Tax Invoice Sulemaan Sayyedshaikh: Pay Bill

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TAX INVOICE (Original for the Receipient)


DLR Enclave, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad, Telangana 8-2-618/1/2, Road No11,
500094, India BanjaraHills,Hyderabad,Telangana500034.P
Hyderabad h.No :9121212121,7288999999
India E-
500087 mail:[email protected]
Home : 8074554196 IN :36AACCA8907B1ZZ
Mobile :
User Id : 101602169572
Account No : 101602169572
Invoice No. : TG-B1-56817573

Billing Period Invoice Date Amount Payable Due Date Amount After Due Date

AUG 2021 01/08/2021 10/08/2021 ₹368.29


Account Summary This Month's Summary

Previous Due (A) Invoice Amount (B) Adjustments (C) ₹.00 Total Charges CGST ₹1,245.16
Payments Received (D) ₹1,469.29 SGST ₹112.06
₹.00 ₹112.06
Balance Amount (A+B-C-D) ₹343.29

Total ₹1,469.29

Account No:101602169572
InvoiceCharges UserName:101602169572

Plan Name From Date To Date Quantity Rental Net Amount

A Max 700 1M 30/07/2021 31/07/2021 2 days 700 45.16

Installation Fee One Time One Time 1 500 500.00
A Max 700 1M 01/08/2021 31/08/2021 31 days 700 700.00

Sub Total: 1,245.16

Account No:101602169572
Tax Details UserName:101602169572

Plan Name HSN Code Taxable Amount Total Tax
Rate % Amount Rate % Amount

A Max 700 1M 998422 45.16 9 4.06 9 4.06 8.13

Installation Fee 998422 500.00 9 45.00 9 45.00 90.00

A Max 700 1M 998422 700.00 9 63.00 9 63.00 126.00

Sub Total: 112.06 112.06 224.13

INVOICE AMOUNT: 1,245.16 112.06 112.06 1,469.29

Account No:101602169572
Payments Received UserName:101602169572

RefNo Txn Date Details Amount Total Remarks

P1-32799303 28/07/2021 Payment: Online Mode 1,126.00 1,126.00

Payments : 1,126.00

Total Payments : 1,126.00

Terms and Conditions

1. 18% interest will be levied on overduepayments.

2. Late Payment fee of Rs. 25/- shall be applicable if bill is paid post duedate.
3. In case of overdue/ defaults, the right to deactivate your services, isreserved.
4. All disputes are subject to Telanganajurisdiction.
5. Unless otherwise stated,tax on this invoice is not payable under reversecharge.
6. This Invoice is system generated hence signature and stamp is notrequired.

Registered office address: No. 1, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Indian Express Building, Queens Road, Bangalore - 560001.
CIN no: U72900KA2000PLC027290 Tel: 08042884288 Fax no: 080-42884200

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