Oak 2021 Secondary Ks3 Ks4 Science

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Secondary: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4

Curriculum plan 2020-21

1. Curriculum Principles

Below are a set of principles we have sought to apply in our curriculum planning within science. These are adapted
for science from the generic principles guiding all Oak lessons.

Coherence and flexibility

We strive to support schools by giving them an online learning offer that can be flexible to fit alongside their
existing curriculum. We need to balance this together with coherence, as complete flexibility would imply only
standalone lessons, where none can build upon any other. In striking this balance, we will lean towards giving the
maximum flexibility possible (where this does not compromise coherence - see point 3 below for further
clarification). All units will have revision lessons at the end to consolidate knowledge, which can be standalone if
only that topic has been taught, and, where disciplinary knowledge is woven into the units, there will be reminders
of previously used scaffolds and prompts.

Subjects first
The science curriculum is structured into biology, chemistry and physics units, with working scientifically skills
taught in context throughout. This will be made explicit to the pupils within lessons. In terms of science’s
relationship and overlap with other subjects (e.g. geography and maths), we will not be able to create cross-

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curricular coherence as the units can be taught in multiple orders. Therefore, cross curricular topics (such as Earth
science) will not cohere with other subjects (e.g. geography).

Knowledge organisation
The units in the science curriculum are grouped by key stage, with a suggested route through, organised within
year groups. In Key Stage 4, units are sequenced according to the AQA specification (with two exceptions, P3
Particles and B7 Ecology). In most circumstances, the units within a given year can be sequenced flexibly, but there
is an assumption in the creation of the units that knowledge in any given year is building on units from previous
years (i.e. that units in year 5 are planned with the assumption that units in year 4 have been taught). If following a
different exam board at KS4, we will provide a suggested route through at a later date.

As stated above, the substantive knowledge (i.e. the science content) will be taught in units, and the disciplinary
knowledge (i.e. working scientifically) is taught in context. Hierarchical elements of working scientifically will be
reflected in the units and therefore this will be built up accordingly. While this will take account of prior learning
assumptions from the previous key stage, or units, there will also be reminders of prompts and scaffolds to help

Knowledge selection
We are seeking to support schools to deliver the National Curriculum to children who cannot attend school. Our
choice of what to teach will primarily be guided by the content specified in the National Curriculum, but we have

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also chosen to broaden this to increase challenge and build aspiration (e.g. include more physics at KS1 and 2,
introduce some KS4 concepts in KS3).

Inclusive and ambitious

We want Oak to be able to support all children. Our units will be pitched so that children with different starting
points can access them. Pupils need to have a large amount of subject knowledge stored in their long-term
memory in order to become competent at any subject, and this is especially true of science where application is
often an application of knowledge. For this reason, these lessons are designed to teach science in a clear and
deliberate fashion, emphasising secure content knowledge before moving onto tasks. In this approach the teacher
is the subject expert and the emphasis is on instruction and explanation, followed by deliberate practice supported
by modelling, guided practice and scaffolding. Models and analogies will be used where appropriate to allow pupils
to visualise or contextualise abstract ideas.

Pupil engagement
We need pupils to be thinking during science lessons - both to engage with the subject and to strengthen memory
of what is being learnt. Our lessons will not be video lectures. We seek to exercise pupils’ minds throughout their

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lessons (based on the principles described in point 5 above). This will involve questions and tasks throughout
instruction, just as we would with classroom teaching.

Motivation through learning

Like all teachers, we recognise that good presentation helps pupils keep participating in our lessons. However, we
are teachers, not entertainers. We seek to motivate pupils through our subjects. We believe that science is
inherently interesting, and we aim to build this interest through our teaching. In science, we will provide
opportunities where possible for pupils to engage in home experimentation. We will begin each unit with a
summary of the relevant careers for that unit, including those outside of science itself. Units will also include short
case studies of work by current and past scientists that reflect the diversity of backgrounds of our pupils. Finally, we
will try to be explicit about the real life relevance of each unit so that it is clear why this knowledge is important.

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2. Subject structure overview

KS3 units and KS4 and are presented here in a suggested topic order – for further guidance, see section 3 which
provides a suggested route through per year group. The codes refer to the year, subject and topic. For example, Year
7 Biology Cells is 7BC.

Key Stage 3 Science

KS3 - Biology

Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required

7BC Cells, tissues and organs 16 KS2 Cells
7BR Reproduction and variation 15 KS2 Reproductive Cycles
8BE Ecological relationships and KS2 Ecosystems, Adaptations, Humans and animal over
classification time
8BD Digestion and nutrition 13 KS3 Cells, KS2 Diet and Lifestyle
9BP Plants and photosynthesis 12 KS3 Cells, KS2 Plants
9BB Biological systems and KS3 Cells, KS2 Human anatomy
KS3 - Chemistry
Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required

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7CP Particles 16 KS2 Particles in physical and chemical changes
7CC Chemical reactions 12 KS2 Physical and Chemical Changes
8CP Atoms and the periodic table 14 None
8CM Materials and the Earth 15 KS2 Rock cycle and Sustainability
9CR Reactivity 20 KS3 Atoms and the Periodic table, Chemical reactions
9CE Energetics and rates 14 KS3 Chemical reactions
KS3 - Physics
Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required
7PE Energy 16 KS2 Energy
7PF Forces and motion 14 KS2 Forces
8PL Light and space 16 KS2 Light and Space
8PE Electricity and magnetism 16 KS2 Electricity
9PM Matter 11 KS3 Particles
9PF Forces in action 11 KS3 Forces and motion
9PS Sound waves 11 KS2 Sound

Key Stage 4 Science

KS4 - Biology
Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required
Combined science: KS3 Cells
B1 Cell biology 19
Biology: 21

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KS4 Cell biology
B2 Organisation 23 KS3 Digestive system, Plants and photosynthesis,
Biological systems and processes
Combined science: KS4 Cell biology, Organisation
B3 Infection and response 13
Biology: 17
KS4 Cell biology, Organisation
B4 Bioenergetics 15 KS3 Plants and photosynthesis, Biological systems and
Combined science KS3 Reproduction and variation
(FT): 12
B5 Homeostasis and response Combined science
(HT): 14
Biology: 25
Combined science KS3 Reproduction and variation, Ecological relationships
(HT): 20 and classification
B6 Inheritance, variation and
Combined science
(FT): 19
Biology: 25
Combined science: KS3 Ecology
B7 Ecology 12
Biology: 17
KS4 - Chemistry
Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required
C1 Atomic structure and periodic Combined Science KS3 Atoms and the periodic table, Reactivity

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(FT): 18
Combined Science
(HT): 19
Chemistry: 20
Combined Science: KS4 Atomic structure and the periodic table
C2 Bonding, structure and the
properties of Matter
Chemistry: 13
Combined Science KS4 Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding
(FT): 6 KS3 Chemical reactions
C3 Quantitative Chemistry Combined Science
(HT): 8
Chemistry: 13
Combined Science KS4 Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding
(FT): 15 KS3 Chemical reactions
C4 Chemical changes Combined Science
(HT): 20
Chemistry: 22
Combined Science KS3 Energetics and rates
(FT): 7
C5 Energy changes Combined Science
(HT): 8
Chemistry: 9
C6 The rate and extent of chemical Combined Science KS3 Energetics and rates
change (FT): 11
Combined Science
(HT): 16

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Chemistry: 16
Combined Science: KS4 Chemical change
C7 Organic Chemistry 5
Chemistry: 13
Combined Science: KS4 Atomic structure and the periodic table
C8 Chemical analysis 6 KS4 Chemical changes
Chemistry: 12
KS3 Materials and the Earth
There is some crossover with KS4 Ecology (B7) and KS4
C9 Chemistry of the atmosphere
Waves but only KS3 knowledge will be assumed to allow
for different teaching orders
Combined Science KS4 Chemical changes
(FT): 9 KS3 Materials and the Earth
C10 Using Resources Combined Science KS2 Sustainability
(HT): 10
Chemistry: 18
KS4 - Physics
Unit title Length of unit* Prior knowledge required

Combined science KS3 Energy

(FT): 13
P1 Energy Combined science
(HT): 14
Physics : 16
P2 Electricity Combined science KS4 Energy
(FT): 20 KS3 Electricity and magnetism

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Combined science
(HT): 21
Physics: 23
Combined science KS3 Particles and Matter
(FT): 10
P3 Particle Model of Matter Combined science
(HT): 11
Physics: 13
There is crossover content with KS4 Atomic structure
Combined science: and the periodic table (C1), although these lessons will
P4 Atomic Structure 8 only assume KS3 knowledge to allow for teaching in
Physics: 11 different orders - KS3 Atoms and the periodic table,
Combined science KS3 Forces and motion, Forces in action
(FT): 17
P5 Forces Combined science
(HT): 18
Physics: 25
Combined science: KS3 Light and space, Sound waves
P6 Waves 9
Physics: 16
Combined science KS3 Electricity and Magnetism
(FT): 5
P7 Magnetism Combined science
(HT): 8
Physics: 13

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KS4 Forces
P8 Space (Physics only) 8 KS4 Waves
KS3 Light and Space

*all unit lengths include at least one, but usually two review lessons

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3. Suggested sequence

The science curriculum has been planned on the following basis:

● Before KS3, pupils have been taught the latest KS2 National Curriculum (2014)

● After KS3, most pupils will go on to study combined science at GCSE level or GCSE single sciences - biology,
chemistry and physics

As a result of this work, the science curriculum has the following features:

● It takes a year-by-year approach to teaching the curriculum.

● The content of each year’s units is based on the expectation that the relevant content for each given year is
taught by the end of the previous year. Schools may choose to teach a given year’s topic in an earlier year,
such that year 8 content is taught in year 7. In these circumstances, it is recommended that content for the
previous year is taught first (for example, teaching year 8 Ecology topic at the end of year 7 once all year 7
content is taught)

● In KS4, the units are based on the AQA specification, and are ordered to ensure that paper 1 content is taught
first. In the suggested sequence, they appear in the same order as the specification, except for B7 Ecology and
P3 Particles. (This is to allow for teaching of Ecology when weather conditions are more likely to be favourable

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for outdoor sampling work, and to teach Particles as the first physics topic as it contains content foundational
to other units)

● There is no expectation that any given unit in one science (e.g. physics) is taught before any given unit in
another (e.g. biology), with the exception of 7CP Particles which is recommended to be the first unit taught in
year 7. Any crossover material (e.g. atoms in KS4 physics and chemistry) will only assume the previous key
stage’s knowledge

● Many topics within any given year can be taught in a different sequence if schools wish (for example, in year 7,
7PE Energy can be taught after 7PF Forces). However, the lesson by lesson materials have been written with
the suggested route through in mind, and schools will have to consider this in their decisions.

● Each year is divided into topics across biology, chemistry, and physics, but equally weighted across these three

● Working scientifically is integrated into all the topics and can be identified in the learning outcomes in the
topic summaries where relevant.

● The working scientifically programme of study is covered throughout both key stages. The suggested map
below is based on finishing KS3 in year 9, and starting the first three units of KS4 at the end of year 9

● The KS4 suggested topic sequence has been split below into biology, chemistry, and physics, but the precise
ordering between each science (as opposed to within it) is flexible, and a matter for schools to determine. It is

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expected that schools will alter this according to their staffing context and curriculum time allocation in year
10 and 11.

Year Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

7 Ecological
Cells, Reproducti
Particles Chemical Forces and relationship
tissues and on and
7CP Energy 7PE reactions motion 7PF s and
organs 7BC variation
7CC classificatio
n 8BE
8 Digestion Electricity
Light and Atoms and Materials Plants and
and and
space 8PL the periodic and the photosynth Matter 9PM
nutrition magnetism
table 8CP Earth 8CM esis 9BP
9 Biological C1 Atomic
Forces in Reactivity Energetics Sound systems Structure
P3 Particle
action 9PF 9CR and rates waves 9PS and B1 Cells and the
9CE processes Periodic
9BB table
B2 B3 Infection B4 B5
Organisatio and Bioenergeti B7 Ecology Homeostasi
n response cs s

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Chem C9 Earth
C3 C4 C8
C5 Energy C6 Rates of C7 Organic Atmospher
C2 Bonding Quantitativ Chemical Chemical
Changes Reaction Chemistry e&
e Chemistry Change Analysis
C10 Using
P2 P4 Atomic P7 P5 Forces
P1 Energy P6 Waves P8 Space
Electricity Structure Magnetism and Motion

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4. Unit specifics

7CP Particles
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe how the movement and spacing of the particles is different in solids, liquids and
Solids, liquids and gases
gases ● Draw accurate diagrams to represent the particle arrangement in solids, liquids and gases
● Use the particle model to explain properties of solids, liquids and gases
2 ● Define the term ‘diffusion’
Diffusion ● Describe diffusion in terms of particles and high and low concentration
● Explain why diffusion is different in solids, liquids and gases – relate to the particle model
3 ● Describe changes of state that occur from solid to liquid and liquid to gas in terms of
Changes of state particles
● Interpret melting point and boiling point data
4 ● Interpret melting point and boiling point data
Investigating ● Plot secondary data showing changes of state
changes of state
5 ● Describe gas pressure
Gas pressure ● Explain the effect of gas pressure on containers
● Describe and explain the effect of temperature on gas pressure in terms of particles
6 ● Draw a particle model for a solution
Conservation of ● Make accurate measurements to test the conservation of mass theory

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mass ● Explain the meaning of conservation of mass in terms of particles
● Check for reproducibility
7 Review 1 ● Review of content covered so far
● Exam style questions
8 ● Define a pure substance and link this to melting and boiling points
Pure and impure ● Define a mixture
substances ● Describe simple separation techniques
9 ● Identify parts of a mixture to be separated
Separating ● Write a method for separating a mixture
mixtures ● Name key pieces of equipment and processes for separation to be successful
10 ● Investigate the change in mass when separating this mixture
Rock salt ● Calculate the yield of pure salt from the starting mass
● Evaluate the method and suggest improvements
11 ● Explain how a simple distillation works
Distillation ● Identify hazards and risks and suggest how to reduce them
● Identify the components of a Liebig condenser and give reasons for this being more suitable
than simple distillation equipment
12 ● Identify mixtures using chromatography
Chromatography ● Describe how to separate a mixture using chromatography
● Interpret chromatograms to describe the composition of mixtures
13 ● Define the term ‘solubility’ and determine the solubility of a salt in a given solvent
Solubility ● Use the particle model to explain solubility
● Comment on reproducibility and suggest improvements to a method
14 ● Suggest a hypothesis from an observation
Solubility practical ● Describe the effect of temperature on solubility
● Process and present data in an appropriate form
● Identify anomalous results
● Describe and explain patterns in solubility data using knowledge of particle theory

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15 ● State key facts about the life of Masataka Taketsuru
Case Study of ● Describe his involvement with the development of distillation of whiskey
16 Review 2 ● Review of content covered in second half of this topic
● Exam style questions

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7BC Cells tissues and organs
Lesson Core content
1 ● Label the parts of the microscope
Microscopes ● Describe how to use a microscope, using key terms correctly
● Calculate magnification
2 ● Define the term unicellular and label common features of unicellular organisms
Unicellular ● Name and describe the functions of some of the structures of unicellular organisms
organisms ● Describe some uses and dangers of unicellular organisms
3 ● Define diffusion
Diffusion Part 1 ● Explain factors that affect diffusion
● Explain examples of diffusion in the body
4 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to investigate diffusion
Diffusion Part 2 ● Draw a table for results, including units
● Work safely to collect and record data to test the hypothesis
● Process the data to calculate a mean, accounting for anomalies
● Display data appropriately
● Describe and explain patterns using ideas about diffusion
5 ● Label a typical plant cell
Plant cells ● Describe the function of the organelles in plant cells
● Describe how to use a microscope to view plant cells in focus
6 ● Identify the organs of a plant and their functions
Plant as organisms ● Name some of the tissues found in the leaf and describe their job
● Describe ways in which the leaf is adapted to do its job
7 ● Label an animal cell and describe what each cell part does
Animal cells ● Prepare a slide of human cells and observe using the microscope.

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● Calculate magnification or image/actual size given the equation
8 ● Compare plant and animal cells
Comparing animal ● Explain those differences in terms of functions of the parts
and plant cells ● Use evidence to make a reasoned argument
9 ● Describe features of specialised cells, using key structures
Specialised cells ● Describe specialisation to function in a range of animal and plant cells
● Explain how the specialised features enable the cell to carry out its function
10 Animals as ● Identify the major organ systems of the human body and describe their main functions
organisms ● Describe the organisation of multicellular organisms, in terms of cells, tissues, organs
● Explain why multicellular organisms need organ systems
11 ● Label a diagram of the organs in the digestive system
Digestive system ● Describe the function of the digestive system
● Describe and explain some of the adaptations of the digestive system and link these to
12 ● Label the parts of the respiratory system
Respiratory system ● Describe the path oxygen takes into the blood
● Describe the adaptations of the breathing system to allow efficient diffusion
13 ● Describe the composition of the air we breathe in and out
Inhaled and ● Explain the results of an experiment to prove the differences
exhaled air ● Collect, display and process data with good resolution and process it appropriately
14 ● Review ideas about microscopes & magnification
Review 1
15 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to cells, tissues, organs and systems
Review 2 ● Describe ways in which cells, tissues and organs are specialised for function
● Explain adaptations in terms of diffusion
16 ● Understand key ideas about the life and work of Betty Hay
Case study of Betty

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7PE Energy
Lesson Core content
1 ● Name the main energy stores and give examples
Energy stores and ● Describe energy transfers, identifying pathways
transfers - Part A
2 ● Describe energy transfers using box diagrams
Energy stores and ● Apply the conservation of energy to examples
transfers - Part B
3 ● Describe how to use a Bunsen burner safely
Bunsen burner ● Calculate averages
● Write a conclusion from secondary data
4 ● Calculate energy stores in different contexts
Efficiency ● Calculate the efficiency of energy transfers
● Interpret Sankey diagrams
5 ● Describe the variables and method to investigate conduction
Conduction ● Describe patterns in data collected, using data to back up statements
● Explain how heat is transferred by conduction
6 ● Describe how heat transfers occurs by convection
Convection ● Explain what is meant by a convection current
● Explain everyday observations using ideas on convection.
7 ● Explain how heat is transferred by radiation
Radiation ● Explain everyday observations using an understanding of absorption and emission of
● Apply knowledge of conduction, convection and radiation to questions.
8 ● Describe an insulator in terms of energy transfers

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Insulation ● Identify methods of reducing energy transfers and explain how they work
● Apply knowledge of conduction, convection and radiation
9 Revision of key ideas covered so far in the Energy topic including:
Mid Topic Review ● Creating a catapult whilst identifying the energy transfers;
● Comparing conduction, convection and radiation;
● Investigating different insulations.
10 ● Explain the relationship between energy and power.
Power and energy ● Convert given between watts and kilowatts and hours and minutes
● Use the equation p=e/t to calculate power
11 ● Convert between units for power and time
Energy in the ● Calculate how much energy devices transfer from their power rating and the time of
home operation
● Calculate the costs of running home appliances
12 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control given a hypothesis
Energy in food 1 ● Write a method to test the hypothesis, including named equipment
● Identify hazards and risks and suggest ways to reduce these with given equipment
13 ● Describe how fossil fuels are formed
Non-renewable ● Describe how electricity is generated in a fossil fuel power station
energy resources ● Explain advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel use
14 ● Define renewable energy resources and give examples
Renewable energy ● Describe how renewable sources produce electricity using energy transfers
resources ● Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different renewable energy sources
15 ● Describe the work of Anne Easley
Anne Easley ● Apply knowledge of energy stores to rocketry
16 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to energy
End of topic ● Review key ideas from the second half of the topic

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7BR Reproduction
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe adaptations of the egg and sperm cells for their job
Human ● Label diagrams of the human male and female reproductive system
reproductive ● Describe the function of each of the parts
2 ● Describe how reproduction takes place in humans
Fertilisation ● Describe the process fertilisation and implantation
● Explain the role of cilia found in the oviduct
● Describe the process of cell division
3 ● Describe the development of the foetus and the function of the placenta, umbilical cord and
Gestation amniotic fluid
● Explain how the foetus gets its nutrition and oxygen, and how waste is excreted
4 ● Describe risks of smoking and alcohol during pregnancy
Risk Factors ● Use data to describe the impact of smoking on the unborn baby
during Gestation
5 ● Describe patterns in secondary data
Birth ● Describe how a baby is born
● Explain differences in numbers of offspring for different animals
6 ● Describe some of the changes in males and female bodies during puberty
Puberty and the ● Describe the main events in the menstrual cycle
menstrual cycle
7 ● Describe the processes that occur in the making of a baby
Reproduction ● Describe how the chromosome number is maintained through sexual reproduction.
Revision 1

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8 ● Describe the work of embryologist Jean Purdy
Jean Purdy and ● Describe her contribution to fertility treatment and the uses of her discoveries
9 ● Identify and describe the function of the parts of the flower
Plant ● Describe pollination and fertilization
reproduction ● Describe the formation of seeds and fruit
10 ● Describe how seeds are adapted for specific dispersal mechanisms.
Seed dispersal ● Identify variables to change, measure and control
● Process data collected and use it to describe a relationship
11 ● Collect data on seed dispersal
Practical - Seed ● Identifying variables that affect seed dispersal and write a method
Dispersal ● Calculate a mean
12 ● Explain what is meant by a ‘species’
Variation ● Give examples of continuous and discontinuous variation
between species ● Collect and display data on variation, explaining the choice of graph
13 ● Collect data on variation in human height and handspan.
Practical - Human ● Plot data on a graph
Variation ● Describing patterns in data
14 ● Use and explain a simple model to represent sexual reproduction
Why is variation ● Compare chromosome content in body cells and gametes
important? ● Explain why sexual reproduction leads to variation
15 ● Review and consolidate knowledge of reproduction
Reproduction ● Compare reproduction in plants and humans
Revision 2

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7CC Chemical Reactions
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe evidence for a chemical reaction
Indicators of ● Apply conservation of mass to simple chemical change
chemical reaction ● Explain why, in terms of particles, mass stays the same in a reaction
2 ● Describe evidence reactions with oxygen
Oxidation ● Represent oxidation reactions using word equations and diagrams
● Apply the conservation of mass theory to oxidation reactions
3 ● Identify common hazard symbols and describe appropriate safety precautions
Acids and alkalis ● Record observations accurately and using good language
● Classify substances as acid, alkali or neutral using simple indicators
4 ● Use Universal Indicator to determine the pH of a range substances
pH scale ● Classify substances as strong or weak acids or alkalis based on their pH
● Explain why universal indicator is better than simple indicators
5 ● Describe evidence for the reaction of metals and acids
Metal and acid ● Write word equations to represent the reaction of metals and acids
reactions ● Describe the test for hydrogen gas and the positive result
6 ● Review key ideas from the topic so far
Review 1
7 ● Describe what happens to the pH when acids are added to alkalis or vice versa
Neutralisation ● Represent the reaction of acids and alkalis using word equations
● Name the salt produced in acid alkali reactions
8 ● Suggest control variables needed to test a hypothesis
Simple Titration ● Make and record repeatable results and describe how these are recognized
● Process repeated results appropriately and use them to write a conclusion

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9 ● Describe a method to find the best antacid medicine
Antacid ● Identify variables to change, measure and control
investigation ● Design a table for results
10 ● Collect accurate results and check for reproducibility
Antacid analysis ● Display the results appropriately, explaining the choice of graph
● Use the results to write a conclusion saying which is the best antacid
11 ● Understand key ideas about the life and work of Helen Sharman
Case study of
Helen Sharman
12 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to chemical reactions
Review 2 ● Review key ideas from the second half of the topic

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7PF Forces
Lesson Core content
1 ● Identify forces in a range of context
What are Forces? ● Give examples of contact and non-contact forces
● Represent the size and direction of force using arrows
● State the unit of force
2 ● Represent the size and direction of forces using arrows in a free body diagram
Representing ● State whether opposing forces are balanced or unbalanced
3 ● Describe the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object
Resultant Forces ● Calculate resultant forces
4 ● Measure and record the weight of known masses
Gravity ● Correctly plot a graph with a line of best fit
● Describe the relationship between mass and weight on Earth
5 ● Use an equation to calculate weight
Weight ● Explain why weight changes on different planets
● Use a rearranged equation to calculate mass
6 ● Describe the contribution of Avicenna to understanding motion
Avicenna and the ● Describe how theories of motion have developed over time
story of inertia
7 ● State what is meant by pressure
Pressure ● Use an equation to calculate pressure
● Apply knowledge to explain why pressure may be high or low in everyday situations
8 ● Formulate a hypothesis to investigate
Investigating ● Identify the variables in an investigation

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speed ● Obtain a set of results,
● Describe the pattern seen in the results
9 ● Describe how different factors affect speed
Factors affecting ● Apply knowledge of resistive forces to explain design modifications
10 ● Use an equation to calculate speed
Calculating speed ● Give the correct units in all cases.
using an equation ● Calculate the relative speed of objects passing one another
11 ● Describe the features of distance time graph
Distance-time ● Use a distance-time graph to calculate speed
graphs ● Represent a journey using a distance time graph
12 ● Compare speeds in distance time graphs
Calculating speed ● Calculate speed using the gradient of a distance-time graph
using distance
time graphs
13 ● Revise key forces content such as resultant force, gravity and weight.
Revision Part 1
14 ● Revise key content such as pressure, calculating speed and distance-time graphs.
Revision Part 2

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8BE Ecological relationships and classification
Lesson Core content
1 ● Interpret food webs
Food chains and ● Describe ways in which animals and plants are interdependent
2 ● Draw and interpret pyramids of number
Representing food
3 Decay ● State the best conditions for decay
● Explain the importance of decay.
● Describe what causes decay
● Explain the design features of a compost bin
4 ● Describe how changes in the environment can affect different organisms
Impacts on food ● Explain how changes in the environment can affect organisms within a food web
webs ● Explain the process of bioaccumulation
5 ● Describe how to use a quadrat to sample an ecosystem
Random Sampling ● Construct a frequency table
6 ● Make and record measurements to estimate the size of a population
Estimating ● Process the results appropriately by calculating areas and means
populations ● Apply knowledge to process secondary data
7 ● Classify organisms given appropriate information
Classifying living ● Explain the basis of the Linnaeus classification

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8 ● Suggest things organisms may compete for
Adaptation ● Describe ways in which organisms are adapted to be better competitors
● Explain how these adaptations help them survive in given conditions
9 ● Describe ways in which organisms may vary within a species
Natural selection ● Explain why some organisms within a species are better adapted to their environment
● Explain why genetic variation within a species can drive natural selection
10 ● Describe evidence for evolution
Evolution evidence ● Explain how the evidence supports the evolution theory
● Describe the changes that can lead to extinction
11 ● State key facts about the life of Mary Anning
Case Study of Mary
12 ● Describe the importance of biodiversity
Biodiversity ● Describe some of the methods being employed to maintain biodiversity
● Explain how some scientific methods will support maintaining biodiversity
13 ● Recall and apply key knowledge from the first half of the ecology topic
Revision 1
14 ● Recall and apply key knowledge from the second half of the ecology topic
Revision 2

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8PL Light and Space
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe some properties of light waves
Light waves ● Describe what happens when light meets a surface
● Draw accurate light ray diagrams to illustrate light travelling and meeting different
2 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a hypothesis
The electrical and ● Draw a table for repeatable results and process results appropriately
chemical effects of ● Write a conclusion for the data collected
3 ● Follow a method to test a given hypothesis
Reflection ● Make a conclusion from data collected
● Process secondary data appropriately and use it to check for reproducibility
● Draw accurate ray diagrams
● Know the law of reflection
4 ● Apply the law of reflection to different scenarios
Reflected images ● Describe properties of reflected images
● Describe and explain specular and diffuse reflections
5 ● Draw the pathway light takes through a glass block.
Refraction ● Measure the angle of refraction using a protractor.
● Describe and explain how refraction takes place using key words and phrases.
6 ● Label the parts of the eye
Vision ● Use ray diagrams to show how images are formed in pinhole cameras and the eye
● Describe how an image is formed and how we see
7 ● Safely carry out an eye dissection

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Correcting vision ● Describe how the eye focuses on near and far objects
● Explain the cause of long and short sightedness and how this can be corrected
8 ● List the colours of the visible spectrum.
Colours ● Describe how white light can be dispersed to give a range of different colours
● Explain why we see objects as a particular colour.
9 ● Describe and explain how coloured filters change white light.
Filters ● Predict the colours of coloured objects in coloured light
● Apply knowledge to a range of exam questions
10 ● Review key ideas about light
Review 1
11 ● Describe the term ‘non-contact force’ and give examples
Gravity ● Describe the forces of attraction between the Earth & moon and the Earth and the Sun
● Describe the properties that affect the sizes of gravitational forces between different
objects in the Solar system
12 ● Describe how gravity varies in the solar system
Weight and mass ● Calculate weight, mass and gravitational field strength on Earth and other planets
● Change units and express answers to a given number of significant figures
13 ● Understand key ideas about the work of Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock
Case study of
Maggie Aderin-
14 ● Define a light year and explain why they are used
Universe ● Describe Earth’s place in the universe
● Describe what a star is and why it emits light
15 ● Use secondary data to describe and explain patterns in year lengths in the solar system
Seasons ● Describe and explain differences in day length, position of the sun and temperatures in
different seasons
● Explain why the Earth experiences seasons, but not every other planet in the solar system

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16 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to, space and gravity
Review 2 ● Apply knowledge to a range of questions

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8CP Atoms and the periodic table
Lesson Core content
1 ● Define elements, name the two types of elements and locate them on the periodic table
Elements ● Recognise elements from drawings or names
● Describe the rules for writing chemical symbols
2 ● Label a diagram of the atom and describe its structure
Atoms ● Draw and write electron configuration for any of the first 20 elements
● Describe the link between electron configuration and place in the periodic table
3 ● Define ‘properties’
Development of ● Describe how the periodic table has developed over time
the periodic table ● State details about the life of Dmitri Mendeleev
4 ● Describe some properties and uses of metals and non-metal elements
Metals and non- ● Describe some of the stages in the formation of the periodic table
metals ● Explain how the properties of the elements were used in early versions of the periodic table
5 ● Describe compounds and use particle diagrams to represent them
Compounds ● Make a simple compound and explain how it is different from the elements it is made of
● Name compounds given the elements contained
6 ● Name compounds given the elements or formulae
Chemical formulae ● Write formula using ideas of valency
● Interpret formulae in terms of number of each atom are present
7 ● Safely make a compound and predict the change in mass during the reaction
Making ● Make accurate measurements to test the prediction made
compounds ● Use data collected to check the prediction and explain observations
8 ● Apply conservation of mass ideas to physical and chemical changes
Conservation of ● Plot secondary data and draw a line of best fit

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mass ● Describe and explain patterns in data
● Use secondary data to check for reproducibility
9 ● Try out 2 revision techniques
Review 1 ● Review content from the topic so far
10 ● Describe some of the properties of group 1 elements
Group 1 ● Describe trends in physical and chemical properties of group 1
● Write word (or symbol) equations to represent their reaction with oxygen and water
11 ● Describe trends in physical properties of group 7
Group 7 ● Describe the trend in reactivity of group 7
● Write word equations to represent their reaction with group 1 elements
12 ● Explain the reactivity of group 7 elements
Group 7 ● Represent displacement reactions using equations
13 ● Describe properties of group 0 elements
Group 0 ● Describe uses of group 0 elements
14 ● Explain how an elements position in the periodic table links to its properties and reactivity
Review 2 (groups 1 and 7)

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8BD Digestion
Lesson Core content
1 ● Name the components of food and describe what each is needed for in the body
Healthy Diet Part 1 ● Interpret and make calculations from nutrition labels
2 ● Calculate energy requirements for different activities
Healthy Diet Part 2
3 ● Describe some of the diseases linked with nutrient deficiency
Unhealthy diet ● Describe some of the diseases linked with imbalances in energy intake
● Interpret data on the incidence of food related diseases
4 ● State uses for the energy released
Energy release ● Describe how energy is released from the food we eat
● Evaluate a model for respiration
5 ● Describe the difference between the two carbohydrates
Carbohydrates ● Describe how to test for starch and sugar and their positive result
● Work safely to carry out chemical tests for the presence of starch and sugar and record the
6 ● Describe the chemical test for protein and fat and their positive results
Protein and fats ● Safely carry out the tests for protein and fat and record the results
● Use the results collected to draw conclusions
7 ● Review key ideas from the topic so far
Review 1
8 ● Explain why digestion is necessary
The digestive ● Label the organs of the digestive system and describe their function
system ● Explain the importance of gut bacteria
● Describe how the intestines are adapted for their function

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9 ● Describe and explain adaptations of the small intestine
Adaptations of the
small intestine
10 ● Describe the action of the enzymes in the digestive system
Enzymes ● Explain the results of the ‘model gut’ experiment
● Evaluate the model
11 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a hypothesis
Effect of ● Draw a table to record results
temperature on ● Draw a conclusion from results obtained
12 ● Understand key ideas about the life and work of Rebecca Lancefield
Case Study of
Rebecca Lancefield
13 ● Review of key ideas from the second half of the topic
Review 2

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8PE Electricity and Magnetism
Lesson Core content
1 ● Name common circuit symbols
Circuits ● Make basic observations on what is needed for a circuit to work
● Use a model to describe electricity
2 ● Use an ammeter to make and record measurements of current at different points in a
Current and series series circuit
circuits ● Describe how current behaves in a series circuit
● Describe and explain the effect of adding extra bulbs on current
3 ● Recognise and draw parallel circuits
Current and parallel ● Make and record measurements of current in parallel
circuits ● Describe how current behaves in parallel
● Make predictions for untested circuits
4 ● Describe potential difference using a model
Potential difference ● Describe how to use a voltmeter to measure potential difference across components
● Describe pd in series circuits
5 ● Describe pd in parallel circuits
Potential difference ● Compare patterns of pd in series and parallel circuits
in parallel circuits
6 ● Investigate the relationship between current, pd and resistance
Resistance ● Use data collected to inform a conclusion
● Use an equation to calculate current, pd or resistance
7 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control
Measuring ● Collect and display results appropriately
resistance ● Describe and explain the effect of length of wire on resistance

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8 ● Describe the contribution of Latimer to electrical lighting
Lewis Howard ● Give the advantages and disadvantages of LED bulbs
Latimer ● Compare different types of bulbs
9 ● Describe what is meant by static electricity
Static electricity ● Describe how objects can become charged
● Describe how the charge can produce a force between charged objects
10 ● Draw the field lines around a magnet
Magnetic fields ● Describe the magnetic field around a magnet, or the Earth, using fields lines
11 ● Describe the forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets
Magnetic forces ● Explain attraction and repulsion of magnets using field line patterns.
12 ● Describe how to make a simple electromagnet
Electromagnets ● Draw the shape of the magnetic field around a straight wire
● Identify key variables for an investigation of electromagnets
13 ● Investigate the factors which affect the strength of an electromagnet
Electromagnet ● Plot a graph of data
investigation ● Analyse secondary data to draw conclusions
14 ● To state how electromagnets are used in a variety of devices
Uses of ● To understand how the motor effect is caused by magnetic fields
Electromagnets ● To state the factors affecting the speed of a direct motor
15 ● Review of key ideas from electricity
Electricity Review
16 ● Review of key ideas from magnetism
Magnetism Review

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8CM Materials and the Earth
Lesson Core content
1 ● Label a diagram showing the structure of the Earth and compare the layers in terms of
Structure of the composition, thickness and temperature
Earth ● Explain how the continents move
● Describe some of the evidence for ‘continental drift’
2 ● Describe the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks
Igneous rock ● Explain the link between cooling rate and crystal sizes
● Describe the properties of igneous rock
3 ● Describe the weathering, transportation and deposition of rocks at the Earth’s surface
Sedimentary rock ● Describe the formation of sedimentary rocks
● Describe the properties of sedimentary rocks
4 ● Describe the formation of metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rock ● Describe the properties of metamorphic rocks
and the rock cycle ● Apply knowledge of all 3 rock type formations to questions on the rock cycle
5 ● Describe how fossils are formed
Fossils ● Explain how fossils move to the surface of the Earth
● Interpret diagrams to identify the relative age of fossils
6 ● Describe the composition of crude oil using keywords
Crude oil ● Draw the first 5 alkanes
● Evaluate the extraction and use of crude oil
7 ● Review key ideas from the topic so far
Review 1
8 ● Compare the earth’s early atmosphere to the atmosphere today
Earth’s changing ● Explain why carbon dioxide and oxygen levels changed in Earth’s early history

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9 ● Describe the main processes involved in the cycling of carbon
Carbon cycle
10 ● Describe the greenhouse effect
The greenhouse ● Explain the significance of an increased greenhouse effect
11 ● Describe some of the potential consequences of climate change
Climate change ● Analyse data related to climate change
12 ● Describe some of the properties of ceramics, polymers and composites
Types of material
13 ● Explain the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling
Recycling resources ● Compare different methods of preserving natural resources
14 ● Describe the processes of mining and quarrying
Mining and ● Evaluate the processes of mining and quarrying
15 ● Recall key terms and definitions from the second half of the topic
Review 2 ● Use scientific language accurately to correct statements

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9BP Plants and Photosynthesis
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe the function of the root and root hair cells
Plant Roots ● Compare root hair cells to ‘typical’ plant cells
● Explain how the adaptations of the root are related to its function
2 ● Identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis ● Describe photosynthesis using a word equation
● Interpret and draw conclusions from data
3 ● Identify hazards and risks and suggest appropriate ways to reduce the risks
Uses of Sugar ● Make observations and describe results
● Draw conclusions from results related to photosynthesis
4 ● Identify factors to change, measure and control to test a hypothesis
Rate of ● Collect and display data appropriately
photosynthesis ● Draw conclusions from data collected
5 ● Describe how leaves are adapted for their function
The leaf ● Use a microscope correctly to observe stomata
● Explain how features enable the leaf to do its job
6 ● Label the xylem and phloem
Transport in plants ● Describe the role of the xylem and phloem in transporting water and sugars
● Describe the path of water and glucose around the plant
7 ● A review of all content covered so far in this unit, including study skills, core knowledge
Mid-Topic Review review and extended response question practice.
8 ● Describe George Washington Carver’s contribution to botany
George Washington ● Describe what is meant by crop rotation and how it improved crop yields
Carver ● Explain the advantages of crop rotation

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9 ● Describe how carbon dioxide and oxygen levels have changed over the Earth’s history
Plants and the ● Explain how plants have affected the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere atmosphere
● Describe and explain recent human activities that are affecting carbon dioxide levels.
10 ● Describe the role of plants as producers
Plants as food ● Test for starch in common diet items
● Describe the importance of insect pollination to food security
11 ● Write a conclusion from secondary data on stomata investigation
Application of ● Explaining the adaptation of leaves in relation to transpiration, rate of photosynthesis and
Knowledge plant growth
12 ● Explain how a decline in pollinating insects could affect food supplies
Review 2 ● Explain how slash and burn increases carbon dioxide levels
● Recall key knowledge on plants and plant investigations

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9PM Matter
Lesson number/title Core content
1 ● Describe the arrangement and motion of particles in a solid, liquid and gas
Particle theory ● Define diffusion in terms of particle concentration and explain effect of temperature on
● Explain changes of state in terms of particles
2 ● Explain why changes of state using particle theory.
Change of State ● Interpret heating and cooling curves.
3 ● Explain observations using particle model and density
Density ● Compare densities and predict if objects will float or sink
● Calculate the density of regular objects
4 ● Define diffusion and Brownian motion
Diffusion ● Describe how diffusion affects a substance in solution or the air
● Explain why diffusion is passive using Brownian motion
5 ● Describe the action of pressure in liquids and the cartesian diver
Pressure in liquids ● Describe how the pressure changes as you go deeper in a liquid
6 ● Describe what we mean by a hydraulic system
Hydraulics ● Calculate pressure and forces in hydraulic systems
7 ● Describe the effect of upthrust on the weight of objects
Floating and sinking ● Explain why objects float in terms of resultant forces
● Explain how upthrust can vary in water
8 ● Define atmosphere and describe how atmospheric pressure is caused
Atmospheric ● Explain how changes in atmospheric pressure can happen and what the effects are
pressure ● Calculate percentage change
9 ● Describe the work of Robert Brown
Robert Brown

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10 ● Recap aspects of the matter topic
Matter revision 1 ● Practice recall of key facts, skills and answering exam questions
11 ● Recap aspects of the matter topic
Matter revision 2 ● Practice recall of key facts, skills and answering exam questions

9PF Forces in Action

Lesson number/title Core content
1 ● Identify pivots and levers
Levers and Pivots ● Calculate moments
● Explain why levers are force multipliers
2 ● Explain, in terms of turning forces, how an object can be made to balance.
Moments and Balance ● Describe moments as clockwise or anticlockwise
Part 1
3 ● Describe how we can change the moment of a force to balance an object
Moments and Balance ● Use the moment equation to calculate force needed or distance to make turning forces
Part 2 balance
4 ● Define and calculate work done
Work done Part 1 ● Use the formula for work done to calculate work done, force or distance
● Change units for distance
5 ● Define power
Work done Part 2 ● Use both formulae for work done and power
● Change units where appropriate and round answers to 3 significant figures
6 ● Define and give examples of simple machines
Simple Machines ● Describe how some simple machines work
● Process and describe patterns in secondary data
7 ● Describe elastic deformation
Investigating Elastic ● Identify variables

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Objects ● Write a method for investigating the extension of a spring.
8 ● Recognise and explain what is meant by ‘elastic limit’
Hooke’s law ● Analyse graphs for Hooke’s law
● Use Hooke’s Law to calculate force, extension or spring constant
9 ● Describe the work of Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke and ● Describe a use of an elastic object and explain the significance of Hooke’s Law in context
Uses of Elastic Objects ● Describe how the spring constant effects how useful an elastic object is
10 ● Review balancing moments
Moments and Work ● Practice unit conversions and rounding to 3 significant figures
Revision ● Carry out calculations using the work done and power equations.
11 ● Review key content related to elastic objects including the practical to investigate
Elastic Objects springs, graphs and Hooke's Law.

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9CR Reactivity
Lesson Core content
1 ● Use the periodic table to work out numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons
Electron ● Draw and write the electron configuration for given atoms
configuration ● Explain why most atoms react but group 0 do not
2 ● Draw and describe the formation of ions
Ions ● Describe the formation of one type of chemical bond
● Describe the link between place in the periodic table and the ion formed
3 ● Write and interpret chemical formula
Chemical Formulae ● Calculate relative formula mass.
4 ● Write and interpret chemical formulae
Symbol Equations ● Balance symbol equations
5 ● Write word (balanced symbol) equations for the reactions of metals and acids
Acids and metals ● Describe the test for hydrogen gas
6 ● Write equations to describe the reactions of metal oxides and acids
Acids and Metal ● Describe the steps in the production of a salt from a given metal oxide and an acid
Oxides ● Compare the reactions of metal oxides with those of metals and acids.
7 ● Define what we mean by ‘salt’
Making salts ● Describe how to make a salt using filtration and crystallisation
8 ● Write word and symbol equations for the reaction of metal carbonates with acids
Reactions of metal ● Describe the test for carbon dioxide and the positive result
carbonates with
9 ● Write word equations to represent the products and reactants in acid and alkali reactions
Neutralisation ● Explain what we mean by neutralisation

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● Describe a method of carrying out neutralisation accurately
10 ● Describe potential chemical combinations that could be used to make a particular salt
Method writing ● Choose appropriate chemicals and equipment to prepare a given salt
● Describe how to make a salt
11 ● Describe what we mean by hazard and risk
Hazard and Risk ● Write a risk assessment for the chosen practical
12 ● Describe the reactivity series for metals
Reactivity series ● Use the reactivity series to predict a reaction
● Write word and symbols equations to represent the reactions
13 ● Explain why most metals are not found in their element form
Metal ores ● Describe how metals can be extracted using carbon
● Write word and symbol equations to represent the reactions
14 ● Use the reactivity series to predict whether a reaction will occur
Displacement ● Write word and symbol equations to represent reactions seen
15 ● Link properties of metals to their uses
Alloys ● Describe the difference between a pure metal and an alloy
● Explain why alloys are more useful than pure metal
16 ● Form a hypothesis to investigate
Producing a voltage ● Identify variables to change, measure and control
17 ● Produce a table of results to test the hypothesis
Producing a voltage ● Form a conclusion based on evidence collected and back it up with data
18 ● Describe the story of Harry Brearley
Harry Brearley ● Describe how he made stainless steel
● Compare stainless steel to other alloys
19 ● Recap electron configuration
Review 1 ● Recap the formation of ions

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● Describe the reactions of acids with metal, metal oxide, metal carbonate and alkalis
20 ● Use the reactivity series to predict chemical reactions
Review 2 ● Apply the reactivity series to extraction of metals
● Compare different metals

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9CE Energetics
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe ways to measure the rate of a reaction
What is a rate? ● Display data recording rate of reaction appropriately
2 ● Take readings from reaction rate curves
Reaction rate ● Describe how and explain why reaction rate changes during a reaction
3 ● Identifying anomalies
Secondary data ● Calculate means
● Round answers to the correct number of decimal places.
4 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a hypothesis
The Effect of ● Display data appropriately
Concentration ● Describe and explain the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction
5 ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test the given hypothesis
The effect of ● Process and display data appropriately
surface area ● Describe and explain the effect of surface area on the rate of reaction
6 ● Describe what a catalyst is and how it affects the rate of a reaction
Catalysts ● Describe the test for oxygen and its positive result
7 ● Define endothermic and exothermic reactions
Exothermic and ● Recognise endothermic and exothermic reactions from temperature changes
Endothermic ● Make and explain suggestions to changes in the equipment that would improve the data
reactions collected.
8 ● Define a combustion reaction
Combustion ● Explain what is meant by complete and incomplete combustion and name the products
9 ● Compare complete and incomplete combustion

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Complete and ● Evaluate different fuels
10 ● Define thermal decomposition
Thermal ● Write word and symbol equations to represent thermal decomposition reactions
decomposition ● Carry out a thermal decomposition reaction and explain it in terms of conservation of mass
11 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to energetics and rates
Review 1 ● Use scientific language accurately to correct statements
12 ● Describe the story of Mildred Cohn
Mildred Cohn
13 ● Recap rate, the effect of surface area/concentration on rate and exothermic/endothermic
Review 2 reactions.

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9PS Sound waves
Lesson Core content
1 ● Label the main features of a wave diagram
Sound waves ● Compare light and sound waves
2 ● Define what an echo is
Echoes and ● Describe how superposition occurs and its effect on sound
3 ● Describe how the pitch of sounds is determined
Pitch and ● Interpret oscilloscope traces
4 ● Describe how the loudness of a sound is determined
Amplitude and ● Interpret oscilloscope traces
5 ● Calculate the speed of sound in air
Speed of sound ● Describe how and explain why the speed of sound varies in different media in terms of
● Rearrange equations
6 ● Review key ideas from the topic so far
Review 1
7 ● Identify key structures in the ear
The ear ● Describe how to parts of the ear work together to allow us to hear sound
8 ● Explain what is meant by ‘hearing range’ and how this differs with age and in different
Hearing and animals
Ultrasound ● Measure the loudness of common sounds using appropriate units
● Describe what is meant by ultrasound

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● Describe uses of ultrasound
9 ● Describe how a microphone works
Sound devices ● Describe how a loudspeaker works
● Explain why the frequency of the sound produced in the speaker is the same as the original
sound wave
10 ● Understand the life and work of James West
Case study of
James West
11 ● Recall key terms and definitions
Review 2 ● Use scientific language accurately to correct statements
● Review and consolidate knowledge

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9BB Biological Systems and Processes
Lesson Core content
1 ● Describe the functions of the skeletal system
Musculoskeletal ● Describe the role of different parts of joints
system ● Describe the function and give examples of antagonistic muscle pairings
2 ● Identify major muscle groups involved in common movements
Muscles ● Describe how some of the muscular tissue in our organs work
● Measure the force of some of the skeletal muscles in the body
3 ● Describe the function of the structures in the respiratory system
The respiratory ● Describe, using knowledge of diffusion, how gases are absorbed from the alveoli into the
system bloodstream
● Explain how alveoli are adapted for their function
4 ● State the word equation for aerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration ● Explain the importance of respiration
5 ● Explain the process involved in breathing
Breathing ● Compare lung volumes in boys and girls
● Calculate means and identify the range in data collected
6 ● Describe the effects of exercise on the respiratory system
Effects of exercise ● Explain the effects of exercise on the respiratory system
and respiration
7 ● State the word equation for anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic ● Explain the importance of this type of respiration & where it is used
8 ● Identify variables in an investigation
How does exercise ● Describe a method to test a hypothesis

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affect breathing
rate? - an
9 ● Review key ideas from the topic so far
Review 1
10 ● Describe the effects of cigarettes on the tissues of the lungs and on gaseous exchange
Effects of smoking ● Describe and explain the impacts on the health of smokers and their unborn babies
● Describe trends in secondary data
11 ● Describe the effects of alcohol on the body and behaviour
Effects of alcohol ● Describe the effects of alcohol on health and the developing foetus
● Display secondary data appropriately
12 ● Define the term DNA, gene and chromosome
DNA ● Describe the work of Franklin, Wilkins, Watson and Crick
● Create a model of DNA
13 ● Understand how the work of Watson, Crick and Franklin contributed to our understanding
DNA Case Study - of the structure of DNA
Franklin, Wilkins,
Watson and Crick
14 ● Use genetic terms correctly
Inheritance ● Draw a simple Punnett square to show inheritance
● Determine the probability of offspring displaying a particular characteristic
15 ● Recall key terms, definitions and structures related to biological systems and processes
Review 2 ● Use scientific language accurately to correct statements
● Review and consolidate knowledge

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B1 Cells, Year 9 (KS4) - could move to Y10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
Prokaryotic and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the differences between eukaryotic and
Eukaryotic cells prokaryotic cells
● Practice identifying eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Comparing cells ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe functions of subcellular structures
● Comparison of cell types
Order of magnitude ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Convert mm to μm and vice versa
● Expressing numbers in standard form
Microscopes ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the differences between images produced by light
and electron microscopes
● Explain how electron microscopes have enhanced our
understanding of cell structures and processes
● Explain what is meant by resolution and magnification
Viewing plant cells ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to use a microscope to view plant cells in focus
under the ● Use the equation M=I/A to calculate any value given the
microscope and the other two
magnification ● Change the units if necessary
Viewing animal ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Find and view animal cells using a microscope
cells under the ● Use the magnification equation to calculate the
microscope and magnification, image or actual size
calculating ● Practice using scale to calculate magnification

62 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Specialised cells ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe specialised features of given cells
● Explain the reason for the special features in terms of the
cells function
● Explain the importance of cell differentiation.
Diffusion ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how substances move in and out of cells by
diffusion, giving examples
● Describe and explain factors that can affect the rate of
Exchange surfaces ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Calculate surface area to volume ratios
and surface area to ● Explain the need for internal surfaces and circulatory
volume ratios systems in larger organisms
● Describe and explain adaptations in plants and animals for
the exchange of materials
Osmosis ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define the term osmosis and give some examples in living
● Explain the changes to both animal and plant cells when
placed in different solutions
Osmosis Required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
practical part 1 hypothesis
● Practice method writing and explain reasons for given
method steps
● Make and record accurate mass measurements
Osmosis Required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Measure change in mass accurately and calculate
Practical part 2 percentage change
● Display and interpret results appropriately
● Describe and explain the patterns in the results
Active transport ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how substances are taken up by active transport

63 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Compare diffusion, osmosis and active transport
● Apply knowledge to exam questions
Cell Cycle and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify DNA, genes, chromosomes on a diagram
Mitosis ● Describe the main stages in the cell cycle
● Use information provided to calculate time spent in different
Aseptic Techniques ✓ ● Calculate the number of bacteria in a population given
mean division time
● Describe how to produce an uncontaminated culture of
bacteria using aseptic technique
● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test the
action of disinfectants or antibiotics
Disinfectants and ✓ ● Make and record accurate measurements
their Effectiveness ● Describe conclusions from the data and use data to support
● Check for reproducibility in the conclusions
● Calculate the area of the clear zone using πr2
Stem cells and the ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Name sources of stem cells and their uses
use of stem cells ● Describe some potential uses of stem cell technology
● Evaluate different stem cell sources
Maths Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Calculating mean values
● Practicing unit conversions, magnification calculation and
percentage change
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of cell content
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of transport content
Exam skills and case ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Practice applying knowledge to exam style questions
study ● Learn about the work of Dr Stephanie dancer

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65 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy
B2 Organisation, Year 10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
Food tests ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to test for starch, sugars, proteins and fats
● Describe the positive and negative results of these tests
● Describe the safety precautions needed
Digestive enzymes ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the structure and function of the digestive system
● Describe the action of enzymes in digestion using the ‘lock
and key’ model
● Name the 3 main digestive enzymes, where they are
produced and the substrate and products of their action
Digestion ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the organs of the digestive system and their
● Describe the purpose and action of acid and bile in the
digestive system
Absorption ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe adaptations of digestive system for absorption
● Explain how these adaptations aid absorption
● Describe uses for the absorbed food particles
Investigating ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe ways to measure the rate of enzyme action
Enzymes ● Identify variables to change measure and control to test the
effect of temperature on enzyme action
● Describe and explain the effect of temperature on the rate
of enzyme action
pH and Enzymes 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a

66 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Collect and record data accurately
● Process and display the results appropriately
● Describe and explain the effect of pH on enzyme activity
pH and Enzymes 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain the effect of pH on amylase activity
● Suggest improvements to the method
● Apply knowledge and understanding to secondary
The lungs ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Label the major structures in the lungs
● Describe gaseous exchange
● Describe and explain how the lungs are adapted for
efficient gaseous exchange.
Blood and blood ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the components of the blood and their function
vessels ● Describe the structure and function of arteries and veins
● Explain how blood components and blood vessels are
adapted for their function
The Heart ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Label the major structures in the heart
● Describe the path blood takes through the heart and
around the body
● Calculate blood flow using appropriate equations
● Describe how heart rate is controlled
Heart Rate ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review the structure of the heart
● Describe function of pacemaker cells
● Describe the role of artificial pacemakers
Heart disease ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some of the causes of heart disease
● Explain how coronary heart disease can lead to a heart
● Evaluate treatments for heart disease

67 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Non- ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some risk factors for diseases
communicable ● Explain the impacts of lifestyle choices and disease at local,
disease national and global levels
● Analyse and interpret secondary data on disease incidence
Cancer ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how cancer forms in the body
● Describe the risk factors associated with cancer
● Explain the difference between ‘benign’ and ‘malignant’
● Explain how malignant cancer can spread
Plant tissues ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the job of the different types of plant tissue and
how they are adapted for function
● Describe the structure of a leaf and how it is adapted for gas
● Explain the function and location of stomata
Plant roots ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the structure of the roots
● Explain how these are adapted for absorption of water and
mineral ions
Transport in plants ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the movement of water around the plant by
● Describe the movement of dissolved sugars around the
plant by translocation
● Explain the role of xylem, phloem and stomata in transport
in plants
Investigating ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe factors that can affect the rate at which water
transpiration moves
● Explain how rate of transpiration can be measured
● Explain how changes in temperature, humidity, air

68 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

movement and light intensity affect rates of water
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of digestive system, lungs and heart
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of non-communicable diseases and plant tissues
Case study: Maud L ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Introduction to the work of M Menten and her work on the
Menten Michaelis-Menten equation
Exam technique ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identifying the skills needed to answer describe, explain and
evaluate questions
● Practice answering describe, explain and evaluate questions
Maths skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the terms cardiac output, stroke volume and heart
● Calculate cardiac output, stroke volume and heart rate
● Use VESRAU to practice substitution and rearrangement
(values, equation, substitute, rearrange, answer, units)

69 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

B3 Infection & Response, Year 10
Lesson title Combined Combined Biology Core content
science science
(FT) (HT)
Infectious ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Name the cause of infectious disease and describe how they
disease make us ill
● Describe how pathogens can be spread, and how this spread
can be reduced
● Describe the main defence mechanisms of the body
Viral and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the symptoms, spread and prevention of the
bacterial viruses measles, HIV and TMV
diseases ● Describe the symptoms, spread and prevention of bacterial
diseases salmonella and gonorrhoea
● Explain why antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial
infections but not viral ones.
● Process secondary data related to infection rates
Fungal and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the symptoms, spread and prevention of rose black
Protist diseases spot
● Describe the spread, symptoms and prevention of malaria
● Explain what is meant by the term ‘vector’
Immunity ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how white blood cells respond to destroy
● Explain the difference between the primary and secondary
● Explain what is meant by immunity
Vaccines ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe what is in a vaccine

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● Explain how vaccines prevent infection
● Explain the advantages of large scale vaccination
Antibiotics ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain the difference between antibiotics and over the
counter medications
● Collect data on the action of different antibiotics and process
it appropriately
● Use the data collected to draw conclusions
Maths skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Calculate a mean, the area of clear zones and percentage
● Draw a conclusion from data
Testing drugs 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify the source of digitalis, penicillin and aspirin
● Describe the stages in developing new drugs to treat disease
● Describe the use of placebos and explain why they are
Testing drugs 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Recap on stages of drug development
● Explain the importance of carrying out a double-blind trial
Monoclonal ✓ ● Describe how monoclonal antibodies are made
antibodies ● Describe some uses of monoclonal antibodies
● Explain why monoclonal antibodies are not as widely used as
first hoped
Plant defences ✓ ● Describe physical and chemical defences in plants to prevent
and infectious disease
deficiencies ● Describe the use of nitrate and magnesium ions by plants
Part 1
Plant defences ✓ ● Describe the symptoms shown by plants deficient in nitrate
and and magnesium ions
deficiencies ● Review of TMV and Rose Black spot, and describe how
Part 2 aphids can affect a plant

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● Describe how to identify and diagnose plant diseases
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of pathogens
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of drug development and treating infection
Review 3 (Bio ✓ ● Review of monoclonal antibodies and plant diseases
Exam skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify command verbs and respond appropriately
● Apply knowledge to exam style questions
Kelly Chibale ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Learn about the work of Kelly Chibale

B4 Bioenergetics, Year 10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
Photosynthesis ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Name the reactants and products needed for
photosynthesis and represent it using a word and symbol
● Describe the uses for the glucose made during
● Carry out a test for starch and explain the results
Photosynthesis ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
required practical hypothesis
● Explain the steps in a given method to test a hypothesis
● Collect and record data to test the hypothesis

Photosynthesis ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Collect the data in a suitable table

required practical ● Describe and explain the relationship between light

72 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

results intensity and rate of photosynthesis
● Describe and explain the effect of carbon dioxide
concentration and temperature on the rate of
● HT - the inverse square law
Limiting factors of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain the relationship between light
photosynthesis intensity and rate of photosynthesis
● Describe and explain the effect of carbon dioxide
concentration and temperature on the rate of
● Identify limiting factors from graphs
Manipulating ✓ ✓ ● Interpret graphs of photosynthesis rate with multiple
factors of factors and decide which is limiting
photosynthesis ● Describe some ways of manipulating conditions for plant
● Evaluate these methods
Review ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of photosynthesis
Respiration ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define respiration and explain its importance in the body
● Describe the changes in the body during exercise
● Explain why these changes are necessary
Anaerobic ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the consequences of anaerobic respiration
respiration ● Explain the results of a simple experiment into anaerobic
respiration using knowledge and understanding
● Compare aerobic respiration with anaerobic respiration
Consequences of ✓ ✓ ● Describe how an oxygen debt occurs
Anaerobic ● Explain the problems with an oxygen debt and how the
respiration body compensates and responds

73 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Metabolism ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define the term metabolism
● Give examples of reactions in metabolism
● Describe the formation of lipids, amino acids and urea
Synoptic links ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain the importance of the digestive, respiratory and
circulatory systems in effective respiration
End of topic review ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of respiration and metabolism
Exam skills ● Apply knowledge of bioenergetics to exam style questions

Maths skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Practice calculating means including identifying anomalies

● HT - calculations of inverse square law
Scientist Case study ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Learn about the work of the botanist Ynes Mexia

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B5 Homeostasis, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
The Nervous ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the role of receptors, neurons and effectors in
system responding to a stimulus
● Describe an appropriate response pathway to any given
Reflex arcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe what is meant by a reflex and give some examples
● Explain the difference between a reflex and a conscious
● Label a diagram of a reflex arc, using key terms correctly
● Describe how nerve cells communicate with each other in
a simple reflex action
Required practical - ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify the hypothesis and variables from a given method
Reaction time part ● Collect and record data accurately
1 ● Process and display data collected (including uncertainties
if appropriate)
Required practical - ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Decide on the reproducibility of class data
Reaction time part ● Evaluate the practical procedure
2 ● Describe and explain patterns in secondary data
The Brain ✓ ● Name the main parts of the brain and describe their
● Describe how knowledge of the brain has developed
● Evaluate the benefits and risks of procedures carried out on

75 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

the brain and nervous system
The eye ✓ ● Label the parts of the eye and describe their functions
● Describe how the eye responds to changes in light levels
● Describe how the eye focuses on near and far objects
Correcting Vision ✓ ● Explain how defects of the eye can lead to short and long
● Explain how treatments of long and shortsightedness work
● Interpret ray diagrams that show long and short
sightedness and how these are treated with lenses
Hormonal ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how the endocrine system brings about
responses responses in the body
● Label the main endocrine glands of the body
● Compare hormonal responses with nervous responses
Negative feedback ✓ ✓ ● Describe the role of adrenaline and thyroxine in the body
- higher ● Explain how negative feedback allows homeostasis
Regulating body ✓ ● Describe how body temperature is monitored
temperature ● Describe the responses to a rise or drop in core body
● Explain how these mechanisms restore body temperature
Controlling blood ✓ ● Describe how blood glucose levels are monitored
sugar levels - ● Explain the response to an increase in blood glucose
Foundation ● Explain how insulin controls blood glucose levels in the
Controlling blood ✓ ✓ ● Describe how blood glucose levels are monitored
sugar levels - ● Explain the response to an increase in blood glucose
Higher ● Explain how insulin controls blood glucose levels in the
● Explain the role of glucagon in blood sugar level

76 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

maintenance and how negative feedback is used
Diabetes ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Compare Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
● Describe some treatments for both types of diabetes
● Interpret data from graphs on the effect of insulin on blood
glucose in people with diabetes
The nervous ✓ ✓ ● Review of nervous system and homeostasis
system and
homeostasis review
lesson - Higher
The nervous ✓ ● Review of nervous system and homeostasis
system and
homeostasis review
lesson -
Water balance ✓ ● Describe ways in which water is gained and lost by the
● Describe how water levels are monitored
● Describe the response when water levels in the body varies
The kidney ✓ ● Describe the function of the kidneys in producing urine
● Describe and explain the differences in blood composition
before and after filtration
● Explain the role of ADH in water balance
Kidney failure ✓ ● Interpret secondary data on blood composition before and
after filtration
● Describe how dialysis works
● Evaluate the treatment of kidney failure by dialysis or
Osmoregulation ✓ ● A review of water balance and application to exam style

77 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

review questions
Hormones in ✓ ● Describe the roles of male and female reproductive
reproduction - hormones
Foundation ● Describe the menstrual cycle and the hormones involved
Hormones in ✓ ✓ ● Describe the roles of male and female reproductive
reproduction - hormones
Higher ● Describe the menstrual cycle and the hormones involved
● Explain the interactions of FSH, LH, oestrogen and
progesterone in the menstrual cycle
● Extract and use information from graphs showing hormone
Artificial control of ✓ ✓ ● Describe how fertility drugs and IVF work
fertility - Higher ● Interpret secondary data on fertility treatments and IVF
● Evaluate fertility treatments from the perspective of
doctors and patients
Contraception ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how different methods of contraception prevent
● Interpret data on the effectiveness of contraception
● Evaluate different hormonal and non-hormonal methods
Plant hormones ✓ ● Describe the responses to light and gravity by plants
● Describe how growth is achieved in roots and shoots
● Investigate the effect of light or gravity on seedlings.
● Describe the role of gibberellins and ethene
Required practical: ✓ ● Identify variables and design a hypothesis
Plants hormones 1 ● Describe how to investigate how light and gravity affect
plant growth
● Display results appropriately
● Draw conclusions consistent with results from the seedling

78 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Required practical: ✓ ● Interpret experimental data
Plants hormones 2 ● Apply knowledge to exam style questions
● Interpret secondary data on the effect of hormones
Homeostasis ✓ ✓ ● Review of homeostasis
review lesson -
Homeostasis ✓ ● Review of homeostasis
review lesson -
Scientist Case ✓ ✓ ✓ ● The work of Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
study: Kiran

79 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

B6 Inheritance & evolution, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
Meiosis and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the main features of meiosis
fertilisation ● Compare mitosis with meiosis
● Explain the importance of meiosis in reproduction
Sexual vs asexual ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe sexual and asexual reproduction in animals and
reproduction plants
● Explain why asexual reproduction leads to identical
● Explain why sexual reproduction leads to variation
Advantages and ✓ ● Describe the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and
disadvantages of asexual reproduction
sexual and asexual ● Give examples of organisms that can reproduce by both
reproduction methods
● Apply knowledge to novel organisms
Genes, DNA and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define and recognize diagrams of DNA, genes and
chromosomes chromosomes
● Describe the structure and function of DNA
● Describe the advantages of understanding the human
Case study: Nancy ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Learn about the work of Nancy Chang, who sequenced the
Chang HIV genome
Protein synthesis ✓ ● Describe how DNA bases code for proteins

80 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Describe protein synthesis
● Explain how mutations can affect the protein made
Genetic inheritance ✓ ● Construct and interpret genetic diagrams.
- Foundation ● Calculate the probability of inheriting particular
characteristics given information about the parents
● Use genetic terms to describe parents & offspring
Genetic inheritance ✓ ✓ ● Construct and interpret genetic diagrams.
- Higher ● Calculate the probability of inheriting particular
characteristics given information about the parents
● Use genetic terms to describe parents & offspring
Inherited disorders ✓ ● Describe the symptoms of the genetic diseases cystic
part 1 - Foundation fibrosis & polydactyly
● Use genetic cross diagrams to calculate probability of
offspring inheriting these diseases
Inherited disorders ✓ ✓ ● Describe the symptoms of the genetic diseases cystic
part 1 - Higher fibrosis & polydactyly
● Use genetic cross diagrams to calculate probability of
offspring inheriting these diseases
Inherited disorders ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Interpret family trees
part 2 ● Calculate probability of offspring inheriting diseases from
family trees
● Evaluate use of embryo screening for inherited disorders
Sex determinations ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Name and recognise the chromosomes that determine sex
● Construct and interpret diagrams to show how sex is
● Interpret family tree diagrams to explain the pattern of

81 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Mendel ✓ ● Describe the work of Gregor Mendel
● Interpret his results and describe how it furthered our
understanding of genetics
● Explain why Mendel’s work was not accepted until after his
Mid-topic review ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of meiosis, sexual and asexual reproduction, genes
and inheritance
Variation and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe reasons for extensive variation within species
natural selection - ● Describe the effects of mutations
part 1
Variation and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain how variation can lead to evolution by natural
natural selection - selection
part 2
Evolution and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the theory of evolution
extinction ● Interpret evolutionary trees
● Explain why some organisms are now extinct
Darwin and Wallace ✓ ● Compare Lamarck’s model for evolution with Darwin’s
● Describe the work of Darwin and Wallace in the
development of evolutionary theory
● Explain why many of these ideas were controversial
Speciation ✓ ● Define the terms species and speciation
● Describe how different species can arise from a common
● Describe Wallace’s work on speciation
Evidence for ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some of the ways fossils are produced
evolution - part 1 ● Explain how this and other evidence gives us information
about the development of life on earth
● Explain why we cannot be certain about how life on earth

82 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Evidence for ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how bacteria have evolved to become resistant to
evolution - part 2 antibiotics
● Describe ways of reducing the development of antibiotic
resistant bacteria
● Evaluate the use of antibiotics in agriculture
Selective breeding ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the process of selective breeding in plants and
● Explain the impact of selective breeding
● Evaluate the use of selective breeding in food plants and
domesticated animals
Genetic ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe genetic engineering
engineering ● Give examples of genetically modified organisms
● Explain some potential benefits and risks of genetic
engineering in agriculture and medicine
Genetic ✓ ✓ ● Describe the process of producing a genetically modified
engineering - part 2 organism
● Evaluate the use of genetic engineering
Cloning ✓ ● Describe cloning techniques in plants and animals
● Evaluate cloning methods for medicine and agriculture
● Explain the ethical objections to animal cloning
Classification ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and apply the Linnaean system for classification
● Explain why new models of classification have been
● Describe the ‘three domain’ classification system
End of topic review ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of natural selection, selective breeding and genetic
1 engineering
End of topic review ✓ ● Review of the biology only content - protein synthesis,

83 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

2 Mendel, evolution theories, speciation and cloning

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B7 Ecology, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Biology Core content
ned ned
science science
(FT) (HT)
Communities ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify examples of interdependence within an ecosystem
● Predict the impact of changes to one species on the rest of
the community
● Extract and interpret information from charts, tables and
graphs relating to interaction of organisms in a community
Biotic and abiotic ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify biotic and abiotic factors within an ecosystem
factors ● Explain how a change in a biotic or abiotic factor can affect a
● Extract and interpret information from secondary data
Adaptations ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Give examples of behavioural, structural or functional
● Suggest factors that organisms are competing for given
● Identify and explain how organisms are adapted to live in
their natural environment
Maths skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Calculate surface area:volume ratio
● Calculate averages and uncertainties
Sampling required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Use a quadrat to collect valid data to estimate a population
practical 1 size
● Describe how to make the data as accurate as possible
● Calculate population estimates

85 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Sampling required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Calculate percentage cover of organisms
practical 2 ● Describe how to use a transect line to test a hypothesis
● Process and interpret secondary data, identifying variables
Biomass ✓ ● Construct pyramids of biomass from information given
● Explain the losses of energy at each stage
● Calculate the efficiency of organisms in turning food into
new biomass
Food security and ✓ ● Describe some of the biological factors that can affect levels
farming of food security
● Describe some of the ways farming methods can increase
levels of efficiency of food production
● Evaluate methods to improve efficiency of food production
Cycles ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the water cycle and explain its importance to living
● Identify the processes by which carbon is cycled through
biotic and abiotic parts of ecosystems
● Describe the processes involved accurately
Decay ✓ ● Name the causes of decay and describe conditions that can
speed it up
● Describe and explain the effect of temperature on the rate
of decay
● Interpret secondary data to describe and explain the effect
of oxygen on the rate of decay
● Apply knowledge to uses of decay
Decay Required ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
practical hypothesis involving the rate of decay
● Collect and record data to test the hypothesis
● Process and display the data appropriately.
Global warming ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain ways in which humans affect

86 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Evaluate the data linking greenhouse gases to global
● Describe some of the consequences of global warming
Biodiversity ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some impacts of humans on biodiversity
● Explain the importance of biodiversity
● Describe ways that humans have tried to restore or
maintain biodiversity
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of communities, biotic and abiotic factors,
adaptation and sampling
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of cycles, global warming and biodiversity
Review 3 ✓ ● Review of biology only content - biomass, food security and
Case study: Dr ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Introduction to the work of Dr Beth Penrose
Beth Penrose

87 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C1 Atomic Structure and the periodic table, Year 9/10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Atoms, Elements ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define elements and compounds an identify them from
and compounds diagrams
● Name compounds from word equations and formulae
● Identify reactants and products in equations
Conservation of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Interpret chemical formulae
mass in ● Apply conservation of mass to equations
Mixtures and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define, identify and describe mixtures
separation ● Explain the steps in the separation of mixtures of soluble and
insoluble substances
● Explain how mixtures of soluble and insoluble substances are
represented and recognised
Separation by ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to separate a mixture of two or more liquids,
distillation identifying key equipment
● Explain the processes and equipment involved
● Apply particle theory to distillation
Separation by ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the process of chromatography
chromatography ● Carry out the chromatography of chlorophyll, explaining key
● Interpret chromatograms
Atomic structure ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe atoms using the nuclear model

88 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● State the charges and mass of the three subatomic particles
● Use the periodic table to calculate the number of protons,
neutrons and electrons for any given element
Development of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the development of the atomic model
the atomic ● Compare the nuclear model with the plum pudding model
model ● Explain how new evidence from the scattering experiment led
to a change in the atomic model
Isotopes ✓ ✓ ✓ ● State the definition of an isotope
● Compare isotopes from given information
● Calculate RAM of isotopes given their abundance and give
answers to specified number of significant figures or decimal
Isotopes case ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the work of Marie Curie and Frederick Soddy and
study lesson explain how their work contributed to our understanding of
isotopes and the atomic model
Electron ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe what keeps electrons in their orbits
configuration ● Draw and write the electron configuration for any of the first 20
and the periodic elements
table ● Describe the link between outer shell electron number, number
of shells and location in the periodic table
Periodic table ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the layout of the modern periodic table
development ● Compare the early versions of the periodic table with the
modern one
● Explain how the periodic table was developed as ideas changed
Why elements ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain the difference between metals and non-metals in terms
react of reactions and electrons
● Explain why group 0 do not react in terms of electrons
● Describe trends in physical properties of group 0

89 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Group 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe physical and chemical properties of the group 1
● Write equations to represent their reaction with water
● Describe and explain trends in properties and reactivity of
group 1
Group 7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe trends in physical properties of group 7 elements
● Explain the trend in physical properties of group 7
Group 7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe trends in reactivity going down group 7
displacement ● Describe the results of a series of reactions of group 7 elements
and their compounds
● Write word and symbol equations to represent the reactions
Comparing the ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Use electron configuration to explain the trends in reactivity in
reactivities of group 1 and 7
group 1 and 7 ● Compare the trends in reactivity in group 1 and 7
Displacement ✓ ✓ ● Write ionic equations for the displacement reactions
reactions - ionic
Transition ✓ ● Describe typical properties of the transition elements
elements ● Compare transition elements and their compounds with those
of with group 1
● Give uses of transition metals linked to their properties
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review 1 - a focus on revision of atomic structure and the maths skills
covered in the unit.
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review 2 - a focus on revision of separation techniques and the
command words ‘describe’ and ‘explain’ in exam questions

90 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

91 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy
C2 Structures and Bonding, Year 10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Ionic bonding ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the formation of ions
introduction ● Link the charge on ions to the place in the periodic table
Further ionic ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the formation of an ionic bond
bonding ● Represent ionic bonding using diagrams
● Write formula for ionic compounds
Properties of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some of the properties of ionic compounds
ionic ● Explain some of the properties of ionic compounds using
compounds knowledge of the structure
Covalent ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define a covalent bond
bonding ● Draw and describe covalent bonds using structural, ball and stick
and displayed formula
● Describe the limitations of the different models
Simple covalent ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain why some covalent substances form molecules and
molecules others form giant structures
● Describe the properties of simple covalent molecule
● Explain their properties in terms of bonding
The giant ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain why some covalent substances form molecules and
covalent others form giant structures
structures ● Describe the properties of diamond and graphite
● Explain the properties using knowledge of the bonding and

92 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Relate properties of these carbon allotropes to their uses
Giant covalent ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the structure of graphene and fullerenes
structures: ● Describe and explain their properties
Graphene ● Describe the work of the scientists who discovered graphene
Polymers ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the structure of polymers
● Explain the properties of polymers
● Draw the formation of polymers given the monomer
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review the content covered on ionic and covalent bonding
● Compare the properties of ionic and covalent substances
Metallic ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the structure and bonding in metals
bonding ● Describe and explain the properties of metals
● Explain why alloys are harder than pure metals
Solids, liquids ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Predict the state of substances at different temperatures, and
and gases the type of bonding present given melting and boiling point
● Describe what happens in terms of particles and forces during a
change of state
● (HT) Explain the limitations of the particle model in relation to
changes of state
Nanoparticles ✓ ● Compare dimensions of particles of different sizes
(GCSE ● Describe some uses of nanoparticles
Chemistry only) ● Evaluate the use of nanoparticles given appropriate information
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review 2
● Review ionic, covalent and metallic bonding
● Relate properties to their bonding
● Relate properties to their uses

93 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

94 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy
C3 Quantitative Chemistry
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi Core content
ned ned -stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Relative Formula ✓ ● Use the periodic table and formulae to determine the relative
Mass (FT only) formula mass of compounds
● Work out percentage of given elements in a compound
● Work out the mass of a particular element in a given mass of a
Relative Formula ✓ ✓ ● Use the periodic table and formulae to determine the relative
mass (HT only) formula mass of compounds
● Work out percentage of given elements in a compound
● Work out the mass of a particular element in a given mass of a
Moles and ✓ ✓ ● Use Mass = Mr x moles to find any one value given the other two
Avogadro’s ● Use Avogadro’s constant to calculate number of
Constant (HT atoms/molecules in a given mass
only) ● Calculate the mass of a given number of atoms using the
Avogadro constant
Balancing ✓ ● Write chemical formulae using knowledge of ion charges
equations (FT ● Balance equations using the same number of atoms rule
Balancing ✓ ✓ ● Write chemical formulae using knowledge of ion charges
equations using ● Balance equations using the same number of atoms rule
moles (HT only) ● Balance equations using moles

95 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Reacting masses ✓ ● Apply conservation of mass to equations
(FT only) ● Use a balanced equation to work out the quantity of reacting
elements needed to produce a specified quantity of product
● Predict the mass of product from a specified starting mass
Reacting masses ✓ ● Predict the mass of product from a specified starting mass
(HT only) ● Use a balanced equation to work out the quantity of reacting
elements needed to produce a specified quantity of product
Reacting masses ✓ ● Predict the mass of product from a specified starting mass
and yield (GCSE ● Use a balanced equation to work out the quantity of reacting
chemistry) elements needed to produce a specified quantity of product
● (GCSE Chem only) Calculate the yield and suggest why the mass
obtained may be less than that calculated
Atom economy ✓ ● Balance equations using same number of atoms and moles
● Calculate atom economy for given reactions
● Choose and justify a reaction pathway
Concentration ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define the term ‘concentration’
● Calculate concentration from mass and volume
● Work out the mass of a substance in a given volume of a
solution of a known concentration
Titration ✓ ● Calculate mean volumes from experimental results
calculations ● Calculate the uncertainty in the readings
● Calculate the concentration of an unknown using a balanced
equation and volumes of reacting solutions.
Limiting ✓ ✓ ● Define a limiting reactant
reactants ● Describe the effect of a limiting reactant on the amount of
products it is possible to achieve
● Calculate the limiting reactant from a balanced symbol

96 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Gas volumes ✓ ● Calculate the volume of a gas at room temperature and
pressure from its mass and formula mass
● Calculate volumes of gaseous reactants and products from a
given volume of a gaseous reactant or product.
Review (FT only) ✓ Review of foundation calculations content
Review (HT only) ✓ Review of higher tier calculations content
Review ✓ Review of triple only content
(chemistry only)
Practical ✓ Extension review on choosing the right concentration to make a
applications of named salt, covering limiting reactant, reacting mass, yield and atom
quantitative economy
Case study ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Introduction to the work of Roger E Billings and Prof Saiful Islam

97 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C4 Chemical Change, year 10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chem- Core content
ned ned istry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Redox reactions ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen
● Identify where oxidation and reduction have happened given an
● Explain how carbon can be used to extract metals from their ores
using redox reactions
Investigating ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test the
the reactivity of reactivity of metals
metals ● Write equations for the reactions of acids and metals, naming
● Use observations to order metals in terms of reactivity
Displacement ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain how the reactivity of a metal is related to forming ions
reactions of ● Record observations on whether or not displacement reactions
metals occur
● Write equations for displacement reactions
Redox higher ✓ ✓ ● Define redox in terms of electrons
tier ● Identify species that are oxidised or reduced in reactions
● Write half equations to represent the reactions
Acid base ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Write word equations to represent the reactions of metal oxides
reactions and acids
● Explain steps in a given method to produce a pure, dry sample of
a soluble salt

98 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Use ion charges to write formulae for salts
Observations ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Write equations to represent the reactions of metal carbonates
from acid base and acids
reactions ● Describe evidence for a chemical reaction
● Describe the test for carbon dioxide and its positive result
Acid base ionic ✓ ✓ ● Write balanced symbol equations for acid base reaction
equations ● Write ionic equations for acid base reactions
Making salts ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Suggest corrections to a given method to make a salt
● Write a method to prepare a salt using a metal carbonate or
metal oxide
● Write equations for the reactions
Acids, alkalis and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the use of universal indicator to classify substances and
the pH scale measure approximate pH values
● Evaluate the use of universal indicator and suggest why pH
probe may be more accurate
● Write equations to represent the reaction of acids and alkalis,
including the ionic equation
● Process secondary data, calculating means and uncertainty
Strong and ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to use indicator to classify substances as strong or
weak acids weak acids
● Explain what strong and weak acids are and concentrated and
● Make order of magnitude calculations to describe changes in pH
Titrations ✓ ● Describe a method to find the concentration of an unknown acid
or alkali
● Explain the steps in the method
Processing ✓ ● Calculate means and uncertainties, dealing with anomalies
Titration results appropriately

99 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Calculate the concentration of an unknown acid or alkali from
data and equations provided
● Suggest ways of improving accuracy
Electrolysis of a ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define the terms ‘electrolysis’ and ‘electrolytes’
molten ● Describe the movement of ions during electrolysis
compound ● Explain what happens at the electrodes
Extraction of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain the use of electrolysis to extract metals
Aluminium ● Describe the extraction of Aluminium from its ore, including the
use of a mixture and the need to continually replace the anode
● Explain why electrolysis is so expensive and describe measures to
try to reduce this
Electrolysis of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Predict the products of the electrolysis of given solutions
solutions ● Electrolyse solutions of ionic compounds and identify the
● Explain why the products are obtained
Developing an ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Develop a hypothesis to test
electrolysis ● Electrolyse given solutions, collecting and identifying the
hypothesis products
● Apply knowledge to other related hypotheses
Electrolysis half ✓ ✓ ● Write ionic equations for the reactions at the electrodes
equations ● Identify species that are oxidised or reduced
Reactivity and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of the content on reactivity, acid base reactions and
acid base making salt
reactions review
Electrolysis ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Review of learning on electrolysis, metal extraction and
review electrolysis of solutions
Chemical ✓ ✓ ● Revision of higher tier content in the unit, including redox and
change higher half equations and strong and weak acids,

100 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

tier review
Humphrey ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the work of Humphrey Davey and Laban Roomes with
Davey and electrolysis
Laban Roomes ● Describe and explain products at the electrodes
Applications of
Writing a ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe key features of method writing
method ● Write a method to test a hypothesis and write a procedural

101 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C5 Energy Changes, year 10
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chem Core content
ned ned -istry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Exothermic and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define endothermic and exothermic reactions and give examples
endothermic of each type
reactions ● Describe some everyday uses of exothermic and endothermic
● Evaluate applications of exothermic and endothermic reactions
Required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Investigate one of the variables affecting the temperature
practical - change, identifying variables to change, measure and control
Temperature ● Process and display results appropriately
change part 1
Required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Draw conclusions from data provided
practical - ● Explain the changes in temperature during the experiment
Temperature ● Evaluate the equipment and method used, making and
change part 2 explaining suggestions for improvement
Writing a ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control
method to test a ● Write a method to test a given hypothesis
hypothesis ● Design a table to collect and record results
Energy level ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Draw and interpret energy level diagrams to represent
diagrams endothermic and exothermic reactions
● Label and define activation energy
● Explain why reactions are endothermic or exothermic overall
Calculating ✓ ✓ ● Calculate bond energy values and use them to predict whether a

102 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Bond energies reaction will be exothermic or endothermic
● Relate bond energies to the correct part of energy level diagrams
● Explain why bond energy calculations have a margin of error
Fuel cells ✓ ● Describe how cells and batteries can be made and how the
voltage can vary
● Describe how a fuel cell works
● Write the half equations for the electrode reactions in a fuel cell
● Evaluate the use of hydrogen fuel cells in comparison with
rechargeable cells and batteries
Review ✓ ✓ Review 1 - review of the foundation and higher tier content
Review ✓ Review - review of all content in the unit, including triple science
Case study ✓ ✓ ✓ Case study - a look at the scientists and engineers using endothermic
and exothermic reactions

103 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C6 Rates of reaction, Year 10/11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Rate of reaction ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe evidence for a chemical reaction
● Describe how to measure rates of reactionCalculate the rate of
the reaction from data or graphs
Rate of reaction ✓ ✓ ● Draw tangents to a curve
using graphs ● Use the tangent to calculate rate of reaction
and tangents
Collision theory ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Define activation energy
● Describe factors that can affect the rate of reaction
● Explain how these factors affect rate using collision theory
Planning an ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Write a method to test a hypothesis
investigation to ● Describe patterns in data
find the rate of ● Explain patterns using collision theory
Rate of reaction ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Develop a hypothesis that can be tested
required ● Display data appropriately
practical 1 ● Describe and explain the effect of concentration on the rate of
Rate of reaction ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to measure the rate of reaction using a change
required in colour or turbidity
practical 2 ● Process and display data appropriately, explaining choice of

104 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Describe and explain the effect of concentration on the rate of
● Check for reproducibility in data collected
Effect of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
changing hypothesis
surface area on ● Process and display data appropriately
rate of reaction ● Use the data to describe and explain the effect of changing
surface area on the rate of reaction
Effect of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain the effect of temperature on rates of
changing reaction, using particle theory.
temperature on ● Interpret secondary data on the effect of temperature on the
rate of reaction rate of reaction
● Explain the observations using particle theory
Effect of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Recognise reactions involving gases
changing ● Describe and explain the effect of pressure on gaseous
Pressure on rate reaction
of reaction ● Apply knowledge to novel reactions
Catalysts ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe what a catalyst is and how it affects the rate of a
● Explain why more than one catalyst is often needed
● Describe the test for oxygen gas
● Draw a reaction profile for a reaction with and without a
Reversible ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe what is meant by a reversible reaction and how to
reactions represent it
● Explain how reversible exothermic and endothermic reactions
are linked
● Explain what is meant by ‘dynamic equilibrium’
Le Chatelier's ✓ ✓ ● State and apply Le Chatelier’s principle to any reversible

105 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

principle - the reaction
effect of ● Describe the effect on equilibrium of changes to temperature
changing and concentration
concentration ● Choose and explain the conditions needed to achieve a high
and yield
Le Chatelier’s ✓ ✓ ● Describe the effect on equilibrium of changes to pressure
principle - the ● Choose and explain the conditions needed to achieve a high
effect of yield
Le Chatelier’s ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain the effect of changes in pressure on the
Principle - uses equilibrium of gaseous reactions
in industry ● Describe and explain the conditions for optimum yield for a
given reaction
● Explain why optimum yield conditions are not always the ones
The rate and ✓ ✓ ✓ Review of collision theory and rates of reaction
extent of
change review 1
The rate and ✓ ✓ Review of higher tier content in the unit :
extent of ● Using tangents to calculate rates
chemical ● Le Chatelier’s principle
change review 2

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107 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy
C7 Organic Chemistry, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Crude oil and ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the composition of crude oil
alkanes ● Define and recognise hydrocarbons and recall their general
● Draw and name the first four hydrocarbons
● Describe trends in physical properties of the hydrocarbons
Fractional ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how crude oil is separated into fractions
distillation ● Describe trends in the physical and chemical properties of the
fractions of crude oil
● Describe uses for the different fractions of crude oil
Cracking ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Explain why cracking is necessary
● Describe the process and products of cracking
● Describe the test for alkenes and its positive result
● Represent cracking using equations
Uses of ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Write equations for the complete combustion of hydrocarbons,
hydrocarbons identifying oxidation
● Describe uses for the alkenes produced in cracking
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● A review of the key ideas from the first 4 lessons of this topic
Reactions of ✓ ● Draw and name alkenes
alkenes ● Compare the combustion of alkenes with that of alkanes
● Describe and draw the reaction of alkenes with hydrogen, water
and the halogens

108 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Alcohols ✓ ● Draw and name alcohols
● Describe the production of alcohol from sugar
● Describe the uses of alcohols and reactions with sodium, water
and oxidising agents
Properties and ✓ ● Describe the combustion of alcohols
combustion of ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
alcohols hypothesis
● Evaluate data collected and make suggestions on how to
improve it
Carboxylic acids ✓ ● Name and draw carboxylic acids
● Describe the properties and reactions of carboxylic acids
● Explain why carboxylic acids are weak acids
Natural and ✓ ● Describe the process of addition polymerisation
addition ● Draw and name polymers
polymers ● Recognise monomers from given polymers
Condensation ✓ ● Describe the process of condensation polymerisation
polymers ● Draw and name condensation polymers & the small molecules
● Draw and describe polymerisation of amino acids
● Describe the natural polymers starch, cellulose and DNA
Review 2 ✓ ● Create synoptic links between this topic and other parts of GCSE
Review 3 ✓ Review the separate science content from this topic

109 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C8 Analysis, year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
Pure, impure ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify pure and impure substances using diagrams or data
and formulations ● Describe how to test for purity
● Describe and give examples of formulations
Chromatography ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how to correctly use chromatography to separate
● Interpret chromatograms to determine the contents of a
provided mixture
Interpreting ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Identify mistakes in practical set up and suggest how to rectify
chromatograms them
● Interpret chromatography data, identifying pure substances
and mixtures
● Calculate Rf values and using significant figures appropriately
Testing gases ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the tests for oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and
chlorine and their positive results
● Write and balance chemical equations to represent some of
the reactions.
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review of the combined content
Identifying ✓ ● Describe how to identify metal ions using flame tests and
positive ions precipitation
● Name the colours produced by given metal ions in flame tests
● Write and balance chemical equations for the reactions of

110 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

metal salts with sodium hydroxide
Identifying ✓ ● Describe the tests for anions – carbonate, halide and sulphate
negative ions ● Safely carry out the tests and record the results
● Describe the positive results
Review 2 ✓ Review of the cation and anion tests
Identifying ions ✓ ● Safely carry out a series of a series of chemical tests to identify
in solution unknown solutions
● Describe the tests used and the positive results
● Write chemical formula for the identified compounds
Flame emission ✓ ● Evaluate the use of instrumental methods to identify
spectroscopy unknowns
● Describe uses of flame emission spectroscopy
● Interpret results from spectroscopy analysis to identify
Scientist profile ✓ ✓ ✓ A look at the work of Angela Lamb and her work on analytical
Angela Lamb techniques
Review 3 ✓ Review of the chemistry only content

111 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C9, Atmosphere, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(FT) (HT)
The Earth’s ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Compare the compositions of Earth’s atmosphere with the
atmosphere modern one
● Describe and explain the changes in the composition of the
atmosphere over Earth’s history
● Evaluate different theories about the Earth’s early atmosphere
● Describe and explain the formation of limestone, coal, crude oil
and natural gas
The ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe the greenhouse effect
Greenhouse ● Describe the reasons for and the impacts of increasing
effect greenhouse gases on the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere
● Evaluate the strength of the evidence for the link between CO2
levels and global temperature rise
Climate ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe potential consequences of climate change
change ● Define the carbon footprint in a range of contexts
● Suggest ways of reducing carbon footprints in different contexts
and why actions to reduce carbon footprints may be limited
Pollutants ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe how carbon monoxide, soot, sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides are produced and released into the atmosphere
● Predict the products of the combustion of a fuel given
appropriate information
● Describe the problems caused by these pollutants

112 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Maths skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe and explain patterns in graphs
● Recap maths skills such as mean calculation
Alice Wilson ✓ ✓ ✓ A look at the work of geologist Alice Wilson and her contribution to the
understanding of evolution of the Earth
Review 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review of content in unit - changes to the atmosphere and the
greenhouse effect
Review 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ Review of global warming and the source and problems caused by
named atmospheric pollutants

113 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

C10, using Resources, Year 11
Lesson title Combi- Combi- Chemi- Core content
ned ned stry
science science
(F) (H)
Finite resources ✓ ✓ ✓ ● State ways in which natural products are supported or replaced
by man-made products
● Extract and interpret information in charts, graphs and tables
● Evaluate the use of finite and renewable resources
Life Cycle ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe some ways of reducing our use of finite resources
Assessments ● Evaluate ways of reducing our use of limited resources
● Carry out life cycle assessments given appropriate information
The importance ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe ways of recycling
of recycling ● Describe the impacts of recycling in terms of environmental
impact and sustainable development
Phytomining ✓ ✓ ● Describe the processes of phytomining and bioleaching to
and extract metals
bioleaching ● Compare alternative methods of metal extraction using
information given
● Link the processes to displacement and energy change graphs
Rusting ✓ ● Describe experiments to prove the need for oxygen and water for
rusting to occur
● Interpret results from rusting experiments
● Describe methods of preventing corrosion, including sacrificial
Alloys ✓ ● State uses of the alloys bronze, brass and steel

114 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Interpret and evaluate the composition and uses of alloys given
appropriate information
● Explain why alloys are more useful than pure metals
Polymers ✓ ● Give uses for different types of polymer
● Explain how low density and high density poly(ethene) are both
produced from ethene
● Explain the difference between thermosoftening and
thermosetting polymers in terms of their structures
Glass, ceramics ✓ ● Describe the production of glass
and composites ● Give some uses for composites
● Compare quantitatively the physical properties of glass and clay
ceramics, polymers, composites and metals
● Explain how the properties of materials are related to their uses
and select appropriate materials.
Water safe to ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Distinguish between pure and potable water
drink ● Describe and explain the steps involved in the treatment of safe
drinking water
● Test water for pH and dissolved solid content and calculate the
concentration of dissolved solids
Required ✓ ✓ ✓ ● Describe methods of producing potable water from salty water
practical on ● Describe how to carry out the distillation of a water sample
potable water ● Describe the differences between the water samples before and
after distillation and how to test for these
Waste water ✓ ✓ ✓ ● State components of wastewater that can cause problems in the
treatment environment
● Describe how wastewater is treated to make it safe to release
into the environment
● Compare the treatments of waste, ground and salt water in
terms of ease of producing potable water

115 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Making ✓ ● Name the source of the reactants in the Haber process
ammonia and ● Describe the importance of the Haber process
the Haber ● Describe the conditions and reactions involved in the Haber
process process
The economics ✓ ● Predict the effect of temperature, concentration and pressure on
of the Haber yield and rate of reaction in the Haber process
process ● Interpret graphs of reaction conditions versus rate
● Explain why industrial conditions for the Haber process are a
compromise, taking into account multiple factors
Making ✓ ● State the use and composition of NPK fertilisers
fertilisers in the ● Describe the production of NPK fertilisers, naming reactants and
lab and in products
industry ● Compare the industrial production of fertilisers with laboratory
preparations of the same compounds given appropriate
Review lesson ✓ ✓ ✓ Review of combined content
Review lesson - ✓ Review of chemistry content
Exam skills - ✓ ✓ ✓ Exam skills lesson focusing on the command verbs ‘compare’ and
compare and ‘evaluate’
Case study: ✓ ✓ ✓ A look at the work of Kitty Hach Darrow on water purification methods
Kitty Hach

116 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

P1 Energy
Lesson Combine Combine Physics Core content
title d science d science
(FT) (HT)
Energy Y Y Y ● Name the 8 energy stores
transfers ● Describe the transfer of energy from one store to another,
identifying pathways
● Describe how energy is dissipated and calculate efficiency
The Kinetic Y Y Y ● Calculate the energy stored in a moving object
energy store ● Rearrange the equation to calculate velocity or mass
● Change units where necessary and express answers to given
numbers of significant figures
The Y Y Y ● Use an equation to calculate GPE, mass or height
Gravitational ● Use values for GPE to calculate the theoretical velocity of an
Potential object
energy store ● Explain why the maximum theoretical velocity is never
actually reached.
Conservation Y Y Y ● Define the term system
of energy ● Explain the law of conservation of energy.
● Apply conservation of energy to systems involving GPE and
The Elastic Y Y Y ● Define an elastic object
Potential ● Calculate the energy stored in a stretched or compressed
store object
● Describe the energy transfers in a bouncing object
Power Y Y Y ● Describe, using examples, what is meant by power

117 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Calculate power using energy transferred or work done
● Compare the power of different appliances or machines
Efficiency Y Y Y ● Calculate efficiency from numbers or a Sankey diagram
and reducing ● Describe ways of reducing unwanted energy transfers
unwanted ● Explain method for reducing unwanted energy transfers
Specific heat Y Y Y ● Explain what is meant by specific heat capacity
capacity ● Use the specific heat capacity equation to calculate
unknown values
Specific heat Y Y Y ● Explain the method steps used to find the SHC of a
capacity substance
Required ● Plot a graph of results to determine specific heat capacity
practical ● Calculate the SHC of the blocks investigated
● Write a method for an alternative SHC investigation
Insulating Y ● Explain the steps in a given method to test a hypothesis
material ● Collect and display data appropriately
required ● Describe and explain patterns in results.
Insulating Y ● Describe hazards, risks and safety precautions associated
material with a given method
required ● Collect and display results appropriately
practical 2 ● Calculate the rate of cooling using tangents
● Draw conclusions consistent with results
Non- Y Y Y ● State the names of non-renewable energy resources
renewable ● Interpret data to compare energy usage
energy ● Consider impact on the environment of non-renewables.

118 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Renewable Y Y Y ● Describe uses of renewable energy resources
energy ● Describe advantages and disadvantages of renewable
resources energy resources
● Evaluate the use of energy resources
● Compare the use of different energy resources
Multi Step Y Y ● Choose correct equations to use in calculations.
calculations ● Use multiple equations to solve single problems.
for the
energy topic
Energy Y Y Y ● Correct misconceptions
review ● Recall definitions of key terms and use them correctly
● Apply understanding to exam style questions.
Case Study - Y Y Y Understand the key contributions of Esther Takeuchi.

119 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

P2 Electricity
Lesson Combined Combined Physics Core content
title science science
(FT) (HT)
Drawing Y Y Y ● Draw circuits, using correct common circuit symbols
Current Y Y Y ● Describe electrical current
and charge ● Use the equation Q=It to calculate any value given the other
two, changing units where necessary
Potential Y Y Y ● Describe what is meant by potential difference and resistance
difference in circuits
● Recall and apply the equation linking charge, energy and
potential difference
Electrical Y Y Y ● Describe what happens to current when potential difference
Resistance and resistance are varied
● Use an equation linking potential difference, current and
resistance to calculate any value given the other two
Resistance Y Y Y ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
of a wire hypothesis
● Collect and record measurements of current and potential
difference for different lengths of wire
● Use the readings to calculate resistance in the wire
● Plot a graph of the results
Series Y Y Y ● Predict current and pd in series circuits
circuits ● Describe the effect of adding resistors in series circuits

120 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Use Ohm’s Law to calculate current, resistance or pd
Y Y Y ● Describe and apply the rules for pd and current in a parallel
Parallel circuit
circuits ● Describe the effect of adding resistors in parallel
● Use Ohm's law to find pd, resistance or current in parallel
Series and Y Y Y ● Compare series and parallel circuits.
parallel ● Use Ohm’s Law to find pd, current and resistance in circuits.
Properties Y Y Y ● Make and record measurements to find the pattern of
of Resistors resistance in a fixed resistor
● Plot a graph of the data obtained
● Describe and explain the relationship between current, pd and
resistance in a fixed resistor
Filament Y Y Y ● Make and record measurements to find the pattern of
lamps resistance in a filament lamp
● Plot a graph of the data obtained
● Calculate resistance for the values collected
● Describe and explain the relationship between current, pd and
resistance in a filament lamp
Diodes Y Y Y ● Recognise and draw the symbol for a diode
● Process secondary data and plot a graph of the data
● Describe and explain the pattern of current and pd with a
Light Y Y Y ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
dependent hypothesis
Resistors ● Collect and display results appropriately
● Explain how resistance changes with light levels in an LDR
● Explain how LDRs can be used to switch lights on when it gets

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Thermistors Y Y Y ● Draw a circuit diagram to illustrate how to test the resistance
of a thermistor
● Process secondary data appropriately and use it to inform a
● Explain the use of thermistors as a thermostat
Review of Y Y Y ● Tackle misconceptions for electrical circuits
electrical ● Recall key definitions and equations.
circuits ● Apply understanding to exam style questions.
Domestic Y Y Y ● Describe the features of UK mains supply and three core cable
electricity ● Explain the use of live, neutral and earth wires
● Explain the difference between direct and alternating potential
Electrical Y Y Y ● Recall and apply the equation linking current, potential
power - difference and power
part 1 ● Change units and the subject of equations where necessary
● Recall and apply the equation to calculate power, current or
● Change units and the subject of equations where necessary
Electrical Y Y Y ● Recall and apply the equation linking energy, power and time
power - ● Recall and apply the equation linking charge, energy and
part 2 potential difference
Multi-Step Y Y ● HT Be able to solve problems using multi-step or multiple
calculations equations.
The Y Y Y ● Describe how electricity is transmitted in the national grid,
National naming the components
Grid ● Explain the use of transformers in the national grid
● Evaluate the use of underground or overhead cables.

122 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● (HT) use a given equation to calculate current or pd given
appropriate information
Domestic Y Y Y ● Tackle misconceptions for domestic electricity
electricity ● Recall key information and definitions
review ● Apply understanding to exam style questions.
Static Y ● Describe the production of static electricity and sparking by
electricity rubbing surfaces
● Describe evidence that charged objects exert forces of
attraction or repulsion on one another when not in contact
● Explain how the transfer of electrons between objects can
explain static electricity
Case study: Y (if Y (if Y ● Study the work of Benjamin Franklin and how it relates to
Benjamin wanted - wanted - electricity.
Franklin makes makes
and Sparks reference reference
to physics to physics
only only
content) content)
Electric Y ● Draw the electric field pattern for isolated charged spheres
fields ● Explain the concept of an electric field
● Explain how the concept of electric fields help explain non-
contact forces between charged objects, sparking and other
electrostatic phenomena

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P3 Particle model of matter
Lesson Combine Combine Physics Core content
title d science d science
(FT) (HT)
Particle Y Y Y ● Describe the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and
models gases and represent them with accurate drawings
● Use the particle model to explain differences in properties of
solids, liquids and gases
● Evaluate the particle models
Density of Y Y Y ● Use an equation to calculate density, mass or volume of an
solids object
● Unit conversion (mass and volume)
Density Y Y Y ● Describe how to measure the density of regular and irregular
required solids
practical ● Make and record accurate measurements
Density of Y Y Y ● Describe how to measure the density of liquids
liquids ● Make and record accurate measurements
● Suggest possible sources of error and how to correct them
Internal Y Y Y ● Define internal energy
Energy ● Describe the two results of changing the internal energy of a
system and recognize them on heating/cooling graphs
● Plot secondary data for heating a substance
● Describe heating and changes of state in terms of kinetic and
potential energy stores
Heating and Y Y Y ● Describe heating and changes of state in terms of kinetic and
cooling potential energy stores

124 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

substances ● Use the specific heat capacity equation to calculate any value
given the others
Latent heat Y Y Y ● Describe changes to particle arrangement and movement
during a change of state
● Describe latent heat of vaporisation and fusion and recognize
them on a graph
● Use an equation to calculate energy, mass or latent heat
Multi-step Y Y ● Use an equation to calculate energy, mass or latent heat
energy values
calculations ● Multi Step calculations
Gas Y Y Y ● Use the particle model to explain gas pressure
pressure ● Plot data to show the effect of temperature on gas pressure
and describe the pattern shown
● Explain why changing the temperature of a gas affects the
Pressure Y ● Describe how volume changes affect pressure
and volume ● Use the particle model to explain how changes in volume can
1 result in changes in pressure
Pressure Y ● Calculate the resulting pressure or volume when one is
and volume changed using an equation
2 ● Explain how work done affects the internal energy of a gas
Review 1 Y Y Y Review 1
● Recall definitions of key terms and use them correctly
● Application of knowledge to exam questions
● Correct key misconceptions on this topic
Case study - Y Y Y Studying the life and work of Joseph Black

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P4 Atomic Structure
Lesson Combine Combine Physics Core content
title d science d science
(FT) (HT)
Exploring Y Y Y ● Describe the current atomic model
Inside Atom
Isotopes and Y Y Y ● Explain how EM radiation can cause changes in electron
Ionisation arrangement or ionisation
● Compare isotopes in terms of their subatomic particles
History of Y Y Y ● Compare the nuclear model of the atoms with the plum
atomic pudding model
models ● Describe how evidence led to changes in the atomic model
● Explain why Rutherford’s atomic model was readily accepted
Radioactivity Y Y Y ● Describe the effect of alpha, beta and gamma radiation on
the nucleus
● Describe properties of alpha beta and gamma radiation
Decay Y Y Y ● Write nuclear equations to represent decay
Activity and Y ● Describe what is meant by the radioactive half life of a sample.
Half-life (FT) ● Plot a graph representing the number of decays in a sample.
● Determine half lives from information given
Activity and Y Y ● Describe what is meant by the radioactive half life of a sample.
Half-life (HT) ● Plot a graph representing the number of decays in a sample.
● Determine half lives from information given
● Calculate net decline and express as a ratio
Uses and Y Y ● Describe some uses and dangers of radioactive sources

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Hazards of ● Explain the relative dangers in terms of properties and half
Radiation lives
(Combined ● Evaluate the use of radioactive sources for given situations
Science ● Describe and identify examples of radioactive contamination
only) and irradiation
● Compare the hazards associated with contamination and
● Explain how the risk changes over time and distance from the
Hazards of Y ● Describe and identify examples of radioactive contamination
Radiation and irradiation
(Physics ● Compare the hazards associated with contamination and
only) irradiation
● Explain how the risk changes over time and distance from the
● Describe sources of background radiation.
Uses of Y ● Explain why the hazards of a radioactive source varies
Radiation according to half life
(Physics ● Describe uses of radioactive isotopes in relation to the
only) exploration of body organs and destruction of unwanted
● Evaluate uses of radioactive isotopes for exploration of body
Fission and Y ● Describe the process of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission
fusion ● Draw and interpret diagrams representing nuclear fission
● Explain what is meant by a chain reaction
P4 Atomic Y Y Y ● Identify key misconceptions
structure ● Apply understanding to exam questions
Review 1

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P4 Atomic Y ● Identify key misconceptions appropriate to GCSE physics
structure course only
Review 2 ● Apply understanding to exam questions

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P5 Forces and Motion
Lesson Combined Combined Physic Core content
title science science s
(FT) (HT)
Forces an Y Y Y ● Describe the difference between scalar and vector quantities
introduction ● Describe forces as contact or non-contact and give examples
● Describe the interaction between forces between pairs of
Weight, Y Y Y ● Describe how to find and represent the centre of mass of an
mass and object
gravity ● Describe the relationship between mass, weight and gravity
● Use the mathematical relationship to calculate any value,
given the other two
Resultant Y ● Calculate resultant forces of forces acting in a straight line
forces ● Describe the effect of resultant forces on objects
● Describe scalar and vector quantities and give examples
Resolving Y Y ● Calculate resultant forces of forces acting in a straight line
forces (HT) ● Describe the effect of resultant forces on objects
● Describe scalar and vector quantities and give examples
● Represent and interpret vector quantities using scale
● Draw and interpret vector diagrams representing multiple
Forces and Y Y Y ● Describe energy transfers when work is done, including the
work effect of work done against frictional forces
● Calculate work done, force or distance given appropriate

130 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

● Convert units where needed.
Forces and Y Y Y ● Identify variables to change, measure and control in a given
elasticity 1 hypothesis
● Construct a table for result, including units
● Explain the steps in the method to test a given hypothesis
● Collect and display data appropriately.
Forces and Y Y Y ● Recall and use a formula to calculate extension, force or
elasticity 2 spring constant
● Process secondary data
● Plot a graph of the data and use it to explain the limit of
● Relate stretching and compression to work done and
calculate this.
Moments Y ● Describe examples in which forces cause rotation.
and levers ● Calculate the size of a force, or its distance from a pivot,
acting on an object that is balanced.
● Explain how levers help in everyday life
Moments Y ● Explain how levers and gears transmit the rotational effects of
and Gears forces
Pressure Y ● Define pressure
● Calculate pressure exerted on a surface
Pressure in Y ● Explain why, in a liquid, pressure at a point increases with the
fluids height of the column of liquid above that point and with the
density of the liquid.
● Calculate the differences in pressure at different depths in a
● Describe the factors which influence floating and sinking.

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Atmospheric Y
pressure ● Describe a simple model of the Earth’s atmosphere and of
atmospheric pressure
● Explain why atmospheric pressure varies with height above a
Speed Y Y Y ● Explain what is meant by the term ‘average speed’
● Recall and apply a formula to calculate average speed,
distance or time.
Distance- Y Y Y ● Interpret distance time graphs and use them to calculate
time graphs speed
● (HT) Explain qualitatively that motion in a circle involves
constant speed but changing velocity.
Acceleration Y Y Y ● Calculate resultant forces
● Describe the effect of resultant forces on stationary and
moving objects
● Calculate acceleration and use the correct units
● Use and manipulate the equation for uniform acceleration
Velocity- Y Y Y ● Draw velocity–time graphs from measurements
time graphs ● Interpret lines and slopes to determine acceleration
● (HT) Determine distance travelled by an object (or
displacement of an object) from a velocity–time graph
Terminal Y Y Y ● Describe and recognise terminal velocity
Velocity ● Explain why falling objects have different terminal velocities
● (Physics only) Draw and interpret velocity–time graphs for
objects reaching terminal velocity
● (Physics only) Interpret the changing motion in terms of the
forces acting.
Newton’s Y Y Y ● Use Newton’s second law to calculate force, mass or
laws acceleration

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● Estimate the speed, accelerations and forces involved in large
accelerations for everyday road transport.
● Recognise and use the symbol that indicates an approximate
● (HT) Define and explain that what we mean by inertial mass
Acceleration Y Y Y ● Describe a method for investigating how force or mass
RPA 1 affects acceleration
● Select appropriate apparatus for determining the
acceleration of an object.
● Describe how to manage the risks associated with the
● Correctly calculate means
Acceleration Y Y Y ● Interpret graphs to make conclusions
RPA 2 ● Use the equation F=ma to calculate theoretical acceleration.
● Explain differences between experiment data and theoretical
● Calculate acceleration using speed and distance
Stopping Y Y Y ● Identify and sort factors which could affect thinking and/or
distance braking distance.
● Calculate the stopping distance of a vehicle using an
● Write a conclusion with values quoted.
● Rearrange the equation for stopping distance to calculate
braking or thinking distance.
Momentum Y Y ● State what is meant by momentum.
● Calculate the momentum of objects.
● Apply the conservation of momentum to collisions and

133 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Car safety Y ● Explain how certain car safety features work.
● Calculate quantities from an equation related to car safety
● Rearrange an equation to calculate other values.
Combined Y Y Y ● Identify key misconceptions from the sections of forces
science common to combined science and GCSE Physics courses
review ● Apply understanding to exam questions
Physics only Y ● Identify key misconceptions from the Physics only section of
review forces
● Apply understanding to exam questions
Case study - Y Y Y A look into the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac

P6 Waves
Lesson Combine Combine Physics Core content
title d science d science
(FT) (HT)
Wave Y Y Y ● Identify the features of a longitudinal and transverse waves
properties ● Describe the production of longitudinal and transverse waves
● Compare light and sound waves
Calculations Y Y Y ● Calculate frequency from diagrams or information
with waves ● Make and record measurements to calculate the speed of
sound in air
● Use the wave equation to calculate speed, frequency or
Measuring Y Y Y ● Explain the steps taken in measuring the speed of waves in

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the speed of water
waves in ● Process results appropriately
water ● Describe how to minimise error in the readings
Measuring Y Y Y ● Explain the steps taken in measuring the speed of waves in
the speed of solids
waves in ● Process results appropriately
solids ● Describe how to minimise error in the readings
Reflection Y ● Construct ray diagrams to illustrate the reflection of a wave at
a surface
● Describe the effects of reflection, transmission and
absorption of waves at material interfaces.
● Investigate the reflection of light by different types of surface
and the refraction of light by different substances
Refraction Y Y Y ● Describe the effect of refraction at material interfaces
● Explain the process of process of refraction
Sound Y ● Describe the range of normal human hearing
● Describe processes which convert wave disturbances
between sound waves and vibrations in solids.
● Explain why such processes only work over a limited
frequency range and the relevance of this to human hearing
Ultrasound Y ● Explain how ultrasound waves are used for both medical and
and seismic industrial imaging
waves ● Describe how high frequency sound waves are used to detect
objects in deep water and measure water depth.
● Explain how seismic waves provide evidence for the structure
of the Earth
Electromag- Y Y Y ● Describe properties of the EM spectrum waves
netic ● Describe uses of each type of wave

135 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

part 1
Electromag- Y Y Y ● (HT) explain why each wave is suitable for the application
netic ● Describe the effect of different substances on EM waves
Spectrum ● Describe some of the dangers of EM waves
part 2 ● Draw conclusions from secondary data on the risks and
consequences of exposure to radiation
Infra-red Y Y Y ● Identify variables to change, measure and control to test a
● Collect and record data
● Process data collected and use it to inform a conclusion
Combined Y Y Y ● Identifying key misconceptions across the combined science
science and physics only aspect of the topic.
review ● Apply understanding to exam questions
Lenses Y ● Pupils should be able to construct ray diagrams to illustrate
the similarities and differences between convex and concave
● Describe the image formed by lenses
● Calculate the magnification of an image formed by a lens
Colour Y ● Explain how the colour is related to absorption, transmission
and reflection of different wavelengths of light
● Explain the effect of viewing objects through filters or the
effect on light of passing through filters
● Explain why an opaque object has a particular colour
Black body Y ● Explain the intensity and wavelength distribution of radiation
radiation emitted by all bodies
● Explain how the temperature of a body is related to the
balance between incoming radiation
● Draw/interpret diagrams to show how radiation affects the
temperature of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere.

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Physics Y ● Identify key misconceptions from the physics only part of the
review topic
● Apply understanding to exam questions

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P7 Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Lesson Combine Combine Physics Core content
title d science d science
(FT) (HT)
Magnetism Y Y Y ● Describe what happens when poles of a magnet are brought
● Describe how to test to see if a material is magnetic or a
● Interpret secondary data on an experiment to test the
variation in magnetic field Describe how the strength of a
magnetic field varies
Magnetic Y Y Y ● Describe and draw the direction of the magnetic field around
fields a bar magnet
● Describe how to plot the magnetic field pattern of a magnet
using a compass
● Explain how the behaviour of a magnetic compass is related
to evidence that the core of the Earth must be magnetic
Electromag- Y Y Y ● Describe and draw the magnetic field around a wire carrying
netism a current
● Describe the magnetic field in and around a solenoid
● Explain how the strength of the magnetic field can be varied
The motor Y Y ● Describe the motor effect and the factors that affect the size
effect and of the force on the conductor
Left Hand ● Use Fleming's left hand rule to predict the direction of
Rule movement of a wire in a field
● Use the equation linking force, magnetic flux density, current

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and length to calculate any value, changing units where
F=B×I×l Y Y ● Use the equation linking force, magnetic flux density, current
and length to calculate any value, changing units where
● Combine equations to calculate missing values
DC Motors Y Y ● Explain how a DC motor works, using Fleming’s left hand rule
to predict direction of rotation
● Explain the role of a commutator
Electromag- Y ● Describe the factors affecting size and direction of induced
netic pd/current
Induction ● Explain how the generator effect is used in an alternators (ac)
Electromag- Y ● Explain how the generator effect is used in dynamos (dc)
netic ● Draw/interpret graphs of potential difference generated in the
devices coil against time for generators and dynamos
● Explain how a moving-coil loudspeaker and headphones work
● Explain how a moving-coil microphone works.
Transformer Y ● Describe the structure of a transformer
s ● Explain how transformers are used in the National Grid
● Explain how an alternating current in one coil induces a
current in another
Transformer Y ● Explain how the ratio of potential differences across the two
Equations coils depends on the ratio of turns
● Carry out calculations linking both transformer equations and
relate to advantages of power transmission at high potential

139 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

Case study: Y Y Y A study of the life and work of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
P7 Y Y Y ● Identify misconceptions
Magnetism ● Apply understanding to exam questions
Revision 1
P7 Y ● Identify misconceptions specific to the physics only part of the
Magnetism course
Revision 2 ● Apply understanding to exam questions

140 Version 2.0, 24 August 2020 Oak National Academy

P8 Space (Physics GCSE only)
Lesson title Core content
Solar System ● Calculate distances in space
● Describe the solar system and how the sun was formed
● Describe the process of nuclear fusion
Orbits ● Describe the process of circular motion
● Describe similarities and differences between planets, moons and artificial satellites.
● Explain how the force of gravity can lead to changing velocity but unchanging speed
● Explain how the radius of an orbit must change if speed changes.
Life Cycle of a Star ● Describe the life cycle of stars similar to our sun and larger
● Describe the role supernovae play in the formation of elements heavier than iron
● Explain how fusion processes lead to the formation of new elements
Element synthesis ● Describe nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium
● Explain how elements heavier than iron are made
Origins of universe ● Qualitatively explain the red-shift of light from galaxies that are receding
● Explain that the change of each galaxy’s speed with distance is evidence of an expanding
● Explain how red-shift provides evidence for the Big Bang model
CMBR ● Explain how CMBR provides evidence for the big bang theory
● Describe how the CMBR was discovered and led to the acceptance of the Big Bang
● Describe what is not understood about the universe (eg dark mass and dark energy)
Review - Space ● Identify key misconceptions
● Apply understanding to exam questions.
Case study - A look at the life and work of S.Chandrasekhar

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