Marketing Channels of Egg and Poultry

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I. Meaning: Farmers producing agricultural produce are scattered in remote villages while consumers
are in semi-urban and urban areas. This produce has to reach consumers for its final use and
consumption. There are different agencies and functionaries through which this produce passes and
reaches the consumer. A market channel or channel of distribution is therefore defined as a path traced
in the direct or indirect transfer of title of a product as it moves from a producer to an ultimate consumer
or industrial user. Thus, a channel of distribution of a product is the route taken by the ownership of
goods as they move from the producer to the consumer or industrial user.

II. Factors affecting channels: There are several channels of distribution depending upon type of
produce or commodity. Each commodity group has slightly different channel. The factors are :

1. Perishable nature of produce .e.g. fruits, vegetables, flowers, milk, meat, etc.

2. Bulk and weight–cotton, fodders are bulky but light in weight.

3. Storage facilities.

4. Weak or strong marketing agency.

5. Distance between producer and consumer. Whether local market or distant market



The efficiency of marketing channel is reflected by the share of the consumers rupees received by the
producer. The higher the share, greater the efficiency of marketing channel

Egg prices vary from one market to another and from one season to another. In summer, wholesale egg prices
were low to the level which is sometimes lesser than the cost of production. Therefore proper attention has to
be given to efficient disposal of market eggs

The greater the distance between producer and consumer, the more complex is the marketing organization
required to ensure that eggs reach consumers in the form, place and time desired. Producers may decide to
market their produce directly to consumers - direct marketing - or may choose from a variety of marketing
organizations that make up a marketing channel.

Direct marketing includes the following methods of selling:

 Sales from the farm (farm gate);

 Door-to-door sales;

 Producers’ markets; and

 Sales to local retail shops.

A typical marketing channel is made up of:

 Collectors;

 Assembly merchants;

 Wholesalers; and

 retailers.

Direct marketing

Organized marketing channel


Egg producers who are situated a short distance from consumers may be able to practise direct marketing.
Before choosing to sell their products directly to consumers, however, they must evaluate two main factors:

 Time. Producers who choose direct marketing have less time for production activities.

 Cost. The costs involved in direct marketing.

There are four main ways to carry out direct marketing.

Sales from the farm

Producers may be able to sell eggs directly from the farm (farm gate). This, however, will depend on
whether consumers are able and willing to go to the producer’s facilities. The main advantage of farm-gate
selling is that the producer may be able to obtain a market price for eggs without incurring marketing costs.
The main advantage for the consumers is that eggs will be fresh with little or no quality loss.

Door-to-door sales/street hawking

Some consumers prefer that eggs be brought directly to their door. This means that the producer must
spend time on marketing; however, consumers may appreciate the service and be willing to pay a good price.
Furthermore, the producer can take orders directly from consumers and carry only what he/she is assured will
be bought. Eggs may also be sold on the street.

Producers’ markets

Usually the producer simply occupies a stall in a public marketplace and offers his/her produce for
sale. Eggs are commonly displayed in baskets and often differentiated by weight/size and colour. Sales in
producers’ markets permit a farmer to make direct contact with consumers who are not able to go to the
production facilities. The main disadvantage of using such markets is that, towards the end of the day, the
producer may have to either reduce his prices sharply to dispose of remaining stock or carry it back to the

Sales to local retail shops

Producers can also sell directly to local retail shops. This requires some sort of agreement between the
two parties regarding constant supply, quality and payment methods.

In some cases it may be possible for producers to sell directly to institutional consumers such as hotels,
restaurants, schools and hospitals. This type of direct marketing, however, requires negotiation, which may
result in a written contract of the duties and obligations of both parties. It also requires continual interaction
over time between producer and buyer, a standard egg quality agreement and a constant supply. The producer
must carefully evaluate the issues involved including the regular production and transport of large quantities
of eggs.


A marketing channel is composed of a set of separate but interdependent organizations involved in the
process of making a product available to consumers. The use of a marketing channel is convenient particularly
when the producer does not have the time or financial means to carry out direct marketing. Intermediaries are
usually able to make the product widely available and accessible because they are specialized and have
experience and contacts. They also have a better understanding of the egg market. Intermediaries take the risks
involved in marketing and also pay for the produce immediately.



Collectors undertake the initial work of assembling eggs from various producers or local country
markets. They operate either on a commission basis or by purchasing on their own account. Where the quantity
of eggs collected at each stop is small and frequent, this system is often the most economic. Collectors may
be itinerant merchants, producers themselves, assembly merchants, wholesalers or their agents, or retailers.

Assembly merchants
Assembly merchants may be divided into the following categories: local assembly market;
independent processor-packer; and, cooperative processor-packer.

Local assembly market. In a typical local assembly market, a private firm, a producers’ cooperative or a
municipality provides an enclosed space for the use of sellers. Sales may take place by public auction or by
private negotiation, subject to rules such as those on quality and payment arrangements. Auctioning requires
the eggs to be graded and possibly presented in standardized containers, marked with identifying names or
symbols. The local assembly market may provide cold storage facilities for the convenience of market users.

Independent processor-packer. This type of enterprise usually purchases eggs either through collectors or
directly from producers. The processor-packer may pass by the farm and pick up the eggs or the producer may
deliver the eggs to the processing facilities where they are graded and packed. Usually eggs are sold to
wholesalers; however, they are also sold directly to retailers and institutional consumers such as hotels,
restaurants and hospitals.

Cooperative processor-packer. The same type of enterprise may be set up and run by a cooperative association
of producers. The main advantage is that the business is run by and for those who use it, rather than by those
who own it. Cooperatives can obtain financing, provide extra competition to independent processor-packers
and provide an alternative to established intermediaries.

Before forming a cooperative, producers should carefully evaluate:

 The market for eggs;

 Problems in existing marketing channels and how to remedy them;

 The degree of know-how that producers have in marketing;

 Rules and regulations;

 Legal status;

 Availability of finances;

 Staffing requirements; and

 Appropriate geographic location.

Wholesale distributor

Wholesaling includes all the activities involved in selling goods to those who buy for resale or for
business use. The main function of the wholesale distributor is to balance supplies against retail requirements
and to take the initiative of bringing produce from areas where it is plentiful and cheap to those where it is
relatively scare and expensive. Wholesalers usually have a good knowledge of the market, access to the best
information on trends and prospects and working capital to carry business risks as required.
Wholesalers usually obtain eggs from central wholesale markets, assembly merchants, collectors and local
country markets; however, in some instances they go directly to the producers. Eggs may be purchased directly
or accepted for sale on a commission basis. Many wholesalers have their own storage facilities. Wholesale
distributors may engage specialized transport agencies to transport eggs or operate such services on their own

Central wholesale markets

Central wholesale markets receive shipments from large farms and from country markets, and
constitute a supply source where wholesalers and retailers can obtain the various types of produce they need.
General wholesale markets sell many different products, including eggs. Because it is the focus point of many
smaller markets and also the point of contact for suppliers to important groups of consumers, a central market
is usually the primary price-making mechanism for the production areas it serves. In this way it balances
demand and supply.


In urban areas, egg sales are made through retailers. Four types of retailers usually carry eggs in their

 poultry shops where only eggs and poultry are sold;

 food shops specializing in eggs, poultry, cheese, butter, meat and fish;

 general food shops and supermarkets selling all kinds of foods and household goods; and

 meat markets where all types of meat are sold and eggs are also offered for sale.

In some instances retailers buy eggs directly from the producer and may have their own process-packing

As we have seen, marketing channels have different organizations that carry out different functions, or it may
be possible that an organization carries out more than one function. Vertical integration occurs when more
than one of the stages of the marketing channel is carried out by a single organization. For example, a
wholesaler may have processing-packing facilities, retail outlets and employ collectors as well.


Before choosing a marketing channel or channels to market eggs, producers should carefully evaluate the
following factors:

 market requirements and their ability to meet these;

 the type of intermediaries available;

 the number of intermediaries necessary to reach the market;

 alternative intermediaries different from the established marketing channel;

 the responsibilities of intermediaries and terms of possible agreements;

 costs involved;

 possible sales by the marketing channel; and

 the possibility of selling through a number of marketing channels.




A broiler is any chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) that is bred and raised specifically
for meat production. Most commercial broilers reach slaughter weight between four and seven weeks of age,
although slower growing breeds reach slaughter weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. Typical broilers
have white feathers and yellowish skin.

Marketing Channels :

 Producer – consumer

 Producer – Retailer – Consumer

 Producer – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer

 Producer – Co-operative society – Wholesaler – Retailer - Consumer

Broiler Making Integration :

 Integration is the association, coordination, amalgamation of companies engaged in various stages of

production of particular product, or related products, so that, there will be a smooth flow of inputs and
outputs from one unit to other, leading to overall reduction in the cost of production of the final product

 In all developed countries, the poultry production at present is an integrated operation from the primary
breeder to the consumer. Each stage or unit is associated with the other stages

 An integrator will coordinate all these activities. Usually, an integrator is the owner of the processing
plant, hatchery and the feed mill and pay commission to others for the services rendered by them

 There are only few integrators in each developed country, who will control the entire poultry
production in these countries
 The poultry farmers are acting only as contract growers receiving commission for the eggs,
broilers and turkeys produced by them. The farmers are not the owners of the birds, but the
integrators are the real owners.


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