Guidance and Counseling Record Management System: June 2021
Guidance and Counseling Record Management System: June 2021
Guidance and Counseling Record Management System: June 2021
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Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
1. Development and Description of Records status of the Guidance and Counseling Office and its
Management System based on the following stages proficiency for technological change.
of system development: 1.2 The data given by the Guidance and Counselors
1.1 Planning. were carefully analyzed, organized, and categorized in
1.2 Analysis. preparation for the presentation design.
1.3 Design. 1.3 The researchers enlisted a set of categorical
1.4 Coding. components as basis for content presentation. Through
1.5 Testing. several research, supplements were constantly being added to
1.6 Implementation; and the original outline until a final outline had been completed.
1.7 Maintenance. 1.4 Aside from the components for content
2. Assessment of respondents on the developed Record presentation, the schedule of activities was also plotted.
Management System based on the following criteria: Project’s Gantt chart illustrates the seven stages of system
2.1 Functionality. of the project development with respect to time, i.e., from the
2.2 Usability. first week of January 2018 to the last week of March 2018.
2.3 Portability.
2.4 Efficiency; and
2.5 Security.
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
desirable for the record management using Visual Basic 3.4 The entity-relationship diagram was drawn to
2017. Figure 2 shows the Visual Basic 2017 Integrated show the overall concept of the system. Figure 4 illustrates the
Development Environment, in this form a student will be able entity relationship diagram for the developed record
to view his/her profile and edit information such as personal management system for Guidance and Counseling Office of
information, family background, educational background, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology.
Academic Performance and self-evaluation.
Stage 4 – Coding
Stage 5 – Testing
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
Table 2: Assessment of the Respondents on Usability Table 3 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.29
is interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the
IT assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that
User of the
STATEMENT Practitione Overall the two groups of respondents strongly agreed on the
efficiency of Developed Record Management System.
The system
Based on the assessment of the two groups of
provides respondents, all these four items got strongly agree responses:
appropriateness of 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA The system permit retrieval of both individual records and
option in the user files or other groupings of related records(WM = 4.25); The
interface. system provides complete and accurate information of
The system students(WM = 4.45); The system provides faster response
design, screen and processing of information needed (WM = 4.20); The
4.30 SA 4.30 SA 4.30 SA
layout and colors system is capable to provide the administrator to access fast
are appealing. and unfailing information (WM = 4.25).The strongly agree
There is less effort
responses of the two groups of respondents can be interpreted
required to learn
4.50 SA 4.40 SA 4.45 SA to mean that they find the Record Management System
how to use the
system. efficient because it allows them to retrieve individual records
The system is and files, as well as other groups of related records, and
easily operated by provides faster response and processing of information.
4.30 SA 4.30 SA 4.30 SA
a given user in
each environment. 2.4 Portability
AVERAGE 4.33 SA 4.33 SA 4.33 SA Table 4 shows the assessment of the two groups of
respondents on the Developed Record Management System
based on its Portability.
2.3 Efficiency Table 4: Assessment of the Respondents on Portability
User of the
Table 3 shows the assessment of the two groups of Practitione Overall
respondents on Developed Record Management System based r
on its efficiency. W W W
Table 3: Assessment of the Respondents on Efficiency Backups are
IT provided by the
User of the system to protect
STATEMENT Practitione Overall
System against data loss 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA
WM VD WM VD WM VD due to equipment
The system failure or human
permits retrieval mistake.
of both individual The system can
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA keep the records in
records and files
or other groupings a usable format for
of related records. their required
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA
The system retention period
provides complete and until their
and accurate 4.50 SA 4.40 SA 4.45 SA permitted disposal
information of date.
students. Through
The system conversion or
provides faster migration, the
response and system maintains a
4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.20 SA 4.25 SA
processing of relationship
information between records
needed. and associated
The system is metadata.
capable to provide The system ensures
the administrator that data is not lost
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA due to
to access fast and 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA
unfailing technological
information. changes or
AVERAGE 4.28 SA 4.30 SA 4.29 SA degradation
AVERAGE 4.24 SA 4.28 SA 4.26 SA
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
Table 4 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.26 Table 5 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.28
interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the is interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the
assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that
the two sets of respondents strongly agreed on the portability the two groups of respondents strongly agreed on the security
of the Record Management System. of Developed Record Management System
Based on the assessment of the two groups of respondents Based on the assessment of the two groups of
all these four items got strongly agree responses: Backups are respondents, all these four items got strongly agree responses:
provided by the system to protect against data loss due to The system allows only authorized personnel access to the
records in the system(WM = 4.28); The system allows only
equipment failure or human mistake (WM = 4.30); The
authorized personnel to perform administrative functions
system can keep the records in a usable format for their
required retention period and until their permitted disposal such as assigning access rights(WM = 4.35); The system is
date.(WM = 4.25); Through conversion or migration, the capable to minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or
system maintains a relationship between records and erasure of the records(WM = 4.20); The system is capable to
associated metadata. (WM = 4.25); The system ensures that provide an appropriate level of security for the records its
data is not lost due to technological changes or degradation. manages(WM = 4.28).The strongly agree responses of the
(WM = 4.30). This strongly agree responses of the two two sets of respondents can be interpreted to mean that the
groups of respondents indicates that the Developed Record Developed Record Management System is found secured by
Management System is found portable in the sense that the them since the system is capable to provide an appropriate
system can retain the records in a usable format for their level of security for the records its manages, and capable to
minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or erasure of the
required retention period and until their authorized
disposition date, and it provides backup to protect against data
loss due to equipment failures or human error.
2.5 Security 5. CONCLUSIONS
Table 5 indicates how the two sets of respondents The following are the conclusions drawn from the
rated the efficiency of the Developed Record Management findings of the study.
System. 1. The development of the Record Management
Table 5: Assessment of the Respondents on Security
System underwent the phases for System Development Life
IT Cycle (SDLC) such as: Stage 1 – Planning; Stage 2 –
User of the Analysis; Stage 3 – Design; Stage 4 – Coding; Stage 5 –
STATEMENT Practitione Overall
System Testing; Stage 6- Implementation; and Stage 7 –
WM VD WM VD WM VD Maintenance.
The system allows 2. The system took three months to be developed was
only authorized accomplished using Visual Basic 2017 programming
personnel access to 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA language and Microsoft SQL Server 2017 database.
the records in the 3. Record Management System has been strongly
accepted by the respondents based on their assessment on
The system allows
these five criteria: functionality, usability, efficiency,
only authorized
personnel to portability, and security.
perform 4. The suggestions given by the group of respondents
4.30 SA 4.40 SA 4.35 SA may be considered for future enhancement of the system.
functions such as
assigning access 6. RECOMMENDATIONS
The system is Based on the findings drawn, the following
capable to recommendations were presented:
minimize the risk 1. A full implementation of Record Management
of unauthorized 4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.20 SA System must be done for every Guidance and Counseling
alteration or
offices in each different campuses and colleges of the
erasure of the
records University.
The system is 2. Training for the users of the Record Management
capable to provide System must be done, for the correct and reliable encoding of
an appropriate information on the database system.
4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA
level of security for 3. Provide policies and guidelines that give emphasis
the records it on the usage, application, and benefits of the system
AVERAGE 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
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