Chapter Three Methodlogy
Chapter Three Methodlogy
Chapter Three Methodlogy
Topic 3
Chapter 3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 The Research Design
What is a research design?
A research design constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data. It is the blue print which determines whether the research will
involve: experiments, interviews, observations, content analysis, simulations, or a
combination of these. Are the methods of data collection highly structures? Are
interviews to be use? Should analysis be quantitative or qualitative? It is the plan
and structure of investigation that enables researchers answer research questions.
The plan is an overall scheme or programme of research. It includes an outline of
what the investigator will do from writing the hypotheses to analysis of the data
collected. Therefore, the research design expresses both the structure and the
plan of investigation to be used to obtain empirical evidence on relations of the
problems (Cooper & Schindler, 2005. P.146). The research design can either be
Qualitative, Quantitative, experimental or Mixed design (Ref earlier discussion on
quantitative and qualitative designs)
Quantitative Qualitative
b) By Role taken by the variable - The other set of are the kinds of variables
we talk about when explaining how the world operates and when we
design a quantitative research study.
treatment is assessed by comparing the two groups after treatment is given to the
experimental group.
• You would look for the relationship by comparing the male and female
average staff performance levels.
In the simple case of correlational research, there is one quantitative IV and one
quantitative DV.
• Example: Staff Motivation (IV) and customer satisfaction (DV).
• You would look for the relationship by calculating the correlation coefficient.
• The correlation coefficient is a number that varies between –1 and +1, and
0 stands for no relationship. The farther the number is from 0, the stronger
the relationship.
• If the sign of the correlation coefficient is positive (e.g., + 0.65) then you have
a positive correlation, which means the two variables move in the same
direction (as one variable increases, so does the other variable). Staff
education level and annual income are positively correlated (i.e., the
higher the level of education, the higher annual income).
• If the sign of the correlation coefficient is negative (e.g., - 0.71) then you
have a negative correlation, which means the two variables move in
opposite directions (as one variable increases, the other decreases).
Smoking and life expectancy are negatively correlated (i.e., the higher the
smoking, the lower the life expectancy).
Generally, the format for the design of this study follows the traditional research
approach of presenting a problem, asking a question, collecting data to answer
the question, analyzing the data, and answering the question.
The following format can serve as a guide for planning a study:
i. Statement of the Problem
ii. Purpose of the Study
iii. The Grand Tour Question and Sub Questions
iv. Definitions
v. Delimitations and Limitations
vi. Significance of the Study
i. Assumptions and Rationale for a Qualitative Design
ii. The Type of Design Used
iii. The Role of the Researcher
iv. Data Collection Procedures
v. Methods for Verification
o Outcomes of the Study and Its Relation to Theory and Literature
In this type of case study, the study focuses on a particular organization and uses
observation as a major method of collecting data.
Case studies of life History
For this study the researcher conducts extensive interviews with one person for the
purpose of getting a firsthand narrative. The emphasis is put on different issues e.g.
crucial events and experiences of the narrator and how the events relate to other
factors in the organization e.g. staff
Document Case Study
This study focuses on documents or materials that are used as supplementary
information. Documents can be divided into three groups:
i. The researcher needs to locate the case in a context or setting. The setting
may be a physical, social, historical, and/or economic.
ii. The researcher needs to identify the focus of the study. It could be either on
the case (intrinsic study), because of its uniqueness, or it may be on an issue or
issues (instrumental study), with the case used instrumentally to illustrate the
issue. A case study could involve more than one case (collective case study).
iii. In choosing what case to study, a researcher may choose a case because it
shows different perspectives on the problem, process, or event of interest, or it
may be just an ordinary case, accessible, or unusual.
iv. The data collection is extensive, drawing on multiple sources of information
such as observations, interviews, documents, and audio-visual materials.
v. The data analysis can be either a holistic analysis of the entire case or an
embedded analysis of a specific aspect of the case.
vi. From the data collection, a detailed description of the case is done. Themes
or issues are formulated and then the researcher makes an interpretation or
assertions about the case.
vii. When multiple cases are chosen, a typical format is to provide a detailed
description of each case and themes within the case (called within-case
analysis), followed by a thematic analysis across the cases (called a cross-case
analysis), as well as assertions or an interpretation of the meaning of the case.
viii. In the final stage, the researcher reports the “lessons learned” from the case
(Lincoln and Guba, 1985).
Advantages of Case Studies
Advantages of Case Study Research
Mixed model research – is research in which the researcher mixes both qualitative
and quantitative research approaches within a stage of the study or across two
of the stages of the research process. For example, a researcher might conduct
a survey and use a questionnaire that is composed of multiple closed-ended or
quantitative type items as well as several open-ended or qualitative type items.
For another example, a researcher might collect qualitative data but then try to
quantify the data.
First of all, we advocate the use of mixed research when it is feasible. We are
excited about this new movement in research and believe it will help qualitative
and quantitative researchers to get along better and, more importantly; it will
promote the conduct of excellent research.
i. Perhaps the major goal for researcher who design and conduct mixed
research is to follow the fundamental principle of mixed research.
According to this principle, the researcher should mix quantitative and
qualitative research methods, procedures, and paradigm characteristics in
a way that the resulting mixture or combination has complementary
strengths and non-overlapping weaknesses. The examples just listed for
mixed method and mixed model research can be viewed as following this
ii. Here is a metaphor for thinking about mixed research: Construct one fish
net out of several fish nets that have holes in them by laying them on top of
one another. The "new" net will not have any holes in it. The use of multiple
methods or approaches to research works the same way.
iii. When different approaches are used to focus on the same phenomenon
and they provide the same result, you have "corroboration" which means
you have superior evidence for the result. Other important reasons for doing
mixed research are to complement one set of results with another, to
expand a set of results, or to discover something that would have been
missed if only a quantitative or a qualitative approach had been used.
iv. Some researchers like to conduct mixed research in a single study, and this
is what is truly called mixed research. However, it is interesting to note that
virtually all research literatures would be mixed at the aggregate level,
even if no single researcher uses mixed research. That's because there will
usually be some quantitative and some qualitative research studies in a
research literature.
Exploratory Designs
Exploratory research can take many forms depending on the nature of the main
study, the purpose of the research, study object, knowledge in the area of
investigation and specifically on the purpose of exploration. There are four main
forms of exploratory research:
Review of literature
This involves secondary review and analysis of available information
already published. The purpose is to link earlier research in the area with
the current study. It can also be for the purpose of exploring theory or
methods and techniques most appropriate for the current study
Expert surveys
This involves interviews with experts who may be more experienced and have
substantial knowledge in the area of research relevant to the current study.
Case studies
This involves analysis of case study reports for exploratory purposes
Pilot studies
Exploratory research can take the form of a pilot study that essentially is the
preliminary trial of a research measures and techniques needed for the
development of a research plan. In a pilot study the entire research is
conducted following the actual procedure of the main study with the
purpose of eliminating errors, appraisal of instruments, minimize wastage of
resources, utilize feedback from respondents to make the research
procedures better.
Ranjit Kumar (2014). Research Methodology. A step by step guide for beginners
3rd Edition. SAGE publicatios
Armin M. E (2005). Social Science Research: Conception, methodology and
Analysis. Makerere University Printery
Sampling design
This is that part of the research plan that indicates how cases are to be selected
for observation.
1. It is divided into probability and non-probability samples.
2. Examples of probability samples include simple random samples, stratified
random samples, systematic samples and cluster samples.
3. Non-probability samples include accidental/incidental samples, quota
samples, purposive samples, snowball samples, self-selection samples and
convenience samples.
4. In the case of probability sampling, we can determine the probability that any
element or member of the population will be included in the sample. In non-
probability sampling by contrast, we cannot specify this probability.
5. Advantages of probability sampling is that it enables us to indicate the
probability with which sample results (e.g. sample means) deviate from the
corresponding population values (e.g. population means).
6. Unlike non-probability sampling, probability sampling enables us to estimate
sampling error. Nevertheless, non-probability sampling is frequently used for
reasons of convenience and economy.
The Sampling Frame
This is a list of units comprising a population from which a probability sample is
E.g., if a sample of students is selected from a student’s roster, the roster is the
frame. Likewise, if a sample is selected from a telephone directory, the telephone
directory is the sampling frame.
In order to compile an appropriate sampling frame, bear in mind the following
o Are the cases listed in the sampling frame relevant to your research topic?
o Does the sampling frame include all cases i.e. is it complete?
o Does the sampling frame exclude irrelevant cases, in other words, is it precise?
o Can you establish and control exactly how the sample will be selected (for
purchased lists).
Sampling Methods
Probability Sampling
1. Simple Random Sampling
a. Each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the
sample and each sample of a particular size has the same probability of being
b. Steps to follow when drawing a random sample include:
i. Identify all the units of analysis in the sampling frame and give them
consecutive numbers e.g. 001, 002, 003, and so forth.
ii. The mechanism used to choose the unit of analysis should ensure that
each member has an equal chance of being selected. This can be done
by means of a table of random numbers.
2. Stratified Random Sampling
a. Strata are clearly recognizable, non-overlapping subpopulation that differs
from one another in terms of a specific variable. Each subpopulation is called a
stratum. E.g. male and female, private and public universities etc.
b. In order to draw a representative stratified random sample, the following two
aspects must be put in mind:
i. Identify the various strata according to one or more variables.
ii. Draw a random sample from each separate stratum.
c. Advantages of stratified random sample include:
i. In a random sample from a normal population that is stratified, e.g. in
terms of gender, the probability of a sample consisting of only one gender
is zero.
ii. Stratified random sampling requires smaller samples than simple random
sampling in order to obtain valid results.
3. Systematic Sampling
a. Suppose we need to obtain a sample of n members from a population of N
elements (units of analysis) that are numbered from 1 to N. In systematic sampling,
we include every element (where, is an integer i.e. a whole number).E.g. if one
wants to select 10 schools from a population of 100, draw the first element at
random and then select every 10th element. If the first element is 8, subsequently
select 18, 28, 38, and so on.
b. Systematic sampling is more practical because it requires less time and is
than random sampling.
4. Cluster Sampling
a. In large-scale surveys, it is usually difficult, if not impossible to obtain lists of all
members (units of analysis) of the population.
b. In the case of cluster sampling, we first draw (stratify randomly) pre-existing
heterogeneous groups called clusters
c. Randomly select units of analysis from each cluster.
E.g. suppose we wish to conduct a survey on primary schools in Kenya. First draw
a sample from the 8 provinces. Then draw a number of districts from each
province. Next you draw a number of locations from the district. Finally select a
few schools within the location.
d. Its disadvantage is that it requires a great deal of time and money to reach
one or two individual units in a remote area. If the area is not remote, cluster
sampling saves time and money compared to simple random sampling.
Non-Probability Sampling
Advantage of non-probability sample is that they are less complicated and more
economical (in times of time and financial expenses) than probability samples.
Non-probability samples may be especially useful in pilot studies in which a
preliminary form of a questionaire has to be tested.
1. Accidental/incidental Sampling
An accidental sample is the most convenient collection of members of the
population (units of analysis) that are real or readily available for research
E.g. people who happen to be at a certain shopping centre at a particular
time or organisations that are close to the researcher’s home.
2. Quota Sampling
In this method, the researcher makes an effort to have the same
proportions of units of analysis in important strata such as gender, age, and
so on as are the population.
Quota sampling yields quite satisfactory results under the following
One should know the important strata according to which the population is
composed and their respective proportions with a reasonable degree of
accuracy, or be able to estimate them.
One should include enough cases (at least 15, but preferably more than 25)
of each stratum in the sample.
3. Purposive Sampling
Researchers rely on their own experience, ingenuity and/or previous
findings to deliberately obtain units of analysis in such a manner that the sample
they obtain may be regarded as being representative of the relevant population.
The problem with this kind of sampling is that different researchers may
proceed in different ways to obtain a sample.
It is impossible to evaluate the extent to which samples are representative
of the relevant population.
4. Snowball Sampling
First approach a few individuals from the relevant population
These individuals then act as informants and identify other members (e.g.
acquaintances or friends) from the same population for inclusion in the sample.
The latter may, in turn, identify a further set of relevant individuals so that
the sample, like a rolling snowball, grows in size till saturated.
5. Self-Selection Sampling
This occurs when we allow a case, usually an individual, to identify their
desire to take part in the research.
The researcher will do the following:
i) Publicize the need for cases, either by advertising through
appropriate media or by asking them to take part.
ii) Collect data from those who respond.
Cases that self-select often do so due to their feelings or opinions about
the research question(s) or stated objective(s).
6. Convenience Sampling
Convenience or haphazard sampling involves selecting haphazardly those
cases that are easiest to obtain for the sample, such as, the person
interviewed at random in a shopping centre or airport or university.
The sample selection process is continued until we reach the required
sample size.
This technique is borne to bias and influences that are beyond control due
to the fact that the cases appear in the sample because they were easy
to obtain.
Subsequent generalizations are likely to be flawed at best.
Such samples serve best as pilot studies using more structural samples.
Determining sample size: how to make sure you get the correct sample size
How many is enough? Over the years, researchers have grappled with the
problem of finding the perfect sample size for statistically sound results. Here we
shed light on some methods and tools for sample size determination.
Sample size is a frequently-used term in statistics and market research, and one
that inevitably comes up whenever you’re surveying a large population of
respondents. It relates to the way research is conducted on large populations.
If the sample is too big, the whole study becomes complex, expensive and time-
consuming to run, and although the results are more accurate, the benefits
don’t outweigh the costs.
If you want to start from scratch in determining the right sample size for your
market research, let us walk you through the steps.
To choose the correct sample size, you need to consider a few different factors
that affect your research, and gain a basic understanding of the statistics
involved. You’ll then be able to use a sample size formula to bring everything
together and sample confidently, knowing that there is a high probability that
your survey is statistically accurate.
The steps that follow are suitable for finding a sample size for continuous data –
i.e. data that is counted numerically. It doesn’t apply to categorical data – i.e.
put into categories like green, blue, male, female etc.
Before you can calculate a sample size, you need to determine a few things
about the target population and the level of accuracy you need:
1. Population size
How many people are you talking about in total? To find this out, you need to
be clear about who does and doesn’t fit into your group. For example, if you
want to know about dog owners, you’ll include everyone who has at some
point owned at least one dog. (You may include or exclude those who owned a
dog in the past, depending on your research goals.) Don’t worry if you’re
unable to calculate the exact number. It’s common to have an unknown
number or an estimated range.
2. Margin of error (confidence interval)
Errors are inevitable-the question is how much error you’ll allow. The margin of
error, AKA confidence interval, is expressed in terms of mean numbers. You can
set how much difference you’ll allow between the mean number of your
sample and the mean number of your population. If you’ve ever seen a political
poll on the news, you’ve seen a confidence interval and how it’s expressed. It
will look something like this: “68% of voters said yes to Proposition Z, with a margin
of error of +/- 5%.”
3. Confidence level
4. Standard deviation
This step asks you to estimate how much the responses you receive will vary from
each other and from the mean number. A low standard deviation means that
all the values will be clustered around the mean number, whereas a high
standard deviation means they are spread out across a much wider range with
very small and very large outlying figures. Since you haven’t yet run your survey,
a safe choice is a standard deviation of .5 which will help make sure your
sample size is large enough.
Now that you’ve got answers for steps 1 – 4, you’re ready to calculate the
sample size you need. This can be done using an calculator or with paper and
5. Find your Z-score
Next, you need to turn your confidence level into a Z-score. Here are the Z-
scores for the most common confidence levels:
This equation is for an unknown population size or a very large population size.
.9604 / .0025
1. Creswell, J. W. .Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 4th
Ed.. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage., 2014.
2. Kothari, C.R.,2004, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern