Psalter With Resp o 00 Unit

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With Responsive Readings
<5Jh of phi/^c?>^

^ OCT 23 1936 ^

Jn\\.^A ?V«t^\iyt^r\ocn L.ifiurcK,Klort.h A<Y»er

The United Presbyterian Board of Publication

Copyright, igi2,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The prime distinction of this Psalter is its use of the metrical version of
the Psalms approved September 22d, 1909, by a Joint Committee from
nine Churches of the Presbyterian family in Canada and the United States.
These Churches are as follows: the Presbyterian Church in the United States
of America, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Reformed Church in
America, the United Presbyterian Church of North America, the Reformed
Presbyterian Church, Synod, the Reformed Presbyterian Church, General
Synod, the Christian Reformed Church in North America, the Associate
Reformed Presbyterian Church, and the Associate Presbyterian Church.
There had been a long-felt desire for a version of the Psalms which would
satisfy modern literary standards and be recognized as the mutual property
of the Churches. A movement in this direction was started in 1893, the
General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church then appointing a
Committee to bring the project before the various ecclesiastical bodies.
The outcome was the creation of a Joint Committee in 1895. After being
enlarged, it met in Philadelphia on April 8th, 1897, for organization and the
adoption of a plan of procedure. Though meanwhile there was much prep-
aration on the part of some of its members, the Committee was not con-
vened again until 1900, when on April 20th the first session for actual work
began in New York City, lasting six days. From that date lengthy meetings
were held twice a year until April, 1905, when the Revision was finished
and sent to the interested Churches for action thereon. Most of these
Churches commended the progress made, but desired the Joint Committee
to continue its efforts toward a version of still greater excellence. The
Joint Committee, to aid it in this matter, waited for reports from the Com-
mittees representing the Churches, with the criticisms and suggestions they
might convey.
The Committee of the United Presbyterian Church, increased and defi-
nitely instructed by the General Assembly of 1905, set itself very earnestly
to its duty, proposing practically a new metrical translation of the Psalms.
The Committee as now constituted consisted of David A. McClenahan, D.D.,
LL.D., Chairman, David R. Miller, D.D., William E. McCulloch, D.D.,
John McNaugher, D.D., LL.D., William J. Reid, D.D., and William L
Wishart, D.D. It had the invaluable help of Edward A. Collier, D.D., of
the Reformed Church in America, and of Charles E. Craven, D.D., of the
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, both of whom had
shown already superior poetic gifts as members of the Joint Committee.
Three years were spent on the undertaking, the Committee meeting weekly,
except during the vacation periods. The Committees of the other Churches
did little in the meantime, being informed of the work that was being prose-
cuted on so large a scale by the United Presbyterian Committee. In April,
1909, proof sheets of the Version were forwarded to the members of the
Joint Committee, who offered emendations and additions, many of which
were accepted. On September 21st, 1909, the Joint Committee gathered
in the Allegheny Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, where two days were

occupied with a review of the Version. With some slight retouching, it

was submitted to the Churches by almost unanimous agreement as the
Joint Committee's final report.
The Version was presented to the General Assembly of the United Pres-
byterian Church at Knoxville, Tennessee, in May, 1909, subject to such
minor changes as might still be made by the Joint Committee. The Gen-
eral Assembly overtured it to the Presbyteries, where an overwhelming vote
in its favor was recorded. In pursuance of this legal approval by the Pres-
byteries, the General Assembly of 1910, meeting in Philadelphia, formally
authorized the Version as The Book of Praise of the United Presbyterian
Church of North America.
In this Version the inspired Psalms have been rendered into choice
English verse, while yet the freshness and strength and sober dignity of
the Hebrew originals have been preserved. Besides the familiar meters, a
number of more recent type have been introduced, permitting an ampler
drawing from the copious stores of church music of the past and present.
The Psalms that are prized most highly have special treatment, there being
two or more renditions of them, differing metrically. In the thought of
many this versification of the Divine Hymnal, because of its merit and its
undenominational character, is destined to receive broad acceptance and
become historic.
Confidently anticipating the indorsement of the Version by the Church,
the Board of Publication in 1909 appointed an Editorial Committee to pre-
pare a Psalter, and on November 29th of that year the initiative was taken
in a task only now happily concluded. In this new manual of praise the
Psalms are divided into four hundred and thirteen sections. By such par-
titioning many passages of peculiar interest which otherwise would be un-
sung are brought under observation. In every instance the Psalm numeral
and the meter signature are printed prominently. Instead of numbering
the stanzas of a Psalm consecutively through several sections, the stanzas
are counted over again in each, and the continuous order is indicated in
brackets below the music. Supplementing the entire Psalm, there is an
occasional selection of stanzas that frame up into a good unity. Some of
these selections belong to the text of the Version; others have been drafted
by the Editorial Committee. A few choruses, nine in all, are employed.
The headings on every page embody the keynote or leading strain of the
several sections, and are designed to contribute meaning to the service of
In the search for tunes the Committee has made an exhaustive study
of the best collections of congregational music in America and Great Britain.
The tests constantly applied were harmony with the lofty sentiment and
spiritual utterance of the Psalms, genuinely musical quality, promise of
permanence, and popular adaptation. Many of the old Psalm tunes retain
their place, not because of any prescriptive right, but by reason of their
intrinsic value. Seventeen tunes appear for the first time, having been
written especially for this book. Each tune is set but once. This rule
secures a wealth of music, so that this Psalter contains no less than four
hundred and thirty-six tunes, inclusive of twenty-three alternates. A fixed
association between tune and words is also gained thereby. Commonly
marks of expression or speed have been avoided, it being judged better

that organists and choirs should themselves seek such a musical interpreta-
tion of the Psalms as will be edifying. The Committee was exceedingly
fortunate in obtaining the co-operation, as expert musical editor, of Mr.
Charles N. Boyd, Instructor in Church Music in the Western Theological
Seminary, Pittsburgh. To his skill and painstaking care very much is
owing. The Committee takes this opportunity to thank the composers and
publishers who have granted free permission for the use of copyright mate-
Together with the ordinary indexes, a topical index, analyzing and
classifying the rich content of the Psalms, has been provided. This sup-
plies a ready reference for both doctrinal and practical themes. The Psalter
has been made more complete as a service book by the insertion of Respon-
sive Readings. It is believed that the growing number of congregations
which have a responsive exercise in their order of worship will welcome this
new feature. To the Responsive Readings are appended two doxologies
and the Apostles' Creed for public repetition.
With this brief preface the book is sent forth upon its sacred mission.
It presents anew the immortal songs of the Holy Spirit, those matchless
hymns of the Bible which have been sung in far-off countries and centuries,
which were chanted by our Lord and His disciples, and which with their
measured language of religious feeling and devotion will abide until the
end. In submitting the results of its labor the Committee expresses the
earnest hope that the Church may be able, more worthily than ever, to
fulfil the injunction: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all
wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God."

John McNaugher, Chairman

William E. McCulloch
David F. McGill
William J. Reid
Charles F. Wishart
William I. Wishart
Pittsburgh, November, 1912

The Psalms 7-353

Responsive Readings ,
. 355-427

Special Responsive Readings 428-435

DoxoLOGiEs and Creed 436

Index of First and Special Lines 437-442

Alphabetical Index of Tunes 443,444

Metrical Index of Tunes 445-447

Index of Composers and Sources 448, 449

Index of Subjects 450-459

1 The Blessedness of the Godly
PSALM 1 C. M. Meditation John H. Gower

rag * *
I That man is blest who, fear - ing God, From sin re - strains his feet,


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mm Who will not

stand with wick - ed men, Who
shuns the scorn -
ers' seat.

m.m^ -OfL

Copyright, 1890, by John H. Gower. Used by per.

i '^^^^
2 Yea, blest is he who makes God's law
His portion and delight,
And meditates upon that law
With gladness day and night.

3 That man is nourished like a tree

Set by the river's side;
Its leaf is green, its fruit is sure,
And thus his works abide.

4 The wicked like the driven chaff

Are swept from off the land;
They shall not gather with the Just,
Nor in the judgment stand.

5 The Lord will guard the righteous well,

Their way to Him is known
The way of sinners, far from God,
Shall surely be o'erthrown.
2 The Righteous and Unrighteous


8s and

is he

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loves God's pre-cepts,

Who from
Luther O. Emerson

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re-strains his feet,

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He who will not stand with sin - ners, He who shuns the scorn - ers' seat.

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r I
2 Blest is he who makes the statutes 4 Like the driven chaff the wicked
Of the Lord his chief delight, Shall be swept from off the land;
In God's law, divinely perfect. With the just they shall not gather,
Meditating day and night. Nor shall in the judgment stand.

3 He is planted
like a tree well 5 Well the Lord will guard the righteous,
By the flowing river's side. For their way to Him is known;
Ever green of leaf and fruitful But the way of evildoers
Thus shall all his works abide. Shall by Him be overthrown.

SECOND TUNE Sardis Arranged from Beethoven

^4: t ^^m j=i-i—i—if

i^, i

I Blest is he who loves God's pre- cepts, from sin re-strains his feet,

f-^: I F f f-f-i*f--^i f I r r I

P^^^ i ij:
He who will not stand with sin - ners, He who shuns the scom-ers' seat.

JL* 4<

The Kingship of Jesus Christ
PSALM 2 73 Herald Angels Arranged from Mendelssohn

K\ I J J—J—JlJ I 1

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do the na-tions rage

pf^^^ rrrr^
And the peo

- pie vain-ly dream That

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they can wage War a-gainst the
King su-preme? Christ His Son a

scoff they make,

m=^ u -^ A-

And the rul - ers plot-ting say Their do-min-ion let us break, Let us cast their

ii ^
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yoke a -way, Their do-min-ion let us break, Let

us cast their yoke a -way.

l=f •r

But the Lord


« — aaj•-

will scorn them all.

^^^^^m All the earth at Thy request
Calm He sits enthroned on high; I will give Thee for Thy own;
Soon His wrath will on them fall, Then Thy might shall be confessed
Sore displeased He will reply: And Thy foes be overthrown.
Yet according to My will
have set My King to reign,
I 4 Therefore, kings, be wise, give ear;
And on Zion's holy hill Hearken, judges of the earth;
My Anointed I maintain. Learn to serve the Lord with fear.
Mingle trembling with your mirth.
3 This His word shall be made known, Kiss the Son, lest o'er your way
This Jehovah's firm decree: His consuming wrath should break;
Thou art My beloved Son, But supremely blest are they
Yea, I have begotten Thee. Who in Christ their refuge take.
Christ's Inheritance
PSALM 2 L. M. UXBRIDGE Lowell Mason

1 O where-fore do the
na - tions rage,
W^kings and rul - ers strive in vain,

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A - gainst the Lord of earth and heaven To o- ver-throw Mes-si - ah's reign?

rP- -f- -P- f- .1^^

hiH^zK^lf^ ^l^f>4tf

2 Their strength is weakness in the sight 4 Be ye rulers of the earth.
Of Him Who enthroned above;
sits And
serve the Lord with godly fear;
He speaks, and judgments fall on them With reverent joy confess the Son
Who tempt His wrath and scorn His While yet in mercy He is near,

3 By God's decree His Son receives 5 Delay not, lest His anger rise.
The nations for His heritage; [reign And ye should perish in your way;
The conquering Christ supreme shall Lo, all that put their trust in Him
As King of kings, from age to age. Are blest indeed, and blest for aye.




C. M.

Lord, how are

God Our Guardian


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in-creased! A-gainst

W • — —r-rT-
——• F

Arthur Cottman

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^ I

^ 1

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How man - y say,
In vain
for help
He on his God re - lies.

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r r 1^- ^-^\ I

f r r^ I
God Our Guardian
2 Thou art my shield and glory, Lord, 4 Arise, O Lord; save me, my God;
My Saviour, Most High. For Thou hast owned my cause,
The Lord from out His holy hill And oft hast beaten down my foes
Gives answer when I cry. Who scorn Thy righteous laws.

3 I laid me down and slept, I waked, 5 Salvation to the Lord belongs.

Because the Lord sustains; In Him His saints are blest;
Though many thousands compass me, O letThy blessing evermore
Unmoved my soul remains. Upon Thy people rest.

6 A Trustful Appeal to God

PSALM 4 L. M. Rest William B. Bradbury

i i^
I My righteous GodjWho
of old
I i a

H ast saved from trou-bles man

- i - fold,

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Give an-swerwhen I


to Thee,


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now and hear my
m m


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2 How long, O men, will ye defame, 4 In reverence wait, from sin depart,
How long my glory turn to shame, In meditation calm your heart;
How long will ye vain follies prize, Hold fast the right, be true and just,
How long pursue deceit and lies ? And in Jehovah put your trust.

3 But know, the Lord has set apart 5 who will show us any good,
The man of godly life and heart Exclaims the faithless multitude;
To be His favored one for aye; But lift on us, O Lord, we pray,
Jehovah hears me when I pray. The brightness of Thy face this day.

6 More joy from Thee has filled my heart

Than great abundance could impart;
I lay me down to peaceful sleep.
For Thou, O Lord, dost safely keep.
Quieting Thoughts
PSALM 4 6s and 5s Penitence Spencer Lane

ma I On
the good and
faith - ful
has set
set His love;

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When they call He sends them
Bless - ings from a - bove.
iii^ ^^ 1S>-



I r r


Stand in awe, and

sin not, Bid

your heart be

Through the lent watch Think up - on His will.

4^ -€^ A ^ ^
By per. of C, L. Hutchins [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Lay upon God's altar In God's love abiding,

Good and loving deeds, I have joy and peace
And in all things trust Him More than all the wicked,
To supply your needs. Though their wealth increase.
Anxious and despairing. In His care confiding,
Many walk in night; I will sweetly sleep.
But to those that fear Him For the Lord, my Saviour,
God will send His light. Will in safety keep.

8 Faith and Peace

PSALM 4 6s and 5s Merrial Joseph Bamby

v mU-U^

On Lthe good and faith - ful God has set His love

; . .

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Faith and Peace

When they call He sends them Bless -
ings from a * bove.

m ^' -J-
[Selected Stanzas]

2 Stand in awe, and sin not, But to those that fear Him
Bid your heart be still; God will send His light.
Through the silent watches
4 In His care confiding,
Think upon His will. I will sweetly sleep,
3 Anxious and despairing, For the Lord, my Saviour,
Many walk in night; Will in safety keep.

An Entreaty for Guidance

Comfort English Melody

Thou, Jehovah, art a God In the fulness of Thy grace

Who delightest not in sin; To Thy house I will repair,
Evil shall not dwell with Thee, Bowing toward Thy holy place,
Nor the proud Thy favor win. In Thy fear will worship there.
Evildoers Thou dost hate, Lead me in Thy righteousness.
Lying tongues Thou wilt defeat; Let my foes assail in vain;
God abhors the man who loves Lest my feet be turned aside.
Violence and base deceit. Make Thy way before me plain.
10 Confident Access to God
PSALM 5 7s Martyn Simeon B. Marsh


In the ful -ness of Thy grace
-ing toward Thy ho - ly place,
To Thy house I will
In Thy fear will wor
^ -
- pair,

D.c. Z«/ M_y feet be turned a - side. Make Thy ivay be fore -
tne plain.

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Lead me Thy Let my

in right-eous - ness, foes as - sail

:&= =p= gs * i • —r^

[Stanzas 3-5]

False and faithless are my foes, 3 O let all that trust Thy care
In their mouth no truth is found; Ever glad and joyful be;
Deadly are the words they speak, Let them joy who love Thy Name,
All their thoughts with sin abound. Safely guarded. Lord, by Thee.
Bring, O
God, their plans to nought, For a blessing from Thy store
Hold them guilty in Thy sight. To the righteous Thou wilt yield;
For against Thee and Thy law Thou wilt compass him about
They have set themselves to fight. With Thy favor as a shield.

11 Prayer and Protection

PSALM 5 7s Redhead Richard Redhead

4: -m

ji- *m— —

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I O Je - ho - vah, hear my words. To my thoughts at - ten - tive be

-• * * f r »^ ._^ fc
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-li •- 1
Hear my cry, my King, my God, I will make my prayer to Thee

i^ ^m T-t e

[Selected SUnzas]
Prayer and Protection

2 With the morning light, O Lord, 3 O let all that trust Thy care
Thou shalt hear my voice arise, Ever glad and joyful be;
And expectant I will bring Let them joy who love Thy Name,
Prayer as morning sacrifice. Safely guarded. Lord, by Thee.

4 For a blessing from Thy store

To the righteous Thou wilt yield;
Thou wilt compass him about
With Thy favor as a shield.

12 Divine Chastisement
PSALM 6 8s and 7s Zeno Alexander B. Morton

^^^^m I

Lord, re-buke me not in an - ger Chastened sore I waste a - way


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Pit - y my dis-tress and hear me ; Lord, how long wilt Thou de -lay?

m =r=T e p^^^i^^
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
2 Come, O Lord, my soul deliver,
In Thy loving-kindness save.
Shall the dead Thy Name remember ?
Who shall praise Thee in the grave ?

3 Pity, Lord, my sad condition;

Iam weary and distressed;
Many adversaries vex me.
Weeping, I can find no rest.

4 Now the foes that seek to harm me.

Quickly put to shame, shall flee,
For the Lord hath heard my weeping.
And He will regard my plea.

13 Confidence in Divine Justice
PSALM 7 IIS Paulina Arranged from Donizetti

mte— — 3 —

I Je

ho - vah,

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on Thy help
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all that pur-

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me O save

and de - fend ; Lest they

like a
on should

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rend me at will, While no one is near me their rag - ing to


m i
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^m r
2 When wronged without cause I have kindness returned;
But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned,
My soul let the enemy seize for his prey,
My life and my honor in dust let him lay.
3 O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes;
Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose.
Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet.
While o'er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat.

4 All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord;

To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord,
As faithful and righteous in life I have been,
And ever integrity cherished within.

5 Establish the righteous, let evil depart.

For God Who
is just tries the thoughts of the heart.

In God for defense I have placed all trust; my

The upright He saves and He judges the just.

6 The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day,

And if they repent not is ready to slay;
By manifold ruin for others prepared
They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared.
Confidence in Divine Justice
7 Because He is righteous His praise I will sing,
Thanksgiving and honor to Him I will bring,
Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely,
Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High.

14 The Name of the Lord

PSALM 8 C. M. Clinton Joseph P. Holbrook

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Lord, our Lord,
z? z?
in all
the earth

gl i
ex - eel -
lent Thy Name


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:i i3^ ^^
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Thy glo ry Thou hast spread a far In ry frame.

- - all the star -

- *=
g^r^-r ^^ P I
2 From lips of children, Thou, O Lord,
Hast mighty strength ordained.
That adversaries should be stilled
And vengeful foes restrained.
3 When I regard the wondrous heavens,
Thy handiwork on high.
The moon and stars ordained by Thee,
O what is man, I cry.

4 O what is Thy regard

man, in
To hold so large a place,
And what the son of man, that Thou
Dost visit him in grace.

5 On man Thy wisdom hath bestowed

power well nigh divine;
With honor Thou hast crowned his head
With glory like to Thine.
6 Thou hast subjected all to him,
And lord of all is he.
Of flocks and herds, and beasts and birds,
And all within the sea.
7 Thy mighty works and wondrous grace
Thy glory, Lord, proclaim.
O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth
How excellent Thy Name.
15 God's Glory in His Works
PSALM 8 73 Thanksgiving Walter B. Gilbert

1^=3^ t J
4=it tEH i \i i : ^

j I
I LordjOur Lord, Thy glorious Name All Thy wondrous works proclaim; In the heavens with

h f-lfl £rpTf-f-p-fHf^4^^ |

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ra-diant signs Ev-er-more

, t_ug f_.

Thy glo-ry shines.

^|g-,f -^
In-fant lips


r ^ *

Thou dost or-dain Wrath and vengeance

f . ti.^it.^sL^t^


to re-strain; Weakestmeansful-fil Thy will, Might-y en - e - mies to still.

T r t i^T#-^
2 Moon and stars in shining height 3 With dominion crowned he stands
Nightly Maker's might;
tell their O'er the creatures of Thy hands;
When Thy wondrous heavens I scan, All to him subjection yield
Then I know how weak is man. In the sea and air and field.
What is man that he should be Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name
Loved and visited by Thee, All Thy wondrous works proclaim;
Raised to an exalted height, Thine the Name of matchless worth,
Crowned with honor in Thy sight ? Excellent in all the earth.

16 The Lord the Righteous Judge

PSALM 9 IIS Frederick George Kingsley

w I I I I I
j .^. h I I. I I I I I I

I Whole-heart - ed thanks-giv - ing to Thee will I bring. In praise of Thy

^m w^ Tifir I
The Lord the Righteous Judge

i13 nrtJTt-i ^^
mar- vel

s4^ r=t
- ous

^^^ ^
deeds I



In Thee

*^ 4—^

will joy and


ult-ing-ly Thy Name O

cry, I will praise, Je - ho - vah Most High.

2 My
enemies turn and are scattered in
They stumble and perish because Thou art near;
For Thou hast defended my right and my cause,
Thou sittest in judgment, upholding Thy laws.
3 Rebuked are the nations, the wicked destroyed,
Their memory perished, their dwelling-place void;
Enthroned and eternal, Jehovah shall reign,
The peoples to judge and the right to maintain.
4 Thou, Lord, art a refuge for all the oppressed;
All trust Thee who know Thee, and trusting are blest;
For never, Lord, did Thy mercy forsake
The soul that has sought of Thy grace to partake.
5 Give praise to Jehovah, the mighty deeds tell
Of Him Who
has chosen in Zion to dwell.
Of Him to Whom
justice and vengeance belong,
Who visits the lowly and overthrows wrong.
6 Behold my Thy mercy accord,
And back from death's portals restore me, O Lord,
That I in the gates of Thy Zion may raise
My song of salvatiop and show forth Thy praise.

7 The sins of the nations their ruin have wrought,

Their own evildoing destruction has brought;
In this the Lord's justice eternally stands.
That sinners are snared in the work of their hands.
8 The wicked shall perish, the nations shall fall.
Forgetting their God, Who is God over all
But God will remember the prayer of the weak,
Most surely fulfilling the hope of the meek.
9 Arise in Thy justice, O Lord, and Thy might,
No longer let sinners prevail in Thy sight;
Great Judge of the nations, in judgment appear
To humble the proud and to teach them Thy fear.
17 Whole-Hearted Praise
PSALM 9 L. M. Anvern Arranged by Lowell Mason

4: -^ ^ J3±^^4:^i^H^^
I O Lord Most High, with all my heart Thy won - drous

iJ^E^g^ I f-i-r-f-F=

^^^^-works I will pro -claim ; I will

be glad and give Thee thanks
"^ ^^ And sing the

i^ifc $^=t^ ft^ I

s iEf
es of

And sing the prais - es



[Selected Stanzas]

2 The Lord, the everlasting King, 4 All they, O Lord, that know Thy Name
on His judgment- throne;
Is seated Their confidence in Thee will place,
The righteous judge of all the world For Thou hast ne'er forsaken them
Will make His perfect justice known. Who earnestly have sought Thy face.
3 Jehovah will a refuge prove, 5 Sing praises to the Lord Most High,
A refuge strong for all oppressed, To Him Who doth in Zion dwell;
A safe retreat, where weary souls Declare His mighty deeds abroad,
In troublous times may surely rest. His deeds among the nations tell.


RiVAULX John B. Dykes

^=«- tei * i \

1 O Lord Most High, with all my heart Thy won-drous works I will pro - claim

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\r~^ ^^^^ 20
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Whole-Hearted Praise

r^r^^ *

r v^ff^j i i\'^ Ji^P^

will be glad and give Thee thanks And sing the prais - es of Thy Name.

iSf^^zJfef^ fN * -f-
^ J A=^
^ f-
18 Complaint Against the Wicked
PSALM 10 L. M Briggs William A. Tarbutton

Why stand-est Thou
I ; I IJrt
a - far, O Lord,
Why art Thou

J: \ I I
in trou-ble's

r=f UjfJi ^
MP i r-jij
b-f —r^
VH^J^IJ:l H^ I
The wick-ed per- se - cute the poor In haugh-ty pride and reck- less power.


FT=f W r-*'-

Let their devices work their fall,

For in their shame is all their pride;
J- ,

6 Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand,
O God, protect the poor and meek;
And while they seek unrighteous gain Why should the proud Thy justice
The Lord of justice is defied. doubt,
And words of bold defiance speak?

3 The wicked thinks, in foolish pride.

There is no God Who will repay; 7 O Lord, Thou wilt indeed requite,
He has no fear of God or man The sin and sorrow Thou dost see;
Because God's judgments long delay. The helpless and the fatherless
Commit themselves, O Lord, to Thee.
4 Unmoved by fear of coming doom, g Break Thou the power of wicked men
On fraud and wickedness intent, And let their works no longer stand;
With craft he lurks and waits to catch The Lord is King for evermore,
The helpless and the innocent. Who drove the nations from His land.
5 A lion crouching for his prey, 9 Lord, Thou hast heard the lowly prayer,
He waits the poor to overthrow; The fainting heart Thou wilt restore.
He thinks that God remembers not. The helpless cause Thou wilt maintain.
Or hides His face and will not know. That mortal man may boast no more.
19 Prayer for the Oppressed
PSALM 10 S. M. Clifton C. Warwick Jordan

w ^^L4i^^j^^i j

j j-^^^
I Why dost Thou stand a - far, O Lord, in our dis tress ?

m ?=T%
T rr
And why dost Thou con - ceal Thy - self When trou-blous times op -press?

i E * ^=ftf
[Selected Stanzas]
2 Do Thou, O Lord, arise; 4 Thou, Lord, hast heard their prayer
O God, lift up Thy hand; When humble hearts drew nigh;
Forget Thou not the suffering poor, Thou also wilt revive their strength
The humble in the land. And ever hear their cry.
3 Their foes Thou dost behold, 5 Defend the fatherless
Their wrongs Thou wilt repay; And who are oppressed.
The poor commit themselves to Thee, That they by human pride and power
Thou art the orphans' stay. May be no more distressed.

20 Unshaken Faith Amid Danger


11 IIS Protection Anonymous

I In God will
J^i J
I trust,though

s •
coun- sel-ors
4 i^
say, O flee
as a

gzrTgzij «-
"Tf &
i ¥=
your moun-tain way; The wick are strong and

bird to a - - ed the

J. t i5>-^

^ ^m
^ XtTt^Tl i
5 I

right -eous

^ ^ are weak,

Foun - da - tions are

shak - en, yet


^ will I seek.
Unshaken Faith Amid Danger
2 The Lord His temple shall ever abide;
His throne eternal, whatever betide.

The children of men He beholds from on high,

The wicked to punish, the righteous to try.
3 The Lord is most righteous, the Lord loves the right,
The evil He hates and will surely requite;
The wicked His anger will drive from their place,
The upright in rapture shall gaze on His face.

21 Assurances for Evil Days

PSALM 12 C. P. M. Bremen Thomas Hastings

m ii: j5i -j 4
^=t^=t^=^ ir-f3=i^



O Lord, be

Thou my help - er true, For just

and god
- ly men are few


The faith - ful who can find ? From truth and wis - dom men de - part,

^. >2-
-(=2. -0.

r_r II ft
F i f
With flattering
W i^^^^^^^
lips and dou - ble heart They speak their e - vil mind.

^^ I
2 The lips that spe^k, the truth to hide, 3 Because the poor are sore oppressed.
The tongues of arrogance and pride. Because the needy are distressed.
That boastful words employ. And bitter are their cries,
False-speaking tongues that boast The Lord will be their helper strong;
their might. To save them from contempt and
That own no law, that know no right, wrong
Jehovah will destroy. Jehovah will arise.

4 Jehovah's promises are sure.

His words are true. His words are pure
As silver from the flame.
Though base men walk on every side,
His saints are whate'er betide.
Protected by His Name.
22 Trust in the Mercy of God
PSALM 13 7s and 6s Oliva Alexander B. Morton

m T*Tf^ i r ^ #r

I How

long wilt

f: ^.^
Thou for - get

me, O Lord, Thou God of grace


How long shall fears be - set


While dark -ness hides Thy face?


^ d^±^
shall griefs dis -
tress me
And turn my
day to night?

91 lOc
"? ^

^^*^\P } \ \ \T. #^

^ How long shall foes op -

press me And tri -
umph in their might ?

^ —— ifc
^ b'-
Copyright, 1897, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

r- g X

2 O Lord my God, behold me, 3 But I with expectation

And hear my
earnest cries; Have on Thy grace relied;
Lest sleep of death enfold me, My heart in Thy
Enlighten Thou my eyes; Shall still with joy confide.
Lest now my foe insulting And I with voice of singing
Should boast of his success, Will praise the Lord above.
And enemies exulting Who, richest bounties bringing.
Rejoice in my distress. Has dealt with me in love.
23 Human Corruption
PSALM 14 L. M. . Blackburn William M. H. Aitken

^ ^ t^
I^ i te
•-•— i
^r^^ r—F --»
The God Who sits en - throned on

I high The fool-ish in their heart de - ny
^J J i-t-
m^ i^^ Zi=^.

Not one does good; cor-rupt
^ in
thought,Un-righteous works their hands have wrought.

-^ v^ ^_

:r g I^
2 From heaven the Lord with searching 4 Has knowledge with the wicked failed,
eye That they My people have assailed,
Looked down the sons of men to try, That they delight in works of shame,
To see if any understood And call not on Jehovah's Name ?
And sought for God, the only good.

3 From righteousness they all depart. 5 Thy lowly servant they despise.
Corrupt are all, and vile in heart; Because he on the Lord relies;
Yea, every man has evil done; But they shall tremble yet in fear,
Not one does good, not even one. For to the righteous God is near.

6 O that from Zion His abode

Salvation were on us bestowed!
When God His exiles shall restore,
They shall in song His grace adore.

SECOND TUNE Lauds Arranged by Richard Redhead

I The God Who sits en-throned

^ ^
on high The fool - ish in

their heart

de -


— ^-

i ' I
Not one does good cor ;
- rupt in thought,Unrighteous works their hands have wrought

P^ 25
24 Tests of Christian Character
PSALM 15 83 and 7s Helen Silas J. Vail

^ tm ^^
I Who, O Lord, with Thee a - bid - ing, Thy house shall be Thy guest ?

5*4-v- m fet ^
Who, his

;- f

- on
i Hi
turn ing.

In Thy ho ly hill shall rest?

fc=|t :^=tt 1^
9if3^ i t=t:

f7:/ i
^ ^i^=^^^¥^^f^'T^^
He that ev - er walks up-right - ly, Does the right without a fear, When he

t=^ ^ >—>^ f-r^-f »-

speaks, he speaks not light - ly,

But with truth and love sin - cere.
t r
He that slanders not his brother, 3 Freely to the needy lending,
Does no evil to a friend; No excess he asks again;
To reproaches of another And the innocent befriending,
He refuses to attend. He desires not praise of men.
Wicked men win not his favor, Doing this, and evil spurning.
But the good who fear the Lord; He shall nevermore be moved:
From his vow he will not waver, This the man with Thee sojourning.
Though it bring him sad reward. This the man by Thee approved.

25 The Godly Man

PSALM 15 S. M. Lisbon Daniel Read

m4=*V —
» 4-^it
'—^^—I • * i
I Lord, who shall come to Thee, And stand be - fore Thy face?

^M r=M'26
The Godly Man


——— ^•

a -


1 1


- in Thy ho
^^ ly place?

ii^ ^

1^^^^ P=
2 The man of upright life, 3 Who honors godly men,
Sincere in word and deed, But scorns the false and vile,

Who slanders neither friend nor foe, Who keeps his promised word to all,

Nor idle tales will heed. Though loss be his the while.

4 Who loves not usury.

takes a base reward;
Unmoved forever he shall be,
And stand before the Lord.

26 An Ideal Worshiper

15 7s Innocents The Parish Choir

I Who, O Lord, shall dwell

t? Thee
m In
the tem -

pie of Thy grace ?

ste M ^ m
Who Thycon-stant guest shall be

In Thy
high and ho -
ly place ?



-r • ^
h-M ^
2 He who walks in righteousness, 4 Who the wicked man will spurn,
All his actions just and clear; Honor those that fear the Lord;
He whose words the truth express, Nor will from his promise turn
Spoken from a heart sincere. Though but loss be his reward.

3 He to whom does not belong 5 Who no usury will claim,

Tongue of malice or deceit; Nor with bribes pollute his hand:
Who will not his neighbor wrong, He who thus his lite shall frame
Nor a slanderous tale repeat. Shall unmoved forever stand.

27 God the Highest Good
PSALM 16 C. M. St. Peter Alexander R. Reinagle

MU^U=i=4 m tr
I O God, pre - serve me, for in Thee A - lone my trust has stood


5E£^ >
*« J

soul has said, Thou
chief and
on -


m ^ 9r
2 I loveThy saints, who fear Thy Name 4 The Lord is my inheritance,
And walk as in Thy sight; The Lord alone remains
They are the excellent of earth, The fulness of my cup of bliss;
In them is my delight. The Lord my lot maintains.

3 Their sorrows shall be multiplied 5 The lines are fallen unto me

Who worship aught but Thee; In places large and fair;
I share not in their offerings, A goodly heritage is mine,
Nor join their company. Marked out with gracious care.

28 Fellowship with God


16 C. Maitland George N. Allen

S e3 t ^^=g=
I When in the night I med - i - tate On mer - cies mul - ti - plied.

^ !g±^
t^ '^^
^^ I
$ I
3 ^ t: 3 ^
My grate - ful heart in - spires my tongue To bless the Lord, my Guide.

I e
-^ -f=^

f^ f=f i
[Stanzas 6-10
Fellowship with God

2 Forever in my thought the Lord 4 I know that I shall not be left

Before my face shall stand; Forgotten in the grave.

Secure, unmoved, I shall remain, And from corruption. Thou, O Lord,
With Him at my right hand. Thy holy one wilt save.

3 My inmost being thrills with joy 5 The path of life Thou showest me;
And gladness fills my breast; Of joy a boundless store
Because on Him my trust is stayed, Is ever found at Thy right hand,
My flesh in hope shall rest. And pleasures evermore.

29 Immortality and Resurrection

PSALM 16 S. M. Leominster George William Martin

wr .u^r^^hyrffi '• •#
y ^9 ^:-

, I I
1 r

To Thee, O Lord, fly And on Thy help de - pend; Thou art my Lord and

1 I

mA i
3I ^^
i ^^
King Most High ;
Do Thou my
soul de - fend. I praise the Lord
r a -

m frt^ W iizt.

Whose coxmsel guides aright; My heart instructs me in His love In sea-sons of the night.

S? Hr-*- h «-r

f^ V W^ [ Selected Stanzas

2 I keep before me still My soul in death's dark pit

The Lord Whom I have proved; Shall not be left by Thee;
At my right hand He guards from ill, Corruption Thou wilt not permit
And I shall not be moved. Thy holy one to see.
My heart is glad and blest, Life's pathway Thou wilt show,
My soul its joy shall tell; To Thy right hand wilt guide,
And, lo, my flesh in hope shall rest. Where streams of pleasure ever flow.
And still in safety dwell. And boundless joys abide.
30 The Lord Our Inheritance
PSALM 16 S. M. Mary Henry A. Lew-is

U -#- ->S^ -0-

I To Thee, O Lord, I fly And on Thy help de - pend ; Thou art my Lord and

m^ »-' -•*«-«_
S±=|: s^
e-#-• -P- -0- -^ -(5>- -P -^* -#- -j- -#•

King Most High Do Thou my soul de- fend. A her-it-age for me Je - hovah

^^M m



; My

por tion rich and



Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

lot to
Is beautiful
me that
and fair;


is He,

My right He will main-tain.

[ Selected Stanzas

. The heritage in which I dwell

Is good beyond compare.
I praise the Lord above
Whose counsel guides aright;
My heart instructs me in His love
In seasons of the night.

3 I keep before me still

The Lord Whom I have proved;

At my right hand He guards from ill,
And I shall not be moved.
pathway Thou wilt show,
To Thy right hand wilt guide,
Where streams of pleasure ever flow,
And boundless joys abide.

31 The Prayer of the Righteous
PSALM 17 C. H. M. Calm Thomas Hastings

t 3Ei *=at
I Lord, hear the right, re - gard my cry, My prayer from lips sin - cere


e i y
F -r
i -(SL-j^ ii


Send Thy

ap - prov - al from on
high. My

right -
eous-ness make clear

i^ P^
^- 'fs •
'( :

J=^ :^
:i :d-d5
i Thou in the night
my heart hast tried,Nor
r found
it turned from Thee a
. &j

J- ^- -J- -i ^
-J- -m- -0- -i9-.
! I

4-I I I \


91: -*-^ g^^g^^^^ Pip: i

2 With steadfast courage I design 5 My enemy, grown strong in pride,
No wrong to speak or do; Would take my life away,
Thy path of life I choose for mine A lion lurking by my side,
And walk with purpose true. Most greedy for his prey.
For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Confront and cast him down, O Lord,
Assured that Thou wilt answer me. From evil save me by Thy sword.

3 Thou that ever savest those 6 Defend me from the men of pride,
Whose trust on Thee is stayed, Whose portion is below.
Preserving them from all their foes Who, with life's treasures satisfied,
By Thy almighty aid, No better portion know; [ content.
Letme Thy loving-kindness see, They, with earth's joys and wealth
Thy wondrous mercy, full and free. Must leave them all when life is spent.

4 O guard me
well as one doth guard 7 When I in righteousness at last
The apple
of the eye; Thy glorious face shall see,
While deadly foes are pressing hard, When all the weary night is past.
To Thee, to Thee I cry. And I awake with Thee
Do Thou my rest and refuge be, To view the glories that abide,
O let Thy wings o'ershadow me. Then, then I shall be satisfied.

32 Our Need of Divine Help
PSALM 17 C. H. M. Longfellow Frederic F. Bullard

SB: :i=d:
^j=r iKJ: : j5 ^ 1
I Lord, hear the right, re - gard my cry. My prayer from lips sin - cere ;

iSte *=^ i
m >— |i-Hi

Send Thy ap - prov - al from on high, My right
^^ - eous-ness make



Thou in the night my heart hast tried.Nor found it turned from Thee a-side.

Copyright, 1902, by Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society. Used by per.
^ [
f. n
Selected Stanzas ]

2 With steadfast courage I design

No wrong to speak or do;
Thy path of life I choose for mine
And walk with purpose true.
For help, O God, I cry to Thee,
Assured that Thou wilt answer me.

3 O Thou that ever savest those

Whose trust on Thee is stayed,
Preserving them from all their foes
By Thy almighty aid,
Letme Thy loving-kindness see.
Thy wondrous mercy, full and free.

4 When I in righteousness at last

Thy glorious face shall see.
When all the weary night is past,
And I awake with Thee
To view the glories that abide,
Then, then I shall be satisfied.

33 Our Refuge in the Lord
PSALM 17 CM. AgaWAM William B. Bradbury

Lord, hear
the right, at - tend my
cry, And to my prayer give ear.

b'i|i; fi| |i[ [-rs^Mi s

J-JnH ^
i *3 3
i :it=it

My prayer that ris - eth un - to Thee From heart and lips sin - cere.

[Selected Stanzas]

2 I shunned the ways of wicked men, 4 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show,

For I Thy word obey; Thou Who by Thy right hand
Upon Thy paths my steps held fast, Defendest those who trust in Thee
My feet slipped not away. From all who them withstand.

3 On Thee, O God, again I call, 5 Soon I in glorious righteousness

For Thou wilt answer me; Shall see Thee as Thou art;
Incline Thy ear and hear the prayer Thy likeness. Lord, when I awake
That I direct to Thee. Shall satisfy my heart.

SECOND TUNE Hermann Arranged from Nicolaus Hermann

my And my prayer give

I Lord, hear the right, at - tend cry, to ear.

-^ it
k^f i F y\ fi7 S:

fy\ \\ \ J j i

J-f:j I Jij j j^ J ip i
My prayer that ris - eth un - to Thee From heart and lips sin - cere,

^M . . * * ^ ^
. n
p m
34 God's Strength Our Protection
PSALM 18 L. M. Mendon German Melody

I I love the Lord, His strength is mine; He is my God, I
r i
trust His grace ;

^MF ? St
f f
P i

My for - tress high,my shield di- vine, My Sav-iour and my hid - ing- place.

J ^d-^ 5^
P=^ fflFfi? f l

p ll

2 My prayer to God shall still be raised 6 Thick darkness hides Him from the
When troubles thick around me close; view, [veil,
The Lord, most worthy to be praised, And swelUng clouds His presence
Will rescue me from all my foes. Until His glorious light breaks through
In lightning flash and glistening hail.
3 When, floods of evil raging near,
Down nigh to death my soul was 7 Jehovah's thvmders fill the heaven,

brought, The dreadful voice of God Most

I cried to God in all my fear; High; [riven,
He heard and great deliverance With shafts of light the clouds are
wrought. His foes, dismayed, in terror fly.

4 He came: the earth's foundations 8 The raging torrents overflow,

quake. And sweep the world's foundations
The hills are shakenfrom theirplace, bare,
Thick smoke and fire devouring break Because Thy blasts of anger blow,
In anger dread before His face. O Lord of earth and sea and air.

5 Descending through the bending skies, g He took me from

the whelming waves
With gloom and darkness under Of and sore distress;
bitter hate
Him, The Lord, my stay and helper, saves.
Forth through the storm Jehovah flies Though mighty foes around me
As on the wings of cherubim. press.

lo From direful straits He set me free,

He saved the man of His delight;
For good the Lord rewarded me,
Because I kept His ways aright.
35 Holiness and Divine Favor
PSALM 18 L. M. Clolata . W. St. Clair Palmer

i te
(^ 'nAi i « l
^^: i
^-^ n
s t S S
S \9 cJ

rj M

I Since with my God with per-f ect heart I walk and make His word my guide,
£ ?f1 t » t
rfif f
, -r- .

'" *-
f ^ --g:!

^^ »^ M> j i
aiJfet ei ^
And from in - iq - ui - ty de- part, The Lord His bless-ing will pro - vide.

ktfffiL«fX^M ff f
i f fif fift
H [Stanzas 11-16]

2 The merciful shall know Thy grace,

The perfect Thy perfection see,
The pure shall see Thy own pure fuce,
The froward find a foe in Thee.

3 To smite the proud and bring them low,

To save the poor is Thy delight.
The Lord will cause my lamp to glow,
My God will make my darkness light.
4 From God the victory I receive;
Most perfect is His holy way;
His word is tried, they who believe
Will find the Lord their shield and stay.

5 For who is God, and strong to save.

Beside the Lord, our God of might?
'Tis He that makes me strong and brave,
The Lord Who guides my steps aright.

6 Thy free salvation is my shield.

My sure defense in every strait;
Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield;
Thy gentleness has made me great.
36 Our Source of Strength ^P

PSALM 18 L. M. Mozart Arranged from Mozart

I As Thou,

O Lord, hast made me strong

^ To o- ver - come my might -y


i ^^ i M-U^MU i
s^~rr rf^t
i 3
So now to fight a - gainst the wrong And con-quer in Thy Name I go.

^-t f f ntijE^^afe=g

[ Stanzas 17-21]

2 From strife Thou wilt deliver me,

And make the nations own my sway;
Strange peoples, when my power they see,
Shall come with trembling and obey.

3 Jehovah lives, and blest is He,

My rock, my refuge and defense,
My Saviour Who delivers me,
And will the wicked recompense.

4 For grace and mercy ever near.

For foes subdued and victories won,
All nations of the earth shall hear
My praise for what the Lord has done.

5 To David, His anointed king.

And to his sons upon his throne,
The Lord will great salvation bring
And ever make His mercy known.
37 Nature's Tribute to God 8c
PSALM 19 H. M. Arthur's Seat Arranged from John Goss


1 r

— ^U-J-^J


|—r^i 1

j- i

—^ F

I The spa -
cious heavens de - clare The glo •
«T of our God,

n^ —
J m
^m P •

_4 h
1* «^+^ S_ .
-^ 1

-^ t>4. 1

\\ 1

r H =1

i -^ — ill=^=^
f i
r^ f-

The fir - ma - ment dis -


J -i J
His hand - i - work a - broad


yjN. ij-^t-f
Day un


S ! )
• .

day pro-claims His might,And night His

• ^^ f

- dom tells
9f^ I
to night.

wf i r '"r i I E^ i

2 Aloud they do not speak, 3 The clouds of heaven are spread,

They utter forth no word. A tent to hold the sun,
Nor into language break, And like a bridegroom fair
Their voice is never heard; Comes forth the mighty one.
Yet through the world the truth they Rejoicing in his strength and grace
bear To run his wondrous daily race.
And their Creator's power declare.

4 His daily going forth

Is from the end of heaven;
The firmament to him
Is for his circuit given;
His journey reaches to its ends,
And everywhere his heat extends.
38 The Perfect Law of God
PSALM 19 H. M. Haddam Arranged by Lowell Mason

Je - ho - vah's per - feet law
Re -
stores the
^5^ *
a -
gain ;

Pi J
i^ f f f
r J
M ^^^ tes - ti - mo - ny sure Gives wis- dom un
- to men ;
The pre -
d i:i
of the

p^r r- f J^^r-,

^^^m ., ,J ^
f r
g=fg ^^p=pE
^^^^TO^eU^J-J tju jij ^
Lord are right, And fill the heart with great de light.

^ ^3^ \l I
=^ i
[Stanzas 5-9]
2 The Lord's commands are pure, 4 His errors who can know?
They light and joy restore; Cleanse me from hidden stain;
Jehovah's fear is clean, Keep me from wilful sins.
Enduring evermore; Nor let them o'er me reign;
His statutes, let the world confess. And then I upright shall appear
Are wholly truth and righteousness. And be from great transgressions clear.
3 They are to be desired 5 When Thou dost search my Ufe,
Above the finest gold; May all my thoughts within
Than honey from the comb And all the words I speak
More sweetness far they hold; Thy full approval win.
With warnings they Thy servant guard. O Lord, Thou art a rock to me,
In keeping them is great reward. And my Redeemer Thou shalt be.

39 The Witness of Nature to God

PSALM 19 8s Olena

^tf t r
'r *iK *
John B. Herbert

I The heavens in their splendor de - clare The might and the glo ry - of God

^^ ^m
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
^ f:f?

% I f
f p f \
The Witness of Nature to God


For day un



day speaks His

d '

. & » H-J

And night


His wis-dom a - broad.

^^ te -^ # p. ^ 1^ • |i2 I

2 They speak not with audible word, Comes forth in his glorious strength,
Yet message they send;
clear is the Rejoicing his circuit to run.
Their witness goes out through the earth,
4 He tells through the length of the
Their word to the world's farthest end.
His Maker's great wisdom and might,
3 Forsaking his tent in the sky, And nothing in all of the earth
Arrayed as a bridegroom, the sun Is hid from his heat and his light.

40 The Divine Law

PSALM 19 8s ESKRIDGE George C. Stebbins

I The law that the Lord has or - daincd Is per-fect,the soul to re - store;

•—r* • •-
j I ; I

f c ^T;-n'^^
ffi^^!^fzgz r If

j^ m
:; faliyj=p|=i!=_^_+i-J-j-?

His truth makes the sim-ple most wise,

^^ The truth that
is sure ev - er -

^f:-#- r^-H-^

?^ i=CT^£^^ --M: i^ :!t=tt

^^g^f i:
2^1 I
Copyright, 191a, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Stanzas 5-10]

2 His precepts are righteous and just. Their warnings none heed and obey
Rejoicing the heart and the mind; But find most abundant reward.
And all His commandments are pure,
Enlightening the eyes of the blind. ^
who can his errors discern? [free;
From hidden faults, Lord, keep me
3 The fear of the Lord is most clean. Let pride never reign in my heart.
Forever unmoved it has stood; And clear of great sin I shall be.
His judgments are perfectly true,
In all things most righteous and good. 1 pray thatmy words and my thoughts
May with Thy precepts accord,
all ;

4 Such treasure no gold can supply. And ever be pleasing to Thee,

Such sweetness no honey afford; My Rock, my Redeemer, my Lord.
41 The Value of Holy Scripture
PSALM 19 C. M. Mount Auburn George Kingsley

^^=g:— ^—1=^
I -

I Most per -feet is the law of God, Re - stor-ing those that stray;

-• f
£ fel *
ata ^f=F Seek £ ^

His tes - ti - mo

is most
sure, Pro-claim-ing wis -





The precepts of the Lord are right;

f ;b
[Selected Stanzas]

With joy they fill the heart;

The Lord's commandments all are pure,
And clearest light impart.

3 The fear of God is undefiled

ever shall endure;
The statutes of the Lord are truth
And righteousness most pure.

4 They warn from ways of wickedness

Displeasing to the Lord,
And in the keeping of His word
There is a great reward.

5 What man can know his evil heart,

Discerning all his sin ?

O cleanse me, Lord, from hidden faults,

And make me pure within.

6 From wilful sins Thy servant keep,

No vantage let them
From great transgression thus made free,
I upright shall remain.

7 The words which from my mouth proceed,

The thoughts within my heart,
Accept, O Lord, for Thou my Rock
And my Redeemer art.

42 Love for God's Word


Most per



feet is the law

of God,

Re -
stor ing
James McGranahan

that stray;

P^ $tt=^
=r^= aft
PP --^-
-i< — ^-
'-*=^2r-»=i—it -Sr-' j..

dom's way.

His tes ti - mo ny is most sure, Pro - claim - ing wis -

^^ J f=f-- :)t=t i
-^^^^^^^^^i^ Thy law my med
O how love I Thy law ! O how love I ! It is - i

love I Thy law

^^ —t: —T
—^—— •

I It
f- I


my med

i - ta - tion all the day,

mr^ all the day.

F 1 • ^

Used by Selected Sunzas ]

Copyright, 1897, by James McGranahan. per. [

2 The precepts of the Lord are right; The statutes of the Lord are truth
With joy they fill the heart; [pure, And righteousness most pure.
The Lord's commandments all are ^ -j-j^^y ^^^.^^ ^^.^^ ^^ys of wickedness
And ^i«ar^ct
clearest Wcrht imr^art
light impart. Displeasing to the Lord,
3 The fear of God is undefiled And in the keeping of His word
And ever shall endure; There is a great reward.
43 Mutual Intercession

mm ^

I Je

L. M.

ho-vah hear thee


thy grief, Our fa-thers'
Arranged by Lowell Mason


J -^

I ^
iSi t5^

^ I


irJ j J J-
3 f I

Send from His ho ly place re - lief, And strengthen thee from Zi - on s hill.

_(S2 •- :&- -(22 (2 ^^2.

i. :g=
^^ g
Thy sacrifice may He regard,
Yea, with the strength of His right hand
i I
And all thy oflferings bear in mind; From heaven He will an answer send.
Thy heart's desire to thee accord, How vain their every confidence
Fulfilling all thou hast designed.
Who on mere human help rely;
3 In thy salvation we rejoice, [raise; But we remember for defense [High.
And in God's Name our banners The Name of God, the Lord Most
Jehovah hearken to thy voice, [days. Now we
6 arise and upright stand, [fall;
Fulfil thy prayers through all thy
While they, subdued and helpless,
4 Salvation will the Lord command, Jehovah, save us by Thy hand,
And His anointed will defend; The King give answer when we call.

44 The Safeguards of Prayer

PSALM 20 C. M. WiRTH William B. Bradbury

^ li ffi

ho -
vah hear thee in the day When trou - ble He doth send ;

^ \

f4=4 t=*f

te ^ i 5 m m
And let our covenant-keep-ing God From ev - ery ill de - fend.

J / / / /
» A' f i
n ^
[ Selected Stanzas ]

s O let Him send His help to thee 3 May He remember all thy gifts,
Forth from His holy place; Accept thy sacrifice,
Let Him from Zion, His own hill, And, granting thee thy heart's desire,
Sustain thee by His grace. Fulfil thy counsels wise.
The Safeguards of Prayer

4 In thy salvation we will joy; May He give answer, in Whose Name

When thou to God dost pray, Our banners we display.

45 Jesus Crowned and Triumphant

PSALM 21 izsandgs Latakia E.G.Taylor

iia3 ^^^m
i ^
I Now the King in Thy strength shall be joy - ful, O Lord, Thy sal -


rf-rn^^^va - tion shall make Him re - joice ; For the

wish of
tf It Sf

His heart Thou didst


m^=^ -<?—

free - ly ac - cord. The re - quest of His
W-^ %
sup - pli - ant voice.

2 All the blessings of goodness Thou freely didst give;
With the purest of gold He is crowned;
When He asked of Thee life Thou hast made Him to live
While the ages shall circle around.

3 Through salvation from Thee hath His fame spread abroad,

Thou didst glory and honor impart;
Thou hast made Him most blessed forever, God,
And Thy presence hath gladdened His heart.
4 For the King in the strength of Jehovah Most High
Did unwavering confidence place;
On the Name of Jehovah He still will rely.
And shall stand evermore in His grace.
5 By the hand of Thy might and Thy anger destroyed,
All Thy foes and their offspring shall fail;
By the evil they planned and the craft they employed
They shall never against Thee prevail.

6 Thou wilt speedily make them turn backward in flight,

When Thy arrows are aimed to destroy.
O Jehovah, be Thou far exalted in might,
And Thy power shall our praises employ.
46 The Coronation of Jesus Christ


The King
L. M.

^ P

T in

Thy strength, In

^ ^ P
Alexander B. Morton

sal- va-tion,Lord
Most High,

i^3 P ^

JEEE s^^^^IttO
F^ 1/ b 1/

tmiiuiiu^ m
y — - - - » -0- -t&-.
For Thou hast filled His heart's de- sire, His prayer Thy love doth not de - ny.

^ M^ -U'—fe^-
£E *_

Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 A kingly crown Thou givest Him,

Thy blessings meet Him on His ways;
He asked for life, and unto Him
Thou gavest endless length of days.
3 With majesty and honor crowned,
How great His glory in Thy grace!
Forever blest. Thou makest Him
With joy to live before Thy face.
4 The King doth in Jehovah trust.
His loving-kindness He hath proved;
Confiding in the Lord Most High
He standeth evermore unmoved.

SECOND TUNE St. Drostane John B. Dykes

ii^ • ^- ^=¥^=k
-A -A f
4- • it

1 The King re- joic-eth in Thy strengthen Thy sal - va - tion, Lord Most High,

i^ ; ^ n A ri .. .
- . n
r r^


m -^ V T?
H "1- i S '^
' I

For Thou hast filled His heart's de -sire. His prayer Thy love doth not de - ny

< iVA
P^^n i ^ 44
47 The Cross of Calvary
PSALM 22 L. M. Hebron Lowell Mason

h N
lUi^ iU'ii

f% i
I; / J J
I My God, My God, I cry to Thee ; O why hast Thou for - sak - en Me ?

Mi i

gFf [ir^^f if f ^
f if g-T=q

fi ni i J i f^- iJ i J/j ji/j'j fl

A - far from Me, Thou dost not heed, Though day and night for help I plead.

^ ^ ^
. ^ I

tf i
fffif ^f i I

2 But Thou art holy in Thy ways, 7 Unnumbered foes would do Me wrong,
Enthroned upon Thy people's praise; They press about Me, fierce and
Our fathers put their trust in Thee, strong,
Believed, and Thou didst set them free. Like beasts of prey their rage they vent,
My courage fails. My strength is spent.
3 They cried,and, trusting in Thy Name,
Were saved, and were not put to 8 Down unto death Thou leadest Me,
shame; Consumed by thirst and agony;
But in the dust My
honor lies, With cruel hate and anger fierce
While all reproach and all despise. My helpless hands and feet they

4 My words a cause for scorn they make, 9 While on My wasted form they stare,
The they curl, the head they shake,
The garments torn from Me they share,
And, mocking, bid Me trust the Lord
Till He salvation shall afford.
My shame and sorrow heeding not.
And for My robe they cast the lot.

5 My trust on Thee I learned to rest lo Lord, afar no longer stay;

When I was on My mother's breast; Q Thou My helper, haste, I pray;
From birth Thou art My God alone. From death and evil set Me free;
Thy care My life has ever known. i Uve, for Thou didst answer Me.

6 let Thy strength and presence cheer, ii I live and will declare Thy fame
For trouble and distress are near; Where brethren gather in Thy Name;
Be Thou not far away from Me, Where all Thy faithful people meet,
I have no source of help but Thee. I will Thy worthy praise repeat.

48 A Call to Praise ?:>


1 All

L. M.

rfear Je -
Park Street

ho - vah's Name, His
Frederick M. A.

glo - ry tell,


m f=t:
t m
^^ pro - claim; Ye chil- dren of His

cho - sen
race, Stand ye in

uJ n i m ^=f-
f= \

f MP P

§] JC
tf o- p- J
w » •-
^ JiL ^ #? i
awe be - fore His face, Stand ye in awe be - fore His face.

m i 5"-=- i
[Stanzas 12-19]

2 The suffering one He has not spumed All kindreds of the earth shall own
Who Hun for succor turned;
unto And worship Him as God alone.
From him He has not hid His face,
But answered his request in grace. 6 For His the kingdom. His of right,
He rules the nations by His might;
3 Lord, Thy goodness makes me All earth to Him her homage brings.
raise The Lord of lords, the King of kmgs.
Amid Thy people songs of praise;
Before all them that fear Thee, now 7 Both rich and poor, both bond and free,
I worship Thee and pay my vow. Shall worship Him with bended knee,
And children's children shall proclaim
4 For all the meek Thou wilt provide, The glorious honor of His Name.
They shall be fed and satisfied;
All they that seek the Lord shall live 8 The Lord's unfailing righteousness
And never-ending praises give. All generations shall confess,
From age to age shall men be taught
The ends of all the earth shall hear What wondrous works the Lord has
And turn unto the Lord in fear; wrought.
49 The Triumphs of the Gospel
PSALM 22 L. M. Vision WUliam H. Doane

i^^ ^ • < g^

I The ends of all the earth shall hear And turn un - to the Lord in fear;

teP p f r^if^^rflTT

gg^s=^ g» ;
^9 «^l M M ^S -S — es-
All kin-dredsof the earth shall own And wor-ship Him as God a - lone.

=H- ^^ I P=
:p^=s: 4=i

All earth to
^^ Him
her horn-age brings, The Lord
5 r
of lords, the
King of
g ) o^

-F 1 \—
i J^g
f n

I pg — f=p^ J
Copjrrleht, 1901, by W. H. Doane. Renewal. Used by per. [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 For His the kingdom, His of right,

He rules the nations by His might;
All earth to Him her homage brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

3 Both rich and poor, both bond and free,

Shall worship Him with bended knee,
And children's children shall proclaim
The glorious honor of His Name.
50 The Dominion of Jesus Christ
PSALM 22 7S and 6s Tours Berthold Tours

I Come,ye that fear Je - ho - vah, Ye saints, your voi - ces raise

,r- f-- -J.
mE f^ S I
¥ ^i^

tegJ^Jfffe^CT Sr gj i #?
Come,stand in awe be - fore Him, And sing His glo - rious praise.

f^M^ r
I ^ w—ji

F s^
Ye low - ly and af - flict - ed Who on His word re - ly,

St ?=»
i £
^ ^s ^*

^ c/^ Mi ^yiij.j j y, II

Your heart shall live for - ev er. The Lord will sat - is - fy.

^^ i m [ Selected Stanzas

2 All kindreds of the nations 3 Both high and low shall worship.
To Christ the Lord shall turn, Both strong and weak shall bend,
Through earth's remotest regions A faithful Church shall serve Him
His altar-fires shall burn. Till generations end.
All kingdom, power, and glory His praise shall be recounted
Belong to Him
alone; To nations yet to be,
He ruleth o'er the nations. The triimiphs of His justice
Kings bow before His throne. A new-born world shall see.

51 Witness-Bearing and Grateful Praise

22 C. M. Bovina Laura A. Tate


A -

^ '
the throng-ing
'^ '^
wor - ship-ers

Je - ho -vah

I bless;


* r
i ij^ jii;iii'i
fr -^ ^ 7
M ji[.
Be fore - my breth-ren, gath ered
- there, His Name will I con - fess.

I nJ . j i
. j

Come,praise Him,

-•- ^^
the Lord,
Ye chil - dren of
His grace

i f=F £=^ A

f^^ With rev -

erence sound His glo

. . ..
And bow be -fore
. . •...

r r fif n s
i ?=
Copyright, 1904, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [^Selected Stanzas ]

2 The burden of the sorrowful He feeds with good the humble soul
The Lord not despise;
will And satisfies the meek,
He has not turned from those that And they shall live and praise the
mourn, Lord
He hearkens to their cries. Who for His mercy seek.
His goodness makes me join the throng The ends of all the earth take thought,
Where saints His praise proclaim, The nations seek the Lord;
And there will I fulfil my vows They worship Him, the King of kings,
'Mid those who fear His Name. In earth and heaven adored.
52 The Guardian Care of God
PSALM 23 8s, 78, 4 CORONiE William H. Monk

t J t m ^=} i 3


I Thou, Je

- ho

- vah,



Shep-herd,There-fore I no want

shall know

In g^een pas - tures Thou dost rest me, Lead - est where still wa - ters flow,

^ ^ ^ -f- f- , p p p . . , f f
* IJ J Jli.
And, when faint ing, Sweet re - fresh -ment dost be - stow.

m fl-
^„ 19-

For Thy Name's sake Thou dost guide me
3 Thou
p^e^preparest me a table

In the paths of righteousness; .In the presence of the foe;

Though I walk the vale of shadows, Thou my head with oil anointest,
Fears no more my soul oppress ;
Yea, my cup doth overflow.
Thou art with me, O my Saviour,
With Thy rod and staff to bless. Having Thee, no want I know.

4 Surely grace and loving-kindness

Shall forever follow me,
Till, my days of life all ended,
Evermore my home shall be,
O Jehovah,
In Thy holy house with Thee.

53 The Lord Our Shepherd

PSALM 23 C. M. Evan William H. Havergal

I The Lord's
my Shep - herd,
not want;
i iJ-^-j^-l

He makes me down to He

^S r £ t
f=T ^
c '
The Lord Our Shepherd

3 i
In "pas -tures green; He lead-eth me The qui - et wa - ters by.



soul He doth restore again,
4 A table
Thou hast furnished me

And me to walk doth make In presence of my foes;

Within the paths of righteousness, My head Thou dost with oil anoint,
Even for His own Name's sake. And my cup overflows.

3 Yea, though I walk through death's

dark vale, 5 Goodness and mercy all my life
Yet will I fear no ill, Shall surely follow me.
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And in God's house for evermore
And staflF me comfort still. My dwelling-place shall be.

54 Jesus Our Shepherd





- ful Shep- herd is


the Lord,
Sup-ply - ing

Lowell Mason

my needs;

r f m$^m
£ is:

^=3 i

:g=3 «- 1
In pas - tures green He makes me rest, By qui - et wa ters leads.

J ,J J
^» ^i=^
2 He tenderly restores my soul 4 A table Thou dost spread for me
When I am in distress, [feet In presence of my foes;
And for His Name's sake guides my Thou hast anointed me with oil.
In paths of righteousness. My cup of joy o'erflows.
3 Through death's dark valley though I 5 Through life Thy goodness and Thy
walk, grace
No evil will I fear; Shall daily follow me;
Thy rod and staff will comfort me, And within Thy house, O Lord,
For Thou art ever near. Shall ever dwell with Thee.

55 The Good Shepherd
PSALM 23 78 and 6s EwiNG Alexander Ewing

i m.
i i

i '
^iiri ^ w ^
I The Lord my Shep-herd holds me With- in His ten- der care,

¥m ^ ^S^
i r

#^*' J i^'i-i^ jijj ,kU^

And with His flock He folds me, No want shall find me there.

* ^ --br '
- - - -
' --


^ p^^ In pas-tures green

i •»

I <s^

me. With plen - ty I am blest;

J ^!
Mj ^
#- -#- -^ -^ - -f-


By qui - et streams He
^^ leads me
And makes me
safe - ly rest.

p^m ^^^ I
2 Whatever ill betides me, 3 My food Thou dost appoint me,
He will restore and bless; Supplied before my foes;
For His Name's sake He guides me With oil Thou dost anoint me,
In paths of righteousness. My cup of bliss o'erflows.
Thy rod and staff shall cheer me Thy goodness, Lord, shall guide me.
In death's dark vale and shade, Thy mercy cheer my way;
For Thou wilt then be near me: A home Thou wilt provide me
I shall not be afraid. Within Thy house for aye.
56 The Saviour's Constant Presence

23 I OS and 4s John B. Dykes

t X?
I My Shep-herd is the Lord Who knows my needs, And I am blest;

h^ Xt^=±
iiSffi *=P:




et streams, in
pas - tures green, He leads And makes me rest.

§3;e^ mMmmmm- ^ S^
' *
*=t j-

My soul He saves and for His own Name's sake

e^ ¥ ^=^
P f f
S3: d
He guides
my feet the paths of right to take.
^ £ I
r=f =t=

2 Though in death's vale and shadow be my way

I fear no ill,

For Thou art near, Thy rod and staff my stay

And comfort still.
My table Thou dost spread before my foes,
My head Thou dost anoint, my cup o'erflows.

3 The goodness and the mercy that have aye

Upon me shone
Shall surely follow me through all the way
Till life is
And evermore Jehovah's house shall be
My dwelling-place through all eternity.
57 Conditions of Approach to God

24 118 Adeste Fideles Anonymous

1 The earth and the ful-ness with which it is
stored.The world and its dwellers be
m t

n^ n^ i=^ ^

fe^T?^^l?J=#J Jjl^'^jjl^-Jii
long to the Lord;For He on the seas its foun-da-tions has laid, And firm on the

.iT J
9iir V:fi^:|,J
i . r' > >,P
t=^ r^
, . , .-"J.f-
Ittc: ,

•^ 3
wa - ters its pil - lars has stayed, And firm on the wa -
ters its pil-lars has stayed

m Q-rfrQ
2 What man shall the hill of Jehovah ascend,
And who in the place of His presence attend?
The man of pure heart, and of hands without
- - J
^ stain,
Who swears not to falsehood nor loves what is vain.

3 That man ever blest of Jehovah shall live.

The God of salvation shall righteousness give;
For this is the people, yea, this is the race,
The Israel true that are seeking His face.

58 The Triumphal Ascension of Christ

PSALM 24 IIS Lansing Charles H. Gabriel

i^iidUu^miiX\i i hi ]\ UMi

i I
I Ye gates.lif t your heads.the glad summons obey, Ye doors everlasting, wide o - pen the way

mM ^-^^ ^
-fl—^- f f
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

The Triumphal Ascension of Christ

y j \i j JiJ UiUM^m^^^lnU^^
The King of all glo - ry high honors a-wait, The King of all glo-ry shall enter in state,

ia g-rr-g
2 What King
^m -^

of all glory is this that

- -

ye sing?
- ^0i: J


Stanzas 4-6 ]

The Lord, strong and mighty, the conquering King.

Ye gates, lift your heads, and His summons obey,
Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way.
3 The King of all glory high honors await,
The King of all glory shall enter in state.
What King of all glory is this that ye sing?
Jehovah of Hosts, He of glory is King.

59 The Divine King and the Worshiper


PSALM 24 Jazer William B. Bradbury

fefe^ i eUiA^i^l^n^
r ''
I The earth, with
all that dwell there in,
fr f
With all its wealth un -

^ ^ti£^, .^1
p f 3 J If I

Je -
longs to
i i:j ii

God Who found


ed it Up - on the

seas of
J l ^

2 What man shall stand before the Lord Who this glorious King that comes

On Zion's holy hill? To claim His sovereign right?

The clean of hand, the pure of heart. It is the Lord omnipotent,
The just who do His will. All-conquering in His might.

3 Lo, such are they that seek for God, Ye everlasting doors, give way,
And blest by Him they Uve; up your heads, ye gates!
To them His perfect righteousness For now, behold, to enter in
The God of grace will give. The King of glory waits.
4 Ye everlasting doors, give way, Who is this glorious King that comes
Lift up your heads, ye gates! To claim His rightful throne?
For now, behold, to enter in The Lord of Hosts, He is the King
The King of glory waits. Of glory, God alone.
60 Prayer for Defense and Guidance
PSALM 25 S. M. Dennis Arranged from Hans G. Nageli



I lift

soul, I

Thee my trust re - pose;

g^^ 1 ^ ^f=r=
i i
I f

^^ My God, O

not to

Be - fore tri - um - phant foes.

^m ^
None shall be put to shame
p^ ^ 4 For
Thou art God that dost

That humbly wait for Thee, To me salvation send.

But those that wilfully transgress, And patiently through all the day
On them the shame shall be. Upon Thee I attend.

3 Show me Thy paths, O Lord, 5 Recall Thy mercies. Lord,

Teach me Thy perfect way, Their tenderness untold,
O guide me in Thy truth divine, And all Thy loving-kindnesses,
And lead me day by day. For they have been of old.

61 The Sins of Youth

PSALM 25 S. M. Dedication J. Baptiste Calkin

I My sins and faults
of youth, Let them
for - got ten be,

m^=^^ SS :N=^

And for Thy ten - der mer - cies' sake, O Lord, re-mem-ber me.

p^;^ t-X ; it
[Stanzas 6-9]
The Sins of Youth

2 The Lord is just and good, 3 The pathways of the Lord

Instructing those that stray; Are truth and mercy sure
The meek He will in judgment guide To such as keep His covenant
And make them know His way. And testimonies pure.

4 For Thy Name's sake, Lord,

With Thee I humbly plead
To pardon my iniquity,
For it is great indeed.

62 The Friendship of the Lord

PSALM 25 S. M. Thatcher Arranged from Handel

I The man
i r

il^ -nr
the Lord God's way shall un
der -

gag ^ t;

* J=>,4-
«— *-
t > *f
His soul shall ev - er dwell at ease, His chil - dren rule the land.

:^ ^
-«- -<sz-


* i
J3trr f=B -^ i
[Stanzas 10-13]

2 The friendship of the Lord

Is ever with His own.
And unto those that fear His Name
His faithfulness is shown.

3 My eyes are evermore

Toward Thee, O Lord, Whose care
Shall surely save my heedless feet
From every hidden snare.

4 O turn to me Thy face.

To me Thy mercy show,
For I am very desolate
And brought exceeding low.

63 Forgiveness and Deliverance
PSALM 25 M. Palmer Swcezy

S. Israel B.

±1 i 3 i
j—i-J ^=t-
I My griefs of heart a - bound, Re - lieve my sore dis - tress, See

^3 i
5^S :>»=*:
^^ i
0[' jH i i j-j •:
I ^ I .^'

fj J I j '-H
my af - flic - tion and my pain, For - give my sin - ful • ness.


Copyright by H. R. Palmer. Used by per.

[Stanzas 14-17]

2 Consider Thou my foes, 3 Defend and keep my soul,

So many and so bold, From foes deliver me,
For cruel is the hatred, Lord, And let me not be brought to shame:
Which they against me hold. I put my trust in Thee.

4 Be truth and right my shield,

Because I wait for Thee;
Thy Church, O God, do Thou redeem
From all adversity.

64 Spiritual Aspirations
PSALM 25 7s Spanish Hymn Arranged by Benjamin Carr
mii^ ^ JEES^
i 122
( Lord, I lift my
soul to Thee, O my God, I trust Thy might;
( Let not foes ex - ult o'er me. Shame me not be - fore their sight.

D.c. Buf

dis - /ton - ored be their name Who with -out

g r M^
a cause trans -gress.

^ ^m
^ j; i\ 3 l
i j~j=ij: i\ i ij i^
Yea, may none be put to shame, None who wait for Thee to bless;

J- / J J J. / J
1^ J. ,i
i: -^

, .
I i
Spiritual Aspirations

2 Lord, to me Thy ways make known, 3 Sins of youth remember not,

Guide in truth and teach Thou me; Nor my trespasses record;
Thou my Saviour art alone. Let not mercy be forgot,
day I wait for Thee.
All the For Thy goodness' sake, Lord.
Lord, remember in Thy love Just and good the Lord abides.
All Thy mercies manifold, He His way will sinners show.
Tender mercies from above. He the meek in justice guides.
Changeless from the days of old. Making them His way to know.

65 The Blessings of the God-Fearing

PSALM 25 7s Evening Prayer Alberto Randegger

I Grace and truth shall mark the way
Where the Lord His own will lead,

^f^t=H=i4i=^' I t ^4"4-i^

h=FTrTPfi3m-i iiV:. II

If His word they still o - bey And His tes - ti - mo - nies heed.

gi, ^^ ———— kj w (- p-
-^» 0-
[ Stanzas 7-10 ]

2 For Thy Name's sake hear Thou me,

For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
Pardon my iniquity.
For my sin is very great.

3 He who walks in godly fear

In the path of truth shall go;
Peace shall be his portion here,
And his sons all good shall know.

4 They that fear and love the Lord

Shall Jehovah's friendship know;
He will grace to them accord,
And His faithful covenant show.
66 The Look of Faith
PSALM 25 78 HOLLEY George Hews

I Ev - er are my long - ing eyes Toward the Lord, Whose watch- ful care,

^ Sa

5=5 >5 *
When my foes their plots de - vise, Keeps
my feet from ev - ery snare.

^ nr^-
1^^ U3^m 9-i-


2 Turn
to me, Thy
grace impart, 3 Look on my afflicted state,
I am desolate indeed; Freely all my sins forgive,
Great the troubles of my heart; Mark my foes, their cruel hate,
Save Thou me, O Lord, I plead. Keep my soul and let me live.

4 Shame me not, I hide in Thee;

Truth and right preserve me still;
Let, O God, Thy people be
Now redeemed from every ill.

67 Aspiration and Supplication

PSALM Seymour

25 7S Arranged from von Weber

^^3. t i ]t S
I Lord, to me Thy ways make known,Guide in truth and teach Thou me

w^ h-J^
Sfc Ff=ffNf

Thou my Sav
art a lone, All



i-^ for Thee.


- I

[ Selected Stanzas ]
Aspiration and Supplication

2 Lord, remember in Thy love 4 Just and good the Lord abides,
All Thy mercies manifold, He His way will sinners show,
Tender mercies from above, He the meek in justice guides,
Changeless from the days of old. Making them His way to know.

3 Sins of youth remember not, 5 Grace and truth shall mark the way
Nor my
trespasses record; Where the Lord His own will lead,
Let not mercy be forgot. If His word they still obey
For Thy goodness' sake, Lord. O And His testimonies heed.

68 The Paths of the Lord

PSALM 25 78 Dallas Arranged from Cherubini

I Grace and truth shall mark the way Where the Lord His own
will lead,

^m§ I
^ ?=

A ^-

W^^r^^^r-^ ^h^-^^U^ i
If His word they still o - bey, And His tes - ti - mo - nies heed.

I J:
gt^DE^ ^ ^ .. , f f f i

f f^ I
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 For Thy Name's sake hear Thou me.

For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
Pardon my iniquity,
For my sin is very great.

3 He who walks in godly fear

In the path of truth shall go;
Peace shall be his portion here,
And his sons all good shall know.

4 They that fear and love the Lord

Shall Jehovah's friendship know;
He will grace to them accord,
And His faithful covenant show.
69 The Petition of a Good Conscience
PSALM 26 C. M. Belief English Melody

S ^^=f=^ \
^ m
I Be Thou my

judge, O righteous Lord, Try Thou my

in - most heart

I walk with stead
fast trust

— s^

Nor from Thy ways

m -*- -fg-
g I
J J =4
7^ I
2 O search me, Lord, and prove me now; 5 Let not the judgment fall on me
Thy mercy I adore; For evil men decreed,
I choose Thy truth to be my guide, For cruel men and violent.
And sinful ways abhor. Inspired by bribes and greed.
3 My hands I wash in innocence 6 But I in my integrity
And seek Thy altar, Lord, Will humbly walk with Thee;
That there I may with thankful voice O my Redeemer and my Lord,
Thy wondrous works record. Be merciful to me.
4 The habitation of Thy house 7 Redeemed by Thee, I stand secure
Is ever my delight; [Lord, In peace and happiness;
The place where dwells Thy glory, And in the Church, among Thy saints,
Is lovely in my sight. Jehovah I will bless.

70 Integrity of Character
PSALM 26 S. M. Elizabeth Ernest R. Kroeger

m IB^

I Judge
m my in - teg - ri - ty. The


tji* \}d

eous judge


PwrfTpi i j ^


A,' i\:: i 3^EE

P -:it— -tr-t :i=^
Prove me, O Lord, ex - am - ine me, And try my in - most heart.
iifem f=^
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
m f-
Integrity of Character
2 Thy mercy and Thy grace 4 O Lord, Thy house I love.
I love to contemplate; Where glory dwells within;
Thy paths of truth my footsteps trace, O keep my heart secure above
And wicked men I hate. All fellowship with sin.

3 Clean hands, Lord, I raise 5 Redeeming love and grace

As I Thy altars seek. Bestow, Lord, on me;
Where I may sing in grateful praise, Among Thy saints how blest my place,
And of Thy wonders speak. Forever praising Thee.

71 The Fearlessness of Faith

PSALM 27 H. M. Millennium Anonymous

i& s
*^ -<9h- m *
I Je - ho - vah my light, And my sal - va - tion near;

m^^ — —
p t^ I


Who shall my soul
af- fright,
«Or cause my heart to fear ? In God


**^ rrr

^ i

m^i "^Irl flf

"f^^^ m: w

l l J ^J i

strength, my life
rsus - tains, Se cure from fear

soul re - mains.

e I

f^^-1^ ^sx
2 When evil-doers came 4 When troubles round me swell.
To make my life their prey, When fears and dangers throng,
They stumbled in their shame Securely I will dwell
And fell in sore dismay; In His pavilion strong;
Though hosts make war on every side. Within the covert of His tent
Still fearless I in God confide. He hides me till the storm is spent.
3 My one request has been, 5 Uplifted on a rock
And still this prayer I raise. Above my foes around,
That I may dwell within Amid the battle shock
God's house through all my days, My song shall still resound;
Jehovah's beauty to admire, Then joyful offerings I will bring,
And in His temple to inquire. Jehovah's praise my heart shall sing.
72 Entreaty and Hopeful Trust

27 H. M.

1 ^P^^
Samuel Arthur

^m S. Sullivan

me Oft

And an-swer in grace
I Lord, hear me when I pray,



« as hear Thee
say, Come ye and seek My face, My
-# — —^
I •

i^ :g=


i^^i^^^P^H^ -^ I
ho seek.
an- swer speak, Thy face, Je vah, will
- - I
heart and lips their

^ A
^^^^^^^^^ [Stanzas 6-9

2 Hide not Thy face from me,

In wrath turn not away,
My help and Saviour be,
Forsake me not, I pray;
Should father, mother, both forsake.
The Lord on me will pity take.

3 Teach me, Lord, Thy way,

Make plain to me my path;
Because of foes, I pray.
Protect me from their wrath;'
To false accusers, cruel foes,
Lord, do not my soul expose.

4 Faint-hearted would I be.

Didst Thou not promise. Lord,
1 shall Thy goodness see
While Thou dost life accord.
Wait on the Lord, nor faint, nor fear,
Yea, trust and wait, the Lord is near.
73 The Confidence of Faith
PSALM 27 88 and 6 St. Margaret Albert L. Peace

i^ ^EE^
1/ L- L'
m i
I The Lord Al- might -y is my light, He my

:£ :|i=H:
1 izitz:
i^ ^ m
r is^ s ;=s

O 1^
Sav - lour ev - er near, And, since my strength is in His might,

£f y f l , ? i tLj_r-r-f

H fcs^
isit te^ I
^^. 1^:-^^^^-= — i^
T P==F^f
Who can dis- tress me or af-fright? What e - vil shall I fear?

ffi I
]/ \^ V y ^^

[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 O Lord, regard me when I cry, 4 Though earthly friends no pity take, ;

In mercy hear me when I speak; Yet Thy compassion knows no end;

Thou bidst me seek Thy face, and I, E'en though my father shall forsake.
O Lord, with willing heart reply, E'en though my mother's love shall
Thy face, Lord, will I seek. break,
The Lord will be my friend.

3 Hide not Thy face afar from me, 5 My heart had failed in fear and woe
For Thou alone canst help afford; Unless in God I had believed,
O cast me not away from Thee Assured that He would mercy show
Nor let my soul forsaken be. And that my life His grace should know,
My Saviour and my Lord. Nor was my hope deceived.

6 Fear not, though succor be delayed.

Still wait for God, and He will hear;
Be strong, nor be thy heart dismayed,
Wait, and the Lord shall bring thee aid,
Yea, trust and never fear.

74 Desire After God
PSALM 27 C. M. Naomi Arranged from Hans G. Nageli

I O Lord, give ear when with my voice cry a - loud to Thee

' -0- m 19-'
. . . ,J
m^ ^

^^=p^=f;^^^t^^^U=4=ii -Zghr- I
Have mer-cy al - so, I en -treat. Give an - swer un - to

a =I==P= -•— t I
[Selected Stanzas]

2 When Thou didst say, Seek ye My face, Thou hast a helper been to me
My answering heart replied. In every troublous day.
Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek
4 O God, my Saviour, leave me not;
Above all else beside.
Though parents should forsake,
3 Hide not Thy face, nor in Thy wrath The Lord, within His arms of love,
Thy servant put away; His child will surely take.

75 Invocation and Confident Petition


i si
P 2=£:
28 S.


to Thee


cry; Thou art

my rock
Darius E. Jones

and trust;

S i£
^ "^m

w -g- 3 3E i
O be not lent, lest I die And slum-ber in the dust.

H=2 m
2 O me when in prayer
hear 3 O let me have no part
Thyfavor I entreat; With those that hate the right;
Hear, while I lift imploring hands For as their works, so their reward:
Before Thy mercy-seat. Jehovah will requite.
Invocation and Confident Petition

4 But blessed be the Lord Jehovah is His people's strength,

Who hearkens when I cry; [shield, The stronghold of their king.
The Lord, my strength, my help, my ^ Bless Thy
On Him will I rely.
Our Saviour be, I pray;
5 His help makes glad my heart, Supply Thou all Thy people's need,
And songs of praise I sing; And be their constant stay.

76 Divine Power in Manifestation

PSALM 29 izsand lis Arles Charles H. Gabriel

m as
I Now
un - to Je-ho-vah, ye
. .
the might

y, All

glo - ry and

1 I I I

:* —^—* --

ter i^i --^ =i=:i:

strength and do - min - ion

ac - cord;

^ 1^
As - cribe to


glo -

ry, and

ren - der Him hon or, In beau - ty of ho - li - ness wor-ship the Lord.

m l:
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
f=^^ I
r s
2 The voice of Jehovah, the God of all glory.
Rolls over the waters, the thunders awake;
The voice of Jehovah, majestic and mighty.
Is heard, and the cedars of Lebanon break.

3 His voice makes the mountains and deserts to tremble,

Wild beasts are affrighted, the forests laid bare,
And through all creation, His wonderful temple.
All things He has fashioned His glory declare.

4 The Lord ruled in might at the flood of great waters,

King Whose dominion is never to cease;
The Lord will give blessing and strength to His people,
The Lord all His people will comfort with peace.
77 Commemoration and Praise
PSALM 30 7s and 6s Crucifix Greek Melody

Pi^ O Lord, by Thee de-liv-ered, I

My foes Thou hast not suffered To glo - ry
Thee with songs ex
o'er my
- tol


O Lord, my God,I
—«—# '
sought Thee,

^ rrinr
i I I I ii r if+i' r r r i
i r i


s j^ j;jiJj
• ' • •

And Thou didst heal and save; Thou,Lord,from death didst ransom And keep me from the grave.
4- tr^JH
j i
ij Mr jii


By permission

of C. C. Converse
f f f f

r r=F=Ff
t m
2 His holy Name remember, 4 What profit if I perish.
Ye saints, Jehovah praise; If life Thou dost not spare ?
His anger lasts a moment, Shall dust repeat Thy praises,
His favor all our days; Shall it Thy truth declare ?
For sorrow, like a pilgrim, O Lord, on me have mercy.
May tarry for a night. And my petition hear;
But joy the heart will gladden That Thou mayst be my helper,
When dawns the morning light. In mercy, Lord, appear.

3 In prosperous days I boasted. 5 My grief is turned to gladness,

Unmoved remain. I shall To Thee my thanks I raise,
For, Lord, by Thy good favor Who hast removed my sorrow
Mycause Thou didst maintain; And girded me with praise;
I soon was sorely troubled, And now, no longer silent,
For Thou didst hide Thy face; Myheart Thy praise will sing;
I cried to Thee, Jehovah, O Lord, my God, forever
I sought Jehovah's grace. Mythanks to Thee I bring.

78 Grateful Praise
PSALM 30 H. M. AVALON Arranged by William H. Doane

3 J i
H- I
J 1
k ii I
I J M I I IJ i
M- I
1 Lord, I will praise Thy Name.For Thou hast set me free.Nor suffered foes to claim

A I -i9- -»- -0-

-^9- M
-0- -0-
By permission


W. H. Doane
F sr
P f
S2 — 32:

Grateful Praise

i # E3^5
¥ iS:

^ tri - umph o
- ver
Lord, my

^ to Thee I


?E ^

^ ^

And Thou hast health and strength

t5^ -0-
-•- -p-
-f- -p^
-f^ tg-

d4^ H

And Thou

;j j H
hast health and strength supplied.


jt— ^i—

2 Thou hast my soul restored 3 His wrath is quickly past.

When I was near the grave, His favor lives for aye;
And from the depths, O Lord, Though grief a night may last,
Thou graciously didst save; Joy comes at break of day;
O ye His saints, sing to the Lord, In my prosperity secure
With thanks His holiness record. I said, My
peace shall still endure.

79 Thoughts on God's Loving-Kindness

PSALM 30 H. M. ClaRKSVILLE William B. Bradbury

i ^-t—i—i
God, was Thy grace
^g That did
t i

my strength
^ i


- ply
it ; )
When Thou didst hide Thy face, Sore rou
trou - bled then was I. )

g^^ :^
^ ^
a£ r r r r

Thee I cried, O Lord to Thee
; I
made my sup -

- cat - ing plea.
m I

^\ ^ ^^^ t-^
m^ T
[ Stanzas 4-6 ]

2 What profit can itbring 3 With grief to gladness turned,

If life Thou dost not spare ? With sorrow changed to joy,
Shall dust Thy praises sing. Thy praises I have learned.
Shall it Thy truth declare ? And songs my lips employ;
Jehovah hear, in mercy hear, So shall my tongue through life adore
My Helper, Saviour, now appear. And praise Thy Name for evermore.
80 God Our Resort in Trouble
PSALM 31 CM. Brecon Nicholas Heins

I In Thee,0 Lord, I put
my trust, I call up - on
^^ Thy Name ; O

save me

Thy right - eous - ness, Nor let

me suf -
fer shame.

A?^^-- ^
w ^^tf=^
r r^

2 Bow down Thy ear to my request. 7 Show mercy, Lord, to me distressed,
And swift deliverance send; send my soul relief;
Be Thou to me a rock of strength, My life is spent with bitterness.
A fortress to defend. My strength consumed with grief.
3 Since Thou my rock and fortress art, 8 I mourn and fail because of sin.

My leader be, and guide; Friends turn in dread away;

From all temptation rescue me. Reproached am I and terrified.
Thou dost my strength abide. While foes conspire to slay.

9 But, Lord, in Thee is all my trust,

4 To Thee my spirit I commend;
Redemption is with Thee, Thou art my God, I cried;
Thou Jehovah, God of truth. My life,- my times are in Thy hand,
Who hast delivered me. I in Thy strength confide.

5 I hate all those that love the false. ID From all that persecute my soul
My trust is in the Lord; .
Thy gracious help I crave;
1 will be glad, and joyfully O smile upon Thy servant, Lord,
Thy mercy will record. And in Thy mercy save.

6 For my affliction Thou hast seen. 11 Let not be ashamed, O Lord,

And known my many woes; with Thee to save;
I plead
Thou hast not let me be enslaved, But let the wicked be ashamed,
But freed me from my foes. And silent in the grave.

12 Yea, let their lips henceforth be mute

Who words of falsehood seek.
The lips which with contempt and pride
Against the righteous speak.

81 The Riches of God's Goodness
PSALM 31 C. M. Ariel Arranged from Mozart


*--t^ ^ B^-i^-H-ap

I How great the good-ness kept in store For those who fear Thee and a - dore

ti- J , ^ -^B—
M. -^
Im= -V—

In meek hu- mil - i - ty. How great the deeds with mer - cy fraught Which

f=lt tee^
tp ^ ij^ I

f ^^=ffl^Wh^4i3^g i
o-pen - ly Thy hand hath wrought For those who trust in Thee,For those who trust m Thee.

*J-(L -f-^P- 5^ I ^ i^P^ nJ. f f P

s y— dE
;/ ^S [Stanzas 13-16]

2 Secured by Thy unfailing grace,

In Thee they find a hiding-place
When foes their plots devise;
A sure retreat Thou wilt prepare,
And keep them safely sheltered there.
When strife of tongues shall rise.

3 Blest be the Lord, for He hath showed.

While giving me a safe abode.
His love beyond compare;
Although His face He seemed to hide,
He ever heard me when I cried,
And made my wants His care.

4 Ye saints, Jehovah love and serve,

For He the faithful will preserve,
And shield from men of pride;
Be strong and let your hearts be brave,
All ye that wait for Him to save.
In God the Lord confide.
82 Security in God


I De

S. M.

me, Lord, from shame,


For still

John Zundel



q^-ft f I f f t f \
I I !
Since just
ii ^

and right

- eous
^ 1

is Thy Name, From trou - ble


set me
^^ free.

^vftF-F-FbLJ T i
[ if f f ^^^
j'^" j;'l j i ~n~i \i£j 3 j;'l i i' / j / I

O Lord, in mer - cy hear, De - liv - er me with speed;

-#-•#- -0- -0- J

f f ,

f f-
^\ ^

\ I r I \\-\ '
Hf \ I

i ^
^ g g 8 i:5^^'i/ij n ^ 1

Be my de-fense and ref - uge near, help in time of need.

-^ -^
tr-^ F^ t-
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Thee for my rock I take, 3 My spirit unto Thee

My fortress and my stay; I trustfully commend;
O lead me for Thy own Name's sake Jehovah, of truth, to me
And guide me in Thy way. Thoudidst redemption send.
Lord, Thou dost strength impart; I hate the false and vain.
Then free me from the snare Mytrust is in the Lord,
Which foes for me, with wicked art. And still my heart in joyous strain
Did secretly prepare. Thy mercy will record.

83 Sin and Forgiveness
PSALM 32 78 and 6$ Rutherford Arranged from Chretien Urhan

I How blest is
he whose trespass Hath free-
MSBE i^ ly
been forgiven,Wiiose sin is whol-ly

-^• A ^ ^ ^ '
X -g-I

ii^ i PFF=F

l^-^j iiJJAii iNJV '

J ^J^
l I

cov - ered Be -fore the sight of heaven. Blest he to whom Je - ho - vah Im

-r—— I -

§± 1C=?C

put - eth not his sin, Who hath a guile-less spir

Ji jiJ -^^
it.Whose heart is true with - in.
is rfTf PS f^-fif r 1 f ;
f- lr r

rr I
i i i i i

2 While I kept guilty silence

My strength was spent with grief,
Thy hand was heavy on me,
My soul found no relief;
But when I owned my trespass,
My sin hid not from Thee,
When I confessed transgression.
Then Thou forgavest me.

3 So let the godly seek Thee

In times when Thou art near;
No whelming floods shall reach them,
Nor cause their hearts to fear.
In Thee, O Lord, I hide me,
Thou savest me from ill.
And songs of Thy salvation
heart with rapture thrill.

84 Gracious Guidance
PSALM 32 7s and 63 MODENA Isaac B. Woodbury

gra-cious-ly will teach thee The way that thou shalt go, And with My eye up-


w m ^- mn^
on thee
My coun - sel make
thee know. But be ye not un - ru - ly,

9t ^T^ i ^ f it *=|c m
Or slow to un - der-stand, Be not per-verse,but will - ing To heed My wise command.
-•- -#- ' *" '^'
_ _ _ -f" ."f' -f" "f' "f" -f" ."f" "f" f ."P"'..
:£^?=«: -ff"

.[ Stanzas 4 and 5 ]

2 The sorrows of the wicked Then Lord be joyful,

in the
In number shall abound, In song lift up your voice;
But those that trust Jehovah, Be glad in God, ye righteous,
His mercy shall surround; Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice.

85 The Praise of Almighty God

PSALM 33 C. P. M. Annetta William J. Kirkpatrick

m I Ye right-ecus, in the Lord re-joice;


'Tis come-ly

with joy
m - ful voice

ps^ *=)E Mjj.j=g^

God's saints His

Name should praise.With



7of ^

^ r


Copyright, 1901, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Used by per.

The Praise of Almighty God

^4^i iPnij :
^m ^3 ^ 5
Your gift of sweet -est mu sic bring, To Him a new song raise.
-0- -p-

fi£J4J f

2 For upright is Jehovah's word, 3 Jehovah speaks, the heavens appear;

And all the doings of the Lord He breathes, and, lo, each shining
In justice have their birth; In splendor stands arrayed; [sphere
In judgment and in deeds of right He rolls the waters heap on heap,
The Lord forever takes delight, He stores away the mighty deep
His goodness fills the earth. In garners for it made.

86 The God of Providence and Grace

PSALM 33 C. P. M. Frances James McGranahan

I Let all
the earth Je - ho
iS s
- vah fear, Let all that dwell both far and near

w i
*=T m ^ s

In awe be - fore
stand ; For, lo.
He spake and it was done,


r F r r
^^ :^=^

m i

And all
-m •—^—
with sovereign power be - gun
m Stood fast
at His com - mand.
3f I

Copyright, 1901, by James McGranahan.
m Used by

J -»- _



/?N /^
Stanzas 4-6 ]

2 He makes the nations' counsels vain, 3 O truly the nation blest

is [fessed
The plans the peoples would maintain Whose God before the world con-
Are thwarted by His hand; Jehovah is alone;
Jehovah's counsel stands secure. And blest the people is whom He
His purposes of heart endure. Has made His heritage to be,
For evermore they stand. And chosen for His own.
87 God the Only Deliverer
PSALM 33 C. P. M. ' Westminster College German Melody

± Hh jjj'=LJ \i j Ij J N j I
j I

I Je - ho - vah from His throne on high Looks down with clear and searching eye
^—^ ft-^ - . ^ » ^

*-T-nr i^(
g^-hJ I \
^ i i
On all that dwell be - low; And He that fashioned heart and mind

^ , <? — H S V^ ^ [^ ^ 1 r4 ^ rf Bi P

1 , I I

^jz-jg I p =^ 1

\^^ .11 1 I
r It \

Looks ev - er down on all man-kind, The works of men to know.

± ^ £:
m £ pEp P I
[ Stanzas 7-9 ]

2 Not human strength or mighty hosts, Our hope is on Jehovah stayed,

Not charging steeds or warlike boasts In Him our hearts are joyful made,
Can save from overthrow; [shame Our help and shield is He;
But God will save from death and Our trust is in His holy Name,
All those who fear and trust His Name, Thy mercy, Lord, in faith we claim,
And they no want shall know. As we have hoped in Thee.

88 The Goodness of God Proved

PSALM 34 C. M. Euphemia Benjamin C. Unseld

I The Lord I
at all
times bless
^m ,
In praise my mouth em - ploy

P^ ^

s i
* *
My soul shall
in Je - ho -
r * 0^ ^
vah boast, The meek shall
hear with

s r r r 'r .
Copyright, United Presbyterian Board of Publication
r~T" f-^ [
i r IW. 'J
The Goodness of God Proved

^^p^^^N r^ O mag-ni - fy the Lord with me, Let


us ex - alt
i ai t^
His Name:

I g 't^ST^
m When in dis- tress on Him
T*" called, A
h \ij my
J iJ

res -
^ —
P^ ffi
P n5?

m^- p-
2 We looked to Him and light received, 3 O taste see that God is good
Ashamed we shall not be; To that seek His face;
Our humble cry Jehovah heard, Yea, blest the man that trusts in Him,
From trouble set us free. Confiding in His grace.
The angel of the Lord encamps O fear the Lord, all ye His saints;
Around about His own. No want shall bring distress;
Delivers them from all their foes. The lions young may pine for food.
Lest they be overthrown. The saints all good possess.

89 The Secret of a Happy Life

PSALM 34 CM. Alexandria William Arnold

tiWl \L\M4^^=^U^-\U^
I Ye chil-dren, come, give ear to me And learn je ho - vah's fear

^^ f
JL j!2-



ttp -<S^-i

He who
would long and hap

^ ^.

Restrain thy lips from speaking guile.

From wicked speech depart,
From evil turn and do the good,
^ „
- py

E ri £
4 The Lord


the just to fall,


But He will bring them safely through,


- sel hear.


Stanzas 7-1 1 ]

Seek peace with all thy heart. Delivering them from all.

3 Jehovah's eyes are on the just. 5 By evil are the evil slain,
He hearkens to their cry; And they that hate the just;
Against the wicked sets His face. But all His servants God redeems.
Their very name shall die. And safe in Him they trust.
90 Testimony and Praise
PSALM 34 L. M. Ames Sigismund Neukomm

y^y i

j J j J 'Ji^^ iih^k^
I The Lord I will at all times bless, My mouth His praises shall ex - press;

l=iJ: £
f r r r r

i r=H' ^ ^^^ i
In Him shall all my boasting

be, While all the meek re - joice



^t— ^i .iS2.

§^ ^=4=k *^ e rrfi

i i I
2 O magnify the Lord with me,
Let us to praise His Name agree;
I sought the Lord, He answered me,
And from my fears He set me free.

3 Who look to Him shall walk in light.

With joy their faces shall be bright.
Distressed, they cried; the Lord arose
And saved them out of all their woes.

4 Around His saints as watch and ward

Encamps the angel of the Lord;
That God is good, O taste and see,
Who trusts in Him shall blessed be.

5 Fear Him, ye saints, and do His will,

And all your needs He will fulfil;
Though beasts of forest lack their food,
Those seeking God shall want no good.

6 Ye children, come and hear my voice,

And learn to make God's fear your choice;
Who seek long life and happy days
Must learn to walk in wisdom's ways.

7 Who fears the Lord must keep his tongue

From evil and his lips from wrong.
Must do the good, from evil cease,
And ever seek and follow peace.
91 The Safety of Believers
PSALM 34 L. M. Abends Herbert

S. Oakeley

^=n^ pj^fi=^^=p^
God guards the good with watch-ful
^ ^ eye, His ear at-ten-tive to their cry,

V J I"


P?^ »~* e i^ 3t

A-gainstthe wick-ed sets His face, From earth their memory to


righteous cry, Jehovah hears,

» 4 By
evil are the evil slain,
g= £
[Stanzas 8-12

And rescues them from all their fears; The hope of sinful men is vain;
The Lord draws nigh to broken hearts, The wicked, who the righteous hate,
To contrite spirits help imparts. Their condemnation shall be great.

3 Afflictions on the good must fall, [all; 5 The Lord redemption will provide
But God bring them safe through
will For all who in His grace confide;
From harmful stroke He will defend, From condemnation they are clear
And sure and full deliverance send. Who trust in Him with holy fear.

SECOND TUNE Pentecost William Boyd

mi^AM I God guards the good with watch - f ul


His ear at - ten - tive to their cry,

A-gainstthe wick-ed sets
His face,From earth their memory
m fij

H^rr f \ f "rf^:.
\f f f

92 God Our Advocate and Judge
PSALM 35 L. M. Catherine E. M. Claik

9 I '
& i : g =i
d d

1 Be Thou my help - er in the strife, O Lord, my strong de - fend - er be

4^ e:
^m 5*-=-

9 *


f=»=^S^ -i —#— s
Thy might -y shield pro-tect my Thy spear con-front the en

^^m m^
life, - e - my,

iS f=t

^m A • mid the con

O my
- flict,

• •

—? —
z^ d '

pre-cious prom- ise

=fr •

let me


9-^ % % %
m i=i
M rS'-^




f aith-ful,

re -
r i

as-sur-ing word:
JU: i na^
I am thy Sav-iour, do


^ 5"-=-
#-r^ :i

Copyright by David C. Cook Pub, Co. Used by per.

2 Ashamed, confounded let them be

Who seek my ruin and disgrace;
O let Thy angel fight for me,
And drive my foes before his face.
Without a cause my life they sought,
Without a cause their plots they laid;
Themselves within their snares be caught,
And be my crafty foes dismayed.
God Our Advocate and Judge

3 My soul is joyful in the Lord,

In His salvation I rejoice;
To Him my heart will praise accord
And bless His Name with thankful voice.
For who, O Lord, is like to Thee,
Defender of the poor and meek ?
The needy Thy salvation see
When mighty foes their ruin seek.

4 Unrighteous witnesses have stood

And told of crimes beyond belief;
Returning evil for my good,
They overwhelm my soul with grief.
When in affliction they were sad,
I wept and made their grief my own
But in my trouble they are glad
And strive that I may be o'erthrown.

5 O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay?

My soul for Thy salvation waits;
My thankfulness I will display
Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates.
Let not my enemies rejoice
And wrongfully exult o'er me;
They speak not peace, but lift their voice
To trouble those that peaceful be.

6 My foes with joy my woes survey.

But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all;
O be no longer far away,
Nor silent when on Thee I call.
O haste to my deliverance now,
O Lord, my righteous cause maintain;
My Lord and God alone art Thou;
Awake, and make Thy justice plain.

7 O Lord my God, I look to Thee,

Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray;
Let not my foes exult o'er me
And laugh with joy at my dismay.
With shame and trouble those requite
Who would my righteous cause destroy;
But those who in the good delight,
Let them be glad and shout for joy.

8 Yea, let the Lord be magnified,

Because Thy servants Thou dost bless;
And I, from mom till eventide.
Will daily praise Thy righteousness.
My soul joyful in the Lord,
In His salvation I rejoice;
To Him my heart will praise accord
And bless His Name with thankful voice.
93 A Wicked Life
PSALM 36 C. M. Chimes Lowell Mason

I The tres-pass
t ^#^1^ ^
of the wick - ed man


plain -ly
tes -
ti - fies

^ ^ ip^
#^ That
fear of
Go3^s most ho - ly Name Is not be - fore his eyes

9t r i
Tr- rr^g-EBi

utters with his mouth

^^ f
2 He cherishes the empty hope, 3 The words he
Although be great,
his sin Are wickedness and lies;
It never shall be brought to light He keeps himself from doing good,
And viewed with righteous hate. And ceases to be wise.

4 While on his bed his thought he gives

To planning wickedness;
He sets himself in evil ways,
He shuns not to transgress.

94 The Love and Justice of God

PSALM 36 C. M. Caddo William B. Bradbury

te 4^ i^

I Thy
3 mer - cy and Thy trutKj
P^ O Lord,
Tran-scend the

loft -
y sky;

^PHf¥^ ^1 r ^ r

?=ir-J ^
Thy judg-ments are a might - y deep, as the moun-tains high.

^K^- -(2.

£ [ Stanzas S"'o]
The Love and Justice of God
2 Lord, Thou preservest man and beast; 4 The fountain of eternal life
SinceThou art ever kind, Is found alone with Thee,
Beneath the shadow of Thy wings And in the brightness of Thy light
We may a refuge find. We clearly light shall see.

3 With the abundance of Thy house 5 From those that know Thee may Thy
We shall be satisfied, And mercy ne'er depart, [love
From rivers of unfailing joy And may Thy justice still protect
Our thirst shall be supplied. And bless the upright heart.

6 The workers of iniquity

Are fallen utterly;
They shall not triumph in their pride,
Or drive my soul from Thee.

95 An Answer to Distrust
PSALM 37 C. P. M. Josephine Ernest R. Kroeger

^^ t^
I Fret not thy-self, nor en- vious be, When wick - ed work- ers thou shalt see,

^ <z- r: f

^ 5>_i_

i ffi

Who pros-per in
their way; For

^i=t ^3
the grass they per - ish soon,

m^ M e E m
ft^ i ^^^ ^^^
^^ ^ f^

d: j 3 JN: UJ-^^mj: -s-

And, like the herb cut down at noon. They with - er in day.

Ss 5'-=- :g=I=sg
g^1^^F=P :^
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

2 Trust in the Lord and still do well, 3 Yea, to the Lord thy way is known;
Within the land securely dwell, Confide in Him Who on the throne
Feed on His faithfulness; Abides in power divine;
Delight thee also in the Lord, Thy righteousness He shall display;
And to thy heart He will accord Resplendent as the light of day,
The good it would possess. It shall unclouded shine.

96 Contrasted Characters
PSALM 37 C. P. M. Kingston William Hayes

^jlH J J U i
Lord and be thou
With pa-tience wait His ho

I Rest in the still, - ly will,

m ^mfitMW it

En - dur - ing to

the end. Fret not though sin - ners' gains in - crease ;


^ j-u



For - sake thy wrath, from an ger cease will to e tend.

- ; It - vil
J "^

[ Stanzas 4-7 ]

2 The evil-doer soon shall die, But saints shall all the land possess,
But those that on the Lord rely And
find delight and happiness
Shall all the land obtain; Where fruits of peace abound.
A Uttle while and thou shalt see 4 The vile may plot against the just
That wicked men cut off shall be, Who in the Lord Jehovah trust,
They shall be sought in vain. But God will scorn them all;
3 Yea, thou shalt soon consider well The Lord their coming day shall see,
The place where they were wont to When broken all their power shall be,
And it shall not be found; [dwell, And ruin on them fail.

97 Well-Doing and Well-Being

PSALM 37 C. P. M. Ganges 8. Chandler

9-'M c?




I'f ^
that the righteous hold

Destroyed shall be their arm of pride,But they

^^ ^
bet-ter far than wealth untold

who in
J j i j I

i i^
Of man-y wick-ed men


the Lord confide Shall be upholden

i J J



[Stanzas 8-11]
Well-Doing and Well-Being
2 He knows the days the perfect live, Like fields once fair, now brown and
To them a heritage will give sere;
Which ever shall abide; Like smoke they fade away.
In evil times no shame they know,
And in the days of famine's woe 4 They borrow oft and pay not back,
They shall be satisfied. But righteous men do nothing lack,
And give with gracious hand;
3 Although the wicked prospered seem, Those cursed by Him shall be de-
At last they vanish like a dream stroyed,
And perish in a day; But such as have His grace enjoyed,
Jehovah's foes shall soon appear They shall possess the land.

98 The Rewards of the Righteous

PSALM 37 C. P. M. Lonsdale Arthur H. D. Troyte

i4 H-^ UJ-iS3

j I

The good man's steps

i *

are led a -right,

i J

His way

is pleas -ing in
God's sight,

^^ ^ ^ f: f:

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ip:

^ rttj
J J i \
though he
- tab - lished it shall stand shall not per - ish fall,

^ ^ * * JL ^
m ±=f t^
p p-
I i i

f, i

The might - y
n ^


Who niles
o'er all
Up-holds him with His
^^ hand.

MM £
Though I am old who young have been. His faithfulness His saints have proved,
No saint have I forsaken seen,

Forever they shall stand unmoved,

[Stanzas 12-15!

Nor yet his home in need; But sinners God will smite.
He ever lends in gracious ways.
His life true charity displays, 4 The righteous, through His favoring hand.
His sons are blest indeed. Shall yet inherit all the land
And dwell therein for aye;
3 Depart from evil, do thou well, He talks of wisdom and of right,
And evermore securely dwell; In God's pure law is his delight,
Jehovah loves the right. His steps go not astray.
99 The Righteous and the Evil-Doer


wick- ed,
P. M.

watching for

their prey, De-sire the

t? ^ Edward Harwood

right-eous man
F to

r f=T

But God is on his

s^ side; He
will not leave him
in their hands.

:^ £ €>-

3e^^:^=ie f ^^^H^
£S i 3 I



Wait on
Nor count him

the Lord

He will exalt thee, nor delay

guilt - y

and keep His way;

when he stands In

4 Mark thou
^ ^P
judg - ment

the upright day by day,

Behold the perfect in his way:
to be tried.

[Stanzas 16-20]

To give the land to thee; His journey ends in peace.

And when the wicked are cut oflf, Destroyed at once shall rebels be;
The wicked who against thee scoff, Cut off from all posterity,
Their judgment thou shalt see. Their very name shall cease.

3 The wicked in great power are seen, 5 Salvation is from God alone, [known
Like spreading tree with foliage green Whom as their covert saints have
That grows in native ground. When by sore troubles tried;
I looked again, they were no more; The Lord Who helped in troubles past
I sought the men so proud before, Will save them to the very last,
But they could not be found. For they in Him confide.

100 The Secret of Tranquility

PSALM 37 CM. Morris Chant William B. Bradbury

m2=ii=l=y je>- i^ m ^

^ r-'
I For- ev - er trust - ing in the Lord, Take heed to do His will; So shalt thou
^. .^

Jt. JS2.
fi-4?i-f-- r^
i -r5>—
The Secret of Tranquility

W t=im^ m IFT^

dwell with-in the land, So shalt thou dwell within the

* i ^s
land, And He
•' -3-
thy needs shall

^^ -^
gE§ £— ^2-. -#.
¥ > ¥
izFzii ^,.u .1 1
f g


Selected Stanzas]
2 Delight thee in the Lord, and He 3 And He shall make thy righteousness
Will grant thy heart's request; Shine brightly as the light,
To Him commit thy way in faith, And as the burning noonday sun
And thus thou shalt be blessed. Thy judgment shall be bright.

4 Rest in the Lord with quiet trust,

Wait patiently for Him;
Though wickedness triumphant seem,
Let not thy faith grow dim.

101 The Prosperity of the Upright

PSALM 37 C. M. Downs Lowell Mason

S9 -4 H d d -# d:

I The steps of those whom He ap-proves Are or - dered by the Lord

^1^ g |
k^: =F=g

^w And though they fall,

by His hand, They
yet shall be
re - stored.

I have not
Full many


though since
years have fled, [youth

4 Wait on the Lord and keep His way,
And then, by Him approved.
f=f [ Selected Stanzas ]

The saint forsaken, nor beheld Thy heritage shall still remain
His children begging bread. When sinners are removed.

3 The children of the merciful 5 Mark well the perfect, upright man,
Find blessings kept in store; As his years increase;
Depart from evil and do good. Behold his life, and thou shalt see
And live for evermore. His journey end in peace.
102 Penitential Grief and Supplication
PSALM 38 83 and 78 St. Sylvester John B. Dykes

^8 g: 8 ^ 9 4 i a^^EJ^ ^ i i ^,

I In Thy wrath and hot dis - pleas - ure, Chas -ten not Thy serv- ant, Lord;

m *=« J^^ f I
ff^ *
,-^^ -r 111 g

4^1- i'i
^ 5 ^a
Let Thy mer - cy, with - out meas - ure, Help and peace to me af - ford.

§ tf P rtr^Mi
2 Heavy my tribulation,
is 4 Weak and wounded, I implore Thee;
Sore my punishment has been; Lord, to me Thy mercy show;
Broken by Thy indignation, All my prayer is now before Thee,
I am troubled by my sin. All my trouble Thou dost know.

3 With my burden of transgression 5 Darkness gathers, foes assail me,

Heavy laden, overborne, But I answer not a word;
Humbled low I make confession. All my
friends desert and fail me.
For my folly now I mourn. Only Thou my cry hast heard.

103 A Plea for Salvation

PSALM 38 8s and ys Mount Vernon Lowell Mason

|ij i
I Lord, in
Thee am
I con - fid - ing;" Thou wilt an -swerwhen I call,

t=> ^m /-J , ;
; J

Lest my foes, the
j 1 ^

good de
- rid -

i j

Tri-umph in


serv -


^W £
^=^ JH &
r^ [Stanzas 6-9]
A Plea for Salvation

I am
prone to halt and stumble, Foes about my soul are closing,
and sorrow dwell within,
Grief Full of hatred, false and strong;
Shame and guilt my spirit humble, Choosing good, I find opposing
I am sorry for my sin. All who love and do the wrong.

Lord, my God, do not forsake me.

me know that Thou art near,
Under Thy protection take me,
As my Saviour now appear.

104 The Frailty of Life

PSALM 39 L. M. Bera John E. Gould

s±^=it mhh^
m r ^P 53E


firm re-solve

a^ £
t ^ii>IJ
I held

my peace

And spake not

itj SJr


- ther




Lest I should ut - ter sin ful thoughts While wicked men be - fore me stood.

i^Wl j^
-^ — M-

j>Tg _ g ^^ U If — ^^

While I was dumb my grief was stirred.


And now,
r f
6 Lord, what wait I for ?
My heart grew hot with thought I have no hope except in Thee;
suppressed; Let not ungodly men reproach,
The whUe I mused the fire increased. From all transgression set me free.
Then to the Lord I made request.
7 Because Thou didst it I was dumb,
Make me, O Lord, to know my end, I spoke no word of rash complaint;
Teach me the measure of my days. Remove Thy stroke away from me.
That I may know how frail I am Beneath Thy chastisement I faint.
And turn from pride and sinful ways. 8 When Thou for his iniquity
My time is nothing in Thy sight. Rebukest and correctest man,
Behold, my days are but a span; His beauty is constmaed away.
Yea, truly at his best estate, How weak his strength, how vain
A breath, a fleeting breath, is man. his plan.

Man's Hfe is passed in vain desire Lord, hear my prayer, regard my cry,
Iftroubled years be spent for gain; I weep, be Thou my comforter;
He knows not whose his wealth shall be. I am a stranger here below,
And all his toil is but in vain. A pilgrim as my fathers were.
lo spare me. Lord, avert Thy wrath.
Deal gently with me, I implore.
That I may yet recover strength
E'er I go hence and be no more.
105 The Brevity of Human Life
PSALM 39 S. M. Aylesbury Harvey Camp



I con
stant care will
* m
take, Lest sin -
words they


^Wf=\f £ E^ J^
r r^ ^^
My m lips their si - lence shall not break While wick - ed en are near.

2 I
dumb and
silent stood,
words of mine were heard;
^^ 4 My end, Lord, make me know.
My days, how soon they fail;
il F

I even refrained from speaking good, And to my thoughtful spirit show

Till sorrow's deeps were stirred. How weak I am and frail.
3 My heart was all on fire, 5 To Thy eternal thought
With burning thoughts suppressed; My days are but a span;
My tongue was loosed, my soul's desire To Thee my years appear as nought,
I then to God addressed. A breath at best is man.

6 Man lives in empty show,

His anxious care is vain.
He hoards his wealth, and does not know
Who shall possess his gain.

106 Chastened Submission

PSALM 39 S. M. DULCE DOMUM Robert S. Ambrose

6%*: ^ — z?

I What wait I for but Thee? My hope is Thy Name;

i!^^ i

^ iEE^ i^
From all my sins
de - liv - er me, Nor

^5:Jtmt r
my soul to shame.

^^ ^
^ jt- t dj mV-
m 9-
. . b.
f^^^ s
[Stanzas 7-1 a]
Chastened Submission

2 I suffered silently, 4 O Lord, regard my fears,

Because Thy will is best; And answer my request;
Remove Thy heavy stroke from me, Turn not in silence from my tears,
For I am sore distressed. But give the mourner rest.

3 When sin Thou dost repay 5 I am a stranger here.

And chasten and restrain, Dependent on Thy grace,
Man's beauty quickly fades away; A pilgrim, as my fathers were,
Yea, human life is vain. With no abiding place.

6 O spare me and restore

My pray;
failing strength, I
E'er I go hence and be no more,
The hand of judgment stay.

107 A Mourner's Entreaties

PSALM 39 S. M. Greenwood Joseph E. Sweetser

^ -J-
' J-
i: ' i
— —

i i

=^h=^ ZZl

I My end, Lord, make me know, My days, how soon they fail

—f f —— 1
i^" ,,<?•,
b >
« 1
-^ bb'^4
» 1 p? •
^"^ -1
I* " ' '

?± 1
4 i
4 \
i p^3=^' \
'^ L
Ip ; IJ
I'J Jli lJ

And to my thought -ful spir - it show How weak I am and frail.

V -S>-'
rS^-w "f" ^ I

[Selected Stanzas]

2 To Thy eternal thought 3 O Lord, regard my fears.

My days are but a span; And answer my request;
To Thee my years appear as nought. Turn not in silence from my tears,
A breath at best is man. But give the mourner rest.

4 I am a stranger here,
Dependent on Thy grace,
A pilgrim, as my fathers were.
With no abiding place.

108 A Recital of Gracious Experience
PSALM 40 C. M. Elizabethtown George Kingsley

ij l

i. iiJ'in
^ I I wait - ed for the Lord my God, Yea, pa - tient

- ly drew near,

And He at length

in -
clined to me, My

plead-ing cry


i^3^ EI
^ He took

me from

destruction's pit,
5 truly blessed is

the man
From out the miry clay; That on the Lord relies,
He set my feet upon a rock, Respecting not the proud, nor such
And steadfast made my way. As turn aside to lies.
3 A new and joyful song of praise 6 O Lord my God, how manifold
My thankful heart He taught, The works which Thou hast wrought,
A song of glory to our God Ofttimes Thou hast bestowed on us
For all that He has wrought. Thy care and gracious thought.
4 And many who behold how good 7 Thy works and thoughts most wonderful,
The Lord has been to me If I of them would speak,
Shall learn to fear, and in His Name Cannot be numbered, and in vain
Their trust henceforth shall be. To set them forth I seek.

109 Personal Devotion to God


^ I The



f ering on



burned Gives no
' *'(' ^mr de -

light to


4 i^ e
t ^m
n Ff
i: ^
^ji i

j jiJii ^ij i i

iyj^ ii
'^ i'ii
The hear - ing ear, the will - ing heart, Thou giv - est un - to me. . .


^m 3E

i ^W [Stanzas 8-1 1]
Personal Devotion to God
2 Then, my God, I come, I come, Thou knowest. Lord, I will not cease
Thy purpose to fulfil; To praise Thy holy Name.
Thy law is written in my heart, 4 I never have within my heart
'Tis joy to do Thy will.
Thy faithfulness concealed,
3 Before Thy people I will now But Thy salvation and Thy truth
Thy righteousness proclaim; To men I have revealed.

110 The Mercy of God Besought

C. M. Ruth W. Irving Hartshorn

^M-ij^^ ^ '
Hrij' ^^^rj
my Lord, With

Thy ten der mer cies,

^ nw hold im plore
I - - - not. -

^^^ m K J

mm i^
But let Thy kind - ness and Thy truth Pre
^ - serve


ev - er



f IS i n: \

9 f-


For count -less My

ills have com-passed me, sin - f ul deeds a rise;

82 p r=Ff=r I

ie 335 ^
Yea, they have o - ver - talc - en me ; I dare not raise my eyes

^ 1C=lE
r=F=y :f=3t
r [Stanzas 12-17]
2 My sins are more than I can count. Let all who seek Thee now rejoice,
My heart has failed for grief; Yea, glad in Thee abide.
Be pleased,O Lord, to rescue me, And, loving Thy salvation, say,
O haste to my relief. The Lord be magnified.
Be those who seek to hurt my soul My lowly state and bitter need
Dismayed and put to flight. The Lord has not forgot;
And they themselves be put to shame Thou art my Saviour and my help,
Who in my woe delight. Come, Lord, and tarry not.
Ill Grace and Gratitude
PSALM 40 L. H. M. Dunstan Joseph Bamby

I wait-ed for the
fei?^:i=i: 5
Lord Most High, And

He in-clined to



S3^ g
p p=^ e
i i
ter -<*—
^ 3: 1 3 3 3 13
-1 -:- -i-

He took me from de - struc - tion's pit And from the mir - y clay;

J- ifc=t=te
s ?^ £
r=rf f
^3 i
s=^Lr,'r-i^ r ^^^s i
Up - on a rock He set my feet, And stead-fast made my way.

9Ij2.b- ;— ?~Tf — -«^

-(=^ 5 ^ i ^Vi
2 A new and joyful song of praise
He taught my thankful heart to raise;
And many, seeing me restored,
Shall fear the Lord and trust;
And blest are they that trust the Lord,
The humble and the just.

3 Lord my God, how manifold

Thy wondrous works which I behold,
And all Thy loving, gracious thought
Thou hast bestowed on man;
To count Thy mercies I have sought,
But boimdless is their span.

4 Not sacrifice deUghts the Lord,

But he who hears and keeps His word;
Thou gavest me to hear Thy will,
Thy law is in my heart;
I come the Scripture to fulfil,
Glad tidings to impart.

112 An Entreaty for Mercy
PSALM 40 L. H. M. Flemming Arranged from F. F. Flemming

^^^iMM^ I Be-fore Thy peo-ple I con - f ess The wonders

:i=i ^te
Thy right-eous-ness

-^ £^^ * ^
i ei ?^

e P
i 5feii ^i 5 f
1^ it::^
fcri -^-
Thou know-est, Lord, that I have made . . Thy great sal - va - tion known,




^ ^
i^^t=tji^5z:p=li^j 4=v.

;fc^ !i ^FF§ S s: I
Thy truth and faith - ful - ness dis - played, Thy lov-ing-kind- ness shown.

b..,f r f if f r f i fefe#tfS -i2- ;i

Stanzas 5-8]

2 Withhold not Thou Thy grace from me, 3 Let all who seek to see Thy face
O Thy mercy let me see,
Lord, Be glad and joyful in Thy grace;
To me Thy loving-kindness show, Let those who Thy salvation love
Thy truth be still my stay; For evermore proclaim,
Let them preserve me where I go. O praise the Lord Who dwells above,
And keep me every day. And magnify His Name.

4 Although I poor and needy be,

The Lord in love takes thought for me;
art my help in time of need.
My Saviour, Lord, art Thou
Then, O my God, I pray, I plead,
Stay not, but save me now.

113 The Friend of the Poor

PSALM 41 C. M. SOUTHPORT George Kingsley

^w ii=5 r p^
I How blest the man who thoughtful - ly The poor and weak be - friends;

i^ ^ e
S£ r^T^-T~r-
r^ \ l. U 'i \
i^=^ \
'l \ l. irn^
r r

De - liv - erance in the e - vil day To him Je - ho - vah sends.

5t F Fi^'^^tf^

2 The Lord will keep him, guard his life, 7 My foes, together whispering,
On earth he shall be blest; Their evil plans devise;
The Lord will not surrender him Disease, they say, cleaves fast to him,
By foes to be distressed. Laid low, he shall not rise.

3 Upon the bed of suffering 8 Yea, he who was my chosen friend,

Jehovah will sustain, In whom I put my trust, [ wrath
And in his sickness God will soothe Who ate my bread, now turns in
The weariness and pain. To crush me in the dust.

4 O Lord, to Thee my cry ascends. 9 Do Thou, Jehovah, show me grace.

Let me Thy mercy see; And raise me up again,
Heal Thou my soul, for I have sinned, That I with justice may requite
I have offended Thee. These base and wicked men.

5 My enemies against me speak, ID By this I know assuredly

And they my life have scorned; That I am loved by Thee,
They wish my name to pass away, Because my foe does not exult
Unhonored and unmoimied. In triumph over me.

6 My foe, deceitful, visits me, II And as for me, in uprightness

B5^ seeming kindness led, Thou dost uphold me well.
His heart intent on gathering And settest me before Thy face
Some hurtful news to spread. For evermore to dwell.

12 Blest be Jehovah, Israel's God

For evermore. Amen.
Let age to age eternally
Repeat His praise. Amen.
114 Thirstings for God
PSALM 42 L. M. Baca William 13. Bradbury

2 Far from the courts of God, my tears 6 With mighty voice deep calls to deep.
Have been my food by night and While raging storms Thy judg-
day, ments tell;
While constantly with bitter sneers, The angry billows o'er me leap,
Where is thy God, the scoffers say. The waves of sorrow near me swell.
7 Though troubles surge, yet through
3 With grief I think of days gone by,
When oft I trod the hallowed way the day
To Zion, praising God on high The Lord His gracious help will give.
With throngs who kept the holy day. And in the night my heart shall pray
And sing to Him in Whom I live.

4 O why art thou cast down, my soul, 8 To God my Rock I cry and say,
And why so troubled shouldst thou why hast Thou forgotten me ?
be? Why go I mourning on my way.
Hope thou inGod, and Him extol, Oppressed by foes that know not
Who gives His saving help to me. Thee?

5 Since, O my God, my soul is bowed. 9 With anguish as from piercing sword

In exile far, with bitter grief, Reproach of bitter foes I hear.
I turn my thoughts to Thy abode While day by day, with taunting word,
For consolation and relief. Where is thy God, the scoffers sneer.
lo O why art thou cast down, my soul,
And why so troubled shouldst thou be ?
Hope thou in God, and Him extol,
Who gives His saving help to me.
115 Longing After God
PSALM 42 1 IS and I OS SaNDRINGHAM Arranged from Joseph Barnby

as ~s^ i i 3J i
—-r J J 3
r r

I As pants the

hart for streams of


- ing

^ wa • ter,

So longs my soul,
liv -
ing God,
I -i^
for Thee;


s E

thirst for

— for

^ r


i^ a^5

^^M ^ fe

yearn ing;

g^=f-7=f I


When shall I come Thy

gra -
cious face
to see?

f —
2 O
Lord my God, o'erwhelmed in deep affliction,
[ Selected Stanzas ]

Far from Thy rest, to Thee I lift my soul;

Deep calls to deep and storms of trouble thunder,
While o'er my head the waves and billows roll.

3 Thou wilt command Thy servant's consolation.

Thy loving-kindness yet shall cheer my day.
And in the night Thy song shall be my comfort;
God of my life, to Thee I still will pray.
4 Why, mythou cast down within me.
soul, art
Why and oppressed with grief?
art thou troubled
Hope thou in God, the God of thy salvation,
Hope, and thy God will surely send relief.
116 Remembrance of God
PSALM 42 C. M. Kathrine Charles H. Gabriel
Slowly I

aZZ ^^ ^ N. fed
i i ^ i 5
§# £
I As pants the hart for cool - ing streams,When heat

- ed

^ F^
in the chase,


.1 J: f / ^;t^^^ :^ ^^^ i

^ longs

Copyright, 1901,
my soul, O God, for Thee

by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

2 For Thee, my


God, the living God,

- fresh
- ing grace.
f i
[ Selected Stanzas 3

My thirsty soul doth pine;

O when shall I behold Thy face,
Thou Majesty Divine?
3 Why restless, why cast down, my soul ?
Trust God, Who will employ
His aid for thee, and change these sighs
To thankful hymns of joy.

4 Why restless, why cast down, my soul ?

Hope still, and thou shalt sing
The praise of Him Who is thy God,
Thy health's eternal spring.


^ Spohr

Arranged from Spohr

W -p—^
I As pants

the hart

for cool -

ing streams,When heat - ed in the chase,


m i £P^
So longs my soul, O God, for


And Thy re - fresh - ing grace

9— i
117 Our Support Amidst Distress
PSALM 42 IIS and los Raynolds Arranged from Mendelssohn

^V T^ I
. ^ ^ ,
^=^ U^^^hfa - - -
* -e©-

I As pants the hart for streams of living wa - ter, O

So longs my soul, liv-ing God,for Thee

s: M^ ¥ I H !^ =F^
l^j J ji J: Jii^ii^^M-f^^^^-to-^T^
I thirst for Thee,for Thee my heart is yearning "When shall ; I come Thy gracious face to see ?

§^ «
ffi ttf.'
^ M^
^ P fl P ^ ^-f 5>-=- 1=^

Selected Stanza* ]
2 O Lord my God, o'erwhelmed in deep affliction,
Far from Thy rest, to Thee I lift my soul;
Deep calls to deep and storms of trouble thunder.
While o'er my head the waves and billows roll.

3 Thou wilt command Thy servant's consolation,

Thy loving-kindness yet shall cheer my day,
And in the night Thy song shall be my comfort;
God of my life, to Thee I still will pray.
4 Why, O my soul, art thou cast down within me,
Why art thou troubled and oppressed with grief?
Hope thou in God, the God of thy salvation,
Hope, and thy God will surely send relief.

118 Spiritual Thirst

PSALM 42 8s and 4$ Snowden Robert B. Robertson

I As


jrtiHJi^ iiji^+^; iiJW"^

ing God,


taste Thy



- ing flood,

When un







draw near,

F^"g- g r h I
r r I

^r 100

g g r r
Selected Stanias]
Spiritual Thirst

i;^; #=H-'=pfe#a^
O when with - in Thy courts ap - pear, And see Thy face ?

g^ ^^ r^
£ «=
2 How oft I led the happy throngs 3 why, my soul, thy hopelessness?
That sought the house of God with Why such disquiet and distress?
Of joy and praise; [songs On God rely;
I ever joined with true deUght For I shall yet behold His face,
The multitude that kept aright Who is my God, and I His grace
The holy days. Will magnify.

119 Devout Longin

PSALM 43 C. M. Edmeston Isaac B. Woodbury


J hr^^'^—^
Judge me,0 God, and plead my cause
P^^^^^A - gainst a god-less race ; From men de-

^r^^rW^^^ fz

m £:

ceit ful and un just De er in Thy grace, De - liv er in Thy grace.

- - - liv - -

9t Jc=*: :p=Mipi:;:p:zi:|=pq:/L^_#-4.# — p | ^ —pf

2 Thou the God of all my strength, 4 Then God's altar go,

will I to
Why hast Thou cast me off? To God, myboundless joy;
Why go I mourning all the day. Yea, God, my God, Thy Name to
While foes oppress and scoff ? My harp I will employ. [praise

3 O send Thou forth Thy light and truth, 5 Why art thou then cast down, my soul,
Let them be guides to me, What should discourage thee ?
And bring me to Thy holy hill, And why with vexing thoughts art
Thy dwelling-place to see. Disquieted in me? [thou

6 Hope thou in God; His praise shall yet

My thankful lips employ;
He is the spring of all my health,
My God, my boundless joy.
120 Hope and Trust

ir^ f-T

43 88 and 7s

Judge me,

m my sal-va

^ ^
- tion,
g ^3
my cause, for
WUliam O. Perkins

Thee I trust;

0-^ — i
T 0' W 0- — F- P P >0- — — F-^ 0-
, .

^h-Ht-Hh^ ^

Hear my ear
- nest
nii j,
sup-pli-ca -
tion, Save
me from my foes un -


. 0. 0' P

r What
O my soul, why art thou griev - ing ? dis - qui - ets and dis - mays ?

-^ « m ^ 0' .0 0.0' r?

J_! . .

R g f
rff ^ \
• > .

Hope in God; His help re-ceiv-ing, I shall yet my Sav-iour praise.

g^ I* < <


2 On Thy strength alone relying,

Why am I cast off by Thee,
In my helpless sorrow sighing,
While the foe oppresses me ?
3 Light and truth, attending, my way
Send Thou forth to be guide, my
Till Thy holy mount ascending,
I within Thy house abide.

4 At Thy sacred altar bending,

God, my God, my boundless joy,
Harp and voice, in worship blending.
For Thy praise will I employ.
121 God the Giver of Victory
PSALM 44 IIS Resignation Anonymous

#^ 1^ ^ J 1^ :j=ti! i s
I O God, we have heard and our fa - thers have told What won -ders Thou

^s PFT ^ t

^^ didst in the
great days of old ; The
na - tions
PE^ ^
were crushed and ex

^ ,,^^_^ w
I p > iinr^^B ,-f- -f- . r?

f=f f=F

i p fr. ^ ^m
pelled by Thy hand, Cast out that Thy peo - pie might dwell in their land.

^ f=^ r
r If r r
f- 1- 1-

2 They gained not the land by the edge of the sword,
Their own arm to them could no safety afford,
But Thy right hand saved, and the light of Thy face,
Because of Thy favor and wonderful grace.

3 Command, and Thy word shall deliverance bring,

O God, to Thy chosen, for Thou art our King;
Through Thee we will surely defeat all our foes.
Through Thy Name will triumph o'er those that oppose.

4 No trust will I place in my strength to defend.

Nor yet on my sword as a safeguard depend;
In Thee, Who hast saved us and put them to shame,
We boast all the day, ever praising Thy Name.
122 The Martyr Church
PSALM 44 118 Good Shepherd Joseph Bamby

i ^n^ T -5*-

I Thou, Lord,hast for - sak - en, to shame brought our boasts; No more to the

m Pf=T

^^ field dost Thou

go with our hosts ;
Thou turn - est us back from the

p« H=f^-f=hf
* ^^m :ir-^ ^ i r ? - ' :i - > i
foe in dis - may, And spoil -ers who hate us have made us their prey.

i^^ •f-

fe* „ - - »- V « ^ , J
[Stanzas 5-9]

2 Like sheep to the slaughter Thy people are given,

Dispersed through the nations afar we are driven
Thou sellest Thy people to strangers for naught,
Their price to Thy treasure no increase has brought.

3 Thou makest our neighbors reproach us in pride,

And those that are near us to scoff and deride;
A by-word the nations have made of our name,
With scorn and derision they put us to shame.

4 Yea, all the day long I behold my disgrace.

And covered am I with confusion of face;
The voice of blasphemers and scoffers I hear,
The foe and avenger against me appear.

5 All this have we suffered, and never forgot

To serve Thee, Jehovah, nor falsely have wrought;
Our heart is not turned and our steps have not strayed.
Though crushed amid ruins and under death's shade.
123 An Importunate Prayer
PSALM 44 IIS Magnus John B. Herbert

H-tt^ ^^m u
•mS: ^ ^-^
- - - V * - - ;
' '
' ^
I If we have for - got- ten the Name of our God, Or un - to an i- del our

-f f f f -/i p. P—fL
^m. 1i—Ir-
^-f-rji »


hands spread a - broad, Shall not the Al-might-y on-cov-er
/ ^
this sin?
f f f f
We I; rr=N I
r r t c c r ici i~h

4S I
knows ourheartsand the se crets with Rise, help, and deem

all - - in. re- us,

^ lj=£:
i ^ % f IT: ^ j

f^^tfYrti-fmrft^feg^Jl^ 1/
' '-*T^ *;;^
Thymer - cy we trust; Rise,help,and re-deem us, Thymer-cy we trust.

-#- -#-• -#- ji -•-• -#-.

^^ -#- -•-. o»

Copyright, United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Stanzas 10-12]

2 We all the day long for Thy sake are consumed,

Defeated and helpless, to death we are doomed;
Then why dost Thou tarry ? Jehovah, awake,
Nor spurn us forever; arise for oiu: sake.

3 O why art Thou hiding the light of Thy face,

Forgetting our bin-den of grief and disgrace?
Our soul is bowed down, yea, we cleave to the dust;
Rise, help, and redeem us. Thy mercy we trust.

124 The Royal Majesty of Christ


S. M.

heart doth
i \ i

o -


i ^i

^ good - ly
Earl of





' g

mine ;

f i f=

r S
r TS"-
"^ •?5»-
My ea - ger tongue with joy - ful song Doth praise the King Di - vine.

^ -*-


2 Supremely fair Thou art, 6 Thy royal throne, O God,

Thy with grace o'erflow;
lips For evermore shall stand;
His richest blessings evermore Eternal truth and justice wield
Doth God on Thee bestow. The sceptre in Thy hand.

3 Now gird Thee with Thy sword, 7 SinceThou art sinless found.
strong and mighty One, The Lord, Thy God confessed,
In splendid majesty arrayed, Anointeth Thee with perfect joy,
More glorious than the sun. Thou art supremely blest.

4 Triumphantly ride forth 8 Thy garments breathe of myrrh

For meekness, truth, and right; And spices sweet and rare;
Thy arm shall gain the victory Glad strains of heavenly music ring
In wondrous deeds of might. Throughout Thy palace fair.

5 Thy strength shall overcome 9 Amid Thy glorious train

All those that hate the King, Kings' daughters waiting stand.
And vmder Thy dominion strong And fairest gems bedeck Thy bride,
The nations Thou shalt bring. The queen at Thy right hand.

125 The Church the Bride of Christ
PSALM 45 S. M. Gerar LoweU Mason

# SB
I O Roy-al Bride, give heed, And to my words at - tend ; For Christ the

m ^U=^
iS i

f m t=t:

King. for - sake

. the

And ev - ery
for - mer
^^ I

fe^ f±^

Thy beauty and
thy grace
iu t:-

f s
[Stanzas 10-16]

Shall then delight the King;

He only is thy rightful Lord,
To Him thy worship bring.

3 To thee, since thou art His,

Great honor shall be shown;
The rich shall bring their gifts to thee,
Thy glory they shall own.

4 Enthroned in royal state,

All glorious thou shalt dwell,
With garments fair, inwrought with gold,
The Church He loveth well.

5 And they that honor thee

Shall in thy train attend,
And to the palace of the Kmg
Shall joyfully ascend.

6 O King of royal race,

Thy sons of heavenly birth
Thou wilt endow with kingly gifts
As princes in the earth.

7 Thy Name be proclaimed

Through succeeding days,
And all the nations of the earth
Shall give Thee endless praise.

126 God a Very Present Help
I God



f^ T"

ref - uge

ir^ ^ i^
our strength,Our ev
^ -M
- er

pres -
Samuel A. Ward

ent aid,

Though hills a-midst the seas be cast,Though foaming wa - ters

^ | f f f i
f- f f i f i F f f

i ^ i J ^ \

\ \

Yea, though the might -

y bil - lows shake The moun-tains on the shore.

pi ^^ ^-f i €
^ I
A river flows whose streams make O come, behold what wondrous works
The city of our God, [glad Jehovah's hand has wrought;
The holy place wherein the Lord Come, see what desolation great
Most High has His abode; He on the earth has brought.
Since God is in the midst of her, To utmost ends of all the earth
Unmoved her walls shall stand, He causes war to cease;
For God will be her early help, The weapons of the strong destroyed,
When trouble is at hand. He makes abiding peace.
The nations raged, the kingdoms
moved. Be still and know that I am God,

But when His voice was heard O'er all exalted high;
The troubled earth was stilled to peace The subject nations of the earth
Before His mighty word. My Name shall magnify.
The Lord of Hosts is on our side, The Lord of Hosts is on our side.
Our safety to secure; Our safety to secure;
The God of Jacob is for us The God of Jacob is for us
A refuge strong and sure. A refuge strong and sure.
127 The Protective Power of God
PSALM 46 L. M. Waltham J. Baptiste Calkin

prpr^^^i^^vlrt^ jtizMz

I God will our strength and ref - uge prove, In all dis- tress a pres - ent aid,

^ m ± ^


#-Jl J:
j i\i^i r ^=^7^=^ i
Andjthough the trembling earth re-move, We will not fear nor be dis-mayed.

P^> '

-^- T i I

I 1
[ r I \r *
2 Our trust in God shall still abide
Though hills be shaken from their seat,
And though the ocean's swelling tide
Against the trembling mountains beat.

3 A whose living streams

river flows,
Makeglad the city of our God,
The holy place where glory beams.
Where God Most High has His abode.

4 God has in her His dwelling made.

And she shall nevermore be moved;
Her God shall early give her aid.
Her constant helper He has proved.

5 The kings and nations raged in pride;

spake, the earth did melt away;
The Lord of Hosts is on our side.
Our fathers' God, our strength and stay.

6 Come, see the works of God displayed,

The wonders of His mighty hand.
What desolations He has made,
What ruin spread through all the land.

7 Through all the peopled earth He makes

The dreadful scourge of war to cease,
The implements of battle breaks.
And makes the nations dwell in peace.
8 Be still, ye nations, bow in fear.

And know that I alone am God;

To us the Lord of Hosts is near.
Our fathers' God is our abode.
128 The Lord of Hosts
PSALM 46 8s, 7s, 68 Ein' Feste Burg Martin Luther

^tt^ 1^ ^ I n J I
^ J i j I j I J I ! J I nrfh i

(God our ref - uge and our strength, A help-er ev - er near us

is •

( We will not fear though earth be moved, For God is nigh to cheer us :}

It I
f ^m
¥ r
' • "• •
Al -though the mountains quake
And earth's foun - da-tions shake,Though an
^ - gry


m*-M-H4ff :j=^a

^^ mU^i iMit i

bil-lows roar And break a-gainst the shore, Our might-y God will hear us.

^ -
2 God's city is forever blest 3 Behold what God has done on earth;
With living waters welling; His wrath brings desolation,
Since God is there she stands unmoved His grace, commanding wars to cease,
'Mid tumults round her swelling; Brings peace to every nation;
God speaks and all is peace, Be still, for He is Lord,
From war the nations cease; By all the earth adored;
The Lord of Hosts is nigh, The Lord of Hosts is nigh,
Our fathers' God Most High Our fathers' God Most High
Is our eternal dwelling. Is our strong habitation.

129 The Universal Sovereignty of Christ




M. peo-ple,hom- age give,


To God with
voice of

tri -

umph sing

^M i I ^ S
The Universal Sovereignty of Christ

He rul - eth in dread ma - jes - ty, The great, the
u ni - ver - sal


P^ ^
^ f-
2 He putteth nations under us 4 Our God is King of all the earth.
Aiid maketh us triumphant stand; With thoughtful heart His praise
He giveth for our heritage make known;
His promised rest, a goodly land. O'er all the nations God doth reign,
Exalted on His holy throne.
3 God hath ascended with a shout,
Jehovah with the trumpet's sound; 5 To praise and serve our covenant God
Sing praise to God our King, sing The princes of the earth draw nigh;
praise. All kingly powers belong to Him,
Yea, let His glorious praise abound. He is exalted, God Most High.

130 The Ascended King

PSALM 47 S. M. Silver Street Isaac Smith

4-^ i ^
All na - tions, clap your

Let shouts

tri -

^ ?%^M £&
i -i2-
f S"-*-

^^=^=d fcF=^
hkxx^ ^ ^
^j' i 1^
is^ -i^»
f=*f f^
For might- y o - ver all the lands The Lord . . Most High is King.

5t € i
^ f^
:£ fc -f:-
i ^ e
2 Above our mighty foes 4 O sing in joyful strains.
He gave us power to stand. And make His glory known;
And as our heritage He chose God over all the nations reigns,
The goodly promised land. And holy is His throne.

3 With shouts ascends our King, 5 Our fathers' God to own

With trumpet's stirring call; The kings of earth draw nigh.
Praise God, praise God, His praises sing, For none can save but God alone,
For God is Lord of all. He is the Lord Most High.
131 The Glory of the Church
PSALM 48 L. M. Otterbourne Arranged from Haydn

f^4 a4^-i4J^
j t
P=**^fri .

I The Lord is great; with wor - thy praise Proclaim His power.His Name confess,

fi t r^
-k —b ^'^ r
^- t

r=r 3;
With - in the cit - y of our God, Up -on His mount of ho - li-ness.

P^ hU.fJf.H ,r M^ I^T^
m I
2 Mount Zion, glorious and fair, 3 Within her dwellings for defense [known,
Gives joy to people in all lands; Our God has made His presence
The city of the mighty King And hostile kings, in sudden fear,
In majesty securely stands. Have fled as ships by tempests blown.

4 With our own eyes we have beheld

What oft our fathers told before,
That God Who in His Zion dwells
Will keep her safely evermore.

132 Meditation and Joyful Gratitude

PSALM 48 L. M. St. John's Highlands Anonymous

^^W I With - in Thy temple's

sa -
cred courts,With lov-ingand
a- dor,- ing thought,

^^ ^^^vs,
-| bi

» . n
mte: i=tp i=^
^ J
-^ ^r i Viit
We con- template Thy O God, And Thy deeds with mer-cy fraught.

grace, all

±Z=f g=g:
^b r r ff-^ ?^^ I
[Stanzas 5-9]
Meditation and Joyful Gratitude

2 Where'er Thy Name, O God, is known, 4 Encompass Zion, count her towers,
Where'er Thy glorious fame extends, And mark her strong defenses well
There also is Thy praise proclaimed, Consider allher palaces,
Far as the earth's remotest ends. And to your sons her glory tell.

3 Thy hand is full of righteousness; 5 This mighty God

forever lives
Let Zion's gladness then be great, Our God and Saviour
to abide.
And let her daughters sing for joy And till our pilgrim days shall end
And all Thy judgments celebrate. Will ever be our faithful guide.

133 The Church of the Living God

PSALM 48 H. M. Windermere Ernest R. Kroeger

With - in Thy tern -
pie, Lord,

on mer - cies past

^ P :4=^ S

Let earth
all praise ac -

Long as Thy Name
shall last;
c r \
J3 -^-

i ^^

^i: I J J4rii^ i

The right-ecus judg-ments of her King Let Zi on and her daugh-ters sing.

^ ^=&
tr^ p i

Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Selected Stanzas]

2 About Mount Zion go. To all the coming race

Her towers and ramparts tell; Repeat the message o'er:
That ye her strength may know, This mighty God of grace
Mark her defenses well; Is ours forevermore;
Her royal palaces behold Yea, He our Saviour will abide.
That ye her glories may imfold. And unto death will be our guide.

134 Praise and Trust
PSALM 48 S. M. DiADEMATA George J. Elvey

m.^^.^_u^i^^^mm ^
I With - in Thy tem - pie, Lord, In that most ho - ly place,

m r
, J ,



k 4 1

^ j=^=^-#j
We on Thy lev - ing-kind -
ness dwell, The wonders of Thy grace.

^ tiip f f
rrtf r f'l^p r^ 9-^

Men sing Thy
? f=±=^^
praise, God, Wher -
e'er Thy Name
is known

^^ J.

f UT- U^ \ f 1^ A
«n j-^ te i
533 ^
ev - ery deed Thy hand hath wrought Thy right-eous -ness is shown.

M rir r
nf ^ fiiiT
rr F
r r
[Selected Stanzas]

2 Let Zion now rejoice, Observe her palaces,

And her children sing;
all Mark her defenses well,
Let them with thankfulness proclaim That to the sons that follow you
The judgments of their King. Her glories you may tell;
Mount Zion's walls behold. For God as our own God
About her ramparts go, Forever will abide,
And number ye the lofty towers And till life's journey close in death

That guard her from the foe. Will be our faithful guide.
135 The Vanity of Trust in Riches

7s Calvin S. Harrington

x^ i

W^ I Hear this,
r I
all ye
^peo - pie,
hear, Earth's in -
hab -
it -
r -*-^r-"*
ants, give ear

s i

iH-' HfHii^jj^^ f-
r All of high and low de - gree,
^^ ^ Rich and
poor, give
heed to
-8- a


^ ftt tI fe^
prf i

^ I f^ I
2 Truth with all my heart I seek, They that trust in treasured gold,
And my mouth shall wisdom speak; Though they boast of wealth imtold,
Hearken while in lyric strain None can bid his brother live,
I make hidden wisdom plain. None to God a ransom give.

3 Why should I to fear give way If from death one would be free
When I see the evil day, And corruption never see,
When with wickedness my foes Costly is life's ransom price,
Shall surround me and oppose? Far beyond all sacrifice.

SECOND TUNE Ferrier John B. Dykes

^m I Hear this,
all ye
peo - pie,
hear. Earth's in - hab -

it -
ants, give ear

^s t ^ f i
r \ \
W^ii ^ w 5
All of high
and low de - gree. Rich and
poor, give heed to me.

MM-M-^4 T"5 1^ I
136 The Issues of Life
PSALM 49 7s Watchman Lowell Mason

r p

* r
t=^ip^ -*—

I Dust to dust, the mor-tal dies, Both the fool-ish and the wise None for-ev
; - er can re-main,

smriTy ff Ef gif g'

i-Ftf=^ ^
^""^ r
Each must leave his hoarded gain. Yet with- in their heart they say That their hous- es

NTMf Ni^gftrSf t\f IrrTt s

JHjjJ JJj/ji fl-H-t^U^Jdl l

are for aye, That their dwell - ing pla - ces grand Shall for gen - er - a -tions stand

9*=M^ =?=? ^E — #
l=5=M^;^— J
P [Stanzas 6-13 ]

2 To their lands they give their name 3 O'er them soon shall rule the just,
In the hope of lasting fame, All their beauty turn to dust;
But man's honor quickly flies, God my
waiting soul shall save,
Like the lowly beast he dies. He me from the grave.
will raise
Though such folly mark their way, Let no fear disturb your peace
Men approve of what they say; Though one's house and wealth in-
Death their shepherd, they the sheep crease;
He within his fold will keep. Death shall end his fleeting day,
He shall carry naught away.

4 Though in life he wealth attained,

Though the praise of men he gained,
He shall join those gone before.
Where the light shall shine no more.
Crowned with honor though he be,
Highly gifted, strong and free.
If he be not truly wise,
Man is like the beast that dies.

137 Acceptable Worship
PSALM 50 L. M. St. Petersburg Arranged from Bortniansky

iim t^

I The might - y God, Je - ho - vah,speaks And calls the earth from sea to sea

IB e £ a^
-•- -rs^
f^^^P ?^

^ ^=
8=fc* ^^^^¥ ^
Frombeau-teous Zi - on God shines forth, He comes and will not si - lent be;

A- e
•^ -ig>-
^=-ap ^2-
i — -^

i f \ sj V j

i; i

De-vour - ing flame be - fore Him goes, And dark the tempest round Him grows.

2 He calls aloud to heaven and earth 4 I will receive from out thy fold
That He may justly judge His own; No offering for My holy shrine;
My chosen saints together bring The cattle on a thousand hills
Who sacrifice to Me alone; And all the forest beasts are Mine;
The heavens His righteousness Each mountain bird to Me is
declare, known.
For God Himself as Judge is there. Whatever roams the field I own.

3 Hear, O my people, I will speak, 5 Behold, if I should hungry grow,

Against thee I will testify; I would not tell My need to thee,
Give ear to Me, O Israel, For all the world itself is Mine,
For God, thy covenant God, am I; And all its wealth belongs to Me;
I do not spurn thy sacrifice, Why should I aught of thee re-
Thy offerings are before My eyes. ceive.
My thirst or hunger to relieve?

6 Bring thou to God the gift of thanks,

And pay
thy vows to God Most High;
Call ye upon My holy Name
In days when sore distress is nigh;
Deliverance I will send to thee.
And praises thou shalt give to Me.
138 Sins of Hypocrisy
PSALM 50 L. M. Rakem Isaac B. Woodbury

iS8=^ ^ i=:=* j
J J J i
I Thus speaks the Lord to wick- ed men : My stat-utes why do ye de - clare ?

mM e #
f=F i^^fl
rrr \


Why take My cov-enant in

your mouth, Since ye for

wis - dom do not care?


P ffi F f ^
& < I : iG: ^

te For ye
My ho - ly" words pro-fane
tSK ^^ And cast them from you in dis - dain.

e •
f f- ^ f- f - «i


[ Stanzas 7-10 ]

2 Ye have consented with the thief,

Ye have partaken with the vile,
Your mouths to evil words ye give,
Your tongues proclaim deceit and guile,
Ye glory in your brother's shame.
Your mother's son do ye defame.

3 Thus have ye done; I silence kept,

And this has been your secret thought,
That I was wholly as yourselves,
To take your evil deeds as nought;
you and array
I will reprove
Your deeds before your eyes this day.

4 Consider this, who God forget,

Lest I destroy with none to free;
Who offers sacrifice of thanks,
He glorifies and honors Me;
To him who orders well his way
Salvation free I will display.
139 The Eternal Judgment

50 S. M. BOYLSTON Lowell Mason

i ^Ei
* :«* isf-

I The might - y God, the Lord, Has spo - ken un - to all

^S ^ i
f i
From ris - ing to the set -

ting sun
The na - tions hear His call.

^ S m$ ^
Selected Stanzas ]

2 From Zion His abode,

Where perfect beauty dwells,
The Lord His glory has displayed
In brightness that excels.

3 Our God shall surely come,

Nor silence shall He keep;
Devouring fire shall herald Him,
About Him storms shall sweep.

4 Then to the heavensabove

He from His throne shall call,
The earth His kingly voice shall hear,
He is the Judge of all.

5 Let all My chosen saints

Before Me gathered be.
Those that by sacrifice have sealed
Their promise unto Me.

6 Then shall the heavens declare

His righteousness abroad.
Because the Lord Himself is Judge,
Yea, none is Judge but God.

140 Penitential Prayers
PSALM 51 78 AjALON Richard Redhead

I God be mer - ci - ful to me, On Thy grace I rest my plea; Plenteous in compassion Thou,

_* • ..,T" T' (S . ^ ^ m p „T" • - "!'

T- T- «- ^^

Blot out my transgressions now; Wash me,make me pure within,Cleanse,0 cleanse me from my sin.


My transgressions I confess,
^M I am
:£^=fM ^—#-

evil, born in sin;


Grief and guilt my soul oppress; Thou deslrest truth within.

I have sinned against Thy grace Thou alone my Saviour art.
And provoked Thee to Thy face; Teach Thy wisdom to heart; my
I confess Thy judgment just, Make me pure. Thy
grace bestow,
Speechless, I Thy mercy trust. Wash me whiter than the snow.

4 Broken, humbled to the dust

By Thy wrath and judgment just.
Let my contrite heart rejoice
And in gladness hear Thy voice;
From my sins O hide Thy face.
Blot them out in boundless grace.


f tP-^ ^- ^ 1
•r- -^ ^

J i ~a
I God be mer - ci - ful to me, On Thy grace I rest my plea
PS J±=^
ES^ f

^ Plen-teous
com- pas
sion Thou, Blot out my trans-gres-sions now;

in -

S^ e
f E
Penitential Prayers

fe^ J i
j J, ; i
j i M' J J jij II

Wash me, make me

T r

Gracious Renewal and Testimony

pure with

r ^ - in, Cleanse, O

cleanse me from my

„ u

51 7s

>— %

Gra- cious God,


heart re

- new,
^ J
Make my spir - it
John B. Dykes

and true

—^ —
*^ -^-ry
^^ J , a
T rg

e *
Cast me
not a -

way from Thee,



J ;
Spir -
it dwell
in me

i* 5i=^^
^^^ f
p ^ 1=

n n

* TM
1 1 -n I I I

Thy sal - va
- tion's joy

— —r» •
im - part, Stead-fast make my

will- ing heart.

[Stanzas 5-8]

2 Sinners then shall learn from me 3 Not the formal sacrifice

And return, O God, to Thee; Hath acceptance in Thy eyes;
Saviour, all my guilt remove, Broken hearts are in Thy sight
And my tongue shall sing Thy love; More than sacrificial rite;
Touchmy silent lips, O Lord, Contrite spirit, pleading cries.
And my mouth shall praise accord. Thou, O God, wilt not despise.
4 Prosper Zion in Thy grace
And her broken walls replace;
Then our righteous sacrifice
Shall delight Thy holy eyes;
Free-will offerings, gladly made,
On Thy altar shall be laid.
142 A Penitent's Plea
PSALM Refuge

51 78 Joseph p. Holbrook

^ -1^ N-


God be mer - ci - ful

to me,

^ On Thy grace I rest my plea;

Plen-teous in .
. .
'3 S
com-pas-sion Thou, Blot out my . .
.trans-gres-sions now;

§ij=^ir rjTTtotoc-gir ltT r/Hr I

S: i^
p g^ fe^S
Wash me, make me pure with - in^. . Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin,

I . -F- -^


^ ^*
nr^TTTi 1
Wash me, make me pure with in. Cleanse, O cleanse me from my

- sin.

i^^ ^=*:
T ected Stanzas]
2 I am evil, born in sin; 3 Gracious God, my heart renew,
Thou desirest truth within. Make my spirit right and true;
Thou alone my Saviour art, Cast me not away from Thee,
Teach Thy wisdom to my heart; Let Thy Spirit dwell in me;
Make me pure, Thy
grace bestow, Thy salvation's joy impart,
Wash me whiter than the snow. Steadfast make my willing heart.

4 Sinners then shall learn from me

And return, O God, to Thee;
Saviour, all my guilt remove,
And my tongue shall sing Thy love;
Touch my silent lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall praise accord.

143 Prayer for Pardon and Cleansing
PSALM 51 CM. Vox Dilecti John B. Dykes

¥ :*

I O God,
ac - cord -
ing to Thy grace Be mer - ci -
— s
to me,

a i l
k-/ i 1^1 1(- t-^ 4E

i Tn ——«
— 9 ^ ^^ — (^^
r~7 if


\ f
a -bound -ing

f ;
love blot out

All my in -


- ui - ty;

¥ &^^
O wash me whol - ly from
my guilt And make me
clean with

- in.

m h=^ »::?c
^^m .P4AP
r r
^e *=4=q:J

For my trans-g^es - sions I con- fess,

^ I ev - er see my sin

»^rj r i
? / ^-^Mf-4f-h? f
2 Against Thee only have I sinned, Blot out all my iniquities,
Done evil in Thy sight; And hide my sins from view;
Lord, in Thy judgment Thou art just. Create in me a spirit right,
And in Thy sentence right. God, my heart renew.
Behold, in evil I was formed,
And I was born in sin, 4 From out Thy presence cast me not,
But Thou wilt make me wise in heart, Thy face no more to see;
?l Thou seekest truth within. Thy Holy Spirit and His grace
Take not away from me.
3 From all pollution make me clean, Restore me Thy salvation's joy,
Yea, whiter than the snow; My willing heart uphold;
O let my broken heart rejoice Then sinners shall be turned to Thee
And gladness make me know; When I Thy ways unfold.
144 Pardon and Testimony
PSALM 51 CM. Cooling Alonzo J. Abbey

I O God, the God that sav - eth me. Re move my
- mv guilt
euil -
y stains,

— w u Uj u
I il=r 1 IV 1.

w ii\n^im^^^=^
And will sing Thy right-eous - ness In grate - ful, joy - ous strains.

M^ £ fcf^
2 O

Lord, now open Thou my

lips. A
broken and a contrite heart
I ' -r,
^ [Stanzas 9-14]

Long closed by sin and shame; Thou, Lord, wilt not despise.
My mouth shall show before the world 5 Do good to Zion in Thy grace.
The glory of Thy Name. Her ruined walls restore;
3 No sacrifice dost Thou desire, Then sacrifice of righteousness
Else would I give it Thee; Shall please Thee as of yore.
Nor with appointed offerings 6 Thy people then with willing hands
WUt Thou delighted be. And hearts that Thou hast blessed
4 A broken spirit is to God Shall bring in thankful sacrifice
A pleasing sacrifice; Their choicest gifts and best.


145 Vindication of Righteousness

1 O



y man, why wilt thou boast Thy -

m self in
j i
hate - ful
George Burder

cru - el - ty,

g^ »-t?4-
5* 9-^

P^^ m=v^^'^Mw^^-^
When God

Al-might -
is most kind, And ev er mer - ci - ful
is He?

gL m ^ m. a « ^ - ^""J * ^ - .. ..
i^ E
2 Thy tongue deviseth wickedness,
3 Since, O thou false, deceitful tongue.
A weapon treacherous and keen; In deadly words thou findest joy.
Thou lovest evil more than good, The Lord shall pluck thee from thy
And falsehood in thy sight is clean. place
And all thy wickedness destroy.
The Vindication of Righteousness

4 The good, confirmed in godly fear, 5 I put my trust in God alone,

pride and folly shall confess For evermore I trust His grace,
Of those who make not God their And like the trees within His courts
strength, I flourish in a favored place.
But trust in wealth and wickedness.

6 With endless thanks, Lord, to Thee,

Thy wondrous works will I proclaim,
And in the presence of Thy saints
Will ever hope in Thy good Name.

146 The Folly of Unbelief

PSALM 53 S. M. Badea German Melody

^4=^p^=f^i_u^ J 3
I Fools in their heart have said, There is no God of might;

s 9-r-
1^^^ I



are they and base their deeds, In e vil
they de - light.


2 God looked from heaven above

On all the human race,
5 The day
is drawing nigh
they shall fear and quail.

To see if any understood. For God shall scatter and destroy

If any sought His face. Those who His saints assail.

3 They all are gone aside, 6 Yea, God will put to shame
Corruption doth abound; And make them flee away,
There is not one that doeth good, For He will cast them off in wrath
Not even one is found. And fill them with dismay.

4 These men of evil deeds. 7 O would that Israel's help

Will they no knowledge gain, Were out of Zion come!
Who feed upon my people's woes, would that God might early bring
And prayer to God disdain ? His captive people home!

8 When God from distant lands

His exiled ones shall bring,
His people shall exultant be.
And gladly they shall sing.
147 Our Saviour in Trial
PSALM 54 S. M. Capello Lowell Mason
Sa ^ -& ^
^ V
I O save me by Thy Name And judge me in Thy might;

^ m m m -St-

SS^ I f
^ rtiT^H^4^ ^ 3 -#—

O God, now grant my ur- gent claim, Ac - cept - ance in Thy sight.

sL — J r
J , ,. y p ^ , a-

fci i i
2 Strong foes against me rise, 4 My sacrifice of praise
Oppressors seek my soul, To Thee I freely bring;
Who set not God before their eyes, My thanks, O Lord, to Thee I raise
Nor own His just control. And of Thy goodness sing.

3 Lo, God my helper is, 5 From troubles and from woes

The Lord, my mighty friend; Thou hast delivered me.
He shall requite my enemies, The overthrow of all my foes
Their just destruction send. Hast given me to see.

148 Earnest Appeal Against Enemies

PSALM 55 C. M. Give

Joseph Grigg
F=;g=j m I

n:e - ho - vah, to my prayer gfive ear, Nor hide Thee from my cry

-^^ -^
a^ ^ f f-

?^ i

W^r ^y-i\LA^l\-:^^U^^n^
At - tend my sad com-plaint, and hear My rest - less moan and sigh.

g ^
My enemies lift up their voice,
3 Sore pained in heart I find no ease,
The violent oppress; Death's terrors fill my soul,
To do me wrong my foes rejoice, Great fear and trembling on me seize,
And love my soul's distress. And horrors o'er me roll.
Earnest Appeal Against Enemies

4 O had I wings, I sigh and say, 6 O Lord, their malice recompense.

Like some swift dove to roam, Their wicked tongues confound,
Then would I hasten far away For in the city violence
And find a peaceful home. And bitter strife abound.

7 They walk her walls both night and

5 Lo, wandering far my rest should be day,
In some lone desert waste; Within all vices meet; [sway,
I from the stormy wind would flee, Oppression, fraud, and crime hold
And to a shelter haste. Nor leave the crowded street.

8 No foreign foe provokes alarm,

But enemies within;
May God destroy their power to harm
And recompense their sin.

149 Confession of Trust

PSALM 55 C. M. Ascription Luther O. Emerson

^HH-i^-m^t^ On God my
I j
j 3 j
I a - lone soul re - lies, will soon re lieve

(2 , fi.

^ (2.

f=f=^r=f^F=f="f^'^=f n^-
i The
Lord will hear my
plain -tive cries
trrrr^ji -*
At mom-ing, noon, and
=* Z7—
m^ hM^-f-R — 2^ i
[ Stanzas 9-14 ]

2 He has redeemed my soul in peace. 4 All treacherous friends who overreach

From conflict set me free; And break their plighted troth,
My many foes are made to cease. Who hide their hate with honeyed
And strive no more with me. speech.
With such the Lord is wroth.

3 The living God in righteousness 5 Upon the Lord thy burden cast.
Will recompense with shame To Him bring all thy care;
The men who, hardened by success, He will sustain and hold thee fast,
Forget to fear His Name. And give thee strength to bear.

6 God will not let His saints be moved;

Protected, they shall see
Their foes cut off and sin reproved;
OGod, I trust in Thee.
150 Desire for Rest
PSALM 55 8s ASSIUT George C. Stebbins

pn nij^mm
O God, give Thou ear
i' J

to my plea, And hide not Thy-self from

* ^-^
my cry


O heark - en and an - swer Thou me,
^^^W-ii^i i As rest - less and wea -
I j^r"
ry I sigh.

-- -^.

i^^ -£ ^g ^ f-
i S
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
ir-V rr f=f [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 that I had wings like a dove, At eve, morn, and noon humbly pray,
For then I would fly far away And He thy petition will hear.
And seek for the rest that I love,
Thy burden now cast onthe Lord,
Where trouble no more could dismay. 4
And He shall thy weakness sustain;
3 Nay, soul, call on God all the day; The righteous who trust in His word
The Lord for thy help will appear; Unmoved shall forever remain.

151 Prayer for Deliverance

PSALM 56 Cana Anonjrmous

I O God, be mer
1 1

ci -
i J
f ul.

f f
Be mer

- ful to me,
F or man, with con-stant

P^ i

^ ^^
i i

w W ^ ^ •
£J . • g -If
hate. Would fain my ru - in see. My man -
y en - e - mies A -

mi 4=.=J
3 TTTW^ mI ^^ J-

-^t J J J J J^J J J J-t ^mU^J^ J II

i I I

gainst me proudly fight: To o - ver-whelm my soul They watch from mom to night.
^ ^ ^- ^.
m TTTrtf ± fit tirrf _ _ 4t JL -(2..

FN? 128
Prayer for Deliverance
2 What time I am afraid My foes shall backward turn
I put my trust in Thee; When I appeal to Thee,
In God I rest, and praise For this I surely know,
His word, so rich and free; That God is still for me.
In God I put my trust,
In God, the Lord, I rest,
I neither doubt nor fear,
His word of grace I praise,
For man can never harm
His promise stands secure,
With God my helper near.
Nor fear nor foe dismays;
3 All day they wrest my words. In God I put my trust,
Their thoughts are full of hate; I neither doubt nor fear,
They meet, they lurk, they watch, For man can never harm
As for my soul they wait; With God my helper near.
Shall they by wickedness
Escape Thy judgment right?
Upon me are Thy vows,
OGod of righteousness, God, in Whom I live;

Destroy them in Thy might.

The sacrifice of praise
To Thee I now will give;
4 Thou knowest all my woes, For Thou hast saved from death,
Thou my tears;
treasure From falling kept me free.
Are they not in Thy book, That in the light of life
Where all my life appears ? My walk may be with Thee.

152 Fear and Faith

PSALM 56 6s Holy Guide Uzziah C. Bumap

I What
time I
m a - fraid
I put my trust Thee

i^ te i S ^ ^3
^ t

m^ii '
i I

In I rest, and praise His word, so rich and free.

S rS
Copyright, 1895, by Trustees
of Presbyterian Bd. of Pub. and 3- $.
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 In God I put my
trust, 4 Upon me are Thy vows,
I neither doubt nor fear. O God, in Whom I live;
For man can never harm The sacrifice of praise
With God my helper near. To Thee I now will give.

3 In God, the Lord, I rest. 5 For Thou hast saved from death,
His word of grace I praise, From falling kept me free.
His promise stands secure. That in the light of life
Nor fear nor foe dismays. My walk may be with Thee.
153 Heroic Faith
PSALM 56 C. M. Mason's Chant William B. Bradbury

w m
^ i
i. *r *
I O God, be mer - ci - ful to me, For men no mer - cy show

9 ^3 ^ fc^ £
^^ b^
L t}

1 M
^ r r

^E iEkd
* —— •

i^^ frm I
With con - stant war-fare press-ing me They seek my o - ver - throw.

^^J. / J J J J.,„
ss ^=f
^ii [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 When foes invade, I safely rest, The sacrifice of praise I bring

Confiding in Thy word; In gratitude to Thee.
I will not dread what man can do,
My trust is in the Lord. My feet from falling and my soul
From death Thou hast restored.
3 I take Thy vows upon me now, And ever in the light of life
O God, Who savest me; I walk before the Lord.

154 Danger and Rescue

PSALM 57 L. M. Selwyn Arranged from Mendelssohn

I O God, be mer - ci -

f ul to me. My soul f or ref - uge comes to Thee;

^ £
^S r
m M m.

H^ t ^—*-

^^ J J j \'L-hL. i ^^ I

j i iijulM
n i
Be-neath Thy wings I safe will stay Un-til these trou-bles pass a- way.

U^ M^ % 1 r^i
m 9- -#-
f f--j^^ _ ^ I f
g I I

r^ w

Danger and Rescue

2 To God Most High shall rise my 3 Great foes and fierce my soul alarm,
prayer, Inflamed with rage and strong to harm,
To God Whomakesmy wants His care; But God, from heaven His dwelUng-
From heaven He will salvation send, place.
And me from every foe defend. Will rescue me with truth and grace.

4 Be Thou, O God, exalted high.

Yea, far above the starry sky.
And let Thy glory be displayed
O'er all the earth Thy hands have made.

155 Assurance Amid Peril

PSALM 57 L. M. Church Triumphant James W. Elliott

^ ^=1= ^ ^

J * ^

s— —TT

—I ^

I My soul is grieved be-cause my foes With treach-erous plans my way in - close;

n f

-*^ ^it ^ih

m r

But from the snares that they de-vise Their own un - do - ing shall a - rise

-^ 9 r-r^ i . r
^—f- ,
i. J- -
^ :,t>
r t^^—
[ Stanzas 5-8 ]

2 My heart is steadfast, O my King,

My heart is tuned Thy praise to sing;
Awake, my soul, and swell the song,
Let vibrant harp the notes prolong.

3 Yea, I will early wake and sing,

A thankful hymn to Thee will bring,
For unto heaven Thy mercies rise,
Thy truth is lofty as the skies.

4 Be Thou, O God, exalted high.

Yea, far above the starry sky.
And let Thy glory be displayed
O'er all the earth Thy hands have made.
156 Wickedness and Retribution
M. Bone Pastor John B. Dykes

m O men,speak right - eous-ness And up - right judg-ment mete ?

I Do ye,

gy ki 1

[\ n i [ir I

a,N=^^%44^ And
your hands de

your hearts is wick - ed-ness, in -
Nay, in

^ . ^ I , P • . I J.
-tS^ 1
2 The wicked, from their earUest days, 3 The God of vengeance will destroy
In gone astray,
sin are The wicked from His sight; ^

With froward heart, in foolish pride, The Lord wiU bring to nought their
From wisdom turned away. power
And scatter aU their might.

4 The good shall triumph and rejoice,

And this shall be confessed:
On earth the God of justice reigns,
And righteousness is blessed.

James Lucas

^^ o speak right - eous - ness And up right
I Do ye. men, -

s 3Bte:

^ judg - ment mete?

r in your
is wick

- ed -

I ^
§^ ^C^ £ --9-

Wickedness and Retribution


—•— —•— jF»


i^ id 1=^

J 2 '
And in your hands de - ceit, And in your hands de - ceit.

s ^ 1FT 1
:^ M^

157 A Cry for Help



Pro - tect

C. M.


me, O

God, From foes that seek

|i p=^^
James Walch

my life,

f F

And set me high, se - cure a - bove The ris - ing tide of strife.

:& f^
iSE^ ^^ f
2 The workers of iniquity 6 O God, our shield, let wickedness
Against me lie in wait; And pride be put to shame,
Though I am innocent, O Lord, Till all shall know that Thou dost rule
They gather in their hate. And all shall fear Thy Name.

3 Behold their wickedness, O Lord, Let wickedness that raged in power

help me, O awake;
To Now rage in impotence;
Lord God of Hosts, Thou, Israel's But I will glory in Thy strength,
God, My refuge and defense.
Arise, and vengeance take.

4 My enemies with deadly rage 8 When all the night of woe is past
Renew their fierce attack; And morning dawns at length.
They think the Lord will not regard, Then I shall praise Thy grace, O God,
But Thou wilt turn them back. My refuge and my strength.

S O God, my strength, on Thee I wait, 9 To Thee, O God most merciful.

To Thee for refuge flee; My thankful song I raise;
My God with mercy will defend. My might, my strong, secure abode,
Triumphant I shall be. I will proclaim Thy praise.
158 Defeat and Triumphant Hope
PSALM M. Farrant

60 C. Richard Farrant

GodjThou hast
m re - ject -
ed us, And hast
af -
flict - ed sore

-^ ^ ^__l_ -t. fl ^
P*^ i

hast been an- gry, but
in grace O
r^ once a - gain re - store.

J^ A-
94 m.
2 Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,
Thy judgments dread appall;
O heal her shattered strength before
She totter to her fall.

3 Through ways of trial and distress

Thy people Thou hast led,
A bitter cup Thou givest us
Of misery and dread.

4 A glorious banner Thou hast given

To those who fear Thy Name,
A banner to display abroad,
And thus the truth proclaim.

5 That Thy beloved may be saved

And from their foes set free,
Help with the might of Thy right hand,
In mercy answer me.

6 God hath said:

in His holiness
triumphant be,
I will
All heathen lands I claim as Mine,
And they shall bow to Me.

7 Now, therefore, who will lead us on

Sin's strongholds to possess ?
No longer cast us off, O God,
But give our hosts success.

8 Give Thou Thy help against the foe,

For help of man is vain;

Through God we shall do valiantly,

The victory He shall gain.

J 59 Communion with God
PSALM 61 C. P. M. Meribah Lowell Mason

iF=g§ :i^=i:

I O God, re - gard my hum - ble plea ; I can - not be so far from

Mm « « (2 _-42 ^-^-5 m J-
It ib
^S r
l^ . l jlj H=te3rfhf-^-i-tx=^^H
Thee But Thou wilt hear my cry ; When I by trou - ble am dis-tressed,

r f ^t^

^ :i :|i=^

Then lead me

on the
Rock to rest That high - er is

f f=f= % f^

2 In Thee my soul hath shelter found,

And Thou hast been from foes around
The tower to which I flee.
Within Thy house will I abide;
My refuge sure, whate'er betide.
Thy sheltering wings shall be.

3 For Thou, O God, my vows hast heard,

On me the heritage conferred
Of those that fear Thy Name;
blest anointing Thou dost give,
And Thou wilt make me ever Uve
Thy praises to proclaim.

4 Before Thy face shall I abide;

God, Thy truth and grace provide
To guard me in the way;
So I will make Thy praises known,
And, humbly bending at Thy throne,
My vows will daily pay.

160 Confidence in God


C. M.

God, give ear

un to

And to my
Thomas Hastings

at -

^— e ^

i^S fe

from home and from

To Thee my
^ . ^
prayers as

f^ f=7f [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 When troubles overwhelm my heart, When foes assail, then Thou

hast been
Then Thou wilt hear my cry; My strong defense and tower.
For safety lead me to the Rock Within Thy holy temple. Lord,
That higher is than L I ever will abide;
3 A refuge Thou hast been for me Beneath the covert of Thy wings
When storms of trouble lower; In confidence I hide.

161 Dependence on God


I My

C. M.

si - lence
waits for

God, My Sav- iour He

James Walch

has proved;

§-Wtot '^^^ t-
He on - ly ismy rock and tower; I nev - er shall be moved.

-f -#
ft 1»-
1» , r?
^ -^

2 My enemies my ruin seek, 4 My honor is secure with God,

P^ I
They plot with fraud and guile; My Saviour He is known;
Deceitful, they pretend to bless, My refuge and my rock of strength
But inwardly revile. Are found in God alone.

3 My soul, in silence wait for God; 5 On Him, ye people, evermore

He is my help approved, Rely with confidence;
He only is my rock and tower, Before Him pour ye out your heart.
And I shall not be moved. For God is our defense.
Dependence on God
6 For surely men are helpers vain, 8 For God has spoken o'er and o'er,
The high and the abased; And unto me has shown,
Yea, lighter than a breath are they That saving power and lasting strength
When in the balance placed. Belong to Him alone.

7 Trust not in harsh oppression's power 9 Yea, loving-kindness evermore

Nor in unrighteous gain; Belongs to Thee, O Lord;
If wealth increase, yet on your gold And Thou according to his work
Ye set your hearts in vain. Dost every man reward.

162 God our Strength

PSALM 62 C. M. Fountain Lowell Mason

i t^siuM^m
M rifMrfrUjM-
I My soul in si - lence waits for God, My Sav lour
- He nas proved

^f— ^ i i
t— ^

le on
ly is my rock and tower ; I nev -
i i
er shall be
i I

J: I

9t * t m fvmr ^ ;

^^ ^ My hon -
or is

se -
cure with God,

My Sav - iour
^ ^i
r r

He is


; .'


i *=^ i m -
%' r^
i- 5t«t :it-rt

My ref - uge and my rock of strength Are found in God a - lone.

9t *=^ I
— r ^
-\ I I

•r-r ^
[Selected Stanzas]

2 For God has spoken o'er and o'er, Yea, loving-kindness evermore
And unto me has shown, Belongs to Thee, O Lord;
That saving power and lasting strength And Thou according to his work
Belong to Him alone. Dost every man reward.
163 Satisfaction in God
PSALM 63 C. M. The Green Hill George C. Stebbins

1 O Lord, my God, most ear - nest - ly My heart would seek Thy

6—^- -M=K
383 f=f 1
i Sr
With - in Thy ho - ly house once more To see Thy glo - rious grace.

I pm
^^^^^^m A - part from Thee I long and thirst, And nought can
* *-

sat -
is -
fy ; . .

U fefei^ t=X^
mm ^1^ fwf

^^^^^^ -3- V-



wan - der


Copyright, 1906, by Geo. C. Stebbins.

The loving-kindness of



my God

- ert land

Used by




the streams are dry.



My Saviour, 'neath Thy sheltering

Is more than life to me; My soul delights to dwell; [wings
So I will bless Thee while I live Still closer to Thy side I press,
And my prayer to Thee.
hft For near Thee all is well.
In Thee my soul is satisfied, My soul shall conquer every foe,
My darkness turns to light, Upholden by Thy hand;
And joyful meditations fill Thy people shall rejoice in God,
The watches of the night. Thy saints in glory stand.
164 Spiritual Longing and Devotion

63 C. P. Americus Charles H. Gabriel
11 \JVot ivv fast
u^rt/«- too ll*J4

4 3 J
1 Thou art my God, O God of grace, And ear - nest - ly I seek Thy

mWM ^g\t
u u
*- g-g
£ m 1 it

fejj ^fii lij.i.'/r^aii

face. My heart cries out for Thee; My spirit thirsts Thy grace to taste, An ex-ile


* 5tfc=t ^^— -V




- ert

waste In which no
wa -
ters be, In which no wa - ters be

^tf-i-r [S- t F^ J- * I ^ . I ^ F pi''^ m —ra——


Copyright, 1901, by United Preshylerian Board of Publication

2 I long as in the times of old

Thy power and glory to behold
Within Thy holy place;
Because Thy tender love I see
More precious far than life to me,
My lips shall praise Thy grace.
3 Thus will I bless Thee while I live,
And with uplifted hands will give
Praise to Thy holy Name;
When by Thy bounty well supplied,
Then shall my soul be satisfied,
My mouth shall praise proclaim.
4 My lips shall in Thy praise delight
When on my
bed I rest at night
And meditate on Thee;
Because Thy hand assistance brings,
Beneath the shadow of Thy wings
My heart shall joyful be,
165 Prayer for Protection
PSALM 64 C. M. Monora William B. Bradbury

(Hear, Lord, the voice of my complaint. Pre -serve my life from fear,)
IHide me from plot - ting en - e - mies And e - vil crowd-ing near. )

m± F^^Fi?' t } z

ptttttti±it^rM=tB f^
The work -'*ers of in - iq - ui - ty Their dead - ly shafts pre - pare;

k>>rif: ffMU^H J

f rfrr m
-fr f-

They aim at
J ^=^=^
their treacherous words O
save me from
i ^=^
J \i-

their snare.


m r^r=f Ff
2 The wicked in their base designs
Grow arrogant and bold;
Conspiring secretly they think
That God will not behold;
They search out more iniquity,
Their thoughts and plans are deep,
But God will smite, for He is near
His saints to guard and keep.

3 The wicked, by their sins o'ercome,

Shall soon be brought to shame;
The hand of God shall yet appear,
And all shall fear His Name.
The triumph in the Lord,
just shall
Their trust shall be secure,
And endless glory then shall crown
The upright and the pure.

166 Divine Grace Magnified
PSALM 65 L. M. HolBORN Hill St. Alban's Tune Book

Praise waits in Zi on, Lord, for Thee, And un Thee vows be paid

I - - to shall

* -^
~ —rp' 1 — ^ B ^=^
mA p-

^^ ^ ^^
^^^ ^^^^=^^
O Thou that hear - est those who cry, To Thee by all shall prayer be made.

•t ^^u
t -: I i* ts"-?-
©-^ 33E


2 Against us sin has battled hard;

For help we look to Thee and pray;
Thou our transgressions wilt forgive,
Yea, Thou wilt take them all away.

3 How blest are they whom Thou dost choose

To come and in Thy courts abide;
Communing in Thy holy house,
With good we shall be satisfied.

4 By mighty deeds in righteousness

Prayer's answer surely comes from Thee,
O God our Saviour, God the trust
Of all Thy saints on land or sea.

5 Thy power has set the mountains firm,

O God Almighty, girt with strength;
At Thy command the waves are still.
The nations cease from war at length.

6 The tokens of Thy mighty power

Lead men in every clime to fear;
From east to west through all the earth
Thou sendest gladness far and near.
167 Harvest Thanksgiving

65 L. Stiastny Arranged from Johann Stiastny

\ 131
I Tnou vis - it - est the earth with showers, Thy boundless store supplies its need

\ \ 1-4


» ^E^ i^Pi
For fields en-riched

The furrows where the seed is sown

Are softened by Thy gentle rain;
and well pre-pared

Thou dost pro-vide

hills and

sow - er's seed.

[Stanzas 7-10]

clothed with
Are joyful in their fruitfulness. [green,
Thy gracious care and providence
4 The pastures teem with flocks and
Supply and bless the springing grain. herds,
3 The year with goodness Thou dost The goldengrain waves o'er the
crown, All nature, singing joyfully, [fields;
Thy ways o'erflow with blessedness; Her tribute of thanksgiving yields.

168 The Fatherly Goodness of God

PSALM 65 C. P. M. Malone Luther O. Emerson

-^ -S-
9-^'^ •—'^ ^^-- •— FT=»=g• ' v m? • sr
I Be - fore Thee,Lord, a peo - pie waits To praise Thy Name in Zi - on's gates,

j:z .

-•-= o •-
ft ,
g . tz ^Jt-i
^ i—
'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' .

i To Thee shall vows
p be paid ; Thou hear -
* *
J J i
the suppliant's prayer,
s^ —
^ ^
^ ip: ^2. ^

^ \

^feM i
S Jtmt I i

^^ ^
To Thee in need shall all re - pair To seek Thy gra - cious aid.

-^ F—
r^t-f-r C ^ ^
Used by arran^ment with Oliver Ditson Co.
The Fatherly Goodness of God
2 How great my trespasses appear, On Thy sustaining arm depend.
But Thou from guilt my soul wilt clear, To earth's and sea's remotest end,
And my transgressions hide. All men in every age;
How blest chosen, who by grace
Thy Thy strength establishes the hills,
Are brought within Thy dwelling- Thy word the roaring billows stills.
place And calms the peoples' rage.
That they may there abide.
The tribes of earth's remotest lands
3 The goodness of Thy house, O Lord, Behold the tokens of Thy hands
The joys Thy holy courts afford, And bow in godly fear;
Our souls shall satisfy; The east, where beams the morning
By deeds of might, in justice wrought. light.
The Lord will grant us what we sought, The west, in evening glories bright,
Our Saviour, God Most High. Rejoice, for Thou art near.

169 Harvest Blessings

^^ ^
PSALM 65 C. P. M. Ramoth English Melody

^^ I Thou vis- it -

est the
earth in love And
send-est show-ers from a-bove,

i 9 9 5> :

t f f f r \
t i

^ irr^r^k-^

En-rich-ing all the land; Thy streams ex - haust - less bless the field,

i =3= ^^ -^
-i^ ^ i^: I


2 The
Pre -

par - ing


sown with

the grain to

living grain,
^ S^ ^^

3 The
Pro - vid - ed by

and vales, with verdure clad.



[Stanzas 6-8]

Are softened by Thy

gentle rain Are with joy, the earth is glad.
The springing corn to bless; New life is all abroad;
The year with goodness Thou dost With feeding flocks the pastures teem,
crown, With golden grain the valleys gleam;
Rich mercy sending
gifts in down All nature praises God.
To cheer the wilderness.
170 A Celebration of Divine Grace
PSALM 65 78 and 68 MendebrAS German Melody

w r r
{Praise waits for Thee in Zi - on ; All men shall worship there I r^ • • • ^
, ^ ^ ,,T. f
O"' sins nse up agamst us,
Cioa Who hearest prayer.
pay their vows before 1 hee, O . ,

m Aff^J^^^-tT^
?^ FfP I

Pre - vail- ing day by day, But Thou wilt show us mer-cy And take their guilt a - way.


2 How
blest the
man Thou
bringest near to Thee,
callest 3
O God of our salvation,
Since Thou
dost love the right,
That in Thy courts forever Thou an answer send us
His dwelling-place may be; In wondrous deeds of might.
He shall within Thy temple In all earth's habitations,
Be satisfied with grace, On all the boundless sea,
And filled with all the goodness Man finds no sure reliance.
Of Thy most holy place. No peace, apart from Thee.

171 God in Nature

PSALM 65 78 and 6» Webb George J. Webb

^ ^ JN -jNij i
i j j i s
I Thy might sets fast the moun - tains; Strength girds Thee ev - er - more

5S «:

i fy=5==i= g w z?

To calm the rag - ing pec - pies And still the o - cean's roar,

^m ^
ft ^ .42
^ ^

^—^ r^ • .^Z-

God in Nature

LUj-L=k j=i

I J: .

Thy maj

- es - ty and great - ness Are through all lands con fessed,

P^ i i
And joy on earth Thou send - est A - far, from east to

4: iP:
f=^ i f I
[Stanzas 4-6]

To bless the earth Thou sendest The year with good Thou crownest,
From|Thy abundant store The earth Thy mercy fills,
The waters of the spring-time, The wilderness is fruitful,
Enriching it once more. And joyful are the hills;
The seed by Thee provided With corn the vales are covered,
Is sown o'er hill and plain, The flocks in pastures graze;
And Thou with gentle showers All nature joins in singing
Dost bless the springing grain. A
joyful song of praise.

172 The Blessings of Grace

PSALM 65 C. M. St. Stephen Isaac Smith

B^M: H^ H%bfe -
jtut -^—m- ^r
^3 ^g
I Praise waits in Zi on, Lord, for Thee There we; will pay our vow
I ^m
fei » — 42

^ O Thou,the God that

hear -est prayer, Be
fore Thee

all shall bow.


ifS E ^^^^^Mlxl-\ 'r¥-F=#f^ i

[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Against me my besetting sins That in Thy sacred courts, O Lord,

Prevail from day
to day, He may a dweller be.
But Thou in Thy forgiving grace
Wilt take them
4 We surely shall be satisfied
all away.
With Thy abundant grace,
3 blest the man whom Thou dost Yea, with the goodness of Thy house.
choose, Of Thy most holy place. '

And draw in love to Thee,

173 Joyous Praise
PSALM 66 C. M. Henry Sylvanus B. Pond

f rr
I All lands, to God in joy - ful sounds A - loft your voic - es raise

m. ^E=^
r^- —
# ^
Sing forth


npSJ ^?=i#i
hon - or of

His Name, And glo - rious

^^ make His praise.

a ^£ J=«t

F r
2 Say ye to God, How terrible
In all Thy works art Thou!
To Thee Thy foes by Thy great power
Shall be constrained to bow.

3 Yea, all the earth shall worship Thee,

And unto Thee shall sing;
To Thy great Name shall songs of joy
With loud hosannas ring.

4 O come, behold the works of God,

His mighty doings see;
In dealing with the sons of men
Most wonderful is He.

5 He led in safety through the flood

The people of His choice,
He turned the sea to solid ground;
In Him let us rejoice.

6 He rules forever by His might.

His eyes the nations try;
Let not the proud rebellious ones
Exalt themselves on high.

174 The Obligations of Grace
PSALM 66 C. M. Ancyra Beniamin C. Unseld

I O all
^ ^^ wi^i^^^
ye peo - pies, bless our God, A - loud pro -claim His praise,

f=^=f ^ ^ ^

3^ m •^.
^V #• ' ' ~if.
-•- -#-

Who safe - ly holds our soul in life, And stead - fast makes our ways.

i ••-i-
J- J J I J: J' J -J
l ^
Thou, Lord, hast proved and test - ed us As sil - ver tried by fire.

9^ hT Ffifi/ f y fjgpg
Thy hand
a iU:
has made our bur -
den great And thwart- ed
; i i
our de


Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
1^ [Stanzas 7-13]

2 Through pain and trouble Thou hast led, If in my heart I sin regard,
And humbled all our pride; My prayer He will not hear;
But, in the end, to liberty But truly God has heard my voice.
And wealth Thy hand did guide. My prayer has reached His ear.
Here in Thy house I give to Thee
The Ufe that Thou dost bless, 4 O let the Lord, our gracious God,
And pay the solemn vows I made Forever blessed be, [Him,
When I was in distress. Who has not turned my prayer from
Nor yet His grace from me.
3 Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear all ye peoples, bless our God,
What He has done for me; Aloud proclaim His praise,
My cry for help is turned to praise, Who safely holds our soul in life,
For He has set me free. And steadfast makes our ways.
175 Personal Testimony
PSALM 66 C. p. M. Adowa Charles H. Gabriel

i \
\ \ I H n i

I Come, all ye peo - ple,bless our God And tell His glo- nous praise a - broad,

iS 4:
< >: f it
t=|: i l > g ^
ta ^

"F «=f 1P ^^ -j-^M-

^^ Ur—=i-
Who holds our soul in life. Who nev - er lets our feet be moved

^S :!=

And,though our faith

# p ^-
He oft has proved,

Up - holds us in the strife.

Copyright. I9iai by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Selected Stanzas]

2 We come with ofiferings to His house,

And here we pay the solemn vows
We uttered in distress;
To Him our all we dedicate,
To Him we wholly consecrate
The Uves His mercies bless.

3 Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord,

While with grateful heart record
What God has done for me;
I cried to Him in deep distress.
And now His wondrous grace I bless,
For He has set me free.

4 The Lord, Who turns away the plea

Of those who love iniquity,
Has answered my request;
He has not turned away my prayer,
His grace and love He makes me share;
His Name be ever blest.
176 A Revived Church and Missions

67 7s and 6s Aurelia Samuel S. Wesley

mm I O God, to us show mer -


cy And bless us in Thy grace;

?E :g=
H^-m^=E4Z I I f -t-]^
— |i—l-i I J J

i ^
Cause Thou to shine up - on us The bright- ness of Thy face

^ 3^
{ I

# f

IM^ ^ j
3 ^ J5-4-

That so Thy way most ho - ly On earth may soon be known,

ffi f \ UT \ f

^^ And un - to ev - ery
peo - pie
Thy sav -
i i i
ing grace be


O God, let all men praise Thee,
r Wi O

God, let people praise Thee,



Let all the nations sing, Let all the nations sing.
In every land let praises For earth in rich abundance
And songs of gladness ring; To us her fruit shall bring.
For Thou shalt judge the people The Lord our God shall bless us,
In truth and righteousness. Our God shall blessing send,
And through the earth the nations And all the earth shall fear Him
Shall Thy just rule confess. To its remotest end.
177 The Missionary Church
PSALM 67 L. M. SlALKOT George C. Stebblns

ffi t i
^=i =? i Jij: /i i jij j i
O God, be mer ci ful and bless,And
----- us see

^ Thy shin ing face,

I - - let -

f h f
^^^ Kn ^


i \

) Jf i
Hii •^t '

That all the earth may know Thy way, And all men taste Thy sav - ing grace.

^ I
> nt I
F ' HM^ P
i^ i *:
i s -^^ ^JFH^ ij ^ j i i^ '^-r i

let the na - tions praise Thee,Lord,Let all gfive thanks with glad ac-cord.

^ 1 h^f
^ I
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

2 let the nations all be glad 3 The earth has yielded her increase,
And sing to God with joy and mirth, And God, yea, our own God, shall
For Thou shalt judge with equity bless;
And lead the nations of the earth. We shall be blest, and all the earth
O let the nations praise Thee, Lord, Shall reverently His Name confess.
Let all give thanks with glad accord. O let the nations praise Thee, Lord,
Let all give thanks with glad accord.

178 A Missionary Prayer

PSALM 67 S. M. Laban Lowell Mason


I Lord, bless and pit - y us, Shine on us with face,

i^&r ^

r r r f
A Missionary Prayer

Thy way may know And men may Thy

That all the earth see grace.

I -fi>-

E -(5^ fe

2 Thy praise, O gracious God, 3 The nations Thou wilt judge

Let all the nations sing; And lead them in Thy ways;
Let all men worship Thee with joy Let all men praise Thy Name, O God,
And songs of gladness bring. Let all the people praise.

4 The earth her fruit shall yield,

For God, our God, will bless;
We shall be blest, and all the world
His glory shall confess.

179 Invocation and Praise

PSALM 68 L. M. AlsTONE Christopher E. Willing

J -3- -3-, -J. -i -#. -i^ ^ li- -^ -#-. ^ -#- -j- -0^

Let God a and by His might Let His foes be put to flight

^ i ^m
I - rise, all

m^3fE^^^ i=i
—r-r 1

^ii'i i^H^^fej^J. n Jii;

But, O ye right-eous,glad - ly sing, Ex - ult be - fore your God and Kmg.

^ * iI ^^^^
-^ri: 1
f f

2 Jehovah's praises sound abroad. 3 A father of the fatherless,
Rejoice before the living God; A judge of widows in distress,
Prepare the way that He may come Is God, the God of boundless grace,
And make the desert places bloom. Who dwells within His holy place.

4 God frees the captive and He sends

The blessedness of home and friends,
And only those in darkness stay
Who will not trust Him and obey.

180 Manifold Mercies
PSALM 68 L. M. Juniata David D. Wood

^^^^^m^^^^m God saved His peo-ple from dis-tress And led them through the wil - der-ness


tog^e=^^ ^ft^
^ ^
^H^W^^ t: ^
Then moimtains trem-bled
in their place,
i --¥ i— i
The heavens were bowed before His face.

S! i =t=
^ * 5=

Copyright, 1895, by Trustees of Presbyterian Bd. of Pub. and S. S. Work
[Stanzas 5-12]

With copious showers Thou didst as- Their mighty King did overthrow
The thirsting of Thy heritage, [suage The hostile kings like driven snow.
Thy congregation dwelt secure; All mountains unto God belong.
Thou, God, art gracious to the poor. But Zion's holy mountains strong
The Lord sent forth His mighty word, Above them all the Lord loves well,
And shouts of victory were heard; And there He will forever dwell.
The women came, a mighty throng, Great hosts to holy wars have trod,
To join the glad triumphant song. The armies of the living God;
When God His chosen people led. Among them He reveals His face.
The kings and armies turned and fled; The God of justice and of grace.
The hosts of God victorious fought. Thou hast ascended up on high
And home their spoils and trophies And captive led captivity
brought. They come with gifts, who did rebel.
God's people rested, free from care, That with them God the Lord might
In glorious peace and beauty fair; dwell.

181 God Our Deliverer

PSALM 68 L. M. Ware George Kingsley

im msmm
W^m^rT^ ^m
g^ I

Blest be the Lord

I for us He cares And

dai - ly all our
bur - den bears ;

^m Our God is might -y, strong to save; Je

h ^ ^ ,> ^/ T r /
- ho -vah

frees us

from the grave.

[Stanzas 13-16]
God Our Deliverer

2 God's unrelenting enemies 3 With glorious pomp our King and God
No peace shall find in earth or seas; Has entered into His abode,
His people shall triumphant go With sacred minstrelsy and song,
Victorious over every foe. While maidens with their timbrels

4 Assemble ye before His face,

All ye that spring from Israel's race;
Ye chosen tribes, with one accord
Come ye, and bless your God, the Lord.

182 God the Conquering King

PSALM 68 L. M. Sheltering Wing Joseph Bamby

-J- V* ^ "l-
-3-^ i^ :^: r
I O Zi - on, 'tis thy God's command That thou in strength se - cure - ly stand

»4;i^ Ea -si-
? rrf^

r -Z5*-
O God,con-firm and strength-en still, Thy pur - pos - es in us f ul - fil,

m^ i 7^ •
fe i :4^

[Stanzas 17-23
' li

2 O Thou, Whose glorious temple stands 5 Praise God and sing His matchless
In Zion, famed through heathen lands, worth.
Kings shall Thy power and glory see, Ye kings and kingdoms of the earth;
And bring their presents unto Thee. He dwells within the heavenly height,
And utters forth His voice of might.
3 Thou and strong
wilt rebuke the fierce
Who hate the right and choose the
6 Ascribe ye strength to God on high,
His might transcendent fills the sky;
And scatter those who peace abhor,
His glory and omnipotence
The nations that delight in war.
Remain His people's sure defense.
4 The heathen princes yet shall flee
From and return to Thee;
idols 7 Forth from Thy dwelling-place,0 God,
Earth's sinful and benighted lands Thy awful glory shines abroad;
To God shall soon stretch out their Thy people's strength is all from Thee;
hands. Blest be Thy Name eternally.
183 Ascension Blessings
PSALM 68 78 and 6s Missionary Hymn Lowell Mason

mi t
^^^ J J ^
1 O Lord.Thou hast as - cend - ed On high in might to reign
gi k

m ^ M

Cap - tiv - i - ty lead - est cap - tive in train.

§^ ^^ f- 1- -^

gifts to Thee are of - fered By men who did
re - bel,

gft ^N^^^^^ ^F^r^f^ 9-^

^^ -t9- i

m^ s^
Who pray that now Je - ho - vah Their God with them may dwell.

f=g «-
[Selected Stanzas]

2 Blestbe the Lord Who daily He rides in royal triumph

Our heavy burden bears, Upon the heavens abroad;
The God of our salvation He speaks, the mountains tremble
Who for His people cares. Before the voice of God.
Our God is near to help us,
Our God is strong to save; All glory, might, and honor
The Lord alone is able Ascribe to God on high;
To ransom from the grave. His arm protects His people
Who on His power rely.
3 Sing unto God, ye nations, Forth from Thy holy dwelling
Ye kingdoms of the earth; Thy awful glories shine;
Sing unto God, all people. Thou strengthenest Thy people;
And praise His matchless worth. Unending praise be Thine.
184 Suffering and Prayer
PSALM 69 C. M. Ella Isaac B. Woodbury

^m ^jj —g—^
i ave me, O God, be - cause the floods Come in up - on my soul

F=mr I
t I i I
H- |
~ I
l j
| I
I I i^d^H
^. j ir: j 'J JK:^J-^iid^=^^ g=fl ;

I sink in depths where none can stand, Deep wa - ters o'er me roll

2 My constant calling wearies me,
My throat is parched and dried;
My eyes grow dim while for my God
Still waiting I abide.
3 The foes who hate me unprovoked
Are strong and still increase,
Though to disarm their enmity
My right I yield for peace.

4 God, my folly and my sin

Thyholy eye can see;
Yet save from shame, Lord God of Hosts,
Thy saints that wait on Thee.
5 Forbid, O God, our covenant God,
That those who seek Thy face
Should see Thy servant put to shame
And share in my disgrace.
6 It is Thee
for I am reproached,
For Thee I suffer shame.
Until mybrethren know me not,
And hated is my name.
7 It is my zeal for Thy abode

That has consumed my life;

Reproached by those reproaching Thee,
I suffer in the strife.
8 I wept, with fasting bowed my soul.
Yet that was made my shame;
When I in sackcloth clothed myself,
Their byword I became.
9 The men who sit within the gate
With slander do me wrong.
And they who linger at their cups
Make me their jest and song.
185 Petitions for Deliverance
PSALM 69 C. M. St. Flavian Daye's Psalter

In as sur ance of
Thy grace To Thee my
i I
prayers as

I full - - -

^^^ m ^

i ^ i =5f
In Thy a bound-ing love and O God, va tion send.

—— truth, sal - -


2 Preserve
^^ , f-

my sinking
f . »

soul, I pray,
, . T t-

5^ —
-r- : -r »

My heart is broken by reproach,

. ^-^
[Stanzas 10-18]

From tides of hatred save; My soul is full of grief;

Let not the waters overflow, I looked in vain for comforters,
Redeem me from the grave. For pity and relief.

3 Because Thy mercy, Lord, is good, 7 They gave me bitter gall for food,
O answer me in grace, And taunting words they spake;
And in the riches of Thy love They gave me vinegar to drink,
O turn to me Thy face. My burning thirst to slake.

4 Hide not Thy face from my distress, 8 Their peace and plenty be their snare,
A speedy answer send; In blindness let them grope;
Draw near to me, my soul redeem, Thy indignation on them pour,
From all my foes defend. And desolate their hope.

5 Well known to Thee is my reproach. 9 Because they proudly persecute

My shame and my disgrace; Those whom Thou, Lord, dost smite,
The adversaries of my soul Let them be blotted from Thy book
Are all before Thy face. And banished from Thy sight.

186 Anticipation of Answered Prayer


69 C. M. Balerma Arranged by Robert Simpson

S t

* T=tS
rGod, my

I Though I am poor and sor - row - ful, Hear Thou, O cry;

e^ I

Anticipation of Answered Prayer

m^ 3^ W mr fe
3= I
Let Thy sal - va - tion come to me And lift me up on high.

^^ ,J 7;
m ^ m f

r f [Stanzas 19-23]

2 Then will I praise my God with song, 4 Let heaven and earth and seas rejoice,
To Him my thanks shall rise, Let all therein give praise,
And this shall please Jehovah more For Zion God will surely save.
Than ofifered sacrifice. Her broken walls will raise.
3 The meek and rejoice,
shall see it 5 In Zion they that love His Name
Ye no more be sad;
saints, Shall dwell from age to age;
For lo, Jehovah hears the poor Yea, there shall be their lasting rest,
And makes His prisoners glad. Their children's heritage.

187 Supplication and Testimony

PSALM 69 I OS Eventide William H. Monk

B d : JM
^ i iriti j i j^jut zr
I Thy lov-ing-kind-ness, Lord, is good and free, In ten-der mer - cy turn Thou unto me

m ^=f I 1=^ ^ -•-nt «=r H-d J l
Hide not Thy face from me in my dis-tress, In
mer-cy hear my prayer.Thy serv-ant bless.

I i
F r^ P rrrr-r [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Needy and sorrowful, to Thee I cry;

Let Thy salvation set soul on high; my
Then I will sing and praise Thy holy Name,
My thankful song Thy mercy shall proclaim.

3 With joy the meek shall see my soul restored,

Your heart shall live, ye saints that seek the Lord;
He helps the needy and regards their cries,
Those in distress the Lord will not despise.
4 Let heaven above His grace and glory tell,
Let earth and sea and all that in them dwell;
Salvation to His people God will give.
And they that love His Name with Him shall live.
188 Al Suppliant's Urgent Prayer
PSALM 70 IIS and 8s Delphine Hart P. Banks

^ — J J 1
I Make haste, my God, to de liv pray, O
-^- —•-
^lifcig: ^ *::
f- f^ r f
to my
^ res - cue make haste ;
Let those who would harm me be

sfcr 3 i
filled with dis - may,

3—? their own
fol ly
3^ i
i5> » #3-1 <5>- — —•-
iSSE$: I
^.=p r
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

2 Let them be turned back in confusion, O Lord,

Who in my destruction would joy;
Let shame and defeat be their only reward
Who sneers and derision employ.
3 May all those who seek Thee, and make Thee their choice,
Great gladness and blessedness see;
May allthose who love Thy salvation rejoice
And constantly magnify Thee.

4 I cry in Thy help I implore;

deep need and
Make haste to the rescue, I pray;
My Saviour Thou art, and my strength evermore,
No longer Thy coming delay.

189 Prayer for Help

PSALM 70 8. M. St. Michael Genevan Psalter

J li
I Make haste, O God, to save ; To help me, Lord, make haste


S^ "C=t=J S
r I f
-r- ?^
* ^
A-shamed, con-found - ed, they


Prayer for Help



Who would my

-^ i
life lay waste.

r r
2 They be put to shame
shall 3 All they that seek Thy face
That in my hurt delight, With joy in Thee abide,
And backward in dishonor turned, And, loving Thy salvation, say,
Their mocking to requite. Let God be magnified.

4 In need am I, and poor;

O God, make haste, I pray;
Thou art my Saviour and my help,
O Lord, make no delay.

190 Trustful Entreaty and Praise

PSALM 71 CM. Leaf Anonymous

^^^^^^^m O my

1 In Thee, Lord, I put trust; Shamed let me nev - er be ; O

I r^


Be Thou


Forever mine, as now;
Thy righteousness,Give ear.and


res-cue me, Give ear,

3 Deliver
* \ P

me from wicked hands.

Save me from men imjust.
and res- cue me.

* P —m~r^—

Salvation Thou hast willed for me, For Thou, Jehovah, art my hope,
Myrock and fortress, Thou. From youth Thou art my trust.

4 Thou hast upheld me in Thy grace

From childhood's early days;
To Thee from Whom I life received
Will I give constant praise.
191 Abiding Confidence and Hope
PSALM 71 CM. SiLOAM Isaac B. Woodbury

^m ^ ^ t^

1 Though trou - bles great o'er-shad - ow me, Thou art my ref - uge strong

iH^ r i

r I
ir r
'' ' 'r r


My mouth
shall praise Thee all the
Thy hon - or be my


t i
f=^ r [Stanzas 5-1 1]

2 Cast me not off when hoary age

Becomes my weary lot,
And in the days of failing strength
Do Thou forsake me not.

3 My foes are strong and confident,

For I to them appear
As one forsaken by his God,
With none to help me near.

4 My God, be Thou not far from me,

Makehaste to hear my call;
Ashamed, consumed be all my foes,
Dishonored let them fall.

5 But I will ever hope in Thee.

My ceaseless praise is Thine;
I will declare Thy countless deeds
Of truth and grace divine.

6 Yea, I will tell the mighty acts

Performed by God the Lord;
Thy righteousness, and Thine alone,
With praise I will record.

7 For from my early youth, O God,

By Thee have I been taught,
And faithfully have I declared
The wonders Thou hast wrought.
192 A Prayer of Faith
PSALM 71 CM. Avon Hugh Wilson

i a^^=^j=aaj#LJi rr i \

i ll I

I O gra - cious God, for - sake me not When I am old and gray,

^ fe^ J-

r i^tf-^H^
W^ #-=F


That un
to those that fol - low me I may
m Thy might
i =3=^ I

(S* a r-1^ • r-fS' • r-^

r-^. • — r-fS^
r<S» •
fS' 1

r i
[ Stanzas 11-17 ]

2 Thy perfect righteousness, God, O

The height of heaven exceeds;
O who is like to Thee, hast Who
Performed such mighty deeds ?

3 Thou Who hast sent me many griefs

Wilt yet my soul restore.
And out of sorrow's lowest depths
Wilt bring me forth once more.

4 O turn again and comfort me,

My waning strength increase,
And for Thy faithfulness, O God,
My praise shall never cease.
5 Thou Holy One of Israel,
To Thee sweet songs I raise;
The soul Thou hast redeemed from death
Shall give Thee joyful praise.

6 My enemies that seek my hurt

Thy help has put to shame;
My thankful tongue will ceaselessly
Thy righteousness proclaim.

193 The Reign of Christ
PSALM 72 C. M. Hymn John E. Gould

I O God, to Thy

A -
noint- ed
T King Give

truth and right-eous - ness


^ ^i
r m f
f f=r=F=F
i m
H ,

Thy pec -pie He

. J' J.
i=fJ^^ -z;h
J -*-^s>-
r " f *-
wi 11 just - ly ju( dge give the poor re - dress.

m.r=S3E £ -^

rr r^ & :^

2 Then every fruitful mountain side And through all ages, while the moon
Shall yield its rich increase, On earth its light bestows.
And righteousness in all the land Like rain upon the new-mown grass,
Shall bear the fruit of peace.
That falls refreshingly.

3 The poor man's cause He will maintain, Like gentle showers that cheer the
The needy He will bless. earth,
And He will break the strength of So shall His coming be.
g The righteous in His glorious day
Who would the poor oppress. Shall flourish and increase;
4 So men shall fear Thee while the svm The earth, until the moon shall fade,
In daily splendor glows, Shall have abundant peace.

194 The Kingdom of Our Lord

PSALM 72 C. M. Holy Cross Arranged by James C. Wade

i 3: f
23) rnrr-wi ^
r—— ^ * ——51 g cy - m-

min From
I His wide
^ —


^ — g=l=
— — —i —
- ion



- tend

f^ i



- most

r I I , , ,


T a
And un
- to earth's re -
mot - est boxmds His peace
^ - f ul rule shall be.

,H-^- * * j:

HF-f^F i [ Stanzas 7-12
The Kingdom of Our Lord

2 The tribes that in the desert dwell 4 Yea, all the kings shall bow to Him,
Shall bow before His throne; His rule all nations hail;
His enemies shall be subdued, He will regard the poor man's cry
And He shall rule alone. When other helpers fail.

3 The kings shall come from distant

lands 5 The poor and needy He shall spare,
And islands of the sea; And save their souls from fear;
Oblations they shall bring to Him He shall redeem them from all wrong,
And wait on bended knee. Their life to Him is dear.

6 So they shall live, and bring to Him

Their gifts of finest gold;
* For Him shall constant prayer be made,
His praise each day be told.

195 Christ and His Cause

PSALM 72 CM. Beatitudo John B. Dykes

^^^^^^m A -bun- dant

r-r f

^ ^ ^^
I fields of grain shall wave All white for har - vest - ing,

P- -^ -
§iM ^ £
r F^
i^3 3^^j
i\'Ui\;M ^I

And bound-less joy and glad - ness fill The cit y of the King.

f- f- ^a , J
'm^ i I
[Stanzas 13-16]

2 His Name, enduring like the sun, 3 Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God,
Shall ever be confessed; Eternal King of kings,
All nations shall be blest in Him, Who only is omnipotent,
All men shall call Him blest. Performing wondrous things.

4 Blest be His great and glorious Name

For evermore. Amen,
And let His glory fill the earth
From shore to shore. Amen.
196 Grateful Adoration
PSALM 72 C. M. Tabler E. H. Frost

'^^^^m t^
i r=l=^

I Blest be the Lord, our fa - thers' God, E - ter - nal King of kings,

^ -^ ^ JL .^
^ i
i I
U :S=il: 3^ 31^' : |gi ^^ 4^ I
Who on - ly is om - nip - o - tent, Per - form - ing
r -n-.

won-drous things.

^ I ±
-rf. it . . . -i
-P»- .
2 Blest be His great and glorious
For evermore, Amen,
And let His glory fill the earth
From shore to shore. Amen.

197 The Doxology

PSALM 72 C. M. Coronation Oliver Holden

-* — ^ #-
Nowblessed be Je-ho-vah,Go<i,TheGodof Is-ra-el,
i E2 a^JB^-Hrffl
Who on -ly do<th wondrous wotkSi


-^ ^
i 5^
g |g r~?=4
I Ji n rl !i I I j-Ji J./l !i I n

In glo-ry that ex - eel, Whoon-ly do -eth wondrous works,In glo-ry that ex -eel

^ J- -

ff^f fff npfof

And blessed be His

glorious Name
To all eternity;
The whole earth let His glory fill.

Amen So : let it be.

198 The Blessings of Immanuers Reign
PSALM 72 L. M. Hursley Gennan Melody

*i i i
t= ki I

IJ=J=J4^-S i m
I O God, be Thy A - noint-ed Son With truth and right- eous-ness en-dowed,

i: 3tz2 J-i
:?-^ ^
-&- -«-

That jus - tice may on earth be done, The meek pro - tect - ed from the proud.

-#- ••-
:^ m -^ *-
-4- -*- >r> m m
ff^ i:
2 Then over mountain side and plain
Shall peace spring forth from righteousness;
The poor man's cause will He maintain,
And save the weak, that none oppress.

3 Then shall Thy fear on earth be known

Long as the sun and moon shall shine;
While endless generations run
Kingdom and glory shall be Thine.

4 Like copious rain in time of dearth,

So shall His gracious coming be;
As gentle showers that cheer the earth,
So He shall bring prosperity.

5 The just shall flourish in His day,

And evermore shall peace extend;
From sea to sea shall be His sway.
And to the earth's remotest end.

6 The desert lands to Him shall bow,

And all the islands of the sea,
And kings with gifts shall pay their vow,
His enemies shall bend the knee.

7 In great compassion for the weak

He ever will maintain their right.
Will help the poor and save the meek;
Their lives are precious in His sight.
199 The King and His Kingdom
PSALM 72 L. M. Missionary Chant Heinrich C. Zeuner

^ b u. \

lizzt i=f^=F W ^
I His saints shall live, and to the King Rich gifts in trib - ute shall be paid

bxifrfiff tfi- ^f^p^ i


^ His prais-es men

shall ev-er sing, For Him shall end-less prayer be made.

w rr

imj f r r r i
r: n
[Stanzas 8-ia]

2 Abundant fields for harvest white 4 Now blessed be the Mighty One,
Already wave in every land, Jehovah, God of Israel,
And Zion's citizens delight mand. [ For He alone has wonders done.
And prosper in their King's com- And deeds in glory that excel.

3 His Name shall evermore abide. 5 And blessed be His glorious Name,
In Him shall all the world be blest; Long as the ages shall endure;
By all the nations far and wide O'er all the earth extend His fame.
His praise shall ever be confessed. Amen, Amen, for evermore.

SECOND TUNE Morning Hymn William Boyce

:±=* ^
nt J
•—— J
i^ "^
^i ^
id W
—-* ^—:^—z^—
' 9^

I His saints shall live, and to the King Rich gifts in trib - ute shall be paid


i #—^1^ ^ ^ ^J^lE
=r=? te^^EE^EJ ^^^
His prais - es men shall ev - er sing. For Him shall end - less prayer be made.



Christ shall have do- min

6s and 5s
The Enthroned

- ion




land and sea, Earth's remot- est


S. Sullivan



a £
P jjjj^ij jjj i-fjfj^^^ ^^^
Shall His em-pire be; They that wilds in- hab - it Shall their wor- ship bring,

-0- -f^ -i9- -p- -p- -p- -0- -(9- i5>- ^ >-f-^ _a3

^ I
^1 1 1 I

f-r r
Kings shall render trib - ute, Na-tions serve our King.Christ shall have do-min - ion

n ^-- —— —^ ^

m f m Jli. • '



-p- -0- -»- -i5>-

O - ver land and sea, Earth's re- mot -est re - gions Shall His em-pire be.

9i itczzlc

[ Selected Stanzas ]
2 When the needy seek Him, And in Him forever
He will mercy show; All men shall be blest,
Yea, the weak and helpless And nations hail Him
Shall His pity know; King of kings confessed.
He will surely save them
From oppression's might, 4 Unto God Almighty
For their lives are precious Joyful Zion sings;
In His holy sight. He alone is glorious,
Doing wondrous things.
3 Ever and forever Evermore, ye people,
Shall His Name endure, Bless His glorious Name,
Long as suns continue His eternal glory
It shall stand secure; Through the earth proclaim.
201 A Vindication of God's Ways
PSALM 73 lis Mobile John p. Campbell

ffi^ T
^ =t
T 3
I God lov - eth the right - eous, His
T good - ness is sure,

§31^ 3SS E


He nev - er

for - sak - eth

the good and

5^^ :& J I
F^r^ "F

^^ Yet once my
3 i
fal - tared, I
^^ vied the

i=^- -)=z-

i^» i 1=: ^

« 4 J=^:4J^^
^ -tS*'

In doubt and dis qui et my spir was bowed.

f=F^ ^^^1
2 The wicked are prospered and firm in their strength,
No pangs do they suffer, though death come at length;
They are not in trouble as other men are,
The plagues of their fellows they view from afar.

3 In garments of boasting and violence decked,

With wealth more abundant than heart could expect,
They scoflf, and the helpless they proudly oppress.
The heavens and the earth they assume to possess.

A Vindication of God's Ways
4 Despising God's people, they cause them to drain
The cup of oppression, injustice, and pain;
They question God's knowledge and boldly defy
The might and the justice of God the Most High.

5 The wicked, grown wealthy, have comfort and peace,

While I, daily chastened, see troubles increase.
And, wronging God's children, I cried in my pain.
That clean hands are worthless and pure hearts are vain.

6 I went to God's temple: my doubts were dispelled,

The end journey I clearly beheld;
of life's

I saw in what peril ungodly men stand

With sudden destruction and ruin at hand.

7 As when one awaking forgetteth his dream.

So God will despise them, though great they may seem;
My envy was senseless, my grief was for nought,
Because I was faithless, and foolish my thought.


St. Denio Welsh Melody

ete ^^^^
God lov - eth the right -eous, His good - ness

sure, )

He nev - er for - sak - eth the good and the pure; '

^S3 r r
I H=h^=i
^ te
Yet once

J — — —* my

« ,

- tered,



- vied the


my spir
tJ ^
was bowed.
In doubt and dis qui - et - it

m 169
^ f I
202 Guid ance ana
id G\
PSALM 73 IIS Carter E. Grace Updegraff

^ t:: T i "^ *"• "V^r^-:f
-p-* ^ :?;: :i: ^^«^
1^^ r
I In doubt and temp - ta - tion I rest.Lord, in Thee ; My hand is in

' ^ & —
-' i^ d d H— t—
i :^=i|:
9 1^
I --\ •
—H- P
^^g^ i^^m.
Thy hand, Thou car - est for me; My soul with Thy coun - sel

i if: -^ t:

r ?^^

if^ ]^S^

through life Thou wilt guide, And af - ter-ward make me in glo - ry a - bide.

V— b-
5^ ribdJ
i ^
* P
\ *

^ My


ex - tol Thee
^ i
And ev -
er bless Thy Name;

m %:
P3 mm^^^m^^

Each day

Copyright, 1891,

by R. Ketso

give thanks to

^^ i
E. O. Excell, owner.
Thee And

Used by

all Thy praise pro -


Stanzas fr-io]
Guidance and Glory

2 In glory Thou only my portion shalt be,

On earth for none other I long but for Thee;
My flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,
The strength of my spirit, my portion for aye.

3 All they that forsake Thee must perish and die.

But near to my Saviour most blessed am I;
I make Thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;
Thy grace and Thy glory I publish abroad.

203 Life with God

PSALM 73 C. M. Prayer William U. Butcher

fj-jHi"-^ ^^^^^^ •nr ff
In sweet com-mun-ion, Lord, with Thee I con-stant-ly a - bide


s PP4:
-f2- ^^ :^_ J:


i j^^^kj
^^^j ij i\U <'lgl ri s I
My hand Thou hold - est in Thy own To keep me near Thy side.

i *^
Used by arrangement with Oliver Ditson Co,
ae P
[ Selected Stanzas

2 Thy counsel through my earthly way 4 Though flesh and heart should faint
Shall guide me and control, and fail.
And then to glory afterward The Lord will ever be
Thou wilt receive soul. my The strength and portion of my heart,
My God eternally.
3 Whom have I, Lord, in heaven but
Thee, 5 To from God is death,
live apart
To Whom my thoughts aspire ? good His face to seek
And, having Thee, on earth is nought My refuge is the living God,
That I can yet desire. His praise I long to speak.

204 God Our Only Good
PSALM 73 68 and 4s Olivet Lowell Mason

ii i i m ipsej
I O good Thou art To all the pure of heart.Though life seems vain;Burdened with


—*-^—i—^ —• i—
—•- I
# .

anx-ious care,
• si

I groped in
• . ^ s

dark de-spair, Till in

i * s
t > •
-4 ^

Thy house
. d
of prayer All

4 ' <=g!

was made plain.

^gig^^^g^^^ £=^
[ Selected Stanzas

2 Ever, Lord, with Thee, But God my

strength appears.
All shall be well with me, And will to endless years
Held by Thy hand; My portion be.
And Thou wilt guide my feet
By Thy own counsel sweet,
Till I, for glory meet, 4 O it is good that I
In glory stand. May still to God draw nigh,
As oft before;
3 In earth or heaven above The Lord Jehovah blest.
Who is there that I love My refuge and my rest.
Compared with Thee? Shall be in praise confessed
My heart may faint with fears, For evermore.

SECOND TUNE Lyte Joseph P. Holbrook

te^^^S^^^ I O good Thou art To all the pure of heart, Though life seems vain jBurdened with

Bt —* -
g r /=Fg^^^^

^. ,
anx- ious care,

f • y
groped in dark de-spair.

p —p .P'p p —g .
Till in

Thy house


g :
of prayer All

ilC' gg-iH^
was made

— : i I

205 The Church in Trial
PSALM 74 C. M. COWPER Lowell Mason

p =3=
g^ '

O Thou cast O God, our God Why

I wherefore hast us off, of old ?

^ rf-'-^^—* = (S —^^L—A fZ (S2 —O-


^-H 2 I

P^ j^
art Thou an -

gry with
J: ^ WrV^^^^f^^^M^
Thy sheep, The sheep of Thy own fold, The sheep of Thy own
^ fold?

J ^ .^
-g- f- .
_ 1^- .f-

i Wf^^rP"^ ^ n
2 Remember Thy inheritance, 8 O God, Thou art our King of old,
Thy Church, redeemed by grace; SalvationThou hast wrought;
Remember Zion's mount profaned, In safety through the mighty sea
Thy ancient dwelling-place. Our fathers Thou hast brought.

3 In ruin long Thy temple lies; 9 With mighty arm Thou didst destroy
Arise, O God of grace. The pride of boastful man,
And see the ruin foes have wrought And for Thypeople made a path
Within Thy holy place. Where mighty waters ran.

Amid Thy courts are lifted high 10 The day is Thine, and Thine the
The standards of the foe,
And impious hands with axe and And Thine the shining sun; [set
At Thy command earth's bounds are
Have laid Thy temple low.
And changing seasons run.

5 They have profaned the holy place 11 Mark how Thy enemies, O Lord,
Where Thou hast set Thy Name, Against Thee proudly speak;
The sanctuaries of our God Preserve Thy saints from wickedmen,
Are given to the flame. Be mindful of the meek.

6 We see no signs of power divine, 12 Fulfil, O Lord, Thy covenant,

No prophet speaks for Thee, Our strong protector be.
And none can tell, and none can know. For in the earth are dark abodes
How long these woes shall be. Of crime and cruelty.

7 How long, O God, shall blasphemy 13 Let not Thy saints be put to shame,
And shame reproach our land ? No longer in Thy sight
Why dost Thou not destroy Thy foes -
Permit Thy foes to vaunt themselves;
With Thy almighty hand ? Lord, vindicate the right.

206 The Righteous Judgment of God
PSALM 75 C. M. Boston Uzziah C. Bumap

± ^^V -^
s i^i J ¥^^^m <»-T ^
I To Thee, O God, we ren - der thanks, To Thee give thanks sin - cere,

^^-b-4—i^ s d \s) «M- d-^i—f^—I—P

vr^— i r '=f^ F=FF=1


Be - cause Thy won-drous works de <lare

^^ r
That Thou art
- er near.



Shall in
righteous judgment, Thou hast
due time appear, [said,
4 Jehovah holds a cup of wrath,
And holds it not in vain,

And Thou Who didst establish it For all the wicked of the earth
Wilt fill the earth with fear. Its bitter dregs shall drain.

3 Thou teachest meekness to the proud, 5 The God of Israel I will praise
And makest sinners know And His glory show;
That none is judge but God alone, The righteous He will high exalt
To honor or bring low. And bring the wicked low.

207 Zion s Glory and Safety

PSALM 76 8s and 7s Temple Boro F. Pinder

I God is known a - mone: His peo - pie, Ev -ery mouth His pn


fcj -n5»-

FAJtr-H-rJ. J U~-'\ iJ

^^ *
I !

From of old He hath es - tab -

blished His a bode on Zi -

9^ ^m ^ ^# Mf^g^ gi-iJLi> =

:^ "OCT
There He broke the sword and ar - row,
Bade the noise of war be still.

J. J J

Zion's Glory and Safety

Excellent and glorious art Thou, When from heaven Thy sentence
With Thy trophies from the fray; sounded,
Thou hast slain the valiant-hearted, All the earth in fear was still,
Wrapt in sleep of death are they; While to save the meek and lowly
When Thy anger once is risen, God in judgment wrought His will;
Who can stand in that dread day ? Even the wrath of man shall praise
Thy designs it shall fulfil. [ Thee,

4 Vow and pay ye to Jehovah,

Him your God forever own;
Allmen, bring your gifts before Him,
Worship Him, and Him alone;
Mighty kings obey and fear Him,
Princes bow before His throne.

208 Aspects of the Divine Character

PSALM 76 L. M. EasTON Arranged from Mozart

A-mong His peo - pie God
\ ^^m
known, Most glo-rious
His might and grace;

I is in

w^^f==f ^ I

f c; ^

r r r

H+^^^^^iU^4:U=i ^4J^ht^
p t=i^
His throne, Herpeacefulhills HisdweU-ing-place<

9ttf f^ E
f=h fI
Selected Stanzas
[ ]

2 When God the righteous judge appeared

To save the meek from wrong and shame.
The earth stood still and greatly feared;
Then forth from heaven His sentence came.

3 The wrath of man shall praise the Lord,

Restrained by His almighty will;
Your vows to God the King record.
Your covenant made with Him fulfil.

4 Let all to Him their presents bring,

To Him Whom all the world should fear;
Ye kings and princes, own your King,
With reverence and with awe draw near.

209 Doubts Overcome by Faith
PSALM 77 L. M. Sessions Luther O. Emerson

^4=^ ^~UT7i§^^i^i^ ^
I To God for help will I re - pair, To God will I di - rect my prayer,

§5^ s

^ tHS ft

p , ^ r-f^

n « ^-.-i9 «?^-#-

^^ —#—s^
^ *i^M? ^ < ^ I
J^ 5=»
And sure-ly He will an-swerme, His great sal - va - tion I shall see.

§33^ ; »

« ,-(Z (S2_
2 In long-continued grief I stand 7 In weakness I was pressed with fear,
And seek the Lord with outstretched But better hopes my spirit cheer;
hand; Past mercies lead me to rely
I findno comfort for my soul, Upon the help of God Most High.
The clouds of darkness o'er me roll.
8 Thy deeds, Lord, will I relate
3 I think of God and call to mind And on Thy wonders meditate;
His goodness, yet no peace I find; Thy way, O God, is just and right.
I still pour out my sad complaints, And none is like to Thee in might.
My burdened spirit almost faints.
9 Among the nations Thou hast shown
4 With sleepless eyes and speechless Thy wondrous power and made it
grief known;
I search the past to find relief, Thou art the God that mightily
The former years when days were Redeemed and set Thy people free.
And songs of gladness cheered my 10 At sight of Thee the waters fled.
night. The quaking clouds their torrents
5 My constant meditations bring The lightnings flashed, the thunder
My heart to anxious questioning: pealed.
Has God cast off, and will He be The trembling earth her fear revealed.
No longer merciful to me?
11 Thy way, O God, was in the sea,
6 Has God forgotten to be kind? But, though Thy paths mysterious
Shall I His promise faithless find? be.
For me shall wrath henceforth replace Thy people Thou didst safely keep
His tender mercies and His grace? As shepherds lead their helpless sheep.
210 Questionings and Comfort
PSALM 77 L. M. Fillmore Jeremiah Ingalls

fe^ n^r^t
ii#±L rr^-
To God
iEEj T m. t f-

I will I di-rect my prayer,And He will make my needs His care ;

iS *:
r fir r
f^=f:. ^ f~p -


-L-t- S—^v+i=j-
f f
I trust Him still, though in my grief No an-sweryet has brought re- lief ;

i 3^ f

y ^^J^^^^B d:
^ i
With hands stretched out through all the night, Un com
- - fort - ed I sought for light.

^^m ^ ^i ?
t ^^
2 The thought of God brought me no 4 I asked in fear and bitterness,
peace, Will God forsake me in distress ?
But rather made my fears increase; Shall I His promise faithless find ?
With sleepless eyes and speechless pain Has God forgotten to be kind ?
My fainting spirit grieved in vain; Has He in anger hopelessly
The blessedness of long ago Removed His love and grace from me?
Made deeper still my present woe.
5 These doubts and fears that troubled
3 Recalling days when faith was bright, me
When songs of gladness filled my Were born of my infirmity;
night, Though I am weak, God is most high,
I pondered o'er my
grievous woes And on His goodness I rely;
And searching questioning arose: Of all His wonders I will tell.
Will God cast off, and nevermore And on His deeds my thoughts shall
His favor to my soul restore ? dwell.

211 The Wonderful Deeds of God
PSALM 77 L. M YOAKLEY William Yoakley

God, most ho - ly are Thy ways, And who like Thee deserves my praise?
iO )

Thou on - ly do - est won - drous things. The whole wide world Thy glory sings ; )

1^mS M ^-^

u^ * m
Thy outstretched arm Thy peo - pie saved,Though sore dis-tressed and long en - slaved.

tt W=f h^m
P &^^M=^ ' r c
[Stanzas 6-8]
2 O God, from Thee the waters fled, 3 Thy way was in the sea, God,
The depths were moved with mighty Through mighty waters, deep and
dread, broad;
The swelling clouds their torrents poured, None understood but God alone.
And o'er the earth the tempest roared; To man Thy footsteps were unknown;
'Mid lightning's flash and thunder's sound But safe Thy people Thou didst keep,
Great trembling shook the solid ground. Almighty Shepherd of Thy sheep.

212 Hallowed Memories

PSALM 77 C. M. Saxony William J. Kirkpatrick

^sW ±s
-ir i
J J i

r ?5SES
W=^ 1' w
I I thought up - on the days of old, The years de - part - ed long,

¥ ^
J ^^^tp^: H?:
i ^ i
^^^3^ =r
yiy J u

held com mun - - ion with my heart, By night re - called my song

Copyright, 1900, by

I -^1

J ^
J. Kirkpatrick.

Used by

m ^

e -Q m


[Selected Stanzas]
Hallowed Memories
2 My heart inquired with anxious care, 4 These doubts are my infirmity,
Will God forever spurn? My thoughts at once reply;
Shall we no more His favor see? I call back years of God's right hand,
Will mercy ne'er return? The years of God Most High.

3 Forever shall His promise fail? 5 I will commemorate, O Lord,

Has God forgotten grace? Thy wondrous deeds of old,
Has He withdrawn His tender love, And meditate upon Thy works
In anger hid His face? Of power and grace imtold.

6 O God, most holy is Thy way.

Most perfect, good, and right;
Thou art the only living God,
The God of wondrous might.


AuLD Lang Syne Scotch Melody

^ i t^=t I—3-4-i
thought up - on the days of old, The years
de - part - ed long,

9 Wfl3^=f i m ^ jt-

^ ^ y—
'^ ^^
I held com-mun - ion with my heart, By night re - called my song

2ia ^.-4=M^^^im^^^^m




My heart in-quired with anx - ious care, Will God for - ev - er spurn ?

:£ £:
§5^ S^E

'^^^^m^k we no more His fa vor see? Will
mer - cy ne'er
^ re - turn?


4=. 5=^= —
1— f f w

213 Lessons from the Past
PSALM 78 losandiis Chios Charles H. Gabriel

My peo pie, give ear, at - tend to my word, In par - a - bles

«- ^. ^ ^2- -ft
^m £

new deep

-^i^-^^r TT^-^*
truths The won
be heard; der - ful sto

i^ F=^^=rr=r= -^^ ^

- thers

made known To chil -


dren suc-ceed
- ing by

us must be shown,

^^ J.

Co|>yright, igia,
by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
« — g-|-r = ' *-

2 Instructing our sons we gladly record

The might of the Lord,
praises, the works, the
For hath commanded that what He hath done
Be passed in tradition from father to son.

3 Let children thus learn from history's light

To hope in our God and walk in His sight.
The God of their fathers to fear and obey.
And ne'er like their fathers to turn from His way.

4 The story be told, to warn and restrain.

Of hearts that were hard, rebellious, and vain,
Of soldiers who faltered when battle was near.
Who kept not God's covenant nor walked in His fear.

5 God's wonderful works to them He had shown,

His marvelous deeds their fathers had known;
He made for their pathway the waters divide,
His glorious pillar of cloud was their guide.

6 He gave them to drink, relieving their thirst,

And forth from the rock caused water to burst;
Yet faithless they tempted their God, and they said,
Can He Who gave water supply us with bread?
Lessons from the Past

7 Jehovah was wroth because they forgot

To hope in their God, and trusted Him not;
Yet gracious, He opened the doors of the sky
And rained down the manna in richest supply.

8 With bread from on high their need He supplied,

And more did He do when thankless they sighed;
The strong winds commanding from south and from east,
He sent them abundance of quail for their feast.

9 Though well they were filled, their folly they chose,

Till God in His wrath o'erwhelmed them with woes;
He slew of their strongest and smote their young men,
But still imbelieving they sinned even then.

ID Because of their sin He smote with His rod,

And then they returned and sought for their God
Their Rock and Redeemer was God the Most High,
Yet false were their praises, their promise a lie.

II Not right with their God in heart and in will,

They faithlessly broke His covenant still;
But He, in compassion, reluctant to slay.
Forgave them and oft turned His anger away.

12 His pity was great, though often they sinned.

For they were but flesh, a swift passing wind;
Yet though His compassion and grace they beheld,
They tempted and grieved Him and often rebelled.

13 They limited God, the Most Holy One,

And hindered the work His grace had begim;
The hand that was mighty to save they forgot,
The day of redemption remembering not.

14 Ungrateful and blind , no longer they thought

Of wonders and signs and mighty deeds wrought,
Of how all the rivers of Egypt ran red,
And plagues in God's anger were heaped on their head.

15 They thought not of how, their freedom to gain,

In Egypt's abodes the first-born were slain,
And how all God's people were led forth like sheep.
The flock He delighted in safety to keep.

214 Reminders from Israel's History
PSALM 78 OS and iis Stella Crown of Jesus Music

m —

i^ j^J- ^mLJ -\


^"4 i I
3 i—i. J I J J : 1

I My peo - pie give ear, at - tend to my word, In par - a - bles

3E k
^^^-f turn


P^ ^

new deep truths be heard


The won der

shall ; - - ful sto - ry our

§^ £ * (Z-
m ifir r f\f

fa - thers
J j i

made known To
j i J i


dren sue
^m- ceed- ing by us must be shown.

i^ f=f -il
^)\f f Nf r
Sf £5? I
[Stanzas 16-21]

2 Unharmed through the sea, where perished their foe,

He caused them with ease and safety to go;
His holy land gaining, in peace they were brought
To dwell in the mountain the Lord's hand had bought.

3 He gave them the land, a heritage fair;

The nations that dwelt in wickedness there
He drove out before them with great overthrow,
And gave to His people the tents of the foe.

4 Again they rebelled and tempted the Lord,

Unfaithful they turned to idols abhorred.
And God in His anger withdrew from them then.
No longer delighting to dwell among men.

5 He gave them to death in battle, although

His glory and strength were scorned by the foe;
Their young men were fallen, their maidens unwed,
Their priests slain in battle, none wept for the dead.
Reminders from Israel's History
6 Then mercy awoke, the Lord in His might
Returned, and the foes were scattered in flight;
Again to His people His favor He showed,
And chose in Mount Zion to fix His abode.
7 His servant He called, a shepherd of sheep.
From tending his flock, the people to keep;
So David, their shepherd, with wisdom and might
Protected and fed them and led them aright.

215 Religious Training





my pec
- pie,


my law
At -
ten - tive - ly
George Kingsley

give ear;

s s :a
PH-^^ ^^^FH=ffl=i
W s nHj+rr
f>=tF: fefE
ie m 3 =i^=it I
With will - ing heart and teach - a - ble The words of wis - dom hear.

§i^ i=^
[Selected Stanzas]
2 My mouth shall speak in parables
Of hidden truths of old,
Which, handed down from age to age,
To us our fathers told.

3 We will not from their children hide

Jehovah's worthy praise,
But tell the greatness of His strength,
His wondrous works and ways.
4 A testimony and a law
The Lord our God decreed,
And bade our fathers teach their sons,
That they His ways might heed.
5 He willed that each succeeding race
His deeds might learn and know.
That children's children to their sons
Might all these wonders show.
6 Let children learn God's righteous ways
And on Him stay their heart,
That they may not forget His works
Nor from His ways depart.
216 The Church Under Discipline
PSALM 79 8s and 7s Salonica Charles E. Pollock

m\{ \
\- iJ' jr=tr=j
; j i
Now, O God,
« Hfil

I In Thy her - it - age the hea - then tri - umphant stand ;

r r

f-'fj l

j: i

J'UH^^^P^ 3^
They de - file Thy ho - ly tern - pie. They de -stroy Thy cho - sen land ;

^^ —u-


^ te:^ i *EP^ *^— 4^

Ruth- less, they have slain Thy serv - antSjT^iey have caused Thy saints to mourn,

J^ J' r i- ^ JL
^^jJ^^L^iJ-t \
^ f H=f •
t-^ g ip I

^^ In the sight
^ nj-jj/
of all a - bout us We en - dure
re-proach and scorn.

; g r i^
I& Mn f r
2 long against Thy people
Thy anger burn, O Lord ?
On Thy enemies, the heathen,
Be Thy indignation poured;
Smite the kingdoms that defy Thee,
Calling not upon Thy Name;
They have long devoured Thy people
And have swept Thy land with flame.
The Church Under Discipline

3 O remember not against us

Evilby our fathers wrought;
Haste to help us in Thy mercy,
Near to ruin we are brought;
Help us, God of our salvation,
For the glory of Thy Name;
For Thy Name's sake come and save us,
Take away our sin and shame.

4 Let Thy foes no longer scorn Thee,

Now avenge Thy servants slain
Loose the prisoner, save the dying,
All Thy enemies restrain;
Then Thy flock, Thy chosen people.
Unto Thee their thanks shall raise.
And to every generation
We will sing Thy glorious praise.

217 Forgiving Mercy Besought

PSALM 79 S. M. Gorton Arranged from Beethoven

I Re -
mem - ber not,
O God, The
T^ -i^

of long
*" i
a go;

^ Sz
wf f=^=r=^
r I

^fcr 3(==i(:
^i=i^ IJJL^J:
In ten - der mer-cy vis - it us, Dis-tressed and hum -bled low.

f=r m f=^=T
~ ^-

[Selected Stanzas]

2 O Lord, our Saviour, help. 3 In Thy compassion hear

And glorify Thy Name; Thy prisoners' plaintive sigh.
Deliver us from all our sins And in the greatness of Thy power
And take away our shame. Save those about to die.

4 Then, safe within Thy fold.

We will exalt Thy Name;
Our thankful hearts with songs of joy
Thy goodness will proclaim.

218 A Suppliant Church





great Shep

^ i t=r

u -

Thy cho
re - veal
- sen
^ Be
James Langran


- est

iSe: t i¥NNI ^

like a
flock Thy Is -rael dear,
Come Thou, O God, to
host now let Thy might ap - pear,

r t ^^
i -J * sii i
^ save
us and re - store
We shall be saved when shines Thy face
i t

^ ^ ^
f^ g
^-^^^^ f-
t^J- -f- -J-

How long, O Lord, wilt Thou disdain our prayer?
For Thou hast fed us with the bread of tears,
And bitter sorrow Thou hast made us share;
The nations round us mock with scornful jeers.
O God of Hosts, Thy people now restore;
We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.
A Thou broughtest forth from Egypt's land;
nations were thrust out to give it room;
It took deep root, it spread on every hand.
The hills were covered with its shade and bloom;
Its boughs were like great cedars spreading wide;
They reached the sea, its roots the riverside.
Why hast Thou broken down its circling wall
That they may pluck who pass along the way?
Wild beasts from out the wood destroy it all
And feed upon Thy vine by night and day.
O God of Hosts, we pray Thee now, restore;
We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.
Look down, behold and visit this Thy vine
Which Thou hast planted with Thy own right hand.
The branch Thou madest strong and owned it Thine,
For it is burned with fire, no more to stand;
Thy people perish in Thy anger sore
Because Thy face now shines on them no more.
A Suppliant Church
6 O let Thy hand Thy chosen one sustain,
The son of man Thou madest strong to be;
So we shall faithful to Thy cause remain
Revive Thou us, and we will call on Thee.
Jehovah, God of Hosts, again restore;
We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

219 Restoration and Revival

PSALM 80 OS Sundown John H. Gower


Voices in Unison

1 ^
I O Thou g^eat Shep-herd of Thy cho-sen race, Who lead- est like a flock Thy


Is - rael

Voices in


out the cher

^ - u

bim re

- veal Thy face,

i H^4\
. ^
^^ -H»^ -fl
k t-
^- "^

EJ li
Be - fore our host now let
Thy might ap - pear.
Come Thou, O God, to

^s ^ f ^ ,1^

^y ^ f g ^ ^


m save us and re - store ; We shall

be saved when shines Thy face
once more.
^-fi- 3:, "i
g^is -gr: -i—e-

-r- f"
Copyright by John H. Gower. Used by per. [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 O let Thy hand Thy chosen one sustain.

The son of man Thou madest strong to be;
So we shall faithful to Thy cause remain
Revive Thou us, and we will call on Thee.
Jehovah, God of Hosts, again restore;
We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.
220 Prayer for Restoring Grace
PSALM 80 IIS Sankey Ira D. Sankey

3 i^^^
r r -tr^
I Great Shep- herd Who lead - est Thy peo - pie in love, 'Mid cher - u - bim
^^ i=J: ^

-« ,g ; .

» , f- f- »

dwell - ing, shine Thou from
^^ a - bove ; In might

come and save

us, Thy

^ ##^
9 f f-

^^^^^^^peo - pie re - store, And we shall


be saved when Thy face shines once more.

Copyright, 1905, by Ira D. Sankey.
Renewal. Used by per.
2 O haste, Lord, to hear us and pity our woes,
Affliction our portion, despised by our foes;
O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore,
And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

3 A place for Thy people Thou, Lord, didst prepare,

Thy vine deeply rooted rewarded Thy care;
Its branches like cedars, majestic and free,
Spread over the mountains from river to sea.

4 Thy vineyard no longer Thy tender care knows,

Defenseless, the victim and spoil of her foes;
O turn, we beseech Thee, all glory is Thine,
Look down in Thy mercy and visit Thy vine.
5 The branch of Thy planting is burned and cut down,
Brought nigh to destruction because of Thy frown;
The man of Thy right hand with wisdom endue,
The son of man strengthen Thy pleasure to do.

6 When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we will praise,

And nevermore, turning, depart from Thy ways;
O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore.
And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.
221 Longing for Revival

PSALM 80 IIS Caritas Adoniram Gordon

mm ^

§F4 l ^_3 -St

I Great Shep - herd Wlio lead - est Thy peo - pie in love, 'Mid cher - u - bim

1^ m, 4C=)E I i
^ i ^ 4:-^-:i:^
g ^=^ ^^ ^
dwell - ing, shine Thou from a - bove ; In might come and save us, Thy

^ ^
1 tS
w t. i v^^^y^ ;-^4^j^j^ *XJ~i~-iiT-Sf
peo - pie re - store, And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

iJ J^ ^ ir^ i^^J-^r^
1 f^
[Selected Stanzas ]

2 O haste, Lord, to hear us and pity our woes,

Afliiction our portion, despised by our foes;
O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore.
And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

3 When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we will praise,

And nevermore, turning, depart from Thy ways;
O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore.
And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

222 A Summons to Joyful Worship
PSALM 81 8s and 7s Stockwell Darius E. Jones

I Now to God, our Strength and Sav - iour, Ren der

- praise and loud - ly sing

m ^=S^ V r F F


our fa -
thers' God re -

joic - ing,

All your
# «

no -blest

mu -

sic bring.

* j^—r —_*—* B

^m fc^
Let the trumpet, far resounding,
This our festal day proclaim,
. g

f I

By our fathers' God appointed,

When from bondage Israel came.
3 I, thy God, removed thy burdens,
thou calledst, set thee free,
Proved thee in the thirsty desert.
In the thunder answered thee.
4 O My people, hear pleadings; My
that thou wouldst hearken now;
No strange worship shalt thou offer.
Nor to idols shalt thou bow.
5 I am God the Lord Who saved thee,
And from cruel bondage freed;
Open wide thy mouth of longing;
1 will satisfy thy need.
6 But My
people would not hearken,
Yea, they would not yield to Me;
So I left them in their blindness,
Their own counselors to be.
7 If My people would obey Me,
Gladly walking in My ways,
Soon would I, their foes subduing,
Fill their lips with songs of praise.

8 All the haters of Jehovah

Shall His clemency implore,
And the days of those that love Him
Shall endure for evermore.

9 Yea, with wheat the very finest

I their hunger will supply.
Bid the very rocks yield honey
That shall fully satisfy.
223 Responsibility of Civil Officers
PSALM 82 78 and 6s Algiers John B. Herbert

I Wher- e'er His crea-tures
gath - er The un - seen


m ^
^ :* A

tf ^ *=j? ^*
r I
Let ml - ers fear their Rul - er, Their Judge let judg - es fear.

pa ^^M -

^=j ^ \
p ^
p f Er A

How long, ye earth - ly judg - es, Will ye per - vert the right ?

^» £:

^ r

How long shall


wick - ed

per - sons
Have fa

- vor


4=3* 1^^^^ 4 -<s^

Copyrieht, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

Do justice for the helpless. The Most High God has

^ called


The orphan's cause
maintain. And you up on high,
Defend the poor and needy. But ye to Him must answer,
Oppressed and wronged for gain. For ye like men must die.
When rulers walk in darkness, Arise, God Eternal,
When judges truth forsake, Thou Judge of all the earth,
The comer-stones are crumbled, Through all Thy ransomed nations
The firm foundations shake. Send now Thy justice forth.
224 The Foes of the Church
PSALM 83 C. M. Green Hill Albert L. Peace

^m I O God,
no Ion - ger

Thy peace, No
t^ I J

Ion -


— - lent

i5^^l±^ * i%ji^
m M-
fetea I PB
^ M
Thy en -

Against Thy own, whom Thou dost

e - mies lift up their head

4 O


God, Who in our fathers' time



t —
and Thee.

Their craft Thy foes employ; [love, Didst smite our foes and Thine,
They think to cut Thy people off, So smite Thy enemies to-day
Thy Church they would destroy. Who in their pride combine.

3 Thy ancient foes, conspiring still, 5 Make them like dust and stubble
With one consent agree, Before the whirlwind dire, [blown
And they who with Thy people strive In terror driven before the storm
Make war, O God, with Thee. Of Thy consuming fire.

6 Confound them in their sin till they

To Thee for pardon fly.
Till in dismay they trembling own
That Thou art God Most High.-

225 Delight in the House of God

PSALM 84 C. M. Erskine Charles H. Gabriel

l^4j:iJ'f l J,.-;lj
-t-i -^
JijI.' l
I How dear to me, O Lord of Hosts.The place where Thou dost dwell; The tab- er- na -cles

p^ n
i *=^ f
^ ^
> '

i '
.g. *

of Thy grace
In pleas- ant- ness ex

>• ^
Copyright, 1919, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
^ |i :
- eel. My spir

^ m. - it longs.yea, e - ven

— f^

Delight in the House of God

m^uMi sa - cred courts to see ; My thirst -

^ ^
ing heart and flesh cry out,
O liv - ing God.for

Beneath Thy care the sparrow finds

f ^m ^ I
they who dwell within Thy house,
A place of peaceful rest; Their perfect strength Thou art;
Where she may safely lay her young Their joyful praise shall never cease,
The swallow finds a nest; [God, Thy ways are in their heart.
Then, Lord of Hosts, my King, my Their tears of grief, like early rain,
Thylove will shelter me; Sweet springs of joy shall fill; [safe
Beneath Thy altar's peaceful shade With strength renewed they journey
Mydwelling-place shall be. To Zion's holy hill.

226 Longings for Sanctuary Fellowship

PSALM 84 C. M. AUDITE AUDIENTES Me Arthur S. Sullivan
Voices in Unison

^EiJE^EEiE^ itZlt
*>o ^
• d
rri iJ T
Orgam ^^
I O Lord of
Thee I cry,
Our fathers' Thee; Let my pe-ti-tion reach Thy
r r




^ 3^=3t;«^

My prayer accept-ed
^ — ^1

Voices in

^ *

O God our shield.look Thou on

-& -^ It

Reveal Thyself in grace,

^^^^ "1^ — -J-

^ s 4=^=^^™;^?=^
^W- =1=

And let Thy own a - noint - ed one Be -
hold Thee face
^ ^
F k F 1
F 1
1 1
[Stanzas 4-6 J

2 A single day within Thy courts, A sun and shield is God, the Lord,

Where I Thy beauty see, To lighten and defend;

Is better than a thousand days, The Lord to such as look to Him
My God, apart from Thee. Will grace and glory send;
A lowly station in Thy house To those that walk in righteousness
Were dearer to my heart No good will He deny;
Than in the tents of wickedness O Lord of Hosts, how blest are they
To claim the chiefest part. Who on Thy grace rely.
227 Delight in Church Ordinances
PSALM 84 7$ and 6s St. Edith Justin H. Knecht and
Edward Husband

& ^^ =r^=r
I O Lord of Hosts, how love - ly Thy tab - er - na - cles are

§^ 7&Z £i s
4^ 4t.


For them
^ my heart is yearn - ing
In ban - ish-
ment a far.

1^^ a ^ .^
ru -^
^^ I
rm= a
My soul is long - ing, faint - ing, Thy sa - cred courts to see

§«ft J
^i m V ^
tf a
My heart and
are cry - ing O
^liv - ing God,


i^» J 1
E f=F=^ £
2 Beneath Thy care the sparrow 3 Blest they who dwell in Zion,
Finds place for peaceful rest; Whosejoy and strength Thou art;
To keep her young in safety Forever they will praise Thee,
The swallow finds a nest; Thy ways are in their heart.
Then, Lord, my King Almighty, Though tried, their tears like showers
Thy love will shelter me; Shall the springs of peace,

Beside Thy holy altar And allthe way to Zion

- My dwelling-place shall be. Their strength shall still increase.
228 True Blessedness
PSALM 84 78 and 6s Crux Christi Arthur H. Mann

Lord God of Hosts, in
mer cy
My sup ca
I - - pli - - tion hear

^m^ i ^ J

Al - might - y and all -
faith - ful,
\mm^ Our fa - thers' God, give
i s d^

-zsH r
Our and No Thy

shield great de - fend - er, Ion - ger hide face,


^ r I «:

i>| J I
j. J:_J J I J J z,:

^ ^1
i i
But up Thy A Thy

look - on ant, - noint - ed by grace.

Stanzas 4-6 ]

2 In Thy blest courts to worship, 3 A sun and shield forever

MyGod, a single day IsGod, the Lord Most High;
Is better than a thousand To those who walk uprightly
While far from Thee I stray; No good will He deny;
Though in a lowly station, His saints, His grace receiving,
The service of my Lord Shall soon His glory see;
I choose above all pleasures O Lord of Hosts, most blessed
That sinful ways afiford. Are they that trust in Thee.
229 Days in the Sanctuary


How love- ly,

L. M.

Lord of Hosts,



ZU-i t
^ The tab -


- na -


^ ^^

Thy grace;

iSM: :|E=tc



O how

I long, yea,
to see Thy hal-lowed courts.Thy dwell-ing-place
^ f* -^
A -^ ^ -^ >j
iiife =S=



For Thee my heart and

* 'Dg F^±zit
spir -it
m ^
For Thee, O liv -
ing God, I cry.

i^ PT^ -S"-*-
r ^^
2 The sparrow has her place of rest;
The swallow, through Thy kindly care,
Has found where she may build her nest
And brood her young in safety there;
Thy altars as my rest I sing,
O Lord of Hosts, my God, my King.

3 Blest they who in Thy house abide.

They still to Thee shall render praise;
Blest they who in Thy strength confide.
And in whose hearts are Zion's ways;
Though passing through the vale of tears.
Like springs of joy Thy grace appears.

4 Advancing still from strength to strength.

They onward go where saints have trod,
Tillevery one appears at length
In Zion's courts before his God;
Jehovah, God of Hosts, give ear,
Our fathers' God, in mercy hear.
Days in the Sanctuary

Upon us look, O God, our shield, 6 Jehovah, God our Shield and Sun,
The face of Thy anointed see; Will grace and glory surely give;
A thousand other days can yield No good will He withhold from one
No gladness like one day with Thee; Who in His sight shall rightly live;
Though only at Thy door I wait, O Lord of Hosts, most blest is he
No tents of sin give joy so great. Who puts his steadfast trust in Thee.

230 Assurance of Blessing

PSALM 85 L. M. Rockingham Old Arranged by Edward Miller

r ^-

^4J=|-M-^^| J_J|>j
LordjThou hast greatly blessed our land, Thou hast brought back our

cap-tive band,

^^b4 =¥
£ El34^ f^


I f

s ! l
J ! I "l J I'^ i iJ
J l-ri J J l I il r^
iCtS I
Thy pardoning grace has made us free And covered our in - iq - ui - ty.

a Pf Jc rfif~K"p^ il ll if!! I I

2 O Thou, Who in a former day 5 The Lord's salvation will appear

Didst turn Thy dreadful wrath away, To men of faith and godly fear,
In grace Thy people. Lord, return, And glory in our land shall dwell [well.
And let Thy wrath no longer bum. When we shall heed God's precepts

3 O will Thy anger never cease. 6 Now truth agrees with mercy mild,
Forever shall Thy wrath increase ? Now law and peace are reconciled;
Revive and quicken us once more, Behold the truth from earth arise,
And Thy salvation's joy restore. With justice shining from the skies.

4 To us Thy mercy now afford 7 The Lord will send His blessing down.
And show us Thy salvation, Lord; And harvests all our land shall crown;
Yea, Thou wilt answer us in peace, Before Him righteousness abides,
Iffrom our folly we will cease. And in His steps our feet He guides.
231 Encouragement in Prayer
PSALM 85 L. P. M. RedaL WUUam B. Bradbury

LordjThou hast fa -

vor shown Thy


pi4=k4f-^ i^
Restored a - gain Thy cap-tive band;

m^ —
-• s^-
^ i
Thy peo-ple's sins Thou par-doned hast, And all their guilt hast cov-ered o'er.

-J^ j JJ^^, ^ _iJ: E


Removed from them Thy an
ger sore. All Thy fierce wrath be-hind Thee
^ cast.


-t 1 1
g^+^> pir;
f P iM fc

2 In grace Thy people, Lord, return,

Nor longer let Thy anger bum;
Wilt Thou forever angry be?
Through ages shall Thy wrath survive?
Wilt Thou not us again revive.
That so we may rejoice in Thee?

3 O Thy mercy show,

Lord, to us
And Thy now bestow
We wait to hear what God will say;
Peace to His people He will speak,
And to His saints, but let them seek
No more in folly's path to stray.

232 Expectancy of Grace
PSALM 85 L. P. M. Melita John B. Dykes

^L Jj i
^j_j=fcj il^l.ld
^ #
I O Lord, to us Thy mer - cy show, And Thy sal-va - tion now be -stow;

•^» J^ . . rfy r
ite Iff ^
r^n^ i
ffj if [

j^ i
j: I JHr^^^^=^«»=5B^^ i*
We wait


hear what God will say

; Peace to His peo

^ - pie He will speak,


Hissaints,but let them seek No more in
fol - ly's path



« f^ k
^ ^^ [

Stanzas 3-5 ]

2 His saving help is surely near

To those His holy Name that fear;
Thus glory dwells in all our land.
Now heavenly truth unites with grace,
And righteousness and peace embrace,
In full accord they ever stand.

3 Truth springing forth the earth shall crown,

And righteousness from heaven look down,
And God on us His goodness shed;
Our land shall then with plenty flow,
Before Him righteousness shall go,
And cause us in His steps to tread.





Bow down Thy



Confident Pleading

Lord, and hear.

.§(. .gi.


I am poor and
William B. Bradbury

H* 1
P my



t: d=^ 3= JEEEfed=^
need Pre serve my soul, for Thee I fear; o
-9— #1-
?^ =F

GodjThy trust-ing serv-ant
*— —» —

heed, O
Thy trust - ing serv-ant heed.

m \\\\^'=^
-/>- -m-
£=£ t
2 O Lord, be merciful to me,
For all the day to Thee I cry;
Rejoice Thy servant, for to Thee
I lift my soul, O Lord Most High.

3 For Thou, Lord, art good and kind,

And ready to forgive' Thou art;
Abundant mercy they shall find
Who call on Thee with all their heart.

4 O Lord, incline Thy ear to me,

My voice of supplication heed;
In trouble I will cry to Thee,
For Thou wilt answer when I plead.

5 There is no God but Thee alone,

Nor works Thine, O Lord Most High;
All nations shall surround Thy throne
And their Creator glorify.

6 In all Thy deeds how great Thou artl

Thou one true God, Thy way make clear;
Teach me with undivided heart
To trust Thy truth, Thy Name to fear.
234 Devout Prayers and Pleas

I fiEEjr
86 L. M.

Lord, my God, 'my joy ful heart


1^ Will give Thee praise for ev
John B. Dykes


I - -

-f- t . T T ./f-JTa .
, f- f- f- , r^ P .r?

s t^pEEtp
For rich in grace
^ ^ to
me Thou art,
My soul from death Thou didst re- store.

9i^=»=»=* Si
^ i -e"-:-

[ Stanzas 7-1 1]

2 O God, the proud against me rise, 4 In mercy turn and look on me,
The wicked who delight in strife; Thy servant true, Thy chosen one;
They set not Thee before their eyes, Let me Thy great salvation see.
They seek to take away my life. And strengthen me my course to run.

5 Some token of Thy love bestow, [see;

3 In Thee, O Lord, all grace is found. Which they who hate me now may
Thy people shall Thy mercy know; Let all, O Lord, be brought to know
Thy truth and goodness still abound. That Thou dost help and comfort
To wrath and anger Thou art slow. me.



Lord, my
'S- ^
God, my joy -

ful heart
^ I j
Altered from Georg Joseph

Will give Thee praise for ev

J ^

- er-more,

!ji;fca^l=fc > (^ e i Ei
^ f
iW^^^r^Hi i
For rich in grace to me Thou art.
r *
My soul from death Thou didst re
rT - store.

^f g
-t — ^ p-
p=f m
235 Confiding Prayer

PSALM 86 6s and 4s Mason William F. Sherwin

mM^ t ^^^eA

i?ft? ¥±
- ti

- tion heed,


Now help me


my need,



be I am Thy serv - ant, Lord, My trust is

>p —
- r^ ^jt:

isfes #±*:


in Thy word, Mer -

cy to me
# 4
I cry to Thee.
^=^^ e
5=^ i
— ^-^f--
2 Comfort Thy servant now, 3 Lord, hear me while I pray,
While at Thy throne I bow, While now in trouble's day
For Thou art love. I seek Thy face.
Thy pardoning grace is free; To answer, Lord, is Thine;
Sinners who call on Thee Thou only art divine,
Thy tender mercy see, Most bright Thy glories shine,
O God above. O God of grace.
236 Desires and Aspirations .

PSALM 86 6s and 4s DONORA William H. Doane

^S i:

By all whom Thou hast made Be praise and worship paid Through earth abroa^;Thy Name be
ish- S m^

^^M ^m ^- -«-

,f- f f-


glo -
ri -fied, There is none great be-side, Match-less Thy works abide, For Thou art God.

9^^ m
^m * ^-rrrs
By permission of

W. H. Doane
1r^P^ .

-4^ f=r=fW
[Stanzas 4-7]
Desires and Aspirations
Help me Thy will to do, How great Thy love appears
Thy truth I will pursue, That bade death's gloomy fears
Teach me to fear; No more dismay;
Give me the single eye O God, to anger slow.
Thy Name to glorify, Save me from every foe.
O Lord, rny God Most High, Thy loving-kindness show.
With heart sincere. Thy truth display.

Show me Thy mercy true.

Thy servant's strength renew,
Deliverance send;
To me Thy goodness show.
Thy comfort. Lord, bestow;
Let those that hate me know
Thou art my friend.

237 The Church of God


8s, 7s,


^rjjfn^lS w^^t^Ed


on the mountains,God, thy Mak-er, loves thee

V \l
Thomas Hastings

^ He has

- .. -f- -^ *
f-' f- l±=f
* J . . . -^•

cho - sen thee,most precious, He de-lights in thee to dwell ; God's own cit -

A- -^

m ^

Who can Who all thy glo - ry tell? God's own cit -
y, can all thy glo - ry tell?

^. ^ ^ ^ ^ k^_

Si ^=^J m J^^*tf

^^^^ J J
m i
2 Heathen lands and hostile peoples 3 When the Lord shall count the nations,
Soon shall come the Lord to know; Sons and daughters He shall see,
Nations born again in Zion Bom to endless life in Zion,
Shall the Lord's salvation show; And their joyful song shall be,
God Almighty "Blessed Zion,
Shall on Zion strength bestow. All our fountains are in thee."
238 The church Universal
PSALM 87 8s, 7s, 4 Regent Square Henry Smart

4: hrH^fw=f=fcfej j

j i
I Zi - on, found- ed on the moun-tains, God, thy Mak - er, loves thee well

94 L g y
m r

u^ L j i\i i UhL^
He has cho - sen thee, most pre - cious, He de - lights in thee to dwell

^ ^" t

e^^ r

God's own cit - y,
God's own
cit - y, Who
can all thy glo - ry


tell ?

g=:g T 1^ t4=
^^ S
2 Heathen lands and hostile peoples
Soon shall come the Lord to know;
Nations born again in Zion
Shall the Lord's salvation show;
God Almighty
Shall on Zion strength bestow.

3 When the Lord shall count the nations,

Sons and daughters He shall see,
Bom to endless life in Zion,
And their joyful song shall be,
" Blessed Zion,
All our fountains are in thee."

239 The Church of Christ
PSALM 87 7« Guernsey William O. Perkins

1 Zi



ho -
hills, God, thy Mak-er, loves

^^ r
t f t-

thy courts His pres -
ence fills, He de - lights in thee




^ F^rr
r r

Won-drous shall thy

glo -

Cit - y blest


F^ i^

M^mm^im ^
Na-tions shall
^ be

• i

born in
thee, Un -

to Hfe from death

re - stored.

: f,
f :

lg~^ i
2 When the Lord the names shall write
Of thy sons, a countless throng,
God Most High will thee requite,
He Himself will make thee strong.
Then in song and joyful mirth
Shall thy ransomed sons agree,
Singing forth throughout the earth,
"All my fountains are in thee."

240 An Outpouring of Sorrow
PSALM 88 8s and js Irving W. Irving Hartshorn


Lord, the God

sal - va - tion, Day and
^Mu^ night I cry to

5Mi fc= >> r^^ ^g )i= 4t-^-4F— F

— ^ ——
if j

fc i-4i-
ta b 1 : t—


prayer now find ac - cept- ance,
^ In


mer -
cy an - swer me

^^i F^R=f=rf^
gii_^ :|i=!i: r 1 t

^^ ^=^=^J^i^^
of trou
- bles and af - flic - tion, Nigh to death my soul is

^ £1 f ,f f
y bf^

ffi U'-

^^^U^t^tf^^ ^-UM^if WW
Help-less, like one cast for - ev - er From Thy care and from Thy thought

^^^ -ft-*-
I IM=^ »—»-
Copyright owned by David C. Cook Pub. Co. Used by per.
f f=f
2 Thou hast brought me down to dark- Unto Thee with hands uplifted ,

ness, Daily I direct my cry;

'Neath Thy wrath I am oppressed; Hear, Lord, my sup'plication,
All the billows of affliction Hear and save me e'er I die.
Overwhelm my soul distressed. Wilt Thou wait to show Thy wonders
Thou hast made my friends despise me, And Thy mercy to the dead ?
And companionless I go, Let me live to tell Thy praises,
Bound, and helpless in my bondage. By Thy loving-kindness led.
Pining in my bitter woe.
An Outpouring of Sorrow
Still, O
Lord, renewed each morning Friend and lover are departed,
Unto Thee my prayer shall be; Dark and lonely is my way;
Cast me not away forever, Lord, be Thou my friend
helper, and
Let me now Thy favor see. to Thee,
Still Lord, I pray.
All my life is spent in sorrow. Lord, the God of my salvation,
Grief and terror always nigh. Day and night I cry to Thee;
Waves of wrath have surged about me; Let my prayer now find acceptance,
Show Thy mercy e'er I die. In Thy mercy answer me.

241 The Mercies and Faithfulness of God

PSALM 89 L. M. MaryTON H. Percy Smith

^5t -0- J *
h^ -*—#-

I My song for - ev - er shall re - cord The ten-der mer - cies of the Lord

^ e
e j2- ff ft

i *:

Thy faith-ful-ness
will I
pro - claim, And ev -

ery age shall

know Thy Name
->SH- I

^ ^f-f^f^rf4f-rf^F^ e
S_h2 ^ -J . y , a-r-^Z ^-T-J

fr^ i
2 I sing of mercies that endure. 6 With fear and reverence at His feet
Forever builded firm and sure. God's holy ones in council meet;
Of faithfulness that never dies, Yea, more than all about His throne
Established changeless in the skies. Must He be feared, and He alone. ;

3 Behold God's truth and grace dis- 7 O Thou Jehovah, God of Hosts,

played, What mighty one Thy likeness boasts?!

For He has faithful covenant made. In all Thy works and vast designs •

And He has sworn that David's son Thy faithfulness forever shines. |

Shall ever sit upon his throne.

8 The swelling sea obeys Thy will,
4 The heavens shall join in glad accord angry waves Thy voice can still;
To praise Thy wondrous works,0 Lord; Thy mighty enemies are slain,
Thy faithfulness shall praise command Thy foes resist Thy power in vain.
Where holy ones assembled stand.
9 The heavens and earth, by right ^

5 Who in the heavenly dwellings fair divine.

Can with the Lord Himself compare ? The world and all therein, are Thine;
Or who among the mighty shares The whole creation's wondrous frame
The likeness that Jehovah bears ? Proclaims its Maker's glorious Name.
242 God the Source of Joy
PSALM 89 M. Lux Ccelestis Henry Basford


4' 4 -
I Al - mighty God.Thy loft -
y throne Has jus-tice for its cor - ner - stone,

i!te f

m t:r:

-^ . r- r,

And shin-ing bright be fore Thy face Are truth and love and boundless grace.


^^^mBy permission of C. W. Thompson and Co.

f=f [Stanzas 10-13]

2 With blessing is the nation crowned 3 Thy Name with gladness they confess,
Whose people know the joyful sound; Exalted in Thy righteousness;
They in the light, O Lord, shall live. Their fame and might to Thee belorig,
The light Thy face and favor give. For in Thy favor they are strong.

4 All glory unto God we yield,

Jehovah is our help and shield;
All praise and honor we will bring
To Israel's Holy One, our King.

243 Covenant Faithfulness

PSALM 89 L. M. Rothwell William Tans'ur

s i SP
PF^ ^5^p -i^
-^ i i
I In vi - sion to His saints God spake From : out the peo - pie

w ^^
^^ I
r m t
I fe^:
I take,
A might - y lead - er, tnie and
brave, Ordained, ex -

^M^ r^t j-
r ^
Covenant Faithfulness

alt - ed, strong



Or -

dained, ex - alt - ed,
strong to save.

fe^ J.

f^ I
^^ §
[Stanzas 14-28 ]

2 My chosen servant I appoint, 9 My oath

is steadfast, ever sure.
With holy oil his head anoint; My servant's race shall still endure;
My hand with him shall still remain, His throne forever firm shall stay
My arm his strength shall well sustain. When sun and moon have passed
3 No enemy shall him affright,
His adversaries I will smite, 10 On Thy anointed wrath is poured
My faithfulness to him will prove, As if Thy covenant were abhorred;
And nevermore My grace remove. Thou hast profaned his kingly crown,
His matchless strength is broken
4 Yea, he shall triumph in My Name, down.
And great shall be his power and
11 He is reproached and spoiled of all,

From sea to sea his mighty hand His enemies upon him fall;
Shall hold dominion o'er the land.
His beauty is consumed away,
Forgotten is his kingly sway.

5 Thou art my Father, he shall cry,

My God, my rock of refuge high; 12 Cut youth, his sacred name
off in

My firstborn son shall he be owned, Is covered now with deepest shame;

Above the kings of earth enthroned.
How long,0 Lord, shall wrath abide?
Thy face forever wilt Thou hide ?
6 For him My mercy shall endure.
My covenant made with him is sure, 13 Think on my life; O Lord, take
His throne and race I will maintain thought;
Forever, while the heavens remain. Hast Thou created man for nought?
What man that lives has power to
my save [grave?
7 Should sons of his laws forsake,
My just commands and statutes
His soul from death, and from the
14 Where are Thy mercies which of old
Then, though My rod their sins re-
Were in Thy promises foretold?
Remember, Lord, the bitter shame
My mercy I will not remove. Heaped on Thy own anointed's
8 Though they be chastened sore and
tried, 15 Blest be the Lord for evermore, [yore.
My faithfulness shall yet abide; Whose promise stands from days of
My plighted word I will not break, His word is faithful now as then
Nor change the promise that I spake. Blest be His Name. Amen, Amen.
244 The Cry of the Mortal
PSALM 90 8s and ys Armstrong Arranged from Brinley Richards

feHiddEE^ i d:
1^ -<Si-r- -4-^i m
Lord, through the gen er a tions Of the chil-dren of our race,

I all - - -

S i :t
# Fine

feJ-H-^J^^^^^^ ^i 3
In our fears and trib - u - la - tions, Thou hast been our dwell-ing place.
D.s. C>r Mtf mountains held their sta - tion. Thou art God e - ter-nal ly.

* £g

^i D.S.

F^- ^f
^E^EEpi 1
E'er the vast and wide ere - a - tion By Thy word was caused to be. . .

J_J J- J J- ^ ^^J . J J J. I

I ^J
Each succeeding generation 4 Who can weigh Thy just displeasure,
At Thy mighty word appears; Who can fear Thee as he ought?
Thou dost count in time's duration Teach us now our days to measure
One day as a thousand years. And to wisdom turn our thought.
Death, with swift and sudden warning, Lord, return, regard our sadness,
Calls us from life's dream away. With Thy servants now abide;
Like the grass, green in the morning, Fill our days with joy and gladness,
Withered e'er the close of day. With Thy mercy satisfied.

In Thy wrath our spirits languish.

Sinful 'neath Thy
searching eye; Long the clouds of evil lower;
All our days are passed in anguish. Bless us now with gladsome days;
In Thy wrath we pine and die. Let Thy servants see Thy power,
Threescore years and ten we tarry. Let their children learn Thy praise.
Fourscore years the strong may On us let the grace and beauty
stay, Of the Lord our God remain,
Long the load of grief to carry, Strengthen us for noble duty
Till at last we fly away. That our work be not in vain.

245 The Lord Our Dwelling-Place
PSALM 90 L. M. St. Catherine Arranged by j. G. Walton

mi Ui I
m i i=*
LordjThou hast been our dwell-ing-place Through
^ i

all the
a - ges

our race;

-J * * ***^ - ^.
wg^ I r r fffj^

r r-r^r-rr

Be -fore
1=11: fe
the moun-tains had their birth,
^S «=^=*
Or ev-er Thou hadst formed the
< —
m ^2rv


k^rim f M^
» —

^'i.- \\\\\i hk^^k^^4— —

From ev-er - last - ing Thou art God,
m 5^• •-

To ev-er - last - ing our

a - bode.

J t,f f ,f-L-^-4:-» i^
S r
2 At Thy command man fades and dies 4 Man in Thy anger is consumed,
And newborn generations rise; And unto grief and sorrow doomed;
A thousand years are passed away, Before Thy clear and searching sight
And all to Thee are but a day; Our secret sins are brought to light;
Yea, like the watches of the night, • Beneath Thy wrath we pine and die,
With Thee the ages wing their flight. Our life expiring like a sigh.
5 For threescore years and ten we wait.
Or fourscore years if strength be
3 Man soon yields up his fleeting breath great;
Before the swelling tide of death; But and toil attend Hfe's day.
Like transient sleep his seasons pass, And soon our spirits fly away;
His life is like the tender grass, O who with true and reverent
Luxuriant 'neath the morning sun, thought
And withered e'er the day is done. Can fear Thy anger as he ought?
246 A Pilgrim's Prayers
PSALM 90 L. M. Sands William J. Kirkpatrick

I O teach Thou us to count our days And set our hearts on wis-dom's ways

^f f i

f i


Tum,Lord,to us in our distress,

In pit
r -
y now Thy servants bless; Let mercy's

^ rf
T * ^ *:
P ^ ^-

^^^ qe=p: 4U^

^^=^ ^^ i-i\i^^=i I

9^ ^ ?=»
s p^^

Copyright, 1901, by
dis-pel our night,

Wm. J.
And all our day

-V-^—i/- ^-

Used by per.
with joy be bright,And

> ^ ^ all our day with joy be bright.

f^ It m
[Stanzas 6-8]

2 send the day of joy and light, 3 So let there be on us bestowed

For long has been our sorrow's night; The beauty of the Lord our God;
Afflicted through the weary years, The work accomplished by our hand
We wait until Thy help appears; Establish Thou, and make it stand;
With us and with our sons abide, Yea, let our hopeful labor be
In us let God be glorified. Established evermore by Thee.

247 God Our Help and Hope


90 C. M.

God, our help

in a -

ges past,
m £5 ^

Our hope
^ ^1

B. Herbert

to come,

e^ J I J. .U-; i
Copyright, 1890, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
God Our Help and Hope

:3= m J^


Our shel - ter from the storm - y blast, our e - ter - nal

4 4!^
^ :4=F«
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Under the shadow of Thy throne

Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.

3 Before the hills in order stood,

Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.

4 A thousand ages in Thy sight

Are like an evening gone,
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.

5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream,

Bears sons away;
all its
They a dream
fly forgotten, as
Dies at the opening day.

6 O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope
for years to come.
Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home.

SECOND TUNE Dundee Scotch Psalter

God, our help
' ^ ilj
in a - ges
J l

Our hope for years
^ to


p . ,41
r 1


r f\\ Mr r^^ r 1
1. 1 r I

& J l
j J
l j'-Jljlil^ m
Our shel - ter from the storm - y blast, And our e - ter - nal home.

^^^ t> b i
H* 1-
^ S I
T 1 r 1

248 Overshadowing Protection
PSALM 91 L. M. Zephyr WUliam B. Bradbury

i .)4

i f=i
The man who once has found
a - bode With - in the se -

cret place


:jei 4=iU & iJ- 2C

p '^"
p3p #

Shall with Al-might

- y


a - bide, And
B^ ^h^^^^
in His shad - ow safe - ly hide.

it 4-
^t i :|i=it
2 I of the Lord my God will say,
He is my refuge and my stay;
To Him for safety I will flee,
In Him my constant trust shall be.

3 The Lord with His protecting care

Shall keep thee from the hidden snare;
When fearful plagues around prevail
Thy life the scourge shall not assail.

4 Thou shalt beneath His wings abide.

And safe within His care confide;
His faithfulness shall ever be
A sure protection unto thee.

5 No nightly terrors shall alarm,

No deadly shaft by day shall harm,
Nor pestilence that walks by night,
Nor plagues that waste in noonday light.

6 At thy right hand, though thousands die,

No harm shall unto thee come nigh;
But thou secure, unharmed, shalt see
What wicked men's reward shall be.

249 The Reward of Perfect Trust
PSALM 91 L. M. Marthina J. Christopher Marks

Because thy trust is God a-lone, Thy ref-uge

is the High-est One,


i« i ^
ltf=P -I I
T r n
No e vil shall up - on thee come,Nor plague ap-proach thy guard-ed home

^ i^

Nrr=r^ =P=Fi
f^i^ t=J¥=J
r I
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Stanzas 7-12]

2 Angelic guards at His commands

Will bear thee safely in their hands,
Will keep thee, lest, if left alone.
Thou dash thy foot against a stone.

3 Though and treacherous foes assail,


Their power and wrath shall not prevail;

Their cruel strength, their venomed spite,

Thou shalt o'ercome with conquering might.

4 Because on Me he set his love,

I will his constant Saviour prove.
And since tohim My Name is known,
I will exalt him as My own.

5 As oft as he shall call on Me,

Most gracious shall My answer be;
I will be with him in distress,
And in his trouble I will bless.

6 Complete deliverance I will give,

And honor him while he shall live;
Abundant life I will bestow,
To him My full salvation show.

250 The Duty of Praise
PSALM 92 L. M. Christine Emest R. Kroeger

i IH r

How good

thank the Lord,

^^^^^^m And Thee,Most High, accord,

I it is to praise to

^ ^ t-r^t^

r r r

r r r

s ^U
4d j y J iJlj 4
j l

^ p f f*^j
To show Thy love with mom-ing light. And tell Thy faith-ful - ness each night;

2S 7rTFriF

r i

t ? b
Mr r -I ^1 ij -' I i i i J J T^ J iJ J

r^Trl ^p=y
Yea, good it is Thy praise to sing. And all our sweet-est mu - sic bring.

^ * -*- -1=-

f r^ f f ^
^-^> f
^ |
f ff-f
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
1^ "t i

2 O Lord, with joy my heart expands Thou, Lord, hast high exalted me
Before the wonders of Thy hands; With royal strength and dignity;
Great works, Jehovah, Thou hast With Thy anointing I am blest,
wrought, Thy grace and favor on me rest;
Exceeding deep Thy every thought; I thus exult o'er all my foes.
A fooUsh man knows not their O'er all that would my cause op-
worth, pose.
Nor he whose mind is of the earth.

3 When as the grass the wicked grow. The righteous man shall flourish well,
When sinners flourish here below. And in the house of God shall dwell;
Then is there endless ruin nigh, [high; He shall be like a goodly tree,
But Thou, O Lord, art throned on And all his life shall fruitful be;
Thy foes shall fall before Thy might, For righteous is the Lord and just,
The wicked shall be put to flight. He is my Rock, in Him I trust.

251 Joyful Worship
PSALM 92 8s and 7s Ellesdie

Arranged from Mozart

m *=* i.^—7——
-TC^S— S:—^—*—^CfT
I It is good to sing Thy prais-es And to thank Thee, O Most High,

J. f ^r. ^^^^-^% .. . . . ,«:
1= ^
# ^ 4= I t:
Show -ing forth Thy lov - ing -
kind-ness When the morn-ing lights the

S2 * <<
s -=-Jt

^f^pjg i 13:


It is good when night is fall - ing Of Thy faith - ful - ness to tell,

J- / J J
* -Jl
m :*=l=^: &

While with sweet,niel - o - dious prais-es Songs of a - do - ra • tion swell.

gsfes r —ii^
r V—
^ 4 1»-
a ^Q: :f:
[Selected Stanzas ]

2 Thou hast filled my heart with glad- 3 But the good shall live before Thee,
ness [wrought; Planted in Thy dwelling-place,
Through the works Thy hands have Fruitful trees and ever verdant,
Thou hast made my life victorious, Nourished by Thy bovmdless grace.
Great Thy works and deep Thy In His goodness to the righteous
thought. God His righteousness displays;
Thou, Lord, on high exalted, God my rock, my strength and refuge,
Reignest evermore in might; Just and true are all His ways.
All Thy enemies shall perish,
Sin be banished from Thy sight.
252 The Divine Rule and Power
PSALM 93 S. M. Rialto George F. Root

i^ Je - ho - vah sits en - throned

In maj -
es -

most bright,

m _H |_J_ , ^
los: ^ ,


1 1

^'. » »
H^^l_^ _^ j U :rT
Ap - par - eled in om - nip - o - tence, And gird - ed round with might.

-J— ^ -rs^'
r r r
-t- -f- -#- -^^f^
* -f^
i I
gg|t| P=
2 The world established stands But mighty is the Lord our God
On foundations broad;
its Above the raging sea.
His throne is fixed, He reigns supreme, Thy testimonies, Lord,
The everlasting God.
In faithfulness excel.
3 The floods have lifted up And holy must Thy servants be
Their voice in majesty, Who in Thy temple dwell.

253 God the Righteous Judge

PSALM 94 L. M. Lytham James Malley

^H^ I O Lord, Thou Judge of

all the earth,
3 J
To Whom all vengearice
doth be
- long,

6i fee
c h* f
>-(g -
r r f
f=p f-

^ S A
^it- *— •- J ^
1^ ^1

M fe
and show Thy glo ry forth, Re quite the proud, con-demn the wrong.
- - . . -


2 How

Lord, in boastful pride

men triumphant stand?
Shall wicked
^ SeeSeS

How long shall they afflict Thy saints

And devastate Thy chosen land?
God the Righteous Judge

3 The widow and the fatherless

They slay, and helpless strangers smite;
The faithful God they do not fear,
They say the Lord will not requite.

4 Be wise, ye fools and brutish men;

Shall not He see Who formed the eye ?
Shall not He hear Who formed the ear,
And judge, Who reigneth, God Most High ?

5 The Lord will judge in righteousness.

From Him all truth and knowledge flow;
The foolish thoughts of wicked men,
How vain they are the Lord doth know.

6 That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord,

With chastening hand dost teach Thy will,
For in the day when sinners fall
That man in peace abideth still.

7 The Lord will not cast off His own.

Nor His inheritance forsake;
Just judgment shall at length prevail,
And upright hearts shall courage take.

8 Who will arise for my defense

Against the wicked in the land?
Against iniquity and wrong
What man for me will valiant stand?

9 Unless the Lord had been my help.

My life had quickly passed away;
But when my foot had almost slipped,
O Lord, Thy mercy was my stay.
10 Amid the doubts that fill my mind
Thy comforts. Lord, bring joy to me;
Can wickedness, though throned in might,
Have fellowship, O Lord, with Thee?

11 The wicked, in their might arrayed,

Against the righteous join their power,
But to the Lord I flee for help.
He is my refuge and my tower.

12 Our God, the refuge of His saints,

Will fight against iniquity;
Avenger of the innocent
The Lord omnipotent will be.

An Invitation to Worship
Salome William B. Bradbury
L, M.

at 1
the Lord,our King, And in Hispresence let us sing
I O come be-fore ;

i^^^^^ipi The Rock of our sal - va - tion praise ;

m — ^ V ^

2 Almighty power the Lord maintains, Take heed and harden not your heart
Exalted over all He reigns; As did your fathers, nor depart
From God to follow in their ways;
He holds the valleys in His hand, _

He makes the mighty mountains For with complaints instead of praise.

stand; With doubt instead of faith confessed,
To Him belong both land and sea, They put His mercy to the test.
Creator of the world is He.

O come and let us worship now, Take heed that ye provoke Him not
Before our Maker let us bow; As did your fathers, who forgot,
We are His sheep and He our God, With erring heart, God's holy ways
He feeds our souls in pastures broad;
And grieved Him all their sinful days;
He safely leads us in the way;
To whom in wrath Jehovah sware,
O come and heed His voice to-day. My promised rest they shall not share.
255 Adoration and Submission
PSALM 95 8s and js Love Divine John Zundel

I Now with joy - ful ex - ul - ta - tion Let us sing Je -
ho -
vah's praise,

-H p -f=f: ^
To the Rock of our sal - va - tion Loud ho - san - nas let us raise ;

|!L_iJ-J=^ i
u J i j

nn !

Thank-ful trib - ute glad

H=*^ - ly bring - ing, Let us come be - fore Him now,

*=F ;^ »=|c



And, with psalms His prais-es sing -ing, Joy - ful in His pres - ence bow.

§5fc fcT£=^=i

2 For, how great a God, and glorious. He is our own God and leads us,
Is Jehovah Whom we sing; We the people of His care;
Over idol-gods victorious, With a shepherd's hand He feeds us
Great is He, our God and King. As His flock in pastures fair.
In His hand are earth's deep places.
His the strength of all the hills, While He proffers peace and pardon
His the sea whose bounds He traces. Let us hear His voice to-day,
His the land His bounty fills. Lest, ifwe our hearts should harden,
We should perish in the way;
3 To the Lord, such might revealing. Lest to us, so unbelieving.
Let us come with reverence meet. He in righteous wrath shall sware:
And, before our Maker kneeling, Ye, so long My Spirit grieving,
Let us worship at His feet. Never in My rest can share.
256 Worship and Its Motives


9^ b

1 O come

C. M.







^m ^iESi^
To Him our

-i *
Isaac B.


es raise;

S ii

^ Let us
in our most joy
ful songs
n The Lord our

4r ^ «=^
i^ 1^^=^^^

i^^ i
£5=j^ :^I
Sav - iour praise, The Lord our Sav - iour praise


^ fc
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Before His presence let us come To Him the spacious sea belongs,
With praise and thankful voice; He made its waves and tides;
Let us sing psalms to Him with grace, And by His hand the rising land
With grateful hearts rejoice. Was formed, and still abides.

3 Jehovah is a mighty King, O come, and bowing down to Him

Above all gods His throne; Our worship let us bring;
. The depths of earth are in His hand. Yea, let us kneel before the Lord,
The mountains are His own. Our Maker and our King.

257 The Evangel of the Kingdom

PSALM 96 C. M. St. Leonard Henry Hiles


P^ fc=?=l=^y5=isi
sing a new song to

the Lord, Sing all the earth to God;
The Evangel of the Kingdom

i i ^m. t *—i

In dai - ly prais - es bless His Name And tell His grace a - broad.

i '^ ^¥ -p FF^^ i^

w r-^i JE#EH=H=^^N^E^^gg^l
A- mong the na - tions far and wide His glo - ry eel - e-brate*

m '^m m^4m
To all the peo-ples of the earth His won-drous works re - late.

-:f^, S:
9i ze±
2 The Lord is great above all gods, 4 To the nations of the earth
Let glad hosannas rise; The blessed tidings bring;
The heathen gods are idols vain; Tell all the world Jehovah reigns,
Jehovah made the skies. The universal King.
Great honor is before His face, The world shall therefore stand un-
And majesty divine; moved,
Within His holy dwelling-place Established by His might;
Both strength and beauty shine. And just is He to judge the wrong
And vindicate the right.
3 Let all the peoples of the earth
Give glory to the Lord, 5 Let heaven and earth and sounding sea
Give Him the glory due His Name To Him glad tribute bring;
And strength to Him accord; Let and wood and all therein
With offerings come ye to His courts, Before Jehovah sing;
Li holy beauty bow, For, lo, He comes to judge the earth,
Let all the earth with reverence come And all the world shall see
And serve Jehovah now. His everlasting faithfulness,
His truth and equity.
258 The Message of Redemption
PSALM 96. M. LUCILE Charles H. Gabriel


h^ d:
*=j#!=5=^i= •^-^
I O sing a new song to the Lord,Sing all the earth and His Name;

p' -Ff-r r a'^^
^i2- J-



From day to
day His praise
The Lord's n
re-deem-ing grace pro-claim.

ba£5l^ q^,^;^iii
*-8.-^ kf.r> Jl
qguL i

Copyright, 1912,
by United Presbyterian Board

of Publication
Ff^ £ 3

2 Tell all the world His wondrous ways,

Tell heathen nations far and near;
Great is the Lord, and great His praise,
And Him alone let nations fear.

3 The heathen gods are idols vain;

The shining heavens the Lord supports;
Both light and honor lead His train,
While strength and beauty fill His courts.

4 Let every tongue and every tribe

Give to the Lord due praise and sing;
All glory unto Him ascribe.
Come, throng His courts, and offerings bring.

5 O fear and bow, adorned with grace.

And each land that God is King;
The earth He founded in its place,
And justice to the world will bring.

6 Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice.

The teeming sea resound with praise;
Let waving fields lift high their voice.
And all the trees their anthem raise.

7 So let them shout before our God,

For, lo, He comes. He comes with might,
To wield the sceptre and the rod,
To judge the world with truth and right.
259 The Universal King
PSALM 96 IIS, I o, 9 Wesley Lowell Mason

^fci ilE^
'f=^^ T
1 Sing to the Lord, sing His praise, all ye peo-ples, New be your

» — /» ff p—— — » f—^-c^

^ ^

—^ T -y


:^=tt =t=

« f3f
as new hon -
ors ye
^ ^
pay; Sing of His maj -
es - ty,

ii* igjgj :??;


rH^^^^^N## ^^^^ -<5~

it-t =* I
bless Him for - ev - er, Show His sal - va - tion from day to day.

PiE i=^ :t
^* ^
2 Tell of
His wondrous works, tell of His glory,
Till through the nations His Name is revered;
Praise and exalt Him, for He is almighty,
God over all let the Lord be feared.

3 Vain are the heathen gods, idols and helpless;

God made the heavens, and His glory they tell;
Honor and majesty shine out before Him,
Beauty and strength in His temple dwell.

4 Give unto God Most High glory and honor,

Come with your offerings and humbly draw near;
In holy beauty now worship Jehovah,
Tremble before Him with godly fear.

5 Make all the nations know God reigns forever;

Earth is established as He did decree;
Righteous and just is the King of the nations,
Judging the people with equity.

6 Let heaven and earth be glad; waves of the ocean,

Forest and field, exultation express;
For God is coming, the Judge of the nations,
Coming to judge in His righteousness.
260 Divine Sovereignty


I Je


ho -vah

reigns; let earth be


And all
Frederick H. Buretall

the isles their joy


t'j J I

make known;

P^^ ^IM
* t-
^ S fcS
is r ^^^CT=^
* ^ ^
With clouds and dark-ness He

Consuming fire destroys His foes,

* 5^
is clad,

On truth and jus -tice


Thy Church rejoices to behold [Lord;

His throne.

Around the world His lightnings Thy judgments in the earth, O
blaze; Thy glory to the world unfold.
The trembling earth His presence Supreme o'er all be Thou adored.
5 All ye that truly love the Lord,
The mountains melt before His gaze. Hate sin, for He is just and pure;
The heavens His righteousness pro-
To saints His help He will accord
And keep them in His love secure.
Through earth His glory shines 6 For good men light and joy are sown
abroad; To bless them in the harvest- time;
From idol-worship turn with shame Ye saints,your joy in God make known
And bow before the Uving God. And ever praise His Name sublime.

SECOND TUNE Ely Thomas Turton

^ s -tK
I Je - ho - vah reigns; let earth be glad And all the isles their joy make known

m * I
With clouds and dark-ness
is clad. On
and jus tice rests
His throne.


m. m. :p=i: gEE^^^pzgqj.^
261 The Victories of Jesus Christ
PSALM 98 8s and 7s AUSTRIAN Hymn Josef Haydn

^ ^-1;
I Sing
i ^
new song
m mr
to Je - ho - vah
For the won-ders He
hath wrought;

J -f- -^ •#- -P- -^ -«'-

i^^EE^ ^ It
^ *E^

His right hand and arm most ho - ly Tri-umphto His cause have brought.

-^ - y f-
^ f— — —.—.-^
f- ,
. . ^

^i -t- ^ ^ ^ -F- •«-

i 3E e 3^3E i
^ -I * '
^ zr ^m '^~Cmade

In His love and ten - der mer - cy He hath sal - va - tion known,

i!p3 ^ m
Wr^ •=p=

* u ^^^ ^
^^ t^
W i '
^ ^ t r
In the sight of ev - ery na - tion He His right-eous- ness hath shown

is i f=#
2 Truth and mercy toward His people 3 Seas with all your fulness thunder,
He hath ever kept in mind, All earth's peoples now rejoice;
And His full and free salvation Floods and hills in praise uniting
He hath shown to all mankind. To the Lord lift up your voice.
Sing, earth, sing to Jehovah, For, behold, Jehovah cometh,
Praises to Jehovah sing; Robed in justice and in might;
With the swelling notes of music He alone will judge the nations,
Shout before the Lord, the King. And His judgment shall be right.
262 A Salvation for the World
PSALM 98 6s and 5s Repose Anonymous


i s:^ PI ^ ^
I Un - to God our Sav - iour Sing ^a joy- ful song;


^ Won - drous are

3=^ 3

do ings, For
His arm
is strofig

W: >
H ;#^^
i—^i^ • ^ »

He has wrought sal - va tion, He has made it known,

i^ ^1=^=^
S! :3: :a:
sH-Jj=^—4p=^J?-i-s^ J J
^- ^ I
And be - fore


na - tions His
jus - tice shown.
j-i .c

i«: * ?==r

2 Joyful, all ye people, 3 Waves of mighty ocean.

Sing before the Lord; Earth with fulness stored.
Shout and sing His praises Floods and fields and mountains,
Nowin glad accord; Sing before the Lord;
With the harp and trumpet For He comes with justice,
Joyful praises bring; Evil to redress,
Come, rejoice before Him, And to judge the nations
God, the Lord, your King. In His righteousness.

263 The Glad Tidings
PSALM 98 6s and 5s St. Mary Magdalene John B. Dykes

iIB ifeE ^ ^=i=^^

W^EE^f El

I Un - to God our Sav - iour Sing a joy - ful song;

- f -
^ -^

i i i
Won - drous
are His do
ings, For

His arm is strong.

f: J_ t9- — B«
Jl » « ^
-f- -e-

m :S^

r=^= g:
I ^
He has brought sal va tion, He has made it known,

«-, \
• 0-

^— —^ 13^
^ -^
And be - fore the na tions Is His jus - tice shown.

9^ d2k
"^ I
[Selected Stanzas]

2 He remembers mercy, 3 Waves of mighty ocean.

Faithful to His own, Earth with fulness stored,
And our God's salvation Floods and fields and mountains,
All the earth has known. Sing before the Lord;
Joyful, all ye people, For He comes with justice,
Sing before the Lord; Evil to redress.
Shout and sing His praises And to judge the nations
Now in glad accord. In His righteousness.

264 Missionary Triumphs
PSALM 98 L. M. Gilead Arranged from Mehul

^- ^
Come, let us sing
be -fore the Lord New

songs of praise with sweet ac - cord,

a a »—^A-— ^
i=^ d^ m ,2
i^ «
r ^-


^ i

^ , I
For won-ders great by
' -

i d=i
are done, His might -y

arm has vie -

tory won.

?^ P 1^==?=

2 The great salvation of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the nations' wondering sight
He has revealed His truth and right.

3 He called to mind the truth and grace

Bestowed upon His chosen race,
And unto earth's remotest bound
Glad tidings of salvation sound.

4 All lands, to God lift up your voice,


Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;

With voice of joy and loud acclaim
Let all unite and praise His Name.

5 Praise ye the Lord with harp and song,

With voice of psalms His praise prolong;
In swelling chorus gladly sing
And shout before the Lord the King.

6 Let earth be glad, let ocean roar.

And praises sound from shore to shore;
Let floods and hills with glad accord
Show forth their joy before the Lord.

7 For, lo, He comes; at His command

All nations shall in judgment stand;
In justice robed, and throned in light,
The Lord shall judge, dispensmg right.

265 The Majesty and Holiness of God
PSALM 99 C. M. ElLACOMBE German Melody

i S
i ^H=r m
I Je - ho - vah reigns
maj - es -
ty ; Let all the na-tions quake.

hrhn^ X- -^ —
1=4^ g^ 9 8

*^ *
urr r-fCj* L/-
He dwells be - tween the cher - u - bim ; Let earth's foun - da - tions shake.

ii^ ^ iit
-J r I

Su-preme in Zi - on the Lord, Ex - alt - ed glo - rious - ly ;

:&^=^=^ J

i <St-r-
P^=gf r
:jd=f -25^

Ye na - tions.praise His name with awe, The Ho - ly One is He.

c, ^ J I ^ n } rig f =^=Fr ^
?^ 51-=-
2 The mighty King loves justice well, 3 When priests and prophets called on
And equity ordains; He their petitions heard; [God,
He rules His people righteously His cloudy pillar led them on.
And faithfulness maintains. And they obeyed His word.
O magnify the Lord our God, Though sending judgments for their
Let Him exalted be; He pardoned graciously; [sins,

In worship at His footstool bow, Exalt the Lord and worship Him,
The Holy One is He. The Holy One is He.
266 The Holiness of God
PSALM 99 I2S, 13, 10 NiCiBA John B. Dykes


1 God is
King for -ev- er : let the

na-tions trem -
ble ;
Throned a - bove the

i$^=F=F=p ^U t:


cher -

- bim, by

all the earth a - dored ; He is

great in
Zi - on,


high a

- bove
H «| :

all peo pies

Praise Him with fear,
for ho - ly is the Lord.

is* tg g f i
2 Merciful as mighty, He delights in justice,
For He reigns in righteousness and rules in equity;
Worship and exalt Him, bowing down before Him,
Perfect in power and holiness is He.

3 Holy men of old in Him alone confided

Heforgave their sins, although they felt His chastening rod;
In His holy temple worship and adore Him,
Faithful and holy is the Lord our God.

267 God the Righteous King

PSALM 99 S. M. St. Thomas Aaron Williams

i :fe i 75^

^ J^

I Je - ho - vah reigns su preme : Let na tions trem - ble now ;


-^ -^ i^J -/> 4"J J^ ! -f^

^ :^
God the Righteous King

*=i :k
^^ i 3
He dwells be-tween the cher -
u bim ;
Let earth be - fore Him bow.


pf fei
5 -(9-

[Selected Stanzas]

2 The Lord in Zion reigns He rules His people righteously

O'er all the earth abroad; And makes His justice plain.
Ye nations, praise His glorious Name, now the Lord,
4 Exalt ye
For holy is our God.
Our God in praises laud,
3 The King Almighty lives And at His footstool worship Him,
Just judgment to maintain; For holy is our God.

268 Thanksgiving and Praise

PSALM 100 L. M, Old Hundredth Genevan Psalter


I All peo - pie

-9^ -^
on earth do dwell,
m Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice
f ^
j^ J 1 ^ -^ f -
> ,

i^ ^ 3
serve with mirth, His praise forth
Come ye be - fore
Him and re - joice.

^ JL ^ ^ JL

A. n,
1^ J:

2 Know that the Lord is God indeed;

Without our aid He did us make;
We are His flock, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.
3 O enter then His gates with joy.
Within His courts His praise proclaim;
Let thankful songs your tongues employ,
O bless and magnify His Name.
4 Because the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is forever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
269- Universal Praise
PSALM 100 8« Ben Avon George C. Stebbins

im^ —

^ •

All peo- pie that dwell on




Your songs to Je -
ho- vah
raise ;

a *=^

i ? I
r I

m Come,serve
Him with gladness and
T€ ^s joy, Approach
Him with anthems of


'^i f — t *— d
5= :pi=ji —M4=^ i
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
2 Know ye that Jehovah is God, 3 With thankfulness enter His gates,
Our Sovereign and Maker is He; His praise in His temple proclaim;
His people, forever His own, Your voices in thanksgiving raise,
The sheep of His pasture are we. And bless ye His glorious Name.

4 For gracious and good is the Lord,

His mercy to us never ends;
His faithfulness, true to His word,
Through ages unending extends.

270 Gladness in Worship

PSALM 100 C. M. ASPURG Johann G. Freeh

!4: i t
I O make a
joy - ful
noise, ye
r ^i^^-^^^^^
*n^ tr
lands. And serve the Lord with fear;

^=^^ f—j^ilf

m With glad -
ness' wait His
t=f *
high com-mands,
And with
V a song draw



.•4^«-# * 1-# • • M-»
*- j
jj • -<

Gladness in Worship

2 Know that the Lord is God alone; 3 With glad thanksgiving throng His
He made us and will keep, His goodness to proclaim; [gates,
For His we are, and not our own, Within His courts, where mercy waits,
His people and His sheep. Give thanks and bless His Name.

4 For He is good, and time shall prove

His mercies ever sure.
And while the ages onward move
His truth shall still endure.

271 Godly Resolves

PSALM Sojourner

101 7s and 6s R. DeWitt Mallary

I Of mer-cy and
of jus - tice My
thankful song shall be;

O Lord, in joy-ful

a F 1 F
^i ^ g : ^ ^^ T-f-r-r-
-|~TTi== =4
i P fe^r^r-'^-^i^^-^ ^ ^ ^
prais - es My song shall rise to Thee. With - in my house I pur - pose To
-(9- * _ _

^ m rrTT iTrr7~n^"g
i -K ^ Pi ^
walk in wis-dom's way ; O Lord, I need Thy pres - ence How long wilt Thou de-lay ?

^ T. r

2 On what is base and evil 3 The faithful and the upright

I will not set my heart; Shall minister to me;
Transgressors' ways abhorring, The lying and deceitful
With them I take no part. My favor shall not see.
No froward man or evil I will in daily judgment
Shall my companion be; All wickedness reward.
I will not suffer slander And cleanse from evildoers
Or pride or treachery. The city of the Lord.

272 Affliction and Appeal
PSALM 102 L. M. Oriel WilUam B, Bradbury

I ^ ^-^
2zJ: s ^-^ s T^r-r^=tj
Lord,hear my prayer,and let my cry Have read -y ac-cess \m - to Thee;


^m -J

When in dis- tress

to Thee
I fly,
^ O hide not
¥ at
Thou Thy face from me.

2 Attend, O Lord, to my desire,
^ f^ 3 My withered like the grass,
heart is
O haste to answer when I pray. And I forget my daily bread;
For grief consumes my strength like In lonely grief my days I pass
fire. And sad my thoughts upon my
My days as smoke pass swift away. bed.

4 My foes reproach me all the day,

My drink is tears, my bread is grief,
For in Thy wrath I pineaway.
My days are like a fading leaf.

273 The Deliverance of Zion

PSALM 102 L. M. Selena Isaac B. Woodbury

%IE? ^ -^ ^

I Thou, O Je - ho -
vah,shalt en - dure, Thy throne for - ev - er is the same

:f=qE -^
tX=^^=X- > ^ ^

M *^-^ U^ i J LlJT^^rippi
And to all gen - er - a-tionssure Shall be Thy great me mo - - rial Name.
0 • n&- • -^ — —r* '
g^ J I
a ^(5>- 9 a J
m S fS*

PFFR=T [Stanzas 5-1 1 ]

2 The time for Zion's help is near, 3 O Lord, regard the prayer of those
The time appointed in Thy love; Who love the walls of Zion well,
O let Thy gracious aid appear. Whose hearts are heavy for her woes,
Look Thou in mercy from above. Who sad amid her ruins dwell.
The Deliverance of Zion

4 Thy power and glory shall appear,

And Zion's walls shall be restored;
Then all the kings of earth shall fear
And heathen nations serve the Lord.

5 The Lord has heard and answered prayer

And saved His people in distress;
This to the coming age declare,
That they His holy Name may bless.
6 The Lord, exalted on His throne,
Looked down from heaven with pitying eye
To still the lowly captive's moan
And save His people doomed to die.
7 All men in Zion shall declare
His gracious Name with one accord,
When kings and nations gather there
To serve and worship God the Lord.

274 Mortality and Immortality

PSALM 102 L. M. Lou VAN Virgil C. Taylor

i 5te t t^ i J
BeI my -
r fore ]our - ney is com-plete
3 r
My vig - or
^^ 3#
fails, my
years de-cline

..,;^A .hi^-ki.
p^ —r^
^ s J
t~ p? •



spare me, I en - treat


The days of

are whol- ly Thine.

.1=^ -9—

m f-^-^
5 ^
[Stanzas 12-15 1

2 O cut not short my life's brief day,

O Thou Whose years eternal run,
Thou Who didst earth's foundations lay,
Creator of the stars and sun.

3 The earth and heavens shall pass away.

Like vesture worn and laid aside,
But changeless Thou shalt live for aye,
Thy years forever shall abide.
4 Thy servants' children shall remain
For evermore before Thy face;
Enduring honor they shall gain,
Established ever in Thy grace.
275 The Covenant God and His Church

7$ Arranged from Blumenthal

m s-f—< t r



O Lord, art

God a - lone; Ev - er - last - ing is Thy


< < « t
Through the a - ges men shall sing Praise to heaven's e - ter - nal King.

grrrrt ^ ^m I t=^

< i ^Ez^ I i ^^"fli^^

Thou, en - throned a - bove the skies, Wilt for Zi - en's help a - rise

-#- -^ -#--•- -*- -#- -«'-

9i ^=1*= _| _| U » U_
f^ f 'J
Let Thy grace to
K^ ^^
her ap pear.

For the
prom -
ised time is near.

-^ ^ ^

^ :r=qi

[Selected Stanzas]

2 If with love compassionate 3 This all ages shall record

We, Thy servants, mourn her state, For the glory of the Lord;
Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord, Thou dost hear the humble prayer,
Help in Zion's need afford? For the helpless Thou dost care.
Lord, Thy glory shall appear. Thou eternal art, and great,
Kings and nations then shall fear; Heaven and earth Thou didst create
And Thy Name shall be adored Heaven and earth shall pass away,
When Thy Zion is restored. Changeless Thou shalt Uve for aye.

The Covenant God and His Church
4 As one lays a garment by,
Thou wilt change the starry sky
Like a vesture worn and old,
But Thy years shall ne'er be told.
Thou wilt make Thy servants' race
Ever live before Thy face.
And forever at Thy side
Children's children shall abide.

276 The Church and Her Head

PSALNJ 102 7s Mercy Arranged from Gottschalk

4^ *=
im 4:

^^-t^\^ *^ B itat
I Thou, O Lord, art God a - lone ; Ev - er - last - ing is Thy throne ;

1^^^h^ 1 -(S-

ii ^ ^
t f


Through the a ges shall sing Praise to heaven's e - ter - nal King.

^ I
[Selected Stanzas]

2 Thou, enthroned above the skies,

Wilt for Zion's help arise;
Let Thy grace to her appear.
For the promised time is near.

3 If with love compassionate

We, Thy servants, mourn her state.
Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,
Help in Zion's need afford?

4 Lord, Thy glory shall appear,

Kings and nations then shall fear;
And Thy Name shall be adored
When Thy Zion is restored.
277 Thankful Joy and Praise
PSALM 103 C. M. Howard Elizabeth H. Cuthbert

I O use
praise and bless
anu uicss the
uic Lord,
x^uru, my
iii' soul, His won-drous love pro-claim

plE b- U
^5 F :=^ h- £ i
^ ?^ r- F=^f^f=f


2 O

heart and voice and

and bless the Lord,



my powers To

5 The Lord



will judge in righteousness

^ ly Name.

ever thankful be; For that are oppressed;

Forget not all the benefits To all His saints His gracious acts
He has bestowed on thee. And ways are manifest.
3 He freely pardons all thy sins, 6 The Lord ever merciful,

And He is strong to save; And unto anger slow;

He heals thy sickness, soothes thy pain, His loving-kindness and His grace
And ransoms from the grave. In rich abundance flow.

4 He crowns thee with His grace and 7 He will not chide for evermore,
And,with His strength endued,[love. He turns His wrath away;
Thou mountest up with eagle's wings. He has not marked our
strictly sins,
Thy joyous youth renewed. Our evil to repay.

8 As heaven is high above the earth,

So great His mercy proves;

As far from us as east from west
He all our sin removes.

278 The Fatherly Love of God


103 C. Charles H. Gabriel

Si i 4^
I The ten der love fa - ther has For all his chil-dren dear,

mn him-i^
Copyright, ijoi, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

The Fatherly Love of God

«^ 5^=Fi^f=*= it?=i=j?
' It -9-
Such love the Lord be- stows on them Who wor - ship Him in fear.

F t— tr
:& ^^
[Stanzas 9-13 ]

2 The Lord remembers we are dust, 4 Unchanging is the love of God,

And allour frailty knows; From age to age the same,
Man's days are like the tender grass, Displayed to all who do His will
And as the flower he grows. And reverence His Name.

3 The flower is withered by the wind 5 Those who His gracious covenant keep
That smites with blighting breath; The Lord will ever bless;
So man is quickly swept away Their children's children shall rejoice
Before the blast of death. To see His righteousness.

279 The Universal Debt of Praise

PSALM 103 C. M. Remsen Joseph P. Holbrook

m p£^3=j^-j^l^=^

I Es - tab-lished in the high - est heavens The Lord has

¥ set His throne,

I ^

m E^
P f" r f f r
^ J-^Ur^
5 i^
^s i
And o ver all His king-dom rules, For He is God a lone.

iSiE^ ^E^-X-^^n ^ m
[Stanzas 14-17]

2 Ye angels that excel in strength, 3 Bless ye the Lord, all ye His hosts
Bless ye the Lord, your God That serve the Lord, your King,
Ordained to hear and do His will, And wait His pleasure to perform;
Proclaim His praise abroad. To Him your praises bring.

4 Bless ye the Lord, all ye His works

In His dominion broad.
And, never ceasing, my soul,
Bless thou the Lord, thy God.
280 The Tender Mercies of God


103 8s and 7s Louis von Esch

^ -9-
I O my soul, bless thou Je-ho - vah, All with -in me bless His Name ;

^_- ^S ._- . i^_^ » ,^

mmEj^Este^ ^

f pp*

m^M: ^^Jt^MOUU
Bless Je-ho -

vah and for -get


not All His mer - cies to pro-claim.


m ¥m
-J .
^ He for-gives

all thy transgressions, Heals thy sick

- ness - es
and pains

i ^
^ tt


He re-deems thee from de-struc

J =^
? 1^
tion, And His love thy life
^ 3

:f=f: i
F^ 2 He with tender mercies crowns thee,
t i


Satisfies thy full request,

So that like the tireless eagle
Thou with youth renewed art blessed.
Righteous the Lord in judgment
Unto all that are oppressed
To His people He has ever
Made His goodness manifest.
The Tender Mercies of God
3 Yea, the Lord is full of mercy
And compassion for distress,
Slow to anger and abundant
In His grace and tenderness.
He will not be angry alway.
Nor will He forever chide;
Though we oft have sinned against Him,
Still His love and grace abide.

4 As the heavens are high above us.

Great His love to us has proved;
Far as east from west is distant,
He has all our sins removed.
As a father loves his children.
Feeling pity for their woes,
So the Lord to those who fear Him
Mercy and compassion shows.

281 A Mindful God

PSALM 103 8s and 73 Talmar Isaac B. Woodbury

I Mind-ful of
^ iM
our hu- man frail
ty Is the God


Whom we

m. ^
2 ^I P .

1^ <Z .

-P "F •£

i (2
« f .

He Whose years are
1 ^=F
er - last - ing,
He re -members we


a^ g: g=€
[ Stanzas 9-12

Man the tender flower,

is like

And his days are like the grass,

Withered where it lately flourished
By the blighting winds that pass.
Changeless Jehovah's mercy

Unto those who fear His Name,

From eternity abiding
To eternity the same.
All the faithful to His covenant
Shall behold His righteousness;
He will be their strength and refuge.
And their children's children bless.

282 The Blessed and Only Potentate
PSALM 103 8s and 7s Rathbun Ithamar Conkey

I In the heavens the Lord Al-might - y Fixed His ev - er - last - ing throne
-^ -J- -
± "''
m^4'7? ^ i
^E ^
P i



tr^' i— I
O - ver all is His do - min - ion, He is God, and He a - lone.

£ i^^^^m
[Stanzas 13-16]

2 Bless the Lord, ye mighty angels, 3 Bless the Lord, all ye His servants.
Ye that hearken to His voice, Ministers of God Most High;
All His gracious word fulfilling; Ye His hosts, that do His pleasure,
Ever bless Him and rejoice. God your Maker glorify.

4 Bless the Lord, all things created;

Be His holy Name adored
All throughout His wide dominion;
my soul, bless thou the Lord.

283 Motives to Gratitude

PSALM 103 IIS and los TUNBRIDGE James Walch

^^ I O come, my
soul, bless thou the

Lord thy
Mak - er.
And all with - in me

f=f ^^ ^-
£ £: N=|c
-42-? 0-

bless His ho - ly Name; Bless thou the Lord, for

^^^^^^^ - get not all His mer - cies,

Motives to Gratitude

^r^''^r=7=r-irw^ -^-^-f
His par-doning grace and sav-ing love pro-claim. Bless Him, ye an- gels,

M^[' ^'V=T^^ s f^

ir g~i ^
5^ r
8 i< * J . J 'z: ^
won-drous in might, Bless Him, His serv - ants that in His will de- light.

^ g -^
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Good is the Lord and full of kind compassion,

Most slow to anger, plenteous in love;
Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him,
Boundless and endless as the heavens above.

3 His love is like a father's to his children,

Tender and kind to all who fear His Name,
For well He knows our weakness and our frailty,
He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame.

4 We fade and die like flowers that grow in beauty.

Like tender grass that soon will disappear;

But evermore the love of God is changeless,

Still shown to those who look to Him in fear.

5 High in the heavens His throne is fixed forever,

His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole;
Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion,
Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul.

284 The Wonders of Divine Grace
PSALM 103 I IS and I OS PiLGRIMS Henry Smart

»^^ ^
r--r\ ^

1 O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Mak - er. And all with -in me

1^ f^
tp=p ^ J* (t

bless His

ho -
ly Name
1^ - '

Bless thou the Lord, for

\ r

get not
t=^ S^
all His mer - cies,

1^ ^^
« I
rP^ :)E=r-|r->-


^ f ,

His pardoning grace and sav-ing love pro - claim. Bless Him, ye an gels,

_(2 m 1 k 6? 1^
iil flta i i '(S>

i ? i -45^- i

iM5 EI H oJi

j j I

won-drous in might, Bless Him.His serv-ants that in His will de -light.

i* f^^^T^
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Good is the Lord and full of kind compassion,

Most slow to anger, plenteous in love;
Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him,
Boundless and endless as the heavens above.

3 His love is like a father's to his children,

Tender and kind to all who fear His Name,
For well He knows our weakness and our frailty,
He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame.
The Wonders of Divine Grace
4 We fade and die like flowers that grow in beauty,
Like tender grass that soon will disappear;
But evermore the love of God is changeless,
Still shown to those who look to Him in fear.

5 High heavens His throne is fixed forever,

in the
His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole;
Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion,
Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul.

285 The Greatness of God in Nature

PSALM 104 IDS and lis Lyons Arranged from Michael Haydn

My soul,bless the Lord

the Lord is most great
; With
glo - ry
ar- rayed, ma

^^f J J 0—r-9 i .J-

^ jes

- tic His
H 3F
state ; The light is
^ M
-^» P

His gar- ment, the skies are His shade,

P%f J
^H-j—^—;= M ^ |i=

^ J- ^ J —^ 3= I
And o the wa - ters His courts He has laid.

^ J J
t .J ^
h^ 1—
2 He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,
The lightning and wind His mission perform;
The earth He has founded her station to keep,
And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.
3 O'er mountain and plain the dark waters raged;
His voice they obeyed, the floods were assuaged;
Uplifting the mountains He ordered a bound.
Forbidding the waters to cover the groimd.
4 He causes the springs of water to flow
In streams 'mid the hills and valleys below;
Beside them with singing the birds greet the day,
And there the beasts gather their thirst to allay.
286 A Faithful Creator
PSALM 104 losandiis Stanley John Stanley

fe ! J
d I
P^ ^ P§
^S ffi
1 He

wa - ters

and herbs




from the

Sup -
ply -



cat -

ti - ful



.1^ p


^ ^ n
m bless - ing man's
With bread in a -
bun-dance,with wine and with

mf f \ I'^-re
r f=t^ I
[ Stanzas 5-10 ]

2 The trees which the Lord has planted are fed,

And over the earth their branches are spread;
They keep in their shelter the birds of the air,
The life of each creature the Lord makes His care.

3 The seasons are fixed by wisdom divine,

The slow changing moon shows forth God's design;
The sun in his circuit his Maker obeys,
And running his journey hastes not nor delays.

4 The Lord makes the night, when, leaving their lair,

The lions creep forth, God's bounty to share;
The Lord makes the morning, when beasts steal away
And men are beginning the work of the day.

5 How many and wise Thy works are, O Lord!

The earth with the wealth of wisdom is stored;
The sea bears in safety the ships to and fro.
And creatures unnumbered it shelters below.

6 Thy creatures all look to Thee for their food;

Thy hand opens wide, they gather the good;
Thy face Thou concealest, in anguish they yearn;
Their breath Thou withholdest, to dust they return.
287 A Meditation on Providence
PSALM 104 losandlis Aspinwall Charles H. Gabriel

-• J
*. —4- •-

I Thy Spir - it, O Lord, makes life to a - bound ; The earth is re

^SSg t t t

^rt ^^i sddd^^

newed, and fruit- ful the ground; To God as - cribe glo - ry and

i ^
9 -
r ^
fP^ ^^ :«£

^^#N^#^ 1^
1.^-*— li?=Fg
wis-dom and might. Let God in His crea-tures for - ev - er de - light.

9^ M^fe^^g^ 4=q=t
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Stanzas n-13]

2 Before the Lord's might earth trembles and quakes,

The mountains are rent, and smoke from them breaks;
The Lord I will worship through all of my days,
Yea, while I have being my God I will praise.

3 Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,

While sinners depart in ruin complete;
My soul, bless Jehovah, His Name be adored.
Come, praise Him, ye people, and worship the Lord.

288 The Creator Glorified
PSALM 104 C. M. MoLiNE William J. Kirkpatrick

iP^IP^t ±=i: ^^ES
-f5>- ' -S^
f-^ -(5^ -0- \ ^ I
~ —
I O Lord, how man - i - fold the works In wis - dom wrought by Thee ;

1^- J:
^^ mxrt^.
-^ fe


The wealth of Thy ere -


a -

fills The
r i[
earth and might -
1^ sea.

.-Jl^d:^ • — — rp'

§iite ;^fei 5
Copyright, 1901, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Used by per.
r [
Selected Stanzas ]
2 Let God rejoice in all His works, And while my being I possess,
And let His works proclaim My Maker I will praise.
For evermore their Maker's praise 4 My heart shall think upon His grace
And glorify His Name, In meditation sweet;
3 While life shall last, my thankful lips My soul, rejoicing in the Lord,
A song to God will raise, His praises shall repeat.

289 The Unfailing Faithfulness of God

PSALM 105 C. M. BOARDMAN Arranged from L. Devereux

imm ^ 1 O


- "-gg


Lord, His deeds

• —^ '

• % — — —•

make known, And


up -
on His Name;

r \ .

E^ ri5>- J J

Him, His

sing, His

won- drous works pro

f.4 t

- claim.

,rf ^ ^
m i*
94S;6 \—— I
-J ..


2 Let hearts rejoice that seek the Lord, The Lord our God is God alone.
His holy Name adore; All lands His judgments know;
Seek ye Jehovah and His strength, His promise He remembers still,
Seek Him for evermore. While generations go.
3 Ye children of God's covenant. While yet our fathers were but few,
Who of His grace have heard, Sojourners in the land,
Forget not His wondrous deeds
all He sware that Canaan should be theirs,
And judgments of His word, And made His covenant stand.
The Unfailing Faithfulness of God
6 He suffered none to do them wrong 13 In darkness they were taught to fear
In all their pilgrim way; [proved God's great and holy Name;
Yea, for their sake were kings re- On man and beast, on vine and field.
And covered with dismay. His awful judgment came.

7 His stem command restrained their 14 He smote the first-born in the land,
foes The chief of all their strength.
And filled them with alarm: Enriched His people with the spoil
Touch not My own anointed ones, And brought them forth at length.
Nor do My prophets harm. He led them forth in health and
8 He wholly broke the staff of bread strength.
And called for famine sore, None weak in all their band,
And He prepared His people's way And Egypt, filled with fear, rejoiced
By sending one before. To see them leave the land.
9 Then Joseph, sold to slavery, 16 He spread a cloud to cover them.
With was bound;
cruel chains Most glorious and bright,
Till his prediction came to pass, And made a fiery pillar shine
Distress and grief he found. -
To give them light by night.
10 The king released him from his bonds 17 At their request He sent them quails,
And made him rule the land, And bread of heaven bestowed
Subjecting chiefs and senators And from the rock, to quench their
To his controlling hand. thirst,
The hving waters flowed.
11 To Egypt Israel followed then,
And there grew great and strong. His sacred word to Abraham
Until their friends became their foes He kept, though waiting long,
And did them grievous wrong. And brought His chosen people forth
With joy and thankful song.
12 God sent His servant Moses then.
And Aaron, whom He chose; 19 The toil of wicked men
lands and
Great signs and wonders they dis- He
gave them to possess.
played That they might keep His holy laws;
To terrify their foes. Jehovah praise and bless.

SECOND TUNE Woodstock Deodatus Dutton, Jr.

i w ^^
W ^=f *-i « Z? 25" W-' W =3=
S" Z?
1 p Z?

I O praise the Lord, His deeds make known, And call up - on^ His Name;
wmit f^^^F?^^^^^ '^
^ jj li : i ^Ei ^ Se© ^^ I
Sing ye to Him, His prais - es sing,
His won - drous works pro - claim.

.^ ^. ^^ -^ ^. ^ .^
m^ ^=^
290 Praise and Confession
PSALM 106 C. M. Barre Edward Clark

m I
Praise ye
the Lord,
for He
is good Give thanks and
bless His Name;

.n ^
& m
^- .^/J-
-•- -#- -•- f: -#-

m^ 1^ jf-

? ?

His lov - ing - kind - ness chang-es not,
age to age the


^ i :i
5 i

2 What tongue can tell His mighty deeds, 7 Though they rebelled, yet for their
His wondrous works and ways ? help
O who can show His glory forth, He came
In saving strength
Or utter all His praise ? To make His power almighty known
And glorify His Name.
3 The Lord will bless and prosper those.
8 He brought them safely through the
Yea, blest indeed are they, sea
Whose ways are just, who constantly
And overwhelmed their foes; [time
His righteous law obey. Their faith was stirred, and for the
Their songs of praise arose.

4 Lord, remember me in grace.

Let me salvation see; 9 Forgetful soon, they tempted God,
Nor for His counsel cared;
The grace Thou showest to Thy saints,
That grace reveal to me.
He sent them leanness in their souls,
Whilst they earth's bounties shared.

me behold Thy people's good 10 With envy they regarded those

5 Let
And in their joy rejoice; Whom God to them had sent;

With Thy triumphant heritage The opening earth, the kindling

Let me lift up my voice.
Brought awful punishment.

6 In evil we have gone astray, 11 A golden image they adored.

And our race;
sinful is And worshiped at its shrine;
Rebelliously our fathers walked, Thus they despised the living God
Forgetful of Thy grace. ^ And scorned His love divine.

291 Sin and Divine Patience
PSALM 106 C. M. Nottingham Jeremiah Clark

I Their God and Sav - iour they for -

got, Their help - er
and their stay,

^ t t
t i J


I *^
i ^= I
r r
But Mo - ses plead the prom- ised grace And turned God's wrath a - way.

rr=f=^^=^r=f - HS»-

[Stanzas 12-23]

2 Yea, they despised the pleasant land, 7 Against His own inheritance
The promised land of God, Jehovah's wrath arose,
And tempted Him to make them fall His chosen people He condemned
And scatter them abroad. To serve their heathen foes.

3 They sacrificed to heathen gods, 8 Though from their harsh oppressors'

And God their sin repaid; hand
Then holy wrath avenged the wrong, Ofttimes He set them free, [low
And so the plague was stayed. Rebellious still, they were brought
In their iniquity.
4 The Lord approved the righteous act
Of him who sin abhorred, 9 When imto God they cried. He heard
And honored him for evermore And tiuned again His face,
With just and great reward. In boimdless love remembering
The covenant of His grace.
5 By wicked strife they angered God,
His wrath they did provoke; 10 He even touched their captors' hearts,
And, stirred by their rebellious cries, And made their very foes
Their leader rashly spoke. Compassionate and pitiful
To feel His people's woes.
6 Ensnared, they served the heathen
gods. 11 Save us, O Lord, our gracious God,
And by them were beguiled; From alien lands reclaim,
The blood of children sacrificed That we may triumph in Thy praise
The very land defiled. And bless Thy holy Name.

12 Blessed be the Lord our covenant God,

All praise to Him accord;
Let all the people say. Amen.
Praise ye, praise ye the Lord.
292 Redeeming Love
PSALM 107 7s Halle Arranged from Haydn

-4 — (5
tUlUlM ^ H'J fl f^J
1 Praise the Lord, for He is good, For His mer-cies ev - er sure

^m ^ ^^ -t

^-it t=£

From e - ter - ni -
ty have stood, To
e - ter - ni - ty en - dure

-^ A -J^J -^^
-#- ^. ^ -^-^ -P--^
i*^ ^ P^ff-rf-f^Tf

Let His ran-
• a

somed peo

pie raise Songs to

^^ ?
Re - deem-er's praise.

P« ^ -(=^ ^^^^^4
F -<5'-T

2 From captivity released, 4 To Jehovah then they cried

From the south and from the north, In their trouble, and He saved;
From the west and from the east, He Himself became their guide.
In His love He brought them forth, Led them to the rest they craved
Ransomed out of every land By a pathway straight and sure,
From the adversary's hand. To a city strong, secure.

3 Wandering in the wilderness, 5 Sons of men, awake to praise

Far they roamed the desert way, God the Lord Who reigns above,
Foimd no settled dwelling-place Gracious in His works and ways,
Where in peace secure to stay. Wondrous in redeeming love;
Till with thirst and hunger pressed Longing souls He satisfies,
Courage sank within their breast. Hungry hearts with good supplies.

293 Emancipation from Spiritual Slavery



Reb -

who had dared to

Arranged from Conrad Kocher

Proud con-tempt of
r ^^
God Most High,

^^^^¥f^ ¥ ^ f
¥ i: J
-• — J
Bound in i - ron and in woe. Shades of death and dark - ness nigh,

^i irf=N=p=^^i=i^
-I -p
1 •

e- -f

^-^-^^-^ iTEi 3
Hum- bled low with toil and pain. Fell, and looked for help in vain.

^- t=t
W sg r
[Stanzas 6-8]

2 To Jehovah then they cried

In their trouble, and He saved,
Threw the prison open wide
Where they lay to death enslaved,
Bade the gloomy shadows flee,
Broke their bonds and set them free.

3 Sons of men, awake to praise

God Lord Who reigns above,
Gracious in His works and ways,
Wondrous in redeeming love;
Iron bars He breaks like clay,
And the brazen gates give way.

294 Praise for Gracious Deliverances
PSALM 107 73 Sacred Morn William H. Squires

mm4=i J-ii i ji
T i i ,'

I Men who walk in fol - ly's way, And to e • vil turn a - side,

i *!=&
Mj :^
&yEN=f-f4f+^ 1
f f F i

m^i i '
\ ^~MU_jjJi
Find that sor - row will re - pay Those who wis - dona's laws de - fied

gfrrrrrH-^-r f
; >
r_j |

^ Down to death's dark por -

led, They

ab -
^ j^l^^x-IJ
hor their dai - ly bread.

9Jte :t
Copyright, 1895, by Trustees of Presbyterian Bd. of Pub. and S. S.
F Work
[Sunzas 9-1 1

2 To Jehovah then they cry

In their trouble, and He saves,
Sends compassionate reply,
Gives the health their spirit craves,
Rescues them with gracious aid
From the snares their folly laid.

3 Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,
Gracious in His works and ways,
Wondrous in redeeming love;
Let them all thank-offerings bring,
Celebrate His deeds, and sing.

295 The Sovereign of the Sea
PSALM 107 78 ROSEFIELD H. A. C^sar Malan

j__,-„ a
They that
- fie on
sea, While
un - ceas -

ing watch they



^~T4- >
m ^-#^ _^
• « m. m. m ^t , C2-

See Je - ho - vah's maj -
p Ui n ^-^iLm

ty And His won


- ders in the deep;

^ ^

rf ^

^^-« J

^J -- -•-
M— — — j
=g ^j->U^<^ •i=^='J
For He bids the storm -wind fly, Lift - ing o - cean's waves on high.

P^ ^:
f I
[Stanzas 12-15]

2 By the billows heavenward tossed,

Down to dreadful depths again,
Troubled much, their courage lost.
Reeling, they like drunken men
Find their skill and power o'erthrown;
None can save but God alone.

3 To Jehovah then they cry

In their trouble, and He saves,
Drives the darkness from the sky.
Calms the storm and stills the waves,
Makes their sad forebodings cease,
To their haven guides in peace.

4 Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,
Gracious in His works and ways,
Wondrous in redeeming love;
Praise Him where the people meet.
Praise Him in the elders' seat.

296 Providential Visitations
PSALM 107 7» Greatorex Chester G. Allen

i % I
Springs and streams no
Ion- ger bless All the dry and

thirst - y


mJ I.

r=F=rtp^ l=F ^ r-

Fer - tile fields in

ver - dant dress

God con-verts to
ma i
des - ert


m n=^h^-^

For that they who dwell there -in Turn to wick - ed - ness and sin


^^ ^. \ _ ^ .
-l-^ p

[Stanras i6-io]

2 Once again the waters well, 4 His contempt the princes taste;
All the desert blossoms fair; Driven out they helpless fly,
There He makes the hungry dwell, Wandering in the trackless waste;
There a city they prepare, But He lifts the needy high,
Plant their vines and sow their fields. Where no annoy,
evil shall

And the earth her increase yields. And with children gives him joy.

3 Now He blesses them

indeed, 5 When His righteous judgments come,
They are greatly multiplied; Strong to bless and to destroy.
On the hills their cattle feed, All iniquity is dumb,
Fast increasing, spreading wide; All the righteous sing for joy;
Then again they are brought low Who Jehovah wisely heed,
Through oppression, grief, and woe. In His works His mercy read.

297 The Praise of the Redeemed
PSALM 107 C. M. OSTEND Lowell Mason

iffi^4 ; I
< : -s fc#J-H-N4^f=^
I O praise the Lord, for He is good, His mer-cies still en- dure;

i^ ^3^ ^=t I
Thus let His ran-somed tes - ti - fy, From all their foes
se -

:l 3:3E 3^ I -^

P ^
J^ ^ -^ ^F=* ]E*
He has redeemed His cap - tive saints From ad- ver-sa-ries' hands,

?-, ^ ,t: ;
gi^fc I
r. g=g=g=

Has gath -

y g-j_^
J N .
ered them and brought them back In

peace from hos

* / J


t=f I
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 They wandered in the wilderness, O praise the Lord, ye sons of men,

By want and hunger pressed; For all His goodness shown
In trouble then they cried to God, O praise Him for the wondrous works
He saved their souls distressed. To you He has made known.
He made the way before them plain, The longing soul that turns to Him
Himself became their guide; He fully satisfies;
He brought them to a city strong He fills with good each hungering one
Wherein they might abide. That for His mercy cries.

298 . Gratitude and Confidence
PSALM 108 6s and 4s Cutting William F. Shen\nn

I My
stead-fast heart,
O God, Will sound Thy
^-^^ ^^
praise a - broad

Pii m PFN
S F=g i 5 ^^UaL-J-d=l
With tune - ful string ; The dawn shall hear my song. Thy praise I

§5 -jy-
^ fc


pro- long,
And where Thy peo
^ -

pie throng Thanks-giv - ing bring.


4t_ JLJL £
ii t-^IP
g Cl" II

2 Thy truth and tender love

Are high as heaven above;
Thy help we crave.
Be Thou exalted high
Above the lofty sky;
Lest Thy beloved die,
O hear and save.

3 God's word shall surely stand;

His Name through every land
Shall be adored;
Lord, who shall lead our host?
Thy aid we covet most,
In Thee is all our boast,
Strong in the Lord.

299 Exultant Confidence
PSALM 108 S. M. Ferguson George Kingsley
4=-^ —
fe ^ I r i i
'^ —i-^^—
I My heart is fixed, O God, A grate - ful song I raise

^ P^^ i
F^ £ e
f^^ r

^fe^ I

A - wake, O harp, in joy ful strains, A - wake, my soul, to praise.

M -19-
£ :^
f f ^=t=r

2 Among the nations, Lord,

To Thee my song shall rise;
Thy truth is great above the heavens,
Thy mercies reach the skies.

3 Above the heavens, God,

And over all the earth,
Let men exalt Thy glorious Name
And tell Thy matchless worth.

4 Stretch forth Thy mighty hand

In answer to our prayer,
And let Thy own beloved ones
Thy great salvation share.

5 The holy God hath said,

All lands shall own My sway;
My people shall My glory share,
The heathen shall obey.

6 who will lead our hosts

To triumph o'er the foe,
If Thou shalt cast us off, God,
Nor with our armies go ?

7 The help of man is vain,

Be Thou our helper, Lord;
Through Thee we shall do valiantly
If Thou Thy aid afford.

300 Divine Retribution for Evil
PSALM 109 L. M. Merge William B. Bradbury

* —

^m To Thee my for help

I - light to praise, cry I raise

fct £ :g *=|c
-^=^ -tSL.


ir~g r-^ ^^d=j

^ -^ #^ =3t i

^) -Z5*-

Be Thou my friend and ad - vo - cate When foes as - sail with bit ter hate.

' 1^ n
9* e
?^ f^FT
2 Againstme slanderous words are flung
From many a false and lying tongue;
Without a cause men hurl at me
The shafts of deadly enmity.
3 My good with
evil they repay,
My love turns not their hate away;
The part of vengeance, Lord, is Thine,
To pray, and only pray, is mine.
4 Since love appeals to him in vain.
The slave of sin let him remain;
Against him let his foe be turned.
His sin be judged, his prayer be spumed.
5 Let sudden death upon him break.
His office let another take.
His children and his widowed wife
Pursue the homeless beggar's life.
6 Let creditors consume his toil
And strangers make his wealth their spoil;
Let none in pity heed his claim,
Cut off his race, blot out his name.
7 His parents' sins be not forgot
TillThou from earth his memory blot, .

Since he remembered not to show

Compassion to the sons of woe.
8 He cursing loved and blessing loathed;
Unblest, with cursing he is clothed;
For thus the justice of the Lord
My adversaries will reward.
9 God, the Lord, for Thy Name's sake
Let me of Thy good grace partake;
My need is great, and great Thou art
To heal my wounded, stricken heart.
Divine Retribution for Evil

10 With failing strength I fast and pine,

Like shadows swift my days decline,
And when my foes my weakness see
They shake the head in scorn at me.

11 O Lord my God, Thy help I crave.

In Thy great loving-kindness save;
Before my foes Thy mercy show;
That Thou dost help me make them know.
12 What though they curse, if Thou wilt bless?
Then joy shall banish my distress,
And shame shall overwhelm the foes
Who would Thy servant's way oppose.
13 Thanksgiving to the Lord I raise.
The multitude shall hear my praise,
For by the needy God will stand
To save them from oppression's hand.

301 Supplication and Trust

PSALM 109 C. M. FiNGAL James S. Anderson


I O Lord, my
God, for Thy Name's sake
g In mer -
cy deal with me;
t—^ •


p^. Be - cause Thy kind


- ness is
i ^
great, From

trou -


1- ^ k im-
E l^i^ :J=i
[Selected Stanzas]
2 O Thou Who art my Lord and God,
Thy gracious help extend,
And for Thy loving-kindness' sake
save me and defend.

3 My voice shall greatly bless the Lord

And sing His worthy praise,
And I amid the multitude
My thankful song will raise.

4 The Lord be praised, for ever near

The helpless poor He stands,
Protecting them with wondrous power
From their oppressors' hands.
302 Our Lord Jesus
PSALM 110 8s and 7s BiRDSTOWN Charles H. Gabriel

i ?*:
r^^^^^^ ^ ——
^ ^
1 The Lord un - to His Christ hath said, In glo - ry I

m^ htefei mm

^ ^^
throne Thee Till all Thy

foes, in

tri - umph led, Their

p S^
a ^
sov - ereign King shall own Thee From
; Zi - on shall Je - ho - vah send Thy

^i^ F —
r-s r*-' • P-

J-2 4 1

h- 1

S -•-: • •- i i =? <S^-v i
seep - ter, till be - fore Thee bend The knees of proud re - bel lion.

Copyrijjht, 1912,
by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

2 Thy people will be gladly Thine

P- i

When Thou shalt come victorious,

In holy beauty Thou shalt shine,
Like morning fair and glorious;
The word of God shall not depart:
The King of Righteousness Thou art,
A Royal Priest forever.

3 The Lord at Thy right hand shall smite

Earth's kings in indignation,
And He shall judge with sovereign right
Throughout His wide creation;
While living streams His strength sustain.
The Christ the victory shall gain,
Head over all exalted.
303 Christ Our Priest-King
PSALM 110 C. M. All Saints New Henry S. Cutler

nW'a-Tp 1
N 1 I
— .
—— A
1 J —i
•— J-fJ. 1

I The L<3rd un - to His Christ hath said, Sit Thou at My right hand . .

n^ —— (»


b 4 P 1
l.'v 1 1 1

fed:^ -<5>r-;
-^ #-
:t^ U 1
--•-•"' '-

Un -



make Thy
en e

- mies


to Thy com-mand.

^ A seep - ter pros-pered by

.j^ —
the Lord Thy might - y
shall wield

fei 1^^ f^

--:- a^-» • ? S-L -H

j i^: i ^

From Zi - on Thou shalt rule the world, And all Thy foes shall yield.

F=rf= I^i
2 Thy people will be gladly Thine Thou shalt subdue the kings of earth
When Thou shalt come in might With God at Thy right hand;
Like dawning day, like hopeful youth, The nations Thou shalt rule in might
With holy beauty bright. And judge in every land, [streams,
A priesthood that shall never end The Christ, refreshed by living
The Lord hath given Thee; Shall neither faint nor fall,
This He hath sworn, and evermore And He shall be the glorious Head,
Fulfilled His word shall be. Exalted over all.

304 The Marvelous Works of God
PSALM 111 L. M. Germany Gardiner's Sacred Melodies

i 3= -J^
^m =t
=^ J^=f=^

4 d I

±b 2 % ir
1 O give the Lord whole-heart- ed praise, To Him thanksg^v-ing will bring ;

s I g±

^ » 5C+«

^—^ kti i — —
all His peo - pie I will raise My voice and of

His glo
m t.



gii^ 'fei^
2 His saints delight to search
and trace 5 His works are true and just indeed,
His mighty works and wondrous His precepts are forever sure;
Majestic glory, boundless grace, [ways; In truth and righteousness decreed
And righteousness His work dis- They shall for evermore endure.
P y^' 6 From Him His saints' redemption
3 The wondrous works that God has came;
His people ever keep in mind, [wrought His covenant sure no change can
His works with grace and mercy Let all revere His holy Name [know;
fraught, In heaven above and earth below.
Revealing that the Lord is kind.
j^ reverence and in godly fear
4 God's promise shall forever stand, Man finds the gate to wisdom's
He cares for those who trust His ways;
word; The wise His holy Name revere;
Upon His saints His mighty hand Through endless ages sound His
The wealth of nations has conferred. praise.

305 The Blessed Life

PSALM 112 L. M. Welton H. A. Cesar Malan

^g i~r^ 3 f=T
I How blest the n\an who fears the Lord And greatly loves God's ho - ly will

t 1 *=|i:

T ^r^rr

His chil-dren share his great

re -ward,
And blessings
all their days shall fill.

g^r^^ T^ -^f— -«2Z- -f^ -^ ft-

e -(2-

The Blessed Life

2 Abounding wealth shall bless his home, His heart is steadfast, undismayed.
His righteousness shall still endure, For he shall see his foes o'erthrown.
To him shall light arise in gloom,
For he is merciful and pure. 5 With kind remembrance of the poor.
For their distress his gifts provide;
3 The man whose hand the weak be- His righteousness shall thus endure.
friends His name in honor shall abide.
In judgment shall his cause main-
tain; 6 To shamethe wicked shall be brought,
A peace immoved his life attends, While righteous men shall favor
And long his memory shall remain. gain;
Unrighteous hopes shall come to
4 Of evil tidings not afraid. naught.
His trust is in the Lord alone; Its due reward shall sin obtain.

306 The Glory and Condescension of God

PSALM 113 L. M. Andre William B. Bradbury


t ^=a=a^
I Praise God, ye serv - ants of the Lord, Praise.praise His Name with

pSk J ^ t ^ 4=1=^

^m one ac - cord; Bless
— 4=i

Lord, His Name a - dore From

m r f- f \t:

this time forth for ev - er - more,From this time forth for ev - er - more.

* i
2 From rising
unto setting sun
Praised be the Lord, the Mighty One;
m I
-t- *
condescends to see and know
things of heaven and earth below?

He reigns o'er all, supreme in might,

Above the heavens in glory bright. 4 He Hfts the poor and makes them
3 On whom but God can we rely. With joy He fills the desolate;
The Lord our God Who reigns on Praise ye theLord and bless His Name,
high, His mercy and His might proclaim.
307 Bondage and Deliverance
PSALM 114 L. M. Bloomfield Chant William B. Bradbury


;ii ^^^ ^

When rael out of E gypt went,

From peo- pie of a speech un known,
I Is • - -

a ^ i
M=^#— :W
— -1^
T -SH- i
The Lord a - mong His peo - pie dwelt, And there He set His roy - al throne.

e e
r '
^ ^ r r
The sea beheld and fled away,
The Jordan's waters backward turned,
The lofty mountains and the hills
With trembling awe our God discerned.

What aileth thee, O troubled sea?

Thou Jordan, why thy riven tide?
Ye mountains and ye little hills,
Why thus dismayed on every side?

O tremble, earth, before the Lord,

In presence of Jehovah fear,
Beneath Whose touch the flinty rock
Became a fount of waters clear.

308 The Living and True God

PSALM 115 L. M. GaiRNEY Bridge Emest R. Kroeger

lA.^-. rH K— . I 1 ^ ^


W"^ i ; I


I Not un - to us, O Lord of heaven, But un - to Thee be glo - ry given

«^#^ 1. ^-^^^
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
^ P P ,F i« '
^ — ^ i P


The Living and True God

^J;'H:IJ; ;m,flJl
Sfi ll l
jl j' l

In love and truth Thou dost ful - fil The coun-sels of Thy sov-ereign will-

^ r u:^^ J
mrr^ft :

f \
9 ^ 1h-f
t=t: -f=^
y 1/

»rttTJ;/;Jlj;l>;iii H i UH J

Though na-tions fail Thy power to own, Yet Thou dost reign,and Thou a - lone.

^ li ^v=^
The idol gods of heathen lands
Are but the work of human hands;
They cannot see, they cannot speak,
Their ears are deaf, their hands are weak;
Like them shall be all those who hold
To gods of silver and of gold.

Let Israel trust in God alone,

The Lord Whose grace and power are known;
To Him your full allegiance yield,
And He will be your help and shield;
All those who fear Him God will bless,
His saints have proved His faithfulness.

All ye that fearHim and adore,

The Lord increase you more and more;
Both great and small who Him confess,
You and your children He will bless;
Yea, blest are ye of Him Who made
The heavens, and earth's foundations laid.

The heavens are God's since time began,

But He
hath given the earth to man;
The dead praise not the living God,
But we will sound His praise abroad,
Yea, we will ever bless His Name;
Praise ye the Lord, His praise proclaim.

309 Benediction Upon the God-Fearing
PSALM 115 C. M. St. Anne William Croft

i i i i=^ t ^m s-


1 The Lord

-» •
Who has

re - mem-bered us

• -^



- ing will be

- stow

If. ^1
y. w
All those who His ho Name, His know

fear - ly lov • ing care shall

:p=^ £
if ^^¥^}\} ^
f i
[Selected Stanzas]

2 For small and great who fear His 3 The great Creator blesses you
Name With gifts of boundless worth;
The Lord has good in store; The heavens He claims, but gives to
Ye and your children, blest of God, man
Shall prosper more and more. Dominion in the earth.

4 The silent dead praise not the Lord,

The grave no song can raise;
But we will bless Him evermore,
Let all proclaim His praise.

310 Redemption and Grateful Love

PSALM 116 L. M. Canonbury Arranged from Schumann

w^ ^;
^rj r-m ?
I love the Lord, for my
re - quest And hum-ble
He makes His care;


S^ ^=t ?
# ^ ^ c^


4- -^


through hfe
my faith
^ wm ^-^

shall rest. For He both hears and an-swers prayer.


e^ b
~ ' — — = ^ *=*:
Redemption and Grateful Love
2 Brought nigh to death and full of 4 Return unto thy rest, my soul.
grief, The Lord has richly dealt with thee,
The Lord's salvation I besought; Delivered thee from death's control,
He heard my cry, He sent relief, From sin and sorrow set thee free.
My soul from depths of woe He
5 Since He has freed my eyes from
3 Most kind and righteous is the Lord, tears
Our God is merciful indeed, And kept my feet from evil ways.
Delighting ever to afford Redeemed from life's distressing fears,
His help to me in time of need. With Him I walk, and Him I praise.

6 In my affliction and my pain,

When fears alarmed and hopes deceived,
I found all human helpers vain,
But in the Lord my soul believed.

311 The Living Sacrifice

PSALM 116 L. M. Wallace Benjamin F. Baker

What shall I ren - der to the Lord

For all

ben - e -
fits to me ?

i g^

i '^

my soul
by grace re - stored
^ Give wor -thy thanks,
s ~ S-T

S^ ^P
Lord, to Thee?

-(5>- -#-
£: Jt- J J-
3i=|E :ai
f §
r^f f- T
[Stanzas 7-1 1]

2 Salvation's cup of blessing now 4 With thankful heart I offer now

I take, and call upon God's Name; My gift, and call upon God's Name;
Before His saints I pay my vow Before His saints I pay my vow
And here my gratitude proclaim. And here my gratitude proclaim.

3 His saints the Lord delights to save, 5 Within His house, the house of prayer,
Their death is precious in His sight I dedicate myself to God;
He has redeemed me from the grave, Let all His saints His grace declare ^
And in His service I delight. And join to soimd His praise abroad.
312 Granted Prayers
PSALM 116 C. M. AZMON Arranged from Carl G. Glaser

si ^0 ^ t
the Lord Who heard my cry And grant ed my

I i love - re - quest

^m^^ i
I ^ I t

^ ^ f—i—i i^ r 8- 4 I
V ^ '
^ i
In Him Who hears and an-swers prayer My trust through life shall rest.

sa ;=t^ E ^ I I
2 With deadly sorrows compassed The Lord sustains thee, and has dealt
round, Most graciously with thee.
heart was full of grief;
Then to the Lord I made my prayer 5 Before my Saviour I will live,
That He would send relief, From death He saved my soul,
My eyes from tears, my feet from
3 The Lord just and merciful,
is falls.

And gracious to the meek; And He has made me whole.

He saved me when I cried to Him,
Though I was poor and weak. 6 La my affliction this I found,
That human help deceived,
4 Return unto thy rest, my soul, But ever faithful was the Lord
No longer troubled be; In Whom my soul believed.

313 Consecration and Dedication

PSALM 116 CM. Lambeth William Schulthes

f^U\:\ ^ |

mWhat shall my
I What shall I ran - der to the Lord, of - faring be,

^ ^
P^E! fc m.
#: N^=M=J=f f^


For all the gra - cious ben - e - fits He has be- stowed
^ on

me ?
A- -a-

pa^ ? B3E i ^
^?^ [
Stanzas 7-1
Consecration and Dedication

2 Salvation's cup my soul will take

While to the Lord I pray,
And with His people I will meet,
My thankful vows to pay.

3 Not lightly does the Lord permit

His chosen saints to die;
From death Thou hast delivered me,
Thy servant, Lord, am I.

4 The sacrifice of praise I bring

While to the Lord I pray,
And with His people I will meet,
My thankful vows to pay.

5 Within His house, the house of prayer,

soul shall bless the Lord,
And praises to His holy Name
Let all His saints accord.

314 World-Wide Worship

PSALM 117 L. M. Sabbath Bell John H. Tenney

n J-
j' H i ^ 1=3 ^i
« —— *
-^-= m ai H 1-

I With thank-ful voice praise ye the Lord, Je - ho-vah's praise in song re- cord ;

f= / i
J. ^£ ^ ^ I

p p p r

, |
f r hJH j J { j J i HtH
Yea, all ye peo - pie ev - ery -where, Je - ho-vah's wor-thy praise de - clare.

g^^^ i_^ ii z ^^^

i I
2 For loving-kindness ever great
Toward us and all who on Him wait,
For truth to endless years the same,
Praise ye Jehovah's holy Name.

315 The Universal Fellowship of Worship
PSALM 117 8$ and 73 Kinross George C. Stebbins

^U4xLi^^p^^=^i=fMhU F
I Praise Je -ho -vah, all ye na-tions, All ye peo-ple,praise proclaim; For His grace and

Pa M^s ^te *=*
^ ^
lov- ing-kind-ness O singprais-es
r to His Name. For the greatness of His mer-cy
^L * * *

Constant praise to Him accord ;

Ev-er-more His truth en-dur-eth; Hal- le- lu - jah,praise the Lord.

m ± m^
m ^- -m—f—P-
^ fy

Copyright, 1901, by Geo. C. Stebbins. Used by per.


316 The World-Wide Praise of God

PSALM 117 6s and 4s Braun Johann G. Braun

^=^ :^U
i ifi-; i I
-w- -m- -w- —
I All men on earth that live,To God all glo -ry give, Praise ye the Lord His loving-

JL -ft—^-
£jg^ , rrt

kindness bless, His constant faith - ful-ness And changeless truth confess; Praise ye the Lord.

^T^WP^ ^^ ^^
rtiTT 274
317 God an All-Sufficient Helper
PSALM 118 C. M. Heavenly Fold William F. Shenvin

* * •p^ T 'i: ij-i^Ui-ik
i ^: >* J ^M^dM
1 O praise the Lordjfor He isgood;Let all in heaven a - bove And all His saints on


; ; &
i 1i=|C t=Ft= ^ H*=P=

#-! #
f=f= hT'i^

^ earth proclaim His ev
•—^^ ——
i^ =ir±#i
er-last-ing love.




^ ^


^ ^ ^
on God; In

N^rrtffffffWf^fif F '

^ffi^ wU i i i i
j^ rf-^^-^
-^d J H-
?^=« -#-

grace He an - swered me, Re-moved my bonds,enlarged my place, From trouble set me free.

Copyright by Wm. F. Sherwin. Used by per.

2 The Lord with me, I will not fear 3 Though nations compass me about,
Though human might oppose; The swarming hosts of sin,
The Lord my helper, I shall be Yet in the Name of God the Lord
Triumphant o'er my foes. I shall the victory win.
No trust in men, or kings of men, The Lord hath helped and kept me
Can confidence afford. safe
But they are strong, and sure their When foes were fierce and strong;
trust. The Lord my Saviour is become.
Whose hope is in the Lord. He is my strength and song.

4 Salvation's joyful song is heard

Where'er the righteous dwell;
For them God's hand is strong to save
And doeth all things well.
I shall not die, but live and tell
The wonders of the Lord;
He hath not given my soul to death,
But chastened and restored.
318 Thoughts for the Sanctuary

m I The
118 CM

glo -rious gates


right -eous-ness
^ Throw o -
Lowell Mason

un - to

^ ^ ^m ^
I J' i J Itj-^^^^^^^^feEE^^
And I will en - ter them with praise, O Lord, my God, to Thee,

m $m £ -t--

^m f^-r^
^ And


en - ter
t' i^

them with
U ^I

I 'k^

O Lord, my
God, to Thee.

HfHH-H'^^^^^ i.


[Stanzas 9-15]

2 This is Thy temple-gate, O Lord,

The just shall enter there;
My Saviour, I will give Thee thanks,
O Thou that hearest prayer.

3 Thestone rejected and despised

now the corner-stone;
How wondrous are the ways of God,
Unfathomed and unknown!

4 In this the day that Thou hast made

Triumphantly we sing;
Send now prosperity, O Lord,
O Lord, salvation bring.

5 Hosanna! Ever blest be He

That Cometh in God's Name,
The blessing of Jehovah's house
Upon you we proclaim.
Thoughts for the Sanctuary

6 The light of joy to shine on us

The Lord our God hath made;
Now be the precious sacrifice
Upon His altar laid.

7 O Lord, my God, I praise Thy Name,

All other names above;
O give Him thanks, for He is good
And boundless is His love.

319 Deliverance and Victory

PSALM 118 L. M. StoNEFIELD Samuel Stanley

^S ^

Give thanks and praise to God

P^f a-bove, For ev - er-last - ing is His love;

'"^' m y

-Wn-a—f-^-rf2 — f i g P ,

^— U f--m- fz-

Praise Him, ye saints,your Sav- iour praise, For-ev - er good in all His ways,

m t
2 Let all His servants abroad
-•- -J-


The never-failing grace of God;
Let all who fear Jehovah's Name
His everlasting love proclaim.

3 In bondage of distress and grief

To God I cried, and sought relief;
In wondrous love He heard my plea
And set my soul at liberty.

4 Though foes assail I will not fear,

For at my side the Lord is near;
The Lord my helper, I shall win
The victory o'er the hosts of sin.
5 Who put their trust in God Most High
On everlasting strength rely;
Their confidence shall pass away
Who make the arm of flesh their stay.

320 Thankfulness and Triumphant Joy
PSALM 118 L. M. AppleTON William Boyce

4-A "

I Ye gates of peace and joy un - told, Ye gates of right-eous-ness, un - fold,

mm :g=zg^^^: i: J- :£

^ *:

&: ^^Hd:jd^ :i=i:
ziz=i^ r f I
That I may en ter in and raise A song of thank- ful - ness and praise

i*i^ t t t
i i
r^ [Stanzas 6-10]

2 Within Thy gates, O God of grace, 4 In this the day the Lord hath made
Thy saints shall find a dwelling-place; To Him be joyful honors paid;
My thanks and praise to Thee I bear. Let us Thy full salvation see,
My Saviour, Who hast heard my O Lord, send now prosperity.

3 What wondrous things the Lord hath 5 Hosanna! Praise to Him proclaim
wrought Who cometh in Jehovah's Name;
The stone the builders set at naught, May blessing from God's dwelling-
Established by no human hand. place
The chiefest corner-stone doth stand. Descend on us in boundless grace.

321 The Blessedness of Obedience

PSALM 119 L. M. Humility Samuel P. Tuckerman

m1 How blest the

i r

per -


in the

way Who from God's law do

r not

§i^ i -^ t
-0- -0-
T m
Who,hold-ing fast the word of truth, Seek Him with un - di - vid - ed heart.

m e- -iS>- -@- -^- -«>-

k=&£k &^
^ m
The Blessedness of Obedience

2 Yea, they are kept from paths of sin

Who walk in God's appointed way;
Thy precepts Thou hast given us
That we should faithfully obey.

3 My wavering heart is now resolved

holy statutes to fulfil;
No more shall I be brought to shame
When I regard Thy holy will.
4 To Thee my praise sincere shall rise
When Thy righteous judgments learn;
Forsake me not, but be my guide.
And from Thy truth I will not turn.

322 Guidance for Youth

PSALM 119 L. M. Preston William H. Doane

m i

H fi -^
I How shall the young di - rect their way ? What light shall be their per - feet guide ?


-^ u f=F
p p -^
\'-4- -^

i *
Thy word,0 Lord, will
^ -iSh-

safe -ly lead, If

m ^^
in its wis-dom they con - fide.

By permission
W, H. Doane
x^rvf P^-

[Part II]
2 Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord,
O me not from Thee depart;
To know Thy will and keep from sin
Thy word I cherish in my heart.
3 O blessed Lord, teach me Thy law,
Thy righteous judgments I declare;
Thy testimonies make me glad.
For they are wealth beyond compare.

4 Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways

My heart will meditate with awe;
Thy word shall be my chief delight,
And I will not forget Thy law.
323 Our Pilgrimage Guide
PSALM 119 C. M. St. Martin's William Tans'ur

rf rr ^
1 Thy serv - ant, blest by Thee, shall live And keep Thy word with awe

aittiMtl g f J C^ i

^p Lord, o -
pen Thou my
eyes to see
The won

- ders
of Thy

^ ^4rjf^

W^- [Part III]

2 A pilgrim in the earth am I, 3 Thou dost rebuke the proud, O Lord,

Thy will to me reveal; Who hate Thy holy Name;
To know Thy truth my spirit yearns, But since I keep Thy righteous law,
Consumed with ardent zeal. DeUver me from shame.
4 I on Thy statutes meditate,
Though evil men deride;
Thy faithful word is my delight,
My counselor and guide.

324 Our Only Source of Help


119 NORTHREPPS Josiah Booth

3^ --^ ^ -I

I My griev - ing soul re - vive, O Lord,

Ac - cord -

ing to Thy word
^ i
^^ To Thee my ways
fm I
r^ have de - clared,

And Thou my prayer hast


^ Wf^^ "^ 280 :Part IV]
Our Only Source of Help
2 Teach me to know Thy holy way
And think upon Thy deeds;
In grief I ask for promised grace
According to my needs.

3 Keep me from falsehood, let Thy law

With me in grace abide;
The way of faithfulness I choose,
Thy precepts are my guide.
4 I cleave unto Thy truth, O Lord;
From shame deliver me;
In glad obedience I will Uve
Through strength bestowed by Thee.

325 Instruction in the Divine Law

PSALM 119 L. M. Bishop Joseph P. Holbrook

a iii i i \
2 iJ J J 3 f
I Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth, And from it I will not de - part

hsma=F ^
Tg- -i5>-

^- feS
m i

^ That
may stead-fast -

ly o - bey. Give
iS>- -^-
^ rU
me an un -
der- stand -ing heart.

r^^-h F -sr-
[Part V]

2 In Thy commandments make me walk.

For in Thy law my joy shall be;
Give me a heart that loves Thy will,
From discontent and envy free.

3 Turn Thou my eyes from vanity,

And cause me in Thy ways to tread;
O let Thy servant prove Thy word
And thus to godly fear be led.

4 Turn Thou away reproach and fear;

Thy righteous judgments I confess;
To know Thy precepts I desire,
Revive me in Thy righteousness.
326 Promised Mercies
PSALM 119 C. M. Sarah Charles H. Gabriel

i 3E£
I Thy prom - ised mer
* - cies
send to me,
ff ^=9=
Thy great sal - va - tion,

^m 3EE3: -J —tv tv u-

^r So shall

an -

swer those who scoff

m — L^cj

My trust is
Thy word.

^' 13:
£ I
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
f[Part VI]
2 My hope is inThy judgment, Lord; 3 And I will walk at liberty
Take not Thy truth from me, Because Thy truth I seek;
And in Thy law for evermore Thy truth before the kings of earth
My daily walk shall be. With boldness I will speak.

4 The Lord's commands, which I have loved.

Shall still new joy impart;
With reverence I will hear Thy laws
And keep them in ray heart.

327 Comfort in Affliction

PSALM 119 8s and 7s WiLMOT Arranged from von Weber

i m ^ r9 ^ w-0 jf—— m 9 • 9
I Lord, Thy word to me re - mem - ber, Thou hast made me hope in Thee

^m. ± :J=^ q£
^r=Pf=^ T
This my com-

in af - flic - tion That Thy word hath quick-ened me.
is ^ tfr^ ^^ f f t^
f=f [Part VII]
Comfort in Affliction

2 Mocked by those who are unrighteous,

Still to Thy commands I cleave;
Thinking on Thy former judgments,
Help and comfort I receive.

3 Wicked men Thy law forsaking

my indignation strong,
For my pilgrim journey
in all
Thy commandments are my song.
4 Thou hast been my meditation
And Thy law hath been my guide;
I have kept Thy righteous precepts,
And have found them true and tried.

328 God the Portion of the Soul

PSALM 119 S. M. HOBART Henry Tucker

m ^m 3^^
I Thou art my por tion, Lord; Thy words I ev heed

gg^ £ -f5>-

^r & 4 "orr

^ I

r r r"p
$ -^ 1
With all
my heart Thy grace I seek,
Thy prom-is - es I


jt_ hj
gt r r iT ' r rf H=2-

r f^ P= r [Part VIII ;

2 I thought upon my ways,

Thy testimonies learned;
With earnest haste, and waiting not,
To Thy commands I turned.

3 While snares beset my path,

Thy law I keep in view;
At midnight I will give Thee praise
For all Thy judgments true.

4 All those who fear Thy Name

Shall my companions be;
Thy mercy fills the earth, Lord;
Thy statutes teach Thou me.
329 The Divine Goodness
PSALM 119 9s and 8s NiLUS Charles H. Gabriel

J J J l^^l l
p: P 1
^ SE3 s+g=

Thou,Lord,hast dealt well with
:p: -^ -f-
Thy serv-ant,
4»- :^' :^

X I— — —
is faith-ful

f^ F f»




ffifc g'

I g


me in judgment and
! 1

For in Thy commandments


ft P P
y-r^ i

Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication

f h^ y. ^ [Part IX]
2 Before my afiiiction I wandered,
But now Thy good word I obey;
O Thou, Who art holy and gracious,
Now teach me Thy statutes, I pray.

3 The proud have assailed me with slander;

Thy precepts shall still be my guide;
Thy law is my joy and my treasure,
Though sinners may boast in their pride.
4 Affliction has been for my profit,
That I to Thy statutes might hold;
Thy law to my soul is more precious
Than thousands of silver and gold.

330 Illumination and Testimony


119 L. M.

^^ W

Edward a.


£ ^

I ThoUjWho

didst make and

fash- ion me,

^ .f
O make me

i t t

Thy law to learn


5 r^ • '
^ —'-
i7*- 3
Then they that fear Thee shall be glad When they my hope in od dis- cem.

i^ f

w^ ^-f^ I
284 [PartX]
Illumination and Testimony

2 Thou, Lord, art just in all Thy ways,

And faithful when Thou chastenest me;
I pray Thee, let Thy promised grace
Thy servant's help and comfort be.

3 Show mercy. Lord, that I may live,

For in Thy law is all my joy;
While those who wrong me are rebuked.
Thy precepts shall my thought employ.

4 Let those that fear Thee turn to me,

Thy truth to them will I proclaim;
Instruct my heart to keep Thy law,
That I may not be put to shame.

331 Patient Endurance and Submission

PSALM 119 C. M. ManOAH From Greatorex's Church Music

My Thy
3 m hope
I ^

1 soul for sal - - tion faints, ut still I in

s -^
i^ — ^'*
W^ r
a Ijr


^^ i

I long

to see Thy promised


:t ;^- ^-^
When Thou shalt com - fort me.

p [Part
2 Thy statutes I do not forget,
Though wasting grief I know;
Thy servant's days are few, O Lord;
When wilt Thou judge my foe ?

3 The proud, disdainful of Thy law,

Entrap me wrongfully;
O Thou, Whose law is just and true,
Help and deliver me.

4 Almost consumed, yet from Thy law

I have not turned away;
In loving-kindness give me strength,
That I may still obey.

332 The Immutable Word
PSALM 119 L. M. Rockingham New Lowell Mason

I For -
ev - er set - tied
in the heavens,Thy word.O Lord, shall firm - ly stand ;

^m ^ *

H^-HH^ -&-
^—t^ -J^ -H ^ ?5(
Thy faith- ful- ness shall nev - er fail The earth a - bides at Thy com-mand.
-^ -^

- --it--
fet -^4H
?^ £
?^ g [Part
2 Thy word and works unmoved remain, 3 I should have perished in my woe
Thy every purpose to fulfil; not I loved Thy law divine;
All things are Thine and Thee obey, That law I never can forget;
And all as servants wait Thy will. save me. Lord, for I am Thine.

4 The wicked would destroy my soul.

But on Thy truth I muse with awe;
Imperfect I have found all else,
But boundless is Thy wondrous law.

333 The Profit of Bible Study

PSALM 119 7s Aletta William B. Bradbury

i# -^^ ^^ -s>- VE^^

I How I love Thy law, O Lord ! Dai - ly joy its truths af - ford

^ ^ m m f

In its

con -
stant light

Wise to con - quer
- ery foe.
H r--^—
t''!' I'l :i| !"""
[Part XIII]
The Profit of Bible Study

2 Thy commandments in my heart

Truest wisdom can impart;
To my eyes Thy precepts show
Wisdom more than sages know.

3 While my
heart Thy word obeys,
I am kept from evil ways;
From Thy law, with Thee to guide,
I have never turned aside.

4 Sweeter are Thy words to me

Than all other good can be;
Safe I walk, Thy truth my light,
Hating falsehood, loving right.

334 The Enlightening Power of the Word

PSALM 119 L. M. Repentance Theodore E. Perkins

g'^i i
T i ysr i^ a T *±&.
I Thy word sheds light up on • my path; A shin-ing light, it guides my feet;

n %^^ ^

^ 27-

righteous judgments to
ob - serve My
^i I now re - peat.

§5 e i -^ I
r f
i i


f^^-^-F=^f4 [Part XIV]

2 In my distress I plead with Thee,
Send help according to Thy word;
Accept my sacrifice of praise
And make me know Thy judgments. Lord.

3 In danger oft and nigh to death.

Thy law remembered is my aid;
The wicked seek my overthrow.
Yet from Thy truth I have not strayed.

4 Thy precepts are my heritage,

For daily they my heart rejoice;
To keep Thy statutes faithfully
Shall ever be my willing choice.

335 Devotion to tfie Divine Law
PSALM 119 L. M. Handy Joseph P. Holbrook

PU I De -



hood I abhor, But love Thy law,Thy truth re -

^ f-f-
»M= »-= » — »-=
p »-= —
9 9 »

J^^^^^^iU 1=1^ i i
My stead-fast hope is in Thy word ; Thou art my ref - uge and my shield

9^ -^ — ft-
^ > —
a 1
'- I y £
|V f" y; —f^bfH—f—



The paths
??=^ ^
of sin I

have not trod,

£« ^ 5=*
But kept the pre cepts of -
^^ my God.

gi4 — »
»-= »-
PT [Part XV]

2 According to Thy gracious word

Uphold me, Lord, deliver me;
O do not let me be ashamed
Of patient hope and trust in Thee;
hold Thou me, and I shall stand
And ever follow Thy command.

3 The froward Thou hast set at nought

Who vainly wander from the right;
The wicked Thou dost count as dross;
Thy just decrees are my delight;
For fear of Thee I stand in awe
And reverence Thy most holy law.
336 Watching and Eager Longing
PSALM 119 8s and 7s ROBINSON Thomas Hastings

I I have fol-lowed truth and jus-

tice ; Leave me not in deep dis


-^ **-


^^W~j =f i
Be my help and my pro- tec -ti on, Let the
proud no more op- press.

i ^ P- # 1«-

> »
I g —g+l"^T^
Ua'\ Ji^/^^ S ^-i-*r-|^

For Thy word and Thy sal - va - tion, Lord, my eyes with long - ing fail


,j . ,
f -^ J
i^ P
i15 & ^—SS' 9- «=^ ^^
^-^r^ ^
i l^j^
Teach Thy stat-utes to Thy serv-ant, Let Thy mer - cy now pre - vail.

^ ^— 1 £.
m fff^ [Part XVI]

2 I am Thine, give me wisdom,

Make me know Thy truth, I pray;
Sinners have despised Thy statutes;
Now, O Lord, Thy power display.
Lord, I love Thy good commandments
And esteem them more than gold;
All Thy precepts are most righteous;
Hating sin, to these I hold.

337 The Wondrous Testimonies of God
PSALM 119 L. M. BrOOKFIELD Thomas B. Southgate

i r
I won-drous
m tes - ti -
nies,Lord, soul will keep
h^ niM
and great -ly praise;

% A
i^ -&T-

^ P
F^#^ £=e
-^ IIF-

fcg^??^^p^^ Y ^i^^y^
Thy word, by sim - plest minds the

faith - ful lips proclaimed.To truth con-veys.

A i^
Pfe #^ I

f^ [Part XVII]
2 I thirst for Thy commandments, Lord,
And for Thy mercy press my claim;
O look on me, and show the grace
Displayed to all who love Thy Name.
3 Direct my footsteps in Thy word.
From sin's dominion save my soul,
From man's oppression set me free,
That I may yield to Thy control.
4 O make Thy face to shine on me,
And teach me
all Thy laws to keep;
Because Thy statutes are despised,
With overwhelming grief I weep.

338 True Love for the Word

PSALM 119 C. M. Church Joseph P. Holbrook
M ^^pjr^rT' i-~T^
J 3:^-3-^ J^ '
-A 25*-

I O LordjThy per - feet right-eous-ness Is in Thy judgments shown

P^ £:i
^z- * ^^^ I
f^ r
t Thy un-chang-ing faith- ful- ness Thy truth Thou hast
made known

^ =F ? 1= e *
r '
r [PartXVIIll
True Love for the Word
2 Because Thy
foes forget Thy law
My soul greatly stirred;

Thy servant loves the purity

Of Thy most holy word.

3 Though I am humble and despised,

I strive Thy will to do;
Eternal is Thy righteousness,
And all Thy law is true.

4 Delight amid distress and pain

Do Thy commandments give;
Thy word is righteous evermore.
Teach me that I may live.

339 Importunate Prayer





O Lord, my ear - nest cry


-0- -»-
-0- -p-
lis-teningear has heard;

J :

Anton Gersbach

With Thy sal- va-tion

-^ -p- -f- "f^
-t r-k b-
34=H| f f f \ l \ II' I I r I k

I ! 1

li=^=w i
j-~r^ ^
H=^#5 i
an - swer me, And I will keep Thy word, And I will keep Thy word.

[Part XIX]
2 At early dawn I prayed,
Thy promises my trust;
At night I thought upon Thy word,
Most holy and most just.

3 O hear me in Thy grace,

In mercy quicken me;
The wicked plan to do me harm,
But they are far from Thee.

4 Thou, Lord, art near to me.

And true are Thy commands;
Of old Thy testimonies show
Thy truth eternal stands.

340 Divine Help Invoked
PSALM 119 L. M. Eucharist Isaac B. Woodbury

I Re-gard my grief and res - cue me, For I do not for- get Thy laws ;

4L JZ.

As Thou hast promised, save me, Lord; Re -deem my soul, and plead my cause.

^ jr
#- #-

p-- j=-'


r [Part XX]
2 Far salvation from the men
is 3 I bear the spite of many foes,
Who do not seek Thy statutes, Lord; Yet from Thy law I do not swerve;
Great are Thy mercies, quicken me I saw the faithless and was grieved,
According to Thy holy word. For they Thy word do not observe.

4 Behold how I Thy precepts love!

In kindness, Lord, revive Thou me;
The sum of all Thy word is truth,
Thy word abides eternally.

341 Praise and Perfect Peace

PSALM 119 CM. James Raphael Courteville

m ^ ^m s

«> * i»-j

I Though might - y foes as - sail me. Lord, I fear not them, but Thee;

mttf-f-^-i -f-Mf !t^PT=f ^

ff-L^u^^UjA ,
i ii i J L-tism
As bound- less wealth and price - less spoil, Thy word re - joic - es me.

^^ i^:


Praise and Perfect Peace

2 Deceit and falsehood I abhor,

But in Thy law delight;
Throughout the day I praise Thy Name,
For all Thy ways are right.

3 Great peace has he who loves Thy law,

Unmoved, he safely stands;
For Thy salvation I have hoped
And followed Thy commands.

4 Thy testimonies I have kept,

They are my chief delight;
Observant of Thy law and truth,
I walk before Thy sight.

342 Longing and Confession


i -^:^



my sup

pli -
cat - ing cry

By Thee,my
gra - cious
i f—^
Lowell Mason



m^^ (3 P p -^1-
c^ &^

Give wis-dom and

3 -S-

de -
*—a^ -W-
liv - er

Ac -

cord-ing to

7 '



_^' gy


^^ #—#- i=i
. N' l
r r 1
^^ :& T^-

[Part XXII]
2 Instructed in Thy holy law.
To praise Thy word I lift my voice;
O Lord, beThou my present help.
For Thy commandments are my choice.

3 For Thy salvation I have longed,

And in Thy law is my delight;
Enrich my soul with life divine,
And help me by Thy judgments right.

4 Thy servant like a wandering sheep

lost the path and gone astray;
Restore my soul and lead me home,
For Thy commands I would obey.
343 The False Tongue

prntrrr. i



God in


dis-tress, And by the Lord my
Thomas Hastings

prayer was heard

^ p^ Md^gj (\i^ (f

save me, Lord, from ly
ing lips And from the false, de - ceit - ful

^^t^ :p=P= hrfHT T ,

Til^ =P^=p:

2 What woe for falsehood can atone,

Or punish the deceitful tongue,
The tongue whose speech consumes like fire,
Whose words like deadly shafts are flung?
3 Alas for me, whose lot is cast
With those who find their joy in strife!
With those who hate the paths of peace
I long have dwelt and spent my life.

4 In thought and act I am for peace,

Peace I pursue and ever seek;
But those about me are for strife,
Though I in love and kindness speak.

344 Quiet Trust

PSALM 121 C. M. St. Agnes John B. Dykes

^ I I to
hills will

my eyes ;
O whence shall come my

aid ?

^ r i i=^ -j-

i t*

r- r 'r ^ rJ ^
My help is from the Lord a - lone, Who heaven and earth has made.

m t^ =F=F

F-4'lf f
f i

r flpfl
Quiet Trust

2 He will not let thy foot be moved, 3 Thy faithful keeper is the Lord,
Thy guardian never sleeps; Thy shelter and thy shade;
With watchful and unslumbering care 'Neath sun or moon, by day or night,
His own He safely keeps. Thou shalt not be afraid.
4 From evil He will keep thee safe,
For thee He will provide;
Thy going out, thy coming in,
Forever He will guide.

345 Our Unsleeping Guardian

PSALM 121 73 Guide Marcus M. Wells

p^ *

( To
the hills
the Lord

come my
my eyes
; Whence
shall help
the heaven and earth
for me

a - nser
has mlade.


i* ± ^
i 5: ^ ^ -K-i-
He" will guide through dan - gers all, Will not suf - fer thee to fall;

m #-fS^
^ e.

^S^ r
He Who safe His peo - pie keeps Slum-bers not and nev - er sleeps.

m tS-^ £Z-

d^ £=t w^ ^
2 Thy protector is the Lord,
Shade for thee He will afford;
Neither sun nor moon shall smite,
God shall guard by day and night.
He will ever keep thy soul,
What would harm He will control;
In the home and by the way
He will keep thee day by day.
346 Unwavering Trust in God

121 78 Pilot John E. Gould

rat \ i. t n ij^U\^LUi4
I To the hills I lift my eyes; Whence shall help for me a - rise ?

-42 m- 0' r


From the Lord shall come my aid, Who the heaven and earth has made.

fc ,— 3 ^ ? r-0^— p P- £ ^^ ?^
m^ ^^-
I r


^ g
r p f
-4-b^— P
^ J i J
i inzziim j^-fr
He will guide through dangers all, . Will not suf - fer thee to fall ;

v^^ —
^±SeS=S I
tfct £^

a£ -3 0-
-H ^-^
=? I
He Who safe His peo - pie keeps Slum-bers not and nev - er sleeps.

i^ E
r^ I

2 Thy protector is the Lord,

Shade for thee He will afford;
Neither sun nor moon shall smite,
God shall guard by day and night.
He will ever keep thy soul,
What would harm He will control;
In the home and by the way
He will keep thee day by day.
347 The Watchful Care of God
PSALM 121 I OS and 4s Lux Beata Albert L. Peace

Un - to the hills a- round do I lift up
j jl°o
longing eyes ;
O whence for
J-l -J-14-
^i: r-
Jji i i *
-r *
shall my

-va-tion come,
'^ '^

From whence
^^ ±
a - rise ?
From God the

m^^ J« — •» •» is:


i ^ 5^ ii^ii
Lord doth come my cer-tain aid, From God the Lord Who heaven and earth hath made

2 He
^ f

will not sufifer that thy foot be moved,

Safe shalt thou be;
fif \ trtrm
No careless slumber shall His eyelids close
Who keepeth thee;
Behold He sleepeth not, He slumbereth ne'er,
Who keepeth Israel in His holy care.

3 Jehovah is Himself thy keeper true;

Thy changeless shade
Jehovah, evermore on thy right hand,
Himself hath made;
And thee no sun by day shall ever smite,
No moon shall harm thee in the silent night.

4 From every evil shall He keep thy soul.

From every sin;
Jehovah shall preserve thy going out,
Thy coming in;
Above thee watching, He Whom we adore
Shall keep thee henceforth, yea, for evermore.

348 Attachment to the Church =;i

PSALM 122 C. M. Harvey's Chant WUliam B. Bradbury

^^ IS" :^

I With joy and glad-ness in my soul I hear the call to prayer

.a. ^ -^ JS-

m f2- -fZ. .42.

g-j- f * —15'—

^ go up to God's own house And

i -«f- -<5'-
bow be - fore Him there, And bow be - fore Him there.

gt^ H^
a — -^ r —— s

r I

f f

2 We stand within thy sacred walls,

O Zion, blest for aye,
Wherein the people of the Lord
United homage pay.

3 They come to learn Jehovah's will,

His mighty deeds to own.
For there is judgment's royal seat,
Messiah's kingly throne.

4 O pray that Zion may be blest

And have abundant peace,
For all that love thee in their hearts
Shall prosper and increase.

5 I pray the Lord that peace may still

Within thy walls abound,

And ever in thy palaces
Prosperity be found.

6 Yea, for the sake of friends and kin,

heart desires thy peace,
And for the house of God the Lord
care shall never cease.
349 Love for the Lord's House
PSALM 122 I OS MORECAMBE Frederick C. Atkinson

¥^i i V^ -&- ^

I My heart was glad to hear the wel - come sound, The call to

m feEEl ^
^ seek Je ho - vah's house of prayer; Our feet are stand ing

9- ^ \\^A-^A 4=

on ho - ly ground,
With -

thy gates, thou cit -

y grand
and fair.

' '
' ' '

f r r IT ^^ i
2 God's people to Jerusalem repair
To hear His word and worship Him with praise;
The throne of justice stands eternal there,
Messiah's throne through endless length of days.

3 Let earnest prayer be made for Zion's peace;

Thy sons who hold thee dear shall prosper well;
May blessing in thy palaces increase
And peace within thy walls forever dwell.

4 For all my
brethren and companions' sakes
My prayer
shall be, Let peace in thee abide;
Since God the Lord in thee His dwelling makes,
To thee my love shall never be denied.
350 Devotion to the Church
PSALM 122 L. M. Illa Lowell Mason

^m I With joy I



Come, let us

tern- pie


% 4=f'^P^ -^ fc^
S 1


^ ^fes=fl
With - in thy gates, O Zi - on blest. Shall ev - er stand our will - ing feet.

P — _r-i H 1tz± -<§-
-•--«- -(5^
^ -i. J -ig-
? H^
2 How beautiful doth Zion stand, 4 For Zion's peace prayer be made; let
A city built compact and fair; May all that love thee prosper well;
The people of the Lord unite Within thy walls let peace abide,
With joy and praise to worship there. And gladness with thy children

3 They come to learn the will of God, 5 For sake of friends and kindred dear,
To pay their vows, His grace
to own, My heart's desire is Zion's peace,
For there is judgment's royal seat, And for the house of God, the Lord,
Messiah's sure and lasting throne. My loving care shall never cease.

351 Attentive Waiting

PSALM 123 L. M. Paxtang Robert Lowry

To Thee,

Lord, I lift my

O Thou en-throned a - bove the skies


g^EE -MH^ -h
^ ^
W- gzr^— -fc^

fi As

^XU^^^M= \-r^A
watch their mas - ter's hand. Or
maid-ens by their mis-tress stand,

P ^=t -f r^ a
Copyright, 1903, by Mary Runyon Lowry. Renewal. Used by
^ per.
So to
the Lord our
Attentive Waiting

- til

-•- -p- -0-
dis- plays.
-0- -i9-

1r I \ f

^^gfe#^^fe^-=-i^^fe^-JEEJ i=> ;b

To Thee, O Lord, I lift my eyes, O Thou enthroned a - bove the skies.

% =E=£^£te -iy —t- f==t
:^ci=Ji=^ i
2 O Lord, our God, Thy mercy show,
For man's contempt and scorn we know;
Reproach and shame Thy saints endure
From wicked men who dwell secure;
Man's proud contempt and scorn we know;
O Lord, our God, Thy mercy show.

352 Escape from Enemies

PSALM 124 C. M. BOYNTON H. A. Cesar Malan

Sffi 3t=^ te
W- it '^^-1- ^ ^
-^ 3 tH i ^
I Had not the Lord been Is - rael's help When an - gry foes as - sailed,

J_,_| U-r-^ „ „ „ rJ-,-J- ve==t

W^ d3=^^
m^^ ——

«>-= • s^

^ f-

#5 •--^
;W^^=dg^ -zsf-

Had not
rthe Lord been on our

side. Our
right - eous cause had failed.

e -J- ^ £=&

^i^fcS g t !
il f;-
S! ? i
f r
2 Without His help the waters proud The snare is broken and our souls
Had overwhelmed our soul, wrath [ In liberty arise.
But, praised be God, the waves of
Are under His control. 4 Our help is in the glorious Name,
The Name of matchless worth,
3 We are escaped, as from the snare Of Him to Whom all power belongs,
A bird in safety flies; The Lord of heaven and earth.
353 Divine Deliverance

124 los Genevan Psalter

3 4:
i -g
I Now Is ra - el may say, and that truth,


If that the Lord


J ^
not our right main-tained,
If that the

gi t
^^ :it zgr

^ -s

M mained, When cru men a -

Lord had not with us re - - el

-i!S>- -«-
^=|=P • —b^ -^
r=rf f=r

gainst us rose to strive,


sure -


d < *

had been swallowed up



-#- -J-.
q^—t—g—j-4^i-i-X^-^ t i re r=f -(^
2 Yea, when their wrath against us fiercely rose,
The swelling tide had o'er us spread its wave,
The raging stream had then become our grave,
The surging flood, in proudly swelling roll,
Most surely then had overwhelmed our soul.

3 Blest be the Lord Who made us not their prey;

As from the snare a bird escapeth free.
Their net is rent and so escaped are we;
Our only help is in Jehovah's Name,
Who made the earth and all the heavenly frame.
354 Our Sure Defense
PSALM 125 C. M. Bradford Arranged from Handel

±s 4=
I Like Zi -
on's stead- fast mount are they Who in the
Lord con - fide ;

1^3 Jl „ .
J ^ &
iw^f^ it=

Se - cure, im - mov - a - ble they stand,

sFor-ev -
to a - bide.
g^>-*^^ ^tE^ P=
gm rJT^^ng
2 As round about Jerusalem Thy loving-kindness show to them
The mountainsgive defense, That upright are in heart.
Jehovah is His people's guard,
Their lasting confidence. 5 All those that turn from righteous-
3 No tyrant's scepter o'er the good With wayward, wandering feet,
Shall undisturbed abide, With sinners God will lead them forth,
Lest righteous men, oppressed by The sinner's doom to meet.
To evil turn aside. 6 O Thou Who art Thy people's shield,
Their helper and their guide.
4 O Thou Jehovah, to the good Upon them let Thy grace and peace
Thy goodness now impart. For evermore abide.

SECOND TUNE Albano Vincent Novello

ffi ^ Like Zi
on's stead- fast mount are they Who
in the Lord con
P^ - fide

I -


s :

Se - cure, im -
mov - a - ble




ev - er
i i

a -


T .J ——— :t t: f- I
f ,— , p • ^
P I f

m, ri^ r
f f i
f f p r
355 Protecting Grace
PSALM 125 79 and 6s Miriam Joseph P. Holbrook

I All who with heart con -

fid - ing De-pend

on God
:} I

a -


i^ £

m 5=?= ^^

^=^ N i
iEi ^ I J j <s^-

Like Zi - on's mount a - bid - ing, Shall ne'er be o ver - thrown.

9t T^ i

^^ -<9-
3 "s
i ^Ssi

Like Zi - on's cit y bound - ed By guard - ing moun - tains broad,

-^ -#-

^ . -(9- -m- 19-

mm €
/2_: a

^ His peo - pie

are sur-round - ed
For - ev - er by their
£ ^P
r^ 1^ r f ^I

t— -(^

2 No scepter of oppression 3 The men who falsehood cherish.

Shall hold unbroken sway, Forsaking truth and right.
Lest unto base transgression With wicked men shall perish,
The righteous turn away. God will their sin requite.
Thy favor be imparted From sin Thy saints defending.
To godly men, O Lord; Their joy, O Lord, increase
Bless allthat are pure-hearted, With mercy never ending
The good with good reward. And everlasting peace.

356 The Divine Protection
PSALM 125 7s and 6s Knowhead Charles H. Gabriel

5te £
i ^ -1 I ^
De - pend
I All who with heart con - fid - ing on God a - lone,


r-r—r i
T rr r

^^ Like Zi - on's
mount a - bid - ing, Shall ne'er be o - ver - thrown.

^m JL


i *:
i M
Like Zi - on's cit y bound - ed By guard - ing moun-tains broad,

^m f ^ ^a I


*=f =^ ^M m t^^^m I

His peo - pie are sur -round - ed For-ev - er by their God.

/,-«-/ Jl.
S ^~:—n ^-^—t=f£=£
Copyright, 1904, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
2 No scepter of oppression 3 The men who falsehood cherish,
Shall hold unbroken sway, Forsaking truth and right.
Lest unto base transgression With wicked men shall perish,
The righteous turn away. God will their sin requite.
Thy favor be imparted From sin Thy saints defending,
To godly men, O Lord; Their joy, Lord, increase
Bless all that are pure-hearted, With mercy never ending
The good with good reward. And everlasting peace.

357 Rescue from Spiritual Bondage






^J-^ i i: j j \

low es tate Was brought from bondage by the Lord,

^ ^


p p
W. Martin

pt-H-'-nv^E^^ E3E^
In ec - sta - sy we sang for joy, By grace and won-drous love re-stored.

^t f

i-C- t t

The Lord in greatly blessing US

t -g-

[plays; As

streams are made to flow.


Before the world His power dis- Replenished by abundant showers.

Yea, great things God has done for us,
And filled our hearts with joy and 4 The sower bearing precious seed
May weep as in his toil he grieves,
3 Lord, refresh us by Thy grace, But he shall come again with joy
Re\dve and quicken all our powers, In harvest time with golden sheaves.

358 Deliverance and Restoration

PSALM 126 H. M. Zebulon Lowell Mason

When in
His might the Lord
^M A
rose to set
;•} In
Aoid Zi - on was re - stored her cap - tiv -

Nrt^i ^-
f-M^ t f T f i i f i Ljp
-<^. -g^pg Zt
3 i
i ^t: » ^ f »=l=8
f f s I
transports then of joy and mirth We praised the Lord of all the earth.

§5 i f
f « fee

The nations saw with fear
The might of God displayed,
When He at last drew near
To give His people aid;
Great things for us the Lord has wrought,
And gladness to our hearts has brought.
Deliverance and Restoration

3 Again refresh us, Lord,

With Thy reviving love,
And be Thy blessing poured
In mercy from above;
By grace revive our hearts again,
As streams refreshed by copious rain.

4 Although with bitter tears

The sower bears his seed,
When harvest time appears
He shall be glad indeed;
For they that in the sowing weep
Shall yet in joy and gladness reap.

359 Conscious Dependence on God

PSALM 127 L. M. Rose Hill Joseph E. Sweetser

s s
T ^
Un-less the Lord the house shall build,
i 5
The wea-ry
J ^^
build-ers toil in vain

5^4: y J i^^J«t ,r^> , J ! J J,rJ

i ? s f^

Un- less the Lord the

cit -

y shield,
j 1,

The guards
1^^ a use - less
-^ ^
watch main-tain.

g^ i T I \\ — F ip Uj^ i'
1 1 I I
i p^. Ip

2 In vain you rise ere morning-break,

And late your nightly vigils keep,
And of the bread of toil partake;
God gives to His beloved sleep.

3 Lo, children are a great reward,

A gift from God in very truth;
With arrows is his quiver stored
Who joys in children of his youth.
4 And blest the man whose age is cheered
By stalwart sons and daughters fair;
No enemies by him are feared.
No lack of love, no want of care.
360 Family Happiness
PSALM 128 8s and 7s JUDE WilUam H. Jude

te i :^
i^ T i i^tff ^
I Blest the man that fears Je - ho - vah, Walk-ing ev - er in His ways;

£ ? r ?
lU^'- g t t

3 Jj
Iutl tl
3 kj
^ T5t-
By thy toil thou shalt be pros - pered And be hap py all thy days.

^ ^ i-^i—i-r« -^-
P^ F^
2 In thy wife thou shalt have gladness, 4 Lo, on him that fears Jehovah
She shall fill thy home with good, Shall this blessedness attend,
Happy in her loving service For Jehovah out of Zion
And the joys of motherhood. Shall to thee His blessing send.

3 Joyful children, sons and daughters, 5 Thou shalt see God's kingdom prosper
Shall about thy table meet, All thy days, till life shall cease.
OUve plants, in strength and beauty. Thou shalt see thy children's children;
Full of hope and promise sweet. On Thy people, Lord, be peace.

361 Conflict and Victory

PSALM 129 L, M. AshwelL Lowell Mason

pir^p^j=4^gLJdj —
^ i i^SN


I Through all the years,may Is - rael say, My bit - ter foes have oft as - sailed,

^- m --^r5>-^-«'-
B^ ^^
PF r e f

-^g=H *=qf ^=^

Have sought niy hurt in fierce ar - ray, Yet o- ver me have not pre - vailed

-#- £:
^ff+ff T I
Conflict and Victory
2 Though scars of conflict and distress 3 The foes of Zion shall be brought
Remain to tell of trials past, To hopeless flight and put to shame;
Jehovah in His righteousness Their wicked plans shall come to
Has safely brought us through at nought
last. And all mankind forget their name.
4 To them no kindly friend shall say,
God bless you now and speed you well;
No grateful heart for them shall pray.
May God's rich blessing on you dwell.

362 Redemption and Forgiveness

PSALM 130 IDS and 4s Sandon Charles H. Purday

^^m g=r i^m ^=4

I From out the depths I cry, O Lord, to Thee ;
Lord, hear my call ; I love Thee,
^ ^
m E
^^ ^ S

Lord, for
Thou dost heed my
For - giv - ing all ;
^^ If Thou shouldst mark our

^ ^ _-(?L.
-(2- -*-

9^ f e£
I ?^^?^
mid^^k^ -^
g=r i i
who then could stand But grace and mer Thy

sins, ? - cy dwell at right hand.

i^M ? -^
5^-r- +^
^ i
2 I wait for God, the Lord, and on His word
My hope reUes;
My soul still waits and looks unto the Lord
Till light arise;
I look for Him to drive away my night,
Yea, more than watchmen look for morning Ught.

3 Hope in the Lord, ye waiting saints, and He

Will well provide.
For mercy and redemption full and free
With Him abide;
From sin and evil, mighty though they seem.
His arm almighty will His saints redeem.
363 Waiting Upon God

130 Ss and 7s George C. Stebbins

^^ s 4=^

From the depths do
I in-vokeThee, Lord, to me

in - clineThy
p ear;
fs f=^

Tf ^ ^
d « i-
* *? I
To my voice be Thou at - ten - tive, And my sup - pli - ca tion hear.


^ jr
u rs^-i^

2 Lord, if Thou
Copyright, X906, by Georgfc C. Stebbins.


Used by


For the Lord my soul is waiting

gressions, More than watchers in the night,

In Thy presence who shall stand? More than they for morning watching,
But with Thee there is forgiveness, Watching for the morning light.
That Thy Name may fear command.
3 For Jehovah I am waiting, 5 Hope in God, ye waiting people;
And my hope is in His word, Mercies great with Him abound;
In His word of promise given; With the Lord a full redemption
Yea, my soul waits for the Lord. From the guilt of sin is found.

364 Penitence and Hope

PSALM 130 8s and 4 Hanford Arthur S. Sullivan

#S^^^^3i j=ErN"J J I. IM ^
s ^


—S— —
out the depths

1^ •


to Thee




f- 1-

Thy ear


f f
- ten



• cp

Hear Thou my sup - pli - cat - ing plea. Have mer - cy, Lord.

r:'u-± ^ # I
2 If marked by Thee our sin appeared, 3 I wait for Thee, my soul doth wait,
Who, Lord, could stand in judgment Thy word my hope in every strait;
cleared? [feared, None watch, O Lord, at morning's
Forgiveness, that Thou mayst be gate
There is with Thee. As I for Thee.
Penitence and Hope
4 O Israel, hope thou in the Lord,
His mercy will thy faith reward.
He full redemption will accord
From all thy sin.

365 Pardoning Mercy


130 8s, 5, 3 BulLINGER Ethelbert W. Bullinger

^ i
_ 3^
*— ^
¥ f
I From the depths my prayer as - cend - eth Un to God on high

s^ ^^
^ ^S- 'B
r f=f
te ^^

^P SE ^=^ I
Hear, O Lord, my sup - pli - ca - tion And my cry.

iife £ I T £ f-
2 None can stand unscathed and blame- 3 Lord, my
hope is in Thy promise,
Thy judgment just,
In [less Andwait for Thee
But the contrite in Thy mercy More than they who watch for morning,
Humbly trust. Light to see.

4 With the Lord is tender mercy.

And redeeming love;
Israel, look for full salvation
From above.

SECOND TUNE Stephanos Henry W. Baker

the depths
* ^*
prayer as
- cend -

Un -

to God
<^ ^

^ 4=^

i * ^ —z?- 3^
Hear, O Lord, my sup - pli ca - tion And my cry.

m .t t ^
^m 311
^^ I
366 Humility and Meekness
PSALM 131 S. M. Olmutz Arranged by Lowell Mason

I Not haugh-ty


|-^-_j _ J_4-J

heart Not loft -




-0- ^ J.
^— Ig
ts*- -tS*-

f=r ^
I do not seek to know the things God's wis -dom hath de - nied.

i^ ^- ^=V

2 With childlike trust, O Lord,

In Thee I calmly rest,
Contented as a little child
Upon its mother's breast.

3 Ye people of the Lord,

In Him alone confide;
From this time forth and evermore
His wisdom be your guide.

367 God and His Church

PSALM 132 8s and 7s Ulster Robert Lowry

Gra-cious Lord,
- ^ J
re-member Da

^ How

he made
-r- m— N

Thy house his care,

9 ^j?>^? r"T
^7^4 ^. ^
. - -

- - I N -

r ^


he vowed to seek

^ ±1

no pleas -ure

; > M Me
Thy house he

^ should pre - pare.

S2 t: I ^
Copyright, 1903, by Mary Runyon Lowry. Renewal. Used by per.
God and His Church

ste ^=iS
Lord, re -
mem -
his de


vo -
tion ;
Rest - less in
his courts he trod

jg ^-^i: [ [

. ipp p J J J -^

f^-tfdr-ft^^^^^^ ^^ ^

Till he found a hab - i - ta - tion Fit for Is-rael's might - y God,

^^m LJl.

^f=? i

s i a^;lj' j'
Till he found a hab - i - ta - tion Fit for Is-rael's might- y God.

J- J:.-f- V f- f-,f f .. . ,. r f
2 Far away God's ark was resting; Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion,
It is with His people now; Thou hast ever loved her well;
We will go into His temple, This My resting-place forever,
At His footstool we will bow. Here, Thou sayst, I choose to dwell.
With the ark Thy might revealing, Surely I will bless and help her,
Enter, Lord, into Thy rest; Feed her poor, her saints make glad,
Let Thy priests be clothed with And her priests shall stand before Me
justice, In salvation's garments clad.
Let Thy joyful saints be blest.

3 Let the king behold Thy favor I will cause themight of David
For Thy servant David's sake, Ever more and more to grow,
Unto whom a sacred promise, On the path of My Anointed
Sure and faithful. Thou didst make. I will make a lamp to glow;
keep Thy covenant
If his children All His enemies shall perish,
And Thy testimony own, I will cover them with shame.
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast promised, But His crown shall ever flourish,
They shall sit upon his throne. Blessed be His holy Name.

368 The House of God
PSALM 132 L. M. Federal Street Henry K. Oliver

I A - rise, O Lord, our God, a - rise And en - ter now in - to Thy rest

-#- -^ f^ -#- ! -S>- -tS>- -f5>- -^ -^ ~^%' -p- -p- -^ -i^
^- ;&
m iP
O let this house be
^ -r
Jijh=i -^

For a bode, -
d S -^

ev- er with

Thy pres-ence blest.



1-1 rn, ^^r^-W- ?f=i:
^f Z7
[Selected Stanzas

2 Thy gracious covenant, Lord, fulfil, 4 I will abundantly provide

Turn not away from us Thy face; For Zion's good, the Lord hath said;
Establish Thou Messiah's throne I will supply her daily need
And let Him reign within this place. And satisfy her poor with bread.

3 Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord, 5 Salvation shall adorn her priests, [vine,
And Thou hast said, I love her well, Her saints shall shout with joy di-
This is my constant resting-place, Messiah's power shall be revealed.
And here will I delight to dwell. His glory in His Church shall shine.

369 Brotherly Love

PSALM 133 C. M. Invitation Arranged from Wallace

1%^£t m I St

iUte p=
I How pleas -

ant and

how good it is When brethren

i -^
in the Lord

^^^tb^g In one an - oth - er's joy de - light And

dwell in sweet ac -


rr-' TT^TT^

Brotherly Love

2 Such love is like anointing oil

In consecration poured;
Such love is like the morning dew,
With sweet refreshment stored.

3 To those who dwell in brotherhood

The Lord His blessing sends,
He crowns them with the crown of life,
Of life that never ends.

370 The Communion of Saints

PSALM 133 C. p. M. Pressly Charles H. Gabriel

I How good
i i

and pleas - ant is the

sight When breth-ren

it their de

fe±l- | r"
E: r- ^=r=f
m-T~r ^^
3t=it i a ^^^E i *=r
light To dwell in blest ac - cord ; Such love is like a - noint - ing

^ 4=f=^

Si I

oil That con - se-crates for ho - ly toil The serv - ants of the Lord.

^- b-f-
Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
^ u •

[ I
I f II

2 Such love in peace and joy distils,

As o'er the slopes of Hermon's hills
Refreshing dew descends;
The Lord commands His blessing there,
And they that walk in love shall share
In life that never ends.
371 The Unity of Brotherhood
PSALM 133 8s and ys Jubilee Arthur S. Sullivan

iWifc l^=i t
Be -hold, how pleas -ant and how good That we, one Lord con - fess -


ii^ * 1 *s
ij r=^ v[ \
\\\ fp
t=t^ ttr tj^ \i J i i ^gag
o - geth - er dwell in broth - er- hood, Our u - ni - ty ex - press -ing;

iS ^ ii
m -ft —

'Tis like the oil on Aar - on's head,

The seal of
or -
di - na tion,

m^^^^^^^=^^^ rr-n&^
f J I
i iUim
That o'er his robes the sweet-ness shed Of per- feet con - se - era tion.

^M f ^
J—. ^ M I
f=^ f
2 Behold, how pleasant and how good
That we, one Lord confessing,
Together dwell in brotherhood,
Our unity expressing;
'Tis like the dew from Hermon fair
On Zion's hill descending;
The Lord commands His blessing there
In life that is unending.

372 Doxology and Benediction
PSALM 134 C. P. M. Wyoming Theodore E. Perkins

W2^_.4 -jI ^4 3t^ <&-

* — ^t —J m 1— I

I Come, all ye servants of the Lord, Lift up your voice with one ac - cord

g JfiZ

te 1-^ 4
iPa f =iE=^
¥ -eo !-•
• .
^ 3
Je - ho-vah's Name to bless ; Ye that are stand-ing night by night

g t e
t^H ^ rf


^^^ i --
-;- *-
-.51- I
With - in the house of His de- light. His glo-rious Name con- f ess.


it Ae £^^^ *
2 Yea, in His place of holiness
Lift up your hands the Lord to bless;
And unto you be given
The joys that Zion doth afford,
The richest blessing of the Lord
Who made the earth and heaven.

373 Incentives to Praise
PSALM 135 9s and 8s Harvest-tide A. Croil Falconer

^ I O
praise ye the


Name of

Je -ho - vah, Pro-claim ye His glo

^^ r r r
- ry


- broad;


i :^: ^
ff^ ^ 3 ? :3=it

O praise Him,ye serv-ants ap-point - ed To stand in the house of our God.


M^ rr r
T" r
2 O Lord for His goodness;
praise ye the
His praises to sing;
'Tis pleasant
His people, His chosen and precious,
Your praises with gratitude bring.

3 I know that the Lord is almighty,

Supreme dominion is He,
Performing His will and good pleasure
In heaven and in earth and the sea.

4 His hand guides the clouds in their courses,

The lightning flames forth at His will,
The wind and the rain He releases
His sovereign designs to fulfil.

5 To ransom His people from bondage

Great wonders and signs He displayed;
He smote all the first-born of Egypt,
Till Pharaoh made haste and obeyed.

6 Great nations and kings that opposed Him

Were smitten by God's mighty hand;
Their riches He gave to His people,
And made them inherit the land.
7 Thy Name shall abide, O Jehovah,
Through all generations renowned;
The Lord is the judge of His people,
His mercies forever abound.

8 Men's idols of gold and of silver

Can speak not, nor hearken, nor see;
Like them shall their makers be helpless,
Unblest shall their worshipers be.

Incentives to Praise

9 Ye people who worship Jehovah,

His praises with gladness proclaim;
His servants, and all ye that fear Him,
Sing praise to His glorious Name.

lo O Church of our God, sing His praises,

For with you and in you He dwells;
sing Hallelujahs before Him,
Whose glory all praises excels.

374 Adoration of God

PSALM 135 9s and 8s Janet George C. Stebbins

M-y+, .
J J L_nj I I I

j ni j^fi -h
I O praise ye the Name of Je - ho - vah, Pro - claim ye His glo - ry a -broad;
^ -f-^ -
-ft ft .-f- f- .

: M=b4 -___- fiJjL

r^ ^
i ^i^=^
U^ ^
It ^t=^
O praise Him, ye serv-ants ap- point - ed To stand in the house of our God.

1 1
P^ifcE^I ^^ff/i

fflpf l
f l
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 O praise ye the Lord for His goodness;

His praises to sing;
'Tis pleasant
His people, His chosen and precious.
Your praises with gratitude bring.

3 I know that the Lord is almighty,

Supreme dominion is He,
Performing His will and good pleasure
In heaven and in earth and the sea.

4 Ye people who worship Jehovah,

His praises with gladness proclaim;
His servants, and all ye that fear Him,
Sing praise to His glorious Name.

5 O Church of our God, sing His praises,

For with .you and in you He dwells;
O sing Hallelujahs before Him,
Whose glory all praises excels.

375 Invitations to Praise
PSALM 135 L. M. Creation Arranged from Haydn

^. t
m T -^
1 Ex -alt the LordjHis praise pro-claim ; All
f Y r
His servants, praise His Name,


the Lord's house ev

er stand

And hum
:i±t *w-

bly serve at
^ His com-mand.

A •^^^
ife #=tpE
^^ m J
^^ s^*
[Selected Stanzas]

2 The Lord is good, His praise proclaim;

Since it is pleasant, praise His Name;
His people for His own He takes
And His peculiar treasure makes.

3 I know the Lord is high in state,

Above all gods our Lord is great;
The Lord performs what He decrees,
In heaven and earth, in depths and seas.

4 He makes the vapors to ascend

In clouds from earth's remotest end;
The lightnings flash at His command,
He holds the tempest in His hand.

5 Forever praise and bless His Name,

And in the Church His praise proclaim;
In Zion is His dwelling-place
Praise ye the Lord, show forth His grace.

376 Enduring Mercy

PSALM 136 73 Better Land William F. Sherwin

— ^—— I

mmz 7k:

Praise Je ho - vah for His love,

God of gods, en-throned a - bove

^ «^

^^ r i g=i:
^ ^m F
Praise the might -y
Enduring Mercy

King of

a - lone doth

won - drous things

m 'i. fe

t n r

#-j — L.| ^ ^ Lffl — >

^m. ^ 3^

For His mer - cy doth en - dure, - er faith - ful, ev - er sure.

^i^ £ p I r:
m. t-
^ f^
God by wisdom framed the skies,
Made the earth from ocean rise,
Gave the sun by day for light,
Moon and stars to rule the night;
For His mercy doth endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.

He made Egypt's greatness vain,

Caused their first-born to be slain,
Brought forth Israel from their land,
Stretching out His mighty hand;
For His mercy doth endure.
Ever faithful, ever sure.

God the sea asunder clave.

Brought His people through the wave.
Drowned their foes beneath the deep.
Through the desert led His sheep;
For His mercy doth endure.
Ever faithful, ever sure.

Mighty kings of mighty name

He destroyed and put to shame.
Made their land a heritage
For His saints from age to age;
For His mercy doth endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure. .

God remembered all our woe,

Rescued us from every foe.
Food to all doth He supply,
Praise the Lord enthroned on high;
For His mercy doth endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.
377 Divine Love
PSALM 136 L. M. Beloit Carl G. Reissiger

I O thank the Lord, the
t ^mf
Lord of love, O

thank the God,

-U Kj

gods a

- bove

P^4=3 J -J^ J J i -J:

i ?^ ^ j

r ^'?

r ^ i

p f—*-^r t-^ V '

His ten -der mer cies ev er sure To ter ni en -dure.

- - all e - - - ty

m #J^^ A
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 O thank the mighty King of kings,

Whose arm has done such wondrous things;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.

3 His wisdom gave the heavens their birth,

And on the waters spread the earth;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.

4 He taught yon glorious lights their way,

He made the sun to rule the day;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.

5 He moon, with milder light,

set the
And shining stars to rule the night;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.

6 He thought on us amid our woes.

And rescued us from all our foes;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.

7 Give thanks to heaven's Almighty King,

Who daily feeds each living thing;
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure.
378 The Unfailing Mercy of God
PSALM Constance

136 88 and 7s Arthur S. Sullivan

I Give thanks to God, for good is He, His grace a - bid - eth ev - er

§a ffi H^^^fj-^fT^
To Him all
praise and

glo - ry
« <


^^M ^
fail -eth nev-er.

g- ,f- r-—f- 4.,tr- T f ^ , > f-
-r f :t-
f f r
r f ! ,

i ^^ i ^ ^ 3^ £ i
His won - drous works with praise re - cord, His grace a -bid- eth ev - er,

-^ . . . ^-
mr J-^
± Nai
mf^ E=^

H^i i J: J' l
J J jiJHi ' J I

The on - ly God, the sov-ereign Lord, Whose mer - cy fail - eth nev - er.

I * ^m^^vr=f=r=vf. [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 His wisdom made the heavens to be, He helped us in our deepest woes,
His grace abideth ever; His grace abideth ever;
He spread the earth above the sea, He ransomed us from all our foes,
His mercy faileth never. His mercy faileth never.
Praise Him Whose sun doth bring the Each creature's need He doth supply,
day, His grace abideth ever;
His grace abideth ever; Give thanks to God, enthroned on
The moon and stars His might display, high,
Whose mercy faileth never. Whose mercy faileth never.

379 Memories of Zion




Ba-bel's streams
we sat and

-3^ -<5*-


For mem-ory still
William B. Bradbury

to Zi -

T7 3


«=t ?


The winds a - lone our

-^ — 1»-
^ rj=j^=^p^
harp-strings swept,That on the drooping wil- lows hung.

^ ^ ^


^^F=^ -_^2

There our rude captors, flushed with pride,

m m ,

A song required to mock our wrongs;

Our spoilers called for mirth, and cried,
Come, sing us one of Zion's songs.

3 Not songs but sighs to us belong

When Zion's walls in ruin lie;

How shall we sing Jehovah's song

While in an alien land we die?

4 O Zion fair, God's holy hill,

Wherein our God delights to dwell,

Let my right hand forget her skill
If I forget to love thee well.

5 If I do not remember thee,

Then let my tongue from utterance cease,
If any earthly joy to me
Be dear as Zion's joy and peace.

6 Remember, Lord, the dreadful day

Of Zion's cruel overthrow;
How happy he who shall repay
The bitter hatred of her foe.

380 Remembrance of Church Privileges



Ba - bel's riv - er

- side we sat
in tears,

Re -
J. Hopkins


ry jg- 1
#=^=f -

fr?: J
a -tS"-

Zi - on's pride in for - mer years, While on the weep - ing

is£? 1 1 r r
I r I r

mM iUi JifTiin,UB
wil - lows there were hung The harps our grief had si- lenced and \m- strung.

mFr-f-rrrrr^ m ^^ ^^i [Selected Stanzas]

2 For they who led us there a captive throng

Required that we prepare for them a song;
Yea, there our captors asked for mirth and praise,
Required a song of Zion's happy days.

3 O how shall we thus sing at their command

Songs of the Lord, our King, in this strange land?
O Zion, if I e'er forget thy woe.
Let my right hand its skill no longer know.

4 Yea, let my tongue, I pray, all silent be,

If I do not alway remember thee;

If I prefer not thee, though in thy grief,

Above all other joys my very chief.

381 Exultation in God
PSALM 138 L. M. The Solid Rock William B. Bradbury

f#^ ^=r iEj i=K
* i

With grate-ful heart

\i t


* —— *

i W^ I bring,

Be - fore the great

-t l^-f:
Thy praise I sing

—d-^S d ^^^ s

s 9

I wor-ship in Thy holy place And praise Thee for Thy truth and gracejFor truth and grace to-

m M ^^^A H^ ^ f f r T^
7 :£
=t= U ^^^
P »

g g
9-\9 , ,


r r
P — J' J
J i
r"^-? ^^ ^
geth-er shine In Thy most ho - ly word di- vine, In Thy most ho - ly word di- vine.

:pL=* TP:
t^ J
g=^ Pi
r^ But Thou
2 I cried to Thee and Thou didst save, hast mercy for the meek;
Thy word of grace new courage gave; Through trouble though my path-
The kings of earth shall thank Thee, way be,
Lord, Thou wilt revive and strengthen me.
For they have heard Thy wondrous
word; Thou wilt stretch forth Thy mighty
Yea, they shall come with songs of
To save me when my foes alarm;
For great and glorious are Thy ways. The work Thou hast for me begun
3 Lord, enthroned in glory bright, Shall by Thy grace be fully done;
Thou reignest in the heavenly height; Forever mercy dwells with Thee;
The proud in vain Thy favor seek. O Lord, my Maker, think on me.

382 A Vision of God

139 L. M.

IS rm^

d %
William B. Bradbury

I ^
I Lord,Thou hast searched me, and dost know Wher-e'er

y ^
P 326
I rest, wher- e'er

mm I go

A Vision of God

uii i tji ii i r-^fiv=i=mi4

Thou knowest all that I have planned,And all my ways are in Thy hand

^ g^^
-^^ i :& :£ ^

2 My words from Thee cannot hide,

4 If I the wings of morning take,
I feel Thy power on
every side; And far away my dwelling make,
O wondrous knowledge, awful might,The hand that leadeth me is Thine,
Unfathomed depth,unmeasured height! And my support Thy power divine.

5 If deepest darkness cover me.

3 Where can I go apart from Thee, The darkness hideth not from Thee;
Or whither.f rom Thy presence flee ? To Thee both night and day are
In heaven ? it is Thy dwelling fair; bright,
In death's abode ? lo, Thou art there. The darkness shineth as the light.

383 The Lord Our Maker

PSALM 139 L. M. St. Crispin George J. Elvey

^^m I All that I am


to Thee,
^M Thy
wis- dom,Lord,hath fashioned
me ;

9^^ r-r- y I r
^ ^ —P—S^ ft

^=J=p~^^U: l
j i |l^p=M
I give my Mak - er thank-ful praise,Whose wondrous works my soul a - maze.

[Stanzas 6-10]

2 E'er into being I was brought. 4 The wicked Thou wilt surely slay,
Thy eye did see, and in Thy thought From me let sinners turn away;
My life in all its perfect plan They speak against the Name divine,
Was ordered e'er my days began. I count God's enemies as mine.

3 Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold. 5 Search me,O God, my heart discern,
More precious unto me than gold! Try me, my inmost thought to learn;
I muse on their infinity, And lead me, if in sin I stray.
Awaking I am still with Thee. To choose the everlasting way.
384 The Searcher of Hearts
PSALM 139 C. M. Bingham Anonymous

± —T— 4=^

Tmy —^— B^E^ '- -s>-

I O Lord, in - most heart and thought Thy search-ing eye doth see

^m V-^-


rest, wher-e'er
I go. My ways are
\ \-
known to
m Thee.

is s ^ ^ 4^-

[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 Each spoken word, each silent thought, 4 From Thee, Lord, I cannot hide,
Thou, Lord, dost understand; Though darkness cover me;
Before me and behind art Thou, . The darkness and the light of day
Restraining by Thy hand. Are both alike to Thee,

3 If I the wings of morning take 5 Search me, O God, and know my heart,
To some remotest land, Try me, my thoughts to know;
Still I shall be upheld by Thee O lead me, if in sin I stray,
And guided by Thy hand. In paths of life to go.


i s^

— — —— —

• '

most heart

and thought Thy search-ing eye doth see

p^^ r t k

m: m

j i
rest, wher-e'er
I go,
My ways
are known
to Thee

S i^^^
? f=F 1
385 Peril and Prayer

140 7s and 63 Petition Arranged from Haydn

^ S ^
8tr S S
I De - liv - er me from e - vil, Pre - serve me, Lord, from wrong

i^ J . J — . g I
^- r f- -f- -^ ^

^a r i f= ¥

tf^^ i
A -

gainst the
J ^s J

foes that
gath -
er Be Thou my help - er strong.

i^^ f-g^ ^m t=;=f

i =^a I

From those who plot to hurt me And spread their treach-erous snare

• f .


^ Pre -

me. Lord, and
J^ £ w
Safe - g^ard - ed in Thy
^ care.

^ £.
£ £=F^ i i
2 Lord, I have confessed Thee 3 Let evil smite the evil
To be my God alone; And cause their overthrow;
O hear my supplication The needy and afflicted
And be Thy mercy shown; The Lord will help, I know;
O God the Lord, my Saviour, Thy saints, redeemed from evil,
My shield amid the strife, Their thanks to Thee shall give;
Let not the wicked triumph The righteous and the upright
Who plot against my life. Shall in Thy presence live.

386 Prayerful Desire
PSALM 141 L. M. Hesperus Henry Baker

il-A J


Lord,make haste



cry, To Thee I call, on Thee
re - ly

9iS ^ m -<5'- _ -f^ -•- -jg-'


rrrf ^f^^
-#- -g- -j^ -#--15'--^

3 I* i bj
^ i^
2 When
In-cline to



in the

b— titr-

morning unto Thee


and bring my plea,

prayer as incense
gra-cious ear,

4 i

5 O
I call,

righteous God, Thy chastisement,


sent through foes, in love is



cy hear.

To God enthroned above the skies. Though grievous, it will profit me,
A healing ointment it shall be.
3 When unto Thee I look and pray
6 While wickedness my foes devise,
With hands at close of day,
To Thee my constant prayer shall rise;
Then as the evening sacrifice
When their injustice is o'erthrown
Let my request accepted rise.
gentleness shall still be shown.

4 Guard Thou my thoughts, I Thee im- 7 Brought nigh to death and sore dis-
plore, tressed,
And of my lips keep Thou the door; O Lord, my God, in Thee I rest;
Nor leave my sinful heart to stray Forsake me not, I look to Thee,
Where evil footsteps lead the way. Let me Thy great salvation see.

8 Themselves entangled in their snare,

Their own defeat my foes prepare;
O keep me. Lord, nor let me fall.
Protect and lead me safe through all.

387 Our Only Saviour

PSALM 142 L. M Hamburg Arranged by Lowell Mason

p§_^ j i\4=if^d t'i \ ^ ^r-^ { S== 4^J i^ll.^ I

1 To God my ear - nest voice I raise. To God my voice im - plor -
ing prays

9^ i ^

4?i4t --^

I* 1
Z^ f=t

Our Only Saviour

^^ Be - fore His face

JZ fjui
my grief
I show And
tell my trou - ble

my woe.

g?=g-t r it tTit r t i


^ ^ i
2 When gloom and sorrow compass me, To Thee, my shelter from the strife,

The path known to Thee,

I take is My portion in the land of life.

And all the toils that foes do lay 5 Be Thou my help when troubles
To snare Thy servant in his way. throng.
For am weak and foes are strong;
3 All unprotected, lo, I stand, My captive soul from prison bring.
No friendly guardian at my hand. And thankful praises I will sing.
No place of flight or refuge near,
6 The righteous then shall gather round
And none to whom my soul is dear.
To share the blessing I have found,
Their hearts made glad because they
4 O Lord, my Saviour, now to Thee, see
Without a hope besides, I flee, How richly God has dealt with me.

388 Christ Our Refuge and Portion

PSALM 142 L. M. Saxby Timothy R. Matthews

#^^=nij I To Thee, O Lord, I

j i

i ji^J
- bly cry,
To Thee my
i i
sup - pli - ca -
tion make,

i^ p=^e r
r ^ r

^> j
To Thee
j « \i i

\^^ m To Thee my
? *

^ i -z^

I bring sad com-plaint. bit - ter grief I take.

e fc
rr^ I
2 Thou knowest, Lord, my deep dis- Be Thou my Saviour, my Lord,
tress. For I am weak and foes are strong;
Thelonely path, the hidden snare. My captive soul from prison bring,
How refuge faileth, friends forsake, And glad shall be my thankful song.
And no man for my soul doth care.
Around me shall the righteous throng,
3 My prayer is unto Thee, Lord, And crowned with joy Thy saints
No refuge but in Thee I know. shall be, [Lord
No portion but in Thee I find; Their hearts made glad because the
Lord, in my need Thy mercy show. In richest grace hath dealt with me.
389 Contrite Trust
PSALM 143 6s Invitation Frederick C. Maker

^m «-r-
T=r —

I Lord, hear me in dis - tress, Re - gard my sup - pliant cry,

i^ :£ m m r-ft-i ft ft __^
^ifH ^ri 0. « ^-g-
^^ r=f

iefe=i 3: ^s ^

in Thy faith -

f ul - ness And right - eous - ness re - ply.

^ In judg - ment do not cause Thy serv - ant to be tried

^vi7--^ r^ t=q=l=l=

#HH=H Be - fore Thy ho



laws No man is
jus - ti fied.

sS ft

T-r f

2 The enemy has sought 3 Reealling former days

My soul in dust to tread; And all Thy wondrous deeds,
To darkness I am brought, The memory of Thy ways
Forgotten as the dead. To hope and comfort leads.
My spirit, crushed with grief, To Thee I stretch my hands,
Is sad and overborne; Let me not plead in vain;
My heart finds no relief. I wait as weary lands
But desolate I mourn. Wait for refreshing rain.

Contrite Trust

4 My failing spirit see,

Lord, to me make haste;
Hide not Thy face from me,
Lest bitter death I taste.
O letthe return, mom
Let mercy light my day;
For Thee in faith I yearn,
guide me in the way.

5 Lord, save me from my foe,

To Thee for help I flee;
Teach me Thy way to know,
1 have no God but Thee.
By Thy good Spirit led
From trouble and distress,
My erring feet shall tread
The path of uprightness.

6 O Lord, for Thy Name's sake

Revive my fainting heart;
My soul from trouble take,
For just and true Thou art.
Remove my enemy,
My cruel foe reward;
. In mercy rescue me
Who am Thy servant, Lord.

SECOND TUNE Bradbury Anonymous

^/N i ^ ^3=1 Hi it tf=t
Lord, hear me in dis tress, Re gard my sup - pliant cry,

I - -

tz :- m- f y r

^ r
ft fi .
. .
0. 1


And in


faith - ful
^ I

ness And right -
t i

eous - ness





§^ fc=t: i
390 Earnest Desire and Supplication
PSALM 143 6$ JewetT Arranged from von Weber

1 Lord, hear me

dis -
tress, Re - gard
my sup - pliant cry,

^M •-^

fi-p ^
^rtrrnrnT-T; 3
And inThy faith - ful - ness And right-eous - ness re - ply.

£: i
ffi n\- 1 \ i-M^ r LTT I

In judg -
ment do
not cause Thy serv -
a I^E5
ant to be tried;

ii^ €
J £^ €:
i i -m I m
itij ::^
^ I

Be - fore Thy ho - ly laws No man is jus ti - fied.

i^i > -*^-ir —»— B r »-

r r
-1 --.
Atz . f^
S f=T i
[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 To Thee I stretch my hands, 3 By Thy good Spirit led

Let me not plead in vain; From trouble and distress.
I wait as weary lands My erring feet shall tread
Wait for refreshing rain. The path of uprightness.
O let the morn return, O Lord, for Thy Name's sake
Let mercy light my day; Revive my fainting heart;
For Thee in faith I yearn, My soul from trouble take,
O guide me in the way. For just and true Thou art.

391 Reliance and Supplication
PSALM 143 CM. Lynton Arthur J. Jamouneau

m t=f aet
I When morn- ing
the east - em skies, O Lord, Thy mer -

^M w r-a>' -

pU^J^ Wf t
On Thee


f f ,/> f
- lone my hope

re -

f- ,1^:

r »
Let me Thy kind

- ness

f=f f^
Copyright, 1904, by the Wesleyan Methodist Conference. Used by per. [Selected Stanzas ]

2 Teach me the way that I should go;

I lift my soul to Thee;
For refuge from my cruel foe
To Thee, O Lord, I flee.
3 Thou art my God, to Thee I pray,
Teach me Thy will to heed;
And in the right and perfect way
May Thy good Spirit lead.

4 For Thy Name's sake, O gracious Lord,

Revive my soul and bless.
And in Thy faithfulness and love
Redeem me from distress.

^^ ^

I When mom - ing lights the east - em skies, O Lord, Thy mer - cy show

i^^ e
iM^ ^^=^ \ .^ M^-U-4 r i
On Thee a - lone my hope re - lies. Let me Thy kind - ness know.

-'^ \

\ t ' \


\ m w f I
392 Trustful Praise and Prayer
PSALM 144 C. P. M. ExmOUTH A. Browns

&4Jj JJi 'JJ i

i ng r
I Blest be the Lord,my rock, my might, My con-stant help-er in the fight,

mtij-fftt^ ^^ ^

m My
m^ right-eous - ness, strong high tower,my Sav-iour true,

y= , , f-

• •

m * m L_ UJ « L


2 Lord,
Who doth



what is man, what hath he


The son of man, that in Thy thought

- e - mies sub due, My

4 Stretch forth
shel - ter in

Thy hand and rescue me
From trouble's dark and raging sea,
And from the alien throng.
dis - tress.

To hold him Thou shouldst deign ? Whose mouth but vanity doth speak,
For man is Hke a breath, a sigh. Whose hand of strength against the
His days on earth as quickly fly weak
As shadows o'er the plain. Is filled with craft and wrong.

3 Lord, bow Thy heavens, in might de- 5 Now will I sing a glad new song.
scend. Thy praise, O
God, I will prolong,
Touch Thou the hills, the mountains For Thou hast heard my prayer;
rend, Salvation Thou dost give to kings.
And they shall smoke and flame; Thy own dost keep, with sheltering
As arrows send Thy Ughtnings out wings.
To put Thy enemies to rout. From hurtful sword and snare.
And fill Thy foes with shame.

6 O Thou to Whom
in trust I flee.
Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me
From all the alien throng,
Whose mouth but vanity doth speak.
Whose hand of strength against the weak
Is filled with craft and wrong.

393 National Prosperity

Zi I O

C. P.

- py

land, whose sons

in youth,
^u In stur
Charles G. Goodrich

- dy
strength and

mi I
^ r P 3 ?

i=LxMlM ^^ff ^#^JF=J=^

no Like plants in vig spring Whose daugh-ters

- ble truth, - or ; fair, a

^^^m f r^7^-
5 J
J- i

queen - ly

race, Are like the cor - ner - stones



^^^ ^ * s i

f ,


- ace

Copyright, 1905, by Smith and I^aniar.

2 O


Used by




when flock and field

pal - ace *

a king.

[Stanzas 7-9]

Their rich, abundant increase yield,

And blessings multiply;
When plenty all thy people share,
And no invading foe is there,
And no distressful cry.

3 O happy people, favored land,

To whom the Lord with liberal hand
Hath thus His goodness shown;
Yea, surely is that people blest
By whom Jehovah is confessed
To be their God alone.
394 Our Glorious King
PSALM 145 C. M. Gerard Arranged by Arthur S. Sullivan

I will
ex -
tol Thee,
7^^^^f^^f^H= r
O my God, And praise Thee,
^^O my King

^dP Jl rtJT^f \ i
T f f i

f I

m 1

ev ery

and ev er more
Thy prais es
will sing.

- - - - I

g=£ i^
i U l Mf ^
^ Great
the Lord,
T |5
our might
- y God, And great - ly

J- U-
be praised

hr i
M f

f' f^^' i
f f f
\ \

W t y=aiu-i4p- n \ 1 i
His great-ness is un - search -a - ble, A - bove all glo - ry raised.

2 Each generation to the next Thy mighty acts and terrible

Shall testimony bear, Shall men with awe confess;
And to Thy praise, from age to age, Of Thy great goodness they shall sing,
Thy wondrous acts declare. And perfect righteousness.
Upon Thy glorious majesty Most gracious and compassionate
And honor I will dwell, Is God Who
reigns above;
And all Thy grand and glorious works His wrath is ever slow to rise,
And all Thy greatness tell. Unbounded is His love.

395 The Kingdom of Grace
PSALM 145 C. M. Silverton William B. Bradbury

The Lord, our God,

is good to all, From Him bless ing flows
I all - inj

-^ — *
1 r^

i r=^ ^
i ^ ^ i
P On ]r 3 =3= "z?
all His works His ten - der love And mer - cy He be - stows.

^-1 J
^^ t=t -^
-^^- ^ £ i
^ ?^ [Stanzas 7-10]
2 By all Thy works Thou shalt be praised, To show the glorious majesty
And by Thy saints be blest; Of heaven's eternal King.
Thy glorious kingdom and Thy power Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord,
Shall ever be confessed. Thy throne shall ever stand;
3 The praises of Thy mighty deeds All generations to the end
Through all the earth shall ring, Shall bow to Thy command.
396 The Goodness of God
PSALM 145 C. M. Fulton Ernest R. Kroecrer

^^i: i J i l

i: i iH-Hfnri
I The Lord is strong to help the weak. Up - hold ing those that

^^ ^ P
¥ ,f-

^ ^ M • •
iT-^ n"-^

-i i i: i I
Re - stor - ing those bowed down with grief, And do - ing good to all.

Copyright, 1901, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication [Stanzas ii-i6]
Thy creatures look to Thee for food, Their mighty Saviour He will be
From day to day supplied, When unto Him they cry.
And Thou dost for their sustenance All those that set their love on Him
With open hand provide. Shall full salvation know.
The Lord is right in all His ways, But wicked men and wicked ways
His works His love declare, The Lord will overthrow.
And He is nigh to every one My mouth shall bless the Lord my God
That breathes the trustful prayer. And His praise proclaim;
The hope of those that fear His Name Let allunite for evermore
The Lord will satisfy; To bless His holy Name.
397 The Greatness and Grace of God
PSALM 145 L. M. Duke Street John Hatton

m — MM:l -i i i\i
^^- ^J^
!ji p~ ^=^
I O Lord.Thou art my God and King, And I will ev - er bless Thy Name;

2 [^

^ g:

p4 ih^^^Vl^
r T ^M'tM
I willex-tol
Thee ev -
ery day,

And ev-er-more Thy praise proclaim.

-<z. -#—

^ i^ i^
jS- ^ f mi j^i i
2 The Lord is greatly to be praised,
His greatness is beyond our thought;

From age to age the sons of men

Shall tell the wonders God has wrought.

3 Upon Thy glorious majesty

And wondrous works my mind shall dwell;
Thy deeds shall fill the world with awe,
And of Thy greatness I will tell.
4' Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace
Thy people shall commemorate,
And all Thy truth and righteousness
My joyful song shall celebrate.
5 The Lord our God is rich in grace,
Most tender and compassionate;
His anger is most slow to rise.
His loving-kindness is most great.

6 The Lord is good in all His ways.

His creatures know His constant care;
To all His works His love extends,
All men His tender mercies share.

7 Thy works shall give Thee thanks, O Lord,

Thy saints Thy mighty acts shall show.
Till o'er the earth the sons of men
Thy kingdom, power, and glory know.
8 Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord,
Forever strong and ever sure;
While generations rise and die
Shall Thy dominion still endure.
398 Divine Grace and Compassion

i A r?

The Lord up -holds

L. M.

^ ^


And makes the weak
Jn g
Theodore E. Perkins


- cure
- ly stand

g%& 9 9 9 9
i i/j 1 1/ li 1/ ^ Mr r ^
i 1/ I
^i^ ^ ^

The bur-denedones, bowed down with griefjAre helped by His most gra-cious hand.

s g g g -B #2 —^ 1

|i 1/ ^ I |

^MM^^^ iri^^^/ i j J' I

eyes of all up - on Thee wait By Thee their wants are all sup-plied


9 \9 \9 9 -i
^ ^ ^


Thy o

- pen hand
is boun -
ti - f ul, And
3-=-" —
ev - ery
h r
J :

is sat -
^ is - fied.

mAMM'-kf ^
^ i
9't: g
V-'^ b
-f->g f
U-V V-
[Stanzas 9-14]

2 The Lord is just in all His ways, His great salvation they shall know
In all His works the Lord is kind, Who love the Lord's most holy
And that call on Him in truth
all The wicked He overthrow [Name;
In Him
a present helper find. And put His enemies to shame.
He will fulfil the heart's desire My mouth shall speak the glorious
Of those that fear Him and obey; praise [adore;
Their cry the Lord will surely hear, Of Him Whom heaven and earth
And He will save them when they Let all exalt His holy Name
pray. Forever and for evermore.
399 The Excellency of God
PSALM 145 7, 6s, 8 St. Louis Lewis H. Redner

^^ -*

Thee And Thy Name

I I will ex - tol er bless

Nr^^ 1^ I I ^I'f^ ^ f^ -(S2-


Each day will I
give thanks to Thee And all
praise pro
- claim.


Lord and might
F :r=t^
And high be praised

Great is the y, - ly to

SE^^ 0f

r I

f ft

p 1^
«* ^ iij.
t u^w^^w^- i j J ^- a
His great-ness is un - search - a - A
ble, - bove our knowl - edge raised.

j-g- -
t~i^ .

fr -'

f f
f I
f r\' !
I a
[Selected Stanzas]

2 To every generation On all His helpless creatures

Thy glory shall be told, His tender mercies rest;
Thy honor and Thy majesty By all His works He shall be praised,
In memory I will hold; By all His saints be blest.
Thy mighty power and greatness
Shall all mankind confess, 4 The glory of His kingdom
And tell the story of Thy love, Proclaimed abroad shall be,
And sing Thy righteousness. That all may know His mighty deeds
And glorious majesty;
3 The Lord is very gracious His kingdom is eternal.
And most compassionate; His throne shall stand secure,
His anger is most slow to rise, And His dominion without end
His mercy is most great; Through ages shall endure.

400 Trust and Praise

m^ ^

I Hal

- le
Ss and 78

- lu -
jah, praise Je

- ho - vah, O my soul,
Charlotte A. Barnard

Je - ho - vah praise

iS4- 5 s
^ r h' r r

s I
I will sing the glo - rious prais - es Of my God through all my days.

^^m t-^^ri % ^ ^ — f
2 Put no confidence in princes,
Nor for help on man depend;
He shall die, to dust returning,
And his purposes shall end.

3 Happy is the man that chooses

Israel's God to be his aid;
He is blest whose hope of blessing
On the Lord his God is stayed.

4 Heaven and earth the Lord created,

Seas and all that they contain;
He delivers from oppression,
Righteousness He will maintain.

5 Food He daily gives the hungry.

Sets the mourning prisoner free,
Raises those bowed down with anguish,
Makes the sightless eyes to see.

6 Well Jehovah loves the righteous,

And the stranger He befriends.
Helps the fatherless and widow,
Judgment on the wicked sends.

7 Over all God reigns forever.

Through all ages He is King;
Unto Him, thy God, O Zion,
Joyful hallelujahs sing.

401 The One True Helper
PSALM 146 L. M. Migdol LoweU Mason

i S
Praise ye the Lord,H is praise pro-claim, And,
-<5«- ^^
^B ¥ fc

souljbless thou His Name;

H Ff^ £ i £
^j^^to^Ux^jj^J-^^t+ffM^ 5= "^

Yea, I will sound His praise a-broad And ev - er bless the Lord, my God.

huM m^w m 2 Trust not in man

n f=f e
who soon must die,
Selected Stanzas ]

But on the hving God rely;

Most blest the man whose help is He
That made the heaven and earth and sea.

3 His truth unchanged shall ever stand,

He saves from strong oppression's hand,
In Him the sad a helper find,
He feeds the poor and heals the blind.
4 Thy God shall reign for evermore,
PraiseHim, O Zion, and adore;
The Lord is heaven's eternal King,
To Him all praise and honor bring.

402 Reasons for Praise

PSALM 147 ys and 6s Hartford John B. Dykes

i ^
O sing
- le lu - jahl
'Tis good our God
to praise;


s^ £ l=f=F e
j^' JN J jlj ^^ 5

To Him

'Tis pleas - ant and be - com - ing our songs to raise

^« ft £fl
« F
i£ m
He builds
the walls of
Reasons for Praise


Zi He seeks
^her wan-dering sons,

g^ rpT
^ :e2-

^ He

binds their wounds and

com- forts
The bro -
ken -heart - ed

s hf

The starry hosts He numbers, No human power delights Him,
He them all by name;
calls No earthly pomp or pride;
His greatness and His wisdom He loves the meek who fear Him
His wondrous works proclaim; And in His love confide;
The meek He Ufts to honor, Then praise thy God, O Zion,
He humbles sinful pride; His gracious aid confess;
Give thanks to Him and utter He gives thee peace and plenty,
His praises far and wide. His gifts thy children bless.

The heavens with clouds He covers, He sends His swift commandment,

He sends the cheering rain; And snow and ice enfold
The slopes of all the mountains The world, and none are able
He fills with grass and grain; To stand before His cold.
To beast and bird His goodness Again He gives commandment;
Their daily food supplies; The winds of summer blow.
He cares for all His creatures. The snow and ice are melted,
Attentive to their cries. Again the waters flow.

His statutes and His judgments

He makes His people know;
To them as to no others
His grace He loves to show
For matchless grace and mercy
Your grateful praises bring;
To Him give thanks forever,
And Hallelujah sing.
403 Thankful Commemoration
PSALM 147 C. M. Minerva John H. Stockton

fe^r^^u^^jJa^ ^
I Praise ye the Lord, for it is good To sing un - to our God ; 'Tis right and pleasant

M, ,

rfr , .
|r frf^ r J
i i i


r f


m ^^^

. .


.. r
His praise a-broad. The Lord our God builds up His Church.He

I . i g: ^Tf^yf
: U-U

He binds their wounds and gently heals The bro-ken heart-ed ones.
seeks her wandering sons ;

9t^f=^ b£
Copyright by John J. Hood.

Used by


#- -g--J- ^ -»-.

[Selected Stanzas]

2 Our Lord is great, He calls by name

counts the stars of night;
His wisdom is unsearchable,
And wondrous is His might.
The Lord upholds the poor and meek,
He brings the wicked low;
Sing praise to Him and give Him thanks
j^d all His goodness show.

3 No human might, no earthly pride,

Delights the Lord above;
In them that fear Him He delights,
In them that trust His love.
O Zion, praise the Lord thy God,
His wondrous love confess;
He is thy glory and thy strength,
He will thy children bless.

404 Universal Adoration
PSALM 148 H. M. Amelia William B. Bradbury

i Praise ye,


der heaven
ful praise

u -
; J

j ; ;

i ii ^ 4
—<9- ^
O and moon, de clare gi might,


=^ =^ )S-r-

^^M m
Show forth His
praise, ye


*i —
iit* i

2 Praise Him, ye highest heavens,
PraiseHim, ye clouds that roll,
Created by His power
And under His control,
Ye heavens that stand eternally.
Established by His firm decree.

3 Ye creatures in the sea

And creatures on the earth,
Your mighty Maker praise
And tell His matchless worth;
Praise Him, ye stormy winds that blow,
Ye fire and hail, ye rain and snow.
4 Ye and mountains, praise,
Each and beast and bird;
Ye kings and realms of earth,
Now let your praise be heard;
By high and low, by young and old.
Be all His praise and glory told.

5 By all let God be praised,

For He alone is great;
Above the earth and heaven
He reigns in glorious state;
Praise Him, ye saints, who know His grace
And ever dwell before His face.
405 Praise-Voices


Praise the Lord

88 and 78



- ces,
^Ye His

hosts and
George C. Stebbins


an -
gels bright;

s ^h.^
''^ '
"^-0- -0- rs
J -*- -f- -<5>- -#-
^ :p==^
^ ^m r=J-
f »-=-

#^i4=fa^^ =1-
* = =^
and moon de -

clare His glo - ry, Praise Him, all ye stars of light

:&g *:
Copyright, 1912, by United Presbyterian Board of Publication
g^ £^ i
2 Let the sky and clouds forever 5 Kings and princes, bow before Him,
Praise His glorious majesty; Earthly judges, give Him praise,
At His word they were created, All ye people, tell His glory.
Ordered by His firm decree. Old and young, your voices raise.

3 In the earth let all things praise Him, 6 Praise His Name with praise unend-
Seas and all that they contain, ing,
Stormy winds that do His pleasure. For His Name alone is great;
Hail and lightning, snow and rain. Over heaven and earth exalted,
^^^g"^ ^he Lord in kingly state.
4 Hillsandmountains,praise your Maker,
Praise Him, all ye flocks and herds, 7 He has greatly blessed His people.
Woods and fields and fruitful vine- Therefore, all ye saints, give praise;
yards. Chosen of the Lord and precious,
Creeping things and flying birds. Thankful hallelujahs raise.

406 Exultant Praise

PSALM 149 C. M. Christmas Arranged from Handel

1 Praise ye the Lord a- mong His saints, New songs of glad-ness sing; Let

^ i
j^ *
y- i
Zi-on's children
m r
^ f^ ^
prdse and bless Their Maker and their King, Their

>J -H —
^ ^^ r

Mak-er and their King.

^. f ^> ,. ;^ .
, r ,f^r f i
j i
^ fW- i
Exultant Praise

2 Yea, let them praise His blessed Name 4 Ye saints, by day and night rejoice,
With all abounding joy, Exult and joyful stand,
The sounding timbrel and the harp Jehovah's praises in your mouth,
In songs of praise employ. His sword within your hand.

3 The Lord takes pleasure in His saints, 5 This is the glorious judgment given:
He is His people's strength, His saints shall ride the earth;
And He will glorify the meek Then bless the Lord, His glory tell,
With victory at length. And celebrate His worth.

407 The Promise of Victory

PSALM 149 5s and 6s Houghton Henry J. Gauntlett

- - -•- -^
I O praise ye the Lord And sing a new song, A -mid all His saints

9* 1=

w p— -.r—r ^
His prais

pro long;




their Mak


His peo - pie shall sing, And chil- dren of Zi - on Re- joice in their King.


With timbrel and harp

*=# ^^

Go forth in His service

P ' h-

And joyful acclaim, And strong in His might

With gladness and mirth, To conquer all evil
Sing praise to His Name; And stand for the right.
For God in His people
His pleasure doth seek, For this is His word:
With robes of salvation His saints shall not fail,

He clotheth the meek. But over the earth

Their power shall prevail;
3 In glory exult, All kingdoms and nations
Ye saints of the Lord; Shall yield to their sway.
With songs in the night To God give the glory
High praises accord; And praise Him for aye.
408 Triumphant Joy in God

I Ye

6s and 4s




Je - ho
^ ^
vah's praise

Felice Giardini

pro -


j?t J
I i I i
W t-^ 3E
New an - thems sing ;
Ye saints, with joy de - clare Your Mak - er's

44=^ ^^=* ^

S lov - ing care.

^ And let the chil
f=r^ ^ - dren there Joy in
i i
their King.

IS ^ ^t=t

[ Selected Stanzas ]

2 O let His Name employ 3 Ye saints, your joy proclaim

Your every note of joy, And glory in the Name
His praises speak; Of God above;
He looks with loving face And when the daylight dies.
Upon His chosen race, Ere sleep shall close your eyes,
And will with every grace Let praise to God arise
Adorn the meek. For all His love.

409 A Summons to Praise

PSALM 150 8s and 7s Wellesley Lizzie S. Tourjee

te r ^ ^ sir
-2^ i
rr i^y.^ -^y^^P
1 Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah! In His tern -pie God be praised;

b: 2 r fZ fZ
(Z ^2 (SZ (2 IS
€=e pi W—
:£ -fS>-

^ s ^
3 =?
I B--(g I
In the high and heaven-ly pla - ces Be
the sound-ing an - them raised.

350 r
A Summons to Praise
2 Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah
For His mighty acts of fame;
Excellent His might and greatness;
Fitting praises then proclaim.

3 Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah

With the trumpet's joyful sound;
Praise with harp and praise with viol,
Let His glorious praise abound.
4 Hallelujah Praise Jehovah,

With the flute His praises sing;

Praise Him with the clanging cymbals,
Let them with His praises ring.

5 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
All that breathe, Jehovah praise;
Let the voices God hath given
Joyful anthems to Him raise.

410 A Universal Doxology

PSALM 150 L. M. Soto Lowell Mason

^m ^^
^ ^
I Praise ye the Lord, ye saints be - low, And in His courts His goodness show
N ^ -^ ^

5^ .t^
1^ . I


r±=^ ^m.
Praise ye the Lord, ye hosts

— a bove, In heaven

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His bound-less
l i Tjr-;
love, In heaven
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dore His bound


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[ Selected Stanzas ]

Praise ye the Lord; all creatures, sing

The praises of your God and King;
Let all that breathe. His praise proclaim
And glorify His holy Name.

411 The Offering of Praise
PSALM 150 C. M. Sabbath Evening Theodore E. Perkins

^m^^^=r^=^^ ^^^^^^
I Praise ye the Lord, ye hosts a - bove, In yon - der heaven - ly height,

^^=^=H \ \ 4 ' \r \ \ I I



bless the Lord,


^ ^ H

His praise

saints - low, in - light.

£ \5> tS"^ -S'
fc (9 (5
-J- ^ ffl

Used by arrangement with Oliver Ditson Co. [ Selected Stanzas ]

2 By all His creatures let His Name

Be honored and adored
Let all that breathe, in praise unite
To glorify the Lord.

412 The Exaltation of God

PSALM 150 s. M. Louisville John Zundel


I Praise
ye the Lord, His
g jN
saints Who throng
His courts
be -

iifef r ! f f-jL_uUr.

r r=^
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low, And ye. His hosts in heaven

a - bove, His

The Exaltation of God

^=^ e^

glo - rious prais - es show, His glo - rious prais - es show.

^ ^ JE-
* *: £
[Selected Stanzas]

2 Let all His creatures join

To praise His holy Name;
Let all that breathe, their Maker bless
And celebrate His fame.

413 The Hallelujah Chorus

PSALM 150 8s and 7s Sicilian Hymn Sicilian Melody

rr ^^
fe^^g r
^a ^
I Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! Earth and heaven in sweet ac - cord

- On ;3^E£=^ H^MF=g
Wf=t' :|=
Ih ^^=^^1^^^^
Join to sound Je - ho - vah's prais-es, Tell the glo - ry of the Lord.

. .n ,r-i -J1 H- J. jv

^7 r r f^
[Selected Stanzas

2 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Magnify Jehovah's Name;
Praise the living God, your Maker,
All that breathe, His praise proclaim.

Scripture Selections

Responsive Services

Compiled and Edited by

John McNaugher, D.D., LL.D.

The United Presbyterian Board of Publication

Pittsburgh, Pa.
Copyright, 191 2,

By the United Presbyterian Board of Publication,

Pittsburgh, Pa.

The following selections of Scripture have been arranged to be read

responsively by the minister and people in the church service. No effort
has been made to secure progress of thought, this being judged needless and
undesirable in a devotional exercise. The selections appear in the order in
which they occur in the Bible, excepting an occasional second Psalm in a
few numbers and the special selections at the close. It has seemed best, on
the whole, that these selections should be arranged verse by verse rather
than by unfamiliar divisions, however better adapted as responses these
might be. For fixed seasons and appointments nine particular readings
have been provided, beginning with No. loi, though there are some others
in the series which may be employed fittingly. The text is that of the
American Standard Bible, permission for its use having been given by
Thomas Nelson and Sons, the owners of the copyright. The lines printed
in Roman letter are to be read by the minister. The lines set inward from
the margin and printed in black letter are to be read by the congregation.

Ind ex

The figures refer to the number of the selections

Exodus XX XCIX .... 37 John I 67

c . . .... 40 III 68
Psalm I 2 CII . .... 41 VI . 104
11 3 cm . .... 42 X . . 69
IV 4 cvi . .... 43 XIII 70
V 4 CXI . .... 43 XIV 71
VIII S CXVI 44 XV . 72
XIII 6 CXIX ...:.. 46
XV 2 CXXI II Romans V 74
XVI 7 CXXII 33 " VI 75
XVII 7 CXXV 47 VIII 76, 77
XX 10 CXXXIX .... 49
First Corinthians XIII 80

XV 81. 103

XXV 13 CXLVII ... SI, 105

XXVI 14 CXLVIII Second Corinthians IV 82
XXVII 15 CXLIX 12 V 82
XXX 16 Galatians V 108
XXXII 17 Proverbs I 53
XXXIII 18 II 109 Ephesians I 83
XXXIV 19 III 109 II 84
XL 21 VIII 55 Philippians II 85
XLII 22 XX 108 III 86
XLIII 22 XXIII .... 108
XII First Thessalonians IV 88
LI 25 .

LXI 26 V . 88
Isaiah XL 57
XLII 107
LXIII 26 Hebrews I 89
LI 107
LXV 105

II 89
107 "
LXVI 27 XI 90
LXVII 106 XII 91
LV 59
29, 106 James I 92
LXXXV 31 Matthew V 61
VI ...... First Peter I 93
LXXXVI 32 . 62
LXXXVII .... 33
VII 63
LXXXIX .... 34
XXV 64 First John I 94
XC 35
XXVIII. ... 102 " II 94. 95
" III 96
XCI 36
Mark IV 65 "IV 97
XCV 37
XCVI 38 Luke II loi Revxlation V 98
xcvn 39 " EX 66 XXI .... 99
XCVIII 40 " XXII 104 xxn ... 100

Responsive Readings

SELECTION 1 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all

Exodus XX thy work;

AND God spake

all these words, But the seventh day is a sabbath
imto Jehovah thy God: in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor
I am Jehovah thy God, Who thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-
brought thee out of the land of servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
within thy gates:
Thou shalt have no other gods before
Me. For in six days Jehovah made heaven
Theu shalt not make unto
thee a and earth, the sea, and all that in
graven image, nor any likeness of them is, and rested the seventh day:
any thing that is in heaven above, wherefore Jehovah blessed the sab-
or that is in the earth beneath, or
bath day, and hallowed it.
that is in the water under the earth :

Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto

Honor thy father and thy mother,
that thy days may be long in the
them, nor serve them; for I Jehovah land which Jehovah thy God giveth
thy God am a jealous God, visiting thee.
the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children, upon the third and upon the Thou shalt not kill.

fourth generation of them that hate Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
And showing lovingkindness unto
thousands of them that love Me Thou shalt not bear false witness
and keep My commandments. against thy neighbor.

Thou shalt not take the Name of Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's
Jehovah thy God in vain ; for Jehovah house, thou shalt not covet thy
will not hold him guiltless that taketh neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant,
His Name in vain. nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor
Remember the sabbath day, to his ass, nor anything that is thy
keep it holy. neighbor's.

Responsive Readings

SELECTION 2 the innocent. He that doeth these

Psalms I, XV things shall never be moved.

BLESSED is the man that walk-

eth not in the counsel of the SELECTION 3
wicked, nor standeth in the way of
Psalm II
nor sitteth in the seat of

But his delight is in the law of

Jehovah; and on His law doth he
w HY do the nations rage, and the
peoples meditate a vain thin'g?

The kings of the earth set them-

meditate day and night. selves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against Jehovah, and
And he shall be like a tree planted by against His anointed, saying,
the streams of water, that bringeth
Let us break their bonds asunder,
forth its fruit in its whose season,
and cast away their cords from us.
leaf also doth not wither; and what-
soever he doeth shall prosper. He that sitteth in the heavens will
laugh: the Lord will have them in
The wicked are not so, but are like derision.
the chaff which the wind drrveth
away. Then will He speak unto them in
His wrath, and vex them in His sore
Therefore the wicked shall not stand
in the judgment, nor sinners in the
congregation of the righteous. Yet I have set My King upon My
holy hill of Zion.
For Jehovah knoweth the way of
the righteous; but the way of the I will tell of the decree Jehovah said :

wicked shall perish. unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day
Jehovah, who shall sojourn in Thy have I begotten
tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy Ask of Me, and I will give Thee
holy hill? the nations for Thine inheritance,
and the uttermost parts of the
He that walketh uprightly, and earth for Thy possession.
worketh righteousness, and speak-
eth truth in his heart; Thou shalt break them with a rod
of iron; Thou shalt dash them in
He that slandereth not with his
pieces like a potter's vessel.
tongue, nor doeth evil to his friend,
nor taketh up a reproach against Now therefore be wise, O ye
his neighbor; kings: be instructed, ye judges of
the earth.
In whose eyes a reprobate is de-
spised, but who honoreth them Serve Jehovah with fear, and rejoice
that fear Jehovah ; he that swear- with trembling.
eth to his own hurt, and changeth
not; Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
and ye perish in the way, for His
He that putteth not out his money to wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed
interest, nor taketh reward against are all they that take refuge in Him.
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 4 For Thou art not a God that hath

pleasure in wickedness: evil shall
Psalms IV, V
not sojourn with Thee.
ANSWER me when I call, O God But as for me, in the abundance of
of my righteousness; Thou hast
Thy lovingkindness will I come into
set me at large when I was in distress
Thy house: in Thy fear will I wor-
have mercy upon me, and hear my ship toward Thy holy temple.
Lead me, O Jehovah, in Thy
O ye sons of men, how long shall righteousness because of mine
my glory be turned into dishonor? enemies; make Thy way straight
How long will ye love vanity, and before my face.
seek after falsehood?
Let all those that take refuge in Thee
But know that Jehovah hath set rejoice, let them ever shout for joy,
apart for Himself him that is godly: because Thou defendest them: let
Jehovah will hear when I call unto them also that love Thy Name be
Him. joyful in thee.
Stand in awe, and sin not: com- For Thou wilt bless the righteous;
mune with your own heart upon
O Jehovah, Thou wilt compass him
your bed, and be still.
with favor as with a shield.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,^
and put your trust in Jehovah.

Many there are that say, Who will

show us any good? Jehovah, lift Psalras VIII, xcni
Thou up the light of Thy coimte-

nance upon us.
hast put gladness in my heart,
the earth.
our Lord, how
Thy Name in all

Who hast set Thy glory

more than they have when their upon the heavens
grain and their new wine are in-
Out of the mouth of babes and
sucklings hast Thou estabUshed
In peace will I both lay me down strength, because of Thine adver-
and sleep; for Thou, Jehovah, saries, that Thou mightest still the
alone makest me dwell in safety. enemy and the avenger.
Give ear to my words, O Jehovah, When I consider Thy heavens, the
consider my meditation. work of Thy fingers, the moon and
Hearken unto the voice of my cry, the stars, which Thou hast ordained;
my King, and my God; for unto What man, that Thou art mind-
Thee do I pray. ful ofhim? And the son of man,
that Thou visitest him?
O Jehovah, inmorning shalt
Thou hear my morning For Thou hast made him but little
voice; in the
will I order my prayer unto Thee, lower than God, and crownest him
and will keep watch. with glory and honor.

Responsive Readings

Thou makest him to have dominion Who have said. With our tongue
over the works of Thy hands Thou ; we prevail; our Ups
will are our
hast put all things under his feet: own who is lord over us?

All sheep and oxen, yea, and the Because of the oppression of the poor,
beasts of the field, because of the sighing of the needy,
The birds of the heavens, and the now will I arise, saith Jehovah; I

fish of the sea, whatsoever passeth will set him in the safety he panteth
through the paths of the seas. for.

O Jehovah, our Lord, how excellent is The words of Jehovah are pure
Thy Name in all the earth words as silver tried in a furnace

on the earth, purified seven times.

Jehovah reigneth; He is clothed
with majesty; Jehovah is clothed Thou wilt keep them, O Jehovah,
with strength ; He hath girded Him- Thou wilt preserve them from this
self therewith: the world also is generation for ever.
estabUshed, that it cannot be
moved. The wicked walk on every side,
when vileness is exalted among
Thy throne is established of old: the sons of men.
Thou art from everlasting.
How long, O Jehovah? Wilt Thou
The floods have lifted up, O Je- forget me for ever? How long wilt
hovah, the floods have lifted up Thou hide Thy face from me?
their voice ; the floods lift up their
waves. How long shall I take counsel in
my soul, having sorrow in my heart
Above the voices of many waters, the all the day? How long shall mine
mighty breakers of the sea, Jehovah enemy be exalted over me?
on high is mighty.
Consider and answer me, O Jehovah
Thy testimonies very sure: are my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I
holiness becometh Thy house, O sleep the sleep of death;
Jehovah, for evermore.
Lest mine enemy say, I have pre-
vailed against him; lest mine ad-
SELECTION 6 versaries rejoice when I am moved.

Psalms XII, XIII But I have trusted in Thy loving-

godly man kindness; my heart shall rejoice in

HELP, Jehovah ; for the
Thy salvation.
ceaseth; for the faithful fail

from among the children of men. I will sing unto Jehovah, because

They speak falsehood every one He hath dealt bountifully with me.
with his neighbor: with flattering
lip,and with a double heart, do
they speak. SELECTION 7
Psalms XVI, xvii
Jehovah will cut off all flattering lips,
the tongue that speaketh great (RESERVE me, O God; for in
things Thee do I take refuge.
Responsive Readings

my soul, thou hast said unto hast tried me, and findest nothing;
Jehovah, Thou art my Lord: I I am purposed that my mouth shall
have no good beyond Thee. not transgress.

As for the saints that are in the earth, I have called upon Thee, for Thou
they are the excellent in whom is all wiltanswer me, O God incline Thine :

my delight. ear unto me, and hear my speech.

Their sorrows shall be multiplied Show Thy marvelous lovingkind-

that give gifts for another god: ness, O Thou that savest by Thy
their drink-offerings of blood will right hand them that take refuge
1 not offer, nor take their names in Thee from those that rise up
upon my Hps. against them.

Jehovah is the portion of mine in- Keep me as the apple of the eye hide ;

heritance and of my cup Thou : main- me under the shadow of Thy wings.
tainest my lot.
As for me, I shall behold Thy face
The lines are fallen unto me in in righteousness; I shall be satis-
pleasant places; yea, I have a fied, when I awake, with behold-
goodly heritage. ing Thy form.
I will bless Jehovah, Who hath given
me counsel yea, my heart instructeth

me in the night seasons. SELECTION 8

I have set Jehovah always before Psalm XVIII
me: because He is at my right
O my
hand, I shall not be moved.
LOVE Thee, Jehovah,
I strength.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my
glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall
Jehovah is my rock, and my for-
and my deUverer; my God,
dwell in safety. Whom
my rock, in I will take ref-
For Thou wilt not leave my soul to uge; my shield, and the horn of
Sheol; neither wilt Thou suffer my salvation, my high tower.
Thy holy one to see corruption.
I will call upon Jehovah, Who is
Thou wilt show me the path of
worthy to be praised: so shall I be

in Thy presence is fulness of joy; saved from mine enemies.

in Thy right hand there are pleasures
The cords of death compassed me,
for evermore. of imgodliness made
and the floods
Hear the right, O Jehovah, attend me afraid.
unto my cry; give ear unto my
The cords of Sheol were round about
prayer, that goeth not out of feigned
me; the snares of death came upon
Let my sentence come forth from Thy
presence; let Thine eyes look upon In my distress I called upon Jeho-
vah, and cried unto my God He :
heard my voice out of His temple,
Thou hast proved my heart; Thou and my cry before Him came into
hast visited me in the night ; Thou His ears.
Responsive Readings

He delivered me from my strong There is no speech nor language;

enemy, and from them that hated their voice is not heard.
me for they were too mighty for me.
Their line is gone out through all
the earth, and their words to the
Jehovah hath rewarded me accord-
ing to my righteousness; according
end of the world. In them hath
to the cleanness of my hands hath He set a tabernacle for the sun,

He recompensed me. Which

as a bridegroom coming out

For I have kept the ways of Jehovah, chamber,

of hisand rejoiceth as a
and have not wickedly departed from strong man to run his course.

my God. His going forth is from the end of

the heavens, and his circuit unto
For all His ordinances were before the ends of it and there is nothing
me, and I put not away His statutes hid from the heat thereof.
from me.
The law of Jehovah is perfect, re-
I was also perfect with Him, and I
storing the soul: the testimony of
kept myself from mine iniquity.
Jehovah is sure, making wise the
Therefore hath Jehovah recom- simple.
pensed me according to my right-
eousness, according to the clean-
The precepts of Jehovah are right,
rejoicing the heart: the command-
ness of my hands in His eyesight.
ment of Jehovah is pure, enUghten-
With the merciful Thou wilt show ing the eyes.
Thyself merciful; with the perfect The fear of Jehovah is clean, endur-
man Thou wilt show Thyself perfect; ing forever: the ordinances of Jehovah
With the pure Thou wilt show Thy- are true and righteous altogether.
self pure; and with the perverse
More to be desired are they than
Thou wilt show Thyself froward. gold, yea, than much fine gold;
For Thou wilt save the afflicted sweeter also than honey and the
droppings of the honeycomb.
people; but the haughty eyes Thou
wilt bring down. Moreover by them is Thy servant

warned: in keeping them there is

For Thou wilt light my lamp:
great reward.
Jehovah my God will lighten my
darkness. Who can discern his errors? Clear
thou me from hidden faults.

SELECTION 9 Keep back Thy servant also from pre-

sumptuous sins; let them not have
Psalm XIX
dominion over me: then shall I be
THE heavens declare the glory
of God; and the firmament
upright, and I shall be clear from
great transgression.
showeth His handiwork.
Let the words of my mouth and the
Day unto day uttereth speech, and meditation of my heart be accept-
night unto night showeth knowl- able in Thy sight, O Jehovah, my
edge. rock, and my redeemer.

Responsive Readings

SELECTION 10 and I am helped : therefore my heart

Psalms XX, xxviii
greatly rejoiceth; and with my song
will I praise Him.
JEHOVAH answer thee in the day
of trouble; the Name of the God Jehovah is their strength, and He
is a stronghold of salvation to His
of Jacob set thee up on high
Send thee help from the sanctuary,
Save Thy people, and bless Thine
and strengthen thee out of Zion;
inheritance: be their shepherd also,
Remember all thy offerings, and and bear them up for ever.
accept thy burnt-sacrifice;

Grant thee thy heart's desire, and SELECTION 11

fulfil all thy counsel. Psalms xxiii, cxxi

We will triumph in thy salvation, JEHOVAH is my shepherd; I shall

and in the Name of our God we will not want.
setup our banners: Jehovah fulfil all
He maketh me to lie down in green
thy petitions.
pastures; He leadeth me beside
Now know I that Jehovah saveth still waters.
His anointed He will answer him

from His holy heaven with the

He restoreth my soul He guideth me :

saving strength of His right hand. in the paths of righteousness for His
Name's sake.
Some and some
trust in chariots, in
Yea, though I walk through the
horses; but we will make mention of
valley of the shadow of death, I
the Name of Jehovah our God.
will fear no evil; for Thou art
They are bowed down and fallen; with me; Thy rod and Thy staff,
but we are risen, and stand up- they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in
Save, Jehovah: let the King answer the presence of mine enemies: Thou
us when we call. hast anointed my head with oil; my
Unto Thee, O Jehovah, will I call: cup runneth over.
my rock, be not Thou deaf unto me Surely goodness and lovingkind-
lest, if Thou be silent unto me, I ness shall follow me all the days
become Uke them that go down into of my life and I shall dwell in the

the pit. house of Jehovah for ever.

Hear the voice of my supplications, I will lift up mine eyes unto the
when I cry unto Thee, when I lift mountains: from whence shall my
up my hands toward Thy holy oracle. help come?
Blessed be Jehovah, because He My help cometh from Jehovah,
hath heard the voice of my suppli- Who made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be
Jehovah is my strength and my moved He that : keepeth thee will not
shield ; my heart hath trusted in Him, slumber.
Responsive Readings

Behold, He that keepeth Israel Praise ye Jehovah. Praise God in

will neither slumber nor sleep. His sanctuary: praise Him in the
Jehovah is thy keeper Jehovah is thy firmament of His power.

shade upon thy right hand. Praise Him for His mighty acts:
praise Him according to His ex-
The sun shall not smite thee by cellent greatness.
day, nor the moon by night.
Praise Him with trumpet sound:
Jehovah keep thee from
will all evil;
praise Him with psaltery and harp.
He will keep thy soul.
Praise Him with timbrel and dance
Jehovah will keep thy going out praise Him with stringed instru-
and thy coming in from this time ments and pipe.
forth and for evermore.
Praise Him with loud cymbals: praise
Him with high sounding cymbals.
SELECTION 12 Let everything that hath breath
Psalms XXIV, cxlix, cl
praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jeho-
LIFT up your heads, O ye gates;
and be ye lifted up, ye everlast- SELECTION 13
ing doors and the King of glory will

Psalm XXV
come in.

Who is the King of glory?Jehovah UNTO Thee, O Jehovah, do I lift

strong and mighty, Jehovah mighty

up my soul.

in battle. O my God, in Thee have I trusted,

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; yea,
letme not be put to shame let not ;

mine enemies triumph over me.

lift them up, ye everlasting doors:

and the King of glory will come in. Yea, none that wait for Thee shall
be put to shame they shall be put to :

Who is this King of glory? Jehovah shame that deal treacherously with-
of hosts. He is the King of glory.
out cause.
Praise ye Jehovah. Sing unto Jeho-
Show me Thy ways, O Jehovah;
vah a new song, and His praise in the teachme Thy paths.
assembly of the saints.
Guide me in Thy truth, and teach
Let Israel rejoice in Him that made me; for Thou art the God of my
him: let the children of Zion be salvation; for Thee do I wait all the
joyful in their King.
Let them praise His Name in the Remember, O Jehovah, Thy tender
dance: let them sing praises unto Him mercies and Thy lovingkindnesses
with timbrel and harp. for they have been ever of old.

For Jehovah taketh pleasure in His Remember not the sins of my youth,
people: He will beautify the meek nor my transgressions: according to
with salvation. Thy lovingkindness remember Thou
Responsive Readings

me, for Thy goodness' sake, O Je- That I may make the voice of thanks-

hovah. giving to be heard, and tell of all Thy

wondrous works.
Good and upright is Jehovah:
therefore will He instruct sinners Jehovah, I love the habitation of
in the way. Thy house, and the place where
Thy glory dwelleth.
The meek will He guide in justice;
and the meek will He teach His way. Gather not my soul with sinners, nor

All the paths of Jehovah are loving-

my life with men of blood

kindness and truth unto such as In whose hands is wickedness, and

keep His covenant and His testi- their right hand is full of bribes.
But as for me, I will walk in mine
For Thy Name's sake, O Jehovah, integrity : redeem me, and be merciful
pardon mine iniquity, for it is great. unto me.
What man is he that feareth Je- My foot standeth in an even place
hovah? Him shall He instruct in
in the congregations will I bless
the way that he shall choose.
His soul shall dwell at ease; and his
seed shall inherit the land. SELECTION 15
The friendship of Jehovah is with Psalm XXVII
them that fear Him; and He will
show them His covenant. JEHOVAH is my light and my sal-
vation; whom shall I fear? Jeho-
vah is the strength of my life; of
SELECTION 14 whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm XXVI
When evil-doers came upon me to
JUDGE me, O Jehovah, for I eat up my flesh, even mine adver-
have walked in mine integrity: saries and my foes, they stumbled

I have trusted also in Jehovah with-

and fell.
out wavering. Though a host should encamp against
Examine me, O Jehovah, and prove me, my heart shall not fear: though
me ; try my heart and my mind. war should rise against me, even then
will I be confident.
For Thy lovingkindness is before mine
eyes; and I have walked in Thy truth. One thing have I asked of Jehovah,
that will I seek after: that I may
I have not sat with men of false- dwell in the house of Jehovah aU
hood ; neither will I go in with dis- the days of my life, to behold the
semblers. beauty of Jehovah, and to inquire
in His temple.
I hate the assembly of evil-doers, and

will not sit with the wicked. For in the day of trouble He will keep
I will wash my hands in innocency
me secretly in His pavilion: in the
so will I compass Thine altar, O covert of His tabernacle will He hide
Jehovah ; me; He will lift me up upon a rock.
Responsive Readings

And now shall my head be lifted O Jehovah, Thou hast brought up

up above mine enemies round my soul from Sheol; Thou hast kept
about me; and I will offer in His
me alive, that I should not go down
tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will
to the pit.
sing, yea, I will sing praises imto
Jehovah. Sing praise unto Jehovah, O ye
saints of His, and give thanks to His
Hear, O Jehovah, when I cry with
holy memorial Name.
my voice: have mercy also upon me,
and answer me. For His anger is but for a moment;
His favor is for a life-time: weeping
When Thou saidst. Seek ye My may tarry for the night, but joy
face my heart said unto Thee, Thy
cometh in the morning.
face, Jehovah, will I seek.
As for me, I said in my prosperity,
Hide not Thy face from me; put not
I shall never be moved.
Thy servant away in anger: Thou
hast been my help; castme not off,
Thou, Jehovah, of Thy favor hadst
neither forsake me, O God of my made my mountain to stand strong:
salvation. Thou didst hide Thy face; I was
When my father and my mother
forsake me, then Jehovah will take I cried to Thee, O Jehovah; and
me up. unto Jehovah I made supplication:

Teach me Thy way, O Jehovah; and What profit is there in my blood,

lead me in a plain path, because of when go down to the pit?
I Shall
mine enemies. the dust praise Thee? Shall it de-

Deliver me not over unto the will

clare Thy truth?
of mine adversaries: for false wit- Hear, O Jehovah, and have mercy
nesses are risen up against me, upon me: Jehovah, be Thou my
and such as breathe out cruelty. helper.

I had fainted, unless I had believed Thou hast turned for me my mourn-
to see the goodness of Jehovah in the ing into dancing; Thou hast loosed
land of the living. my sackcloth, and girded me with
Wait for Jehovah: be strong, and gladness;
let thy heart take courage; yea, To the end that my glory may sing
wait thou for Jehovah. praise to Thee,and not be silent.
O Jehovah my God, I will give
thanks unto Thee for ever.
Psalm XXX

WILL extol Thee, O Jehovah; for

I Thou hast raised me up, and hast Psalm XXXII

not made my foes to rejoice over me. T) LESSED he whose transgres-

O Jehovah my God, I cried unto
Thee, and Thou hast healed me.
^ sion is

forgiven, whose sin is

Responsive Readings

Blessed is the man unto whom SELECTION 18

Jehovah imputeth not iniquity, and
Psalm xxxui
in whose spirit there is no guile.

When kept silence, my bones wasted

REJOICE in Jehovah, O ye right-
eous: praise is comely for the
away through my groaning all the upright.
day long.
Give thanks unto Jehovah with the
For day and night Thy hand was harp: sing praises unto Him with
heavy upon me: my moisture was the psaltery of ten strings.
changed as with the drought of
summer. Sing unto Him a new song; play
skilfully with a loud noise.
I acknowledged my sin unto Thee,
For the word of Jehovah is right;
and mine iniquity did I not hide: and all His work is done in faith-
I said, I will confess my transgres- fulness.
sions unto Jehovah; and Thou for-
He loveth righteousness and justice:
gavest the iniquity of my sin.
the earth is full of the lovingkindness
For this let every one that is godly of Jehovah.
pray unto Thee in a time when
Thou mayest be found: surely By the word of Jehovah were the
heavens made, and all the host of
when the great waters overflow
they shall not reach unto him.
them by the breath of His mouth.
He gathereth the waters of the sea
Thou art my hiding-place; Thou wilt
together as a heap He layeth up the :

preserve me from trouble; Thou wilt

deeps in storehouses.
compass me about with songs of
deliverance. Let all the earth fear Jehovah: let
all the inhabitants of the world

I will instruct thee and teach thee stand in awe of Him.

in the way which thou shalt go:
For He spake, and it was done; He
I will counsel thee with Mine eye
upon thee. commanded, and it stood fast.
Jehovah bringeth the counsel of
Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, the nations to nought; He maketh
which have no understanding; whose the thoughts of the peoples to be
trappings must be bit and bridle to of no effect.
hold them in, else they will not come
The counsel of Jehovah standeth fast
near unto thee.
for ever, the thoughts of His heart to
Many sorrows shall be to the all generations.
wicked; but he that trusteth in
Blessed is the nation whose God
Jehovah, lovingkindness shall com-
is Jehovah, the people whom He
pass him about.
hath chosen for His own inherit-
Be glad in Jehovah, and rejoice, ye
righteous; and shout for joy, all ye Our soul hath waited for Jehovah:
that are upright in heart. He is our help and our shield.
Responsive Readings

For our heart shall rejoice in Him, I will teach you the fear of Jehovah.
because we have trusted in His
holy Name. What man is he that desireth life,
and loveth many days, that he may
Let Thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, see good?
be upon us, according as we have
Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy
hoped in Thee. lips from speaking guile.

Depart from evil, and do good;

SELECTION 19 seek peace, and pursue it.

Psalm XXXIV The eyes of Jehovah are toward the

righteous, and His ears are open unto
WILL bless Jehovah at all times:
I His praise shall continually be in
their cry.

my mouth. The face of Jehovah is against

them that do evil, to cut off the
My soul shall make her boast in remembrance of them from the
Jehovah: the meek shall hear earth.
thereof, and be glad.

Oh magnify Jehovah with me, and

let us exalt His Name together.
I sought Jehovah, and He answered
me, and delivered me from all my FRET not thyself because of evil-
fears. doers, neither be thou envious

They looked unto Him, and were against them that work unrighteous-
radiant; and their faces shall never ness.

be confounded. For they shall soon be cut down

like the grass, and wither as the
This poor man cried, and Jehovah
green herb.
heard him, and saved him out of
all his troubles. Trust in Jehovah, and do good;
The angel of Jehovah encampeth dwell in the land, and feed on His
round about them that fear Him, and faithfulness.

delivereth them. Delight thyself also in Jehovah;

and He will give thee the desires
Oh taste and see that Jehovah is
of thy heart.
good: blessed is the man that
taketh refuge in Him. Commit thy way unto Jehovah;
Oh fear Jehovah, ye His saints; for trust also in Him, and He will bring

there is no want to them that fear it to pass.

Him. And He will make thy righteous-

ness to go forth as the light, and
The young lions do lack, and suffer
thy justice as the noonday.
hunger; but they that seek Je-
hovah shall not want any good Rest Jehovah, and wait patiently
thing. for Him:
fret not thyself because of

Come, ye children, hearken unto me: him who prospereth in his way, be-
Responsive Readings

cause of the man who bringeth wicked Many, O Jehovah my God, are the
devices to pass. wonderful works which Thou hast
Cease from anger, and forsake done, and Thy thoughts which are
wrath: fret not thyself, it tendeth to us-ward:
only to evil-doing.
They cannot be set in order unto
For evil-doers shall butbe cut off; Thee if I would declare and speak

those that wait for Jehovah, they of them, they are more than can
shall inherit the land. be numbered.

A man's goings are established of Sacrifice and offering Thou hast no

Jehovah and He delighteth in his delight in; mine ears hast Thou

opened: burnt-offering and sin-offer-
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly ing hast Thou not required.
cast down; for Jehovah upholdeth
him with His hand. Then said I, Lo, I am come ; in the
roll of the book it is written of me :

I have been young, and now am

old yet have I not seen the right-
I delight to do Thy will,O my God;
eous forsaken, nor his seed begging yea, Thy law is within my heart.
I have proclaimed glad tidings of
All theday long he dealeth graciously, righteousness in the great assem-
and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. bly; lo, I will not refrain my lips,
Depart from evil, and do good; O Jehovah, Thou knowest.
and dwell for evermore.
I have not hid Thy righteousness
within my heart; I have declared
Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation;
I have not concealed Thy loving-
Psalm XL
kindness and Thy truth from the
WAITED patiently for Jehovah; great assembly.
I and He inclined unto me, and
Withhold not Thou Thy tender
heard my cry.
mercies from me, O Jehovah; let
He brought me up also out of a Thy lovingkindness and Thy truth
horrible pit, out of the miry clay; continually preserve me.
and He set my feet upon a rock,
and estabUshed my goings. For innumerable evils have com-
passed me about; mine iniquities
And He hath put a new song in my
have overtaken me, so that I am
mouth, even praise unto our God:
able to look up; they are more
many shall see it, and fear, and shall not
than the hairs of my head; and my
trust in Jehovah.
heart hath failed me.
Blessed is the man that maketh
Jehovah his trust, and respecteth Be pleased, O Jehovah, to deliver
not the proud, nor such as turn me: make haste to help me, O
aside to lies. Jehovah.
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 22 strength; why hast Thou cast me

off? Why
go I mourning because
Psalms XLii, XLiii
of the oppression of the enemy?

AS the hart panteth after the

water brooks, so panteth my
Oh send out Thy
and Thy light
truth; let them let them lead me:
soul after Thee, O God.
bring me unto Thy holy hill, and to
My soul thirsteth for God, for the Thy tabernacles.
living God : when shall I come and
appear before God? Then will I go unto the altar of
God, unto God my exceeding joy;
My tears have been my food day and upon the harp will I praise
and night, while they continually say Thee, O God, my God.
unto me. Where is thy God? Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
These things I remember, and And why art thou disquieted within
pour out my soul within me, how me? Hope thou in God; for I shall
I went with the throng, and led yet praise Him, Who is the help of
them to the house of God, with the
my countenance, and my God.
voice of joy and praise, a multitude
keeping holyday.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? SELECTION 23
And why art thou disquieted within
Psalm XLVI
me? Hope thou in God; for I shall
yet praise Him for the help of His 'OD our refuge and strength,

countenance. a very present help in trouble.

O my God, my soul is castdown Therefore will we not fear, though

within me all : Thy waves and Thy the earth do change, and though
billows are gone over me. the moimtains be shaken into the
heart of the seas;
Yet Jehovah will command His lov-
ingkindness in the day-time; and in
Though the waters thereof roar and

the night His song shall be with me,

be troubled, though the mountains
tremble with the swelling thereof.
even a prayer unto the God of my
life. There is a river, the streams where-
of make glad the city of God, the
Why art thou cast down, O my
holy place of the tabernacles of the
soul? And why art thou dis-
Most High.
quieted within me? Hope thou in
God; for I shall yet praise Him, God is in the midst of her; she shall
Who is the help of my countenance, not be moved God : will help her, and
and my God.
that right early.
Judge me, O God, and plead my cause The nations raged, the kingdoms
against an ungodly nation: oh de- were moved: He uttered His
liver me from the deceitful and un- voice, the earth melted.
just man.
Jehovah of hosts is with us; the God
For Thou art the God of my of Jacob is our refuge.

Responsive Readings

Come, behold the works of Jehovah, Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be

what desolations He hath made in praised, in the city of our God, in
the earth. His holy mountain.
He maketh wars to cease unto the Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the
end of the earth; He breaketh the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the
bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; sides of the north, the city of the
He burneth the chariots in the fire. great King.

Be still, and know that I am God: God hath made Himself known in
I will be exalted among the nations, her palaces for a refuge.
I will be exalted in the earth.
As is Thy Name, O God, so is Thy
Jehovah of hosts is with us; the God praise unto the ends of the earth:
of Jacob is our refuge. Thy right hand is full of righteous-

SELECTION 24 Let mount Zion be glad, let the

daughters of Judah rejoice, because
Psalms XLVii, xlviii
of Thy judgments.

OH clap your hands, all ye peoples;

shout unto God with the voice
Walk about Zion, and go round about
her; number the towers thereof;
of triumph.
Mark ye well her bulwarks; con-
For Jehovah Most High is terrible
sider her palaces that ye may tell

He is a great King over all the it to the generation following.

For this God isour God for ever and
He subdueth peoples under us, and
ever: He will be our guide even unto
nations under our feet.
He chooseth our inheritance for us,
the glory of Jacob whom He loved.
God gone up with a shout, Jehovah
Psalm LI
with the sound of a trumpet.
Sing praises to God, sing praises: HAVE mercy upon me, O God,
sing praises unto our King, sing according to Thy lovingkind-
praises. ness: according to the multitude of

For God is the King of all the earth :

Thy tender mercies blot out my trans-
sing ye praises with understanding.
Wash me thoroughly from mine
God reigneth over
the nations:
iniquity, and cleanse me from my
God sitteth upon His holy throne.
The princes of the peoples are gath-
For I know my transgressions; and
ered together to be the people of the
my sin is ever before me.
God of Abraham; for the shields of
the earth belong unto God: He is Against Thee, Thee only, have I
sinned, and done that which is evil
greatly exalted.
in Thy sight ; that Thou mayest be
Responsive Readings

justified when Thou speakest, and From the end of the earth will I
be clear when Thou judgest. call unto Thee, when my heart is
overwhelmed: lead me to the rock
Behold, Thou desirest truth in the
that is higher than I.
inward parts; and in the hidden part
Thou wilt make me to know wisdom. For Thou hast been a refuge for me,
a strong tower from the enemy.
Purify me with hyssop, and I shall
be clean: wash me, and I shall be I willdwell in Thy tabernacle for
whiter than snow. ever : take refuge in the covert
I will

Make me to hear joy and gladness, of Thy wings.

that the bones which Thou hast For Thou, O God, hast heard my
broken may rejoice. vows: Thou hast given me the heri-
Hide Thy face from my sins, and tage of those that fear Thy Name.
mine iniquities.
blot out all
My soul, wait thou in silence for
Create in me a clean heart, O God; God only; for my expectation is
and renew a right spirit within me. from Him.
Cast me not away from Thy pres- He only is my rock and my salvation
ence and take not Thy Holy Spirit
He is my high tower; I shall not be
from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal-
With God is my salvation and my
vation; and uphold me with a willing
glory: the rock of my strength, and
my refuge, is in God.
Then will I teach transgressors Thy
Trust in Him at all times, ye people;
ways; and sinners shall be con-
verted unto Thee. pour out your heart before Him:

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O

God is a refuge for us.
God, Thou God of my salvation; and O God, Thou art my God; ear-
my tongue shall sing aloud of Thy nestly will I seek Thee: my soul
thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth
for Thee, in a dry and weary land,
O Lord, open Thou my lips; and where no water is.
my mouth shall show forth Thy
praise. So have I looked upon Thee in the
Thy power and Thy
sanctuary, to see
For Thou delightest not in sacrifice;
else would I give it: Thou hast no
pleasure in burnt-offering. Because Thy lovingkindness is bet-
ter than life, my Hps shall praise
The sacrifices of God are a broken Thee.
spirit: a broken and a contrite
heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. So will I bless Thee while I live:
I will lift up my hands in Thy Name.

SELECTION 26 My soul shall be satisfied as with

Psalms Lxi, Lxii, lxiii marrow and fatness and my mouth ;

shall praise Thee with joyful lips;

H EAR my cry, O
unto my prayer.
God; attend
I remember Thee upon my
Responsive Readings

bed, and meditate on Thee in the God, and I will declare what He
night-watches. hath done for my soul.

For Thou hast been my help, and I cried unto Him with my mouth, and
in the shadow of Thy wings will I He was extolled with my tongue.
If I regard iniquity in my heart,
the Lord will not hear :

SELECTION 27 But verily God hath heard; He hath

attended to the voice of my prayer.
Psalm Lxvi

a joyful noise unto God,
the earth:

Sing forth the glory of His Name:

Blessed be God, Who hath not
turned away my prayer, nor His
lovingkindness from me.

make His praise glorious.

Say unto God, How terrible are Thy SELECTION 28

works! Through the greatness of Psalm Lxxi
Thy power shall Thine enemies sub-
Thee, O Jehovah, do I take
mit themselves unto Thee. INrefuge: me
let never be put to
All the earth shall worship Thee, shame.
and shall sing unto Thee; they
shall sing to Thy Name. Deliver me in Thy righteousness,
and rescue me: bow down Thine
Come, and see the works of God; ear unto me, and save me.
He is terrible in His doing toward the
Be Thou to me a rock of habitation,
children of men.
whereunto I may continually resort:
He turned the sea into dry land; Thou hast given commandment to
they went through the river on
save me; for Thou art my rock and
foot: there did we rejoice in Him.
my fortress.
He ruleth by His might for ever;
Rescue me, O my God, out of the
His eyes observe the nations: let not
hand of the wicked, out of the hand
the rebellious exalt themselves. of the unrighteous and cruel man.
Oh bless our God, ye peoples, and For Thou art my hope, O Lord
make the voice of His praise to be
Jehovah Thou art my trust from my

heard ;
Who holdeth our soul in life, and

suffereth not our feet to be

My mouth shall be filled with Thy
moved. praise, and with Thy honor all the
I will come into Thy house with day.
burnt-ofiferings ; I will pay Thee
Cast me not the time of old age
off in
my vows.
forsake me not when my strength
Which my lips uttered, and my mouth faileth.
spake, when I was in distress.
My mouth shall tell of Thy right-
Come, and hear, all ye that fear eousness, and of Thy salvation all

Responsive Readings

the day; for I know not the num- needy, and will break in pieces the
bers thereof. oppressor.

I come with the mighty acts of They shall fear Thee while the sun
the Lord Jehovah: I will make men- endureth, and so long as the moon,
tion of Thy righteousness, even of throughout all generations.
Thine only. He will come down
like rain upon

O God, Thou hast taught me from the mown grass, as showers that
my youth; and hitherto have I water the earth.
declared Thy wondrous works. In His days ^hall the righteous
Yea, even when I am old and gray- flourish, and abundance of peace,
headed, O God, forsake me not, until till the moon be no more.
I have declared Thy strength unto He shall have dominion also from
the next generation. Thy might to sea to sea, and from the River unto
every one that is to come. the ends of the earth.

Thy righteousness also, O God, They that dwell in the wilderness

isvery high; Thou Who hast done shall bow before Him; and His ene-
great things, O God, who is like mies shall lick the dust.
unto Thee?
The kings of Tarshish and of the
My shout for joy when I
lips shall isles shall render tribute: the
sing praises unto Thee; and my soul, kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer
which Thou hast redeemed. gifts.

My tongue also shall talk of Thy Yea, all kings shall fall down before
righteousness all the day long; Him; all nations shall serve Him.
for they are put to shame, for they
are confounded, that seek my hurt.
For He will deliver the needy when
he crieth, and the poor, that hath
no helper.
He will have pity on the poor and
SELECTION 29 needy, and the souls of the needy He
will save.
Psalm Lxxii

He will redeem their soul from

GIVE the king Thy judgments, O oppression and violence; and pre-
God, and Thy righteousness
cious will their blood be in His
unto the king's Son. sight :
He will judge Thy people with And they shall live ; and to Him shall
righteousness, and Thy poor with
be given of the gold of Sheba and men :

shall pray for Him continually; they

The mountains shall bring peace to
shall bless Him all the day long.
the people, and the hills, in right-
eousness. There shall be abundance of grain
in the earth upon the top of the
He will judge the poor of the people. mountains; the fruit thereof shall
He will save the children of the shake like Lebanon: and they of
Responsive Readings

the city shall flourish like grass of O Jehovah God of hosts, hear my
the earth. prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob.

HisName shall endure for ever; His Behold, O God our shield, and look
Name shall be continued as long as upon the face of Thine anointed.
the sun: and men shall be blessed in
For a day in Thy courts is better
Him; all nations shall call Him than a thousand. I had rather be
happy. a doorkeeper in the house of my
God, than to dwell in the tents of
Blessed be Jehovah God, the God wickedness.
of Israel, Who only doeth wondrous
things : For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield
And blessed be His glorious Name for
Jehovah will give grace and glory;
no good thing will He withhold from
ever; and let the whole earth be filled

with His glory. Amen, and Amen. them that walk uprightly.
O Jehovah of hosts, blessed is the
man that trusteth in Thee.
Psalm Lxxxiv

H OW amiable are Thy tabernacles,
O Jehovah of hosts! Psalm Lxxxv

My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth JEHOVAH, Thou hast been favor-
for the courts of Jehovah; my able unto Thy land; Thou hast
heart and my flesh cry out unto the
brought back the captivity of Jacob.
living God.
Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of
Yea, the sparrow hath found her a
Thy people; Thou hast covered all
house, and the swallow a nest for their sin.
herself, where she may lay her young,
Thou hast taken away all Thy wrath;
even Thine altars, O Jehovah of
Thou hast turned Thyself from the
hosts, my King, and my God.
fierceness of Thine anger.
Blessed are they that dwell in Thy
house: they will be still praising Turn us, O God of our salvation,
Thee. and cause Thine indignation toward
us to cease.
Blessed is the man whose strength is
Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever?
in Thee; in whose heart are the high-
Wilt Thou draw out Thine anger to
ways to Zion.
all generations?
Passing through the valley of
Weeping they make it a place of Wilt Thou not quicken us again,
springs; yea, the early rain cover- that Thy people may rejoice in
eth it with blessings. Thee?

They go from strength to strength; Show us Thy lovingkindness, O

grant us Thy salvation.
every one of them appeareth before Jehovah, and
God in Zion. I will hear what God Jehovah will

Responsive Readings

speak; for He will speak peace In the day of my trouble I will call
unto His people, and to His saints upon Thee ; for Thou wilt answer me.
but let them not turn again to folly.
There is none like unto Thee
Surely His salvation is nigh them that
among the gods, O Lord; neither
fear Him, that glory may dwell in our are there any works like unto Thy
land. works.

Mercy and truth are met together; All nations whom Thou hast made
righteousness and peace have
shall come and worship before Thee,
kissed each other.
O Lord; and they shall glorify Thy
Truth springeth out of the earth and ;
righteousness hath looked down from
heaven. For Thou art great, and doest
wondrous things: Thou art God
Yea, Jehovah will give that which alone.
is good; and our land shall yield
its increase. Teach me Thy way, O Jehovah; I
Righteousness shall go before Him, will walk in Thy truth: unite my
and shall make His footsteps a way heart to fear Thy Name.
to walk in. I will praise Thee, O Lord my God,
with my whole heart; and I will
glorify Thy Name for evermore.

SELECTION 32 For great is Thy lovingkindness

Psalm Lxxxvi
toward me; and Thou hast delivered
my soul from the lowest Sheol.
down Thine
answer me;
am poor O God, the proud are risen up
and needy. against me, and a company of
violent men have sought after my
Preserve my soul; for I am godly: soul, and have not set Thee before
O Thou my God, save Thy servant them.
that trusteth in Thee.
But Thou, Lord, art a God merci-
Be merciful unto me, O Lord; for
ful and gracious, slow to anger, and
unto Thee do I cry all the day long.
abundant in lovingkindness and
Rejoice the soul of Thy servant; truth.
for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up
my soul. Oh turn unto me, and have mercy
For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready upon me; give Thy strength unto
Thy servant, and save the son of
to forgive, and abundant in loving-
Thy handmaid.
kindness unto all them that call upon
Thee. Show me a token for good, that they
hate me may see it, and be put
Give ear, O Jehovah, unto my who
prayer; and hearken unto the to shame, because Thou, Jehovah,
voice of my supplications. hast hdped me, and comforted me.
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 33 Peace be within thy walls, and

prosperity within thy palaces.
Psalms Lxxxvii, cxxii
For my brethren and companions'

H IS foundation
is in the holy
I willnow say, Peace be within

Jehovah loveth the gates of Zion For the sake of the house of Jeho-
more than all the dwellings of vah our God I will seek thy good.

Glorious things are spoken of thee,

O city of God. SELECTION 34
I will make mention of Rahab and Psalm Lxxxix
Babylon as among them that know
Me: behold, Phihstia, and Tyre,
WILL sing of the lovingkindness
with Ethiopia: this one was born I of Jehovah for ever: with my
there. mouth will I make known Thy faith-
fulness to all generations.
Yea, of Zion it shall be said, This
one and that one was born in her; For Ihave said, Mercy shall be
and the Most High Himself will es- built up for ever; Thy faithfulness
wilt Thou estabUsh in the very
tablish her.
Jehovah count, when He
writeth up the peoples, this one
I have made a covenant with My
was bom there. chosen, I have sworn unto David My
They that sing as well as they that
dance shall say. All my fountains are
Thy seed will I establish for ever,
and build up thy throne to all
in thee.
I was glad when they said unto me. And the heavens shall praise Thy
Let us go imto the house of Jehovah.
Jehovah; Thy faithful-
wonders, O
Our feet are standing within thy ness also in the assembly of the holy
gates, O Jerusalem, ones.

Jerusalem, that art builded as a For who in the skies can be com-
city that is compact together; pared unto Jehovah? Who among
the sons of the mighty is like unto
Whither the tribes go up,
even the Jehovah,
tribes of Jehovah, for an ordinance
for Israel, to give thanks unto the
A God very terrible in the council of
the holy ones, and to be feared above
Name of Jehovah.
all them that are round about Him?
For there are set thrones for judg-
ment, the thrones of the house of O Jehovah God of hosts, who is a
David. mighty one, Hke imto Thee, O
Jehovah? And Thy faithfulness
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: is round about Thee.

they shall prosper that love thee. The heavens are Thine, the earth

Responsive Readings

also is Thine: the world and the ful- Thou carriest them away as with a
ness thereof, Thou hast founded flood; they are as a sleep: in the
them. morning they are like grass which
The north and the south, Thou groweth up.
hast created them Tabor and Her- :
In the morning it flourisheth, and
mon rejoice in Thy Name. groweth up; in the evening it is
cut down, and withereth.
Thou hast a mighty arm; strong is
Thy hand, and high is Thy right For we are consumed in Thine anger,
hand. and in Thy wrath are we troubled.
Righteousness and justice are the Thou hast set our iniquities before
foundation of Thy throne: loving- Thee, our secret sins in the Ught
kindness and truth go before Thy of Thy countenance.
For our days are passed away in
Blessed is the people that know the Thy wrath: we bring our years to an
joyful sound: they walk, O Jehovah, end as a sigh.
in the light of Thy countenance.
The days of our years are three-
In Thy Name do they rejoice all score years and ten, or even by
the day and in Thy righteousness
; reason of strength fourscore years;
are they exalted. yet is their pride but labor and
sorrow; for it is soon gone, and
For Thou art the glory of their we fly away.
strength; and in Thy favor our horn
shall be exalted.
knoweth the power of Thine Who
Thy wrath according to anger, and
For our shield belongeth unto the fear that is due unto Thee?
Jehovah and our king to the Holy

One of Israel. So teach us to number our days,

that we may get us a heart of wis-
Return, O Jehovah; how long? and
Psalm xc
let it repent Thee concerning Thy

L ORD, ing-place in
Thou hast been our dwell-
all generations.

Oh us in the morning with

Before the mountains were brought Thy lovingkindness, that we may
forth, or ever Thou hadst formed rejoice and be glad all our days.
the earth and the world, even from
everlasting to everlasting. Thou Make us glad according to the days
art God. wherein Thou hast afflicted us, and
Thou turnest man to destruction, the years wherein we have seen evil.
and sayest, Return, ye children of Let Thy work appear unto Thy
men. servants, and Thy glory upon their
For a thousand years in Thy sight
are but as yesterday when it is And let the favor of the Lord our
past, and as a watch in the night. God be upon us; and establish Thou
Responsive Readings

the work of our hands upon us; yea, They shall bear thee up in their
the work of our hands establish Thou hands, lest thou dash thy foot
against a stone.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and

adder: the young lion and the ser-
SELECTION 36 pent shalt thou trample under foot.
Psalm xci
Because he hath set his love upon
HE place
that dwelleth in
of the Most High
the secret
Me, therefore will I deliver him:
I will set him on high, because he

abide under the shadow of the Al-

hath known My Name.
mighty. He shall call upon Me, and I will

I will say of Jehovah, He is my answer him; I willbe with him in

refuge and my fortress; my God, trouble: I will deliver him, and honor
in Whom I trust. him.

For He will deliver thee from the With long life will I satisfy him,
snare of the fowler, and from the and show him My salvation.
deadly pestilence.
He will cover thee with His pinions, SELECTION 37
and under His wings shalt thou
Psalms xcv, xcix
take refuge: His truth is a shield

and a buckler.
shalt not
be afraid for the
come, let us sing unto Jehovah
let us make a joyful noise to the

terror by night, nor for the arrow rock of our salvation.

that flieth by day; Let us come before His presence
with thanksgiving; let us make a
For the pestilence that walketh in
joyful noise unto Him with psalms.
darkness, nor for the destruction
that wasteth at noonday. For Jehovah is a great God, and a
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and great King above all gods.
ten thousand at thy right hand; but In His hand are the deep places of
it shall not come nigh thee. the earth; the heights of the
mountains are His also.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou
behold, and see the reward of the The sea is His, and He made it; and
wicked. His hands formed the dry land.
For Thou, O Jehovah, art my refuge. Oh come, let us worship and bow
Thou hast made the Most High thy down ; let us kneel before Jehovah
habitation our Maker.

There shall no evil befall thee, Jehovah reigneth; let the peoples
neither shall any plague come nigh tremble: He above the cheru-
thy tent. bim; let the earth be moved.
For He His angels charge
will give Jehovah is great in Zion; and He
over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. ishigh above all the peoples.
Responsive Readings

Let them praise Thy great and terrible strength and beauty are in His
Name: holy is He. sanctuary.

The strength also loveth

king's Ascribe unto Jehovah, ye kindreds
justice ; Thou
dost estabHsh equity of the peoples, ascribe unto Jehovah
Thou executest justice and right- glory and strength.
eousness in Jacob.
Ascribe unto Jehovah the glory due
Exalt ye Jehovah our God, and wor- imto His Name bring an offering

ship at His footstool holy is He.: and come into His courts.
Moses and Aaron among His Oh worship Jehovah in holy array:
priests, and Samuel among them tremble before Him, all the earth.
that call upon His Name; they
called upon Jehovah, and He Say among the nations, Jehovah
answered them. reigneth: the world also is estab-
lished that it cannot be moved:
He spake unto them in the pillar of He will judge the peoples with
cloud they kept His testimonies, and
: equity.
the statute that He gave them. Let the heavens be glad, and let the
Thou answeredst them, O Jehovah earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and
our God: Thou wast a God that the fulness thereof;
forgavest them, though Thou took-
est vengeance of their doings. Let the field exult, and all that is
therein; then shall all the trees
Exalt ye Jehovah our God, and of the wood sing for joy before Je-
worship at His holy hill ; for Jehovah hovah;
our God is holy. For He cometh, for He cometh to
judge the earth: He will judge the
SELECTION 38 world with righteousness, and the
peoples with His truth.
Psalm xcvi

oH sing unto
sing unto Jehovah,
Jehovah a new song:
all the earth.
Psalm xcvii

Sing unto Jehovah, bless His JEHOVAH reigneth; let the earth
Name; show forth His salvation
rejoice; let the multitude of isles
from day to day.
be glad.
Declare His glory among the nations,
Clouds and darkness are round
His marvelous works among all the
about Him: righteousness and jus-
peoples. tice are the foundation of His
For great is Jehovah, and greatly
to be praised: He is to be feared A goeth before Him, and burneth
above all gods.
up His adversaries round about.
For all the gods of the peoples are His lightnings lightened the world:
idols; but Jehovah made the heavens. the earth saw, and trembled.
Honor and majesty are before Him The mountains melted like wax at
Responsive Readings

the presence of Jehovah, at the pres- Make a joyful noise unto Jehovah,
ence of the Lord of the whole earth. all the earth break forth and sing

for joy, yea, sing praises.

The heavens declare His right-
eousness, and all the peoples have Sing praises unto Jehovah with the
seen His glory. harp; with the harp and the voice of

Let all them be put shame that melody.

serve graven images, that boast them- With trumpets and sound of cornet
selves of idols: worship Him, all ye make a joyful noise before the
King, Jehovah.
Let the sea roar, and the fulness
Zion heard and was glad, and the
daughters of Judah rejoiced, be- thereof;the world, and they that
cause of Thy judgments, O Jehovah. dwell therein;

For Thou, Jehovah, art most high Let the floods clap their hands;
above all the earth Thou art exalted
let the hills sing for joy together
before Jehovah;
far above all gods.

O ye that love Jehovah, hate evil: For He cometh to judge the earth:
He preserveth the souls of His He will judge the world with right-
saints; He delivereth them out of eousness, and the peoples with equity.
the hand of the wicked.
Make a joyful noise unto Jehovah,
Light is sown for the righteous, and all ye lands.
gladness for the upright in heart. Serve Jehovah with gladness: come
Be glad in Jehovah, ye righteous ; ~
. before His presence with singing.
and give thanks to His holy
memorial Name. Know ye that Jehovah, He is God
it is He that hath made us, and we
are His; we are His people, and
the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanks-
Psalms xcvin, c
and into His courts with

OH sing unto Jehovah a new song; praise: give thanks unto Him, and
for He hath done marvelous bless His Name.
things: His right hand, and His holy
For Jehovah is good; His loving-
arm, hath wrought salvation for Him. kindness endureth for ever, and
Jehovah hath made known His His faithfulness unto all genera-
salvation: His righteousness hath tions.
He openly showed in the sight of
the nations.
He hath remembered His loving-
kindness and His faithfulness toward Psalm cii

the house of Israel: all the ends of

THOU, O Jehovah, wilt abide for
the earth have seen the salvation of ever; and Thy memorial Name
our God. unto all generations.
Responsive Readings

Thou wilt arise, and have mercy like a garment; as a vesture shalt
upon Zion; for it is time to have Thou change them, and they shall be
pity upon her, yea, the set time is changed
But Thou art the same, and Thy
For Thy servants take pleasure in years shall have no end.
her stones, and have pity upon her
The children of Thy servants shall
continue, and their seed shall be
So the nations shall fear the Name established before Thee.
of Jehovah, and all the kings of
the earth Thy glory.
For Jehovah hath built up Zion;
Psalm cm
He hath appeared in His glory;
BLESS Jehovah, O my soul; and
He hath regarded the prayer of the
all that is within me, bless His
destitute, and hath not despised
their prayer.
holy Name.

This be written for the genera-

Bless Jehovah, O my soul, and
forget not all His benefits :
tion to come; and a people which
shall be created shall praise Jehovah. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
Who healeth all thy diseases;
For He
hath looked down from the
height of His sanctuary; from Who redeemeth thy Ufe from de-
heaven did Jehovah behold the struction; Who crowneth thee with
earth ;
lovingkindness and tender mercies;

To hear the sighing of the prisoner; Who satisfieth thy desire with good
to loose those that are appointed to things, so that thy youth is renewed
death; like the eagle.

That men may declare the Name Jehovah executeth righteous acts,
of Jehovah in Zion, and His praise and judgments for all that are
in Jerusalem; oppressed.

When the peoples are gathered to- He made known His ways unto Moses,
gether, and the kingdoms, to serve His doings unto the children of Israel.
Jehovah. merciful and gracious,
Jehovah is

He weakened my strength in the slow to anger, and abundant in

way; He shortened my days. lovingkindness.

I said, O my God, take me not away He will not always chide neither will ;

in the midst of my days: Thy years He keep His anger for ever.
are throughout all generations. He hath not dealt with us after our
Of old didst Thou lay the founda- sins, nor rewarded us after our
tion of the earth; and the heavens iniquities.
are the work of Thy hands. For as the heavens are high above
They shall perish, but Thou shalt the earth, so great is His loving-
endure; yea, all of them shall wax old kindness toward them that fear Him.
Responsive Readings

As far as the east is from the west, Jehovah, or show forth all His
so far hath He removed our trans- praise?
gressions from us.
Blessed are they that keep justice
Like as a father pitieth his children, and he that doeth righteousness at all
so Jehovah pitieth them that fear times.
Remember me, O Jehovah, with
For He knowethour frame; He the favor that Thou bearest unto
remembereth that we are dust. Thy people ; Oh visit me with Thy
As for man, days are as grass; as
a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. That I may see the prosperity of Thy
chosen, that I may rejoice in the
For the wind passeth over it, and
gladness of Thy nation, that I may
it is gone and the place thereof

shall know it no more. glory with Thine inheritance.

But the lovingkindness of Jehovah Praise ye Jehovah. I will give

isfrom everlasting to everlasting upon thanks unto Jehovah with my
whole heart, in the council of the
them that fear Him, and His right- upright, and in the congregation.
eousness unto children's children;
The works of Jehovah are great,
To such as keep His covenant, and
to those that remember His pre-
sought out of all them that have
cepts to do them. pleasure therein.

Jehovah hath established His throne His work is honor and majesty;
in the heavens; and His kingdom
and His righteousness endureth
for ever.
ruleth over all.

Pless Jehovah, ye His angels, that

He hath made His wonderful works
are mighty in strength, that fulfil to be remembered Jehovah: is gracious
His word, hearkening unto the and merciful.
voice of His word.
He hath given food unto them that
Bless Jehovah, ye His hosts, ye
all fear Him; He will ever be mindful
ministers of His, that do His pleasure. of His covenant.

Bless Jehovah, all ye His works, He hath showed His people the power
in all places of His dominion: of His works, in giving them the
bless Jehovah, O my soul.
heritage of the nations.

The works of His hands are truth

SELECTION 43 and justice; all His precepts are
Psalms cvi, cxi sure.

PRAISE ye Jehovah. Oh give They are established for ever and

thanks unto Jehovah; for He ever; they are done in truth and up-
is good for His lovingkindness en- rightness.

dureth for ever.

He hath sent redemption unto His
Who can utter the mighty acts of people; He hath commanded His
Responsive Readings

covenant for ever: holy and rever- I will take the cup of salvation, and
end is His Name. call upon the Name of Jehovah.
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning I will pay my vows unto Jehovah,
of wisdom a good understanding have
; yea, in the presence of all His
all they that do His commandments: people.
His praise endureth for ever. Precious in the sight of Jehovah is the
death of His saints.

Jehovah, truly I am Thy servant

SELECTION 44 1 am Thy servant, the son of Thy
handmaid; Thou hast loosed my
Psalm cxvi bonds.
LOVE Jehovah, because He hear- I will ofifer to Thee the sacrifice of
I eth my voice and my supplica- thanksgiving, and will call upon the
tions. Name of Jehovah.
Because He hath inclined His ear I will pay my vows unto Jehovah,
unto me, therefore will I call upon yea, in the presence of all His
Him as long as I live. people,
The cords of death compassed me, In the courts of Jehovah's house, in
and the pains of Sheol gat hold upon the midst of thee, O Jerusalem.
me : I found trouble and sorrow. Praise ye Jehovah.
Then called I upon the Name of
Jehovah: O Jehovah, I beseech
Thee, deliver my soul. SELECTION 45
Gracious is Jehovah, and righteous; Psalm cxviii
yea, our God is merciful.
JEHOVAH is my strength and
Jehovah preserveth the simple: I song; and He is become my
was brought low, and He saved me.
Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for
The voice of rejoicing and salvation
Jehovah hath dealt bountifully with is in the tents of the righteous:
thee. the right hand of Jehovah doeth
For Thou hast delivered my soul
from death, mine eyes from tears, The right hand of Jehovah is exalted
and my feet from falUng. the right hand of Jehovah doeth
I will walk before Jehovah in the land valiantly.
of the living, I shall not die, but live, and declare
the works of Jehovah.
I believe, for I will speak: I was
greatly afflicted : Jehovah hath chastened me sore
I said in my haste. All men are liars. but He hath not given me over unto
What shall I render unto Jehovah
for all His benefits toward me? Open to me the gates of righteous-
Responsive Readings

ness: I will enter into them, I will Yea, they do no unrighteousness;

give thanks unto Jehovah. they walk in His ways.
This is the gate of Jehovah; the Thou hast commanded us Thy
righteous shall enter into it. precepts, that we should observe
them diligently.
I will give thanks unto Thee; for
Thou hast answered me, and art Oh that my ways were established
become my salvation. to observe Thy statutes!

The stone which the builders rejected Then shall I not be put to shame,
is become the head of the corner. when I have respect unto all Thy
This is Jehovah's doing; it is mar-
velous in our eyes. I will give thanks unto Thee with
uprightness of heart, when I learn
This is the day which Jehovah hath
made; we will rejoice and be glad
Thy righteous judgments.

in it. I will observe Thy statutes: Oh

forsake me not utterly.
Save now, we beseech Thee, O
Jehovah: O Jehovah, we beseech Wherewith shall a young man cleanse
Thee, send now prosperity. his way? By taking heed thereto
Blessed be he that cometh in the according to Thy word.
Name Jehovah: we have blessed
of With my whole heart have I sought
you out of the house of Jehovah. Thee Oh let me not wander from

Thy commandments.
Jehovah God, and He hath given
us light: bind the sacrifice with Thy word have I laid up in my heart,
cords, even unto the horns of the that I might not sin against Thee.
Blessed art Thou, O Jehovah:
Thou art my
God, and I will give teach me Thy statutes.
thanks unto Thee: Thou art my God,
With my lips have I declared all the
I will exalt Thee.
ordinances of Thy mouth.
Oh give thanks unto Jehovah; for
I have rejoiced in the way of Thy
He is good for His lovingkindness
testimonies, as much as in all
endureth for ever.

I will meditate on Thy precepts, and

have respect unto Thy ways.

I will delight myself in Thy statutes
Psalm cxix 1 will not forget Thy word.
BLESSED are they that are per-
fect in the way, who walk in the SELECTION 47
law of Jehovah. Psalms cxxv, cxxvi

Blessed are they that keep His

testimonies, that seek Him with
trust in Jehovah are
Zion, which cannot
the whole heart. be moved, but abideth for ever.
Responsive Readings

As the mountains are round about be attentive to the voice of my sup-

Jerusalem, so Jehovah is round plications.
about His people from this time
forthand for evermore. If Thou, Jehovah, shouldest mark
iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?
For the sceptre of wickedness shall
not rest upon the lot of the righteous
But there is forgiveness with Thee,
that Thou mayest be feared.
that the righteous put not forth their
hands unto iniquity. I wait for Jehovah, my soul doth wait,
and in His word do I hope.
Do good, O Jehovah, unto those
that are good, and to them that are My soul waiteth for the Lord more
upright in their hearts. than watchmen wait for the morn-
iiigj yea, more than watchmen for
But as for such as turn aside unto
the morning.
their crooked ways, Jehovah will lead
Israel, hope in Jehovah; for with
them forth with the workers of
iniquity. Peace be upon Israel. Jehovah there is lovingkindness, and
with Him is plenteous redemption.
When Jehovah brought back those
that returned to Zion, we were like And He will redeem Israel from all
imto them that dream. his iniquities.

Then was our mouth filled with 1 cry with my voice unto Jehovah;

laughter, and our tongue with sing- with my voice unto Jehovah do I
ing: then said they among the nations, make supplication.
Jehovah hath done great things for I pour out my complaint before
them. Him; I show before Him my
Jehovah hath done great things for
us,whereof we are glad. When my spirit was overwhelmed
Turn again our captivity, O Jehovah,
within me. Thou knewest my path.

as the streams in the South. In the way wherein I walk have they
hidden a snare for me.
They that sow in tears shall reap
in joy. Look on my
right hand, and see;
for there is man that knoweth
He that goeth forth and weepeth, me refuge hath failed me ; no man

bearing seed for sowing, shall doubt- careth for soul. my

less come again with joy, bringing
his sheaves with him.
I cried unto Thee, O Jehovah; I said,
Thou art my refuge, my portion in
the land of the living.

SELECTION 48 Attend unto my cry; for I am

brought very low deliver me from
Psalms cxxx, cxlii
my persecutors for they are

o UT of the depths
unto Thee, O Jehovah.
have I cried

stronger than I.

my soul out of prison, that I

Lord, hear my voice : let Thine ears may give thanks unto Thy Name:
Responsive Readings

the righteous shall compass me about How precious also are Thy thoughts
for Thou wilt deal bountifully with unto me, O God! How great is the
me. sum of them!
If Ishould count them, they are
SELECTION 49 more in number than the sand:
when I awake, I am still with Thee.
Psalm cxxxix
Search me, O God, and know my
o JEHOVAH, Thou hast searched
me, and known me.
heart: try me, and know my thoughts;

And see if there be any wicked way

Thou knowest my downsitting and
mine uprising Thou understandest
in me, and lead me in the way
my thought afar off.

Thou searchest out my path and my SELECTION 50

lying down, and art acquainted with
Psalm cxLv
all my ways.
For there is not a word in my
WILL extol Thee, my God, O
tongue, but, lo, O Jehovah, Thou
I King; and I will bless Thy
knowest it altogether. Name for ever and ever.

Thou hast beset me behind and before, Every day will I bless Thee; and
and laid Thy hand upon me. I will praise Thy Name and
for ever
Such knowledge too wonderful
for me; it is high, I cannot attain Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be
unto it. praised; and His greatness is un-
Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?
or whither shall I flee from Thy pres- One generation shall laud Thy
ence? works to another, and shall declare
Thy mighty acts.
If I ascend up into heaven, Thou
art there: if I make my bed in Of the glorious majesty of Thine
Sheol, behold. Thou art there. honor, and of Thy wondrous works,
will I meditate.
If take the wings of the morning,

and dwell in the uttermost parts of And men shall speak of the might
the sea; of Thy terrible acts; and I will de-
clare Thy greatness.
Even there shall Thy hand lead me,
and Thy right hand shall hold me. They shall utter the memory of Thy
great goodness, and shall sing of Thy
If I say. Surely the darkness shall
overwhelm me, and the light about
me shall be night; Jehovah is gracious, and merciful;
slow to anger, and of great loving-
Even the darkness hideth not from kindness.
Thee, but the m'ght shineth as the
day the darkness and the light are
Jehovah is good to all ; and His tender
both alike to Thee. mercies are over all His works.
Responsive Readings

All Thy works shall give thanks While praise Jehovah:

I live will I
unto Thee, Jehovah; O and Thy I sing praises unto my God
saints shall bless Thee. while I have any being.

They shall speak of the glory of Thy Put not your trust in princes, nor in
kingdom, and talk of Thy power; the son of man, in whom there is no
To make known to the sons of men
His mighty acts, and the glory of His breath goeth forth, he re-
the majesty of His kingdom. turneth to his earth; in that very
Thy kingdom is an everlasting king- day his thoughts perish.
dom, and Thy dominion endureth Happy is he that hath the God of
throughout all generations. Jacob for his help, whose hope is in
Jehovah upholdeth all that fall, Jehovah his God:
and raiseth up all those that are Who made heaven and earth, the
bowed down. sea, and all that in them is; Who
keepeth truth for ever ;
The eyes of all wait for Thee; and
Thou givest them their food in due Who executeth justice for the op-
season. pressed ; Who giveth food to the hun-

Thou openest Thy hand, and gry. Jehovah looseth the prisoners;
fiest the desire of every living Jehovah openeth the eyes of the
thing. bhnd; Jehovah raiseth up them
that are bowed down; Jehovah
Jehovah is righteous in all His ways,
loveth the righteous ;
and gracious in all His works.
Jehovah preserveth the sojourners;
Jehovah is nigh unto all them that
call upon Him, to all that call upon
He upholdeth the fatherless and
Him in truth. widow; but the way of the wicked
He turneth upside down.
He will fulfil the desire of them that
fear Him; He also will hear their cry, Jehovah will reign for ever. Thy
God, O Zion, unto all generations.
and will save them.
Praise ye Jehovah.
Jehovah preserveth all them that
Praise ye Jehovah; for it is good to
love Him; but all the wicked will
He destroy. sing praises unto our God; for it is

pleasant, and praise is comely.

My mouth shall speak the praise of
Jehovah; and let all flesh bless His Jehovah doth build up Jerusalem;
holy Name for ever and ever.
He gathereth together the outcasts
of Israel.

He healeth the broken in heart, and

bindeth up their wounds.
He counteth the number of the
Psalms cxLvi, cxi.vii
stars ; He calleth them all by their
I RAISE ye Jehovah. Praise Je- names.
hovah, O my soul. Great is our Lord, and mighty in
Responsive Readings

power; His understanding is infinite. for His Name alone is exalted; His
glory is above the earth and the
Jehovah upholdeth the meek: He
bringeth the wicked down to the heavens.
ground. And He hath lifted up the horn of

Sing unto Jehovah with thanksgiving; His people, the praise of all His
saints; even of the children of
sing praises upon the harp unto our
Israel, a people near unto Him.
God. Praise ye Jehovah.

Psalm cxLViii SELECTION 53
PRAISE ye Jehovah. Praise ye

Proverbs I

Jehovah from the heavens; praise ISDOM crieth aloud in the

Him in the heights. street; she uttereth her voice
Praise ye Him, all His angels: in the broad places;
praise ye Him, all His hosts.
She crieth in the chief place of con-
Praise ye Him, sun and moon: praise course; at the entrance of the
gates, in the city, she uttereth her
Him, ail ye stars of Hght.
words :

Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, How long, ye simple ones, will ye

and ye waters that are above the love simplicity? And scoffers delight
them in scofhng, and fools hate
Let them praise the Name of Jehovah knowledge?
for He commanded, and they were
Turn you my reproof: behold,
I will my spirit upon you
pour out
He hath also established them for I will make known my words unto
ever and ever: He hath made a you.
decree which shall not pass away.
Because have called, and ye have

Praise Jehovah from the earth, ye refused; have stretched out my


sea-monsters, and all deeps; hand, and no man hath regarded;

Fire and hail, snow and vapor; But ye have set at nought all my
stormy wind, fulfilling His word ; counsel, and would none of my
reproof :
Mountains and all hills; fruitful trees
and all cedars; I also will laugh in the day of your
Beasts and all cattle;
calamity; I will mock when your fear
things and flying birds Cometh

Kings of the earth and all peoples; When your fear cometh as a storm,
and your calamity cometh on as a
princes and all judges of the earth;
whirlwind; when distress and
Both young men and virgins; old anguish come upon you.
men and children: .

Then they call upon me, but I

Let them praise the Name of Jehovah ; will not answer; they will seek me
Responsive Readings

diligently, but they shall not find me. When thou goest, thy steps shall
not be straitened; and if thou
For that they hated knowledge, runnest, thou shalt not sttmible.
and did not choose the fear of
Jehovah, Take fast hold of instruction; let
They would none of my counsel, they her not go: keep her; for she is thy
despised all my reproof; life.

Therefore shall they eat of the Enter not into the path of the
fruit of their own way, and be filled wicked, and walk not in the way of
with their own devices. evil men.

For the backsliding of the simple shall Avoid it, pass not by it; turn from it,
slay them, and the careless ease of and pass on.
fools shall destroy them. For they sleep not, except they do
evil; and their sleep is taken away,
But whoso hearkeneth unto me
unless they cause some to fall.
shall dwell securely, and shall be
quiet without fear of evil. For they eat the bread of wickedness,
and drink the wine of violence.
But the path of the righteous is as
SELECTION 54 the dawning light, that shineth
Proverbs iv
more and more unto the perfect
GET wisdom, neither
get understanding;
forget not, decline from
The way of the wicked is as darkness:
my mouth they know not at what they stumble.
the words of

Forsake her not, and she will pre-

serve thee; love her, and she will
keep thee.
Proverbs viii
Wisdom is the principal thing; there-
fore get wisdom;
getting get understanding.
yea, with all thy
D OTH not wisdom cry, and
standing put forth her voice?

On the top of high places by the

Exalt her, and she will promote
way, where the paths meet, she
thee she will bring thee to honor,
standeth ;
when thou dost embrace her.
Beside the gates, at the entry of the
She will give to thy head a chaplet of
city, at the coming in at the doors,
grace; a crown of beauty will she
she crieth aloud:
deliver to thee.
Unto you, O men, I call; and my
Hear, O my son, and receive my voice is to the sons of men.
sayings; and the years of thy life
shall be many. Hear, for I will speak excellent things;
I have taught thee in the way
and the opening of my lips shall be
wisdom; I have led thee in paths right things.
uprightness. For my mouth shall utter truth;

Responsive Readings

and wickedness is an abomination walk in the ways of thy heart, and in

to my lips. the sight of thine eyes; but know
All the words of my mouth are thou, that for all these things God
in righteousness; there is nothing will bring thee into judgment.
crooked or perverse in them. Therefore remove sorrow from thy
They are all plain to him that under- heart, and put away evil from thy
standeth, and right to them that flesh; for youth and the dawn of
life are vanity.
find knowledge.

Receive my instruction, and not Remember also thy Creator in the

silver; and knowledge rather than days of thy youth, before the evil
choice gold. days come, and the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say, I have no pleas-
For wisdom is better than rubies;
and all the things that may be de- ure in them;
sired are not to be compared unto Before the sun, and the light, and
the moon, and the stars, are dark-
I wisdom have made prudence my ened, and the clouds return after
the rain;
dwelling, and find out knowledge and
discretion. In the day when the keepers of the
house shall tremble, and the strong
The fear of Jehovah is to hate evil
pride, and arrogancy, and the evil men shall bow themselves, and the
way, and the perverse mouth, do grinders cease because they are few,
I hate. and those that look out of the win-
Counsel is mine, and sound know- dows shall be darkened.
ledge: I am understanding; I have
And the doors shall be shut in the
might. street; when the sound of the
By me kings reign, and princes grinding is low, and one shall rise
decree justice. up at the voice of a bird, and all the
daughters of music shall be brought
By me princes rule, and nobles, even low;
ail the judges of the earth.
Yea, they shall be afraid of that which
I love them that love me and those
is high, and terrors shall be in the way

that seek me diligently shall find me.

and the almond-tree shall blossom,
Riches and honor are with me; yea, and the grasshopper shall be a burden,
durable wealth and righteousness. and desire shall fail; because man
goeth to his everlasting home, and
the mourners go about the streets:
Before the silver cord is loosed, or
Ecclesiastes xi, xil the golden bowl is broken, or the
pitcher is broken at the fovmtain,
REJOICE, O young man, in thy
or the wheel broken at the cistern,
youth, and let thy heart cheer
thee in the days of thy youth, and And the dust returneth to the earth
Responsive Readings

as it was, and the spirit returneth With whom took He counsel, and
unto God Who gave it. who instructed Him, and taught
Him in the path of justice, and
Vanity of vanities, saith the taught Him knowledge, and showed
Preacher all is vanity.
to Him the way of understanding?

This is the end of the matter all hath Behold, the nations are as a drop of

been heard: Fear God, and keep His a bucket, and are accounted as the
commandments; for this is the whole small dust of the balance: behold,
duty of man. He taketh up the Isles as a very little

For God will bring every work into thing.

judgment, with every hidden thing, And Lebanon is not sufficient to
whether it be good, or whether it be burn, nor the beasts thereof suffi-
evil. cient for a burnt-offering.

All the nations are as nothing before

Him; they are accounted by Him
Isaiah xl as less than nothing, and vanity.
OTHOU that tellest good tidings Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and
up on a high
to Zion, get thee speakest, O Israel, My way is hid
mountain; O thou that tellest good from Jehovah, and the justice due
to me is passed away from my God?
tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy
voice with strength ; lift it up, be not Hast thou not known ? Hast thou not
afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, heard? The everlasting God, Jeho-
Behold, your God! vah, the Creator of the ends of the
earth, fainteth not, neither is weary;
Behold, the Lord Jehovah will
come as a mighty one, and His arm there is no searching of His under-

will rule for Him: behold. His re- standing.

ward is with Him, and His recom-
pense before Him.
He giveth power to the faint; and
to him that hath no might He in-
He will feed His flock like a shepherd, creaseth strength.
He will gather the lambs in His arm, Even the youths shall faint and be
and carry them in His bosom, and weary, and the young men shall
will gently lead those that have their utterly fall:
But they that wait for Jehovah shall
Who hath measured the waters in renew their strength; they shall
the hollow of his hand, and meted mount up with wings as eagles;
out heaven with the span, and com- they shall run, and not be weary;
prehended the dust of the earth in they shall walk, and not faint.
a measure, and weighed the moun-
tains in scales, and the hills in a SELECTION 58
balance? Isaiah liii

Who hath directed the Spirit of Je-

hovah, or being His counsellor hath
WHO hath believed our message,
and to whom hath the arm of
taught Him? Jehovah been revealed?
Responsive Readings

For He grew up before Him as a when Thou shalt make His soul
tender plant, and as a root out of an offering for sin. He shall see
a dry ground He hath no form nor
: His seed, He shall prolong His
comeUness and when we see Him,
; days, and the pleasure of Jehovah
there is no beauty that we should shall prosper in His hand.
desire Him.
He shall see of the travail of His soul,
He was despised, and rejected of men; and shall be satisfied: by the knowl-
a man of sorrows, and acquainted edge of Himself shall My righteous
with grief and as one from whom men Servant justify many; and He shall

hide their face He was despised and bear their iniquities.


we esteemed Him not.

Therefore will I divide Him a por-
Surely He hath borne our griefs, tion with the great, and He shall
and carried our sorrows; yet we divide the spoil with the strong;
did esteem Him stricken, smitten because He poured out His soul
of God, and afflicted. unto death, and was numbered
with the transgressors: yet He
But He was wounded for our trans- bare the sin of many, and made
He was bruised for our
gressions, intercession for the transgressors.
iniquities; the chastisement of our
peace was upon Him; and with His
stripes we are healed. SELECTION 59
Allwe Uke sheep have gone astray Isaiah lv
we have turned every one to his
one that thirsteth, come
own way; and Jehovah hath laid
on Him the iniquity of us all.
to the waters, and he that
no money; come ye, buy, and
He was when He was hath
oppressed, yet
eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk
afflicted He opened not His mouth;
without money and without price.
as' a lamb that is led to the slaughter,

and as a sheep that before its shearers Wherefore do ye spend money for
is dumb, so He opened not His mouth. that which is not bread? and your
labor for that which satisfieth not?
By judgment He
oppression and hearken diUgently unto Me, and
was taken away; and as for His eat ye that which is good, and let
generation, who among them con- your soul deUght itself in fatness.
sidered that He was cut off out of
the land of the living for the trans- Incline your ear, and come unto Me;
gression of my people to whom the hear, and your soul shall live: and I
stroke was due? will make an everlasting covenant
And they made His grave with the with you, even the sure mercies of
wicked, and with a rich man in His David.
death; although He had done no Behold, I have given Him for a wit-
violence, neither was any deceit in ness to the peoples, a leader and
His mouth. commander to the peoples.

Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise Behold, thou shalt call a nation that
Him; He hath put Him to grief: thou knowest not; and a nation that
Responsive Readings

knew not thee shall run unto thee, SELECTION 60

because of Jehovah thy God, and for
Isaiah Lx
the Holy One of Israel ; for He hath
glorified thee. ARISE, for thy light is
come, and the glory of Jehovah
Seek ye Jehovah while He may be
is risen upon thee.
found call ye upon Him while He

is near: For, behold, darkness shall cover

the earth, and gross darkness the
Let the wicked forsake his way, and
peoples; but Jehovah will arise
the unrighteous man his thoughts and ;
upon thee, and His glory shall be
let him return unto Jehovah, and He seen upon thee.
will have mercy upon him; and to our
And nations shall come to thy light,
God, for He will abundantly pardon.
and kings to the brightness of thy
For My thoughts are not your rising.
thoughts, neither are your ways
My ways, saith Jehovah. Liftup thine eyes round about, and
see: they all gather themselves
For as the heavens are higher than together, they come to thee; thy
the earth, so are My ways higher than sons shall come from far, and thy
your ways, and My thoughts than daughters shall be carried in the
your thoughts.
For as the rain cometh down and
Then thou shalt seeand be radiant,
the snow from heaven, and retum- and thy heart and be en-
shall thrill
eth not thither, but watereth the larged ; because the abundance of the
earth, and maketh it bring forth sea shall be turned unto thee, the
and bud, and giveth seed to the wealth of the nations shall come unto
sower and bread to the eater ;
So My word be that goeth forth
Who are these that fly as a cloud,
out of My mouth it shall not return and as the doves
to their windows?
unto Me void, but it shall accom-
which Surely the isles shall wait for Me, and
plish that I please, and it shall
prosper in the thing whereto the ships of Tarshish first, to bring
I sent it.
thy sons from far, their silver and
For ye shall go out with joy, and
their gold with them, for the Name
be led forth with peace the moun- :

tains and the hills shall break forth of Jehovah thy God, and for the Holy
before you into singing; and all the One of Israel, because He hath glori-
trees of the field shall clap their fied thee.
foreigners shall build up thy
Instead of the thorn shall come up and their kings shall minister
the fir-tree; and instead of the brier unto thee : for in My
wrath I smote
shall come up the myrtle-tree: and thee, but in My
favor have I had
it shall be to Jehovah for a name, for
mercy on thee.
an everlasting sign that shall not be Thy gates also shall be open con-
cut ofif. tinually; they shall not be shut day
Responsive Readings

nor night; that men may bring unto when He had sat down. His disciples
thee the wealth of the nations, and came unto Him:
their kings led captive.
And He opened His mouth and
For that nation and kingdom that taught them, saying,
will not serve thee shall perish;
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for
yea, those nations shall be utterly
theirsis the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for
The glory of Lebanon shall come unto
they shall be comforted.
thee, the fir-tree, the pine, and the
box-tree together, to beautify the Blessed are the meek: for they shall
place of My sanctuary; and I will inherit the earth.
make the place of My feet glorious. Blessed are they that hunger and
thirst after righteousness: for
And the sons of them that afflicted
shall be filled.
thee shall come bending unto thee
and all they that despised thee Blessed are the merciful: for they
shall bow themselves down at the
shall obtain mercy.
soles of thy feet; and they shall
callthee The city of Jehovah, The Blessed are the pure in heart: for
Zion of the Holy One of Israel. they shall see God.
The sun shall be no more thy light by Blessed are the peacemakers for they :

day; neither for brightness shall the shall be called sons of God.
moon give light unto thee: but Jeho-
Blessed are they that have been
vah be unto thee an everlasting
persecuted for righteousness' sake
light, and thy God thy glory. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Thy sun no more go down, Blessed are ye when men shall
neither shall thy moon withdraw
proach you, and persecute you, and
itself; for Jehovah will be thine
everlasting light, and the days of say all manner of evil against you
thy mourning shall be ended. falsely, for My sake.

Thy people also shall be all righteous; Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:
they shall inherit the land for ever, for great is your reward in heaven
the branch of My planting, the work for so persecuted they the prophets
that were before you.
of My hands, that I may be glorified.

The one shall become a thou- Ye are the salt of the earth but if the

sand, and the small one a strong salt have lost its savor, wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth
nation I, Jehovah, will hasten it in

its time.
good for nothing, but to be cast out
and trodden under foot of men.
SELECTION 61 Ye are the Ught of the world. A
Matthew v city set on a hill cannot be hid.

A ND went up
seeing the multitudes, Jesus
into the mountain and :
Neither do men light a lamp, and
put it under the bushel, but on the
Responsive Readings

stand; and it shineth unto all that reap, nor gather into bams; and
are in the house. your heavenly Father f eedeth them.
Are not ye of much more value
Even so let your light shine before than they?
men; that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father Who And which of you by being anxious
is inheaven. can add one cubit unto the measure
of his life?

SELECTION 62 And why are ye anxious concerning

raiment? Consider the lilies of
Matthew vi the field, how they grow; they toil
not, neither do they spin
LAY not up for yourselves treas-
ures upon the earth, where moth Yet I say unto you, that even Solomon
and rust consume, and where thieves in all his glory was not arrayed like
break through and steal: one of these.

But lay up for yourselves treasures But if God doth so clothe the grass
in heaven, where neither moth nor of the field, which to-day is, and
rust doth consume, and where to-morrow cast into the oven,

thieves do not break through nor shall He not much more clothe you,
steal :
O ye of Uttle faith?
For where thy treasure is, there will Be not therefore anxious, saying,
thy heart be also. What shall we eat? or, What shall we
drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be
The lamp of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of For after all these things do the
Ught. Gentiles seek; for your heavenly
Father knoweth that ye have need
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole
of all these things.
body shall be full of darkness. If
therefore the light that is in thee be But seek ye first His kingdom, and
darkness, how great is the darkness! His righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you.
No man can serve two masters:
for eitherhe will hate the one, and Be not therefore anxious for the
love the other or else he will hold
; morrow: for the morrow will be
to one,and despise the other. Ye anxious for itself. Suflicient unto
cannot serve God and mammon. the day is the evil thereof.

Therefore say unto you, Be not anx-


ious for yourlife, what ye shall eat,

or what ye shall drink; nor yet for Matthew vii

your body, what ye shall put on. UDGE not, that ye be not judged.
Is not the life more than the food, J For with what judgment ye judge,
and the body than the raiment?
ye shall be judged and with what

Behold the birds of the heaven, measure ye mete, it shall be

that they sow not, neither do they measured imto you.
Responsive Readings

And why beholdest thou the mote many are they that enter in thereby.
that isthy brother's eye,
in but
For narrow is the gate, and strait-
considerest not the beam that is in ened the way, that leadeth unto
thine own eye? life, and few are they that find it.

Or how thou say to thy brother,

Let mecast out the mote out of
thine eye; and lo, the beam is in
thine own eye? MaUh«w XXV

Thou hypocrite, cast out first the WHEN the Son of man shall come
His glory, and all the angels
beam out of thine own eye and then ;

shalt thou see clearly to cast out the with Him, then shall He sit on the
mote out of thy brother's eye. throne of His glory:

Give not that which is holy unto And before Him shall be gathered
the dogs, neither cast your pearls allthe nations and He shall sepa-

before the swine, lest haply they rate them one from another, as the
trample them under their feet, and shepherd separateth the sheep from
turn and rend you. the goats;

Ask, and be given you; seek,

it shall And He shall set the sheep on His
and ye shall find knock, and it shall
right hand, but the goats on the left.
be opened unto you Then shall the King say unto them
on His right hand. Come, ye blessed
For every one that asketh receiv-
eth; and he that seeketh findeth;
of My Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the founda-
and to him that knocketh it shall
tion of the world:
be opened.
Or what man is there of you, who,
For was hungry, and ye gave Me to

if his son shall ask him for a loaf, will

eat; was thirsty, and ye gave Me

drink; I was a stranger, and ye took

give him a stone;
Me in;
Or he shall ask for a
if fish, will
give him a serpent? Naked, and ye clothed Me; I was
sick, and ye visited Me; I was in
If ye then, being evil, know how to prison, and ye came unto Me.
give good gifts unto your children,
Then shall the righteous answer Him,
how much more your Father
saying, Lord, when saw we Thee hun-
Who is in heaven give good things to
gry, and fed Thee? or athirst, and
them that ask Him?
gave Thee drink?
All things therefore whatsoever ye
would that men should do unto And when saw we Thee a stranger,
you, even so do ye also unto them: and took Thee in? or naked, and
clothed Thee?
for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for And when saw we Thee sick, or in

wide is the gate, and broad is the prison, and came unto Thee?
way, that leadeth to destruction, and And the King shall answer and say
Responsive Readings

unto them, Verily I say unto you, straightway it sprang up, because
Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of it had no deepness of earth :

these My brethren, even these

least, ye did it unto Me.
And when the sun was risen, it was
scorched and because it had no root,

Then shall He say also unto them on it withered away.

the left hand, Depart from Me, ye
And other fell among the thorns,
cursed, into the eternal fire is
and the thorns grew up, and choked
prepared for the devil and his angels: it, and it yielded no fruit.

For I was hungry, and ye did not And others fell into the good ground,
give Me to eat; I was thirsty, and
and yielded fruit, growing up and
ye gave Me no drink ;
increasing; and brought forth, thirty-
I was a stranger, and ye took Me fold, and sixty fold, and a hundredfold.
not in; naked, and ye clothed Me
not; sick, and in prison, and ye
And He said. Who hath ears to
hear, let him hear.
visited Me not.
And when He was alone, they that
Then shall they also answer, say-
ing, Lord, when saw we Thee hun-
were about Him with the twelve
gry, or athirst, or a stranger, or asked of Him the parables.
naked, or sick, or in prison, and
And He said unto them. Unto you
did not minister unto Thee?
isgiven the mystery of the kingdom
Then shall He answer them, saying. of God: but unto them that are
without, all things are done in
Verily say unto you. Inasmuch as
parables :

ye did it not unto one of these least, ye

did it not unto Me. That seeing they may see, and not
perceive and hearing they may hear, ;

And these shall go away into eter-

nal punishment: but the righteous
and not understand; lest haply they
into eternal life. should turn again, and it should be
forgiven them.

And He saith unto them. Know ye

SELECTION 65 not this parable? and how shall ye
Mark iv
know all the parables?

AND Jesus taught them many

things in parables, and said unto
The sower soweth the word.
And these are they by the way-
them in His teaching, side,where the word is sown; and
when they have heard, straightway
Hearken: Behold, the sower went Cometh Satan, and taketh away
forth to sow:
the word which hath been sown in
And it came to pass, as he sowed, them.
some seed fell by the wayside, and And these in like manner are they
the birds came and devoured it. that are sown upon the rocky places,
And other fell on the rocky ground, who, when they have heard the word,
where it had not much earth; and straightway receive it with joy;
Responsive Readings

And they have no root in them- And He said unto all, If any man
selves, but endure for a while ; then, would come after Me, let him deny
when tribulation or persecution himself, and take up his cross
ariseth because of the word, daily, and follow Me.
straightway they stumble.
For whosoever would save his life

And others are they that are sown shall lose

it but whosoever shall
; lose
among the thorns; these are they his life for My sake, the same shall
that have heard the word, save it.

And the cares of the world, and the For what is a man profited, if he
deceitfulness of riches, and the gain the whole world, and lose or
lusts of other things entering in, forfeit his own self?
choke the word, and it becometh
unfruitful. For whosoever shall be ashamed of
Me and of My words, of him shall the
And those are they that were sown
Son of man be ashamed, when He
upon the good ground; such as hear
Cometh in His own glory, and the
the word, and accept it, and bear
glory of the Father, and of the holy
fruit, thirtyfold, and sixtyfold, and a
But you of a truth. There are
I tell
some of them that stand here, who
shall in no wise taste of death, till
SELECTION 66 they see the kingdom of God.

Luke IX And it came to pass about eight days

after these sayings, that He took with
AND came
it to pass, as Jesus
apart, the disciples were
Him Peter and John and James, and

with Him: and He asked them, say- went up into the mountain to pray.
ing. Who do the multitudes say that And as He was praying, the fashion
I am? of His countenance was altered,
and His raiment became white and
And they answering said, John the dazzUng.
Baptist; but others say, EUjah ; and
others, that one of the old prophets And behold, there talked with Him
is ri«en again. two men, who were Moses and Elijah;
And He said unto them. But who say Who appeared in glory, and spake
ye that I am? And Peter answering of His decease which He was
said. The Christ of God. about to accompUsh at Jerusalem.

But He charged them, and com- Now Peter and they that were with
manded them to tell this to no man ; him were heavy with sleep but when :

Saying, of man must suffer

The Son they were fully awake, they saw His
glory, and the two men that stood
many and be rejected of the
elders and chief priests and scribes, with
and be killed, and the third day be And it came to pass, as they were
raispd up. parting from Him, Peter said unto

Responsive Readings

Jesus, Master, it is good for us to light which lighteth every man, com-
be here: and let us make three ing into the world.
tabernacles; one for Thee, and one
for Moses, and one for Elijah not He was in the world, and the world

knowmg what he said. was made through Him, and the

world knew Him not.
And while he said these things, there
came a cloud, and overshadowed
He came unto His own, and they
that were His own received Him not.
them: and they feared as they en-
tered into the cloud. But as many as received Him, to
them gave He the right to become
And a voice came out of the cloud, children of God, even to them that
saying. This is My Son, My chosen believe on His Name:
hear ye Him.
Who were born, not of blood, nor of
And when the voice came, Jesus was
the will of the flesh, nor of the will of
found alone. And they held their
man, but of God.
peace, and told no man in those days
any of the things which they had seen. And the Word became flesh, and
dwelt among us (and we beheld
His glory, glory as of the Only Be-
SELECTION 67 gotten from the Father), full of
grace and truth.
John I

John beareth witness of Him, and

the beginning v/as the Word, and crieth, saying, This was He of Whom
IN the Word was with God, and the I said. He that cometh after me is be-
Word was God. come before me: for He was before
The same was in the beginning me.
with God.
For of His fulness we all received,
All thingswere made through Him; and grace for grace.
and without Him was not anything For the law was given through Moses;
made that hath been made. grace and truth came through Jesus
In Him was life; and the life was Christ.
the light of men.
No man hath seen God at any time;
And the light shineth in the darkness; the only begotten Son, Who is in
and the darkness apprehended it not. the bosom of the Father, He hath
declared Him.
There came a man, sent from God,
whose name was John. SELECTION 68
The same came for witness, that he John III

might bear witness of the light, that was a man of the

'OW there
all might believe through him.
N' Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a
He was not the light, but came that ruler of the Jews:
he might bear witness of the light.
The same came unto Jesus by
There was the true light, even the night, and said to Him, Rabbi, we
Responsive Readings

know that Thou art a teacher come And as Moses lifted up the serpent
from God ; for no one can do these in the wilderness, even so must
signs that Thou doest, except God the Son of man be lifted up ;
be with him.
That whosoever believeth may in
Jesus answered and said unto him, Him have eternal life.
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Ex-
For God so loved the world, that
cept one be born anew, he cannot see He gave His only begotten Son,
the kingdom of God. that whosoever believeth on Him
should not perish, but have eternal
Nicodemus saith unto Him, How
can a man be born when he is old?
can he enter a second time into his
mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say
John X
unto thee. Except one be born of
water and the Spirit, he cannot enter
VERILY, I say unto you,
Hethat entereth not by the
into the kingdom of God.
door into the fold of the sheep, but
That which is born of the flesh is climbeth up some other way, the
fiesh; and that which is born of same is a thief and a robber.
the Spirit is spirit.
But he that entereth in by the door
Marvel not that I said unto thee. Ye isthe shepherd of the sheep.
must be born anew.
To him the porter openeth; and the
The wind bloweth where it will, sheep hear his voice: and he calleth
and thou hearest the voice thereof,
hisown sheep by name, and leadeth
but knowest not whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth: so is every them out.
one that is born of the Spirit. When he hath put forth all his own,
Nicodemus answered and said unto he goeth before them, and the
sheep follow him: for they know
Him, How can these things be?
his voice.
Jesus answered and said unto him,
And a stranger will they not follow,
Art thou the teacher of Israel, and
understandest not these things? but will flee from him for they know

not the voice of strangers.

Verily, verily, I say unto thee. We

speak that which we know, and bear This parable spake Jesus unto
them: but they understood not
witness of that which we have seen;
what things they were which He
and ye receive not our witness. spake unto them.
If I told you earthly things and ye Jesus therefore said unto them again,
believe not, how shall ye believe Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am
if I tell you heavenly things?
the door of the sheep.
And no one hath ascended into heaven All that came before Me are thieves
but He that descended out of heaven, and robbers: but the sheep did
even the Son of man, Who is in heaven. not hear them.
Responsive Readings

I am the door; by Me if any man enter Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray

in,he shall be saved, and shall go in Him,
and go out, and shall find pasture. Jesus, knowing that the Father had

The cometh
thief not, but that he given all things into His hands, and
may steal, and kill, and destroy: that He came forth from God, and
I came that they may have life, goeth unto God,
and may have it abundantly.
Riseth from supper, and layeth
I am the good shepherd: the good aside His garments; and He took
shepherd layeth down his life for the a towel, and girded Himself.
sheep. Then He poureth water into the
He and not a bason, and began to wash the dis-
that is a hireling,
shepherd, whose own the sheep ciples' feet, and to wipe them with
are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, the towel wherewith He was girded.
and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth,
and the wolf snatcheth them, and So He cometh to Simon Peter.
scattereth them: He saith unto Him, Lord, dost Thou
wash my feet?
He because he is a hireling, and
careth not for the sheep. Jesus answered and said unto him.
What I do thou knowest not now;
I am the good shepherd; and I
but thou shalt understand hereafter.
know Mme own, and Mine own
know Me, Peter saith unto Him, Thou shalt
never wash my feet. Jesus an-
Even as the Father knoweth Me, and
swered him. If I wash thee not,
I know the Father; and I lay down
thou hast no part with Me.
My life for the sheep.
Simon Peter saith unto Him, Lord,
And other sheep I have, which are
my feet only,
not but also my hands
not of this fold: them also I must
bring, and they shall hear My and my head.
voice; and they shall become one Jesus saith to him. He that is
flock, one shepherd. bathed needeth not save to wash
his feet, but is clean every whit:
and ye are clean, but not all.
For He knew him that should betray
Him; therefore said He, Ye are not all

NOW over,
before the feast of the pass-
Jesus knowing that His

hour was come that He should depart So when He had washed their feet,
and taken His garments, and sat
out of this world unto the Father, He said unto them.
down again,
having loved His own that were in Know ye what I have done to you?
the world, He loved them unto the
Ye call Me, Teacher, and. Lord: and
ye say well for so; I am.
And during supper, the devil having
already put into the heart of Judas If I then, the Lord and the Teacher,
Responsive Readings

have washed your feet, ye also not know Me, Philip? he that hath
ought to wash one another's feet. seen Me hath seen the Father; how
For have given you an example, sayest thou. Show us the Father?

that ye also should do as I have done BeUevest thou not that I am in the
to you. Father, and the Father in Me? the
words that I say unto you I speak
Verily, verily, I say unto you, A
not from Myself: but the Father
servant is not greater than his
abiding in Me doeth His works.
lord; neither one that is sent
greater than he that sent him. Believe Me that I am in the Father,
and the Father in Me: or else believe
If ye know these things, blessed are
ye if ye do them. Me for the very works' sake.
Verily, verily, I say unto you. He
SELECTION 71 that beUeveth on Me, the works
that I do shall he do also; and
John XIV
greater works than these shall he

L ET not your heart be troubled:

believe in God, believe also in
do; because I go unto the Father.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in My

Name, that will I do, that the Father
In My Father's house are many may be glorified in the Son.
mansions; if it were not so, I
would have told you; for I go to If ye shall ask anything in My
prepare a place for you. Name, that will I do.

And if I go and prepare a place for If ye love Me, ye will keep My com-
you, I come again, and will receive
you unto Myself; that where I am, And I will pray the Father, and
there ye may be also. He shall give you another Com-
forter, that He may be with you
And whither I go, ye know the way. for ever.
Thomas saith unto Him, Lord, we Even the Spirit of truth: Whom the
know not whither Thou goest; how world cannot receive for it beholdeth ;

know we the way? Him not, neither knoweth Him: ye

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, know Him; for He abideth with you,
and the truth, and the Ufe: no one and shall be in you.
Cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
If ye had known Me, ye would have
known My Father also: from hence- SELECTION 72
forth ye know Him, and have seen John XV
AM the true vine, and My Father
PhiUp saith unto Him, Lord, show I is the husbandman.
us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
Every branch in Me that beareth
Jesus saith unto him. Have I been not fruit. He taketh it away: and
so long time with you, and dost thou every branch that beareth fruit,
Responsive Readings

He cleanseth it, that it may bear Ye are My friends, if ye do the

more fruit. things which I command you.

Already ye are clean because of the No longer do I call you servants; for

word which I have spoken unto you. the servant knoweth not what his
lord doeth: but I have called you
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the
friends; for all things that I heard
branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
except it abide in the vine; so from My Father I have made known
neither can ye, except ye abide in unto you.
Me. Ye did not choose Me, but I chose
Iam the vine, ye are the branches: you, and appointed you, that ye
should go and bear fruit, and that
He that abideth in Me, and I in him,
your fruit should abide that what- :

the same beareth much fruit: for

soever ye shall ask of the Father in
apart from Me ye can do nothing. My Name, He may give it you.
If a man
abide not in Me, he is
cast forth as a branch, and is SELECTION 73
withered; and they gather them,
and cast them into the fire, and John XX
they are burned.

If ye abide in Me, and My words Cometh

on the first day of the week
Mary Magdalene early,
abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, while it was yet dark, unto the tomb,
and it shall be done unto you. and seeth the stone taken away from
the tomb.
Herein is My Father glorified, that
ye bear much fruit; and so shall She runneth therefore, and cometh
ye be My disciples. to Simon Peter, and to the other
disciple whom Jesus loved, and
Even as the Father hath loved Me, saith unto them. They have taken
I also have loved you: abide ye in away the Lord out of the tomb, and
My love. we know not where they have laid
If ye keep My commandments, ye
shall abide in My love; even as I Peter therefore went forth, and the
have kept My Father's command- other disciple, and they went toward
ments, and abide in His love. the tomb.

These things have I spoken unto you, And they ran both together: and
that My joy may be in you, and that the other disciple outran Peter, and
came first to the tomb
your joy may be made full.

And stooping and looking in, he seeth

This is My commandment, that ye
the linen cloths lying; yet entered he
love one another, even as I have
loved you. not in.

Simon Peter therefore also cometh,

Greater love hath no man than this,
following him, and entered into the
that a man lay down his life for his tomb; and he beholdeth the linen
friends. cloths lying,
Responsive Readings

And the napkin, that was upon His and say to them, I ascend unto My
head, not lying with the linen cloths, Father and your Father, and My God
but rolled up in a place by itself. and your God.
Then entered in therefore the other Mary Magdalene cometh and tell-
disciple also, who came first to the eth the disciples, I have seen the
tomb, and he saw, and believed. Lord; and that He had said these
things unto her.
For as yet they knew not the scrip-
ture, that He must rise again from
the dead. SELECTION 74
So the disciples went away again Romans v
unto theirown home.
BEING therefore justified by faith,
But Mary was standing without at we have peace with God through
the tomb weeping: so, as she wept, our Lord Jesus Christ;
she stooped and looked into the tomb Through Whom also we have had
And she beholdeth two angels in our access by faith into this grace
white sitting, one at the head, and wherein we stand; and we rejoice
one at the feet, where the body of in hope of the glory of God.
Jesus had lain.
And not only so, but we also rejoice
And they say unto her. Woman, why in our tribulations:knowing that
weepest thou? She saith unto them. tribulation worketh stedfastness;
Because they have taken away my And stedfastness, approvedness
Lord, and I know not where they and approvedness, hope:
have laid Him.
And hope putteth not to shame; be-
When she had thus said, she turned cause the love of God hath been shed
herself back, and beholdeth Jesus abroad our hearts through the Holy
standing, and knew not that it was
Spirit Which was given unto us.
For while we were yet weak, in due
Jesus saith unto her. Woman, why
season Christ died for the ungodly.
weepest thou? whom seekest thou?
She, supposing Him to be the gardener, For scarcely for a righteous man will
saith unto Him, Sir, if thou hast one die for peradventure for the good

borne Him hence, tell me where thou man some one would even dare to die.
hast laid Him, and I will take Him But God commendeth His own
away. love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She
turneth herself, and saith unto Much more then, being now justified
Him in Hebrew, Rabboni which
; is by His blood, shall we be saved from
to say, Teacher.
the wrath of God through Him.
Jesus saith to her. Touch Me not; For if, while we were enemies, we
for I am not yet ascended unto the were reconciled to God through the
Father: but go unto My breth ren death of His Son, much more, being
Responsive Readings

reconciled, shall we be saved by Knowing this, that our old man was
His life; crucified with Him, that the body
of sin might be done away, that so
And not only so, but we also rejoice we should no longer be in bondage
in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, to sin;
through Whom we have now received
For he that hath died is justified from
the reconciliation.
For as through the one man's dis-
But if we died with Christ, we be-
obedience the many were made
lieve that we shall also live with
sinners, even so through the obedi-
ence of the One shall the many be
made righteous. Knowing that Christ being raised

And the law came in besides; that the from the dead dieth no more; death
trespass might abound; but where no more hath dominion over Him.
sin abounded, grace did abound more For the death that He died. He
exceedingly died unto sin once but the life that :

He Uveth, He liveth unto God.

That, as sin reigned in death, even
so might grace reign through right- Even so reckon ye also yourselves to
eousness unto eternal life through be dead unto sin, but alive unto God
Jesus Christ our Lord. in Christ Jesus.

Let not sin therefore reign in your

SELECTION 75 mortal body, that ye should obey
the lusts thereof:
Romans vi
Neither present your members unto
shall we say then?
continue in sin,
that grace
sin as instruments of unrighteous-
nees; but present yourselves unto
may abound?
God, as alive from the dead, and
God forbid. We who died to sin, your members as instruments of
how shall we any longer live righteousness unto God.
For sin shall not have dominion
Or are ye ignorant that all we who over you for ye are not under law,

were baptized into Christ Jesus were but under grace.

baptized into His death?

We were buried therefore with

Him through baptism into death: SELECTION 76
that like as Christ was raised from
the dead through the glory of the Romans viii

Father, so we also might walk in

newness of life.
THERE is therefore now no con-
demnation to them that are in
For we have become united with
if Christ Jesus.
Him in the likeness of His death, we For the law of the Spirit of life in
shall be also in the likeness of His Christ Jesus made me free from
resurrection ; the law of sin and of death.
Responsive Readings

For what the law could not do, in death the deeds of the body, ye shall
that it was weak through the flesh, live.

God, sending His own Son in the For as many as are led by the
Hkeness of sinful flesh and for sin, Spirit of God, these are sons of
condemned sin in the flesh: God.
That the ordinance of the law might For ye received not the spirit of bond-
be fulfilled in us, who walk not after age again unto fear; but ye received
the flesh, but after the Spirit.
the spirit of adoption, whereby we
For they that are after the flesh mind cry, Abba, Father.
the things of the flesh; but they
The Spirit Himself beareth witness
that are after- the Spirit the things
we are children
with our spirit, that
of the Spirit.
of God:
For the mind of the flesh is death; And if children, then heirs; heirs of
but the mind of the Spirit is life God, and joint-heirs with Christ*, if
and peace :
so be that we suffer with Him, that
Because the mind of the flesh is en- we may be also glorified with Him.
mity against God; for it is not sub-
ject to the law of God, neither indeed
can it be:
And they that are in the flesh can-
not please God. Romans viil

But ye are not

Spirit, if
in the flesh
so be that the Spirit of
but in the
WE know that to them that love
God all things work together
for good, even to them that are called
dwelleth in you. But if any man
according to His purpose.
hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is

none of His. For whom He foreknew. He also

foreordained to be conformed to
And if Christ is in you, the body is
the image of His Son, that He
dead because of sin but the spirit
might be the first-bom among many
is life because of righteousness. brethren :

But if the Spirit of Him that raised And whom He foreordained, them
up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in He also called: and whom He called,
you. He that raised up Christ Jesus them He also justified: and whom He
from the dead shall give life also to justified, them He also glorified.
your mortal bodies through His Spirit
What then shall we say to these
that dwelleth in you. things? K God is for us, who is

So then, brethren, we are debtors, against us?

not to the flesh, to live after the He that spared not His own Son, but
delivered Him up for us all, how shall
For ifye live after the flesh, ye must He not also with Him freely give us
die; but if by the Spirit ye put to all things?
Responsive Readings

Who shall lay anything to the hor that which is evil ; cleave to that
charge of God's elect? It is God which is good.
that justifieth;
In love of the brethren be tenderly
Who he that condemneth? It is
affectioned one to another; in
Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, honor preferring one another;
that was raised from the dead, Who
In diligence not slothful; fervent in
is at the right hand of God, Who also
spirit; serving the Lord;
maketh intercession for us.

Who shall separate us from the love Rejoicing in hope patient in tribu-

of Christ? shall tribulation, or lation; continuing stedfastly in

anguish, or persecution, or famine, prayer;
or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Communicating to the necessities of
Even as it is written, For Thy sake the saints; given to hospitality.
we are killed all the day long we were ;

Bless them that persecute you;

accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
bless, and curse not.
Nay, in all these things we are more
than conquerors through Him that Rejoice with them that rejoice; weep
loved us. with them that weep.
For I am persuaded, that neither
Be of the same mind one toward
death, nor life, nor angels, nor princi- another. Set not your mind on
palities, nor things present, nor things high things, but condescend to
to come, nor powers. things that are lowly. Be not wise
in your own conceits.
Nor height, nor depth, nor any
other creature, shall be able to Render to no man evil for evil. Take
separate us from the love of God, thought for things honorable in the
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
sight of all men.

If it be possible, as much as in you

lieth, be at peace with all men.
Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but
give place unto the wrath of God:
BESEECH you therefore, breth- for it is written, Vengeance belongeth
I ren, by the mercies of God, to
Me; I will recompense, saith
present your bodies a living sacrifice, the Lord.
holy, acceptable to God, which is

your spiritual service. But if thine enemy hunger, feed

him; if he thirst, give him to drink:
And be not fashioned according to for in so doing thou shalt heap coals
this world: but be ye transformed of fire upon his head.
by the renewing of your mind, that
ye may prove what is the good and Be not overcome of evil, but over-
acceptable and perfect will of God.
come evil with good.
Let love be without hypocrisy. Ab-
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 79 namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor

as thyself.
Romans xm
Love worketh no ill to his neighbor
every soul be
the higher powers:
love therefore is the fulfilment of
the law.
is no power but of God; and the
powers that be are ordained of God.
And this, knowing the season, that
already it is time for you to awake
Therefore he that resisteth the now is salvation
out of sleep: for
power, withstandeth the ordinance
of God: and they that withstand
nearer to us than when we first be-
shall receive to themselves judg- lieved.
ment. The night is far spent, and the day
For rulers are not a terror to the good is at hand let us therefore cast off

the works of darkness, and let us

work, but to the evil. And wouldest
put on the armor of light.
thou have no fear of the power? do
that which is good, and thou shalt Let us walk becomingly, as in the day;
have praise from the same: not in revelling and drunkenness, not
in chambering and wantonness, not
For he is a minister of God to thee
in strife and jealousy.
for good. But if thou do that
which is evil, be afraid; for he But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,
beareth not the sword in vain: for and make not provision for the
he is a minister of God, an avenger flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
for wrath to him that doeth evil.

Wherefore ye must needs be in sub-

jection, not only because of the wrath, SELECTION 80
but also for conscience' sake.
First Corinthians xiii

For for this cause ye pay tribute speak with the tongues of men
also; for they are ministers of IF I

and of angels, but have not love,

God's service, attending continually
upon this very thing. I am become sounding brass, or a
clanging cymbal.
Render to all their dues: tribute to
whom tribute is due; custom to whom And if I have the gift of prophecy,

and know all mysteries and all

custom; fear to whom fear; honor to
knowledge and if I have all faith,

whom honor. so as to remove mountains, but

Owe no man anything, save to love have not love, I am nothing.
one another: for he that loveth his And if I bestow all my goods to feed
neighbor hath fulfilled the law.
the poor, and if I give my body to
For Thou shalt not commit be burned, but have not love, it
adultery. Thou shalt not kill. Thou profiteth me nothing.
shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet,
Love suffereth long, and is kind;
and if there be any other command- love envieth not; love vaunteth not
ment, it is summed up in this word. itself, is not puffed up,

Responsive Readings

Doth not behave itself unseemly, For I delivered unto you first of all
seeketh not own, is not provoked,
its that which also I received that Christ

taketh not account of evil died for our sins according to the
Rejoiceth not in unrighteousness,
but rejoiceth with the truth; And that He was buried; and that

Beareth all things, believeth all

He hath been raised on the third
day according to the scriptures;
things, hopeth all things, endureth
all things. And that He appeared to Cephas;
then to the twelve;
Love never faileth: but whether
there be prophecies, they shall be Then He appeared to above five
done away; whether there be hundred brethren at once, of whom
tongues, they shall cease; whether the greater part remain until now,
there be knowledge, it shall be but some are fallen asleep ;

done away.
Then He appeared to James; then to
For we know in part, and we prophesy all the apostles;
in part;
And last of all, as to the child
But when that which is perfect is untimely born. He appeared to me
come, that which is in part shall also.
be done away.
For I am the least of the apostles,
When I was a child, I spake as a child, that am not meet to be called an
I felt as a child, I thought as a child: apostle, because I persecuted the
now that I am become a man, I have church of God.
put away childish things.
But by the grace of God I am what
For now we see in a mirror, darkly I am: and His grace which was
but then face to face: now I know bestowed upon me was not found
in part but then shall I know fully
vain; but I labored more abund-
even as also I was fully known. antly than they all: yet not I, but
But now abideth faith, hope, love, the grace of God which was with
these three; and the greatest of these
is love. Whether then it be I or they, so we
preach, and so ye believed.

SELECTION 81 Now if Christ is preached that He

hath been raised from the dead,

First Corinthians XV
how say some among you that there
NOW brethren,
I make known unto
the gospel which
is no resurrection of the dead?
But if there is no resurrection of the
preached unto you, which also ye dead, neither hath Christ been raised:
received, wherein also ye stand,
And if Christ hath not been raised,
By which also ye are saved, if ye then is our preaching vain, your
hold fast the word which I preached faith also is vain.
unto you, except ye believed in
vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses
Responsive Readings

of God because we witnessed of God

; clothed upon, that what is mortal
that He raised up Christ: Whom He may be swallowed up of life.

raised not up, if so be that the dead Now He that wrought us for this
are not raised. very thing is God, Who gave unto
For if the dead are not raised, us the earnest of the Spirit.
neither hath Christ been raised: Being therefore always of good
And if Christ hath not been raised, courage, and knowing that, whilst
your faith is vain; ye are yet in your
we are at home in the body, we are
absent from the Lord
(For we walk by faith, not by sight)
Then they also that are fallen asleep
in Christ have perished. We are of good courage, I say, and
are willing rather to be absent
If we have only hoped in Christ in from the body, and to be at home
this life, we are of all men most with the Lord.
Wherefore also we make it our aim,
whether at home or absent, to be
well-pleasing unto Him.
Second Corintliians iv, v
For we must all be made manifest
OUR which is for
light affliction,
the moment, worketh for us
before the judgment-seat of Christ
that each one may receive the
more and more exceedingly an eter- things done in the body, according
nal weight of glory; to what he hath done, whether it
be good or bad.
While we look not at the things
which are seen, but at the things
which are not seen: for the things
which are seen are temporal; but SELECTION 83
the things which are not seen are
Ephesians i

For we know that if the earthly house BLESSED

be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
of our tabernacle be dissolved, we
hath blessed us with every spiritual
have a building from God, a house
blessing in the heavenly places in
not made with hands, eternal in the
Even as He chose us in Him before
For verily in this we groan, longing
the foundation of the world, that
to be clothed upon with our habita-
tion which is from heaven :
we should be holy and without
blemish before Him in love :
If so be that being clothed we shall
Having foreordained us unto adop-
not be found naked.
tion as sons through Jesus Christ
For indeed we that are in this unto Himself, according to the good
tabernacle do groan, being bur-
pleasure of His will.
dened; not for that we would be
unclothed, but that we would be To the praise of the glory of His
Responsive Readings

grace, which He freely bestowed our trespasses, made us alive to-

on us in the Beloved gether with Christ (by grace have
ye been saved),
In Whom we have our redemption
through His blood, the forgiveness And raised us up with Him, and made
of our trespasses, according to the us to sit with Him in the heavenly
riches of His grace, places, in Christ Jesus:

Which He made to abound toward Thatin the ages to come He might

us in all wisdom and prudence, show the exceeding riches of His
grace in kindness toward us in
Making known unto us the mystery
Christ Jesus:
of His will, according to His good
pleasure which He purposed in Him For by grace ^lave ye been saved
through faith; and that not of your-
Unto a dispensation of the fulness
selves, it is the gift of God;
of the times, to sum up all things in
Christ, the things in the heavens, Not of works, that no man should
and the things upon the earth; in glory.
Him, I say,
For we are His workmanship, created
In Whom also we were made a herit- in Christ Jesus for good works, which
age, having been foreordained accord- God afore prepared that we should
ing to the purpose of Him Who walk in them.
worketh all things after the counsel
Wherefore remember, that once
of His will;
ye, the Gentiles in the flesh, who
To the end that we should be unto are called Uncircumcision by that
the praise of His glory, we who which is called Circumcision, in the
had before hoped in Christ: flesh, made by hands ;

In Whom ye also, having heard the That ye were at that time separate

word from Christ, alienated from the com-

of the truth, the gospel of your
salvation, —
in Whom, having also monwealth of Israel, and strangers
believed, ye were sealed with the from the covenants of the promise,
Holy Spirit of promise, having no hope and without God in
the world.
Which an earnest of our inheri-
tance, unto the redemption of God's But now in Christ Jesus ye that
own possession, unto the praise of once were far off are made nigh in
His glory. the blood of Christ.

For He is our peace. Who made both

one, and brake down the middle wall
of partition.
Ephesians ii
Having abohshed in His flesh the
'OD, being rich in mercy, for His enmity, even the law of command-
great love wherewith He loved ments contained in ordinances;
that He might create in Himself
of the two one new man, so making
Even when we were dead through peace
Responsive Readings

And might reconcile them both in of a servant, being made in the like-
one body unto God through the cross, ness of men
having slain the enmity thereby. And being found in fashion as a
So then ye are no more strangers man, He humbled Himself, be-
and sojourners, but ye are fellow- coming obedient even unto death,
citizens with the saints, and of the yea, the death of the cross.
household of God, Wherefore also God highly exalted
Being built upon the foundation of Him, and gave unto Him the Name
the apostles and prophets, Christ which is above every name
Jesus Himself being the chief corner That in the Name of Jesus every
stone knee should bow, of things in
heaven and things on earth and
In Whom each several building,
things under the earth,
fitlyframed together, groweth into
a holy temple in the Lord ; And that every tongue should con-

In Whom ye also are bullded together fess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the

for a habitation of God in the Spirit.

glory of God the Father.

So then, my beloved, even as ye

have always obeyed, not as in my
SELECTION 85 presence only, but now much more
in my absence, work out your own
Philippians il
salvation with fear and trembling;
there is therefore any exhortation
IFin For it is God Who worketh in you
Christ, if any consolation of
both to will and to work, for His good
love,if any fellowship of the Spirit, if
any tender mercies and compassions,
Make full my joy, that ye be of the
same mind, having the same love,
being of one accord, of one mind; SELECTION 86
Doing nothing through faction ^Jlor Philippians iii

through vainglory, but in lowliness

FINALLY, my brethren, rejoice in
of mind each counting other better the Lord. To write the same
than himself; things to you, to me indeed is not
Not looking each of you to his own irksome, but for you it is safe.
things, but each of you also to the
Beware of the dogs, beware of the
things of others. workers, beware of the con-

Have cision
this mind in you, which was

also in Christ Jesus: For we are the circumcision, who

worship by the Spirit of God, and
Who, existing in the form of God,
counted not the being on an equaUty glory in Christ Jesus, and have no
with God a thing to be grasped, confidence in the flesh:

But emptied Himself, taking the form Though I myself might have con-
Responsive Readings

fidence even in the flesh: if any I press on toward the goal unto tEe
other man thinketh to have con- prize of the high calling of God in
fidence in the flesh, I yet more : Christ Jesus.

Circumcised the eighth day, of the Let us therefore, as many as are

stock of Israel, of the tribe of Ben- perfect,be thus minded: and if in
jamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as anything ye are otherwise minded,
touching the law, a Pharisee; this also shall God reveal unto you:

As touching zeal, persecuting the Only, whereunto we have attained,

church; as touching the righteous- by that same rule let us walk.
ness which is in the law, found
Howbeit what things were gain to me, Colossians iii

these have I counted loss for Christ.

then ye were raised together
Yea and
count all things
verily, I with Christ, seek the things that
to be loss for the excellency of the are above, where Christ is, seated
knowledge of Christ Jesus my
on the right hand of God.
Lord: for Whom I suffered the
loss of all things, and do coimt Set your mind on the things that
them but refuse, that I may gain are above, not on the things that are
Christ, upon the earth.
And be found in Him, not having a For ye died, and your life is hid with
righteousness of mine own, even that Christ in God.
which is of the law, but that which is When Christ, Who is our life, shall
through faith in Christ, the righteous- be manifested, then shall ye also
ness which is from God by faith with Him be manifested in glory.

That I may know Him, and the Put to death therefore your members
power of His resurrection, and the which are upon the earth fornication, :

fellowship of His sufferings, be- uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and

coming conformed unto His death; covetousness, which is idolatry;
If by any means I may attain unto For which things' sake cometh the
the resurrection from the dead. wrath of God upon the sons of
disobedience :

Not that I have already obtained,

or am already made perfect: but I Wherein ye also once walked, when
press on, if so be that I may lay ye lived in these things;
hold on that for which also I was
But now do ye also put them all
laid hold on by Christ Jesus.
away anger, wrath, maUce, railing,

Brethren, count not myself yet to

shameful speaking out of your
mouth :
have but one thing I do,
laid hold:
forgetting the things which are be- Lie not one to another; seeing that ye
hind, and stretching forward to the have put off the old man with his
things which are before, doings,
Responsive Readings

And have put on the new man, that For if we believe that Jesus died
is being renewed unto knowledge and rose again, even so them also
after the image of Him that created that are fallen asleep in Jesus will
him ! God bring with Him.

Where there cannot be Greek and For this we say unto you by the word
Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, of the Lord, that we that are alive,
barbarian, Scythian, bondman, free- that are left unto the coming of the
man; but Christ is all, and in all. Lord, shall in no wise precede them
Put on therefore, as God's elect, that are fallen asleep.
holy and beloved, a heart of com-
passion, kindness, lowliness, meek- For the Lord Himself shall descend
ness, longsuff ering ;
from heaven, with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and
Forbearing one another, and forgiving with the trump of God: and the
each other, any man have a com-
if dead in Christ shall rise first;
Lord Then we that are alive, that are left,
plaint against any; even as the
forgave you, so also do ye: shall together with them be caught
And above all these things put on up in the clouds, to meet the Lord
love, which is the bond of perfect- in the air: and so shallwe ever be
ness. with the Lord,
And let the peace of Christ rule in Wherefore comfort one another
your hearts, to the which also ye were with these words.
called in one body; and be ye thank-
But concerning the times and the
have no need
seasons, brethren, ye
Let the word of Christ dwell in you that aught be written unto you.
richly; in all wisdom teaching and
admonishing one another with For yourselves know perfectly that
psalms and hjrnms and spiritual the day of the Lord so cometh as
songs, singing with grace in your a thief in the night.
hearts unto God.
When they are saying, Peace and
And whatsoever ye word or in safety, then sudden destruction com-
do, in
deed, do all in the Name of the Lord
eth upon them, as travail upon a
Jesus, giving thanks to God the
woman with child; and they shall
Father through Him.
in no wise escape.

But ye, brethren, are not in dark-

ness, that that day should overtake
SELECTION 88 you as a thief :

First Thessalonians iv, v For ye are all sons of light, and sons

WE would not have you ignorant,

brethren, concerning
of the day: we are not of the night,

them that nor

of darkness;

fall asleep; that ye sorrow not, even So then let us not sleep, as do the
as the rest, who have no hope. rest, but let us watch and be sober.
Responsive Readings

For they that sleep sleep in the night; day have I begotten Thee? and again,

and they that are drunken are drunken I be to Him a Father, and He
in the night. shall be to Me a Son?

But let us, since we are of the day, And when He again bringeth in
be sober, putting on the breastplate the Firstborn into the world He
of faith and love and for a helmet,
; saith. And let all the angels of God
the hope of salvation. worship Him.
For God appointed us not unto wrath, And of the angels He saith. Who
but unto the obtaining of salvation maketh His angels winds, and His
through our Lord Jesus Christ, ministers a flame of fire :

Who died for us, that, whether we But of the Son He saith. Thy throne,
wake or sleep, we should live to- O God, is for ever and ever; and
gether with Him. the sceptre of uprightness is the
sceptre of Thy kingdom.
Wherefore exhort one another, and
Thou hast loved righteousness, and
build each other up, even as also ye do.
hated iniquity; therefore God, Thy
God, hath anointed Thee with the
oil of gladness above Thy fellows.
And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning
Hebrews i, ii
didst lay the foundation of the
earth, and the heavens are the
GOD, having of old time spoken
works of Thy hands :
unto the fathers in the prophets
by divers portions and in divers man- They shall perish; but Thou con-
ners. tinuest: and they all shall wax old as
doth a garment;
Hath at the end of these days
spoken unto us in His Son, Whom And as a mantle shalt Thou roll
He appointed heir of all things, them up, as a garment, and they
through Whom also He made the shall be changed but Thou art the

worlds ; same, and Thy years shall not fail.

Who being the effulgence of His But of which of the angels hath He
glory, and the very image of His sub- said at any time. Sit Thou on My
stance, and upholding all things by right hand, till I make Thine enemies
the word of His power, when He had the footstool of Thy feet?
made purification of sins, sat down
Are they not all ministering spirits,
on the right hand of the Majesty on
sent forth to do service for the sake
high; of them that shall inherit salvation?
Having become by so much better
Therefore we ought to give the more
than the angels, as He hath in-
herited a more excellent name earnest heed to the things that were
than they. heard, lest haply we drift away from
For unto which of the angels said He
atany tirtie. Thou art My Son, This For if the word spoken through
Responsive Readings

angels proved stedfast, and every moved with godly fear, prepared an
transgression and disobedience re- ark to the saving of his house through

ceived a just recompense of reward; which he condemned the world, and

How shall we escape, if we neglect so became heir of the righteousness
great a salvation? which having at which is according to faith.
the been spoken through the
By faith Abraham, when he was
Lord, was confirmed unto us by them called, obeyed to go out unto a
that heard. place which he was to receive for
an inheritance; and he went out,
not knowing whither he went.
SELECTION 90 By faith he became a sojourner in the
Hebrews xi land of promise, as in a land not his

NOW hoped
is assurance of things own, dwelling in tents, with Isaac
a conviction of things and Jacob, thfe heirs with him of the
not seen. same promise:
For therein the elders had witness For he looked for the city which
borne to them. hath the foundations, whose builder
and maker is God.
By faith we understand that the
worlds have been framed by the word By faith even Sarah herself received
of God, so that what is seen hath not power to conceive seed when she was
been made out of things which past age, since she counted Him
appear. faithful Who had promised:

By faith Abel offered unto God a Wherefore also there sprang, of

more excellent sacrifice than Cain, one, and him as good as dead, so
through which he had witness borne many as the stars of heaven in mul-
to him that he was righteous, God titude, and as the sand, which is
bearing witness in respect of his by the sea-shore, innumerable.
gifts and through it he being dead
These all died in faith, not having
yet speaketh.
received the promises, but having
By faith Enoch was translated that seen them and greeted them from
he should not see death; and he was afar, and having confessed that they
not found, because God translated were strangers and pilgrims on the
him: for he hath had witness borne earth.
to him that before his translation he
For they that say such things make
had been well-pleasing unto God:
it manifest that they are seeking

And without faith it is impossible after a country of their own.

to be well-pleasing unto Him; for
he that cometh to God must believe
And if indeed they had been mindful
that He is, and that He is a re- of that country from which they
warder of them that seek after Him. went out, they would have had oppor-
tunity to return.
By faith Noah, being warned of God
concerning things not seen as yet, But now they desire a better

Responsive Readings

country, that is, a heavenly where- : Furthermore, we had the fathers of

fore God is not ashamed of them, our flesh to chasten us, and we gave
to be called their God ; for He hath
them reverence: shall we not much
prepared for them a city.
rather be in subjection unto the
Father of spirits, and live?
SELECTION 91 For they indeed for a few days
chastened us as seemed good to
Hebrews xii
them; but He for our profit, that
THEREFORE let us also, seeing we may be partakers of His holi-
we are compassed about with ness.
so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside All chastening seemeth for the present
every weight, and the sin which doth to be not joyous but grievous; yet
so easily beset us, and let us run with afterward it yieldeth peaceable fruit
patience the race that is set before us. unto them that have been exercised
Looking unto Jesus the author and thereby, even the fruit of righteous-
perfecter of our faith. Who for the ness.
joy that was set before Him en-
Wherefore lift up the hands that
dured the cross, despising shame,
hang down, and the palsied knees;
and hath sat down at tiie right
hand of the throne of God. And make straight paths for your
For consider Him that hath endured feet, that that which is lame be not

such gainsaying of sinners against turned out of the way, but rather be
Himself, that ye wax not weary, healed.
fainting in your souls. Follow after peace with all men,
and the sanctification without
Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, which no man shall see the Lord.
striving against sin:

And ye have forgotten the exhortation

which reasoneth with you as with SELECTION 92
sons. My son, regard not lightly the
James i
chastening of the Lord, nor faint when
thou art reproved of Him; COUNT it all joy, my brethren,
when ye fall into manifold temp-
For whom the Lord loveth He
chasteneth, and scourgeth every tations ;

son whom He receiveth. Knowing that the proving of your

faith worketh patience.
It is for chastening that ye endure;
God dealeth with you as with sons; And let patience have its perfect
forwhat son is there whom his father work, that ye may
be perfect and
chasteneth not? entire, lacking in nothing.

But if ye are without chasterung, But if any of you lacketh wisdom,

whereof all have been made par- let him ask of God, Who
giveth to
takers, then are ye bastards, and all Uberally and upbraideth not;
not sons. and it shall be given him.
Responsive Readings

But let him ask in faith, nothing Of His own will He brought us forth
doubting: for he that doubteth is Hke by the word of truth, that we should
the surge of the sea driven by the be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures,
wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he
shall receive anything of the Lord; SELECTION 93
A double-minded man, unstable in First Peter i

all his ways. BLESSED

be the God and Father
But let the brother of low degree Lord Jesus Christ, Who
of our

glory in his high estate :

according to His great mercy begat us
again unto a living hope by the resur-
And the rich, in that he is made low:
rection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
because as the flower of the grass he
shall pass away. Unto an inheritance incorruptible,
and undefiled, and that fadeth not
For the sun ariseth with the scorch- away, reserved in heaven for you,
ing wind, and withereth the grass;
and the flower thereof falleth, and Who by the power of God are guarded
the grace of the fashion of it per- through faith unto a salvation ready
isheth: so also shall the rich man to be revealed in the last time.
fade away in his goings.
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though
Blessed is the man that endureth now for a Uttle while, if need be,
temptation; for when he hath been ye have been put to grief in mani-
approved, he shall receive the crown fold trials.

of life, which the Lord promised to That the proof of your faith, being
them that love Him. more precious than gold that per-
Let no man say when he is tempted, isheth though it is proved by fire, may
I am tempted of God; for God be found unto praise and glory and
cannot be tempted with evil, and honor at the revelation of Jesus
He Himself tempteth no man: Christ
But each man is tempted, when he Whom not having seen ye love on ;

isdrawn away by his own lust, and Whom, though now ye see Him
enticed. not, yet beUeving, ye rejoice greatly
with joy unspeakable and full of
Then the lust, when it hath con- glory:
ceived, beareth sin: and the sin,
when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth Receiving the end of your faith, even
death. the salvation of your souls.

Be not deceived, my beloved brethren. Concerning which salvation the

prophets sought and searched dili-
Every good gift and every perfect gently, who prophesied of the
gift is from above, coming down
grace that should come unto you:
from the Father of lights, with
Whom can be no variation, neither Searching what time or what manner
shadow that is cast by turning. of time the Spirit of Christ which was
Responsive Readings

in them did point unto, when it That which we have seen and heard

testifiedbeforehand the sufferings of declare we unto you also, that ye

Christ, and the glories that should also may have fellowship with us:
follow them. yea, and our fellowship is with the

To whom it was revealed, that not Father, and with His Son Jesus
unto themselves, but unto you, did Christ:
they minister these things, which
And these things we write, that
now have been announced unto
our joy may be made full.
you through them that preached
the gospel unto you by the Holy And this is the message which we have
Spirit sent forth from heaven;
heard from Him and announce unto
which things angels desire to look
you, that God is light, and in Him is

no darkness at all.
Wherefore girding up the loins of
your mind, be sober and set your If we say that we have
hope perfectly on the grace that is
with Him and walk in the darkness,
we lie, and do not the truth :
to be brought unto you at the revela-
tion of Jesus Christ But if we walk in the light, as He is

in the light, we have fellowship one

As children of obedience, not
fashioning yourselves according to with another, and the blood of Jesus
your former lusts in the time of His Son cleanseth us from all sin.
your ignorance ;
If we say that we have no sin, we
But like as He Who called you is deceive ourselves, and the truth
holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all is not in us.

manner of living
If we confess our sins. He is faithful
Because written,
it is Ye shall be and righteous to forgive us our sins,
holy; for I am holy. and to cleanse us from all unrighteous-

SELECTION 94 Ifwe say that we have not sinned,

First John I, ii
we make Him a Uar, and His word
is not in us.
THAT which was from the be-
ginning, that which we have My little children, these
things write

heard, that which we have seen with I unto you that ye may not sin. And
if any man sin, we have an Advocate
our eyes, that which we beheld, and
our hands handled, concerning the with the Father, Jesus Christ
Word of life righteous:

(And the was manifested, and

life And He is the propitiation for our
we have seen, and bear witness, sins; and not for ours only, but
and declare unto you the life, the also for the whole world.
eternal life, which was with the ^, ^
And hereby we know that we know
. , , , i ,

Father, and was manifested unto

us) ; Him, if we keep His commandments.
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 95 love the world, the love of the Father

* First
is not in him.
John ii

no new commandment For that is in the world, the lust

BELOVED, of the fleshand the lust of the eyes
write I unto you, but an old
and the vainglory of life, is not of
commandment which ye had from the the Father, but is of the world.
beginning: the old commandment is
And the world passeth away, and the
the word which ye heard.
lust thereof: but he that doeth the
Again, a new commandment write will of God abideth for ever.
I unto you, which thing is true in
Him and in you because the dark-
As for you, let that abide in you
ness is passing away, and the true which ye heard from the beginning.
light already shineth. If that which ye heard from the
beginning abide in you, ye also shall
He that saith he is in the light and abide in the Son, and in the Father.
hateth his brother, is in the darkness
And this is the promise which He
even until now. promised us, even the life eternal.
He that loveth his brother abideth And now, my little children, abide
in the light, and there is no occasion in Him; that, if He shall be mani-
of stumbUng in him. fested, we may have boldness, and

But he that hateth his brother is in not be ashamed before Him at His
the darkness, and walketh in the
darkness, and knoweth not whither If ye know that He is righteous, ye
he goeth, because the darkness hath know that every one also that doeth
blinded his eyes. righteousness is begotten of Him.

I writeunto you, my little children, SELECTION 96

because your sins are forgiven you
for His Name's sake. First John m

I write unto you, fathers, because ye BEHOLD what manner of love the
know Him Who is from Father hath bestowed upon us,
the beginning.
I young men, because that we should be called children of
write unto you,
ye have overcome the evil one. I God and such we are. For this cause;

have written unto you, little children, the world knoweth us not, because
because ye know the Father. it knew Him not.

I have written unto you, fathers, Beloved, now are we children of

because ye know Him Who is from God, and it is not yet made mani-
the beginning. I have written unto fest what we shall be. We know
you, young men, because ye are that, if He shall be manifested, we
strong, and the word of God abideth shall be like Him; for we shall see
in you, and ye have overcome the Him even as He is.
evil one. •-;- ^' - ^';'
And every one that hath this hope
Love not the world, neither the things set on Him purifieth himself, even as
that are in the world. If any man He is pure.
Responsive Readings

Marvel not, brethren, if the world And hereby we know that He abideth
hateth you. in us, by the Spirit Which He gave us.
We know that we have passed out of
death into life, because we love the

brethren. He that loveth not abideth SELECTION 97

in death.
First John iv
Whosoever hateth his brother is a
murderer: and ye know that no BELOVED, let us love one another:
murderer hath eternal life abiding for love is of God and every one

in him. that loveth is begotten of God, and

Hereby know we love, because He knoweth God.
laid down His life for us: and we He that loveth not knoweth not
ought to lay down our lives for the God for God is love.

brethren. Herein was the love of God mani-

But whoso hath the world's goods, fested in us, that God hath sent His
and beholdeth his brother in need, only begotten Son into the world that
and shutteth up his compassion we might live through Him.
from him, how doth the love of
God abide in him? Herein is love, not that we loved
God, but that He loved us, and
My little children, let us not love in sent His Son to be the propitiation
word, neither with the tongue; but in for our sins.
deed and truth.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also
Hereby shall we know that we are ought to love one another.
of the truth, and shall assure our
heart before Him: No man hath beheld God at any
time: if we love one another, God
Because if our heart condemn us, abideth in us, and His love is
God is greater than our heart, and perfected in us:
knoweth all things.
Hereby we know that we abide in
Beloved, if our heart condemn us Him and He in us, because He hath
not, we have boldness toward God; given us of His Spirit.

And whatsoever we ask we receive And we have beheld and bear wit-
of Him, because we keep His com- ness that the Father hath sent the
mandments and do the things that are Son to be the Saviour of the world.
pleasing in His sight. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is
And His commandment,
this is the Son of God, God abideth in him,
that we should beUeve in the Name and he in God.
of His Son Jesus Christ, and love
one another, even as He gave us And we know and have believed
commandment. the love which God hath in us.
God is love; and he that abideth
And he that keepeth His command- in love abideth in God, and God
ments abideth in Him, and He in him. abideth in him.
Responsive Readings

Herein is love made perfect with us, and of the four Uving creatures,
that we may have boldness in the and in the midst of the elders, a

ddy of judgment; because as He is,

Lamb standing, as though it had
been slain, having seven horns,
even so are we in this world.
and seven eyes, which are the
There is no fear in love but perfect :
seven Spirits of God, sent forth
love casteth out fear, because fear into all the earth.
hath punishment; and he that And He came, and He taketh it out
feareth is not made perfect in love.
of the right hand of Him that sat on
We love, because He first loved us. the throne.
K a man say, I love God, and hateth And when He had taken the book,
his brother, a Uar for he that
he is : the four living creatures and the
loveth not his brother whom he four and twenty elders fell down
hath seen, cannot love God Whom before the Lamb, having each one
he hath not seen. a harp, and golden bowls full of
incense, which are the prayers of
And this commandment have we
the saints.
from Him, that he who loveth God
love his brother also. And they sing a new song, saying,
Worthy art Thou to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for
SELECTION 98 Thou wast slain, and didst purchase
Revelation v unto God with Thy blood men of
tribe, and tongue, and people,
I saw in the right
that sat on the throne a
and nation,
hand of

book written within and on the back, And madest them to be unto our
close sealed with seven seals. God a kingdom and priests; and
they reign upon the earth.
And I saw a strong angel proclaim-
ing with a great voice, Who is And I saw, and I heard a voice of
worthy to open the book, and to many angels round about the throne
loose the seals thereof? and the living creatures and the
And no one in the heaven, or on the elders; and the number of them was
earth, or under the earth, was able to ten thousand times ten thousand, and
open the book, or to look thereon. thousands of thousands;

And I wept much, because no one Saying with a great voice. Worthy
was found worthy to open the book, is the Lamb that hath been slain to

or to look thereon :
receive the power, and riches, and
wisdom, and might, and honor, and
And one of the elders saith unto me. glory, and blessing.
Weep not; behold, the Lion that is of
And every created thing which is in
the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,
the heaven, and on the earth, and
hath overcome to open the book and
under the earth, and on the sea, and
the seven seals thereof.
allthings that are in them, heard I

And I saw in the midst of the throne saying, Unto Him that sitteth on the
Responsive Readings

throne, and unto the Lamb, be the things; and I will be his God, and he
blessing, and the honor, and the shall be My son.
glory, and the dominion, for ever and And there came one of the seven
ever. angels who had the seven bowls,
And the four living creatures said, who were laden with the seven
last plagues and he spake with me,
Amen. And the elders fell down ;

saying. Come hither, I will show

and worshiped.
thee the bride, the wife of the
SELECTION 99 And he carried me away in the Spirit
mountain great and high, and
to a
Revelation xxi
showed me the holy city Jerusalem,
AND I saw a new heaven and a

new earth: for the first heaven

coming down out of heaven from God,
Having the glory of God her light :
and the first earth are passed away;
was like unto a stone most precious,
and the sea is no more. as it were a jasper stone, clear as
And I saw the holy city, new
crystal :

Jerusalem, coming down out of Having a wall great and high having ;

heaven from God, made ready as

twelve gates, and at the gates twelve
a bride adorned for her husband.
angels; and names written thereon,
And heard a great voice out of the which are the names of the twelve

throne saying, Behold, the taber- tribes of the children of Israel

nacle of God is with men, and He
shall dwell with them, and they shall
On the east were three gates; and
on the north three gates; and on
be His peoples, and God Himself
the south three gates; and on the
shall be with them, and be their God west three gates.
And He shall wipe away every tear And the wall of the city had twelve
from their eyes; and death shall
and on them twelve
be no more neither shall there be foundations,

mourning, nor crying, nor pain, names of the twelve apostles of the
any more: the first things are Lamb.
passed away.
And I saw no temple therein: for
And He that sitteth on the throne the Lord God the Almighty, and
said, Beh(fld, I make all things new. the Lamb, are the temple thereof.

And He saith. Write: for these words And the city hath no need of the sun,
are faithful and true. neither of the moon, to shine upon
And He said unto me. They are it; for the glory of God did lighten it,
come to pass. I am the Alpha and and the lamp thereof is the Lamb.
the Omega, the beginning and the
end. I will give unto him that is And the nations shall walk amidst
athirst of the fountain of the water the Ught thereof: and the kings of
of life freely. the earth bring their glory into it.

He that overcometh shall inherit these And the gates thereof shall in no wise
Responsive Readings

be shut by day (for there shall be no And behold, I come quickly. Blessed
night there) ishe that keepeth the words of the
And they shall bring the glory and
prophecy of this book.
the honor of the nations into it: And I John am he that heard and

And there shall in no wise enter into saw these things. And when I
heard and saw, I fell down to wor-
it anything unclean, or he that
ship before the feet of the angel
maketh an abomination and a lie:
that showed me these things.
but only they that are written in the
Lamb's book of life.
And he saith unto me. See thou do it

not : am
a fellow-servant with thee

and with thy brethren the prophets,

SELECTION 100 and with them that keep the words
of this book: worship God.
Revelation xxil

And he saith unto me. Seal not up

AND he showed me a river of
water of life, bright as crystal,
the words of the prophecy of this
book; for the time is at hand.
proceeding out of the throne of God
and of the Lamb, in the midst of the He that is unrighteous, let him do

street thereof. unrighteousness still: and he that is

filthy, let him be made filthy still:
And on this side of the river and
and he that is righteous, let him do
on that was the tree of life, bearing
righteousness still: and he that is
twelve manner of fruits, yielding
its fruit every month: and the holy, let him be made holy still.
leaves of the tree were for the
healing of the nations. Behold, I come quickly; and My
reward is with Me, to render to
And there shall be no curse any more each man according as his work
and the throne of God and of the is.

Lamb shall be therein and His serv- I am the Alpha and the Omega, the

ants shall serve Him; first and the last, the beginning and
And they shall see His face; and the end.
His Name shall be on their fore-
heads. Blessed are they that wash their
robes, that they may have the right
And there shall be night no more; to come to the tree of life, and may
and they need no light of lamp, enter in by the gates into the city.

neither light of sun for the Lord

; God Without are the dogs, and the sor-
shall give them light: and they shall
and the fornicators, and the
reign for ever and ever.
murderers, and the idolaters, and
And he said unto me, These words every one that loveth and maketh a
are faithful and true and the Lord,
the God of the spirits of the
prophets, sent His angel to show I Jesus have sent Mine angel to
unto His servants the things which testify unto you these things for
must shortly come to pass. the churches. I am the root and
Responsive Readings

the offspring of David, the bright, and keeping watch by night over
the morning star. their flock.

And the Spirit and the bride say, And an angel of the Lord stood by
Come. And he that heareth, let him them, and the glory of the Lord shone
say, Come. And he that is athirst, round about them: and they were
let him come: he that will, let him sore afraid.

take the water of life freely. And the angel said unto them. Be
not afraid; for behold, I bring you
good tidings of great joy which
shall be to all the people

For there is born to you this day in

The Birth of Christ
the city of David a Saviour, Who is
Luke II

Christ the Lord.

NOW came to pass in those days,

there went out a decree from

And this is the sign unto you: Ye
shall find a babe wrapped in swad-
Caesar Augustus, that all the world
dUng clothes, and lying in a manger.
should be enrolled.
And suddenly there was with the
This was the first enrolment made angel a multitude of the heavenly
when Quirinius was governor of
host praising God, and saying.
Glory to God in the highest, and on
And all went to enrol themselves,
earth peace among men in whom
every one to his own city.
He is well pleased.
And Joseph also went up from
And it came to pass, when the angels
Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth,
into Judaea, to the city of David,
went away from them into heaven,
which is called Bethlehem, because the shepherds said one to another,
he was of the house and family of Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,
David; and see this thing that is come to
To enrol himself with Mary, who was pass, which the Lord hath made
betrothed to him, being great with known unto us.

child. And they came with haste, and

found both Mary and Joseph, and
And it came to pass, while they
the babe lying in the manger.
were there, the days were fulfilled
that she should be delivered. And when they saw it, they made

known concerning the saying which

And she brought forth her firstborn
son; and she wrapped him in swad- was spoken to them about this child.

dling clothes, and laid him in a man- And all that heard it wondered at
ger, because there was no room for the things which were spoken unto
them in the inn. them by the shepherds.

And there were shepherds in the But Mary kept all these sayings,
same country abiding in the field, pondering them in her heart.
Responsive Readings

And the shepherds returned, glori- hold of His feet, and worshipped Him.
fying and praising God for all the
things that they had heard and Then saith Jesus unto them. Fear
seen, even as it was spoken unto not: go tell My
brethren that they
them. depart into Galilee, and there shaU
they see Me.
Now while they were going, behold,
SELECTION 102 some of the guard came into the city,
and told unto the chief priests all the
The Resurrection of Christ
things that were come to pass.
Matthew xxviii
And when they were assembled
NOW it
late on the sabbath day, as
began to dawn toward the
with the
counsel, they gave
elders, and had taken
much money
day of the week, came Mary
first unto the soldiers.
Magdalene and the other Mary to
Saying, Say ye, His disciples came
see the sepulchre.
by night, and stole Him away while
And behold, there was a great we slept.
earthquake; for an angel of the
Lord descended from heaven, and
And if this come to the governor's
ears, we will persuade him, and
came and rolled away the stone,
and sat upon it.
rid you of care.

His appearance was as lightning, and .So they took the money, and did as
his raiment white as snow: they were taught: and this saying
was spread abroad among the Jews,
And for fear of him the watchers
and continueth until this day.
did quake, and became as dead
men. But the eleven disciples went into
And the angel answered and said GaUlee, unto the mountain where
Jesus had appointed them.
unto the women, Fear not ye; for I
know that ye seek Jesus, Who hath And when they saw Him, they wor-
been crucified. shipped Him; but some doubted.
He is not here; for He is risen,
And Jesus came to them and spake
even as He said. Come, see the unto them, saying, All authority
place where the Lord lay. hath been given unto Me in heaven
And go quickly, and tell His disciples. and on earth.
He is risen from the dead and lo, He Go ye therefore, and make
goeth before you into Galilee; there of all them into
the nations, baptizing
shall ye see Him: lo, I have told you.
the Name of the Father and of the

And they departed quickly from Son and of the Holy Spirit:
the tomb with fear and great joy,
and ran to bring His disciples word. Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I conmianded you: and
And behold, Jesus met them, saying, lo, I am with you always, even xmto
All hail. And they came and took the end of the world.
Responsive Readings

SELECTION 103 of God; neither doth corruption in-

herit incorruption.
The Resurrection
First Corinthians xv Behold, you a mystery: We
I tell
not sleep, but we shall all
all shall
SOME one will say, How are the be changed,
dead raised? and with what man-
In a moment, twinkling of an
in the
ner of body do they come?
eye, at the last trump: for the trum-
Thou foolish one, that which thou pet shall sound, and the dead shall
thyself sowest is not quickened
except it die :
be raised incorruptible, and we shall
be changed.
And that which thou sowest, thou
For this corruptible must put on
sowest not the body that shall be,
incorruption, and this mortal must
but a bare grain, it may chance of put on immortahty.
wheat, or of some other kind
But when this corruptible shall have
But God giveth a body even as
put on incorruption, and this mortal
it pleased Him, and to each seed a
shall have put on immortality, then
body of its own.
shall come to pass the saying that
All flesh is not the same flesh: but is written. Death is swallowed
up in
there is one flesh of men, and another victory.
flesh of beasts, and another flesh of
birds, and another of fishes.
O death, where is thy victory? O
death, where is thy sting?
There are also celestial bodies, and
The sting of death is sin; and the
bodies terrestrial; but the glory of
the celestial is one, and the glory power of sin is the law
of the terrestrial is another. But thanks be to God, Who giveth
There is one glory of the sun, and us the victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
another glory of the moon, and an-
other glory of the stars; for one star Wherefore, my beloved brethren, be
differeth from another star in glory. ye stedfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord,
So also is the resurrection of the
dead. It is sown in corruption; forasmuch as ye know that your labor
it is raised in incorruption : is not vain in the Lord.

It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in

glory: it issown in weakness; it is SELECTION 104
raised in power
The Lord''s Supper
It is sown a natural body; it is
Luke XXII, John vi
raised a spiritual body. If there
is a natural body, there
spiritual body.
is also a AND saying.
Jesus sent Peter and John,
Go and make ready for

Now this I say, brethren, that flesh

us the passover, that we may eat.
and blood cannot inherit the kingdom And they said unto Him, Where
Responsive Readings

wilt Thou that we make ready? Jesus said unto them, I am the
bread of life he that cometh to Me
And He said unto them, Behold, when shall not hunger, and he that be-
ye are entered into the city, there Ueveth on Me shall never thirst.
shall meet you a man bearing a
This is the bread which cometh down
pitcher of water; follow him into the
out of heaven, that a man may eat
house whereinto he goeth.
thereof, and not die.
And ye shall say unto the master of
the house, The Teacher saith unto I am
the living bread which came
thee, Wherethe guest-chamber,
down out of heaven: if any man
where I shall eat the passover with eat of this bread, he shall live for
My disciples? ever: yea and the bread which I
will give is My
flesh, for the life
And he will show you a large upper of the world.
room furnished : there make ready.
I say unto you, ExceptVerily, verily,
And they went, and found He
ye eat the flesh of the Son of man
had said unto them: and they and drink His blood, ye have not life
made ready the passover. in yourselves.
And when the hour was come. He He that eateth My flesh and
sat down, and the apostles with Him. drinketh My blood hath eternal
life and I will raise him up at the
And He said unto them, With de- ;

sire Ihave desired to eat this pass- last day.

. over with you before I suffer For My flesh is meat indeed, and My
For Isay unto you, I shall not eat it, blood is drink indeed.
until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of He that eateth My flesh and drink-
God. eth My
blood abideth in Me, and
I in him.
And He received a cup, and when
He had given thanks. He said. As the living Father sent Me, and I
Take this, and divide it among live because of the Father; so he
that eateth Me, he also shall live
For I say unto you, I shall not drink because of Me.
from henceforth of the fruit of the
This is the bread which came down
vine, until the kingdom of God shall out of heaven: not as the fathers
come. ate, and died; he that eateth this
bread shall live for ever.
And He took bread, and when He
had given thanks. He brake it, and
gave to them, saying. This is My SELECTION 105
body which is given for you : this do
in remembrance of Me. Thanksgiving
And the cup in like manner after Psalms Lxv, cxlvii

supper, saying. This cup is the new waiteth for Thee, O God,
covenant in My blood, even that in Zion and unto Thee shall the

which is poured out for you. vow be performed.

Responsive Readings

O Thou that hearest prayer, unto The pastures are clothed with flocks;
Thee shall all flesh come. the valleys also- are covered over
with grain; they shout for joy, they
Iniquities prevail against me: as for
also sing.
our transgressions, Thou wilt forgive
them. Praise Jehovah, O Jerusalem;
Praise thy God, O Zion.
Blessed is the man whom Thou
choosest, and cause st to approach For He hath strengthened the bars
unto Thee, that he may dwell in of thy gates; He hath blessed thy
Thy courts: we shall be satisfied
children within thee.
with the goodness of Thy house.
Thy holy temple. He maketh peace in thy borders;
By terrible things Thou wilt answer
He filleth thee with the finest of the
us in righteousness, O God of our
salvation, Thou that art the confi- He sendeth out His commandment
dence of all the ends of the earth, upon earth; His word runneth very
and of them that are afar off upon swiftly.

the sea: He giveth snow like wool; He

scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes.
Who by His strength setteth fast
the mountains, being girded about He casteth forth His ice like morsels:
with might;
who can stand before His cold?
Who stilleth the roaring of the seas,
He sendeth out His word, and
the roaring of their waves, and the melteth them: He causeth His
tumult of the peoples. wind to blow, and the waters flow.
They also that dwell in the utter- He showeth His word unto Jacob,
most parts are afraid at Thy tokens:
His statutes and His ordinances unto
Thou makest the outgoings of the
morning and evening to rejoice.

Thou visitest the earth, and waterest He hath not dealt so with any
nation; and as for His ordinances,
it. Thou greatly enrichest it; the they have not known them. Praise
river of God is full of water: Thou ye Jehovah.
providest them grain, when Thou
hast so prepared the earth.
Thou waterest its furrows abun-
dantly; Thou settlest the ridges Missions
thereof: Thou makest it soft with
Psalms xxn, lxvii, lxmi
showers Thou blessest the spring-

ing thereof.
the ends
of the earth shall
turn unto Je-
Thou crownest the year with Thy
hovah; and the
allkindreds of the
goodness; and Thy paths drop fatness.
nations shall worship before Thee.
They drop upon the pastures of the
wilderness and the hills are girded
; For the kingdom is Jehovah's; and
with joy. He is the ruler over the nations.
Responsive Readings

A seed shall serve Him; it shall be Yea, all kings shall fall down before
told of the Lord unto the next genera- Him ; all nations shall serve Him.

come and shall declare

They shall
His righteousness unto a people Missions
that shall be bom, that He hath
Isaiah xlii, li, lii
done it.

God be and bless us,

merciful unto us,
BEHOLD, My Servant, Whom I

uphold; My Chosen, in Whom

and cause His face to shine upon us My soul delighteth: I have put My
That Thy way may be known upon Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth
earth, Thy salvation among all justice to the Gentiles.
He will not cry, nor lift up His
Let the peoples praise Thee, O God; voice, nor cause it to be heard in
let all the peoples praise Thee. the street.

Oh let the nations be glad and A bruised reed will He not break,
sing for joy; for Thou wilt judge and a dimly burning wick will He
the peoples with equity, and govern
not quench: He will bring forth jus-
the nations upon earth.
tice in truth.
Let the peoples praise Thee, O God;
He will not fail nor be discouraged,
let all the peoples praise Thee.
till He have set justice in the earth;
The earth hath yielded its increase and the isles shall wait for His law.
God, even our own God, will bless
God Jehovah, He
Thus saith that
created the heavens, and stretched
God will bless us; and all the ends of them forth; He that spread abroad
the earth shall fear Him. the earth and that which cometh out

He will come down

like rain upon of it ; He that giveth breath unto the
the mown
grass, as showers that people upon it, and spirit to them
Water the earth. that walk therein

In days shall the righteous

His I, Jehovah, have called Thee in
and abundance of peace, till
righteousness, and will hold Thy
hand, and wiU keep Thee, and give
the moon be no more.
Thee for a covenant of the people,
He shall have dominion also from for a light of the Gentiles
sea to sea, and from the River
unto the ends of the earth.
To open the blind eyes, to bring out
the prisoners from the dungeon, and
They that dwell in the wilderness them that sit in darkness out of the
shall bow before Him; and His ene- prison-house.
mies shall lick the dust.
I am Jehovah, that is My Name;
The kings Tarshish and of the
of and My glory will I not give to
isles shall render tribute the kings : another, neither My
praise unto
of Sheba and Seba shall ofifer gifts. graven images.
Responsive Readings

Behold, the former things are come complaining? who hath wounds
to pass, and new things do I declare; without cause? who hath redness
of eyes?
before they spring forth I tell you of
them. They that tarry long at the wine they ;

Attend unto Me, O My people; that go to seek out mixed wine.

and give ear unto Me, O My nation Look not thou upon the wine when
for a law shall go forth from Me,
it is red, when it sparkleth in the
and establish
I will My justice for
cup, when it goeth down smoothly:
a light of the peoples.
At the last it biteth like a serpent, and
My righteousness is near. My salva-
stingeth like an adder.
tion is gone forth, and Mine arms

shall judge the peoples; the isles shall Thine eyes shall behold strange
wait for Me, and on Mine arm shall things, and thy heart shall utter
perverse things.
they trust.

How beautiful upon the moun- Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth
tains are the feet of him that bring- down in the midst of the sea, or as he
eth good tidings, that pubUsheth that lieth upon the top of a mast.
peace, that bringeth good tidings
of good, that publisheth salvation, They have stricken me, shalt thou
that saith unto Zion, Thy God say, and I was not hurt; they have
reigneth! beaten me, and I felt it not: when
The voice of thy watchmen! they shall I awake? I will seek it yet
lift up the voice, together do they
sing;for they shall see eye to eye, But I say, Walk by the Spirit, and ye
when Jehovah returneth to Zion. shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Break forth into joy, sing together,

For the flesh lusteth against the
ye waste places of Jerusalem; for
Spirit, and the Spirit against the
Jehovah hath comforted His peo- flesh ; for these are contrary the one
ple, He hath redeemed Jerusalem.
to the other; that ye may not do
Jehovah hath made bare His holy the things that ye would.
arm in the eyes of all the nations; and
all the ends of the earth have seen
But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are
the salvation of our God. not under the law.

Now the works of the flesh are

manifest, which are these : fornica-
SELECTION 108 tion, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife,
Proverbs xx, xxin, Galatians v
jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions,

WINE is a mocker, strong drink

a brawler; and whosoever err-

Envyings, drunkenness, revellings,

eth thereby is not wise.
and such like of which I forewarn

Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? you, even as I did forewarn you,
who hath contentions? who hath that they who practise such things

Responsive Readings

shall not inherit the kingdom of upright ; He is a shield to them that

God. walk in integrity;

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, That He may guard the paths of
peace, longsuffering, kindness, good- justice, and preserve the way of His
ness, faithfulness, saints.

Meekness, self-control; against Then shalt thou understand right-

such there is no law. eousness and justice, and equity, yea,

And they that are of Christ Jesus have every good path.
crucified the flesh with the passions For wisdom shall enter into thy
and the lusts thereof. heart, and knowledge shall be
pleasant unto thy soul ;

Discretion shall watch over thee;

SELECTION 109 understanding shall keep thee:
To deliver thee from the way of
Proverbs ii, iii
evil, from the men that speak per-

mandments with
son, if thou wilt receive
and lay up
verse things.

Happy is the man that findeth wis-

dom, and the man that getteth under-
So as to incline thine ear unto standing.
wisdom, and apply thy heart to
For the gaining of it is better than
understanding ;
the gaining of silver, and the profit
Yea, if thou cry after discernment, thereof than fine gold.
and lift up thy voice for under- She is more precious than rubies: and
standing ;
none of the things thou canst desire
If thou seek her as silver, and are to be compared unto her.
search for her as for hid treasures :
Length of days is in her right hand
Then shalt thou understand the fear in her left hand are riches and
of Jehovah, and find the knowledge honor.
of God. Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
For Jehovah giveth wisdom out of and all her paths are peace.

His mouth cometh knowledge and

understanding :
She is a tree of life to them that
lay hold upon her: and happy is
He layeth up sound wisdom for the every one that retaineth her.

The First Doxology
Now unto Him that is able to guard you from stumbling, and to set
you before the presence His glory without blemish in exceeding joy, to
the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty,
dominion, and power, before all time, and now, and for evermore. Aaien.

The Second Doxolo gy

Unto Him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by His blood;
and He made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto His God and Father;
to Him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

The Apostles' Creed

I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by
the Holy Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate;
was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; He
ascended into heaven; and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Al-
mighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy cathoUc Church; the Com-
munion of saints; the Forgiveness of sins; the Resurrection of the body;
and the Life everlasting. Amen.

Index of First and Special Lines

The figures refer to the number of the sections

A glorious banner Thou hast given ... 158 Behold, how pleasant and how good 371
A little that the righteous hold 97 Beneath Thy care the sparrow finds 225
A pilgrim in the earth am I 323 Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might 283, 284
A river flows whose hving streams ... 127 Blest be the Lord for us He cares
! 181
A river flows whose streams make glad . 126 Blest be the Lord, my rock, my might 392
A single day within Thy courts 226 Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God . 196
A sun and shield forever 228 Blest is he who loves God's precepts . 2
Abounding wealth shall bless his home . .
305 Blest the man
that fears Jehovah . . 360
About Mount Zion go 133 Blest they who dwell in Zion .... 227
Abundant fields for harvest white .... 199 Both rich and poor, both bond and free . 48
Abundant fields of grain shall wave . . .
195 Bow down Thy ear, O Lord, and hear 233
Again refresh us, Lord 358 But I with expectation 22
All earth to Him her homage brings ... 49 By all His creatures let His Name . 411
All kindreds of the nations 50 By all whom Thou hast made . . 236
All lands, to God in joyful sounds ....
173 By Babel's riverside we sat in tears 380
All men on earth that Uve 316 By Babel's streams we sat and wept 379
All nations, clap your hands 130 By Thy good Spirit led 390
All people that dwell on the earth ....
All people that on earth do dwell ....
268 Changeless is Jehovah's mercy . , 281
All that I am I owe to Thee 383 Christ shall have dominion ... 200
All the blessings of goodness Thou freely Come, all ye people, bless our God 17s
didst give 45 Come, all ye servants of the Lord 372
All improtected, lo, I stand 387 Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord I7S
All who with heart confiding 355,356 Come, let us sing before the Lord 264
All ye that fear Jehovah's Name ....
48 Come, ye that fear Jehovah . . SO
Almighty God, Thy lofty throne ....
242 Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear 174
Although with bitter tears 358
Amid the thronging worshipers 51 Deceit and falsehood I abhor . . .
Among His people God is known .... 208 Defend me, Lord, from shame . . 82
And blessed be His glorious Name . . . 199 Delight thee in the Lord, and He . 100
AngeUc guards at His commands .... 249 DeUver me from evil 385
Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand 18 Do Thou, O Lord, arise 19
Arise, O
Lord, our God, arise 368 Do ye, O men, speak righteousness 156
As pants the hart for coohng streams . . 116 Dust to dust, the mortal dies . . . 136
As pants the hart for streams of living
water 115, 117 Each generation to the next . . .
As round about Jerusalem 354 Encompass Zion, count her towers 132
As the heavens are high above us ... . 280 Established in the highest heavens 279
As thirsts the hart for cooling flood ... 118 Eternal is Thy kingdom. Lord . .
395, 397
As thirsts the hart for water brooks ... 114 Ever are my longing eyes .... 66
As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong . 36 Ever, O Lord, with Thee 204
At early dawn I prayed 339 Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim 375

Be Thou my helper in the strife 92 Fear not, though succor be delayed 73

Be Thou my judge, O righteous Lord 69 . . Fools in their hearts have said . . 146
Be Thou my rock, my dwelling-place 190 . . For good men light and joy are sown 260
Be Thou my Saviour, O my Lord .... 3S8 For sake of friends and kindred dear 350
Be Thou, O God, exalted high 154, 155
. . . For the Lord my soul is waiting . . 363
Because thy trust is God alone 249 For Thy Name's sake, O gracious Lord 391
Before His presence let us come 256 Forever praise and bless His Name .
Before my journey is complete 274 Forever settled in the heavens . . . 332
Before Thee, Lord, a people waits .... 168 Forever trusting in the Lord .... ICO
Before Thy people I confess 112 Fret not thyself, nor envious be . . , 95

Index of First and Special Lines

From heaven the Lord with searching eye 23 How lovely, Lord of Hosts, to me
From lips of children Thou, O Lord 14 How pleasant and how good it is
. . 229
From out the depths I cry, O Lord, to How shall the young direct their way
. .
Thee 322
From out the depths I cry to Thee '.
'. '.
am a stranger here
364 io6, 107
From risingunto setting sun 306 am evil, born in sin 140' 142
From the depths do I invoke Thee '. '.
constant care will take '105
From the depths my prayer ascendeth cried to God in my distress
36s 343
graciously will teach thee
Give thanks and praise to God above 84
. .
319 have followed truth and justice .... 336
Give thanks to God, for good is He know that the Lord is almighty
. . .
378 373, 374
Give unto God Most High glory and honor 259 long as in the times of old
. .

God be merciful to me '164

140, 142 love the Lord, for my request
God guards the good with watchful eye ' 310
91 love the Lord, His strength is mine '.

God hath ascended with a shout .... 129 love the Lord Who heard my cry
God is King forever: let the nations
... 312
sing of mercies that endure '.

tremble 241
255 thought upon my ways 328
God is known among His people .... 207 thought upon the days of old
God is our refuge and our strength 212
126, 128 my

to the hills will Uft eyes

God loveth the righteous '201 wait for God, the Lord,
God saved His people from distress and on His
180 . . . word 362
God will our strength and refuge prove
Grace and truth shall mark the way
65, 68 . .
] waited for the Lord Most High
waited for the Lord my God ...
Gracious God, my heart renew will extol Thee, O my God
141, 142 . . .

Gracious Lord, remember David ' [

367 . . . . f I the wings of mornmg take
Great peace has he who loves Thy law 382, . . .
f we have forgotten the Name

341 .
of our God 123
Great Shepherd Who leadest Thy people
n doubt and temptation I rest, Lord in
in loy^
^ 220, 221 Ttee 202
Guard Thou my thoughts, I Thee implore 386 n full assurance of Thy grace
n glory Thou only my portion shalt be 202
Had not the Lord been Israel's help n God will I trust, though my counselors

Hallelujah! Hallelujah
409 . 413 say 20
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah
400! 409 n sweet communion, Lord, with Thee 203
Happy is the man that chooses 400 n the fullness of Thy grace
. .


Has God forgotten to be kind ..... 209 n the heavens the Lord Almighty 282
He is like a tree well planted ...... 2 n Thee my soul hath shelter found


He took me from destruction's pit . . . . 108 n Thee, O Lord, I put my trust ... 80,
He waters the hills with rain from the 190
n this the day that Thou hast made . . 318
286 n this the day the Lord hath made ...
Hear, Lord, the voice of my complaint '.
i6s n Thy heritage the heathen 216
Hear this, all ye people, hear n Thy salvation we rejoice
Heathen lands and hostile peoples 43
237, . .
238 n Thy wrath and hot displeasure .... 102
Hills and mountains, praise your Maker
His Name, enduring hke the sun
405 n vision to His saints God spake .... 243
. . .

19s t is good to sing Thy praises 251

His saints shall live, and to the King
His saving help is surely near
232 Jehovah from His throne on high .... 87
His tender mercies ever sure
377 Jehovah hear thee in the day
His wide dominion shall extend 44
. . . . .
194 Jehovah hear thee in thy grief
Hope in God, ye waiting people Jehovah is my light
. . . . ]
363 71
Hope in the Lord, ye waiting saints, and Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend

He 362 Jehovah reigns in majesty

Hosanna! Ever blestheUe ..... , 318 Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad .... 260
Hosanna! Praise to Him proclaim '.
[ 320 Jehovah reigns supreme
How blest is he whose trespass .....' 83 Jehovah sits enthroned
How blest the man who fears the Lord '.

305 Jehovah, to my
prayer give ear
How blest the man who thoughtfully "3 Jehovah
a refuge prove
How blest the perfect in the way 321 Jehovah's perfect law
How dear to me, O Lord of Hosts . . . 225 Joyful children, sons and daughters
How good and pleasant is the sight '.
. . . 360
370 Judge me, God of my salvation 120
How good it is to thank the Lord 250 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause
How great the goodness kept in store 81 Judge my
. . 119
How I love Thy law, Lord ....'.[ 70
How long wilt Thou forget me .... Know
that the Lord is God alone .... 270

Index of First and Special Lines

Know that the Lord is God indeed . . . 268 My people, give ear, attend to my word 213, 214
Know ye that Jehovah is God 269 My righteous God, Who oft of old . . . 6
My Saviour, 'neath Thy sheltering wings . 163
Lay upon God's altar 7
My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my
Lead me in Thy
righteousness 10 needs 56
Let allHis creatures join 412 My sins and faults of youth 61
Let allHis servants tell abroad 319 My song forever shall record 241
Let allthe earth Jehovah fear 86 My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most
Let God arise, and by His might ....
great 285
Let the sky and clouds forever 405 My soul for Thy salvation faints .... 331
Let Zion now rejoice 134 My soul in death's dark pit 29
Light and truth, my way attending ... 120 My soul in silence waits for God 161, 162
. .

Like rain upon the new-mown grass ... 193 My soul is grieved because my foes ... 155
Like Zion's steadfast mount are they 354 . .
My steadfast heart, O God 298
Lo, children are a great reward 359
Lord, bless and pity us 178 No human power delights Him 402
Lord God of Hosts, in mercy 228 No scepter of oppression 355, 356
Lord, hear me in distress 389, 390 Not haughty is my heart 366
Lord, hear me when I pray 72 Not the formal sacrifice 141
Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry 272 . . Not unto us, O Lord of heaven 308
Lord, hear the right, attend my cry ... 33 Now blessed be Jehovah, God 197
Lord, hear the right, regard my cry 31, 32. . Now blessed be the Mighty One .... 199
Lord, I lift my soul to Thee 64 Now Israel may say, and that in truth . .
Lord, I will praise Thy Name 78 Now the King in Thy strength shall be
Lord, in Thee am I confiding 103 joyful,O Lord 45
Lord, my God, do not forsake me ....
103 Now to God, our Strength and Saviour . 222
Lord, my petition heed 235 Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mighty 76
Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name ... 15 Now with joyful exultation 255
Lord, rebuke me not in anger 12
Lord, the God of my salvation 240 O all ye peoples, bless our God 174
Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place 245 .
O Church of our God, sing His praises 373, 374
Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy land 231 .
O come and let us worship now 254
Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land 230 .
O come and to Jehovah sing 256
Lord, Thou hast searched me, and dost O come before the Lord, our King .... 254
know 382 O come, my people, to my law 215
Lord, Thou preservest man and beast 94 . .
O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy
Lord, through all the generations ....
244 Maker 283, 284
Lord, Thy glory shall appear 276 O fear and bow, adorned with grace ... 258
Lord, Thy word to me remember ....
327 O give the Lord whole-hearted praise . . 304
Lord, to me Thy ways make known ... 67 O God, according to Thy grace 143
Lord, who shall come to Thee ..... 25 O God, be merciful 151
O God, be merciful and bless 177
Make haste, O God, to save 189 O God, be merciful to me 153, 154
Make haste, O my God, to deliver, I pray 188 O God, be Thy Anointed Son 198
Make me, O Lord, to know my end 104
. . . O God, give ear unto my cry 160
Men who walk in folly's way 294 O God, give Thou ear to my plea .... 150
Merciful as mighty. He delights in justice 266 O God, how good Thou art 204
Mindful of our human fraility 281 O God, let all men praise Thee 176
Moon and stars in shining height .... 15 O God, most holy are Thy ways .... 211
Most perfect is the law of God . 41,42
. . . O God, no longer hold Thy peace .... 224
My end. Lord, make me know . 105, 107
. . O God, our help in ages past 247
My faithful Shepherd is the Lord .... 54 O God, preserve me, for in Thee .... 27
My God, I will extol Thee 202, 399 O God, regard my humble plea 159
My God, it was Thy grace 79 O God, the God that saveth me .... . 144
My God, my God, I cry to Thee .... 47 O God, Thou hast rejected us 158
My griefs of heart abound 63 O God, to Thy Anointed King 193
My grieving soul revive, O Lord .... 324 O God, to us show mercy 176
My hands I wash in innocence 69 O God, we have heard and our fathers have
My heart doth overflow 124 told 121
My heart is fixed, O God 299 O God, Whom I delight to praise .... 300
My heart was glad to hear the welcome O gracious God, forsake me not 192
sound 349 O had I wings, I sigh and say 148

Index of First and Special Lines

O happy land, when flock and field . . .

393 Our God shall surely come 139
O happy land, whose sons in youth 393 . . . Our help is in the glorious Name .... 352
O how love I Thy law 42 Our Lord is great, He calls by name . . .
O Jehovah, hear my words 9, 11
O let all that trust Thy care 10,11 Praise God, ye servants of the Lord . . . 306
O let Him send His help to thee .... 44 Praise Him, ye highest heavens 404
O let my suppUcating cry 342 Praise Jehovah, ye nations
all 315
O Lord, be Thou my helper true .... 21 Praise Jehovah His love
for 376
O Lord, by Thee delivered Praise the Lord, for He is good 292
O Lord, give ear when with my
voice Praise the Lord in heavenly places . . .
. .
O Lord, how aremy foes increased ... Praise waits for Thee in Zion 170
O Lord, how manifold the works .... 288 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee . 166, 172
O Lord, make haste to hear my cry . . . 386 Praise ye, praise ye the Lord 404
O Lord Most High, with all my heart . . 17
Praise ye the Lord, among His saints . . 406
O Lord, my earnest cry Praiseye the Lord, for He is good .... 290
O Lord, my God, for Thy Name's sake . 301 Praise ye the Lord, for it is good .... 403
O Lord, my God, most earnestly .... 163 Praiseye the Lord, His praise proclaim . 401
O Lord, my God, my joyful heart . . . 234 Praise ye the Lord, His saints 412
O Lord, my inmost heart and thought . . 384
Praiseye the Lord, ye hosts above ... 411
O Lord, my now to Thee
Saviour, .... 387 Praise ye the Lord, ye saints below . . . 410
O Lord, now open Thou my lips .... 144 Protect and save me, O my God .... 157
O Lord of Hosts, how lovely 227 Put no confidence in princes
O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I cry Rebels, who had dared to show
O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth .... 14
Redeeming love and grace 70
O Lord, Thou art my God and King 397 Regard my grief and rescue me
. .

O Lord, Thou hast ascended 183

Rejoice, ye people, homage give 129
O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth 253 Remember .
not, O God
. .

O Lord, Thy perfect righteousness 338 Rest in the Lord and be thou still ....
. . .

O Lord, to Thee I cry 75 Return unto thy rest, my soul
O Lord, to us Thy mercy show 232
Rise, help, and redeem us. Thy mercy we
. . .

O magnify the Lord with me 90

trust 123
O make a joyful noise, ye lands 270
O mighty man, why wilt thou boast ... 145 Salvation shall adorn her priests .... 368
O my soul, bless thou Jehovah 280
Salvation's cup my soul will take .... 313
O praise and bless the Lord, my soul 277
Salvation's cup of blessing now
. .

O praise the Lord, for He is good 297,317 Salvation's joyful song is heard
. .

O praise the Lord, His deeds make known 289 Save me, O Ciod, because the floods 184
O praise ye the Lord 407 Search me, O God, and know my heart
. . .

O praise ye the Name of Jehovah 373, 374

Search me, O God, my heart discern
. .


O Royal Bride, give heed 125

Show me Thy paths, O Lord 60
. . .

O save me by Thy Name 147

Since with my God with perfect heart
O send Thou forth Thy light and truth 119 35 . .

Sing a new song to Jehovah


O sing a new song to the Lord 257, 258
. . .

Sing to the Lord, sing His praise, all ye

O sing ye Hallelujah 402
peoples 259
O taste and see that God is good .... 88
Sins ofyouth remember not 67
O teach Thou us to count our days . . . 246
Sons of men, awake to praise 292, 293, 294, 295
O thank the Lord, the Lord of love ... 377 Soon I in glorious righteousness 33
O that I had wings like a dove 150
Springs and streams no longer bless 296
. .

O Thou great Shepherd of Thy chosen


Sweeter are Thy words to me 333

race 218, 219
O truly is the nation blest 86 Teach me, OLord, Thy way of truth . . 325
O wherefore do the nations rage .... 4 Tell all the world His wondrous ways . . 258
O wherefore hast Thou ca^ us ofif . . . . 205 That man is blest who, fearing God ... i
O who will lead our hosts 299 The angel of the Lord encamps 88
O who will show us any good 6 The desert lands to Him shall bow . . . 198
O why art thou cast dowiT, my soul ... 114 The earth and the fulness with which it is
O Zion, praise the Lord thy God .... 403 stored 57
O Zion, 'tis thy God's command .... 182 The earth, with all that dwell therein . .
Of mercy and of justice 271 The ends of all the earth shall hear 48, . .
On God my
alone soul relies 149 The fear of the Lord is most clean ... 40
On Him, ye people, evermore 161 The fountain of eternal life 94
On the good and faithful 7, 8 The friendship of the Lord 62

Index of First and Special Lines

The furrows, sown with living grain 169 . Thou, Lord, art a refuge for all the op-
The glorious gates of righteousness 318 .
pressed 16
The glory of His kingdom 399 Thou, Lord, hast dealt well with Thy
The God Who sits enthroned on high 23 servant 329
The good man's steps are led aright 98 . Thou, Lord, hast forsaken J
to shame
The goodness of Thy house, O Lord 168 . brought our boasts 122
The great salvation of our God . 264
. . Thou, O Jehovah, shalt endure . .
The heavens in their splendor declare 39 Thou, O Lord, art God alone .... 275 276

The idol gods of heathen lands . 308

. . Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion . .
The King of all glory high honors await 58 Thou visitest the earth in love . . . 169
The King rejoiceth in Thy strength 46 . Thou visitest the earth with showers 167
The law that the Lord has ordained 40 Thou, Who didst make and fashion me 330
The Lord Almighty is my light . .
73 . Though flesh and heart should faint and
The Lord I will at all times bless 5,90
. . fail 203
The Lord is good. His praise proclaim 375 Though I am old who young have been 98
The Lord is great; with worthy praise 131 Though I am poor and sorrowful . . 186
The Lord is just in all His ways 398
. . Though mighty foes assail me. Lord .
The Lord is my inheritance .... 27 Though troubles great o'ershadow me 191
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 53 Through all the years, may Israel say 361
The Lord is right in all His ways 396
. . Thus speaks the Lord to wicked men 138
The Lord is strong to help the weak 396 . Thy burden now cast on the Lord . . 150
The Lord my Shepherd holds me .
55 . Thy loving-kindness, Lord, is good and
The Lord, our God, is good to all 395
. . free 187
The Lord takes pleasure in His saints 406 Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace 397
The Lord unto His Christ hath said 302 ,303 . Thy mercy and Thy truth, O Lord 94 .

The Lord upholds the faltering feet 398 . Thy might sets fast the mountains 171 .

The Lord Who has remembered us 309 . Thy promised mercies send to me 326 . .

The lot to me that fell 30 Thy servant, blest by Thee, shall live 323
The loving-kindness of my God . 163
. . Thy servant like a wandering sheep 342 .

The man that fears the Lord .... 62 Thy Spirit, O Lord, makes Hfe to abound 287
The man who once has found abode 248 . Thy tender mercies, O my Lord no . .

The merciful shall know Thy grace 35 . Thy wondrous testimonies. Lord 337 .

The mighty God, Jehovah, speaks 137 Thy word sheds light upon my path 334
The mighty God, the Lord . . . 139 To God for help will I repair 209
. . .

The offering on the altar burned 109 To God my earnest voice I raise 387 .

The path of life Thou showest me 28 To God will I direct my prayer 210 . .

The precepts of the Lord are right 41, 42 To the hills I lift my eyes .... 345, 346
The sower bearing precious seed 357 To Thee I lift my soul 60
The spacious heavens declare . .
37 To Thee I stretch my hands 390
. . .

The starry hosts He numbers . . 402 To Thee, O God, we render thanks 206
The steps of those whom He approves lOI To Thee, O Lord, I fly 29, 30
The stone rejected and despised 318 To Thee, O Lord, I humbly cry . .

The tender love a father has . 278 To Thee, O Lord, I lift my eyes 351 .

The time for Zion's help is near 273 To those who dwell in brotherhood 369
The trespass of the wicked man 93 Trust not in man who soon must die 401
The wicked, watching for their prey 99 Turn Thou my eyes from vanity . 325
The wrath of man shall praise the Lord 208
The year with good Thou crownest Unchanging is the love of God . . . 278
The year with goodness Thou dost crown Under the shadow of Thy throne . . 247
Unless the Lord the house shall build 359
Thee for my rock I take 82
Their God and Saviour they forgot Unto God our Saviour 262, 263
Then safe within Thy fold .... 217
Unto the hills around do I lift up . .
Therefore, kings, be wise, give ear
Upon me are Thy vows 151, 152
They that traffic on the sea . . .
295 Wait on the Lord and keep His way 99, loi
They that trust in treasured gold .
135 We surely shall be satisfied 172
Thou art my God, O God of grace 164 What shall I render to the Lord 311,313 . .

Thou art my portion. Lord .... 328 What time I am afraid 151,152
Thou art my shield and glory, Lord 5 What tongue can tell His mighty deeds 290 .

Thou hast ascended up on high . . 180 What wait I for but Thee 106
Thou hast filled my heart with gladness 251 When I in righteousness at last .... 31,32
Thou, Jehovah, art a God . . .
9 When in His might the Lord 358
Thou, Jehovah, art my Shepherd 52 When in the morning unto Thee .... 386

Index of First and Special Lines

When in the night I meditate 28 With joy I heard my friends exclaim . .

When Israel out of Egypt went .... 307 With shouts ascends our King 130
When morning lights the eastern skies .
391 With th'ankful voice praise ye the Lord .
When the Lord the names shall write .
239 With the Lord is tender mercy 365
When Thou didst say, Seek ye My face 74 With timbrel and harp 407
When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we Within Thy gates, O God of grace ... 320
will praise 221 Within Thy temple. Lord 133, 134
When troubles overwhelm my heart . 160 Within Thy temple's sacred courts . . . 132
When Zion in her low estate .... 357
Wherefore do the nations rage . . .
3 Ye angels that excel in strength 279
Where'er His creatures gather . . . 223 Ye children, come and hear my voice . . 90
While Hfe shall last, my
thankful lips 288 Ye children, come, give ear to me .... 89
Who, O Lord, shall dwell with Thee . 26 Ye children of God's covenant 289
Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding . . 24 Ye creatures in the sea 404
Who put their trust in God Most High 319 Ye everlasting doors, give way 59
Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee will Ye gates, lift your heads, the glad summons
I bring 16 obey 58
Whom have I, Lord, in heaven but Thee 203 Ye gates of peace and joy untold .... 320
Why dost Thou stand afar 19 Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice .... 85
Why restless, why cast down, my soul 116 Ye saints, your joy proclaim 408
Why standest Thou afar, O Lord . . 18 Ye who His temple throng 408
With blessing is the nation crowned . 242 Yea, blest is he who makes God's law . . i
With childlike trust, O Lord .... 366 Yea, in His place of holiness 372
With firm resolve I held my peace 104
With grateful heart my thanks I bring 381 Zion, founded on the mountains . . 237, 238
With joy and gladness in my soul . . 348, Zion, on the holy hills 239

Alphabetical Index of Tunes

The figures refer to the number of the sections

Abends 91 Blackburn . . . 23 Dix 293 Green Hill . . ,

Adeste Fideles . .
S7 Bloomfield Chant 307 Donora . . . 236 Green Hill, The
Adowa 17s Blumenthal 275 Downs . . . lOI Greenwood
Agawam .... 33 Boardman . 289 Duke Street .
397 Guernsey .

Ajalon 140 Bone Pastor 156 Dulce Domum 106 Guide . . .

Albano 354 Boston . . 206 Dundee . . . 247

Aletta 333 Bovina . . SI Dunstan . . in Haddam .

Alexandria ... 89 Boylston . 139 Halle . . .

Algiers 223 Boynton 352 Eagley . . . 157 Hamburg .

All Saints New . . 303 Bradbury . 389 Easton . . . 208 Handy . .

Alstone 179 Bradford .

354 Edmeston . . 119 Hanford
Amara 120 Braun . . 316 Ein' Feste Burg 128 Hartford .

Amelia 404 Brecon . . 80 Elizabeth . . 70 Harvest-tide

Americus .... 164 Bremen . . Elizabethtown 108 Harvey's Chant
Ames 90 Briggs . . Ella .... 184 Haven
Anc>'ra 174 Brocklesbury 400 EUacombe . . 265 Heavenly Fold
Andre 306 Brookfield . 337 EUerton 229 Heber . .

Angelus 234 Bullinger .

36s EUesdie 251 Hebron . .

Annetta 85 Ely. . 260 Helen . . .

Anton 339 Caddo . . . 94 Ernan. 342 Henry . .

Anvem 17 Cahn (Dykes) 234 Erskine 225 Herald Angel

Appleton .... 320 Calm (Hastings) 31 Eskridge . . 40 Hermann .

..-^ Ariel 81 Cana . . . 151 Eucharist . . 340 Hermon . .

Aries 76 Canonbury 310 Euphemia . . 88 Hesperus .

Armstrong ... 244 Capello . . 147 Evan .... 53 Hobart . .

Arthur's Seat . . 37 Caritas . . 221 Evening Praye; Holborn Hill

Ascription .... 149 Carter . . 202 (Randegger) 65 HoUey . .

Ashwell 361 Catherine . 92 Evening Prayer Holy Cross

Aspinwall .... 287 Cherith . . 116 (Stebbins) 363 Holy Guide
Aspurg 270 Chimes . . 93 Eventide . 187 Horsley .

Assiut 150 Chios . . . 213 Ewing . .

55 Houghton
Audite Audientea Christine . 250 Exmouth . 392 Howard .

Me 226 Christmas . 406 Humility

Auld Lang Syne . 212 Chopin . . 256 Falconer . 46 Hursley .

Aurelia 176 Church . . 338 Farrant . . 158 HjTnn .

_,.i. Aintrinn Hymn . 261 Church Trium Federal Street 368

Autumn 280 phant . . 155 Ferguson 299
Illa 350
Avalon 78 Clarksville 79 Ferrier 135
Avon 192 Clifton . . 19 Fillmore

Innocents .... 26
Invitation (Maker) 389
Avondale .... 278 Clinton . . 14 Fingal . 301
Invitation (Wal-
Aylesbury .... 105 Clolata . .
35 Fisk . . 135
Azmon lace) 369
312 Comfort . .
9 Flemming 112
Irving . . .
Constance 378 Fountain 162
Baca 114 Cooling
Italian Hymn
. . 144 Frances . 86
Badea 146 Coronae . . 52 Frederick 16
Balerma .... 186 Coronation 197 Fulton . 396 Janet .

Barre ^. 290 Cowper . . 205 Jazer . .

Beatitudo .... 195 Creation .

375 Gairney Brtoge 308 Jewett .

Belief 69 Crucifix Ganges Josephine

. . 77 . . . 97
Belmont 109 Crux Christi 228 Gerar .... 125 Jubilee .

Beloit 377 Cutting . . Gerard . . .

394 Jude . .

Ben Avon .... 269 Germany . . 304 Juniata .

Benediction . , . 380 Dalehurst 5 Gethsemane . 141

Bera 104 Dallas . . 68 Gilead . . . 264 Kathrine
Land ...
Better 376 Dedication 61 Give .... 148 Kingston
Bingham .... 384 Delphine . 188 Good Shepherd 122 Kinross .

Birdstown .... 302 Dennis . . 60 Gorton . . . 217 Kinsman

Bishop 325 Diademata 134 Greatorex . . 296 Knowhead

Alphabetical Index of Tunes

Laban 178 Morning Hymn 199 Rockingham New 332 Sojourner . . 271
Lafayette .... 247 Momington ... 124 Rockingham Old . 2,50 Soto .... 410
Lambeth .... 313 Morris Chant . . 100 Rolland 233 Southport . . 113
Langran .... 218 Mount Auburn . 41 Rose Hill .... 359 Spanish Hymn 64
Lansing 58 Mount Vernon . . 103 Rosefield .... 29s Spohr .... 116
Latakia 45 Mozart 36 Rothwell .... 243 Stanley . . . 286
Lauds 23 Ruth no Stella .... 214
190 Naomi Rutherford 83 Stephanos 365""
Leaf 74 . . . . .

Lebanon .... 82 Nazareth .... 398 Stiastny . . . 167

... 29 Nicaa 266 Sabbath Evening 411 Stockwell 322
Leominster . .

Lisbon 25 Nilus 329 Sabbath Bell . . 314 Stonefield . . 319

Longfellow ... 32 Noctum .... 260 Sacred Morn . . 294 Sundown . . 219
Lonsdale .... 98 Northrepps ... 324 Saint Agnes . . . 344 Swanwick . . 156
Louisville . . . . 412 Nottingham ... 291 Saint Anne . . . 309
Louvan 274 Saint Catherine . 245
Tabler . . . iq6
Love Divine . . . 255 Old Hundredth . Saint Crispin . . 383
Talmar . . . 281
Lucile 258 Old 124th .... 353 Saint Denio . . . 201
Temple Boro 207
Luton 14S Olena ...... 39 Saint Drostane . . 46
Thanksgiving 15
,ux Beata .... 347 Oliva 22^ 'Saint Edith . . . 227
Thatcher . . 62
Lux Benigna ... 56 Olive's Brow . . . 379 Saint Flavian . . 185
The Green Hill 163
Lnx Ccelestis 242 Olivet 204 Saint Gertrude . 200
. .
The Solid Rock 381
Lydia 40S Olmutz 366 Saint James . . . 341
Toplady . . 140
Saint John's High-
Lynton 391 Oriel 272 Tours .... SO
Ostend lands 132
Lyons 285 297 Truro .... 139
Lyte 204 Otterboume 131 Saint Leonard . . 257
. . .
Tunbridge . . 283
Lytham 253 Saint Louis . . . 399
Palmer 63- Saint Margaret . 73
Magnus .... 123 Park Street . . . 48 Saint Martin's . . 323 Ulster . 367
Maitland .... 28 Paulina 13 Saint Mary Mag- Uxbridge 4
Malone 168 Paxtang 351 dalene .... 263
Manoah 331 Penitence . . . . 7 Saint Michael . . 189 Vision . . 49
Marchfield . . . 330 Pentecost . . . . 91 Saint Peter . . . 27 Vox Dilecti 143
Marthina .... 249 Petition 385 Saint Petersburg . 137
Martyn 10 Pilgrims 284 Saint Stephen 172
. .
Wallace . 311
Saint Sylvester 102
Mary 30 Pilot 346 . .
W'altham . 127
Maryton .... 241 Portuguese Hymn 57 Saint Thomas . . 267
Ward . . . 43
Mason 23s Prayer 203 Salome 254
Ware . . . 181
Mason's Chant 153 Pressly 370 Salonica 216
Watchman 136
Materna .... 126 Preston 322 Samuel 72
Webb . . . 171
Mear 391 Protection Sandon 362
. . . .
Wellesley . 409
Meditation I Sandringham . . 115
. . .
Welton . . 30s
Melita 232 Rakem .... 138 Sands 246
Wesley . . 250
Melmore .... 357 Ramoth .... 169 Sankey 220
Westminster Col-
Mendebras . . . 170 Rapture .... 99 Sarah 326
lege . . 87
Rathbun 282 Sardis 2
Mendon 34 . . .
Wilmot . . 327
Mercy 276 Raynolds 117 Sawley 161
. . .
Windermere 133
Meribah .... 159 Redal ..... 231 Saxby 38S
Wirth. . .
Meroe 300 Redeemer 2 Saxony 212
. . .
Wood . . . 7S
Merrial 8 Redhead . . . II Selena 273 Woodstock 289
Migdol 401 Refuge .... 142 Selwyn 154 Woodworth 382
Millennium Regent Square 238 Sessions 209
. . . 71 .
Wyoming . 372
Minerva . . . . 403 Remsen .... 279 Seymour . . . . 67
Miriam 355 Repentance . .
3H Sheltering Wing . 182
Missionary Chant 199 Repose .... 262 Shortle 393
Missionary Hymn 183 Resignation . . 121 Sialkot 177
Mobile 201 Rest cilian Hymn . , 413 Zebulon 358
.«• 13
Modena Retreat .... 343 Siloam 191 Zeno . .

252 Silver Street 130 Zephyr . 348

Moline Rialto . . . . . . .

Rivaulx Silverton ... 395 Zerah . . 318

Monora 165 . . . . 17
Robinson Snowden 118 Zion . . 237
Morecambe . . . 349 . . . 336 . . .

Metrical Index of Tunes

The figures refer to the number of the sections

S. M. Church Trium- Saint John's High- Bingham .... 384

phant. iSS lands 132 Boardman ....
Anton . . . .
. . .
Clolata . .
35 Saxby 388 Bone Pastor
Aylesbury . . . IOS
. .
. . . 156
Creation 375 Selena 273 Boston
Badea . . . . 146
. . .
Duke Street . .
397 Selwyn 154 Boynton .... 352
. . . 139
Easton . . . . 208 Sessions 203 Bradford ....
Capello . . . . 147 354
Ely 260 Sheltering Wing 182 Brecon 80
Clifton . . . . 19 .

Ernan . . . . 342 Soto 410 Caddo
. . 61 94
Dennis .... Eucharist . . . 340 Stiastny 167 Cherith 116
Dulce Domum . 106
Falconer . . . 46 Stonefield .... 319 Chimes 93
Federal Street . 368 Truro 129 Chopin
Elizabeth . . . 70 256
Ferguson . . . 299
Germany . . . 304 Uxbridge .... 4 Christmas .... 406
Gerar I2S
Gilead .... 264 Vision 49 Church 338
Gorton Hamburg . . . 387 Wallace 311 Clinton 14
. . . . 217
Greenwood . . 107
Hebron .... 47 Waltham .... 127 Cooling 144
Hobart Hesperus . . . 386 Ward 43 Coronation 197
. . . . 328 . . .

Laban .... HolbornHill. . 166 Ware 181 Cowper 205

Humility Welton ....
Lisbon .... 25
. . . 321 305 Dalehurst 5
Louisville 412
. . . 198 Woodworth . . . 382 Downs loi
. . .

Ilia 3SO Zephyr

Momington . . 124 248 Dundee 247
Olmutz .... 366
Juniata .... 180 Eagley 157
Palmer .... 63
Lauds 23 L. M. 6 lines Edmeston .... 119
Rialto .... 252
Christine . . . 250
Elizabethtown . . 108
Saint Michael 189
. . . ".
. 258 Ella 184
Ellerton ..... 229
Saint Thomas
Luton 145 Evan ......
. 267 Fillmore 210 53
Silver Street
Lux Coelestis . . 242
. . ,

Farrant 158
. . 130 Gairney Bridge 308
Thatcher Lytham 253

Fingal 301
. . . 62 Handy
Marchfield 330 335
Wood 75
. . .

Fulton 396
Marthina 351
. . . . 249 Give 148
Maryton Rakem 138
S. M. D. . . . . 241
Saint Catherine 245
Green Hill .... 224
Melmore . . . .

Harvey^s Chant
Saint Petersburg . 348
Mendon 137
Diademata . . 134 34

Haven ..... 160
Lebanon .... 82 Meroe 300 Heber 215
Sands 246
Leominster . . 29 Migdol 401 Henry

Sialkot 173
Mary ..'... 30 Missionary Chant 199
Hermann ....
Morning Hymn The Solid Rock . 381 ^:i
Yoakley Hermon 54
Mozart 211
L.M. 36 Holy Cross . . . 194
Nocturn . . . . 260 Horsley 384
Abends .... 91 Old Hundredth . 268 L. M. D. Howard 277
Alstone .... 179 Olive's Brow Hymn
Ames 90
. . .
379 Nazareth .... 398 193

. .

. . .

Oriel 272 Invitation .... 369
Otterbourne 131
Angelas .
234 Park Street



. 48
CM. Jazer
Kathrine ....
Anvem .... 17 Pentecost . . . . 91 Agawam .... 33 Kinsman .... 42
Appleton 320 Preston
Ashwell ....
. . .

322 Albano 354 Lafayette .... 247
Repentance . . .
334 Alexandria ... 89 Lambeth .... 313
Baca 114 Rest 6 Ascription .... 149 Leaf ...... iQo
Beloit . . ... 377 Retreat 343 Aspurg 270 Lynton ..... 391
Bera 104 Rivauk
17 Auld Lang Syne . 212 Maitland .... 28
. . . . ,
325 Rockingham New 332 Avon 192 Manoah
Blackburn 331
Bloomfield Chant
. . . ,
23 Rockingham Old . 230 Avondale .... 278 Mason's Chant . . 153
307 Rolland 233 Azmon 312 Mear
18 Rose Hill . . . . 359 Balerma 186 Meditation ... i
Brookfield . . . .
337 Rothwell .... 243 Barre . . 290 Moline 288
Calm 234 Sabbath Bell Beatitudo
. . . 314 195 Morris Chant . . 100
Canonbury 310 Saint Crispin
. . .
. . 383 Belief . .
69 Mount Auburn . 41
Catherine 92 Saint Drostane
. . . .
. .
46 Belmont log Naomi 74

Metrical Index of Tunes

Northrepps ... 324 Meribah .... 159 6. 6. 6. 6. Double Guide 345

Nottingham ... 2gi Pressly 370 Herald Angels
Prayer 203 Ramoth 169
Bradbury .... 389
. .
Cana Martyn 10
Remsen 27g Rapture 99
Sabbath Evening 411 Shortle
Invitation .... 389 346
Saint Agnes
Jewett 390
Spanish Hymn . . 64
. . .
344 Westminster Col- Thanksgiving . . 15
Saint Anne .
309 lege 87
. .
Watchman . . . 136
Saint Flavian . . 185 Wyoming .... 372 7. 6. 7. 6. Double
Saint James ... 341
Saint Martin's Algiers 223
. . 323 C. H. M.
Saint Peter ... 27
Aurelia 176 BuUinger .... 365
Saint Stephen
Calm 31 Crucifix 77 Stephanos ....
. . 172 365
Sarah 326
Longfellow ... 32 Crux Christi ... 228
Sawley 161 Ewing 55
Saxony 212
L. H. M. Hartford .... 402
Knowhead Amara . (with
Silverton .... 395 Dunstan .... in . . . 356

.... 120
Siloam 191 Flemming .... 112 Mendebras ... 170
Miriam Brocklesbury 4cx>
Southport .... 113 355
Evening Prayer
. .

Spohr 116 L. P. M. Missionary Hymn 183

Modena Jude 360

Swanwick .... 156
Lydia 405
Tabler 232 Oliva 22
196 Mount Vernon
Redal 231 Petition . . 103
Wirth 385
Rutherford ... 83
Rathbun .... 282
. . .
H. M. Saint Edith ... 227
Redeemer .... 2
318 Saint Sylvester
Amelia 404
Sojourner .... 271
. . 102
Tours 2
C. M. D. Arthur's Seat 50
. .
Webb 171
Sicilian Hymn . . 413
78 Stockwell .... 222
All Saints . . 303 Clarksville ... 79 Talmar 281
Ancyra 174 Haddam .... 38 7. 6. 8. 6. Double Wellesley .... 409
Audite Audientes Millennium ... 71 Saint Louis 399 Wilmot 327
Me 226 Samuel 72
. . .

Zeno 12
Bovina 51 Windermere . , . 133
7. 7. 7. 7.
EUacombe .... 265 Zebulon 358 8. 7. 8. 7. Double
Erskine 225 Aletta 333
Euphemia .... 88 5s and 6s Double Dallas 68
Armstrong . . . 244
Fountain .... 162 Evening Prayer Austrian Hymn . 261
Gerard 394
Houghton .... 407
. 65
Autumn 280
Green Hill, The . 163 Fisk I3S
Constance .... 378
6. 5. 6. 5. EUesdie
Heavenly Fold . . 317 HoUey 251
Matema .... 126 Merrial 8 Innocents .... 26
Helen 24
Minerva .... 403 Mercy 276
Irving 240
Monora Double .... Jubilee
165 6. 5. 6. 5. Redhead n Kinross
Penitence .... Seymour .... 67
Ruth no 7 Love Divine . . . 255
Saint Leonard
Repose 262 Robinson
. . 257 . . , . 336
Saint Gertrude 7- 7. 7. 7- 7. 7.
The Green Hill . . 163 Salonica 216
Vox Dilecti ... (with chorus) . 200 Ulster
143 Ajalon 140 367
Saint Mary Mag-
Better Land
C. P. M.
dalene .... 263
. . . 376 8. 7. 8. 7. 4. 7.
Gethsemane . . . 141 Coronae 52
Adowa .
175 6. 6. 4. 6. 6. 6. 4.
Greatorex .... 296 Regent Square . . 238
Americus 164 Halle Zion 237
Braun 316 292
Annetta .
8S Refuge
Cutting 298 142
Ariel 8. 7. 8. 7. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7.
. . 81 Donora 236 ....
Rosefield 295
Bremen 21 Mom
Italian Hymn . . 408 Sacred . . . 294 Ein' Feste Burg . 128
Exmouth 392 Toplady ....
Lyte 204 140
Frances 86
Mason 235 8. 7. 8. 7. 8. 7.
Ganges .
97 Olivet 204 7.7. 7,7. Double Temple Boro 207
Josephine 95 . .

Kingston 96 Blumenthal
6. 6. 6. 6. . •
Lonsdale 8. 7. 8. 7. 8. 8. 7.
98 Comfort . ,
Malone 168 Holy Guide ...
152 Guernsey . . . . 239 Birdstown .... 302

Metrical Index of Tunes

8. 8. 4. 8. 8. 4. 10. 4. 10. 4. 10. 10. Stanley 286 Frederick .... 16

Stella 214 Good Shepherd 122
Snowden .... 118 Lux Beata .... 347 Lansing

Lux Benigna ... 56 II. 8. II. 8. Magnus . . (with
8. 8. 8. 4. Sandon 362 chorus) .... 123
Delphine . . , . 1 88
Mobile 201
Hanford .... 364 10. 10. 10. 10. Paulina 13
II. 10. II. g.
Benediction . . . 380 Portugese Hymn . 57
8. 8. 8. 8. Eventide .... 187 Wesley 259 Protection .... 20
Morecambe Resignation ... 121
. . . 349
Assiut 150 II. 10. II. 10. Saint Denio . . . 201
Ben Avon .... 269
10. 10. 10. 10. 10. Sankey 220
Eskridge .... 40 Pilgrims . (with
Olena 39 Old 124th .... 353
chorus) .... 284
Raynolds .... 117 12. g. 12. g.

10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. Sandringham . . 115

8. 8. 8. 8. 6. Latakia 45
Tunbridge (with
Saint Margaret . . 73
Langran . . 218 chorus) .... 283
Sundown . . 219 12. II. 12. II.
Aries 76
g. 8. g. 8. 10. II. 10. II.
Adeste Fideles . . 57
Harvest-tide . . . 373 Aspinwall .... 287 Caritas 221
12. 13. 12. 10.
Janet 374 Chios 213 Carter . . (with
Nilus 329 Lyons 285 chorus) .... 202 Nicaa 266

Index of Composers and Sources
The figures refer to the number of the sections

Abbey, Alonzo J., 144 Button, Jr., Deodatus, 289

Aitken, William M. H., 23 Dykes, John B., 17, 46, 56, loa, 135, 141, 143,
Allen, Chester G., 296 156, 195. 232, 234, 263, 266, 344, 402
Allen,George N., 28
Ambrose, Robert S., 106 Elliott, James W., 155
Anderson, James S., 301 Elvey, George J., 134, 383
Anonymous, 20, 57, 71, 121, 132, 151, iqo, 262, 384, Emerson, Luther O., 2, 149, 168, 209
389. 391 English Melody, 9, 69, 169
Arnold, William, 89 Esch, Louis von, 280
Atkinson, Frederick C., 349 Ewing, Alexander, 55
Baker, Benjamin F., 311
Falconer, A. Croil, 373
Baker, Henry, 386
Farrant, Richard, 158
Baker, Henry W., 365
Flemming, Frederic F., 112
Barnard, Charlotte A., 400
Freeh, Johann G., 270
Barnby, Joseph, 8, in, 115, 122, 182, 229
Frost, E. H., 196
Basford, Henry, 242
Beethoven, L. van, 2, 217
Gabriel, Charles H., 58, 76, 116, 164, 175, 213,
Blumenthal, Jacques, 275
225, 258, 278, 287, 302, 326, 329, 3S6, 370
Booth, Josiah, 324
Gardiner, William, 109, 304
Bortniansky, Dmitri, 137
Gauntlett, Henry J., 407
Boyce, William, 199, 320
Genevan Psalter, 189, 268, 353
Boyd, William, 91
German Melody, 34, 87, 146, 170, 198, 265
Bradbury, William B., 6, 33, 44, 59, 79, 94, 100,
Gersbach, Anton, 339
114. 153, 165, 231, 233, 248, 254, 272, 300, 306,
Giardini, Felice, 408
307, 333. 348. 379, 381, 382, 395, 404
Gilbert, Walter B., 15
Braun, Johann G., 316
Glaser, Carl G., 312
Browns, A., 392
Goodrich, Charles G., 393
Bullard, Frederic F., 32
Gordon, Adoniram J., 221
BuUinger, Ethelbert W., 365
Goss, John, 37
Burder, George, 145
Gottschalk, Louis M., 276
Burnap, Uzziah C, 152, 206
Gould, John E., 104, 193, 346
Burney, Charles, 129
Gower, John H., i, 219
Burstall, Frederick H., 260
Greatorex's Church Music, 331
Butcher, William U., 203
Greek Melody, 77
Calkin, J. Baptiste, 61, 127 Grigg, Joseph, 148
Camp, Harvey, 105
Campbell, John P., 201 Handel, George F., 62, 354, 406
Carr, Benjamin, 64 Harrington, Calvin S., 135
Chandler, S., 97 Hartshorn, W. Irving, no, 240
Cherubini, Luigi, 68 Harwood, Edward, 99
Clark, Edward, 290 Hastings, Thomas, 21, 31, 140, 160, 237, 336, 343
Clark, E. M., 92 Hatton, John, 397
Clark, Jeremiah, 291 Havergal, William H., 53
Edward A., 330
Collier, Haydn, Josef, 131, 261, 292, 375, 385
Conkey, Ithamar, 282 Haydn, Michael, 285
Cottman, Arthur, 5 Hayes, William, 96
CourteviUe, Raphael, 341 Heins, Nicholas, 80
Croft, William, 309 Herbert, John B., 39, 123, 223, 247
Crown of Jesus Music, 214 Hermann, Nicholas, 33
Cuthbert, Elizabeth H., 277 Hews, George, 66
Cutler, Henfy S., 303 Hiles,Henry, 257
Holbrook, Joseph P., 14, 142, 204, 279, 32s, 33S.
Danks, Hart P., 188 338, 355
Daye's Psalter, 185 Holden, Oliver, 197
Devereux, L., 289 Hopkins, Edward 380
Doane, William H., 49, 78, 236, 322 Horsley, William, 384
Donizetti, Gaetano, 13 Husband, Edward, 227
44 J>
Index of Composers and Sources
Ingalls, Jeremiah, 210 Sankey, Ira D., 220
Schulthes, William, 313
Jamoneau, Arthur 3gi
Jones, Darius E., 75, 222
Schumann, Robert, 310
Scotch Melody, 212
Jordan, C. Warwick, 19
Scotch Psalter, 247
Joseph, Georg, 234
Sherwin, William F., 235, 298, 317, 376
Jude, WilUam H., 360
Sicilian Melody, 413
KiNGSLEY, George, 16, 41, 108, 113, 181, 215, 299 Simpson, Robert, i86
Kirkpatrick, William J., 85, 212, 246, 288 Smart, Henry, 238, 284
Knecht, Justin H., 227 Smith, H. Percy, 241
Kocher, Conrad, 293 Smith, Isaac, 130, 172
Kroeger, Ernest R., 70, 95, 133, 250, 308, 396 Southgate, Thomas B., 337
Lane, Spencer, 7 Spohr, Louis, 116
Langran, James, 218 Squires, William H., 294
Lewis, Henry A., 30 St. Alban's Tune Book, 166
Lowry, Robert, 351, 367 Stanley, John, 2S6
Lucas, James, 156 Stanley, Samuel, 319
Luther, Martin, 128 Stebbins, George C, 40, 150, 163, 177, 269, 315,

Maker, 363, 374. 40s

Frederick C, 389
Stiastny, Johann, 167
Malan, H. A. Cesar, 295, 305, 352
Stockton, John H., 403
Mallary, R. DeWitt, 271
Sweetser, Joseph E., 107, 359
Malley, James, 253
Sweezy, I. B., 63
Mann, Arthur H., 228
Marks, J. Chrfstopher, 249
Sullivan, Arthur S., 72, 200, 226, 364, 371, 378,
Marsh, Simeon B., 10 394
Martin, George WilUam, 29 Tans'ur, William, 243, 323
Martin, W., 357 Tarbutton, William A., 18
Mason, Lowell, 4, 17, 38, 43, 47, 54, 93, loi, 103, Tate, Laura A., 51
125, 136, 139, 147, 159, 162, 178, 183, 204, 205, Taylor, E. G., 45
259, 297, 318, 332, 342, 350, 358, 361, 366, 387, Taylor, Virgil C, 274
401, 410 Tenney, John H., 314
Matthews, Timothy R., 388 Tourjee, Lizzie S., 409
McGranahan, James, 42, 86 Tours, Berthold, 50
Mehul, Etienne H., 264 Troyte, A. H. D., 98
Mendelssohn, Felix, 3, 117, 154 Tucker, Henry, 328
Miller, Edward, 230 Tuckerman, Samuel P., 321
Monk, William H., 52, 187 Turton, Thomas, 260
Mornington, Earl of, 124
Morton, Alexander B., 12, 22, 46 Unseld, Benjamin C, 88, 174
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 36, 81, 208, 251 Updegrafif, E. Grace, 202

Naegeli, Hans G., 60, 74 Urhan, Chretien, 83

Neukomm, Sigismund, 90
Novello, Vincent, 354 Vail, Silas J., 24
Venua, F. M. A., 48
Oakeley, Herbert S., 91
Oliver, Henry K., 368 Wade, James C, 194
Palmer, W. St. Clair,
Walch, James, 157, 161, 283
Parish Choir, The, 26 Wallace, Wilham V., 369
Peace, Albert L., 73, 224, 347 Walton, James G., 245
Perkins, Theodore E., 334, 372, 398, 411 Ward, Samuel A., 126
Perkins, William O., 120, 239 Webb, George James, 171
Pinder, F., 207 Weber, Carl M. von, 67, 327, 390
Pollock, Charles E., «i6 Wells, Marcus M., 345

Pond, Sylvanus B., 173 Welsh Melody, 201

Purday, Charles H., 362 Wesley, Samuel S., 176
Williams, Aaron, 267
Randegger, Alberto, 65
WilUng, Christopher E., 179
Read, Daniel, 25
Wilson, Hugh, 192
Redhead, Richard, 11, 23, 140
Wood, David D., 180
Redner, Lewis H., 399
Woodbury, Isaac B., 84, 119, 138, 184, 191, 256,
Reinagle, Alexander R., 27
273, 281, 340
Reissiger, Carl G., 377
Richards, Brinley, 244 YoAKLEY, William, 211
Robertson, Robert B., ii8 Zeuner, Heinrich C, 199
Root, George F., 252 I Zundel, John, 82, 255, 412

Index of Subjects

The figures refer to the number of the sections

Access to God. . .g-ii, 24-26, 57, 59, 71-74, 119, 120, Invoked 13, 151, 185, 216, 224
141, 159, 160, 166, i68, 170, 172, 174, 175, 202- Restrained. .77, 78, 230-232, 234, 236, 277, 280,

204, 225-229, 230-232, 268-270, 367, 368, 396, 283, 284, 394, 397, 399
398. See also Prayer. Righteous. .45, 156, 213, 214, 244, 245, 253-255,

Activity, Christian. .36, 90, 109, 112, 141, . 142, 144, 290, 291
244, 246, 325, 328, 335, 338. See also Missions Anointed See Christ.
and Zeal. Anxiety See Cares.
Adoption. .89, 94, 125, 237-239, 243, 278, 280, 283,
. Ascension See Christ, Ascension of.
284, 367 Aspirations See also Prayer.
Adoration. 14, 15, 34, 76, 81, 94, 154, 155, 182, 183,
. . For Christ. . .6-11, 22, 52-56, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71-
211, 225-229, 233, 241, 242, 247, 250-252, 254- 74, 80, 103, 114-118, 161-164, 176-178,
270, 277-288, 292-299, 304, 372-378, 381, 382, 225-229, 233-236, 362-365, 387-391
3Q4-413 For Church Privileges. .9, 10, 24-26, 69-71, 94, .

Advent of Christ, Second . . . See Christ, Second Com- 114-120, 126-128, 131-134, 159, 160, 163, 164,
ing of. 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 222, 225-229, 237-239,
Adversaries See Enemies. 250, 251, 311, 3^3,, 318, 320, 348-350, 367, 379,
Adversity See Afflictions. 380
Afflictions: For Grace ... 70, 119, 120, i4d-f44, 225-236,
Benefit of. ..77-79, i74. I7S, 253, 294, 297, 329, 323-330, 336, 337, 339. 340, 342, 351. 362-365,
386 387-391
Comfort under. .52-56, 80, 106, 149, . 150, 230, For Heaven. . . 24-26, 28-33, 52-57, 59, 94, 159,
231, 248, 249, 253, 317, 319, 324, 327, 329, 334, 160, 164, 168, 170, 202-204, 225, 227-229
345-347, 385, 386, 389, 390, 400, 403 For Holiness. . .9-11, 31-33, 35, 38, 40-42, 60-62,
Complaint of. .. 12, 47, 80, 102, no, 122, 151, 64-70, 119, 120, 140-144, 230-232, 271, 321-
154, 184, 185, 216, 217, 224, 240, 272, 300, 331, 326, 328, 330, 335-337, 339, 362-365, 386, 389-
343, 379, 380 391
Deliverance from. 77-79, 88- . .5, 16, 18, 19, 34, For the Holy Spirit ... 38, 40, 41, 60, 119, 120,
91, 96, 99, 161, 174, 175, 224, 290-295, 310, 140-144, 389, 390
312, 361, 376-378, 400 For Peace and Rest. .5-8, 16, 17, 22, 31-33, 60,

For Sin. 20, 75, 80, 83, 96, 102-104, 106, 113,
. . 63, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 80-82, 92, 102, 103, 148-
138, 145, 206, 213, 214, 244, 245, 253, 272, 290, 150, 165, 188, 189, 240, 343, 385
291, 293, 294, 296 Assurance:
From God. .12, 20, 104, 106, 174, 213,
. 214, 218, Declared. i, 2, 6-8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 27-30, 52-
. .

220, 240, 244, 245, 290, 291, 294 56, 60, 62, 65, 67, 68, 87-91, 95, 100, loi, 114-
From the Wicked. 18, 31, 80-82, 96, . . 184, 185, 118, 121, 126-128, 149-153, 161, 162, 202, 203,
272, 327, 329, 331, 334, 340, 343, 392 230-232, 242, 248, 249, 354-356, 395-399
Many and Severe. .. 12, no, 114, 115, 117, 184, Desired. .. 16, 22, 71-73, 90, 94, 140-144, 166,
185, 191, 192, 209, 210, 240, 293, 300, 310, 312, 168, 170, 172, 225-229, 326, 332, 362-365, 400
331, 334, 340, 343, 352, 353, 361, 389, 390 Enjoyed. .. 27-30, 52-56, 71-75, 126-128, 202,
Prayer in. .. 12, 60, 63, 66, 80, 82, 119, 120, 123, 203, 248, 249, 268-270, 317, 319, 381, 394-399
148, 150, 157, 184-192, 205, 209, 210, 216, 217, Atonement See Christ, Atonement of.
233-236, 240, 244, 246, 272, 292-294, 324, 330,
334, 335, 340, 343, 351, 385-390 Backsliding. .21, 98, 123, 138, 213, 214, 222,
. 230-
Promises 35, 84, 88-91, 96-101,
for. .. 16, 17, 232, 243, 254, 255, 290, 291, 293, 294, 354-
113, 137, 149, 150, 243, 248, 249, 344-347, 354- 356
356, 381, 385. See also Trust in God. Baptism 14, 15, 140, 142,143
Purpose of ... 104, 107, 151, 152, 174, 175, 190- Believers See Christians.
192, 201, 203, 204, 243, 253, 291-294, 319, 329 Benediction 44, 372. See also Blessedness.
Refuge in. .. 12, 80-84, 114-118, 126-128, 149- Benevolence 24, 98, 305, 369
154, 159-162, 190-192, 343-347, 351-356, 387- Bereavement 72, 136, 240, 244, 245. See also
390, 400, 401 Christians, Death of; and Death.
Submission under. .. 77, 79, 102-104, 201, 202, Bible:
204, 253, 327, 340. See also Resignation. A Guide... 38, 40-42, 321, 322, m, 334, 337,
Watchfulness 13, 35, 60-68, 77-79, 389, 390
in. . .

Aged See OW Age. Inspired ... 38, 40-42, i8b, 322, 325, 333, 337,
Almsgiving 113, 305 402
Angels. .34, 76, 88, 90, 92, 249, 279, 282-284, 404,
. Instrument of Salvation. ..33, 38, 40-42, 324,
405 325,328,333,334,337,342,381
Anger of God: Perfect and Pure. 21, 38, 40-42, 332, 333, 338
. .

Deprecated. 12, 72, . . 74, 102, 158, 205, 218, 220, Precious. ..38, 40-42, 322, 327, 329, 332-334,
230, 231, 243-246 336, 341, 357, 383
Fearful ... 45, 138, 205-207, 216, 240, 244, 245, Spirit's Aid in Study of. .35. 60, 64, 67, 72, 324f .

260, 272, 302 325

Index of Subjects

Blessedness: See also Righteous, Blessedness of. Grace and Love of. .52-56, 75, 77-79, 87, 88, .

Of Those Abiding in God's House . . .71, 225-229, 90, 91, 94, 166, 168, 170, 277-284, 310-313,
372 376, 378, 394-403
Of Those Chosen of God. . .5, 83, 86, 113, 166, Judgeship of ^ 137, 139, 193, 261-264
168, 170, 172, 242, 253 Kingship of . . . See Kingdom of Christ and Royalty
Of Those Fearing God. . .62, 65, 68, 87-91, 305, of Christ.
308, 309, 360 Light and Guide. .9, 10, 31-33, 35, 60-62, 64- .

Of Those Obeying Christ. . .1, 2, 250, 251, 290 68, 71-74, 80-82, 84, 119, 120, 292, 325
Of Those Trusting Christ. ..3, 4, 81, 108, iii, Love to 10, 34, 81, 186, 310, 312
112, 393. 400 Ministry of... 48, 51, 109, in, 112, 222, 230-
Blindness See Spiritual Darkness. 232, 325, 389-391. 394-403
Blood of Christ... See Christ, Atonement of; and Only-begotten Son 3,4
Christ, Crucifixion of. Power of . . .3, 4, 34, 36, 58, 59, 76, 121, 124, 130,
Brevity of Life See Life, Brevity
. . . and Uncertainty of. 179-183, 193-200, 205, 207-209, 211, 241, 252,
Bride, The Church the 124, 125 260-264, 290, 317, 3L9, 320, 394-405
Bridegroom, Christ the 124, 125 Preciousness of. ..34, 52-56, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67,
Brotherly Love 51.348-350,369-371 80-82, 94, 163, 164, 202, 203, 225-229, 268-
Burdens 102, 149, 150. See also Afflictions. 270, 310-313. 344-347. 354-356, 394-403
Present in His Church. 126-128, 131-134, 137, . .

Cares. ..71, 73, 80, 88-91, 95, 96, 99-101, 149, 150, 139, 207, 208, 265-267, 367, 368
201, 248, 249, 331 Priesthood of 47, 109, in, 184, 302, 303
Character: Prophetic Oflace of. .38, 40-42, 51, 60, 64, 67, .

Depraved from Birth 140, 142, 143, 156 68, 109, 112, 325
Good and Bad Contrasted. .1, 2, 31, 69, 89, 91, . Providences of .5, 29, 34, 35, 52-56, 86, 87, 94,
. .

92, 95-97. 99. 14s, 165, 201, 305, 323, 327, 335 98, 151-153, 167, 169, 171, 213-215, 222, 285- *
New Birth Essential to Good ... 23, 38, 40-42, 288, 292-297, 304, 373-378, 382-384, 392-403
140-143, 146 Redeemer See Christ, The Saviour.
Tests of 24-26, 57, 59 Refuge in See Christ, The Saviour.
Value of Good. . . i, 2, 35, 98, 260, 305, 317, 319, Resurrection of... 28-30, 58, 59, 129, 130, 180,
354-356, 360, 396, 398 183. 302, 303
Vicious. .18, 21, 23, 31, 93, 145, 146, 148, 149,
. Righteousness of. .35, 85, 94, 98, 109, 112, 124,

156, 157, 165, 300 137, 139, 191, 242, 338, 394, 397-399
Charity, Christian 13, 92, 98, 113, 300, 305 Sacrifice of See Christ, Atonement of.
Chastisements See Afflictions. Second Coming of 137, 139, 257-259, 261-264 . . . .

Children: Son of God See Christ, Only- Begotten Son.

A blessing 359, 360, 393 The Saviour. .. 27-29, 77-79, 103, 108, 110-112,
Instruction of 89,90, 190, 213-215 126-128, 135, 159-162, i66, 168, 170, 191, 192,
Piety in 366, 404-408 202-204, 233-236, 241, 242, 254-259, 261-264,
Promises for... 48, 49, 125, 243, 274, 275, 278, 277, 280, 283, 284, 310-313. 317-320, 342, 344-
281, 308, 309, 359, 367 347, 387-391, 396, 398, 400, 401
Christ: See also Aspirations, Christians, Church, The Sin-bearer 47, no, 185, 186
Kingdom of Christ, Praise, Prayer, and Royalty Worshiped. ..3, 4, 48-51, 58-60, 64, 71-74, 77-
of Christ. 79, 166, 16S, 170, 172-175, 179-183, 2i6, 217,
Abiding with Believers. ,80-82, 88, 90, 94, loi, . 233-236, 241, 242, 254-270, 277-288, 304, 373-
126-128, 242, 309, 354-356, 396, 398 ,375. 394-413
Anomted 3,36, 226-229,243 Christians: See also Character and Righteous, The.
Ascensionof. .58, 59, 129, 130, 180, 183, 302, 303 Backsliding of See Backsliding.
Atonement of. ..47, 109, in, 217, 230-232, 243, Believers. .27-30, 43, 44, 71-74. 80-84, 87, 88,

261-264, 277, 280, 283, 284, 292-294, 396, 398 90, 91, 103, 114-120, 145, 190, 310-313, 327,
Beauty of 45. 124, 394, 397, 399 328, 332, 335. 340, 354-356, 362-366
Betrayal of 92, 113, 149,300 Blessedness of. .1, 2, 6-8, 52-56, 77-79, 87, 88,

Birth and Manhood of... 14, 15, 47, 109, iii, 90, 96, 98, 100, loi, 145, 202, 203, 225-229,
218, 219, 243 242, 260, 321, 323, 329, 367,368, 400,401,406-
Burial of. 28, 29 408
Communion with ... i, 2, 9, 11, 24-29, 52-57, 59, Christ the Life of. .27-30, 50, 51, 71, 72, 77-79, .

60, 62, 64, 6s, 67, 68, 71-74. 124, 161-164, 202- 89, 90, 94. 114-117. 147, 151-153, 174, 175, 187,
204, 225-229, 254-256, 406-408 249, 277, 280, 330, 342
Confessing... 27-30, 35, 36, 71-74, 77-79, 141- Conflicts of. ..13, 22, 34, 83, 92, no, 113, 151-
144, 153. 158. 165, 201, 209, 210, 253, 272, 317, 319,
Conqueror. .43, 44, 124, 126-128, 158, 193-200,
327, 329, 331. 343. 386
241, 298, 299, 302, 303, 376-378 Conquerors. ..35, 36, 43, 44, 71, 158, 249, 298,
Coronation of See Royally of Christ. 299. 317, 319, 406, 407
Crucifixion and Death of... 47,92, 109-112, 272 Conscious of Safety... 5, 13, 20, 27-30, 34-36,
Exaltation of. .3. 4. 14. 15, 45, 46, 58, 59,
. 129, 52-56, 71-74. 87-91, 114-118, 149-155, i6r-
130, 154, 15s, 233, 236, 242, 257-267, 302, 303, 164, 248, 305, 309, 335, 381
318, 320, 367, 368, 394, 395, 397, 399 Death of. .28, 29, 52-56, 87, 132-134, 202, 203,

Glorymg in... 77-79, 85-88, 90, 91, 108, in, 311, 313
112, 131-134, 161, 162, 179-183, 186, 187, 192, Debt of 7, 141, 142, 144, 311, 313
233-236, 241, 242, 254-256, 277-284, 289, 290, Discipline of See Afflictions.
292-294, 373-375 Duties of. ..24-26, 38, 40, 41, 89, 90, 132-134,
Godhood of... 3, 4, 60, 64, 124, 260, 268-270, 140-144, 161, 162, 173-175, 213, 222, 254-267,
302, 303 310-313

Index of Subjects

Evangelists. ..48, 51, 89, 90, 124, 132-135, 141- Companions:

144, 174, 17s, 191, 268-270, 289, 314-316, 326, Evil. I, 2. 69, 70, 335, 383
342. 394-399 Good 27, 114, 118,328
Faith of See Faith. Compassion of God See God, Compassion of.
Fellowship of .%. 24-30, 51, 69, 70, 114-118, i66, Confession:
168, 170, 172, 225-229, 268-270, 328, 348- Of Christ See Christ, Confessing.
350, 367-371 Of Faith See Faith, Confession of.
Graces of...9-ii, 24-26, 35, 57-59, 125, 140- Of Sin See Sin, Confession of.
145, 225-229, 249, 260, 271, 305, 328, 3S3, 354- Confidence. See Assurance, Faith, and Trust in God.
. .

356, 366, 369-371, 383. 384. 386, 402, 403 Consecration and Dedication. .48, 51, 80, 125, 151- .

Growth of I, 2, 225, 227, 229, 250, 251 153, 174, 175. 207, 208, 311, 313, 317, 319, 322,
Heirs of Heaven. .27-30, 31-33. 52-56, 136, . 324, 325, 328, 334, 339, 367, 394, 396-398
202-204, 225, 227-229, 292. See also Aspira- Constancy See Fidelity.
tions and Heaven. Contentment ... 6, 7, 52-56, 95-101, 201-204, 277,
Persecuted and Sorrowing. 5, 13, 18, 19, 62, 63. . . 280, 283, 284, 395-400
66, 72, 80, 92, 99, 102, 122, 148, 151-153. 157. Contributions. 125, 175-178, 194, 198, 257-259, 311,
. .

i6s, 184, 185, 191, 216, 253, 317, 319, 329, 331 313
Pilgrims and Strangers. 104, 106, 107, 150-153, . . Contrition See Sin, Confession of.
225, 229, 292, 323 Conviction of Sin See Sin, Conviction of.
Resurrection of See Resurrection. Country, Our 393
Saved by Grace. .6-ir, 16, 17, 43, 44, 52-56, 75,
. Courage, Christian See Fearlessness.
77-79. 81, 83, 84, 94, 140-144, 166, 168, 170, Covenant:
172, 174, 175, 277-284, 362-365, 389-391 False to... 21, 137, 138, 149, 213, 214, 243, 290,
Sonship of See Adoption. 291, 293
Church: Keeping. .61, 65, 67, 68, 122, 209, 210, 212, 241,

Afflicted. ..23, 122, 123, 158, 205, 2i6, 218, 220, 243, 278, 281, 289, 291, 304, 332
253, 352, 353, 361, 379. 380. See also Afflic- Making 137, 139, 241, 289, 367
tions. Of God. .61, 65, 68, 205, 213, 241, 243, 278, 281,

An Abode of God. . .126-128, 131-134, 182, 207, 289, 291, 304, 367
208, 265-267, 367, 368 Promises. .48-51, 62, 65, 67, 68, 98, loi, 125,

Beloved of God... 125, 180, 182, 186, 207, 208, 186, 187, 241, 243, 248, 249, 273, 275, 277-284,
237-239. 307. 367. 368, 402, 403, 406-408 289, 344-347, 354-356, 360, 367, 381. See also
Beloved of Saints. .69-71, 132-134, 163, 164, . Promises.
20s, 225-229, 237-239, 273, 275, 276, 348-350, Covetousness 18, 145, 161, 201,325
367, 368, 379, 380. See also Aspirations. Creation See God, Creator, and God, Works of.
Christ the Head of... 3, 4, 126-128, 131, 137, Cross, The See Christ, Crucifixion and Death of.
218-221, 381
Covenanted. . .62, 68, 137, 139, 241, 243, 302, Danger of Delay 244, 246, 254, 255
303, 367, 368. See also Covenant. Day of Judgment See Jiidgment, Day of.
Divinely Furnished. .. 131-134, 163, 164, 180- Death:
183, 186, 187, 222, 230-232, 242, 289, 292, 367, At Hand 104-107, 244, 245, 247
368, 402, 403. See also Worship. Comfort in 31-33, 52-56, 202-204
Extent of . 125, 129, 130, 194, 198-200, 237-239
. . Deprecated. . .12, 22, 34, 77, 79, 136, 240, 243-
Foundation of 237-239 245. 274, 386
Glory of. .125, 131-134, 180, 218, 220, 237-239,
. Of Saints 52-56, 99, loi, 132-134, 311, 313
257-259, 348-350, 367, 368 Of the Wicked 95-97. 99, 136, 149, 201,
Revival of See Revival. 400
Saved by Grace. .218-221, 230-232, 241, 243,. Decision. .9-11, 31, 32, 51, go, 109, 241, 298, 299,

273. 27s, 276, 290-292, 357, 358, 376-378, 402, 311. 313. 334
403 Decrees, Divine. ..3. 4. 241, 302, 303, 335, 404, 405.
Security of. .126-128, 131-134, 214, 348-350,
. See also God, Sovereignly of.
352-356 Dedication of Church. ..225-229, 237-239, 348-350,
Triumph of..23, 43, 44, 81, 125-128, 131-134,
. 367, 368
237-239, 273, 275, 276, 307, 348-350, 352, 353, Delight in God and His Service. ..See God, Adored
367, 368, 406-408 and Exalted; and God, Loving and Merciful.
Unfaithful. .. 213, 214, 218, 220, 222, 254, 290, Deliverance:
291 From Death ... 77, 78, 87, I5i-i53. 234, 236, 310.
Unity of. .132-134, 237-239, 273, 275, 348-350,
. 312, 313
369-371 From Enemies ... 23, 34-36, 92. 121, 147, 157,
Civil Magistracy. .3, 4, 45, 46, 48-50, 124, 193, 194,
. 158, 188, 189, 216, 217
198-200, 223, 271, 302, 303, 367, 402, 406, 407 From Sickness. ..77-79, 102, 113, 248, 249, 277,
Comfort in Trials. . .5, 20, 22, 35, 36, 43, 44, 48, 51, 280, 293, 294
52-56, 71-74, 77-82, 114-118, 126-128, 151- From Sin... 61, 64-68, 83, 104, 108, no, in,
153, 159. 160, 209, 210, 212, 233-236, 253, 277, 140-144, 166, 168, 170, 172, 277, 280, 283, 284
278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 323, 324, 327, 329, 336, From Trouble. ..47, 88-91, 158, 222, 310, 312,
341, 389-391, 396, 398, 400. See also Heaven, 317. 319
Hope in God, Peace, and Promises. Dependence on God See Faith and Trust in God.
Coming of Christ, Second See Christ, Second Com- . . . Depravity See Character.
ing of. Despondency. . .12, 22, 47, 114-120, 209, 210, 212,
Communion of Saints. See Christians, Fellowship of.
. . 240, 253, 272, 387, 388
Communion with God See God, Hearer of Prayer; . . . Devotion See Love, For God.
and Prayer. Direction, Divine See God, Our Guide.

Index of Subjects

Discontent 95. 201, 290 204, 226, 228, 229

Disobedience. . . 138, 213, 214, 222, 243, 290, 291, 293, In Creation... 1 4, 15, 37, 39, 76, 154, 155, 260,
335 404, 405
Doubt See Discontent and Unbelief. In Providence. 34-36, 45, 52-56, 75,
. . 16, 17, 21,
Doxologies. ..113. i95-i97, i99. 291, 314-316, 318, 77-79, 85-91, 95-101, 166-175, 213-215, 289-
320, 372, 409-413 297
Earnestness. .See Activity, Consecration and Dedica-
Adored and Exalted. . . 14-17, 34-36, 76-79, 85-
tion, and Zeal, True. 87, 154, 155, 179-183, 190-192, 195-197, 199,
EfiFectual Calling 170, 172 200, 206, 209-212, 254-270, 277-288, 298, 299
Election, Divine. .5, 6-8, 86, 166, 168, 170, 172, 241,
308, 309, 373-378, 381, 394-413
289-291, 304, 308, 367, 368, 373 All-seeing See God, Omniscience of.
Enemies: Anger of See Anger of God.
Destruction of. . .5, 16,45, 7i, i45, i57, 250, 251, Attributes of. .9-11, 35, 60-68, 158, 161, 162,

305. 367 191, 192, 211, 212, 241, 242, 244, 24s,
Many and Mighty. ..5, 22, 31, 47, 63, 71, 102, 247, 252-256, 274-284, 373-375, 383, 384, 394-
103, 114, 122, 123, 151, 157, 184, 185, 216, 317, 399
319. 389 Compassion of... 213, 233-236, 277, 278, 280,
Prayer for Salvation from . . . See Deliverance and 281, 283, 284, 304, 306, 394-403
Prayer. Condescension of 306
Restrained. .14, 15, 71, 72, 113. 121, 151, 153,
Counsel of See Purposes of God.
159, 160, 173, 207, 208, 243, 250, 305 Creator of All ... 14, 15, 37, 39, 57, 59, 85, 86, 233,
Envy See Discontent. 254-259, 268-270, 274, 275, 285-288, 330, 332,
Eternal Life 28-33, 52-56, 249, 369-371 376-378, 383, 400-402, 404, 405
Evang«lism . . . See Christ, Gospel, Grace, and Salva- Decrees of See Decrees, Divine; and God,
. . .

tion. Sovereignty of.

Evening Psalms. .6-8, .
14, 15, 248, 250, 251, 286, 372, Denial of 18, 23, 146, 201, 224, 291
386 Eternity of 244, 245, 247, 252, 273-276
Everlasting Life See Eternal Life. Faithfulness of. .241, 243, 250, 251,332,389,390

Fatherhood of... 18, 72-74, 179, 233-236, 243,

278, 280, 283, 284, 400
Act of. .5, 22, 28-30, 72, 73, 80-82, 87, 95, 100,

Forbearance of See Anger of God, Restrained.

. . . .

140, 142, 151-153, 161, 162, 183, 185, 202, 203,

Gentleness of 35
230, 273, 275, 290, 317, 319, 329, 342, 344-347,
Glorious. .58, 59, 180-183, 209, 211, 233, 23s,

354-356, 362-365, 389-391

254-270, 285-288, 304, 306, 308, 373-375, 381,
Assurance of See Assurance.
404-413. See also Glory of God.
Blessedness of... 6-8, 10, 11, 22, 27-30, 43-46,
Goodness of. .81, 85, 94, 166, 168-172, 201, 268-

85, 86, 88, 90-92, 108, III, 112, 163, 164, 173-
270, 277, 278, 280, 283, 284, 394-403. See also
17s, 180, 183, 191, 192, 242, 260, 290, 292, 309,
God, Love and Mercy of; Grace; and Mercy of
317, 319, 360, 402, 403
Confession oT. 6-8, 27, 43, 44, 60, 64, 66, 69, 70,
. .

Grace of... See God, Love and Mercy of; and

98, loi, 126-128, 145, 166-172, 190-192, 233-
236, 241, 248, 249, 277-284, 310-313, 326, 329,
Guardian, Our. 17-19, 31, 34, 52-56, 63, 66, 71,
. .

73, 80-82, 87-92, 121, 126-128, 161-163, 173,
Confidence of. .5-8, 13, 16, 20, 22, 43, 44, 52- .

174, 247-249. 344-347, 351, 354-356, 381, 387,

56, 60, 62, 66, 69-74, 80-82, 87, 95, 112, 114-
388, 400, 401
120, 126-128, 145, 149, 150, 161, 162, 190-192,
Guide, Our... 31, 52-56, 67, 68, 82, 119, 120,
226, 228, 230, 232, 253, 385. See also Assur-
132-134, 202-204, 214, 218-221, 292, 321, 322
ance and Trust in God.
Hearer of Prayer. .5-12, 18, 19, 31-34, 43-45,
Walking by.... 20, 52-56, 72, 87, 99, 140-144,

75, 83, 88-91, 108-112, 148-154, 163-166, 168,

147, 151-155, 163, 164, 217, 226, 228, 233-236,
170, 172, 174, 175, 209, 210, 233, 235, 236, 244-
31&-313, 317-322, 326, 339-341, 344-347, 381,
247, 249, 265, 272-276, 292-295, 297, 310-313,
Family, The. ..179, 213, 215, 271, 278, 280, 283, 284, 317-342. 381, 396, 398
HoHness of... 9, 10, 20, 78, 211, 212, 250, 251,
317, 359, 360, 393, 404, 405
260, 265, 266
Fatherhood of God See God, Fatherhood of.
Immutability of 86, 244, 245, 247, 274, 275
Fear, Godly:
Infinity of. ..244, 245, 247, 382, 384. See also
Blessedness of. 7, 8, 62, 65, 68, 87, 88, 90, 165, . .

God, Creator of All.

230, 232, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 305, 308, 309,
Invisibility of 34, 260
360, 396, 398, 402, 403
Described. .3, 4, 9, 10, 38, 40-42, 93, 108, iii,
Judge, The. . . 13, 16, 17, 20, 69, 70, 92, 98-100,
119, 120, 137-139, 156, 176-178, 193, 194, 198,
174, 175, 241, 275, 304, 325, 330
206, 257-260, 265, 266, 40c, 401
Exhortation to 3, 4, 6, 51, 86, 88, 90
Justice of... 94, 242, 338, 396, 398. See also
Fearlessness. 71-73, 126-128, 151-153, 305, 317, 319
. .

God, Righteousness of.

Fellowship, Christian See Christians, Fellowship of. . . .

Kingly Character of. .9, 11, 18, 58, 59, 76, 121,
Fidelity. .24-27, 31-33, 57, 59, 69, 70, 98, loi, 327-

129, 130, 173, 176-183, 205, 207, 208, 224, 241,

329, 333-336, 341, 383, 384
Forgiveness See Pardon. 242, 252, 254-267, 279, 282-284, 308, 373-378,
Future Glory See Heaven. 381, 394, 395, 397, 399-40I, 404-408, 410
Future Life See Life.
Love and Mercy of. ..45, 52-56, 60-68, 77-84,
87-91, 94, 132, 140-144, 157, 163, 164, 166-
Glory of God: 172, 17s, 204, 213, 230-232, 241, 242, 248, 249,
In Church and Heaven. . .58, 59, 163, 164, 202- 251, 261, 263, 266, 268-270, 273, 27s, 277-284,

Index of Subjects

289-207, 304. 310-313. 373-378, 394-403. Free ... See Gospel, Freeness of; Gospel, Fulness
See also Mercy 0} God. of; and Salvation, God's Gift.
Majesty of See God, Kingly Character of. Growth in 38, 40-42, 145, 174, 175, 191, 225,
Omnipotence of. .57-59, 76, 130, 161, 162, 241,
227, 229, 232, 234, 236, 241, 244, 246, 250, 251,
242, 252, 402, 403. See also God, Creator of 260. 322, 328, 332-334, 337, 341, 389-391
All. Justifying. .70, 88, 140, 142, 168, 172, 175, 212,

Omnipresence of. . . 28-30, 166, i68, 170, 382, 384 230, 231, 235, 258, 264, 265, 277, 283, 284, 289,
Omniscience of 69, 70, 87, 123, 253, 382-384 290, 292-295, 304, 308, 311, 315, 320, 350, 362,
Patience of See Anger of God, Restrained. 375, 388, 394, 397, 404
Pity of See God, Compassion of. Quickening. 16, 73, 112, 143, 163, 225, 226, 228, . .

Providence of See Providence of God. 244, 251, 264, 274, 328, 350, 357, 375, 381, 404
Refuge, Our... 16-19, 34, 36, 71, 73, 126-12S, Redeeming. 16, 22, 112, 140, 157, 185, 187, 202, . .

151-154, 159-162, 190-192, 225, 227, 248, 249, 205, 213, 230, 231, 235, 241, 243, 244, 258, 264,
344-347, 387, 3S8, 392 277, 283, 284, 290, 292-295, 304, 308, 315, 320,
Righteousness of... 20, 31-33, 35, 94, 190-192, 362, 375, 388, 394, 397, 402, 404
230, 232, 250, 251, 260-264, 281, 304, 338, 394, Restoring. .52-56, 140-144, 225, 226, 229, 251,

397, 399, 400 274, 277, 289, 311, 330, 357

Searcher of Hearts See God, Omniscience of. Reviving See Revival.
Source of All Good. .6-8, 27-30, 45, 71-74, 81, .
Sanctifying. See Gospel, Sanctifying and Saving. .

85, 88-91, 94, 121, 161, 162, 176-178, 268-270, Sinning against 140
359, 373-378, 394-403. See also God, Good- Sovereign. ..14, 51, 132-134, 141-143, 164, 168,
ness of. 180, 191, 202, 208, 213, 232, 234, 241, 264, 288,
Sovereignty of. .. .3, 4, 126-128, 195, 196, 233, 289, 292-295, 308, 315, 320, 350, 354, 375, 397,
236, 241, 242, 254-260, 265-270, 298, 299, 30S, 402
309, 373-375, 404, 405. See also Decrees, Di- Sustaining. ..21, 44, 48, 65, 67, 68, 77, 79, 106,
vine; and God, Kingly Character of. 107, 114-118, 121, 159, 174, 225, 226, 228, 234,
Teacher, Our. ..60, 61, 64, 67, 72, 84, 233, 236, 243, 251, 274, 277, 290, 304, 308, 320, 324, 328,
253, 325, 329, 334, 389, 391 350, 354, 357, 381, 394, 397, 402, 404
Works of. 14, 15, 34, 36, 37, 39, 76, 8s, 86, 166-
. .
Gratitude See Thanksgiving.
175, 206, 209-215, 250, 251, 285-288, 304, 376- Guidance, Divine See God, Our Guide.
378, 402, 403. See also God, Creator of All; Guilt:
and Providence of God. Burden of See Sin, Conviction of.
Wrath of See Anger of God. Expiated. . . See Christ, Atonement of; and Salva-
Good Works. ..See Activity, Christian; Consecration tion.
and Dedication; and Zeal. Pardoned . . . See Pardon; Salvation; and Sin,
Gosf)el: See also Christians, Church, Missions, Salva- Salvation from.
tion, and Worship.
Acceptance of 72-74, 242, 328, 339 Happiness . . . See Blessedness; Joy; and Righteous,
Freeness of. ..35, 45, 46, 50-56, 60, 62, 65, 67, Blessedness of.
68, 81, 94, 110-112, 135, 137, 140-144, 186, 187, Harvest Songs. . . 167, 169, 171, 176-178, 286, 393, 402
261-264, 268-270, 277-284, 376-378, 394-399 Heart:
Fulness of. .37-42, 77-79, 88, 90, 91, 125, 132-
. Broken and Contrite. . .91, 140, 141, 143, 144,
134, 190-192, 225-232, 241, 277-284, 290-294, 402, 403
310-313, 317-342, 362-365, 376-378, 381, 394- Claimed 57, 59, 83, 140-144, 174,
of God... 6,
403 254- 354-356, 383, 384
Gracious Fruit of. .36, 48, 50, 51, 69, 70, 77-79, . Evil, Hard, and Stubborn. 21, 23, 93, 156, 165, . .

88-90, 109, III, 112, 151-153, 176-178, 183, 213, 254, 25s
191, 192, 213, 215, 243, 257-259, 268-270, 394- God the Strength of 18, 19, 22, 95, 203, 354- . . .

413 3S6, 389, 390

Invitations of 58, 59, 72-74, 76, 81, 83, 95, 125,
. . . Good, Perfect, Pure, and Upright. .. 22, 26, sij

137, 139, 173-175, 213-215, 222, 254-259, 261- 35, 57, 59, 69, 70, 83, 89, 92, 94, 122, 140-142,
264, 268-270, 289-297, 306, 314-316, 373-378, 144, 155, 201, 204, 215, 225, 227, 229, 253, 271,
402-413 298, 299, 305, 321, 322, 325, 326, 328, 3ii, 334,
Preaching of... 48-51, 69, 70, 89, 90, 108, 109, 354-356, 366
112, 141-144, 174-178, 191, 192 Searching of 31, 32, 69, 70, 383, 384
Prevalence and Power of... 37-42, 49-51, 141- Heathen See Missions, Royally of Christ, and Sal-
. . .

144, 193-200, 261-264, 304, 381, 394-399, 402, vation.

403 Heaven. . .28-33, S2-56, 71, 94, 125, 159, 160, 202,
Privileges of. ..38, 40-42, 60-74, 81, 83, 87-91, 203, 249. See also Aspirations, For Heaven.
125-128, 145, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166, 168, 170, Hell 16, 20, 136
172, 202, 203, 225-229, 237-239, 248, 249, 292, HoHness:
310-313, 317-320, 367, 368, 394-403 Of Christians. .76, 89, 91, 140-144, 252, 260, .

Sanctifying and Saving. .21, 38, 40-42, 60, 61, .

271, 321, 328, i33, 335, 336, 341- See also As-
64, 65, 67, 68, 89, 90, 108, 111, 112, 119, 120, pirations, For Holiness; Righteous; and Sal-
140-144, 203, 225-229, 233-236, 241, 321, 322, vation.
332, 334, 389-391 Of God See God, Holiness of.
Time of Acceptance of 254, 255 Holy Spirit, The... 85, 141-143, 255, 287, 389-391.
Grace: See also Aspirations, For Grace. See also Aspirations, Bible, and God.
Abiding 376-378 Home, Our Eternal 247. See also Heaven.
Abounding. . . 10, 65, 132, 140, 170, 172, 179, 191, Home Life 271, 305, 359, 360
212, 229, 234, 251, 277, 280, 292-295, 304, 348, Hope. .87, 103, 104, 106, 114-120, 161, 162, 191, 209,

388, 394 213, 247, 326, 327, 330, 331, 335, 362-365, 400

Index of Subjects

House of God: Love:

Described 04, 205, 225-229 For Brethren 51, 369-371
Longed for and Loved. .9, 10, 69-71, 1 14-120, . For Christ See Christ, Love to.
159, 160, 163, 164, 225-229, 348-350, 367, 368, For God. 7, . . 10, II, 34, 71-74, 81, 204, 260, 310-
379, 380. See also Aspirations, For Church 313- 337, 396, 398
Privileges; Church; Christians, Fellowship of; For Man 113, 305, 369-371
and Worship. For the Church .See Aspirations, For Church .

Humility. 14-16, 19, 60, 104, 105, 107, 140-144, 186,

. . Privileges;Church, Beloved of Saints; and
338, 351, 366, 381, 402, 40J House of God, Longed for and Loved.
Of Christ See Christ, Grace and Love of.
Idolatry. ..27, 123, 214, 222, 233, 255, 257-260, 290, Of God See God, Love and Mercy of; and
. . .

291, 308, 373 Mercy of God.

Illumination, Spiritual. .1, 2, 22, 35, 38, 40, 41, . 119,
120, 163, 321, 323, 325, 330, 333, 334. 336, 337- Man:
See also God, Our Teacher. Dignity of 14, iS, i3S
Immortality. .. 28-30, 48, 50, 52-56, 135, 136, i86, Mortal and Frail. .95, 97, 99, 104-107, 136, 244— .

187, 202-204 247, 278, 281, 283, 284, 392

Ingratitude: Sinful and Lost Condition of 23, 140, 142, 143, . . .

To God 213, 214, 222, 290, 291 145, 146, 156, 342
To Man 92, 102, 300 Meditation. i, 2, 163, 164, 209, 212, 287, 288, 322,
. .

Inspiration See Bible, Inspired. 327, 3.^.^, 339, 389

Installation Psalms. .57, 225-229, 348-350, 367, 368. . Meekness. 16, 48, 51, 61, 64, 67, 207, 208, 312, 366,
. .

See also House of God. 402, 403, 406-408

Instruction See Illumination, Spiritual; and God,
. . . Mercy of God:
Our Teacher. Celebrated ... 94, 108, iii, 112, 155, 157, 161,
Invitation and Divine Pleading ... 3, 4, 72-74, 137, 162, 174, 175, 241, 253, 261-264, 271, 308-317,
139, 222, 254-256 319, 394-403, 408
Invocation See Prayer. Everlasting. .. 241, 268-270, 290, 292, 317, 319,
376-378, 381
Jesus Christ See Christ. Great. .94, in, 112, 233-236, 277, 278, 280, 281,

Joy: 283, 284, 290, 299, 314-316, 328, 340, 394-403

Divinely Bestowed ... 6, 7, 28-30, 83, 84, 163, Prayer for. .60-62, 64-68, 72-74, 87, no, 112,

164, 241, 242 113, 140-144, 154, 176-178, 216-221, 230-236,

Exhortations to... 84, no, 112, 254-256, 262- 244, 246, 290. 326, 330, 336, 337, 339, 340, 351,
264, 268-270, 406-409 389-391. See also Prayer.
Prayer for 77, 140-143 Messiah, The See Christ.
Reasons for... 27-30, 45, 46, 77, 79, 80, 82-84, Ministers. 282, 326, 367, 368, 372.
. . See also Gospel,
163, 164, 250, 251, 254-256, 259, 262-264, 268- Preaching of; and Missions.
270 Miracles. . . 209, 211, 213, 215, 233, 236, 241, 289-291,
Judgment, Day of. . . i, 2, 4, 13, 16, 17, 20, 137, 139, 373-376
257-264 Missions:
Judgments: Difficulties of 3, 4, 23, 146, 224
On Nations. ..122, 207, 213, 214, 290, 291, 302, Encouragements of... 3, 4, 16-18, 36, 124-134,
303, 407. See also Nations. 182, 183, 233, 254-264, 308, 373-375
On the Righteous. .92, 122, 123, 213, 214. See . Influence of... 45, 48-51, 85, 86, 166, 168, 170,
also Afflictions. 172, 176-178, 180, 182, 183, 230, 232, 292, 302,
Onthe Wicked. ..13, 16, 18-20, 45, 89, 91, 99, 303, 333, 334, 357, 358, 381, 400-403
147, 161, 206, 253, 300. See also Wicked, The. Meed for 16, 23, 224, 253, 291, 308, 373
Justification See Christians, Saved by Grace; Faith;
. . . Prayer for... 154, 155, 176-178, 195, 196, 199,
Grace, Justifying; Pardon; Salvation, From 205, 218-220, 236
Sin and Trouble; and Salvation, God's Gift. Triumphs of... 3, 4, 48-51, 124, 125, 129, 130,
176-178, 180-183, 193-200, 233, 236-239, 252,
Kingdom of Christ See Royalty of Christ. 257-264, 268-270, 273, 275, 276, 302, 303, 357,
Knowledge . . . See God, Our Teacher; and Illumina- 358, 381, 394, 395, 397, 399
tion, Spiritual. Morning Psalms. .5, 9, 11, 77, 78, 149, 150, 155, 157,

250, 251, 286, 298, 386, 389-391

Law of God. . . i, 2, 38, 40-42, log, 215, 230, 321-342,
402 Nations:
Liberality. 113, 183, 194, 198, 200, 207, 208,
.. 257- Conversion of. .36, 129, 130, 176-178, 182, 237- .

259, 305, 331 239, 273, 276, 381

Life: Dependence on God. 18, 87, 126-128, 176-178, . .

Brevity and Uncertainty of 104-107, 213, 243- . . . 207, 208, 223, 242, 289, 307
247, 272, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 392, 400, 401 Owe Allegiance to Christ. .3, 4, 48-51, 76, 86, .

Sorrowful and Vain 80, 104-106, 244, 245 129, 130, 173-178, 182, 183, 193-200, 206, 258-
Time for Salvation 254, 255 266, 302, 303
Longing See Aspirations. Present Attitude of 3, 4, 223, 224,
Lord See Christ, God, and Royalty of Christ. Prosperity of. 176-178, 193, 194, 198, 200, 242,
. .

Lord's Day See Sabbath. 293

Lord's Supper. ..24-26, 47, 52-57, 59, 124, 125, 277- Rebuked in Wrath. . . 16, 121, 206-208, 213, 214,
284, 310-313, 348-350, 369-371- The Hallel, 373, 376
the hymn of Jesus at institution of Supper, 310- Ultimate Subjection of . . . 18, 45, 48-51, 180-183,
320 193-200, 233, 260, 302, 303

Index of Subjects
Nature: For God's Holiness 77, 78, 260, 265-267
An Emblem of Grace. i, 2, 52-56, 77, 78, 94, . . For God's Justice. .85, 94, 124, 165, 176-178,

95, 114-120, 145, 193, 19s, 198, 199, 218-221, 241, 242, 257-259
225-229, 250, 251, 302, 303, 354-358, 393 For God's Mercy. .22, 81, 85, 88, 90, 163, 164,

Revelation of God in. 14, 15, 34, 37, 39, 76, 85, . . 277, 280, 283, 284, 290, 292-297, 317, 319, 381
i37i 139. 166-169, 171. 205, 209, 211, 213, 285- For God's Power... 58, 59, 234, 236, 254-259,
288, 295, 307, 373-378, 402-405 394-413
Sinners Typified in. . .31, 47, 95, 97, 99, 250, 352, For God's Righteousness. 13, 92, 260, 289, 338 . .

353. 385 For Spiritual Blessings. .6-8, 10, 27-30, 34-36,


New Birth See Regeneration. 38, 40-42, 45, 61, 64, 68, 71. 73. 75, 88, 90, 131-
New Year. .. 104-107, 203, 205, 212, 244-247, 271, 134, 147, 159, 163, 164, 174, 175, 180, 183, 234,
274, 277, 280, 281, 283, 284, 286, 311, 313, 323, 260-264, 277-284, 308, 317-320, 394-399
327, 344-347 For Temporal Blessings. 5, 10, 81, 85, 87, 88, 90,
. .

91, 147, 166-172, 207-209, 211, 248, 249, 277,

Obedience. . . i, 2, 38, 40-42, 109, 11 1, 230, 231, 265, 280, 289, 306, 309, 373-378, 396, 398, 400-403
278, 280, 304, 321-342 For Works of Creation. .. 14, 15, 76, 166, 168,
Offerings 141, 144, 180, 183, 257-259, 311, 313 171, 209, 211, 254-256, 285-288, 373-378, 395,
Old Age... 98, 99, 101, 104-107, 192, 244-247, 250, 402-405
251. 404, 405 For Works of Providence i6, 17, 34, 36, 48, 51,
. . .

Original Sin See Sin, Original. 77, 78, 180, 181, 183, 186, 187, 254-256, 289,
Orphans 14, 15, 18, 19, 72, 74, 223, 253, 300, 400 304, 352, 353, 373-378, 394-408
For Work of Redemption. .5, 43, 44, 119, 120, .

Pardon: 141, 142, 144, 166, 168, 170, 172, 209, 211, 234,
Set Forth... 83, 166, 168, 170, 172, 213, 230- 236, 261-264, 277, 280, 283, 284, 310-317, 320,
233. 235. 255. 265, 266, 277, 280, 283, 284,362- 406-408
365 Part of Public Worship. .69, 70, 166, 168, 170, .

Sought. . .61, 64-68, 140, 142-144, 216, 217, 230, 172, 222, 241, 254-259, 298, 304, 372, 406-410,
231, 233, 362-365 412
Parents and Children. .72-74, 89, 90, 121, 125, 132-
. Pleasantness of »-373. 402, 403
134, 140, 142, 143, 213, 215, 243, 244, 246, 274, Prayer:
275, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 300, 305, 308, 309, Answers to. .6-8, 34, 45, 75, 77-79, 88-91, 108,

359. 360, 366, 367, 393, 400 110-112, 174, 17s, 289, 291-295, 297,310,312,
Past, The 121, 122, 205, 212, 213, 215, 389 317-320
Patience. 12, 16, 22, 31-33, 60, 64, 95, 96, 100, 104,
. . Complaint in. 12, 22, 31, 47, 62, 63, 66, 83, 102-
. .

105, 209, 210, 212, 305, 381 106, 122, 123, 165, 205, 216-218, 220, 221, 240,
Peace. .6-8, 76, 99, loi, 126-128, 193, 198, 230-232,
243. 253, 272, 274, 300, 361, 379
341, 348-350. See also Aspirations, For Peace Confession in. 61, 64, 67, 83, 102, 103, 113, 140-
. .

and Rest. 144, 166, 168, 170, 172, 184, 216, 217, 290, 329,
Penitence. ..12, 83, 102, 103, 140-144, 272, 362-365, 362-365. See also Sin, Confession of.
389. 390 Confidence in...5-ii, 22, 43, 44, 60-68, 71-74,
Perseverance. .31-33, 35, 69, 70, 98, loi, 122, 161,
. 80-82, 88-92, 103, 113, 154, 155, 166, 168, 170,
162, 191, 218-221, 225, 227, 229, 321, 325, 326, 172, 186-189, 235, 236, 273, 275, 276, 318, 320,
334. 335 396, 398
Pilgrim Spirit. 104, 106, 107, 132-134, 202-204, 225,
. . For Christ's Sake. .52-56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 82,

227, 229, 323, 337, 342 389-391

123, 147, 205, 216, 217, 291, 367,
Pity: For Deliverance from Death... 12, 22, 77-79,
For Others 92, 113, 305 240, 243, 274. See also Death and Deliverance.
Of God See God, Compassion of. For Deliverance from Enemies. .27, 31, 32, 34, .

Poor, The: 47, 69, 70, 119, 120, 123, 147, 157, 165, 205,
Duty Towards 98, 113, 223, 305 216, 300, 389-392. See also Deliverance and
Remembered by God. 14, 18, 19, 92, 180, 186, . . Enemies.
187, 193, 198, 200, 300, 301, 306, 385 For Deliverance from Trouble... 6, 34, 43, 44,
Poverty of Spirit See Humility. 60-68, 72-74, 104, 106, 158, 185-187, 235, 272,
Praise: 274, 299, 386-391
Acceptable 186 For Divine Favor... 21, 75, 87, no, 112, 351,
By Angels 76, 279, 282, 404, 405, 410-413 354-356
By Men... 48-51, 129, 130, 176-178, 182, 183, For Grace and Salvation. .5, 22, 38, 40, 41, 81, .

233, 236, 257-270, 395-399. 404. 405, 410-413 119, 120, 140-144, 218-221, 226, 227, 229, 325,
By Nations 173, 257-259, 273, 381 342, 389-391
By Saints... 77, 81, 85, 131-134, 166, 168, 170, For Pardon... 61, 63-68, 83, 110-112, 140-144,
172-175, 179, 182, 306, 372-375. 395, 397. 404- 216, 217, 362-365
413 For Rulers 43, 44, 367
By Universe. .37, 39, 166-172, 186, 187, 257-
. For Spread of Gospel 176-178, 194, 199
259. 279. 282-284, 404. 40s. 409-413 For the Church ... 23, 75, 141, 144, 158, 166, 168,
Calls to. ..3, 4, 16, 17, 48, so, 76, 8s, 173-175. 170, 172, 176-178, 205, 216-221, 224, 230-232,
179, 182, 183, 222, 254-270, 277, 279, 280-285, 348-350, 357, 358, 367, 368
287, 289-297, 306, 314-317,319. 320, 372-378, God the Hearer of See God, Hearer of Prayer.
396, 398, 400-413 Importunity in. .60, 64, 67, 72, 73, 75, 149, iSo.

Fitness of 85, 186, 250, 251, 402, 403 154, 161, 249, 321, 335, 351. 362-365, 389. 390
For God's Goodness. .81, 250, 251, 292-297, . Imprecations in... 13, 18, 45, 80, 92, 185, 205,
373-375, 394-403 216, 224, 300

Index of Subjects

Intercession in. .
.43, 44, 94, 121. 123, 141, 144, Character of 24-26, 57, 59, 98, 99, 271, 305
176-178, 205, 244, 246, 348-350, 354-356, 367 Contrasted with the Wicked... i, 2, 31, 95-99,
Pleas in. .22, 31-33, 72-74. 77-79. 94. 103-107,
. 145, 148, 149, 354-356. See also Character.
184-187, 190-192, 233-236, 330, 389-391 Deliverances of. .5, 23, 34, 36, 88-91. See also

Promises to. .3, 6-8, 21, 31, 32, 88-91, 95, 100, .
137, 149, 150, 222, 249, 344-347, 354-356, 367, Forsaken by God 18, 22, 121-123, 209, 210
368, 396, 398 Hated by the Wicked. . .80, 96, 99, 184, 185, 272
Sincerity in... 31-33, 69, 70, 83, 108, in, 123, Honor and Safety of. . .6-11, 20, 24-26, 52-56,
155, 161, 162, 174, 175, 216, 217, 325, 328, 339, 69, 70, 88-91, 95-101, 247-251, 344-347, 354-
366 356, 360
Preservation. ..27, 31, 32, 34, 52-56, 81, 87-92, 94, Joy of. . .6, 7, 10, n, 85, 87, 179, 348-350. See
98, 99, 147, 150, 157. 161, 162, 165, 174, 175, also Christians, Blessedness of.
181, 188-192, 202-204, 209, 211, 247-249, 301, Reward of See Reward, The Christian's.
310-313, 317, 319, 344-347, 352-356. 38s. 392, Security of See Preservation and Protection.
401 Troubles of. .89, 91, 174, 216. See also Afflic-

Pride. ..18, 19, 80, 81, 104, 136, 201, 206, 323, 331, tions.

351, 381, 402, 403 Royalty of Christ:

Procrastination 72-74, 254, 255. 328 Bible His Law 243, 381, 402
Promises . See Affliction, Promises for; Children,
. .
Civil Rulers in Relation to. ..3, 4, 36, 45, 129,
Promises for; Covenant, Promises; Prayer, 130, 182, 194, 198, 200, 223, 289, 381, 404, 405
Promises to; and Salvation, Promised. Divinely Conferred. .3, 4, 36, 45, 124, 243, 302,

Prosperity See Blessedness; and Righteous, Blessed-

. . . 303, 367
ness of. Guarantee of Salvation. .16-18, 21, 76, 87, 99,
Without God's Blessing. . .31, 77, 95-100, 135, 100, 124, 163, 164, 182, 183, 193, 198, 200, 205,
136, 201 209, 211, 214, 260-264, 289, 292-297, 302, 303,
Protection: See also Preservation. 317-320, 344-347
Only from God... 5, 71-74, 80-82, 88-91, 163, In His Church. .. 131-134, 176-178, 182, 183,
164, 247-249, 396, 398 193-195, 198-200, 207, 208, 213-215, 218-221,
Unceasing 248, 249, 289, 344-347, 354-356 252, 257-260, 265, 266, 273, 275, 276, 307, 373-
Providence of God: 375, 402, 403
Over His Creatures. . .94, 253, 285, 288, 292-297, Judgment the Prerogative of... 13, 16, 17, 75,
373-378, 394-403 124-137, 139, 156, 182, 183, 193, 198, 200, 206-
Over Saints. . . i, 2, 5, 9-11, 27-36, 71-75, 81, 95- 208, 213, 214, 216, 250, 251, 253, 257-267, 277,
loi, 213, 214, 253, 289, 304, 30s, 400, 401 280, 289, 373
Purity See Holiness.
• Mediatorial. .3, 4, 14, 15, 48-51, 124, 193-200,

Purposes of God... 86, 243, 289, 308, 373-375, 404, 206, 241-243, 302, 303, 318, 320, 400, 401
405. See also Decrees, Divine; and God, Sov- Nations Subject to... 3, 4, 48-51, 86, 87, 126-
ereignty of. 130, 193, 194, 198-200, 298, 299, 302, 303, 308,
373, 381
Providential. 20, 86, 87, 126-128, 151-155, 158,
. .

Quickening ... 230, 327, 339, 340, 357. See also

173-175, 248, 249, 285-289, 292-297, 304, 359,
Grace, Quickening.
373-378, 394-403
Reward of His Obedience. .45, 46, 48-50, 109, .

Reaping 357,358 III, 302, 303

Redeemed, The. . . . .80, 192, 205, 290, 292, 376-378
. Ultimate Acknowledgment of. .48-51, 124, 126- .

Redemption. See . . Christ, the Saviour; and Salvation. 130, 193-200, 223, 224, 257-259, 268-270, 274-
Regeneration 140-143. See also Grace, Quickening.
. . 276, 404, 405
Repentance. .63, 83, 102, 103, no, 140-144, 230, 23:,
. Universal Domain of. .14, 15, 58, 59, 124, 154, .

328, 365. See also Penitence. 155. 173, 176-178, 182, 183, 194. 198, 200, 257-
Resignation ... 95, 96, 103-107, 201, 202, 362-366. 264, 268-270, 279, 282-284, 292-297, 307, 373-
See also Afflictions, Submission under. 378, 395, 397-405
Rest See Peace. Rulers:
Resurrection 27-33, 52-56, 79, i35 Duties of 3. 4. 45, 223, 271, 335, 336
Retribution: Wicked 3, 4, 21, 156, 216, 223, 253
Belongs to God 18, 19, 34, 216, 253, 265
Inflicted. . .5, 16, 94, 207, 208, 213, 214, 224, 254, Sabbath, The 318, 320
289, 373. 376 Sacrifices, Spiritual. . .141, 144, 147, i75> 186, 257-
Threatened. .13, 16, 18, 21, 45, 75, 92, 95-99,
. 259, 294. 318, 334
no, 156, 157, 165, 185, 206, 216, 224, 253, 271, Safety:
300, 379, 385, 406 Assured ... 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 34-36, 43, 44, 7i-
Reverence See Fear, Godly. 74, 80-84, 87-91, 9S-IOI, 151-153. 163, 164,
Revival. .140-144, 176-178, 218-221, 230, 231, 261-
. 248, 249, 344-347, 354-356
264, 268-270, 273, 275, 276, 325, 328, 339, 340, Enjoyed. .5-8, 34, 126-128, 145, 154, 305, 352,

342, 357. 358, 381, 389-391, 402, 403 353, 400, 401
Rewards, The Christian's...!, 2, 10, 20, 24-33, 81, Saints See Christians and Righteous, The.
88-91, 95-101, 113, 161, 162, 230-232, 242, Salvation:
250, 251, 260, 305, 354-356, 360 Accepted Time of 72-74, 254, 25S
Riches... 31, 97, 104, 135, 136, 145, 161, 194, 198, From Sin and Trouble. ..60-68, 277, 280, 283,
305, 322, 329 284, 290, 291, 362-365
Righteous, The: God's Gift. .5, 45. 80-84, 87-91, 99, I03, I3S.

Blessedness of. .. I, 2, 5, 108, in, 156, 225-229, 161, 162, 176-178, 181-183, 20s, 209, 211, 230-
242, 305, 360, 400, 401 232, 304, 340, 342, 362-365, 406-408

Index of Subjects
Prayers for.. .5, 60-75, 92. 184-192, 216-221, Temptation. .9, 18, 31, 75, So-82, 92, 151-154, 157,

230-236, 290, 318, 320, 326, 330, 332, 334-337, 161, 162, 165, 188-192, 202, 271, 294, 317, 319,
339. 340. 342 321, 322, 324, 328, iii, 335, 354-356, 385-388
Promised. ..99, loi, 186, 187, 248, 249, 395-399 Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving for... 81, 82, 92, 190-192, 254- Declared. .45, 88, 90, 166-175, 179-183, 186,

264, 292-294, 310-313, 317-320, 394-399 187, 250, 251, 277, 280-300, 310-320, 373-378,
Sanctificatioii See Holiness, Of Christians. 394-413
Sanctuary, The. .See Aspirations, For Church Privi-
. Due to God 77-79, 137, 206, 260, 298, 299
leges; Church; and House of God. For God's Mercies. . . 141, 142, 144, 206, 216, 217,
Saviour, The See Christ. 290-297, 352, 353, 376-378
Scriptures, The See Bible. In Public Worship. .48, 51, 69, 70, 92, 109, 112, .

Sea, The. 14, 15, 76, 85, 126-128, 166, 168, 170, 171,
. . 311, 313, 318, 320
209, 211, 213, 252, 254-259, 261-264, 285, 286, Thanksgiving Day See Country, Our; Harvest . . .

290, 295, 307, 373-378, 404, 405 Songs; and Thanksgiving.

Seasons, The 167, 169, 171, 205, 286, 402 Time, Flight of See Life, Brevity of; and New Year.
. . .

Second Coming of Christ See Christ, Second Com- . . . Trials See Afflictions and Comfort in Trials.
ing of. Trust in God See also Assurance and Faith.
Seedtime and Harvest 260, 357, 358 Blessedness of... 10, 31-33, 80-82, 87-91, 108,
Seeking God. .72-74, . 88, 90, 163, 164, 187, 289, 321, III, 226, 228, 229, 317, 319, 354-356
328 Exhortation to 6, 7, 95, 96, 99, 100, 161, 162,
Self-Control 104, 105, 328,366 308
Self-Denial 109, in, 325, 335 Expression of 6-8, 34-36, 60, 63-68, 80-82,. . .

Self- Examination 69, 70, 328,382-384 147, 149-155, 163-166, 170, 190-192, 202, 203,
Service ... See Activity, Christian; Consecration and 247-249, 386
Dedication; and Zeal. Truth... 60, 61, 63-68, 94, 140, 142, 143, 154, 155,
Sheep, Wandering 53 230, 232-234, 236, 241, 242, 261, 264, 268, 270,
Shortness of Life See Life. 298, 299, 308, 314-316, 321, 323-326, 330, 332,
Sickness: Hi, 335-341. 381. 398, 401
From God 83, 104, 106, 240, 244, 245
Prayers under 102, 104, 106, 113, 240 Unbelief 201, 213, 290, 291
Recovery from 77-79, 113, 277, 280, 294
Sin: Vanity:
Confession of ..83, 102, 103, 140-144, 166, 168,
. Avoidance of 82, 325
170, 172, 184, 290, 362-365 Of Men and Riches. .43, 87, 104-106, 121, 136, .

Conflict with 166, 170, 172, 387, 388 145, 158, 161, 253, 299, 392, 400, 401
Conviction of... 12, 80, 83, 102, 103, 140-144, Of Sinners 3, 4, 6, 18, 21, 392
272, 389, 390 Vows. ..48, 51, 137, 151-153, 159, 166, 168, 170, 172,
Hatred of. ..9, 20, 140-144, 260, 271, zii, 335, 174, i75> 208, 311, 313, 367
336, 341. 383
Hindrance to Communion with God... 6-9, 2 Waiting upon God. . . 72, 73, 96, 99-101, 108, in, i6x,
24-26, 38, 40-42, 57, 59. 138, 174. 175, 213, 162, 362-365, 398
214, 290, 291 Walking with God.. .52-54, . 69, 70, 151-153. 225-
Indwelling 21, 103, 156, 165 229, 234, 310, 321, 326, 389-391
Original 140, 142, 143, 156, 290 Wandering from God 156, 321, 329, 342
Prayer for Deliverance from See Prayer. Warfare, Christian. .36, 71, 92, 151, 153, 154, 166, .

Salvation from. ..9, 10, 22, 31-33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 298, 299, 392
60-68, 83, 88-91, 140-144, 151-153, 166, 168, Warning . See A nger of God; and Wicked, Warned.
. .

170, 172, 185, 187, 217, 292-294, 321, 345-347, Watchfulness 362-365
362-365, 386. See also Salvation. Water of Life 94, 114-118, 126-128, 237-239
Washed away 69, 70, 140, 142, 143 Wicked, The:
Sincerity. . . 26, 31-33, 35, 57, 59, 69, 7°, 82, 321, 324, Character of... 10, 13, 92, 113, 138, 156, 157,
335, 341, 398 161, 205, 224, 385
Sonship See Adoption. Condemnation of. .18, 23, 31, 75, 93, 145,^46, .

Sorrow See Afflictions. 148, 149, 165, 201, 253, 300

Sowing, Spiritual See Seedtime and Harvest. Contrasted with Righteous. . .See Character and
Spirit, The Holy See Holy Spirit. Righteous.
Spiritual Darkness. .. 12, 22, 47, 80, 102, 184, 185, Fate of 1-5, . . . 9, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 45, 71, 89, 91,
209, 210, 240, 300, 331, 387-390 94-97, 99, 136, 14s, 148, 149, 156, 181, 182,
Steadfastness ... 69, 81, 122, 155, 191, 192, 219-221, 201, 206, 207, 250, 251, 253, 287, 30s
225, 227, 229, 298, 299, 305, 354-356 Persecuting Spirit of 5, 18, 19, 47, 80, 92, 147- . . .

Strength in God... 71-73, 75, 76, 126-128, 157, 161, 149, 151, 153, 154, 157, 184, 18s, 190, 192, 216,
162, 166, 171, I7Q, 182, 183, 202, 203, 381, 392 253
Submission See Afflictions, Submission under;
. . and Prayers for Punishment of 10, 16, 18, 75, 80, . . .

Resignation. 92, no, 148, 151, 157, 179, 185, 224, 253, 300,
Sympathy, Christian See Love and Pity. 379. 385
Self-Destroyed 13, 16, 92, i5S, 105
Temperance Songs... 18, 19, 57, 59, 146, 156, 158, Separation from...i, 24-27, 33, 70. 75. 271, 2,
165, 193, 194, 198, 200, 205, 206, 250, 251, 335, 343, 379, 380, 383, 385, 386
253, 257-264, 271, 298, 299, 361, 386, 393. 406, Warned... 1-4, 9, 16, 17-20, 23, 138, 145, 181,
407 182, 206-208, 253-255

Index of Subjects
Widows 179, 2S3, 300, 400 Sincerity in. ..24-26, 31-33, 35, 57, 59, 69, 70,
Witness of Spirit See Assurance. 138, 140-144, 265, 266, 366
Work... See Activity, Christian; Consecration and Universality of See Praise.
Dedication; and Zeal, True. Wrath of God See Anger of God.
Worship: See also Aspirations, For Church Privileges.
Acts of. .9, 69, 70, 132-134, 141, 144, 147, 15s,
. Year, Close of See New Year.
222, 254-259, 265-270, 287, 288, 298, 299, 381 Young Men 214, 322, 404, 405
Call to. .85, 86, 137, 139, 173-175. 182, 183, 257-
. Youth See Children.
270, 292-297, 304, 306, 314-320, 372-378, 400-
413 Zeal:
Delightful to Saints. .71-74, 85, 163, 164, 166,
. False 27, 157, 205, 213, 290, 317
168, 170, 172, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187, 225-229, True. 184, 225-229, 271, 310-313, 324, 328, 334.
. .

237-239, 250, 251, 308, 309, 348-350, 373-375 337,338. 340, 341. 389-391. See also Activity,
Family 250, 251, 317, 360, 367 Christian; and Consecration and Dedication.
Grace Needed for. .43, 44, 52-56, 69, 70, 124,
. Zion: See also Church and House of God.
174, 175. 372. See also Grace. Glory of. 131-134, 166, 168, 170, 172, 225-229,
. .

Only as God Appoints. . . 213, 222, 254-256, 318, 237-239

320, 367, 373 Kept by God 131-134, 141, i44, 348-350
Private 6, 163, 164,328,339,408 Love to See Church, Beloved of Saints.
Public... 48, 50, 51, 69-71, 114, 118-120, 132-
134, 225-229, 311, 313, 318, 320, 348-350


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