The Insular Cases - Gustavo A. Gelpi
The Insular Cases - Gustavo A. Gelpi
The Insular Cases - Gustavo A. Gelpi
ing partners and businesses throughout areas that surround and encompass and other materials and exports clothes
the world, and doing so will be neces- cities produce most of the world’s and automobile parts; the United States
sary for it to continue to progress as an wealth. Not only established cities such imports oil and exports computer soft-
advanced society. Starobin notes that as New York, London, Paris, Moscow, ware and agricultural products. These
China has forged strong relationships Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo, transactions require international co-
not only with Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela but emerging cities such as Tel Aviv, operation and regulation.
for obtaining oil, but with democrat- Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bangalore, and Starobin looks forward to the United
ic Chile, which owns 38 percent of Santiago could become economically States becoming a less dominant and
the world’s copper production. China’s and culturally more important than the less militaristic power, with a more
economy has expanded at a rate of countries of which they are a part. peace-loving and culturally advanced
close to 10 percent annually for the past Starobin calls his fifth “after America” population; he somehow sees California
30 years—a faster rate than that of the possibility universal civilization. As as a model to emulate. After America
United States in its heyday, and certainly America evolved from individual states is a wide-ranging, fast-paced narrative,
faster than our current (2009) rate of to a centralized nation and European with material garnered from extensive
about 3 percent, Japan’s of 2.2 percent, countries joined together to form the conversations with high-level officials
or Germany’s of 2.7 percent. Starobin European Union, so could the world and experts as well as with ordinary citi-
envisions China’s combination of eco- join together to create a single govern- zens throughout the world. It contains
nomic expansion, military strength, and ing entity. Many nations are already both statistical and analytical research,
diplomatic aggressiveness as the path to moving in this direction in their trade as well as more than a little speculation.
its future global dominance. negotiations, defense alliances such as The reader need not agree with all of
Starobin labels a fourth possible the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its premises or conclusions to find the
outcome of American decline as “City- and the World Court. Moreover, book of considerable value. TFL
States”—a modern version of those in advanced technology, convenient trav-
ancient and medieval times. Under this el, and instant communications have John C. Holmes served as a U.S. admin-
scenario, the importance of the nation- produced worldwide interacting econo- istrative law judge for 30 years, retir-
state would diminish as populations mies. Toyota has become a successful ing in 2004 as chief administrative law
feel more connected to the cultural “American” company, while General judge at the U.S. Department of the In-
developments of their more immedi- Motors and Burger King are successful terior. He currently works part time as a
ate regions. Although this notion may in Japan and other countries throughout legal and judicial consultant and can
seem unlikely, Starobin notes that 40 the world. China imports coal, iron ore, be reached at [email protected].