Decoding Modern Architecture: Environment and Behavior March 2000
Decoding Modern Architecture: Environment and Behavior March 2000
Decoding Modern Architecture: Environment and Behavior March 2000
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DONALD W. HINE was a graduate student in psychology when this study was con-
ducted. He is now a professor of psychology at the University of New England in Ar-
midale, Australia.
D’ARCY J. REYNOLDS, JR. holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Vic-
toria and plans to enter graduate school in clinical psychology.
KELLY T. SHAW was a graduate student in psychology when this study was con-
ducted and is currently a graduate student in public administration at the University
of Victoria.
ABSTRACT: The physical and affective bases of the differences between archi-
tects’ and laypersons’ aesthetic evaluations of building facades were examined.
Fifty-nine objective features of 42 large modern office buildings were related to rat-
ings of the buildings’ emotional impact and global aesthetic quality made by archi-
tects and laypersons. Both groups strongly based their global assessments on
elicited pleasure (and not on elicited arousal), but the two groups based their emo-
tional assessments on almost entirely different sets of objective building features,
which may help to explain why the aesthetic evaluations of architects and layper-
sons are virtually unrelated.
physical features. This is an ancient and obvious truth. Pythagoras, for exam-
ple, believed that the beauty of buildings could be ordered in mathematical
terms (Murphy & Kovach, 1972), and the concept of the golden section pro-
poses a precise geometrical specification of architectural beauty.
However, aesthetic appraisals are not based solely on geometric or physi-
cal features of buildings. Among many personal and contextual factors that
influence appraisals of the environment in general and of architectural beauty
in particular are the observer’s emotional responses to buildings (Mehrabian &
Russell, 1974). This is the focus of the present study: the connections
between physical characteristics of buildings, the emotional impact of the
building on the observer, and the observer’s global appraisal of the building.
More specifically, the study has three purposes. First, it aims to demon-
strate that particular physical features of buildings produce predictable affec-
tive responses in observers. Second, it seeks to show that these affective
responses are in turn reliably associated with observers’global evaluations of
buildings. Third, it compares the global evaluations of architects and layper-
sons in an attempt to help clarify the long-standing problem (Hershberger,
1969) of architect-layperson differences in architectural appraisals.
Groat, 1994). However, this study does examine these cognitive concepts or
what might be called formal aesthetics (Nasar, 1994)
Third, some researchers examine goodness of fit or prototypicality as a
key to observer preference. For example, Purcell and Nasar (1992) reported
that preference increases with the degree of discrepancy from the goodness of
example (of high architecture and popular architecture). However, this may
be true more for architects than for laypersons who may prefer buildings and
objects that are better examples of prototypes (Whitfield, 1983).
A fourth approach, which is employed in this study, considers the mediat-
ing role of affect: how observers’ affective responses to their architectural
preferences are related to their preferences for different building facades
(Mehrabian & Russell, 1974; Russell, Ward, & Pratt, 1981). In this view,
approach-avoidance behaviors (that may be likened to preference) are gov-
erned by the pleasure and arousal elicited by the setting. For example, Kuller
(1980) found that pleasure is more often elicited by rounded-off architectural
forms than by square-edged forms.
Beyond these four approaches, it is also clear that not all observers
appraise buildings in the same way. For a full understanding of architectural
appraisal, it is important to learn how the appraisals of different groups vary.
As Hershberger (1969) noted long ago, probably the most salient group com-
parison is that between architects and nonarchitects.
Therefore, this study investigates the similarities and differences between
the aesthetic appraisals of architects and laypersons by examining the roots
of their appraisals in the physical features and the affective impact of building
The tool chosen for this enterprise is a modified lens model (Brunswik,
Figure 1: The Basic Lens Model, Showing Hypothetical Links Between Physical
(distal) Cues, Emotional Responses, and Global Impressions of the
images on the left and right sides of the lens in Figure 1, but that the process
may differ in its details for the two groups. The framework also includes an
agreement index as a quantitative measure of the similarity of judgments
made by architects and nonarchitects.
Perhaps most important, the lens framework provides information about
which distal cues are used by each group to formulate their judgments and
how strongly each cue is relied on by each group. This feature of the lens
framework should help explain just how (that is, on which bases) the apprais-
als of architects and laypersons diverge, if they are found to diverge (once
again) in this study. For example, the analyses may show that the emotional
impact of buildings on architects derives from different building features
than does the emotional impact on nonarchitects or that architects and nonar-
chitects derive their overall aesthetic appraisals from the same (or from dif-
ferent) emotional responses to buildings.
Hershberger, 1969; Nasar, 1989; Nasar & Kang, 1989; Nasar & Purcell,
1990; Purcell & Nasar, 1990; Stamps, 1991a, 1993; Vischer & Marcus,
1986). The general finding from these studies has been that architects and
nonarchitects differ in their assessments of buildings or the way they concep-
tualize buildings although some researchers (e.g., Hubbard, 1996) found that
the groups share certain common conceptualizations of architecture. Occa-
sionally, experts and laypersons reach similar conclusions in their appraisals
yet seem to think about architecture in different ways (Groat, 1994).
Hershberger (1969) provided early empirical evidence that architects and
nonarchitects perceive physical settings in fundamentally different ways. He
compared the semantic differential ratings of buildings by three groups
(architects, prearchitects, and laypersons) and found that the architects dif-
fered significantly from the other two groups. He attributed these differences
primarily to training and experience.
Groat (1982) used a sorting task to determine which categories architects
and a lay group (accountants) use to interpret buildings. She found that the
accountants tended to sort buildings on the basis of preference and type,
whereas architects used categories such as design quality, form, style, and
historic significance. Again, these differences appear to be due primarily to
training so that, for example, architects could clearly distinguish between
modern and postmodern designs, whereas the lay group could not.
In another study, Groat (1994) reported that although lay and experts
(design review commissioners, some with design training and some without)
agreed to a significant degree in their rankings of a set of infill buildings, the
groups differed in the way they conceptualized compatibility (of the infill
building with the existing buildingscape); different criteria were used, and
the experts tended to use more and different criteria.
Devlin (1990) compared users’, viewers’, and architects’ perceptions of
two Chicago office buildings. Nonarchitects tended to provide evaluations
that were predominantly affect based and descriptive, whereas architects’
provided evaluations that were more abstract and conceptual.
That architects perceive physical settings differently than nonarchitects is
not surprising given the different learning histories associated with the two
groups. However, these differences are important because they can often
result in severe mismatches between designer and lay preferences. Given that
part of the architect’s job is to understand client (that is, lay) perceptions,
these differences are not trivial. Moreover, one study even suggested that not
only do architects have different preferences than nonarchitects, they do not
seem to understand what the public likes. Nasar (1988) found that when
architects were asked to predict what nonarchitects would find appealing,
they were often unable to do so.
Overview. A set of large, modern (1980s and 1990s) office buildings was
chosen. The lay judges were community residents and university students
with no architectural training; the architects were drawn from the local group
of practicing licensed architects. Slides of the buildings were shown to small
groups of judges who were asked to rate each building. Objective physical
features of each building were scored by a separate group of trained judges.
Judges and measures. Five different sets of judges were used so that judg-
ments in the different portions of the lens model remained independent. Two
separate groups of registered practicing architects rated their global impres-
sion (n = 8) of and the degree of pleasure and arousal (n = 9) elicited in them
by each building.1
Two separate groups of lay judges, both mixtures of community residents
who volunteered for no reward and introductory psychology students who
Gifford et al. / DECODING ARCHITECTURE 169
ornaments, and context. The goal in every case was to ensure that the building
feature in question was an observable physical element of the facade that
could be counted or accurately estimated.
Gifford et al. / DECODING ARCHITECTURE 171
These 59 cues were scored by a fifth (separate) group of judges who were
trained in the TACS method. Two judges scored every cue for all 42 buildings
(a total of 2,478 ratings). This proved very taxing for the judges, so the
authors engaged and trained another 11 judges to score portions of the whole.
This was planned so that each cue for each building was rated three times by
different judges; thus, including the ratings from the original two raters, each
of the 59 building cues was rated five times for each building.
Interjudge agreement for the emotion, overall aesthetic, and building fea-
ture (TACS) ratings was computed as intraclass correlations (Shrout &
Fleiss, 1979, formula ICC 3, k). The lay ratings of pleasure, arousal, and
global impression had intraclass correlations of .69, .75, and .85, respec-
tively. The architects’ intraclass correlations for the same three judgments
were .72, .62, and .83.
Not all of the 59 TACS cues could be reliably rated; 25 met the minimum
criterion for interrater agreement of .70. Those that did not reach adequate
reliability tended to have little variability across buildings or simply were
unclear (at least in this set of building photographs) to the raters. Only the 25
cues that were rated with acceptable levels of reliability were used in the
analyses that follow.
The means, standard deviations, and interrater reliabilities of the lay and
architects’ pleasure, arousal, and global ratings and those for the 25 physical
cues are reported in Table 1.
Each of the 25 cues was correlated with the lay and architect ratings of
pleasure and arousal; the latter were in turn correlated with the global aes-
thetic evaluations. The lens model for these results is shown in Figure 3. Only
significant links (p < .05) are shown.
The curved lines represent the degree of agreement between the architects
and the laypersons on the arousal, pleasure, and global assessment ratings.
Means and Standard Deviations of Key Variables
Standard Interrater
N Mean Deviation Reliability
Global impressions
Architects 8 4.11 1.44 .83
Laypersons 27 5.55 .93 .85
Architects 9 –.38 1.54 .72
Laypersons 19 –.39 1.01 .69
Architects 9 .24 1.39 .62
Laypersons 19 .84 .99 .75
Building cues 5
Size 3.44 .96 .82
Number of sides 4.65 1.20 .73
Number of stories 13.93 13.37 .99
Stepped stories 2.02 1.07 .87
Regular stepping 1.82 .68 .76
Fenestration 5.07 1.66 .91
Glass cladding 2.48 .83 .88
Reflectance 2.90 .96 .80
Metal cladding .86 .60 .84
Brick/stone cladding 1.68 1.20 .81
Roof pitch 5.26 2.47 .74
Rounded 1.57 1.03 .90
Fancy 2.94 .78 .71
Color uniformity 2.60 .95 .88
Articulation 2.68 .74 .70
Columns 2.33 1.12 .81
Arches 1.92 .78 .85
Railings 1.98 1.07 .85
Canopies 1.80 .87 .73
Balconies/porches 1.96 .97 .79
TABLE 1 Continued
Standard Interrater
N Mean Deviation Reliability
Figure 3: The Lens Model, Showing the Significant (p < .05) Links Between
Physical (distal) Cues, Emotional Responses, and Global Impres-
sions of the Buildings
In contrast to the pleasure and global rating results, the architects and lay-
persons did significantly agree about the arousal-eliciting qualities of the 42
buildings (r = .54). However, arousal was not related to global assessment
either for architects or laypersons.2 Based on Mehrabian and Russell’s (1974)
ideas, it is not surprising that arousal itself was unrelated to preference: It can
include positive arousal (pleasure-tinted arousal) or negative arousal (arousal
colored with displeasure) so that in a representative sample of buildings that
includes some that are pleasure eliciting and some that are displeasure elicit-
ing, no overall relation between arousal and global assessment should be
Figure 4: Bank of China Tower: An Example of Buildings That Were Liked and
Disliked by Laypersons and Architects (see Table 2 and the appendix
for more details)
NOTE: Raters saw color slides. The Bank of China Tower was rated high by both groups. Photo
©1991 Paul Warchol.
with the architects’ rated pleasure; that is, they account for 40%, a very large
chunk of the variance in architects’ ratings of pleasure.
The situation for laypersons was quite different: Rated pleasure was not
significantly related to any of the 25 building cues. Of course, they probably
derive pleasure from some building cues because their ratings were (as a
group) reasonably reliable. Thus, at least in terms of the cues examined in this
study, architects and laypersons base their pleasure ratings on entirely differ-
ent sets of physical cues, which probably is why the pleasure agreement
index for the two groups across the 42 buildings is so low (r = –.08).
Architects and laypersons agree more about which buildings are emotion-
ally arousing (r = .54). Ordinarily, this would occur because both groups sig-
nificantly used several cues in the same way. However, the two groups shared
only a single physical cue as a basis for their arousal appraisals: fancy (r = .54
for architects and r = .35 for laypersons). A likely reason for this is that both
groups use certain cues in the same way, but these cues were not among the 25
investigated in this study.
Figure 8: Liberty Center: An Example of Buildings That Were Liked and Disliked
by Laypersons and Architects (see Table 2 and the appendix for more
NOTE: Raters saw color slides. The Liberty Center was rated low by both groups. Photo by Carol M.
On the positive side, the 25 cues did explain very important amounts of
variance in both groups’ arousal ratings. Almost 60% of the architects’ rat-
ings (multiple R = .77; R2 = .59) are related (in addition to fancy, as noted ear-
lier) to the presence of more metal cladding (r = .41), more rounded corners
and edges (r = .30), and the presence of triangular elements in the facade (r =
.34); each of these is a significant correlation.
Gifford et al. / DECODING ARCHITECTURE 179
Figure 9: 1150 18th Street NW: An Example of Buildings That Were Liked and
Disliked by Laypersons and Architects (see Table 2 and the appendix
for more details)
NOTE: Raters saw color slides. 1150 18th Street NW was rated low by both groups. Photo ©Alan
More than half the variance in lay ratings (multiple R = .71; R2 = .51) was
related (in addition to fanciness, as noted earlier) to the presence of more
glass (r = .50), greater reflectivity (r = .48), less color uniformity (r = –.35),
more fenestration (r = .46), and height (more stories) (r = .42); each of these is
a significant correlation.
Global Evaluations: Similarities and
Differences Between Architects and Laypersons
Architects’ Laypersons’
Rank a Rank a
( N = 8) ( N = 27)
elicited pleasure to the global assessments, the two groups used no physical
cues in the same way.
However, at least more is known about which building cues are important
for each group. Architects found that buildings elicited more pleasure if they
included more railings, fewer arches, and most strongly, more metal clad-
ding. Architects were more aroused by buildings that had more rounded
edges and corners, more triangular elements, and particularly by fancier and
more metal-clad buildings. One cue independently signals both pleasure and
arousal for architects: metal cladding. Given that in Mehrabian and Russell’s
(1974) system the combination of pleasure and arousal is excitement (see
Figure 2), it appears that metal-clad buildings excite architects.
These elemental physical cues that predict the assessments of architects
are important because they probably signify for architects more complex
ideas such as prototypicality of style and richness of materials. For example,
a building with a molded shape that is clad in metal may lead to the inference
that this is a more expensive design or perhaps it signifies the essence of mod-
ernity for architects. Whether these suppositions are correct requires further
research; at this point, one at least understands how certain physical cues
relate to the affective impact on and global assessments of architects.
The next steps in research may be to connect the approach employed in
this study with the hypothesis that layperson-architect differences are related
to their different conceptualizations of buildings at a more abstract level. For
example, certain combinations of physical cues may signal different proto-
types (e.g., Purcell & Nasar, 1992; Whitfield, 1983) or discrepancies from
these prototypes to the two groups. An analogy might be drawn to the way
that a given set of design elements says Art Deco or Italianate to the educated
design professional.
The laypersons derived their pleasure from none of the 25 building cues
that were examined in this study. Presumably there are cues (not measured in
this study) that elicit pleasure in laypersons, but the issue may be one of
greater within-group individual differences. As might be expected, lay rat-
ings are less cohesive; 19 lay raters were needed to attain a degree of interra-
ter reliability (.69) similar to the interrater reliability for the architects (.72),
which required only 8 raters to attain. This indicates that laypersons produce
more heterogeneous ratings (as a group) than architects. Given the selection
and training of architects as a group, which tends to focus their aesthetic stan-
dards, this seems likely. Laypersons’ ratings of architecture are known to be
subject to various influences, which makes their ratings more diffuse. For
example, Gifford (1980) showed that building interiors appealed signifi-
cantly differently to lay judges depending on their age, sex, educational level,
and mood.
In contrast to the lack of significant pleasure cues, however, six cues were
significantly related to arousal among the laypersons. They report more
arousal from more buildings that are more reflective or shiny, have more
glass, are taller, more multicolored, and fancier.
TACS includes a number of context variables that allows for a test of
whether nonbuilding aspects of the scene influence observers’ assessments.
Three such variables (amount of landscaping visible, number of roads visi-
ble, and evidence of human presence or activity) were reliably rated by the
independent judges. None of these significantly influenced any of the lay or
architect ratings of pleasure, arousal, or overall impression. The authors have
this much assurance, then, that nonbuilding context had little impact on the
assessments in this study.
In general, the lens approach seems to offer a promising avenue toward
understanding layperson-architect differences of aesthetic opinion. It offers a
wealth of analytic possibilities toward the further explication of these differ-
ences (Cooksey, 1997). One of the main criticisms of research in environ-
mental psychology has been the lack of attention to physical attributes of
settings (Groat, 1994), and the lens model certainly grounds this line of
research in specific physical attributes of buildings. Nevertheless, one cannot
escape the supposition that observers, lay or architect, create from the ele-
mental physical attributes of buildings categories and prototypes that also, in
turn, influence aesthetic assessments. Therefore, linking the present
approach to one that considers the meaning of buildings in a more abstract
sense, such as what various styles, prototypes, or schemas buildings repre-
sent to their observers, is an obvious next step.
Details of the Buildings
Building 1: Walnut Building, Cincinnati, OH. Architect: Hoover & Furr. Reference: Architec-
ture, May 1991, p. 14.
Building 2: Disney Headquarters, Burbank, CA. Architect: Michael Graves. Reference: Post-
Modernism on Trial (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1990, p. 27, right
Building 3: The Haas House, Vienna, Austria. Architect: Hans Hollein. Reference: Post-
Modernism on Trial (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1990, p. 69).
Building 4: Walt Disney World Casting Center, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Architect: Robert A. M.
Stern. Reference: Architectural Record, September 1989, p. 67.
Building 5: Stockley Park’s Building B-3, London. Architect: Foster Associates. Reference:
Architectural Record, September 1989, p. 81, top photo.
Gifford et al. / DECODING ARCHITECTURE 183
Building 6: Third National Bank Headquarters, Nashville, TN. Architect: Kohn, Pedersen, Fox
Associates. Reference: Architectural Record, December 1989, p. 46, left photo.
Building 7: Liberty Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Architect: UDA Architects, Burt Hill Kosar & Rittel-
mann (BHKR), and The Architects Collaborative Inc. (TAC). Reference: Architecture, Janu-
ary 1988, p. 111.
Building 8: St. Luke’s Medical Tower, Houston, TX. Architect: Cesar Pelli & Associates. Refer-
ence: Architecture, July 1991, p. 42.
Building 9: Procter & Gamble Headquarters, Cincinnati, OH. Architect: Kohn, Pedersen, Fox
Associates. Reference: The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (C. A. Jencks, London:
Academy Editions, 1987, p. 167, photo No. 327).
Building 10: Fenchurch Street Bank, London. Architect: Terry Farrell Partnership. Reference:
The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (C. A. Jencks, London: Academy Editions,
1987, p. 170, photo No. 334).
Building 11: Office Building, Lugano, Switzerland. Architect: Mario Botta. Reference: The
Language of Post-Modern Architecture (C. A. Jencks, London: Academy Editions, 1987,
p. 175, photo No. 342).
Building 12: Northwestern Atrium Center, Chicago. Architect: Murphy/Jahn Architects. Refer-
ence: Architectural Record, October 1990, p. 88, photo No. 3.
Building 13: George W. and Edwina S. Tarry Research and Education Building, Northwestern
University, Chicago. Architect: Perkins & Will. Reference: Architectural Record, January
1991, p. 96.
Building 14: The Humana Building, Louisville, KY. Architect: Michael Graves. Reference:
Architectural Record, February 1991, p. 69.
Building 15: Promenade Tower, Atlanta, GA. Architect: Ray Hoover of Thompson, Ventulett,
Stainback & Associates. Reference: Architectural Record Lighting, February 1991, p. 52.
Building 16: Fleet House, London. Architect: Richard Seifert Ltd. Reference: Post-Modern Tri-
umphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, p. 80, photo C3).
Building 17: Broadwalk House, London. Architect: Bruce Graham of SOM Chicago. Reference:
Architecture, September 1990, p. 69, top left photo.
Building 18: Banker’s Trust Headquarters, London. Architect: Bruce Graham of SOM Chicago.
Reference: Architecture, September 1990, p. 69, top right photo.
Building 19: Bishopsgate, London. Architect: Bruce Graham of SOM Chicago. Reference:
Architecture, September 1990, p. 70, top left photo.
Building 20: Exchange House, London. Architect: Bruce Graham of SOM Chicago. Reference:
Architecture, September 1990, p. 109.
Building 21: Lincoln Center, Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Kohn, Pedersen, Fox Associates.
Reference: Architecture, May 1988, p. 128.
Building 22: Point West Place, Framingham, MA. Architect: Robert Stern. Reference: The His-
tory of Postmodern Architecture (H. Klotz, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988, p. 192, photo
No. 245).
Building 23: Mississauga City Hall, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Architect: Jones & Kirkland.
Reference: The Canadian Architect, June 1987, p. 25, photo No. 5.
Building 24: 151 Marylebone Road, London. Architect: Izslot Malden of Hamilton Associates.
Reference: Post-Modern Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design,
1991, p. 76, photo B30).
Building 25: 100 Avenue Road, London. Architect: Ike Horvitch for Architectural Design Asso-
ciates. Reference: Post-Modern Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural
Design, 1991, p. 77, photo B33).
Building 26: 1150 18th Street NW, Washington, DC. Architect: Hisaka & Associates. Refer-
ence: Architecture, April 1991, p. 56, photo No. 1.
Building 27: Franklin Square, Washington, DC. Architect: John Burgee Architects. Reference:
Architecture, April 1991, p. 56, photo No. 3.
Building 28: Chicago Bar Association Building, Chicago. Architect: Tigerman McCurry
Architects. Reference: Architecture, June 1991, p. 72, top photo.
Building 29: Marti Office Building, Zurich, Switzerland. Architect: Theo Hotz and Franz
Romero. Reference: Architectural Review, January 1991, p. 31, bottom photo.
Building 30: Besso House, London. Architect: CZWG. Reference: Post-Modern Triumphs (A. C.
Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, p. 28, photo A18).
Building 31: 350 North LaSalle, Chicago. Architect: Loebl, Schlossman, & Hackl, Inc. Refer-
ence: Architecture, May 1991, “Bricks in Architecture Awards Issue 48-2” [Insert], p. 7).
Building 32: Allied Irish Bank, London. Architect: Terry Farrell Partnership. Reference: Post-
Modern Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, p. 22, photo A9).
Building 33: 20 Old Bailey, London. Architect: Renton, Howard, Wood, Levin. Reference:
Post-Modern Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, p. 84,
photo C11).
Building 34: 2401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC. Architect: Keyes, Condon, Flo-
rance. Reference: Architecture, April 1991, p. 68.
Building 35: Bürogebäude Münchensteiner Strasse, Basle, Switzerland. Architect: Dorenbach
A. G. Architects. Reference: Architectural Review, January 1991, p. 72.
Building 36: Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong, China. Architect: I. M. Pei & Partners. Refer-
ence: Architectural Record, January 1991, p. 79.
Building 37: Ismaili Centre, London. Architect: Casson Condor Architects. Reference: Post-Modern
Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, p. 83, photo C9).
Building 38: Republic Place, Washington, DC. Architect: Keyes, Condon, Florance. Reference:
Architecture, April 1991, p. 67, top left photo.
Building 39: Ministry of Social Welfare Headquarters, The Hague, the Netherlands. Architect:
Herman Hertzberger. Reference: Architectural Review, March 1991, p. 29, photo No. 2.
Building 40: Bexar County Justice Center, San Antonio, TX. Architect: Jones & Kell Architects;
Ford, Powell & Carson, Inc.; Humberto Saldana & Associates, Inc. Reference: Architecture,
February 1991, p. 65, bottom photo.
Building 41: The Fitzpatrick Building, London. Architect: Chassay Architects. Reference: Post-
Modern Triumphs (A. C. Papadakis, Ed., London: Architectural Design, 1991, photo B19).
Building 42: 518 C Street, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. Architect: Weinstein Associates. Ref-
erence: Architecture, April 1991, p. 84, top photo.
1. The study was designed to include as many observers as necessary to reach a very good
level of agreement among observers; if a relatively small group reaches a sufficient level of
agreement, adding more observers of the same type will not alter the results.
2. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) postulated that arousal may be related to certain behaviors,
such as the tendency to approach a place, in an inverted U-shaped manner. This possibility may
Gifford et al. / DECODING ARCHITECTURE 185
be revealed by examining the quadratic function of arousal. Thus, the authors computed the
quadratic for arousal by squaring it and correlated the quadratic with architects’ and laypersons’
global ratings. No relation was found for the architects, but the correlation for laypersons
changed from .20 (ns) for first-order arousal to .33 (p < .05) for the quadratic form of arousal. In
sum, second-order (quadratic) arousal is mildly related to global assessment among laypersons.
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