However, SVCI recognizes the high level of concern out there about how the spread of the virus
is affecting not only our community in the Philippines but friends and loved ones around the
world resulted that CHED disallowed schools for the deployment of student interns in any
business establishment this school year. From the Continuity Learning Plan of the college,
student interns must be deployed virtually thru virtual internship program wherein the students
will conduct research survey in your prestigious company as substitute for a face-to-face
practicum in the actual workplace.
In view of this, we would like to request that Mr/Ms (Student Intern’s Name) to conduct research
survey in your company within the semester from Ferbuary to May, 2019. Their study will focus
on the profiling of the company and employees as well to distribute questionnaires on job
performance and job satisfaction survey. In this manner, they will have the opportunity to learned
independently and able to conceptualize their theoretical knowledge in actual practice.
We believe that your company can provide the relevant exposure to the student interns virtually
by providing them direct information and inputs relative to their research survey to be conducted,
thus ensuring the continuous supply of highly qualified workforce in the commerce and Industry.
We will highly appreciate whatever assistance you can extend to us that will be both beneficial to
the student and your company.