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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Ghode et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

SJIF Impact Factor 8.074

Volume 8, Issue 9, 1772-1781. Research Article ISSN 2277– 7105


*Dr. Shweta P. Ghode, 1Vibhavari M. Chatur, 2Dr. Prashant D. Ghode,
Nikhil Shaha, 3Satyajeet Prajapati and 3Atul Thorave

Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Institute of pharmaceutical Education and Research, Chinchwad,
JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy and Research, Tathawade, Pune-33.
B. Pharm Third year students, Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Institute of pharmaceutical Education
and Research, Chinchwad, Pune-19.

Article Received on
The main objective of the present study was to prepare polyherbal
20 June 2019,
Revised on 10 July 2019, scrub. Nowadays cosmetic have become an important part in the day to
Accepted on 31 July 2019
day life for both men & women to lead a happy & confident life.
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20199-15614
Keeping in the mind that the cosmetic should be free from synthetic
chemicals/Drug, so we came on conclusion to prepare & evaluate a
*Corresponding Author polyherbal facial scrub to prevent Acne, Scars, Tanning, Wrinkles,
Dr. Shweta P. Ghode
Aging, and Redness. This facial scrub content herb which shows
Rasiklal M. Dhariwal
Antioxidants, Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Skin brightener, Diminish
Institute of pharmaceutical
Education and Research, permanent marks & Reducing inflammation properties. In this
Chinchwad, Pune-19. preparation we have used the main ingredient as Sunflower seeds and
other natural ingredients as Charcoal, Fuller’s Earth, Coffee, Turmeric,
and Rice flour, Gram Flour. Sunflowers seeds are also rich in minerals like calcium, copper,
iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc. 128 gm of
sunflower seeds contains 89.6 mg calcium, 4.9 mg iron, 165 mg magnesium, 1478 mg
phosphorus, 1088 mg potassium, 3.8 mg sodium, 6.8mg zinc, 2.3 mg copper, 2.7 manganese
mg and 102 mcg selenium as given by USDA (2008).[10,11] Sunflower seed oil has been
studied for its protective effect on biophysical properties of skin in humans. The prepared
scrub was evaluated for various parameter Color, Odor, Consistency, pH, Viscosity,
Spreadability, Washability & Irritability found to be satisfy with all require characterization. Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1772

Ghode et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Thus, the prepared polyherbal facial scrub can be used for bearing a healthy & glowing
natural skin.

KEYWORDS: Sunflowers seeds, Facial Scrub, Antioxidants, Vit E (Alpha Tocopherol).

The demand for herbal cosmetics is high nowadays due to its ability to act as cosmetics and
drugs. Skin care products are important factor to improve the confidence in individuals.
Women were thought to be the larger consumer of skin care products but in the present
scenario men are equally concern about their look.[1] This concept about the beauty, look and
attractiveness leads to the boom in this field. The cosmeceutical companies produce their
product based on the skin texture like men require special type of products due to the
roughness of their skin than women.[2]

The health of an individual is mainly represented by the skin which is the major part of the
body. Lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates are the composition of skin. Skin can be affected by
biological, hormonal, environmental factors. To keep the skin healthy and glossy it should be
nourished with balanced diet. Environmental factors such as UV rays, pollution, dust,
climatic changes will intensify the issues related to skin. Environmental causes can be
prevented from skin damage by treating with topical application of synthetic or herbal
cosmetics. Cosmetic is a Greek word, which is intended to be applied on the skin to improve
the beauty and health of the skin.[3] It can be used for various purposes such as cleansing,
glowing, protecting, moisturizing, softening, whitening etc. Today herbal cosmetics are great
in demand due to its ability to nourish the skin with all its necessity without any side effects.
Different types of herbal topical application of cosmetics are in the market such as facial
mask, peel off, sunscreen gel, facial scrub etc.

Facial Scrub
Cosmetics are available as various forms and each has its own role to play on the skin. Skin
becomes dull, non glowing due to various causes and these can effectively be overcome with
the application of scrubs. There are two types of scrub being used on the skin such as facial
scrub and body scrub. These two differ only with the ratios of oil and sugar added in each.
Usage of oil is high in facial scrub due to which it is less abrasive. It removes the dead skin
cell and exfoliates the skin. Scrub can be used on any type of skin. Only the essential oil used
in scrub as ingredient will vary with the type of skin. Skin is classified into three types such Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1773

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as dry skin, oily skin, and sensitive skin.[4] On regular use of scrubs, skin becomes glowing
and smoother because dead skin cells are removing thereby exposing new skin cells. Mild
abrasive agent is one of the key ingredients in facial scrub formulation. Scrubs can be directly
applied on to the skin or can be applied with small cosmetic pad. Gentle message is
recommended on application of the scrub gel which helps to improve blood circulation and
increases oxygen supply to all surface of the skin.[5]

Ideal Properties of Scrub

An ideal scrub is accepted to possess the following properties.[6]
It should be
 Non toxic
 Possess small gritty particles
 Mild abrasive
 Non irritating
 Non sticky
 Able to remove dead skin cells

Why scrub
 In a nutshell, lipids are skin's natural fats.
 They are essential components of skin and play a crucial role in maintaining the strength
of the skin's protective barrier, which holds moisture, protects the skin from damage and
keeps dirt and impurities out.
 The epidermal lipids of keratinocyte origin play an essential role in the skin's barrier
 These lipids provide a barrier against the movement of water and electrolytes as well as a
barrier against microorganism invasion.
 The epidermis has a very active synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids and ceramides.

Benefits of Ingredients Used In Facial Scrub

1. Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) Sunflower plant a leading oil seed crop which is
cultivated primarily for its seeds, ranks second for edible oil production globally after
soybean oil.[7,8] It is native to Middle American region later being commercially available at
global level.[11] Sunflower is cultivated globally for its oil and protein content predominantly.
Proteins present in sunflower seeds have favourable amino acid distribution. Also in addition,
tocopherols, minerals, and vitamins are provided by sunflower seeds in substantial Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1774

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amounts.[9] Half cup [64gm] of dry roasted sunflower seeds provide 370 kcal energy, 7gm of
dietary fibres and 12 gm of proteins Among vitamins, 17mg of vitamin E, 4.5gm of niacin,
0.5mg of pyridoxine,4.5mg of pentothenic acid and 151mcg of folic acid are present in 64gm
of dry roasted sunflower seeds. Sunflowers seeds are also rich in minerals like calcium,
copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc.
128 gm of sunflower seeds contains 89.6 mg calcium, 4.9 mg iron, 165 mg magnesium, 1478
mg phosphorus, 1088 mg potassium, 3.8 mg sodium, 6.8mg zinc, 2.3 mg copper, 2.7
manganese mg and 102 mcg selenium as given by USDA (2008).[10,11] Sunflower seed oil has
been studied for its protective effect on biophysical properties of skin in humans.

Sunflower Seeds are mainly grown for Youthful Skin. Sunflower seeds are rich source of
selenium, another powerful antioxidant nutrient, which assists vitamin E in repairing your
DNA. They contain copper, which helps to produce the melanin that gives your skin its
unique pigment. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E and a very good source
of copper and vitamin B1. In addition, sunflower seeds are a good source of
manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, folate and niacin.

Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic
purposes and is found to be effective against acne, eczema, inflammation, general redness
and irritation of the skin. Some of the benefits of sunflower oil for the skin. As the seeds of
the sun-worshipping sunflower, they also help to promote glowing, youthful skin. They're
rich in vitamin E, your body's main fat soluble antioxidant. Further benefits of sunflower
seeds for a youthful complexion include its high levels of magnesium.

Fig. 1: Contents of Sunflower seeds. Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1775

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2. Coffee (Coffee arabica) The mixture of coffee and milk will leave your skin clear from
dirt and dead skin cells and makes skin soft and smooth. It will also calm
your skin's redness and reduce inflammation of the skin. Note: you can apply it as an eye
mask for puffy eyes. It can help you to reduce inflammation of the skin.
3. Orange peel (Citrus sinensis) Orange is a citrus fruit which contains different nutritional
source such as vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It prevents the skin from
free radical damage, skin hydration and oxidative stress. Also it has instant glow property,
prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and aging.[7]
4. Rice Flour (Oryza sativa) Rice Flour has been used for centuries as a natural beauty aid
by Asian women. It's natural anti ageing and oil-absorbing properties, makes them good
for oily or acne-prone and dull mature skin. It's also a good anti-inflammatory and skin
whitening agent that soothes sunburned skin and makes skin smooth and fairer.
5. Gram flour (Cicer arietinum) Gram flour face mask is good for acne-prone skin and can
help to lighten any acne scars. It can also be applied all over the body to remove dark
spots caused by the sun and will leave your skin feeling brighter.
6. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Turmeric is mainly used to rejuvenate the skin. It delays the
signs of aging like wrinkles and also possesses other properties like antibacterial,
antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is best source of blood purifier. It is effective in
treatment of acne due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties that fight pimples and
breakouts to provide a youthful glow to your skin. It also reduces the oil secretion by the
sebaceous glands.[8,9]
7. Activated charcoal (Charcoal Mora) Activated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons,
chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of skin, helping you to achieve a
flawless complexion and fight acne. Charcoal is not metabolized, adsorbed or absorbed
by the body, but it can be used to treat some poisonous bites and disinfect some wounds.
8. Multani Mitti (Calcium bentonite) Multani mitti helps skin by different ways like
diminishing pore sizes, removing blackheads and whiteheads fading freckles, soothing
sunburns, cleansing skin, improving blood circulation, complexion, reducing acne and
blemishes and gives a glowing effect to a skin as they contain healthy nutrients. Multani
mitti is rich magnesium chloride.[10] Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1776

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Different formulations of Face pack
Table 1: Different formulations of Face pack.
F3 F4
Ingredients Role F1 (gm) F2 (gm)
(gm) (gm)
Sunflower seeds 5 5 5 5

Coffee Powder 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Orange Peels Vitamin C 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Skin whitening
Rice Flour 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

Remove dark
Gram Flour 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

Turmeric Powder 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Remove oil
Charcoal 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
and dirt

Multani Mitti 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Honey - Qs - - -
Milk - - Qs - -
Rose Water - - - Qs -
Butter Milk - - - - Qs

Preparation of Face Pack

The powdered ingredients were mixed and sieved using #40 mesh weighed accurately and
mixed geometrically for uniform mixing. This was then stored in an air tight container for
evaluation. Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1777

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Fig. 2: Prepared face pack.

Evaluation of Scrub with different solvents

Table 2: Evaluation of scrub with different solvents.
Honey Poor effect
Milk Better effect
Butter milk Excellent effect
Rose Water Good effect

 In Buttermilk due to astringent properties of lactic acid it helps in preventing premature

aging and tightens the skin and keeps it wrinkle-free and youthful.
 Rose water has its own fragrance.

How to use?
 Make the paste by mixing final mixture of herbs with rose water or butter milk.
 Apply paste locally on face for 10-15 mins.
 Rub the face for 2-3 mins and wash with fresh water.

Evaluation Parameter of Facial Scrub

Table 3: Evaluation parameter of facial scrub.
Parameters Observation
Nature Powder
Color Dark Green
Taste Characteristics
Texture Fine
Odor Pleasant
pH 6
Total ash 0.3 % w/w
Moisture content 4 % w/w
Tapped Density 18gm/cc
General Bulk Density 25gm/cc
Powder Angle of repose 50.190
Characteristics Grittiness No gritty particle
Nature of Face after wash Soft and fresh, clean from dirt Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1778

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Before Scrub Applied After

Fig 2: Photographs of Before and After Polyherbal Scrub Application.


By the studying all Evaluation Parameter like Organoleptic, Physicochemical & General
powder Characteristic of Poly herbal Face Scrub was developed.

The face pack is beneficial, economical & passed all evaluation Parameter. This scrub mainly
contains the sunflower seeds provides rich source of selenium, another powerful antioxidant
nutrient, which assists vitamin E and repairs your DNA. The scrub contains copper, which
helps to produce the melanin that gives your skin its unique pigment. Sunflower seeds are an
excellent source of vitamin E and a very good source of copper and vitamin B1. In addition,
sunflower seeds are a good source of manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin
B6, folate and niacin. The dosage of vit. E (Alpha Tocopherol) and topical use in skin care
products is mostly used at conc. of 5% or less. By regular topical application of alpha
Tocopherol of less than 0.2% leads to significant increased levels of vit. E in the stratum
corneum of human skin and protects against lipid peroxidation in vivo.[16] Therefore topical
formulations containing alpha tocopherol at concentration ranging from 0.1% to 1% are
likely to be effective skin care measures to enhance antioxidant protection of the skin barrier.

In the present work, we found good properties for the Face Scrub on human Skin as cosmetic
products. Skin is outermost organ of the body, which frequently and directly exposed to a
pro-oxidative environment including UV radiations, drugs and air pollutants. Vitamin E is an
essential nutrient that is receiving growing attention in the skin care industry because of its
antioxidant properties. Sunflower seed oil is a good source of essential fatty acids such as
linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids which encourage the formation of collagen and Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019. 1779

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elastin, thus making your skin soft and smooth. This Face scrub comes in use of stimulation
of blood circulation, Reduction in Dark circle, Acne & Scars.

By performing and studying various formulations we came to know that rose water and butter
milk gives the best result but we have chosen rose water. Because rose water have its
fragrance as compare to butter milk.

In the prepared, 5gm of sunflower seed contains 1.75mg i.e 11% of vit. E which is sufficient
to enhance antioxidant protection of the skin barrier.

The face pack is beneficial, economical & passed all evaluation Parameter.

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