New TEACHER’S NOTES Unit 1 Getting to know you SB p6 Pre-Intermediate FOURTH EDITION
AIM Pre-activity (5 minutes)
To practise asking and answering questions • Tell the class you are going to write a list of question words. using present, past, and future forms • Ask students to call out question words, then write them on the board. LANGUAGE • Focus on these question words and invite students to ask you questions Question words and different tenses with them. Invite them to ask about your past, present, and future. Check that they are forming the questions correctly, and provide SKILLS answers. Speaking
MATERIALS Procedure (20 minutes)
One copy of the worksheet cut up for each • Explain that students are going to complete and discuss a questionnaire group of four students to practise tenses and questions, and to get to know each other better. HOW TO CUSTOMIZE • Give out a worksheet to each student. Focus attention on the categories You can change this worksheet on computer and explain that students need to think about their past, present, and or by hand, using the customizable version. future and write about what’s important to them for each category. Give Here are some ideas: a couple of examples, e.g. My grandmother was very important to me as • Add categories that are relevant to the a child. I’m going to visit the Great Wall of China next year. members of your class. • Give students enough time to complete the questionnaire. Remind them to think about examples for their future, too. Monitor and help as necessary. • Divide the class into groups of four. Pre-teach/check useful language for the discussion stage, e.g. Why is this (person) important to you? Why did you write ‘a silver ring’ here? Also remind students to think of follow-up questions to find out more information, e.g. What do you use it for now? How did you meet him/her? Why are you going there? etc. Get students to look at each other’s worksheet and discuss their answers. Monitor and check for accurate use of tenses and question formation. • Conduct a short feedback session. Get students to tell the class one of the most interesting things they found out about their classmates. • Feed back on any common errors and get the class to correct. Extension (15 minutes) • Students could work in pairs and write a short dialogue based on the questions they asked and answered. Encourage them to include questions in different tenses in their dialogues. They can then perform their dialogues for the class.