O9A: Occult Phantom Menace

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The Occult Phantom Menace: Or, The Sinister Tradition In The Real World


 This is one of a series of articles which deal with the years-long (2019-2021) and on-going campaign by anti-
fascists and by certain politicians to have the O9A banned as a terrorist group; a campaign based on outright
lies about the O9A, on bigotry, and on fallacious reasoning; and a campaign which has resulted in MI5 trying to
"infiltrate" the O9A:

"Undercover agents from the security service's Research, Information and Communications Unit

(RICU) have been ordered to infiltrate the far-Right Order of Nine Angles (ONA) movement [...]
Whitehall sources said the RICU operation was set up to build a case for banning ONA, which is
considered by some to be the most extreme far-Right network in the world.

Established in Britain in the 1960s, a leaked report from the US National Counterterrorism Center last

month said ONA was suspected of 'exacerbating' conflicts among racially or ethnically motivated
violent extremists." {1}

As part of their anti-O9A campaign, crusading anti-fascists organized a petition, signed by several British

politicians, and presented it to the government, which 2001 petition, replete with lies and propaganda about the
O9A, stated that:

"We, the undersigned, are writing to you with concern over the Nazi-Satanic group Order of Nine
Angles and call on you to use the powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 to proscribe them as a terrorist
group [...] The Order of Nine Angles (O9A) seeks to overthrow the alleged Nazarene/Magian (Jewish)
influence on society by subverting and destabilising society through both chaos and terrorism. It is the
most extreme Satanist group in the world and is having an increasing influence on a generation
of young nazis who are being drawn into terrorist activity."

Meanwhile, in America, Elissa Slotkin - a former CIA analyst who oversees a U.S. House subcommittee on

intelligence and counterterrorism - demanded that the United States government designate the Order of Nine
Angles a Foreign Terrorist Organization {2} even though the Institute for Strategic Dialogue - a non-
governmental organization (NGO) funded by the United Nations and various governments including those of
America and Britain - stated that "experts dispute that the O9A is a group which makes banning the O9A
complicated." {3}

In respect of the O9A, someone wrote in 2014, at https://www.religiousforums.com/threads/australian-satanism-

In other news, since - as mentioned in various O9A texts - the role of National Socialism in O9A theory and
practice is much misunderstood, we have in April 2021 written an article titled Ouroboros: Myatt, Vindex, And A
Return To Physis which is included as Appendix II.

As we have explained before, in practice and when rationally apprehend by a seeker of ἀλήθεια (aletheia) the
O9A - that is, O9A Occult philosophy and its various practical ways of living and quests - is a blend of both
nihilism and anarchism, {4} and represents a necessary evolution of both those causal forms, those "ideas",
thus presencing something new and appropriate for our era: something post-anarchist and post-nihilist, and thus
something post-Satanic.

TWS Nexion
May 2021 ev

{1} Mail on Sunday, 2 January 2021

{2} https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-extremism-slotkin-idUSKBN2BW1KQ

{3} Amazon's algorithms, conspiracy theories and extremist literature, April 2021.

{4} By nihilism is meant "rejection of prevailing religious beliefs, moral principles, and laws, together with a
practical hostility toward accepted beliefs and/or established institutions." By anarchism is meant "that way of
living which regards the authority of The State as unnecessary and possibly harmful, and which instead prefers
the free and individual choice of mutual and non-hierarchical co-operation."

The Sinister Tradition In The Real World

A journalist - seeking an interview, and with a history of writing about the O9A according to anti-
fascist orthodoxy - once asked an O9A comrade of mine the following question: "Are you a genuine member
of the Order of Nine Angles?"

Since my O9A comrade did not deign to answer the question and curtly refused the request for an interview, I
have decided to answer the question for her.

While a plain "yes" might have sufficed for an answer  - and a "yes" which a journalist,
and others, could accept or might not accept - the question itself is not that simple, for implicit in it are three
causal abstractions, three ideas which require defining/explaining: "genuine" and "member" and "O9A".

While such questions, and my answers, may seem pedantic, they are necessary
and indeed important if one is seeking to rationally understand something termed the O9A and
seeking to rationally understand "us", we who associate ourselves with "the O9A". And rationally understand as
opposed, for example, to formulating or expressing an often hasty often emotive often personal and
often journalistic or biased political opinion about "the O9A" and about "us".

A rational understanding which, judging by what that journalist et al have written and said over the past
few years, is missing from all public and mainstream discourses about the O9A.

What, we ask, is a "genuine" member of the O9A, as opposed, for example, to someone pretending to be or
declaring themselves to be a "member" of the O9A, and how is such genuineness to be established? What
does "membership" of something termed the O9A mean? And what does the appellation - the term - "Order
of Nine Angles" signify and imply?

° Alpha: What is the Order of Nine Angles, the O9A?

Most latter-day journalists, and apparently all anti-fascists, together with some politicians, seem to believe the

O9A is a group or organization with members and which group that journalist et al classify or describe by other
terms such as "satanic" and "neo-nazi" which of themselves require explanation if one really is a questioning, a
rational, seeker of aletheia  (ἀλήθεια) since, for example, there a several definitions of both "satanic" and "neo-
nazi", including how Anton Long - et al, associated with the O9A - understand the terms "satanic" and "neo-nazi".

We and others of our ilk have in recent years answered that alpha question: the O9A is not a

group or organization in the conventional - hierarchical, organized - sense but rather is an Occult philosophy - a
changing, evolving, sub-culture, a genré, a genus, a "sinister tradition" - which individuals can
associate themselves with, or identify with, or believe in. An Occult philosophy whose foundations include
Hellenic hermeticism, Greco-Roman paganism, and a Britannic Rounwytha tradition {2} and whose core Occult
praxis is the Seven Fold Way. {3}

We, and others of our ilk, have in recent years also written and said that O9A Occult philosophy - the O9A - is
not "neo-nazi" but rather uses National-Socialism in an antinomian, heretical, way as a causal form, an Insight
Role, and thus as one possible but not mandatory short-term novitiate learning experience.

Another source about the confusion or the misunderstanding about the O9A being "neo-nazi" - a

misunderstanding by most journalists, by some academics, by most if not all anti-fascists, et al - seems to have
arisen over the use of the term Magian in O9A philosophy.

It is not used, as they believe, as a synonym for Jews but rather to describe an ethos. As defined

in v.5.03 of A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms, included in the The Seofonfeald Paeth compilation,

"The term Magian is used to refer to the hybrid ethos of the ancient Hebrews (as manifest for

instance in the Old Testament) and of Western hubriati, and also refers to those individuals who are
Magian by either breeding or nature. The essence of what we term the Magian ethos is inherent in
Judaism, in Nasrany, and in Islam. To be pedantic, we use the term Magian in preference to the more
commonly used term Semitic to describe the ethos underlying these three major, and conventional,
religions, since the term Semitic is, in our view, not strictly philologically correct to describe such

The Magian ethos expresses two fundamental things: (1) the notion of being "chosen" - as for example
by "God" - and thus of having a special "destiny", and 2) the fundamental materialistic belief, the idea,
of Homo Hubris and the Hubriati, that the individual self (and thus self identity) is the most important,
the most fundamental, thing, and that the individual - either alone or collectively (and especially in the
form of a nation/State) - can master and control everything (including themselves), if they have the
right techniques, the right tools, the right method, the right ideas, the money, the power, the influence,
the words. That human beings have nothing to fear, because they are or can be in control.

The Magian ethos is thus [also] represented in the victory of consumerism, capitalism and usury over

genuine, numinous, living culture; in the vulgarity of mechanistic marxism, Freudian psychology,
and the social engineering and planning and surveillance of the nanny State; in
the vulgarity of modern entertainment centred around sex, selfish indulgence, lack of manners
and dignity, and vacuous "celebrities" (exemplified by Hollywood); and in the conniving, the hypocrisy,
the slyness, and the personal dishonourable conduct, which nearly all modern politicians in the West
reveal and practice."

Which use of the term the term Magian in preference to the more commonly used term Semitic explains why we
and others of our O9A ilk are fond of quoting what a certain English poet wrote in 1873 CE: "the separation
between the Greeks and us is due principally to the Hebraistic culture we receive in childhood."

A Hebraistic culture manifest in the Old Testament and a separation between us and pagan Greco-Roman
culture as described for example in the text Western Paganism And Hermeticism. {4}
° Beta: Membership.

Since the O9A, rationally apprehended by a seeker of aletheia, is an Occult philosophy - a changing, evolving,

sub-culture, a genré, a genus - there is no membership per se. As mentioned by "Stephen Brown" - aka Anton
Long - in a letter to "Kimberly" dated 25th September 1992 eh,

"Being a member of the ONA simply means that the individual follows, or tries to follow, the path to
Adeptship as outlined in various works including Naos." {5}

The confusion by non-O9A folk over "membership" seems to have arisen from four causes.

First, by individuals identifying with aspects of O9A philosophy - or who misunderstood O9A philosophy

- describing themselves as, or being described by others (such as journalists or anti-fascists) as O9A members.

Second, by aspects of O9A philosophy, and/or aspects of O9A praxis, being misunderstood or

misinterpreted, classic examples of which are (i) (mis)describing the O9A as "neo-nazi", (ii) (mis)describing the
O9A as misogynist when O9A philosophy is anti-patriarchal, {6} pro-Sapphic, {7} and regards women as "the
key to creating, opening - and keeping open - nexions to the acausal," {8} and (iii) (mis)describing the O9A as
supporting Social Darwinism - "might is right" - when it regards Social Darwinism and the instinct of "might is
right" as de-evolutionary. {9}

Third, because misunderstandings and misinterpretations of O9A philosophy are embedded in parts of that

philosophy, forming a mythic labyrinth which the student of O9A philosophy or the aspirant O9A sorcerer
or sorceress are expected to find their way through; a kind of "mythic narrative" they can learn from and
understand in an esoteric (not an exoteric) context. {10}

"Such a confusion in great numbers is one of the stated purposes of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus,
and it is what makes it inherently elitist at every level. That is to say, it is not elitist because it brags or
because there is an authority denying entry, but because it asks from the practitioner a wide variety of
abilities, at least in potential, and the willingness to develop them through hard work.

Some of these are stated explicitly, and others are required by the sheer complexity or lack of

explanations of certain things, which end up pushing the seriously interested practitioner to find ways,
bridge gaps, interpret and discover his own unique way. Being unable to do so, either out of
incompetence or mental intransigence, is to be culled by the design of the ONA, or to be culled out of
the loop by one's own mediocrity, incapacity or emotional blockage and blinding (often the case among
clever occultists)." {11}

Fourth, because part of the O9A Seven Fold Way, in its early stages, involves the individual novice sorcerer or
sorceress forming their own autonomous O9A or O9A-inspired nexion (group, Temple, cell, clan, tribe)
and recruiting other individuals to join it and thus become "members" of that nexion, some of which "members"
may go on to follow the Seven Fold Way and form their own nexion.

° Gamma: Genuineness

In the matter of being an alleged or a self-declared member of the O9A, how can the genuineness of
membership be determined? A laminated membership card complete with O9A logo? A welcome letter
from some Leader/Führer/Mage or from some "official representative" giving a PO Box or e-mail address?
By contacting some Leader/Führer/Mage in person (or via e-mail) or by contacting some "official
representative" operating a PO Box or some e-mail address? Or by showing some newspaper cutting or some
book or viewing some web-page or blog where the alleged or self-declared member is described as a member of
the O9A?

Naturally not, given the clandestine and illusive nature of "the O9A", as described by anti-fascists, by most
journalists, and by some academics. Naturally not, given that the O9A is, when rationally apprehended by a
seeker of aletheia, an Occult philosophy, a changing, evolving, sub-culture, a genré, a genus, a "sinister
tradition", an "occult phantom menace", and not a group or organization with a hierarchy and
"members". Naturally not, given the fundamental principle of The Authority Of Individual Judgement {12} which
means that no one person, no one O9A nexion, no collocations of O9A nexions, can ever represent the O9A or
speak or write "on behalf of the O9A."

TWS Nexion
April 2021 ev
v. 1.09

{1} In regard to National-Socialism, refer to https://archive.org/details/ns-two-types

{2} See, for example, the 159 page compilation titled The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles,

available at https://web.archive.org/web/20160914040840/https://omega9alpha.files.wordpress.com/2016/03

{3} The Seven Fold Way is described in the chapter The Seven Fold Way Of The Order Of Nine Angles in the
300 page The Seofonfeald Paeth, available at https://archive.org/details/o9a-trilogy-print

See, for example, the chapter The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A in The Seofonfeald Paeth.

{4} Available at https://archive.org/details/tags_20210805

See also Being Anti-Magian And Pro-Western in https://archive.org/details/o9a-questions-2017-part2-v1a-1

{5} The letter is included in facsimile in volume II of The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown. The letters -
primary sources in respect of the O9A - are available from https://archive.org/details/satanicletters-2 and

{6} Refer to On The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos included in The Seofonfeald Paeth.

{7} See the novel Breaking The Silence Down, which forms part of the O9A Deofel Quintet, an overview of
which is available at https://web.archive.org/web/20210317104614/https://omega9alpha.wordpress.com/2020/08

The complete Deofel Quintet is available from:  https://web.archive.org/web/20201024085551/https:


{8} How To Distinguish The Order Of Nine Angles, at https://web.archive.org/web/20210516053920/https:


{9}Qv. Classic O9A texts such as (i) Culling As Art, (ii) The De-Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right, and
(iii) The Gentleman's - and Noble Ladies - Brief Guide to The Dark Arts.

All three texts are included in https://web.archive.org/web/20210215070358/https:


{10} As someone using the pseudonym NorthWind wrote, in 2017: "For beginners, the O.N.A. is a total
mystery and puzzle - and deliberately so. Try to google the material and you'll find a truckload of it, but after two
months of reading you're more confused than from the onset. It takes years to get some manner of grip on it -
which is obviously by intentional design, to test the seeker's will and resolve. You'll turn away pretty soon
if you do not have this sinister flame burning inside."

As someone else (see Appendix I) wrote:

"From its inception, the Seven-Fold Way was intended to see most fail, to see most crumble under
pressure, by a reluctance to try again, by carelessness leading to mental or physical injury or
destruction. It should be clear to any objective and intelligent student of the materials (not to speak to
a practitioner, I presume) that personal discernment is the foremost of all ONA requirements, once
a holistic and balanced view of its rather wide assortment of ideas throughout the decades has been
at least partially digested. To even suggest that the failure of many (most?) ONA would-be initiates is
a sign of failure of the system, or to suppose that the bickering between ONA-inspired/derived groups
implies an alarming state of affairs threatening to take it down, is to not to be able to see beyond the
proverbial nose."

{11} See Appendix I

{12} See for example the texts The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation

And Meaning and Authority, Learning, and Culture, In O9A Tradition, both included in The Seofonfeald Paeth.

Appendix I

A Confusion In Great Numbers


Proper esotericism, it would seem, is a double edged sword, which hides as much as it reveals, and whose
revelation cannot be unbound from its hiding. That is to say, it is the layers of exoteric exposition which
themselves constitute the symbolic graduation of the esoteric essence. It does not, and should not, need to be
explained, since the explanations themselves incur a debasing, a reduction and almost certainly a distortion of
the esoteric essence. There lies the connection with the practical, with direct experience, and the putting
together of the pieces of existence and reality “beyond denotatum“.

When, therefore, the different analyses of practitioners or occult commentators take issue with the symbols used
by ONA [O9A, Order of Nine Angles], with the sketchiness of its apparent design, they seem to do so from a
purely exoteric perspective. That is to say, not as exoteric linking to esoteric and concretely revealing fault or
mistake, but as exoteric as pure appearance of symbols in a catalogue. Discussions on ONA names, stories,
rituals, etc. end up being reduced and compressed into what feels tangible. Such a proclivity appears to be
predominantly American, and which proclivity leads many towards dialectical materialism. In lieu of the truly
unspoken, unspeakable mystical experience, the average American mentality seeks this tangibility because
American culture lacks the essence of said experience: it needs the theatrical, which is an exoteric form, and
confuses it with the esoteric essence itself. It ignores that the mystical, the esoteric, is not the fireworks of the
symbols but the every-day, instant-to-instant living through this existence.

The problem with this materialism is that it is itself a reduction of idealism, and whose relation is very much like
that of pathetic Humanist values that clearly stem from Christian dogma. The situation in the latter case is that
when atheism arrives at the door under the flag of Humanism, it does away with dogma but retains all the
idealistic mumbo-jumbo and is forced to justify it through materialist means. That is to say, where dogma caused
value, dogma was removed but value was retained as if it were a given, thereby causing the necessity of making
all sorts of excuses for the maintenance of the value. The illusion lies in thinking that because materialist,
because only looking for tangibility, the explanation is scientific; through such misconception is pseudo-science

Something similar appears happen with de-esotericized interpretations of the ONA, which do not seem to
comprehend that ONA proposes methods that develop the individual but also dissolve interpretations of reality
in favor of a constant immediate apprehension of the same. Thus, while a method of confrontation and self-
challenge may be to adopt the aforementioned Soviet denotatum, to turn it into a conclusion implies the falling
into the trap of its indirect apprehension of reality. The method is confused with the goal, and a same ghost-
dogma-to-value interplay occurs where the “sovietization” of the mind becomes not a door and an exoteric
presentation of the esoteric anti- dote, but the reductionist end-point.

Such a confusion in great numbers is one of the stated purposes of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and it is what
makes it inherently elitist at every level. That is to say, it is not elitist because it brags or because there is an
authority denying entry, but because it asks from the practitioner a wide variety of abilities, at least in potential,
and the willingness to develop them through hard work. Some of these are stated explicitly, and others are
required by the sheer complexity or lack of explanations of certain things, which end up pushing the seriously
interested practitioner to find ways, bridge gaps, interpret and discover his own unique way. Being unable to do
so, either out of incompetence or mental intransigence, is to be culled by the design of the ONA, or to be culled
out of the loop by one’s own mediocrity, incapacity or emotional blockage and blinding (often the case among
clever occultists).

From its inception, the Seven-Fold Way was intended to see most fail, to see most crumble under pressure, by a
reluctance to try again, by carelessness leading to mental or physical injury or destruction. It should be clear to
any objective and intelligent student of the materials (not to speak to a practitioner, I presume) that personal
discernment is the foremost of all ONA requirements, once a holistic and balanced view of its rather wide
assortment of ideas throughout the decades has been at least partially digested. To even suggest that the failure
of many (most?) ONA would-be initiates is a sign of failure of the system, or to suppose that the bickering
between ONA-inspired/derived groups implies an alarming state of affairs threatening to take it down, is to not
to be able to see beyond the proverbial nose.

As far as one can tell, the Seven-Fold Way was meant to be not only highly individualistic and mutable, because
of its framework for local and personal adaptation, but for the same reason disconnected and anarchic as seeds.
That is to say, ONA nexions need not be brothers, nor should they need to maintain communication at all,
especially if after a certain period of time Adepts had already been disseminated geographically after an initial
round of tutelage from the origin, as it were. As the original proponents of the Seven-Fold Way sort of said, the
worth or value or applicability of the system will only be proven if it eventually reaches its Aeonic goals. To say
this goal, the initial stages of which require centuries and generations after generations of Adepts, has been
thwarted because certain groups crumble, is to not understand the implications of what is being said. While
there is at least one Master, or while the corpus’ materials can interact with human minds to produce Adepts
and the information is available where there is potential, there exists the hope that a certain causal iteration of
the ONA presents itself that can eventually lead towards the accomplishment of said Aeonic goals.


An extract from an article by davidrosalesgiron88 available at:

https://web.archive.org/web/20171012003451/https://praefuscusferrum.com /2017/05/21/corpus-nine-thirteen/
Appendix II

Myatt, Vindex, And A Return To Physis

With the publication of his translations of and commentaries on eight tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum in
2017 {1} followed later in the same year by his two monographs on Greco-Roman paganism {2} it seems to me
that David Myatt's antinomian life has come full circle.

In his 1984 text Vindex - Destiny of the West {3} he wrote that

"Adolf Hitler is as central to Imperium as Caesar was to the Roman Empire, and while the founders of
the Imperium may not call themselves National Socialists or use as their symbol the swastika flag, they
will nevertheless be the heirs of National Socialism. In this bond lies the key to the creation of
Imperium [...]

To pretend that National Socialism or Adolf Hitler are not important for the West is absurd: National
Socialism (or perhaps more correctly, Hitlerism) cannot be ignored and any movement, political or
which has as its aim the creation of a Faustian Imperium, will never succeed as long as it ignores the
importance of this philosophy for the sake of temporary and, finally, illusory gains."

He goes on to explain that "Philosophically, National Socialism represents the revaluation wished for by
Nietzsche – a return to Nature (the physis of the Greeks) as an unfolding in the sense of the pre-Socractics [...]
Such a returning is a return to the dynamic paganism that pre-dated Christianity."
For what Myatt has done in those 2017 publications and in his other translations of classical works (from
Aeschylus to the Pre-Socratics) is to enable us

 "to appreciate and understand the classical, pagan, ethos and thence the ethos of the West itself."

In other words, Myatt has explained in his translations the philosophical basis of the pagan "returning" that
National-Socialism represented politically and otherwise.

Importantly, in his Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos he wrote that

"the quintessence of such a weltanschauung, of the paganus ethos, is that ethics are presenced in and
by particular living individuals, not in some written text whether philosophical or otherwise, not by
some proposed schemata, and not in some revelation from some deity."

Which brings us to two things. First, Myatt's admiration of modern warriors (and National-Socialists) such as
Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle and Otto Ernst Remer. Of Remer he wrote in his 2013 autobiography Myngath
{7} that "I admired his honour and his loyalty and his commitment to the duty he had sworn an oath to do. Here,
I felt, was a modern-day Greek hero."

Second, Myatt's life-long commitment to the principle, the ethic, of personal honour, stating in 1998 that "the
only law I believe in and strive to uphold is the law of personal honour." {8} Which concept of personal honour
also runs through his 1998 interview with a then official representative of an anti- fascist organization, with
Myatt "on his word of honour" saying in that interview that he is not Anton Long and that he has never been in
any practical way involved with the Occult group the Order of Nine Angles. {9}

That the then official representative of an anti- fascist organization refused to believe Myatt's denials and,
despite having nothing probative to support such allegations, continued to repeat his allegations, led Myatt to
challenge him to a duel with deadly weapons which challenge of course the ideologically driven anti-fascist
declined, leading Myatt to write:

"Given that I have challenged two journalists, according to the law of personal honour, to a duel with
deadly weapons for making such malicious allegations, and given that they did not have the honour to
accept this challenge or issue an apology in lieu of fighting a duel, I consider my honour vindicated."


In what I personally regard as one of Myatt's most important works, he writes in his Classical Paganism And The
Christian Ethos, that
"The paganus weltanschauung, ancestral to the lands of the West, that has emerged is one which,
shorn of technical, Greek, and metaphysical terms, many may find familiar or already be intuitively
aware of.  For it is a weltanschauung of we human beings having a connexion to other living beings, a
connexion to the cosmos beyond, and a connexion to the source of our existence, the source of the
cosmos, and the source - the origin, the genesis - of all living beings. Which source we cannot correctly
describe in words, by any denotata, or define as some male 'god', or even as a collection of deities
whether male or female, but which we can apprehend through the emanations of Being: through what
is living, what is born, what unfolds in a natural manner, what is ordered and harmonious, what
changes, and what physically - in its own species of Time - dies [...]

Such a developed paganus weltanschauung - in its ethos and its ontology, ethics, and epistemology,
and thus with its virtues of personal honour and empathy combined with a respect for the numinous -
is quite different from Christianity and other revealed religions, and certainly does, in its noble
simplicity and practicality, seem to be more human in physis, more balanced, and could well be more
productive of a healthy personal ψυχή, than Christianity and other revealed religions.

Such a modern paganus weltanschauung may also be a means to reconnect those in the lands of the
West, and those in Western émigré lands and former colonies of the West, with their ancestral ethos,
for them to thus become, or return to being, a living, dwelling, part - a connexion between the past and
the future - of what is still a living, and evolving, culture. Perhaps the future of that culture depends on
whether sufficient individuals can live by the high personal standards of such a modern paganus

That is, Myatt seems to me to be not only re-expressing what he wrote about Christianity, paganism, and physis,
in his much earlier Vindex - Destiny Of The West but also presenting us with the philosophical foundations of "a
return to the dynamic paganism that pre-dated Christianity."

A dynamic and a new paganism that has the ethic of personal honour at its heart and which ethics are thus
"presenced in and by particular living individuals, not in some written text whether philosophical or otherwise,
not by some proposed schemata, and not in some revelation from some deity."

Ethics presenced in individuals such as Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle and Otto Ernst Remer. Which leads us
back, in my view, to what Myatt wrote in Vindex- Destiny Of the West,

"that National Socialism - what it was, not what propaganda has made it appear [to be] - was an
expression of Faustian resurgence and nothing is more indicative of the influence of the Magian ethos
[...] than the fact that National Socialist Germany perished after only twelve years of existence
because of a war that neither Hitler nor the German people wanted. This war resulted in the
enslavement of half of Europe to Communism, destroyed the British Empire, and left the world divided
between the materialism of America and the materialism of Soviet Russia. 1945 was a turning point for
our civilization; the old values which created the West and which inspired the National Socialist
movement began to disappear from the hearts and minds of Europeans."

Rachael Stirling
April 2021 ev (132 yf)

{1} Corpus Hermeticum: Eight Tractates, ISBN 978-1976452369. Available as a gratis pdf document at

{2} Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos, ISBN 978-1979599023, and Tu Es Diaboli Ianua, ISBN
978-1982010935. Both available as gratis pdf documents at (i) https://davidmyatt.files.wordpress.com/2018/03
/tua-es-diaboli-ianua.pdf and (ii) https://davidmyatt.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/classical-paganism-v2-print.pdf

{3} A facsimile of the 1984 published text is available at https://archive.org/details/myatt-vindex

{4} The quotation is from Re-discovering Western Paganism, in Western Paganism And Hermeticism: Myatt And
The Renaissance of Western Culture, available at https://archive.org/details/tags_20210805

{5} In regard to the Pre-Socratics, see https://davidmyatt.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/pre-socratic-and-


{6} In regard to Physis see https://davidmyatt.wordpress.com/aristotle-metaphysics-1015α/

{7} https://davidmyatt.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/david-myatt-myngath.pdf

{8} The statement is included in his 20 page polemic A Matter Of Honour published in 2012, and available at

{9} The interview is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZZeuPoplu4

Image credit:
Ouroboros, from Folio 196 of Codex Parisinus Graecus 2327 (c. 1478 ev)
This item is covered by the Creative Commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0
and can be freely copied and distributed according to the terms of that license

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