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DLL Week 3

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School Grade Level 8

Teacher Learning Area English

Daily Lesson Log
Teaching Dates and Quarter 1st Quarter (Week 2)


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading
styles vis-à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related,
and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the
proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/  EN8WC-Ic-1.1: Generate  EN8SS-I-c-1.5.1: Skim to  EN8V-Ic-10.2: Determine  EN8G-Ic-7: Use parallel
Objectives ideas and their determine key ideas the meaning of idiomatic structures
relationships  EN8VC-Ic-8: Use context expressions by noting  EN8G-Ic-8: Use
 EN8LC-Ic-5.1: Listen for clues from the material context clues and appropriate cohesive
important points signaled viewed to determine the collocations devices in composing an
by intonation meaning of unfamiliar  EN8WC-Ic-1.1.6: informative speech
 EN8Ol-Ic-3.11: Use the words or expressions Organize ideas in phrase
correct sounds of English  EN8LT-Ic-2.2: Explain outline forms
how the elements specific
to a genre contribute to the
theme of a particular
literary selection
 EN8LT-Ic-8: Describe the
notable genres contributed
by African writers
 EN8LT-Ic-2.2.1: Express
appreciation for sensory
images used
 EN8LT-Ic-2.2.2: Explain
the literary devices used
II. CONTENT Generating Ideas and Relationships Skimming Idiomatic Expressions Using Parallel Structures
Intonation Piano and Drums Outlining in Phrase Forms Cohesive Devices
Sounds in English Elements of a Short Story
Sensory Images
Literary Devices
III. I Informative Speech
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Material pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Instructional aids (photos, Instructional aids (photos, Instructional aids (photos, Instructional aids (photos,
rubrics), technology aids rubrics), technology aids rubrics), technology aids rubrics), technology aids
(computer, internet, television, (computer, internet, television, (computer, internet, television, (computer, internet, television,
movies, DVD) movies, DVD) movies, DVD) movies, DVD)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or (Task 1) Ask the students to Have a recapitulation of the Have a recapitulation of the Have a recapitulation of the
presenting the new lesson view the two pictures. previous activities. previous activities. previous activities.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the questions: Introduce skimming. Take some collocations from the Take some sentences from the life
lesson 1. What is being shown on the (Task 4) Let the students skim the text. of Gabriel Okara with
first picture? How about on the given paragraphs that will give unparalleled
second? them the overview of the lesson. structure.
2. What is the relationship of the Let them answer the questions on
pictures? their notebook.
3. Which places use the first
picture for medication? How
about the second?
C. Presenting examples/ Ask the questions: (Task 5: Vocabulary Enrichment) Ask the students what these are Ask the students what they have
instances of the new lesson 4. If you were to choose between Let them skim the whole story. called. noticed in the given sentences.
the two, which do you prefer to Use context clues and
be used to you? Why? collocations to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words and
5. How do you feel about the
answer of your classmate which (Task 6) Let them listen as you
is different from yours? say the words. Remind the
students to use the correct
sounds in English as the students
repeat them.
D. Discussing new concepts and (Task 2) Ask the students to view Introduce the writer and her short Discuss collocations and give Discuss parallel structure and
practicing new skills # 1 a video that shows the difference biography examples. examples.
traditional and conventional Ask the students what might be Discuss idiomatic expressions
medicines. Let them take note of the story’s general topic and give examples.
the facts and questions. Let them read it afterwards
Ask the questions that followed
each part
E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss rising and falling Introduce African short stories, Introduce outlining and discuss Discuss coherence and examples.
practicing new skills # 2 intonation. Elaborate the the elements that contribute to the how it is done.
examples. themes and some literary devices.
F. Developing Mastery Ask the questions: (Task 7) Group the class Ask the students to give their own Ask the students to correct your
(Leads to Formative 1. What is the video all about? according to their multiple example of collocations. example sentences.
Assessment 3) 2. What are the facts that you intelligences. Each group will be Ask the students to give their own Let the students compose an
gathered from the material? How given a task that analyzes the example of idiomatic expressions informative text as a section using
elements and devices of the text and their meaning. cohesive devices.
did she say it?
and present it in class.
3. What are the questions thrown Activities include:
by the host? How did she say it?  summarizing events
4. What is the difference with the  showing the relationship
manner of stating facts and some of the characters
questions?  making a table of the
words that appeal to the
different senses
 choosing words that
contribute to the text’s
general theme
 explaining the conflicts
presented in the text
 drawing the main setting
of the story
G. Finding practical application Ask the students to come up with  compose a jingle that (Task 9) Ask the students to look (Task 11) Rewrite the sentences
of concepts and skills in daily their own example sentences that includes the metaphors for the collocations and idiomatic to show parallelism.
living they deliver everyday delivering used expressions used in the poem. Let
it with correct intonation.  (Task 8) Answer the them give the meaning of the
questions about the theme
idiomatic expressions.
of the text.

H. Making the generalizations Proper intonation delivers the A writer uses elements with Outlining is an effective way to When all the sentences in
and abstractions about the right message. reasons. These elements organize your ideas and is useful paragraph flow smoothly
lesson. contribute to the theme of the when you take notes. together, coherence is achieved.
I. Evaluating Learning (Task 3) Compose a 5- sentence  presenting a tableau with a (Task 10) Present an informative
(Task 12) Let the students read
paragraph about the video you symbol that best text about the writer of Once the text “Once Upon a Time”
viewed earlier. Look for a represents the theme of Upon a Time, Gabriel Okara. Letonce more. As a group, compose
the selection them make an outline of the a paragraph that interprets the
partner. A student will deliver
information presented in
ideas presented in the text in not
his/her paragraph to his/her PHRASES. less than ten (10) sentences.
partner. While listening, his/her Remind them to use at least ten
partner will write down the (10) cohesive devices as well.
intonation used in each sentence. (Task 13) Let the students pick a
Then his/her partner will do the topic, compose a paragraph that
same. informs, and write it on their
notebook. Remind them that their
details should be factual.
J. Additional activities for Listen to the delivery of the Watch the presentation of the Check the work of the students. (Task 14) Introduce informative
application or remediation students. Let the listeners provide students. Let the audience provide Provide constructive criticisms. speech and the final task which is
feedback. feedback. to put up your own and creative
exhibit showcasing the traditions
and values of selected Afro-
Asian countries discussed from
Lessons 1- 3.
A. Number of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. Number of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. Number of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/ discover which I
wish to share with other

Eloquence 8, page 43-44

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