1.3 Factors That Shape A Company Strategy
1.3 Factors That Shape A Company Strategy
1.3 Factors That Shape A Company Strategy
Societal, political regulatory and citizenship considerations: All organizations operate within a society.
Hence, social expectations, values, and ethical considerations play a vital role in shaping a strategy. Moreover,
economic, societal, political, regulatory, and citizenship factors limit the strategic actions a company can or
should take.
Competitive conditions and overall industry attractiveness: A company’s strategy should be tailored to fit
industry and competitive conditions. Various competitive conditions like price, product quality, performance
features; service, warranties, and so on play a vital role in shaping a strategy.
The company’s market opportunities and external threats: A good strategy aims at capturing a company’s
best growth opportunities. It also aims at defending against external threats to its well-being and future
Company resource, strength, competencies, and competitive capabilities: One of the most crucial strategy-
shaping considerations is whether a company has or can acquire the resources, competencies, and capabilities
needed to execute a strategy proficiently.
The personal ambitions, businesses philosophy, and ethical beliefs of managers: Various studies indicate
that manager’s ambitions, values, business philosophies, attitude toward risk, and ethical beliefs have an
important influence on strategy.
The influence of shared values and company culture for strategy: A company’s policies, practices,
traditions, philosophical beliefs, and ways of -doing things come together to create a distinctive culture. Culture
can dominate the kinds of strategic moves a company considers or rejects.
Environmental scanning:
The process by which organizations monitor their relevant environment to identify opportunities and threats
affecting their business is known as environmental scanning’
Environmental analysis is the process by which strategist monitor the environmental factors to determine
opportunities for and threats to their firms.
Approaches to environmental scanning:
Systematic approach: This approach demands a systematic collection of information for scanning an
environment. Different types of information related to market, competitors, customers, regulations, etc.
may have a direct impact on the organization’s business. So these are required to be closely monitored
regularly to determine relevant facts and figures. This type of approach is best suitable for strategic
management activities and operational tasks.
Ad-hoc basis approach: In this approach, organizations conduct special surveys on an ad-hoc basis
related to certain environmental issues. These studies or surveys may be considered while initiating
new projects or to update current strategies.
Secondary information approach: This approach consists of the use of processed form information
which is collected from different internal and external environment i.e. government agencies,
educational institutes, etc. So, in this approach, information is obtained from secondary resources.