unidirectional motion of space charge no pure tones

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Broadband Component

z AC line noise highest in rain

z Design for acceptability in rain, then no problem in
fair weather

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Broadband Component

z DC line noise highest in fair weather and

onset of rain

z Space charge suppresses large corona bursts

when conductors saturate with water drops

z More concern in fair weather

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AC Audible Noise
Frequency Spectrum

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DC Audible Noise
Frequency Spectrum

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Audible Noise Propagation
z Broadband
z Consider a single conductor

A = accoustic power generation per length (w/m)

∆ power = A ∆x
A ⋅ ∆x
∆J =
4π r 2
δ cA ⋅ ∆x
∆P = δ c ⋅ ∆J =
4π r 2
δ = air density (1.29 kg/m3 )
c = velocity of sound (331 m/s)
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 17
Audible Noise Propagation
z No correlation between sources
δ cA +l / 2
P = ∑ ∆P 
→ ∫ 2 ∆x →0
− l / 2 4π r
i 2
2 2
r = R2 + x
+l / 2
δ cA
P= ∫ 4π ( R + x )
2 2
−l / 2

δ cA −1 l π
P= tan ( ) tan ( l
)= for l 2R
2π R 2 R 2R 2

δ cA
P ≈
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 18
Audible Noise
PdB = 20 log
PdB = 10 log A + 10 log − 10log R − 20 log
P0 = 20 µ Pa (1Pa = 1 N m 2
air absorption ≈ .02R(dB)

PdB = 10 log A + 114.3 − 10log R − .02 R

No ground reflection term for broadband

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Pure Tone (120 Hz)
A h ⋅ ∆x
2π R ⋅ ∆x Cylindrical
δ cA h pressure
P= direct wave wave
2π R
z Ground reflection
P ref = KPs
δ cA h
Ps =
2π S
K = ground reflection coefficient
≈ 1 at 120 Hz
No air absorption term at 120 Hz
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 20
Pure Tone
z Instantaneous
δ cA h 2π R
P= 2 cos(ω t-φ -
2π R λ
δ cA h 2π S
Ps = 2 cos(ω t-φ -
2π S λ
φ = initial phase angle (can be taken as zero for 1 conductor case)
λ = wavelength of 120 Hz wave
≈ 2.85m

z Total is calculated from phasor addition

P%Tot = P% + P%S

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 21

Multiple Conductors
z Broadband
A1, A2, A3 uncorrelated

PTot = Σ n Pi2
i =1

PTot dB = 10log Σ 10
n Pi dB /10
i =1

Pi dB = 10log A i + 114.3 − 10log Ri − .02 R
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 22
Pure Tone

A1, A2, A3 correlated

%P = Σ n ( P% + P% )
Tot i si
i =1

 δ cA i 
P%i =  , ( −φi − 2π Ri / λ ) 
 2π Ri 
 δ cA i 
P%si =  , ( −φi − 2π Si / λ ) 
 2π Si 
TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 23
Audible Noise
z Typical lateral profile of the 120-Hz hum component
of ac transmission-line audible noise

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 24

Audible Noise
z Attenuation of different weighting networks
used in audible-noise

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 25

Audible Noise
z Example of 120-Hz,
pure-tone profiles
for different heights
of microphone
above ground
(generation in dB
above 1µW/m)

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 26

Audible Noise
z Effect of temperature,
relative humidity,
and frequency
on air absorption of
sound-pressure waves

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 27

Audible Noise
z Variation of audible noise before, during, and after
a rain period (conductors, 3.31 cm; center phase
gradient, 15.3 kV/cm; outer phase gradient,
14.2 kV/cm)

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 28

Audible Noise
z Variation of audible noise during a period of fog
(conductors, 3.31 cm; center phase gradient,
16.3 kV/cm; outer phase gradient, 15.6 kV/cm)

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 29

Statistical Nature of Corona

z Sources are distributed randomly

z Effects are statistical – especially audible noise

z L5 (level exceeded 5% of the time)
z L50 (level exceeded 50% of the time)
z Leq (24) (24-hour coverage)
z Ldn (average with added penalty for night)

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 30

765 kV Example
Audible Noise Profile


A ud bi el N o si e - dB (A )



-200 -100 0 100 200 300

Distance ( meters )
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TLW Printout

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Noise Regulations

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State ‘Land-Use’ Regulations

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BPA (1972) Complaint

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Radio Noise
z TLW printout

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z TLW printout

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Corona Loss
z TLW printout

TL Seminar E-Fields June 2002 #1 P. 38

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