Parents As Study Buddy in The New Normal of Teaching: A Grounded Theory

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Parents as Study Buddy in the New Normal of Teaching: A Grounded Theory

Article · January 2020

DOI: 10.17762/pae.v57i9.2215


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2 authors, including:

Daryl Benedict Alicamen

Cebu Normal University


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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

Parents as Study Buddy in the New Normal of Teaching: A Grounded

Daryl Benedict L. Alicamen1, Mark N. Abadiano, PhD2
Cebu Normal University; Philippine School Doha, Qatar
Graduate School Professor, Cebu Normal University, ICT Teacher, NIEC International School-Tachileik, Myanmar
[email protected], [email protected]

The COVID-19 pandemic had plunged the world into turmoil more than one could ever imagine. It has resulted not only in an
economic crisis but educational crises as well. To assure the continuity of learning in the Philippines public basic education
system, self-learning modules are put in place to meet the educational needs of every learner with the help of parents as partners in
teaching. This qualitative study conducted an in-depth exploration of parents as study-buddy in the new normal of teaching using
the grounded theory. The in-depth interviews with the participants exposed four emergent themes and a central category on the
parents’ experiences as study buddy using the modular distance learning modality. “Parents’ resilient mechanisms” emerged as
the core category and entailed four essential themes: (1) Awareness of the role as para-teachers; (2) Acceptance of the inevitable
educational challenge; (3) Actions toward the challenges of the educational set-up; and (4) Adaptation of the new normal in
education. The grounded theory of recognition-adaptation-persistence: parents’ resilient mechanisms in the new normal of
teaching unveils an understanding that being a teacher to your child requires parents and/or guardians to recognize their role
(awareness and acceptance), to adapt certain initiatives (adaptation), and to persist in implementing the initiatives and measures at
home (actions) for the learning continuity to thrive amid the prevailing challenges and other adversities of the pandemic. The
theory can also provide a frame of reference for the educational leaders and institutions for them to come up with regulations and
other guidelines that are responsive to the needs and experiences of the parents in actualizing the objectives of modular distance
learning in the public basic education system. Overall, the theory highlights the accounts of the parents as they assume the role of
being a study buddy of their children at home. Parents’ resilient mechanisms in this type of educational set up are being magnified
since these are instrumental to the challenge of learning continuity amid the pandemic.

new normal of teaching; learning continuity; parents as teachers; grounded theory
Article Received: 10 August 2020, Revised: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020

Introduction telecommunication systems, electronic devices, or

printed modules.
Over 1.5 billion learners across the globe have To have a meaningful distance learning
been affected by the closures of educational experience, Rafidi (2020) highlights that a
institutions as an effort to contain the proliferation paradigm shift is crucial if learning must continue
of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted not during the pandemic. While the stakeholders in
only in an economic crisis but educational crises the educational process are gradually adjusting to
as well. Educators as front liners in this this new normal set-up, some teaching-learning
educational challenge have a significant components are difficult to be simulated at home.
responsibility in making deliberate actions and in It is the sociological component of being in an
ensuring continued, inclusive, and equitable actual classroom where there is a community of
education for all learners amid this pandemic learners working towards a shared objective.
(UNESCO, 2020). Seale (2020) suggests that one of the best ways to
During this pandemic, distance learning has thwart the deepening disparity and inequality in
become a trend to contain the transmission of the education in the middle of this pandemic is to
virus. To Patru and Khvilon (2002), distance capacitate and equip families to support learning
learning is an educational process and approach in in their respective homes. This is true to learners
which most or all of the teaching is conducted by who are still in the basic education system where
a teacher removed in space and time from the learning necessitates regular adult facilitation.
learner. In effect, most of the communication or
interaction happens through artificial media, like
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

Teachers as instruction specialists identify the These solutions are carefully and sensibly made to
needs and interests of their students to make address the educational needs of the learners with
significant progress but the current situation the help of the parents. Many empirical studies
makes it inconvenient to individually attend to indicate that when parents are engaged, children
every child. Parents as the first teachers of their do better in school. Inclusive in the role of being a
children are also considered as the greatest parent is to also function as a teacher (Fantuzzo,
indicator of their children’s life outcomes. et al., 2004; Nyarko and Vorgelegt, 2007;
Families coming from low-income brackets do not Toper, et al., 2010). However, LaRoque, et al.,
need the pity of the education of the system; they (2011) contends that parents’ response and
need support and assistance. In this way, parents participation in this educational endeavor are
and teachers can complement to a common affected by a variety of factors including their
purpose, to assist the child and be successful in educational attainment, self-esteem, motivation,
learning. comfort level, language skills, and even the socio-
In the first e-Forum of SEAMEO Ministerial demographic profile.
Policy, Philippines’ Education Secretary Briones Philippine Information Agency (2020) states
shared the pathways of the country’s ways of that there are some fundamental skills that the
responding to the educational needs of the learners modular approach cannot attain such as reading
with the other leaders in Southeast Asian and writing in the early years. Tibon (2020)
countries. The country’s battle cry is that learning elucidates that many of the learners in basic
must continue while putting a premium on the education are not proficient in doing independent
health and safety of the stakeholders of the learning while several learners are not being
education system to avoid further spreading of the supported by their guardians and parents.
virus. Basic Education – Learning Continuity Plan Consequently, Private Education Assistance
(BE-LCP) adopts the myriad learning delivery Committee (2020) points out that parental
modalities with blended learning and distance involvement is a crucial factor. Guardians or
learning as the foremost options. Based on the parents are inexperienced to simulate the work of
survey, the most preferred modality for the a teacher in facilitating learning but their
parents to address learning continuity is Modular contribution is of utmost significance for modular
Distance Learning (DepEd, 2020). distance learning to thrive.
In another article released, the Department of Hence, this study magnifies the role of parents as
Education (2020) further expresses that the shift study-buddy in the new normal of teaching. The
to a new normal of teaching poses a challenge on significance of this study is to uncover the
the side of the school on how to convey basic, experiences of the parents in delivering instruction
equitable, and quality education. Leaders in the to their children using the self-learning modules.
education department have unveiled various This illuminates the themes and central category
avenues for upskilling and reskilling the teachers of the experiences of the parents or guardians as
and school heads in the field of modular study-buddy in the new context of new normal in
instruction. Most Essential Learning education. It is the aim of this study to unveil the
Competencies (MELC) were identified and themes from the stories of the informants that can
echoed in the self-learning modules that the provide a grounded construct to formulate an
department made. understanding of what it is like to be playing the
Basic orientation, systematic support, and regular role of a teacher of your children.
conference must be in place to assist the parents in Statement Of Objectives
delivering instruction to the children. To add,
more grounded communication and connection It is the intention of the study to generate a theory
are needed to have a solid foundation of the actors on understanding parents as study-buddy in the
in the educative cycle and to relay constructive new normal of teaching that can illuminate light
feedback on the children’s progress regarding the on (1) parents’ reactions, (2) perceptions and
learning intervention designed by the education approaches, and (3) the advantages and
authorities. disadvantages that parents encounter all in relation

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

to their role as study-buddy in the new normal of months as a result of extreme instability, strikes,
teaching. or climate risks. The pandemic has exacerbated
the case of their school sector as the remaining
academic institutions are forced to close to contain
Literature Review
the transmission of the epidemic. The disruption
As COVID-19 continues to proliferate in varied of the school year would have a particularly
countries around the world, keeping uninterrupted detrimental effect on the underprivileged children
learning has become a monumental task for the in the most precarious education systems, for
global education sector. Various methods are whom the conditions for maintaining learning
being proposed such as hi-tech, low-tech, or even continuity at home are restricted (United Nations,
no-tech solutions to guarantee learning continuity 2020). In this regard, OECD (2020) contends that
(Huang, et al, 2020). Education officials rapidly while students with access to digital technology
formulate responses with particular circumstances and the Internet may not be predominant in most
in mind. As the pandemic advances, several countries, there is a need to turn the emphasis to
policymakers are adopting guidelines that restrict alternate learning approaches for those students
the number of citizens assembling in public who may not have such resources.
spaces. These initiatives also affected the regular During the first Ministerial Policy e-Forum on
running of schools and other institutions of global health crisis of South East Asian Ministers
learning (OECD, 2020). of Education Organization (SEAMEO),
Countries are taking various approaches to Philippines’ Education Secretary Briones shared
minimize the spread of disease in learning spaces. the pathways of the country’s ways of responding
Schools throughout Europe, like Britain, France, to the educational needs of the learners with the
Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, to other leaders in Southeast Asian countries –
mention a few, are re-opening as summer holidays Vietnam, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Singapore,
come to a close, and policymakers demand that Myanmar, Malaysia, Lao PDR, Indonesia,
students return to school following months of Cambodia, and Brunei Darussalam. Similar to the
online study as a result of the coronavirus Philippines, other Southeast Asian countries have
pandemic. These schools have started to ensure also implemented modular systems to attain
that stringent health procedures are followed, such learning continuity while putting a premium on
as regular sanitizing, social distancing, wearing of the wellbeing of the learners. On the other hand,
face masks, continuous disinfection in classrooms, Singapore has sustained to run its learning
reducing class sizes, and other national health institutions amid the public health crisis (DepEd,
standard requirements (Reuters, 2020). During 2020).
the spring, educational institutions across the Sejpal (2013) highlights that one of the most
United States have been forced to close their common and accepted methods of teaching in
facilities due to an ongoing public health threat Australia, the United States, other Western
triggered by the discovery of the first cases of the countries, and the Asian Region is modular
COVID-19 virus. While the schools closed their teaching. All sorts of subjects are taught by
premises, the implementation of education modules. It is an educational development focused
services continue. Several schools have started to on programmed learning; a universal and
work online, and a national transition to online conventional phenomenon. Books are now
teaching has begun. Through the use of a range of designed in modules instead of units due to this
implementation mechanisms, teaching and innovation. It considers the individuality of the
learning progressed along with student support learners to help the individuals grow and evolve at
programs and institutional actions. This required their own pace. A module is a course of
expanded access to technology and broadband instruction that is practically self-contained and a
access services to ensure equity and involved method of teaching grounded on the scaffolding of
large-scale measures to resolve urban and rural skills and knowledge in discrete units.
gaps in these crucial areas (Jameson, et al, 2020). While the modular approach has significant
In Africa especially in the Sahel region, several advantages to note, there is also a contention that
schools have already been closed for a few it is appropriate for more mature students only. In
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

the study of Srikanth, et al. (2011) on engaged, children do better in school (Fantuzzo,
undergraduate medical students, modular training et al., 2004; Nyarko & Vorgelegt, 2007; Toper
methods would be preferable to the normal lecture et al., 2010). Inclusive in the role of being a
courses, since student participation would be parent is to also function as a teacher. Normally,
maximized in this process. Retention ability is parents or guardians are the child’s first teachers.
improved. Modular methods for other topics in When children start schooling, this function does
diseases may be seen as an alternative to not cease to exist; in fact, the family’s role is
traditional instructional approaches for productive magnified in children’s education (LaRocque, et
involvement and improved understanding of al., 2011)
students. Philippine Information Agency (2020) shares
The study of Ali, et., al. (2010) on the use of that the guidance and support of the parents will
modular teaching yields positive results on serve as an inspiration for the children to study.
secondary biology students than the conventional Studies revealed that in this educational set-up
teaching method. That in modular instruction, such as modular distance learning, the missing
learners are presented with chances to learn at link in educational equity is parental participation.
their own pace, as per their level of skill and Schools and teachers, even the most established
needs. Considered to be a self-learning model in ones, cannot simply educate every child on their
which there is an instant reinforcement provided own. Dynamic support from parents and family is
through feedback to practice task that encourages needed (Colombo, 2006).
the students’ interest to learn at their pace and LaRoque, et al., (2011) expounds that parents’
rate. response and participation in modular teaching are
This pandemic and the shift of the Philippine affected by a variety of factors including their
education sector to distance learning, at first, educational attainment, self-esteem, motivation,
seemingly highlighted the prevailing inequalities comfort level, language skills, and even the socio-
in the society. Inequities, between those who demographic profile. Educators should intend to
could manage to have computers and internet make parental involvement more familiar and
connection, have merely become more obvious. more meaningful. This will promote the
COVID-19 intensified the class disruptions to an involvement of parents. To encourage parents to
unlikely degree of success and suffering. That’s enhance their capacity to help their children get
why the common choice of the parents is modular the best possible education, it is important to note
distance learning (Asia Society Philippines, parental involvement as a process rather than a
2020). one-time occasion.
Modular Distance Learning is one of the Home and school collaboration must be active to
modalities suggested under BE-LCP (Basic provide uninterrupted learning for the students
Education – Learning Continuity Plan). It is amid the pandemic. Basic orientation, systematic
consistent with the provision of Section 1 of support, and regular conference must be in place
Article XIV of the Constitution of 1987 which to assist the parents in delivering instruction to the
upholds the right of the citizens to quality children. To add, more grounded communication
education at all levels and making education and connection are needed to have a solid
accessible to all (Tibon, 2020). The country’s foundation of the actors in the educative cycle and
battle cry is that learning must continue while to relay constructive feedback on the children’s
putting a premium on the health and safety of the progress regarding the learning intervention
stakeholders of the education system to avoid designed by the education authorities.
further spreading of the virus. Parents and However, this modality, modular distance
guardians will pick up the self-learning modules learning, encounters various challenges,
from the school depending on the schedule set by particularly in the Philippine setting. Tibon
the administrators (DepEd, 2020). (2020) elucidates that many of the learners in
It is in this setting that parents or guardians basic education are not proficient in doing
assume an indispensable function for the independent learning while several learners are
productive result of this undertaking. Many not being supported by their guardians and
empirical studies indicate that when parents are parents. To add, formulation and production of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

quality modules to address the varying needs of through a Messenger app developed by Facebook,
the learners need some consideration. Lastly, the or through face-to-face while observing safety
holistic development of the learners might be protocols.
affected. Students may have few chances to Data Gathering Procedure: Permission to
interact and socialize. This can pose a problem for conduct the study was asked from the respondents
students who cannot simply cope with the drastic who were chosen through purposive sampling. An
transformation in the educational set-up. informed consent form was given to the chosen
Having uncovered these pieces of information on respondents. They were given ample time to
the use of modular distance learning as an option review their participation in the study. After the
to deliver quality education amid the pandemic, consent was granted, participants were oriented on
there has been a gap in its implications on basic the nature of the study, their extent of
education and the role that parents actualize to participation, the risks and conveniences, the
achieve the objectives of this modality. The participants’ rights, benefits, and confidentiality.
researcher aims to magnify the role of parents as Health protocols were observed for face-to-face
study-buddy in the new normal of teaching and interviews which were done at the participants’
uncover the experiences of the parents in most convenient time. After gathering the
delivering instruction to their children using the necessary information, data were coded following
self-learning modules. Hence, the study is Strauss and Corbin’s triadic coding procedure.
conducted. Data Analysis: There are numerous and distinct
qualities that are designed to uphold the
Research Design
“groundedness” of the approach of the Grounded
This paper employed the grounded theory which Theory. Davidson (2001) explains that data
is broadly applied in educational research. Glaser collection and analysis are deliberately merged,
and Strauss (1967) proposed that grounded and primary data analysis is utilized to create a
theory is uncovering a theory derived from data profile of the ongoing collection of data.
that are obtained and analyzed systematically. Interweaving data collection and analysis are
Kaiser and Presmeg (2019) explained that considered to magnify the insights and explain the
grounded theory offers a peculiar set of systematic boundaries of the emerging theory by asking
methods that uphold the analysis and abstraction divergent questions that would account for the real
of the information to build up a theory that is phenomenon relevant to the respondents. Kaiser
based on empirical data. These methods and Presmeg (2019) expound that the collected
incorporate distinctive coding procedures, such as data are evaluated by employing various
open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, techniques of coding as the core procedure. In
which depend on the constant comparison grounded theory, coding is a method of
technique. As new data are gathered and new conceptual abstraction by designating broad ideas
cases are unveiled in the analysis, there is a huge (codes) to particular occurrences in the data.
potential for contribution to the refinement and In this instance, coding and constant comparative
advancement of an evolving theory. technique are critical in unearthing a grounded
Participants: Parents and/or guardians whose theory (Charmaz, 2006). The constant
children are utilizing Modular Distance Learning comparative technique is a continuous and
through self-learning modules were the main inductive way of funneling the data by recoding
participants in the study who were chosen through constantly. The pieces of information or incidents
purposive sampling. The saturation of data was are contrasted and analyzed with the other data
considered by the researcher in determining the during the coding process (Glaser & Strauss,
number of participants for the study. DepEd 1967).
District of Minglanilla 1, Cebu Province was the
locale of the study. Glaser & Strauss as cited by Kolb (2012)
Instrument: The main instrument for this study elucidates that the constant comparative technique
was the interview that was conducted through involves four activities: (1) evaluating incidents
English or Cebuano considering the comfortability similar to each category, (2) incorporating
of the respondents. The interview was done online categories and their characteristics, (3) defining
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

and delimiting the emergent theory, (4) crafting The initial approach to the data is through open
the theory. All through the phases of this coding. A thorough analysis of data will be done
method, the researcher unceasingly figures out the for the conceptualization and categorization of the
data collection, provides analysis and codes for phenomena. In this first phase of open coding, the
the collected data, and strengthens the generation information is fragmented is reduced into parts
of the theory through theoretical sampling. This that are methodically analyzed. This process
method is valuable to the researcher as the intends to grasp the core concept of each part and
exploration emanates from raw data and authentic to come up with a code that would best define it
statements from the participants while noting the (Kaiser and Presmeg, 2019). These fragments of
similarities and differences of the responses. By information are compared while noting the
painstakingly comparing and analyzing the data, a similarities and differences. The same code will
considerable theory will be uncovered. be attributed to similar parts (Mey and Mruck,
OPEN CODING The ultimate purpose of open coding is to come
After collecting the data, although not necessarily up with a wealth of codes with which to define the
all, the evaluation process may commence. data until saturation is peaked (Strauss and
Strauss and Corbin (1990) distinguish the three Corbin, 1990). “Indicators” in the form of
types of coding processes that are necessary to phrases, expressions, statements from the data, or
establish a grounded theory: “open, axial, and significant observations are utilized to reveal the
selective coding”. LaRossa (2015) emphasizes “concepts” (Feeler, 2012). This would create a
when these three phases are utilized, this triadic pathway to unveil a certain degree of novelty of
coding procedure makes the grounded theory the stories or experiences.
Table 1. Open Coding
Apprehensions Explain the lesson Praying for God's Support and push to
guidance strive
Being patient Facilitating the child Reinforcement Teach for independence
Challenging Following routines Responsibility Time management
Communicating with my Guiding and reminding Reviewing the material Valuing respect
Compromised and Important Safety
Continued studies Opportunity to learn Setting a space at home
new things
Empathetic attitude Positive outlook Setting objectives

Next is the axial coding. It is deemed to be the Inductive and deductive reasoning methods are
process for interrelating the concepts and emphasized axial coding in the course of
categories. Kaiser and Presmeg (2019) state that connecting subcategories to a category by
evolving relationships between the individual continuing to create inquiries and to make
concepts must be incorporated into an overarching comparisons (Mills et al., 2006). In this regard,
structure with one central category to establish a emerging novel concepts that capture the varied
grounded theory. This second phase in coding is categories are being observed by the researcher to
required according to Strauss and Corbin (1990) formulate a comprehensive narrative.
to examine and explore the connections between
and among the categories and to formulate ties
between them. Strauss (1987) further implicates
that intense analysis should be done to come up
with one central category about the conditions and
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

Table 2. Axial Coding

Apprehensions Awareness of the role as para-
Responsibility teachers
Praying for God's guidance Acceptance of the inevitable
Positive outlook educational challenge
Setting objectives
Continued studies
Communicating with my child Actions toward the
Guiding and reminding challenges of the educational
Setting a space at home set-up
Empathetic attitude
Teach for independence
Following routines
Reviewing the material
Support and push to strive
Explain the lesson
Compromised and adapted Adaptation of the new
Facilitating the child normal in education
Time management
Being patient
Opportunity to learn new things
Valuing respect

new normal of teaching. There are four essential

themes under this category, namely:
At this phase of coding, categories are funneled Theme 1: Awareness of the role as para-teachers
and refined since the core category is Theme 2: Acceptance of the inevitable
systematically related to other categories educational challenge
(Strauss, 1987). The researcher will determine or Theme 3: Actions toward the challenges of the
decide the key story behind the analysis. In other educational set-up
words, the narrative gathered by the researcher Theme 4: Adaptation of the new normal in
should be reflective, coherent, and ideally education
compelling (LaRossa, 2005).
When the core category is discovered, the line of Propositions are formulated out of these themes.
the story of the research is set. The researcher Hypotheses are derived and evaluated based on
distinguishes the chief phenomenon of the study these propositions. For each theme, a
and can finally answer the research query. comprehensive discussion is given.
Finally, the grounded theory will emerge that
emanated from the raw data which were Theme 1: Awareness of the role as para-
painstakingly gathered, analyzed, and interpreted teachers
(Vollstedt (2015). As revealed in the study of Samal (2012),
Results and Discussion historically, education was considered a waste of
time and resources as its result was viewed as
After the analysis, the core category that emerged unpredictable and insignificant. Currently,
was the parents’ resilient mechanisms in the through continuous attempts at compulsory
schooling and expanded knowledge through the
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

information and technology revolution, the value “I have to help her learn in a way that would still
and effects of education are highly valued by cater to her learning style given that the majority
citizens. Hence, there is an increasing awareness of our setting right now is module-based.” PA
of the parents’ roles in their children’s education. The importance of their role as study-buddy was
Ceka and Murati (2016) highlight in their study unveiled in some of the statements of the
that parents must take good care of the general participants.
physical and academic growth of children to the “(My role is) very important because we parents
condition that they become independent and able are being their teacher in this new normal
to meet the demands of the world in which they education.” PB
live. This is further substantiated by Matilov “My role is very important because my child is
(2002) that when parents are aware and engaged used to the physical teaching system that we had
in their children's education process, the outcome before the pandemic, so her learning style is
may naturally be qualified as positive and different.” PA
motivating. It was revealed in this study that the “I consider my role as important for the education
parents demonstrated apprehensions, concern for of my children especially in this time of pandemic
safety, and a sense of responsibility but all these for them to continue the things they need to know
things are condensed that they are fully aware of and improve them.” PG
the “important” role as study-buddy or para- Hypothesis 1: Parents whose children are
teacher in this new normal of teaching. utilizing Modular Distance Learning are aware of
Here are some statements of the participants that the importance of their role as para-teachers.
manifested apprehensions regarding their role to Proposition 1: Parents' awareness of their role as
fulfill in this new normal of teaching. para-teachers is necessitated in this new normal of
“I was worried about it initially because I'm not teaching through the Modular Distance Learning
sure if I can teach her well and be with her all the modality.
time.” PA
“I feel doubtful...” PE Theme 2: Acceptance of the inevitable
“First, I feel confused if I can do it, I know it's educational challenge
hard to do household chores and become a study Amid the challenges resulted from the pandemic,
buddy of my children.” PH children’s education needs to thrive. Parents
“I am shocked because I cannot focus on teaching believed that this is the truth of the moment and
my children because we are also looking for that the role they possess is indispensable. This
means every day.” PL learning model, Modular Distance Learning, adds
Some participants demonstrated concern for the the role of being a teacher to the multiple hats of
safety of their children leading them to appreciate being a parent (Synergeia Foundation, 2020).
this type of learning modality in the new normal. However, parents view this learning set-up at
“…feeling safe for my child and have some time to home as useful and managed to cope with some
bond.” PB objectivity (Brom,, 2020). It was exposed in
“…relieved that my daughter will be safe and this inquiry that parents accepted the setbacks of
proceed to her learning.” PJ this inevitable educational challenge. Acceptance
“I am just happy that the kids are safe at home.” of the effects of the pandemic is the parents’ way
PG of conveying that they are at the helm of the
Sense of responsibility was also highlighted in the learning continuity for their children. DepEd
statements of other participants in this study. (2020) corroborates that this learning modality is
“Being the study buddy of my children is a little seen by several parents as an advantage to be able
bit hard but interesting also.” PC to track their children and to have direct
“Being a study buddy is a huge responsibility on participation in their learning. This implies that
our side as a parent. This is the time that we can parents are particularly concerned with ensuring
facilitate our daughter accomplish her module.” that the education of their children is still a
PK necessity considering the public health crisis.
“I wake up early and pray for God's guidance and
think positively in everyday and good things will
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

happen so that I can give positive vibes and information is necessitated to carry out quality
become an effective teacher for them.” PD training for their children. Azubuike and Aina
“…but on the positive side this is the time that we (2020) notes that due to the closure of schools as a
can help our daughter in her module, and we can consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it
see which subject we need to assist her more.” PK became evident that parents had to act despite the
“Being a study buddy of my child is a very prevailing challenges of the health crisis. Parents
challenging task. Most of the subject matters are situated to assume the full-time role of
needs follow up. I'm not only a study buddy but teaching and promote remotely their children’s
also a mentor.” PE schooling through Module Distance Learning.
“I encourage my child to set achievable “I allocate time to teach my children even though
momentary goals.” PA I have other things to do at home. My children are
“… the children can continue their studies despite still young and they cannot do it without my
this pandemic.” PI guidance.” PG
Hypothesis 2: Acceptance of the inevitable “(I) manage time properly to juggle home chores
situation in the educational set up caused by the and guide the child with their studies.” PI
pandemic is vital for the learning continuity of the “We set a space in our house for her to study. As
children. a parent, I need to browse YouTube for some
Proposition 2: Parents demonstrate acceptance of inputs.” PJ
the effects of the inevitable situation in the “I communicate with my child and my partner.
educational set up for learning continuity to Whenever my child is tired, I talk to her to see if I
thrive. can help her with anything.” PA
“I ask my child what she needs or feels. I don't
Theme 3: Actions toward the challenges of the pressure her into finishing a task if she can't
educational set-up because I understand that this setting can be
One of the exemplar models and influences of the stressful to her since it's never been done before.”
children are their parents. The values and types of PC
behavior are often adopted by their children “I supervise him and let him do it on his own. (I
(Kasapi, 2013). From the moment of birth, am) teaching my son to be independent and
parents are being considered to be the first teacher discovering all his talents.” PD
of a child and as they progress through life. The “There is a routine to follow. I train them to do
typical role of parents involves teaching, leading, assignments or making a habit to read modules.
and raising kids to become responsible pillars of So, they can be responsible for students.” PH
societies. When children’s formal education “I let them read and understand their modules, in
commences, parents allow the schools to play a case they don't understand some parts of it I will
major role in their children’s formal training. try to explain it to them.” PB
Parents act more like providers when formal “I review the lessons and recall what I learned
education is concerned. Children’s welfare is the before.” PF
parents’ utmost concern about the needed Hypothesis 3: In the remote learning of their
provision for school and other types of support to children, parents are positioned to undertake the
access quality education and learning (Benjamin, role of the teacher.
1993; Emerson et al., 2012; Ceka & Murati, Proposition 3: Parents are taking optimistic
2016). When the public health crisis began, actions toward the prevailing challenges of the
parents assume a more support-oriented role for educational crisis.
their children’s education to continue such as
assisting on their activities, performance tasks, Theme 4: Adaptation of the new normal in
and many others through remote learning education
modalities like Modular Distance Learning. An impetus has been created by the pandemic to
According to Mojsovsja (2006), as cited by Ceka revisit schooling and reflect on the 'what, where,
and Murati (2016), parents are aware of the and how” of learning and schools have assumed a
learning interests and developmental needs of monumental position in reversing the classic
their children, concomitantly pedagogical teaching and learning paradigm (Bhamani, et. al.,
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

2020; Zhao, 2020). A significant component of “We encourage her to finished her modules on
our educational armory against a pandemic or time, so that she can have a lot of time to play and
other related educational crisis is remote or watch her favorite TV program.” PF
distance learning. Parents are anticipated to
empirically act with the support of the “I always motivate my children to learn. I also
stakeholders for the learning continuity to thrive. teach them the value of respect so they will
Studies revealed that the distance learning consider me as an authority for them to learn
modality used amid the pandemic was deemed what I am teaching to them.” PK
acceptable on the side of the parents and the
adaptation to schooling at home materialized “(To) have more patience in letting the child
swiftly, putting a premium on the safety and understand their lessons.” PI
wellbeing of the learners (Bubb and Jones, 2020;
Zhao,, 2020). Parental participation “They learn how to use a computer
strengthened. Parents had a heightened independently… and opportunity to learn new
understanding of the progress of their children, fields like doing household chores, baking, and
and they had chances to practice a more active many others.” PJ
role than it ever was. More innovative learning,
improved progress, more valuable input, and Hypothesis 4: Parents’ adaptation of the new
increased autonomy of students became available normal in education has helped them attain their
(Bubb and Jones, 2020). Findings in this study role in this new normal of teaching.
revealed that regardless of the adversities, parents Proposition 4: Parents developed adaptive
have adapted and improved their ways on how measures to fulfill their role as para-teachers in
they can assist their children in terms of their this new normal of teaching.
schooling. Parents had their innovative ways of
handling the situation and they gained more Theory Generation:
insights into their children’s education. Apart
from being parents, seemingly, the role of being a When the experiences of the parents in this new
teacher is being well acknowledged. normal of teaching were studied, parents’
“We all compromised and adapted to it (Modular resilient mechanisms, as the core category,
Distance Learning) eventually.” PA emerged. Unveiled in the interview responses of
the participants are their awareness of the role as
“(My role is) very important because we, parents, para-teacher, acceptance of the inevitable
are being their teacher in this new normal educational challenge, actions toward the
education.” PB challenges of the educational set-up, and
adaptation of the new normal in education which
“I need to guide them especially my daughter who is modular distance learning. After painstakingly
is in grade 2 right now because I have to explain analyzing the data, the experiences of the parents
more to her about what is written in the in this type of educational set up can be described
module…” PC as follows:
As the COVID-19 pandemic instigated the
“We need to adapt to the new distance learning closures of the schools and moved learning to
and this is for the benefit of my children.” PH homes, parents have now assumed the role of
educators as they are primary resources in the
“(To cope, I do) time management at setting house, especially when assisting the learners in
priorities…” PD accomplishing their modules. These uncertain
times brought much pressure on parents’ end as
“After doing the activities/ assignments, I give they have several roles to fulfill other than being
what they want. Sometimes I give them the prize, their child’s teacher at home. This led them to
the food they want.” PE generate some apprehensions. Motivated by their
responsibility, parents are aware of their role and
they must not be too cynical as their role is
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

important. Education must continue while putting Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Alicamen’s
a premium on the safety of their children. Pruning RECOGNITION – ADAPTATION –
down these ideas, parents demonstrate awareness PERSISTENCE:
of their role as para-teachers as this is necessitated Parents’ Resilient Mechanisms in the New
for learning continuity particularly in modular Normal of Teaching Theory
distance learning (Theme 1). For the learning Alicamen’s Theory simply states that recognition,
continuity to thrive, acceptance of the adaptation, and persistence are considered to be
consequences of the inevitable educational the parents’ resilient mechanisms for them to
challenges caused by the pandemic is a vital succeed in their role as study buddy in this new
aspect. Revealed in this study were the following normal of teaching. Being a teacher to your child
indicators such as having a positive outlook, requires parents and/or guardians to recognize
taking it as a challenge, setting objectives, and their role (awareness and acceptance), to adapt
praying for God’s guidance. These mirror parents’ certain initiatives (adaptation), and to persist in
favorable regard for their role in this type of implementing the initiatives and measures at
learning modality. Hence, parents demonstrate home (actions) for the learning continuity to
acceptance of the effects in the educational set up thrive amid the prevailing challenges and other
for the learning continuity to thrive (Theme 2). adversities of the pandemic.
Parents implement varied ways of assisting their Resilience is characterized as the capacity to
children such as communicating with them, withstand and recover from adverse situations and
guiding and explaining the lesson material, setting to act appropriately to the changes that follow.
a learning space at home, and formulating Resilience, as such, implies the ability and
routines. It is prevalent that parents positioned willingness to adapt and innovate (Callueng,
themselves to take on the role of a teacher at, 2020; Contreras, 2020). This theory
home. They are taking optimistic actions toward further strengthens the characterization of being
the prevailing challenges and continue to persist in “resilient” as manifested by the parents’
realizing their responsibility amid the educational mechanisms in coping with the new normal in
crisis (Theme 3). Additionally, parents’ initiatives education in the Philippines. No matter the
demonstrate adaptation amid the adversities of the apprehensions of their role shown by the parents
new normal in education that have helped them in this unique educational set-up, their yearning
achieve their role in this new normal of teaching. for their children’s education is still on top of their
Such initiatives are compromising and setting the priority, hence the resilient mechanisms were
priorities, facilitating the child, being more unveiled.
patient, taking the opportunity to teach and learn The theory can provide a frame of reference for
new skills, and instilling the value of respect to the educational leaders and institutions for them to
the child. Indeed, parents developed adaptive come up with regulations and other guidelines that
measures to fulfill their role amid the adversities are responsive to the needs and experiences of the
brought by this pandemic (Theme 4). parents in actualizing the objectives of modular
distance learning in the public basic education
RECOGNITION – ADAPTATION – system. This can also provide a better
PERSISTENCE: understanding of how the parents perceive their
Parents’ Resilient Mechanisms in the New roles, adapt to the responsibility as their child’s
Normal of Teaching Theory teacher, and persist to fulfill their role amid the
uncertainties in the time of crisis.
Overall, the theory highlights the accounts of the
parents whose children are utilizing modular
distance learning as they assume the role of being
a study buddy of their children at home. Parents’
recognition, adaptation, and persistence in
fulfilling their role are being magnified as their
resilient mechanisms in this type of educational
set up.
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 5434-5447 ISSN: 00333077

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