1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Working With S5-DOS/ST Simatic S5: Manual

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Contents, Preface

Product Overview 1
Installing and Starting Up 2
User Memory Management 3
Working with Installing Hardware 4
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS
File Transfer 6
C79000-G8576-C760-03 Keyboard Editor 7
V.24/TTY Converter 8


ESD Guidelines, Remarks Forms

Safety Guidelines This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal
safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These notices are
highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as follows according to
the level of danger:

draws your attention to particularly important information on the product, handling
the product or to a particular part of the documentation.

Qualified Personnel Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install and work on this equipment.
Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to ground
and to tag equipment, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety
practices and standards.

Proper Usage Note the following:

! This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or
technical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other
manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens.
This product can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored and set
up carefully and correctly, and operated and maintained as recommended.

Trademarks SIMATIC and SINEC are registered trademarks of SIEMENS AG.

Copyright  Siemens AG 1994 All Rights Reserved Disclaimer of Liability

The reproduction, transmission, or use of this document or its contents is not We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the
permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded
damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual
utility model or design, are reserved. are reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent
editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Siemens AG
Automation Group
Industrial Automation Systems
Postfach 4848, D-90327 Nürnberg Subject to change without prior notice.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft C79000-G8576-C760

Software Package The STEP 5, V 6.6 sofware package runs under MS-DOS. STEP
STEP 5, V 6.6 5 can be started under MS-DOS or from Windows.
The package installed on your PG not only contains the STEP 5
application but also the program S5DRV.EXE for installing
drivers and other programs.

Content of the This manual explains the software configurations within which
Manual STEP 5 and the appropriate applications and drivers (networks)
can be run under MS-DOS or Windows.
Special hardware configurations and utilities required or useful
with STEP 5 are also described.
The operating systems MS-DOS and Windows are not described
in this manual.
The manual also contains chapters that are only of interest if you
want to use a personal computer (PC) as a programming device
(PG). If you order STEP 5 as a retrofit kit, note that different
software packages are necessary for PCs and PGs. The functions
provided by the packages are nevertheless the same.
You do not need to read this manual from cover to cover. Have a
look at the list of contents or the index to see what you need to
read to find the solution for your problem or task.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 iii

How to Use this The following information will help you to use the manual more
Manual efficiently.

Conventions The conventions and symbols used in this manual are intended to
draw your attention to particularly important information.
1. Individual steps in a procedure which should be performed in
a set order are numbered.
 Steps in a procedure where the order is not important and
items in a list are indicated by a bullet.
DOS commands (DIR *.TXT /p/w), keys (CTRL), key
combinations (ALT + D + S or ALT + TAB), menu commands
(File → Save) and buttons (OK) are shown in bold print and in
brackets as in these examples.
DOS commands can also be typed in lower case letters.
Commands are triggered by pressing the Enter key.
References to sections or chapters, dialog box titles and field
names in dialogs are enclosed in “inverted commas”.

Points to note are included in the text in this form.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

iv C79000-G8576-C760-03

Product When your PG or retrofit kit is delivered, one of the items

Information included is a Product Information. This contains supplementary
information about special situations and restrictions to the manual
or the product. It should be regarded as a separate part of this
manual, and in case of doubt the information in the Product
Information should be considered as being more up-to-date. The
Product Information should always be kept together with the

Catalog\INFO After installing the software, you will find files of the type *.TXT
(for example STEP5E.TXT) or of the type *.WRI (for example
PRODINFE.WRI)1 in the directory C:\INFO\. The *.WRI files
contain the product information in electronic form.
You can use the appropriate editor (for example WordPad) to read
or print this information.

1 The last letter in the file name is the language code (for example ”D” for German, ”E” for English,
”F” for French, ”S” for Spanish, ”I” for Italien).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 v
1 Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2 Installing and Starting Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1 Contents of the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2 Installing the STEP 5 Basic Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.3 Installing STEP 5 Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.4 STEP 5 Language Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
3 User Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.1 Memory Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.2 MS-DOS Memory Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.3 Optimizing Hard Disk Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
4 Installing Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1 Connecting a Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.2 Connecting a PLC to the PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.3 Connecting an EPROM Programmer to the PG . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.4 Overview – Connecting Cables to PLC, Partner PG,
Prommer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
5 Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1 What the P Tools Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.2 Using the P Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3 Command Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 vii

6 File Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

6.1 Network Configurations and Hardware Expansions . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2 FTARC for File Transfer via ARCNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6.3 Exchanging S5 Program Data between PGs/PCs . . . . . . . . . 6-19
7 Keyboard Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.2 Keyboard with S5 Default Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.3 Activating the Keyboard Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
7.4 Opening File for Key Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
7.5 Editing the Key Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7.6 Changing the Working Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
7.7 Copying an Edited Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
7.8 Printing an Edited Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7.9 Inserting DOS Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7.10 Switching Between a Color and Monochrome Screen . . . . . . 7-14
7.11 Checking the Assignment of the Resource File for Errors . . . 7-15
7.12 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
7.13 Exiting the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
8 V.24/TTY Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Working with S5-DOS/ST

viii C79000-G8576-C760-03
Product Overview 1
The programming devices of the SIMATIC range with their
system software are the standard devices for configuring,
programming and assigning parameters in all SIMATIC S5
automation tasks.
This chapter provides you with an overview of the components of
the STEP 5, V.6.6 software package, the environment in which the
software runs and additional programs you can order extra or can
use from earlier STEP 5 versions.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 1-1
Product Overview

Software Supplied In the PG 740, for example, the system software Windows 95,
1 with the PG STEP 5, V 6.6 etc. is installed on the hard disk in compressed form
in five languages. The advantage of this for you is that you can use
your STEP 5 software on the PG after making only a few basic
entries. The first time you power up the PG, you can decide on the
language in which the software is to be installed.

Components of the The following diagram shows you which components may be
System Software contained in the software on your PG. The actual configuration
depends on the system configuration you have used to install the
STEP 5 package, and on whether you own a PG or operate a PC as
a PG.

%) *1-  +!,.%)# 2-.!(

  ,*#,(- %) *1-
%) *1-3
!2*,  %.*,


 %)% .$ %'!- "*,
.$ *(+%'!,    * /'! 1%.$
+.%*) +.%*) 1%.$ ,%0!, "*,

Working with S5-DOS/ST

1-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Product Overview

Directory Structure If you install STEP 5 on the same partition as MS-DOS and
Windows, the directory structure includes the following 1



\SINEC SINEC networks

\INFO Information on the software releases

\TMP Temporary files

\S5_ST STEP 5, V 6.6, P Tools, S5.BAT, S5AUTOEX.BAT

\PG_PG PG-PG link

\INSTALL Installation program for STEP 5
\S5_COM Directory for COMs
\S5_DATEN STEP 5 user programs and data

For the installation shown above, the partition in question should

have a capacity of at least 200 Mbytes.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 1-3
Product Overview

Main Menu STEP 5, V 6.6 provides you with support in the form of a
1 STEP 5 convenient graphic user interface. After starting STEP 5, a main
menu appears on the screen together with submenus. You can
select functions in these menus using the mouse or the keyboard.

Object Editor Test Management Documentation Change Help

Project > Settings >

Blocks >
DOS file > Load ...F10 Page 1 ...
PCPM file > Save ... Page 2 ... F4
Save as ...

Copyright (1994)

1 Edit 2 DB 3 Dir 4 Presets 5 BLK  PLC 1 Comp. BLK >>
Other key assignments with TAB

The project settings can be modified.

With the STEP 5, V 6.6 user interface, you can select STEP 5
functions in these menus and the boxes they open using the mouse
or the keyboard.
The functions and the user interface of the STEP 5 programming
software are described in a separate manual.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

1-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up 2
This chapter is intended to help you:
 start up your PG for the first time, with the software on the hard
disk in compressed form
 reinstall the system software
 install the retrofit package.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-1
Installing and Starting Up

2.1 Contents of the Package

The exact content of your system software is listed in the Product

Information which is supplied either with your new PG or with
2 your retrofit package for STEP 5.

Display Detailed After installing the software, you will find files of the type *.TXT
Information (for example, STEP5E.TXT) or of the type *.WRI (for example
PRODINFE.WRI) in the C:\INFO\ directory. You can use the
appropriate editor (for example EDIT or WordPad) to read or print
this information. These files contain detailed information on the
individual software components.

Example: Using the MS-DOS command

you can display the file STEP5E.TXT page by page.

Help Directly on You can enter MS-DOS commands with the option /? to display
the Screen brief information about the function and the permitted options.
Under Windows, you can obtain help on the current function at any
time by pressing F1. You can also obtain information from the
entries in the Help menu.
On PGs, you can also display help texts on the current function
under STEP 5 by pressing SHIFT + F8 or the Help key
(PG 730/750/770).
This Help key has been replaced on the PG 720 and PG 740 by the
keys Fn + F1.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

2-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up

2.2 Installing the STEP 5 Basic Package

Startup If you have purchased a new programming device from Siemens,

the system software together with STEP 5 is already installed on
the programming device in compressed form in five languages. 2
After you have set up your programming device and turned it on, a
menu is displayed in which you can select the language in which
you want to install the system software. The remaining steps of the
installation are also menu-driven.
The most important information about the retrofit package can be
found in the accompanying Product Information.
When ordering, please remember that there are different packages
for PGs and PCs.

Condition The following conditions must be met if you want to install

STEP 5 on your PG or PC:
– Hard disk:
You require a hard disk partition with at least 10 Mbytes of
free memory.
– RAM:
You need at least 640 Kbytes
(1 Mbyte is recommended)
 Operating system;
– MS-DOS 5.0 or 6.2
– Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11
– Windows 95
Files with the same name are overwritten when you install the
newer version. The remaining STEP 5 data are retained.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-3
Installing and Starting Up

Installing STEP 5 Installing the system software is described in detail in the Product
under MS-DOS Information. Here, only the principle is explained.
1. Switch on your PG and go to the command level of MS-DOS.
2. Insert the first diskette of the retrofit package in drive A.
3. Call the installation program by typing:
For all subsequent steps, the program displays menus in which you
can make your selections.
Read the explanations which appear on the screen during the
installation and follow the instructions.

Installing STEP 5 If you use the Windows 95 operating system, you can also install
in Windows 95 STEP 5 from the Windows interface.
Proceed as follows:
1. Insert the installation diskette in drive A.
2. Open up My computer by double-clicking in the icon.
3. Select Floppy (A:).
4. Open drive A.
5. Start the installation procedure by double-clicking on the file
INSTALL.PIF (The file appears as an ”Install” with the icon
”Shortcut to an MS-DOS application”).
Windows 95 will install the programs and icons for STEP 5 in the
start menu under SIMATIC.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

2-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up

Setting Up STEP 5 If you use the Windows operating system, you can also start
in Windows 3.X STEP 5 from the Windows user interface by setting up STEP 5 as a
Windows program.

Procedure To set up a program group for STEP 5:

1. Menu command File  New.
The following dialog box is displayed:

New Program Object

New OK
Program Group
Program Item Cancel

2. Select Program Group and confirm with OK.

3. Complete the “Program Group Properties” dialog box as shown
below and confirm with OK.

Program Group Properties

Description: STEP 5 OK
Group File: C:\WINDOWS\STEP5.GRP Cancel

Creating the icon for STEP 5:

4. Menu command File  New.
The “New Program Object” dialog box is opened.
5. Select Program Item and confirm with OK.
6. Complete the “Program Item Properties” dialog box as shown
below and confirm with OK.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-5
Installing and Starting Up

Program Item Properties

Description: STEP 5 OK
[DR:] is the
Command Line: DR:\STEP5\S5_ST\S5.PIF Cancel
2 drive on which
is installed. Working Directory: DR:\STEP5\S5_ST Browse...

Shortcut Key: None Change lcon...

Run Minimized Help


Creating the icon for the STEP 5 driver:

7. Menu command File  New.
The “New Program Object” dialog box appears.
8. Select Program Item and confirm with OK.
9. Complete the “Program Item Properties” dialog box as shown
below and confirm with OK.

Program Item Properties

Description: STEP 5 Drivers OK

Command Line: DR:\STEP5\S5_ST\S5DRV.EXE Cancel

Working Directory: DR:\STEP5\S5_ST Browse...

Shortcut Key: None Change lcon...

EPROM Run Minimized Help
H1 L2

Working with S5-DOS/ST

2-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up

Your STEP 5 window then appears as shown below:


H1 L2


Under Windows, you must under no circumstances use the
MS-DOS call for STEP 5. To call STEP 5 under Windows,
double-click on the icon.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-7
Installing and Starting Up

2.3 Installing STEP 5 Drivers

Loading Drivers The program S5DRV.EXE can be found on PG 7xx programming

devices in the subdirectory
S5DRV.EXE offers the the following options:
1. Loading or not loading drivers for EPROM, H1 and L2
network functions.
2. Language selection and deselection for STEP 5, V 6.6 when
more than one language is installed.
3. Selection between internal and external EPROM interface
modules (see also Installing EPROM Drivers):
– Internal EPROM programming interface (only in PG 7xx
programming devices)
– Parallel external Prommer on an LPT port
– Serial Prommer on a COM port (only on PCs)

STEP 5 /ST V 6.6 Loading driver

EPROM, H1, L2 – Load drivers

[X] EPROM driver

[ ] H1 driver for CP 141
[ ] H1 driver for CP 1413
[ ] L2 driver for CP 5410B

1 Help 2 3 Select 4 PROMMER 5 Language 6 7 Cancel 8 End

Working with S5-DOS/ST

2-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up

Defaults  The network drivers for the H1 and L2 buses are not loaded.
 All installed language versions of STEP 5 are activated.
 PG: the EPROM driver for the internal EPROM programming
interface is loaded.
 PC: the driver for the parallel external Prommer is loaded.

Loaded drivers (for example, EPROM driver) reduce the working
memory available to STEP 5. To make more space available in the
working memory, you should not load the EPROM driver unless
you need it.

Procedure Start the program S5DRV.EXE as follows:

 Type in the command S5DRV.
 Start the program by double-clicking on the icon STEP 5
Drivers in the STEP 5 program group window.
The program S5DRV.EXE is menu-driven. You can work through
the program using either a mouse or trackball, if you have one
connected, or the function keys.

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-9
Installing and Starting Up

How to Use the The first page of S5DRV.EXE offers you the choice of language in
Program which you want to run the program (German, English, French,
Spanish, Italian). In the menus which follow you can load or
unload EPROM, H1 and L2 drivers.
2 In the submenu PROMMER the drivers can be adapted to match
the EPROM programming hardware facilities, and in the submenu
Language you can select which language you want for STEP 5/ST,
V 6.6. Help is provided in the menu bar on all menus except the
startup menu.

Executing the If you have selected one of the network drivers for H1 or L2, this
Selections is loaded in the S5AUTOEX.BAT file when the PG (PC) is next
started. If the EPROM driver is selected, it is loaded when the
STEP 5 application is started.

Installing the The PG 7xx is supplied with the internal EPROM programming
EPROM Driver interface already installed. With PCs, the files for the parallel
external Prommer are loaded when the STEP 5/ST for PC software
is installed for the first time.
The following steps are necessary to activate a parallel EPROM
programming interface, for example, or to activate a serial
interface on a PC:
 Start the program S5DRV.EXE.
 Select the submenu PROMMER.
In this menu you can select between:
 an internal programming interface (only in PG 7xx
programming devices)
 a parallel external Prommer on an LPT port
 a serial external Prommer on a COM port (only on PCs)

Working with S5-DOS/ST

2-10 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing and Starting Up

Selecting the EPROM driver in the window entitled “Loading
driver” (see page 2–14) will not affect the installation of the
external serial prommer. 2
When selecting the parallel LPT port, a selection for LPT 1, LPT 2
and LPT 3 are displayed in addition. The existing LPT port can be
specified here.
When selecting the serial port, a selection for COM 1, COM 2,
COM 3 and COM 4 are displayed in addition. The existing COM
port can be specified here.

2.4 STEP 5 Language Selection

If more than one language is installed, when you start STEP 5, you
are asked to select the language you want to work in. If you only
want to use one language version of STEP 5, you can deactivate all
the other installed languages via the submenu Language. Active
language versions are displayed when this menu is called. The next
time you start STEP 5, the language selection screen is no longer
displayed and the program goes straight to the main STEP 5 menu.
Installed but inactive language versions can be reactivated again by
calling the Language submenu in the S5DRV.EXE program.

Procedure The program for changing the language selection is started under
 Type in the command S5DRV.
From the Language submenu you can decide which language is to
be used to start STEP 5.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 2-11
User Memory Management 3
The management of the user memory is already optimized on a PG
supplied with STEP 5.
If you install STEP 5 later or if you change the configuration of
your system or load other drivers or programs, it may be necessary
to change the assignment of the user memory to avoid errors.
This chapter describes the structure of the user memory and the
standard assignment and explains how to change the assignment.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 3-1
User Memory Management

In the MS-DOS environment, the most important system resources

are the user memory and the storage space on a hard disk or
diskette. The memory configuration and management can affect
the following:
 Which programs can be run
 How fast programs can be run
 How much data a program can work with
 How much data can be stored between one working session and
the next.
The basic configuration of the user memory is on the motherboard
of your programming device. This can be extended by a memory
expansion card. All programs must be loaded in the user memory
before they can be run.
Your PG has two different types of user memory:
 Conventional user memory
 Extended memory.
Programs running under MS-DOS normally use the PG’s
conventional memory. To allow programs to use the extended
memory, you must install a memory manager to coordinate access
to this memory.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

3-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
User Memory Management

3.1 Memory Distribution


Extended EMM386.EXE
Extended Memory

HMA 64 Kbyte
High Memory
High memory
ROM-BIOS 1 Mbyte

ARCNET expansions,
area available
for programs Upper memory EMM386.EXE
by using Area


Video area


Video-RAM Video area

640 Kbytes Conventional user memory

DOS Data Area

BIOS Data Area
Int. Vector

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 3-3
User Memory Management

Conventional User The conventional user memory has a standard capacity of

Memory 640 Kbytes in all PGs. Programs can use the conventional user
memory without the special commands required for other types of
MS-DOS occupies part of the conventional user memory. The
device drivers and commands specified in the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files take up further user memory space. The
remaining memory is available for user programs.
Upper Memory In addition to the conventional user memory, your PG also has a
Area 384 Kbyte memory known as the upper memory area. This area is
immediately next to the 640 Kbytes of the conventional user
memory. This area is normally reserved for your additional
hardware, however parts of it can be made available by a memory

High Memory Area The high memory area (HMA) is a special 64 Kbyte field in the
additional memory located directly above the 1 Mbyte address.

Extended Memory, Most programs use the conventional user memory. They cannot
XMS use the extended memory because the addresses which identify the
locations of the programs in the extended memory are too high for
these programs to recognize. Only the addresses in the 640 Kbyte
area of the conventional user memory are recognized by all
You can activate more user memory in your programming device
by installing a memory manager. These programs allow access to
the extended memory and the upper memory area.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

3-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
User Memory Management

3.2 MS-DOS Memory Manager

A memory manager is a device driver that allows access to or

manages certain types of memory.
MS-DOS (5.0 and 6.2) has the following installable memory
 HIMEM.SYS manages access to the extended memory
 EMM386 allows access to the extended memory. It also allows
access to the upper memory blocks (UMBs).
To install a memory manager, use the DEVICE command in your
CONFIG.SYS file. Although memory managers occupy a part of
the conventional user memory, they make up for this by allowing
access to far greater areas of memory in the extended memory or
upper memory area than they themselves occupy.

Running MS-DOS MS-DOS is usually run in the conventional user memory. This
in the High restricts the conventional user memory available for user
Memory Area programs. MS-DOS can also be run in the extended memory. In
this case, it uses the 64 Kbytes of the high memory area (HMA).
Since few programs use this area it may prove useful to run
MS-DOS here.
Running MS-DOS in the extended memory area has the following
 Approximately 40 Kbytes of conventional user memory are
 It uses the high memory area, part of the extended memory
used by very few programs.
The command DOS=HIGH,UMB specifies the area of the user
memory in which MS-DOS will be located and determines
whether or not upper memory blocks will be used.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 3-5
User Memory Management

Using the Upper Another way to gain more memory over and above the 640 Kbytes
Memory Area of user memory is to install the memory manager EMM386.EXE.
The memory manager can make available part of the extended
memory area from 640 Kbytes to 1 Mbyte reserved for hardware.
These parts are known as the upper memory blocks or UMBs.
Use: with the command DEVICEHIGH<driver file> in the
CONFIG.SYS file, you load drivers in the high memory area.
Setting up a Larger Even when your memory capacity is adequate, you may not be
User Memory able to run a program. Memory-resident programs often occupy
part of the user memory so that there is not enough user memory
Normally this results from having too little conventional user
In this situation, making use of HIMEM.SYS has the following
 It makes the extended memory available to programs which use
this memory according to XMS (the EXtended Memory
 It prevents system errors caused by programs with
contradictory memory requirements.
 It allows you to run MS-DOS in the high memory area of the
extended memory.
 It allows EMM386 to use the extended memory.
 It allows the use of the upper memory areas (UMBs) in
conjunction with EMM386.EXE.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

3-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03
User Memory Management

Order of the The order of the drivers in your CONFIG.SYS file can be
Drivers important. It can have an effect on the rational utilization of
memory and the problem-free running of various programs.
The following list shows the order in which you should load device
drivers in your CONFIG.SYS file (with the command DEVICE or
Example: 3
The option /M:1 stipulates the ROM-BIOS used.
The driver HIMEM.SYS should be the first driver to be loaded
2. EMM386.EXE
I=C800-DFFF X=E000-E0FF I=E100-F5FF FRAME=D000
This command loads the MS-DOS memory manager
EMM386.EXE from the \DOS directory in the user memory. It
manages the extended memory and the upper memory area.
3. All device drivers which use the extended memory.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 3-7
User Memory Management

RAM This parameter provides you with an EMS
FRAME This parameter indicates the place in the
memory at which the EMS window should
be located.
I=B000-B7FF This 32-Kbyte area is normally intended
for the Hercules software video interface.
3 Since this area is not occupied on your
programming device, it can be used as user
I=C800-DFFF When your programming device is shipped,
this area is not occupied by hardware. It
can therefore be used as user memory.
X=E000-E0FF If this area is occupied by hardware, it must
be excluded (not for the PG 740 and
PG 760).
I=E100-F5FF The area for the SETUP program can be
used since EMM386 activates the protected
mode and SETUP cannot be run in this
mode (not for the PG 740 and PG 760).
Explanation: I = Include, X = Exclude

3.3 Optimizing Hard Disk Access

SMARTDRIVE is an optimizer program that uses part of the
extended memory to accelerate hard disk access.
The above command loads SMARTDRV.SYS in the upper memory
area of the user memory above the 640 Kbyte boundary. The
number 2048 stipulates the maximum size of the cache as
2048 Kbytes. Values between 128 Kbytes and 8182 Kbytes
(8 Mbytes) can be selected.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

3-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing Hardware 4
This chapter is intended for users operating a personal computer
(PC) as a programming device (PG).
It explains how to connect devices to be used with STEP 5.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 4-1
Installing Hardware

4.1 Connecting a Printer

Printer For parallel operation of a printer, use the port LPT 1 (PORT 1,
Ports Centronics, Printer) and for serial operation the ports COM 1 to
COM 4.

Printer PROMMER Printer PROMMER Mouse PLC

parallel parallel serial serial

. . . .. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .
4 in LPT 1
(if required)
in COM 1-4
(if required)
PC only
in COM 1-4
(if required)

. . . . . .

LPT 1 COM 1-4/ V.24 COM 1(2)/ TTY,


Which Printers Can The software supports Siemens printers (known as standard
Be Used with the printers) and printers from other manufacturers (non-standard
Software? printers). The printer parameters for these printers must be set by
loading *DR.INI or using a printer selection box. A description of
how to do this can be found in the STEP 5 manual (Chapter 3,
Documentation / Settings / Setting Printer Parameters).

The devices must only be connected together using the cables
when both devices are switched off.
Secure the cable connectors (screw or locking device) whenever
possible. This prevents transmission errors.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

4-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing Hardware

4.2 Connecting a PLC to the PG

PLC Port To be able to link up with a PLC, your PG must have an active
TTY port (20 mA).
If the COM 1 port available is a V.24 interface, the AG-S5
interface must be simulated by means of an S5 converter

PG with Active TTY The programmable controller (PLC) and the PG are connected via
COM 1 Port a direct connection (4) or by two connecting cables. If the port
assignment described in section 4.4 is not used, the connections
will have to be adapted accordingly. 4
Printer PROMMER Printer PROMMER Mouse PLC
parallel parallel serial serial

. . . .. . . . . . . . . .
(7), (8) (4)
. .
. . . . . .
in LPT 1 in COM 1-4 in COM 1-4
(if required) (if required) PC only (if required) . . PLC-S5
. . . . . .

LPT 1 COM 1-4/ V.24 COM 1(2)/ TTY,



Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 4-3
Installing Hardware

Connecting a PG The PG is switched off.

with an Active TTY
PG - PLC Connection with connecting cable (4) direct or via (3),
Port to a PLC
(7) or (8):
The connectors on the connecting cable (3) with the order no.
6ES5 731-6AG00 are labelled with “PG 7xx COM 1” and
1. Plug the connector labelled “PG 7xx COM 1” into the COM 1
port of the PG.
2. Plug the other end of the connecting cable labelled “PLC-S5”
into the matching end of the connecting cable (7) or (8) leading
4 to the PLC.
It is impossible to mix up the connectors on this cable because
they are of different types.
3. Connect the PLC to the remaining free connector.
Screw or clip the connectors in place for safety.

Connecting Cables Connecting cable (3), order no. 6ES5 731-6AG00

for a PG with an
Connecting cable (4), order no. 6ES5 734-2xxx01)
Active TTY Port
Connecting cable (7), order no. 6ES5 731-0xxx01)
Connecting cable (8), order no. 6ES5 731-1xxx01)
xxx is the length key. The cables are available in lengths ranging from 1 m to
1000 m. Please refer to the Programmers catalog ST 59 for details on the length

Working with S5-DOS/ST

4-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing Hardware

PG with V.24 Port For a PG with a V.24 port, the port must be converted into an
“PLC-S5” port using a V.24/TTY converter (Köster box). The PG
is connected to the Köster box via a direct connecting cable with
an integrated V.24/TTY converter (6) or via the connecting cable
(5). Depending on the type of PLC, the Köster box is connected
using connecting cable (7) or (8). These connecting cables must be
ordered separately.

Printer PROMMER Printer PROMMER Mouse PLC

parallel parallel serial serial

. . . .. . . . . . . . . .
(7), (8)
. . . . . .
Köster Box
. (6)
in LPT 1 in COM 1-4 in COM 1-4 . .
(if required) (if required) PC only (if required) PLC-S5
. . . . . .

LPT 1 COM 1-4/ V.24 COM 1(2)/ TTY,



Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 4-5
Installing Hardware

Connecting a PG The PG is switched off.

with a V.24 Port to
PG - PLC Connection with connecting cable (6) direct or via (5),
(7) or (8):
The V.24/TTY converter (Köster box) is configured as described in
Chapter 8 V.24/TTY Converter (Köster box).
1. Establish the connection between the COM 1 port of the PG
and the Köster box using the connecting cable (5).
2. Plug the connecting cable (7) or (8) into the 25-pin socket on
the Köster box and establish the connection to the PLC.

4 3. Screw or clip the connectors in place for safety.

Connecting Cables Connecting cable (5), order no. Köster 224 22x2)
for a PG with a
Connecting cable (6), order no. 6ES5 734-1BD20 (length 3.2m)
V.24 Port
Connecting cable (7), order no. 6ES5 731-0xxx01)
Connecting cable (8), order no. 6ES5 731-1xxx01)
xxx is the length key. The cables are available in lengths ranging from 1m to
1000 m. Please refer to the Programmers catalog ST 59 for details on the length
x stands for the connector type of the PG - Köster box connecting cable
(see Chapter 8, page 0-2).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

4-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing Hardware

4.3 Connecting an EPROM Programmer to the PG

The PGs have an integrated EPROM programming interface. If

you are using a PC as a PG, you can connect an external EPROM
programmer. Various devices are available for connection to the
parallel or serial port.
The device connected to the parallel port is known as the “external
prommer”, the device connected to the serial COM port is simply
called “prommer”.

Parallel Prommer Port: LPT 1

The cable for the parallel connection is supplied with the “external
prommer”. The external prommer has a connection which extends
the parallel port for a parallel printer.

Serial Prommer Port: COM 2 or other COM port

(only with PCs)
The prommer does not have to be connected to operate the PC. The
prommer is supplied with an instruction manual which you should
read before installing and using the prommer.

Select Other COM To set a different COM port (the default value is COM 2), use the
Port program S5DRV.EXE (see section 2.3).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 4-7
Installing Hardware

Loading the Driver When supplied, the STEP 5 software for the PC is set so that the
external prommer is loaded. If you want to change this setting,
start the program:
You can then select the driver to be loaded when STEP 5 is started
in the submenu PROMMER:
 Internal programming interface (only with PG 7xx).
 Parallel external prommer on an LPT port.
 Serial external prommer on a COM port (only for PCs).
PG-Prommer Printer PROMMER Printer PROMMER Mouse PLC
parallel parallel serial serial

. . . .. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .
in LPT 1 in COM 1-4 in COM 1-4
(if required) (if required) PC only (if required)
. . . . . .

LPT 1 COM 1-4/ V.24 COM 1(2)/ TTY,



Working with S5-DOS/ST

4-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Installing Hardware

Connecting your The PG and the prommer are both switched off.
PG to the Prommer
1. Parallel prommer: using the supplied LPT cable, connect the
“LPT 1” port on the PG with the “PC” port on the external
prommer and, if applicable, connect your parallel printer to the
“Printer” port of the external prommer.
Serial prommer: plug the connector labelled “V.24” on the
connecting cable into the COM port of the PC. Plug the 25-pin
connector labelled “PROMMER” into the socket on the rear
side of the prommer.
The connecting cable (1) connects the PG with the prommer
(25-pin). 4
2. Any connectors fitted with screws or clips must be secured.

4.4 Overview – Connecting Cables to PLC, Partner PG,


Connecting Order number Connection

cable no. from (Connector on PG) to
6ES5 733-4xxx0 1) 25-pin male
6ES5 733-5xxx0 1) 25-pin female
6ES5 733-6xxx0 1) 9-pin male
6ES5 733-7xxx0 1) 9-pin female
3 6ES5 731-6AG00 PC COM 1 (PG 7xx: Connecting cable 7 or 8 (PLC)
25-pin male) Connecting cable 10 (Partner-PG)
4 6ES5 734-2xxx0 1) PC COM 1, 2 25-pin female PLC 15-pin female
5 Köster 224 22x PC COM 1, 2 Köster box
6 6ES5 734-1BD20 PC COM 1, 2 25-pin female PLC 15-pin female
7 6ES5 731-0xxx0 1) Connecting cable 3 or Köster box PLC 25-pin male
8 6ES5 731-1xxx0 1) Connecting cable 3 or Köster box PLC 15-pin female
10 6ES5 733-2xxx0 1) Connecting cable 3 or Köster box Partner-PG COM 1
1) xxx is the length key. The cables are available in lengths ranging from 1m to 1000 m. Please refer to the Programmers catalog ST 59 for details on the
length key. A maximum cable length of 3 m is permitted for use with a prommer.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 4-9
Installing Hardware

Assignment of the
Active TTY Port

PG Connecting cable PLC

6ES5 734-2xxx0 15-pin plug connector
25-pin plug connector
active port passive port

330 ohms
+U 19 9

4 18 2



330 ohms
+U 19 6

9 7


Casing 1 8
3 casing

Working with S5-DOS/ST

4-10 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS 5
STEP 5 user programs and files which you generated in S5-DOS
(PCP/M) can also be processed on your PG/PC under the operating
system MS-DOS. To be able to access a data medium formatted
and managed in S5-DOS from DOS and to copy files from the
DOS data medium, there are several commands (the P Tools)

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 5-1
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS

5.1 What the P Tools Do

With the P Tools, you can access PCP/M data media under
MS-DOS. PCP/M data media are hard disk partitions or diskettes
formatted with S5-DOS (PCP/M). This allows you to work with:
 STEP 5 user programs/data created under S5-DOS (PCP/M)
using MS-DOS, or
 STEP 5 user programs/data created under MS-DOS using
An emulator allows the S5-DOS basic package with STEP 5
applications to run under MS-DOS (refer to the STEP 5 manual).

Programming device with MS-DOS

PCP/M diskette

The following P Tools are available:

PCOPY copies files from or to PCP/M media.

PDEL deletes files on PCP/M media.
PDIR displays the PCP/M media directory.
PFORMAT formats diskettes for PCP/M.
PSET changes file attributes to PCP/M media.
PTYPE displays the contents of a PCP/M file.

Alternative If the programming device you are operating under S5-DOS

(PCP/M) has an ARCNET interface and the program FTARC is
available, you can connect it directly to the ARCNET hardware
running under MS-DOS and transfer files with the FTARC
program (see Chapter 6).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

5-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS

5.2 Using the P Tools

The P Tools are in the \STEP5\S5_ST directory and are started at

the MS-DOS operating system level.

Copying an S5 File It is assumed that the programs are on diskette, in which case you
from S5-DOS should proceed as follows:
(PCP/M) to
1. Insert diskette with or for the S5-DOS (PCP/M) files in a drive,
for example, A.
2. Type in command and parameters on the PG/PC keyboard, for
example, copy an S5 file with the name EXAMPLE from
diskette = user 0 to the hard disk in the directory \STEP5:
3. Press Return. The file is copied from diskette to the hard disk. 5
HELP Function You should be familiar with the PCP/M and MS-DOS file
conventions. You can also get help to explain the syntax via the
help function. Enter the utility program name (for example,
PCOPY). The corresponding text then appears on the screen.
The square brackets listed in the command should not be entered;
these are to distinguish optional parameters. Be careful always to
enter any blanks which are required.
When copying data from PCP/M media to MS-DOS media and
vice versa, no disk cache program should be in use, as is often the
case under MS-DOS. This will lead to errors and possibly also to
loss of data.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 5-3
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS

5.3 Command Syntax

PCOPY Copies files from or to PCP/M media.

You always copy from source to target.
PCOPY nDR:[name][.ext] DR:[path][file] [-Q]
PCOPY DR:[path][file] nDR:[name][.ext] [-Q]
n: user area, 0 to 15
DR: drive, for example, A:, B: for diskettes and C: for the hard disk.
name: file name, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
ext: file extension, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
path: path info., in accordance with MS-DOS conventions.
file: file name, in accordance with MS-DOS conventions.
Q: optional parameter, scanning mode if a file already exists.

5 Example:
This example copies the TEST@@ST.S5D file from the
PCP/M diskette in drive A to the hard disk drive C,
into the MS-DOS directory C:\S5_DATA\DEFAULT.
If you press CTRL+C, the copying procedure will stop and the destination file will be
PDEL Deletes files on PCP/M media
PDEL [n]DR:[name][.ext] [-Q]
n: user level, 0 to 15 or * for all user levels
DR: drive, for example, A:, B: for diskettes and C: for the hard disk.
name: file name, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
ext: file extension, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
Q: optional parameter, scanning to see if a deletion is needed
PDIR Displays the PCP/M media directory
PDIR [n]DR:[name][.ext]
n: user level 0 to 15 or * for all user levels
DR: drive, for example, A:, B: for diskettes and C: for the hard disk
name: file name, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
ext: file extension, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

5-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Editing PCP/M Files in MS-DOS

PFORMAT Formats diskettes for PCP/M (DD diskettes)

PFORMAT DR: [-4][-V]
DR: drive A: or B:
-4: optional parameter required for the PG 675; this
parameter generates a 40-track diskette format.
-V: optional parameter for checking the diskettes.
PSET Changes file attributes to PCP/M media
PSET [n]DR:[name][.ext][-RO][-RW][-SYS][-DIR]
n: user level, 0 to 15 or * for all user levels
DR: drive, for example, A:, B: for diskettes and C: for the hard disk.
name: file name, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
ext: file extension, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
RW: read/write attribute should be set.
RO: read-only attribute should be set.
SYS: SYS attribute should be set.
DIR: DIR attribute should be set.

Note: the -RO and -RW attributes and the -SYS and -DIR attributes are mutually ex-
PTYPE Displays the contents of a PCP/M file
PTYPE [n]DR:[name][.ext] [-H]
n: user level, 0 to 15 or * for all user levels
DR: drive, for example, A:, B: for diskettes and C: for the hard disk.
name: file name, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
ext: file extension, in accordance with PCP/M conventions.
H: optional parameter, output in hex

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 5-5
File Transfer 6
This chapter is intended for users operating a personal computer
(PC) as a programming device (PG).
The chapter contains information about the configuration of
various networks and about the software for data exchange
between PGs. Users of Siemens PGs will find the relevant
information in the hardware description of their PG.
The FTARC program described in Section 6.2 can only be used if
your PG has an ARCNET interface module.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-1
File Transfer

6.1 Network Configurations and Hardware Expansions

The MS-DOS operating system on your programming device has

been optimized to the requirements of the supplied software.
Above all, this means that the existing memory is put to its best
possible use.
Optimizing the memory resources is achieved by a special
parameter assignment (EMM386.EXE). The parameters are set for
the hardware configuration of the standard programming device,
and could be as follows. 1.

Extended Memory

MS-DOS System High Memory Area HMA

Additional memory
ROM-BIOS 1 Mbyte
F000 SETUP Additional memory
H1 Bus
6 E100
Hardware expansions or
additional memory
L2 Bus
Not available for hardware C000
on the PG 740 and PG 760 Additional memory
VGA-BIOS Video area
Video-RAM Text
B7FF Additional memory
Video-RAM Graphic Video area
640 Kbytes of
user memory

MS-DOS System
DOS-Data Area
BIOS-Data Area
Int. Vector

Working with S5-DOS/ST

6-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

The memory assignment for your PG is described in detail in the

hardware description of your PG (for example, the PG 740

Memory Normally the memory area from 640 Kbytes to 1 Mbyte (upper
Addressing memory) is available for hardware expansions. By using
EMM386.EXE, this area can be accessed on your PG as a user
memory for STEP 5.
If you install additional hardware in the programming device, you
must once again enable the address range that the hardware uses in
the upper memory area. This involves modifying the
Please refer to the information about modifying the CONFIG.SYS
file in Section 5.1 (STEP 5 Manual).
EMM386.EXE provides two optional parameters (eXclude and
Include) with which you can manage the upper memory area. You
can obtain more information with the on-line help function (HELP
EMM386.EXE). 6
The setting of EMM386.EXE parameters is explained below based
on a few configuration lines (see figure on page 6-2).

Configuration Line If you want to plug in an L2 interface module in the standard

for SINEC L2 address area D000, the configuration line for EMM386.EXE in
your CONFIG.SYS file must be adapted as follows:
x=D000-DFFF X=E000-E0FF

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-3
File Transfer

Configuration Line If you want to plug in an H1 interface module in the standard

for SINEC H1 address area E000 (not on the PG 740 + PG 720), the configuration
line for EMM386.EXE in your CONFIG.SYS file must be adapted
as follows:
X=E000-EFFF I=F000-F5FF

The address area for the H1 interface module overlaps with the
internal ARCNET interface module. The ARCNET node number
in SETUP must be set to 0 to release the address area occupied by
the internal ARCNET interface.

On the PG 740 and PG 760, for example, the address area E000 is
not available for interface modules. Only the address area D000 is

Configuration Line If you want to plug an H1 and an L2 interface module (with the
for H1 and L2 PG 740 and PG 760 only one is possible) in their standard address
Interface Module areas, the configuration line for EMM386.EXE in your
CONFIG.SYS file must be adapted as follows:
X=D000-EFFF I=F000-F5FF

Once again the internal ARCNET interface must be switched off

by setting the ARCNET node to 0. In this configuration, you have
128 Kbytes less user memory available.

Graphics Memory Under certain conditions, you can compensate for this reduction in
the user memory by using the video memory. This 64 Kbyte area is
only used by graphics programs and is located between addresses
A000 and AFFF (see figure on page 6-2).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

6-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

You can only use this address area if you do not run any programs
in the graphics mode.
You can activate this area with the following configuration line:

MSNET / PG-NET Users of MSNET or PG-NET can modify the load batch of their
network software so that as many network drivers as possible run
in the upper memory area. To do this, precede each load command
for the network drivers with the command LOADHIGH (LH).
This makes more memory available in the conventional user

Configuring the The Ethernet address is no longer entered in the batch file
CP 141 STARTCP, but via the configuration program ECONFIG.EXE.
Change to the directory C:\SINEC\BIN using the following 6
c:\>cd SINEC\BIN
Start the ECONFIG program with the following command:
With the ECONFIG program, you can assign parameters to the
driver EPORTSCI.EXE (enter node number etc.).

On the PG 740/PG 760, the DEVICE command in the
CONFIG.SYS file must also be extended so that D = 128.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-5
File Transfer

6.2 FTARC for File Transfer via ARCNET

This section is intended for users whose PG has an ARCNET

interface module and who still have the FTARC program from the
previous operating system S5-DOS/ST.

Uses of FTARC The FTARC program is used to transfer files between two
computers directly linked together via the ARCNET interface with
fiber optic cables (point-to-point link).
FTARC versions were previously available for the operating
systems S5-DOS (PCP/M), S5-DOS/ST (MS-DOS) and
S5-DOS/MT (FlexOS). This means that you can also communicate
with PGs operating under S5-DOS, S5-DOS/ST or S5-DOS/MT.

Installation  Hardware requirements:

Both devices must have a suitable ARCNET connector.
 Connecting cables
FTARC is designed for a straightforward point-to-point link.
The devices are linked via fiber optic cables.
 ARCNET node number
The ARCNET node number of older interface modules is set
using a DIP switch on the module, whereas the node number is
set on the PG 7xx programming devices with an integrated
ARCNET interface module using the SETUP function
(ARCNET node nos. 1 through 255, 0 = not installed).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

6-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

 Software requirements
– There must be no ARCNET network software already
installed on the device.
– For FTARC under MS-DOS, the device driver ANSI.SYS
must be installed (entry “device=[dr:] [path]ansi.sys” in the
– Windows SMARTDRV must not be installed.
To start FTARC, you require one of the following program files
depending on the operating system:
 FTARC.286 and ARC.DRV for FlexOS

Starting the Start FTARC on both devices by

 Typing the command FTARC at the command level or
 Double-clicking on the program file FTARC.EXE under
The FTARC main menu appears on the screen (see page 6-10).
The program must only be operated on the local device; the partner
program (on the remote device) runs independently.
As long as FTARC is not started on the partner device, the message
line at the bottom of the main menu shows the status “currently no
connection”. As soon as FTARC is started on the partner device,
the link between the two devices is established.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-7
File Transfer

If the link is established successfully, FTARC displays the status

“connected” at both devices and determines, for both the local and
remote partner, the type of device, the ARCNET node number set,
the operating system and the path (user area under PCP/M) under
which FTARC was started. This information is displayed in the
lower part of the main menu.
If the status “connected” is not displayed, although FTARC is
started on both devices, or if an error message appears at the start,
check the installation.

Additional When you start FTARC you can also specify additional parameters
Parameters (from FTARC V 1.4):
ftarc [-tim=<sec>] [-v]

-tim=<sec> watchdog time interval in seconds (standard = 30 secs).

The parameter must be entered identically at both devices.

6 -v verify function on (form checksum). Checksum is formed

for source and destination. If the comparison is negative,
the error information is reported to an error file. The
parameter must be entered identically at both devices.

-? display help text

-h display help text

Notes on operation:
 Functions are started by pressing the function keys indicated.
 In fields where you can type in an entry, the DEL key can be
used for correction purposes.
 To jump between fields, use the TAB key and cursor control

Working with S5-DOS/ST

6-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

 To switch a toggle (y/n), either type the appropriate letter or

press the space bar.
If you select F1 “Transfer” in the menu for Send mode or Receive
mode, only files will be transferred. If you wish to transfer all
selected directories together with their contents, you should use the
key combination ALT + F1.

FTARC supports the transfer of files and complete directory
structures. Files with the attributes SYSTEM and HIDDEN are
also included.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-9
File Transfer

Main Menu FTARC is ready when the main menu shows the status
“connected” (in the message line at the bottom of the screen).2.

FTARC File Transfer Program Version 1.4

Filename specification *.*

F1  Send mode
F3  Receive mode
F5  Preset drives

F8  Exit this program

local: PG7x0 #193 MS-DOS C:\DOS

remote: PG7x0 # 88 MS-DOS C:\

Status: connected

6 Do not make any inputs at the remote partner device, make your
entries for the program at the local device.

Filename In the field “Filename specification:”, you can restrict the file
Specification names which are to be shown in the menu if you wish. To do this
(Filter for File overwrite the default *.* (all files) with the required filter, for
Names) example, *.txt.
You can use alphanumeric characters, the period “.” and the
wildcards “*” and “?”. You cannot, however, use the drive
identifiers or complete path names. These must be specified in the
menu “Preset drives”.

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6-10 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

Preset Drives In the lower part of the main menu the working area set is
(Function Key F5) displayed;
local: ... “drive: path /” for the local device and

remote: ...“drive: path /” for the remote device

To set the drive/path required, select the corresponding menu via

the function key F5. You will find more details in the section
“Selecting the Preset Drives” on page 6-12.

Send If the correct drive/path for the local and remote devices is
Mode/Receive displayed in the main menu, select either
Mode (Function
F1 Send mode (local → remote) or
Keys F1/F3)
F3 Receive mode (remote → local)
to get the relevant menu for the function.
More details can be found in the section “Send Mode and Receive
Mode” on page 6-13. 6
Exit this Program You exit the FTARC program with the function key F8.
(Function Key F8)

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-11
File Transfer

Selecting the You can modify the standard settings for drive and path for the
Preset Drives local and remote device by selecting the function F5 “Preset

FTARC File Transfer Program Version 1.4

Preset drives
Local drive: A B C D E F G
Local path: \TEST
Remote drive: A B C
Remote path: \

F1  Switch local/remote F8  Make preset

valid and
return to
local: PG7xx #193 MS-DOS C:\ main menu
remote: PG7xx # 88 MS-DOS C:\

Status: connected
In this submenu FTARC first displays the names of the drives
permitted and the path set for the current drive (shown in reverse
video) for the local device.

Selecting the With the function key F1 you select the device (local or remote)
Device for which you wish to modify the drive/path. The line selected for
the device currently selected is shown in reverse video (for
example, “Local/remote drive” or “Local/remote path”).

Selecting a Drive Use the cursor keys “cursor left/cursor right” to select the drive
you require.
Use the cursor key “cursor down” to move to the selection for
path/user area.

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6-12 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

With FTARC, drives A: through P: can be addressed, assuming
they exist.

Return to Main Press the function key F8 to validate your selections and return to
Menu the main menu.

Send Mode and The send and receive modes are both described here because the
Receive Mode operator input is very similar for both functions.4.
In both cases you can:
 transfer some or all of the files you selected in the main menu,
 exclude (deselect) certain files from the transfer,
 start the transfer of the required files,
 abort the transfer before it is complete. 6
What is the Send Some or all of the files which were entered in the field Filename
Mode? specification are transferred from the local drive to the remote
drive. (Sending from the local device to the remote device.)

What is the Some or all of the files which were entered in the field Filename
Receive Mode? specification are transferred from the remote drive to the local
drive. (Receiving from the remote device to the local device.)
 If the drive/path for the local or remote device is not set as
required, you can modify this setting via F8 (Return to main
menu) and F5 (Preset drives).

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-13
File Transfer

If more than 372 objects are contained in the set path (the sum of
files and subdirectories), you will be given the error message
more than 372 files to transfer
In this case only the first 372 files/directories (taken
alphabetically) will be displayed and processed. The limit of 372
does not apply to the number of files/directories in subdirectories.

Set the path for “Preset drives” at the highest level in the directory
structure hierarchy
e.g. instead of
6 set the root directory
Select “Send mode/Receive mode” and deselect all
files/directories apart from the one required (in the above example
\TEST) by using F5 in the Transfer menu.
Start the transfer with ALT + F1.

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6-14 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

Starting Point The drive/path is set as required and the file filter has been
 Press F1 (Send mode), or
 Press F3 (Receive mode).
The device displays the selected files and further function keys on
the screen.

Menu “Send

FTARC File Transfer Program Version 1.4

Transfer from local file to remote file owr

REP01.TXT : : REPORT.93 : :y
REP02.TXT : : REPORT.94 : :y
F1  Transfer
(ALT/F1 inc. directories)
F3  Select
F5  Deselect
F8  Return to 6
main menu
local: PG7xx #193 MS-DOS D:\TEST
remote: PG7xx # 88 MS-DOS C:\REPORTS

Status: connected files/directories found: 2

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-15
File Transfer

Menu “Receive

FTARC File Transfer Program Version 1.4

Transfer from remote file to local file owr

PROEXAZ0.SEQ : : : :
PROEXAZ1.INI : : : :
F1  Transfer PROEXAZ2.INI : : : :
(ALT/F1 inc. direct.) PROEXAZF.SEQ : : : :
F3  Select S5DEMOPJ.INI : : S5DEMOPJ.INI : :y
F5  Deselect S5DEMOXR.INI : : S5DEMOXR.INI : :y
F8  Return to S5DEMOZ0.SEQ : : S5DEMOZ0.SEQ : :y
main menu S5DEMOZ2.INI : : S5DEMOZ2.INI : :y
local: PG7xx #193 MS-DOS D:\S5_DATEN\BACKUP
remote: PG7xx # 88 MS-DOS C:\S5_DATEN\DEFAULT
Status: connected files/directories found: 93

6 How to Continue As a rule, all the files are transferred from the source computer to
the destination computer. In the destination computer, the files
have the same name as in the source computer. It is assumed that
files with the same name in the destination computer can be
The transfer is started using F1 or ALT + F1.

Positioning the You can move the cursor to a different line or column using the
Cursor “double arrow” and “single arrow” cursor keys.

Finding a File Name 1. Position the cursor on the first character of the file name.
2. Type in the first letter of the required file.
Any files with the selected initial letter are displayed on the screen.

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6-16 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

Stopping Destination As standard, a destination file with the same name as the source
Files with the same file is overwritten. If you want to avoid this, you can stop the
Name being destination file being overwritten.
1. Position the cursor in the “OWR” (OverWRite) column.
2. Press the space bar.
The character n (no) is displayed on the screen. If you press the
space bar again, the character y is displayed and the destination
files with the same names can once again be overwritten.

Changing the Name 1. Position the cursor in the field of the destination file you wish
of the Destination to rename.
2. Change the file name.

Excluding Files from 1. Position the cursor in the line of the file you want to exclude
the Transfer from the transfer.
2. Press F5 (Deselect).
The line is displayed in reverse video and the file is not transferred.
If you press F3 (Select) an excluded file is once again included in
the transfer.

Aborting the You can abort the preparations for transfer.

1. Press F8 (Return to main menu).
All the selections you have made are lost.
If you have completed the file list, you can send or receive the file
by starting the “Transfer” function.

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-17
File Transfer

Starting the You start the actual transfer by pressing F1 in the “Send mode” or
Transfer “Receive mode” menu.

Transferring a By pressing F1 the transfer is started for files in the set path/user
Directory area. Files in subdirectories (under MS-DOS/FlexOS) are not
(Function Key F1) transferred.

Transferring a With the key combination ALT + F1 the transfer is started for
Directory and files in the set path (directory) and all files in any subdirectories.
This function is available from version V1.4 in FTARC.EXE (for
(ALT + F1)
MS-DOS) and in FTARC.286 (for FlexOS). An older version may
not be used on either of the two computers.

Abort/Return to With F8 you return to the main menu. If you press F8 during a
Main Menu transfer process, the file being transferred is completed and then
(Function Key F8) the transfer is aborted with the error message “abort after current

6 A message is displayed in the status line at the bottom of the

screen after a transfer has been completed successfully or aborted.
“transfers completed (all OK)” No errors have occurred.
“transfers completed (not OK)” Errors have occurred (see ...).

Errors and Error Error messages are entered in the directory TEMP in the file
Messages FTARC.ERR.
You can output these messages, for example, with:

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6-18 C79000-G8576-C760-03
File Transfer

6.3 Exchanging S5 Program Data between PGs/PCs

Uses of the PG With the PG Link package, you can exchange STEP 5 blocks and
Link Package files between PGs or PCs. For this function, one of the PGs is set
to passive. The active PG can then send STEP 5 blocks or files to
the passive PG or fetch them from it. The PG Link package is
described in detail in the STEP 5 manual.

What is Required To exchange STEP 5 blocks and files between PGs, you require the
for the PG Link? following:
1. A point-to-point link via the TTY interface (COM 1) of the two
devices using a connecting cable. This is described in the PG
manual for your device.
2. The software package “PG Link”. This is part of the STEP 5
basic package and is described in the STEP 5 manual.

PG Interface
The data exchange with the partner PG requires an active TTY
interface (20 mA).
If the existing COM 1 port is a V.24 interface (PC), the S5 port
must be simulated with a converter (for example, a Köster box).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 6-19
File Transfer

Connecting PGs The cable (5) connects the V.24 interface to the Köster box and
with V.24 and TTY cable (10) connects the box to the active TTY interface. The cables
Interface are not supplied with the PG.

COM 1 / TTY, active COM 1-4 / V.24 LPT 1
25-pin . . . .
. .
Köster Box
. . PLC-S5

. . 25-pin

LPT 1 COM 1-4 / V.24 COM 1 / V.24

Procedure The PGs are switched off.
The V.24/TTY converter (Köster box) is configured as described in
Chapter 8 V.24/TTY Converter (Köster box):
1. Connect the cable (5) between the COM 1 (V.24) port and the
port of the Köster box.
2. Plug the connector of cable (10) into the 25-pin socket of the
Köster box.
3. Establish the connection to the TTY interface of the partner
4. Secure the connectors (screw or clip).

Cables for the V.24 Cable (5), Order no. Köster 224 22x2)
Cable (10), Order no. 6ES5 733-2xxx01)
1) xxx is the length key. Refer to the Programmers catalog ST 59.
2) x stands for the connector type of the cable PG - Köster box (see Chapter 8).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

6-20 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor 7
You will only need the keyboard editor if you want to operate a
personal computer (PC) as a programming device (PG).
Using the keyboard editor, you can adapt the key assignment to
match STEP 5. You can add key combinations or modify existing
If you want to use an external color monitor with a PG which has
an internal monochrome monitor, you can switch over the driver in
this editor.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-1
Keyboard Editor

7.1 Introduction

Why Change Key If your PC has a keyboard other than the international standard
Assignments? keyboard or if you wish to assign additional key combinations for
STEP 5, for example add the key combination ALT + N for
segment end, it may be useful to be able to change the key
assignments. If your PC has a standard keyboard (MFII keyboard),
you will be able to work comfortably with the existing key
In the default setting of the editor the keyboard assignments are
given in German; you can, however, select another language.

Files The files are found in the directory DR:\STEP5\S5_ST.

File Description Content

S5ODS10X.EXE Keyboard editor Editor; manages and documents
user interface
S5ODS10X.RES Resource file Selects preset keytop texts (the
respective keyboard driver must be
7 EXAMPLE.S5K Keyboard file File with new keyboard
assignment (must be copied to the
directory DR:\STEP5\S5_ST)
S5KXS01X.S5K Keyboard file Keyboard assignment (in the
or directory \STEP5; if this file is not
S5KXS01K.S5K present, STEP 5 loads the default

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

Data Flow

edit if necessary

PC keyboard Key editor Resource file

Keyboard file Keyboard file

Emulator STEP 5 SW



* S5KXS01X.COM → PG Emulator
S5KXS01X.EXE → PC Package Emulator (Basic Package)
S5KXS01K.EXE → PC Package Emulator (Mini PLCs)

Requirements If you wish to load another keyboard assignment for STEP 5, it is

advisable that you are familiar with the following:
 the S5 keyboard itself,
 the functions of the S5 keyboard, and
 the file structure of the S5 software.
You will find an explanation of the S5-specific keys in the STEP 5
manual, in Appendix 4.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-3


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Print Scroll Pause Num Caps Scroll

ESC Screen Lock Break Lock Lock Lock

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + Backsp. Num

Insert Home Page / –
\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 – = Up Lock

Keyboard Editor

{ } Page 7 8 9
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P Delete End
[ ] \ Down Home Pg Up
: ” Enter 4 5 6
CapsLock A S D F G H J K L /

Shift < > ? Shift 1 2 3

Z X C V B N M , . End
/ Pg Dn
Ctrl Alt Alt Ctrl 0 .

International MFII keyboard (IBM-AT)

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 (/) X Help Print

ESC (#) FB l

: X –1

– 7 8 9
Keyboard with S5 Default Assignment

Enter 4 5 6

Shift Shift 1 2 3

. ***
Insert DEL

S5 assignment of the MFII keyboard (IBM-AT)

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Keyboard Editor

Cursor Control
Num / –

7 8 9
Home Pg Up
4 5 6
MFII Keyboard
1 2 3
End Pg Dn
0 .

X –1

7 8 9

4 5 6
S5 Assignment CORR
1 2 3

. ***
Insert DEL

Function Keys

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 (/) Xl Help
(#) FB

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-5
Keyboard Editor

7.3 Activating the Keyboard Editor

Calling the 1. Change to the directory DR:\STEP5\S5_ST.

Keyboard Editor
2. Type in the command S5OES10X.

Keyboard Editor

File Edit Options Window Other

Open F2 Insert Ins Default key language Next F6 Info ...

Save F3 Delete Del Switchover Zoom F5
Save as ... monochrome <--> color

Change dir ...


Exit Alt-X

Alt-X Exit Alt-F3 Close window Ins Insert Del Delete

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

User Interface

Menu Menu options Function Display

File Open F2 Opens the keyboard for editing Selection box “Open file”
Save F3 Saves the current keyboard file Current window
Save as ... Saves the current file under Selection box “Save file as”
another name in the same
directory or in another directory
Change directory Opens another directory Selection box “Directory...”

Print Prints current file Unchanged

DOS Changes back to DOS command DOS command line
level (return using EXIT and
Exit Exits the editor DOS level
Edit Insert Ins Inserts or changes keytop texts A further window “Assign S5
at the cursor position function to another key
Delete Del Deletes keytop text at cursor Window with deleted assignment
Options Default key Selects a resource file in another Selection .RES “Open file”
language language (S5OnS10X.RES)
Switchover Switches the screen from Screen in black/white or color
monochrome/ monochrome display to color 7
color display
Window Next F6 Updates the bottom window Current window
when several are open at once
Zoom Increases size of current window Current window
Other Info ... Information on the release Information screen

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-7
Keyboard Editor

7.4 Opening File for Key Assignment

Default Keyboard You will need to use this language selection for a new file and if
Language you require a keyboard language other than German.
Otherwise, German is the default keyboard language for any new

Language 1. Select Default key language in the menu Options.

The dialog box “Open File for Resource Files” (file type
*.RES) appears with a selection of the existing resource files.
2. Select the resource file for the required language or enter a new
name in the following syntax:
S5O x S10X.RES
x= D German
E English
F French
I Italian
7 S Spanish
3. Click on the Open button.
The keyboard language is set.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

Open File 1. Select the menu command File ! Open (F2).

A list of files of the type *.S5K is displayed.
2. Select file or enter a file name.
3. Click on the Open button.
The file is opened for editing. For a new file the default
assignment is displayed.
4. Open any additional file(s) as in steps 1 to 3.

Dialog Box “Open


[] Open file



A "

EXAMPLE.S5K 378 Apr 15, 1993 11.35a

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-9
Keyboard Editor

7.5 Editing the Key Assignment

Inserting a Key Requirement: you have opened a key assignment file (see
Assignment Section 7.4).
1. Select the required key in the current file using the mouse or
cursor keys.
The selected line is highlighted on a colored or gray
background, the line number is shown in the lower left corner
of the window.
2. Select Edit  Insert or press the Insert key.
In the lower third of the screen an additional window appears
“Assign S5 function to another key combination”. The
description of this function is shown in the first line of this
Note: After using the PRINT and PAUSE keys, the input must
be enabled again via the keyboard with the key combination
3. Select the new key combination by pressing the corresponding
7 keys.
The “Save assignment” window appears or the message “The
key (combination) is already assigned internally”.
4. Assign the new key combination by overwriting or inserting
the new key combination.

Restrictions For some key combinations the keytop text displayed does not
correspond to the printed alphanumeric key.
 The “D” key on the PG keyboard cannot be assigned any
 Hotkeys which are preassigned by resident programs at the
time when the key editor is being used cannot be assigned.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-10 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

Key Descriptions
in the Editor
X –1

7 8 9

(num) 4 5 6

1 2 3

. ***
Insert DEL

Default  Keytops which are only present on a 101/102 keyboard are

Assignments marked with “(101)”. 7
 Keytops which are only present on a PG keyboard are marked
with “(PG)”.
 S5 functions which are only for GRAPH 5 are marked with
“(GRAPH 5)”.

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-11
Keyboard Editor

Deleting a Key Requirement: You have opened a key assignment file.

1. Select the key assignment you want to delete.
The selected line is highlighted on a colored or gray
background, the line number is shown in the lower left corner
of the window.
2. Select Edit  Delete or press the Del key.
The key assignment in the selected line is deleted from the
Note: After using the PRINT and PAUSE keys, the input must
be enabled again via the keyboard with the key combination
3. If necessary, undelete the assignment by clicking on the square
box in the top left of the window frame and clicking on No.
With “No”, all the changes made since you last saved are lost.

Saving Key  Select File  Save or

 Select File  Save as to save the file under another name or in
another directory.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-12 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

7.6 Changing the Working Directory

Change Working 1. Select the menu command File  Change dir...

2. Browse through the displayed tree structure. If you
double-click on a directory, its subdirectories are displayed.
3. Click on the required directory and the Chdir button.
4. Save the setting by clicking on the OK button.

7.7 Copying an Edited Assignment

Activating the Key Using the menu function File  Save as you can copy your file
Assignment (assignment) to a new file. When you want to activate your new
key assignment for STEP 5, you must copy it into the directory
DR:\STEP5\S5_ST under the name S5KXS01X.S5K or

Copying the 1. Open the key assignment with the menu command
Assignment File  Open and open the file of the type *.S5K.
2. Select File  Save as. 7
3. Open the directory DR:\STEP5\S5_ST.
4. In place of the asterisk, enter the name of the keyboard file
S5KXS01X or S5KXS01K.
5. Click on the OK button or press ALT + O.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-13
Keyboard Editor

7.8 Printing an Edited Assignment

Printing the 1. Open the key assignment with the menu command
Assignment File ! Open and open the file of the type *.S5K.
2. Select File ! Print.

7.9 Inserting DOS Commands

Switching to the You can only call the DOS command level when there is sufficient
DOS Level free user memory.
1. Select File ! DOS.
The command line of the DOS level is shown.
2. Type in a DOS command.
3. To get back to the editor, type in the EXIT command and press

7.10 Switching Between a Color and Monochrome Screen

In the keyboard editor, select the menu items Options !
Switchover monochrome $ color.

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7-14 C79000-G8576-C760-03
Keyboard Editor

7.11 Checking the Assignment of the Resource File for Errors

Testing the 1. Open a new file of the type *.S5K with the keyboard editor
Resource File menu File  Open  Enter file name.
2. Save without any changes with File  Save.
3. Close the window with ALT + F3.
4. Open the same file again.
Result: if no error occurs when the file is read, the assignment is
If an error occurs, check whether any key combinations are
occupied by two or more assignments.

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C79000-G8576-C760-03 7-15
Keyboard Editor

7.12 Other

Information Information about the release of the software can be obtained by

selecting “Other” and then “Info...” in the menu.
You quit the screen by clicking on OK.

7.13 Exiting the Editor

Returning to the You can return to DOS by pressing the keys ALT + X or by
DOS Level selecting the menu command File  Exit.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

7-16 C79000-G8576-C760-03
V.24/TTY Converter 8
This chapter is only intended for specialists interested in the
structure and technical data of the interface converter required to
convert the V.24 port of a PC used as a PG to an active TTY
The data exchange with the programmable logic controller or the
point-to-point link with another PG requires an active TTY
interface (20 mA current loop) as the COM interface.
If the existing COM 1 port is a V.24 port, the “PLC-S5” interface
must be simulated by an S5 converter.
The company Köster GmbH has developed a special V.24/TTY
converter for PCs (known as the Köster box).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 8-1
V.24/TTY Converter

Connection The V.24/TTY converter is connected between the PC with a V.24

port and the PLC. The port on the PC (male or female connector,
9-pin or 25-pin) should be stated when ordering the box. The
second port corresponds to the normal PLC output of the S5
programming devices, so that existing PLC connecting cables can
be plugged in directly.

Order Nos.  V.24/TTY converter 224 221

and, as required:
 Connecting cable type 1 224 221
(COM 1 of the PC is a 9-pin male connector)
 Connecting cable type 2 224 222
(COM 1 of the PC is a 9-way female connector)
 Connecting cable type 3 224 223
(COM 1 of the PC is a 25-pin male connector)
 Connecting cable type 4 224 224
(COM 1 of the PC is a 25-way female connector)5.

Technical Data
Operating voltage: 115/230 VAC + /- 10%, selectable

Secondary voltage: + /- 12 V, electrically isolated

Fuse: 2 x 5000 mA (medium blow)
Ambient temperature: 0 to 45o C (32 to 113o F)

Mains frequency:

Power input:
48 to 63 Hz
max. 5 VA

TTY current: 20/50 mA selectable with jumpers
8 Dimensions: (WxHxD) 138 x 46 x 195 mm

Connecting cable:
approx. 750 g incl. power cable
approx. 2 m (ground-protected

PC connection: 9-pin male connector (V.24 serial)

PLC connection:

25-pin female connector with
slide-in connection
2 LEDs for RxD and TxD

Working with S5-DOS/ST

8-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03
V.24/TTY Converter

Address Fa. Köster & Hesse GmbH

Reinickendorfer Str. 2
D-58611 Iserlohn

Pin Assignment of
the V.24/TTY
Converter (Köster

9-pin male 25-pin female

(20 mA)
1/4 189 R+
RxD 2 8
(50 mA)
1/4 188
TxD 3 R-

1/4 188
b a 10k
+ 12 V PLC
J3 Partner PG
1/4 188
b a 10k
J5 + 12 V
J4 (20 mA)
CD 1 T+

(50 mA) 8

By inserting J3 and J4 in position b, RTS and DTR become log. ”1” (pos. a means log “0”).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 8-3
V.24/TTY Converter

Layout of the
Jumpers (Köster

Type V24–20

a b

ST 2
110 V
15 V


110 V
15 V



ST 1
J6 J7
J1 J2

By plugging J1, J2, J6 and J7 the loop current can be increased from 20 mA to 50 mA.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

8-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-1

Acoustic Signals When you switch on your PG, the BIOS firmware performs a
self-test. If a serious fault occurs at the beginning of this self-test, a
series of acoustic signals (beeps) are sounded to enable you to
identify the fault. In some cases, an error message will be
displayed on the screen in addition to the acoustic signals.

Active Window The window that you are currently using or that is currently
selected. Windows always applies the next keystroke or command
you select to the next active window. If a window is active, its title
bar changes color to differentiate it from other windows. You can
activate another window by clicking on it with the mouse or by
selecting it via the application menu.

Application An application is a program which lies directly on the operating

system. The operator (user) is able to work with this program.
One application on your PG/PC is the STEP 5 Basic Package.

ARCNET ARCNET (Attached Resource Computer Network) is a network

for office use. Programming devices can be linked together in an
ARCNET network using fiber-optic cable.

ASCII Editor With an ASCII editor you can process (that is, edit) text files which
are stored in ASCII code (American Standard Code of Information

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Base Memory The base memory is a part of the main memory. It is 640 Kbytes
for all programming devices. This size is entered in the SETUP
menu under the entry “Base Memory” and this entry is not
changed even if the memory is extended.

Boot Diskette A diskette which includes a boot sector on track 0, enabling it to

load the operating system.

Booting A loading operation which transfers the operating system to the

system memory.

Click Pressing and immediately releasing the left mouse button; this
selects objects or commands.

COM 1 Port The COM 1 port is a serial V.24/modem interface. On the PG, this
is also an active TTY interface with a 20 mA current loop. This
interface is suitable for asynchronous data transmission. It can also
be used to connect printers or prommers with a serial interface.

COM 2 Port The COM 2 port is a serial V.24 interface which can be used to
connect a mouse, a printer, or a prommer with a serial interface.

Configuration Files These are files which define the configuration after booting.

Configuration The configuration software brings the device configuration up to

Software date when EISA modules are installed. This is done either by
copying the configuration files supplied with the module or by
manual configuration using the configuration utility.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-3

Co-Processor In the SETUP menu under “Co-processor” the system indicates

automatically whether the 80387 arithmetic processor is present or
absent. The arithmetic processor allows faster and more accurate
calculation of arithmetic, logarithmic and trigonometric operations.

CPU See Microprocessor

Current Directory The directory that you are currently working in.

Cursor Collective term for mouse pointer and text cursor.

Device See SETUP


Dialog Box This is a square window in the Windows graphical user interface
that appears temporarily to request or supply information. Many
dialog boxes have options you must select before Windows can
carry out a command. Some dialog boxes also contain warnings or
explanations as to why a command cannot be carried out.

Directory A directory is a list where the names of and references to files and
to subdirectories are stored.

Disk Drive Disk drives are used to store programs and data on diskette (write
access) or to load from the diskette to the computer (read access).

Diskette The diskette (floppy disk) is an external direct access memory on

which all types of files and programs can be stored. The storage
medium is a round magnetic disk in a plastic cover to protect it
from getting scratched.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Double-Click To rapidly press and release a mouse button twice without moving
the mouse. The interval during which the second click must be
made to be recognized as a double-click can be set under

Drives The programming devices are usually equipped with one hard disk
drive and one or two floppy disk drives.

Drivers These are programs belonging to the operating system. They allow
various hardware components such as printers and monitors to be

Editing Processing texts and/or graphics using an editor.

Editor The component of a data processing system for the processing of

texts and/or graphics in a dialog. Texts can be figures, programs,
correspondence, tables, documents and any other types of data.

Emulator A microprogram for the STEP 5 software for adaptation to the

operating system MS-DOS.

EPROM/EEPROM These are printed circuit boards which can be plugged in, with
Submodules ROM memory submodules. S5 user programs can be stored on
them. These programmed submodules are then plugged into
specially designed slots in the programmable controller.

ETHERNET A local network for text and data communication with a bus
topology (structure).

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-5

Expanded Memory Expanded memory is used to describe the possibility for a program
to access up to 32 Mbytes of memory above its conventional

Expansion Memory Expansion memories can be installed to expand the standard

memory of a PG. After installation, the new memory size is
entered in the SETUP menu.

Extended Memory The extended memory is the memory which lies beyond the
1 Mbyte memory limit. The size of the extended memory must be
entered in the SETUP menu and is compared with the existing
extended memory. An add-on memory can be installed in a PG to
increase the size of the memory. The entry in the SETUP must,
however, be changed if a memory extension is added.

Fiber-Optic Cable This is a medium for transmitting electronic data via fiberglass or
plastic cables. Fiber-optic cables are interference-free and allow
extremely fast data transmission using modulated light.

File A file is the collection of like data under one name. A file contains
data required by the user to program for specific purposes and

Floppy Disk Drive The floppy disk drive is used to store programs and data on
diskette (write access) or to load from diskette to the computer
(read access).

Formatting Formatting divides the memory area on a magnetic data medium

into tracks and sectors.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-6 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Function Keys Function keys can be divided into two different types: the normal
function keys which are assigned a particular function of the
computer (for example, delete key), and programmable function
keys (softkeys).

Hard Disk Drive Hard disk drives (Winchester drives) are a form of magnetic disk
memory where the magnetic disks are permanently built into the

Hardware The hardware is the technical equipment of a computer or PG.

I/O Modules Input/output modules

Icon A graphical representation of an element in Windows, such as a

disk drive, directory, group, application, or document. You can
enlarge an application icon to a window when you want to use the
application. Some elements on the screen or in a window are also
used as icons in the tool bar of a drive or a directory, for example,
in the File Manager.

Interface An interface is:

 The connection between individual hardware elements such as
PLC, PG, printer or monitor via physical connections (cables).
 The connection between different programs, to enable them to
work together. Program modules are used for this purpose.
They specify the access to files and the representation of data
and adjust the operation mode of the program.

Interface Module Module controlling or extending the hardware peripherals.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-7

Keyboard The keyboard is the collection of keys which are used to input
data, text, characters, letters, numbers and special characters and
control commands in a computer. The keyboard forms the input
interface between the user and the computer.

Logging Off The process of interrupting the logical connection for a network
user between the PG/PC and server is known as logging off. The
user can then no longer access the drives and the printer of the

Logging On A user must log on in a network in order to establish the logical

connection to another computer within that network.

Main Memory The main memory is the complete physical memory of the CPU in
a computer.

Menu A list of available commands in an application window. Menu

names appear in the menu bar near the top of the window. The
Control menu, represented by the Control menu box at the left end
of the title bar, is common to all Windows applications. You open a
menu by selecting the menu name and then choosing the menu
command. You can also trigger a menu command by holding down
the ALT key and then typing the underscored letter in the menu
title. See also Menu Command.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-8 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Menu Bar The horizontal bar containing the names of all the menus in the
application. It appears below the title bar.

Menu Command An element in a menu that you select to execute a particular

activity, for example, to copy a selected object (file, text, graphic,
pixel picture etc.). See also Menu.

Menu Title An element in the menu bar which identifies a group of related
commands. When you select a menu title, the corresponding
command menu is displayed.

Microprocessor This term describes a complete central processing unit (CPU) as

regards its functions, but without any register array in the form of a
chip. In the programming devices the 80x86 microprocessors made
by Intel are used.

Modem Modulator and demodulator of a signal transmission facility. It

converts the digital pulses from a computer into analog signals
(and vice versa).

Module Modules are boards (printed circuit boards) which can be slotted
into a programmable controller or programming device. They are
available as, for example, CPUs, interface modules or memory

Mouse The mouse is an input device. By moving the mouse, the mouse
pointer can be moved at will around the screen. By pressing the
left mouse button, the position is marked. The other mouse keys
may have different assignments according to the application. With
the mouse, objects can be selected, menus processed and functions

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-9

Mouse Pointer The mouse pointer is a control element. It is moved across the
desktop (screen) by means of the mouse. In applications running
under the graphical user interface of Windows, the mouse pointer
selects, for example, objects to be processed and menu commands.

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is one of the standard

operating systems for personal computers. It is a single user system
and is supplied installed on all our PGs.

Network Link between computers and end devices (PC, PG, PLC) by means
of interface modules, physical cables and the corresponding
software to allow data exchange between the devices.

Operating System Collective term for all programs which, in conjunction with the
hardware, control and monitor
 the execution of the user programs,
 the distribution of the operational equipment among the
individual user programs and
 the maintenance of the operating mode.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-10 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Parallel Interface Information is transmitted a byte at a time via a parallel interface

(port). This means that the transmission rate is very fast. The
programming devices have one parallel interface (LPT 1).

Partition A partition is a formatted area on the hard disk.

PC Personal computer

Peripheral Input/output modules


PG Programming device

PG LINK Linking two programming devices directly via a special

connecting cable is known as PG LINK.

PLC See Programmable Controller

Printer Output device for data, texts and graphics. Several printers are
defined as standard printers for PGs. These are, for example, the
Siemens printers DR 201, DR 211-N, DR 230-N and DR 231-N.

Programmable The programmable logical controller (PLC) of the SIMATIC S5

Controller system consists of one central controller, one or more CPUs and
various I/O modules.

Programming For SIMATIC S5 the term programming means writing a STEP 5


P Tools These are utilities which allow STEP 5 user programs/files, which
were generated under MS-DOS, Windows, S5-DOS/ST or
S5-DOS/MT, to be copied to PCP/M media and vice versa.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-11

RAM RAM (Random Access Memory) is a read/write memory in which

every memory location can be addressed individually and its
contents be changed. RAM is used to store data and programs.

Read Only  File security; this file attribute can be assigned with a DOS
command or in the file manager.
 Diskette security; for 5 1/4” diskettes by sticking a tab over the
notch at the right-hand edge, for 3 1/2” diskettes or EOD disks
by opening the read-only slot.

ROM ROM (Read Only Memory) is a memory in which every memory

location can be addressed individually. The stored programs and
data have been programmed at the factory before delivery and
cannot be changed by the user.

S5-DOS S5-DOS is an operating system based on PCP/M.

S5-DOS/ST S5-DOS/ST is an operating system based on MS-DOS.

S5-DOS/MT S5-DOS/MT is an operating system based on FlexOS. This is the

standard operating system for all S5/MT applications. Due to its
multitasking capabilities in conjunction with the fully-graphic user
interface (X/GEM and PlantTop), the basis for data management
(Btrieve) as well as the network software FlexNet and SINEC, all
the tools are present which are required.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-12 C79000-G8576-C760-03

S5 Package The complete programming device software cannot be loaded into

the working memory (RAM). Thus it is divided according to its
functions into so-called packages. These packages are displayed by
the S5 command interpreter and loaded into the working memory
only when they have been selected. In addition to the LAD, CSF,
STL package there are other packages, for example, SYMBOLS

S5 Tools All S5 packages which are based on S5-DOS use the operating
system utilities by calling up “tools”. The tools are a collection of
subroutines which make complex tasks such as reading a file on
diskette or communicating with the PLC possible. The tools do this
by accessing the S5 drivers and functions of the basic operating

Serial Interface Data is transmitted one bit at a time via a serial interface (port),
therefore serial interfaces are slower than parallel interfaces.

SETUP The SETUP is a program for transferring information about the

device configuration (that is, the configuration of the PG
hardware) to the battery-backed memory. The device configuration
of the PG is preset with defaults. Changes must therefore be
entered in the SETUP if a memory extension, modules, a new
drive or a co-processor are added to the hardware configuration or
if the ARCNET interface (PG 750) is to be activated.

SINEC H1 The SINEC H1 network (bus system) is intended for use in

industry according to IEEE 802.3 (ETHERNET). Programming
devices, personal computers and programmable controllers can all
be connected.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-13

Software The collective term for all programs which are used on a computer.
The operating system, the firmware (resident parts of the operating
system), the user programs and also any on-line documentation
belonging to the programs are all part of the concept “software”.

STEP 5 The programming language STEP 5 with the types of

representation ladder diagram (LAD), control system
flowchart (CSF) and statement list (STL) is part of the STEP 5
Basic Package. Programs can be generated off-line at the PG and
transferred to the PLC memory on-line and tested. User programs
can be transferred to EPROM/EEPROM submodules via an
EPROM programming interface module. Programs and plant
statuses can be documented via the printer and the user programs
stored on diskette or hard disk.

Symol See Icon.

Title Bar In a Windows application, the title bar is the horizontal bar (at the
top of a window) that contains the title of the window or dialog
box. On many windows, the title bar also contains the Control
menu box and Maximize and Minimize buttons.

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-14 C79000-G8576-C760-03

User Interface A user interface is the collective term for the points where the user
comes in direct contact with the system he is working with (i.e. an
interface between user and computer). This means specifically the
operation of the computer using commands which are displayed on
the screen.

User Level An area on diskette or hard disk under the operating system

User Program All the statements and logic for the signal processing with which a
system (process) is controlled.

Utility Utilities belong to the operating system of the computer. They

mainly serve to make working with the computer easier, faster or
more comfortable for the user, for example, formatting diskettes,
copying files, outputting the contents of directories/disk drives.

V.24/V.28 Interface The V.24 interface is a standardized interface for data transmission.
Printers, modems and other hardware modules can be connected to
a V.24 interface.

VGA (Video Graphics Array)

High-resolution color graphics module, replacing EGA

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Glossary-15

Warm Restart A warm start is a restart after a program has been aborted. The
operating system is reloaded and restarted. A warm start is
performed with the key combination CTRL + ALT + DEL.

Window In the Windows graphical user interface, a window is a rectangular

area on your screen in which you view an application or document.
You can open, close, and move windows, and change the size of
most windows. You can open several windows at a time, and you
can often reduce a window to an icon or enlarge it to fill the entire
desktop. The window in which you are currently working is the
active window.

Working Memory The memory in which a program is stored which can be processed.
The working memory is a direct access memory.

Write Protection See Read Only

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Glossary-16 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Index-1

ARCNET connector, 6-6 Data transfer, via COM 1 port, 6-19
ARCNET network software, 6-7 Directory structure, 1-3
ARCNET node number, 6-8 Diskette
40-track format, 5-5
format, 5-5
C Drive selection, FTARC, 6-12
Drivers, installing STEP 5 drivers, 2-8
Cache memory, 3-8
COM port, 4-3, 6-19, 8-1
Connecting a PLC to the PG, 4-3–4-6
Connecting a printer to a PC, 4-2 E
Connecting cable, 4-4, 4-6 EMM386.EXE, 3-3, 3-6–3-8
COM 1, 4-9 installing, 3-7
COM 2, 4-9 EPROM programmer, connection to the
Köster box, 4-9 PG, 4-7–4-8
length key, 4-6, 4-9 Extended memory, 3-3–3-4
TTY port, 4-4 External prommer, connection to PC,
V.24 port, 4-6, 6-20 4-7
Connecting cables
order number, 4-9
overview, 4-9 F
Connector assignment, active TTY port,
File, copying, 5-4
File transfer, with FTARC via ARCNET,
Conventional user memory, 3-4
Conventions, ii
Filename specification, 6-10, 6-13
Cursor control, 7-5
Format diskettes, 5-5

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Index-2 C79000-G8576-C760-03

FTARC, 6-7 Key assignment (PC)

additional parameters, 6-8 copying, 7-13
establishing a link, 6-8 printing, 7-14
installation, 6-6 Key combination, 7-10
main menu, 6-10 Key descriptions, 7-11
parameters, 6-8 Keyboard
receive mode, 6-13 cursor control, 7-5
selecting the preset drives, 6-12 function keys, 7-5
send mode, 6-13 MFII cursor control, 7-5
starting, 6-7 MFII function keys, 7-5
Function description, 7-10 Keyboard assignment for S5, 7-4–7-5
Function keys, 7-5 Keyboard editor for PCs, 7-1
menus, 7-6
Keytop text, 7-10
H Keytops
GRAPH 5, 7-11
Hard disk, optimizing hard disk access,
PG keyboard, 7-11
Köster box, 4-5, 6-20, 8-1
High memory area, 3-4
application, 6-20
HIMEM.SYS, 3-3, 3-5–3-7
order number, 8-2
loading, 3-7
pin assignment, 8-3
HMA. Siehe High memory area

Language selection
Key assignment
adjusting the selection screen for
copying, 7-13
STEP 5, 2-11–2-12
deleting, 7-12
key assignment, 7-8
editing, 7-10
Link PG-PC, 6-19–6-20
language selection, 7-8
modification, 7-1
printing, 7-14
restrictions, 7-10
saving, 7-12

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Index-3

M PDIR, 5-2, 5-4

PFORMAT, 5-2, 5-5
PG keyboard, 7-10
content, i
PG-PC link, 6-19–6-20
how to use the manual, ii
Pin assignment, V.24/TTY converter,
Memory assignment, PC, example,
PLC interface, 4-3
Memory capacity, 3-6
Point-to-point link, 6-19
Memory management, order of drivers,
via ARCNET, 6-6
via COM 1 port, 6-19
Memory manager, 3-5–3-7
EMM386, 3-5–3-7
AG-S5, 4-3, 8-1
COM 1, 6-19
MFII keyboard, 7-5
TTY, 4-3, 6-19, 8-1
Port assignment, 4-3
Product Information, iii, 2-2
N Prommer, 4-7
Network configurations, 6-2 connection to PC, 4-7–4-8
Network drivers, 6-5 PSET, 5-2, 5-5
PTYPE, 5-2, 5-5

Optimizing hard disk access, 3-8 R
Order number Receive mode, FTARC, 6-13
connecting cable Köster box, 8-2 Resource files (keyboard editor), testing,
connecting cables, 4-9, 6-20 7-15
Retrofit package for STEP 5, installa-
tion, 2-3
P Tools
functions, 5-2 S
using, 5-3 S5 keyboard assignment, 7-4–7-5
Parallel prommer, 4-7 Scope of supply, 2-2
PCOPY, 5-2, 5-4 Screen, switching between mono-
PDEL, 5-2, 5-4 chrome/color, 7-14

Working with S5-DOS/ST

Index-4 C79000-G8576-C760-03

Send mode, FTARC, 6-13 Upper memory blocks, (UMB), 3-5

Serial prommer, 4-7 User area, 5-4
Setting up STEP 5 under Windows, 2-5 User interface, keyboard editor, 7-7
SMARTDRV.SYS, 3-8 User memory
Software, detailed information, 2-2 conventional, 3-4
Software package, general, i distribution, 3-3–3-4
Standard printer, 4-2
installing the driver in STEP 5, 2-8 V
setting up STEP 5 under Windows,
V.24 port, 4-3, 4-5, 6-20, 8-1
converting a V.24 into a TTY port,
starting STEP 5 under Windows, 2-7
STEP 5, main menu, 1-4
V.24/TTY converter, 4-6, 8-1–8-2
System software, initial startup, 2-3
application, 6-20
System software, overview, 1-1–1-4
pin assignment, 8-3
Video area, 3-3
Technical data, V.24/TTY converter, 8-2 W
TTY port
active, 4-4, 6-20, 8-1
setting up STEP 5 under Windows,
connector assignment, 4-10
starting STEP 5 under Windows, 2-7
Working area, 6-11
U Working directory changes, keyboard
UMB. Siehe Upper memory blocks editor, 7-13
Upper memory area, 3-4

Working with S5-DOS/ST

C79000-G8576-C760-03 Index-5
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