DLL Week 3
DLL Week 3
DLL Week 3
H. Making the generalizations Proper intonation delivers the A writer uses elements with Outlining is an effective way to When all the sentences in
and abstractions about the right message. reasons. These elements organize your ideas and is useful paragraph flow smoothly
lesson. contribute to the theme of the when you take notes. together, coherence is achieved.
I. Evaluating Learning (Task 3) Compose a 5- sentence presenting a tableau with a (Task 10) Present an informative
(Task 12) Let the students read
paragraph about the video you symbol that best text about the writer of Once the text “Once Upon a Time”
viewed earlier. Look for a represents the theme of Upon a Time, Gabriel Okara. Letonce more. As a group, compose
the selection them make an outline of the a paragraph that interprets the
partner. A student will deliver
information presented in
ideas presented in the text in not
his/her paragraph to his/her PHRASES. less than ten (10) sentences.
partner. While listening, his/her Remind them to use at least ten
partner will write down the (10) cohesive devices as well.
intonation used in each sentence. (Task 13) Let the students pick a
Then his/her partner will do the topic, compose a paragraph that
same. informs, and write it on their
notebook. Remind them that their
details should be factual.
J. Additional activities for Listen to the delivery of the Watch the presentation of the Check the work of the students. (Task 14) Introduce informative
application or remediation students. Let the listeners provide students. Let the audience provide Provide constructive criticisms. speech and the final task which is
feedback. feedback. to put up your own and creative
exhibit showcasing the traditions
and values of selected Afro-
Asian countries discussed from
Lessons 1- 3.
A. Number of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. Number of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. Number of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/ discover which I
wish to share with other
Eloquence 8, page 43-44