Earth - Ground Stainless Steel Braid CPI (P1154S-WWEN)

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Earth/Ground Stainless

Steel Braids (CPI)

Features Ready-to-use stainless steel braids for
• High-quality 316L
stainless steel: multiple applications
superior abrasion,
corrosion, chemi-
cal, and UV resis-
tance for outdoor
• Good resistance
to vibration and
• Full application
range: 16 to
70 mm2 section
with 150 to
1100 mm length
• Quick and easy
to install. No ad-
ditional cutting,
stripping, crimp-
ing and punching
• Material savings:
ERICO developed and manufactures a range of earth/ground stainless steel braids.
No additional
These high-quality 316L stainless steel braids can be installed in extremely corrosive
lugs or terminals
environments, like offshore applications or coastal applications. The CPI braid is ideal
for applications using stainless steel pipe or tanks, like the food and beverage industry,
• Great for expan- building industry, transportation, oil and chemical industry.
sion joints where
ERICO offers 316L stainless steel, one of the highest resistant stainless steel options
constant move-
on the market. ERICO has mastered the process of manufacturing stainless steel for
ment requires
braiding, crimping, cutting or punching and offers a full range of ready-to-use stain-
a flexible and
less steel braids.
• Won’t rust or
discolor, so the
appearance will
never fade or
• UL® Listed UL467
- grounding and
bonding equip-
ment for US and
• RoHS Compliant
• IEC 60439.1 &
Earth/Ground Stainless
Steel Braids (CPI)
Ready-to-use stainless steel braids for
multiple applications

Part Section L Ø J e
Description A mm T mm Kg
Number mm2 mm mm mm mm
554277 CPI 16-150-8 16 150 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,031
554278 CPI 16-200-8 16 200 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,037
554279 CPI 16-250-8 16 250 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,043
554280 CPI 16-300-8 16 300 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,050
554282 CPI 16-400-8 16 400 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,062
554286 CPI 16-600-8 16 600 8,5 17,5 10 20 3 10 0,087
554299 CPI 25-150-10 25 150 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,058
554300 CPI 25-200-10 25 200 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,068
554301 CPI 25-250-10 25 250 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,078
554302 CPI 25-300-10 25 300 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,088
554304 CPI 25-400-10 25 400 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,108
554308 CPI 25-600-10 25 600 10,5 26,5 15 30 3,5 10 0,147
554321 CPI 35-150-12 35 150 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,071
554322 CPI 35-200-12 35 200 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,085
554323 CPI 35-250-12 35 250 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,099
554324 CPI 35-300-12 35 300 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,112
554326 CPI 35-400-12 35 400 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,140
554330 CPI 35-600-12 35 600 13 26,5 15 30 4 10 0,195
554343 CPI 50-150-12 50 150 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,111
554344 CPI 50-200-12 50 200 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,130
554345 CPI 50-250-12 50 250 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,150
554346 CPI 50-300-12 50 300 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,170
554348 CPI 50-400-12 50 400 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,209
554352 CPI 50-600-12 50 600 13 30 15 30 5 10 0,288
554365 CPI 70-150-12 70 150 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,139
554366 CPI 70-200-12 70 200 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,167
554367 CPI 70-250-12 70 250 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,194
554368 CPI 70-300-12 70 300 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,222
554370 CPI 70-400-12 70 400 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,277
554374 CPI 70-600-12 70 600 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,388
554378 CPI 70-800-12 70 800 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,498
554384 CPI 70-1100-12 70 1100 13 30 15 30 5,8 10 0,664

UL is a registered trademark of UL LLC.

ERICO products shall be installed and used only as indicated in ERICO’s product instruction sheets and training materials. Instruction sheets are available at and from
your ERICO customer service representative. Improper installation, misuse, misapplication or other failure to completely follow ERICO’s instructions and warnings may cause product
malfunction, property damage, serious bodily injury and death.

Copyright ©2013 ERICO International Corporation. All rights reserved.

CADDY, CADWELD, CRITEC, ERICO, ERIFLEX, ERITECH, and LENTON are registered trademarks of ERICO International Corporation.

P1154S-WWEN P455LT13WWEN WB0413

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