Service - Guide UPS
Service - Guide UPS
Service - Guide UPS
• Extensive knowledge and experience from the All of this helps make the best delivery of all possible —
world’s largest package delivery company to keep your satisfaction and, most importantly, your customers’
you competitive in a rapidly expanding international satisfaction. When that’s delivered, we know we’ve done
marketplace. our job.
• Customised solutions and reliable services for To learn more about what we can deliver for your business,
shipping, tracking and billing from a global leader in visit
technology to drive greater efficiency, helping to save
you time and reduce costs.
Ups International
Shipping Services
Service Delivered By Destinations Other Information
1-3 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Express PlusTM Guaranteed morning delivery by: To major cities in the • Ideal for urgent shipments
• 8:00 am/ 8:30 am to major cities in the U.S. U.S., Europe and Asia • Priority handling
• 8:30 am to Canada • UPS 10 KG Box® and UPS 25 KG
• 9:00 am to major Asian cities, over 4,000 U.S. Box® are available for this service
cities, and major business centres in Europe
• 9:00 am or 11:00 am from worldwide to
selected destinations in your country
UPS Worldwide ExpressTM Guaranteed time-definite delivery by: To the U.S., major • UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
• 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm to cities in Canada, are available for this service
most parts of the U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific, Europe and Asia, and
selected areas in the Americas and major cities in selected areas in the
Canada Americas
• 12:00 noon or 2:00 pm to most areas in your
UPS Worldwide Express Freight® • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day, To more than 60 • Door-to-door and non door-to-
within 1-3 business days, depending on countries and door options are available
destinations territories worldwide • For palletised shipments of more
than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express Freight® • Guaranteed time-definite delivery by 12:00 To more than 30 • Door-to-door and non door-to-
Midday noon or 2:00 pm, within 1-3 business days, countries and door options are available
depending on destinations territories worldwide • For palletised shipments of more
than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express Saver® • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day, to over To over 220 • An economical alternative to UPS
220 countries and territories worldwide countries and Express for speedy and reliable
territories worldwide service
• UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
are available for this service
3-5 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Expedited® • Delivery in as little as three business days Within Asia, and • An economical option for less
within Asia, and from Asia to major business from Asia to major time-critical shipments
centres in Europe, and North and South business centres in • Day-definite, time-in-transit lets
America Europe, and North you plan delivery schedule
and South America
Service Delivered By Destinations Other Information
1-3 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Direct® • Day-specific scheduling, airport-to-airport Covers nearly every • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
service, with delivery within 1-3 days location worldwide • Convenient and easy shipment
processing for palletised and non-
palletised freight
• Optional services include
collection, delivery and customs
3-5 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Consolidated® • Day-specific scheduling, airport-to-airport Worldwide • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
service, with delivery within 3-5 days • Convenient and easy shipment Note:
processing for palletised and non- Conditions and restrictions,
including the UPS Terms and
palletised freight Conditions of Service, apply.
• Optional services include For details, please contact
collection, delivery, and customs our Customer Service
clearance Representatives or refer to®.
** Multiple-piece shipment
dth refers to a shipment
consisting of packages and/
or documents sent via a
single waybill number.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
UPS Packaging
Future Changes – Rates, charges,
service explanation, and services
are subject to change without
prior notice.
Additional Charges
Services with
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
Saturday Delivery
Delivery of shipments is available at an
additional charge of RMB80 for each
UPS Express Envelope or each shipment
of UPS Express Paks and packages.
This charge will be billed to the party
who bears the shipping charges. * Only available for
customers using a UPS
compliant shipping system
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services that produces a smart
provides Saturday Delivery to select label.
destinations in the U.S. and Canada for ** Does not apply to third
an additional charge of RMB1,281 per party payer in China.
+ Not available for pickup
in Asia.
Conditions and restrictions,
including the UPS Terms
and Conditions of Service,
apply. For details, please
contact our Customer
Service Representatives
or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
Residential Surcharge • Any cylindrical item, such as a Large Packages are subject to a minimum
UPS provides delivery service to barrel, drum, pail, or tyre, that is not billable weight of 40 kg, at a surcharge of
residential addresses as well as fully encased in a corrugated RMB378 per package.
business addresses. A residential cardboard shipping container
delivery is one made to a home, • Any package with the longest An Additional Handling Charge will not be
including a business operating out of side exceeding 122 cm assessed when a Large Package Surcharge
a home. For each residential delivery, or its second-longest side is applied.
an additional charge of RMB20 per exceeding 76 cm
shipment applies. UPS Worldwide Local Taxes and Duties
• Any package with an actual
Express Freight Services will be All rates exclude surcharges, value added
weight greater than 32 kg
charged at RMB705 per shipment. tax, duties or any taxes and levies that
• Each package, excluding UPS may be imposed pursuant to local
Extended Area Surcharge Worldwide Express Freight Services, regulations.
UPS provides a collection delivery where the average weight per package
service in extended areas as well as is greater than 32 kg (or 70 pounds) Fuel Surcharge
urban areas. An additional charge of and the weight for each package For information on prevailing fuel
RMB167 per shipment or RMB3.50 is not specified in the UPS Shipping surcharges, please refer to®.
per kg applies, whichever is greater, System used.
for shipments collected or delivered Peak Season Surcharge
in extended areas. For a copy of the Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge During certain times of the year,
Extended Area Surcharge points, An Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge UPS expands its delivery network to
please download from of RMB321 per pallet will also apply to accommodate increased volume. One
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services or more Peak Surcharges will apply to
Remote Area Surcharge when a pallet’s dimensions exceed the certain packages tendered during a
A charge of RMB190 per shipment or maximum size or weight restrictions Peak Period. Details are available at
RMB4.00 per kg applies, whichever (which vary by origin and destination)
is greater, for delivery to or collection as set forth at * UPS also reserves
from an area beyond UPS extended palletmaximums/. Refer to the “Terms and Conditions of the right to assess the
areas which are less accessible for Service” beginning on page 19 for more Additional Handling
Charge for any package that,
pickups and deliveries. For a copy of Disbursement Fee information. in UPS’s sole discretion,
the Remote Area Surcharge points, In order to expedite customs clearance, requires special handling.
please download from UPS may advance duty and taxes on a
customer’s behalf. A Disbursement Fee Note:
Conditions and restrictions,
based on the amount advanced will be including the UPS Terms
assessed and billed. The Disbursement and Conditions of Service,
Fee for importation into China will be 2% apply. For details, please
contact our Customer
of the import duties and taxes, subject
Service Representatives
to a minimum of RMB20 per shipment. or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
Over Maximum Limits Fee Additional Tariff Lines Surcharge Bill Receiver/Freight Collect
UPS small package services do not accept UPS provides customs brokerage service Refusal Fee
shipments exceeding the following for formal entries for shipments of up An account number is invalid if it is not
weight and dimensions. If in UPS’s to five tariff lines at no charge. A fee of the correct account number for the bill-
discretion, UPS does accept shipments RMB19 will apply for every additional to party, or if it is the account number
exceeding these maximum limits, an tariff line thereafter, subject to a for a consignee or third party who fails
Over Maximum Limits Fee of RMB378 maximum charge of RMB1,880. to pay the shipping charges. A fee of
per package will apply to the following: RMB80 per shipment will be charged for
• Maximum weight per package Pre-Release Notification Surcharge international shipments with an invalid
of 70 kg A shipper or consignee may request account number.
that UPS notify the consignee prior
• Maximum length per package to submission of an import shipment Delivery Confirmation Signature
of 274 cm to customs so that the importer may Required and Delivery Confirmation
• Maximum size per package of validate the classification, valuation, or Adult Signature Required
419 cm in length and girth other import information. An additional UPS Delivery Confirmation* services
[(2 x width) + (2 x height)] fee of RMB78 per shipment will be billed are available prior to the release of
combined to the importer or to the shipper when your shipment.
the shipper is selected as the payer of the
For shipments exceeding the above duties and taxes for the shipment. Both services will require the
dimensions, please refer to UPS UPS service provider to request for a
Worldwide Express Freight Services on Export Declaration Surcharge consignee’s signature before the delivery
page 1 of this guide for more details. An export declaration surcharge of RMB84 of the shipment. However, with the
applies to each shipment under any one Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature
Duty/Tax Forwarding Surcharge of the following circumstances regardless Required service, only an adult (at least
When the “Duty/Tax Forwarding of the invoice value of the shipment: 18 years old**) consignee signature will
Surcharge” billing option is selected, a • The shipment contains strategic, secure the release of the shipment.
RMB120 surcharge will be billed to the controlled or regulated goods as
shipper. defined under the applicable local laws. A surcharge of RMB16 and RMB25
per shipment will be imposed for
Customs Brokerage Charges • The shipper and/or consignee requests Delivery Confirmation Signature
UPS provides customs brokerage service for a shipment to be formally declared Required service and Delivery * Only available for
at no additional charge for routine when formal declaration is not required Confirmation Adult Signature customers using a UPS
under the applicable local laws. Required service respectively. compliant shipping system
customs clearance, including formal
that produces a smart
entries for shipments of up to five tariff label.
lines. Additional charges may apply for
complex customs clearance procedures ** UPS is not liable for
inaccurate age assessment
and consolidated clearance requirements. as this is solely determined
For more information, contact our at the discretion of the
Customer Service Representatives. UPS service provider.
Conditions and restrictions,
including the UPS Terms
and Conditions of Service,
apply. For details, please
contact our Customer Service
or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services are
subject to change without
prior notice.
Conditions and restrictions,
including the UPS Terms
and Conditions of Service,
apply. For details, please
contact our Customer Service
or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services are
subject to change without
prior notice.
Country Export Zones Import Zones Country Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Afghanistan - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Brunei* - 4 4 4 4 4 4 -
Albania 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - Bulgaria 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Andorra - 7 7 7 - - - - Cambodia* - 7 7 7 7 7 7 -
Angola - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Cameroon - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Azerbaijan - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Chad - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Bahamas* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 - Colombia* - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Bahrain 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 Comoros - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Benin - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Croatia* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Bermuda - 9 9 9 9 9 9 - Curacao - 9 9 9 - 9 9 -
Bhutan - 7 7 7 7 7 7 - Cyprus 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -
Botswana - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Dominica - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Country Export Zones Import Zones Country Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
El Salvador* - - 9 9 9 9 9 9 Hungary* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Eritrea - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Indonesia* - 4 4 4 4 4 4 -
Estonia - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Iraq - - 8 8 9 9 9 -
Fiji - 5 5 5 5 5 5 - Italy* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Finland* - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Jamaica* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 -
France* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Japan* - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Gabon - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Kazakhstan* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Gambia - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Kenya - - 8 8 8 8 8 8
Germany* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Kiribati - - 5 5 - - - -
Gibraltar - - 7 7 7 7 7 - Kosovo 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -
Greenland - - 7 7 - - - - Kuwait 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Grenada - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Laos - 7 7 7 7 7 7 -
Guadeloupe* - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Latvia - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Guam - - 5 5 5 5 5 - Lebanon - 8 8 8 8 8 8 -
Guatemala* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Lesotho - - 9 9 - 9 9 -
Guinea-Bissau - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Liechtenstein* - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Guyana* - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Lithuania - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Honduras* - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Macau - 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
Country Export Zones Import Zones Country Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Malaysia* - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Norway* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Maldives - 5 5 5 - - 8 8 Oman - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Mali - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Pakistan* - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Malta - 7 7 7 7 7 7 - Palau - - 5 5 - - - -
Mauritania - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Paraguay - - 8 8 8 8 8 -
Mauritius - - 8 8 8 8 8 - Peru* - - 8 8 8 8 8 8
Mayotte - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Philippines* - - 4 4 4 4 4 4
Montenegro 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - Romania 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Morocco - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Russia* 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Myanmar - 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 Samoa - 5 5 5 5 5 5 -
Nicaragua - - 9 9 9 9 9 9 Seychelles - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Country Export Zones Import Zones Country Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited Express Express Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Spain* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Turkmenistan - - 9 - - - 9 -
St. Kitts and Nevis - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Union Islands (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) - - 9 9 - 9 9 -
Suriname - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Uzbekistan - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Swaziland - - 9 9 - 9 9 - Vanuatu - 5 5 5 - - - -
Switzerland* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Venezuela* - - 8 8 8 8 8 8
Togo - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Zambia - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Tonga - - 5 5 - - - - Zimbabwe - - 9 9 9 9 9 -
Argentina* 8 - 8 - Luxembourg 7 - 7 -
Australia* 5 5 5 - Malaysia* 4 4 4 -
Austria* 7 7 7 - Malta 7 - 7 -
Bahrain 8 - 9 - Mexico* 6 6 6 -
Bangladesh 7 - 7 - Morocco 8 - 8 -
Belgium 7 7 7 - Netherlands (Holland)* 7 7 7 -
Brazil* 8 - 8 - New Zealand* 5 - 5 -
Bulgaria - - 9 - Nicaragua 9 - 9 -
Canada* 6 6 6 - Norway* 7 - 7 -
Chile* 8 8 8 - Pakistan 7 - 7 -
Colombia* 8 - 8 - Panama* 8 - 8 -
Costa Rica* 9 9 9 - Philippines* 4 - 4 -
Croatia - - 9 - Poland* 7 7 7 -
Czech Republic* 7 7 7 - Portugal* 7 7 7 -
Denmark* 7 7 7 - Puerto Rico* 6 6 6 -
Dominican Republic* 9 - 9 - Qatar 9 - 9 -
Ecuador* 9 - 9 - Romania - - 9 -
El Salvador* 9 - 9 - Saudi Arabia 8 - 8 -
Finland* 7 7 7 - Serbia - - 8 -
France* 7 7 7 - Singapore* 4 - 4 -
Germany* 7 7 7 - Slovakia 7 - 7 -
Greece* 7 7 7 - South Africa 8 - 8 -
* Extended Area Surcharge or
Guatemala* 9 - 9 - Spain* 7 7 7 - Remote Area Surcharge may
be applicable to specific
Honduras* 9 - 9 - Sri Lanka 7 - 7 - points within this country.
For more details, please
Hong Kong 1 1 1 - Sweden* 7 7 7 -
visit® or contact
our Customer Service
Hungary* 7 7 7 - Switzerland* 7 7 7 -
Representatives at
800-820-8388 or
India* 7 7 - - Taiwan* 2 2 2 -
Indonesia* 4 - 4 - Thailand* 4 4 4 -
Ireland, Republic of 7 7 7 - Tunisia 9 - 9 - Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
Israel 8 8 8 - Turkey 7 7 7 - explanation, and services
are subject to change
Italy* 7 7 7 - United Arab Emirates 8 8 8 - without prior notice.
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
shipments originating from China.
21-44 102 151 148 152 188 244 232 277 373
45-70 101 145 142 146 187 239 232 276 372
71-99 99 140 133 142 186 236 230 272 371
100-299 92 133 128 134 184 229 222 264 370
300-499 85 125 117 128 178 215 209 254 369
500-999 81 120 111 121 175 195 199 246 369
Above 1,000 78 116 107 117 165 195 199 246 369
Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment
Weight per kg weight above Weight per kg weight above
(kg) up to 15 kg 15 kg (kg) up to 30 kg 30 kg
Zone 1 885 61 Zone 1 1,703 62
Zone 2 1,051 61 Zone 2 1,926 62
Zone 3 1,294 76 Zone 3 2,579 78
Apply Apply
Zone 4 1,310 76 Zone 4 2,609 78 the UPS
the UPS
Zone 5 1,604 115 Worldwide Zone 5 3,275 118 Worldwide
Zone 6 1,667 126 Express Zone 6 3,449 130 Express
25 KG Non-Document
Zone 7 2,016 112 Box Rates
Zone 7 4,248 123 Rates
Zone 8 2,730 179 Zone 8 6,073 196
Zone 9 3,201 179 Zone 9 6,990 196
Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please contact our
Customer Service Representatives or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
Export – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, UPS Express Envelope and Documents
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces,
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
shipments originating from China.
21-44 96 142 140 144 177 230 219 261 352
45-70 95 137 134 138 176 225 219 260 351
71-99 93 132 125 134 175 223 217 257 350
100-299 87 125 121 126 174 216 209 249 349
300-499 80 118 110 121 168 203 197 240 348
500-999 76 113 105 114 165 184 188 232 348
Above 1,000 74 109 101 110 156 184 188 232 348
Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment
Weight per kg weight above Weight per kg weight above
(kg) up to 15 kg 15 kg (kg) up to 30 kg 30 kg
Zone 1 834 59 Zone 1 1,607 60
Zone 2 990 59 Zone 2 1,813 60
Zone 3 1,222 72 Zone 3 2,436 74
Apply Apply
Zone 4 1,235 72 Zone 4 2,451 74
the UPS the UPS
Zone 5 1,511 108 Worldwide Zone 5 3,085 111 Worldwide
Zone 6 1,574 119 Express Saver Zone 6 3,256 123 Express Saver
25 KG Non-Document
Zone 7 1,901 106 Zone 7 4,009 116 Rates
Box Rates
Zone 8 2,573 167 Zone 8 5,728 187
Zone 9 3,022 167 Zone 9 6,595 187
Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please contact our
Customer Service Representatives or refer to®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
Export – UPS Worldwide Expedited®
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Non-Documents
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces,
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Weight (kg) 1
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to 1.0 227 322 322 326 398 406 470 470 802
shipments originating from China. 2.0 302 436 436 441 537 611 657 657 1,069
3.0 348 498 498 505 613 736 774 786 1,269
4.0 416 600 600 605 735 918 952 964 1,523
5.0 484 701 701 707 860 1,100 1,130 1,166 1,779
6.0 550 805 805 811 983 1,284 1,306 1,311 2,031
UPS Worldwide Expedited 7.0 618 903 903 911 1,109 1,464 1,480 1,487 2,284
For your important shipments that do not require 8.0 684 1,004 1,004 1,014 1,229 1,647 1,658 1,662 2,535
urgent express delivery, UPS Worldwide Expedited 9.0 752 1,108 1,108 1,115 1,352 1,830 1,833 1,838 2,790
delivers in as little as three business days within 10.0 818 1,205 1,205 1,217 1,477 2,011 2,009 2,012 3,042
Asia and from Asia to major business centres in 11.0 884 1,306 1,303 1,322 1,600 2,137 2,133 2,189 3,284
Europe and North and South America.
12.0 950 1,408 1,401 1,422 1,723 2,300 2,306 2,369 3,525
13.0 1,014 1,509 1,495 1,523 1,845 2,463 2,498 2,566 3,778
14.0 1,082 1,608 1,590 1,626 1,979 2,632 2,690 2,763 4,019
15.0 1,145 1,712 1,688 1,728 2,104 2,819 2,881 2,960 4,262
16.0 1,220 1,813 1,786 1,830 2,228 3,005 3,073 3,157 4,516
17.0 1,292 1,917 1,882 1,930 2,364 3,190 3,264 3,354 4,797
18.0 1,361 2,002 1,983 2,034 2,501 3,377 3,455 3,550 5,078
19.0 1,436 2,095 2,080 2,136 2,635 3,562 3,645 3,746 5,359
20.0 1,509 2,201 2,178 2,243 2,772 3,745 3,836 3,942 5,641
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price Per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
Import – UPS Worldwide Express™
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, UPS Express Envelope and Documents
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces, Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and 16.0 1,427 2,384 2,444 2,468 2,937 4,217 3,857 5,071 5,758
Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please contact our 16.5 1,466 2,440 2,499 2,526 3,005 4,317 3,946 5,214 5,913
Customer Service Representatives or refer to®.
17.0 1,502 2,494 2,554 2,581 3,074 4,417 4,039 5,356 6,063
+ For correspondence and documents only. There is a 17.5 1,542 2,549 2,610 2,634 3,146 4,519 4,131 5,496 6,216
weight limit of 0.5 kg. Document or Non-Document rates 18.0 1,578 2,605 2,667 2,690 3,213 4,642 4,232 5,637 6,372
will apply for envelopes weighing over 0.5 kg.
18.5 1,614 2,660 2,722 2,749 3,284 4,768 4,348 5,781 6,514
Note: 19.0 1,655 2,714 2,789 2,802 3,353 4,894 4,464 5,917 6,659
Future Changes –
19.5 1,693 2,783 2,855 2,872 3,424 5,000 4,553 6,053 6,758
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice. 20.0 1,734 2,848 2,922 2,938 3,510 5,116 4,648 6,133 6,777
Import – UPS Worldwide Express™
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Non-Documents (Continued)
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces,
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
shipments to China.
21-44 86 142 145 146 175 245 228 298 330
45-70 86 124 123 125 159 226 225 270 317
71-99 84 119 117 121 158 212 211 264 316
100-299 78 112 111 114 157 212 207 263 315
300-499 72 106 106 109 152 198 187 261 314
500-999 69 102 104 104 148 198 187 261 314
Above 1,000 67 99 101 103 141 198 187 261 314
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
Import – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, UPS Express Envelope and Documents
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces,
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
shipments to China.
21-44 81 134 137 138 165 231 215 281 311
45-70 81 117 116 118 150 213 212 255 299
71-99 79 112 110 114 149 200 199 249 298
100-299 74 106 105 108 148 200 195 248 297
300-499 68 100 100 103 143 187 176 246 296
500-999 65 96 98 98 140 187 176 246 296
Above 1,000 63 93 95 97 133 187 176 246 296
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
Import – UPS Worldwide Expedited®
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Non-Documents
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces,
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to 1.0 260 370 370 375 458 466 540 540 922
shipments to China. 2.0 347 501 501 507 617 702 755 755 1,229
3.0 400 573 573 580 705 846 890 904 1,459
4.0 478 690 690 696 845 1,056 1,095 1,109 1,751
5.0 556 806 806 813 989 1,265 1,299 1,340 2,046
6.0 633 926 926 932 1,129 1,476 1,502 1,508 2,335
UPS Worldwide Expedited 7.0 710 1,038 1,038 1,048 1,261 1,683 1,702 1,710 2,627
For your important shipments that do not require 8.0 773 1,149 1,154 1,166 1,391 1,894 1,907 1,911 2,915
urgent express delivery, UPS Worldwide Expedited 9.0 825 1,251 1,274 1,282 1,521 2,105 2,093 2,114 3,208
delivers in as little as three business days. 10.0 874 1,350 1,386 1,394 1,653 2,313 2,276 2,314 3,498
11.0 906 1,436 1,481 1,481 1,759 2,457 2,374 2,517 3,777
12.0 940 1,521 1,563 1,563 1,859 2,645 2,501 2,725 4,054
13.0 970 1,606 1,649 1,648 1,963 2,832 2,654 2,951 4,344
14.0 1,006 1,689 1,733 1,733 2,069 3,027 2,804 3,177 4,614
15.0 1,037 1,776 1,818 1,818 2,174 3,242 2,950 3,403 4,784
16.0 1,069 1,860 1,902 1,902 2,276 3,456 3,102 3,629 4,966
17.0 1,111 1,946 1,986 1,986 2,382 3,668 3,251 3,855 5,172
18.0 1,170 2,029 2,071 2,072 2,483 3,883 3,399 4,081 5,379
19.0 1,233 2,114 2,159 2,182 2,613 4,096 3,578 4,307 5,587
20.0 1,297 2,220 2,265 2,286 2,733 4,307 3,752 4,533 5,654
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject
to change without prior notice.
UPS Worldwide Express Freight®
Excluding Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Export (Door-to-Door, Drop-off, Hold at Location, and Drop-off & Hold at Location Rates)*
Yunnan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces, Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
and Chongqing City Only Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies
shipments to/from China. 71-99 93 132 125 134 175 223 217 257 350
100-299 87 125 121 126 174 216 209 249 349
300-499 80 118 110 121 168 203 197 240 348
500-999 76 113 105 114 165 184 188 232 348
Above 1000 74 109 101 110 156 184 188 232 348
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Minimum Rate 6,603 9,372 8,875 9,514 12,425 15,833 15,407 18,247 24,850
Guaranteed end-of-day delivery for
palletised shipments over 70 kg to more Import (Door-to-Door, Drop-off, Hold at Location, and Drop-off & Hold at Location Rates)*
than 60 countries and territories worldwide. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Delivery is typically within one to three Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
business days, depending on destination.
Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies
Rates shown are in Renminbi and apply to Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies
shipments from China. 71-99 99 140 133 142 186 236 230 272 371
100-299 92 133 128 134 184 229 222 264 370
300-499 85 125 117 128 178 215 209 254 369
500-999 81 120 111 121 175 195 199 246 369
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Midday Above 1000 78 116 107 117 165 195 199 246 369
Guaranteed time-definite delivery by 12:00 Minimum Rate 7,029 9,940 9,443 10,082 13,206 16,756 16,330 19,312 26,341
noon or 2:00 pm for palletized shipments over
70 kg to more than 30 countries and territories
worldwide. Delivery is typically within one to
three business days, depending on destination.
of Service
Effective December 25, 2017
THE RULES RELATING TO LIABILITY ESTABLISHED BY THE WARSAW (ii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any packages or articles with
CONVENTION AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO SHALL APPLY TO THE a value in excess of USD 50,000 (or the local currency equivalent). UPS Worldwide
INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE OF ANY SHIPMENT HEREUNDER INSOFAR AS THE Express Freight Services consignments having a value or declared value of
SAME IS GOVERNED THEREBY. more than USD 100,000 per pallet will not be accepted for transportation. UPS’s
maximum liability for such shipments shall not exceed the lower of the declared
United Parcel Service, which for purposes of these Terms and Conditions shall mean the value or USD 100,000 per pallet. No service shall be rendered in the transportation
United Parcel Service operating company in the country of departure, UPS Parcel Delivery of any shipment containing jewelry (not including costume jewelry) with a value
(Guangdong) Co., Ltd. (“UPS”) is engaged in the international transportation of small of more than USD 500 per package or per pallet (or the local currency equivalent),
packages (including “Express Envelopes”) and services incidental or additional thereto. All except that if any such shipment is tendered from eligible origins to eligible
shipments are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS Rate and Service destinations set forth at, the shipment value may exceed USD
Guide (stated at® and maintained at local UPS offices), the UPS source document 500 but shall not be more than USD 2,500 per package or per pallet (or the local
for each shipment, and those prescribed by the applicable law of the jurisdiction where currency equivalent).
the shipment originates.
(iii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of packages or
“Shipper” refers to the party contracting with UPS for services. pallets containing any prohibited article listed on the UPS website
(ups. com®), including, but not limited to, articles of unusual value (such as
Where carriage by air involves an ultimate destination or stop outside the country of coins, currency, postage stamps, negotiable instruments (except checks), money
origin the Warsaw Convention may apply. The rules relating to liability established by orders, unset precious stones, industrial diamonds), and dangerous goods. Refer
the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by to UPS Rate and Service Guide for more information about dangerous goods.
Air signed at Warsaw, Poland, on October 12, 1929, and any amendments thereto shall Under applicable law, certain goods may only be transported under prescribed
apply to the international carriage of any shipment insofar as the same is governed conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air.
thereby. There are no stopping places agreed upon at the time of tender of the shipment,
and UPS reserves the right to route the shipment in any way UPS deems appropriate. (iv) UPS does not regularly provide service for shipments containing live animals. UPS
Notwithstanding any clause to the contrary, international carriage by road may be subject will only accept live animal shipments on an exception basis. Transportation for
to the provisions of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of shipments containing live animals is limited, must be prearranged, and as with
Goods by Road signed at Geneva on May 19, 1956 and any amendments thereto (“the all other shipments, will be provided only according to the terms and conditions
CMR Convention”). contained in the UPS Rate and Service Guide.
UPS may engage subcontractors to perform services and contracts both on its own (v) UPS does not provide a protective service for the transportation of perishable
behalf and on behalf of its servants, agents and subcontractors each of whom shall commodities or commodities requiring protection from heat or cold. Such
have the benefit of these terms. No such party has the authority to waive or vary any commodities will be accepted for transportation solely at the shipper’s risk for
of these terms. All packages or pallets covered under a single UPS Waybill/consignment any damage arising from the transportation.
note (the “UPS Waybill”) shall be considered a single shipment. A shipment may be
carried via any intermediate stopping places that UPS deems appropriate. (vi) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any shipment which is
prohibited by applicable law or regulations in the origin or destination country, or
Unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the tender of the shipment, the service to which UPS may determine, in its sole discretion, to be so prohibited.
be provided by UPS is limited to the pickup, transportation, customs clearance where
applicable and delivery of the shipment. The shipper acknowledges that shipments The shipper shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the particulars
will be consolidated with those of other shippers for transport and that UPS may not inserted in the Waybill and for ensuring that all shipments set out adequate contact
monitor the inbound and outbound movement of individual shipments at all handling details for the shipper and receiver of the shipment and that they are so packed,
centers. marked and labeled, their contents so described and classified and are accompanied
by such documentation as may (in each case) be necessary to make them suitable for
Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service transportation and to comply with the requirements of the effective Rate and Service
UPS offers transportation of general commodities, as usually defined, subject to the Guide and applicable law.
following restrictions:
Large Package Surcharge
(i) Subject to the terms and conditions relevant to UPS Worldwide Express Freight An additional charge applies for packages that are considered large. A package is
Services below, no service shall be rendered in the transportation of any considered a “Large Package” when its length plus girth [(2 X width) + (2 X height)]
packages or articles with an actual weight of more than 70 kilograms (or 150 lbs) combined exceeds 330 centimetres (130 inches), but does not exceed the maximum
or exceed 274 centimetres (or 108 inches) in length or a total of 419 centimetres UPS size of 419 centimetres (165 inches). Large Packages shipped are subject to a
(or 165 inches) in length and girth combined. If found in the UPS system, they minimum billable weight of 40 kilograms (90 pounds).
are subject to one or more of the following additional charges: Over Maximum
Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size. UPS Worldwide Express An Additional Handling Charge will not be assessed when a Large Package Surcharge is
Freight Services pallets that exceed maximum size and weight limits, as set applied.
forth (in the UPS Rate and Service Guide) at® will not be accepted for
transportation and will be returned to sender if found in the UPS system.
Over Maximum Limits Charges has been secured from the individual associated with each PLD Email Address(es) to
Packages that exceed the weight or size restrictions set forth in the Terms and receive notifications related to the delivery of such Shipments and for use by UPS of
Conditions of Service (“Items Not Accepted for Transportation”) are subject to one or the PLD Email Address in accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice in effect at the time
more of the following additional charges: Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum of shipping, to the extent permitted by law and that (ii) the PLD Email Address(es)
Length, or Over Maximum Size. Such charges apply in addition to all other applicable is accurate and is controlled by the Consignee or associated addressee for the
charges, including but not limited to the Large Package Surcharge. Shipment with which it is associated. The Shipper shall defend, indemnify and hold
harmless UPS, its parent corporation, and affiliated companies, their officers, directors,
Additional Handling Charge employees, agents, and their successors and assigns, from and against any and all
An Additional Handling charge will be assessed for any package that requires special liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) of any
handling, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to: nature whatsoever incurred or suffered in connection with damages arising out of or
resulting from any breach of the warranties in the previous sentence.
(i) Any article that is encased in an outside shipping container made of metal or
wood; UPS Paperless® Invoice Service
UPS Paperless Invoice Service provides shippers with the option of having electronic
(ii) Any cylindrical-like item, such as a barrel, drum, pail, or tire, that is not fully commercial invoices, which reflect their sale transactions of merchandise, prepared
encased in a corrugated cardboard shipping container; for them. This service would help shippers to expedite customs clearance of their
international shipments and it is available to shippers who register with UPS in
(iii) Any package with the longest side exceeding 122 centimetres (or 48 inches) or its advance of shipping.
second-longest side exceeding 76 centimetres (or 30 inches);
By using UPS Paperless Invoice service, the shipper authorises UPS to use the
(iv) Any package with an actual weight greater than 32 kilograms (or 70 pounds); shipper’s letterhead and electronic signature to prepare true, correct, and paperless
commercial invoices that reflect, in all material respects, the shipper’s sale transactions
(v) Each package, excluding UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments, of merchandise to its buyers necessary to expedite in accordance with law the export
where the average weight per package is greater than 32 kilograms (or 70 and customs clearance of international shipments.
pounds) and the weight for each package is not specified in the UPS Shipping
System used. All commercial invoice information must be provided by the shipper, to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of the Paperless Invoice. Timely upload of Package Level
UPS reserves the right to assess the charge for any package that, in UPS’s sole Details (PLD) by shippers is also required for use of this service. PLD includes, but is
discretion, requires special handling. not limited to, the consignee’s full name, complete delivery address and shipment
dimensions and weight. If timely upload of PLD is not provided, certain UPS services
Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge are unavailable. Timely Upload of PLD as used in these Terms refers to the electronic
An Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge will apply to UPS Worldwide Express Freight transmission of all applicable PLD information to UPS at or before the time that
Services pallets that are classified as Oversize. A pallet is considered Oversize when Shipments are tendered to UPS. PLD includes, but is not limited to, Consignee’s full
its dimensions exceed thresholds, as set forth at name, complete delivery address, and Shipment dimensions and weight.
UPS Import Control®
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets are also subject to maximum size UPS Import Control service allows a shipper to process an import shipment, including
restrictions (which vary by origin and destination) as set forth at commercial invoice. Where available, a shipper may use UPS Import Control service
palletmaximums. Pallets that exceed these size restrictions are also subject to an to create a Print Import Label, Electronic Import Label, Print and Mail Import Label to
Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge. provide to the sender of the shipment or a shipper may request UPS 1 Pickup Attempt
or UPS 3 Pickup Attempts, to request that UPS make pickup attempts to retrieve
Timely Upload of PLD import shipments from a sender’s address. 3 UPS Pickup Attempts is not available
The Shipper must provide Timely Upload of Package Level Detail (“PLD”) to UPS. If for UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services. UPS Import Control is available only in
timely upload of PLD is not provided, certain UPS services are unavailable, including countries where UPS pickup services are available. An additional charge for each UPS
but not limited to Paperless Invoice Service and Service Guarantee. Timely Upload of Import Control label as set forth in the UPS Rates in effect at the time the charge is
PLD as use in these Terms refers to the electronic transmission of all applicable PLD applied.
information to UPS at or before the time that Shipments are tendered to UPS. PLD
includes, but is not limited to, Consignee’s full name, complete delivery address, and UPS Import Control is available for packages and pallets processed through
Shipment dimensions and weight. WorldShip®, UPS CampusShip®, UPS Internet Shipping, or UPS Developer Kit and also
for packages only, processed through WorldShip or an approved UPS Ready® solution.
By including the email address of the Consignee or associated addressee in PLD
for a Shipment (“PLD Email Address(es)”), the Shipper acknowledges and agrees Shipments containing certain items are prohibited from being shipped and are not
that UPS may send notifications related to the delivery of such Shipment to the accepted by UPS for UPS Import Control service including, but not limited to Hazardous
Shipment’s associated PLD Email Address(es) and may use such PLD Email Address(es) Materials shipments requiring shipping papers or firearms shipments requiring
in accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice in effect at the time of shipping, to the Delivery Confirmation Services. C.O.D. service is not available for UPS Import Control
extent permitted by law. The Shipper warrants that (i) informed and specific consent shipments.
of Service
Effective December 25, 2017
The maximum actual or declared value for a UPS Import Control shipment is USD The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic 3 UPS Pickup Attempts
50,000 per package and USD 100,000 per pallet; provided that for any UPS Import service shipment is USD 50,000. The maximum actual or declared value for each
Control package or pallet with an actual or declared value in excess of USD 1,000, international 3 UPS Pickup Attempts service shipment is USD 50,000; provided that for
the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value shipment summary is generated and any 3 UPS Pickup Attempts shipment with an actual or declared value in excess of USD
signed by the UPS driver upon tender of the package or pallet to UPS. If no high value 1,000, the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value shipment summary is generated
shipment summary is obtained and signed, the maximum actual or declared value of and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of the shipment to UPS. If no high value
each such package or pallet is limited to USD 1,000. shipment summary is obtained and signed, the maximum actual or declared value for
each such shipment is limited to USD 1,000 per shipment or pallet.
Print Return Label; Electronic Return Label; Print and Mail Return Label
Shipments can be returned from an address using Print Return, Electronic Return, or Deliveries Attempted Three Times Without Extra Charge
Print and Mail Return Labels. Where applicable, if UPS is unable to complete delivery of a shipment, a notice will be
left at the consignee’s address stating that delivery has been attempted. Thereafter, a
The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic Print Return Label, Electronic second, and if necessary, a third attempt to deliver the packages will be made without
Return Label, or Print and Mail Return Label shipment is USD 1,000 per package or additional charge. For UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments, only one
pallet. delivery attempt will be made; subsequent delivery attempts are subject to additional
charges which will be charged to the consignee.
The maximum actual or declared value for each international Print Return Label,
Electronic Return Label, or Print and Mail Return Label shipment is USD 50,000 per UPS may deliver a shipment to the consignee or the consignee’s actual or apparent
package or USD 100,000 per pallet; provided that for any such shipment with an actual agent or representative or pursuant to consignee’s instructions, to the address or
or declared value in excess of USD 1,000, the shipper must ensure that a UPS high location specified in the UPS shipping system, to any person present at the address
value shipment summary is generated and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of or location specified in the UPS shipping system, to a reasonable alternate address or
the shipment to UPS. If no high value shipment summary is obtained and signed, the location, in accordance with trade custom or usage, pursuant to UPS’s driver release
maximum actual or declared value for each such package or pallet is limited to USD procedures or delivery pursuant to UPS’s Shipper Release procedures. UPS does not
1,000. limit delivery of a shipment to a person specified as the consignee. UPS may use an
electronic device to obtain proof of delivery and the shipper agrees that it will not
Upon delivery, a shipment returned will be charged the rate calculated from the pickup object to UPS relying on a printed copy of this as evidence merely on the grounds that
location to the destination via the service selected. An additional charge for each Print the information concerned is obtained and stored in electronic form.
Return Label, Electronic Return Label, and Print and Mail Return Label shipment will be
assessed when the service is requested. The applicable charges will be those set forth in Special Handling of Undeliverable Shipments; Refused Shipment Returned
the UPS Rates in effect at the time the charge is applied. Shipments refused by the consignee, or which for any other reason cannot be delivered,
will be held, and UPS will attempt to contact the shipper for further instructions, including
UPS Returns Plus return. If the return of the shipment is refused by the shipper, or the shipment cannot
(i) 1 UPS Pickup Attempt otherwise be returned to the shipper, UPS will retain the shipment for a reasonable
A shipper can request that UPS make one pickup attempt to retrieve a package or period of time, to be determined at its sole discretion (not to exceed thirty days), and
pallet from an address. upon exercising reasonable commercial efforts at notifying the shipper, UPS reserves the
right to deal with the shipment thereafter in any manner at its sole discretion, including
The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic 1 UPS Pickup Attempt but not limited to disposal of the package. The shipper will be responsible for payment
service shipment is USD 1,000 per shipment. The maximum actual or declared value of all charges, including, but not limited to, forwarding, disposal, or return transportation
for each international 1 UPS Pickup Attempt shipment is USD 50,000 per package charges, as well as any duty and tax, if applicable. UPS will not be liable for any claims for
or USD 100,000 per pallet; provided that for any international 1 UPS Pickup Attempt loss or damage to a shipment refused by the shipper on return.
shipment with an actual or declared value in excess of USD 1,000 per pallet or package,
the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value shipment summary is generated Refusal and Suspension of Service
and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of the shipment to UPS. If no high value If it comes to the attention of UPS that any shipment does not meet any of the above
shipment summary is obtained and signed, the maximum actual or declared value of restrictions or conditions, UPS may refuse to transport the relevant shipment, if carriage is
each such shipment is limited to USD 1,000 per shipment or pallet. in progress, UPS may suspend carriage and hold the shipment.
Upon delivery, a package returned using 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service will be charged UPS also reserves the right to refuse to provide service, among other reasons, for any
the rate calculated from the pickup location to the destination via the service selected. shipment which by reason of the character of its contents may, in the sole judgment
An additional charge for each 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service package will be assessed of UPS, soil, taint, or otherwise damage other shipments or UPS’s equipment, or
when 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service is requested. The applicable charges will be those which is improperly or insecurely packed or wrapped. In addition, UPS reserves the
set forth in the UPS Rates in effect at the time the charge is applied. right either to refuse to provide service for any shipment to or from any location, or to
provide alternative service arrangements, when, among other reasons, UPS, in its sole
(ii) 3 UPS Pickup Attempts discretion, deems that it is unsafe or economically or operationally impracticable to
A shipper can request that UPS make three pickup attempts to retrieve a package from an provide service.
address. This service is not available for UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services.
UPS may at its option suspend transportation of any shipment if goods are found not materials, supplies and assistance) is not a guarantee that an item is sufficiently
to be acceptable for transportation for any reason whatsoever, if UPS cannot effect packaged for transportation.
delivery at the third attempt to do so, if the consignee refuses to accept delivery, or
if it cannot collect amounts due from the receiver on delivery. The shipper will be When shipping certain electronic media containing sensitive personal information, it
responsible for payment of all charges, calculated in accordance with the then current is recommended that the shipper retain a copy of the data and secure the data on the
UPS rates, caused by such suspension of transportation, including, but not limited to, electronic media through encryption or other technological means. UPS is not liable or
forwarding, disposal, or return of transportation charges as well as any duty or tax, if responsible for loss of, damage to, or irretrievability of data stored on electronic media,
applicable. or loss of information.
The shipper will be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses of UPS UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments must be palletised, stackable, able
(including storage), for such losses, taxes and customs duties as UPS may suffer and for to be lifted by forklift, and shrink-wrapped or banded to a skid. Shipper must ensure
all claims made against UPS because a shipment does not meet any of the restrictions that pallets and packaging comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the origin
or conditions in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service clause above and destination country.
or because of any refusal or suspension of carriage or return of a shipment by UPS
pursuant to these terms. Right of Inspection
UPS reserves the right, but is not required, to open and inspect any shipment tendered
UPS will not be liable or responsible for the loss of or damage to any shipment, the to it for transportation.
contents of which UPS is not authorised to accept, which UPS states it will not accept,
or which UPS has a right to refuse. If UPS suspends service as set forth in these terms, In addition, UPS is a regulated cargo agent and is subjected to security screening and
the payer of any transportation charges shall not be entitled to a refund. Acceptance clearing procedures by the local airport police and relevant authorities in accordance
for carriage of any shipment that UPS does not accept for transportation or which with local law, and that civil and criminal penalties, including forfeiture and sale, may
shippers are prohibited from shipping, does not constitute a waiver of any provisions be imposed for making false, fraudulent statements, or consigning explosives or
of these terms or the terms set forth in the Rate and Service Guide, or on®. explosive devices without lawful authority.
Hold for Pickup and Hold at Location Services Provisions for Customs Clearance of International Shipments
At the time a shipper tenders a shipment to UPS, the shipper may request that The shipper must provide required documentation for customs clearance. By providing
UPS hold a domestic package at a designated UPS Customer Centre for pickup by required documentation, the shipper certifies that all statements and information
the consignee. For each such shipment, the shipper will complete an address label relating to exportation and importation are true and correct. Furthermore, the
showing the words “Hold for Pickup,” the consignee’s name, telephone number, the shipper understands that UPS is a regulated cargo agent and is subjected to security
name of a contact person, and the full address of the designated UPS Customer Centre. screening and clearing procedures by the local airport police and relevant authorities
In addition, the shipper will apply a UPS Hold for Pickup label below the address label in accordance with local law, and that civil and criminal penalties, including forfeiture
on the shipment. Hold for Pickup is not available for international package shipments. and sale, may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements or consigning
explosives or explosive devices without lawful authority. When a shipment is tendered
For UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments, the shipper may request to UPS, UPS is thereby appointed as the agent for performance of customs clearance,
that UPS hold a UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipment at a UPS where applicable. UPS is specified as the nominal consignee for the purpose of
Worldwide Express Freight Centre location for pickup by the consignee. For each designating a customs broker to perform customs clearance.
such shipment, the shipper will complete an address label showing the words “Hold
for Pickup,” the consignee’s name, telephone number, the name of a contact person, Customs penalties, storage charges, or other expenses incurred as a result of
and the full address of the consignee (designated UPS Worldwide Express Freight an action by customs or failure by the shipper or consignee to provide proper
Centre address not required). documentation or to obtain a required license or permit will be charged to the
consignee along with any applicable duty or tax. The shipper shall be liable in the
UPS will hold the shipment at the designated UPS Customer Centre or UPS Worldwide event of non-payment by the consignee. Where applicable, UPS provides brokerage
Express Freight Centre and will attempt to contact the consignee at the telephone service at no additional charge for routine customs clearance subject to any
number shown on the label. Shipments not picked up within five (5) business days conditions stipulated in the effective UPS Rate and Service Guide. Additional charges
from the date of arrival will be considered undeliverable. may be applied for the complex clearance procedures listed in the Rate Guide.
“UPS Worldwide Express Freight Centre” means a UPS facility where a Rates
shipper may tender UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets to The effective rates are the UPS Rates published in the effective UPS Rate and Service
UPS for transportation, and a consignee or other recipient may receive a Guide for the service selected by the shipper, which apply to the shipper and the
pallet for delivery. UPS Worldwide Express Freight Centres available in Asia-Pacific are shipment and are in effect at the time of shipping, plus any additional charges or rates for
listed at® under Global Locator section. nonstandard service, additional or nonstandard usage, and any other additional charges
referenced in the effective UPS Rate and Service Guide, or those applicable additional
Packaging rates set out in any customised contracts. To determine the amount of any charge for
It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure that proper packaging is used and UPS service, consult the effective UPS Rates, available at® and upon request at
that contents are adequately and securely packed, wrapped and cushioned for the local UPS office. UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets that are processed
transportation. The use of UPS-provided packaging (including but not limited to as door-to-door pallets prior to drop off at a UPS Worldwide Express Freight Center will
receive door-to-door rates.
of Service
Effective December 25, 2017
Peak Surcharges the corresponding delivery and latest pick up time for the relevant service and
One or more Peak Surcharges will apply to certain packages tendered to UPS for destination are as set out on the UPS website (®) current at the time the
shipment during a Peak Period, based on service level and package characteristics. goods are accepted for carriage and can also be confirmed by contacting the local
Details regarding the application of Peak Surcharges and Peak Periods are set forth at UPS office. Where the Service Guarantee operates, and the conditions for the Service Guarantee as set forth in the Rate and Service Guide are fulfilled, if UPS fails
to attempt delivery within the applicable time period, UPS will on request, at its
Peak Surcharges apply cumulatively if a package meets more than one of the specified option, either refund or credit the shipper (or any other person who paid for the
criteria. Peak Surcharges apply in addition to any other applicable charges. No waiver, carriage) with the shipping charges (or, in the case that only some of the packages
discount, or reduction of any type to the Peak Surcharges shall apply unless UPS agrees or pallets in a multiple package or pallet shipment fail to meet the applicable time
in writing to such waiver, discount, or reduction with specific written reference to the limit, the proportionate part of the shipping charges relating to those packages or
Peak Surcharges. pallets), net of any surcharges, Value Added Tax, duties or any taxes and levies. UPS
must also be notified in writing or by telephone within 15 calendar days after the
Payment scheduled delivery for all Guaranteed Service Refund claims.
Unless paid before shipment, all charges must be paid within 7 days of receipt of
invoice or within such other period as the shipper may have agreed in writing with The Service Guarantee does not apply where late delivery results from
UPS. Unless proved otherwise, an invoice shall be considered for this purpose to have noncompliance with the restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and
been received three business days following the date of invoice. Restrictions on Service clause, from the exercise of any lien by UPS in accordance
with these terms, where either the Refusal and Suspension of Service clause or
Any payments made by UPS, including but not limited to taxes, duties or other levies, the Interruption of Service clause apply. The UPS Service Guarantee does not
on behalf of the shipper, receiver or some other party, shall be due and payable by apply to (i) packages or pallet subject to a Large Package Surcharge, Oversize Pallet
the shipper on demand. Notwithstanding any billing or payment option selected at Handling Surcharge or Additional Handling Charge; (ii) shipments containing any
the time of shipment, the shipper is ultimately liable for and agrees to pay all charges, package that exceed maximum size or weight limits; (iii) shipments containing any
including where the receiver or third party fails to pay any charges which they are due package or pallet subject to a Large Package Surcharge, Oversize Pallet Handling
to pay. A late payment fee in the amount set out in UPS’s invoice may be charged on Surcharge, Additional Handling Charge, or that exceed maximum size or weight
any sums outstanding as of the specified payment due date. This is in addition to any limits; (iv) any shipments containing International Dangerous Goods (IDG), or
legal rights and remedies available to UPS. (v) shipments without timely upload of PLD. For UPS Worldwide Express Freight
Services shipments, the Service Guarantee shall apply to a shipment in excess of 2
Missing/Invalid Account Number or Refusal Fee tons or 4,400 pounds only if the shipper obtained confirmation of eligibility for the
A processing fee, set forth in the UPS Rates applicable to the shipment in effect at the Service Guarantee, prior to tender of the shipment to UPS for service.
time of shipping, will be charged for a missing or invalid account number when the
account number is missing or it is not the correct account number for the bill-to party, For the avoidance of doubt, UPS’s liability under the Service Guarantee is limited to
or if it is the account number for a receiver or third party who fails to pay the shipping the above and the Service Guarantee does not otherwise constitute any form of
charges. In the event of nonpayment by the receiver or third party, the shipper will be undertaking or representation that the shipment will arrive by any particular time.
billed a refusal fee plus the shipping charges.
UPS may also cancel or suspend the UPS Service Guarantee for any service(s), and
Interruption of Service for any period of time, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, and without prior
If UPS is unable to start or continue with carriage of the shipper’s shipment for a reason notice.
beyond its control, the shipper will not be able to claim that UPS is in breach of its
agreement with the shipper but UPS will take all steps that are reasonably practicable in Billing Options
the circumstances to commence or continue the carriage. The amount billed includes, but is not limited to, shipping charges, duties and taxes,
if applicable. Unless otherwise restricted in the origin or destination country, UPS
UPS shall not be liable for, and the UPS Service Guarantee shall not apply to, any provides the following selection of payer options:
interruption of service due to causes beyond UPS’s control, including, but not limited
to, the following: the unavailability or refusal of a person to accept delivery of the Bill Shipping Charges to:
shipment; acts of God; acts of public authorities acting with actual or apparent (a) Shipper – The shipper pays all shipping charges.
authority; acts or omissions of customs or similar authorities; insufficient information (b) Receiver – The receiver pays all shipping charges.
provided by a customer; the application of security regulations imposed by the (c) Third Party – The designated third party pays all shipping charges. This option is
government or otherwise applicable to the delivery location; a government agency subject to the third party having a UPS account. Shipper must indicate the third
hold; riots; strikes or other labor disputes; civil unrest; disruptions or failure of party’s name, account number, and country in the appropriate section of the UPS
communication and information systems (including, but not limited to UPS’s Waybill.
communication and information systems); disruptions of any kind in air or ground
transportation networks; such as weather phenomena; and natural disasters. Bill Duties and Taxes to:
(a) Shipper – The shipper pays all duties and taxes.
UPS Service Guarantee (b) Receiver – The receiver pays all duties and taxes.
UPS’s on-schedule delivery of shipments for certain services and destinations is (c) Third Party – The designated third party pays all duties and taxes. This option is
supported by a money-back guarantee, as set forth in the Rate and Service Guide, subject to the third party having a UPS account. Shipper must indicate the third
Details of UPS’s Service Guarantee, including its applicability and limitations, and party’s name, account number, and country in the appropriate section of the UPS
Shipper guarantees payment of all charges payable to UPS by the receiver or third Claims Procedure
party designated on the waybill. For all shipments where the shipper is not paying All claims against UPS must be filed in writing with UPS as soon as reasonably
the shipping charges, the shipper must notify the bill payer prior to shipping, practicable and in any event within 14 days of delivery in the case of damage
and that option must be indicated on the UPS Waybill in the space provided. UPS (including partial loss of a shipment) and in the case of delay within 21 days of
reserves the right in its sole discretion to request advance payment of shipping delivery. In addition, UPS shall have no liability in connection with any shipment
charges for any package or pallet sent to or from any international destination or unless legal proceedings are brought and written notice of them is given to it within six
origin. months after delivery of the goods concerned or, in the case of non-delivery, within six
months from the scheduled date for delivery. This term shall not affect any rights the
An additional Duty and Tax Forwarding Surcharge will apply if the shipper selects shipper may have under applicable Convention Rules or other applicable mandatory
a billing option in which duties and taxes are to be paid outside of the destination national laws.
Data Protection
Responsibility For Loss or Damage The shipper agrees that UPS and other companies in the UPS group of companies
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air worldwide, including companies in countries which may not have the same level of
signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929 (and any amendments thereto, including the data protection as the country where the shipment is presented to UPS for carriage,
Additional Protocol No.4 signed at Montreal on September 1975, or the Convention may use any data provided by the shipper to UPS for the purposes set forth in, and
for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Montreal, May subject to, the UPS Privacy Notice published on UPS’s web site at
28, 1999)) or CMR Conventions or any national laws implementing or adopting these content/cn/en/resources/ship/terms/privacy.html (hereby incorporated by reference
conventions apply (for convenience collectively referred to as “Convention Rules”) or into these terms). The shipper has certain rights under the law to have access to, rectify,
where (and to the extent that) other mandatory national law applies, the liability of object to the use for direct marketing of, or delete personal data held by UPS about it.
UPS is governed by and will be limited according to the applicable rules.
The shipper agrees that by including the e-mail address of the consignee in PLD for a
Where Convention Rules or other mandatory national laws do not apply, UPS will shipment, (“PLD Email Address(es)”), the shipper acknowledges and agrees that UPS
only be liable for failure to act with reasonable care and skill and its liability shall be may send notifications related to the delivery of such shipment to the shipment’s
exclusively governed by these terms and (save in the case of personal injury or death) associated PLD Email Address(es) and may use such PLD Email Address(es) in
limited to proven damages up to an amount not exceeding USD 100 per shipment, accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice. The shipper warrants that (i) informed and
or per pallet in a UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipment, unless a higher specific consent has been secured from the individual associated with each PLD Email
value has been declared by the shipper as hereafter provided. If the claimant (or any Address(es) to receive notifications related to the delivery of such shipments and for
person from whom he derives his right to claim) has caused or contributed to any loss, use by UPS of the PLD Email Address in accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice and
damage or delay to a shipment, any liability UPS may incur in respect thereof (limited that (ii) the PLD Email Address(es) is accurate and is controlled by the consignee or
as above) may be reduced or extinguished in accordance with the law applicable to associated addressee for the shipment. The shipper shall defend, indemnify and hold
such contributory negligence. harmless UPS, its parent corporation, and affiliated companies, their officers, directors,
employees, agents, and their successors and assigns, from and against any and all
Subject to the provisions of the paragraph stated below, the shipper may obtain for a liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) of any
shipment the benefit of a greater limit of liability than UPS provides under (ii) of the nature whatsoever incurred or suffered in connection with damages arising out of or
Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service clause above or than is provided resulting from any breach of the warranties in the previous sentence.
by Convention Rules or other mandatory national law. The shipper may do so by
declaring a higher value for carriage on the Waybill and paying an additional charge as Entire Agreement
stated in the Rate and Service Guide. If the shipper declares a higher value for carriage All shipments are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS Rate and
and pays the applicable charge, then UPS’s liability shall be limited to a maximum Service Guide and set out on the UPS website (®). The effective UPS Rate and
of the declared value for carriage. The value of the goods concerned shall not in any Service Guide and the description of UPS Services at®, which are incorporated
event exceed the limits specified in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on in the UPS Rate and Service Guide; and the UPS source document for each shipment,
Service clause. UPS does not offer shippers’ cargo insurance. Shippers desiring cargo together comprise the complete and exclusive agreement of the parties, except as
insurance or all risk insurance should purchase such insurance from third parties. modified by any existing or future written agreement between the parties, and may
not be contradicted or modified by any oral agreement.
Save where applicable Convention Rules or other applicable mandatory national
laws require otherwise, UPS shall not be liable for special, incidental, or consequential Severability
damages, including purely economic losses, such as the costs of any alternative means These terms shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. If any part of
of transport, loss of profits, loss of business opportunities or loss of revenue resulting these terms is not enforceable, this will not affect the enforceability of any other part.
from loss of use, arising from any loss of or damage or delay to a shipment, whether or
not a value has been declared as set forth above. Governing Law
These terms and any contract concluded which incorporates these terms shall in all
UPS shall not be liable for any damages arising from UPS’s inability, failure or refusal to respects be governed by the laws of the country where the shipment is presented to
comply with a request to stop, return or re-route shipment of a package or pallet after UPS for carriage.
tender to UPS. ®
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