Contract-1 Dec 2019
Contract-1 Dec 2019
Contract-1 Dec 2019
I Sem. 3 Year LL.B/ V Sem. 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. Systemy B.B.A. LL.B/
lV Sem. 5 Year B.A. LL.B/B.B.A. LL.B/V Semester 5 Year B.Com. LL.B.
Duration : 3 Hours
Q. No. 1. "All contracts are agreements, but all agreements are not
contracts." Explain with reference to essentials of valid
contract. Marks: 16
"o*_ doa&rlgb r.doddqb, udd aeEu{oddd: dcn&ddo"r" - €3
deedo$d1 enndrd doaod ddrr$ srodddooori adoxr.
.01 au2a4/'10423 -2- ilililtilililil[ililllllllllllilllllilllillllilllllilllllffilllllll .
' .Q. No.S. "An agreement without consideration is void." Explain this
t: t'
statement with exceptions, if any. Marks : 16
'' d..ade&o
-)- -t- - -..d r-doddr
-d n$d,-Dd. " 63 desrdo$d:.t erd6a drledd
a) Revocation of offer
-rdd bodrl*todca8
grujcDcJ oooe, lGDuJd:C:
e. No. e. sorve any two of the foltowing problems ,i(:*tr)$ Marks :2x10=20
rodeori$oooil &sor oD&.
,X,the seller of his motor car in the course of describing his
car had said - "while the body line of the car is fine and
no dents at atl, but the left hand side rear view is broken".
'Y', bought the car relying on the representations made by
'X'. Latlr, on delivery, ne comes to know that actually right
hand side rear view mirror is broken and not the left hand
side mirror. 'Y' sought to avoid the contract on the ground
of misinterpretation. Decide with reasons'
.x, d) d{ doeoo& addl dnot^l dndaod rood rbeod:u1
$o$ aiodq,.Fagd &eeJ o3ndlde aaprodd rbdge.t;f,
-dq $oeodl4d. dodd aduoo$ &ouo d"Yd dtaq]l:
dooGncb., aoldmn De u6o$ boua doet'ld dda
aaortooa&dl* .aed) a)d)$d. d) d' ddJ ododdnan
doad$* de,aader: d oJ,3Fry d. rodeod€o o6ri 0saF oDfu .
01 01 t2a41rc423 -4- r ililil Iilil ffiil rilil ililI ililt ililt ltil ilIil Iilil tffi iltil till ilil
' .Ai c) 'A' bought a ticket to watch a movie at the theatre two days
before the scheduled show. Due to unprecedented rains
in the city, the theatre is spoiled by the collapse of a major
portion of the wall. As a result, the show was cancelled. ln
a claim for the recovery of ticket price and the damages for
breach, the manager pleaded the defence that the ticket on
the back of it contained the terms, which said 'ticket price
. shall not be returned if the show is cancelled for whatever
reason'. Decide if 'A' is entitled for the return of ticket price
and also for compensation for breach.
's'd) erlod $ddrd{ add> adrld d>ozi e-od> l,&*a
aboadde) aiodz.:$ aefrde:r r-od: o^3deor $oeotdd>. drlddel
bododo aasad elddodd ubso$an xr&dD aboadd ddDs)
rioedo1> $xrcodd. edd domEdraan $ddrdg ddJto$Jd.
'e'd) eider,tr deJ drdl dcnodwe.r_ofldrl doaadddl doe&qd.
,lr&*D $oadd drdngddd: t^ider^:.d boqnddO_ "oJn$de
$cUrd ddgtoodO_, u^iderd drdt1 &oo&niodae_,,
aou dr:gd uodddl doeo, 8d{ot'ooad. 'e,d) o^3der,tr dea
ab$ dcnod wo_of,drl deo dooad ddoJ:ud,:de, aorudd1
aodearldooorl Omrou:$.