This musical arrangement is titled "Too Darn Hot" and was arranged by Rasmus Krigström. The lyrics describe being too lazy tonight because it is too darn hot. The vocals include a tenor/lead singing the lyrics and a baritone/bass providing backup vocals repeating the phrase "Too Darn Hot! Way too hot!"
This musical arrangement is titled "Too Darn Hot" and was arranged by Rasmus Krigström. The lyrics describe being too lazy tonight because it is too darn hot. The vocals include a tenor/lead singing the lyrics and a baritone/bass providing backup vocals repeating the phrase "Too Darn Hot! Way too hot!"
This musical arrangement is titled "Too Darn Hot" and was arranged by Rasmus Krigström. The lyrics describe being too lazy tonight because it is too darn hot. The vocals include a tenor/lead singing the lyrics and a baritone/bass providing backup vocals repeating the phrase "Too Darn Hot! Way too hot!"
This musical arrangement is titled "Too Darn Hot" and was arranged by Rasmus Krigström. The lyrics describe being too lazy tonight because it is too darn hot. The vocals include a tenor/lead singing the lyrics and a baritone/bass providing backup vocals repeating the phrase "Too Darn Hot! Way too hot!"