Updated ELSO Pediatric Guidelines 1617997662
Updated ELSO Pediatric Guidelines 1617997662
Updated ELSO Pediatric Guidelines 1617997662
These guidelines are applicable to neonates and children with Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is the
cardiac failure as indication for extracorporeal life support most commonly utilized mechanical circulatory support
(ELSO). These guidelines address patient selection, manage- in neonates and children with refractory cardiac failure
ment during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and (Figure 1).1,2 Veno-arterial ECMO (VA ECMO) augments
pathways for weaning support or bridging to other therapies. systemic cardiac output and respiratory gas exchange to
Equally important issues, such as personnel, training, creden- facilitate adequate tissue oxygen delivery (DO2). Survival
tialing, resources, follow-up, reporting, and quality assurance, for children with heart disease supported with VA ECMO
are addressed in other ELSO documents or are center-specific. has improved over the past decade, despite expanding
indications and increasing patient complexity.2 Increased
Key Words: pediatrics, heart failure, extracorporeal membrane utilization and experience of pediatric cardiac ECMO is
oxygenation reflected in a number of publications, but large evidence
gaps remain. High-quality VA ECMO support for pediatric
This guideline is informed by available evidence and based on cardiac indications necessitates systems, protocols, interdis-
ciplinary teams, and training.
expert opinion, with targeted clinical recommendations for emerg-
ing centers and small volume programs as institutional standards
are developed. The guideline may also be of benefit to experienced
providers and centers in the process of reviewing local protocols. Patient Selection, Modes of Support,
Circuit configuration, equipment specifications, anticoagulation and Technical Considerations
recommendations, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation Patient Selection
(ECPR), and some specific patient populations are presented in
other Extracorporeal Life Support (ELSO) guidelines. The indication for the use of VA ECMO for cardiac indica-
tions in children is cardiogenic shock unresponsive to standard
medical therapies. Persistent systemic systolic pressure less
than 50 mm Hg, urine output <1 ml/kg/h, lactic acidosis, cen-
From the *Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, The Royal Children’s
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia; †Division of Cardiac Surgery, tral venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) <60% or arteriovenous
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; oxygen saturation difference (AVO2) >30% in cyanotic congeni-
‡Cardiorespiratory and Critical Care Division, Great Ormond tal heart disease, an altered mental status due to low cardiac
Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United output may all be indicators for such a cardiogenic shock in
Kingdom; §Department of Cardiology, Boston Children’s Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts; ¶Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical
children. Examples of pathologies causing shock are listed in
School, Boston, Massachusetts; ∥Department of Pediatrics, Critical Table 1. Consideration for early initiation of ECMO is impor-
Care Division, Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, University of tant as delayed initiation (beyond 6 hours of cardiogenic shock
Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee; #Department of Anesthesiology state) is associated with worse outcomes.1,3–25 Local resources
and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; should be taken into account when determining ECMO candi-
**Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota; ††Pediatric Cardiology Division, Heart dacy (Figure 2).
Transplant and Advanced Cardiac Therapies Program, Children’s Veno-arterial ECMO should be considered with four primary
National Heart Institute, Washington, D.C.; ‡‡Children’s Intensive strategies for ECMO support:
Care Unit, Department of Paediatric Subspecialties, KK Women’s
and Children’s Hospital, Singapore; §§Department of Critical Care, 1. Bridge to recovery: In patients with reversible underlying dis-
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Texas; ¶¶Leiden ease processes where cardiac function recovery can occur
University Medical Centre, Leiden, Netherlands; ∥∥National University with time, medical interventions, or surgical correction;
Heart Centre, Singapore; and ##UF Shands Children’s Hospital,
Gainesville, Florida. 2. Bridge to bridge: In patients with acute single organ dis-
Submitted for consideration January 2021; accepted for publication ease who can be supported to a ventricular assist device
in revised form January 2021. (VAD);
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. 3. Bridge to organ transplantation: In patients who may require
Correspondence: Peta Alexander, Department of Cardiology, Boston
Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA 02115. Email: peta.alexander@car-
cardiopulmonary support until heart transplantation;
dio.chboston.org. 4. Bridge to decision: In patients who may recover end-
Copyright © ASAIO 2021 organ function, facilitate diagnosis, or determine candi-
DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001431 dacy for alternative support/transplantation.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1. Decision-making flowsheet for VA ECMO for pediatric cardiac indications. VA ECMO, veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane
1. Institute ECMO before evidence of severe oxygen defi- In children with a cardiac disease not responding to maxi-
ciency and end-organ damage. Early initiation is impor- mal medical therapy, VA ECMO support facilitates respiratory
tant for developing and low-volume ECMO centers gas exchange and augments cardiac output for DO2 while
without capacity for rapid initiation of ECPR. allowing time for myocardial recovery or diagnosis and repair
2. Individual institutions should consider their center of anatomical lesions. Effective VA ECMO support should
experiences and resources when evaluating indications be assessed by surrogates of tissue oxygen delivery includ-
and contraindications for ECMO. ing blood lactate, SVO2 or AVO2, near-infrared spectroscopy
3. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation following pedi- (NIRS), measures of end-organ function, for example, urine
atric cardiac surgery should prompt early investigation output, creatinine, liver function tests, and adequacy of car-
and management of possible residual lesions. diac decompression assessed by echocardiography, chest radi-
ography, and ultimately by cardiac catheterization.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Indications, Contraindications, and Special Considerations for Cardiac Indications for Extracorporeal Membrane
Patient-level factors—ECMO Prolonged state of cardiogenic shock (over 6 hours) unlikely to benefit from initiation of ECMO
support would be unlikely to Relative prematurity or low birth weight in neonates (<34 weeks of gestational age or <2.0 kg) with
facilitate survival without likelihood significant morbidity and mortality
of major morbidity Extremes of prematurity or low birth weight (<32 weeks of gestational age or <1.5 kg)
Severe chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., Trisomy 13 or 18)
Irreversible brain damage or Intracranial hemorrhage (grade III or IV IVH)
Uncontrollable hemorrhage should be considered a contraindication for ECMO unless cannulation
to ECMO would assist in source control
Procedural factors Inability to achieve vascular or central access for cannulation
Aortic regurgitation VA ECMO flow results in increased afterload on the left ventricle, and even mild aortic regurgitation
progress to become clinically significant
Attention to left heart decompression or early transition to cardiopulmonary bypass may be required
Interrupted aortic arch Careful attention to the anatomy of head and neck vessels (i.e., location of interruption of arch) is
required before ECMO cannulation to ensure brain perfusion with oxygenated ECMO flow
Stage 1 palliative surgery (S1P) ECMO support after S1P for hypoplastic left heart syndrome is the most frequent postoperative
ECMO indication in neonates
In S1P with systemic to pulmonary shunt, higher ECMO flow may be required (150–200 ml/kg/min)
Temporary shunt restriction to limit pulmonary blood flow and promote systemic blood flow may be
In patients with RV-PA conduit, maintaining cardiac ejection (and thus flow across the conduit) may
prevent shunt thrombosis
Stage 2 and 3 palliative surgery Infants and children after surgical palliation with cavopulmonary anastomoses (Glenn and Fontan
circulations) represent a complex physiologic group in whom stable support with ECMO can be
difficult to establish given the separation of systemic venous return (Table 2)
ECMO, extracorporeal life support; RV-PA, right ventricle to pulmonary artery; VA ECMO, veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Cannulation a recent sternotomy (i.e., less than 10–14 days), with right atrial
access for venous drainage and cannulation of the aorta for arte-
In children supported with ECMO for cardiac indications, rial return.19,20,26 Neck access via the internal jugular vein and
cannulation site, and strategy are determined by the patient’s common carotid artery is the favored peripheral cannulation
size, underlying cardiac anatomy, the anatomy and surgical sites in many smaller children (<5–6 years or <30 kg), balancing
palliation of congenital heart disease, and any recent surgical optimized ECMO flow through the larger upper body vessels
intervention (Table 2). Central cannulation is commonly used against possible increased risk of neurologic adverse events.27,28
in the postcardiopulmonary bypass period or in the presence of For older children, the femoral vein and femoral artery approach
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. ICU ECMO cannulation preparation. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU, intensive care unit.
may be utilized.26 Neck vessel cannulation in younger children Children with congenital heart disease are at risk of periph-
typically necessitates open surgical access, while femoral ves- eral vessel occlusion due to cardiac catheterization access,
sels may be cannulated using either open or Seldinger tech- and knowledge of vessel patency is important before attempted
nique. When femoral vessels are used, limb ischemia is avoided cannulation.10 This is particularly relevant for children with
by using the smallest arterial cannula for desired flow rate, distal single-ventricle physiology palliated to cavopulmonary circu-
reperfusion cannula insertion, and opposing femoral arterial and lations who often require multisite cannulation to maximize
venous vessel site cannulation strategies.29,30 venous drainage (Table 2).
Biventricular circulation or Right atrium Aorta Internal jugular or Common Left atrial decompression may need to be
structurally normal heart femoral carotid or considered
Shunted or RV-PA Common Aorta Internal jugular Common *Peripheral = neck access due to
conduit physiology atrium carotid patient size. Care re: cannula position
(stage 1) with respect to shunt—may result
in overcirculation to lungs or shunt
Superior SVC or Aorta Internal jugular or Common *If femoral approach only used, passive
cavopulmonary common femoral carotid venous return must flow through
anastomosis atrium lungs—ventilation must be optimized.
(stage 2) Additional venous cannula may be
Fontan (stage 3) Fontan baffle Aorta Internal jugular or Common Additional venous cannula often required
or common femoral carotid or
atrium femoral
RV-PA, right ventricle to pulmonary artery; SVC, superior vena cava; VA ECMO, veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 3. Determinants of tissue oxygen delivery on veno-arterial ECMO. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
saturation will be 100%, and the pO2 will be over 300 mm goal is to maintain circuit flow without thrombosis despite
Hg. If the fraction of oxygen on the sweep gas (FdO2) is 100%, artificial circuit exposure. Anticoagulation therapy and mon-
at or below the device rated flow, and the outlet saturation itoring strategies vary between institutions and according to
is less than 95%, the gas exchange device is not working at patient diagnosis and thrombotic versus bleeding consider-
full efficiency (due to irregular flow, clotting). It may be neces- ations.43 Neonates and infants pose particular challenges due
sary to replace it. Oxygen delivery from the circuit should be to physiologic differences in hemostasis.44,45 Extracorporeal
adequate for full support (systemic saturation greater than 95% membrane oxygenation programs must develop an institu-
at low ventilator settings and FiO2). AVO2 difference should tional approach to monitoring and managing anticoagula-
be less than 20–30%. In states of high oxygen demand or tion for patients.46
poor oxygen delivery (low cardiac output, impaired lung gas In recent years, some programs have evolved protocols
exchange), maintaining the hematocrit over 40% (hemoglobin incorporating direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) such as bivali-
~12 g/dl) can optimize oxygen delivery. Patients with already rudin and argatroban, citing some practical and theoretical
impaired oxygen delivery, such as those with palliated single- benefits.47,48 While initially limited to specific instances in
ventricle physiology, should be maintained with a hematocrit which UFH was specifically contraindicated (e.g., heparin-
above 40%, particularly during partial VA ECMO support and induced thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced thrombocytope-
in preparation for weaning. Target paO2 should be maintained nia [HIT], and heparin resistance) the relative predictability of
within normal limits, as hyperoxia during VA ECMO support response and stability in patients on long-term support have
has been associated with mortality.39 led to increased adoption and preferential use in some pro-
grams. Advantages of the use of DTIs include the ability to treat
Carbon Dioxide Clearance or prevent HIT, the lack of dependence on antithrombin, and
reduced time to achieving steady-state concentrations due to
CO2 transfer across the membrane lung is more efficient their short half-life (25 minutes for bivalirudin and 45 minutes
than that of oxygen, and CO2 removal will exceed oxygen for argatroban).47,49 Relative disadvantages of DTIs include
uptake. CO2 clearance is controlled by the sweep gas flow higher cost (10–70× that of UFH in some institutional com-
rate. Increasing sweep gas flow rate increases CO2 clear- parisons) and the lack of reversal agents (mitigated by short
ance but does not affect oxygenation. Initial gas flow to half-life). Due to the lack of reversal agents, DTIs are less com-
blood flow ratio varies across institutions. As a guide, gas monly utilized for cardiopulmonary bypass, and transition
flow rate less than blood flow rate can be used to begin from heparin as used in the operating room must be managed
support, with early arterial blood gas monitoring to avoid carefully, especially for patients with recent cardiotomy and
hypocarbia, aiming for a gradual reduction (over 4–8 hours) central cannulation.
in PaCO2 to minimize rapid shifts in cerebral perfusion in Viscoelastic tests, including thromboelastography or rota-
patients who are hypercapnic at the time of cannulation. If tional thromboelastometry are whole-blood assays measuring
the initial PaCO2 is greater than 70 mm Hg, the PaCO2 should the rapidity and strength of thrombus formation. These tests
be normalized over several hours to avoid rapid changes of provide additional data to standard coagulation panels on clot-
cerebral perfusion related to CO2 and pH, which are associ- ting time, clot formation time, the firmness of clot formation,
ated with neurologic injury and mortality.40,41 If CO2 clear- and clot lysis. They are particularly beneficial in diagnosing
ance is decreased, but oxygenation is adequate, the cause specific aspects of coagulopathy in bleeding patients, such
is usually water accumulation within the gas compartment as those supported for failure to wean from cardiopulmonary
of the membrane lung. This may be cleared by intermittently bypass after complex reconstruction. These tests can identify
increasing sweep gas flow to a higher rate. states of fibrinolysis and help guide targeted treatment of spe-
cific factor or component deficiencies.
Goals Following Cannulation Practice Points Indications for blood product administration relate to patient
and circuit factors, specifically bleeding, evidence of thrombus
1. Following ECMO initiation, inability to achieve desired formation, and flow rates. Centers should refer to the ELSO
blood flow or ongoing evidence of inadequate tissue anticoagulation guideline for detail.
oxygen delivery requires an urgent reassessment of
ECMO strategy/cannulation.
2. With myocardial recovery, the patient's contribution to Blood Product Administration
systemic oxygen content and oxygen delivery increases Patients often receive blood products to maintain hemoglo-
and may require adjustments to ventilation/FiO2. bin and product targets on ECMO.50–52 In the recent Pediatric
3. Increasing the sweep flow will increase CO2 clearance Critical Care Transfusion and Anemia Expertise Initiative
but will not improve oxygenation. consensus statements regarding red blood cell transfusion in
critical illness, there was insufficient evidence for a specific
Anticoagulation; See Extracorporeal Life red blood cell transfusion threshold for children on ECMO,53
Support Anticoagulation Guideline and instead recommending transfusion decision-making to take
Extracorporeal Life Support Red Book, Ch 7 into account evidence of inadequate systemic or regional
oxygen delivery, adoption of blood conservation procedures
Unfractionated heparin (UFH) remains the most commonly and minimization of donor exposure.54 Many center protocols
utilized anticoagulant for pediatric ECMO.38,42 A bolus dose maintain hemoglobin between 10–12 g/dl. There is some evi-
of UFH (50–100 units/kg) is given at cannulation and subse- dence that children on ECMO are more likely to have bleeding
quently administered as a continuous infusion (Figure 2). The complications with a platelet count below 80,000; however,
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3. Indications for vasoactive infusion during VA ECMO support for cardiac indications
support Indication and Benefits and Specific Risks Medication Starting Dose Range
Inotrope Enhancement of contractility in a patient with severe cardiac dysfunction Epinephrine 0.02–0.05 µg/kg/min
to facilitate aortic valve opening and prevent stasis of blood in the Dobutamine 5 µg/kg/min
systemic ventricle and aortic root
To optimize blood pressure and end-organ perfusion
Does not facilitate myocardial rest
Vasopressor Peripheral vasoconstriction is indicated in a patient on VA ECMO for Norepinephrine 0.02–0.05 µg/kg/min
distributive shock, on maximal circuit blood flow with inadequate Vasopressin 0.01–0.06 IU/kg/hr
cardiac output to optimize blood pressure and end-organ perfusion.
Vasodilator Peripheral vasodilation will reduce systemic afterload improving circuit Sodium nitroprusside 0.5–3 µg/kg/min
blood flow and systemic perfusion as well as decreasing left ventricle Milrinone 0.25–1.0 µg/kg/min
afterload, promoting ejection
this may depend on the age of the patient and other factors Ventilator Management
such as recent cardiac surgery and cannulation strategy.50,55
Ventilation management on ECMO should minimize lung
Centers should refer to the ELSO anticoagulation guideline for
injury and optimize lung function to facilitate ECMO separa-
suggested transfusion targets and thresholds.
tion with cardiac recovery. Of note, for patients cannulated
via femoral vessels with poor lung function, as cardiac func-
Patient Management During Extracorporeal Life Support tion recovers, it is native lung function that determines oxygen
Cardiovascular content of antegrade flow from the heart into coronary arteries
and head and neck vessels. These patients may consequently
Heart rate and rhythm. Veno-arterial ECMO is capa- require higher FiO2 ± positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
ble of providing full cardiac output during cardiac arryth- than the “lung rest” settings used when patients are supported
mias. However, arrhythmia can increase myocardial oxygen on ECMO for pulmonary indications.
demands, delay ventricular recovery, and if associated with a Suggested protective lung strategy: Pressure-limited ventila-
lack of cardiac ejection, can lead to ventricular distension and tion, PEEP (8–10 cm H2O), tidal volume <6–8 ml/kg ideal body
inadequate myocardial decompression. Restoration of sinus weight, peak inspiratory pressures <18–20 cm H2O, with a low
rhythm and atrioventricular synchrony with antiarrhythmic rate (10 bpm).57–60
therapy, overdrive pacing, direct current cardioversion, and No single ventilation strategy is universally practiced, and
electrophysiology ablation should be considered. the suggested strategy may need modification in patients with
Blood pressure and vasoactive medications. Patient an open sternum or pulmonary/intrathoracic pathology.61,62
blood pressure is determined by two modifiable factors: Adjuncts to mechanical ventilation may include suctioning,
blood flow (pump flow plus native cardiac output, Figure 3), use of ventilator, bronchoscopy, and prone positioning.63,64
and SVR. The pulse pressure is narrow when the native car- It may be appropriate in carefully selected patients to allow
diac output is minimal on full VA ECMO support. Ideally, spontaneous breathing or extubate in the absence of lung
the arterial pulse pressure is at least 10 mm Hg, with left pathology.
ventricle ejection reducing intracardiac thrombosis risk.
Severely reduced left ventricular systolic function may pre-
Fluid Management, Blood Volume, and Fluid Balance
vent ejection against the VA ECMO flow, even with inotropic
support. This should prompt early consideration of left atrial After stability has been achieved following cannulation,
decompression or alternate support strategies. Adequacy of resuscitation, and blood product replacement, diuresis should
systemic cardiac output is determined by an assessment of be instituted to target euvolemia. If pharmacologic diuresis is
clinical parameters of tissue oxygen delivery: warmth and ineffective, continuous ultrafiltration or renal replacement ther-
color of extremities, urine output, lactate, premembrane apies can be used, often incorporated into the ECMO circuit.
oxygen saturation or AVO2 difference, and NIRS.56 In the
setting of inadequate cardiac output with hypotension, after Neurology and Sedation (Also See Extracorporeal
addressing hypovolaemia, VA ECMO flow can be increased Life Support Sedation Guideline)
or inotropes or vasopressors commenced (Table 3). Signs of
low cardiac output with hypertension on ECMO may neces- Neurologic complications (hemorrhage, thrombosis, and
sitate optimization of sedation and use of vasodilator infu- seizures) are relatively common and adversely affect morbidity
sions. To maintain some intracardiac and pulmonary blood and survival outcomes of children on ECMO for cardiac indi-
flow, target VA ECMO flow can be around 80% of venous cations.21,65–67 Risk factors include weight <3 kg, gestational age
return, reflected by pulse pressure of approximately 10 mm less than 34 weeks, CPR, degree of precannulation vasoactive
Hg monitored with an invasive arterial line. Changes in support, and acidosis.21,68 Surveillance for neurologic events
arterial waveform may reflect myocardial recovery or an includes daily clinical examination if feasible, screening cra-
acute complication (circuit dysfunction, reduced preload, nial ultrasounds, and EEG with more definitive neuroimaging
increased afterload). (CT brain) recommended to detect intracranial hemorrhage
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
patient phenotype being compatible with recovery, preserved conducted over several days. The purpose of weaning ECMO
lung function, end-organ function recovering, and improved is to determine if the patient is ready to trial-off ECMO. The
myocardial function with vasopressors and inotropes at low weaning process varies according to institutional and patient
levels (e.g. epinephrine/norepinephrine ≤0.02–0.05 μg/kg/min factors but would commonly occur over 4–8 hours with a
or dopamine/dobutamine <5 μg/kg/min).79,80 gradual decrease in ECMO flows while optimizing lung ven-
tilation strategy, intravascular volume status, and vasoactive
Timing of Myocardial Recovery medications. The purpose of the trial-off (15 minutes to 2
hours) is to determine if the patient is ready for decannula-
The clinical course of myocardial improvement may be rapid,
tion. Clinical examination, targeted echocardiography, and
for example, 24 hours to 5 days, postcardiotomy or cardiopul-
serial laboratory parameters should be used to assess the
monary bypass, or more prolonged in the case of primary myo-
adequacy of cardiac output and ventricular function during
cardial dysfunction or prolonged ischemia before correction of
ECMO weaning. Once the patient has demonstrated satisfac-
the cardiac lesion.81–85 While the former may be well supported
tory hemodynamics on minimum ECMO support, typically
with ECMO, those with prolonged myocardial dysfunction (>7–
around 50 ml/kg/min, it is reasonable to trial the patient off
10 days) should be considered for other forms of mechanical
ECMO. The main risk during ECMO Trial-Off is circuit throm-
circulatory support as end-organs recover (Figure 4).81,86
bus. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation should not be
reduced below the lowest compatible with the oxygenator in
Signs of Myocardial Recovery the circuit. The risk of clot formation depends on anticoagula-
While supported on VA ECMO, evidence of myocardial tion, circuit size, existing clot burden, and circuit complex-
recovery includes increasing pulse pressure, increasing sys- ity. Adequate anticoagulation during ECMO trial-off must be
tolic pressure, rising end-tidal CO2, and improving ventricu- maintained (using either infusions or intermittent boluses). It
lar systolic function on echocardiography.80,87–89 Loading is usual to carry out a trial-off ECMO for 1–2 hours before
conditions impact assessment of ventricular systolic function decannulation.
on ECMO, but other parameters (aortic velocity time integral There are two broad trial-off strategies:
≥10 cm, left ventricular ejection fraction >20–25%, and lat- 1. Clamp trial. This is the classic approach. Clamping the
eral mitral annulus peak systolic velocity ≥6 cm/s) under low cannula proximal to the patient (clamp trial) allows com-
flow conditions have been predictive of successful ECMO plete separation of the patient from the circuit; circuit
decannulation in adult patients with cardiogenic shock.80,89 flow is maintained around the bridge. Adequate antico-
agulation should be established in the ECMO circuit to
Special Considerations slow thrombosis of the cannulae and lines during the no-
Left atrial decompression. In patients whose support flow state. Every 10–15 minutes, the cannulae are inter-
includes a left atrial vent or atrial septostomy, lower vent flows, mittently flashed by releasing the clamps and clamping
and a drop in circuit, mixed venous oxygenation coincide the bridge for 15–30 seconds.
with left ventricular recovery. Tolerating left atrial or left ven- 2. Pump-controlled retrograde trial-off is a more recently
tricular vent clamping and subsequent removal are initial steps described technique that has been shown to be a safe,
towards weaning. simple, and reproducible approach. This relies on the
Systemic to pulmonary artery shunts. Some patients require retrograde flow generated by the patient’s native cardiac
partial occlusion of their systemic to pulmonary artery shunt or output to maintain circuit integrity, provides a ‘stress
right ventricle to pulmonary artery (RV-PA) conduit to achieve test’ to evaluate cardiorespiratory reserve during the trial
sufficient systemic perfusion on ECMO. In these patients, the sur- period off ECMO by creating an obligatory left to right
geon may need to adjust or remove the partial occlusion to bal- shunt.90,91 This method avoids manipulation of the ECMO
ance pulmonary and systemic blood flow during weaning and circuit without insertion of an arteriovenous bridge and
trialing off ECMO. RV-PA conduits, valved or otherwise, usually circuit clamping.
do not require any restriction to balance systemic and pulmonary 3. Some centers omit the trial-off completely and just dis-
blood flows on ECMO. continue ECMO after weaning but leave the cannula
in place, fill them with heparinized saline and run a
heparin flush through the cannula to maintain patency.
Weaning With LA Decompression Practice Points Decannulation is then carried out after several hours if
1. If myocardial recovery has occurred, clamping of the patient remains stable.
the LA/LV line should improve native cardiac output
(increase pulse pressure). Preparation for Extracorporeal Membrane
2. Clamping and removal of the LA/LV line and confir- Oxygenation Wean, Trial-Off, and Decannulation
mation of sustained LV decompression can be the first
component of a staged ECMO wean. Physiologic conditions during the wean should closely
approximate those after decannulation, including optimized
volume status and consideration of inotropy commencing sev-
Weaning and Trailing Off Extracorporeal eral hours before weaning. Preparing for ECMO trial-off and
Membrane Oxygenation decannulation should include:
Weaning is the term applied to the reduction of ECMO 1. Confirm endotracheal tube position. Optimize ventila-
flow, which accompanies myocardial recovery. It may be tion and lung recruitment for adequate oxygenation and
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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