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IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller

Version 6.4.1

Software Installation and Configuration


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 343.

This edition applies to IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller, Version 6.4.1, and to all subsequent releases
and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
This edition replaces GC27-2286-03.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships
between clustered systems . . . . . . . . 83
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships . . 83
Global Mirror configuration requirements . . . 88
Long distance links for Metro Mirror and Global
About this guide . . . . . . . . . . xiii Mirror partnerships. . . . . . . . . . . 89
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Using the intersystem link for host traffic . . . 91
Who should use this guide . . . . . . . . . xiii Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency
Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . xiii groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Summary of changes for GC27-2286-04, SAN Background copy bandwidth impact on
Volume Controller Software Installation and foreground I/O latency . . . . . . . . . 95
Configuration Guide . . . . . . . . . . xiii Migrating a Metro Mirror relationship to a Global
Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Mirror relationship . . . . . . . . . . . 96
SAN Volume Controller library and related Using FlashCopy to create a consistent image
publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv before restarting a Global Mirror or Metro Mirror
How to order IBM publications . . . . . . . xviii relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Sending your comments . . . . . . . . . xviii Monitoring Global Mirror performance with the
IBM System Storage Productivity Center. . . . 98
Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller The gmlinktolerance feature . . . . . . . . 99
overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Valid combinations of FlashCopy and Metro Mirror
Introduction to the SAN Volume Controller or Global Mirror functions . . . . . . . . . 101
management GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Checking your web browser settings for the Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN
management GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Presets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SAN fabric overview . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Configuration details . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Symmetric virtualization . . . . . . . . . . 11 SAN configuration, zoning, and split-site system
Object overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 rules summary . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Object naming . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 External storage-system configuration details 107
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fibre Channel host bus adapter configuration
Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
I/O groups and uninterruptible power supply. . 20 Fibre Channel over Ethernet host attachments 112
Internal storage and external storage . . . . . 23 Converged network adapter configuration
Storage pools and volumes . . . . . . . . 30 details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
System high availability . . . . . . . . . . 55 iSCSI configuration details . . . . . . . . 113
Node management and support tools. . . . . . 56 Node configuration details . . . . . . . . 116
IBM System Storage Productivity Center. . . . 56 Solid-state drive configuration details . . . . 118
Assist On-site and remote service . . . . . . 57 SAN switch configuration details . . . . . . 120
Event notifications . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Example SAN Volume Controller configurations 125
Inventory information email . . . . . . . . 61 Split-site system configuration overview . . . 127
Performance statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Quorum disk configuration. . . . . . . . 134
User roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 System configuration by using SAN fabrics with
User authentication configuration . . . . . . . 63 long-distance fiber connections . . . . . . 136
Bitmap space configuration for Copy Services,
Chapter 2. Copy Services features . . . 65 volume mirroring, or RAID . . . . . . . 137
FlashCopy function . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Comparison of mirroring methods . . . . . 140
FlashCopy applications . . . . . . . . . 66 Zoning details . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Host considerations for FlashCopy integrity . . 66 Zoning examples . . . . . . . . . . . 143
FlashCopy mappings . . . . . . . . . . 67 Zoning considerations for Metro Mirror and
FlashCopy consistency groups . . . . . . . 75 Global Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Grains and the FlashCopy bitmap . . . . . . 78 Switch operations over long distances . . . . 149
Background copy and cleaning rates . . . . . 78
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror . . . . . . . 80 Chapter 4. Creating a clustered
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships . . 81 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Initiating system creation from the front panel . . 151

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 iii

Creating a system with an IPv4 address . . . 153 Quorum disk creation and extent allocation . . . 197
Creating a system with an IPv6 address . . . 154 Manual discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Servicing storage systems . . . . . . . . . 198
Chapter 5. Upgrading the system . . . 157 Configuring IBM Storwize V7000, Storwize V7000
Obtaining the SAN Volume Controller software Unified, or Flex System V7000 Storage Node
packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 storage systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Upgrading the software automatically . . . . . 162 Configuring Bull FDA systems . . . . . . . 200
Upgrading drive firmware . . . . . . . . . 163 Supported firmware levels for the Bull FDA . . 200
Upgrading the software manually . . . . . . 163 Logical unit creation and deletion for Bull FDA 200
Preparing to upgrade the system . . . . . . 164 Platform type for Bull FDA. . . . . . . . 200
Preparing to upgrade individual nodes . . . . 165 Access control methods for Bull FDA . . . . 200
Upgrading all nodes except the configuration Setting cache allocations for Bull FDA . . . . 201
node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Snapshot Volume and Link Volume for Bull
Upgrading the configuration node . . . . . 167 FDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Completing the software upgrade . . . . . 167 Configuring Compellent storage systems . . . . 201
Configuring EMC CLARiiON systems . . . . . 204
Access Logix . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes
Configuring the EMC CLARiiON controller
to an existing clustered system . . . 169 with Access Logix installed . . . . . . . . 204
Replacing nodes nondisruptively . . . . . . . 169 Configuring the EMC CLARiiON controller
Overview: Adding nodes to an existing clustered without Access Logix installed . . . . . . 207
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Supported models of the EMC CLARiiON. . . 207
Replacing a faulty node in a clustered system . . 175 Supported firmware levels for the EMC
CLARiiON . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing Concurrent maintenance on EMC CLARiiON
external storage systems . . . . . . 179 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Identifying your storage system . . . . . . . 179 EMC CLARiiON user interfaces . . . . . . 208
SCSI back-end layer . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Sharing the EMC CLARiiON between a host
Controlling access to storage systems and and the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . 209
devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Switch zoning limitations for the EMC
Configuration guidelines for storage systems . . . 180 CLARiiON systems . . . . . . . . . . 209
Logical disk configuration guidelines for storage Quorum disks on the EMC CLARiiON . . . . 209
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Advanced functions for the EMC CLARiiON 210
RAID configuration guidelines for storage Logical unit creation and deletion on the EMC
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 CLARiiON . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Optimal storage pool configuration guidelines Configuring settings for the EMC CLARiiON 210
for storage systems . . . . . . . . . . 182 Configuring EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX
FlashCopy mapping guidelines for storage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Supported models of the EMC Symmetrix and
Image mode volumes and data migration Symmetrix DMX controllers . . . . . . . 213
guidelines for storage systems . . . . . . . 183 Supported firmware levels for the EMC
Configuring a balanced storage system . . . . . 184 Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . 213
Storage system requirements . . . . . . . . 187 Concurrent maintenance on the EMC Symmetrix
Storage system requirements for FlashCopy, and Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . 213
volume mirroring, and thin-provisioned User interfaces on EMC Symmetrix and
volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Discovering logical units . . . . . . . . . 189 Sharing the EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix
Expanding a logical unit using the CLI . . . . . 190 DMX system between a host and a SAN Volume
Modifying a logical unit mapping using the CLI 190 Controller clustered system. . . . . . . . 214
Accessing storage systems with multiple remote Switch zoning limitations for the EMC
ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . 215
Determining a storage system name from its SAN Quorum disks on EMC Symmetrix and
Volume Controller name using the CLI . . . . . 193 Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Renaming a storage system using the CLI . . . . 193 Advanced functions for EMC Symmetrix and
Changing the configuration of an existing storage Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . . 215
system using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . 193 LU creation and deletion on EMC Symmetrix
Adding a new storage system to a running and Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . 216
configuration using the CLI . . . . . . . . 194 Configuring settings for the EMC Symmetrix
Removing a storage system using the CLI . . . . 195 and Symmetrix DMX . . . . . . . . . . 216
Removing MDisks that represent unconfigured LUs Configuring EMC VMAX systems . . . . . . 219
using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

iv SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Supported models of the EMC VMAX Logical unit creation and deletion on IBM
controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000 and IBM
Supported firmware levels for the EMC VMAX 219 DS3000 systems . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Concurrent maintenance on the EMC VMAX 219 Configuration interface for IBM System Storage
User interfaces on EMC VMAX . . . . . . 220 DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . 237
Sharing the EMC VMAX system between a host Controller settings for IBM System Storage
and a SAN Volume Controller clustered system . 220 DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . 238
Switch zoning limitations for the EMC VMAX 221 Configuring IBM System Storage DS6000 systems 240
Quorum disks on EMC VMAX . . . . . . 221 Configuring the IBM DS6000 . . . . . . . 240
Advanced functions for EMC VMAX . . . . 222 Supported firmware levels for the IBM DS6000 241
LU creation and deletion on EMC VMAX . . . 222 Supported models of the IBM DS6000 series . . 242
Configuring settings for the EMC VMAX . . . 222 User interfaces on the IBM DS6000 . . . . . 242
Configuring Fujitsu ETERNUS systems . . . . . 225 Concurrent maintenance on the IBM DS6000 242
Supported models of the Fujitsu ETERNUS . . 225 Target port groups on the IBM DS6000 . . . . 242
Supported firmware levels for the Fujitsu Sharing an IBM System Storage DS6000 system
ETERNUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 between a host and the SAN Volume Controller . 242
User interfaces on the Fujitsu ETERNUS . . . 226 Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS6000
Configuring the Fujitsu ETERNUS to use with systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 226 Configuring IBM System Storage DS8000 systems 242
Zoning configuration for the Fujitsu ETERNUS 228 Configuring the IBM DS8000 . . . . . . . 242
Migrating logical units from the Fujitsu Supported firmware levels for the IBM DS8000 243
ETERNUS to the SAN Volume Controller . . . 229 Supported models of the IBM DS8000 . . . . 244
Concurrent maintenance on the Fujitsu User interfaces on the IBM DS8000 . . . . . 244
ETERNUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Concurrent maintenance for the IBM DS8000 244
Advanced functions for the Fujitsu ETERNUS 229 Sharing an IBM System Storage DS8000 system
Configuring IBM TotalStorage ESS systems . . . 229 between a host and the SAN Volume Controller . 244
Configuring the IBM ESS . . . . . . . . 229 Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS8000
Supported models of the IBM ESS . . . . . 230 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Supported firmware levels for the IBM ESS . . 231 Configuring HDS Lightning series systems . . . 244
Concurrent maintenance on the IBM ESS . . . 231 Supported models of the HDS Lightning . . . 244
User interface on the IBM ESS . . . . . . . 231 Supported firmware levels for HDS Lightning 245
Sharing the IBM ESS between a host and the Concurrent maintenance on the HDS Lightning 245
SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . 231 User interface on HDS Lightning . . . . . . 245
Switch zoning limitations for the IBM ESS. . . 231 Sharing the HDS Lightning 99xxV between a
Quorum disks on the IBM ESS . . . . . . 232 host and the SAN Volume Controller . . . . 245
Advanced functions for the IBM ESS . . . . 232 Switch zone limitations for HDS Lightning . . 246
Logical unit creation and deletion on the IBM Quorum disks on HDS Lightning 99xxV . . . 246
ESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Advanced functions for HDS Lightning . . . 246
Configuring IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM Logical unit configuration for HDS Lightning 247
DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . . . . . . 232 Configuring settings for HDS Lightning . . . 248
Configuring IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM Configuring HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS
DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems for the 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
storage server . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Supported options for IBM System Storage Supported HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,
DS5000. IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . 234 AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
Supported models of IBM System Storage WMS models . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
DS5000, IBM DS4000 and IBM DS3000 systems . 235 Supported firmware levels for HDS Thunder,
Supported firmware levels for IBM System Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and
Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 HDS TagmaStore WMS . . . . . . . . . 250
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Concurrent maintenance on HDS Thunder,
Concurrent maintenance on IBM System Storage Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and
DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . 235 HDS TagmaStore WMS systems . . . . . . 250
Sharing an IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM User interface on HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS
DS4000, or IBM DS3000 systems between a host 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
and SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 235 TagmaStore WMS systems . . . . . . . . 250
Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS5000, Sharing the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,
IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . . . . 236 AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or HDS TagmaStore
Advanced functions for IBM System Storage WMS between a host and the SAN Volume
DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems . 236 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Contents v
Switch zoning limitations for HDS Thunder, Configuring HP 3PAR F-Class and T-Class storage
Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
HDS TagmaStore WMS . . . . . . . . . 251 HP 3PAR supported models . . . . . . . 272
Supported topologies . . . . . . . . . . 252 Supported HP 3PAR firmware levels . . . . 272
Quorum disks on HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS Concurrent maintenance on HP 3PAR systems 272
200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS HP 3PAR user interfaces. . . . . . . . . 272
TagmaStore WMS systems . . . . . . . . 252 Logical units and target ports on HP 3PAR
Host type for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore Switch zoning for HP 3PAR storage systems . . 274
WMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Configuration settings for HP 3PAR systems . . 275
Advanced functions for HDS Thunder, Hitachi Quorum disks on HP 3PAR storage arrays . . 276
AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS Clearing SCSI reservations and registrations . . 276
TagmaStore WMS . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Copy functions for HP 3PAR storage array . . 276
Logical unit creation and deletion on HDS Thin provisioning for HP 3PAR storage array 276
Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS Configuring HP StorageWorks MA and EMA
1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems . . . 253 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Configuring settings for HDS Thunder, Hitachi HP MA and EMA definitions . . . . . . . 277
AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS Configuring HP MA and EMA systems. . . . 279
TagmaStore WMS systems . . . . . . . . 254 Supported models of HP MA and EMA systems 281
Configuring HDS TagmaStore USP and NSC Supported firmware levels for HP MA and
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 EMA systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Supported models of the HDS USP and NSC 259 Concurrent maintenance on HP MA and EMA
Supported firmware levels for HDS USP and systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
NSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Configuration interface for HP MA and EMA
User interface on the HDS USP and NSC . . . 260 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Logical units and target ports on the HDS USP Sharing the HP MA or EMA between a host and
and NSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 a SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . 282
Switch zoning limitations for the HDS USP and Switch zoning limitations for HP MA and EMA
NSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Concurrent maintenance on the HDS USP and Quorum disks on HP MA and EMA systems 283
NSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Advanced functions for HP MA and EMA. . . 283
Quorum disks on HDS USP and NSC . . . . 261 SAN Volume Controller advanced functions . . 284
Host type for HDS USP and NSC systems . . . 262 LU creation and deletion on the HP MA and
Advanced functions for HDS USP and NSC . . 262 EMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Configuring Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family Configuring settings for the HP MA and EMA 285
of systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Configuring HP StorageWorks EVA systems . . . 288
Supported Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family Supported models of the HP EVA . . . . . 288
of systems models . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Supported firmware levels for HP EVA. . . . 288
Supported firmware levels for Hitachi Concurrent maintenance on the HP EVA . . . 288
TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems . . . 264 User interface on the HP EVA system . . . . 289
Concurrent maintenance on Hitachi TagmaStore Sharing the HP EVA controller between a host
AMS 2000 family of systems . . . . . . . 264 and the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . 289
User interface on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 Switch zoning limitations for the HP EVA
family of systems . . . . . . . . . . . 264 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Sharing the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 Quorum disks on HP StorageWorks EVA
family of systems between a host and the SAN systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Copy functions for HP StorageWorks EVA
Switch zoning limitations for Hitachi systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems . . . 265 Logical unit configuration on the HP EVA . . . 289
Supported topologies . . . . . . . . . . 265 Logical unit presentation . . . . . . . . 290
Quorum disks on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 Configuration interface for the HP EVA . . . 290
family of systems . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Configuration settings for HP StorageWorks
Host type for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 EVA systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
family of systems . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Configuring HP StorageWorks MSA1000 and
Advanced functions for Hitachi TagmaStore MSA1500 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
AMS 2000 family of systems . . . . . . . 266 Supported models of the HP MSA1000 and
Logical unit creation and deletion on Hitachi MSA1500 system . . . . . . . . . . . 292
TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems . . . 267 Supported firmware levels for the HP MSA1000
Configuring settings for Hitachi TagmaStore and MSA1500 . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
AMS 2000 family of systems . . . . . . . 267 User interfaces on the HP MSA1000 and
MSA1500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

vi SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Logical unit creation, deletion, and migration Supported firmware levels of Pillar Axiom
for HP StorageWorks MSA systems . . . . . 292 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Sharing the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 Concurrent maintenance on Pillar Axiom
between a host and the SAN Volume Controller . 294 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Concurrent maintenance on the HP MSA1000 Pillar Axiom user interfaces . . . . . . . 309
and MSA1500 . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Logical units and target ports on Pillar Axiom
Quorum disks on the HP MSA . . . . . . 294 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Advanced functions for the HP MSA . . . . 294 Switch zoning limitations for Pillar Axiom
Global settings for HP MSA systems. . . . . 294 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Configuring HP StorageWorks MSA2000 storage Configuration settings for Pillar Axiom systems 311
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Quorum disks on Pillar Axiom systems . . . 313
HP MSA2000 supported models . . . . . . 295 Copy functions for Pillar Axiom systems . . . 313
Supported HP MSA2000 firmware levels . . . 295 Configuring Texas Memory Systems RamSan Solid
HP MSA2000 user interfaces . . . . . . . 295 State Storage systems. . . . . . . . . . . 313
Concurrent maintenance on MSA2000 systems 296 TMS RamSan Solid State Storage supported
Logical units and target ports on MSA2000 models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Supported TMS RamSan firmware levels . . . 313
Switch zoning for MSA2000 storage systems . . 299 Concurrent maintenance on RamSan systems 313
Configuration settings for MSA2000 systems 300 RamSan user interfaces . . . . . . . . . 314
Quorum disks on MSA2000 systems. . . . . 301 Logical units and target ports on RamSan
Copy functions for MSA2000 systems . . . . 301 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Configuring NEC iStorage systems . . . . . . 301 Switch zoning for RamSan storage systems . . 316
Supported firmware levels for the NEC iStorage 301 Configuration settings for RamSan systems . . 316
Logical unit creation and deletion for NEC Quorum disks on RamSan systems . . . . . 318
iStorage systems . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Copy functions for RamSan systems. . . . . 318
Platform type for NEC iStorage . . . . . . 302 Configuring Xiotech ISE systems . . . . . . . 318
Access control methods for NEC iStorage . . . 302 Supported Xiotech ISE models. . . . . . . 318
Setting cache allocations for NEC iStorage . . . 302 Supported Xiotech ISE firmware levels . . . . 318
Snapshot Volume and Link Volume for NEC Concurrent maintenance on Xiotech ISE systems 318
iStorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Xiotech ISE user interfaces . . . . . . . . 319
Configuring NetApp FAS systems . . . . . . 302 Logical units and target ports on Xiotech ISE
Supported models of the NetApp FAS system 303 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Supported firmware levels for the NetApp FAS 303 Switch zoning limitations for Xiotech ISE
User interfaces on the NetApp FAS . . . . . 303 storage systems. . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Logical units and target ports on NetApp FAS Configuration settings for Xiotech ISE systems 322
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Quorum disks on Xiotech ISE systems . . . . 322
Creating logical units on the NetApp FAS . . . 304 Copy functions for Xiotech ISE systems . . . 323
Deleting logical units on the NetApp FAS . . . 304 Configuring IBM XIV Storage System models . . 323
Creating host objects for the NetApp FAS . . . 305 Supported IBM XIV Storage System models . . 323
Presenting LUNs to hosts for NetApp FAS . . 305 Supported IBM XIV firmware levels . . . . . 323
Switch zoning limitations for NetApp FAS Concurrent maintenance on IBM XIV Storage
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 System models . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Concurrent maintenance on the NetApp FAS 306 IBM XIV user interfaces . . . . . . . . . 323
Quorum disks on the NetApp FAS . . . . . 306 Logical units and target ports on IBM XIV
Advanced functions for the NetApp FAS . . . 306 Storage System models . . . . . . . . . 324
Configuring Nexsan SATABeast systems . . . . 306 Switch zoning limitations for IBM XIV systems 326
Supported models of the Nexsan SATABeast Configuration settings for IBM XIV systems . . 326
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Quorum disks on IBM XIV systems . . . . . 328
Supported firmware levels for the Nexsan Copy functions for IBM XIV Storage System
SATABeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Concurrent maintenance on Nexsan SATABeast
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Chapter 8. IBM System Storage
User interfaces on the Nexsan SATABeast . . . 307 support for Microsoft Volume Shadow
Logical unit creation, deletion, and migration
for Nexsan SATABeast systems . . . . . . 307
Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service
Sharing the Nexsan SATABeast between a host for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
and the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . 308 Installation overview . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Quorum disks on the Nexsan SATABeast . . . 308 System requirements for the IBM System
Advanced functions for the Nexsan SATABeast 308 Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow
Configuring Pillar Axiom systems . . . . . . 308 Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software . 330
Supported models of Pillar Axiom systems . . 309

Contents vii
Installing the IBM System Storage Support for Uninstalling the IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software . . . . . . . 330 Virtual Disk Service software . . . . . . . . 339
Configuring the VMware Web Service
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Appendix. Accessibility features for
Creating the free and reserved pools of volumes 333 IBM SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . 341
Verifying the installation . . . . . . . . 334
Changing the configuration parameters. . . . . 335
Adding, removing, or listing volumes and Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
FlashCopy relationships . . . . . . . . . . 336 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Error codes for IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Virtual Disk Service software . . . . . . . . 337

viii SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

1. SAN Volume Controller system in a fabric 2 27. Storage system shared between SAN Volume
2. Data flow in a SAN Volume Controller system 3 Controller node and a host . . . . . . . 109
3. SAN Volume Controller nodes with internal 28. IBM System Storage DS8000 LUs accessed
SSDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 directly with a SAN Volume Controller node . 110
4. Levels of virtualization . . . . . . . . . 11 29. IBM DS5000 direct connection with a SAN
5. Symmetric virtualization . . . . . . . . 12 Volume Controller node on one host . . . . 111
6. Clustered system, nodes, and system state 18 30. Fabric with ISL between nodes in a system 121
7. Configuration node . . . . . . . . . . 20 31. Fabric with ISL in a redundant configuration 122
8. I/O group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 32. Fibre Channel forwarder linked to existing
9. Storage Systems and MDisks. . . . . . . 25 Fibre Channel SAN . . . . . . . . . 123
10. RAID objects . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 33. Fibre Channel forwarder linked to hosts and
11. Storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 storage systems without an existing Fibre
12. Storage pools and volumes . . . . . . . 40 Channel SAN . . . . . . . . . . . 123
13. Hosts, WWPNs, IQNs or EUIs, and volumes 54 34. Fibre Channel host connects into the Fibre
14. Hosts, WWPNs, IQNs or EUIs, volumes, and Channel ports on the Fibre Channel
SCSI mappings . . . . . . . . . . . 54 forwarder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
15. Overview of the IBM System Storage 35. Fibre Channel host connects into the Fibre
Productivity Center . . . . . . . . . . 57 Channel ports on the Fibre Channel
16. Incremental FlashCopy of differences . . . . 68 forwarder without an existing Fibre Channel
17. Cascading FlashCopy volumes . . . . . . 69 SAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
18. Two systems with no partnerships . . . . . 84 36. Simple SAN configuration . . . . . . . 125
19. Two systems with one partnership . . . . . 84 37. SAN configuration with a medium-sized
20. Four systems in a partnership. System A might fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
be a disaster recovery site. . . . . . . . 85 38. SAN configuration with a large fabric 126
21. Three systems in a migration situation. Data 39. SAN configuration across two sites . . . . 127
Center B is migrating to C. System A is host 40. A split-site system with a quorum disk
production, and System B and System C are located at a third site . . . . . . . . . 128
disaster recovery.. . . . . . . . . . . 85 | 41. Split-site system nodes with ISLs, DS3000,
22. Systems in a fully connected mesh | DS4000, and DS5000 connected to both fabrics 133
configuration. Every system has a partnership 42. An example of a host zone . . . . . . . 145
to each of the three other systems. . . . . . 85 43. An example of a storage system zone 146
23. Four systems in three partnerships . . . . . 85 44. An example of a system zone . . . . . . 146
24. An unsupported system configuration . . . 86 45. New Cluster IP4? and New Cluster IP6?
25. Example configuration for replication between options on the front-panel display . . . . 152
SAN Volume Controller and a Storwize V7000 46. Suggested cabling to attach the Compellent
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 storage system . . . . . . . . . . . 202
26. Redundant fabrics . . . . . . . . . . 90

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 ix

x SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
1. SAN Volume Controller library . . . . . . xv 44. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX global
2. Other IBM publications . . . . . . . . xvii settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
3. IBM documentation and related websites xvii 45. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX port
4. SAN Volume Controller communications types 4 settings that can be used with the SAN
5. Volume presets and their uses. . . . . . . 7 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 217
6. FlashCopy presets. . . . . . . . . . . 8 46. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX LU
7. SSD RAID presets . . . . . . . . . . . 9 settings supported by the SAN Volume
8. Node state . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
9. MDisk status . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 47. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX
10. RAID level comparison . . . . . . . . 28 initiator settings supported by the SAN
11. Storage pool status . . . . . . . . . . 31 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 218
12. Volume states . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 48. EMC VMAX global settings . . . . . . . 223
13. Volume cache modes . . . . . . . . . 42 49. EMC VMAX port settings . . . . . . . 224
14. Compression ratio for data types . . . . . 44 50. EMC VMAX LU settings supported by the
15. CPU utilization of nodes . . . . . . . . 45 SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . 224
16. Notification levels . . . . . . . . . . 58 51. EMC VMAX fibre-specific flag settings
17. SAN Volume Controller notification types and supported by the SAN Volume Controller . . 224
corresponding syslog level codes . . . . . 60 52. IBM System Storage DS5000, DS4000, and
18. SAN Volume Controller values of user-defined IBM DS3000 system global options and
message origin identifiers and syslog facility settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 53. Option settings for a LUN . . . . . . . 239
19. FlashCopy mapping events . . . . . . . 73 54. HDS Lightning global settings supported by
20. FlashCopy consistency group states . . . . 76 the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 248
21. Relationship between the rate, data rate and 55. HDS Lightning controller settings that are
grains per second values . . . . . . . . 78 supported by the SAN Volume Controller . . 249
22. Intersystem heartbeat traffic in Mbps . . . . 90 56. HDS Lightning port settings supported by the
23. Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . 249
group states . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 57. HDS Lightning LU settings for the SAN
24. Bitmap space configuration for system that is Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 249
first installed with V6.1.0 . . . . . . . 137 58. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
25. Examples of memory required . . . . . . 138 and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
26. RAID requirements . . . . . . . . . 139 systems global settings supported by the SAN
27. Volume mirroring comparison . . . . . . 140 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 254
28. Two hosts and their ports . . . . . . . 144 59. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
29. Two storage systems and their ports . . . . 144 and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
30. Six hosts and their ports . . . . . . . . 147 system port settings supported by the SAN
31. Three storage systems and their ports 147 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 256
32. Upgrading tasks . . . . . . . . . . 157 60. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
33. Resynchronization rates of volume copies 159 and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
34. Node model names and software version systems LU settings for the SAN Volume
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
35. Calculate the I/O rate. . . . . . . . . 185 61. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
36. Calculate the impact of FlashCopy mappings 185 systems global settings supported by the SAN
37. Determine if the storage system is overloaded 186 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 268
38. Performance impact estimates for FlashCopy, 62. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
volume mirroring, and thin-provisioned systems port settings supported by the SAN
volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . 269
39. Storage system port selection algorithm 192 63. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
40. EMC CLARiiON global settings supported by systems LU settings for the SAN Volume
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 210 Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
41. EMC CLARiiON controller settings supported 64. HSG80 controller container types for LU
by the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . 211 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 284
42. EMC CLARiiON port settings . . . . . . 211 65. HP MA and EMA global settings supported
43. EMC CLARiiON LU settings supported by by the SAN Volume Controller. . . . . . 285
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 212 66. HSG80 controller settings that are supported
by the SAN Volume Controller. . . . . . 285

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 xi

67. HSG80 controller port settings supported by 77. Pillar Axiom LU options and required
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 286 settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
68. HSG80 controller LU settings supported by 78. Pillar Axiom host options and required
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 286 settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
69. HSG80 connection default and required 79. RamSan LU options . . . . . . . . . 316
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 80. Host information for Xiotech ISE . . . . . 320
70. HP StorageWorks EVA global options and 81. Xiotech ISE LU settings . . . . . . . . 322
required settings . . . . . . . . . . 291 82. IBM XIV options and required settings 327
71. HP StorageWorks EVA LU options and 83. IBM XIV Type Number 2810 and XIV Nextra
required settings . . . . . . . . . . 291 host options and required settings . . . . 328
72. HP EVA host options and required settings 292 84. VMware parameters . . . . . . . . . 332
73. MSA2000 system port settings for use with 85. Configuration commands . . . . . . . 335
the SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . 300 86. Pool management commands . . . . . . 336
74. Preferred options for logical units (LU) 301 87. Error messages for the IBM System Storage
75. Nexsan SATABeast host profile settings 308 Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
76. Pillar Axiom global options and required Service and Virtual Disk Service software . . 338
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

xii SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

About this guide
This publication provides information that helps you configure and use the IBM®
System Storage® SAN Volume Controller.

This publication also describes the configuration tools, both command-line and
web-based, that you can use to define, expand, and maintain the storage of the
SAN Volume Controller.

IBM has a long-standing commitment to people with disabilities. In keeping with
that commitment to accessibility, IBM strongly supports the U.S. Federal
government's use of accessibility as a criterion in the procurement of Electronic
Information Technology (EIT).

IBM strives to provide products with usable access for everyone, regardless of age
or ability.

This product uses standard Windows navigation keys.

For more information, see “Accessibility features for IBM SAN Volume Controller,”
on page 341.

Who should use this guide

This guide is intended for system administrators or others who install, configure,
and use the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller.

Before using the SAN Volume Controller, you should have an understanding of
storage area networks (SANs), the storage requirements of your enterprise, and the
capabilities of your storage units.

Summary of changes
This summary of changes describes new functions that have been added to this
release. Technical changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by
a vertical line to the left of the change. This document also contains terminology,
maintenance, and editorial changes.

Summary of changes for GC27-2286-04, SAN Volume

Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide
This summary of changes provides a list of new, modified, and changed
information since the last version of the guide. This topic describes the changes to
this guide since the previous edition, GC27-2286-03.

Changed information

The following topics were updated in this document:

v iSCSI configuration details

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 xiii

v Configuring remote authentication service with Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) using the CLI
v Logical units and target ports on RamSan systems
v Configuration settings for RamSan systems
v Supported Xiotech ISE models
v Supported Xiotech ISE firmware levels
v Logical units and target ports on Xiotech ISE systems
v Configuration settings for Xiotech ISE systems
v Configuring for fast fail and dynamic tracking
v Upgrading all nodes except the configuration node
v Upgrading the software manually

Information from Configuration Guidelines for Extended Distance Split-System

Configurations for IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller was added to several
topics in Chapter 3, Configuration details topics.

Different typefaces are used in this guide to show emphasis.

The following typefaces are used to show emphasis:

Boldface Text in boldface represents menu items.

Bold monospace Text in bold monospace represents command
Italics Text in italics is used to emphasize a word.
In command syntax, it is used for variables
for which you supply actual values, such as
a default directory or the name of a system.
Monospace Text in monospace identifies the data or
commands that you type, samples of
command output, examples of program code
or messages from the system, or names of
command flags, parameters, arguments, and
name-value pairs.

SAN Volume Controller library and related publications

Product manuals, other publications, and websites contain information that relates
to SAN Volume Controller.

SAN Volume Controller Information Center

The IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Information Center contains all of
the information that is required to install, configure, and manage the SAN Volume
Controller. The information center is updated between SAN Volume Controller
product releases to provide the most current documentation. The information
center is available at the following website:

xiv SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

SAN Volume Controller library

Unless otherwise noted, the publications in the SAN Volume Controller library are
available in Adobe portable document format (PDF) from the following website:

Each of the PDF publications in Table 1 is available in this information center by

clicking the number in the “Order number” column:
Table 1. SAN Volume Controller library
Title Description Order number
IBM System Storage SAN This guide provides the GC27-3923
Volume Controller Model instructions that the IBM
2145-CG8 Hardware service representative uses to
Installation Guide install the hardware for SAN
Volume Controller model
IBM System Storage SAN This guide provides the GC27-2283
Volume Controller Hardware instructions that the IBM
Maintenance Guide service representative uses to
service the SAN Volume
Controller hardware,
including the removal and
replacement of parts.
IBM System Storage SAN This guide describes the GC27-2284
Volume Controller features of each SAN Volume
Troubleshooting Guide Controller model, explains
how to use the front panel,
and provides maintenance
analysis procedures to help
you diagnose and solve
problems with the SAN
Volume Controller.
IBM System Storage SAN This guide provides GC27-2286
Volume Controller Software guidelines for configuring
Installation and Configuration your SAN Volume Controller.
Guide Instructions for backing up
and restoring the cluster
configuration, using and
upgrading the management
GUI, using the CLI,
upgrading the SAN Volume
Controller software, and
replacing or adding nodes to
a cluster are included.

About this guide xv

Table 1. SAN Volume Controller library (continued)
Title Description Order number
IBM System Storage SAN This guide describes the GC27-2288
Volume Controller CIM Agent concepts of the Common
Developer's Guide Information Model (CIM)
environment. Procedures
describe such tasks as using
the CIM agent object class
instances to complete basic
storage configuration tasks,
establishing new Copy
Services relationships, and
performing CIM agent
maintenance and diagnostic
IBM Systems Safety Notices This guide contains G229-9054
translated caution and
danger statements. Each
caution and danger
statement in the SAN
Volume Controller
documentation has a number
that you can use to locate the
corresponding statement in
your language in the IBM
Systems Safety Notices
IBM System Storage SAN This document introduces GA32-0843
Volume Controller Read First the major components of the
Flyer SAN Volume Controller
system and describes how to
get started installing the
hardware and software.
IBM System Storage SAN This guide describes the GC27-2287
Volume Controller and IBM commands that you can use
Storwize V7000 Command-Line from the SAN Volume
Interface User's Guide Controller command-line
interface (CLI).
IBM Statement of Limited This multilingual document Part number: 4377322
Warranty (2145 and 2076) provides information about
the IBM warranty for
machine types 2145 and
IBM License Agreement for This multilingual guide SC28-6872 (contains
Machine Code contains the License Z125-5468)
Agreement for Machine
Code for the SAN Volume
Controller product.

Other IBM publications

Table 2 on page xvii lists IBM publications that contain information related to the
SAN Volume Controller.

xvi SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 2. Other IBM publications
Title Description Order number
IBM System Storage This guide introduces the IBM SC23-8824
Productivity Center System Storage Productivity
Introduction and Planning Center hardware and software.
Read This First: Installing the This guide describes how to GI11-8938
IBM System Storage install the IBM System Storage
Productivity Center Productivity Center hardware.
IBM System Storage This guide describes how to SC27-2336
Productivity Center User's configure the IBM System
Guide Storage Productivity Center
IBM System Storage Multipath This guide describes the IBM GC52-1309
Subsystem Device Driver System Storage Multipath
User's Guide Subsystem Device Driver for IBM
System Storage products and
how to use it with the SAN
Volume Controller.
IBM Storage Management This guide describes how to GC27-3909
Pack for Microsoft System install, configure, and use the
Center Operations Manager IBM Storage Management Pack
User Guide for Microsoft System Center epubs/pdf/c2739092.pdf
Operations Manager (SCOM).
IBM Storage Management This publication describes how to GA32-0929
Console for VMware vCenter, install, configure, and use the
version 3.0.0, User Guide IBM Storage Management
Console for VMware vCenter, epubs/pdf/a3209295.pdf
which enables SAN Volume
Controller and other IBM storage
systems to be integrated in
VMware vCenter environments.

IBM documentation and related websites

Table 3 lists websites that provide publications and other information about the
SAN Volume Controller or related products or technologies.
Table 3. IBM documentation and related websites
Website Address
Support for SAN Volume Controller
Support for IBM System Storage
and IBM TotalStorage products
IBM Publications Center
IBM Redbooks® publications

Related accessibility information

To view a PDF file, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded
from the Adobe website:

About this guide xvii

How to order IBM publications

The IBM Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBM product
publications and marketing material.

The IBM Publications Center offers customized search functions to help you find
the publications that you need. Some publications are available for you to view or
download at no charge. You can also order publications. The publications center
displays prices in your local currency. You can access the IBM Publications Center
through the following website:

Sending your comments

Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information.

To submit any comments about this book or any other SAN Volume Controller
v Go to the feedback page on the website for the SAN Volume Controller
Information Center at
index.jsp?topic=/ There you can
use the feedback page to enter and submit comments or browse to the topic and
use the feedback link in the running footer of that page to identify the topic for
which you have a comment.
v Send your comments by email to [email protected]. Include the following
information for this publication or use suitable replacements for the publication
title and form number for the publication on which you are commenting:
– Publication title: IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation
and Configuration Guide
– Publication form number: GC27-2286-02
– Page, table, or illustration numbers that you are commenting on
– A detailed description of any information that should be changed

xviii SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview
The SAN Volume Controller combines software and hardware into a
comprehensive, modular appliance that uses symmetric virtualization.

Symmetric virtualization is achieved by creating a pool of managed disks (MDisks)

from the attached storage systems. Those storage systems are then mapped to a set
of volumes for use by attached host systems. System administrators can view and
access a common pool of storage on the storage area network (SAN). This
functionality helps administrators to use storage resources more efficiently and
provides a common base for advanced functions.

A SAN is a high-speed Fibre Channel network that connects host systems and
storage devices. In a SAN, a host system can be connected to a storage device
across the network. The connections are made through units such as routers and
switches. The area of the network that contains these units is known as the fabric of
the network.

SAN Volume Controller software

The SAN Volume Controller software performs the following functions for the host
systems that attach to SAN Volume Controller:
v Creates a single pool of storage
v Provides logical unit virtualization
v Manages logical volumes
v Mirrors logical volumes

The SAN Volume Controller system also provides the following functions:
v Large scalable cache
v Copy Services
– IBM FlashCopy® (point-in-time copy) function, including thin-provisioned
FlashCopy to make multiple targets affordable
– Metro Mirror (synchronous copy)
– Global Mirror (asynchronous copy)
– Data migration
v Space management
– IBM System Storage Easy Tier® to migrate the most frequently used data to
higher performing storage
– Metering of service quality when combined with IBM Tivoli® Storage
Productivity Center
– Thin-provisioned logical volumes
– Compressed volumes to consolidate storage

Figure 1 on page 2 shows hosts, SAN Volume Controller nodes, and RAID storage
systems connected to a SAN fabric. The redundant SAN fabric comprises a
fault-tolerant arrangement of two or more counterpart SANs that provide alternate
paths for each SAN-attached device.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 1

Host Host Host Host

Host zone

SAN fabric


storage system storage system

Storage system zone

Figure 1. SAN Volume Controller system in a fabric


A system of SAN Volume Controller nodes presents volumes to the hosts. Most of
the advanced functions that SAN Volume Controller provides are defined on
volumes. These volumes are created from managed disks (MDisks) that are
presented by the RAID storage systems. All data transfer occurs through the SAN
Volume Controller nodes, which is described as symmetric virtualization.

Figure 2 shows the data flow across the fabric.

2 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Host Host Host Host

Hosts send I/O

to volumes.

SAN fabric


I/O is sent to
managed disks.

storage system storage system

Data transfer

Figure 2. Data flow in a SAN Volume Controller system

The nodes in a system are arranged into pairs known as I/O groups. A single pair is
responsible for serving I/O on a given volume. Because a volume is served by two
nodes, there is no loss of availability if one node fails or is taken offline.

System management

The SAN Volume Controller nodes in a clustered system operate as a single system
and present a single point of control for system management and service. System
management and error reporting are provided through an Ethernet interface to one
of the nodes in the system, which is called the configuration node. The configuration
node runs a web server and provides a command-line interface (CLI). The
configuration node is a role that any node can take. If the current configuration
node fails, a new configuration node is selected from the remaining nodes. Each
node also provides a command-line interface and web interface for performing
hardware service actions.

Fabric types

I/O operations between hosts and SAN Volume Controller nodes and between
SAN Volume Controller nodes and RAID storage systems are performed by using
the SCSI standard. The SAN Volume Controller nodes communicate with each
other by using private SCSI commands.

FCoE connectivity is supported on SAN Volume Controller node model 2145-CG8

only, after the system software has been upgraded to version 6.4.

Table 4 on page 4 shows the fabric type that can be used for communicating
between hosts, nodes, and RAID storage systems. These fabric types can be used at
the same time.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 3

Table 4. SAN Volume Controller communications types
SAN Volume SAN Volume
Communications Host to SAN Volume Controller to storage Controller to SAN
type Controller system Volume Controller
Fibre Channel SAN Yes Yes Yes
iSCSI (1 Gbps Yes No No
Ethernet or 10 Gbps
Fibre Channel Over Yes Yes Yes
Ethernet SAN (10
Gbps Ethernet)

Solid-state drives

Some SAN Volume Controller nodes contain solid-state drives (SSDs). These
internal SSDs can be used to create RAID-managed disks (MDisks) that in turn can
be used to create volumes. SSDs provide host servers with a pool of
high-performance storage for critical applications.

Figure 3 shows this configuration. Internal SSD MDisks can also be placed in a
storage pool with MDisks from regular RAID storage systems, and IBM System
Storage Easy Tier performs automatic data placement within that storage pool by
moving high-activity data onto better performing storage.

Hosts send I/O Host Host Host Host

to volumes, which
are mapped to internal
solid-state drives.

with SSDs Redundant
SAN fabric

Figure 3. SAN Volume Controller nodes with internal SSDs

SAN Volume Controller hardware

Each SAN Volume Controller node is an individual server in a SAN Volume

Controller clustered system on which the SAN Volume Controller software runs.

The nodes are always installed in pairs, with a minimum of one and a maximum
of four pairs of nodes constituting a system. Each pair of nodes is known as an I/O
group. All I/O operations that are managed by the nodes in an I/O group are
cached on both nodes.

I/O groups take the storage that is presented to the SAN by the storage systems as
MDisks and translates the storage into logical disks (volumes) that are used by

4 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

applications on the hosts. A node is in only one I/O group and provides access to
the volumes in that I/O group.

Introduction to the SAN Volume Controller management GUI

SAN Volume Controller includes an easy-to-use management GUI to help you to
monitor, manage, and configure your system.

You can access the management GUI by opening any supported web browser and
entering the management IP addresses. You can connect from any workstation that
can communicate with the system. In addition to simple setup, configuration, and
management functions, the management GUI provides several additional functions
that help filter and sort data on the system:
Filtering and sorting objects
On panels that include columns, you can sort each column by clicking the
column heading. You can use the filtering feature to display items that
include only text that you specify.
Selecting multiple objects
You can use the Ctrl key to select multiple items and choose actions on
those objects by right-clicking them to display the actions menu. You can
right-click any column heading to add or remove columns from the table.
Using preset options
The management GUI includes several preestablished configuration
options to help you save time during the configuration process. For
example, you can select from several preset options when creating a new
volume. These preset options incorporate commonly used parameters.

For a complete description of the management GUI, launch the e-Learning module
by selecting Tutorials > A Tour of the Management GUI.

Checking your web browser settings for the management GUI

To access the management GUI, you must ensure that your web browser is
supported and has the appropriate settings enabled.

Before you begin

See the management GUI support information on the following website for the
supported operating systems and web browsers:


To configure your web browser, follow these steps:

1. Enable JavaScript for your web browser.
For Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or higher:
a. On the menu bar in the Firefox browser window, click Tools > Options.
b. On the Options window, select Content.
c. Select Enable JavaScript.
d. Click OK.
e. Refresh your browser.
For Internet Explorer (IE) 8.x or later running on Windows XP or Windows 7:

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 5

a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
b. Click Security Settings.
c. Click Internet to choose the Internet zone.
d. Click Custom Level.
e. Scroll down to the Scripting section, and then in Active Scripting, click
f. Click OK to close Security Settings.
g. Click Yes to confirm the change for the zone.
h. Click OK to close Internet Options.
i. Refresh your browser.
For Internet Explorer (IE) 8.x or later running on Windows Server 2008:
a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
b. Click Security.
c. Click Trusted sites.
d. On the Trusted sites dialog, verify that the web address for the
management GUI is correct and click Add.
e. Verify that the correct web address was added to the Trusted sites dialog.
f. Click Close on the Trusted sites dialog.
g. Click OK.
h. Refresh your browser.
2. Enable cookies in your web browser.
For Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or higher:
a. On the menu bar in the Firefox browser window, click Tools > Options.
b. On the Options window, select Privacy.
c. Set "Firefox will" to Use custom settings for history.
d. Select Accept cookies from sites to enable cookies.
e. Click OK.
f. Refresh the browser.
For IE 8.x or later:
a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
b. Click Privacy. Under Settings, move the slider to the bottom to allow all
c. Click OK.
d. Refresh your browser.
3. Enable scripts to disable or replace context menus. (Mozilla Firefox only).
For Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or higher:
a. On the menu bar in the Firefox browser window, click Tools > Options.
b. On the Options window, select Content.
c. Click Advanced by the Enable JavaScript setting.
d. Select Disable or replace context menus.
e. Click OK to close the Advanced window.
f. Click OK to close the Options window.
g. Refresh your browser.

6 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The management GUI contains a series of preestablished configuration options
called presets that use commonly used settings to quickly configure objects on the

Presets are available for creating volumes and FlashCopy mappings and for setting
up RAID configuration.

Volume presets

SAN Volume Controller supports the following types of volume presets.

Table 5. Volume presets and their uses
Preset Purpose
Generic Creates a striped volume of the specified
size in the specified storage pool.
Thin provision Creates a thin-provisioned volume of the
specified size with the autoexpand feature
enabled in the specified storage pool. Sets
the volume and the storage pool warning
size to 80%. Only the specified percentage of
the capacity of the volume is allocated to the
volume at the time of creation. The default
value is 2% of the volume capacity.
Mirror Creates a volume with two copies of the
data in two storage pools to protect against
storage pool failures.
Thin mirror Creates a volume with two thin-provisioned
copies of the data in two storage pools to
protect against storage pool failures. For
details about how the thin-provisioned
copies are configured, see the thin-provision
preset information in this table.
Compressed Creates a thin-provisioned volume where
data is compressed when it is written and
stored on the volume. Only the specified
percentage of the capacity of the volume is
allocated to the volume at the time of
creation. The default value is 2% of the
volume capacity.
Note: SAN Volume Controller CF8 or later
versions support compressed preset.

FlashCopy mapping presets

In the management GUI, FlashCopy mappings include presets that can be used for
test environments and backup solutions.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 7

Table 6. FlashCopy presets
Preset Purpose
Snapshot Creates a point-in-time view of the
production data. The snapshot is not
intended to be an independent copy but is
used to maintain a view of the production
data at the time that the snapshot is created.

This preset automatically creates a

thin-provisioned target volume with 0% of
the capacity allocated at the time of creation.
The preset uses a FlashCopy mapping with
0% background copy so that only data
written to the source or target is copied to
the target volume.
Clone Creates an exact replica of the volume,
which can be changed without affecting the
original volume. After the copy operation
completes, the mapping that was created by
the preset is automatically deleted.

This preset automatically creates a volume

with the same properties as the source
volume and creates a FlashCopy mapping
with a background copy rate of 50. The
FlashCopy mapping is configured to
automatically delete itself when the
FlashCopy mapping reaches 100%
Backup Creates a point-in-time replica of the
production data. After the copy completes,
the backup view can be refreshed from the
production data, with minimal copying of
data from the production volume to the
backup volume.

This preset automatically creates a volume

with the same properties as the source
volume. The preset creates an incremental
FlashCopy mapping with a background
copy rate of 50.

RAID configuration presets

RAID configuration presets are used to configure all available drives based on
recommended values for the RAID level and drive class. The system detects the
installed hardware then recommends a configuration that uses all the drives to
build arrays that are protected with the appropriate amount of spare drives. Each
preset has a specific goal for the number of drives per array, the number of spare
drives to maintain redundancy, and whether the drives in the array are balanced
across enclosure chains, thus protecting the array from enclosure failures.

Table 7 on page 9 describes the presets that are used for solid-state drives (SSDs)
for the SAN Volume Controller.

8 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 7. SSD RAID presets
Drives per array
Preset Purpose RAID level goal Spare drive goal
SSD RAID 10 Provides good 10 8 1
performance and
protects against
at least one
drive failure. All
data is mirrored
on two array
SSD RAID 0 Provides no 0 8 0
against drive
failures. Use
only for
SSD RAID 1 Mirrors data to 1 2 1
provide good
performance and
against drive
failure. The
mirrored pairs
are spread
between storage
pools to be used
for the Easy Tier

Virtualization is a concept that applies to many areas of the information technology

For data storage, virtualization includes the creation of a pool of storage that
contains several disk systems. These systems can be supplied from various
vendors. The pool can be split into volumes that are visible to the host systems
that use them. Therefore, volumes can use mixed back-end storage and provide a
common way to manage a storage area network (SAN).

Historically, the term virtual storage has described the virtual memory techniques
that have been used in operating systems. The term storage virtualization, however,
describes the shift from managing physical volumes of data to logical volumes of
data. This shift can be made on several levels of the components of storage
networks. Virtualization separates the representation of storage between the
operating system and its users from the actual physical storage components. This
technique has been used in mainframe computers for many years through methods
such as system-managed storage and products like the IBM Data Facility Storage
Management Subsystem (DFSMS). Virtualization can be applied at the following
four main levels:
At the server level
Manages volumes on the operating systems servers. An increase in the

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 9

amount of logical storage over physical storage is suitable for
environments that do not have storage networks.
At the storage device level
Uses RAID to create disk systems. This type of virtualization can range
from simple RAID controllers to advanced volume management such as
that provided by the IBM System Storage DS8000®. The Virtual Tape Server
(VTS) is another example of virtualization at the device level.
At the fabric level
Enables storage pools to be independent of the servers and the physical
components that make up the storage pools. One management interface
can be used to manage different storage systems without affecting the
servers. SAN Volume Controller performs virtualization at the fabric level.
At the file system level
Provides the highest benefit because data is shared, allocated, and
protected at the data level rather than the volume level.

Virtualization is a radical departure from traditional storage management. In

traditional storage management, storage is attached directly to a host system,
which controls storage management. SANs introduced the principle of networks of
storage, but storage is still primarily created and maintained at the RAID system
level. Multiple RAID controllers of different types require knowledge of, and
software that is specific to, the given hardware. Virtualization provides a central
point of control for disk creation and maintenance.

One problem area that virtualization addresses is unused capacity. Before

virtualization, individual host systems each had their own storage, which wasted
unused storage capacity. Using virtualization, storage is pooled so that jobs from
any attached system that need large amounts of storage capacity can use it as
needed. Virtualization makes it easier to regulate the amount of available storage
without having to use host system resources or to turn storage devices off and on
to add or remove capacity. Virtualization also provides the capability to move
storage between storage systems transparently to host systems.

Types of virtualization

Virtualization can be performed either asymmetrically or symmetrically. Figure 4

on page 11 provides a diagram of the levels of virtualization.
A virtualization engine is outside the data path and performs a metadata
style service. SAN Volume Controller does not use asymmetric
A virtualization engine sits in the data path and presents disks to the hosts,
but hides the physical storage from the hosts. Advanced functions, such as
cache and Copy Services, can therefore be implemented in the engine itself.
SAN Volume Controller uses symmetric virtualization.

Virtualization at any level provides benefits. When several levels are combined, the
benefits of those levels can also be combined. For example, you can combine
benefits by attaching a RAID controller to a virtualization engine that provides
virtual volumes for a virtual file system.

10 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: The SAN Volume Controller implements fabric-level virtualization. Within the
context of the SAN Volume Controller, virtualization refers to symmetric fabric-level

IBM AIX SUN Solaris HP-UX Windows

Server level

Fabric level
Metadata server

Storage device

Figure 4. Levels of virtualization

Symmetric virtualization
The SAN Volume Controller provides symmetric virtualization.

Virtualization splits the storage that is presented by the storage systems into
smaller chunks that are known as extents. These extents are then concatenated,
using various policies, to make volumes. With symmetric virtualization, host
systems can be isolated from the physical storage. Advanced functions, such as
data migration, can run without the need to reconfigure the host. With symmetric
virtualization, the virtualization engine is the central configuration point for the

Figure 5 on page 12 shows that the storage is pooled under the control of the
virtualization engine, because the separation of the control from the data occurs in
the data path. The virtualization engine performs the logical-to-physical mapping.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 11

Host Host


SAN fabric



Storage pool Storage pool

Figure 5. Symmetric virtualization

The virtualization engine directly controls access to the storage and to the data that
is written to the storage. As a result, locking functions that provide data integrity
and advanced functions, such as cache and Copy Services, can be run in the
virtualization engine itself. Therefore, the virtualization engine is a central point of
control for device and advanced function management. Symmetric virtualization
can be used to build a firewall in the storage network. Only the virtualization
engine can grant access through the firewall.

Symmetric virtualization can cause some problems. The main problem that is
associated with symmetric virtualization is scalability. Scalability can cause poor
performance because all input/output (I/O) must flow through the virtualization
engine. To solve this problem, you can use an n-way cluster of virtualization
engines that has failover capacity. You can scale the additional processor power,
cache memory, and adapter bandwidth to achieve the required level of
performance. Additional memory and processing power are needed to run
advanced services such as Copy Services and caching.

The SAN Volume Controller uses symmetric virtualization. Single virtualization

engines, which are known as nodes, are combined to create clustered systems.

Object overview
The SAN Volume Controller solution is based on a group of virtualization
concepts. Before setting up your SAN Volume Controller environment, you should
understand the concepts and the objects in the environment.

Each SAN Volume Controller single processing unit is called a node. Nodes are
deployed in pairs to make up a clustered system. A system can consist of one to
four pairs of nodes. Each pair of nodes is known as an I/O group and each node
can be in only one I/O group.

Volumes are logical disks that are presented by the systems. Each volume is
associated with a particular I/O group. The nodes in the I/O group provide access
to the volumes in the I/O group. When an application server performs I/O to a
volume, it can access the volume with either of the nodes in the I/O group.
Because each I/O group has only two nodes, the distributed cache is only

12 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Each node does not contain any internal battery backup units and therefore must
be connected to an uninterruptible power supply, which provides data integrity in the
event of a system-wide power failure. In such situations, the uninterruptible power
supply maintains power to the nodes while the contents of the distributed cache
are dumped to an internal drive.

The nodes in a system see the storage that is presented by back-end storage
systems as a number of disks, known as managed disks (MDisks).

Each MDisk is divided into a number of extents which are numbered, from 0,
sequentially from the start to the end of the MDisk. MDisks are collected into
groups, known as storage pools.

Each volume is made up of one or two volume copies. Each volume copy is an
independent physical copy of the data that is stored on the volume. A volume with
two copies is known as a mirrored volume. Volume copies are made out of MDisk
extents. All the MDisks that contribute to a particular volume copy must belong to
the same storage pool.

A volume can be thin-provisioned. This means that the capacity of the volume as
seen by host systems, called the virtual capacity, can be different from the amount
of storage that is allocated to the volume from MDisks, called the real capacity.
Thin-provisioned volumes can be configured to automatically expand their real
capacity by allocating new extents.

At any one time, a single node in a system can manage configuration activity. This
node is known as the configuration node and manages a cache of the information
that describes the system configuration and provides a focal point for

For a SCSI over Fibre Channel (FC) or Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
connection, the nodes detect the FC or FCoE ports that are connected to the SAN.
These correspond to the worldwide port names (WWPNs) of the FC or FCoE host
bus adapters (HBAs) that are present in the application servers. You can create
logical host objects that group WWPNs that belong to a single application server or
to a set of them.

For a SCSI over Ethernet connection, the iSCSI qualified name (IQN) identifies the
iSCSI target (destination) adapter. Host objects can have both IQNs and WWPNs.

SAN Volume Controller hosts are virtual representations of the physical host
systems and application servers that are authorized to access the system volumes.
Each SAN Volume Controller host definition specifies the connection method (SCSI
over Fibre Channel or SCSI over Ethernet), the Fibre Channel port or IQN, and the
volumes that the host applications can access.

The system provides block-level aggregation and volume management for disk
storage within the SAN. The system manages a number of back-end storage
systems and maps the physical storage within those storage systems into logical
disk images that can be seen by application servers and workstations in the SAN.
The SAN is configured in such a way that the application servers cannot see the
back-end physical storage. This prevents any possible conflict between the system
and the application servers both trying to manage the back-end storage.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 13

Object naming
All objects in a clustered system have names that are user-defined or

Choose a meaningful name when you create an object. If you do not choose a
name for the object, the system generates one for you. A well-chosen name serves
not only as a label for an object, but also as a tool for tracking and managing the
object. Choosing a meaningful name is particularly important if you decide to use
configuration backup and restore.

Naming rules

When you choose a name for an object, the following rules apply:
v Names must begin with a letter.
Attention: Do not start names by using an underscore even though it is
possible. The use of the underscore as the first character of a name is a reserved
naming convention that is used by the system configuration restore process.
v The first character cannot be numeric.
v The name can be a maximum of 63 characters with the following exceptions:
– The name can be a maximum of 15 characters for Remote Copy relationships
and groups.
– The lsfabric command displays long object names that are truncated to 15
characters for nodes and systems.
– Version 5.1.0 systems display truncated volume names when they are
partnered with a version 6.1.0 or later system that has volumes with long
object names (lsrcrelationshipcandidate or lsrcrelationship commands).
– The front panel displays the first 15 characters of object names.
v Valid characters are uppercase letters (A - Z), lowercase letters (a - z), digits (0 -
9), underscore (_), period (.), hyphen (-), and space.
v Names must not begin or end with a space.
v Object names must be unique within the object type. For example, you can have
a volume named ABC and an MDisk called ABC, but you cannot have two
volumes called ABC.
v The default object name is valid (object prefix with an integer).
v Objects can be renamed to their current names.

All your configuration, monitoring, and service tasks are performed at the system
level. Therefore, after configuring your system, you can take advantage of the
virtualization and the advanced features of the SAN Volume Controller system.

A system can consist of between two to eight SAN Volume Controller nodes.

All configuration settings are replicated across all nodes in the system. Because
configuration is performed at the system level, management IP addresses are
assigned to the system. Each interface accesses the system remotely through the
Ethernet system-management address.

System management
A clustered system is managed using a command-line session or the management
GUI over an Ethernet connection.

14 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Each SAN Volume Controller node has two Ethernet ports that can be used for
management. Ethernet port 1 must be configured with a management IP address
and must be connected on all nodes in the system. The use of Ethernet port 2 is
optional. At any point in time, only one node in the system can operate as the
focal point for configuration and monitoring requests. This node is called the
configuration node. It is the only node that activates the management IP addresses.
You can use one or more of these addresses to access the system through the
management GUI or the command-line interface (CLI).

Each SAN Volume Controller system can have zero to four management IP
addresses. You can assign up to two Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) addresses
and up to two Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) addresses.

Each SAN Volume Controller node has one or two management IP addresses and
up to two Internet Small Computer System Interface over Internet Protocol (iSCSI
IP) addresses per node.

Depending on the configuration, each SAN Volume Controller node has one or two
management IP addresses and up to six Internet Small Computer System Interface
over Internet Protocol (iSCSI IP) addresses per node.

Note: Management IP addresses that are assigned to a system are different from
iSCSI IP addresses and are used for different purposes. If iSCSI is used, iSCSI
addresses are assigned to node ports. On the configuration node, a port has
multiple IP addresses active at the same time.

In addition to these IP addresses, you can optionally add one service IP address
per node to provide access to the service assistant.

Management IP failover
If the configuration node fails, the IP addresses for the clustered system are
transferred to a new node. The system services are used to manage the transfer of
the management IP addresses from the failed configuration node to the new
configuration node.

The following changes are performed by the system service:

v If software on the failed configuration node is still operational, the software
shuts down the management IP interfaces. If the software cannot shut down the
management IP interfaces, the hardware service forces the node to shut down.
v When the management IP interfaces shut down, all remaining nodes choose a
new node to host the configuration interfaces.
v The new configuration initializes the configuration daemons, including sshd and
httpd, and then binds the management IP interfaces to its Ethernet ports.
v The router is configured as the default gateway for the new configuration.
v The routing tables are established on the new configuration for the management
IP addresses. The new configuration sends five unsolicited address resolution
protocol (ARP) packets for each IP address to the local subnet broadcast address.
The ARP packets contain the management IP and the Media Access Control
(MAC) address for the new configuration node. All systems that receive ARP
packets are forced to update their ARP tables. After the ARP tables are updated,
these systems can connect to the new configuration node.

Note: Some Ethernet devices might not forward ARP packets. If the ARP
packets are not forwarded, connectivity to the new configuration node cannot be
established automatically. To avoid this problem, configure all Ethernet devices

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 15

to pass unsolicited ARP packets. You can restore lost connectivity by logging in
to the SAN Volume Controller and starting a secure copy to the affected system.
Starting a secure copy forces an update to the ARP cache for all systems
connected to the same switch as the affected system.

Ethernet link failures

If the Ethernet link to the SAN Volume Controller system fails because of an event
unrelated to the SAN Volume Controller, such as a cable being disconnected or an
Ethernet router failure, the SAN Volume Controller does not attempt to fail over
the configuration node to restore management IP access. SAN Volume Controller
provides the option for two Ethernet ports, each with its own management IP
address, to protect against this type of failure. If you cannot connect through one
IP address, attempt to access the system through the alternate IP address.

Note: IP addresses that are used by hosts to access the system over an Ethernet
connection are different from management IP addresses.

Routing considerations for event notification and Network Time


SAN Volume Controller supports the following protocols that make outbound
connections from the system:
v Email
v Simple Network Mail Protocol (SNMP)
v Syslog
v Network Time Protocol (NTP)
These protocols operate only on a port configured with a management IP address.
When making outbound connections, the SAN Volume Controller uses the
following routing decisions:
v If the destination IP address is in the same subnet as one of the management IP
addresses, the SAN Volume Controller system sends the packet immediately.
v If the destination IP address is not in the same subnet as either of the
management IP addresses, the system sends the packet to the default gateway
for Ethernet port 1.
v If the destination IP address is not in the same subnet as either of the
management IP addresses and Ethernet port 1 is not connected to the Ethernet
network, the system sends the packet to the default gateway for Ethernet port 2.

When configuring any of these protocols for event notifications, use these routing
decisions to ensure that error notification works correctly in the event of a network

System operation and quorum disks

Nodes are deployed in pairs known as input/output (I/O) groups, and one to four
I/O groups comprise a clustered system. For the system to be functional, at least
one node in each I/O group must be operational. If both of the nodes in an I/O
group are not operational, access is lost to the volumes that are managed by the
I/O group.

Note: The system can continue to run without loss of access to data as long as one
nodes from each I/O group is available.

16 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Quorum disks are used when there is a problem in the SAN fabric or when nodes
are shut down, which leaves half of the nodes remaining in the system. This type
of problem causes a loss of communication between the nodes that remain in the
system and those that do not remain. The nodes are split into groups where the
remaining nodes in each group can communicate with each other but not with the
other group of nodes that were formerly part of the system.

In this situation, some nodes must stop operating and processing I/O requests
from hosts to preserve data integrity while maintaining data access. If a group
contains less than half the nodes that were active in the system, the nodes in that
group stop operating and processing I/O requests from hosts.

It is possible for a system to split into two groups with each group containing half
the original number of nodes in the system. A quorum disk determines which
group of nodes stops operating and processing I/O requests. In this tie-break
situation, the first group of nodes that accesses the quorum disk is marked as the
owner of the quorum disk and as a result continues to operate as the system,
handling all I/O requests. If the other group of nodes cannot access the quorum
disk or finds the quorum disk is owned by another group of nodes, it stops
operating as the system and does not handle I/O requests.

System state
The state of the clustered system holds all of the configuration and internal data.

The system state information is held in nonvolatile memory. If the mainline power
fails, the node maintains the internal power long enough for the system state
information to be stored on the internal disk drive of each node, and the write
cache data and configuration information that is held in memory is stored on the
internal disk drive of the node. If the partner node is still online, it attempts to
flush the cache and continue operation with the write cache disabled.

Figure 6 on page 18 shows an example of a system that contains four nodes. The
system state shown in the shaded box does not actually exist. Instead, each node in
the system maintains an identical copy of the system state. When a change is made
to the configuration or internal system data, the same change is applied to all

The system contains a single node that is elected as the configuration node. The
configuration node can be thought of as the node that controls the updating of
system state. For example, a user request is made (1), that results in a change being
made to the configuration. The configuration node controls updates to the system
(2). The configuration node then forwards the change to all nodes (including Node
1), and they all make the state change at the same point in time (3). Using this
state-driven model of clustering ensures that all nodes in the system know the
exact system state at any one time. If the configuration node fails, the system can
elect a new node to take over its responsibilities.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 17

Clustered system

System state

3 3 3 3

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of

system state system state system state system state
node 1 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

Figure 6. Clustered system, nodes, and system state

Configuration backup and restore process

Configuration backup is the process of extracting configuration settings from a
clustered system and writing it to disk. The configuration restore process uses
backup configuration data files for the system to restore a specific system
configuration. Restoring the system configuration is an important part of a
complete backup and disaster recovery solution.

Only the data that describes the system configuration is backed up. You must back
up your application data using the appropriate backup methods.

To enable routine maintenance of the SAN Volume Controller clustered systems,

the configuration settings for each system are stored on each node. If power fails
on a system or if a node in a system is replaced, the system configuration settings
are automatically restored when the repaired node is added to the system. To
restore the system configuration in case of a disaster (if all nodes in a system are
lost simultaneously), plan to back up the system configuration settings to tertiary
storage. You can use the configuration backup functions to back up the system

For complete disaster recovery, regularly back up the business data that is stored
on volumes at the application server level or the host level.

Powering on and powering off the clustered system

Follow these general procedures to power on or to power off the system. The
procedures must be followed in the order given.

Powering on the system

1. Power on Fibre Channel switches.
2. Power on external storage systems.
3. Power on SAN Volume Controller nodes.
4. Start hosts.

Powering off the system

1. Stop hosts.
2. Shut down the clustered system by using the management GUI. Click Home >
System Status. At the bottom of the page, click the system name (system code
level); then click Manage > Shut down System.

18 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: You can use the front panel to shut down the clustered system; however,
this is not advisable.
3. (Optional) Shut down external storage systems.
4. (Optional) Shut down Fibre Channel switches.

Each SAN Volume Controller node is a single processing unit within a SAN Volume
Controller system.

For redundancy, nodes are deployed in pairs to make up a system. A system can
have one to four pairs of nodes. Each pair of nodes is known as an I/O group.
Each node can be in only one I/O group. A maximum of four I/O groups each
containing two nodes is supported.

At any one time, a single node in the system manages configuration activity. This
configuration node manages a cache of the configuration information that describes
the system configuration and provides a focal point for configuration commands. If
the configuration node fails, another node in the system takes over its

Table 8 describes the operational states of a node.

Table 8. Node state
State Description
Adding The node was added to the clustered system but is
not yet synchronized with the system state (see
Note). The node state changes to Online after
synchronization is complete.
Deleting The node is in the process of being deleted from
the system.
Online The node is operational, assigned to a system, and
has access to the Fibre Channel SAN fabric.
Offline The node is not operational. The node was
assigned to a system but is not available on the
Fibre Channel SAN fabric. Run the fix procedures
to determine the problem.
Pending The node is transitioning between states and, in a
few seconds, will move to one of the other states.
Note: A node can stay in the Adding state for a long time. You should wait at least 30
minutes before taking further action, but if after 30 minutes the node state is still Adding,
you can delete the node and add it again. If the node that has been added is at a lower
code level than the rest of the system, the node is upgraded to the system code level,
which can take up to 20 minutes. During this time, the node is shown as Adding.

Configuration node
A configuration node is a single node that manages configuration activity of the

If the configuration node fails, the system chooses a new configuration node. This
action is called configuration node failover. The new configuration node takes over
the management IP addresses. Thus you can access the system through the same

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 19

IP addresses although the original configuration node has failed. During the
failover, there is a short period when you cannot use the command-line tools or
management GUI.

Figure 7 shows an example clustered system that contains four nodes. Node 1 has
been designated the configuration node. User requests (1) are handled by node 1.

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

1 Configuration
IP Interface

Figure 7. Configuration node

I/O groups and uninterruptible power supply

Nodes are deployed in pairs to make up a clustered system. Each pair of nodes is
known as an I/O group. Each node can only be in one I/O group.

Volumes are logical disks that are presented to the SAN by SAN Volume Controller
nodes. Volumes are also associated with an I/O group. The SAN Volume
Controller does not contain any internal battery backup units and therefore must
be connected to an uninterruptible power supply to provide data integrity in the
event of a system-wide power failure.

I/O groups
The pair of nodes is known as an input/output (I/O) group. An I/O group is defined
during the system configuration process.

Volumes are logical disks that are presented to the SAN by SAN Volume Controller
nodes. Volumes are also associated with the I/O group.

When an application server performs I/O to a volume, it can access the volume
with either of the nodes in the I/O group. When you create a volume, you can
specify a preferred node. Many of the multipathing driver implementations that
SAN Volume Controller supports use this information to direct I/O to the
preferred node. The other node in the I/O group is used only if the preferred node
is not accessible.

If you do not specify a preferred node for a volume, the node in the I/O group
that has the fewest volumes is selected by SAN Volume Controller to be the
preferred node.

After the preferred node is chosen, it can be changed only when the volume is
moved to a different I/O group.

Attention: Prior to 6.4, moving a volume to a different I/O group was disruptive
to host I/O.

20 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

To view the current preferred node for a volume, select Volumes > All Volumes in
the management GUI. Right-click the volume and select Properties. To view the
current preferred node assignment using the command-line interface, run the
lsvdisk command.

An I/O group consists of two nodes. When a write operation is performed to a

volume, the node that processes the I/O duplicates the data onto the partner node
that is in the I/O group. After the data is protected on the partner node, the write
operation to the host application is completed. The data is physically written to
disk later.

Read I/O is processed by referencing the cache in the node that receives the I/O. If
the data is not found, it is read from the disk into the cache. The read cache can
provide better performance if the same node is chosen to service I/O for a
particular volume.

I/O traffic for a particular volume is, at any one time, managed exclusively by the
nodes in a single I/O group. Thus, although a clustered system can have eight
nodes within it, the nodes manage I/O in independent pairs. This means that the
I/O capability of the SAN Volume Controller scales well, because additional
throughput can be obtained by adding additional I/O groups.

Figure 8 shows a write operation from a host (1), that is targeted for volume A.
This write is targeted at the preferred node, Node 1 (2). The write operation is
cached and a copy of the data is made in the partner node, the cache for Node 2
(3). The host views the write as complete. At some later time, the data is written,
or de-staged, to storage (4).

I/O Group

Volume Volume
node paths
Preferred Preferred
node path node path

Node 1 Node 2
Cached data Cached data

Figure 8. I/O group

When a node fails within an I/O group, the other node in the I/O group assumes
the I/O responsibilities of the failed node. Data loss during a node failure is
prevented by mirroring the I/O read and write data cache between the two nodes
in an I/O group.

If only one node is assigned to an I/O group or if a node has failed in an I/O
group, the cache is flushed to the disk and then goes into write-through mode.
Therefore, any writes for the volumes that are assigned to this I/O group are not

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 21

cached; they are sent directly to the storage device. If both nodes in an I/O group
go offline, the volumes that are assigned to the I/O group cannot be accessed.

When a volume is created, the I/O group to provide access to the volume must be
specified. However, volumes can be created and added to I/O groups that contain
offline nodes. I/O access is not possible until at least one of the nodes in the I/O
group is online.

2145 UPS-1U
A 2145 UPS-1U is used exclusively to maintain data that is held in the SAN
Volume Controller dynamic random access memory (DRAM) in the event of an
unexpected loss of external power. This use differs from the traditional
uninterruptible power supply that enables continued operation of the device that it
supplies when power is lost.

With a 2145 UPS-1U, data is saved to the internal disk of the SAN Volume
Controller node. The uninterruptible power supply units are required to power the
SAN Volume Controller nodes even when the input power source is considered

Note: The uninterruptible power supply maintains continuous SAN Volume

Controller-specific communications with its attached SAN Volume Controller
nodes. A SAN Volume Controller node cannot operate without the uninterruptible
power supply. The uninterruptible power supply must be used in accordance with
documented guidelines and procedures and must not power any equipment other
than a SAN Volume Controller node.

2145 UPS-1U operation:

Each SAN Volume Controller node monitors the operational state of the
uninterruptible power supply to which it is attached.

If the 2145 UPS-1U reports a loss of input power, the SAN Volume Controller node
stops all I/O operations and dumps the contents of its dynamic random access
memory (DRAM) to the internal disk drive. When input power to the 2145 UPS-1U
is restored, the SAN Volume Controller node restarts and restores the original
contents of the DRAM from the data saved on the disk drive.

A SAN Volume Controller node is not fully operational until the 2145 UPS-1U
battery state indicates that it has sufficient charge to power the SAN Volume
Controller node long enough to save all of its memory to the disk drive. In the
event of a power loss, the 2145 UPS-1U has sufficient capacity for the SAN Volume
Controller to save all its memory to disk at least twice. For a fully charged 2145
UPS-1U, even after battery charge has been used to power the SAN Volume
Controller node while it saves dynamic random access memory (DRAM) data,
sufficient battery charge remains so that the SAN Volume Controller node can
become fully operational as soon as input power is restored.

Important: Do not shut down a 2145 UPS-1U without first shutting down the SAN
Volume Controller node that it supports. Data integrity can be compromised by
pushing the 2145 UPS-1U on/off button when the node is still operating. However,
in the case of an emergency, you can manually shut down the 2145 UPS-1U by
pushing the 2145 UPS-1U on/off button when the node is still operating. Service
actions must then be performed before the node can resume normal operations. If
multiple uninterruptible power supply units are shut down before the nodes they
support, data can be corrupted.

22 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Internal storage and external storage
A SAN Volume Controller system can manage a combination of internal and
external storage.

Internal storage

The SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8 and the SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8
have a number of drives attached to it. These drives are used to create a
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), which are presented as managed
disks (MDisks) in the system.

External storage

The SAN Volume Controller can detect logical units (LUs) on an external storage
system that is attached through Fibre Channel connections. These LUs are detected
as managed disks (MDisks) in the system and must be protected from drive
failures by using RAID technology on an external storage system.

External storage systems

An external storage system, or storage controller, is a device that coordinates and
controls the operation of one or more disk drives. A storage system synchronizes
the operation of the drives with the operation of the system as a whole.

Storage systems provide the storage that the SAN Volume Controller system
detects as one or more MDisks.

SAN Volume Controller supports storage systems that implement the use of RAID
technology and also those that do not use RAID technology. RAID implementation
provides redundancy at the disk level, which prevents a single physical disk
failure from causing a RAID managed disk (MDisk), storage pool, or associated
volume failure. Physical capacity for storage systems can be configured as RAID 1,
RAID 0+1, RAID 5, RAID 6, or RAID 10.

Storage systems divide array storage into many Small Computer System Interface
(SCSI) logical units (LUs) that are presented on the SAN. Ensure that you assign an
entire array to an MDisk as you create the MDisk, to present the array as a single
SCSI LU that is recognized by SAN Volume Controller as a single RAID MDisk.
You can then use the virtualization features of SAN Volume Controller to create
volumes from the MDisk.

The exported storage devices are detected by the system and reported by the user
interfaces. The system can also determine which MDisks each storage system is
presenting and can provide a view of MDisks that is filtered by the storage system.
Therefore, you can associate the MDisks with the RAID that the system exports.

The storage system can have a local name for the RAID or single disks that it is
providing. However, it is not possible for the nodes in the system to determine this
name, because the namespace is local to the storage system. The storage system
makes the storage devices visible with a unique ID, called the logical unit number
(LUN). This ID, along with the storage system serial number or numbers (there can
be more than one controller in a storage system), can be used to associate the
MDisks in the system with the RAID exported by the system.

The size of an MDisk cannot be changed once it becomes a managed MDisk by

adding it to a storage pool. If the size of the LUN that is presented by the storage
system is reduced to below the size of the managed MDisk, the MDisk is taken
Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 23
offline by SAN Volume Controller. If the size of the LUN that is presented by the
storage system is increased, SAN Volume Controller does not use the additional
space. To increase the storage capacity that is managed on a storage system, create
a new LU on the storage system and add the MDisk that represents this LU to the
storage pool.

Attention: If you delete a RAID that is being used by SAN Volume Controller,
the storage pool goes offline and the data in that group is lost.

A managed disk (MDisk) is a logical unit of physical storage. MDisks are either
arrays (RAID) from internal storage or volumes from external storage systems.
MDisks are not visible to host systems.

An MDisk might consist of multiple physical disks that are presented as a single
logical disk to the storage area network (SAN). An MDisk always provides usable
blocks of physical storage to the system even if it does not have a one-to-one
correspondence with a physical disk.

Each MDisk is divided into a number of extents, which are numbered, from 0,
sequentially from the start to the end of the MDisk. The extent size is a property of
storage pools. When an MDisk is added to a storage pool, the size of the extents
that the MDisk is divided into depends on the attribute of the storage pool to
which it has been added.

Access modes

The access mode determines how the clustered system uses the MDisk. The
following list describes the types of possible access modes:
The MDisk is not used by the system.
The MDisk is assigned to a storage pool and provides extents that volumes
can use.
Image The MDisk is assigned directly to a volume with a one-to-one mapping of
extents between the MDisk and the volume.
Array The MDisk represents a set of drives in a RAID from internal storage.

Attention: If you add an MDisk that contains existing data to a storage pool
while the MDisk is in unmanaged or managed mode, you lose the data that it
contains. The image mode is the only mode that preserves this data.

Figure 9 on page 25 shows physical disks and MDisks.

24 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

MDisk 1 MDisk 2

Storage system

RAID-5 (LUN#1) RAID-1 (LUN#2)

Key: = Physical disks = Logical disks (managed disks as seen by the 2145 or 2076)

Figure 9. Storage Systems and MDisks

Table 9 describes the operational states of an MDisk.

Table 9. MDisk status
Status Description
Online The MDisk can be accessed by all online nodes. That
is, all the nodes that are currently working members
of the system can access this MDisk. The MDisk is
online when the following conditions are met:
v All timeout error-recovery procedures complete and
report the disk as online.
v Logical unit number (LUN) inventory of the target
ports correctly reported the MDisk.
v Discovery of this LUN completed successfully.
v All of the MDisk target ports report this LUN as
available with no fault conditions.
Degraded paths The MDisk is not accessible to one or more nodes in
the system. Degraded path status is most likely the
result of incorrect configuration of either the storage
system or the Fibre Channel fabric. However,
hardware failures in the storage system, Fibre Channel
fabric, or node could also be a contributing factor to
this state. To recover from this state, follow these
1. Verify that the fabric configuration rules for
storage systems are correct.
2. Ensure that you have configured the storage
system properly.
3. Correct any errors in the event log.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 25

Table 9. MDisk status (continued)
Degraded ports The MDisk has one or more 1220 errors in the event
log. The 1220 error indicates that the remote Fibre
Channel port has been excluded from the MDisk. This
error might cause reduced performance on the storage
system and usually indicates a hardware problem
with the storage system. To fix this problem, you must
resolve any hardware problems on the storage system
and fix the 1220 errors in the event log.

To resolve these errors in the log, select

Troubleshooting > Recommended Actions in the
management GUI. This action displays a list of
unfixed errors that are currently in the event log. For
these unfixed errors, select the error name to begin a
guided maintenance procedure to resolve them. Errors
are listed in descending order with the highest
priority error listed first. Resolve highest priority
errors first.
Excluded The MDisk has been excluded from use by the system
after repeated access errors. Run the directed
maintenance procedures to determine the problem.
Offline The MDisk cannot be accessed by any of the online
nodes. That is, all of the nodes that are currently
working members of the system cannot access this
MDisk. This state can be caused by a failure in the
SAN, storage system, or one or more physical disks
connected to the storage system. The MDisk is
reported as offline if all paths to the disk fail.

Attention: If you have observed intermittent breaks in links or if you have been
replacing cables or connections in the SAN fabric or LAN configuration, you might
have one or more MDisks in degraded status. If an I/O operation is attempted
when a link is broken and the I/O operation fails several times, the system
partially excludes the MDisk and it changes the status of the MDisk to degraded.
You must include the MDisk to resolve the problem.

You can include the MDisk by either selecting Physical Storage > MDisks: Action
> Include Excluded MDisk in the management GUI, or by issuing the following
command in the command-line interface (CLI):
includemdisk mdiskname/id

where mdiskname/id is the name or ID of your MDisk.


Each MDisk is divided into chunks of equal size called extents. Extents are a unit of
mapping that provide the logical connection between MDisks and volume copies.

MDisk path

Each MDisk from external storage has an online path count, which is the number
of nodes that have access to that MDisk; this represents a summary of the I/O
path status between the system nodes and the storage device. The maximum path
count is the maximum number of paths that have been detected by the system at
any point in the past. If the current path count is not equal to the maximum path

26 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

count, the MDisk might be degraded. That is, one or more nodes might not see the
MDisk on the fabric.

RAID properties
A Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a method of configuring
drives for high availability and high performance. The information in this topic
applies only to SAN Volume Controller solid-state drives (SSDs) that provide
high-speed managed-disk (MDisk) capability for SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8
and SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 nodes.

RAID is an ordered collection, or group, of physical devices (disk drive modules)

that are used to define logical volumes or devices. An array is a type of MDisk
that is made up of disk drives. These drives are members of the array. Each array
has a RAID level. RAID levels provide different degrees of redundancy and
performance, and they have different restrictions on the number of members in the

SAN Volume Controller supports hot-spare drives. When a RAID member drive
fails, the system automatically replaces the failed member with a hot-spare drive
and resynchronizes the array to restore its redundancy.

Figure 10 shows the relationships of the RAID components on the clustered


Clustered system

1..4 0..32
I/O group Drive Node
0..4 1
0..128 Use = member
Storage pool
1 0..1

0..32 Drive 0..1

1 Array MDisk Member
Raid level 1 1..16 Member ID 0..1
Raid status Spare status New drive

Spare status Goals

Figure 10. RAID objects

Supported RAID levels are RAID 0, RAID 1, or RAID 10.

RAID 0 arrays have no redundancy and do not support hot-spare takeover.
All drives in a RAID-0 array of internal drives must be located in the same
RAID 1 provides disk mirroring, which duplicates data between two
drives. A RAID 1 array is internally identical to a two-member RAID 10
array. The pair of drives must contain one drive from one node in the I/O
group and one drive from the other node. Each mirrored pair must contain
one drive from each node so that if a node fails or is reset, the mirrored
copy is available.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 27

RAID 10 arrays stripe data over mirrored pairs of drives. RAID 10 arrays
have single redundancy. The mirrored pairs rebuild independently. One
member out of every pair can be rebuilding or missing at the same time.
RAID 10 combines the features of RAID 0 and RAID 1. The drives are
specified as a sequence of drive pairs. Each pair of drives must contain one
drive from one node in the I/O group and one drive from the other node.
Each mirrored pair must contain one drive from each node so that if a
node fails or is reset, the mirrored copy is available.

Table 10 compares the characteristics of the RAID levels.

Table 10. RAID level comparison
Approximate array
Level Drive count (DC)1 capacity Redundancy2
RAID 0 1-8 DC * DS3 None
RAID 1 2 DS 1
RAID 10 2 - 16, evens (DC/2) * DS 14

1. In the management GUI, you cannot create arrays of all sizes because the size depends
on how the drives are configured.
2. Redundancy means how many drive failures the array can tolerate. In some
circumstances, an array can tolerate more than one drive failure. More details are
included in “Drive failures and redundancy.”
3. DS means drive size.
4. Between 1 and MC/2.

Array initialization

When an array is created, the array members are synchronized with each other by
a background initialization process. The array is available for I/O during this
process: Initialization has no impact on availability due to member drive failures.

Drive failures and redundancy

If an array has the necessary redundancy, a drive is removed from the array if it
fails or access to it is lost. If a suitable spare drive is available, it is taken into the
array, and the drive then starts to synchronize.

Each array has a set of goals that describe the preferred location and performance
of each array member. If you lose access to a node, you lose access to all the drives
in the node. Drives that are configured as members of the array are not removed
from the array. Once the node is available, the system copies the data that was
modified while the node was offline from the good drive to the out-of-date drive.

Rebalancing is achieved by using concurrent exchange, which migrates data

between drives without impacting redundancy.

You can manually start an exchange, and the array goals can also be updated to
facilitate configuration changes.

28 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

RAID configuration guidelines

RAID can be configured through the Easy Setup wizard when you first install your
system, or later through the Configure Internal Storage wizard. You can either use
the recommended configuration, which is the fully automatic configuration, or you
can set up a different configuration.

If you select the recommended configuration, all available drives are configured
based on recommended values for the RAID level and drive class. The
recommended configuration uses all the drives to build arrays that are protected
with the appropriate amount of spare drives.

The management GUI also provides a set of presets to help you configure for
different RAID types. You can tune RAID configurations slightly based on best
practices. The presets vary according to how the drives are configured. Selections
include the drive class, the preset from the list that is shown, whether to configure
spares, whether to optimize for performance, whether to optimized for capacity,
and the number of drives to provision.

For greatest control and flexibility, you can use the mkarray command-line interface
(CLI) command to configure RAID on your system.

If your system has both solid-state drives (SSDs) and traditional hard disk drives,
you can use the Easy Tier function to migrate the most frequently used data to
higher performing storage.

Spare drive protection and goals

Each array member is protected by a set of spare drives that are valid matches.
Some of these spare drives are more suitable than other spare drives. For example,
some spare drives could degrade the array performance, availability, or both. For a
given array member, a good spare drive is online and is in the same node. A good
spare drive has either one of the following characteristics:
v An exact match of member goal capacity, performance, and location.
v A performance match: the spare drive has a capacity that is the same or larger
and has the same or better performance.
A good spare also has either of these characteristics:
v A drive with a use of spare.
v A concurrent-exchange old drive that is destined to become a hot-spare drive
when the exchange completes.

In the CLI, the array-member attribute spare_protection is the number of good

spares for that member. The array attribute spare_protection_min is the minimum
of the spare protection of the members of the array.

The array attribute spare_goal is the number of good spares that are needed to
protect each array member. This attribute is set when the array is created and can
be changed with the charray command.

If the number of good spares that an array member is protected by is below the
array spare goal, you receive event error 084300.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 29

Storage pools and volumes
Managed disks (MDisks) are collected into groups known as storage pools. Volumes
are logical disks that are presented to the SAN by SAN Volume Controller nodes.
Volumes, like nodes, are associated with an I/O group.

Volume copies are created from the extents of MDisks.

Storage pool overview

A pool or storage pool is a collection of MDisks that jointly contain all of the data
for a specified set of volumes.

Figure 11 shows a storage pool that contains four MDisks.

Storage pool

Storage system 1 Storage system 2 Storage system 3

MDisk 1 MDisk 2 MDisk 3 MDisk 4

Figure 11. Storage pool

All MDisks in a pool are split into extents of the same size. Volumes are created
from the extents that are available in the pool. You can add MDisks to a storage
pool at any time either to increase the number of extents that are available for new
volume copies or to expand existing volume copies.

You can specify a warning capacity for a storage pool. A warning event is
generated when the amount of space that is used in the storage pool exceeds the
warning capacity. This is especially useful in conjunction with thin-provisioned
volumes that have been configured to automatically consume space from the
storage pool.

You can add only MDisks that are in unmanaged mode. When MDisks are added
to a storage pool, their mode changes from unmanaged to managed.

You can delete MDisks from a group under the following conditions:
v Volumes are not using any of the extents that are on the MDisk.
v Enough free extents are available elsewhere in the group to move any extents
that are in use from this MDisk.

30 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v If you delete a storage pool, you destroy all the volumes that are made from the
extents that are in the group.
v If the group is deleted, you cannot recover the mapping that existed between
extents that are in the group or the extents that the volumes use. The MDisks
that were in the storage pool are returned to unmanaged mode and can be
added to other storage pools. Because the deletion of a storage pool can cause a
loss of data, you must force the deletion if volumes are associated with it.
v If the volume is mirrored and the synchronized copies of the volume are all in
the storage pool, the mirrored volume is destroyed when the storage pool is
v If the volume is mirrored and there is a synchronized copy in another storage
pool, the volume remains after the storage pool is deleted.

Table 11 describes the operational states of a storage pool.

Table 11. Storage pool status
Status Description
Online The storage pool is online and available. All
the MDisks in the storage pool are available.
Degraded paths This status indicates that one or more nodes
in the clustered system cannot access all the
MDisks in the group. A degraded path state
is most likely the result of incorrect
configuration of either the storage system or
the Fibre Channel fabric. However, hardware
failures in the storage system, Fibre Channel
fabric, or node could also be a contributing
factor to this state. To recover from this
state, follow these steps:
1. Verify that the fabric configuration rules
for storage systems are correct.
2. Ensure that you have configured the
storage system properly.
3. Correct any errors in the event log.
Degraded ports This status indicates that one or more 1220
errors have been logged against the MDisks
in the storage pool. The 1220 error indicates
that the remote Fibre Channel port has been
excluded from the MDisk. This error might
cause reduced performance on the storage
system and usually indicates a hardware
problem with the storage system. To fix this
problem, you must resolve any hardware
problems on the storage system and fix the
1220 errors in the event log. To resolve these
errors in the log, click Troubleshooting >
Recommended Actions in the management
GUI. This action displays a list of unfixed
errors that are currently in the event log. For
these unfixed errors, select the error name to
begin a guided maintenance procedure to
resolve them. Errors are listed in descending
order with the highest priority error listed
first. Resolve highest priority errors first.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 31

Table 11. Storage pool status (continued)
Status Description
Offline The storage pool is offline and unavailable.
No nodes in the system can access the
MDisks. The most likely cause is that one or
more MDisks are offline or excluded.

Attention: If a single MDisk in a storage pool is offline and therefore cannot be

seen by any of the online nodes in the system, the storage pool of which this
MDisk is a member goes offline. This causes all the volume copies that are being
presented by this storage pool to go offline. Take care when you create storage
pools to ensure an optimal configuration.

Guidelines for creating storage pools

Consider the following guidelines when you create storage pools:

v Allocate your image-mode volumes between your storage pools.
v Ensure that all MDisks that are allocated to the same tier of a single storage pool
are the same RAID type. This ensures that a single failure of a physical disk
does not take the entire group offline. For example, if you have three RAID-5
arrays in one group and add a non-RAID disk to this group, you lose access to
all the data striped across the group if the non-RAID disk fails. Similarly, for
performance reasons, you must not mix RAID types. The performance of all
volumes is reduced to the lowest performer in the tier.
v If you intend to keep the volume allocation within the storage exported by a
storage system, ensure that the pool that corresponds to the storage system only
contains storage that is presented by that storage system. This also enables
nondisruptive migration of data from one storage system to another storage
system and helps simplify the decommissioning process if you want to
decommission a storage system at a later time.
v Except when you migrate between pools, you must associate a volume with just
one pool.
v An MDisk can be associated with just one storage pool.
v In general, storage pools that consist of single-port attached systems are not
supported by the SAN Volume Controller. However, in some cases, specifically
on HP StorageWorks MA and EMA systems that contain RAID partitions, the
only way that these systems can be attached to the SAN Volume Controller is
through single-port attach mode.


To track the space that is available on an MDisk, the SAN Volume Controller
divides each MDisk into chunks of equal size. These chunks are called extents and
are indexed internally. Extent sizes can be 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,
or 8192 MB. The choice of extent size affects the total amount of storage that is
managed by the system.

You specify the extent size when you create a new storage pool. You cannot change
the extent size later; it must remain constant throughout the lifetime of the storage

32 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

You cannot use the SAN Volume Controller data migration function to migrate
volumes between storage pools that have different extent sizes. However, you can
use volume mirroring to move data to a storage pool that has a different extent

Use volume mirroring to add a copy of the disk from the destination storage pool.
After the copies are synchronized, you can free up extents by deleting the copy of
the data in the source storage pool. The FlashCopy function and Metro Mirror can
also be used to create a copy of a volume in a different storage pool.

A system can manage 2^22 extents. For example, with a 16 MB extent size, the
system can manage up to 16 MB x 4,194,304 = 64 TB of storage.

When you choose an extent size, consider your future needs. For example, if you
currently have 40 TB of storage and you specify an extent size of 16 MB for all
storage pools, the capacity of the system is limited to 64 TB of storage in the
future. If you select an extent size of 64 MB for all storage pools, the capacity of
the system can grow to 256 TB.

Using a larger extent size can waste storage. When a volume is created, the storage
capacity for the volume is rounded to a whole number of extents. If you configure
the system to have a large number of small volumes and you use a large extent
size, this can cause storage to be wasted at the end of each volume.

Information about the maximum volume, MDisk, and system capacities for each
extent size is included in the Configuration Limits and Restrictions document on
the product support website:

Easy Tier function

SAN Volume Controller includes IBM System Storage Easy Tier, a function that
responds to the presence of solid-state drives (SSDs) in a storage pool that also
contains hard disk drives (HDDs). The system automatically and nondisruptively
moves frequently accessed data from HDD MDisks to SSD MDisks, thus placing
such data in a faster tier of storage.

Easy Tier eliminates manual intervention when assigning highly active data on
volumes to faster responding storage. In this dynamically tiered environment, data
movement is seamless to the host application regardless of the storage tier in
which the data resides. Manual controls exist so that you can change the default
behavior, for example, such as turning off Easy Tier on storage pools that have
both types of MDisks.

SAN Volume Controller supports these tiers:

Generic SSD tier
The SSD tier exists when SSDs are in the storage pool. The SSDs provide
greater performance than hard disk drives (HDDs).
Generic HDD tier
The HDD tier exists when HDDs are in the storage pool.

All MDisks belong to one tier or the other, which includes MDisks that are not yet
part of a storage pool.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 33

If you create a storage pool (managed disk group) with both generic SSD MDisks
(classified with the generic_ssd option) and generic HDD MDisks (generic_hdd or
default option), Easy Tier is automatically turned on for pools with both SSD
MDisks and HDD MDisks. SAN Volume Controller does not automatically identify
external SSD MDisks; all external MDisks are put into the HDD tier by default.
You must manually identify external SSD MDisks and change their tiers. To
configure an external MDisk as an SSD MDisk, right-click the MDisk in the
management GUI and click Select Tier. Local (internal) MDisks are automatically
classified as generic_ssd and are placed in the SSD tier without user intervention.

Easy Tier modes of operation:

SAN Volume Controller supports solid-state drives (SSDs) that offer a number of
potential benefits over magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs), such as faster data
access and throughput, better performance, and less power consumption.

SDDs are, however, much more expensive than HDDs. To optimize SSD
performance and help provide a cost-effective contribution to the overall system,
Easy Tier can cause infrequently accessed data to reside on lower cost HDDs and
frequently accessed data to reside on SSDs.

Determining the amount of data activity in an extent and when to move the extent
to the proper storage tier is usually too complex a task to manage manually.

Easy Tier evaluation mode collects usage statistics for each storage extent for a
storage pool where the capability of moving data from one tier to the other tier is
not possible or is disabled. An example of such a storage pool is a pool of
homogeneous MDisks, where all MDisks are typically HDDs. A summary file is
created in the /dumps directory on the configuration node
(, which can be offloaded and viewed by
using the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool.

Easy Tier automatic data placement also measures the amount of data access, but
then acts on the measurements to automatically place the data into the appropriate
tier of a storage pool that contains both MDisk tiers.

Dynamic data movement is transparent to the host server and application users of
the data, other than providing improved performance.

For a storage pool and volume to be automatically managed by Easy Tier, ensure
that the following conditions are met:
v The volume must be striped.
v The storage pool must contain both MDisks that belong to the generic_ssd tier
and MDisks that belong to the generic_hdd tier.

Note: Easy Tier is disabled for compressed volumes.

Volumes that are added to storage pools use extents from generic_hdd MDisks
initially, if available. Easy Tier then collects usage statistics to determine which
extents to move to generic_ssd MDisks.

Easy Tier evaluation mode:

When IBM System Storage Easy Tier evaluation mode is enabled for a storage pool
with a single tier of storage, Easy Tier collects usage statistics for all the volumes in
the pool.

34 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

SAN Volume Controller monitors the storage use at the volume extent level. Easy
Tier constantly gathers and analyzes monitoring statistics to derive moving
averages for the past 24 hours.

Volumes are not monitored when the easytier attribute of a storage pool is set to
off or auto with a single tier of storage. You can enable Easy Tier evaluation mode
for a storage pool with a single tier of storage by setting the easytier attribute of
the storage pool to on.

You can control or view data placement settings by using the following
command-line interface (CLI) commands:
Modifies the properties of the storage pool. Use this command to turn on
evaluation mode on a storage pool with a single tier of storage and to turn
off Easy Tier functions on a storage pool with more than one tier of
Lists storage pool information.
Lists volume information.
Lists volume copy information.
Creates a new storage pool.

Other MDisk commands such as addmdisk, chmdisk, and lsmdisk can be used to
view or set the tier an MDisk belongs to.

Automatic data placement:

When IBM System Storage Easy Tier on SAN Volume Controller automatic data
placement is active, Easy Tier measures the host access activity to the data on each
storage extent, provides a mapping that identifies high activity extents, and then
moves the high-activity data according to its relocation plan algorithms.

To automatically relocate the data, Easy Tier performs the following actions:
1. Monitors volumes for host access to collect average usage statistics for each
extent over a rolling 24-hour period of I/O activity.
2. Analyzes the amount of I/O activity for each extent to determine if the extent
is a candidate for migrating to or from the higher performing solid-state drive
(SSD) tier.
3. Develops an extent relocation plan for each storage pool to determine exact
data relocations within the storage pool. Easy Tier then automatically relocates
the data according to the plan.

While relocating volume extents, Easy Tier follows these actions:

v Attempts to migrate the most active volume extents first.
v Refreshes the task list as the plan changes. The previous plan and any queued
extents that are not yet relocated are abandoned.

Automatic data placement is enabled by default for storage pools with more than
one tier of storage. When you enable automatic data placement, by default all

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 35

striped volumes are candidates for automatic data placement. Image mode and
sequential volumes are never candidates for automatic data placement. When
automatic data placement is enabled, I/O monitoring is done for all volumes
whether the volume is a candidate for automatic data placement. Once automatic
data placement is enabled, and if there is sufficient activity to warrant relocation,
extents will begin to be relocated within a day after enablement. You can control
whether Easy Tier automatic data placement and I/O activity monitoring is
enabled or disabled by using the settings for each storage pool and each volume.
Each command in the following table that can create or change the settings for
storage pools can enable or disable both Easy Tier functions. Any command that
can create or change the settings for volumes can enable or disable automatic data
replacement, if automatic data replacement is enabled for the storage pool. You can
control or view automatic data placement by using the following command-line
interface (CLI) commands:
Adds a copy to an existing volume by changing a nonmirrored volume
into a mirrored volume.
Modifies the properties of the storage pool. Use this command to turn on
Easy Tier evaluation mode or I/O monitoring and to turn off Easy Tier
functions on a storage pool with more than one tier of storage.

Note: When automatic data placement is active on a storage pool, set a

warning threshold for the storage pool. Automatic data placement cannot
function if the storage pool is used 100%.
Modifies the properties of a volume.
Lists storage pool information.
Lists volume information.
Lists volume copy information.
Creates a storage pool.
Creates sequential, striped, or image mode volumes.

If you want to disable automatic data placement for a volume or storage pool, set
the easytier attribute to off.

Extracting and viewing performance data with the IBM Storage Tier Advisor

You can use the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool, hereafter referred to as advisor
tool, to view performance data that is collected by IBM System Storage Easy Tier
over a 24-hour operational cycle. The advisor tool is the application that creates a
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file that you use to view the data when you
point your browser to the file.

36 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

About this task

To download the Storage Tier Advisor Tool, click Downloads at this website:

To extract the summary performance data, follow these steps using the
command-line interface (CLI):

1. Find the most recent file in the clustered
system by entering the following command-line interface (CLI) command:
lsdumps node_id | node_name

where node_id | node_name is the node ID or name to list the available dumps
2. If necessary, copy the most recent summary performance data file to the current
configuration node. Enter the following command:
cpdumps -prefix /dumps/ node_id | node_name
3. Use PuTTY scp (pscp) to copy the summary performance data in a binary
format from the configuration node to a local directory.
4. From a Microsoft Windows command prompt, use the advisor tool to transform
the binary file in your local directory into an HTML file in the local directory.
5. Point your browser to the HTML file in your local directory.


The advisor tool displays three types of statistical reports:

System summary report
v The number of volumes that are monitored
v The estimated total hot data capacity
v An estimated time the migration process will take to move hot data to
the SSDs
v A summary recommendation for SSD capacity and estimated
performance improvement
System recommendation report
v A sorted list of suggested SSD MDisks to add to the storage pools
(sorted by estimated performance improvement)
v For each suggested MDisk: the target storage pool and estimated
performance improvement
Storage pool recommendation report
v List of storage pools that were monitored by the Easy Tier function.
v For each storage pool: a sorted list of suggested SSD MDisks to add to
that storage pool (sorted by estimated performance improvement)
v For each suggested MDisk: the estimated performance improvement
Volume heat distribution report
v The distribution of hot data and cold data for each volume copy
v The configured capacity of a volume copy, along with the volume ID,
copy ID, and the storage pool ID

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 37

v The portion of the capacity of each volume copy already on SSD

What to do next

You can view this information to analyze workload statistics and evaluate which
logical volumes might be candidates for Easy Tier management. If you have not
enabled the Easy Tier function, you can use the usage statistics gathered by the
monitoring process to help you determine whether to use Easy Tier to enable
potential performance improvements in your storage environment.

Easy Tier automatic data placement requirements and limitations:

Some limitations exist when using the IBM System Storage Easy Tier function on
SAN Volume Controller.
v The Easy Tier function supports the following tiered storage configurations:
– Local (internal) Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) solid-state drives (SSDs) in a
storage pool with Fibre Channel-attached hard disk drives (HDDs).
– External Fibre Channel-attached SSDs in a storage pool with Fibre
Channel-attached hard disk drives (HDDs).
v To avoid unpredictable performance results, do not use the Easy Tier function to
migrate between SAS drives and Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
(SATA) drives.
v To ensure optimal performance, all MDisks in a storage pool tier must have the
same technology and performance characteristics.
v Easy Tier automatic data placement is not supported on volume copies, which
are image mode or sequential. I/O monitoring for such volumes is supported,
but you cannot migrate extents on such volumes unless you convert image or
sequential volume copies to striped volumes.
v Automatic data placement and extent I/O activity monitors are supported on
each copy of a mirrored volume. The Easy Tier function works with each copy
independently of the other copy. For example, you can enable or disable Easy
Tier automatic data placement for each copy independently of the other copy.
v SAN Volume Controller creates new volumes or volume expansions using
extents from MDisks from the HDD tier, if possible, but uses extents from
MDisks from the SSD tier if necessary.
v When a volume is migrated out of a storage pool that is managed with the Easy
Tier function, Easy Tier automatic data placement mode is no longer active on
that volume. Automatic data placement is also turned off while a volume is
being migrated even if it is between pools that both have Easy Tier automatic
data placement enabled. Automatic data placement for the volume is re-enabled
with the migration is complete.

Limitations when removing an MDisk by using the force parameter

When an MDisk is deleted from a storage pool with the force parameter, extents
in use are migrated to MDisks in the same tier as the MDisk being removed, if
possible. If insufficient extents exist in that tier, extents from the other tier are used.

Limitations when migrating extents

When Easy Tier automatic data placement is enabled for a volume, the
migrateexts command-line interface (CLI) command cannot be used on that

38 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Limitations when migrating a volume to another storage pool

When SAN Volume Controller migrates a volume to a new storage pool, Easy Tier
automatic data placement between the generic SSD tier and the generic HDD tier
is temporarily suspended. After the volume is migrated to its new storage pool,
Easy Tier automatic data placement between the generic SSD tier and the generic
HDD tier resumes for the newly moved volume, if appropriate.

When SAN Volume Controller migrates a volume from one storage pool to
another, it attempts to migrate each extent to an extent in the new storage pool
from the same tier as the original extent. In some cases, such as a target tier being
unavailable, the other tier is used. For example, the generic SSD tier might be
unavailable in the new storage pool.

If the automatic data placement is enabled in the new storage pool, pending Easy
Tier status changes are assigned after the volume completes its move to the new
storage pool. Although the status changes are based on volume use in the old
storage pool, the new status is honored in the new storage pool.

Limitations when migrating a volume to image mode

Easy Tier automatic data placement does not support image mode. No automatic
data placement occurs in this situation. When a volume with Easy Tier automatic
data placement mode active is migrated to image mode, Easy Tier automatic data
placement mode is no longer active on that volume.

The Easy Tier function does support evaluation mode for image mode volumes.

A volume is a logical disk that the system presents to the hosts.

Application servers access volumes, not MDisks or drives. To keep a volume

accessible even when an MDisk on which it depends has become unavailable, a
mirrored copy can be added to a selected volume. Each volume can have a
maximum of two copies. Each volume copy is created from a set of extents in a
storage pool.

There are three types of volumes: striped, sequential, and image.


Each volume copy can be one of the following types:

A volume copy that has been striped is at the extent level. One extent is
allocated, in turn, from each MDisk that is in the storage pool. For
example, a storage pool that has 10 MDisks takes one extent from each
MDisk. The 11th extent is taken from the first MDisk, and so on. This
procedure, known as a round-robin, is similar to RAID-0 striping.
You can also supply a list of MDisks to use as the stripe set. This list can
contain two or more MDisks from the storage pool. The round-robin
procedure is used across the specified stripe set.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 39

Attention: By default, striped volume copies are striped across all MDisks
in the storage pool. If some of the MDisks are smaller than others, the
extents on the smaller MDisks are used up before the larger MDisks run
out of extents. Manually specifying the stripe set in this case might result
in the volume copy not being created.

If you are unsure if there is sufficient free space to create a striped volume
copy, select one of the following options:
v Check the free space on each MDisk in the storage pool using the
lsfreeextents command.
v Let the system automatically create the volume copy by not supplying a
specific stripe set.
Figure 12 shows an example of a storage pool that contains three MDisks.
This figure also shows a striped volume copy that is created from the
extents that are available in the storage pool.

Storage pool

Mdisk 1 Mdisk 2 Mdisk 3 Extent 1a

Volume Extent 2a
Extent 1a Extent 2a Extent 3a
Extent 1b Extent 2b Extent 3b Extent 3a
Extent 1c Extent 2c Extent 3c Extent 1b
Extent 1d Extent 2d Extent 3d Extent 2b
Create a Extent 3b
Extent 1e Extent 2e Extent 3e striped
Extent 1f Extent 2f Extent 3f Extent 1c
Extent 1g Extent 2g Extent 3g Extent 2c

Extent 3c

Figure 12. Storage pools and volumes

When extents are selected, they are allocated sequentially on one MDisk to
create the volume copy if enough consecutive free extents are available on
the chosen MDisk.
Image Image-mode volumes are special volumes that have a direct relationship
with one MDisk. If you have an MDisk that contains data that you want to
merge into the clustered system, you can create an image-mode volume.
When you create an image-mode volume, a direct mapping is made
between extents that are on the MDisk and extents that are on the volume.
The MDisk is not virtualized. The logical block address (LBA) x on the
MDisk is the same as LBA x on the volume.
When you create an image-mode volume copy, you must assign it to a
storage pool. An image-mode volume copy must be at least one extent in
size. The minimum size of an image-mode volume copy is the extent size
of the storage pool to which it is assigned.
The extents are managed in the same way as other volume copies. When
the extents have been created, you can move the data onto other MDisks
that are in the storage pool without losing access to the data. After you
move one or more extents, the volume copy becomes a virtualized disk,
and the mode of the MDisk changes from image to managed.

Attention: If you add a managed mode MDisk to a storage pool, any

data on the MDisk is lost. Ensure that you create image-mode volumes
from the MDisks that contain data before you start adding any MDisks to
storage pools.

40 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

MDisks that contain existing data have an initial mode of unmanaged, and
the clustered system cannot determine if it contains partitions or data.

You can use more sophisticated extent allocation policies to create volume copies.
When you create a striped volume, you can specify the same MDisk more than
once in the list of MDisks that are used as the stripe set. This is useful if you have
a storage pool in which not all the MDisks are of the same capacity. For example,
if you have a storage pool that has two 18 GB MDisks and two 36 GB MDisks, you
can create a striped volume copy by specifying each of the 36 GB MDisks twice in
the stripe set so that two-thirds of the storage is allocated from the 36 GB disks.

If you delete a volume, you destroy access to the data that is on the volume. The
extents that were used in the volume are returned to the pool of free extents that is
in the storage pool. The deletion might fail if the volume is still mapped to hosts.
The deletion might also fail if the volume is still part of a FlashCopy, Metro Mirror,
or Global Mirror mapping. If the deletion fails, you can specify the force-delete flag
to delete both the volume and the associated mappings to hosts. Forcing the
deletion deletes the Copy Services relationship and mappings.


A volume can be in one of three states: online, offline, and degraded. Table 12
describes the different states of a volume.
Table 12. Volume states
State Description
Online At least one synchronized copy of the
volume is online and available if both nodes
in the I/O group can access the volume. A
single node can only access a volume if it
can access all the MDisks in the storage pool
that are associated with the volume.
Offline The volume is offline and unavailable if
both nodes in the I/O group are missing, or
if none of the nodes in the I/O group that
are present can access any synchronized
copy of the volume. The volume can also be
offline if the volume is the secondary of a
Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship
that is not synchronized. A thin-provisioned
volume goes offline if a user attempts to
write an amount of data that exceeds the
available disk space.
Degraded The status of the volume is degraded if one
node in the I/O group is online and the
other node is either missing or cannot access
any synchronized copy of the volume.
Note: If you have a degraded volume and
all of the associated nodes and MDisks are
online, call the IBM Support Center for

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 41

Cache modes

You can select to have read and write operations stored in cache by specifying a
cache mode. You can specify the cache mode when you create the volume. After
the volume is created, you can change the cache mode.

Table 13 describes the two types of cache modes for a volume.

Table 13. Volume cache modes
Cache mode Description
readwrite All read and write I/O operations that are performed by
the volume are stored in cache. This is the default cache
mode for all volumes.
none All read and write I/O operations that are performed by
the volume are not stored in cache.

Compressed volumes:

Compressed volumes are a special type of volume where data is compressed as it

is written to disk, saving additional space. To use the compression function, you
must obtain the IBM Real-time Compression license and the hardware level for
both nodes within the I/O group must be either SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8
or 2145-CF8 for that I/O group to support compression.

Like thin-provisioned volumes, compressed volumes have virtual, real, and used
v Real capacity is the extent space that is allocated from the storage pool. The real
capacity is also set when the volume is created and, like thin-provisioned
volumes, can be expanded or shrunk down to the used capacity.
v Virtual capacity is available to hosts. The virtual capacity is set when the volume
is created and can be changed afterward.
v Used capacity is the amount of real capacity used to store customer data and
metadata after compression.
v Capacity before compression is the amount of customer data that has been
written to the volume and then compressed.

Note: The capacity before compression does not include regions where zero
data is written to unallocated space.

Note: To reduce the real capacity of the compressed volume by a specified

amount, you can use the command-line interface (CLI) shrinkvdisksize -rsize
command. You cannot use the management GUI or the shrinkvdisksize -size
command to reduce the capacity of compressed volumes.

You can also monitor information on compression usage to determine the savings
to your storage capacity when volumes are compressed. To monitor system-wide
compression savings and capacity, select Monitoring > System and either select
the system name or Compression View. You can compare the amount of capacity
used before compression is applied to the capacity that is used for all compressed
volumes. In addition you can view the total percentage of capacity savings when
compression is used on the system. In addition you can also monitor compression
savings across individual pools and volumes. For volumes, you can use these
compression values to determine which volumes have achieved the highest
compression savings.

42 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: An I/O group can contain a maximum of 200 compressed volumes.
Compression is available only for Storwize® V7000, Flex System V7000 Storage
Node, and some models of SAN Volume Controller nodes (SAN Volume Controller
2145-CF8 and later).

Note: The capacity before compression does not include regions where zero data is
written to unallocated space.

Benefits of compression

Using compression reduces the amount of physical storage across your

environment. You can reuse free disk space in the existing storage without
archiving or deleting data.

Compressing data as it is written to the volume also reduces the environmental

requirements per unit of storage. After compression is applied to stored data, the
required power and cooling per unit of logical storage is reduced because more
logical data is stored on the same amount of physical storage. Within a particular
storage system more data can be stored which reduces overall rack unit

Compression can be implemented without impacting the existing environment and

can be used with other storage processes, such as mirrored volumes and Copy
Services functions.

Compressed volumes provide an equivalent level of availability as regular

volumes. Compression can be implemented into an existing environment without
an impact to service and existing data can be compressed transparently while it is
being accessed by users and applications.

When you use compression, monitor overall performance and CPU utilization to
ensure that other system functions have adequate bandwidth. If compression is
used excessively, overall bandwidth for the system might be impacted. To view
performance statistics that are related to compression, select Monitoring >
Performance and then select Compression % on the CPU Utilization graph.

Common uses for compressed volumes

Compression can be used to consolidate storage in both block storage and file
system environments. Compressing data reduces the amount of capacity that is
needed for volumes and directories. Compression can be used to minimize storage
utilization of logged data. Many applications, such as lab test results, require
constant recording of application or user status. Logs are typically represented as
text files or binary files that contain a high repetition of the same data patterns.

By using volume mirroring, you can convert an existing fully allocated volume to a
compressed volume without disrupting access to the original volume content. The
management GUI contains specific directions on converting a generic volume to a
compressed volume.

Planning for compressed volumes

Before implementing compressed volumes on your system, assess the current types
of data and volumes that are used on your system. Do not compress data which is
already compressed as part of its normal workload. Data, such as video,
compressed file formats, (.zip files), or compressed user productivity file formats

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 43

(.pdf files), is compressed as it is saved. It is not effective to spend system
resources for compression on these types of files since little additional savings can
be achieved. Encrypted data also cannot be compressed.

There are two types of volumes to consider: homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Homogeneous volumes are typically better candidates for compression. Homogeneous
volumes contain data that was created by a single application and these volumes
store the same kind of data. Examples of these could include: database
applications, email, and server virtualization data. Heterogeneous volumes are
volumes that contain data that was created by several different applications and
contain different types of data. Since different data types populate such volumes,
there are situations where compressed or encrypted data are stored on these
volumes. In such cases, system resources can be spent on data that cannot be
compressed. Avoid compressing heterogeneous volumes, unless the heterogeneous
volumes contain only compressible, unencrypted data.

There are various configuration items that affect the performance of compression
on the system. To attain high compression ratios and performance on your system,
ensure that the following guidelines have been met:
v If you have only a small number (between 10 and 20) of compressed volumes,
configure them on one I/O group and do not split compressed volumes between
different I/O groups.
v For larger numbers of compressed volumes on systems with more than one I/O
group, distribute compressed volumes across I/O groups to ensure access to
these volumes are evenly distributed among the I/O groups.
v Identify and use compressible data only. Different data types have different
compression ratios, and it is important to determine the compressible data
currently on your system. You can use tools that estimate the compressible data
or use commonly known ratios for common applications and data types. Storing
these data types on compressed volumes saves disk capacity and improves the
benefit of using compression on your system. The following table shows the
compression ratio for common applications and data types:
Table 14. Compression ratio for data types. Table 14 describes the compression ratio of
common data types and applications that provide high compression ratios.
Data Types/Applications Compression Ratios
Oracle and DB2 Up to 80%
Microsoft Office 2003 Up to 60%
Microsoft Office 2007 Up to 20%
Computer-Aided Design and Up to 70%
Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Oil/Gas Up to 50%

v Ensure that you have an extra 10% of capacity in the storage pools that are used
for compressed volumes for the additional metadata and to provide an error
margin in the compression ratio.
v Use compression on homogeneous volumes.
v Avoid using any client, file-system, or application based-compression with the
system compression.
v Do not compress encrypted data.

44 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

To use compressed volumes without affecting performance of existing
non-compressed volumes in a pre-existing system, ensure that you understand the
way that resources are re-allocated when the first compressed volume is created.

Compression requires dedicated hardware resources within the nodes which are
assigned or de-assigned when compression is enabled or disabled. Compression is
enabled whenever the first compressed volume in an I/O group is created and is
disabled when the last compressed volume is removed from the I/O group.

As a result of the reduced hardware resources available to process non-compressed

host to disk I/O, you should not create compressed volumes if the CPU utilization
of nodes in an I/O group is consistently above values in the following table.
Performance might be degraded for existing non-compressed volumes in the I/O
group if compressed volumes are created.

Use Monitoring > Performance in the management GUI during periods of high
host workload to measure CPU utilization.
Table 15. CPU utilization of nodes
SAN Volume SAN Volume
SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 Controller 2145-CG8
Per Node Controller 2145-CF8 (4 CPU cores) 1 (6 CPU cores)1
CPU already close to 25% 25% 50%
or above:

To determine whether your 2145-CG8 nodes contain 4 or 6 CPU cores, select
Monitoring > System to view VPD information related to the processor. The
version entry for 2145-CG8 nodes contains one of the following two values:
v Intel Xeon CPU E5630 - 4 cores
v Intel Xeon CPU E5645 - 6 cores

For more detailed planning and implementation information, see the Redpaper,
"IBM Real-time Compression in SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000."

Mirrored volumes:

By using volume mirroring, a volume can have two physical copies. Each volume
copy can belong to a different storage pool, and each copy has the same virtual
capacity as the volume. In the management GUI, an asterisk (*) indicates the
primary copy of the mirrored volume. The primary copy indicates the preferred
volume for read requests.

When a server writes to a mirrored volume, the system writes the data to both
copies. When a server reads a mirrored volume, the system picks one of the copies
to read. If one of the mirrored volume copies is temporarily unavailable; for
example, because the storage system that provides the storage pool is unavailable,
the volume remains accessible to servers. The system remembers which areas of
the volume are written and resynchronizes these areas when both copies are

You can create a volume with one or two copies, and you can convert a
non-mirrored volume into a mirrored volume by adding a copy. When a copy is
added in this way, the SAN Volume Controller clustered system synchronizes the
new copy so that it is the same as the existing volume. Servers can access the
volume during this synchronization process.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 45

You can convert a mirrored volume into a non-mirrored volume by deleting one
copy or by splitting one copy to create a new non-mirrored volume.

The volume copy can be any type: image, striped, sequential, and either
thin-provisioned or fully allocated. The two copies can be of completely different

You can use mirrored volumes for the following reasons:

v Improving availability of volumes by protecting them from a single storage
system failure.
v Providing concurrent maintenance of a storage system that does not natively
support concurrent maintenance.
v Providing an alternative method of data migration with better availability
characteristics. While a volume is being migrated using the data migration
feature, it is vulnerable to failures on both the source and target storage pool.
volume mirroring provides an alternative because you can start with a
non-mirrored volume in the source storage pool, and then add a copy to that
volume in the destination storage pool. When the volume is synchronized, you
can delete the original copy that is in the source storage pool. During the
synchronization process, the volume remains available even if there is a problem
with the destination storage pool.
v Converting between fully allocated volumes and thin-provisioned volumes.

When you use volume mirroring, consider how quorum candidate disks are
allocated. Volume mirroring maintains some state data on the quorum disks. If a
quorum disk is not accessible and volume mirroring is unable to update the state
information, a mirrored volume might need to be taken offline to maintain data
integrity. To ensure the high availability of the system, ensure that multiple
quorum candidate disks, allocated on different storage systems, are configured.

When a mirrored volume uses disk extents on a solid-state drive (SSD) that is on a
SAN Volume Controller node, synchronization is lost if one of the nodes goes
offline either during a concurrent code upgrade or because of maintenance. During
code upgrade, the synchronization must be restored within 30 minutes or the
upgrade stalls. Unlike volume copies from external storage systems, access to the
volume during the period that the SSD volume copies are not synchronized
depends on the single node that contains the SSD storage associated with the
synchronized volume copy. The default synchronization rate is typically too low
for SSD mirrored volumes. Instead, set the synchronization rate to 80 or above.

Once a volume mirror is synchronized, a mirrored copy can become

unsynchronized if it goes offline and write I/O's need to be progressed, or if a
mirror fast failover occurs. The fast failover isolates the host systems from
(temporarily) slowly performing mirrored copies, which affects the system with a
short interruption to redundancy.

With a fast failover, during normal processing of host write I/O the system
submits writes (with a timeout of ten seconds) to both copies. If one write succeeds
and the other write takes longer than ten seconds then the slow write times out
and is aborted. The duration of the slow copy I/O abort sequence depends on the
backend that the mirror copy is configured from. For example if the I/O is
performed over the Fibre Channel network then the I/O abort sequence normally
takes around ten to twenty seconds, or in rare cases, longer than twenty seconds.
When the I/O abort sequence completes, the volume mirror configuration is

46 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

updated to record that the slow copy is now no longer completely synchronized.
When the configuration updates finish, the write I/O can be completed on the host

The volume mirror ceases to use the slow copy for a period of between four to six
minutes, and subsequent I/O is satisfied by the remaining synchronized copy.
During the four-to-six minute duration, synchronization is suspended.
Additionally, the volume's synchronization progress shows less than 100% and
decreases if the volume receives additional host writes. After the copy suspension
completes, volume mirroring synchronization resumes, and the slow copy starts

During the synchronization, if another I/O request times out on the

unsynchronized copy, volume mirroring again stops using that copy for 4 - 6
minutes. If there is a copy that is always slow, then every 4 - 6 minutes volume
mirroring attempts to synchronize the copy again and another I/O timeout occurs.
The copy is not used for another 4 - 6 minute period and becomes progressively
unsynchronized. Synchronization progress gradually decreases as more regions of
the volume are written.

When fast failovers occur regularly, there might be an underlying performance

problem within the storage system that is processing I/O data for the mirrored
copy that became unsynchronized. If one copy is slow because of storage system
performance, multiple copies on different volumes (configured from the storage
pool associated with one or more storage systems) are affected. This indicates
possible overloading or other back-end performance problems.

Fast failover can be controlled by the setting of mirror_write_priority. Setting

mirror_write_priority to redundancy disables fast failover, and instead a full SCSI
initiator-layer error recovery procedure (ERP) is applied for all mirrored write I/O.
If one copy is slow, that ERP might take up to 5 minutes at the end of which time
the copy is taken offline if the write operation still has not succeeded.

The default when creating a new mirrored volume is for write_mirror_priority to

be set to latency, which means the fast failover algorithm just described is in effect.
Carefully consider whether maintaining redundancy or fast failover and host
response time (at the expense of a temporary loss of redundancy) is more

When setting up mirrored volumes in a split-site configuration, the

mirror_write_priority value might have to be set to redundancy to maintain
synchronization of the copies if there is a temporary delay in completing the write

Attention: Mirrored volumes can be taken offline if there is no quorum disk

available. This behavior occurs because synchronization status for mirrored
volumes is recorded on the quorum disk. To protect against mirrored volumes
being taken offline, follow the guidelines for setting up quorum disks.

Image mode volumes:

An image mode volume provides a direct block-for-block translation from the

managed disk (MDisk) to the volume with no virtualization.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 47

This mode is intended to provide virtualization of MDisks that already contain
data that was written directly, not through a SAN Volume Controller node. Image
mode volumes have a minimum size of 1 block (512 bytes) and always occupy at
least one extent.

Image mode MDisks are members of a storage pool, but they do not contribute to
free extents. Image mode volumes are not affected by the state of the storage pool
because the storage pool controls image mode volumes through the association of
the volume to an MDisk. Therefore, if an MDisk that is associated with an image
mode volume is online and the storage pool of which they are members goes
offline, the image mode volume remains online. Conversely, the state of a storage
pool is not affected by the state of the image mode volumes in the storage pool.

An image mode volume behaves just as a managed mode volume in terms of the
Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and FlashCopy Copy Services. Image mode volumes
are different from managed mode in two ways:
v Migration. An image mode volume can be migrated to another image mode
volume. It becomes managed while the migration is ongoing, but returns to
image mode when the migration is complete.
v Quorum disks. Image mode volumes cannot be quorum disks. This means that a
clustered system with only image mode volumes does not have a quorum disk.

Migration methods for image mode volumes:

Several methods can be used to migrate image mode volumes into managed mode

About this task

To perform any type of migration activity on an image mode volume, the image
mode volume must first be converted into a managed mode volume. The volume
is automatically converted into a managed mode volume whenever any kind of
migration activity is attempted. After the image-mode-to-managed-mode migration
operation has occurred, the volume becomes a managed mode volume and is
treated the same way as any other managed mode volume.

If the image mode disk has a partial last extent, this last extent in the image mode
volume must be the first to be migrated. This migration is processed as a special
case. After this special migration operation has occurred, the volume becomes a
managed mode volume and is treated in the same way as any other managed
mode volume. If the image mode disk does not have a partial last extent, no
special processing is performed. The image mode volume is changed into a
managed mode volume and is treated the same way as any other managed mode

An image mode disk can also be migrated to another image mode disk. The image
mode disk becomes managed while the migration is ongoing, but returns to image
mode when the migration is complete.

You can perform the following types of migrations:

v Migrate extents
v Migrate a volume
v Migrate to image mode

48 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: Migration commands fail if the target or source volume is offline, or if there
is insufficient quorum disk space to store the metadata. Correct the offline or
quorum disk condition and reissue the command.

Perform the following steps to migrate volumes:

1. Dedicate one storage pool to image mode volumes.
2. Dedicate one storage pool to managed mode volumes.
3. Use the migrate volume function to move the volumes.

Thin-provisioned volumes:

When you create a volume, you can designate it as thin-provisioned. A

thin-provisioned volume has a virtual capacity and a real capacity.

Virtual capacity is the volume storage capacity that is available to a host. Real
capacity is the storage capacity that is allocated to a volume copy from a storage
pool. In a fully allocated volume, the virtual capacity and real capacity are the
same. In a thin-provisioned volume, however, the virtual capacity can be much
larger than the real capacity.

The virtual capacity of a thin-provisioned volume is typically significantly larger

than its real capacity. Each SAN Volume Controller system uses the real capacity to
store data that is written to the volume, and metadata that describes the
thin-provisioned configuration of the volume. As more information is written to
the volume, more of the real capacity is used. The SAN Volume Controller
clustered system identifies read operations to unwritten parts of the virtual
capacity and returns zeros to the server without using any of the real capacity.

SAN Volume Controller must maintain extra metadata that describes the contents
of thin-provisioned volumes. This means the I/O rates that are obtained from
thin-provisioned volumes are slower than those obtained from fully allocated
volumes that are allocated on the same MDisks.

Thin-provisioned volumes can also help simplify server administration. Instead of

assigning a volume with some capacity to an application and increasing that
capacity as the needs of the application change, you can configure a volume with a
large virtual capacity for the application, and then increase or shrink the real
capacity as the application needs change, without disrupting the application or

When you configure a thin-provisioned volume, you can use the warning level
attribute to generate a warning event when the used real capacity exceeds a
specified amount or percentage of the total real capacity. You can also use the
warning event to trigger other actions, such as taking low-priority applications
offline or migrating data into other storage pools.

If a thin-provisioned volume does not have enough real capacity for a write
operation, the volume is taken offline and an error is logged (error code 1865,
event ID 060001). Access to the thin-provisioned volume is restored by either
increasing the real capacity of the volume or increasing the size of the storage pool
that it is allocated on.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 49

Note: On a SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8 or a SAN Volume Controller
2145-CG8 node, space is not allocated on a thin-provisioned volume if an incoming
host write operation contains all zeros.

When you create a thin-provisioned volume, you can choose the grain size for
allocating space in 32 KB, 64 KB, 128 KB, or 256 KB chunks. The grain size that
you select affects the maximum virtual capacity for the thin-provisioned volume.
The default grain size is 256 KB, and is the strongly recommended option. If you
select 32 KB for the grain size, the volume size cannot exceed 260,000 GB. The
grain size cannot be changed after the thin-provisioned volume has been created.
Generally, smaller grain sizes save space but require more metadata access, which
can adversely impact performance. If you are not going to use the thin-provisioned
volume as a FlashCopy source or target volume, use 256 KB to maximize
performance. If you are going to use the thin-provisioned volume as a FlashCopy
source or target volume, specify the same grain size for the volume and for the
FlashCopy function.

When you create a thin-provisioned volume, set the cache mode to readwrite to
maximize performance. If the cache mode is set to none, the SAN Volume
Controller system cannot cache the thin-provisioned metadata, which decreases

The autoexpand feature prevents a thin-provisioned volume from using up its

capacity and going offline. As a thin-provisioned volume uses capacity, the
autoexpand feature maintains a fixed amount of unused real capacity, called the
contingency capacity. For thin-provisioned volumes that are not configured with the
autoexpand feature, the contingency capacity can get used up, causing the volume
to go offline. To determine if an application requires a thin-provisioned volume
with the autoexpand feature, create a thin-provisioned volume with the
autoexpand feature turned off. If the application causes the volume to run out of
capacity and go offline, you can then create a thin-provisioned volume with the
autoexpand feature turned on.

Image mode thin-provisioned volumes:

When you create an image mode volume, you can designate it as thin-provisioned.
An image mode thin-provisioned volume has a virtual capacity and a real capacity.

An image mode thin-provisioned volume has a direct relationship with a single

MDisk where the contents of the MDisk map to the real capacity that is used by
the thin-provisioned volume. Unlike fully allocated volumes, the logical block
address (LBA) on the MDisk is not necessarily the same as the LBA on the volume.
You cannot change the real capacity of an image mode thin-provisioned volume
manually or by using the autoexpand feature. To use the autoexpand feature, the
volume must be in managed mode.

You can use an image mode volume to move a thin-provisioned volume between
two SAN Volume Controller clustered systems by using the following procedure.
The procedure is similar to that used for fully allocated volumes, but has an extra
step during the import process to specify the existing thin-provisioned metadata,
rather than to create a new, empty volume.
1. If the volume is not already in image mode, migrate the volume to image mode
and wait for the migration to complete.
2. Delete the volume from the exporting system.

50 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

3. Disconnect the MDisk from the exporting system and connect the MDisk to the
importing system.
4. Create a new image mode thin-provisioned volume using the MDisk. You must
specify the import option.
5. Optionally, migrate the volume to managed mode.

The import option is valid only for SAN Volume Controller thin-provisioned
volumes. If you use this method to import a thin-provisioned volume that is
created by RAID storage systems into a clustered system, SAN Volume Controller
cannot detect it as a thin-provisioned volume. However, you can use the volume
mirroring feature to convert an image-mode fully allocated volume to a
thin-provisioned volume.

Converting thin-provisioned volumes:

You can convert thin-provisioned volumes into fully allocated volumes.

You can nondisruptively convert a thin-provisioned volume into a fully allocated

volume by using the following volume mirroring procedure:
1. Start with a single-copy, thin-provisioned volume.
2. Add a fully allocated copy to the volume.
3. Wait while the volume mirroring feature synchronizes.
4. Remove the thin-provisioned copy from the volume.

Converting fully allocated volumes:

You can convert fully allocated volumes to thin-provisioned volumes.

About this task

You can nondisruptively convert a fully allocated volume into a thin-provisioned

volume by following this procedure:

1. Start with a single copy, fully allocated volume.
2. Add a thin-provisioned copy to the volume. Use a small real capacity and the
autoexpand feature.
3. Wait while the volume mirroring feature synchronizes the copies.
4. Remove the fully allocated copy from the thin-provisioned volume.


Any grains of the fully allocated volume that contain all zeros do not cause any
real capacity to be allocated on the thin-provisioned copy. Before you create the
mirrored copy, you can fill the free capacity on the volume with a file that contains
all zeros.

I/O governing:

You can set the maximum amount of I/O activity that a host sends to a volume.
This amount is known as the I/O governing rate. The governing rate can be
expressed in I/Os per second or MB per second.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 51

Read, write, and verify commands that access the physical medium are subject to
I/O governing.

I/O governing does not affect FlashCopy and data migration I/O rates.

I/O governing on a Metro Mirror and Global Mirror secondary volume does not
affect the rate of data copy from the primary volume.

Host objects
A host system is a computer that is connected to SAN Volume Controller through
either a Fibre Channel interface or an IP network.

A host object is a logical object in SAN Volume Controller that represents a list of
worldwide port names (WWPNs) and a list of iSCSI names that identify the
interfaces that the host system uses to communicate with SAN Volume Controller.
iSCSI names can be either iSCSI qualified names (IQNs) or extended unique
identifiers (EUIs).

A typical configuration has one host object for each host system that is attached to
SAN Volume Controller. If a cluster of hosts accesses the same storage, you can
add host bus adapter (HBA) ports from several hosts to one host object to make a
simpler configuration. A host object can have both WWPNs and iSCSI names. In
addition, hosts can be connected to the system using Fibre Channel over Ethernet,
where hosts are identified with WWPNs but accessed through an IP network.

The system does not automatically present volumes to the host system. You must
map each volume to a particular host object to enable the volume to be accessed
through the WWPNs or iSCSI names that are associated with the host object. For
Fibre Channel hosts, the system reports the node login count, which is the number
of nodes that can detect each WWPN. If the count is less than expected for the
current configuration, you might have a connectivity problem. For iSCSI-attached
hosts, the number of logged-in nodes refers to iSCSI sessions that are created
between hosts and nodes, and might be greater than the current number of nodes
on the system.

When you create a new host object, the configuration interfaces provide a list of
unconfigured WWPNs. These represent the WWPNs that the system has detected.
Candidate iSCSI names are not available and must be entered manually.

The system can detect only WWPNs that have connected to the system through the
Fibre Channel network or through any IP nework. Some Fibre Channel HBA
device drivers do not let the ports remain logged in if no disks are detected on the
fabric or IP network. This can prevent some WWPNs from appearing in the list of
candidate WWPNs. The configuration interface provides a method to manually
type the port names.

Note: You must not include a WWPN or an iSCSI name that belongs to a SAN
Volume Controller node in a host object.

A WWPN or iSCSI name can be added to only one host object.

Port masks

You can use the port-mask property of the host object to control the Fibre Channel
ports on each SAN Volume Controller node that a host can access. The port mask

52 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

applies to logins from the WWPNs that are associated with the host object. The
port-mask configuration has no effect on iSCSI connections.

For each login between a host Fibre Channel port and node Fibre Channel port, the
node examines the port mask for the associated host object and determines if
access is allowed or denied. If access is denied, the node responds to SCSI
commands as if the HBA WWPN is unknown.

The port mask is four binary bits. Valid mask values range from 0000 (no ports
enabled) to 1111 (all ports enabled). For example, a mask of 0011 enables port 1
and port 2. The default value is 1111.

Multiple target ports

When you create a host mapping to a Fibre Channel attached host, the host ports
that are associated with the host object can view the LUN that represents the
volume on up to eight Fibre Channel ports. Nodes follow the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) Fibre Channel (FC) standards for SCSI LUs that are
accessed through multiple node ports. All nodes within a single I/O group present
a consistent set of SCSI LUs across all ports on those nodes.

Similarly, all nodes within a single I/O group present a consistent set of SCSI LUs
across all iSCSI ports on those nodes.

Host mapping
Host mapping is the process of controlling which hosts have access to specific
volumes within the system.

Host mapping is similar in concept to logical unit number (LUN) mapping or

masking. LUN mapping is the process of controlling which hosts have access to
specific logical units (LUs) within the disk controllers. LUN mapping is typically
done at the storage system level. Host mapping is done at the SAN Volume
Controller level.

The act of mapping a volume to a host makes the volume accessible to the
WWPNs or iSCSI names such as iSCSI qualified names (IQNs) or extended-unique
identifiers (EUIs) that are configured in the host object.

Volumes and host mappings

Each host mapping associates a volume with a host object and provides a way for
all WWPNs and iSCSI names in the host object to access the volume. You can map
a volume to multiple host objects. When a mapping is created, multiple paths
might exist across the SAN fabric or Ethernet network from the hosts to the nodes
that are presenting the volume. Without a multipathing device driver, most
operating systems present each path to a volume as a separate storage device. The
multipathing software manages the many paths that are available to the volume
and presents a single storage device to the operating system. If there are multiple
paths, the SAN Volume Controller requires that the multipathing software run on
the host.

Note: The iSCSI names and associated IP addresses for the SAN Volume Controller
nodes can fail over between nodes in the I/O group, which negates the need for
multipathing drivers in some configurations. Multipathing drivers are still
recommended, however, to provide the highest availability.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 53

When you map a volume to a host, you can optionally specify a SCSI ID for the
volume. This ID controls the sequence in which the volumes are presented to the
host. Check the host software requirements for SCSI IDs because some require a
contiguous set. For example, if you present three volumes to the host, and those
volumes have SCSI IDs of 0, 1, and 3, the volume that has an ID of 3 might not be
found because no disk is mapped with an ID of 2. The clustered system
automatically assigns the lowest available SCSI ID if none is specified.

Figure 13 and Figure 14 show two volumes, and the mappings that exist between
the host objects and these volumes.


Host 1 Host 2 Host 3


SCSI mapping ID = 1 SCSI mapping ID = 5 SCSI mapping ID = 0

SCSI mapping ID = 2

SCSI mapping ID = 6
Volume Volume Volume2
1 2 3

Figure 13. Hosts, WWPNs, IQNs or EUIs, and volumes


Host server Host server Host server

Fibre Fibre Fibre
Channel Channel Channel


Host 1 Host 2 Host 3


Figure 14. Hosts, WWPNs, IQNs or EUIs, volumes, and SCSI mappings

LUN masking is usually implemented in the device driver software on each host.
The host has visibility of more LUNs than it is intended to use, and device driver
software masks the LUNs that are not to be used by this host. After the masking is
complete, only some disks are visible to the operating system. The SAN Volume
Controller can support this type of configuration by mapping all volumes to every
host object and by using operating system-specific LUN masking technology. The
default, and recommended, SAN Volume Controller behavior, however, is to map

54 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

to the host only those volumes that the host requires access to.

Standard and persistent reserves

The SCSI Reserve command and the SCSI Persistent Reserve command are
specified by the SCSI standards. Servers can use these commands to prevent ports
in other servers from accessing particular LUNs.

This prevents accidental data corruption that is caused when a server overwrites
data on another server. The Reserve and Persistent Reserve commands are often
used by clustered-system software to control access to SAN Volume Controller

If a server is not shut down or removed from the server system in a controlled
way, the server's standard and persistent reserves are maintained. This prevents
other servers from accessing data that is no longer in use by the server that holds
the reservation. In this situation, you might want to release the reservation and
allow a new server to access the volume.

When possible, you should have the server that holds the reservation explicitly
release the reservation to ensure that the server cache is flushed and that the server
software is aware that access to the volume has been lost. In circumstances where
this is not possible, you can use operating system specific tools to remove
reservations. Consult the operating system documentation for details.

When you use the rmvdiskhostmap CLI command or the management GUI to
remove host mappings, SAN Volume Controller nodes with a software level of
4.1.0 or later can remove the server's standard reservations and persistent
reservations that the host has on the volume.

Maximum configurations
Ensure that you are familiar with the maximum configurations of the SAN Volume

See the following website for the latest maximum configuration support:

System high availability

A SAN Volume Controller clustered system has several features that can be used to
deploy a high-availability storage system with no single point of failure.

Each I/O group within a system consists of a pair of nodes. If a node fails within
an I/O group, the other node in the I/O group assumes the I/O responsibilities of
the failed node. If the node contains solid-state drives (SSDs), the connection from
a node to its SSD can be a single point of failure in the event of an outage to the
node itself. Use RAID 10 or RAID 1 to remove this single point of failure.

If a system of SAN Volume Controller nodes is split into two partitions (for
example due to a SAN fabric fault), the partition with most nodes continues to
process I/O operations. If a system is split into two equal-sized partitions, a
quorum disk is accessed to determine which half of the system continues to read
and write data.

Each SAN Volume Controller node has four Fibre Channel ports, which can be
used to attach the node to multiple SAN fabrics. For high availability, attach the

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 55

nodes in a system to at least two fabrics. SAN Volume Controller software
incorporates multipathing software that is used for communication among SAN
Volume Controller nodes and for I/O operations among SAN Volume Controller
nodes and storage systems. If a SAN fabric fault disrupts communication or I/O
operations, the multipathing software recovers and tries the operation again
through an alternative communication path. Also for high availability, configure
your Fibre Channel host systems to use multipathing software. If a SAN fabric
fault or node failure occurs, I/O operations among Fibre Channel host systems and
SAN Volume Controller nodes are tried again. Subsystem device driver (SDD)
multipathing software is available from IBM at no additional charge for use with
SAN Volume Controller. For additional information about subsystem device driver
(SDD), go to the Support for IBM Systems website:

iSCSI-attached hosts connect to SAN Volume Controller through node Ethernet

ports. If a node fails, SAN Volume Controller fails over the IP addresses to the
partner node in the I/O group to maintain access to the volumes.

The SAN Volume Controller Volume Mirroring feature can be used to mirror data
across storage systems. This feature provides protection against a storage system

The SAN Volume Controller Metro Mirror and Global Mirror features can be used
to mirror data between systems at different physical locations for disaster recovery.

Node management and support tools

The SAN Volume Controller solution offers several management and support tools
for you to maintain and manage your nodes.

IBM System Storage Productivity Center

The IBM System Storage Productivity Center (SSPC) is an integrated hardware and
software solution that provides a single point of entry for managing SAN Volume
Controller clustered systems, IBM System Storage DS8000 systems, and other
components of your data storage infrastructure.

SSPC helps simplify storage management in the following ways:

v Centralizing the management of storage network resources with IBM storage
management software
v Providing greater synergy between storage management software and IBM
storage devices
v Reducing the number of servers that are required to manage your software
v Providing simple migration from basic device management to storage
management applications that provide higher-level functions

SSPC includes the following software components:

v PuTTY (SSH client software)
v IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Basic Edition, which can be used to
access the IBM System Storage DS8000 Storage Manager and the SAN Volume
v IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition

56 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Figure 15 shows an overview of how SSPC and the components of IBM Tivoli
Storage Productivity Center, IBM System Storage DS8000, and SAN Volume
Controller interrelate with each other.

SAN Volume SAN Volume
Controller Controller management
system GUI in browser window
DS8000 HW
Tivoli Storage Console
Productivity Center
for Replication

Tivoli Storage DS8000

Productivity Center
Basic Edition

DS8000 Element

DS4000 DS8000 Storage

system Manager

Storwize V7000
management GUI
in browser window

Storwize V7000

Figure 15. Overview of the IBM System Storage Productivity Center

For more information on SSPC, see the IBM System Storage Productivity Center
Introduction and Planning Guide.

Assist On-site and remote service

When you contact IBM to help you resolve a problem with your SAN Volume
Controller environment, the IBM service representative might suggest using the
IBM Assist On-site tool to remotely access the management workstation. This type
of remote service can help you reduce service costs and shorten repair times.

The IBM Assist On-site tool is a remote desktop-sharing solution that is offered
through the IBM website. With it, the IBM service representative can remotely view
your system to troubleshoot a problem. You can maintain a chat session with the
IBM service representative so that you can monitor the activity and either
understand how to fix the problem yourself or allow the representative to fix it for

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 57

To use the IBM Assist On-site tool, the management workstation must be able to
access the Internet. The following website provides further information about this

When you access the website, you sign in and enter a code that the IBM service
representative provides to you. This code is unique to each IBM Assist On-site
session. A plug-in is downloaded onto your management workstation to connect
you and your IBM service representative to the remote service session. The IBM
Assist On-site tool contains several layers of security to protect your applications
and your computers. You can also use security features to restrict access by the
IBM service representative.

Your IBM service representative can provide you with more detailed instructions
for using the tool.

Event notifications
The SAN Volume Controller product can use Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) traps, syslog messages, and Call Home email to notify you and
the IBM Support Center when significant events are detected. Any combination of
these notification methods can be used simultaneously. Notifications are normally
sent immediately after an event is raised. However, there are some events that
might occur because of service actions that are being performed. If a recommended
service action is active, these events are notified only if they are still unfixed when
the service action completes.

Each event that SAN Volume Controller detects is assigned a notification type of
Error, Warning, or Information. When you configure notifications, you specify
where the notifications should be sent and which notification types are sent to that

Table 16 describes the levels of event notifications.

Table 16. Notification levels
Notification level Description
Critical Critical notification is sent to indicate a problem that must be
corrected as soon as possible.

This notification indicates a serious problem with the SAN Volume

Controller. For example, the event that is being reported could
indicate a loss of redundancy in the system, and it is possible that
another failure could result in loss of access to data. The most
typical reason that this type of notification is sent is because of a
hardware failure, but some configuration errors or fabric errors also
are included in this notification level. Critical notifications can be
configured to be sent as a Call Home to the IBM Remote Technical

58 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 16. Notification levels (continued)
Notification level Description
Warning A warning notification is sent to indicate a problem or unexpected
condition with the SAN Volume Controller. Always immediately
investigate this type of notification to determine the effect that it
might have on your operation, and make any necessary corrections.

A warning notification does not require any replacement parts and

therefore should not require IBM Support Center involvement. The
allocation of notification type Warning does not imply that the
event is less serious than one that has notification level Critical.
Information An informational notification is sent to indicate that an expected
event has occurred: for example, a FlashCopy operation has
completed. No remedial action is required when these notifications
are sent.

Events with notification type Error or Warning are shown as alerts in the event log.
Events with notification type Information are shown as messages.

SNMP traps

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for

managing networks and exchanging messages. The system can send SNMP
messages that notify personnel about an event. You can use an SNMP manager to
view the SNMP messages that the system sends. You can use the management GUI
or the command-line interface to configure and modify your SNMP settings. You
can specify up to a maximum of six SNMP servers.

You can use the Management Information Base (MIB) file for SNMP to configure a
network management program to receive SNMP messages that are sent by the
system. This file can be used with SNMP messages from all versions of the
software. More information about the MIB file for SNMP is available at this

Search for MIB. Go to the downloads results to find Management Information

Base (MIB) file for SNMP. Click this link to find download options.

Syslog messages

The syslog protocol is a standard protocol for forwarding log messages from a
sender to a receiver on an IP network. The IP network can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
The system can send syslog messages that notify personnel about an event. The
system can transmit syslog messages in either expanded or concise format. You can
use a syslog manager to view the syslog messages that the system sends. The
system uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to transmit the syslog message.
You can specify up to a maximum of six syslog servers.You can use the
management GUI or the SAN Volume Controller command-line interface to
configure and modify your syslog settings.

Table 17 on page 60 shows how SAN Volume Controller notification codes map to
syslog security-level codes.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 59

Table 17. SAN Volume Controller notification types and corresponding syslog level codes
SAN Volume Controller
notification type Syslog level code Description
ERROR LOG_ALERT Fault that might require
hardware replacement that
needs immediate attention.
WARNING LOG_ERROR Fault that needs immediate
attention. Hardware
replacement is not expected.
INFORMATIONAL LOG_INFO Information message used,
for example, when a
configuration change takes
place or an operation
TEST LOG_DEBUG Test message

Table 18 shows how SAN Volume Controller values of user-defined message origin
identifiers map to syslog facility codes.
Table 18. SAN Volume Controller values of user-defined message origin identifiers and
syslog facility codes
SAN Volume
Controller value Syslog value Syslog facility code Message format
0 16 LOG_LOCAL0 Full
1 17 LOG_LOCAL1 Full
2 18 LOG_LOCAL2 Full
3 19 LOG_LOCAL3 Full
4 20 LOG_LOCAL4 Concise
5 21 LOG_LOCAL5 Concise
6 22 LOG_LOCAL6 Concise
7 23 LOG_LOCAL7 Concise

Call Home email

The Call Home feature transmits operational and event-related data to you and
IBM through a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server connection in the form
of an event notification email. When configured, this function alerts IBM service
personnel about hardware failures and potentially serious configuration or
environmental issues.

To send email, you must configure at least one SMTP server. You can specify as
many as five additional SMTP servers for backup purposes. The SMTP server must
accept the relaying of email from the SAN Volume Controller management IP
address. You can then use the management GUI or the SAN Volume Controller
command-line interface to configure the email settings, including contact
information and email recipients. Set the reply address to a valid email address.
Send a test email to check that all connections and infrastructure are set up
correctly. You can disable the Call Home function at any time using the
management GUI or the SAN Volume Controller command-line interface.

60 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Data that is sent with notifications

Notifications can be sent using email, SNMP, or syslog. The data sent for each type
of notification is the same. It includes:
v Record type
v Machine type
v Machine serial number
v Error ID
v Error code
v Software version
v FRU part number
v Cluster (system) name
v Node ID
v Error sequence number
v Time stamp
v Object type
v Object ID
v Problem data

Emails contain the following additional information that allow the Support Center
to contact you:
v Contact names for first and second contacts
v Contact phone numbers for first and second contacts
v Alternate contact numbers for first and second contacts
v Offshift phone number
v Contact email address
v Machine location

To send data and notifications to IBM service personnel, use one of the following
email addresses:
v For SAN Volume Controller nodes located in North America, Latin America,
South America or the Caribbean Islands, use [email protected]
v For SAN Volume Controller nodes located anywhere else in the world, use
[email protected]

Inventory information email

An inventory information email summarizes the hardware components and
configuration of a system. IBM service personnel can use this information to
contact you when relevant software upgrades are available or when an issue that
can affect your configuration is discovered. It is a good practice to enable
inventory reporting.

Because inventory information is sent using the Call Home email function, you
must meet the Call Home function requirements and enable the Call Home email
function before you can attempt to send inventory information email. You can
adjust the contact information, adjust the frequency of inventory email, or
manually send an inventory email using the management GUI or the SAN Volume
Controller command-line interface.

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 61

Inventory information that is sent to IBM includes the following information about
the clustered system on which the Call Home function is enabled. Sensitive
information such as IP addresses is not included.
v Licensing information
v Details about the following objects and functions:
External storage systems
RAID types
Easy Tier
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
For detailed information about what is included in the Call Home inventory
information, configure the system to send an inventory email to yourself.

Performance statistics
Real-time performance statistics provide short-term status information for the SAN
Volume Controller system. The statistics are shown as graphs in the management

You can use system statistics to monitor the bandwidth of all the volumes,
interfaces, and MDisks that are being used on your system. You can also monitor
the overall CPU utilization for the system. These statistics summarize the overall
performance health of the system and can be used to monitor trends in bandwidth
and CPU utilization. You can monitor changes to stable values or differences
between related statistics, such as the latency between volumes and MDisks. These
differences then can be further evaluated by performance diagnostic tools.

Additionally, with system-level statistics, you can quickly view bandwidth of

volumes, interfaces, and MDisks. Each of these graphs displays the current
bandwidth in megabytes per second, and a view of bandwidth over time. Each
data point can be accessed to determine its individual bandwidth use and to
evaluate whether a specific data point might represent performance impacts. For
example, you can monitor the interfaces, such as Fibre Channel or SAS interfaces,
to determine if the host data-transfer rate is different from the expected rate.

You can also select node-level statistics, which can help you determine the
performance impact of a specific node. As with system statistics, node statistics
help you to evaluate whether the node is operating within normal performance

The CPU utilization graph shows the current percentage of CPU usage and specific
data points on the graph that show peaks in utilization. If compression is being
used, you can monitor the amount of CPU resources being used for compression
and the amount available to the rest of the system.

The Interfaces graph displays data points for serial-attached SCSI (SAS), Fibre
Channel, and iSCSI interfaces. You can use this information to help determine
connectivity issues that might impact performance.

The Volumes and MDisks graphs on the Performance panel show four metrics:
Read, Write, Read latency, and Write latency. You can use these metrics to help

62 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

determine the overall performance health of the volumes and MDisks on your
system. Consistent unexpected results can indicate errors in configuration, system
faults, or connectivity issues.

To access these performance statistics, click Monitoring > Performance in the

management GUI.

User roles
Each user of the management GUI must provide a user name and a password to
sign on. Each user also has an associated role such as monitor, copy operator,
service, administrator, or security administrator. These roles are defined at the
system level. For example, a user may perform the administrator role for one
system and perform the service role for another system.
Users with this role can view objects and system configuration but cannot
configure, modify, or manage the system or its resources.
Copy Operator
Users with this role have monitor-role privileges and can change and
manage all Copy Services functions.
Users with this role have monitor-role privileges and can view the system
information, begin the disk-discovery process, and include disks that have
been excluded. This role is used by service personnel.
Users with this role can access all functions on the system except those that
deal with managing users, user groups, and authentication.
Security Administrator (SecurityAdmin role name)
Users with this role can access all functions on the system, including
managing users, user groups, and user authentication.

User authentication configuration

You can configure authentication and authorization for users of the SAN Volume
Controller clustered system.

You can create two types of users who access the system. These types are based on
how the users are authenticated to the system. Local users must provide either a
password, a Secure Shell (SSH) key, or both. Local users are authenticated through
the authentication methods that are located on the SAN Volume Controller system.
If the local user needs access to the management GUI, a password is needed for
the user. If the user requires access to the command-line interface (CLI) through
SSH, either a password or a valid SSH key file is necessary. Local users must be
part of a user group that is defined on the system. User groups define roles that
authorize the users within that group to a specific set of operations on the system.

A remote user is authenticated on a remote service with either Tivoli Integrated

Portal or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv3) support such as IBM
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center or IBM Tivoli Directory Server. A remote user
does not need local authentication methods. With Tivoli Integrated Portal, both a
password and SSH key are required to use the command-line interface. With
LDAP, having a password and SSH key is not necessary although SSH keys
optionally can be configured. Remote users who need to access the system when

Chapter 1. SAN Volume Controller overview 63

the remote service is down also need to configure local credentials. Remote users
have their groups defined by the remote authentication service.

To manage users and user groups on the system using the management GUI, select
User Management > Users. To configure remote authentication with Tivoli
Integrated Portal or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, select Settings >
Directory Services.

64 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2. Copy Services features
The SAN Volume Controller provides Copy Services features that enable you to
copy volumes.

The following Copy Services features are available for all supported hosts that are
connected to SAN Volume Controller:
Makes an instant, point-in-time copy from a source volume to a target
Metro Mirror
Provides a consistent copy of a source volume on a target volume. Data is
written to the target volume synchronously after it is written to the source
volume, so that the copy is continuously updated.
Global Mirror
Provides a consistent copy of a source volume on a target volume. Data is
written to the target volume asynchronously, so that the copy is
continuously updated, but the copy might not contain the most recent
updates in the event that a disaster recovery operation is performed.

FlashCopy function
The FlashCopy function is a Copy Services feature that is available with the SAN
Volume Controller system.

In its basic mode, the IBM FlashCopy function copies the contents of a source
volume to a target volume. Any data that existed on the target volume is lost and
is replaced by the copied data. After the copy operation has completed, the target
volumes contain the contents of the source volumes as they existed at a single
point in time unless target writes have been performed. The FlashCopy function is
sometimes described as an instance of a time-zero copy (T 0) or point-in-time copy
technology. Although the FlashCopy operation takes some time to complete, the
resulting data on the target volume is presented so that the copy appears to have
occurred immediately.

Although it is difficult to make a consistent copy of a data set that is constantly

updated, point-in-time copy techniques help solve this problem. If a copy of a data
set is created using a technology that does not provide point-in-time techniques
and the data set changes during the copy operation, the resulting copy might
contain data that is not consistent. For example, if a reference to an object is copied
earlier than the object itself and the object is moved before it is copied, the copy
contains the referenced object at its new location, but the copied reference still
points to the previous location.

More advanced FlashCopy functions allow operations to occur on multiple source

and target volumes. FlashCopy management operations are coordinated to provide
a common, single point in time for copying target volumes from their respective
source volumes. This creates a consistent copy of data that spans multiple volumes.
The FlashCopy function also allows multiple target volumes to be copied from
each source volume. This can be used to create images from different points in
time for each source volume.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 65

FlashCopy applications
You can use the FlashCopy feature to create consistent backups of dynamic data,
test applications, and create copies for auditing purposes and for data mining.

To create consistent backups of dynamic data, use the FlashCopy feature to capture
the data at a particular time. The resulting image of the data can be backed up, for
example, to a tape device. When the copied data is on tape, the data on the
FlashCopy target disks become redundant and can now be discarded. Usually in
this backup condition, the target data can be managed as read-only.

It is often very important to test a new version of an application with real business
data before the existing production version of the application is updated or
replaced. This testing reduces the risk that the updated application fails because it
is not compatible with the actual business data that is in use at the time of the
update. Such an application test might require write access to the target data.

You can also use the FlashCopy feature to create restart points for long running
batch jobs. This means that if a batch job fails several days into its run, it might be
possible to restart the job from a saved copy of its data rather than rerunning the
entire multiday job.

Host considerations for FlashCopy integrity

The SAN Volume Controller FlashCopy feature transfers a point-in-time copy of a
source volume onto a designated target volume. You must create or already have
an existing target volume before you can transfer the copy. You must also ensure
that the target volume has enough space available to support the amount of data
that is being transferred.

After the mapping is started, all of the data that is stored on the source volume
can be accessed through the target volume. This includes any operating system
control information, application data, and metadata that was stored on the source
volume. Because of this, some operating systems do not allow a source volume
and a target volume to be addressable on the same host.

To ensure the integrity of the copy that is made, it is necessary to completely flush
the host cache of any outstanding reads or writes before you proceed with the
FlashCopy operation. You can flush the host cache by unmounting the source
volumes from the source host before you start the FlashCopy operation.

Because the target volumes are overwritten with a complete image of the source
volumes, it is important that any data held on the host operating system (or
application) caches for the target volumes is discarded before the FlashCopy
mappings are started. The easiest way to ensure that no data is held in these
caches is to unmount the target volumes before starting the FlashCopy operation.

Some operating systems and applications provide facilities to stop I/O operations
and ensure that all data is flushed from caches on the host. If these facilities are
available, they can be used to prepare and start a FlashCopy operation. See your
host and application documentation for details.

Some operating systems are unable to use a copy of a volume without synthesis.
Synthesis performs a transformation of the operating system metadata on the
target volume to enable the operating system to use the disk. See your host
documentation on how to detect and mount the copied volumes.

66 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Flushing data from the host volumes
All outstanding read and write operations must be flushed from the host cache
before you use the FlashCopy feature.

About this task

Perform the following steps to flush data from your host volumes and start a
FlashCopy operation:

1. If you are using UNIX or Linux operating systems, perform the following steps:
a. Quiesce all applications to the source volumes that you want to copy.
b. Use the unmount command to unmount the designated drives.
c. Prepare and start the FlashCopy operation for those unmounted drives.
d. Remount your volumes with the mount command and resume your
2. If you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system using drive letter
changes, perform the following steps:
a. Quiesce all applications to the source volumes that you want to copy.
b. Go into your disk management window and remove the drive letter on
each drive that you want to copy. This unmounts the drive.
c. Prepare and start the FlashCopy operation for those unmounted drives.
d. Remount your volumes by restoring the drive letters and resume your
If you are using the chkdsk command, perform the following steps:
a. Quiesce all applications to the source volumes that you want to copy.
b. Issue the chkdsk /x command on each drive you want to copy. The /x
option unmounts, scans, and remounts the volume.
c. Ensure that all applications to the source volumes are still quiesced.
d. Prepare and start the FlashCopy operation for those unmounted drives.

Note: If you can ensure that no reads and writes are issued to the source
volumes after you unmount the drives, you can immediately remount and then
start the FlashCopy operation.

FlashCopy mappings
A FlashCopy mapping defines the relationship between a source volume and a
target volume.

The FlashCopy feature makes an instant copy of a volume at the time that it is
started. To create an instant copy of a volume, you must first create a mapping
between the source volume (the disk that is copied) and the target volume (the
disk that receives the copy). The source and target volumes must be of equal size.

A mapping can be created between any two volumes in a system. The volumes do
not have to be in the same I/O group or storage pool. When a FlashCopy
operation starts, a checkpoint is made of the source volume. No data is actually
copied at the time a start operation occurs. Instead, the checkpoint creates a bitmap
that indicates that no part of the source volume has been copied. Each bit in the
bitmap represents one region of the source volume. Each region is called a grain.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 67

After a FlashCopy operation starts, read operations to the source volume continue
to occur. If new data is written to the source or target volume, the existing data on
the source is copied to the target volume before the new data is written to the
source or target volume. The bitmap is updated to mark that the grain of the
source volume has been copied so that later write operations to the same grain do
not recopy the data.

During a read operation to the target volume, the bitmap is used to determine if
the grain has been copied. If the grain has been copied, the data is read from the
target volume. If the grain has not been copied, the data is read from the source

Incremental FlashCopy mappings

In an incremental FlashCopy, the initial mapping copies all of the data from the
source volume to the target volume. Subsequent FlashCopy mappings only copy
data that has been modified since the initial FlashCopy mapping. This reduces the
amount of time that it takes to re-create an independent FlashCopy image. You can
define a FlashCopy mapping as incremental only when you create the FlashCopy

Figure 16. Incremental FlashCopy of differences

FlashCopy partner mappings

You can create a mapping to mirror an existing incremental FlashCopy mapping.

The resulting pair of mappings are called partners. A mapping can have only one
partner. For example, if you have volume A and volume B with two mappings
(Mapping 0 from volume A to volume B and Mapping 1 from volume B to volume
A), Mapping 0 and Mapping 1 are partners.

Incremental FlashCopy mappings share the metadata for recording changes.

Therefore, if one mapping in a mirrored pair (partnership) is incremental, the other
mapping becomes incremental automatically and remains incremental until it is

68 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Cascaded FlashCopy mappings

The cascaded FlashCopy function allows a FlashCopy target volume to be the

source volume of another FlashCopy mapping.

Figure 17. Cascading FlashCopy volumes

Up to 256 mappings can exist in a cascade. If cascaded mappings and multiple

target mappings are used, a tree of up to 256 mappings can be created.

Multiple target FlashCopy mappings

You can copy up to 256 target volumes from a single source volume. Each
relationship between a source and target volume is managed by a unique mapping
such that a single volume can be the source volume in up to 256 mappings.

Each of the mappings from a single source can be started and stopped
independently. If multiple mappings from the same source are active (in the
copying or stopping states), a dependency exists between these mappings.

Example 1:

Mapping A depends on mapping B if the following is true:

v Mapping A and mapping B both have the same source volume
v Mapping A and mapping B are both in the copying or stopping state
v Mapping B was started more recently than mapping A

Note: If both mappings were in the same consistency group and therefore
started at the same time, the order of dependency is decided internally when the
consistency group is started.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 69

v Mapping A does not have a complete copy of the source because the copying
progress for the mapping is less than 100.
v A mapping does not exist from the same source started more recently than A
and later than B which has a complete copy of the source because the copying
progress of the mapping is less than 100.

Example 2:

Target volume A depends on target volume B if the mapping that volume A

belongs to depends on the mapping that target volume B belongs to. The target
volume of the most recently started mapping from the source volume depends on
the source volume until there is a complete copy of the source (progress is 100% ).

Clean rate, copy rate, and autodelete

When you create a mapping, you specify a clean rate. The clean rate is used to
control the rate that data is copied from the target volume of the mapping to the
target volume of a mapping that is either the latest copy of the target volume, or is
the next oldest copy of the source volume. The clean rate is used in the following
v The mapping is in the stopping state
v The mapping is in the copying state and has a copy rate of zero
v The mapping is in the copying state and the background copy has completed

You can use the clean rate to minimize the amount of time that a mapping is in the
stopping state. If the mapping has not completed, the target volume is offline
while the mapping is stopping. The target volume remains offline until the
mapping is restarted.

You also specify a copy rate when you create a mapping. When the mapping is in
the copying state, the copy rate determines the priority that is given to the
background copy process. If you want a copy of the whole source volume so that a
mapping can be deleted and still be accessed from the target volume, you must
copy all the data that is on the source volume to the target volume.

The default values for both the clean rate and the copy rate is 50.

When a mapping is started and the copy rate is greater than zero, the unchanged
data is copied to the target volume, and the bitmap is updated to show that the
copy has occurred. After a time, the length of which depends on the priority that
was determined by the copy rate and the size of the volume, the whole volume is
copied to the target. The mapping returns to the idle_or_copied state and you can
now restart the mapping at any time to create a new copy at the target.

While the mapping is in the copying state, you can set the copy rate to zero and
the clean rate to a value other than zero to minimize the amount of time a
mapping is in the stopping state.

If you use multiple target mappings, the mapping can stay in the copying state
after all of the source data is copied to the target (the progress is 100%). This
situation can occur if mappings that were started earlier and use the same source
disk are not yet 100% copied.

70 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

If the copy rate is zero, only the data that changes on the source is copied to the
target. The target never contains a copy of the whole source unless every extent is
overwritten at the source. You can use this copy rate when you require a
temporary copy of the source.

You can stop the mapping at any time after it has been started. Unless the target
volume already contains a complete copy of the source volume, this action makes
the target inconsistent and the target volume is taken offline. The target volume
remains offline until the mapping is restarted.

You can also set the autodelete attribute. If this attribute is set to on, the mapping
is automatically deleted when the mapping reaches the idle_or_copied state and
the progress is 100%.

FlashCopy mapping states

At any point in time, a mapping is in one of the following states:

Idle or copied
The source and target volumes act as independent volumes even if a
mapping exists between the two. Read and write caching is enabled for
both the source and the target volumes.
If the mapping is incremental and the background copy is complete, the
mapping only records the differences between the source and target
volumes. If the connection to both nodes in the I/O group that the
mapping is assigned to is lost, the source and target volumes will be
The copy is in progress. Read and write caching is enabled on the source
and the target volumes.
The mapping is ready to start. The target volume is online, but is not
accessible. The target volume cannot perform read or write caching. Read
and write caching is failed by the SCSI front end as a hardware error. If the
mapping is incremental and a previous mapping has completed, the
mapping only records the differences between the source and target
volumes. If the connection to both nodes in the I/O group that the
mapping is assigned to is lost, the source and target volumes go offline.
The target volume is online, but not accessible. The target volume cannot
perform read or write caching. Read and write caching is failed by the
SCSI front end as a hardware error. Any changed write data for the source
volume is flushed from the cache. Any read or write data for the target
volume is discarded from the cache. If the mapping is incremental and a
previous mapping has completed, the mapping records only the differences
between the source and target volumes. If the connection to both nodes in
the I/O group that the mapping is assigned to is lost, the source and target
volumes go offline.
The mapping is stopped because either you issued a stop command or an
I/O error occurred. The target volume is offline and its data is lost. To
access the target volume, you must restart or delete the mapping. The
source volume is accessible and the read and write cache is enabled. If the
mapping is incremental, the mapping is recording write operations to the

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 71

source volume. If the connection to both nodes in the I/O group that the
mapping is assigned to is lost, the source and target volumes go offline.
The mapping is in the process of copying data to another mapping.
v If the background copy process is complete, the target volume is online
while the stopping copy process completes.
v If the background copy process is not complete, data is discarded from
the target volume cache. The target volume is offline while the stopping
copy process runs.
The source volume is accessible for I/O operations.
The mapping started, but it did not complete. Access to the metadata is
lost, which causes both the source and target volume to go offline. When
access to the metadata is restored, the mapping returns to the copying or
stopping state and the source and target volumes return online. The
background copy process resumes. Any data that has not been flushed and
has been written to the source or target volume before the suspension, is in
cache until the mapping leaves the suspended state.

1. If a FlashCopy source volume goes offline, any FlashCopy target volumes that
depend on that volume also go offline.
2. If a FlashCopy target volume goes offline, any FlashCopy target volumes that
depend on that volume also go offline. The source volume remains online.

Before you start the mapping, you must prepare it. Preparing the mapping ensures
that the data in the cache is de-staged to disk and a consistent copy of the source
exists on disk. At this time, the cache goes into write-through mode. Data that is
written to the source is not cached in the SAN Volume Controller nodes; it passes
straight through to the MDisks. The prepare operation for the mapping might take
some time to complete; the actual length of time depends on the size of the source
volume. You must coordinate the prepare operation with the operating system.
Depending on the type of data that is on the source volume, the operating system
or application software might also cache data write operations. You must flush, or
synchronize, the file system and application program before you prepare and start
the mapping.

Note: The startfcmap and startfcconsistgrp commands can take some time to

If you do not want to use consistency groups, the SAN Volume Controller allows a
mapping to be treated as an independent entity. In this case, the mapping is
known as a stand-alone mapping. For mappings that have been configured in this
way, use the prestartfcmap and startfcmap commands rather than the
prestartfcconsistgrp and startfcconsistgrp commands.

FlashCopy mapping restoration

You can start a mapping with a target volume that is the source volume of another
active mapping that is in either the idle_copied, stopped, or copying states. If the
mapping is in the copying state, the restore parameter is required for the
startfcmap and prestartfcmap commands. You can restore the contents of a
FlashCopy source volume by using the target of the same FlashCopy mapping or a

72 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

different FlashCopy mapping without waiting for the mapping to become idle and
without loss of the contents of any other FlashCopy target volume.

Veritas Volume Manager

For FlashCopy target volumes, the SAN Volume Controller sets a bit in the inquiry
data for those mapping states where the target volume could be an exact image of
the source volume. Setting this bit enables the Veritas Volume Manager to
distinguish between the source and target volumes and provide independent
access to both.

FlashCopy mapping events

FlashCopy mapping events detail the events that modify the state of a FlashCopy

Table 19 provides a description of each FlashCopy mapping event.

Table 19. FlashCopy mapping events
Create A new FlashCopy mapping is created between the specified source
volume and the specified target volume. The operation fails if any of the
following is true:
v The source volume is already a member of 256 FlashCopy mappings.
v The node has insufficient bitmap memory.
v The source and target volumes are different sizes.
Prepare The prepare command is directed to either a consistency group for
FlashCopy mappings that are members of a normal consistency group or
to the mapping name for FlashCopy mappings that are stand-alone
mappings. The prepare command places the FlashCopy mapping into the
preparing state.

Attention: The prepare command can corrupt any data that previously
resided on the target volume because cached writes are discarded. Even if
the FlashCopy mapping is never started, the data from the target might
have logically changed during the act of preparing to start the FlashCopy
Flush done The FlashCopy mapping automatically moves from the preparing state to
the prepared state after all cached data for the source is flushed and all
cached data for the target is no longer valid.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 73

Table 19. FlashCopy mapping events (continued)
Start When all the FlashCopy mappings in a consistency group are in the
prepared state, the FlashCopy mappings can be started.

To preserve the cross volume consistency group, the start of all of the
FlashCopy mappings in the consistency group must be synchronized
correctly with respect to I/Os that are directed at the volumes. This is
achieved during the start command.

The following occurs during the start command:

v New reads and writes to all source volumes in the consistency group
are paused in the cache layer until all ongoing reads and writes below
the cache layer are completed.
v After all FlashCopy mappings in the consistency group are paused, the
internal clustered system state is set to allow FlashCopy operations.
v After the system state is set for all FlashCopy mappings in the
consistency group, read and write operations are unpaused on the
source volumes.
v The target volumes are brought online.

As part of the start command, read and write caching is enabled for both
the source and target volumes.
Modify The following FlashCopy mapping properties can be modified:
v FlashCopy mapping name
v Clean rate
v Consistency group
v Copy rate (for background copy or stopping copy priority)
v Automatic deletion of the mapping when the background copy is
Stop There are two separate mechanisms by which a FlashCopy mapping can
be stopped:
v You have issued a command
v An I/O error has occurred
Delete This command requests that the specified FlashCopy mapping is deleted.
If the FlashCopy mapping is in the stopped state, the force flag must be
Flush failed If the flush of data from the cache cannot be completed, the FlashCopy
mapping enters the stopped state.
Copy complete After all of the source data has been copied to the target and there are no
dependent mappings, the state is set to copied. If the option to
automatically delete the mapping after the background copy completes is
specified, the FlashCopy mapping is automatically deleted. If this option
is not specified, the FlashCopy mapping is not automatically deleted and
can be reactivated by preparing and starting again.
Bitmap The node has failed.

Thin-provisioned FlashCopy
You can have a mix of thin-provisioned and fully allocated volumes in FlashCopy
mappings. One common combination is a fully allocated source with a
thin-provisioned target, which enables the target to consume a smaller amount of
real storage than the source.

74 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

For best performance, the grain size of the thin-provisioned volume must match
the grain size of the FlashCopy mapping. However, if the grain sizes are different,
the mapping still proceeds.

Consider the following information when you create your FlashCopy mappings:
v If you are using a fully allocated source with a thin-provisioned target, disable
background copy and cleaning mode on the FlashCopy map by setting both the
background copy rate and cleaning rate to zero. Otherwise, if these features are
enabled, all the source is copied onto the target volume. This causes the
thin-provisioned volume to either go offline or to grow as large as the source.
v If you are using only thin-provisioned source, only the space that is used on the
source volume is copied to the target volume. For example, if the source volume
has a virtual size of 800 GB and a real size of 100 GB of which 50 GB have been
used, only the used 50 GB are copied.
v A FlashCopy bitmap contains one bit for every grain on a volume. For example,
if you have a thin-provisioned volume with 1 TB virtual size (100 MB real
capacity), you must have a FlashCopy bitmap to cover the 1 TB virtual size even
though only 100 MB of real capacity is allocated.

FlashCopy consistency groups

A consistency group is a container for mappings. You can add many mappings to a
consistency group.

The consistency group is specified when the mapping is created. You can also
change the consistency group later. When you use a consistency group, you
prepare and start that group instead of the individual mappings. This process
ensures that a consistent copy is made of all the source volumes. Mappings to
control at an individual level are known as stand-alone mappings. Do not place
stand-alone mappings into a consistency group because they become controlled as
part of that consistency group.

When you copy data from one volume to another, the data might not include all
that you need to use the copy. Many applications have data that spans multiple
volumes and requires that data integrity is preserved across volumes. For example,
the logs for a particular database usually reside on a different volume than the
volume that contains the data.

Consistency groups address the problem of applications having related data that
spans multiple volumes. In this situation, IBM FlashCopy operations must be
performed in a way that preserves data integrity across the multiple volumes. One
requirement for preserving the integrity of data being written is to ensure that
dependent writes are run in the intended sequence of the application.

You can set the autodelete attribute for FlashCopy consistency groups. If this
attribute is set to on, the consistency group is automatically deleted when the last
mapping in the group is deleted or moved out of the consistency group.

Multiple target FlashCopy mappings

Consistency groups aggregate FlashCopy mappings, not the volumes themselves.

Therefore, a source volume with multiple FlashCopy mappings can be in different
consistency groups. If a volume is the source volume for several FlashCopy
mappings that are in the same consistency group, multiple identical copies of the
source volume are created when the consistency group is started.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 75

Cascaded FlashCopy mappings

To create a FlashCopy mapping in a consistency group, the source volume cannot

be the target of a mapping in the same consistency group. In addition, the target
volume cannot be the source of another FlashCopy mapping in the same
consistency group. You cannot move a FlashCopy mapping into a consistency
group that contains similar FlashCopy mappings in the cascade.

FlashCopy consistency group states

At any point in time, a FlashCopy consistency group is in one of the following

Table 20. FlashCopy consistency group states
Management GUI icon Command-line interface state Description
Idle_or_Copied All FlashCopy mappings in this
consistency group are in the idle or
copied state.

Preparing At least one FlashCopy mapping in

the consistency group is in the
preparing state.

Prepared The consistency group is ready to

start. The target volumes of all
FlashCopy mappings in this

consistency group are not accessible.

Copying At least one FlashCopy mapping in

the consistency group is in the
copying state and no FlashCopy

mappings are in the suspended state.

Stopping At least one FlashCopy mapping in

the consistency group is in the
stopping state and no FlashCopy

mappings are in the copying or

suspended state.

Stopped The consistency group might be

stopped because either you issued a
command or an I/O error occurred.

Suspended At least one FlashCopy mapping in

the consistency group is in the
suspended state.

76 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 20. FlashCopy consistency group states (continued)
Management GUI icon Command-line interface state Description
Empty The consistency group does not have
any FlashCopy mappings.

(No state) Individual FlashCopy mappings that
are not in a consistency group.

Dependent write operations

To preserve the integrity of data that is being written, ensure that dependent writes
are run in the intended sequence of the application.

The following list is a typical sequence of write operations for a database update
1. A write operation updates the database log so that it indicates that a database
update is about to take place.
2. A second write operation updates the database.
3. A third write operation updates the database log so that it indicates that the
database update has completed successfully.

The database ensures correct ordering of these writes by waiting for each step to
complete before starting the next. The database log is often placed on a different
volume than the database. In this case, ensure that FlashCopy operations are
performed without changing the order of these write operations. For example,
consider the possibility that the database (update 2) is copied slightly earlier than
the database log (update 1 and 3), which means the copy on the target volume will
contain updates (1) and (3) but not (2). In this case, if the database is restarted
from a backup made from the FlashCopy target disks, the database log indicates
that the transaction has completed successfully when, in fact, it has not. The
transaction is lost and the integrity of the database is compromised.

You can perform a FlashCopy operation on multiple volumes as an atomic

operation to create a consistent image of user data. To use FlashCopy this way, the
SAN Volume Controller supports the concept of a consistency group. A consistency
group can contain an arbitrary number of FlashCopy mappings, up to the
maximum number of FlashCopy mappings that are supported by a SAN Volume
Controller clustered system. You can use the command-line interface (CLI)
startfcconsistgrp command to start the point-in-time copy for the entire
consistency group. All of the FlashCopy mappings in the consistency group are
started at the same time, resulting in a point-in-time copy that is consistent across
all of the FlashCopy mappings that are contained in the consistency group.

See the following website for the latest maximum configuration support:

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 77

Grains and the FlashCopy bitmap
When data is copied between volumes, it is copied in units of address space
known as grains.

The grain size is 64 KB or 256 KB. The FlashCopy bitmap contains one bit for each
grain. The bit records whether the associated grain has been split by copying the
grain from the source to the target.

Write to target volume

A write to the newest target volume must consider the state of the grain for its
own mapping and the grain of the next oldest mapping.
v If the grain of the intermediate mapping or the next oldest mapping has not
been copied, it must be copied before the write is allowed to proceed. This is
done to preserve the contents of the next oldest mapping. The data written to
the next oldest mapping can come from a target or source.
v If the grain of the target that is being written has not been copied, the grain is
copied from the oldest already copied grain in the mappings that are newer than
the target (or the source if no targets are already copied). After the copy is
complete, the write can be applied to the target.

Read to target volume

If the grain that is being read has been split, the read returns data from the target
that is being read. If the read is to an uncopied grain on an intermediate target
volume, each of the newer mappings are examined to determine if the grain has
been split. The read is surfaced from the first split grain found or from the source
volume if none of the newer mappings have a split grain.

Background copy and cleaning rates

FlashCopy mapping copy rate values can be between 1 and 100 and can be
changed when the FlashCopy mapping is in any state.

If NOCOPY is specified, background copy is disabled. You can specify NOCOPY for
short-lived FlashCopy mappings that are only used for backups, for example.
Because the source data set is not expected to significantly change during the
lifetime of the FlashCopy mapping, it is more efficient in terms of managed disk
(MDisk) I/Os to not perform a background copy.

Note: For the command-line interface (CLI), the value NOCOPY is equivalent to
setting the copy rate to 0 (zero).

Table 21 provides the relationship of the copy and cleaning rate values to the
attempted number of grains to be split per second. A grain is the unit of data
represented by a single bit.
Table 21. Relationship between the rate, data rate and grains per second values
User-specified rate
attribute value Data copied/sec 256 KB grains/sec 64 KB grains/sec
1 - 10 128 KB 0.5 2
11 - 20 256 KB 1 4
21 - 30 512 KB 2 8
31 - 40 1 MB 4 16

78 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 21. Relationship between the rate, data rate and grains per second
values (continued)
User-specified rate
attribute value Data copied/sec 256 KB grains/sec 64 KB grains/sec
41 - 50 2 MB 8 32
51 - 60 4 MB 16 64
61 - 70 8 MB 32 128
71 - 80 16 MB 64 256
81 - 90 32 MB 128 512
91 - 100 64 MB 256 1024

The data copied/sec and the grains/sec numbers represent standards that the SAN
Volume Controller tries to achieve. The SAN Volume Controller is unable to
achieve these standards if insufficient bandwidth is available from the nodes to the
physical disks that make up the managed disks (MDisks) after taking into account
the requirements of foreground I/O. If this situation occurs, background copy I/O
contends for resources on an equal basis with I/O that arrives from hosts. Both
tend to see an increase in latency and consequential reduction in throughput with
respect to the situation had the bandwidth not been limited. Background copy,
stopping copy, and foreground I/O continue to make forward progress and do not
stop, hang, or cause the node to fail.

The background copy is performed by one of the nodes that belong to the I/O
group in which the source volume resides. This responsibility is moved to the
other node in the I/O group in the event of the failure of the node that performs
the background and stopping copy.

The background copy starts with the grain that contains the highest logical block
numbers (LBAs) and works in reverse towards the grain that contains LBA 0. The
background copy is performed in reverse to avoid any unwanted interactions with
sequential write streams from the application.

The stopping copy operation copies every grain that is split on the stopping map
to the next map (if one exists) which is dependent on that grain. The operation
starts searching with the grain that contains the highest LBAs and works in reverse
towards the grain that contains LBA 0. Only those grains that other maps are
dependent upon are copied.

Cleaning mode

When you create or modify a FlashCopy mapping, you can specify a cleaning rate
for the FlashCopy mapping that is independent of the background copy rate. The
cleaning rates shown in Table 21 on page 78 control the rate at which the cleaning
process operates. The cleaning process copies data from the target volume of a
mapping to the target volumes of other mappings that are dependent on this data.
The cleaning process must complete before the FlashCopy mapping can go to the
stopped state.

Cleaning mode allows you to activate the cleaning process when the FlashCopy
mapping is in the copying state. This keeps your target volume accessible while
the cleaning process is running. When operating in this mode, it is possible that
host I/O operations can prevent the cleaning process from reaching 100% if the

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 79

I/O operations continue to copy new data to the target volumes. However, it is
possible to minimize the amount of data that requires cleaning while the mapping
is stopping.

Cleaning mode is active if the background copy progress has reached 100% and
the mapping is in the copying state, or if the background copy rate is set to 0.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror

The Metro Mirror and Global Mirror Copy Services features enable you to set up a
relationship between two volumes, so that updates that are made by an application
to one volume are mirrored on the other volume. The volumes can be in the same
system or on two different systems.

Although the application only writes to a single volume, the system maintains two
copies of the data. If the copies are separated by a significant distance, the Metro
Mirror and Global Mirror copies can be used as a backup for disaster recovery. A
prerequisite for Metro Mirror and Global Mirror operations between systems is
that the SAN fabric to which they are attached provides adequate bandwidth
between the systems.

For both Metro Mirror and Global Mirror copy types, one volume is designated as
the primary and the other volume is designated as the secondary. Host
applications write data to the primary volume, and updates to the primary volume
are copied to the secondary volume. Normally, host applications do not perform
I/O operations to the secondary volume.

The Metro Mirror feature provides a synchronous-copy process. When a host writes
to the primary volume, it does not receive confirmation of I/O completion until
the write operation has completed for the copy on both the primary volume and
the secondary volume. This ensures that the secondary volume is always
up-to-date with the primary volume in the event that a failover operation must be
performed. However, the host is limited to the latency and bandwidth limitations
of the communication link to the secondary volume.

The Global Mirror feature provides an asynchronous-copy process. When a host

writes to the primary volume, confirmation of I/O completion is received before
the write operation has completed for the copy on the secondary volume. If a
failover operation is performed, the application must recover and apply any
updates that were not committed to the secondary volume. If I/O operations on
the primary volume are paused for a small length of time, the secondary volume
can become an exact match of the primary volume.

Global Mirror can operate with or without cycling. When operating without
cycling, write operations are applied to the secondary volume as soon as possible
after they are applied to the primary volume. The secondary volume is generally
less than 1 second behind the primary volume, which minimizes the amount of
data that must be recovered in the event of a failover. This requires that a
high-bandwidth link be provisioned between the two sites, however.

When Global Mirror operates with cycling mode, changes are tracked and where
needed copied to intermediate change volumes. Changes are transmitted to the
secondary site periodically. The secondary volumes are much further behind the
primary volume, and more data must be recovered in the event of a failover.
Because the data transfer can be smoothed over a longer time period, however,
lower bandwidth is required to provide an effective solution.

80 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The Metro Mirror and Global Mirror operations support the following functions:
v Intrasystem copying of a volume, in which both volumes belong to the same
clustered system and I/O group within the system.
v Intersystem copying of a volume, in which one volume belongs to a system and
the other volume belongs to a different system.

Note: A system can participate in active Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
relationships with itself and up to three other systems.
v Intersystem and intrasystem Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships can
be used concurrently within a system.
v The intersystem link is bidirectional. This means that it can copy data from
system A to system B for one pair of volumes while copying data from system B
to system A for a different pair of volumes.
v The copy direction can be reversed for a consistent relationship.
v Consistency groups are supported to manage a group of relationships that must
be kept synchronized for the same application. This also simplifies
administration, because a single command that is issued to the consistency
group is applied to all the relationships in that group.
v SAN Volume Controller supports a maximum of 8192 Metro Mirror and Global
Mirror relationships per clustered system.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships define the relationship between two
volumes: a master volume and an auxiliary volume.

Typically, the master volume contains the production copy of the data and is the
volume that the application normally accesses. The auxiliary volume typically
contains a backup copy of the data and is used for disaster recovery.

Global Mirror with cycling also makes use of change volumes, which hold earlier
consistent revisions of data when changes are made. A change volume can be
created for both the master volume and the auxiliary volume of the relationship.

The master and auxiliary volumes are defined when the relationship is created,
and these attributes never change. However, either volume can operate in the
primary or secondary role as necessary. The primary volume contains a valid copy
of the application data and receives updates from the host application, analogous
to a source volume. The secondary volume receives a copy of any updates to the
primary volume, because these updates are all transmitted across the mirror link.
Therefore, the secondary volume is analogous to a continuously updated target
volume. When a relationship is created, the master volume is assigned the role of
primary volume and the auxiliary volume is assigned the role of secondary
volume. Therefore, the initial copying direction is from master to auxiliary. When
the relationship is in a consistent state, you can reverse the copy direction.

The two volumes in a relationship must be the same size. When the two volumes
are in the same system, they must be in the same I/O group.

If change volumes are defined, they must be the same size and in the same I/O
group as the associated master volume or auxiliary volume.

For ease of application management, a relationship can be added to a consistency


Chapter 2. Copy Services features 81

Note: Membership of a consistency group is an attribute of the relationship, not
the consistency group. Therefore, issue the chrcrelationship command to add or
remove a relationship to or from a consistency group.

Copy types

A Metro Mirror copy ensures that updates are committed to both the primary and
secondary volumes before sending confirmation of I/O completion to the host
application. This ensures that the secondary volume is synchronized with the
primary volume in the event that a failover operation is performed.

A Global Mirror copy allows the host application to receive confirmation of I/O
completion before the updates are committed to the secondary volume. If a
failover operation is performed, the host application must recover and apply any
updates that were not committed to the secondary volume.

A multiple-cycling Global Mirror copy lowers bandwidth requirements by

addressing only the average throughput and not the peak. The copying process for
multiple-cycling Global Mirror is similar to Metro Mirror and noncycling Global
Mirror. The change volume for the secondary volume can be used to maintain a
consistent image at the secondary volume while the background copy process is
active. Multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationships have a higher recovery point
objective (RPO) than noncycling Global Mirror relationships.


When a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship is created with two volumes in
different clustered systems, the distinction between the connected and
disconnected states is important. These states apply to both systems, the
relationships, and the consistency groups. The following relationship states are
The primary volume is accessible for read and write I/O operations, but
the secondary volume is not accessible for either operation. A copy process
must be started to make the secondary volume consistent.
The primary volume is accessible for read and write I/O operations, but
the secondary volume is not accessible for either operation. This state is
entered after an startrcrelationship command is issued to a consistency
group in the InconsistentStopped state. This state is also entered when an
startrcrelationship command is issued, with the force option, to a
consistency group in the Idling or ConsistentStopped state.
The secondary volume contains a consistent image, but it might be out of
date with respect to the primary volume. This state can occur when a
relationship was in the ConsistentSynchronized state and experiences an
error that forces a freeze of the consistency group. This state can also occur
when a relationship is created with the CreateConsistentFlag parameter set
to TRUE.
The primary volume is accessible for read and write I/O operations. The
secondary volume is accessible for read-only I/O operations.

82 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The primary volume is accessible for read and write I/O operations. The
secondary volume contains a consistent image, which might be out of date
with respect to the primary volume, and is accessible for read-only I/O
operations. If the relationship is a multiple-cycling Global Mirror
relationship, the secondary volume periodically refreshes with an
up-to-date consistent image.
Idling A master volume and an auxiliary volume operates in the primary role.
Consequently the volume is accessible for write I/O operations.
The volumes in this half of the consistency group are all operating in the
primary role and can accept read or write I/O operations.
The volumes in this half of the consistency group are all operating in the
secondary role and cannot accept read or write I/O operations.
The volumes in this half of the consistency group are all operating in the
secondary role and can accept read I/O operations but not write I/O

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships between

clustered systems
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships can exist simultaneously between
systems. In this type of configuration, there can be impacts to performance because
write data from both Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships is transported
over the same intersystem links.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships manage heavy workloads differently:
v Metro Mirror typically maintains the relationships that are in the copying or
synchronized states, which causes the primary host applications to see degraded
v Noncycling Global Mirror requires a higher level of write performance to
primary host applications. If the link performance is severely degraded, the link
tolerance feature automatically stops noncycling Global Mirror relationships
when the link tolerance threshold is exceeded. As a result, noncycling Global
Mirror write operations can suffer degraded performance if Metro Mirror
relationships use most of the capability of the intersystem link.
v Multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationships do not degrade performance in
heavy workload situations. Global Mirror relationships instead allow the
secondary volume to trail further behind the primary volume until the workload
has lessened.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships

Partnerships define an association between a local clustered system and a remote

Before a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship or consistency group can be

created with a remote system, a partnership between the two systems must be
established. If Global Mirror or Metro Mirror relationships or consistency groups
exist between two remote systems, those systems must maintain their partnership.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 83

Each system can maintain up to three partnerships, and each partnership can be
with a single remote system. As many as four systems can be directly associated
with each other.

You can create new Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships between systems
with different software levels. If the partnerships are between a SAN Volume
Controller version 6.3.0 system and a system that is at 4.3.1, each system can
participate in a single partnership with another system. If the systems are all either
SAN Volume Controller version 5.1.0 or later, each system can participate in up to
three system partnerships. A maximum of four systems are permitted in the same
connected set. A partnership cannot be formed between a SAN Volume Controller
version 6.3.0 and one that is running a version that is earlier than 4.3.1.

Attention: If you want to upgrade a system to SAN Volume Controller version

6.3.0 and the partner is running version 4.3.0 or earlier, you must first upgrade the
partner system to SAN Volume Controller 4.3.1 or later before you upgrade the
first system to version 6.3.0.

Systems also become indirectly associated with each other through partnerships. If
two systems each have a partnership with a third system, those two systems are
indirectly associated. A maximum of four systems can be directly or indirectly

The nodes within the system must know not only about the relationship between
the two volumes but also about an association among systems.

The following examples show possible partnerships that can be established among
SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

System A System B

Figure 18. Two systems with no partnerships

System A System B

Figure 19. Two systems with one partnership

84 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

System B System A System C

System D

Figure 20. Four systems in a partnership. System A might be a disaster recovery site.

System A System B

System C svc00525

Figure 21. Three systems in a migration situation. Data Center B is migrating to C. System A
is host production, and System B and System C are disaster recovery.

System A System C

System B System D

Figure 22. Systems in a fully connected mesh configuration. Every system has a partnership
to each of the three other systems.

System A System B System C System D

Figure 23. Four systems in three partnerships

Figure 24 on page 86 depicts a system configuration that is not supported. Five

systems are in the connected set, even though no individual system is in more than
two partnerships.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 85

System A System B System C System D System E

Figure 24. An unsupported system configuration

To establish a Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnership between two systems,
you must run the mkpartnership command from both systems. For example, to
establish a partnership between system A and system B, you must run the
mkpartnership command from system A and specify system B as the remote
system. At this point the partnership is partially configured and is sometimes
described as one-way communication. Next, you must run the mkpartnership
command from system B and specify system A as the remote system. When this
command completes, the partnership is fully configured for two-way
communication between the systems. You can also use the management GUI to
create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships.

The state of the partnership helps determine whether the partnership operates as
expected. In addition to being fully configured, a system partnership can have the
following states:
Partially Configured
Indicates that only one system partner is defined from a local or remote
system to the displayed system and is started. For the displayed system to
be configured fully and to complete the partnership, you must define the
system partnership from the system that is displayed to the corresponding
local or remote system. You can do this by issuing the mkpartnership
command on the local and remote systems that are in the partnership, or
by using the management GUI to create a partnership on both the local
and remote systems.
Fully Configured
Indicates that the partnership is defined on the local and remote systems
and is started.
Remote Not Present
Indicates that the remote system is not present to the partnership.
Partially Configured (Local Stopped)
Indicates that the local system is only defined to the remote system and the
local system is stopped.
Fully Configured (Local Stopped)
Indicates that a partnership is defined on both the local and remote
systems. The remote system is present, but the local system is stopped.
Fully Configured (Remote Stopped)
Indicates that a partnership is defined on both the local and remote
systems. The remote system is present, but the remote system is stopped.
Fully Configured (Local Excluded)
Indicates that a partnership is defined between a local and remote system;
however, the local system has been excluded. Usually this state occurs
when the fabric link between the two systems has been compromised by
too many fabric errors or slow response times of the system partnership.
To resolve these errors. check the event log for 1720 errors by selecting
Service and Maintenance > Analyze Event Log.

86 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Fully Configured (Remote Excluded)
Indicates that a partnership is defined between a local and remote system;
however, the remote system has been excluded. Usually this state occurs
when the fabric link between the two systems has been compromised by
too many fabric errors or slow response times of the system partnership.
To resolve these errors, check the event log for 1720 errors by selecting
Service and Maintenance > Analyze Event Log.
Fully Configured (Remote Exceeded)
Indicates that a partnership is defined between a local and remote system
and the remote system is available; however, the remote system exceeds
the number of allowed systems within a system network. The maximum of
four systems can be defined in a network. If the number of systems
exceeds that limit, SAN Volume Controller determines the inactive system
or systems by sorting all the systems by their unique identifier in
numerical order. The inactive system partner that is not in the top four of
the system-unique identifiers displays Fully Configured (Remote

To change Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships, use the chpartnership
command. To delete Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships, use the
rmpartnership command.

Attention: Before you run the rmpartnership command, you must remove all
relationships and groups that are defined between the two systems. To display
system relationships and groups, run the lsrcrelationship and srcconsistgrp
commands. To remove the relationships and groups that are defined between the
two systems, run the rmrcrelationship and rmrcconsistgrp commands.

Background copy management

You can control the rate at which the initial background copy from the local system
to the remote system is performed. The bandwidth parameter specifies this rate in
whole megabytes per second.

In a multiple-cycling Global Mirror copy, the bandwidth parameter controls the

rate at which updates are propagated to the remote system. To ensure that the
remote copies are as similar as possible to the local copies, the bandwidth
parameter needs to be at least the average rate that write operations are applied to
all volumes that are replicated by using multiple-cycling Global Mirror across this
partnership. For optimum RPO, keep the bandwidth parameter less than the actual
available bandwidth to ensure that multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationships do
not congest the fabric. Also leave sufficient bandwidth for Metro Mirror and
noncycling Global Mirror relationships to support their I/Os that are being

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror between SAN Volume Controller

and Storwize V7000

You can create partnerships with SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000
systems to allow Metro Mirror and Global Mirror to operate between the two
systems. To be able to create these partnerships, both clustered systems must be at
version 6.3.0 or later.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 87

A clustered system is in one of two layers: the replication layer or the storage layer.
The SAN Volume Controller system is always in the replication layer. The Storwize
V7000 system is in the storage layer by default, but the system can be configured
to be in the replication layer instead.

Figure 25 shows an example of the layers in a SAN Volume Controller and

Storwize V7000 clustered-system partnership.

Partnership Partnership

SAN Volume SAN Volume

Storwize V7000
Controller Controller
System A System B System C Layer = replication

Replication layer
Storage layer


Storwize V7000

System D Layer = storage

Figure 25. Example configuration for replication between SAN Volume Controller and a
Storwize V7000 system

Clustered systems can be configured into partnerships only with other systems in
the same layer. Specifically, this means the following configurations:
v SAN Volume Controller systems can be in partnerships with other SAN Volume
Controller systems.
v With default settings, a Storwize V7000 system can be in a partnership with
other Storwize V7000 systems.
v A Storwize V7000 system can be in a partnership with a SAN Volume Controller
system if the Storwize V7000 system is switched to the replication layer.
v A replication-layer Storwize V7000 system can be in a partnership with another
replication-layer Storwize V7000 system. A replication-layer Storwize V7000
cannot be in a partnership with a storage-layer Storwize V7000 system.
v A Storwize V7000 system can present storage to SAN Volume Controller only if
the Storwize V7000 system is in the storage layer.

To view the current layer of a clustered system, enter the lssystem command-line
interface (CLI) command.

Global Mirror configuration requirements

To plan for using the Global Mirror feature in noncycling mode, consider these

All components in the SAN must be capable of sustaining the workload that is
generated by application hosts and the Global Mirror background copy process. If
all of the components in the SAN cannot sustain the workload, the Global Mirror
relationships are automatically stopped to protect your application hosts from
increased response times.

88 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

When you use the noncycling Global Mirror feature, follow these best practices:
v Use IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center or an equivalent SAN performance
analysis tool to monitor your SAN environment. The IBM Tivoli Storage
Productivity Center provides an easy way to analyze the SAN Volume
Controller performance statistics.
v Analyze the SAN Volume Controller performance statistics to determine the
peak application write workload that the link must support. Gather statistics
over a typical application I/O workload cycle.
v Set the background copy rate to a value that can be supported by the
intersystem link and the back-end storage systems at the remote clustered
v Do not use cache-disabled volumes in noncycling Global Mirror relationships.
v Set the gmlinktolerance parameter to an appropriate value. The default value is
300 seconds (5 minutes).
v When you perform SAN maintenance tasks, take one of the following actions:
– Reduce the application I/O workload for the duration of the maintenance
– Disable the gmlinktolerance feature or increase the gmlinktolerance value.

Note: If the gmlinktolerance value is increased during the maintenance task,

do not set it to the normal value until the maintenance task is complete. If the
gmlinktolerance feature is disabled for the duration of the maintenance task,
enable it after the maintenance task is complete.
– Stop the Global Mirror relationships.
v Evenly distribute the preferred nodes for the noncycling Global Mirror volumes
between the nodes in the systems. Each volume in an I/O group has a preferred
node property that can be used to balance the I/O load between nodes in the
I/O group. The preferred node property is also used by the Global Mirror
feature to route I/O operations between systems. A node that receives a write
operation for a volume is normally the preferred node for that volume. If the
volume is in a Global Mirror relationship, the node is responsible for sending
the write operation to the preferred node of the secondary volume. By default,
the preferred node of a new volume is the node that owns the fewest volumes
of the two nodes in the I/O group. Each node in the remote system has a set
pool of Global Mirror system resources for each node in the local system. To
maximize Global Mirror performance, set the preferred nodes for the volumes of
the remote system to use every combination of primary nodes and secondary

Long distance links for Metro Mirror and Global Mirror

For intersystem partnerships, clustered system pairs must be separated by a
number of moderately high bandwidth links.

Figure 26 on page 90 shows an example of a configuration that uses dual

redundant fabrics. Part of each fabric is located at the local system and the remote
system. There is no direct connection between the two fabrics.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 89

Node Node
Interswitch links
Switch Switch
Node fabric 1A fabric 1B Node

Node Node
Switch Switch
fabric 2A fabric 2B
Node Node

Back-end Back-end Back-end Back-end

storage storage storage storage

Local system Remote system

Figure 26. Redundant fabrics

You can use Fibre Channel extenders or SAN routers to increase the distance
between two systems. Fibre Channel extenders transmit Fibre Channel packets
across long links without changing the contents of the packets. SAN routers
provide virtual nPorts on two or more SANs to extend the scope of the SAN. The
SAN router distributes the traffic from one virtual nPort to the other virtual nPort.
The two Fibre Channel fabrics are independent of each other. Therefore, nPorts on
each of the fabrics cannot directly log in to each other. See the following website
for specific firmware levels and the latest supported hardware:

If you use Fibre Channel extenders or SAN routers, you must meet the following
v For SAN Volume Controller software level 4.1.1 or later, the round-trip latency
between sites cannot exceed 80 ms for either Fibre Channel extenders or SAN
v The configuration must be tested with the expected peak workloads.
v Metro Mirror and Global Mirror require a specific amount of bandwidth for
intersystem heartbeat traffic. The amount of traffic depends on the number of
nodes that are in both the local system and the remote system. Table 22 lists the
intersystem heartbeat traffic for the primary system and the secondary system.
These numbers represent the total traffic between two systems when there are
no I/O operations running on the copied volumes. Half of the data is sent by
the primary system and half of the data is sent by the secondary system so that
traffic is evenly divided between all of the available intersystem links. If you
have two redundant links, half of the traffic is sent over each link.
Table 22. Intersystem heartbeat traffic in Mbps
System 1 System 2
2 nodes 4 nodes 6 nodes 8 nodes
2 nodes 2.6 4.0 5.4 6.7
4 nodes 4.0 5.5 7.1 8.6

90 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 22. Intersystem heartbeat traffic in Mbps (continued)
System 1 System 2
6 nodes 5.4 7.1 8.8 10.5
8 nodes 6.7 8.6 10.5 12.4

v In a Metro Mirror or noncycling Global Mirror relationship, the bandwidth

between two sites must meet the peak workload requirements and maintain the
maximum round-trip latency between the sites. When you evaluate the
workload requirement in a multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationship, you must
consider the average write workload and the required synchronization copy
bandwidth. If there are no active synchronization copies and no write I/O
operations for volumes that are in the Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
relationship, the SAN Volume Controller protocols operate with the bandwidth
that is indicated in Table 22 on page 90. However, you can only determine the
actual amount of bandwidth that is required for the link by considering the peak
write bandwidth to volumes that are participating in Metro Mirror or Global
Mirror relationships and then adding the peak write bandwidth to the peak
synchronization bandwidth.
v If the link between two sites is configured with redundancy so that it can
tolerate single failures, the link must be sized so that the bandwidth and latency
statements are correct during single failure conditions.
v The channel must not be used for links between nodes in a single system.
Configurations that use long distance links in a single system are not supported
and can cause I/O errors and loss of access.
v The configuration is tested to confirm that any failover mechanisms in the
intersystem links interoperate satisfactorily with SAN Volume Controller.
v All other SAN Volume Controller configuration requirements are met.

Limitations on host-to-system distances

There is no limit on the Fibre Channel optical distance between SAN Volume
Controller nodes and host servers. You can attach a server to an edge switch in a
core-edge configuration with the SAN Volume Controller system at the core. SAN
Volume Controller systems support up to three ISL hops in the fabric. Therefore,
the host server and the SAN Volume Controller system can be separated by up to
five Fibre Channel links. If you use longwave small form-factor pluggable (SFP)
transceivers, four of the Fibre Channel links can be up to 10 km long.

Using the intersystem link for host traffic

If you use the intersystem link for host traffic, ensure that you have sufficient
bandwidth to support all sources of load.

Scenario: The hosts in a local clustered system can read and

write to the volumes in a remote system

In this scenario, the hosts in the local system also exchange heartbeats with the
hosts that are in the remote system. Because the intersystem link is being used for
multiple purposes, you must have sufficient bandwidth to support the following
sources of load:
v Global Mirror or Metro Mirror data transfers and the SAN Volume Controller
system heartbeat traffic.
v Local host to remote volume I/O traffic or remote host to local volume I/O

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 91

v Local-host-to-remote-host heartbeat traffic. If the local-host-to-remote-volume
I/O traffic is allowed to consume a high percentage of intersystem link
bandwidth, the latency seen by the hosts that access SAN Volume Controller
volumes that are participating in Metro Mirror or Global Mirror operations can
be impacted. The bandwidth congestion can cause the Global Mirror link
tolerance threshold to be exceeded. When the Global Mirror link tolerance
threshold is exceeded, Global Mirror relationships are stopped.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency groups

You can group Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships into a consistency
group so that they can be updated at the same time. A command that is issued to
the consistency group is simultaneously applied to all of the relationships in the

Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships can be based on “loose” or “tight”

associations. A more significant use arises when the relationships contain volumes
with a tight association. A simple example of a tight association is the spread of
data for an application across more than one volume. A more complex example is
when multiple applications run on different host systems. Each application has
data on different volumes, and these applications exchange data with each other.
In both examples, specific rules exist as to how the relationships can be updated.
These rules ensure that the set of secondary volumes contain usable data. The key
property is that these relationships are consistent.

Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships can only belong to one consistency
group; however, they do not have to belong to a consistency group. Relationships
that are not part of a consistency group are called stand-alone relationships. A
consistency group can contain zero or more relationships. All relationships in a
consistency group must have matching primary and secondary systems, which are
sometimes referred to as master and auxiliary systems. All relationships in a
consistency group must also have the same copy direction and state.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships cannot belong to the same
consistency group. A copy type is automatically assigned to a consistency group
when the first relationship is added to the consistency group. After the consistency
group is assigned a copy type, only relationships of that copy type can be added to
the consistency group. Global Mirror relationships with different cycling modes
cannot belong to the same consistency group. The type and direction of the
relationships in a consistency group must be the same.

Possible relationship types:

v Metro Mirror
v Global Mirror with cycling mode none
v Global Mirror with multiple-cycling mode

Possible relationship directions:

v Intrasystem
v From local system to remote system
v From remote system to local system

Consistency group states

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency groups can be in one of the following

92 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 23. Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency group states
Management GUI icon1 Command-line interface state Description
Inconsistent (stopped) The primary volumes are
accessible for read and write
I/O operations, but the

secondary volumes are not
accessible for either operation. A
copy process must be started to
make the secondary volumes

Inconsistent (copying) The primary volumes are

accessible for read and write
I/O operations, but the

secondary volumes are not

accessible for either operation.
This state is entered after the
startrcconsistgrp command is
issued to a consistency group in

the InconsistentStopped state.

This state is also entered when
the startrcconsistgrp
command is issued, with the
force option, to a consistency
group in the Idling or
ConsistentStopped state.
Consistent (stopped) The secondary volumes contain
a consistent image, but it might
be out-of-date with respect to

the primary volume. This state

can occur when a relationship
was in the
ConsistentSynchronized state
and experiences an error that

forces a freeze of the consistency

group. This state can occur
while in the
ConsistentSynchronized or
ConsistentCopying state
following a stoprcconsistgrp
command. The state can also
occur when a relationship
between two volumes is created
and the volumes are already
Consistent (copying) The primary volumes are
accessible for read and write
I/O operations. The secondary

volumes contain a consistent

image, but it might be out of
date with respect to the primary
volume. This state applies to
consistency groups that contain

Global Mirror relationships with


Chapter 2. Copy Services features 93

Table 23. Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency group states (continued)
Management GUI icon1 Command-line interface state Description
Consistent (synchronized) The primary volumes are
accessible for read and write
I/O operations. The secondary
volumes are accessible for
read-only I/O operations.

Idling Both the primary volumes and

the secondary volumes are
operating in the primary role.

Consequently the volumes are

accessible for write I/O

Idling (disconnected) The volumes in this half of the

consistency group are all
operating in the primary role

and can accept read or write

I/O operations.

Inconsistent (disconnected) The volumes in this half of the

consistency group are all
operating in the primary role

and can accept read or write

I/O operations.

Consistent (disconnected) The volumes in this half of the

consistency group are all
operating in the secondary role

and cannot accept read or write

I/O operations.

94 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 23. Metro Mirror and Global Mirror consistency group states (continued)
Management GUI icon1 Command-line interface state Description
Empty The consistency group does not
contain any relationships.


(No state) Metro Mirror and Global Mirror

relationships that are not in a
consistency group.

In rows where two Management GUI icons are shown, the first icon indicates a synchronous-copy Metro Mirror
state. The second icon in each row indicates an asynchronous-copy Global Mirror state

Note: Volume copies are synchronized when their contents are consistent. If write
operations take place on either the primary or secondary volume after a consistent
(stopped) or idling state occurs, they might no longer be synchronized.

Background copy bandwidth impact on foreground I/O latency

The background copy bandwidth determines the rate at which the background
copy for Metro Mirror or Global Mirror Copy Services are attempted.

The background copy bandwidth can affect foreground I/O latency in one of three
v If the background copy bandwidth is set too high for the intersystem link
capacity, the following results can occur:
– The intersystem link is not able to process the background copy I/Os fast
enough, and the I/Os can back up (accumulate).
– For Metro Mirror, there is a delay in the synchronous secondary write
operations of foreground I/Os.
– For Global Mirror, the work is backlogged, which delays the processing of
write operations and causes the relationship to stop. For Global Mirror in
multiple-cycling mode, a backlog in the intersystem link can congest the local
fabric and cause delays to data transfers.
– The foreground I/O latency increases as detected by applications.
v If the background copy bandwidth is set too high for the storage at the primary
site, background copy read I/Os overload the primary storage and delay
foreground I/Os.
v If the background copy bandwidth is set too high for the storage at the secondary
site, background copy write operations at the secondary overload the secondary
storage and again delay the synchronous secondary write operations of
foreground I/Os.
– For Global Mirror without cycling mode, the work is backlogged and again
the relationship is stopped

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 95

To set the background copy bandwidth optimally, you must consider all three
resources (the primary storage, the intersystem link bandwidth, and the secondary
storage). Provision the most restrictive of these three resources between the
background copy bandwidth and the peak foreground I/O workload. You must
also consider concurrent host I/O because if other write operations arrive at the
primary system for copy to the remote site, these write operations can be delayed
by a high level of background copy and the hosts at the primary site receive poor
write-operation response times.

The provisioning for optimal bandwidth for the background copy can also be
calculated by determining how much background copy can be allowed before
performance of host I/O becomes unacceptable. The background copy bandwidth
can be decreased slightly to accommodate peaks in workload and provide a safety
margin for host I/O.


If the bandwidth setting at the primary site for the secondary clustered system is
set to 200 MBps (megabytes per second) and the relationships are not
synchronized, the SAN Volume Controller attempts to resynchronize the
relationships at a maximum rate of 200 MBps with a 25 MBps restriction for each
individual relationship. The SAN Volume Controller cannot resynchronize the
relationship if the throughput is restricted. The following can restrict throughput:
v The read response time of back-end storage at the primary system
v The write response time of the back-end storage at the secondary site
v Intersystem link latency

Migrating a Metro Mirror relationship to a Global Mirror

You can migrate a Metro Mirror relationship to a Global Mirror relationship.

Scenario: I/O operations to the secondary volume can be

stopped during the migration

In this scenario, you have the ability to stop I/O operations to the secondary
volume during the migration process.

To stop I/O operations to the secondary volume while migrating a Metro Mirror
relationship to a Global Mirror relationship, you must specify the synchronized
option when you create the Global Mirror relationship.
1. Stop all host I/O operations to the primary volume.
2. Verify that the Metro Mirror relationship is consistent.

Important: If the Metro Mirror relationship is not consistent when it is

stopped, or if any host I/O operations run between the Metro Mirror
relationship being stopped and the Global Mirror relationship being created,
the updates are not copied to the secondary volume.
3. Delete the Metro Mirror relationship.
4. Create the Global Mirror relationship between the same two volumes.

After the Global Mirror relationship is created, you can start the relationship and
resume host I/O operations.

96 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Scenario: I/O operations to the secondary volume cannot be
stopped during the migration

In this scenario, you do not have the ability to stop I/O operations to the
secondary volume during the migration process.

If I/O operations to the secondary volume cannot be stopped, the data on the
secondary volume becomes out-of-date. When the Global Mirror relationship is
started, the secondary volume is inconsistent until all of the recent updates are
copied to the remote site.

If you do not require a consistent copy of the volume at the secondary site,
perform the following steps to migrate from a Metro Mirror relationship to a
Global Mirror relationship:

Important: The data on the secondary volume is not usable until the
synchronization process is complete. Depending on your link capabilities and the
amount of data that is being copied, this process can take an extended period of
time. You must set the background copy bandwidth for the intersystem
partnerships to a value that does not overload the intersystem link.
1. Delete the Metro Mirror relationship.
2. Create and start the Global Mirror relationship between the same two volumes.

If you require a consistent copy of the volume at the secondary site, perform the
following steps to migrate from a Metro Mirror relationship to a Global Mirror
1. Delete the Metro Mirror relationship.
2. Create a Global Mirror relationship between volumes that were not used for the
Metro Mirror relationship. This preserves the volume so that you can use it if
you require a consistent copy at a later time.

Alternatively, you can use the FlashCopy feature to maintain a consistent copy.
Perform the following steps to use the FlashCopy feature to maintain a consistent
1. Start a FlashCopy operation for the Metro Mirror volume.
2. Wait for the FlashCopy operation to complete.
3. Create and start the Global Mirror relationship between the same two volumes.
The FlashCopy volume is now your consistent copy.

Using FlashCopy to create a consistent image before

restarting a Global Mirror or Metro Mirror relationship
For disaster recovery purposes, you can use the FlashCopy feature to create a
consistent copy of an image before you restart a Global Mirror relationship.

When a consistent relationship is stopped, the relationship enters the

consistent_stopped state. While in this state, I/O operations at the primary site
continue to run. However, updates are not copied to the secondary site. When the
relationship is restarted, the synchronization process for new data is started.
During this process, the relationship is in the inconsistent_copying state. The
secondary volume for the relationship cannot be used until the copy process
completes and the relationship returns to the consistent state. When this occurs,
start a FlashCopy operation for the secondary volume before you restart the
relationship. Multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationships do not require this

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 97

because this cycling mode always maintains a consistent image while
resynchronizing.While the relationship is in the copying state, the FlashCopy
feature can provide a consistent copy of the data. If the relationship does not reach
the synchronized state, you can use the FlashCopy target volume at the secondary

The SVCTools package that is available on the IBM alphaWorks® website site
provides an example script that demonstrates how to manage the FlashCopy
process. See the copymanager script that is available in the SVCTools package. You
can download the SVCTools package from the following website:

Monitoring Global Mirror performance with the IBM System

Storage Productivity Center
You can use the IBM System Storage Productivity Center (SSPC) to monitor key
Global Mirror performance measurements.

It is important to use a Storage Area Network (SAN) performance monitoring tool

to ensure that all SAN components are performing correctly. This is particularly
important when you use an asynchronous copying solution such as the SAN
Volume Controller Global Mirror feature. SSPC monitors key performance
measures and alerts you when thresholds are exceeded.

Note: If your volume or MDisk configuration changes, restart the SSPC

performance report to ensure that performance is monitored for the new
Use SSPC to check the following measurements:
v The Port to Remote Node Send Response Time measurement is less than 80
milliseconds. If this measurement is greater than 80 milliseconds during
monitoring, the long-distance link has excessive latency. Ensure that the link is
operating at its maximum bandwidth.
v The sum of the Port to Local Node Send Response Time measurement and the Port
to Local Node Send Queue measurement is less than 1 millisecond for the primary
clustered system and the CPU utilization percentage is below 50%. A value that
exceeds these amounts can indicate that an I/O group is reaching the I/O
throughput limit, which can limit performance.
v The sum of the Back-end Write Response Time measurement and the Write Queue
Time for Global Mirror MDisks measurement of the secondary system is less than
100 milliseconds. A longer response time can indicate that the storage system is
v The sum of the Back-end Write Response Time measurement and the Write Queue
Time for Global Mirror MDisks measurement of the primary system is less than
100 milliseconds. If the response time is greater than 100 milliseconds,
application hosts might see extended response times when the SAN Volume
Controller system cache is full.
v The Write Data Rate for Global Mirror storage pools measurement of the secondary
system indicates the amount of data that is being written by Global Mirror
operations. If this value approaches either the intersystem link bandwidth or the
storage system throughput limit, further increases can cause overloading of the
system. Monitor for this condition in a way that is appropriate for your network.

98 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The gmlinktolerance feature
This feature monitors the response times for Global Mirror relationships in
noncycling mode. You can use the chsystem CLI command or the management
GUI to set the gmlinktolerance feature. The gmlinktolerance feature represents the
number of seconds that the primary SAN Volume Controller clustered system
tolerates slow response times from the secondary system.

If the poor response extends past the specified tolerance, a 1920 error is logged and
one or more Global Mirror relationships are automatically stopped. This protects
the application hosts at the primary site. During normal operation, application
hosts see a minimal impact to response times because the Global Mirror feature
uses asynchronous replication. However, if Global Mirror operations experience
degraded response times from the secondary system for an extended period of
time, I/O operations begin to queue at the primary system. This results in an
extended response time to application hosts. In this situation, the gmlinktolerance
feature stops Global Mirror relationships and the application hosts response time
returns to normal. After a 1920 error has occurred, the Global Mirror auxiliary
volumes are no longer in the consistent_synchronized state until you fix the cause
of the error and restart your Global Mirror relationships. For this reason, ensure
that you monitor the system to track when this occurs.

You can disable the gmlinktolerance feature by setting the gmlinktolerance value to
0 (zero). However, the gmlinktolerance cannot protect applications from extended
response times if it is disabled. It might be appropriate to disable the
gmlinktolerance feature in the following circumstances:
v During SAN maintenance windows where degraded performance is expected
from SAN components and application hosts can withstand extended response
times from Global Mirror volumes.
v During periods when application hosts can tolerate extended response times and
it is expected that the gmlinktolerance feature might stop the Global Mirror
relationships. For example, if you are testing using an I/O generator which is
configured to stress the backend storage, the gmlinktolerance feature might
detect the high latency and stop the Global Mirror relationships. Disabling
gmlinktolerance prevents this at the risk of exposing the test host to extended
response times.

Diagnosing and fixing 1920 errors

A 1920 error indicates that one or more of the SAN components are unable to
provide the performance that is required by the application hosts. This can be
temporary (for example, a result of maintenance activity) or permanent (for
example, a result of a hardware failure or unexpected host I/O workload). If you
are experiencing 1920 errors, set up a SAN performance analysis tool, such as the
IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, and make sure that it is correctly
configured and monitoring statistics when the problem occurs. Set your SAN
performance analysis tool to the minimum available statistics collection interval.
For the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, the minimum interval is five
minutes. If several 1920 errors have occurred, diagnose the cause of the earliest
error first. The following questions can help you determine the cause of the error:
v Was maintenance occurring at the time of the error? This might include
replacing a storage system physical disk, upgrading the firmware of the storage
system, or performing a code upgrade on one of the SAN Volume Controller
systems. You must wait until the maintenance procedure is complete and then
restart the Global Mirror relationships in noncycling mode. You must wait until

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 99

the maintenance procedure is complete to prevent a second 1920 error because
the system has not yet returned to a stable state with good performance.
v Were there any unfixed errors on either the source or target system? If yes,
analyze them to determine if they might have been the reason for the error. In
particular, see if they either relate to the volume or MDisks that are being used
in the relationship, or if they would have caused a reduction in performance of
the target system. Ensure that the error is fixed before you restart the Global
Mirror relationship.
v Is the long distance link overloaded? If your link is not capable of sustaining the
short-term peak Global Mirror workload, a 1920 error can occur. Perform the
following checks to determine if the long distance link is overloaded:
– Look at the total Global Mirror auxiliary volume write throughput before the
Global Mirror relationships were stopped. If this is approximately equal to
your link bandwidth, your link might be overloaded. This might be due to
application host I/O operations or a combination of host I/O and background
(synchronization) copy activities.
– Look at the total Global Mirror source volume write throughput before the
Global Mirror relationships were stopped. This represents the I/O operations
that are being performed by the application hosts. If these operations are
approaching the link bandwidth, upgrade the link's bandwidth, reduce the
I/O operations that the application is attempting to perform, or use Global
Mirror to copy fewer volumes. If the auxiliary disks show significantly more
write I/O operations than the source volumes, there is a high level of
background copy. Decrease the Global Mirror partnership's background copy
rate parameter to bring the total application I/O bandwidth and background
copy rate within the link's capabilities.
– Look at the total Global Mirror source volume write throughput after the
Global Mirror relationships were stopped. If write throughput increases by
30% or more when the relationships are stopped, the application hosts are
attempting to perform more I/O operations than the link can sustain. While
the Global Mirror relationships are active, the overloaded link causes higher
response times to the application host, which decreases the throughput it can
achieve. After the Global Mirror relationships have stopped, the application
host sees lower response times. In this case, the link bandwidth must be
increased, the application host I/O rate must be decreased, or fewer volumes
must be copied using Global Mirror.
v Are the storage systems at the secondary system overloaded? If one or more of
the MDisks on a storage system are providing poor service to the SAN Volume
Controller system, a 1920 error occurs if this prevents application I/O operations
from proceeding at the rate that is required by the application host. If the
back-end storage system requirements have been followed, the error might have
been caused by a decrease in storage system performance. Use IBM Tivoli
Storage Productivity Center to obtain the back-end write response time for each
MDisk at the secondary system. If the response time for any individual MDisk
exhibits a sudden increase of 50 ms or more or if the response time is above 100
ms, this indicates a problem. Perform the following checks to determine if the
storage systems are overloaded:
– Check the storage system for error conditions such as media errors, a failed
physical disk, or associated activity such as RAID rebuilding. If there is an
error, you should fix the problem and then restart the Global Mirror
– If there is no error, determine if the secondary storage system is capable of
processing the required level of application host I/O operations. It might be
possible to improve the performance of the storage system by adding more

100 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

physical disks to an array, changing the RAID level of the array, changing the
cache settings of the storage system and check in the cache battery to ensure
it is operational, or changing other specific configuration parameters of the
storage system.
v Are the storage systems at the primary system overloaded? Analyze the
performance of the primary back-end storage using the same steps as for the
secondary back-end storage. If performance is bad, limit the amount of I/O
operations that can be performed by application hosts. Monitor the back-end
storage at the primary site even if the Global Mirror relationships have not been
affected. If bad performance continues for a prolonged period, a 1920 error
occurs and the Global Mirror relationships are stopped.
v Is one of your SAN Volume Controller systems overloaded? Use IBM Tivoli
Storage Productivity Center to obtain the port-to-local-node send response time
and the port to local node send queue time. If the total of these two statistics for
either system is above 1 millisecond, the SAN Volume Controller might be
experiencing a very high I/O load. Also check the SAN Volume Controller node
CPU utilization. If this figure is above 50%, this can also be contributing to the
problem. In either case, contact your IBM service representative for further
assistance. If CPU utilization is much higher for one node than for the other
node in the same I/O group, this might be caused by having different node
hardware types within the same I/O group. For example, a SAN Volume
Controller 2145-8F4 in the same I/O group as a SAN Volume Controller
2145-8G4. If this is the case, contact your IBM service representative.
v Do you have FlashCopy operations in the prepared state at the secondary
system? If the Global Mirror auxiliary volumes are the sources of a FlashCopy
mapping and that mapping is in the prepared state for an extended time,
performance to those volumes can be impacted because the cache is disabled.
Start the FlashCopy mapping to enable the cache and improve performance for
Global Mirror I/O operations.

Valid combinations of FlashCopy and Metro Mirror or Global Mirror

You can have both the FlashCopy function and either Metro Mirror or Global
Mirror operating concurrently on the same volume. There are, however, constraints
as to how these functions can be used together.

The descriptions for the mkrcrelationship, mkfcmap, startfcmap,

startfcconsistgrp, startrcrelationship, and startrcconsistgrp command-line
interface (CLI) commands include information about the constraints, which are:
v A FlashCopy mapping must be in the idle_copied state when its target volume
is the secondary volume of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.
v A FlashCopy mapping cannot be manipulated to change the contents of the
target volume of that mapping when the target volume is the primary volume of
a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship that is actively mirroring.
v The I/O group for the FlashCopy mappings must be the same as the I/O group
for the FlashCopy target volume.

Chapter 2. Copy Services features 101

102 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration
SAN Volume Controller is connected to host systems by using either a Fibre
Channel SAN or via an iSCSI connection on an Ethernet network. The Fibre
Channel SAN is also used to connect the SAN Volume Controller to external
storage systems and for communication between nodes in the same clustered

SAN fabric overview

The SAN fabric is an area of the network that contains routers and switches. A SAN
is configured into a number of zones. A device using the SAN can communicate
only with devices that are included in the same zones that it is in. A SAN Volume
Controller clustered system requires several distinct types of zones: a system zone,
host zones, and disk zones. The intersystem zone is optional.

In the host zone, the host systems can identify and address the SAN Volume
Controller nodes. You can have more than one host zone and more than one disk
zone. Unless you are using a dual-core fabric design, the system zone contains all
ports from all SAN Volume Controller nodes in the system. Create one zone for
each host Fibre Channel port. In a disk zone, the SAN Volume Controller nodes
identify the storage systems. Generally, create one zone for each external storage
system. If you are using the Metro Mirror and Global Mirror feature, create a zone
with at least one port from each node in each system; up to four systems are

Note: Some operating systems cannot tolerate other operating systems in the same
host zone, although you might have more than one host type in the SAN fabric.
For example, you can have a SAN that contains one host that runs on an IBM AIX®
operating system and another host that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating

All communication between SAN Volume Controller nodes is performed through

the SAN. All SAN Volume Controller configuration and service commands are sent
to the system through an Ethernet network.

Configuration details
Storage area network (SAN) configurations that contain SAN Volume Controller
nodes must be configured correctly.

A SAN configuration that contains SAN Volume Controller nodes must follow
configuration rules for the following components:
v Storage systems
v Nodes
v Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs)

Note: If the system has an FC adapter fitted, some host systems can be directly
attached without using a SAN switch. Check the support pages on the product
website for the current details of supported host OS / driver / HBA types.
v Converged network adapters (CNAs)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 103

v Fibre Channel switches
v Fibre Channel over Ethernet Switches/Fibre Channel forwarders (FCFs)
v iSCSI Ethernet ports
v Fabrics
v Zoning

SAN configuration, zoning, and split-site system rules

These rules define the supported configuration for a SAN Volume Controller
system during normal operations in a Fibre Channel environment. If a single
failure causes one or more of these rules to be invalidated, the configuration is still
supported until the failure is corrected and the configuration is brought back into a
normal supported mode.

SAN Volume Controller descriptions of configuration terms

A path is a logical connection between two Fibre Channel ports. The path can exist
only if both of the two Fibre Channel ports are in the same zone.

A core switch is the switch that contains the SAN Volume Controller ports. Because
most SAN fabric traffic might flow through the system, put the SAN Volume
Controller in the core of the fabric. Some configurations have a core switch that
contains only interswitch links (ISLs) and a storage edge switch that contains the
SAN Volume Controller ports. In this rules summary, a storage edge switch is the
same as a core switch.

A dual-core fabric design is an environment where two switches are both

designated as core switches in the same fabric. Every node has one Fibre Channel
port that is connected to each of the core switches. Zoning is then used to ensure
that internode traffic flows only within a single switch wherever possible.

Connectivity between production sites

You must connect the two production sites by Fibre Channel links. These Fibre
Channel links provide paths for SAN Volume Controller node-to-node
communication as well as for host access to SAN Volume Controller nodes.

SAN Volume Controller split-site system supports two different approaches for
node-to-node intrasystem communication between production sites:
v Attach each SAN Volume Controller node to the Fibre Channel switches in the
local and the remote production sites directly. Thus, all node-to-node traffic can
be done without passing intersite ISLs. This is called a split-site system
configuration without ISLs between SAN Volume Controller nodes.
v Attach each SAN Volume Controller node only to local Fibre Channel switches
and configure ISLs between production sites for SAN Volume Controller node to
local Fibre Channel switches. Configure ISLs between the production sites for
SAN Volume Controller node-to-node traffic. This is referred to as a split-site
system configuration with ISLs between SAN Volume Controller nodes.

For both types of configuration, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) devices

are supported with certain requirements. Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) or iSCSI
connections are not supported for paths between SAN Volume Controller nodes.

Node-to-node paths without ISLs:

104 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The most simple split-site system configuration is built by attaching each SAN
Volume Controller node directly to the Fibre Channel switches in the local
production site and the remote production site.

Note: SAN Volume Controller version 5.1.0 or later is required for support.

See the Split-site system configuration using interswitch links and Split-site system
configuration without using interswitch links topics for the rules that apply to
these types of configurations.

SAN configuration rules

SAN Volume Controller supports any SAN fabric configuration that is supported
by the SAN vendors.

SAN Volume Controller connectivity:

v All internode communication between ports in the same I/O group must not
cross ISLs.
– Using interswitch links (ISLs) in paths between SAN Volume Controller nodes
in the same I/O group is supported only in certain split-site configurations,
subject to specific rules as described in the split-site system configurations
using interswitch links topic.
– When a design is chosen where communication between nodes in different
I/O groups crosses ISLs, no more than three ISL hops are permitted between
nodes in different I/O groups.
v Each SAN Volume Controller port must have paths to at least one port on all
other nodes in the system.
v Core switches must have enough ISL connectivity to handle the workload, which
normally means that medium-to-large configurations have at least 64 ports in
the core switch. Brocade M12 (silkworm 12000) switches are not supported as
SAN Volume Controller core switches.
v Fibre Channel connections between SAN Volume Controller and the switch can
be up to 100 m using the standard small form-factor pluggable (SFP)
transceivers that are provided by SAN Volume Controller. Connections of up to
10,000 m are supported through longwave SFP transceivers. The supported
longwave SFP transceivers are available to order through an authorized vendor
that carries these switches. In turn the vendor must support the install and
removal of these switches for the SAN Volume Controller

Storage system connectivity:

v Connections between SAN Volume Controller and storage require the best
available bandwidth. For optimal performance and reliability, ensure that paths
between the SAN Volume Controller and storage systems do not cross ISLs. If
you use ISLs on these paths, make sure that sufficient bandwidth is available.
SAN monitoring is required to identify faulty ISLs.
v Each SAN Volume Controller node must have a path to the same set of
worldwide port names (WWPNs) for each storage system.
v Where multiple paths exist between SAN Volume Controller and storage
systems and some of those paths cross ISLs, use zoning to prevent theSAN
Volume Controller from using the paths that cross the ISLs.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 105

v SAN Volume Controller supports SAN routing technologies between SAN
Volume Controller and storage systems, as long as the routing stays entirely
within Fibre Channel connectivity and does not use other transport technologies
such as Internet Protocol (IP).

Host connectivity:
v Paths between hosts and SAN Volume Controller can support up to three ISL
hops between hosts and SAN Volume Controller nodes.
v SAN Volume Controller supports SAN routing technologies (including FCIP
links) between the SAN Volume Controller and hosts. The use of long-distance
FCIP connections, however, might degrade the performance of any servers that
are attached through this technology.
v Hosts can be connected to the Storwize V7000 Fibre Channel ports directly or
through a SAN fabric.

Intersystem connectivity:
v SAN Volume Controller supports SAN routing technology (including FCIP links)
for intersystem connections that use Metro Mirror or Global Mirror.

General SAN configuration rules:

v To make best use of the available bandwidth between switches, use ISL trunking
(also known as port channels) on all ISLs.
v When you use Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) or iSCSI connections, it is best to
use jumbo frames in the IP network.
v SAN Volume Controller supports between 2 and 4 counterpart SANs per system.
v High latency links can affect performance. Ensure that you conform to the
support statements of the SAN switch vendors and other connected devices
regarding the length of Fibre Channel connections in the SAN.
v All Fibre Channel devices (except for hosts) must be connected through a SAN
fabric, and must not use direct connections. You can connect hosts directly or
through a SAN fabric.
v The SAN must contain only supported switches, Fibre Channel extenders, and
SAN routers. See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest
supported hardware:

Zoning rules

The following rules do not apply to split-site systems.

1. Apply these rules to each fabric that contains SAN Volume Controller ports.
2. If the edge devices contain more stringent zoning requirements, follow the
storage system rules to further restrict the SAN Volume Controller zoning rules.
For example, IBM System Storage DS4000® does not support a storage system
A and storage system B in the same zone.

Host zoning:
v SAN Volume Controller requires single-initiator zoning for all large
configurations that contain more than 64 host objects. Each server Fibre Channel
port must be in its own zone, which contains the Fibre Channel port and SAN

106 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Volume Controller ports. In configurations of less than 64 hosts, you can have
up to 40 Fibre Channel ports in a host zone if the zone contains similar HBAs
and operating systems.
v For optimal performance, include a maximum of two paths per volume per host
Fibre Channel port, which equates to a zone that contains one port per SAN
Volume Controller node per HBA.
v For load balancing, alternate the server Fibre Channel ports between the ports of
the SAN Volume Controller. For example, the first server is zoned with ports 1
and 3 of each SAN Volume Controller node (one SAN Volume Controller port
per fabric). The second server is zoned with ports 2 and 4.
v The maximum number of supported paths to a SAN Volume Controller volume
is eight.
v If a host object is not mapped to all I/O groups, do not include in the host zone
SAN Volume Controller ports from all nodes in the system. For example, if node
A is in I/O group X and the host object is mapped to I/O group X, include only
ports from node A in the host zone.
The maximum number of hosts that are mapped to an I/O group is less than
the maximum number of hosts per system. Therefore, in configurations that
might grow to greater than the maximum number of hosts per I/O group, do
not map every host to every I/O group.
v When using a dual-core SAN design, it is a requirement that no internode
communications use the ISL link. When you create host zones in this type of
configuration, ensure that each SAN Volume Controller port in the host zone is
attached to the same Fibre Channel switch.

Storage system zoning:

v For most configurations, follow these rules:
– For every storage system, create one zone that contains SAN Volume
Controller ports from every node and all storage system ports, unless
otherwise stated by the zoning guidelines for that storage system.
– Single initiator zoning is not required for zones that include SAN Volume
Controller and the storage system. The SAN Volume Controller ports are
required to log in to each other to form the system.

SAN Volume Controller zoning:

v Each SAN Volume Controller port must have a path to at least one port in every
other node in the clustered system. The zoning requirement to meet these rules
is typically satisfied by the storage system zones. However, you can create one
zone that contains all SAN Volume Controller ports in a single Fibre Channel
switch for clarity.
v Local system zoning follows the standard requirement for all ports on all nodes
in a system to be zoned to one another. When a Fibre Channel port is attached
to a fabric, each SAN Volume Controller port must have a path to at least one
port in every other node in the system.

External storage-system configuration details

When planning the configuration of external storage systems for use with SAN
Volume Controller clustered systems, review these details.

See the following website for the latest support information:

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 107

All SAN Volume Controller nodes in a system must be able to connect to the same
set of storage system ports on each device. A system that contains any two nodes
that cannot connect to the same set of storage-system ports is considered degraded.
In this situation, a system error is logged that requires a repair action. This rule
can have important effects on a storage system such as an IBM System Storage
DS4000 series controller, which has exclusion rules that determine to which host
bus adapter (HBA) worldwide node names (WWNNs) a storage partition can be

A storage-system logical unit (LU) must not be shared between the SAN Volume
Controller and a host.

You can configure certain storage systems to safely share resources between the
SAN Volume Controller system and direct-attached hosts. This type of
configuration is described as a split storage system. In all cases, it is critical that
you configure the storage system and SAN so that the SAN Volume Controller
system cannot access logical units (LUs) that a host or another SAN Volume
Controller system can also access. This split storage system configuration can be
arranged by storage system logical unit number (LUN) mapping and masking. If
the split storage system configuration is not guaranteed, data corruption can occur.

Besides a configuration where a storage system is split between a SAN Volume

Controller system and a host, the SAN Volume Controller system also supports
configurations where a storage system is split between two SAN Volume
Controller systems. In all cases, it is critical that you configure the storage system
and SAN so that the SAN Volume Controller system cannot access LUs that a host
or another SAN Volume Controller system can also access. You can use storage
system LUN mapping and masking to arrange for this configuration. If this
configuration is not guaranteed, data corruption can occur.

Attention: Avoid configuring a storage system to present the same LU to more

than one SAN Volume Controller system. This configuration is not supported and
is likely to cause undetected data loss or corruption.

Unsupported storage systems

When a storage system is detected on the SAN, the SAN Volume Controller
attempts to recognize it using its Inquiry data. If the device is not supported, the
SAN Volume Controller configures the device as a generic device. A generic device
might not function correctly when it is addressed by a SAN Volume Controller
system, especially under failure scenarios. However, the SAN Volume Controller
system does not regard accessing a generic device as an error condition and does
not log an error. Managed disks (MDisks) that are presented by generic devices are
not eligible to be used as quorum disks.

Split storage-system configuration details

The SAN Volume Controller system is configured to manage LUs that are exported
only by RAID storage systems. Non-RAID storage systems are not supported. If
you are using SAN Volume Controller to manage solid-state drive (SSD) or other
JBOD (just a bunch of disks) LUs that are presented by non-RAID storage systems,
the SAN Volume Controller system itself does not provide RAID functions.
Consequently these LUs are exposed to data loss in the event of a disk failure.

If a single RAID storage system presents multiple LUs, either by having multiple
RAID configured or by partitioning one or more RAID into multiple LUs, each LU

108 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

can be owned by either the SAN Volume Controller system or a direct-attach host.
LUN masking must also be configured to ensure that LUs are not shared between
SAN Volume Controller nodes and direct-attach hosts.

In a split storage-system configuration, a storage system presents some of its LUs

to a SAN Volume Controller system (which treats the LU as an MDisk) and the
remaining LUs to another host. The SAN Volume Controller system presents
volumes that are created from the MDisk to another host. There is no requirement
for the multipathing driver for the two hosts to be the same. Figure 27 shows that
the RAID storage system could be an IBM DS4000, for example, with RDAC used
for pathing on the directly attached host, and SDD used on the host that is
attached with the SAN Volume Controller. Hosts can simultaneously access LUs
that are provided by the SAN Volume Controller system and directly by the

Note: A connection coming from a host can be either a Fibre Channel or an iSCSI

Host Host





MDisk Array

Disk array

Figure 27. Storage system shared between SAN Volume Controller node and a host

It is also possible to split a host so that it accesses some of its LUNs through the
SAN Volume Controller system and some directly. In this case, the multipathing
software that is used by the storage system must be compatible with the SAN
Volume Controller multipathing software. Figure 28 on page 110 is a supported

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 109

configuration because the same multipathing driver is used for both directly
accessed LUNs and volumes.






MDisk Array

IBM DS8000

Figure 28. IBM System Storage DS8000 LUs accessed directly with a SAN Volume Controller

In the case where the RAID storage system uses multipathing software that is
compatible with SAN Volume Controller multipathing software (see Figure 29 on
page 111), it is possible to configure a system where some LUNs are mapped
directly to the host and others are accessed through the SAN Volume Controller.
An IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) that uses the same
multipathing driver as a SAN Volume Controller node is one example. Another
example with IBM System Storage DS5000 is shown in Figure 29 on page 111.

110 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide






MDisk Array


IBM System Storage DS5000

Figure 29. IBM DS5000 direct connection with a SAN Volume Controller node on one host

Fibre Channel host bus adapter configuration details

Apply these SAN Volume Controller configuration details to Fibre Channel host
bus adapters (HBAs).

The SAN Volume Controller system must be configured to export volumes only to
host Fibre Channel ports that are on the list of supported HBAs. See the Support
for SAN Volume Controller (2145) website for specific firmware levels and the
latest supported hardware:

Operation with other HBAs is not supported. You can attach hosts to the SAN
Volume Controller Fibre Channel ports directly or through a SAN fabric. For
specific HBA-supported connection methods, see

The SAN Volume Controller system does not specify the number of host Fibre
Channel ports or HBAs that a host or a partition of a host can have. The number
of host Fibre Channel ports or HBAs are specified by the host multipathing device
driver. The SAN Volume Controller system supports this number; however it is
subject to the configuration rules for SAN Volume Controller. To obtain optimal
Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 111
performance and to prevent overloading, the workload to each SAN Volume
Controller port must be equal. You can achieve an even workload by zoning
approximately the same number of host Fibre Channel ports to each SAN Volume
Controller Fibre Channel port.

The SAN Volume Controller supports configurations that use N-port ID

virtualization (NPIV) in the host bus adapter when connected to a SAN switch, but
not when directly attached to the SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel ports.

Fibre Channel over Ethernet host attachments

These operating systems and procedures list the requirements to configure for
Fibre channel over Ethernet (FCoE) host attachment.

A converged network adapter (CNA) must be installed on a host. A host requires a

specific CNA driver to be installed on the operating system of the host.

Linux operating system

The following Linux distributions are supported by SAN Volume Controller for
FCoE attachment:
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux
v SuSe Linux Enterprise Server

For current interoperability information about supported software levels, see the
following website:

CNAs for hosts running the Linux operating system

Ensure that all hosts running the Linux operating system use the correct host bus
adapters (HBAs) and host software.

For current interoperability information about HBAs and platform levels, see this

Drivers and firmware for hosts running the Linux operating


Ensure that all hosts have the correct HBA device drivers and firmware levels.

For current interoperability information about supported device driver and

firmware levels, see this website:

Converged network adapter configuration details

Apply these SAN Volume Controller configuration details to converged network
adapters (CNAs).

The SAN Volume Controller system must be configured to export volumes only to
host CNAs that are on the list of supported CNAs. See the Support for SAN

112 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Volume Controller (2145) website for specific firmware levels and the latest
supported hardware. On the website, search for CNA.

Operation with other CNAs is not supported.

The SAN Volume Controller system does not specify the number of host CNA
ports or CNAs that a host or a partition of a host can have. The number of host
CNA ports or CNAs are specified by the host multipathing device driver. The SAN
Volume Controller system supports this number; however, it is subject to the
configuration rules for SAN Volume Controller. To obtain optimal performance and
to prevent overloading, the workload to each SAN Volume Controller port must be
equal. You can achieve an even workload by zoning approximately the same
number of host CNA ports to each SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel port or
FCoE port.

The SAN Volume Controller supports configurations that use N-port virtualization
in the converged network adapter, host bus adapter, or SAN switch (FC/FCF).

iSCSI configuration details

You must follow these SAN Volume Controller configuration details for iSCSI host

You can attach the SAN Volume Controller to Small Computer System Interface
Over Internet Protocol (iSCSI) hosts using the Ethernet ports of the SAN Volume

Note: SAN Volume Controller supports SAN devices that bridge iSCSI connections
into a Fibre Channel network.

iSCSI connections route from hosts to the SAN Volume Controller over the LAN.
You must follow the SAN Volume Controller configuration rules for iSCSI host
v SAN Volume Controller supports up to 256 iSCSI sessions per node
v SAN Volume Controller currently supports one iSCSI connection per session
v SAN Volume Controller port limits are now shared between Fibre Channel
WWPNs and iSCSI names

SAN Volume Controller nodes have two or four Ethernet ports. These ports are
either for 1 Gbps support or 10 Gbps support, depending on the model.

For each Ethernet port, a maximum of one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address can
be designated for iSCSI I/O.

iSCSI hosts connect to the SAN Volume Controller through the node-port IP
address. If the node fails, the address becomes unavailable and the host loses
communication with SAN Volume Controller. To allow hosts to maintain access to
data, the node-port IP addresses for the failed node are transferred to the partner
node in the I/O group. The partner node handles requests for both its own
node-port IP addresses and also for node-port IP addresses on the failed node. This
process is known as node-port IP failover. In addition to node-port IP addresses,
the iSCSI name and iSCSI alias for the failed node are also transferred to the
partner node. After the failed node recovers, the node-port IP address and the
iSCSI name and alias are returned to the original node.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 113

Multiple configurations are supported, provided that the following requirements
are met.

System IP requirements: The system IP address provides access to the system

management interfaces, including the GUI, CLI and CIMOM. The system IP
address is also used to access remote services like authentication servers, NTP,
SNMP, SMTP and syslog systems, if configured.
v Ethernet port 1 (1 Gbps) must be configured with an IPv4 or IPv6 system
v Ethernet port 2 (1 Gbps) can optionally be configured with a system address.
v A maximum of one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address can be configured on
each of Ethernet ports 1 and 2 for system addresses.
v To ensure system IP failover operations, Ethernet port 1 on all nodes must be
connected to the same subnet. The system IP address can failover to any node in
the system.
v If Ethernet port 2 (1 Gbps) is configured with a system IP address, Ethernet port
2 on all nodes must also be connected to the same subnet. However, the subnet
for Ethernet port 2 does not have to be the same as Ethernet port 1.
v System addresses can only be configured on ports 1 or 2.

iSCSI IP requirements: Node iSCSI IP addresses are used for host iSCSI I/O
access to volumes. Node iSCSI IP addresses are also used to access a remote
Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) server, if configured.
v For each node Ethernet port, a maximum of one IPv4 address and one IPv6
address can be designated for iSCSI I/O. This is in addition to any system
addresses configured on the port.
v Each node Ethernet port can be configured on the same subnet with the same
gateway, or you can have each Ethernet port on separate subnets and use
different gateways.
v If configuring a system to use node Ethernet ports 1 and 2 for iSCSI I/O, ensure
that the overall configuration also meets the system IP requirements listed
v To ensure iSCSI IP failover operations, nodes in the same I/O group must be
connected to the same set of subnets on the same node ports. However, you can
configure node Ethernet ports in different I/O groups to use different subnets
and different gateways.
v IP addresses configured for system management and service access must not be
used for iSCSI I/O.

Common IP requirements:
v Every IP address must be unique within the system and within the networks the
system is attached to.
v If node Ethernet ports are connected to different isolated networks, then a
different subnet must be used for each network.

A SAN Volume Controller volume can be mapped the same way either to a Fibre
Channel host, an iSCSI host, or both.

For the latest maximum configuration support information, see the IBM System
Storage SAN Volume Controller website:

114 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

SAN Volume Controller supports the following I/O descriptions:
v I/O from different initiators in the same host to the same I/O group
v I/O from different initiators in different hosts to the same volumes
v I/O from Fibre Channel and iSCSI initiators in different hosts to the same
I/O from Fibre Channel and iSCSI initiators in the same hosts to the same volumes
is not supported.

A clustered Ethernet port consists of one Ethernet port from each node in the
clustered system that is connected to the same Ethernet switch. Ethernet
configuration commands can be used for clustered Ethernet ports or node Ethernet
ports. SAN Volume Controller systems can be configured with redundant Ethernet

To assign an IP address to each node Ethernet port for iSCSI I/O, use the
cfgportip command. The MTU parameter of this command specifies the maximum
transmission unit (MTU) to improve iSCSI performance.

You can configure iSNS to facilitate scalable configuration and management of

iSCSI storage devices. Currently, you can have only one type of protocol that is
used by the iSNS server at a time: either IPv4 or IPv6. For example, if you try to
configure an IPv6 iSNS IP address when you have already configured an IPv4
iSNS IP address, the new IPv6 IP address becomes the iSNS IP address, and the
old IP address can no longer be used for iSNS functionality.

Two types of authentication through the Challenge Handshake Authentication

Protocol (CHAP) are supported:
1. One-way authentication: iSCSI target (SAN Volume Controller nodes)
authenticating iSCSI initiators
2. Two-way (mutual) authentication: iSCSI target (SAN Volume Controller nodes)
authenticating iSCSI initiators, and vice versa.

Attention: With the iSCSI initiator, you can set two passwords: one for discovery
and another for iSCSI session I/O. However, SAN Volume Controller requires that
both passwords for each type of authentication be the same. That is, two identical
passwords for one-way CHAP, and two identical passwords for two-way CHAP
that are different from those for one-way.

iSCSI protocol limitations

When using an iSCSI connection, you must consider the iSCSI protocol limitations:
v There is no SLP support for discovery.
v Header and data digest support is provided only if the initiator is configured to
v Only one connection per session is supported.
v A maximum of 256 iSCSI sessions per SAN Volume Controller iSCSI target is
v Only ErrorRecoveryLevel 0 (session restart) is supported.
v The behavior of a host that supports both Fibre Channel and iSCSI connections
and accesses a single volume can be unpredictable and depends on the
multipathing software.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 115

v There can be a maximum of four sessions coming from one iSCSI initiator to a
SAN Volume Controller iSCSI target
The following iSCSI session parameters are supported:
initial_r2t = 1
immediate_data = 0
max_connections = 1
Max_recv_segment_data_length = 32k
max_xmit_data_length = 32k
max_burst_length = 32k
first_burst_length = 32k
default_wait_time = 2
default_retain_time = 20
max_outstanding_r2t = 1
data_pdu_inorder = 1
data_sequence_inorder = 1
error_recovery_level = 0
header_digest = CRC32C,None
data_digest = CRC32C,None
ofmarker = 0
ifmarker = 0
ofmarkint = 2048
ifmarkint = 2048

Node configuration details

Apply these configuration details to SAN Volume Controller nodes to ensure that
you have a valid configuration.

Host bus adapters and nodes

SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F2 nodes contain two 2-port host bus adapters
(HBAs). If one HBA fails, the node operates in degraded mode. If an HBA is
physically removed, the configuration is not supported.

SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8, SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8, SAN Volume
Controller 2145-8F4, SAN Volume Controller 2145-8G4, and SAN Volume
Controller 2145-8A4 nodes contain one 4-port HBA.

SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 contains one additional 2-port Fiber Channel
over Ethernet (FCoE) converged network adapter (CNA).


Each node presents a volume to the SAN through four Fibre Channel ports or two
FCoE ports. Each volume is accessible from the two nodes in an I/O group. Each
HBA port can recognize up to eight paths to each logical unit (LU) that is
presented by the clustered system. The hosts must run a multipathing device
driver before the multiple paths can resolve to a single device. You can use fabric
zoning to reduce the number of paths to a volume that are visible by the host.

The number of paths through the network from an I/O group to a host must not
exceed eight; configurations that exceed eight paths are not supported. Each node
has four 8 Gbps Fibre Channel ports, two 10 G FCoE ports, and each I/O group
has two nodes. Therefore, without any zoning, the number of paths to a volume is
12 multiplied by the number of host ports.

116 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Increased connectivity across SAN fabrics

SAN Volume Controller supports more than four Fibre Channel and FCoE ports
per node with the following restrictions:
v Systems with a combined total of more than four Fibre Channel and FCoE ports
on a node must be running version 6.4.0 or later.
v A system with a total of more than four FC and FCoE ports cannot establish a
remote copy partnership to any other system running a version earlier than
v A system running 6.4.0 or later that has a remote copy partnership to another
system that is running an earlier version cannot add another node with a
combined total of more than four FC and FCoE ports. Activating additional
ports by enabling FCoE or installing new hardware on existing nodes in the
system is also not allowed.

To resolve these limitations, you must upgrade the software on the remote system
to 6.4.0 or later or disable the additional hardware by using the chnodehw -legacy
CLI command .

Optical connections

Valid optical connections are based on the fabric rules that the manufacturers
impose for the following connection methods:
v Host to a switch
v Back end to a switch
v Interswitch links (ISLs)

Optical fiber connections can be used between a node and its switches.

Systems that use the intersystem Metro Mirror and Global Mirror feature can use
optical fiber connections between the switches, or they can use distance-extender
technology that is supported by the switch manufacturer.

Ethernet connection

To ensure system failover operations, Ethernet port 1 on all nodes must be

connected to the same set of subnets. If used, Ethernet port 2 on all nodes must
also be connected to the same set of subnets. However, the subnets for Ethernet
port 1 do not have to be the same as Ethernet port 2.

Fibre Channel connection

SAN Volume Controller supports shortwave and longwave Fibre Channel

connections between SAN Volume Controller nodes and the switches that they are
connected to.

To avoid communication between nodes that are being routed across interswitch
links (ISLs), connect all SAN Volume Controller nodes to the same Fibre Channel
or FCF switches.

No ISL hops are permitted among the SAN Volume Controller nodes within the
same I/O group. However, one ISL hop is permitted among SAN Volume
Controller nodes that are in the same system though different I/O groups. If your

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 117

configuration requires more than one ISL hop for SAN Volume Controller nodes
that are in the same system but in different I/O groups, contact your IBM service

To avoid communication between nodes and storage systems that are being routed
across ISLs, connect all storage systems to the same Fibre Channel switches as the
SAN Volume Controller nodes. One ISL hop between the SAN Volume Controller
nodes and the storage controllers is permitted. If your configuration requires more
than one ISL, contact your IBM service representative.

To avoid communication between nodes and storage systems that are being routed
across ISLs, connect all storage systems to the same Fibre Channel or FCF switches
as the SAN Volume Controller nodes. One ISL hop between the SAN Volume
Controller nodes and the storage systems is permitted. If your configuration
requires more than one ISL, contact your IBM service representative.

In larger configurations, it is common to have ISLs between host systems and the
SAN Volume Controller nodes.

Port speed

The Fibre Channel ports on SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8 and SAN Volume
Controller 2145-CG8 nodes can operate at 2 Gbps, 4 Gbps, or 8 Gbps. The FCoE
ports on SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 nodes can operate at 10 Gbps. The
Fibre Channel ports on SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F4, SAN Volume Controller
2145-8G4 and SAN Volume Controller 2145-8A4 nodes can operate at 1 Gbps, 2
Gbps, or 4 Gbps. The Fibre Channel and FCoE ports on all these node types
autonegotiate the link speed that is used with the FC switch. The ports normally
operate at the maximum speed that is supported by both the SAN Volume
Controller port and the switch. However, if a large number of link errors occur, the
ports might operate at a lower speed than what could be supported.

Fibre Channel ports on SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F2 nodes cannot

autonegotiate the speed at which they operate. You must set the required speed
manually, and the optical fiber connections between the Fibre Channel switches
and all SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F2 nodes in a system must run at the same

Solid-state drive configuration details

Apply these configuration details for SAN Volume Controller solid-state drives

Optional solid-state drives (SSDs) provide high-speed MDisk capability for SAN
Volume Controller 2145-CF8 and SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 nodes. Each
node supports up to four SSDs. SSDs are local drives that are not accessible over
the SAN fabric.

Note: These details do not apply to solid-state drive (SSD) storage within
SAN-attached storage systems such as the IBM System Storage DS8000. In these
situations, you can use either MDisks in a high-performance storage pool or the
Easy Tier function to configure your storage.

118 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

SSD configuration details for nodes, I/O groups, and clustered

Follow these SAN Volume Controller SSD configuration details for nodes, I/O
groups, and systems:
v Nodes that contain SSDs can coexist in a single SAN Volume Controller system
with any other supported nodes.
v Quorum functionality is not supported on SSDs within SAN Volume Controller

Configuration 1: Recommended configuration for storage pools,

arrays, and volumes

The following SAN Volume Controller SSD configuration details are recommended

Storage pools and arrays:

v Create either a RAID 1 or RAID 10 array, where the data is mirrored between
SSDs on two nodes in the same I/O group. The management GUI does this
automatically if you select RAID 1 or RAID 10 presets.
v Create an SSD storage pool for high-performing disks. As an alternative, you can
use the Easy Tier function to add the SSD array to a storage pool that contains
SSD MDisks.

For optimal performance, use only SSDs from a single I/O group in a single
storage pool.


For optimal performance, follow these guidelines for volumes:

v When you create a volume in a storage pool that contains SSD arrays by using
drives in a certain I/O group, create the volumes in the same I/O group.
v If a storage pool contains SSDs in a single I/O group, create the volumes in the
same I/O group.

Configuration 2: Alternative configuration for storage pools,

arrays, and volumes

The following details are not recommended but are similar to SSD configuration
processes from an earlier release.

Storage pools and arrays:

For each node that contains SSDs, follow these steps:

1. Create one storage pool.
2. Create one RAID 0 array in this storage pool that contains all the SSDs in the

Note: If required, you can create more than one array and storage pool per

v Volumes must be mirrored in one of the following two ways:

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 119

– Between two storage pools that contain SSDs from two nodes in the same I/O
– Between one SSD storage pool and one regular storage pool
v For optimal performance, volumes must be in the same I/O group as the nodes
that contain the SSDs that are being used.
v For optimal performance, if the preferred node of a volume is node x, for
example, the primary copy of the volume should be in the storage pool that
contains SSDs from that same node x.
v The synchronization rate must be set such that the volume copies resynchronize
quickly after loss of synchronization. Synchronization is lost if one of the nodes
goes offline either during a concurrent code upgrade or because of maintenance.
During code upgrade, the synchronization must be restored within 30 minutes
or the upgrade stalls. During the period that the SSD volume copies are not
synchronized, access to the volume depends on the single node that contains the
SSD storage that is associated with the synchronized volume copy. This
dependency is different from volume copies from external storage systems. The
default synchronization rate is typically too low for SSD volume mirrors.
Instead, set it to 80 or above.
v To prevent volume-mirror copy suspension during code upgrade, set the volume
mirrorwritepriority field to redundancy before the code upgrade starts. After
the code upgrade has completed, the volume mirrorwritepriority field can be
changed back to its previous value.
To increase the amount of time between the two nodes that contain volume
copies and prevent the nodes from going offline during an upgrade, consider
manually upgrading the software.

SAN switch configuration details

Apply these SAN Volume Controller configuration details for Fibre Channel and
Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FC/FCoE Gateway, FCF) switches to ensure that you
have a valid configuration.

Configuring your SAN with at least two independent switches, or networks of

switches, ensures a redundant fabric with no single point of failure. If one of the
two SAN fabrics fails, the configuration is in a degraded mode, but is still valid.
You should maintain separate fabrics for FCoE and FC. If you attempt to combine
these fabrics, you might risk adding additional paths to the volumes. Supported
configurations allow a maximum of eight paths. A SAN with only one fabric is a
valid configuration but risks loss of access to data if the fabric fails. SANs with
only one fabric are exposed to a single point of failure.

Configurations with more than four SANs are not supported.

For Fibre Channel connections, the SAN Volume Controller nodes must always be
connected to SAN switches only. Each node must be connected to each of the
counterpart SANs that are in the redundant fabric. Any Fibre Channel
configuration that uses a direct physical connection between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller node is not supported. When attaching iSCSI hosts to SAN
Volume Controller nodes, Ethernet switches must be used.

All back-end storage systems must always be connected to SAN switches only.
Multiple connections are permitted from redundant storage systems to improve
data bandwidth performance. A connection between each redundant storage
system and each counterpart SAN is not required. For example, in an IBM System
Storage DS4000 configuration in which the IBM DS4000 contains two redundant

120 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

storage systems, only two storage system minihubs are usually used. Storage
system A is connected to counterpart SAN A, and storage system B is connected to
counterpart SAN B. Any configuration that uses a direct physical connection
between the SAN Volume Controller node and the storage system is not

When you attach a node to a SAN fabric that contains core directors and edge
switches, connect the node ports to the core directors and connect the host ports to
the edge switches. In this type of fabric, the next priority for connection to the core
directors is the storage systems, leaving the host ports connected to the edge

A SAN Volume Controller SAN must follow all switch manufacturer configuration
rules, which might place restrictions on the configuration. Any configuration that
does not follow switch manufacturer configuration rules is not supported.

Mixing manufacturer switches in a single SAN fabric

Within an individual SAN fabric, only mix switches from different vendors if the
configuration is supported by the switch vendors.When using this option for FCF
Switch to FC Switch connectivity, you should review and plan as documented in
“ISL oversubscription” on page 124.

Fibre Channel switches and interswitch links

The SAN Volume Controller supports distance-extender technology, including

dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and Fibre Channel over IP
(FCIP) extenders, to increase the overall distance between local and remote
clustered systems. If this extender technology involves a protocol conversion, the
local and remote fabrics are regarded as independent fabrics, limited to three ISL
hops each.

With ISLs between nodes in the same system, the inter-switch links (ISLs) are
considered a single point of failure. Figure 30 illustrates this example.

Switch A ISL 1 Switch B


Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Node A Node B

Figure 30. Fabric with ISL between nodes in a system

If Link 1 or Link 2 fails, the system communication does not fail.

If Link 3 or Link 4 fails, the system communication does not fail.

If ISL 1 or ISL 2 fails, the communication between Node A and Node B fails for a
period of time, and the node is not recognized, even though there is still a
connection between the nodes.

To ensure that a Fibre Channel link failure does not cause nodes to fail when there
are ISLs between nodes, it is necessary to use a redundant configuration. This is

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 121

illustrated in Figure 31.

Switch A ISL 1 Switch B


Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Node A Node B

Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8

Switch C ISL 3 Switch D


Figure 31. Fabric with ISL in a redundant configuration

With a redundant configuration, if any one of the links fails, communication on the
system does not fail.

Fibre Channel over Ethernet servers and SAN Volume Controller

connections to the existing Fibre Channel SAN

FCoE servers and SAN Volume Controller systems can be connected in several
different ways. The following examples show the various supported

Figure 32 on page 123 shows an SAN Volume Controller system connected to a

Fibre Channel forwarder switch along with any FCoE hosts and FCoE storage
systems. The connections are 10 GB Ethernet. The Fibre Channel forwarder is
linked to the existing Fibre Channel SAN by using Fibre Channel ISLs. Any Fibre
Channel hosts or storage systems remain on the existing Fibre Channel SAN. The
connection to the SAN Volume Controller can be via the SAN (if the SAN Volume
Controller is connected via Fibre Channel) or via the Fibre Channel forwarder
switch to the FCoE ports on the SAN Volume Controller system.

122 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Server 1
Fibre Channel Fibre Channel
over Ethernet storage

Fibre Fibre
Channel Channel

Fibre Fibre Channel SAN

Server 2 ISL Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel switch
over Ethernet

10 Gbps

Fibre Channel over Clustered
Ethernet storage system

Figure 32. Fibre Channel forwarder linked to existing Fibre Channel SAN

The second example, Figure 33, is almost the same as the first example but without
an existing Fibre Channel SAN. It shows a SAN Volume Controller system
connected to a Fibre Channel forwarder switch along with any FCoE hosts and
FCoE storage systems. The connections are 10 GB Ethernet.


Fibre Channel over Fibre Channel

Ethernet host host

Fibre Channel Fibre

10 Gbps
forwarder Channel
Fibre Channel over Fibre Channel
Ethernet storage storage
10 Gbps


Figure 33. Fibre Channel forwarder linked to hosts and storage systems without an existing
Fibre Channel SAN

In the third example, Figure 34 on page 124, a Fibre Channel host connects into the
Fibre Channel ports on the Fibre Channel forwarder. The SAN Volume Controller
system is connected to a Fibre Channel forwarder switch along with any FCoE
storage systems. The connections are 10 GB Ethernet. The Fibre Channel forwarder
is linked to the existing Fibre Channel SAN by using Fibre Channel ISLs. Any
Fibre Channel hosts or storage systems remain on the existing Fibre Channel SAN.
The FCoE host connects to a 10 GB Ethernet switch (transit switch) that is
connected to the Fibre Channel forwarder.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 123

10 Gbps transit
10 Gbps Fibre Channel SAN
ISL Fibre
10 Gbps ISL Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel over Fibre Channel
Ethernet host forwarder switch

10 Gbps
Ethernet Fibre Fibre
Fibre Channel over
Channel Channel
Ethernet storage

Fibre Channel Fibre Channel

host storage


Figure 34. Fibre Channel host connects into the Fibre Channel ports on the Fibre Channel

The fourth example, Figure 35, is about the same as the previous example but
without an existing Fibre Channel SAN. The Fibre Channel hosts connect to Fibre
Channel ports on the Fibre Channel forwarder.


Fibre Channel over

Ethernet host
10 Gbps 10 Gbps
Ethernet Transit 10 Gbps
switch ISL Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel over host
Ethernet storage
Fibre Channel Fibre
forwarder Channel
Fibre Channel
10 Gbps


Figure 35. Fibre Channel host connects into the Fibre Channel ports on the Fibre Channel
forwarder without an existing Fibre Channel SAN.

ISL oversubscription

Perform a thorough SAN design analysis to avoid ISL congestion. Do not configure
the SAN to use SAN Volume Controller to SAN Volume Controller traffic or SAN
Volume Controller to storage system traffic across ISLs that are oversubscribed. For
host to SAN Volume Controller traffic, do not use an ISL oversubscription ratio
that is greater than 7 to 1. Congestion on the ISLs can result in severe SAN Volume
Controller performance degradation and I/O errors on the host.

124 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

When you calculate oversubscription, you must account for the speed of the links.
For example, if the ISLs run at 4 Gbps and the host runs at 2 Gbps, calculate the
port oversubscription as 7×(4/2). In this example, the oversubscription can be 14
ports for every ISL port.

Note: The SAN Volume Controller port speed is not used in the oversubscription

ISL oversubscription rules apply to FCoE Switches.

SAN Volume Controller in a SAN with director class switches

You can use director class switches within the SAN to connect large numbers of
RAID controllers and hosts to a SAN Volume Controller system. Because director
class switches provide internal redundancy, one director class switch can replace a
SAN that uses multiple switches. However, the director class switch provides only
network redundancy; it does not protect against physical damage (for example,
flood or fire), which might destroy the entire function. A tiered network of smaller
switches or a core-edge topology with multiple switches in the core can provide
comprehensive redundancy and more protection against physical damage for a
network in a wide area. Do not use a single director class switch to provide more
than one counterpart SAN because this does not constitute true redundancy.

Example SAN Volume Controller configurations

These examples show typical ways to configure your SAN Volume Controller to a
Fibre Channel network.

Figure 36 illustrates a small SAN configuration. Two Fibre Channel switches are
use to provide redundancy. Each host system, SAN Volume Controller node, and
storage system is connected to both Fibre Channel switches.

Host Systems
Fabric 1 Fabric 2

Switch Nodes Switch


Storage Systems

Figure 36. Simple SAN configuration

Figure 37 on page 126 illustrates a medium-sized fabric that consists of three Fibre
Channel switches. These switches are interconnected with interswitch links (ISLs).
For redundancy, use two fabrics with each host system, SAN Volume Controller
node, and storage system that connect to two fabrics. Since a clustered storage ITE
may have SCEs in different chassis and require the use of ISL to connect the
chassis, ISLs may be used between nodes in the same cluster. The example fabric
attaches the SAN Volume Controller nodes and the storage systems to the core
switch. There are no ISL hops between SAN Volume Controller nodes or between
nodes and the storage systems.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 125

Host Systems Host Systems

Edge Switch Edge Switch

Fabric 1
Core Switch

Nodes Storage Systems

Figure 37. SAN configuration with a medium-sized fabric

Figure 38 illustrates a large fabric that consists of two core Fibre Channel switches
and edge switches that are interconnected with ISLs. For redundancy, use two
fabrics with each host system, SAN Volume Controller node, and storage system
that is being connected. Both fabrics attach the SAN Volume Controller nodes to
both core fabrics and distribute the storage systems between the two core switches.
This ensures that no ISL hops exist between SAN Volume Controller nodes or
between nodes and the storage systems.

Host Systems Host Systems

Edge Switch Edge Switch

Fabric 1

Core Switch Core Switch


Storage Systems Storage Systems

Figure 38. SAN configuration with a large fabric

Figure 39 on page 127 illustrates a fabric where the host systems are located at two
different sites. A long-wave optical link is used to interconnect switches at the
different sites. For redundancy, use two fabrics and at least two separate
long-distance links. If a large number of host systems are at the remote site, use
ISL trunking to increase the available bandwidth between the two sites.

126 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Host Systems Host Systems

Fabric 1

Edge Switch Edge Switch

Core Switch 10 km Long Distance Link

Nodes Storage Systems

Figure 39. SAN configuration across two sites

Split-site system configuration overview

For high availability, you can split a SAN Volume Controller clustered system
across three locations and mirror the data.

To provide protection against failures that affect an entire location, such as a power
failure, you can use a configuration that splits a single system across three physical

You must configure a split-site system to meet the following requirements:

v Directly connect each SAN Volume Controller node to one or more SAN fabrics
at the primary and secondary sites. Sites are defined as independent power
domains that would fail independently. Power domains could be located in the
same room or across separate physical locations.
v Use a third site to house a quorum disk.
v The storage system that provides the quorum disk at the third site must support
extended quorum disks. Storage systems that provide extended quorum support
are listed at the following Web site:
v Place independent storage systems at the primary and secondary sites, and use
volume mirroring to mirror the host data between storage systems at the two
v SAN Volume Controller nodes that are in the same I/O group and separated by
more than 100 meters (109 yards) must use longwave Fibre Channel connections.
A longwave small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver can be purchased as
an optional SAN Volume Controller component, and must be one of the
longwave SFP transceivers listed at the following website:
v Avoid using inter-switch links (ISLs) in paths between SAN Volume Controller
nodes and external storage systems. If this is unavoidable, do not oversubscribe
the ISLs because of substantial Fibre Channel traffic across the ISLs. For most
configurations, trunking is required. Because ISL problems are difficult to
diagnose, switch-port error statistics must be collected and regularly monitored
to detect failures.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 127

v Using a single switch at the third site can lead to the creation of a single fabric
rather than two independent and redundant fabrics. A single fabric is an
unsupported configuration.
v SAN Volume Controller nodes in the same system must be connected to the
same Ethernet subnet.
v A SAN Volume Controller node must be located in the same rack as the 2145
UPS or 2145 UPS-1U that supplies its power.
v Some service actions require physical access to all SAN Volume Controller nodes
in a system. If nodes in a split-site system are separated by more than 100
meters, service actions might require multiple service personnel. Contact your
IBM service representative to inquire about multiple site support.

A split-site configuration locates the active quorum disk at a third site. If

communication is lost between the primary and secondary sites, the site with
access to the active quorum disk continues to process transactions. If
communication is lost to the active quorum disk, an alternative quorum disk at
another site can become the active quorum disk.

Although a system of SAN Volume Controller nodes can be configured to use up

to three quorum disks, only one quorum disk can be elected to resolve a situation
where the system is partitioned into two sets of nodes of equal size. The purpose
of the other quorum disks is to provide redundancy if a quorum disk fails before
the system is partitioned.

Figure 40 illustrates an example split-site system configuration. When used in

conjunction with volume mirroring, this configuration provides a high availability
solution that is tolerant of a failure at a single site. If either the primary or
secondary site fails, the remaining sites can continue performing I/O operations. In
this configuration, the connections between SAN Volume Controller nodes in the
system are greater than 100 meters apart, and therefore must be longwave Fibre
Channel connections.

Host system Host system

Switch Switch

Node Node

Storage system Storage system Storage system

with active
quorum disk
Primary site Secondary site

Physical location 1 Physical location 3 Physical location 2

Figure 40. A split-site system with a quorum disk located at a third site

In Figure 40, the storage system that hosts the third-site quorum disk is attached
directly to a switch at both the primary and secondary sites using longwave Fibre
Channel connections. If either the primary site or the secondary site fails, you must
ensure that the remaining site has retained direct access to the storage system that
hosts the quorum disks.

128 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Restriction: Do not connect a storage system in one site directly to a switch fabric
in the other site.

An alternative configuration can use an additional Fibre Channel switch at the

third site with connections from that switch to the primary site and to the
secondary site.

A split-site configuration is supported only when the storage system that hosts the
quorum disks supports extended quorum. Although SAN Volume Controller can
use other types of storage systems for providing quorum disks, access to these
quorum disks is always through a single path.

For quorum disk configuration requirements, see the Guidance for Identifying and
Changing Managed Disks Assigned as Quorum Disk Candidates technote at the
following website:

When you set up mirrored volumes in a split-site configuration, consider whether

you want to set the mirror write priority to redundancy to maintain
synchronization of the copies through temporary delays in write completions. For
further details, see the information about mirrored volumes.

Split-site system and using Metro Mirror or Global Mirror

A SAN Volume Controller split-site system is designed to continue operation after

the loss of one failure domain.

The SAN Volume Controller split-site system cannot guarantee that it can operate
after the failure of two failure domains. If this situation occurs, use Metro Mirror
or Global Mirror on a second SAN Volume Controller system for extended disaster
recovery. You configure and manage Metro Mirror or Global Mirror partnerships
that include a split-site system in the same way as other remote copy relationships.
SAN Volume Controller supports SAN routing technology (including FCIP links)
for intersystem connections that use Metro Mirror or Global Mirror.

The partner SAN Volume Controller split-site system must not be located in a
production site of the SAN Volume Controller split-site system. However, it can be
collocated with the storage system that provides the active quorum disk for the
split-site system.

Split-site system configuration without using interswitch links

| The most simple split-site system configuration is built by attaching each SAN
| Volume Controller node directly to the Fibre Channel switches in the local and the
| remote production site. This is done without using interswitch links (ISLs).

Split-site configuration rules for split-site configuration without using


In a split-site configuration, a site is defined as an independent failure domain.

Different types of sites protect against different types of fault. For example:
v If each site is a different power phase within one data center, the SAN Volume
Controller system can survive the failure of any single power domain.
v If each site is a different physical location, the SAN Volume Controller system
can survive the failure of any single location.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 129

| If configured properly, the SAN Volume Controller system continues to operate
| after the loss of one failure domain. The key prerequisite is that a failure domain
| hosts only one node from each pair of nodes. Placement of the pair of nodes from
| the same SAN Volume Controller system in different sites is not a split-site
| configuration and does not provide higher availability.
| v For every storage system, create one zone that contains SAN Volume Controller
| ports from every node and all storage system ports, unless the zoning guidelines
| for that storage system state differently. However, do not connect a storage
| system in one site directly to a switch fabric in the other site. Instead, connect
| each storage system only to switched fabrics in the local site.
v Each SAN Volume Controller node must have two direct Fibre Channel
connections to one or more SAN fabrics at both locations that contain SAN
Volume Controller nodes.
v Ethernet port 1 on every SAN Volume Controller node must be connected to the
same subnet or subnets.
| v A SAN Volume Controller node must be located in the same rack as the 2145
| UPS or 2145 UPS-1U that supplies its power.
| v You can have powered components between the SAN Volume Controller and the
| switches in a split-site configuration. For example, you can use powered dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) Fibre Channel extenders.
v You might be required to provide and replace longwave SFP transceivers.
v Some service actions require the ability to perform actions to the front panel of
all nodes in a system within a short-time window. If you use split-site systems,
you are required to assist the support engineer and provide communication
technology to coordinate these actions between the sites.
v The storage system at the third site must support extended quorum disks. This
information is available in the SAN Volume Controller interoperability matrixes
that are available at the Support for SAN Volume Controller (2145) website:

| Configure the SAN Volume Controller split-site system that does not include
| interswitch links (ISLs) according to the following rules:
| v The minimal SAN configuration consists of one Fibre Channel switch per
| production site as two separate fabrics. For highest reliability, two switches per
| production site are recommended. Single fabric configurations are not supported
| for split I/O group systems
| v As with every SAN Volume Controller clustered system, you can use ISLs for
| host-to-node (with up to 3 hops) or for node-to-storage (at most 1 hop) access.
| However, configure the SAN zones so that ISLs are not used in paths between
| SAN Volume Controller nodes.
| v Attach two ports of each SAN Volume Controller node to the Fibre Channel
| switches in the production site where the node resides.
| v Attach the remaining two ports of each SAN Volume Controller node to the
| Fibre Channel switches in the other production site.
| v Connect each storage system at the production sites to Fibre Channel switches in
| the site where the storage system resides.
| v Connect the storage system with the active quorum disks to Fibre Channel
| switches in both production sites.
| v To avoid fabric topology changes in case of IP errors, it is a good practice to
| configure FCIP links so that they do not carry ISLs.

130 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

| Restriction: Do not connect a storage system in one site directly to a switch fabric
| in the other site. Connectivity between SAN Volume Controller ports at one site to
| storage at the other site that use ISLs to travel between the locations are not
| affected by this restriction.

| It is strictly required that the links from both production sites to the quorum site
| are independent and do not share any long-distance equipment.

| Note: You do not need to UPS-protect FCIP routers or active WDM devices that
| are used only for the node-to-quorum communication.

| A split-site configuration is supported only when the storage system that hosts the
quorum disks supports extended quorum. Although SAN Volume Controller can
use other types of storage systems for providing quorum disks, access to these
quorum disks is always through a single path.

| When you set up mirrored volumes in a split-site configuration, consider whether

| you want to set the mirror write priority to redundancy to maintain
| synchronization of the copies through temporary delays in write completions.

Split-site system configuration using interswitch links

| You can use interswitch links (ISLs) in paths between SAN Volume Controller
| nodes of the same I/O group. The cable distance between the two production sites
| must be no greater than 100 km because of potential performance impacts.

Split-site configuration rules for split-site configurations using ISLs

In a split-site configuration, a site is defined as an independent failure domain.

| Different types of sites protect against different types of fault. For example, if
| configured properly, the SAN Volume Controller system continues to operate after
| the loss of one failure domain.

However, the SAN Volume Controller system does not guarantee that it can
survive the failure of two sites.
| v For every storage system, create one zone that contains SAN Volume Controller
| ports from every node and all storage system ports, unless otherwise stated by
| the zoning guidelines for that storage system. However, do not connect a storage
| system in one site directly to a switch fabric in the other site. Instead, connect
| each storage system only to switched fabrics in the local site. (In split-site system
| configurations with ISLs in node-to-node paths, these fabrics belong to the
| public SAN).
v Each SAN Volume Controller node must have two direct Fibre Channel
connections to one or more SAN fabrics at both locations that contain SAN
Volume Controller nodes.
v Ethernet port 1 on every SAN Volume Controller node must be connected to the
| same subnet or subnets. Ethernet port 2 (if used) of every node must be
| connected to the same subnet (this may be a different subnet from port 1). The
| same principle applies to other Ethernet ports.
| v A SAN Volume Controller node must be located in the same rack as the 2145
| UPS or 2145 UPS-1U that supplies its power.
| v You can have powered components between the SAN Volume Controller and the
| switches in a split-site configuration. For example, you can use powered dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) Fibre Channel extenders.
v You might be required to provide and replace longwave SFP transceivers.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 131

v Some service actions require the ability to perform actions to the front panel of
all nodes in a system within a short-time window. If you use split-site systems,
you are required to assist the support engineer and provide communication
technology to coordinate these actions between the sites.
v The storage system at the third site must support extended quorum disks. This
information is available in the SAN Volume Controller interoperability matrixes
that are available at the Support for SAN Volume Controller (2145) website:

| Using ISLs for node-to-node communication requires configuring two separate

| SANs:
| 1. Configure one SAN so that it is dedicated for SAN Volume Controller
| none-to-node communication. This SAN is referred to as a private SAN.
| 2. Configure one SAN so that it is dedicated for hot attachment, storage system
| attachment, and SVC Metro Mirror or Global Mirror. This SAN is referred to as
| a public SAN.

| Each SAN consists of at least one fabric that spans both production sites. At least
| one fabric of the public SAN includes also the quorum site. You can configure
| private and public SANs using different approaches.
| v Use dedicated Fibre Channel switches for each SAN

| To implement private and public SANs with dedicated switches, any combination
| of supported switches can be used. For the list of supported switches and for
| supported switch partitioning and virtual fabric options see the SAN Volume
| Controller interoperability website:

| Like for every managed disk, all SAN Volume Controller nodes need access to the
| quorum disk using the same storage system ports. If a storage system with active
| and or passive controllers (like IBM DS3000, DS4000, and DS5000 or IBM FAStT) is
| attached to a fabric, then the storage system must be connected with both internal
| controllers to this fabric. This is illustrated in Figure 41 on page 133.

132 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Site 1 Site 2

Server 1 Server 3
Server 2 Server 4

Public SAN1 Public SAN1
Private SAN1 Private SAN1

Public SAN2 ISL Public SAN2

Private SAN2 Private SAN2

SAN Volume SAN Volume

Controller-01 Controller-02

Storage Storage

Quorum candidate Site 3 Quorum candidate

Switch Switch

Storage System A Storage System B


| Figure 41. Split-site system nodes with ISLs, DS3000, DS4000, and DS5000 connected to
| both fabrics

| By using FCIP, passive WDM, or active WDM for quorum site connectivity you
| can add to the extension. The connections have to be reliable. It is strictly required
| that the links from both production sites to the quorum site are independent and
| do not share any long-distance equipment.

| Note: It is not required to UPS-protect FCIP routers or active WDM devices that
| are used only for the node-to-quorum communication.

| A split-site configuration is supported only when the storage system that hosts the
quorum disks supports extended quorum. Although SAN Volume Controller can
use other types of storage systems for providing quorum disks, access to these
quorum disks is always through a single path.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 133

For quorum disk configuration requirements, see the Guidance for Identifying and
Changing Managed Disks Assigned as Quorum Disk Candidates technote at the
following website:

| When you set up mirrored volumes in a split-site configuration, consider whether

| you want to set the mirror write priority to redundancy to maintain
| synchronization of the copies through temporary delays in write completions. For
| further details, see the information about mirrored volumes.

Additional bandwidth considerations:

v The connection between each site in the system associated with the SAN Volume
Controller nodes must guarantee a minimum bandwidth of 4 gigabits or 2 times
the peek host-write I/O workload, whichever is higher.

Note: To avoid performance bottlenecks, each SAN Volume Controller node

requires two ports operating at full speed (for example, 2 x 8 gigabits) worth of
bandwidth to other nodes within the same system.

For example, a SAN Volume Controller split-site system (no matter how many
nodes) with a total of 4 gigabits of split-site system bandwidth on the private
SANs is a valid configuration as long as the peek host-write I/O workload does
not exceed 200 megabytes per second.

To operate an eight-node system at its maximum performance requires 64

gigabits of split-site system bandwidth on the private SANs.

Quorum disk configuration

A quorum disk is an MDisk or a managed drive that contains a reserved area that
is used exclusively for system management. A clustered system automatically
assigns quorum disk candidates. When you add new storage to a system or
remove existing storage, however, it is a good practice to review the quorum disk

A system uses the quorum disk for two purposes:

v To break a tie when a SAN fault occurs, when exactly half of the nodes that
were previously a member of the system are present.
v To hold a copy of important system configuration data. Just over 256 MB is
reserved for this purpose on each quorum disk candidate.

A system can have only one active quorum disk used for a tie-break situation.
However the system uses three quorum disks to record a backup of system
configuration data to be used in the event of a disaster. The system automatically
selects one active quorum disk from these three disks. The active quorum disk can
be specified by using the chquorum command-line interface (CLI) command with
the active parameter. To view the current quorum disk status, use the lsquorum
command. In the management GUI, select Pools > MDisks by Pools or Pools >
External Storage.

The other quorum disk candidates provide redundancy if the active quorum disk
fails before a system is partitioned. To avoid the possibility of losing all the
quorum disk candidates with a single failure, assign quorum disk candidates on
multiple storage systems.

134 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: Volumes can be taken offline if no quorum disk is available. The
synchronization status for mirrored volumes is recorded on the quorum disk.

When you change the managed disks that are assigned as quorum candidate disks,
follow these general guidelines:
v When possible, aim to distribute the quorum candidate disks so that each MDisk
is provided by a different storage system. For information about which storage
systems are supported for quorum disk use, refer to the supported hardware list.
v Before you change a quorum candidate disk, ensure that the status of the
managed disk that is being assigned as a quorum candidate disk is reported as
online and that it has a capacity of 512 MB or larger.
v When you are using a split-site configuration, use the override yes parameter
because this parameter disables the mechanism that moves quorum disks when
they become degraded.

Quorum MDisks or drives in split-site configurations

To provide protection against failures that affect an entire location (for example, a
power failure), you can use volume mirroring with a configuration that splits a
single clustered system between two physical locations. For further information,
see the split-site configuration information. For detailed guidance about split-site
configuration for high-availability purposes, contact your IBM regional advanced
technical specialist.

Generally, when the nodes in a system have been split among sites, configure the
system this way:
v Site 1: Half of system nodes + one quorum disk candidate
v Site 2: Half of system nodes + one quorum disk candidate
v Site 3: Active quorum disk

This configuration ensures that a quorum disk is always available, even after a
single-site failure.

The following scenarios describe examples that result in changes to the active
quorum disk:
v Scenario 1:
1. Site 3 is either powered off or connectivity to the site is broken.
2. The system selects a quorum disk candidate at site 2 to become the active
quorum disk.
3. Site 3 is either powered on or connectivity to the site is restored.
4. Assuming that the system was correctly configured initially, SAN Volume
Controller automatically recovers the configuration when the power is
v Scenario 2:
1. The storage system that is hosting the preferred quorum disk at site 3 is
removed from the configuration.
2. If possible, the system automatically configures a new quorum disk
candidate at site 1 or 2.
3. The system selects a quorum disk candidate at site 1 or 2 to become the
active quorum disk.
4. A new storage system is added to site 3.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 135

5. The SAN Volume Controller administrator must reassign all three quorum
disks to ensure that the active quorum disk is now located at site 3 again.

| For additional information about split-site system configurations, see “Split-site

| system configuration overview” on page 127.

Fibre Channel over IP usage

Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) routers can be used for quorum disk connections
under the following circumstances:
v The FCIP router device is supported for SAN Volume Controller remote
mirroring (Metro Mirror or Global Mirror).
v The maximum round-trip delay must not exceed 80 ms, which means 40 ms
each direction.
v A minimum bandwidth of 2 megabytes per second is guaranteed for
node-to-quorum traffic.

1. To avoid fabric topology changes in case of IP errors, it is a good practice to
configure FCIP links so that they do not carry ISLs.
2. Connections using iSCSI are not supported.

Usage of wavelength division multiplexing devices that do not

require electrical power

Passive wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) devices can be used for quorum
disk connections. These connections rely on SFP transceivers with different
wavelengths (referred to as colored SFP transceivers) for fiber sharing. The
following requirements apply when using these type of connections:
v The WDM vendor must support the colored SFP transceivers for usage in the
WDM device.
v The Fibre Channel switch vendor must support the colored SFP transceivers for
v IBM supports the WDM device for SAN Volume Controller Metro Mirror or
Global Mirror.
v The SFP transceivers must comply with the SFP/SFP+ power and heat

Note: To purchase colored SFP transceivers for passive WDM, contact your WDM

System configuration by using SAN fabrics with long-distance

fiber connections
Each clustered system that uses SAN fabric switches can connect to application
hosts, storage systems, or other SAN Volume Controller systems through the use of
shortwave or longwave optical fiber connections.

The maximum distance between the system and host or the system and the storage
system is 300 m for shortwave optical connections and 10 km for longwave optical
connections. Longer distances are supported between systems that use the
intersystem Metro Mirror or Global Mirror feature.

When you use longwave optical fiber connections, follow these guidelines:

136 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v For disaster recovery, each system must be regarded as a single entity, which
includes the storage system that provides the quorum disks for the system.
Therefore, the system and quorum disks must be co-located.
v The maximum distance between nodes within a system is 100 meters. There can
be a large fibre-cable distance between the same nodes in the system. The nodes,
however, must be physically co-located for effective service and maintenance.
For example, the nodes can be 300 meters away for 2 Gbs connections or 150
meters away for 4 Gbs connections from the SAN fabric for a maximum total of
600 meters cable distance between the nodes. However, the nodes must be
physically within 100 meters of each other.
v All nodes in a system must be on the same IP subnet so that the nodes can
assume the same system or service IP address.
v A node must be on the same rack as the uninterruptible power supply from
which it receives power.

Note: Do not split system operation over a long optical distance; otherwise, you
can use only asymmetric disaster recovery with substantially reduced performance.
Instead, use two system configurations for all production disaster-recovery

Bitmap space configuration for Copy Services, volume

mirroring, or RAID
Copy Services features and RAID require that small amounts of volume cache be
converted from cache memory into bitmap memory to allow the functions to
operate. If you do not have enough bitmap space allocated when you try to use
one of the functions, you will not be able to complete the configuration.

Before you begin

Table 24 describes the configuration of the bitmap space in a SAN Volume

Controller system that was first installed using V6.1.0 software. Systems that have
been upgraded might have different defaults or are using user-defined values.
Table 24. Bitmap space configuration for system that is first installed with V6.1.0
Minimum Default Maximum functionality
allocated bitmap allocated bitmap allocated bitmap when using the
Copy Service space space space default values
Metro Mirror or 0 20 MB 512 MB 40 TB of Metro
Global Mirror Mirror or Global
Mirror volume
FlashCopy 0 20 MB 512 MB 10 TB of
source volume

5 TB of
source volume
Volume 0 20 MB 512 MB 40 TB of
mirroring mirrored

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 137

Table 24. Bitmap space configuration for system that is first installed with
V6.1.0 (continued)
Minimum Default Maximum functionality
allocated bitmap allocated bitmap allocated bitmap when using the
Copy Service space space space default values
RAID 0 40 MB 512 MB 80 TB array
capacity using
RAID 0, 1, or 10

80 TB array
capacity in
three-disk RAID
5 array

Slightly less than

120 TB array
capacity in
five-disk RAID 6
The sum of all bitmap memory allocation for one I/O group must not exceed 552 MB.
The actual amount of functionality might increase based on settings such as grain size
and strip size. RAID is subject to a 15% margin or error. For more details, see Table 26 on
page 139.

The following tables describe the amount of bitmap space necessary to configure
the various copy services functions and RAID.

Table 25 provides an example of the amount of memory that is required for

volume mirroring and each Copy Service feature.
Table 25. Examples of memory required
1 MB of memory provides
the following volume
capacity for the specified
Feature Grain size I/O group
Metro Mirror or Global 256 KB 2 TB of total Metro Mirror or
Mirror Global Mirror volume
FlashCopy 256 KB 2 TB of total FlashCopy
source volume capacity
FlashCopy 64 KB 512 GB of total FlashCopy
source volume capacity
Incremental FlashCopy 256 KB 1 TB of total incremental
FlashCopy source volume
Incremental FlashCopy 64 KB 256 GB of total incremental
FlashCopy source volume
Volume mirroring 256 KB 2 TB of mirrored volume

138 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 25. Examples of memory required (continued)
1 MB of memory provides
the following volume
capacity for the specified
Feature Grain size I/O group
1. For multiple FlashCopy targets, you must consider the number of mappings. For
example, for a mapping with a grain size of 256 KB, 8 KB of memory allows one
mapping between a 16 GB source volume and a 16 GB target volume. Alternatively, for
a mapping with a 256 KB grain size, 8 KB of memory allows two mappings between
one 8 GB source volume and two 8 GB target volumes.
2. When creating a FlashCopy mapping, if you specify an I/O group other than the I/O
group of the source volume, the memory accounting goes toward the specified I/O
group, not toward the I/O group of the source volume.
3. For volume mirroring, the full 512 MB of memory space enables 1 PB of total volume
mirroring capacity.
4. When creating new FlashCopy relationships or mirrored volumes, additional bitmap
space is allocated automatically by the system if required.

Before you specify the configuration changes, consider the following factors.
v For FlashCopy relationships, only the source volume allocates space in the
bitmap table.
v For Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships, two bitmaps exist. One is used
for the master clustered system and one is used for the auxiliary system because
the direction of the relationship can be reversed.
v The smallest possible bitmap is 4 KB; therefore, a 512 byte volume requires 4 KB
of bitmap space.

Table 26 shows the RAID requirements for bitmap memory.

Table 26. RAID requirements
Approximate required
RAID level Strip size bitmap memory
RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID Not applicable 1 MB of bitmap space for
10 every 2 TB of array capacity
RAID 5 and RAID 6 128 KB 1 MB of bitmap space for
every 1 TB of capacity on the
smallest drive in the array
256 KB 1 MB of bitmap space for
every 2 TB of capacity on the
smallest drive in the array
Note: There is a margin of error on the approximate bitmap memory cost of approximately
15%. For example, the cost for a 256 KB RAID 5 is about 1.15 MB for the first 2 TB of drive

To manage the bitmap memory from the management GUI, select the I/O group in
Home > System Status and then select the Manage tab. You can also use the
lsiogrp and chiogrp command-line interface (CLI) commands to modify the

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 139

Comparison of mirroring methods
The information in this table compares the various methods that you can use to
mirror your volumes.
Table 27. Volume mirroring comparison
Local volume
Description mirroring Split-site system Metro Mirror Global Mirror
Number of sites 1 2 2 21
application data
Support Yes Yes No No
failover between
mirrored copies
with no
Maximum Within data Up to 300 km2 Up to 300 km2 Up to 8000 km2
distance between center
Host completion Yes Yes Yes No
delayed by
secondary write
Bandwidth Not applicable Maximum peak Maximum peak Varies3
required on write bandwidth write bandwidth
intersite link
Multiple partnerships permit configurations with three or four sites.
Subject to application and other constraints. See also the topic Long distance links for
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships.
For further information, see the information about copy types in the topic Metro
Mirror and Global Mirror relationships.

Zoning details
Ensure that you are familiar with these zoning details. These details explain zoning
for external storage system zones and host zones. More details are included in the
SAN configuration, zoning, and split-site system rules summary.

Paths to hosts

The number of paths through the network from the SAN Volume Controller nodes
to a host must not exceed eight. Configurations in which this number is exceeded
are not supported.
v Each CG8 Node (In SAN Volume Controller, this is model 300) has four FC ports
and two FCoE ports, and each I/O Group has two nodes. Therefore, with no
zoning in a dual-SAN environment, the number of paths to a volume is six
multiplied by the number of host ports. For other nodes with no FCoE ports,
with no zoning in a dual-SAN environment, the number of paths to a volume is
four multiplied by the number of host ports.
v This rule exists to limit the number of paths that must be resolved by the
multipathing device driver.

140 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v For optimum performance, limit a host with two Fibre Channel ports to only
four paths: one path to each node on each SAN.

If you want to restrict the number of paths to a host, zone the switches so that
each host bus adapter (HBA) port is zoned with one SAN Volume Controller port
for each node in the clustered system. If a host has multiple HBA ports, zone each
port to a different set of SAN Volume Controller ports to maximize performance
and redundancy. This also applies to a host with a Converged Network Adapter
(CNA) card.

External storage system zones

Switch zones that contain storage system ports must not have more than 40 ports.
A configuration that exceeds 40 ports is not supported.

SAN Volume Controller zones

The switch fabric must be zoned so that the SAN Volume Controller nodes can
detect the back-end storage systems and the front-end host HBAs. Typically, the
front-end host HBAs and the back-end storage systems are not in the same zone.
The exception to this is where split host and split storage system configuration is
in use.

All nodes in a system must be able to detect the same ports on each back-end
storage system. Operation in a mode where two nodes detect a different set of
ports on the same storage system is degraded, and the system logs errors that
request a repair action. This can occur if inappropriate zoning is applied to the
fabric or if inappropriate LUN masking is used. This rule has important
implications for back-end storage, such as IBM DS4000 storage systems, which
impose exclusive rules for mappings between HBA worldwide node names
(WWNNs) and storage partitions.

Each SAN Volume Controller port must be zoned so that it can be used for
internode communications. When configuring switch zoning, you can zone some
SAN Volume Controller node ports to a host or to back-end storage systems.

When configuring zones for communication between nodes in the same system,
the minimum configuration requires that all Fibre Channel ports on a node detect
at least one Fibre Channel port on each other node in the same system. You cannot
reduce the configuration in this environment.

It is critical that you configure storage systems and the SAN so that a system
cannot access logical units (LUs) that a host or another system can also access. You
can achieve this configuration with storage system logical unit number (LUN)
mapping and masking.

If a node can detect a storage system through multiple paths, use zoning to restrict
communication to those paths that do not travel over ISLs.

With Metro Mirror and Global Mirror configurations, additional zones are required
that contain only the local nodes and the remote nodes. It is valid for the local
hosts to see the remote nodes or for the remote hosts to see the local nodes. Any
zone that contains the local and the remote back-end storage systems and local
nodes or remote nodes, or both, is not valid.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 141

For systems that are running SAN Volume Controller version 4.3 or later: For
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror configurations, zone two fibre channel ports on
each node in the local system to two fibre channel ports on each node in the
remote system. If dual-redundant fabrics are available, zone one port from each
node across on each fabric to provide the greatest fault tolerance. For each system,
two ports on each node should have no remote zones, only local zones.

For systems that are running SAN Volume Controller version 5.1 or later: For
best results in Metro Mirror and Global Mirror configurations, zone each node so
that it can communicate with at least one Fibre Channel port on each node in each
remote system. This configuration maintains redundancy of the fault tolerance of
port and node failures within local and remote systems. For communications
between multiple SAN Volume Controller version 5.1 systems, this also achieves
optimal performance from the nodes and the intersystem links.

However, to accommodate the limitations of some switch vendors on the number

of ports or worldwide node names (WWNNs) that are allowed in a zone, you can
further reduce the number of ports or WWNNs in a zone. Such a reduction can
result in reduced redundancy and additional workload being placed on other
system nodes and the Fibre Channel links between the nodes of a system.

The minimum configuration requirement is to zone both nodes in one I/O group
to both nodes in one I/O group at the secondary site. The I/O group maintains
fault tolerance of a node or port failure at either the local or remote site location. It
does not matter which I/O groups at either site are zoned because I/O traffic can
be routed through other nodes to get to the destination. However, if an I/O group
that is doing the routing contains the nodes that are servicing the host I/O, there is
no additional burden or latency for those I/O groups because the I/O group nodes
are directly connected to the remote system.

For systems that are running SAN Volume Controller version 4.3.1 or earlier: The
minimum configuration requirement is that all nodes must detect at least one Fibre
Channel port on each node in the remote system. You cannot reduce the
configuration in this environment.

In configurations with a version 5.1 system that is partnered with a system that is
running a SAN Volume Controller version 4.3.1 or earlier, the minimum
configuration requirements of the version 4.3.1 or earlier system apply.

If only a subset of the I/O groups within a system are using Metro Mirror and
Global Mirror, you can restrict the zoning so that only those nodes can
communicate with nodes in remote systems. You can have nodes that are not
members of any system zoned to detect all the systems. You can then add a node
to the system in case you must replace a node.

Host zones

The configuration rules for host zones are different depending upon the number of
hosts that will access the system. For configurations of fewer than 64 hosts per
system, SAN Volume Controller supports a simple set of zoning rules that enable a
small set of host zones to be created for different environments. For configurations
of more than 64 hosts per system, SAN Volume Controller supports a more
restrictive set of host zoning rules. These rules apply for both Fibre Channel (FC)
and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) connectivity.

142 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Zoning that contains host HBAs must ensure host HBAs in dissimilar hosts or
dissimilar HBAs are in separate zones. Dissimilar hosts means that the hosts are
running different operating systems or are different hardware platforms; thus
different levels of the same operating system are regarded as similar.

To obtain the best overall performance of the system and to prevent overloading,
the workload to each SAN Volume Controller port must be equal. This can
typically involve zoning approximately the same number of host Fibre Channel
ports to each SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel port.

Systems with fewer than 64 hosts:

For systems with fewer than 64 hosts attached, zones that contain host HBAs must
contain no more than 40 initiators including the SAN Volume Controller ports that
act as initiators. A configuration that exceeds 40 initiators is not supported. A valid
zone can be 32 host ports plus 8 SAN Volume Controller ports. When it is possible,
place each HBA port in a host that connects to a node into a separate zone. Include
exactly one port from each node in the I/O groups that are associated with this
host. This type of host zoning is not mandatory, but is preferred for smaller

Note: If the switch vendor recommends fewer ports per zone for a particular SAN,
the rules that are imposed by the vendor takes precedence over SAN Volume
Controller rules.

To obtain the best performance from a host with multiple Fibre Channel ports, the
zoning must ensure that each Fibre Channel port of a host is zoned with a
different group of SAN Volume Controller ports.

Systems with more than 64 hosts:

Each HBA port must be in a separate zone and each zone must contain exactly one
port from each SAN Volume Controller node in each I/O group that the host

Note: A host can be associated with more than one I/O group and therefore access
volumes from different I/O groups in a SAN. However, this reduces the maximum
number of hosts that can be used in the SAN. For example, if the same host uses
volumes in two different I/O groups, this consumes one of the 256 hosts in each
I/O group. If each host accesses volumes in every I/O group, there can be only
256 hosts in the configuration.

Zoning examples
These zoning examples describe ways for zoning a switch. In the examples, a list
of port names that are inside brackets ([]) represent a single zone whose zone
members are the list of ports shown.

Example 1

Consider the SAN environment in the following example:

v Two nodes (nodes A and B)
v Nodes A and B each have four ports
– Node A has ports A0, A1, A2, and A3
– Node B has ports B0, B1, B2, and B3

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 143

v Two hosts called P and Q
v Each of the two hosts has two ports, as described in Table 28.
Table 28. Two hosts and their ports
P0 Q0
P1 Q1

v Two switches called X and Y

v Two storage systems I and J
v Each of the two storage systems has ports as described in Table 29.
Table 29. Two storage systems and their ports
I0 J0
I1 J1

The following tasks comprise an example configuration:

1. Attach half the host and node ports 1 (A0, A1, B0, B1, P0, Q0) to switch X.
2. Attach half the host and node ports 3 (A2, A3, B2, B3, P1, Q1) to switch Y.
3. Attach half the storage system ports (I0, I1, J0) to switch X.
4. Attach half the storage system ports (I2, I3, J1) to switch Y.
5. Create one zone per host port (one port per node) on switch X:
[A0, B0, P0]
[A1, B1, Q0]

144 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Host P

A0 B0

Node A Node B

A1 B1

Host Q

Figure 42. An example of a host zone

6. Create one storage zone per storage system on switch X:

[A0, A1, B0, B1, I0, I1]
[A0, A1, B0, B1, J0]

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 145

Node A Node B
A0 A1 B0 B1

Storage Storage
System I System J
I0 I1 J0

Figure 43. An example of a storage system zone

7. Create one internode zone on switch X:

[A0, A1, B0, B1]

Node A Node B
A0 A1 B0 B1

Figure 44. An example of a system zone

8. Follow the same steps 5 on page 144 through 7 to create the following list of
zones for switch Y:
One zone per host port:
[A2, B2, P1]
[A3, B3, Q1]
Storage zone:

146 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

[A2, A3, B2, B3, I2, I3]
[A2, A3, B2, B3, J1]
One internode zone:
[A2, A3, B2, B3]

Example 2

The following example describes a SAN environment that is like the previous
example except for the addition of four hosts that have two ports each.
v Two nodes called A and B
v Nodes A and B have four ports each
– Node A has ports A0, A1, A2, and A3
– Node B has ports B0, B1, B2, and B3
v Six hosts called P, Q, R, S, T, and U
v Four hosts have four ports each and the other two hosts have two ports each as
described in Table 30.
Table 30. Six hosts and their ports
P0 Q0 R0 S0 T0 U0
P1 Q1 R1 S1 T1 U1
P2 Q2 R2 S2
P3 Q3 R3 S3

v Two switches called X and Y

v Three storage systems
v Each storage system has ports as described in
Table 31. Three storage systems and their ports
I0 J0 K0
I1 J1 K1
I2 K2
I3 K3

The following tasks comprise a different example configuration:

1. Attach half of the host and node ports 1 (A0, A1, B0, B1, P0, P1, Q0, Q1, R0, R1,
S0, S1, T0, U0) to switch X.
2. Attach half of the host and node ports 1 (A2, A3, B2, B3, P2, P3, Q2, Q3, R2, R3,
S2, S3, T1, U1) to switch Y.
3. Attach half of the storage system ports (I0, I1, J0, K0, K1, K2, K3) to switch X.
4. Attach half of the storage system ports (I2, I3, J1, K4, K5, K6, K7) to switch Y.
5. Create one zone per host port (one port per node) on switch X:

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 147

[A0, B0, P0]
[A1, B1, P1]
[A0, B0, Q0]
[A1, B1, Q1]
[A0, B0, R0]
[A1, B1, R1]
[A0, B0, S0]
[A1, B1, S1]
[A0, B0, T0]
[A1, B1, U0]

Attention: Hosts T and U (T0 and U0) and (T1 and U1) are zoned to different
SAN Volume Controller ports so that each SAN Volume Controller port is
zoned to the same number of host ports.
6. Create one storage zone per storage system on switch X:
[A0, A1, B0, B1, I0, I1]
[A0, A1, B0, B1, J0]
[A0, A1, B0, B1, K0, K1, K2, K3]
7. Create one internode zone on switch X:
[A0, A1, B0, B1]
8. Follow the same steps 5 on page 147 through 7 to create the following list of
zones for switch Y:
One zone per host port:
[A2, B2, P2]
[A3, B3, P3]
[A2, B2, Q2]
[A3, B3, Q3]
[A2, B2, R2]
[A3, B3, R3]
[A2, B2, S2]
[A3, B3, S3]
[A2, B2, T1]
[A3, B3, U1]
Storage zone:
[A2, A3, B2, B3, I2, I3]
[A2, A3, B2, B3, J1]
[A2, A3, B2, B3, K4, K5, K6, K7]
One internode zone:
[A2, A3, B2, B3]

Zoning considerations for Metro Mirror and Global Mirror

Ensure that you are familiar with the constraints for zoning a switch to support the
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror feature.

SAN configurations that use intrasystem Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
relationships do not require additional switch zones.

148 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

You can zone Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) ports on Cluster 1 with Fibre
Channel (FC) ports of Cluster 2 or FCoE ports on Cluster 1 with FCoE ports on
Cluster 2, to support Metro Mirror and Global Mirror replications.

For intersystem Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships, you must perform
the following steps to create the additional zones that are required:
1. Configure your SAN so that Fibre Channel traffic can be passed between the
two clustered systems. To configure the SAN this way, you can connect the
systems to the same SAN, merge the SANs, or use routing technologies.
2. Optional: Configure zoning to enable all nodes in the local fabric to
communicate with all nodes in the remote fabric.

Note: For systems that are running SAN Volume Controller version 4.3 or
later: For Metro Mirror and Global Mirror configurations, zone two fibre
channel ports on each node in the local system to two fibre channel ports on
each node in the remote system. If dual-redundant fabrics are available, zone
one port from each node across on each fabric to provide the greatest fault
tolerance. For each system, two ports on each node should have no remote
zones, only local zones.

Note: If you are using McData Eclipse routers, model 1620, only 64 port pairs
are supported, regardless of the number of iFCP links that are used.
3. Optional: As an alternative to step 2, choose a subset of nodes in the local
system to be zoned to the nodes in the remote system. Minimally, you must
ensure that one whole I/O group in the local system has connectivity to one
whole I/O group in the remote system. I/O between the nodes in each system
is then routed to find a path that is permitted by the configured zoning.
Reducing the number of nodes that are zoned together can reduce the
complexity of the intersystem zoning and might reduce the cost of the routing
hardware that is required for large installations. Reducing the number of nodes
also means that I/O must make extra hops between the nodes in the system,
which increases the load on the intermediate nodes and can increase the
performance impact; in particular, for Metro Mirror.
4. Optional: Modify the zoning so that the hosts that are visible to the local
system can recognize the remote system. This enables a host to examine data in
both the local and remote system.
5. Verify that system A cannot recognize any of the back-end storage that is
owned by system B. A system cannot access logical units (LUs) that a host or
another system can also access.

Switch operations over long distances

Some SAN switch products provide features that allow the users to tune the
performance of I/O traffic in the fabric in a way that can affect Metro Mirror and
Global Mirror performance. The two most significant features are ISL trunking and
extended fabric.

If you are setting up long-distance links, consult the documentation from your
switch vendor to ensure that you set them up correctly.

Chapter 3. SAN fabric and LAN configuration 149

150 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4. Creating a clustered system
You must create a clustered system to use SAN Volume Controller virtualized

The first phase to create a system is performed from the front panel of the SAN
Volume Controller. The second phase is performed from a web browser by
accessing the management GUI.

To access the CLI, you must use the PuTTY client to generate Secure Shell (SSH)
key pairs that secure data flow between the SAN Volume Controller system
configuration node and a client.

After creating the system, you must configure it.

Initiating system creation from the front panel

After you have installed all nodes, you can use the front panel of one of the SAN
Volume Controller nodes to initiate the creation of the clustered system. To create a
system, do not repeat these instructions on more than one node. After you
complete the steps for initiating system creation from the front panel, you can use
the management GUI to create the system and add additional nodes to complete
system configuration.

Before you begin

Before you create a system, ensure that all SAN Volume Controller nodes are
correctly installed, cabled, and powered on.

When you create the system, you must specify either an IPv4 or an IPv6 system
address for port 1. After the system is created, you can specify additional IP
addresses for port 1 and port 2 until both ports have an IPv4 address and an IPv6

If you choose to have the IBM service representative or IBM Business Partner
initially create the system, you must provide the following information before
configuring the system:
v For a system with an IPv4 address:
– Management IPv4 address
– Subnet mask
– Gateway IPv4 address
v For a system with an IPv6 address
– Management IPv6 address
– IPv6 prefix
– Gateway IPv6 address
Define these addresses on the Configuration Data Table planning chart, which is
used when installing a clustered system.

Attention: The management IPv4 address and the IPv6 address must not be the
same as any other device accessible on the network.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 151

The IBM service representative or IBM Business Partner uses the front panel of the
node to enter the information that you have provided. The default system
superuser password is passw0rd. The password and the IP address are used to
connect to the management GUI to finalize creating the system.

About this task

In the following figure, bold lines indicate the select button was pressed. Lighter
lines indicate the navigational path (up or down and left or right). The circled X
indicates if the select button is pressed, an action occurs using the data that is

Use the front panel and follow these steps to create and configure the system:

1. Choose a node that you want to make a member of the system that you are

Note: You add nodes using a different process after you have successfully
created and initialized the system.
2. Press and release the up or down button until Action? is displayed.
3. Press and release the select button.
4. Depending on whether you are creating a system with an IPv4 address or an
IPv6 address, press and release the up or down button until either New Cluster
IP4? or New Cluster IP6? is displayed.
5. Press and release the select button.
6. Press and release the left or right button until either IP4 Address: or IP6
Address: is displayed.

New Confirm
IP4 IP4 IP4 Create?
Cluster Gateway: Cancel?
Address: Subnet:
IP4? x

New IP6 IP6 IP6 Create? Cancel?
Cluster Address: Prefix: Gateway:
IP6? x

Figure 45. New Cluster IP4? and New Cluster IP6? options on the front-panel display

7. Press and release the select button.

v If the Cluster IPv4? or Cluster IPv6? actions are not displayed, this node is
already a member of a system. Press and release the up or down button until
Actions? is displayed. Press and release the select button to return to the
Main Options menu. Press and release the up or down button until Cluster:
is displayed. The name of the system that the node belongs to is displayed
on line 2 of the panel. If you want to delete the node from this system, see
the instructions for deleting a node from a system in the IBM System Storage
SAN Volume Controller Troubleshooting Guide. If you do not want to delete this

152 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

node from the system, review the situation and determine the correct nodes
to include in the new system. Then go to step 1 on page 152 and begin
v If you are creating a system with an IPv4 address and IP4 Address: is
displayed on line 1 of the panel, go to “Creating a system with an IPv4
address” to complete the steps for creating a system.
v If you are creating a system with an IPv6 address and IP6 Address: is
displayed on line 1 of the panel, go to “Creating a system with an IPv6
address” on page 154, to complete the steps for creating a system.

Creating a system with an IPv4 address

Your management IP address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

About this task

The following steps provide the information to complete the task for creating a
system with an IPv4 address.
1. You might need to press the select button to enter edit mode. The first IPv4
address number is shown.
2. Press the up button if you want to increase the value that is displayed; press
the down button if you want to decrease that value. If you want to quickly
increase the highlighted value, hold the up button. If you want to quickly
decrease the highlighted value, hold the down button.

Note: To change the address scrolling speed, see the note at the end of this
3. Press the right or left buttons to move to the number field that you want to
update. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up or down
button to change the value of this field.
4. Repeat step 3 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv4 Address.
5. After you have changed the last field of the IPv4 Address, press the select
button to leave edit mode. Press the right button to move to the next stage.
IP4 Subnet: is displayed.
6. Press the select button to enter edit mode.
7. Use the up or down button to increase or decrease the value of the first field
of the IPv4 Subnet to the value that you have chosen.
8. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up or down buttons
to change the value of this field.
9. Repeat step 8 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv4 Subnet.
10. After you have changed the last field of IPv4 Subnet, press the select button to
leave edit mode. Press the right button to move to the next stage.
11. Press the select button to enter edit mode. Press the right button. IP4 Gateway:
is displayed.
12. Press the up button if you want to increase the value that is displayed; press
the down button if you want to decrease that value. If you want to quickly
increase the highlighted value, hold the up button. If you want to quickly
decrease the highlighted value, hold the down button.
13. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up or down button
to change the value of this field.
14. Repeat step 13 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv4 Gateway.
15. Press and release the right button until Confirm Create? is displayed.

Chapter 4. Creating a clustered system 153

16. Press the select button to complete this task.

After you complete this task, the following information is displayed on the service
display screen:
v Cluster: is displayed on line 1.
v A temporary, system-assigned clustered system name that is based on the IP
address is displayed on line 2.

Note: To disable the fast increase and decrease address scrolling speed function
using the front panel, press and hold the down arrow button, press and release the
select button, and then release the down arrow button. The disabling of the fast
increase and decrease function lasts until system creation is completed or until the
feature is enabled again. If you press and hold the up or down arrow button while
the function is disabled, the value increases or decreases once every 2 seconds. To
enable the fast increase and decrease function again, press and hold the up arrow
button, press and release the select button, and then release the up arrow button.

What to do next

After you have created the clustered system on the front panel with the correct IP
address format, you can finish the system configuration by accessing the
management GUI, completing the creation of the system, and adding nodes to the

Before you access the management GUI, you must ensure that your web browser is
supported and has the appropriate settings enabled.

To access the management GUI, point your supported browser to the management
IP address.

The list of supported web browsers is included in the interoperability information

on the product support website. The interoperability information includes
supported hardware, device drivers, firmware, and recommended software to
ensure that your configuration is running at an optimal level.

For settings requirements, see the information about checking your web browser
settings for the management GUI.

Creating a system with an IPv6 address

Your management IP address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

About this task

The following steps provide the information to complete the task for creating a
system with an IPv6 address:
1. You might need to press the select button to enter edit mode. The first IPv6
address number is shown.
2. Press the up button if you want to increase the value that is displayed; press
the down button if you want to decrease that value. If you want to quickly
increase the highlighted value, hold the up button. If you want to quickly
decrease the highlighted value, hold the down button.

154 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The IPv6 address and the IPv6 gateway address consist of eight 4-digit
hexadecimal values. Enter the full address by working across a series of four
panels to update each of the 4-digit hexadecimal values that make up the IPv6
addresses. The panels consist of eight fields, where each field is a 4-digit
hexadecimal value.

Note: To change the address scrolling speed, see the note at the end of this
3. Press the right button or left button to move to the number field that you
want to update. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up
or down button to change the value of this field.
4. Repeat step 3 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv6 Address.
5. After you have changed the last field of the IPv6 Address, press the select
button to leave edit mode. Press the right button to move to the next stage.
IP6 Prefix: is displayed.
6. Press the select button to enter edit mode.
7. Use the up or down button to increase or decrease the value of the first field
of the IPv6 Prefix to the value that you have chosen.
8. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up or down button
to change the value of this field.
9. Repeat step8 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv6 Prefix.
10. After you have changed the last field of IPv6 Prefix, press the select button to
leave edit mode. Press the right button to move to the next stage.
11. Press the select button to enter edit mode. Press the right button. IP6 Gateway:
is displayed.
12. Use the up or down button to quickly increase or decrease the value of the
first field of the IPv6 Gateway to the value that you have chosen.
13. Use the right button to move to the next field and use the up or down button
to change the value of this field.
14. Repeat step 13 for each of the remaining fields of the IPv6 Gateway.
15. Press and release the right button until Confirm Create? is displayed.
16. Press the select button to complete this task.

After you complete this task, the following information is displayed on the service
display screen:
v Cluster: is displayed on line 1.
v A temporary, system-assigned clustered system name that is based on the IP
address is displayed on line 2.

Note: To disable the fast increase and decrease address scrolling speed function
using the front panel, press and hold the down arrow button, press and release the
select button, and then release the down arrow button. The disabling of the fast
increase and decrease function lasts until system creation is completed or until the
feature is enabled again. If you press and hold the up or down arrow button while
the function is disabled, the value increases or decreases once every 2 seconds. To
enable the fast increase and decrease function again, press and hold the up arrow
button, press and release the select button, and then release the up arrow button.

Chapter 4. Creating a clustered system 155

What to do next

After you have created the clustered system on the front panel with the correct IP
address format, you can finish the system configuration by accessing the
management GUI, completing the creation of the system, and adding nodes to the

Before you access the management GUI, you must ensure that your web browser is
supported and has the appropriate settings enabled.

To access the management GUI, point your supported browser to the management
IP address.

The list of supported web browsers is included in the interoperability information

on the product support website. The interoperability information includes
supported hardware, device drivers, firmware, and recommended software to
ensure that your configuration is running at an optimal level.

For settings requirements, see the information about checking your web browser
settings for the management GUI.

156 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system
The system upgrade process involves the upgrading of your entire SAN Volume
Controller environment.

Attention: These procedures apply to upgrading SAN Volume Controller version

6.1.0 or later. For directions on upgrading from version 5.1.x or earlier, see the
software installation and configuration information at this website:

Allow up to a week to plan your tasks, go through your preparatory upgrade

tasks, and complete the upgrade of the SAN Volume Controller environment. The
upgrade procedures can be divided into these general processes.
Table 32. Upgrading tasks
Sequence Upgrade task
1 Before you upgrade, become familiar with the prerequisites and tasks
involved. Decide whether you want to upgrade automatically or upgrade
manually. During an automatic upgrade procedure, the clustered system
upgrades each of the nodes systematically. The automatic method is the
preferred procedure for upgrading software on nodes. However, you can
also upgrade each node manually.
2 Ensure that CIM object manager (CIMOM) clients are working correctly.
When necessary, upgrade these clients so that they can support the new
version of SAN Volume Controller code.
3 Ensure that multipathing drivers in the environment are fully redundant.
4 Upgrade your SAN Volume Controller.
5 Upgrade other devices in the SAN Volume Controller environment.
Examples might include upgrading hosts and switches to the correct levels.
Note: The amount of time can vary depending on the amount of preparation work
required and the size of the environment. For automatic upgrade, it takes about 20 minutes
for each node plus 30 minutes for each system. The 30-minute interval provides time for
the multipathing software to recover.

Attention: If you experience failover issues with multipathing driver support,

resolve these issues before you start normal operations.

Firmware and software for the SAN Volume Controller and its attached adapters
are tested and released as a single package. The package number increases each
time a new release is made.

Some code levels support upgrades only from specific previous levels, or the code
can be installed only on certain hardware types. If you upgrade to more than one
level above your current level, you might be required to install an intermediate
level. For example, if you are upgrading from level 1 to level 3, you might need to
install level 2 before you can install level 3. For information about the prerequisites
for each code level, see the website:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 157

Attention: Ensure that you have no unfixed errors in the log and that the system
date and time are correctly set. Start the fix procedures, and ensure that you fix
any outstanding errors before you attempt to concurrently upgrade the code.

Note: Once the system software upgrade has completed, the Fibre Channel over
Ethernet (FCoE) functionality can be enabled on each node by following the fix
procedures for these events using the management GUI. Note that the FCoE
activation procedure involves a node reboot and it is therefore recommended to
allow time for host multipathing to recover between activation of different nodes
in the same I/O group.

The upgrade process

During the automatic upgrade process, each node in a system is upgraded one at a
time, and the new code is staged on the nodes. While each node restarts, there
might be some degradation in the maximum I/O rate that can be sustained by the
system. After all the nodes in the system are successfully restarted with the new
code level, the new level is automatically committed.

During an automatic code upgrade, each node of a working pair is upgraded

sequentially. The node that is being upgraded is temporarily unavailable and all
I/O operations to that node fails. As a result, the I/O error counts increase and the
failed I/O operations are directed to the partner node of the working pair.
Applications do not see any I/O failures. When new nodes are added to the
system, the upgrade package is automatically downloaded to the new nodes from
the SAN Volume Controller system.

The upgrade can normally be performed concurrently with normal user I/O
operations. However, there is a possibility that performance could be impacted. If
any restrictions apply to the operations that can be performed during the upgrade,
these restrictions are documented on the SAN Volume Controller website that you
use to download the upgrade packages. During the upgrade procedure, the
majority of configuration commands are not available. Only the following SAN
Volume Controller commands are operational from the time the upgrade process
starts to the time that the new code level is committed, or until the process has
been backed out:
v All information commands
v The rmnode command

To determine when your upgrade process has completed, you are notified through
the management GUI. If you are using the command-line interface, issue the
lssoftwareupgradestatus command to display the status of the upgrade.

Because of the operational limitations that occur during the upgrade process, the
code upgrade is a user task.

Multipathing driver

Before you upgrade, ensure that the multipathing driver is fully redundant with
every path available and online. You might see errors related to the paths going
away (fail over) and the error count increasing during the upgrade. When the
paths to the nodes are back, the nodes fall back to become a fully redundant
system. After the 30-minute delay, the paths to the other node go down.

158 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

If you are using IBM Subsystem Device Driver (SDD) or IBM Subsystem Device
Driver Device Specific Module (SDDDSM) as the multipathing software on the
host, increased I/O error counts are displayed by the datapath query device or
datapath query adapter commands to monitor the state of the multipathing
software. See the IBM System Storage Multipath Subsystem Device Driver User's Guide
for more information about the datapath query commands.

If you are using IBM Subsystem Device Driver Path Control Module (SDDPCM) as
the multipathing software on the host, increased I/O error counts are displayed by
the pcmpath query device or pcmpath query adapter commands to monitor the
state of the multipathing software.

Upgrading systems with internal solid-state drives

The SAN Volume Controller upgrade process reboots each node in the system in
turn. Before the upgrade commences and before each node is upgraded, the
upgrade process checks for dependent volumes.You can check for dependent
volumes by using the lsdependentvdisks command-line interface (CLI) command
with the node parameter.
Upgrading systems with internal SSDs using RAID 0
The upgrade process takes each node offline temporarily to perform the
upgrade. While the node containing an internal SSD is offline, any data
written to volumes with a mirrored copy on the offline node are written
only to the other online copy. After the upgraded node rejoins the system,
data is resynchronized from the copy that remained online. The upgrade
process delays approximately 30 minutes before starting the upgrade on
the partner node. The synchronization must complete within this time or
the upgrade stalls and requires manual intervention. For any mirrored
volume that uses disk extents on an SSD that is located on a SAN Volume
Controller node for one or both of its volume copies, set its
synchronization rate set to 80 or above to ensure that the resynchronization
completes in time.

Note: To increase the amount of time between the two nodes that contain
volume copies and prevent them from going offline during the upgrade
process, consider manually upgrading the code.
Table 33 defines the synchronization rates.
Table 33. Resynchronization rates of volume copies
Synchronization rate Data copied/sec
1-10 128 KB
11-20 256 KB
21-30 512 KB
31-40 1 MB
41-50 2 MB
51-60 4 MB
61-70 8 MB
71-80 16 MB
81-90 32 MB
91-100 64 MB

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system 159

Upgrading systems with internal SSDs using RAID 1 or 10
The upgrade process takes each node offline temporarily to perform the
upgrade. During this time, write operations to a mirrored array on an
offline node are written only to the drive that is in the online node. When
the node comes back online, the drive that had been offline is then
resynchronized from the online mirrored array. However, if this
synchronization process does not complete before the partner node needs
to be upgraded, the dependent volume process fails and the upgrade stalls.

Attention: To increase the amount of time between the two nodes going
offline during the upgrade process, consider manually upgrading the code.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships

When you upgrade software where the system participates in one or more
intersystem relationships, update the systems one at a time. Do not upgrade the
systems concurrently because you can lose synchronization and availability.

You can create new Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships between systems
with different software levels. If the partnerships are between a SAN Volume
Controller version 6.3.0 system and a system that is at 4.3.1, each system can
participate in a single partnership with another system. If the systems are all either
SAN Volume Controller version 5.1.0 or later, each system can participate in up to
three system partnerships. A maximum of four systems are permitted in the same
connected set. A partnership cannot be formed between a SAN Volume Controller
version 6.3.0 and one that is running a version that is earlier than 4.3.1.

Attention: If you want to upgrade a system to SAN Volume Controller version

6.3.0 and the partner is running version 4.3.0 or earlier, you must first upgrade the
partner system to SAN Volume Controller 4.3.1 or later before you upgrade the
first system to version 6.3.0.

With SAN Volume Controller version 6.4.0 or later, support for four Fibre Channel
and two Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) ports has been enabled. If a clustered
system contains these software versions, it will not be possible to establish a
remote copy partnership with another system running a software version earlier
than 6.4.0. If a system running 6.4.0 or later has an existing remote copy
partnership with another system running an earlier software version, you will not
be able to add a node with a combined total of more than four Fibre Channel and
FCoE ports. You also will not be able to activate additional ports (either by
enabling FCoE or installing new hardware) on existing nodes in the system. To
resolve these problems, you have two options:
v Upgrade the software on the remote system to 6.4.0 or later, or
v Use the chnodehw -legacy CLI command to disable the additional hardware on
nodes in the system with 6.4.0 or later software version installed
The -legacy parameter of the chnodehw CLI controls activating and deactivating the
FCoE ports.

To activate the additional hardware, run the following CLI command:

chnodehw node id

Where node_name | node_id (required) specifies the node to be modified. The

variable that follows the parameter is either:
v The node name that you assigned when you added the node to the system

160 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v The node ID that is assigned to the node (not the worldwide node name)

To disable the additional hardware, run the following command:

chnodehw -legacy software_level node id

Where software_level indicates the level of software the node must interoperate
with. If the value is less than 6.4.0, then the node will configure its hardware to
only support a maximum of four Fibre Channel/FCoE ports. And node_name |
node_id (required) specifies the node to be modified. The variable that follows the
parameter is either:
v The node name that you assigned when you added the node to the system
v The node ID that is assigned to the node (not the worldwide node name)

With support for six ports (four Fibre Channel and two FCoE ports) on each node
with 6.4.0 code, there are rules that govern how to setup a partnership with a
pre-6.4.0 system.
v A 6.4.0 system cannot form a partnership with a pre-6.4.0 system with more than
4 FC/FCoE I/O ports enabled.
For example, a multi-cluster partnership configuration between three systems, A,
B, and C.
A <-> B<-> C
System A has pre-6.4.0 installed, and systems B and C have 6.4.0 installed.
The remote copy services are possible in this configuration only if System B does
not have FCoE ports enabled.
Partnerships between systems A and B will not be affected because of activated
FCoE ports on nodes in system C.
v If a 6.4.0 system has an already established partnership with a pre-6.4.0 system
and if additional hardware (four Fibre Channel and two FCoE ports) is enabled
while the partnership is stopped, then the partnership cannot be started again
until the remote system has been upgraded or the extra hardware is disabled
using the chnodehw -legacy command.
v A node with a legacy hardware configuration (including a system that has been
upgraded from 6.3.0 to 6.4.0 that has 10Gb Ethernet adapters) will generate
event logs indicating that new hardware (the FCoE function) is available and
should be enabled with the chnodehw command. If you want to continue to
operate remote copy partnerships with systems running older levels of software,
you will need to leave this event log unfixed.

If the additional hardware is activated and a partnership is required to be

established with a system running pre-6.4.0 software, then the additional hardware
must be disabled first using the chnodehw –legacy software version (pre 6.4.0) node id

When a node is added to a system, the system will check for (started) partnerships
and determine the lowest software level of the partnered systems. This software
level will be passed to the node being added to the system. The node will perform
the equivalent of a chnodehw –legacy software level command as it joins the system.

Upgrading systems that contain 10 Gbps Ethernet cards

If you are upgrading a system from a release previous to version 6.4.0 on systems
that contain 10 Gbps Ethernet cards, the upgrade process shows an alert event.
Each node logs this alert event with error code 1199, Detected hardware needs

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system 161

The fix procedure enables the FCoE hardware, which involves each node being
rebooted. When the fix procedure completes, the FCoE function is ready to be

Obtaining the SAN Volume Controller software packages

You can check to see if a newer release of software is available by using the
management GUI. Select Settings > General > Upgrade Software. Click Check for

Before you begin

To obtain a new release of code, access the following site:

The code is installed directly on the SAN Volume Controller system. System code
upgrades can only be performed in a strict order. The rules for upgrading from
any given version to the latest version are also provided on the website.

Upgrading the software automatically

This automatic procedure provides a unified mechanism to upgrade the entire
system in a coordinated process with no user intervention.

This procedure is for upgrading from SAN Volume Controller version 6.1.0 or later.
To upgrade from version 5.1.x or earlier, see the relevant information center or
publications that are available at this website:

Before you upgrade your software, review the conceptual information in the topic
Upgrading the system to understand how the upgrade process works. Allow
adequate time, such as up to a week in some cases, to look for potential problems
or known bugs. Use the Software Upgrade Test Utility to help you find these
problems. You can download the most current version of this tool at the following

Excluding drives, when a node is rebooted as part of the clustered system

upgrade, the system checks that it is at the correct level. If the system detects that
the hardware is not running at the expected level, the system does not continue to
upgrade until it is safe to do so.

If you want to upgrade without host I/O, shut down all hosts before you start the

When you are ready to upgrade, click Settings > General > Upgrade Software in
the management GUI and follow the instructions.

Monitor the upgrade information in the management GUI to determine when the
upgrade is complete.

162 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Upgrading drive firmware
You can upgrade a solid-state drive (SSD) by downloading and applying firmware
updates by using the command-line interface (CLI).

About this task

Note: The drive upgrade procedure is currently available only by using the CLI.

This procedure upgrades firmware on an SSD drive that is internal to a supported

SAN Volume Controller node. If the upgrade would cause any volumes to go
offline, the force option is required.

To upgrade drive firmware, follow these steps:

1. Run the following command for the drive that you are upgrading.
lsdependentvdisks -drive drive_id

If any volumes are returned, continuing with this procedure takes the volumes
offline. To avoid losing access to data, resolve any redundancy errors to remove
this problem before you continue with the upgrade procedure.
2. Locate the firmware upgrade file at the following website:
This website also provides a link to the Software Upgrade Test Utility. This
utility indicates if any of your drives are not running at the latest level of
3. Using scp or pscp, copy the firmware upgrade file and the Software Upgrade
Test Utility package to the /home/admin/upgrade directory by using the
management IP address.
4. Run the applydrivesoftware command. You must specify the firmware
upgrade file, the firmware type, and the drive ID:
applydrivesoftware -file name -type firmware -drive drive_id

To apply the upgrade even if it causes one or more volumes to go offline,

specify the -force option.

Attention: Do not use the -type fpga option, which upgrades Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) firmware, unless directed to do so by an
IBM service representative.

Upgrading the software manually

During an automatic upgrade procedure, the SAN Volume Controller clustered
system upgrades each of the nodes systematically. The automatic method is the
preferred procedure for upgrading software on nodes; however, to provide more
flexibility in the upgrade process, you can also upgrade each node manually.

Immediately prior to a manual upgrade, the cluster must be prepared by issuing

the svctask applysoftware -prepare -file svc_software_package command in the
CLI. See “Preparing to upgrade the system” on page 164 for more information.

During this manual procedure, the upgrade is prepared, you remove a node from
the system, upgrade the code on the node, and return the node to the system. You

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system 163

repeat this process for the remaining nodes until the last node is removed from the
system. Every node must be upgraded to the same code level. You cannot interrupt
the upgrade and switch to installing a different level. When the last node is
returned to the system, the system completes the upgrade and starts running the
new level of code.


Before you begin to upgrade nodes manually, ensure that the following
requirements are met:
v The system software must be at version 6.1.0 or higher. To manually upgrade
from version or 5.1.x software, see the User-paced Software Upgrade
Procedure - Errata that is included with the IBM System Storage SAN Volume
Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide at this website:
v The latest SAN Volume Controller upgrade package has been downloaded to
your management workstation.
v Each I/O group has two nodes.
v Errors in the system event log are addressed and marked as fixed.
v There are no volumes, MDisks, or storage systems with Degraded or Offline
v The service assistant IP is configured to every node in the system.
v The system superuser password is known.
v The SAN Volume Controller configuration has been backed up and saved.
v The latest version of the SAN Volume Controller Software Upgrade Test Utility
is downloaded, is installed, and has been run to verify that there are no issues
with the current system environment. You can download the most current
version of this tool at the following website:
v You have physical access to the hardware.

The following actions are not required; they are suggestions.

v Stop all Metro Mirror or Global Mirror operations during the upgrade
v Avoid running any FlashCopy operations during this procedure.
v Avoid migrating or formatting volumes during this procedure.
v Stop collecting IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center performance data for the
SAN Volume Controller system.
v Stop any automated jobs that access the system before you upgrade.
v Ensure that no other processes are running on the system before you upgrade.

If you want to upgrade without host I/O, shut down all hosts before you start the

Preparing to upgrade the system

The procedure to prepare for an upgrade should be run once for each clustered

164 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide


To prepare the system for an upgrade, follow these steps:

1. Upload the software package to the cluster_ip:/upgrade directory.
2. Use the command-line interface to issue the svctask applysoftware -prepare
-file svc_software_package command to prepare the system for the upgrade.
Alternatively, you can use the service assistant to upload the code package and
prepare the system for the upgrade.

What to do next

Next: “Preparing to upgrade individual nodes”

Preparing to upgrade individual nodes

Before you upgrade nodes individually, ensure that the clustered-system
environment is ready for the upgrade.

Before you begin

Verify the prerequisites: “Upgrading the software manually” on page 163


After you verify that the prerequisites for a manual upgrade are met, follow these
1. Use the management GUI to display the nodes in the system and record this
information. For all the nodes in the system, verify the following information:
v Confirm that all nodes are online.
v Record the name of the configuration node. This node must be upgraded
v Record the names and I/O groups that are assigned to each node.
v Record the service IP address for each node.
2. If you are using the management GUI, view the External Storage panel to
ensure that everything is online and also verify that internal storage is present.
3. If you are using the command-line interface, issue this command for each
storage system:
lscontroller controller_name_or_controller_id

where controller_name_or_controller_id is the name or ID of the storage system.

Confirm that each storage system has degraded=no status.
4. Verify that all hosts have all paths available to all the volumes that are
presented to them by SAN Volume Controller. Ensure that the multipathing
driver is fully redundant with every single path available and online.
5. Download the installation package for the level that you want to install. You
can download the most current package from the following website:

What to do next

Next: “Upgrading all nodes except the configuration node” on page 166

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system 165

Upgrading all nodes except the configuration node
When upgrading nodes individually, you must upgrade all the nodes in the
clustered system before you upgrade the configuration node. Repeat all the steps
in this procedure for each node that you upgrade that is not a configuration node.


To upgrade the nodes, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that all hosts have all paths available to volumes that are presented to
them by the SAN Volume Controller. If not, wait up to 30 minutes and repeat
the check. If some paths are still unavailable, investigate and resolve these
connection problems before you continue the SAN Volume Controller code
upgrade. Ensure that the multipathing driver is fully redundant with every
single path available and online. You might see errors related to the paths
going away and the error count increasing during the upgrade.
2. In the management GUI, check that there are no incomplete volume
synchronization tasks running. In the status bars that are located at the bottom
of the panel, expand Running Tasks to display the progress of actions. Ensure
that all synchronization tasks are complete before removing the node.
3. In the management GUI, go to Monitoring > System. Open the details for the
node that you are upgrading. Select VPD, and record the front_panel_id and
the I/O group of the node.
4. Use the management GUI to add the old config node back into the system.
Select Monitoring > System and select the empty position in the I/O group
that previously contained the node. Available candidate nodes are listed. If the
panel name of the old config node is not shown, check its status and try again
when it is a candidate. Select the panel name of the old candidate node and
select Add Node. Wait for the node to upgrade and appear as online in the
system before you continue. This process could take up to 30 minutes.
5. Open a web browser and type https://service_ip in the address field where
service IP is the service IP address for the node that was just deleted.
6. Select Upgrade manually from the left menu.
7. Check that the node status, shown in the top left of the display, is service.
8. Check that the node status, shown in the top left of the display, is candidate.
If the node status is active, you probably are connected to the wrong node.
9. On the service assistant home page, click Upgrade Manually.
Attention: It is vital that you upgrade the exact same version of code to each
10. Select the upgrade package and click Upgrade. You lose access to service
assistant as the node reboots itself. If necessary, you can access service
assistant from a different node.
When the node completes the upgrade and is showing as a candidate in the
service assistant, use the management GUI to add the node back into the
system. Click Monitoring > System and click the empty position in the I/O
group that the node was in. Available candidate nodes are listed. If the panel
name of the node that you upgraded is not shown, check its status and try
again when it is a candidate. Select the panel name of the node that you
deleted and click Add Node. Wait for the node to show online in the system
before you continue.
11. If you have any remaining nodes to upgrade that are not configuration nodes,
repeat this task starting at Step 1.

166 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

What to do next

Next: “Upgrading the configuration node”

Upgrading the configuration node

After all the other nodes have been upgraded in the clustered system, you can
upgrade the configuration node.


To upgrade the configuration node, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that all hosts have all paths available to volumes that are mapped to
those hosts. If not, wait up to 30 minutes and repeat this check. If some paths
are still unavailable, investigate and resolve these connection problems before
you continue the SAN Volume Controller code upgrade.
2. In the management GUI, check that there are no incomplete volume
synchronization tasks running. Click Running Tasks.
3. Remove the configuration node from the system. In the management GUI,
select Monitoring > System and select the node to remove. Click Manage >
Remove Node.

Note: When the configuration node is removed from the system, the SSH
connection to the system closes.
4. Open a web browser and type http://service_assistant_ip in the address
field. The service assistant IP address is the IP address for the service assistant
on the node that was just deleted.
5. On the service assistant home page, click Exit service state and press Go. Use
the management GUI to add the node to the system. The node will then be
upgraded before joining the system and will remain in the adding state for
some time.
This action automatically upgrades the code on this last node, which was the
configuration node.

What to do next

Next: “Completing the software upgrade”

Completing the software upgrade

After the configuration node is successfully rebooted and upgraded, verify the
upgrade and return the clustered system to its original state by following these

1. Verify that the system is running at the correct software version and that no
other errors in the system need to be resolved.
To verify the new version number for the software in the management GUI,
select Monitoring > System. The software version is listed under the graphical
representation of the system. Check for new alerts in the Monitoring > Events
2. Verify that all the nodes are online. In the management GUI, select Monitoring
> System. Ensure that all nodes are present and online.

Chapter 5. Upgrading the system 167

3. Verify that all volumes are online. In the management GUI, select Volumes >
4. Verify that all managed disks (MDisks) are online. In the management GUI,
select Pools > MDisks by Pools.
5. Restart any services, advanced functions, or scripts that were stopped before
the upgrade, as required.


You have completed the manual code upgrade.

168 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes to an existing clustered
You can replace system nodes to upgrade to newer hardware models. You can also
add nodes to increase the workload capability of your system.

Replacing nodes nondisruptively

These procedures describe how to replace most nodes nondisruptively.

Before you begin

These procedures are nondisruptive because changes to your SAN environment are
not required. The replacement (new) node uses the same worldwide node name
(WWNN) as the node that you are replacing. An alternative to this procedure is to
replace nodes disruptively either by moving volumes to a new I/O group or by
rezoning the SAN. The disruptive procedures, however, require additional work on
the hosts.

This task assumes that these conditions have been met:

v The existing system software must be at a version that supports the new node. If
a node is being replaced by a SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 node, the
system software version must be 6.2.0 or later. If a node is being replaced by a
SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8 node, the system software version must be
5.1.0 or later. If a node is being replaced by a SAN Volume Controller 2145-8A4
node, the system software version must be 4.3.1 or later.

Note: For nodes that contain solid-state drives (SSDs): if the existing SSDs are
being moved to the new node, the new node must contain the necessary
serial-attached SCSI (SAS) adapter to support SSDs.
v All nodes that are configured in the system are present and online.
v All errors in the system event log are addressed and marked as fixed.
v There are no volumes, managed disks (MDisks), or external storage systems
with a status of degraded or offline.
v The replacement node is not powered on.
v The replacement node is not connected to the SAN.
v You have a 2145 UPS-1U unit (feature code 8115) for each new SAN Volume
Controller 2145-CG8 SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8, or SAN Volume
Controller 2145-8A4 node.
v You have backed up the system configuration and saved the
svc.config.backup.xml file.
v The replacement node must be able to operate at the Fibre Channel or Ethernet
connection speed of the node it is replacing.
v If the node being replaced contains solid-state drives (SSDs), transfer all SSDs
and SAS adapters to the new node if it supports the drives. To prevent losing
access to the data, if the new node does not support the existing SSDs, transfer
the data from the SSDs before replacing the node.


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 169

1. Do not continue this task if any of the conditions listed are not met unless you
are instructed to do so by the IBM Support Center.
2. Review all of the steps that follow before you perform this task.
3. Do not perform this task if you are not familiar with SAN Volume Controller
environments or the procedures described in this task.
4. If you plan to reuse the node that you are replacing, ensure that the WWNN of
the node is set to a unique number on your SAN. If you do not ensure that the
WWNN is unique, the WWNN and WWPN are duplicated in the SAN
environment and can cause problems.

Tip: You can change the WWNN of the node you are replacing to the factory
default WWNN of the replacement node to ensure that the number is unique.
5. The node ID and possibly the node name change during this task. After the
system assigns the node ID, the ID cannot be changed. However, you can
change the node name after this task is complete.

About this task

Perform these steps to replace active nodes in a system:

1. (If the system software version is at 5.1 or later, complete this step.)
Confirm that no hosts have dependencies on the node.
When shutting down a node that is part of a system or when deleting the
node from a system, you can use either the management GUI or a
command-line interface (CLI) command. In the management GUI, select
Monitoring > System > Manage. Click Show Dependent Volumes to display
all the volumes that are dependent on a node. You can also use the node
parameter with the lsdependentvdisks CLI command to view dependent
If dependent volumes exist, determine if the volumes are being used. If the
volumes are being used, either restore the redundant configuration or suspend
the host application. If a dependent quorum disk is reported, repair the access
to the quorum disk or modify the quorum disk configuration.
2. Use these steps to determine the system configuration node, and the ID,
name, I/O group ID, and I/O group name for the node that you want to
replace. If you already know the physical location of the node that you want
to replace, you can skip this step and proceed to step 3 on page 171.

Tip: If one of the nodes that you want to replace is the system configuration
node, replace it last.
a. Issue this command from the command-line interface (CLI):
lsnode -delim :
This output is an example of the output that is displayed for this

170 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

b. In the config_node column, find the value yes and record the values in the
id and name columns.
c. Record the values in the id and the name columns for each node in the
d. Record the values in the IO_group_id and the IO_group_name columns for
each node in the system.
e. Issue this command from the CLI for each node in the system to
determine the front panel ID:
lsnodevpd node_name or node_id
where node_name or node_id is the name or ID of the node for which you
want to determine the front panel ID.
f. Record the value in the front_panel_id column. The front panel ID is
displayed on the front of each node. You can use this ID to determine the
physical location of the node that matches the node ID or node name that
you want replace.
3. Perform these steps to record the WWNN or iSCSI name of the node that you
want to replace:
a. Issue this command from the CLI:
lsnode -delim : node_name or node_id
where node_name or node_id is the name or ID of the node for which you
want to determine the WWNN or iSCSI name.
b. Record the WWNN or iSCSI name of the node that you want to replace.
Also record the order of the Fibre Channel and Ethernet ports.
4. Issue this command from the CLI to power off the node:
stopsystem -node node_name

a. Record and mark the order of the Fibre Channel or Ethernet cables with
the node port number (port 1 to 4 for Fibre Channel, or port 1 to 2 for
Ethernet) before you remove the cables from the back of the node. The
Fibre Channel ports on the back of the node are numbered 1 to 4 from left
to right. You must reconnect the cables in the exact order on the
replacement node to avoid issues when the replacement node is added to
the system. If the cables are not connected in the same order, the port IDs
can change, which impacts the ability of the host to access volumes. See
the hardware documentation specific to your model to determine how the
ports are numbered.
b. Do not connect the replacement node to different ports on the switch or
director. The SAN Volume Controller can have 4 Gbps or 8 Gbps HBAs.
However, do not move them to faster switch or director ports at this time
to avoid issues when the replacement node is added to the system. This
task is separate and must be planned independently of replacing nodes in
a system.
5. Issue this CLI command to delete this node from the system and I/O group:
rmnode node_name or node_id
Where node_name or node_id is the name or ID of the node that you want to
delete. You can use the CLI to verify that the deletion process has completed.
6. Issue this CLI command to ensure that the node is no longer a member of the

Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes to an existing clustered system 171

A list of nodes is displayed. Wait until the removed node is not listed in the
command output.
7. Perform these steps to change the WWNN or iSCSI name of the node that you
just deleted from the system to FFFFF:
For SAN Volume Controller V6.1.0 or later:
a. Power on the node. With the Cluster panel displayed, press the up or
down button until the Actions option is displayed.
b. Press and release the select button.
c. Press the up or down button until Change WWNN? is displayed.
d. Press and release the select button to display the current WWNN.
e. Press and release the select button to switch into edit mode. The Edit
WWNN? panel is displayed.
f. Change the WWNN to FFFFF.
g. Press and release the select button to exit edit mode.
h. Press the right button to confirm your selection. The Confirm WWNN? panel
is displayed.
i. Press and release the select button to confirm.
8. Install the replacement node and the uninterruptible power supply in the rack
and connect the uninterruptible power supply cables. See the IBM System
Storage SAN Volume Controller Model 2145-XXX Hardware Installation Guide to
determine how to connect the node and the uninterruptible power supply.

Important: Do not connect the Fibre Channel or Ethernet cables during this
9. If you are removing SSDs from an old node and inserting them into a new
node, see the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Hardware Maintenance
Guide for specific instructions.
10. Power on the replacement node.
11. Record the WWNN of the replacement node. You can use this name if you
plan to reuse the node that you are replacing.
12. Perform these steps to change the WWNN name of the replacement node to
match the name that you recorded in step 3 on page 171:
For SAN Volume Controller V6.1.0 or later:
a. With the Cluster panel displayed, press the up or down button until the
Actions option is displayed.
b. Press and release the select button.
c. Press the up or down button until Change WWNN? is displayed.
d. Press and release the select button to display the current WWNN.
e. Press the select button to switch into edit mode. The Edit WWNN? panel is
f. Change the WWNN to the numbers that you recorded in step 3 on page
g. Press and release the select button to exit edit mode.
h. Press the right button to confirm your selection. The Confirm WWNN? panel
is displayed.
i. Press the select button to confirm.
Wait one minute. If Cluster: is displayed on the front panel, this indicates
that the node is ready to be added to the system. If Cluster: is not displayed,

172 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

see the troubleshooting information to determine how to address this problem
or contact the IBM Support Center before you continue with the next step.
13. Connect the Fibre Channel or Ethernet cables to the same port numbers that
you recorded for the original node in step 4 on page 171.
14. Issue this CLI command to verify that the last five characters of the WWNN
are correct:

Important: If the WWNN is not what you recorded in step 3 on page 171,
you must repeat step 12 on page 172.
15. Issue this CLI command to add the node to the system and ensure that the
node has the same name as the original node and is in the same I/O group as
the original node. See the addnode CLI command documentation for more
addnode -wwnodename WWNN -iogrp iogroupname/id
WWNN and iogroupname/id are the values that you recorded for the original
The SAN Volume Controller V5.1 and later automatically reassigns the node
with the name that was used originally. For versions before V5.1, use the name
parameter with the svctask addnode command to assign a name. If the
original name of the node name was automatically assigned by SAN Volume
Controller, it is not possible to reuse the same name. It was automatically
assigned if its name starts with node. In this case, either specify a different
name that does not start with node or do not use the name parameter so that
SAN Volume Controller automatically assigns a new name to the node.
If necessary, the new node is updated to the same SAN Volume Controller
software version as the system. This update can take up to 20 minutes.

a. Both nodes in the I/O group cache data; however, the cache sizes are
asymmetric. The replacement node is limited by the cache size of the
partner node in the I/O group. Therefore, it is possible that the
replacement node does not use the full cache size until you replace the
other node in the I/O group.
b. You do not have to reconfigure the host multipathing device drivers
because the replacement node uses the same WWNN and WWPN as the
previous node. The multipathing device drivers should detect the recovery
of paths that are available to the replacement node.
c. The host multipathing device drivers take approximately 30 minutes to
recover the paths. Do not upgrade the other node in the I/O group until
for at least 30 minutes after you have successfully upgraded the first node
in the I/O group. If you have other nodes in different I/O groups to
upgrade, you can perform those upgrades while you wait.
16. Query paths to ensure that all paths have been recovered before proceeding to
the next step. If you are using the IBM System Storage Multipath Subsystem
Device Driver (SDD), the command to query paths is datapath query device.
Documentation that is provided with your multipathing device driver shows
how to query paths.
17. Repair the faulty node.
If you want to use the repaired node as a spare node, perform these steps.
For SAN Volume Controller V6.1.0 or later:

Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes to an existing clustered system 173

a. With the Cluster panel displayed, press the up or down button until the
Actions option is displayed.
b. Press and release the select button.
c. Press the up or down button until Change WWNN? is displayed.
d. Press and release the select button to display the current WWNN.
e. Press and release the select button to switch into edit mode. The Edit
WWNN? panel is displayed.
f. Change the WWNN to 00000.
g. Press and release the select button to exit edit mode.
h. Press the right button to confirm your selection. The Confirm WWNN? panel
is displayed.
i. Press and release the select button to confirm.
This node can now be used as a spare node.
18. Repeat steps 3 on page 171 to 17 on page 173 for each node that you want to

Overview: Adding nodes to an existing clustered system

Before you add a node to an existing system, consider this high-level overview of
the requirements and tasks involved.

Before you begin

This task requires that the following conditions are met:

v All nodes that are configured in the system are present. Nodes must be installed
in pairs. Each pair of nodes is an I/O group.
v All errors in the system event log are fixed.
v All managed disks (MDisks) are online.
v A node with only Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) ports ( both FCoE ports)
connected to the switch and properly zoned can also be added to an I/O group.

About this task

Table 34 lists the models and software version requirements for nodes.
Table 34. Node model names and software version requirements
Required system SAN Volume Controller
Node model software version
SAN Volume Controller 2145-CG8 6.2.0 or later
SAN Volume Controller 2145-CF8 5.1.0 or later
SAN Volume Controller 2145-8A4 4.3.1 or later
SAN Volume Controller 2145-8G4 4.3.x or later
SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F4 4.3.x or later
SAN Volume Controller 2145-8F2 4.3.x or later

1. Install the SAN Volume Controller nodes and the uninterruptible power supply
units in the rack.
2. Connect the SAN Volume Controller nodes to the LAN.

174 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

3. Connect the SAN Volume Controller nodes to the SAN fabric.
4. Power on the SAN Volume Controller nodes and the uninterruptible power
supply units.
5. Zone the SAN Volume Controller node ports in the existing SAN Volume
Controller zone. The SAN Volume Controller zone exists in each fabric with
only node ports.
6. Zone the SAN Volume Controller node ports in the existing SAN Volume
Controller and storage zone. A storage zone contains all of the SAN Volume
Controller node ports and storage system ports that are in the fabric and used
to access the physical disks.
7. For each storage system that is used with the SAN Volume Controller clustered
system, use the system management application to map the LUNs that are
currently used by the clustered system to all of the WWPNs of the SAN
Volume Controller nodes that you want to add. The SAN Volume Controller
nodes must recognize the same LUNs that the existing nodes in the clustered
system can recognize before they can be added. If the SAN Volume Controller
nodes cannot recognize the same LUNs, the storage system is marked
8. Add the SAN Volume Controller nodes to the clustered system.
9. Check the status of the storage systems and MDisks to ensure that status has
not been marked degraded. If the status is degraded, there is a configuration
problem that must be resolved before any further system configuration tasks
can be performed. If the problem cannot be resolved, remove the newly added
SAN Volume Controller nodes from the clustered system and contact the IBM
Support Center for assistance.

What to do next

For specific instructions about adding a new node or adding a replacement node to
a clustered system, see the information about adding nodes to a clustered system
in the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Troubleshooting Guide.

Replacing a faulty node in a clustered system

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) and the SAN Volume Controller
front panel to replace a faulty node in a clustered system.

Before you begin

Before you attempt to replace a faulty node with a spare node you, must ensure
that you meet the following requirements:
v You know the name of the system that contains the faulty node.
v A spare node is installed in the same rack as the system that contains the faulty
v You must make a record of the last five characters of the original worldwide
node name (WWNN) of the spare node. If you repair a faulty node, and you
want to make it a spare node, you can use the WWNN of the node. You do not
want to duplicate the WWNN because it is unique. It is easier to swap in a node
when you use the WWNN.

Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes to an existing clustered system 175

Attention: Never connect a node with a WWNN of 00000 to a SAN Volume
Controller system. If this node is no longer required as a spare and is to be used
for normal attachment, you must change the WWNN to the number that you
recorded when a spare was created. Using any other number might cause data

About this task

If a node fails, the system continues to operate with degraded performance until
the faulty node is repaired. If the repair operation takes an unacceptable amount of
time, it is useful to replace the faulty node with a spare node. However, the
appropriate procedures must be followed and precautions must be taken so you do
not interrupt I/O operations and compromise the integrity of your data.

In particular, ensure that the partner node in the I/O group is online.
v If the other node in the I/O group is offline, start the fix procedures to
determine the fault.
v If you have been directed here by the fix procedures, and subsequently the
partner node in the I/O group has failed, see the procedure for recovering from
offline volumes after a node or an I/O group failed.
v If you are replacing the node for other reasons, determine the node you want to
replace and ensure that the partner node in the I/O group is online.
v If the partner node is offline, you will lose access to the volumes that belong to
this I/O group. Start the fix procedures and fix the other node before proceeding
to the next step.

The following table describes the changes that are made to your configuration
when you replace a faulty node in a clustered system.

Node attributes Description

Front panel ID This ID is the number that is printed on the front of the node and
is used to select the node that is added to a system.
Node ID This ID is assigned to the node. A new node ID is assigned each
time a node is added to a system; the node name remains the
same following service activity on the system. You can use the
node ID or the node name to perform management tasks on the
system. However, if you are using scripts to perform those tasks,
use the node name rather than the node ID. This ID will change
during this procedure.
Node name The node name is the name that is assigned to the node. If you
are using SAN Volume Controller version 5.1.0 or later nodes, the
SAN Volume Controller automatically re-adds nodes that have
failed back to the system. If the system reports an error for a
node missing (error code 1195) and that node has been repaired
and restarted, the system automatically re-adds the node back
into the system.

If you choose to assign your own names, you must type the node
name on the Adding a node to a cluster panel. You cannot
manually assign a name that matches the naming convention
used for names assigned automatically by SAN Volume
Controller. If you are using scripts to perform management tasks
on the system and those scripts use the node name, you can
avoid the need to make changes to the scripts by assigning the
original name of the node to a spare node. This name might
change during this procedure.

176 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Node attributes Description
Worldwide node name This is the WWNN that is assigned to the node. The WWNN is
used to uniquely identify the node and the Fibre Channel ports.
During this procedure, the WWNN of the spare node changes to
that of the faulty node. The node replacement procedures must
be followed exactly to avoid any duplication of WWNNs. This
name does not change during this procedure.
Worldwide port names These are the WWPNs that are assigned to the node. WWPNs are
derived from the WWNN that is written to the spare node as part
of this procedure. For example, if the WWNN for a node is
50050768010000F6, the four WWPNs for this node are derived as
WWNN 50050768010000F6
WWNN displayed on front panel 000F6
WWPN Port 1 50050768014000F6
WWPN Port 2 50050768013000F6
WWPN Port 3 50050768011000F6
WWPN Port 4 50050768012000F6

These names do not change during this procedure.

Go to the procedure “Replacing nodes nondisruptively” on page 169 for the specific steps
to replace a faulty node in a system.

Chapter 6. Replacing or adding nodes to an existing clustered system 177

178 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage
To avoid performance issues, you must ensure that your SAN-attached storage
systems and switches are correctly configured to work efficiently with SAN
Volume Controller symmetric virtualization.

Virtualization provides many benefits over direct-attached or direct SAN-attached

storage systems. However, virtualization is more susceptible to performance hot
spots than direct-attached storage. Hot spots can cause I/O errors on your hosts
and can potentially cause a loss of access to data.

Identifying your storage system

The serial number that is presented by the command-line interface (CLI) and the
management GUI for the SAN Volume Controller is the serial number of the

The serial numbers can be viewed on your storage system. If the serial numbers
are not displayed, the worldwide node name (WWNN) or worldwide port name
(WWPN) is displayed. The WWNN or WWPN can be used to identify the different
storage systems.

SCSI back-end layer

Ensure you are familiar with the small computer system interface (SCSI) back-end

The SCSI back-end layer performs the following functions:

v Controls access to individual external storage systems that are managed by the
clustered system.
v Receives requests from the virtualization layer, processes them, and then sends
them to managed disks (MDisks).
v Addresses SCSI-3 commands to the storage systems on the storage area network

External storage systems and logical units

External storage systems reside on the SAN fabric and are addressable by one or
more worldwide port names (WWPNs). An external storage system might contain
one or more logical units (LUs), each identified by a different logical unit number
(LUN). External storage systems that are managed by SAN Volume Controller
typically contain multiple LUs.

Controlling access to storage systems and devices

When devices in a storage system are accessed through a general purpose SAN, a
mechanism is needed to ensure that the devices are accessed only by SAN Volume

Use one of the following techniques to control the access to the storage systems
and devices:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 179

v Switch zoning
v LUN-masking capability of the storage systems

Logical units (LUs) or managed disks (MDisks) should be made accessible to all
ports on all the SAN Volume Controller nodes for a clustered system.

Attention: SAN Volume Controller does not take any action to prevent two
systems from accessing the same MDisks. If two systems are configured so that
they can detect the same MDisks, data corruption is likely to occur.

Configuration guidelines for storage systems

You must follow the guidelines and procedures for your storage system to
maximize performance and to avoid potential I/O problems.

General guidelines
You must follow these general guidelines when configuring your storage systems.
v Avoid splitting arrays into multiple logical disks at the storage system level.
Where possible, create a single logical disk from the entire capacity of the array.
v Depending on the redundancy that is required, create RAID-5 (RAID 5) arrays
using between 5 and 8 data bits plus parity components (that is, 5 + P, 6 + P, 7 +
P or 8 + P).
v Do not mix managed disks (MDisks) that greatly vary in performance in the
same storage pool tier. The overall storage pool performance in a tier is limited
by the slowest MDisk. Because some storage systems can sustain much higher
I/O bandwidths than others, do not mix MDisks that are provided by low-end
storage systems with those that are provided by high-end storage systems in the
same tier. You must consider the following factors:
– The underlying RAID type that the storage system is using to implement the
– The number of physical disks in the array and the physical disk type (for
example: 10,000 or 15,000 rpm, Fibre Channel or SATA).
v When possible, include similarly sized MDisks in a storage pool tier. This makes
it easier to balance the MDisks in the storage pool tier. If the MDisks in a
storage pool tier are significantly different sizes, you can balance the proportion
of space that is allocated on each MDisk by including the larger MDisk multiple
times in the MDisk list. This is specified when you create a new volume. For
example, if you have two 400 MB disks and one 800 MB disk that are identified
as MDisk 0, 1, and 2, you can create the striped volume with the MDisk IDs of
0:1:2:2. This doubles the number of extents on the 800 MB drive, which
accommodates it being double the size of the other MDisks.
v Perform the appropriate calculations to ensure that your storage systems are
configured correctly.
v If any storage system that is associated with an MDisk has the allowquorum
parameter set to no, the chquorum command will fail for that MDisk. Before
setting the allowquorum parameter to yes on any storage system, check the
following website for storage system configuration requirements:

180 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Logical disk configuration guidelines for storage systems
Most storage systems provide some mechanism to create multiple logical disks
from a single array. This is useful when the storage system presents storage
directly to the hosts.

However, in a virtualized SAN, use a one-to-one mapping between arrays and

logical disks so that the subsequent load calculations and the managed disk
(MDisk) and storage pool configuration tasks are simplified.

Scenario: the logical disks are uneven

In this scenario, you have two RAID-5 arrays and both contain 5 + P components.
Array A has a single logical disk that is presented to the SAN Volume Controller
clustered system. This logical disk is seen by the system as mdisk0. Array B has
three logical disks that are presented to the system. These logical disks are seen by
the system as mdisk1, mdisk2, and mdisk3. All four MDisks are assigned to the
same storage pool that is named mdisk_grp0. When a volume is created by
striping across this storage pool, array A presents the first extent and array B
presents the next three extents. As a result, when the system reads and writes to
the volume, the loading is split 25% on the disks in array A and 75% on the disks
in array B. The performance of the volume is about one third of what array B can

The uneven logical disks cause performance degradation and complexity in a

simple configuration. You can avoid uneven logical disks by creating a single
logical disk from each array.

RAID configuration guidelines for storage systems

With virtualization, ensure that the storage devices are configured to provide some
type of redundancy against hard disk failures.

A failure of a storage device can affect a larger amount of storage that is presented
to the hosts. To provide redundancy, storage devices can be configured as arrays
that use either mirroring or parity to protect against single failures.

When creating arrays with parity protection (for example, RAID-5 arrays) consider
how many component disks you want to use in each array. If you use a large
amount of disks, you can reduce the number of disks that are required to provide
availability for the same total capacity (1 per array). However, more disks mean
that it takes a longer time to rebuild a replacement disk after a disk failure, and
during this period a second disk failure causes a loss of all array data. More data
is affected by a disk failure for a larger number of member disks because
performance is reduced while you rebuild onto a hot spare (a redundant disk) and
more data is exposed if a second disk fails before the rebuild operation is
complete. The smaller the number of disks, the more likely it is that write
operations span an entire stripe (stripe size, multiplied by the number of members,
minus one). In this case, write performance is improved. The number of disk
drives required to provide availability can be unacceptable if arrays are too small.

1. For optimal performance, use arrays with between 6 and 8 member disks.
2. When creating arrays with mirroring, the number of component disks in each
array does not affect redundancy or performance.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 181

Optimal storage pool configuration guidelines for storage
A storage pool provides the pool of storage from which volumes are created. You
must ensure that the MDisks that make up each tier of the storage pool have the
same performance and reliability characteristics.

1. The performance of a storage pool is generally governed by the slowest MDisk
in the storage pool.
2. The reliability of a storage pool is generally governed by the weakest MDisk in
the storage pool.
3. If a single MDisk in a group fails, access to the entire group is lost.
Use the following guidelines when you group similar disks:
v Group equally performing MDisks in a single tier of a pool.
v Group similar arrays in a single tier. For example, configure all 6 + P RAID-5
arrays in one tier of a pool.
v Group MDisks from the same type of storage system in a single tier of a pool.
v Group MDisks that use the same type of underlying physical disk in a single tier
of a pool. For example, group MDisks by Fibre Channel or SATA.
v Do not use single disks. Single disks do not provide redundancy. Failure of a
single disk results in total data loss of the storage pool to which it is assigned.

Scenario: Similar disks are not grouped together

Under one scenario, you could have two storage systems that are attached behind
your SAN Volume Controller. One device is an IBM TotalStorage Enterprise
Storage Server (ESS), which contains ten 6 + P RAID-5 arrays and MDisks 0
through 9. The other device is an IBM System Storage DS5000, which contains a
single RAID-1 array, MDisk10, one single JBOD, MDisk11, and a large 15 + P
RAID-5 array, MDisk12.

If you assigned MDisks 0 through 9 and MDisk11 into a single storage pool, and
the JBOD MDisk11 fails, you lose access to all of the IBM ESS arrays, even though
they are online. The performance is limited to the performance of the JBOD in the
IBM DS5000 storage system, therefore slowing down the IBM ESS arrays.

To fix this problem, you can create three groups. The first group must contain the
IBM ESS arrays, MDisks 0 through 9, the second group must contain the RAID 1
array, and the third group must contain the large RAID 5 array.

FlashCopy mapping guidelines for storage systems

Ensure that you have considered the type of I/O and frequency of update before
you create the volumes that you want to use in FlashCopy mappings.

FlashCopy operations perform in direct proportion to the performance of the

source and target disks. If you have a fast source disk and slow target disk, the
performance of the source disk is reduced because it has to wait for the write
operation to occur at the target before it can write to the source.

The FlashCopy implementation that is provided by the SAN Volume Controller

copies at least 256 K every time a write is made to the source. This means that any
write involves at minimum a read of 256 K from the source, write of the same 256

182 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

K at the target, and a write of the original change at the target. Therefore, when an
application performs small 4 K writes, this is translated into 256 K.

Because of this overhead, consider the type of I/O that your application performs
during a FlashCopy operation. Ensure that you do not overload the storage. The
calculations contain a heavy weighting when the FlashCopy feature is active. The
weighting depends on the type of I/O that is performed. Random writes have a
much higher overhead than sequential writes. For example, the sequential write
would have copied the entire 256 K.

You can spread the FlashCopy source volumes and the FlashCopy target volumes
between as many managed disk (MDisk) groups as possible. This limits the
potential bottle-necking of a single storage system, (assuming that the storage
pools contain MDisks from different storage systems). However, this can still result
in potential bottlenecks if you want to maintain all your target volumes on a single
storage system. You must ensure that you add the appropriate weighting to your

Image mode volumes and data migration guidelines for

storage systems
Image mode volumes enable you to import and then migrate existing data that is
managed by an external storage system into the SAN Volume Controller.

Ensure that you follow the guidelines for using image mode volumes. This might
be difficult because a configuration of logical disks and arrays that performs well
in a direct SAN-attached environment can contain hot spots or hot component
disks when they are connected through the clustered system.

If the existing storage systems do not follow the configuration guidelines, consider
completing the data migration away from the image mode volume before
resuming I/O operations on the host systems. If I/O operations are continued and
the storage system does not follow the guidelines, I/O operations can fail at the
hosts and ultimately loss of access to the data can occur.

Attention: Migration commands fail if the target or source volume is offline, or if

there is insufficient quorum disk space to store the metadata. Correct the offline or
quorum disk condition and reissue the command.

The procedure for importing managed disks (MDisks) that contain existing data
depends on the amount of free capacity that you have in the system. You must
have the same amount of free space in the system as the size of the data that you
want to migrate into the system. If you do not have this amount of available
capacity, the migration causes the storage pool to have an uneven distribution of
data because some MDisks are more heavily loaded than others. Further migration
operations are required to ensure an even distribution of data and subsequent I/O

Importing image mode volumes with an equivalent amount of

free capacity

When importing an image mode volume that has a certain amount of gigabytes
and your system has at least that amount in a single storage pool, follow the Start
New Migration wizard in the management GUI at Physical Storage > Migration to
import the image mode volumes and to provide an even distribution of data.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 183

Importing image mode volumes with a smaller amount of free

When importing an image mode volume that has a certain amount of gigabytes
and your system does not have at least that amount of free capacity in a single
storage pool, follow the Start New Migration wizard in the management GUI at
Physical Storage > Migration to import the image mode volumes. Do not select
the destination pool at the end of the wizard. This will cause the system to create
the image mode volumes but does not migrate the data away from the image
mode volumes. Use volume mirroring or migration to move the data around as
you want.

Configuring a balanced storage system

The attachment of a storage system to a SAN Volume Controller requires that
specific settings are applied to the device.

About this task

There are two major steps to attaching a storage system to a SAN Volume
1. Setting the characteristics of the SAN Volume Controller to storage connections
2. Mapping logical units to these storage connections that allow the SAN Volume
Controller to access the logical units

The virtualization features of the SAN Volume Controller enable you to choose
how your storage is divided and presented to hosts. While virtualization provides
you with a great deal of flexibility, it also offers the potential to set up an
overloaded storage system. A storage system is overloaded if the quantity of I/O
transactions that are issued by the host systems exceeds the capability of the
storage to process those transactions. If a storage system is overloaded, it causes
delays in the host systems and might cause I/O transactions to time out in the
host. If I/O transactions time out, the host logs errors and I/Os fail to the

Scenario: You have an overloaded storage system

Under this scenario, you have used the SAN Volume Controller system to
virtualize a single array and to divide the storage across 64 host systems. If all host
systems attempt to access the storage at the same time, the single array is

Perform the following steps to configure a balanced storage system:

1. Use Table 35 on page 185 to calculate the I/O rate for each RAID in the storage

Note: The actual number of I/O operations per second that can be processed
depends on the location and length of each I/O, whether the I/O is a read or a
write operation and on the specifications of the component disks of the array.
For example, a RAID-5 array with eight component disks has an approximate
I/O rate of 150×7=1050.

184 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 35. Calculate the I/O rate
Number of component disks Approximate I/O rate per
Type of array in the array second
RAID-1 (mirrored) arrays 2 300
RAID-3, RAID-4, RAID-5 N+1 parity 150×N
(striped + parity) arrays
RAID-10, RAID 0+1, RAID N 150×N
1+0 (striped + mirrored)

2. Calculate the I/O rate for a managed disk (MDisk).

v If there is a one-to-one relationship between backend arrays and MDisks, the
I/O rate for an MDisk is the same as the I/O rate of the corresponding array.
v If an array is divided into multiple MDisks, the I/O rate per MDisk is the
I/O rate of the array divided by the number of MDisks that are using the
3. Calculate the I/O rate for a storage pool. The I/O rate for a storage pool is the
sum of the I/O rates of the MDisk that is in the storage pool. For example, a
storage pool contains eight MDisks and each MDisk corresponds to a RAID-1
array. Using Table 35, the I/O rate for each MDisk is calculated as 300. The I/O
rate for the storage pool is 300×8 = 2400.
4. Use Table 36 to calculate the impact of FlashCopy mappings. If you are using
the FlashCopy feature that is provided by the SAN Volume Controller, you
must consider the additional amount of I/O that FlashCopy operations
generate because it reduces the rate at which I/O from host systems can be
processed. When a FlashCopy mapping copies write I/Os from the host
systems to areas of the source or target volume that are not yet copied, the
SAN Volume Controller generates extra I/Os to copy the data before the write
I/O is performed. The effect of using the FlashCopy feature depends on the
type of I/O workload that is generated by an application.
Table 36. Calculate the impact of FlashCopy mappings
Additional weighting for
Type of application Impact to I/O rate FlashCopy
Application is not Insignificant impact 0
performing I/O
Application is only reading Insignificant impact 0
Application is only issuing Up to 50 times as much I/O 49
random writes
Application is issuing Up to 15 times as much I/O 14
random reads and writes
Application is issuing Up to 2 times as much I/O 1
sequential reads or writes

For each volume that is the source or target of an active FlashCopy mapping,
consider the type of application that you want to use the volume and record
the additional weighting for the volume.
For example, a FlashCopy mapping is used to provide point-in-time backups.
During the FlashCopy process, a host application generates an I/O workload of
random read and write operations to the source volume. A second host

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 185

application reads the target volume and writes the data to tape to create a
backup. The additional weighting for the source volume is 14. The additional
weighting for the target volume is 0.
5. Calculate the I/O rate for volumes in a storage pool by performing the
following steps:
a. Calculate the number of volumes in the storage pool.
b. Add the additional weighting for each volume that is the source or target of
an active FlashCopy mapping.
c. Divide the I/O rate of the storage pool by this number to calculate the I/O
rate per volume.
Example 1
A storage pool has an I/O rate of 2400 and contains 20 volumes. There are no
FlashCopy mappings. The I/O rate per volume is 2400 / 20 = 120.
Example 2
A storage pool has an I/O rate of 5000 and contains 20 volumes. There are two
active FlashCopy mappings that have source volumes in the storage pool. Both
source volumes are accessed by applications that issue random read and write
operations. As a result, the additional weighting for each volume is 14. The I/O
rate per volume is 5000 / ( 20 + 14 + 14 ) = 104.
6. Determine if the storage system is overloaded. The figure that was determined
in step 4 on page 185 provides some indication of how many I/O operations
per second can be processed by each volume in the storage pool.
v If you know how many I/O operations per second that your host
applications generate, you can compare these figures to determine if the
system is overloaded.
v If you do not know how many I/O operations per second that your host
applications generate, you can use the I/O statistics facilities that are
provided by the SAN Volume Controller to measure the I/O rate of your
volumes, or you can use Table 37 as a guideline.
Table 37. Determine if the storage system is overloaded
Type of application I/O rate per volume
Applications that generate a high I/O 200
Applications that generate a medium I/O 80
Applications that generate a low I/O 10

7. Interpret the result. If the I/O rate that is generated by the application exceeds
the I/O rate per volume that you calculated, you might be overloading your
storage system. You must carefully monitor the storage system to determine if
the backend storage limits the overall performance of the storage system. It is
also possible that the previous calculation is too simplistic to model your
storage use after. For example, the calculation assumes that your applications
generate the same I/O workload to all volumes, which might not be the case.
You can use the I/O statistics facilities that are provided by the SAN Volume
Controller to measure the I/O rate of your MDisks. You can also use the
performance and I/O statistics facilities that are provided by your storage

186 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

What to do next

If your storage system is overloaded there are several actions that you can take to
resolve the problem:
v Add more backend storage to the system to increase the quantity of I/O that
can be processed by the storage system. The SAN Volume Controller provides
virtualization and data migration facilities to redistribute the I/O workload of
volumes across a greater number of MDisks without having to take the storage
v Stop unnecessary FlashCopy mappings to reduce the amount of I/O operations
that are submitted to the backend storage. If you perform FlashCopy operations
in parallel, consider reducing the amount of FlashCopy mappings that start in
v Adjust the queue depth to limit the I/O workload that is generated by a host.
Depending on the type of host and type of host bus adapters (HBAs), it might
be possible to limit the queue depth per volume or limit the queue depth per
HBA, or both. The SAN Volume Controller also provides I/O governing features
that can limit the I/O workload that is generated by hosts.

Note: Although these actions can be used to avoid I/O time-outs, performance of
your storage system is still limited by the amount of storage that you have.

Storage system requirements

The performance of applications at the local clustered system can be limited by the
performance of the storage systems at the remote system.

Your setup must meet the following requirements to maximize the amount of I/O
operations that applications can run on Global Mirror volumes:
v The Global Mirror volumes at the remote system must be in dedicated storage
pools that only contain other Global Mirror volumes.
v Configure storage systems to support the Global Mirror workload that is
required of them. The following guidelines can be used to fulfill this
– Dedicate storage systems to only Global Mirror volumes
– Configure the storage system to guarantee sufficient quality of service for the
disks that are being used by Global Mirror operations
– Ensure that physical disks are not shared between Global Mirror volumes and
other I/O operations. For example, do not split an individual array.
v For Global Mirror storage pools, use MDisks with the same characteristics. For
example, use MDisks that have the same RAID level, physical disk count, and
disk speed. This requirement is important to maintain performance when you
use the Global Mirror feature.

You must provision the storage systems that are attached to the remote system to
accommodate the following items:
v The peak application workload to the Global Mirror volumes
v The specified background copy level
v All I/O operations that run on the remote system

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 187

Storage system requirements for FlashCopy, volume
mirroring, and thin-provisioned volumes
Application performance on a local clustered system can be affected by the use of
FlashCopy, volume mirroring, and thin-provisioned volumes for storage systems.

The FlashCopy, volume mirroring, and thin-provisioned volume functions can all
have a negative impact on system performance. The impact depends on the type of
I/O taking place, and is estimated using a weighting factor from Table 38.

A FlashCopy mapping effectively adds a number of loaded volumes to the storage

pool. The effect of mirrored and thin-provisioned volumes is also estimated in
Table 38. The estimates assume that thin-provisioned volumes are running at
approximately 80% capacity of a fully allocated volume, and that mirrored
volumes read from one copy and write to all copies.
Table 38. Performance impact estimates for FlashCopy, volume mirroring, and
thin-provisioned volumes
Volume Thin-
Type of I/O (to Impact on I/O FlashCopy mirroring provisioned
volume) weighting weighting weighting weighting
None or Insignificant 0 0 0
Read only Insignificant 0 0 0.25 * Sv
Sequential read Up to 2 x I/O 2*F C−V 0.25 * Sc
and write
Random read Up to 15 x I/O 14 * F C−V 0.25 * Sc
and write
Random write Up to 50 x I/O 49 * F C−V 0.25 * Sc
v In a storage pool with two FlashCopy mappings and random read/write to those
volumes, the weighting factor is 14 * 2 = 28.
v In a storage pool with ten copies, five of which are primary copies of a volume, a
weighting factor of 10−5 = 5 applies. If the copies are thin-provisioned, an additional
weighting factor of 0.25 * 10 = 2.5 applies.
C Number of volume copies in this MDisk Group
V Number of volumes with their primary copy in this MDisk Group
F Number of FlashCopy mappings affecting volumes that have copies in this MDisk
Sv Number of thin-provisioned volume copies in this MDisk Group that are the
primary copy of a volume
Sc Number of thin-provisioned volume copies in this MDisk Group

To calculate the average I/O rate per volume, use the following equation:
I/O rate = (I/O capacity) / ( V + weighting factor for FlashCopy +
weighting factor for volume mirroring + weighting factor for thin-provisioned)

For example, consider 20 volumes with an I/O capacity of 5250, a FlashCopy

weighting of 28, a mirroring weighting of 5, and a thin-provisioned weighting of
0.25. The I/O rate per volume is 5250 / (20 + 28 + 5 + 2.5) = 94.6. This estimate is

188 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

an average I/O rate per volume; for example, half of the volumes could be
running at 200 I/O operations per second (IOPs), and the other half could be
running at 20 IOPs. This would not overload the system, however, because the
average load is 94.6.

If the average I/O rate to the volumes in the example exceeds 94.6, the system
would be overloaded. As approximate guidelines, a heavy I/O rate is 200, a
medium I/O rate is 80, and a low I/O rate is 10.

With volume mirroring, a single volume can have multiple copies in different
storage pools. The I/O rate for such a volume is the minimum I/O rate calculated
from each of its MDisk Groups.

If system storage is overloaded, you can migrate some of the volumes to storage
pools with available capacity.

Note: Solid-state drives (SSDs) are exempt from these calculations, with the
exception of overall node throughput, which increases substantially for each
additional SSD in the node.

Discovering logical units

The SAN Volume Controller initialization includes a process called discovery.

The discovery process systematically recognizes all visible ports on the SAN for
devices that identify themselves as storage systems and the number of logical units
(LUs) that they export. The LUs can contain new storage or a new path for
previously discovered storage. The set of LUs forms the SAN Volume Controller
managed disk (MDisk) view.

The discovery process runs when ports are added to or deleted from the SAN and
when certain error conditions occur. You can also manually run the discovery
process using the detectmdisk command-line interface (CLI) command or the
Discover MDisks function from the management GUI. The detectmdisk command
and the Discover MDisks function have the clustered system rescan the Fibre
Channel network. The rescan discovers any new MDisks that might have been
added to the system and rebalances MDisk access across the available
storage-system device ports.

Note: Some storage systems do not automatically export LUs to the SAN Volume

Guidelines for exporting LUs

Ensure that you are familiar with the following guidelines for exporting LUs to the
SAN Volume Controller system:
v When you define the SAN Volume Controller as a host object to the storage
systems, you must include all ports on all nodes and candidate nodes.
v When you first create an LU, you must wait until it is initialized before you
export it to the SAN Volume Controller.
Attention: Failure to wait for the LUs to initialize can result in excessive
discovery times and an unstable view of the SAN.
v Do not present new LUs to the SAN Volume Controller until the array
initialization and format is complete. If you add a LUN to a storage pool before

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 189

the array initialization format is complete, the storage pool goes offline. While
the storage pool is offline, you cannot access the volumes that are in the storage
v When you export an LU to the SAN Volume Controller, the LU must be
accessible through all ports on the storage system that are visible to the SAN
Volume Controller.

Important: The LU must be identified by the same logical unit number (LUN)
on all ports.

Expanding a logical unit using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to expand a logical unit.

About this task

Some storage systems enable you to expand the size of a logical unit (LU) using
vendor-specific disk-configuration software that is provided. The steps in this
procedure are required for the SAN Volume Controller to use extra capacity that is
provided in this way.

To ensure that this additional capacity is available to the SAN Volume Controller,
follow these steps:

1. Issue the rmmdisk CLI command to remove the managed disk (MDisk) from the
storage pool. Use the force parameter to migrate data on the specified MDisk
to other MDisks in the storage pool. The command completes asynchronously
if -force is specified. You can check the progress of active migrations by
running the lsmigrate command.
2. Use the vendor-specific, disk-configuration software to expand the size of the
logical unit on the storage system.
3. Issue the detectmdisk CLI command to rescan the Fibre Channel network. The
rescan process discovers any changes to existing MDisks and any new MDisks
that have been added to the clustered system. This command completes
asynchronously and might take a few minutes. To determine whether a
discovery operation is still in progress, use the lsdiscoverystatus command.
4. Issue the lsmdisk CLI command to display the additional capacity that has
been expanded.
5. Issue the addmdisk CLI command to add the MDisk back to the group.


The extra capacity is available for use by the SAN Volume Controller system.

Modifying a logical unit mapping using the CLI

You can modify a logical unit (LU) mapping using the command-line interface

About this task

Perform the following steps to modify an LU mapping:

190 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Migrate all of the data from the managed disk (MDisk) by performing the
following steps:
a. If the MDisk is in managed mode or image mode and the volume must be
kept online, issue the following CLI command and then proceed to step 2:
rmmdisk -mdisk MDisk number -force MDisk group number
where MDisk number is the number of the MDisk that you want to modify
and MDisk group number is the number of the storage pool for which you
want to remove the MDisk.

v The volume becomes a striped MDisk not an image-mode volume.
v All data that is stored on this MDisk is migrated to the other MDisks in
the storage pool.
v This CLI command can fail if there are not enough free extents in the
storage pool.
b. If the MDisk is in image mode and you do not want to convert the volume
to a striped volume, stop all I/O to the image mode volume.
c. Issue the following CLI command to remove the host mapping and any
SCSI reservation that the host has on the volume:
rmvdiskhostmap -host host name virtual disk name
Where host name is the name of the host for which you want to remove the
volume mapping and virtual disk name is the name of the volume for which
you want to remove mapping.
d. Issue the following command to delete the volume:
rmvdisk virtual disk name
Where virtual disk name is the name of the volume that you want to delete.
2. Remove the LU mapping on the storage system so that the LUN is not visible
to the SAN Volume Controller system.
3. Issue the following CLI command to clear all error counters on the MDisk:
includemdisk MDisk number
Where MDisk number is the number of the MDisk that you want to modify.
4. Issue the following CLI command to rescan the Fibre Channel network and
detect that the LU is no longer there.
detectmdisk MDisk number
Where MDisk number is the number of the MDisk that you want to modify. The
MDisk is removed from the configuration.
5. Issue the following CLI command to verify that the MDisk is removed:
lsmdisk MDisk number
Where MDisk number is the number of the MDisk that you want to modify.
v If the MDisk is still displayed, repeat steps 3 and 4.
6. Configure the mapping of the LU to the new LUN on the storage system.
7. Issue the following CLI command:
8. Issue the following CLI command to check that the MDisk now has the correct

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 191


The MDisk has the correct LUN.

Accessing storage systems with multiple remote ports

If a managed disk (MDisk) logical unit (LU) is accessible through multiple storage
systems ports, the SAN Volume Controller system ensures that all nodes that
access this LU coordinate their activity and access the LU through the same storage
systems port.

Monitoring LU access through multiple storage systems ports

When the SAN Volume Controller system can access an LU through multiple
storage systems ports, the system uses the following criteria to determine the
accessibility of these ports:
v The SAN Volume Controller node is a member of a clustered system.
v The SAN Volume Controller node has Fibre Channel connections to the storage
systems port.
v The SAN Volume Controller node has successfully discovered the LU.
v Slandering has not caused the SAN Volume Controller node to exclude access to
the MDisk through the storage systems port.
An MDisk path is presented to the clustered system for all SAN Volume Controller
nodes that meet these criteria.

Storage-system port selection

When an MDisk is created, SAN Volume Controller selects one of the storage
system ports to access the MDisk.

Table 39 describes the algorithm that SAN Volume Controller uses to select the
storage system port.
Table 39. Storage system port selection algorithm
Criteria Description
Accessibility Creates an initial set of candidate storage-system ports. The set of
candidate storage-system ports include the ports that are accessible
by the highest number of nodes.
Slandering Reduces the set of candidate storage-system ports to those with the
lowest number of nodes.
Preference Reduces the set of candidate storage-system ports to those that the
storage system uses as preferred ports.
Load balance Selects the port from the set of candidate storage-system ports that
has the lowest MDisk access count.

After the initial device port selection is made for an MDisk, the following events
can cause the selection algorithm to rerun:
v A new node joins the system and has a different view of the storage system than
the other nodes in the system.
v The detectmdisk command-line interface (CLI) command is run or the Discover
MDisks management GUI function is used. The detectmdisk CLI command and
the Discover MDisks function have the system rescan the Fibre Channel

192 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

network. The rescan process discovers any new MDisks that might have been
added to the system and rebalances MDisk access across the available storage
system ports.
v Error recovery procedures (ERPs) are started because a storage system has
changed its preferred port.
v New storage system ports are discovered for the storage system that is
associated with the MDisk.
v The storage system port that is currently selected becomes inaccessible.
v Slandering has caused SAN Volume Controller to exclude access to the MDisk
through the storage system port.

Determining a storage system name from its SAN Volume Controller

name using the CLI
You can determine a storage system name from its SAN Volume Controller name
using the command-line interface (CLI).

1. Issue the following CLI command to list the storage system:

2. Record the name or identification for the storage system that you want to
3. Issue the following CLI command:

lscontroller controllername/identification

where controllername/identification is the name or identification that you recorded

in step 2.
4. Record the worldwide node name (WWNN) for the device. The WWNN can be
used to determine the actual storage system by launching the native user
interface or using the command-line tools it provides to verify the actual
storage system that has this WWNN.

Renaming a storage system using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to rename a storage system.

About this task


To rename a storage system, enter the following command:

chcontroller -name new_name controller_id

where controller_id is the ID of the storage system that you want to rename.

Changing the configuration of an existing storage system using the

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to change the configuration of an
existing storage system. You must change the configuration for a storage system
when you want to delete and replace logical units (LUs).

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 193

About this task

Perform the following steps to delete existing LUs and replace them with new

1. Issue the following CLI command to delete the managed disks (MDisks) that
are associated with the LUs from their storage pools:
rmmdisk -mdisk MDisk name1:MDisk name2 -force MDisk group name
Where MDisk name1:MDisk name2 are the names of the MDisks to delete.
2. Delete the existing LUs using the configuration software of the storage system.
3. Issue the following command to delete the associated MDisks from the
clustered system:
4. Configure the new LUs using the configuration software of the storage system.
5. Issue the following command to add the new LUs to the system:

Adding a new storage system to a running configuration using the CLI

You can add a new disk controller system to your SAN at any time using the
command-line interface (CLI).

Before you begin

You must follow the zoning guidelines for your switch and also ensure that the
storage system (controller) is set up correctly for use with the SAN Volume

You must create one or more arrays on the new storage system.

If your storage system provides array partitioning, create a single partition from
the entire capacity available in the array. You must record the LUN number that
you assign to each partition. You must also follow the mapping guidelines (if your
storage system requires LUN mapping) to map the partitions or arrays to the SAN
Volume Controller ports. You can determine the SAN Volume Controller ports by
following the procedure for determining WWPNs.

About this task

To add a new storage system, follow these steps:

1. Issue this CLI command to ensure that the clustered system has detected the
new storage (MDisks):
2. Determine the storage-system name to validate that this is the correct storage
system. The storage system is automatically assigned a default name.
v If you are unsure which storage system is presenting the MDisks, issue this
command to list the storage systems:
3. Find the new storage system in the list. The new storage system has the
highest-numbered default name.
194 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
4. Record the name of the storage system and follow the instructions in the
section about determining a storage-system system name.
5. Issue this command to change the storage-system name to something that you
can easily use to identify it:
chcontroller -name newname oldname
where newname is the name that you want to change the storage system to and
oldname is the name that you are changing.
6. Issue this command to list the unmanaged MDisks:
lsmdisk -filtervalue mode=unmanaged:controller_name=new_name

These MDisks should correspond with the arrays or partitions that you have
7. Record the field controller LUN number. This number corresponds with the
LUN number that you assigned to each of the arrays or partitions.
8. Create a new MDisk group (storage pool) and add only the arrays that belong
to the new storage system to this MDisk group. To avoid mixing RAID types,
create a new MDisk group for each set of array types (for example, RAID-5,
RAID-1). Give each MDisk group that you create a descriptive name. For
example, if your storage system is named FAST650-fred, and the MDisk group
contains RAID-5 arrays, name the MDisk Group F600-fred-R5.
mkmdiskgrp -ext 16 -name mdisk_grp_name
-mdisk colon separated list of RAID-x mdisks returned
in step 4

This creates a new MDisk group with an extent size of 16MB.

Removing a storage system using the CLI

You can replace or decommission a storage system using the command-line
interface (CLI).

About this task

During this procedure, you will add a new device, migrate data off of the storage
system and remove the old MDisks.

An alternative to following this procedure is to migrate all of the volumes that are
using storage in this storage pool to another storage pool. Using this method, you
can consolidate the volumes in a single or new group. However, you can only
migrate one volume at a time. The procedure outlined below migrates all the data
through a single command.

You can also use this procedure to remove or replace a single MDisk in a group. If
an MDisk experiences a partial failure, such as a degraded array, and you can still
read the data from the disk but cannot write to it, you can replace just that MDisk.

Perform the following steps to remove a storage system:

1. Add the new storage system to your clustered-system configuration.
2. Issue the following command:
addmdisk -mdisk mdiskx:mdisky:mdiskz... mdisk_grp_name

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 195

where mdiskx:mdisky:mdiskz... are the names of new MDisks that have a total
capacity that is larger than the decommissioned MDisks and mdisk_grp_name
is the name of the MDisk group (storage pool) that contains the MDisks that
you want to decommission.
You should now have a storage pool that you want to decommission and the
new MDisks.
3. Ensure that the capacity of the new MDisks is the same or exceeds that of the
old MDisks before you proceed to step 4.
4. Issue the following command to force delete the old MDisks from the group:
rmmdisk -force -mdisk mdiskx:mdisky:mdiskz... mdisk_grp_name

Where mdiskx:mdisky:mdiskz... are the old MDisks that you want to delete and
mdisk_grp_name is the name of the storage pool that contains the MDisks that
you want to delete. Depending upon the number and size of the MDisks, and
the number and size of the volumes that are using these MDisks, this
operation takes some time to complete, even though the command returns
5. Check the progress of the migration process by issuing the following
6. When all the migration tasks are complete, for example, the command in step
5 returns no output, verify that the MDisks are unmanaged.
7. Access the storage system and unmap the LUNs from the SAN Volume
Controller ports.

Note: You can delete the LUNs if you no longer want to preserve the data
that is on the LUNs.
8. Issue the following CLI command:
9. Verify that there are no MDisks for the storage system that you want
10. Remove the storage system from the SAN so that the SAN Volume Controller
ports can no longer access the storage system.

Removing MDisks that represent unconfigured LUs using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to remove MDisks from the
clustered system.

About this task

When you remove LUs from your storage system, the managed disks (MDisks)
that represent those LUs might still exist in the system. However, the system
cannot access these MDisks because the LUs that these MDisks represent have
been unconfigured or removed from the storage system. You must remove these

Perform the following steps to remove MDisks:

1. Run the includemdisk CLI command on all the affected MDisks.
2. Run the rmmdisk CLI command on all affected MDisks. This puts the MDisks
into the unmanaged mode.

196 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

3. Run the detectmdisk CLI command. The system detects that the MDisks no
longer exist in the storage system.


All of the MDisks that represent unconfigured LUs are removed from the system.

Quorum disk creation and extent allocation

A quorum disk is used to resolve tie-break situations when the voting set of nodes
disagree on the current state of the clustered system.

The system uses a quorum disk to manage a SAN fault that splits the system
exactly in half. One half of the system continues to operate, and the other half
stops until the SAN connectivity is restored.

During quorum disk discovery, the system assesses each logical unit (LU) to
determine its potential use as a quorum disk. From the set of eligible LUs, the
system nominates three quorum candidate disks.

An LU must meet the following criteria to be considered a candidate for a quorum

v It must be in managed mode.
v It must be visible to all nodes in the system.
v It must be presented by a storage system that is an approved host for quorum
v It must have sufficient free extents to hold the system state and the
configuration metadata.

If possible, the quorum disk candidates are presented by different devices. After
the quorum candidate disks are selected, the system selects one of the candidate
quorum disks to become the active quorum disk, which means it is used first to
break a tie in the event of a system partition. After the active quorum disk is
selected, the system does not attempt to ensure that the candidate quorum disks
are presented by different devices. However, you can also manually select the
active quorum disk if you want to ensure the active quorum disk is presented by a
different device. Selecting the active quorum disk is useful in split-site system
configurations and ensures that the most highly available quorum disk is used. To
view a list of current quorum disk candidates, use the lsquorum command. You can
set the active parameter on the chquorum command to set a disk as an active
quorum disk. The quorum disk candidates can be updated by configuration
activity if other eligible LUs are available.To change a quorum candidate disk in
the management GUI, select Pools > MDisks by Pools or Pools > External

If no quorum disk candidates are found after the discovery, one of the following
situations has occurred:
v No LUs exist in managed space mode. An error is logged when this situation
v LUs exist in managed space mode, but they do not meet the eligibility criteria.
An error is logged when this situation occurs.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 197

Manual discovery
When you create or remove LUNs on a storage system, the managed disk (MDisk)
view is not automatically updated.

You must issue the detectmdisk command-line interface (CLI) command or use the
Discover MDisks function from the management GUI to have the clustered system
rescan the Fibre Channel network. The rescan process discovers any new MDisks
that might have been added to the system and rebalances MDisk access across the
available storage system ports.

Servicing storage systems

Storage systems that are supported for attachment to the SAN Volume Controller
system are designed with redundant components and access paths to enable
concurrent maintenance. Hosts have continuous access to their data during
component failure and replacement.

The following categories represent the types of service actions for storage systems:
v Controller code upgrade
v Field replaceable unit (FRU) replacement

Controller code upgrade

Ensure that you are familiar with the following guidelines for upgrading controller
v Check to see if the SAN Volume Controller supports concurrent maintenance for
your storage system.
v Allow the storage system to coordinate the entire upgrade process.
v If it is not possible to allow the storage system to coordinate the entire upgrade
process, perform the following steps:
1. Reduce the storage system workload by 50%.
2. Use the configuration tools for the storage system to manually failover all
logical units (LUs) from the controller that you want to upgrade.
3. Upgrade the controller code.
4. Restart the controller.
5. Manually failback the LUs to their original controller.
6. Repeat for all controllers.

FRU replacement
Ensure that you are familiar with the following guidelines for replacing FRUs:
v If the component that you want to replace is directly in the host-side data path
(for example, cable, Fibre Channel port, or controller), disable the external data
paths to prepare for upgrade. To disable external data paths, disconnect or
disable the appropriate ports on the fabric switch. The SAN Volume Controller
ERPs reroute access over the alternate path.
v If the component that you want to replace is in the internal data path (for
example, cache, or drive) and did not completely fail, ensure that the data is
backed up before you attempt to replace the component.

198 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v If the component that you want to replace is not in the data path, for example,
uninterruptible power supply units, fans, or batteries, the component is
generally dual-redundant and can be replaced without additional steps.

Configuring IBM Storwize V7000, Storwize V7000 Unified, or Flex

System V7000 Storage Node storage systems
By default, Storwize V7000, Storwize V7000 Unified, or Flex System V7000 Storage
Node external storage systems are configured as external storage layers to the SAN
Volume Controller replication layer.

Partnerships among the replication and storage layer systems are limited by these
v A SAN Volume Controller is always in a replication layer. This cannot be
v Storage layer systems can be used as external storage only by replication layer
v Replication layer systems can participate in Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
partnerships only with other replication layer systems.
v Storage layer systems can participate in Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
partnerships only with other storage layer systems.

Tasks to configure the storage layer system

To configure a system as a storage layer, follow these general tasks:

1. On the storage layer system, first define a host object and add all worldwide
port names (WWPNs) from the SAN Volume Controller to it.
2. On the storage layer system, create host mappings between each volume on the
storage layer system that you want to manage by using the SAN Volume
Controller and the host object that you have created.
The volumes that are presented by the storage layer system appear in the SAN
Volume Controller managed disk (MDisk) view. The storage layer system appears
in the SAN Volume Controller view with a vendor ID of IBM.

Quorum disks on storage layer storage systems

The storage layer systems support quorum disks. Clustered systems that have a
storage level system can choose MDisks that are presented by a storage level
system as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for storage layer systems

Replication layer systems can use storage that is presented by the storage layer
system, but Metro Mirror and Global Mirror cannot interoperate between the two
systems. Replication layer systems can participate in Metro Mirror and Global
Mirror partnerships only with other replication layer systems, and storage layer
systems can participate in Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships only with
other storage layers.

See the Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships topic for more information.

Volumes that are defined on a storage layer system can be used by the replication
layer system as a source or target for advanced copy functions such as FlashCopy,

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 199

Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror. Flex System V7000 Storage Node, Storwize V7000
or Storwize V7000 Unified advanced copy functions are not supported for volumes
that are used as MDisks.

Sharing the storage layer system between a host and the SAN
Volume Controller

A Flex System V7000 Storage Node, Storwize V7000, or Storwize V7000 Unified
system can present some volumes to a SAN Volume Controller and other volumes
to hosts on the SAN. However, an individual volume cannot be presented to both
a SAN Volume Controller and a host simultaneously.

SAN zoning for storage layer systems

If a large number of storage layer systems are managed by a single SAN Volume
Controller, be aware of the published limit for maximum Flex System V7000
Storage Node, Storwize V7000, or Storwize V7000 Unified storage systems per
fabric. If the limit is exceeded by as little as a single storage system, divide the
storage layer systems into multiple zones. Replication layer Flex System V7000
Storage Node, Storwize V7000, or Storwize V7000 Unified systems count toward
the maximum number of SAN Volume Controller nodes that might be present
within a single SAN zone. For further details, see these websites:

Configuring Bull FDA systems

This section provides information about configuring Bull StoreWay FDA systems
for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported firmware levels for the Bull FDA

The Bull FDA system must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Logical unit creation and deletion for Bull FDA

You can create or delete logical units for the Bull FDA. See the storage
configuration guidelines that are specified in the Bull FDA documentation that is
provided for this system.

Platform type for Bull FDA

You must set all logical units that the SAN Volume Controller accesses to platform
type AX (AIX).

Access control methods for Bull FDA

You can use access control to restrict access from hosts and SAN Volume Controller
clustered systems. You do not need to use access control to allow a SAN Volume
Controller system to use all of the defined logical units on the system.

200 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The following table lists the access control methods that are available:

Method Description
Port Mode Allows access to logical units that you want to define on a
per storage-system port basis. SAN Volume Controller
visibility (through switch zoning, physical cabling, and so on)
must allow the SAN Volume Controller system to have the
same access from all nodes and the accessible storage system
ports have been assigned the same set of logical units with
the same logical unit number. This method of access control is
not recommended for SAN Volume Controller connection.
WWN Mode Allows access to logical units using the WWPN of each of the
ports of an accessing host device. All WWPNs of all the SAN
Volume Controller nodes in the same system must be added
to the list of linked paths in the storage system configuration.
This becomes the list of host (SAN Volume Controller) ports
for an LD Set or group of logical units. This method of access
control allows sharing because different logical units can be
accessed by other hosts.

Setting cache allocations for Bull FDA

Cache allocations can be set manually; however, changes to the default settings can
adversely effect performance and cause you to lose access to the system.

Snapshot Volume and Link Volume for Bull FDA

You cannot use Copy Services logical volumes with logical units that are assigned
to the SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring Compellent storage systems

The SAN Volume Controller supports all models of Compellent systems (storage

For the latest supported models, see the following website:

Supported firmware levels for the Compellent system

The Compellent system must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller. For specific firmware levels and the latest supported hardware,
see the following website:

Concurrent maintenance on the Compellent system

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a

Compellent system while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.
You can perform nondisruptive maintenance procedures concurrently on the
following components:
v Compellent storage system
v Disk drive

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 201

User interfaces on the Compellent system

The Compellent Storage Center GUI (graphical user interface) is used to manage
the storage center. Compellent provides access to your Compellent system from
any standard Internet browser or from any host computer via a local area network
(LAN) or a wide area network (WAN).

Logical unit creation, deletion, and migration for Compellent


Before you create, delete, or migrate logical units, you must read the storage
configuration guidelines that are specified in the Compellent documentation.

Cabling the Compellent system

Figure 46 shows the suggested cabling for attachment of the Compellent storage
system to SAN Volume Controller.

Fabric 1 Fabric 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Port Number Port Number

A=Active R=Reserve

Figure 46. Suggested cabling to attach the Compellent storage system

Using the Compellent GUI to create storage pools

On the Compellent storage system, a storage pool is a collection of physical disks.

In most implementations, all the disks are allocated to the assigned pool, and the
data is automatically arranged into a tier of storage.

To create a storage pool, follow either of these tasks:

v In the lower-left pane, click Disks once. Left-click and select Manage
Unassigned Disks.
v In the upper right, click Storage Management. From the list, select Disk >
Manage Unassigned Disks.
You can then select disks and create a new storage pool.

Using the Compellent GUI to create volumes

To create a volume, follow either of these tasks:

v In the lower-left pane, click Storage once. Left-click and select Create Volume.

202 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v In the upper right, click Storage Management. From the list, select Volume >
Create Volume.
You can then select a storage pool, specify a size, and create a new volume.

Using the Compellent GUI to create servers

To assign storage to the SAN Volume Controller, you must create a server object
that represents each storage node in a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

To create a server, follow either of these tasks:

v In the lower-left pane, click Server once. Left-click and select Create Server.
v In the upper right, click Storage Management. From the list, select Server >
Create Server.
You can then select the host bus adapters, assign a name, specify an operating
system, and create a new server.

When you create a server object for a SAN Volume Controller storage node, select
Other > Other MultiPath as the operating system. After you create all your
storage nodes as servers, it is recommended that you create a server cluster and
add all related nodes to it.

Using the Compellent GUI to map volumes to servers

To map a volume to a server or server cluster, follow either of these tasks:

v In the Servers section in the lower-left pane, click once on the server or server
cluster object. Left-click and select Map Volume to Server.
v In the upper right, click Storage Management. From the list, select Volume >
Map Volume to Server.
You then can select the volume and perform the volume mapping.

Migrating volumes
You can use the standard migration procedure to migrate volumes from the
Compellent system to the SAN Volume Controller system.

Sharing the Compellent between a host and the SAN Volume


You can configure your environment so that other hosts can communicate with the
Compellent system for storage requirements that fall outside of the SAN Volume
Controller. You can also configure hosts that communicate with the SAN Volume
Controller directly for storage to also communicate directly with the Compellent
Storage Center for storage. Ensure that you carefully plan and have suitable
documentation before you follow either of these scenarios.

Quorum disks on the Compellent system

The SAN Volume Controller can use logical units (LUs) that are exported by the
Compellent system as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for the Compellent system

Compellent advanced functions are not supported with SAN Volume Controller.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 203

Configuring EMC CLARiiON systems
This section provides information about configuring the EMC CLARiiON storage
system for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Access Logix
Access Logix is an optional feature of the firmware code that provides the
functionality that is known as LUN Mapping or LUN Virtualization.

You can use the software tab in the storage systems properties page of the EMC
Navisphere GUI to determine if Access Logix is installed.

After Access Logix is installed it can be disabled but not removed. The following
are the two modes of operation for Access Logix:
v Access Logix not installed: In this mode of operation, all LUNs are accessible
from all target ports by any host. Therefore, the SAN fabric must be zoned to
ensure that only the SAN Volume Controller can access the target ports.
v Access Logix enabled: In this mode of operation, a storage group can be formed
from a set of LUNs. Only the hosts that are assigned to the storage group are
allowed to access these LUNs.

Configuring the EMC CLARiiON controller with Access Logix

The SAN Volume Controller does not have access to the storage controller logical
units (LUs) if Access Logix is installed on the EMC CLARiiON controller. You must
use the EMC CLARiiON configuration tools to associate the SAN Volume
Controller and LU.

Before you begin

The following prerequisites must be met before you can configure an EMC
CLARiiON controller with Access Logix installed:
v The EMC CLARiiON controller is not connected to the SAN Volume Controller
v You have a RAID controller with LUs and you have identified which LUs you
want to present to the SAN Volume Controller

About this task

You must complete the following tasks to configure an EMC CLARiiON controller
with Access Logix installed:
v Register the SAN Volume Controller ports with the EMC CLARiiON
v Configure storage groups

The association between the SAN Volume Controller and the LU is formed when
you create a storage group that contains both the LU and the SAN Volume

Registering the SAN Volume Controller ports with the EMC

You must register the SAN Volume Controller ports with an EMC CLARiiON
controller if Access Logix is installed.

204 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Before you begin

The following prerequisites must be met before you can register the SAN Volume
Controller ports with an EMC CLARiiON controller that has Access Logix
v The EMC CLARiiON controller is not connected to the SAN Volume Controller
v You have a RAID controller with LUs and you have identified which LUs you
want to present to the SAN Volume Controller

About this task

Each initiator port [worldwide port name (WWPN)] must be registered against a
host name and against a target port to which access is granted. If a host has
multiple initiator ports, multiple table entries with the same host name are listed. If
a host is allowed access using multiple target ports, multiple table entries are
listed. For SAN Volume Controller hosts, all WWPN entries should carry the same
host name.

The following table lists the associations:

EMC CLARiiON default SAN Volume Controller

Option setting required setting
Host name N/A Any
SP port N/A Any
Initiator type 3 3
ArrayCommPath Enable Disable
Failover mode 0 2
Unit Serial Number Array Array

1. Connect the Fibre Channel and zone the fabric as required.
2. Issue the detectmdisk command-line interface (CLI) command.
3. Right-click on the storage system from the Enterprise Storage window.
4. Select Connectivity Status. The Connectivity Status window is displayed.
5. Click New. The Create Initiator Record window is displayed.
6. Wait for the list of SAN Volume Controller ports to appear in the dialog box.
Use the WWPN to Identify them. This can take several minutes.
7. Click Group Edit.
8. Select all instances of all the SAN Volume Controller ports in the Available
dialog box.
9. Click the right arrow to move them to the selected box.
10. Fill in the HBA WWN field. You must know the following information:
v WWNN of each SAN Volume Controller in the clustered system
v WWPN of each port ID for each node on the system
The HBA WWN field is made up of the WWNN and the WWPN for the SAN
Volume Controller port. The following is an example of the output:

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 205

11. Select A in the field marked SP and 0 in the SP Port field.
12. Select CLARiiON Open in the drop down list of the Initiator Type field.
13. Deselect the ArrayCommPath checkbox if it has been selected.
14. Select 2 in the drop down list of the Failover Mode field.
Attention: Failure to select failover mode 2 prevents the SAN Volume
Controller from being able to failover I/O. Your data might become
unavailable in the event of a single failure.
a. If this is the first time that a port has been registered, ensure that you
select the New Host option. Otherwise, select Existing Host.
b. Ensure that the same host name is entered for each port that is registered.
15. Select Array in the drop down list of the Unit Serial Number field.
16. Assign a host name in the Host Name field.
17. Click OK.
18. Specify the IP address of your switch. The EMC CLARiiON does not use this
IP address. However it must be unique (within the EMC CLARiiON) to
prevent errant behavior by Navisphere.
19. Repeat step 11 for all possible combinations. The following example shows the
different combinations of a system with four ports:
v SP: A SP Port: 0
v SP: A SP Port: 1
v SP: B SP Port: 0
v SP: B SP Port: 1
20. Repeat steps 1 on page 205 to 19 to register the rest of your SAN Volume
Controller WWPNs.


All your WWPNs are registered against the host name that you specified.

Configuring your storage groups

Storage groups can only be configured if Access Logix is installed and enabled.

About this task

Access Logix provides the following LUN mapping:

1. A subset of logical units (LUs) can form a storage group.
2. An LU can be in multiple storage groups.
3. A host can be added to a storage group. This host has access to all LUs in the
storage group.
4. A host cannot be added to a second storage group.

1. Right-click on the storage system from the Enterprise Storage window.
2. Select Create Storage Group. The Create Storage Group window is displayed.
3. Enter a name for your storage group in the Storage Group Name field.
4. If available, select Dedicated in the Sharing State field.
5. Click OK. The storage group is created.
6. Right-click the storage group in the Enterprise Storage window.
206 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
7. Select Properties. The Storage Group Properties window is displayed.
8. Perform the following steps from the Storage Group Properties window:
a. Select the LUNs tab.
b. Select the LUNs that you want the SAN Volume Controller to manage in
the Available LUNs table.
Attention: Ensure that the LUs that you have selected are not used by
another storage group.
c. Click the forward arrow button.
d. Click Apply. A Confirmation window is displayed.
e. Click Yes to continue. A Success window is displayed.
f. Click OK.
g. Select the Hosts tab.
h. Select the host that you created when you registered the SAN Volume
Controller ports with the EMC CLARiiON.
Attention: Ensure that only SAN Volume Controller hosts (initiator ports)
are in the storage group.
i. Click the forward arrow button.
j. Click OK. The Confirmation window is displayed.
k. Click Yes to continue. A Success window is displayed.
l. Click OK.

Configuring the EMC CLARiiON controller without Access

Logix installed
If Access Logix is not installed on an EMC CLARiiON controller, all logical units
(LUs) that were created on the controller can be used by the SAN Volume

About this task

No further configuration of the EMC CLARiiON controller is necessary.


Configure the switch zoning such that no hosts can access these LUs.

Supported models of the EMC CLARiiON

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the EMC CLARiiON.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the EMC CLARiiON

The EMC CLARiiON must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 207

Concurrent maintenance on EMC CLARiiON systems
Concurrent maintenance is the ability to perform I/O operations to a controller
while simultaneously performing maintenance on it.

Important: An EMC Field Engineer must perform all maintenance procedures.

The EMC CLARiiON FC series and the SAN Volume Controller clustered system
allow concurrent replacement of the following components:
v Disk drives
v Controller fans (fans must be replaced within 2 minutes or controllers are shut
v Disk enclosure fans (fans must be replaced within 2 minutes or controllers are
shut down)
v Controller (service processor: you must first disable cache)
v Fibre Channel Bypass cards (LCC)
v Power supplies (you must first remove fans)
v Uninterruptible power supply battery (SPS)

EMC CLARiiON FC devices require that the I/O is quiesced during code upgrade.
Consequently, the SAN Volume Controller system does not support concurrent
upgrade of the FC controller code.

The EMC CLARiiON CX series and the SAN Volume Controller system allow
concurrent replacement of the following components:
v Disk drives
v Controller (service processor or drawer controller)
v Power/cooling modules (modules must be replaced within 2 minutes or
controllers are shut down)
v Uninterruptible power supply battery (SPS)

The SAN Volume Controller system and EMC CLARiiON CX devices support
concurrent code upgrade of the CX controllers.

v EMC CLARiiON procedures for concurrent upgrade must be followed in all
v The CX Series also has a feature called Data In Place Upgrade which allows you
to upgrade from one model to another (for example, from the CX200 to the
CX600) with no data loss or migration required. This is not a concurrent

EMC CLARiiON user interfaces

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that EMC
CLARiiON systems use.

Navisphere or Navicli

The following user interface applications are available with EMC CLARiiON
v Navisphere is the web-based application that can be accessed from any web

208 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v Navicli is the command-line interface (CLI) that is installed as part of the
Navisphere Agent software (the host software).

Note: Some options and features are only accessible through the CLI.
Communication with the EMC CLARiiON in both cases is out-of-band. Therefore,
the host does not need to be connected to the storage over Fibre Channel and
cannot be connected without Access Logix.

Sharing the EMC CLARiiON between a host and the SAN

Volume Controller
The EMC CLARiiON can be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller.
v Split controller access is only supported when Access Logix is installed and
v A host cannot be connected to both the SAN Volume Controller and EMC
CLARiiON at the same time.
v LUs must not be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller.
v Partitions in a RAID group must not be shared between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller.

Switch zoning limitations for the EMC CLARiiON systems

There are limitations in switch zoning for SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems and EMC CLARiiON systems.

FC4500 and CX200 models

The EMC CLARiiON FC4500 and CX200 systems limit the number of initiator
HBAs to only allow 15 connections for each storage system port. This limit is less
than the 16 initiator ports that are required to connect to an 8-node clustered
system in a dual fabric configuration. To use EMC CLARiiON FC4500 and CX200
systems with an 8-node system, you must zone the system to use one SAN Volume
Controller port for each node in each fabric. This reduces the initiator HBA count
to eight.

FC4700 and CX400 models

EMC CLARiiON FC4700 and CX400 systems provide 4 target ports and allow 64
connections. Using a single SAN fabric, a 4-node system requires 64 connections (4
× 4 × 4), which is equal to the number of connections that are allowed. If split
support with other hosts is required, this can cause issues. You can reduce either
the number of initiator ports or target ports so that only 32 of the available 64
connections are used.

CX600 models

EMC CLARiiON CX600 systems provide 8 target ports and allow 128 connections.
A 4-node system consumes all 128 connections (4 × 4 × 8). An 8-node system
exceeds the connection limit and no reduction methods can be used.

Quorum disks on the EMC CLARiiON

The EMC CLARiiON supports quorum disks.

A SAN Volume Controller configuration that only includes the EMC CLARiiON is

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 209

Advanced functions for the EMC CLARiiON
Some advanced functions of the EMC CLARiiON are not supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

Advanced copy functions

Advanced copy functions for EMC CLARiiON, for example, SnapView, MirrorView
and SANcopy, are not supported for disks that are managed by the SAN Volume
Controller because the copy function does not extend to the SAN Volume
Controller cache.


MetaLUN allows a logical unit (LU) to be expanded using LUs in other RAID
groups. The SAN Volume Controller only supports MetaLUN for the migration of
image mode volumes.

Logical unit creation and deletion on the EMC CLARiiON

Binding a logical unit (LU) to a RAID group can take a significant amount of time
on EMC CLARiiON systems.

Do not add the LU to a storage group until binding is complete. If the LU is

mapped to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system during the binding process,
the LU might be identified with the wrong capacity. If this occurs, run the
following procedure to rediscover the LU with the correct capacity:
1. Unmap the LU from the SAN Volume Controller system.
2. Run detectmdisk and wait for the managed disk to be deconfigured.
3. Wait for any binding activity to complete.
4. Remap the LU to the SAN Volume Controller system.
5. Run detectmdisk.

Configuring settings for the EMC CLARiiON

A number of settings and options are available through the EMC CLARiiON
configuration interface.

The following settings and options are supported by the SAN Volume Controller:
v System
v Port
v Logical unit

Global settings for the EMC CLARiiON

Global settings apply across an EMC CLARiiON system. Not all options are
available on all EMC CLARiiON models.

Table 40 lists the global settings that are supported by the SAN Volume Controller.
Table 40. EMC CLARiiON global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
EMC CLARiiON SAN Volume Controller
Option default setting required setting
Access Controls (Access Logix Not installed Either Installed or Not
installed) Installed
Subsystem Package Type 3 3

210 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 40. EMC CLARiiON global settings supported by the SAN Volume
Controller (continued)
EMC CLARiiON SAN Volume Controller
Option default setting required setting
Queue Full Status Disable Disable
Recovered Errors Disable Disable
Target Negotiate Displays the state of the Displays the state of the
target negotiate bit. target negotiate bit.
Mode Page 8 Info Disable Disable
Base UUID 0 0
Write Cache Enabled Enabled Enabled
Mirrored Write Cache Enabled Enabled
Write Cache Size 600 MB Default recommended
Enable Watermarks Enabled Enabled
Cache High Watermark 96% Default
Cache Low Watermark 80% Default
Cache Page Size 4 Kb 4 Kb
RAID3 Write Buffer Enable Enable Default recommended
RAID3 Write Buffer 0 MB Default recommended

Controller settings for the EMC CLARiiON

The controller settings for the EMC CLARiiON are the settings that apply across
one EMC CLARiiON system.

Table 41 lists the options that can be set by the EMC CLARiiON.
Table 41. EMC CLARiiON controller settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
EMC CLARiiON default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Read Cache Enabled Enable Enable
Read Cache Size 200 MB Default recommended
Statistics Logging Disable Either Enable or Disable

Note: The SAN Volume Controller cannot obtain or change the configuration
options that are listed above. You must configure the options that are listed above.

Port settings for the EMC CLARiiON

Port settings are configurable at the port level.

Table 42 lists port settings, the EMC CLARiiON defaults, and the required settings
for SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.
Table 42. EMC CLARiiON port settings
EMC CLARiiON default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Port speed Depends on the model Any

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 211

Note: The SAN Volume Controller system cannot obtain or change the
configuration options that are listed in Table 42 on page 211. You must configure
the options that are listed in Table 42 on page 211.

Logical unit settings for the EMC CLARiiON

Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

Table 43 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by the SAN
Volume Controller. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently.
Table 43. EMC CLARiiON LU settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
EMC CLARiiON default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
LU ID Auto N/A
RAID Type 5 Any RAID Group
RAID Group Any available RAID Any available RAID Group
Offset 0 Any setting
LU Size ALL LBAs in RAID Group Any setting
Placement Best Fit Either Best Fit or First Fit
Default Owner Auto N/A
Auto Assignment Disabled Disabled
Verify Priority ASAP N/A
Rebuild Priority ASAP N/A
Strip Element Size 128 N/A
Read Cache Enabled Enabled Enabled
Write Cache Enabled Enabled Enabled
Idle Threshold 0–254 0–254
Max Prefetch Blocks 0–2048 0–2048
Maximum Prefetch IO 0–100 0–100
Minimum Prefetch Size 0–65534 0–65534
Prefetch Type 0, 1, or 2 0, 1, or 2
Prefetch Multiplier 0 to 2048 or 0 to 324 0 to 2048 or 0 to 324
Retain prefetch Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Prefetch Segment Size 0 to 2048 or 0 to 32 0 to 2048 or 0 to 32
Idle Delay Time 0 to 254 0 to 254
Verify Priority ASAP, High, Medium, or Low
Write Aside 16 to 65534 16 to 65534

Note: The SAN Volume Controller cannot obtain or change the configuration
options that are listed above. You must configure the options that are listed above.

212 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems
This topic provides information about configuring the EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX for attachment to SAN Volume Controller.

On some versions of Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX, the setting of SPC-2 can be
configured. SPC-2 is set either on a per-port basis or on a per-initiator basis. LUs
that are mapped to SAN Volume Controller must be configured with SPC-2

Note: Changing the value of the SPC-2 setting on a live system can cause errors. If
you have a live system running with SPC-2 enabled on LUs mapped to SAN
Volume Controller, contact the IBM Support Center for guidance on how to
proceed. Do not disable SPC-2 on a live system before taking guidance from the
IBM Support Center.

Supported models of the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX controllers.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the EMC Symmetrix and

Symmetrix DMX
The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX must use a firmware level that is
supported by the SAN Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Concurrent maintenance on the EMC Symmetrix and

Symmetrix DMX
Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to the EMC
Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX while simultaneously performing maintenance
operations on it.

Important: Service actions and upgrade procedures can only be performed by an

EMC Field Engineer.

The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX are Enterprise class devices that
support nondisruptive replacement of the following components:
v Channel Director
v Disk Director
v Cache card
v Disk drive
v Cooling fan
v Comms card

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 213

v EPO card
v Operator panel
v Service Processor
v Batteries
v Ethernet hub

The SAN Volume Controller and EMC Symmetrix/Symmetrix DMX support

concurrent upgrade of the EMC Symmetrix/Symmetrix DMX firmware.

User interfaces on EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that support the
EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems.

EMC Control Center

A basic EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX configuration is performed by an

EMC Field Engineer (FE) using the EMC Symmetrix service processor. After the
initial configuration, you can configure and control the exported storage. The FE
defines the storage device types and sets the configurable options.

You can configure and control the exported storage as described below.

You can use the EMC Control Center to manage and monitor the EMC Symmetrix
and Symmetrix DMX systems.

You can use Volume Logix for volume configuration management. Volume Logix
allows you to control access rights to the storage when multiple hosts share target


The EMC Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI) allows the server to
monitor and control the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX.

Sharing the EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX system

between a host and a SAN Volume Controller clustered
There are restrictions for sharing EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems
between a host and a SAN Volume Controller system.

An EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX system can be shared between a host and
a SAN Volume Controller under the following conditions:
v When possible, avoid sharing target ports between the SAN Volume Controller
system and other hosts. If this cannot be avoided, you must regularly check the
combined I/O workload that is generated by the SAN Volume Controller system
and the other hosts. The performance of either the SAN Volume Controller
system or the hosts is impacted if the workload exceeds the target port
v A single host must not be connected to a SAN Volume Controller and an EMC
Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX because the multipathing drivers (for example,
subsystem device driver (SDD) and PowerPath) cannot coexist.

214 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

v If the EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX is configured in such a way that
other hosts cannot access the LUs that are managed by the SAN Volume
Controller system, other hosts can be directly connected to an EMC Symmetrix
or Symmetrix DMX system at the same time as a SAN Volume Controller

Switch zoning limitations for the EMC Symmetrix and

Symmetrix DMX
There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the
EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems.

Switch zoning

The SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port on
two or more Fibre Channel adapters to avoid a single point of failure.

The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX must be configured to present logical
units (LUs) to all SAN Volume Controller initiator ports that are in the fabric zone.

Only SAN Volume Controller initiator ports that are LUN masked on the EMC
Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX controller should be present in the fabric zone.

Note: The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems present themselves to a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system as separate controllers for each port
zoned to the SAN Volume Controller. For example, if one of these storage systems
has 4 ports zoned to the SAN Volume Controller, each port appears as a separate
controller rather than one controller with 4 WWPNs. In addition, a given logical
unit (LU) must be mapped to the SAN Volume Controller through all controller
ports zoned to the SAN Volume Controller using the same logical unit number

Connecting to the SAN

You can connect a maximum of 16 EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX ports to

the SAN Volume Controller system. There are no further special zoning
requirements. Configurations that are set up to adhere to the requirements that are
described in previous SAN Volume Controller releases are also supported, but
should not be followed for new installations.

Quorum disks on EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

The SAN Volume Controller chooses managed disks (MDisks) that are presented
by the EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX as quorum disks.

The SAN Volume Controller uses a logical unit (LU) that is presented by an EMC
Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX as a quorum disk. The SAN Volume Controller
provides a quorum disk even if the connection is through a single port.

Advanced functions for EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

SAN Volume Controller cache-disabled volumes can be used as the source or target
in Symmetrix advanced copy functions (for example, Symmetrix Remote Data
Facility [SRDF] and TimeFinder).

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 215

LU creation and deletion on EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix
A logical unit (LU) that is exported by an EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX,
meaning it is visible to a host, is either a Symmetrix device or a Meta device.

Symmetrix device

Restriction: An LU with a capacity of less than 64 MB is ignored by the SAN

Volume Controller.

Symmetrix device is an EMC term for an LU that is hosted by an EMC Symmetrix.

These are all emulated devices and have exactly the same characteristics. The
following are the characteristics of a Symmetrix device:
v N cylinders
v 15 tracks per cylinder
v 64 logical blocks per track
v 512 bytes per logical block
Symmetrix devices can be created using the create dev command from the EMC
Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). The configuration of an LU can be
changed using the convert dev command from the SYMCLI. Each physical storage
device in an EMC Symmetrix is partitioned into 1 to 128 hyper-volumes (hypers).
Each hyper can be up to 16 GB. A Symmetrix device maps to one or more hypers,
depending on how it is configured. The following are examples of hyper
v Hypers can be mirrored (2-way, 3-way, 4-way)
v Hypers can be formed into RAID-S groups

Meta device

Meta device is an EMC term for a concatenated chain of EMC Symmetrix devices.
This enables the EMC Symmetrix to provide LUs that are larger than a hyper. Up
to 255 hypers can be concatenated to form a single meta device. Meta devices can
be created using the form meta and add dev commands from the SYMCLI. This
allows an extremely large LU to be created, however, if exported to the SAN
Volume Controller, only the first 1 PB is used.

Do not extend or reduce meta devices that are used for managed disks (MDisks).
Reconfiguration of a meta device that is used for an MDisk causes unrecoverable

Configuring settings for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix

A number of settings and options are available through the EMC Symmetrix
configuration interface.

Settings and options are available in the following categories:

v System
v Port
v Logical unit (LU)
v Initiator

216 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Global settings for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX
Global settings apply across the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems.

You can specify EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX settings with the set
Symmetrix command from the Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). The
settings can be viewed using the symconfigure command from the SYMCLI.

Table 44 lists the EMC Symmetrix global settings that can be used with SAN
Volume Controller clustered systems.
Table 44. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX global settings
EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
max_hypers_per_disk - Any
dynamic_rdf Disable Any
fba_multi_access_cache Disable N/A
Raid_s_support Disable Enable or Disable

Port settings for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

Target port characteristics can be set using the set port command from the
Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI).

The target port characteristics can be viewed using the symcfg command from the

Table 45 lists the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX port settings that can be
used with the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.
Table 45. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX port settings that can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller
EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Disk_Array Enabled Disabled
Volume_Set_Addressing Enabled Disabled
Hard_Addressing Enabled Enabled
Non_Participating Disabled Disabled
Global_3rdParty_Logout Enabled Enabled
Tagged_Commands Enabled Enabled
Common_Serial_Number - Enabled
Disable_Q_Reset_on_UA Disabled Disabled
Return_busy_for_abort Disabled Disabled
SCSI-3 Disabled Disabled or Enabled
Environ_Set Disabled Disabled
Unique_WWN Enabled Enabled
Point_to_Point Disabled Enabled
VCM_State Disabled Disabled or Enabled
OpenVMS Disabled Disabled

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 217

Table 45. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX port settings that can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller (continued)
EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
SPC-2 Disabled Disabled

Note: If your Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX has SPC-2 enabled, do not disable it.
Contact the IBM Support Center for guidance on how to proceed.

Logical unit settings for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX
Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

LU characteristics can be set using the set device command from the Symmetrix
Command Line Interface (SYMCLI).

Table 46 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by the SAN
Volume Controller.
Table 46. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX LU settings supported by the SAN Volume
EMC Symmetrix and SAN Volume
Symmetrix DMX Controller required
Option default setting setting
emulation - FBA
attribute - Set all attributes to

Initiator settings for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

Initiator settings for SPC-2 should be set to disabled for EMC Symmetrix and
Symmetrix DMX.

Table 47 lists the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX Initiator settings supported
by the SAN Volume Controller.
Table 47. EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX initiator settings supported by the SAN
Volume Controller
EMC Symmetrix and SAN Volume
Symmetrix DMX Controller required
Option default setting setting
SPC-2 Disabled Disabled

Note: If your Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX has SPC-2 enabled for SAN Volume
Controller initiators, do not disable it. Contact the IBM Support Center for
guidance on how to proceed.

Mapping and virtualization settings for the EMC Symmetrix and

Symmetrix DMX
Mapping a logical unit (LU) to a host is a function of the EMC Control Center.

LUs can be mapped to a particular director or target port using the map dev
command from the Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). LUs can be
unmapped using the unmap dev command from the SYMCLI.
218 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Volume Logix and masking
Volume Logix allows you to restrict access to particular WWPNs on the fabric for
Symmetrix Volumes.

This function can be switched on and off by changing the VMC_State port setting.
The SAN Volume Controller requires that you do not share target ports between a
host and a SAN Volume Controller. However, you can still use Volume Logix to
protect the system from errors that can occur if the SAN is not correctly

To mask a volume to the SAN Volume Controller, you must first identify the SAN
Volume Controller ports that are connected to each system. This can be done using
the EMC Symmetrix symmask command.

The SAN Volume Controller automatically logs in to any EMC Symmetrix system
that it sees on the fabric. You can use the SAN Volume Controller lsnode CLI
command to find the correct port identifiers.

After you have identified the ports, you can map each volume on each port to
each WWPN. The EMC Symmetrix stores the LUN masking in a database, so you
must apply the changes you have made to refresh the contents of the database to
view the changes.

Configuring EMC VMAX systems

This section provides information about configuring the EMC VMAX systems for
attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Note: VMAX settings provided in this section must be applied before configuring
SAN Volume Controller LUNS.

Supported models of the EMC VMAX controllers

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the EMC VMAX controllers.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the EMC VMAX

The EMC VMAX system must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Note: The minimum supported SAN Volume Controller level for the attachment of
EMC VMAX is 4.3.1.

Concurrent maintenance on the EMC VMAX

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to the EMC
VMAX while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 219

Important: Service actions and upgrade procedures can only be performed by an
EMC Field Engineer.

The EMC VMAX is an enterprise-class device that supports nondisruptive

replacement of the following components:
v Channel Director
v Disk Director
v Cache card
v Disk drive
v Cooling fan
v Comms card
v EPO card
v Operator panel
v Power-supply unit (PSU)
v Service Processor
v Batteries
v Ethernet hub

The SAN Volume Controller and EMC VMAX support concurrent upgrade of the
EMC VMAX firmware.

User interfaces on EMC VMAX

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that support the
EMC VMAX systems.

EMC Control Center

A basic EMC VMAX configuration is performed by an EMC Field Engineer (FE)

using the EMC VMAX service processor. After the initial configuration, you can
configure and control the exported storage. The FE defines the storage device types
and sets the configurable options.

You can configure and control the exported storage as described in the following

You can use the EMC Control Center to manage and monitor the EMC VMAX

You can use Volume Logix for volume configuration management. With Volume
Logix, you can control access rights to the storage when multiple hosts share target


The EMC Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI) is used by the server to
monitor and control the EMC VMAX.

Sharing the EMC VMAX system between a host and a SAN

Volume Controller clustered system
There are restrictions for sharing EMC VMAX systems between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller system.

220 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

An EMC VMAX system can be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller under the following conditions:
v When possible, avoid sharing target ports between the SAN Volume Controller
system and other hosts. If this cannot be avoided, you must regularly check the
combined I/O workload that is generated by the SAN Volume Controller system
and the other hosts. The performance of either the SAN Volume Controller
system or the hosts is impacted if the workload exceeds the target port
v A single host must not be connected to a SAN Volume Controller and an EMC
VMAX because the multipathing drivers (for example, subsystem device driver
[SDD] and PowerPath) cannot coexist.
v If the EMC VMAX is configured in such a way that other hosts cannot access
the LUs that are managed by the SAN Volume Controller system, other hosts
can be directly connected to an EMC VMAX system at the same time as a SAN
Volume Controller system.

Switch zoning limitations for the EMC VMAX

There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and EMC
VMAX systems.

Switch zoning

The SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port on
two or more Fibre Channel adapters to avoid a single point of failure.

The EMC VMAX must be configured to present logical units (LUs) to all SAN
Volume Controller initiator ports that are in the fabric zone.

Only SAN Volume Controller initiator ports that are LUN-masked on the EMC
VMAX controller should be present in the fabric zone.

Note: An EMC VMAX system presents itself to a SAN Volume Controller clustered
system as one WWNN with a minimum of two and a maximum of 16 WWPNs

Connecting to the SAN

You can connect a maximum of 16 EMC VMAX ports to the SAN Volume
Controller system. There are no further special zoning requirements.
Configurations that are set up to adhere to the requirements that are described in
previous SAN Volume Controller releases are also supported, but should not be
followed for new installations.

Quorum disks on EMC VMAX

The SAN Volume Controller chooses managed disks (MDisks) that are presented
by the EMC VMAX as quorum disks.

The SAN Volume Controller uses a logical unit (LU) that is presented by an EMC
VMAX as a quorum disk. The SAN Volume Controller provides a quorum disk
even if the connection is through a single port.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 221

Advanced functions for EMC VMAX
SAN Volume Controller cache-disabled volumes can be used as the source or target
in VMAX advanced copy functions (for example, Symmetrix Remote Data Facility
[SRDF] and TimeFinder).

LU creation and deletion on EMC VMAX

A logical unit (LU) that is exported by an EMC VMAX, meaning that it is visible to
a host, is either a VMAX device or a Meta device.

VMAX device

Restriction: An LU with a capacity of 64 MB or less is ignored by the SAN

Volume Controller.

VMAX device is an EMC term for an LU that is hosted by an EMC VMAX. These
are all emulated devices and have exactly the same characteristics. The following
are the characteristics of a VMAX device:
v N cylinders
v 15 tracks per cylinder
v 64 logical blocks per track
v 512 bytes per logical block
VMAX devices can be created using the create dev command from the EMC
Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). The configuration of an LU can be
changed using the convert dev command from the SYMCLI. Each physical storage
device in an EMC VMAX is partitioned into 1 to 128 hyper-volumes (hypers). Each
hyper can be up to 16 GB. A VMAX device maps to one or more hypers,
depending on how it is configured. The following configurations are examples of
hyper configurations:
v Hypers can be mirrored (2-way, 3-way, 4-way).
v Hypers can be formed into RAID-S groups.

Meta device

Meta device is an EMC term for a concatenated chain of EMC VMAX devices. The
EMC VMAX uses a meta device to provide LUs that are larger than a hyper. Up to
255 hypers can be concatenated to form a single meta device. Using the form meta
and add dev commands from the SYMCLI, you can create meta devices, which
produce an extremely large LU. However, if exported to the SAN Volume
Controller, only the first 1 PB are used.

Attention: Do not extend or reduce meta devices that are used for managed disks
(MDisks). Reconfiguring a meta device that is used for an MDisk causes
unrecoverable data corruption.

Configuring settings for the EMC VMAX

A number of settings and options are available through the EMC VMAX
configuration interface.

The settings and options can have the following scope:

v System
v Port
v Logical unit (LU)

222 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Global settings for the EMC VMAX
Global settings apply across the EMC VMAX systems.

You can specify EMC VMAX settings with the set Symmetrix command from the
Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). The settings can be viewed using
the symconfigure command from the SYMCLI.

Table 48 lists the EMC VMAX global settings that must be set for the SAN Volume
Table 48. EMC VMAX global settings
EMC VMAX default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Maximum number of hypers 512 Any
per disk
Switched RDF Configuration Disabled Default
Concurrent RDF Configuration Enabled Default
Dynamic RDF Configuration Enabled Any
Concurrent Dynamic RDF Enabled Default
RDF Data Mobility Disabled Default
Configuration State
Access Control Configuration Enabled Default
Device Masking (ACLX) Enabled Default
Config State
Multi LRU Device Assignment None Default
Disk Group Assignments In Use Default
Hot Swap Policy Permanent Default
Symmetrix Disk Library Disabled Default
FBA Geometry Emulation Native Default
3 Dynamic Mirrors Enabled Default
PAV Mode DynamicStandardPAV Default
PAV Alias Limit 31 Default

Port settings for the EMC VMAX

Target port characteristics can be set using the set port command from the
Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI).

The target port characteristics can be viewed using the symcfg command from the

Table 49 on page 224 lists the options that must be used with the SAN Volume

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 223

Table 49. EMC VMAX port settings
SAN Volume Controller
Option EMC VMAX default setting required setting
SCSI Flags
Negotiate_Reset(N) Disabled Default
Soft_Reset(S) Disabled Default
Environ_Set(E) Disabled Default
HP3000_Mode(B) Disabled Default
Common_Serial_Number(C) Enabled Default
Disable_Q_Reset_on_UA(D) Disabled Default
Sunapee(SCL) Disabled Default
Siemens(S) Disabled Default
Sequent(SEQ) Disabled Default
Avoid_Reset_Broadcast(ARB) Disabled Default
Server_On_AS400(A4S) Disabled Default
SCSI_3(SC3) Enabled Enabled
SPC2_Protocol_Version(SPC2) Disabled Disabled
SCSI_Support1(OS2007) Enabled Disabled

Logical unit settings for the EMC VMAX

Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

LU characteristics can be set using the set device command from the Symmetrix
Command Line Interface (SYMCLI).

Table 50 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by the SAN
Volume Controller.
Table 50. EMC VMAX LU settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume
EMC VMAX default Controller required
Option setting setting
emulation - FBA
attribute - Set all attributes to

Fibre-specific flag settings for the EMC VMAX

Fibre-specific flag settings for the EMC VMAX are provided in this section.

Table 51 lists the fibre-specific flag settings that must be set for the SAN Volume
Table 51. EMC VMAX fibre-specific flag settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume
EMC VMAX default Controller required
Option setting setting
Volume_Set_Addressing(V) Disabled Default
Non_Participating(NP) Disabled Default

224 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 51. EMC VMAX fibre-specific flag settings supported by the SAN Volume
Controller (continued)
SAN Volume
EMC VMAX default Controller required
Option setting setting
Init_Point_to_Point(PP) Enabled Default
Unique_WWN(UWN) Enabled Default
Access_Logix(ACLX) Enabled Default
OpenVMS(OVMS) Disabled Default
AS400(AS4) Disabled Default
Auto_Negotiate(EAN) Disabled Default

Mapping and virtualization settings for the EMC VMAX

Mapping a logical unit (LU) to a host is a function of the EMC Control Center.

LUs can be mapped to a particular director or target port using the map dev
command from the Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI). LUs can be
unmapped using the unmap dev command from the SYMCLI.

Volume Logix and masking

Volume Logix is used to restrict access to particular WWPNs on the fabric for
Symmetrix Volumes.

This function can be switched on and off by changing the VMC_State port setting.
The SAN Volume Controller requires that you do not share target ports between a
host and a SAN Volume Controller. However, you can still use Volume Logix to
protect the system from errors that can occur if the SAN is not correctly

To mask a volume to the SAN Volume Controller, you must first identify the SAN
Volume Controller ports that are connected to each system. You can identify these
ports using the EMC Symmetrix symmask command.

The SAN Volume Controller automatically logs in to any EMC VMAX system that
it sees on the fabric. You can use the SAN Volume Controller lsnode CLI command
to find the correct port identifiers.

After you have identified the ports, you can map each volume on each port to
each WWPN. The EMC VMAX stores the LUN masking in a database; so you
must apply the changes that you have made to refresh the contents of the database
to view the changes.

Configuring Fujitsu ETERNUS systems

This section provides information about configuring the Fujitsu ETERNUS systems
for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported models of the Fujitsu ETERNUS

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the Fujitsu ETERNUS series of

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 225

Supported firmware levels for the Fujitsu ETERNUS

The Fujitsu ETERNUS must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

User interfaces on the Fujitsu ETERNUS

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface application that is used by the
Fujitsu ETERNUS.

You can use the ETERNUSmgr web-based configuration utility. See the
documentation that is provided with the Fujitsu ETERNUS system for more

Configuring the Fujitsu ETERNUS to use with the SAN Volume

Ensure that you use the settings that are required to use the Fujitsu ETERNUS
with the SAN Volume Controller. It is important that you use the correct settings to
avoid data access problems.

Use the following sequence of steps to configure the Fujitsu ETERNUS system:
1. Configure the SAN Volume Controller host response pattern.
2. Register the host world wide names (WWNs) and associate them with the host
response pattern.
3. Setup the affinity group for SAN Volume Controller volumes or setup LUN
4. Create or reassign storage to the SAN Volume Controller.

For all other settings and procedures, consider the SAN Volume Controller a host.
See the documentation that is provided with the Fujitsu ETERNUS system.

CA parameters

The following table lists the port settings that are required. See the documentation
that is provided with your Fujitsu ETERNUS system for more information because
some options are only available on certain models.

Fujitsu ETERNUS default SAN Volume Controller

Option setting required setting
Connection Topology/FC FC-AL Connection Fabric Connection
Connection Settings
Service Class Class 3 Class 3
FC Transfer Rate Auto Setting Any
Reset Scope/Scope of LUR T_L T_L
Actions Note: If this option is not set
correctly, data corruption can

226 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Fujitsu ETERNUS default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Release Reservation upon Enable/valid Enable/valid
Chip Reset
HP-UX Connection Setting Disable Disable
Frame Size Setting 2048 Any
Affinity/Addressing Mode Off Any

Host response pattern

The SAN Volume Controller requires that a new host response pattern is created. If
the Host Affinity/Host Table Settings Mode is used, this host response pattern
must be associated with each WWN. If the Host Affinity/Host Table Settings Mode
is not used, this host response pattern must be associated with the target port.

The following table lists the settings that are required. See the documentation that
is provided with your Fujitsu ETERNUS system for more information because
some options are only available on certain models.

Fujitsu ETERNUS default SAN Volume Controller

Option setting required setting
Command timeout interval Depends on the Fujitsu Default
Response status in overload Unit Attention Unit Attention
Byte 0 of Inquiry Default Default
response/Response to
inquiry commands
Inquiry Standard Data Disable Disable
NACA Function
Inquiry Standard Data Depends on the Fujitsu Default
Version ETERNUS model
Inquiry Command Page Depends on the Fujitsu Type 01
83/Inquiry VPD ID Type ETERNUS model
Reservation Conflict Disable/Normal Response Enable/Conflict Response
Response to Test Unit Ready
Target Port Group Access Disable Enable
Host Specific Mode Normal Mode Normal Mode
Response Sense at Firmware Enable Enable
Hot Switching
Change LUN mapping No Report Report
LUN Capacity Expansion No Report Report
Aymmetric / Symmetric Active/Active Active/Active
Logical Unit Access
Pattern of Sense Code No Conversion No Conversion


Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 227

1. If you set Inquiry VPD ID Type option to Type 3 on E4000 or E8000 range, the
MDisks go offline.
2. If you set the Target Port Group Access Support option to Disabled on E3000
range, a 1370 error is shown in the event log.

Host WWNs

After the SAN Volume Controller is zoned on the fabric to see the Fujitsu
ETERNUS, the system might not initially appear in the list of controllers when you
issue the lscontroller CLI command. This is normal and expected behavior.

See the documentation that is provided with the Fujitsu ETERNUS system to add
all SAN Volume Controller WWPNs as host WWNs. The following restrictions
v The SAN Volume Controller WWNs must be associated with a host response
pattern. The host response pattern must be defined prior to registration. If you
use an incorrect or default host response pattern, you can lose access to data.
v All SAN Volume Controller WWNs must be registered on all Fujitsu ETERNUS
ports on the same fabric. If the WWNs are not registered, you can lose access to

Affinity groups/zones

Use the affinity groups/zones mode to protect the SAN Volume Controller LUs if
the SAN is incorrectly configured. The affinity group mode is setup in the CA
configuration. See the documentation that is provided with your Fujitsu ETERNUS
system for more information about using the affinity groups/zones mode. The
following restrictions apply:
v Each SAN Volume Controller must have exactly one affinity group/zone.
v The SAN Volume Controller affinity group/zone must be associated with all
SAN Volume Controller WWNs.

LUN mapping

You can use the LUN mapping mode (also called the zone settings mode for some
models) with the following restrictions:
v The SAN zoning must only allow a single SAN Volume Controller access to this
target port.
v The host response pattern must be set in CA configuration using the required
SAN Volume Controller settings.

Note: If you use the LUN mapping mode, you cannot use the host affinity mode.
The host affinity mode is set to OFF.

Assigning storage to the SAN Volume Controller

Ensure that you understand all SAN Volume Controller and Fujitsu ETERNUS
restrictions before you assign storage to the SAN Volume Controller. See the
documentation that is provided with the Fujitsu ETERNUS system for more

Zoning configuration for the Fujitsu ETERNUS

If LUN mapping mode is used for a Fujitsu ETERNUS port, you must exclusively
zone the SAN Volume Controller with this target port.

228 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Migrating logical units from the Fujitsu ETERNUS to the SAN
Volume Controller
You can use the standard migration procedure with the following restrictions:
v The SAN Volume Controller must have code level 4.2.0 or higher installed before
you start migration. Upgrades from previous SAN Volume Controller code levels
to 4.2.0 or higher causes all Fujitsu ETERNUS systems that are attached to be
v You must configure the Fujitsu ETERNUS system to work with the SAN Volume
Controller before you start migration.
v The subsystem device driver (SDD) and Fujitsu Multipath driver cannot coexist.
v The SAN Volume Controller must support all host code levels.

Concurrent maintenance on the Fujitsu ETERNUS

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a Fujitsu
ETERNUS while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

You can perform nondisruptive maintenance procedures concurrently on the

following components:
v Fujitsu ETERNUS controller module
v Fujitsu ETERNUS controller cache
v Fujitsu ETERNUS cache battery pack
v Fan
v Power supply
v Disk drive
v SFP transceivers

See the documentation that is provided with the Fujitsu ETERNUS system for
more information.

Advanced functions for the Fujitsu ETERNUS

The Fujitsu ETERNUS system provides several advanced copy functions. Do not
use these advanced copy functions for storage that is managed by the SAN Volume
Controller, even if the volume cache is disabled.

Configuring IBM TotalStorage ESS systems

This section provides information about configuring the IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring the IBM ESS

The IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) provides functionality that is compatible
with the SAN Volume Controller.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure the IBM ESS:

1. Enter the IP address of the IBM ESS in a web browser to access the ESS

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 229

2. Login with your user name and password.
3. Click ESS Specialist.
4. Click Storage Allocation.
5. Click Open System Storage.
6. Click Modify Host Systems.
7. Create a host entry for each initiator port on each SAN Volume Controller
node in your clustered system. Complete the following fields:
a. Enter a unique name for each port in the Nickname field. For example,
enter knode or lnode.
b. Select IBM SAN Volume Controller in the Host Type field. If this option
is not available, select RS/6000.
c. Select Fibre Channel attached in the Host Attachment field.
d. Leave the Hostname/IP address field blank.
e. Select the WWPN from the list or enter it manually into the WWPN field.
A configuration command fails if you use WWPN 0 in the command
8. Click Perform Configuration Update after you are finished adding all of the
9. Click Add Volumes to add the volumes that you want the SAN Volume
Controller to use. The Add Volumes panel is displayed.
10. Perform the following steps in the Add Volumes panel:
a. Select any of the SAN Volume Controller host ports that you created
b. Select the necessary ESS adapter to create the volumes.
c. Click Next.
d. Create volumes using your desired size, placement, and RAID level.
e. Click Perform Configuration Update after you have created all the
11. Perform the following steps to map the volumes to all of your SAN Volume
Controller ports:
a. Click Modify Volume Assignments.
b. Select all of the volumes that you created earlier.
c. Click Assigning selected volumes to target hosts.
d. Select all of the remaining SAN Volume Controller host ports that you
created earlier.
e. Click Perform Configuration Update.

Important: If you are adding SAN Volume Controller ports to a volume that
is already assigned to other SAN Volume Controller ports, you must select the
Use same ID/LUN in source and target check box.

Supported models of the IBM ESS

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the IBM Enterprise Storage Server

See the following website for the latest supported models:

230 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Supported firmware levels for the IBM ESS
The SAN Volume Controller supports the IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS).

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Concurrent maintenance on the IBM ESS

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an IBM
Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) while simultaneously performing maintenance
operations on it.

All IBM ESS concurrent maintenance procedures are supported.

User interface on the IBM ESS

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface application that supports the
IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) system.

Web server

A web server runs on each of the controllers on the system. During normal
operation, the user interface application provides only basic monitoring of the
system and displays an event log. If you press the reset button on the controller to
put the controller into diagnostic mode, the user interface application allows
firmware upgrades and system configuration resets.

Sharing the IBM ESS between a host and the SAN Volume
The IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) can be shared between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller.

The following restrictions apply when you share the IBM ESS between a host and
a SAN Volume Controller:
v If an IBM ESS port is in the same zone as a SAN Volume Controller port, that
same IBM ESS port should not be in the same zone as another host.
v A single host can have both IBM ESS direct-attached and SAN Volume
Controller virtualized disks configured to it.
v If a LUN is managed by the SAN Volume Controller, it cannot be mapped to
another host.

See the following website for the latest supported configurations:

Switch zoning limitations for the IBM ESS

Consider the following limitations when you zone the IBM Enterprise Storage
Server (ESS) to the SAN Volume Controller.

To avoid a single point of failure on the IBM ESS, you must have a minimum of
two SAN connections from two separate adapter bays. The maximum number of
IBM ESS SAN connections in the SAN Volume Controller switch zone is 16.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 231

Note: The IBM ESS provides ESCON®, FICON® and Ultra SCSI connectivity;
however, only a 1 or 2 Gb Fibre Channel SAN attachment is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

Quorum disks on the IBM ESS

The SAN Volume Controller can choose managed disks (MDisks) that are
presented by the IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) controller as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for the IBM ESS

SAN Volume Controller cache-disabled volumes can be used as the source or target
for IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) advanced copy functions (for example,
FlashCopy, MetroMirror, GlobalCopy). .

Logical unit creation and deletion on the IBM ESS

Certain IBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) types are supported for use with the
SAN Volume Controller.

Before you delete or unmap a logical unit (LU) from the SAN Volume Controller,
remove the LU from the managed disk (MDisk) group. The following is supported:
v LU size of 1 GB to 1 PB.
v RAID 5 and RAID 10 LUs.
v LUs can be added dynamically.

Attention: When adding additional SAN Volume Controller ports to an existing

LU, you must select the Use same ID/LUN in source and target check box. Failure
to select the Use same ID/LUN in source and target checkbox can cause loss in
redundancy or a loss of data. If this checkbox is not available, the option is not
required. The detect MDisks task in the management GUI or the detectmdisk
command-line interface (CLI) command must be run for the SAN Volume
Controller to detect the new disks.

Configuring IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM

DS3000 systems
This section provides information about configuring IBM System Storage DS5000,
IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller
clustered system. Some IBM System Storage DS4000 controllers are equivalent to
StorageTek models; SAN Volume Controller also supports certain StorageTek
FlexLine series and StorageTek D series. The information in this section also
applies to the supported models of the StorageTek FlexLine series and StorageTek
D series.

IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 are similar systems.
The concepts in this section apply generally to all three systems; however, some
options might not be available. See the documentation that is provided with your
system for specific information.

Configuring IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and

IBM DS3000 systems for the storage server
IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 storage systems are
supported with the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

232 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

About this task

The following steps provide the supported options and impact on the SAN Volume
Controller system:

1. Set the host type for SAN Volume Controller to IBM TS SAN VCE. For higher
security, create a storage partition for every host that will have access to the
storage system. If you set a default host group and add another host other than
SAN Volume Controller to the default group, the new host automatically has
full read and write access to all LUNs on the storage system.
2. See the following website for the scripts that are available to change the setup
of the IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM System Storage
DS3000 system:

What to do next

The following limitations apply to partitions:

v Only one IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system storage partition
that contains any of the ports of any of the nodes in a single SAN Volume
Controller system can be created.
v Only map one partition to any of the ports on any of the nodes that are in the
SAN Volume Controller system to avoid unexpected behavior. For example, you
can lose access to your storage or you might not receive warning messages, even
if there are errors logged in the SAN Volume Controller error log.

The following limitation applies to IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 Copy
v Do not use IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM System Storage DS3000 Copy
Services when the SAN Volume Controller system is attached to an IBM DS5000,
IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system.
v You can use partitioning to allow IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000
Copy Services usage for other hosts.

The following information applies to the access LUN (also known as the Universal
Transport Mechanism (UTM) LUN):
v The access/UTM LUN is a special LUN that allows a IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000,
or IBM DS3000 system to be configured through software over the Fibre Channel
v The access/UTM LUN does not have to be in the partition that contains the
SAN Volume Controller ports because the access/UTM LUN is not required by
the SAN Volume Controller system. No errors are generated if the access/UTM
LUN is not in the partition.
v If the access/UTM LUN is included in the SAN Volume Controller partition, the
access/UTM LUN must not be configured as logical unit number 0. If the SAN
Volume Controller partition (the host group) has been created with multiple
hosts, the access LUN must be present in all hosts and must be the same logical
unit number.

The following information applies to the logical unit (LU):

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 233

v The SAN Volume Controller system attempts to follow the preferred ownership
that is specified by the storage system. You can specify which controller (A or B)
is used for I/O operations to an LU.
v If the SAN Volume Controller system can see the ports of the preferred
controller and error conditions do not exist, the SAN Volume Controller system
accesses the LU through one of the ports on the preferred controller.
v If error conditions exist, the SAN Volume Controller system ignores the
preferred ownership of the IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system.

Supported options for IBM System Storage DS5000. IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 series storage systems
provide functions that can be used with the SAN Volume Controller.

The storage manager for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000 and IBM
DS3000 systems has several options and actions that you can use.

Controller run diagnostics

Diagnostics are automatically recovered by the SAN Volume Controller system.

After the controller run diagnostics option is used, check your managed disks
(MDisks) to ensure that they have not been set to degraded mode.

Controller disable data transfer

The controller disable data transfer option is not supported when a SAN Volume
Controller is attached to IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000

Setting an array Offline

Do not set an array offline because you can lose access to the storage pool.

Array increase capacity

The array increase capacity option is supported, but the new capacity is not usable
until the MDisk is removed from the storage pool and re-added to the storage
pool. You might have to migrate data to increase the capacity.

Redistribute logical drives or change ownership of the preferred


You can redistribute logical drives or change ownership of the preferred path;
however, these options might not take effect until a discovery is started on the
SAN Volume Controller clustered system. You can use the detectmdisk
command-line interface (CLI) command to restart a system discovery process. The
discovery process rescans the Fibre Channel network to discover any new MDisks
that might have been added to the system and to rebalance MDisk access across
the available storage system ports.

234 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Controller reset

You must only use the controller reset option if you are directed to do so by IBM
Service and the alternate controller is functional and available to the SAN. The
SAN Volume Controller reset is automatically recovered by the SAN Volume
Controller system.

Check your MDisks to ensure that they have not been set to the degraded state
during the controller reset process. You can issue the includemdisk CLI command
to repair degraded MDisks.

Supported models of IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000 and IBM DS3000 systems
The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the IBM System Storage DS5000,
IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems. Some IBM System Storage DS4000 series
storage systems are equivalent to Sun StorageTek and StorageTek models; SAN
Volume Controller also supports some Sun StorageTek, StorageTek FlexLine and D
series models.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Note: Some older levels of IBM System Storage DS4000 microcode support a
maximum of 32 LUNs per host partition. Newer firmware versions allow 256 up to
2048 LUNs per host partition.

Supported firmware levels for IBM System Storage DS5000,

IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
You must ensure that the firmware level of the system can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

The website includes the maximum number of LUNs per partition that are
supported by the firmware level.

Concurrent maintenance on IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an IBM
System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 series storage system while
simultaneously performing maintenance operations on the system.

See your IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 series
documentation for information about concurrent maintenance.

Sharing an IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM

DS3000 systems between a host and SAN Volume Controller
You can share an IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system
between a host and a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 235

The IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 function known as
partitioning must be used to separate groups of logical units that are directly
attached to hosts or groups of hosts from the logical units that are accessed by the
SAN Volume Controller system.

Note: The SAN Volume Controller partition must either contain all the host ports
of the SAN Volume Controller system that are connected to the SAN or are zoned
to have access to the storage system ports. For example, configure so that each
SAN Volume Controller host bus adapter (HBA) port on SAN Volume Controller
will be able to see at least one port on storage system A and one port on storage
system B.

Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000,

and IBM DS3000 systems
The SAN Volume Controller can choose managed disks (MDisks) that are
presented by a IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system
as quorum disks.

Note: The FASsT series 200 does not support quorum disks.

Advanced functions for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
SAN Volume Controller cache-disabled volumes can be used as the source or target
for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 advanced copy
functions: for example, FlashCopy and Metro Mirror.

Data migration on partitioned IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
You can migrate data on partitioned IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
IBM DS3000 systems.

You can enable the SAN Volume Controller to be introduced to an existing SAN
environment, so that you have the option of using image mode LUNs to import
the existing data into the virtualization environment without requiring a backup
and restore cycle. Each partition can only access a unique set of HBA ports, as
defined by the worldwide port names (WWPNs). For a single host to access
multiple partitions, unique host fibre ports (WWPNs) must be assigned to each
partition. All LUNs within a partition are identified to the assigned host fibre ports
(no subpartition LUN mapping).

Host A is mapped to LUN 0, 1, 2 in Partition 0.

Host B is mapped to LUN 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Partition 1.
Host C is mapped to LUN 0, 1, 2 in Partition 2.

To allow Host A to access the LUNs in partition B, you must remove one of the
HBAs (for example, A1) from the access list for partition 0 and add it to partition
1. A1 cannot be on the access list for more than one partition.

To add a SAN Volume Controller into this configuration without backup and
restore cycles requires a set of unique SAN Volume Controller HBA port WWPNs
for each partition. This allows the IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or
IBM DS3000 system to make the LUNs known to the SAN Volume Controller,
which then configures these LUNs as image-mode LUNs and identifies them to the
required hosts. This violates a requirement that all SAN Volume Controller nodes

236 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

must be able to see all back-end storage. For example, to fix this problem for an
IBM DS4000 system, change the configuration to allow more than 32 LUNs in one
storage partition, so that you can move all the LUNs from all the other partitions
into one partition and map to the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Scenario: the SAN Volume Controller nodes cannot see all back-end

The IBM DS4000 series has eight partitions with 30 LUNs in each.

Perform the following steps to allow the SAN Volume Controller nodes to see all
back-end storage:
1. Change the mappings for the first four partitions on the IBM DS4000 system
such that each partition is mapped to one port on each node. This maintains
redundancy across the system.
2. Create a new partition on the system that is mapped to all four ports on all the
3. Gradually migrate the data into the managed disks (MDisks) in the target
partition. As storage is freed from the source partitions, it can be reused as new
storage in the target partition. As partitions are deleted, new partitions that
must be migrated can be mapped and migrated in the same way. The host side
data access and integrity is maintained throughout this process.

Logical unit creation and deletion on IBM System Storage

DS5000, IBM DS4000 and IBM DS3000 systems
You can create or delete logical units on IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000,
and IBM DS3000 storage systems.

Some IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 storage systems
are supported for use with a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

To create a logical disk, set the host type for SAN Volume Controller to IBM TS SAN

Configuration interface for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems include a
configuration application.

The access LUN, also known as the Universal Transport Mechanism (UTM) LUN,
is the configuration interface for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
IBM System Storage DS3000 systems.

The access LUN might not be in a partition that contains the SAN Volume
Controller ports because it is not required by the SAN Volume Controller clustered
system. The UTM LUN is a special LUN that allows IBM System Storage DS5000,
IBM DS4000, and IBM System Storage DS3000 systems to be configured through
suitable software over the Fibre Channel connection. Because the SAN Volume
Controller does not require the UTM LUN, it does not generate errors either way.
IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM System Storage DS3000
systems must not have the Access UTM LUN that is presented as LUN 0 (zero).

It is possible to use in-band (over Fibre Channel) and out-of-band (over Ethernet)
to allow the configuration software to communicate with more than one IBM
Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 237
System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM System Storage DS3000 system. If
you are using in-band configuration, the Access UTM LUN must be configured in
a partition that does not include any logical units that are accessed by the SAN
Volume Controller system.

Note: In-band is not supported for access to the LUN while in the SAN Volume
Controller partition.

Controller settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
Controller settings are the settings that apply across one IBM System Storage
DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 system.

You must configure the following settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM
DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems:
v Set the host type for SAN Volume Controller to IBM TS SAN VCE.
v Set the system so that both storage systems have the same worldwide node
name (WWNN). See the following website for the scripts that are available to
change the setup for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000
v Ensure that the AVT option is enabled. The host type selection should have
already enabled the AVT option. View the storage system profile data to confirm
that you have the AVT option enabled. This storage profile is presented as a text
view in a separate window. See the following website for the scripts that are
available to enable the AVT option:
v You must have the following options enabled on any logical units that are
mapped to IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems:
– read caching
– write caching
– write cache mirroring
v You must not have caching without batteries enabled.

Configuration settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
The system configuration interface provides configuration settings and options that
can be used with the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

These settings and options can have the following scope:

v System
v Logical unit (LU)
– The SAN Volume Controller system attempts to follow preferred ownership
that is specified by the system. You can specify which controller (A or B) is
used to perform I/O operations to a given LU. If the SAN Volume Controller
system can see the ports of the preferred controller and no error conditions
exist, the SAN Volume Controller system accesses that LU through one of the
ports on that controller. Under error conditions, the ownership is ignored.
– You must have the following options enabled on any LUs that are mapped to
the SAN Volume Controller system:
- read caching

238 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

- write caching
- write cache mirroring
– You must not have caching without batteries enabled.

Global settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or

IBM DS3000 systems
Global settings apply across IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM
DS3000 systems.

Table 52 lists the global settings that can be used with SAN Volume Controller
clustered systems.
Table 52. IBM System Storage DS5000, DS4000, and IBM DS3000 system global options
and settings
Option Setting
Start flushing 50%
Stop flushing 50%
Cache block size 4 Kb (for systems running 06.x or earlier)

8 Kb or 16 Kb (for systems running 07.x

or later)

Attention: See the IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 documentation for
details on how to modify the settings.

Use a host type for SAN Volume Controller of IBM TS SAN VCE to establish the
correct global settings for the SAN Volume Controller system.

Logical unit settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, and IBM DS3000 systems
Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently.

Use the following option settings for a LUN that will be attached to SAN Volume
Controller clustered system.
Table 53. Option settings for a LUN
Parameter Setting
Segment size 256 KB
Capacity reserved for future segment size Yes
Maximum future segment size 2,048 KB
Modification priority High
Read cache Enabled
Write cache Enabled
Write cache without batteries Disabled
Write cache with mirroring Enabled
Flush write cache after (in seconds) 10.00
Dynamic cache read prefetch Enabled

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 239

Table 53. Option settings for a LUN (continued)
Parameter Setting
Enable background media scan Enabled
Media scan with redundancy check Enabled
Pre-Read redundancy check Disabled

You must not have caching without batteries enabled.

Set the host type for SAN Volume Controller to IBM TS SAN VCE when you create a
new LU.

Miscellaneous settings for IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM

DS4000, or IBM DS3000 systems
The SAN Volume Controller clustered system supports all media scan settings that
are provided by the system. Set the background media scan to enabled and set the
frequency to 30 days. These settings are enabled at both the system level and the
individual logical drive level.

See the documentation that is provided with your system for information about
other settings.

Configuring IBM System Storage DS6000 systems

This section provides information about configuring the IBM System Storage
DS6000™ system for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring the IBM DS6000

The IBM DS6000 provides functions that are compatible with the SAN Volume

Before you begin

After you have defined at least one storage complex, storage unit, and I/O port,
you can define the SAN Volume Controller as a host and create host connections. If
you have not defined all of these required storage elements, use the IBM System
Storage DS6000 Storage Manager or the IBM DS6000 command-line interface (CLI)
to define these elements and return to this topic after they are configured.

This task assumes that you have already launched the IBM System Storage DS6000
Storage Manager.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure the IBM DS6000:

1. Click Real-time manager > Manage hardware > Host systems.
2. Select Create from the Select Action list. The Create Host System wizard is
3. Perform the following steps to select a host type:
a. Select IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC) from the Host Type list.

240 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

b. Enter a unique name of up to 16 characters for each port in the Nickname
field. The value that you enter in this field appears in other panels when
you select defined hosts. This is a required field.
c. Optionally, enter a detailed description of up to 256 characters in the
Description field.
d. Click Next. The Define host wizard panel is displayed.
4. Perform the following steps in the Define host panel:
a. Enter the number of ports that you are defining for the SAN Volume
Controller node in the Quantity field.

Note: You must add all of the SAN Volume Controller node ports.
b. Select FC Switch fabric (P-P) from the Attachment Port Type list.
c. Click Add.
d. Select Group ports to share a common set of volumes.
e. Click Next. The Define host WWPN panel is displayed.
5. Specify a WWPN for each SAN Volume Controller node port that you are
configuring. After you have defined all SAN Volume Controller node port
WWPNs, click Next.
6. Perform the following steps in the Specify storage units panel:
a. Select all the available storage units that use the ports that you defined in
step 5.
b. Click Add to move the selected storage units to the Selected storage units
c. Click Next. The Specify storage units parameters panel is displayed
7. Perform the following steps in the Specify storage units parameters panel:
a. Select a host attachment identifier from the table.
b. Click the following specific storage unit I/O ports in the This host
attachment can login to field. The available ports are displayed in the
Available storage unit I/O ports table.
c. Select each port in the Available storage unit I/O ports table.

Note: The Type for each port should be FcSf. If the listed type is not FcSf,
click Configure I/O Ports. The Configure I/O Ports panel is displayed.
Click the port that you want to configure and select Change to FcSf from
the Select Action list.
d. Click Apply assignment.
e. Click OK. The Verification panel is displayed.
8. Verify that the attributes and values that are displayed in the table are correct.
9. Click Finish if the values that are displayed in the table are correct. Otherwise,
click Back to return to the previous panels and change the values that are not

Supported firmware levels for the IBM DS6000

The IBM DS6000 must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN Volume

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 241

Supported models of the IBM DS6000 series
The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the IBM DS6000 series of

See the following website for the latest supported models:

User interfaces on the IBM DS6000

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interfaces that support the IBM DS6000.

Web server
You can manage, configure, and monitor the IBM DS6000 through the IBM System
Storage DS6000 Storage Manager.

You can also manage, configure, and monitor the IBM DS6000 through the IBM
System Storage DS command-line interface.

Concurrent maintenance on the IBM DS6000

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an IBM
DS6000 while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

All IBM DS6000 concurrent maintenance procedures are supported.

Target port groups on the IBM DS6000

The IBM DS6000 uses the SCSI Target Port Groups feature to indicate a preferred
path for each logical unit (LU).

Sharing an IBM System Storage DS6000 system between a

host and the SAN Volume Controller
You can share an IBM System Storage DS6000 system between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS6000 systems

The SAN Volume Controller can choose managed disks (MDisks) that are
presented by a IBM System Storage DS6000 system as quorum disks.

Configuring IBM System Storage DS8000 systems

This section provides information about configuring the IBM System Storage
DS8000 system for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring the IBM DS8000

The IBM DS8000 provides functions that are compatible with the SAN Volume

242 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Before you begin

After you have defined at least one storage complex, storage unit, and I/O port,
you can define the SAN Volume Controller as a host and create host connections. If
you have not defined all of these required storage elements, use the IBM System
Storage DS8000 Storage Manager or the IBM System Storage DS® command-line
interface to define these elements and return to this topic after they are configured.

This task assumes that you have already launched the IBM System Storage DS8000
Storage Manager.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure the IBM DS8000:

1. Click Real-time manager > Manage hardware > Host connections.
2. Select Create new host connection from the Task list. The Create Host System
wizard begins.
3. Perform the following steps on the Define Host Ports panel:
a. Enter a unique name of up to 12 characters for each port in the Host
Connection Nickname field. The value is used to automatically assign
nicknames for the host ports as they are added to the Host WWPN table.
This is a required field.
b. Select Fibre Channel Point-to-Point/Switched (FcSf) for the port type.
c. Select IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC) from the Host Type list.
d. In the Host WWPN field, enter the 16-digit worldwide port name (WWPN)
manually, or select the WWPN from the list. Click Add.
e. Click Next. The Map Host Ports to a Volume Group panel is displayed.
4. Perform the following steps in the Map Host Ports to a Volume Group panel:
a. You can choose to either map the ports to an existing volume group or
create a new one.
b. After completing that task, click Next. The Define I/O Ports panel is
5. Perform the following steps in the Define I/O Ports panel:
a. Select either Automatic (any valid I/O port) or Manual selection of I/O
ports to assign I/O ports.
b. Click Next. The Verification panel is displayed.
6. Verify that the attributes and values that are displayed in the table are correct.
7. Click Finish if the values that are displayed in the table are correct. Otherwise,
click Back to return to the previous panels and change the incorrect values.

Supported firmware levels for the IBM DS8000

The SAN Volume Controller supports the IBM DS8000 series.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 243

Supported models of the IBM DS8000
The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the IBM DS8000 series of

See the following website for the latest supported models:

User interfaces on the IBM DS8000

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interfaces that support the IBM DS8000.

Web server
You can manage, configure, and monitor the IBM DS8000 through the IBM System
Storage DS8000 Storage Manager.

You can also manage, configure, and monitor the IBM DS8000 through the IBM
System Storage DS command-line interface.

Concurrent maintenance for the IBM DS8000

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an IBM
DS8000 while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

All IBM DS8000 concurrent maintenance procedures are supported.

Sharing an IBM System Storage DS8000 system between a

host and the SAN Volume Controller
You can share an IBM System Storage DS8000 system between a host and a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

Quorum disks on IBM System Storage DS8000 systems

The SAN Volume Controller can choose managed disks (MDisks) that are
presented by a IBM System Storage DS8000 system as quorum disks.

Configuring HDS Lightning series systems

This section provides information about configuring the Hitachi Data Systems
(HDS) Lightning series system for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

The information in this section also applies to the supported models of the Sun
StorEdge series and the HP XP series.

Supported models of the HDS Lightning

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the HDS Lightning. Certain
models of the HDS Lightning are equivalent to Sun StorEdge and HP XP models;
therefore, the SAN Volume Controller also supports models of the Sun StorEdge
and the HP XP.

See the following website for the latest supported models:
244 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Supported firmware levels for HDS Lightning
The SAN Volume Controller supports the HDS Lightning.

See the following website for specific HDS Lightning firmware levels and the latest
supported hardware:

Note: Concurrent upgrade of the controller firmware is supported with the SAN
Volume Controller.

Concurrent maintenance on the HDS Lightning

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an HDS
Lightning while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Important: An HDS Field Engineer must perform all maintenance procedures.

User interface on HDS Lightning

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface application that supports the
HDS Lightning system.

Service Processor (SVP)

HDS Lightning has a laptop in the controller frame. The laptop runs the Service
Processor (SVP) as the primary configuration user interface. You can use SVP to
perform most configuration tasks and to monitor the controller.


The HiCommand is a graphical user interface that allows basic creation of storage
and system monitoring. The HiCommand communicates with HDS Lightning
through Ethernet.

Sharing the HDS Lightning 99xxV between a host and the SAN
Volume Controller
There are restrictions for sharing an HDS Lightning 99xxV between a host and a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Sharing ports

The HDS Lightning 99xxV can be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system under the following conditions:
v The same host cannot be connected to both a SAN Volume Controller system
and an HDS Lightning at the same time because the Hitachi HiCommand
Dynamic Link Manager (HDLM) and the subsystem device driver (SDD) cannot
v A controller port cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller
system. If a controller port is used by a SAN Volume Controller system, it must
not be present in a switch zone that allows a host to access the port.
v Logical units (LUs) cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 245

Supported Topologies

You can connect the SAN Volume Controller system to the HDS Lightning under
the following conditions:
v For SAN Volume Controller software version 4.2.1 and later, you can connect a
maximum of 16 HDS Lightning ports to the SAN Volume Controller system
without any special zoning requirements.
v For SAN Volume Controller software version 4.2.0, the following conditions
– Logical Unit Size Expansion (LUSE) and Virtual LVI/LUN operations cannot
be run on a disk that is managed by the SAN Volume Controller system.
LUNs that are created using LUSE and Virtual LVI/LUN can be mapped to
the system after they are created.
– Only disks with open emulation can be mapped to the SAN Volume
Controller system.
– IBM S/390® disks cannot be used with the SAN Volume Controller system.
– Only Fibre Channel connections can connect the SAN Volume Controller
system to the HDS Lightning.

Switch zone limitations for HDS Lightning

There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the HDS
Lightning systems.

Switch zoning

The HDS Lightning systems present themselves to a SAN Volume Controller

clustered system as separate storage systems for each port zoned to the SAN
Volume Controller. For example, if one of these storage systems has four ports
zoned to the SAN Volume Controller, each port appears as a separate storage
system rather than one storage system with four WWPNs. In addition, a given
logical unit (LU) must be mapped to the SAN Volume Controller through all
storage system ports that are zoned to the SAN Volume Controller using the same
logical unit number (LUN).

Quorum disks on HDS Lightning 99xxV

HDS Lightning 99xxV is not an approved host for quorum disks. Therefore,
configurations with only HDS Lightning are not possible.

Advanced functions for HDS Lightning

Some advanced functions of the HDS Lightning are not supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

Advanced copy functions

Advanced copy functions for HDS Lightning (for example, ShadowImage, Remote
Copy, and Data Migration) are not supported for disks that are managed by the
SAN Volume Controller, because the copy function does not extend to the SAN
Volume Controller cache.

Logical Unit Size Expansion

The HDS Lightning 99xxV supports Logical Unit Expansion (LUSE). LUSE is not a
concurrent operation. LUSE is accomplished by concatenating between 2 and 26

246 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

existing logical units (LUs) together. Before LUSE can be performed on an LU, the
LU must be removed from the managed disk (MDisk) group and unmapped from
the SAN Volume Controller.

Attention: LUSE destroys all data that exists on the LU, except on a Windows


TrueCopy operations are functionally similar to Metro Mirror. TrueCopy processing

is not supported when the disk controller system is used with the SAN Volume
Controller. Even when an HDS Lightning 99xxV is shared between a host and a
SAN Volume Controller, TrueCopy processing is not supported on the ports that
are zoned directly with the host.

Virtual LVI/LUNs

The HDS Lightning 99xxV supports Virtual LVI/LUNs. Virtual LVI/LUNs is not a
concurrent operation. Virtual LVI/LUNs allows you to divide LUNs into several
smaller virtual LUNs for use by the HDS Lightning. You must first create existing
LUNs into free space and then define their own LUNs using that free space.
Virtual LVI/LUNs must not be managed or mapped to a SAN Volume Controller.

LUNs that are set up using either LUSE or Virtual LVI/LUNs appear as normal
LUNs after they are created. Therefore, LUNs that are set up using LUSE or Virtual
LVI/LUNs can be used by the SAN Volume Controller after they are created.

Write protect

LUs cannot be explicitly set to write-protected. However, some of the advanced

features, such as Metro Mirror, can be used to write-protect an LU as part of the
function. Metro Mirror must not be used for LUs that are in use by a SAN Volume

Logical unit configuration for HDS Lightning

Logical unit (LU) configuration for HDS Lightning supports both RAID 1 and
RAID 5 arrays.

The HDS Lightning system can have up to 8192 LUs defined; however, only 256
LUs can be mapped to a single port. Report LUNs is supported by LUN 0, so the
SAN Volume Controller can detect all LUNs.

In the event that a LUN 0 is not configured, the HDS Lightning system presents a
pseudo-LUN at LUN 0. The inquiry data for this pseudo-LUN slightly differs from
the inquiry data of normal LUNs. The difference allows the SAN Volume
Controller to recognize the pseudo-LUN and exclude it from I/O. The pseudo
LUN can accept the report LUNs command.

The HDS Lightning system supports both open-mode attachment and S/390
attachment. The emulation mode is set when the LU is defined. All LUNs that are
presented to a SAN Volume Controller must use open emulation. All LUNs with
open emulation use a standard 512 byte block size.

The HDS Lightning system can only have certain sized LUs that are defined. These
LUs can be expanded by merging 2 - 36 of these LUs using the Logical Unit Size

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 247

Expansion (LUSE) feature. They can also be made into several, smaller virtual
LUNs by using the Virtual LVI/LUN feature.

Special LUs

When an LU is mapped to a host, you have the option to make it a command LUN.
Command LUNs support in-band configuration commands, but not I/O.
Therefore, you cannot map command LUNs to the SAN Volume Controller.

Logical unit creation and deletion on HDS Lightning

The SAN Volume Controller supports Logical Unit Size Expansion (LUSE) with
certain restrictions.

The following restrictions apply:

v Before LUSE can be performed on an LU, the LU must be unmounted from a
host and have no available paths. The LUSE function destroys all data that exists
on the LU, except for LUs on a Windows operating system.
v LUSE must not be performed on any disk that is managed by the SAN Volume
v If data exists on a disk and you want to use image mode to import the data, do
not use LUSE on the disk before you import the data.

Configuring settings for HDS Lightning

The Lightning configuration interface provides functions for configuration.

These options and settings can have the following scope:

v Subsystem
v Port
v Logical unit (LU)

Global settings for HDS Lightning

Global settings apply across an HDS Lightning disk controller system.

Table 54 lists the global settings for HDS Lightning.

Table 54. HDS Lightning global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option Lightning default setting required setting
Spare disk recover Interleave Interleave
Disk copy place Medium Medium
Copy operation Correction copy and Correction copy and
dynamic sparing dynamic sparing
Read configuration data Selected Selected
PS off timer Not selected Not selected

Controller settings for HDS Lightning

Controller settings are settings that apply across the entire HDS Lightning

Table 55 on page 249 lists the HDS Lightning controller settings that are supported
by the SAN Volume Controller.

248 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 55. HDS Lightning controller settings that are supported by the SAN Volume
HDS Lightning default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
PCB mode Standard Standard

Port settings for HDS Lightning

Port settings are configurable at the port level.

There are no available options with the scope of a single controller.

v The ports are included in switch zones.
v The switch zones only present the ports directly to the hosts and not to a SAN
Volume Controller.

Table 56 lists the HDS Lightning port settings that are supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.
Table 56. HDS Lightning port settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
HDS Lightning default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Address AL/PA AL/PA
Fabric On On
Connection Point-to-Point Point-to-Point
Security switch On On or off
Host type Default Windows

Logical unit settings for HDS Lightning

Logical unit (LU) settings apply to individual LUs that are configured in the HDS
Lightning controller.

HDS Lightning LUs must be configured as described in Table 57 if the LUN is

associated with ports in a switch zone that is accessible to the SAN Volume
Table 57. HDS Lightning LU settings for the SAN Volume Controller
HDS Lightning default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Command device Off Off
Command security Off Off

Note: These settings only apply to LUs that are accessible by the SAN Volume

Configuring HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000,
and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
You can attach Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS) systems
to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 249

Note: In Japan, the HDS Thunder 9200 is referred to as the HDS SANrise 1200.
Therefore, the information in this section that refers to the HDS Thunder 9200 also
applies to the HDS SANrise 1200.

Supported HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS
1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS models
You can attach certain HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000,
and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS) models to SAN Volume
Controller clustered systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,

AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
The SAN Volume Controller supports certain HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,
AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage
(WMS) models.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Concurrent maintenance on HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,

AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a system
while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Important: An HDS Field Engineer must perform all maintenance operations.

The SAN Volume Controller supports concurrent hardware maintenance and

firmware upgrade operations on these systems.

User interface on HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,

and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that support the
Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000,
and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS) systems.

In-band configuration

Disable the system command LUN when you use the user interface applications.

Storage Navigator Modular GUI

The Storage Navigator Modular (SNM) is the primary user interface application for
configuring HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore WMS systems. Use SNM to upgrade firmware, change settings, and to
create and monitor storage.

250 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

SNM supports an Ethernet connection to the system. An out-of-band
command-line interface is available with SNM that supports the majority of the
functions that are provided in SNM.


HiCommand is another configuration user interface that is available for the HDS
Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
systems. You must have access to SNM to use HiCommand to configure settings.
HiCommand only allows basic creation of storage and provides some monitoring

HiCommand uses Ethernet to connect to the system.

Web server

A web server runs on each of the controllers on the system. During normal
operation, the user interface only provides basic monitoring of the system and
displays an event log. If you put a controller into diagnostic mode by pressing the
reset button on the controller, the user interface provides firmware upgrades and
system configuration resets.

Sharing the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and
AMS 1000, or HDS TagmaStore WMS between a host and the
SAN Volume Controller
You can share the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and
HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS) systems between a host and
a SAN Volume Controller clustered system, with certain restrictions.

The following restrictions apply:

v The same host cannot be connected to both a SAN Volume Controller system
and an HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or HDS
TagmaStore WMS at the same time because Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager
(HDLM) and the subsystem device driver (SDD) cannot coexist.
v For the HDS Thunder 9200, a target port cannot be shared between a host and a
SAN Volume Controller system. If a target port is used by a SAN Volume
Controller system, it cannot be present in a switch zone that allows a host to
access the port.
v Logical units (LUs) cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system. The Thunder 9200 must be set into M-TID M-LUN mode and
Mapping Mode must be enabled on Thunder 95xx. No LU can have a LUN
number that is associated with a port that is zoned for host use while also
having a LUN number that is associated with a port that is zoned for a SAN
Volume Controller system.

Switch zoning limitations for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,

AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or HDS TagmaStore WMS
There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the HDS
Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or HDS TagmaStore WMS

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 251

Switch zoning

The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, or HDS TagmaStore
WMS systems present themselves to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system as
separate storage systems for each port zoned to the SAN Volume Controller. For
example, if one of these storage systems has four ports zoned to the SAN Volume
Controller, each port appears as a separate storage system rather than one storage
system with four WWPNs. In addition, a given logical unit (LU) must be mapped
to the SAN Volume Controller through all storage system ports that are zoned to
the SAN Volume Controller using the same logical unit number (LUN).

Supported topologies
You can connect a maximum of 16 HDS Thunder ports to the SAN Volume
Controller system without any special zoning requirements.

Quorum disks on HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,

and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
When a SAN Volume Controller clustered system initializes, the system can choose
managed disks (MDisks) that are presented by HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,
AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage
(WMS) systems as quorum disks.

You can use the set quorum disk CLI command or the management GUI to select
quorum disks.

Host type for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and
AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
When the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS) systems are attached to a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system, set the host mode attribute to the Microsoft
Windows application that is available on each storage system.

For example, when using HDS TagmaStore WMS, select Windows, or when using
the Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, select Windows 2003.

Advanced functions for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS

500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
Some advanced functions of the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and
AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore Workgroup Modular Storage (WMS), systems are
not supported by the SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

Advanced copy functions

Advanced copy functions for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS
1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems are not supported for disks that are
managed by the SAN Volume Controller systems because the copy function does
not extend to the SAN Volume Controller cache. For example, ShadowImage,
TrueCopy, and HiCopy are not supported.

252 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

LUN Security

LUN Security enables LUN masking by the worldwide node name (WWNN) of the
initiator port. This function is not supported for logical units (LUs) that are used
by SAN Volume Controller systems.


Partitioning splits a RAID into up to 128 smaller LUs, each of which serves as an
independent disk-like entity. The SAN Volume Controller system and HDS
Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
systems support the partitioning function.

Dynamic array expansion

The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore WMS systems allow the last LU that is defined in a RAID group to be
expanded. This function is not supported when these storage systems are attached
to a SAN Volume Controller system. Do not perform dynamic array expansion on
LUs that are in use by a SAN Volume Controller system.

Note: Use in this context means that the LU has a LUN number that is associated
with a Fibre Channel port, and this Fibre Channel port is contained in a switch
zone that also contains SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel ports.

Host storage domains and virtual Fibre Channel ports

The HDS Thunder 95xxV, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore WMS systems support host storage domains (HSD) and virtual Fibre
Channel ports. Each Fibre Channel port can support multiple HSDs. Each host in a
given HSD is presented with a virtual target port and a unique set of LUNs.

The Thunder 9200 does not support HSD and virtual Fibre Channel the ports.

Logical unit creation and deletion on HDS Thunder, Hitachi

AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore WMS systems Storage Navigator Modular Graphical User Interface
(GUI) enables you to create and delete LUNs. You must avoid certain creation and
deletion scenarios to prevent data corruption.

Creation and deletion scenarios

For example, the Storage Navigator Modular GUI enables you to create LUN A,
delete LUN A, and then create LUN B with the same unique ID as LUN A. If a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system is attached, data corruption can occur
because the system might not realize that LUN B is different than LUN A.

Attention: Before you use the Storage Navigator Modular GUI to delete a LUN,
remove the LUN from the storage pool that contains it.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 253

Adding LUNs dynamically

To prevent the existing LUNs from rejecting I/O operations during the dynamic
addition of LUNs, perform the following procedure to add LUNs:
1. Create the new LUNs using the Storage Navigator Modular GUI.
2. Quiesce all I/O operations.
3. Perform either an offline format or an online format of all new LUNs on the
controller using the Storage Navigator Modular GUI. Wait for the format to
4. Go into the LUN mapping function of the Storage Navigator Modular GUI.
Add mapping for the new LUN to all of the controller ports that are available
to the SAN Volume Controller system on the fabric.
5. Restart the controller. (Model 9200 only)
6. After the controller has restarted, restart I/O operations.

LUN mapping considerations

If LUN mapping is used as described in the LUN mapping topic, you must restart
the controller to pick up the new LUN mapping configuration. For each storage
pool that contains an MDisk that is supported by an LU on the system, all
volumes in those storage pools go offline.

Configuring settings for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS

500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
The Storage Navigator Modular GUI configuration interface provides functions for

These options and settings can have the following scope:

v System
v Port
v Logical unit

Global settings for the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Global settings apply across HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS
1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems.

Table 58 lists the global settings for these disk systems.

Table 58. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS systems global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Start attribute Dual active mode Dual active mode
SCSI ID/Port takeover mode Not applicable Not applicable
Default controller Not applicable Not applicable
Data-share mode Used Used
Serial number Same as the system default
Delay planned shutdown 0 0

254 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 58. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS systems global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller (continued)
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Drive detach mode False False
Multipath controller False False
(Thunder 9200 only)
PROCOM mode False False
Report status False False
Multipath (Array unit) False False
Turbu LU warning False False
NX mode False False
Auto reconstruction mode False False
Forced write-through mode False False
Changing logical unit mode False False
Multiple stream mode False False
(Thunder 9200 only)
Multiple stream mode (write) False False
(Thunder 95xxV only)
Multiple stream mode (read) False False
(Thunder 95xxV only)
RAID 3 mode (Thunder 9200 False False
Target ID (9200 only) S-TID, M-LUN M-TID, M-LUN (if sharing
Mapping mode on 95xx controller, otherwise S-TID,
Data striping size 16K; 32K; 64K
Any (Thunder 9200)
64K (Thunder 95xxV)
Operation if processor failure Reset the fault Reset the fault
Command queuing True True
ANSI Version Not applicable Not applicable
Product ID (Thunder 9200) DF500F DF500F
Product ID (Thunder 95xxV) DF500F DF600F
ROM microprogram version <Empty> <Empty>
RAM microprogram version <Empty> <Empty>
Web title <Empty> Any setting supported
Cache mode (Thunder 9200 All off All off
Link separation (Thunder False False
9200 only)
ROM Pseudo-response Not applicable Not applicable
command processing
(Thunder 9200 only)

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 255

Table 58. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS systems global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller (continued)
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Save data pointer response Not applicable Not applicable
(Thunder 9200 only)
Controller identifier False False
RS232C error information Off Any
outflow mode
Execute write and verify True True

Controller settings for HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Controller settings apply across the entire HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS
500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems. Options are not available
within the scope of a single controller.

Port settings for the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500,
and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Port settings are configurable at the port level.

The settings listed in Table 59 apply to disk controllers that are in a switch zone
that contains SAN Volume Controller nodes. If the system is shared between a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system and another host, you can configure with
different settings than shown if both of the following conditions are true:
v The ports are included in switch zones.
v The switch zones only present the ports directly to the hosts and not to a SAN
Volume Controller system.

There are no available options with the scope of a single controller.

Table 59. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS system port settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Host connection mode 1 Standard Standard
VxVM DMP mode (HDS False False
Thunder 9200 only)
HP connection mode False False
Report inquiry page 83H False True
(HDS Thunder 9200 only)
UA (06/2A00) suppress False True
HISUP mode False False
CCHS mode False False
Standard inquiry data False False
expand (HDS Thunder 9200
Host connection mode 2 False False

256 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 59. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS system port settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller (continued)
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Product ID DF400 mode False False
HBA WWN report mode False False
(HDS Thunder 9200 only)
NACA mode False False
SUN cluster connection False False
Persistent RSV cluster mode False False
ftServer connection mode 1 False False
(HDS Thunder 9200 only)
ftServer connection mode 2 False False
SRC Read Command reject False False
Reset/LIP mode (signal) False False
Reset/LIP mode (progress) False False
Reset ALL LIP port mode False False
Reset target (reset bus device False True
Reserve mode False True
Reset logical unit mode False True
Reset logout of third party False False
process mode
Read Frame minimum 128 False False
byte mode (HDS Thunder
950xxV only)
Topology Point-to-point Point-to-point

Logical unit settings for the HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS
500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems
Logical unit (LU) settings apply to individual LUs that are configured in the HDS
Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS

You must configure the systems LUs as described in Table 60 if the logical unit
number (LUN) is associated with ports in a switch zone that is accessible to the
SAN Volume Controller clustered system.
Table 60. HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore
WMS systems LU settings for the SAN Volume Controller
Option Required values Default setting
LUN default controller Controller 0 or Controller 1 Any

Note: These settings only apply to LUs that are accessible by the SAN Volume
Controller system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 257

Data corruption scenarios to avoid

Scenario 1: The configuration application enables you to change the serial number
for an LU. Changing the serial number also changes the unique user identifier
(UID) for the LU. Because the serial number is also used to determine the WWPN
of the controller ports, two LUNs cannot have the same unique ID on the same
SAN because two controllers cannot have the same WWPN on the same SAN.

Scenario 2: The serial number is also used to determine the WWPN of the
controller ports. Therefore, two LUNs must not have the same ID on the same
SAN because this results in two controllers having the same WWPN on the same
SAN. This is not a valid configuration.

Attention: Do not change the serial number for an LU that is managed by a SAN
Volume Controller system because this can result in data loss or undetected data

Scenario 3: The configuration application enables you to create LUN A, delete

LUN A, and create LUN B with the same unique ID as LUN A. If the LUN is
managed by a SAN Volume Controller system, this scenario can cause data
corruption because the system might not recognize that LUN B is different than

Mapping and virtualization settings for HDS Thunder, Hitachi

AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS
The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and HDS
TagmaStore WMS systems support different modes of operation. These modes
affect LUN mapping or masking and virtualization.

The SAN Volume Controller supports the S-TID M-LUN and M-TID M-LUN
modes on Thunder 9200, and Mapping Mode enabled or disabled on Thunder
95xx. You must restart the controllers for changes to LUN mapping to take effect.

Attention: The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and
HDS TagmaStore WMS systems do not provide an interface that enables a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system to detect and ensure that the mapping or
masking and virtualization options are set properly. Therefore, you must ensure
that these options are set as described in this topic.

S-TID M-LUN modes

In S-TID M-LUN mode all LUs are accessible through all ports on the system with
the same LUN number on each port. You can use this mode in environments
where the system is not being shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system.

M-TID M-LUN modes

If a system is shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller system, you
must use M-TID M-LUN mode. Configure the system so that each LU that is
exported to the SAN Volume Controller system can be identified by a unique LUN.
The LUN must be the same on all ports through which the LU can be accessed.

258 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide


A SAN Volume Controller system can access controller ports x and y. The system
also sees an LU on port x that has LUN number p. In this situation the following
conditions must be met:
v The system must see either the same LU on port y with LUN number p or it
must not see the LU at all on port y.
v The LU cannot appear as any other LUN number on port y.
v The LU must not be mapped to any system port that is zoned for use directly by
a host in a configuration where the system is shared between a host and a
clustered system.

M-TID M-LUN mode enables LU virtualization by target port. In this mode, a

single LU can be seen as different LUN numbers across all of the controller ports.
For example, LU A can be LUN 0 on port 1, LUN 3 on port 2, and not visible at all
on ports 3 and 4.

Important: The SAN Volume Controller does not support this.

In addition, M-TID M-LUN mode enables a single LU to be seen as multiple LUN

numbers on the same controller port. For example, LU B can be LUN 1 and LUN 2
on controller port 1.

Important: The SAN Volume Controller does not support this.

Configuring HDS TagmaStore USP and NSC systems

This section provides information about configuring the Hitachi Data Systems
(HDS) TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform (USP) and Network Storage
Controller (NSC) systems for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller. Models of
the HDS USP and NSC are equivalent to HP and Sun models; therefore, the SAN
Volume Controller also supports models of the HP StorageWorks XP series and the
Sun StorEdge series.

The information in this section also applies to the supported models of the HP XP
and the Sun StorEdge series.

Supported models of the HDS USP and NSC

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the Hitachi Data Systems (HDS)
Universal Storage Platform (USP) and Network Storage Controller (NSC) series.
Models of the HDS USP and NSC are equivalent to HP and Sun models; therefore,
the SAN Volume Controller also supports models of the Sun StorEdge and the HP
XP series.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for HDS USP and NSC

The SAN Volume Controller supports the HDS USP and NSC series of controllers.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 259

User interface on the HDS USP and NSC

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface application that supports the
HDS USP and NSC. The HDS USP and NSC is configured, managed, and
monitored by a Service Processor (SVP). The SVP is a server that is connected to
the HDS USP or NSC through a private local area network (LAN).

Web server

The HDS USP and NSC use the Storage Navigator as the main configuration GUI.
The Storage Navigator GUI runs on the SVP and is accessed through a web

Logical units and target ports on the HDS USP and NSC
Logical units (LUs) that are exported by the HDS USP and NSC report
identification descriptors in the vital product data (VPD). The SAN Volume
Controller uses the LUN associated binary type-3 IEEE Registered Extended
descriptor to identify the LU.

An LU path must be defined before an LU can be accessed by a host. The LU path

relates a host group to a target port and to a set of LUs. Host initiator ports are
added to the host group by worldwide port name (WWPN).

The HDS USP and NSC do not use LU groups so all LUs are independent. The LU
access model is active-active and does not use preferred access ports. Each LU can
be accessed from any target port that is mapped to the LU. Each target port has a
unique WWPN and worldwide node name (WWNN). The WWPN matches the
WWNN on each port.

Note: You must wait until the LU is formatted before presenting it to the SAN
Volume Controller.

Special LUs

The HDS USP and NSC can use any logical device (LDEV) as a Command Device.
Command Devices are the target for HDS USP or NSC copy service functions.
Therefore, do not export Command Devices to a SAN Volume Controller.

Switch zoning limitations for the HDS USP and NSC

There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the HDS

The SAN Volume Controller can be connected to the HDS USP or NSC with the
following restrictions:
v If an LU is mapped to a SAN Volume Controller port as LUN x, the LU must
appear as LUN x for all mappings to target ports.
v Only Fibre Channel connections can be used to connect a SAN Volume
Controller to the HDS USP or NSC system.
v Because the SAN Volume Controller limits the number of worldwide node
names (WWNNs) for each storage system and the HDS USP and NSC present a
separate WWNN for each port, the number of target ports that the SAN Volume
Controller can resolve as one storage system is limited. Perform the following
steps to provide connections to more target ports:

260 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Divide the set of target ports into groups of 2 to 16.
2. Assign a discrete set of LUs to each group.
The SAN Volume Controller can then view each group of target ports and the
associated LUs as separate HDS USP or NSC systems. You can repeat this
process to use all target ports.

Note: The HDS USP and NSC systems present themselves to a SAN Volume
Controller clustered system as separate controllers for each port zoned to the SAN
Volume Controller. For example, if one of these storage systems has 4 ports zoned
to the SAN Volume Controller, each port appears as a separate controller rather
than one controller with 4 WWPNs. In addition, a given logical unit (LU) must be
mapped to the SAN Volume Controller through all controller ports zoned to the
SAN Volume Controller using the same logical unit number (LUN).

Controller splitting

You can split the HDS USP or NSC between other hosts and the SAN Volume
Controller under the following conditions:
v A host cannot be simultaneously connected to both an HDS USP or NSC and a
SAN Volume Controller.
v Port security must be enabled for target ports that are shared.
v An LU that is mapped to a SAN Volume Controller cannot be simultaneously
mapped to another host.

Concurrent maintenance on the HDS USP and NSC

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an HDS
USP or NSC while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.
Concurrent firmware upgrades are supported with the SAN Volume Controller.

Important: An HDS Field Engineer must perform all maintenance procedures.

Quorum disks on HDS USP and NSC

To host quorum disks on HDS USP and NSC storage systems, you must be aware
of the system requirements for establishing quorum disk for these storage systems.

Note: Sun StorEdge systems are not supported to host SAN Volume Controller
quorum disks.

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system uses a quorum disk to store
important system configuration data and to break a tie in the event of a SAN
failure. The system automatically chooses three managed disks (MDisks) as
quorum disk candidates. Each disk is assigned an index number: either 0, 1, or 2.
Although a system can be configured to use up to three quorum disks, only one
quorum disk is elected to resolve a tie-break situation. The purpose of the other
quorum disks is to provide redundancy if a quorum disk fails before the system is

Requirements for HDS TagmaStore USP, HP XP10000/12000, and NSC55:

To host any of the three quorum disks on these HDS TagmaStore USP, HP
XP10000/12000, or NSC55 storage systems, ensure that each of the following
conditions have been met:

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 261

v Firmware version Main 50-09-72 00/00 or later is running. Contact HDS or HP
support for details on installing and configuring the correct firmware version.
v System Option 562 is enabled. Contact HDS or HP support for details on
System Option 562.
v All SAN Volume Controller ports are configured in a single HDS or HP host

Requirements for HDS TagmaStore USPv, USP-VM, and HP XP20000/24000:

To host any of the three quorum disks on these HDS TagmaStore USPv, USP-VM,
or HP XP20000/24000 systems, ensure that each of the following requirements
have been met:
v Firmware version Main 60-04-01-00/02 or later is running. Contact HDS or HP
support for details on installing and configuring the correct firmware version.
v Host Option 39 is enabled. Contact HDS or HP support for details on Host
Option 39.

Note: This must be applied to the HDS or HP host group that is used for SAN
Volume Controller.
v All SAN Volume Controller ports are configured in a single HDS or HP host

After you have verified these requirements for the appropriate storage system,
complete the following steps on the SAN Volume Controller command-line
interface to set the quorum disks:
1. Issue the chcontroller command:
chcontroller -allowquorum yes controller_id or controller_name

where controller_id or controller_name is the controller that corresponds to the

relevant HDS or HP storage system.
2. Repeat step 1 for each controller that is part of the relevant HDS or HP storage
3. Issue the setquroum command:
setquroum -quorum [0|1|2] mdisk_id or mdisk_name

where mdisk_id or mdisk_name is the relevant MDisk on the HDS or HP system.

Attention: Failure to meet these conditions or to follow these steps can result in
data corruption.

The Support for SAN Volume Controller (2145) website provides current
information about quorum support:

Host type for HDS USP and NSC systems

When the HDS USP and NSC systems are attached to a SAN Volume Controller
clustered system, set the host mode attribute to Windows for each host group.

Advanced functions for HDS USP and NSC

Some advanced functions of the HDS USP and NSC are not supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

262 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Advanced system functions

The following advanced system functions for HDS USP and NSC are not
supported for disks that are managed by the SAN Volume Controller:
v TrueCopy
v ShadowImage
v Extended Copy Manager
v Extended Remote Copy
v NanoCopy
v Data migration
v RapidXchange
v Multiplatform Backup Restore
v Priority Access
v HARBOR File-Level Backup/Restore
v HARBOR File Transfer
v FlashAccess

Advanced SAN Volume Controller functions

All advanced SAN Volume Controller functions are supported on logical unit (LU)
that are exported by the HDS USP or NSC system.

LU Expansion

The HDS USP and NSC support Logical Unit Expansion (LUSE). LUSE is not a
concurrent operation. LUSE allows you to create a single LU by concatenating
logical devices (LDEVs). Before LUSE can be performed, the LDEVs must be
unmounted from hosts and paths must be removed.

1. LUSE destroys all data that exists on the LDEV.
2. Do not perform LUSE on any LDEV that is used to export an LU to a SAN
Volume Controller.

If data exists on an LDEV and you want to use image mode migration to import
the data to a SAN Volume Controller, do not perform LUSE on the disk before you
import the data.

LUs that are created using LUSE can be exported to a SAN Volume Controller.

Virtual LVI/LUNs

The HDS USP and NSC support Virtual LVI/LUNs (VLL). VLL is not a concurrent
operation. VLL allows you to create several LUs from a single LDEV. You can only
create new LUs from free space on the LDEV.

Attention: Do not perform VLL on disks that are managed by the SAN Volume

LUs that are created using VLL can be exported to a SAN Volume Controller.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 263

Configuring Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems
You can attach Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems to a SAN Volume
Controller clustered system.

Supported Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems

You can attach certain Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems models to
SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000

family of systems
The SAN Volume Controller supports certain Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family
of systems models.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Concurrent maintenance on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000

family of systems
Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a system
while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Important: A Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) Field Engineer must perform all
maintenance operations.

The SAN Volume Controller supports concurrent hardware maintenance and

firmware upgrade operations on these systems.

User interface on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that support the
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems.

In-band configuration

Disable the system command LUN when you use the user interface applications.

Storage Navigator Modular GUI

The Storage Navigator Modular (SNM) is the primary user interface application for
configuring Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems. Use SNM to upgrade
firmware, change settings, and to create and monitor storage.

SNM supports an Ethernet connection to the system. An out-of-band

command-line interface is available with SNM that supports the majority of the
functions that are provided in SNM.
264 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

HiCommand is another configuration user interface that is available for the Hitachi
TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems. You must have access to SNM to use
HiCommand to configure settings. HiCommand only allows basic creation of
storage and provides some monitoring features.

HiCommand uses Ethernet to connect to the system.

Web server

A web server runs on each of the controllers on the system. During normal
operation, the user interface only provides basic monitoring of the system and
displays an event log. If you put a controller into diagnostic mode by pressing the
reset button on the controller, the user interface provides firmware upgrades and
system configuration resets.

Sharing the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems

between a host and the SAN Volume Controller
You can share the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems between a host
and a SAN Volume Controller clustered system, with certain restrictions.

The following restrictions apply:

v The same host cannot be connected to both a SAN Volume Controller system
and a Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems at the same time because
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (HDLM) and the subsystem device driver (SDD)
cannot coexist.
v Logical units (LUs) cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system. No LU can have a LUN number that is associated with a port
that is zoned for host use while also having a LUN number that is associated
with a port that is zoned for a SAN Volume Controller system.

Switch zoning limitations for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000

family of systems
There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems.

Switch zoning

The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems present themselves to a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system as separate storage systems for each port
zoned to the SAN Volume Controller. For example, if one of these storage systems
has four ports zoned to the SAN Volume Controller, each port appears as a
separate storage system rather than one storage system with four WWPNs. In
addition, a given logical unit (LU) must be mapped to the SAN Volume Controller
through all storage system ports that are zoned to the SAN Volume Controller
using the same logical unit number (LUN).

Supported topologies
You can connect a maximum of 16 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
systems ports to the SAN Volume Controller system without any special zoning

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 265

Quorum disks on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
When a SAN Volume Controller clustered system initializes, the system can choose
managed disks (MDisks) that are presented by Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
family of systems as quorum disks.

You can use the chquorum CLI command or the management GUI to select quorum

Host type for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems

When the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems are attached to a SAN
Volume Controller clustered system, set the host mode attribute to the Microsoft
Windows application that is available on each storage system.

For example, when using Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems, select
Windows 2003.

Advanced functions for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family

of systems
Some advanced functions of the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems
are not supported by the SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

Advanced copy functions

Advanced copy functions for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems are
not supported for disks that are managed by the SAN Volume Controller systems
because the copy function does not extend to the SAN Volume Controller cache.
For example, ShadowImage, TrueCopy, and HiCopy are not supported.

LUN Security

LUN Security enables LUN masking by the worldwide node name (WWNN) of the
initiator port. This function is not supported for logical units (LUs) that are used
by SAN Volume Controller systems.


Partitioning splits a RAID into up to 128 smaller LUs, each of which serves as an
independent disk-like entity. The SAN Volume Controller system and Hitachi
TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems support the partitioning function.

Dynamic array expansion

The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems allow the last LU that is
defined in a RAID group to be expanded. This function is not supported when
these storage systems are attached to a SAN Volume Controller system. Do not
perform dynamic array expansion on LUs that are in use by a SAN Volume
Controller system.

Note: Use in this context means that the LU has a LUN number that is associated
with a Fibre Channel port, and this Fibre Channel port is contained in a switch
zone that also contains SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel ports.

266 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Host storage domains and virtual Fibre Channel ports

The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems support host storage domains
(HSD) and virtual Fibre Channel ports. Each Fibre Channel port can support
multiple HSDs. Each host in a given HSD is presented with a virtual target port
and a unique set of LUNs.

Logical unit creation and deletion on Hitachi TagmaStore AMS

2000 family of systems
The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems Storage Navigator Modular
Graphical User Interface (GUI) enables you to create and delete LUNs. You must
avoid certain creation and deletion scenarios to prevent data corruption.

Creation and deletion scenarios

For example, the Storage Navigator Modular GUI enables you to create LUN A,
delete LUN A, and then create LUN B with the same unique ID as LUN A. If a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system is attached, data corruption can occur
because the system might not realize that LUN B is different than LUN A.

Attention: Before you use the Storage Navigator Modular GUI to delete a LUN,
remove the LUN from the storage pool that contains it.

Adding LUNs dynamically

To prevent the existing LUNs from rejecting I/O operations during the dynamic
addition of LUNs, perform the following procedure to add LUNs:
1. Create the new LUNs using the Storage Navigator Modular GUI.
2. Quiesce all I/O operations.
3. Perform either an offline format or an online format of all new LUNs on the
controller using the Storage Navigator Modular GUI. Wait for the format to
4. Go into the LUN mapping function of the Storage Navigator Modular GUI.
Add mapping for the new LUN to all of the storage system ports that are
available to the SAN Volume Controller system on the fabric.
5. Restart the storage system (Model 9200 only).
6. After the storage system has restarted, restart I/O operations.

LUN mapping considerations

If LUN mapping is used as described in the LUN mapping topic, you must restart
the controller to pick up the new LUN mapping configuration. For each storage
pool that contains an MDisk that is supported by an LU on the system, all
volumes in those storage pools go offline.

Configuring settings for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family

of systems
The Storage Navigator Modular GUI configuration interface provides functions for

These options and settings can have the following scope:

v System

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 267

v Port
v Logical unit

Global settings for the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of

Global settings apply across Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems.

Table 61 lists the global settings for these disk systems.

Table 61. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems global settings supported by the
SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Boot options
System startup attribute Dual active mode Dual active mode
Delayed plan shutdown 0 0
Product ID DF600F DF600F
ROM Microcode version
ROM Microcode version
System parameters
Turbu LU warning Off Off
Write unique response mode Off Off
Auto reconstruct mode Off Off
Forced write-through mode Off Off
ShadowImage I/O switch Off Off
Synchronize cache execution Off Off
Drive detach mode Off Off
Operation if processor failure Reset the fault Reset the fault
Write and verify execution Off Off
Web title <Empty> Any setting supported
Data strip sizing 256K 256K (recommended)
Topology Point-to-point Point-to-point (set under FC

Controller settings for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of

Controller settings apply across the entire Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of
systems. Options are not available within the scope of a single controller.

Port settings for the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of

Port settings are configurable at the port level.

268 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The settings listed in Table 62 apply to storage systems that are in a switch zone
that contains SAN Volume Controller nodes. If the system is shared between a
SAN Volume Controller clustered system and another host, you can configure with
different settings than shown if both of the following conditions are true:
v The ports are included in switch zones.
v The switch zones only present the ports directly to the hosts and not to a SAN
Volume Controller system.

There are no available options with the scope of a single storage system.
Table 62. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems port settings supported by the
SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Port settings
Mapping mode On On
Port type Fibre Fibre
Reset LIP mode (signal) Off Off
Reset LIP mode (process) Off Off
LIP port all reset mode Off Off
Host group list
Host connection mode 1 Windows
HostGroupName "G000" "G000"
Middleware Unsupported Unsupported
Host system configuration
Platform Windows
HostGroupName "G000" "G000"
Middleware Unsupported Unsupported
Host group information settings
HostGroupNumber 0 0
HostGroupName "G000" "G000"
Host group options
Host connection mode 1 Standard mode Standard mode
Host connection mode 2 Off Off
HP-UX mode Off Off
PSUE read reject mode Off Off
Mode parameters changed Off Off
notification mode
NACA mode (AIX only) Off Off
Task management isolation Off Off
Unique reserve mode 1 Off Off
Port-ID conversion mode Off Off
Tru cluster mode Off Off
Product serial response mode Off Off

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 269

Table 62. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems port settings supported by the
SAN Volume Controller (continued)
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
Same node name mode Off Off
CCHS mode Off Off
Inquiry serial number Off Off
conversion mode
NOP-In suppress mode Off Off
S-VOL disable advanced Off Off
Discovery CHAP mode Off Off

Logical unit settings for the Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family
of systems
Logical unit (LU) settings apply to individual LUs that are configured in the
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems.

You must configure the systems LUs as described in Table 63 if the logical unit
number (LUN) is associated with ports in a switch zone that is accessible to the
SAN Volume Controller clustered system.
Table 63. Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems LU settings for the SAN Volume
SAN Volume Controller
Option Default setting required setting
LUN management information
Security Off Off
Note: LUN Security enables
LUN masking by the
worldwide node name
(WWNN) of the initiator
port. This function is not
supported for logical units
(LUs) that are used by SAN
Volume Controller systems.
LU mapping One-to-one One-to-one
LAN management options
Maintenance port IP address Off Off
automatic change mode
IPv4 DHCP Off Off
IPv6 address setting mode Auto Auto
Negotiation Auto Auto

Note: These settings only apply to LUs that are accessible by the SAN Volume
Controller system.

270 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Data corruption scenarios to avoid

Scenario 1: The configuration application enables you to change the serial number
for an LU. Changing the serial number also changes the unique user identifier
(UID) for the LU. Because the serial number is also used to determine the WWPN
of the controller ports, two LUNs cannot have the same unique ID on the same
SAN because two controllers cannot have the same WWPN on the same SAN.

Scenario 2: The serial number is also used to determine the WWPN of the
controller ports. Therefore, two LUNs must not have the same ID on the same
SAN because this results in two controllers having the same WWPN on the same
SAN. This is not a valid configuration.

Attention: Do not change the serial number for an LU that is managed by a SAN
Volume Controller system because this can result in data loss or undetected data

Scenario 3: The configuration application enables you to create LUN A, delete

LUN A, and create LUN B with the same unique ID as LUN A. If the LUN is
managed by a SAN Volume Controller system, this scenario can cause data
corruption because the system might not recognize that LUN B is different than

Mapping and virtualization settings for Hitachi TagmaStore AMS

2000 family of systems
The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems support different modes of
operation. These modes affect LUN mapping or masking and virtualization.

Attention: The Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of systems do not provide
an interface that enables a SAN Volume Controller clustered system to detect and
ensure that the mapping or masking and virtualization options are set properly.
Therefore, you must ensure that these options are set as described in this topic.

S-TID M-LUN modes

In S-TID M-LUN mode all LUs are accessible through all ports on the system with
the same LUN number on each port. You can use this mode in environments
where the system is not being shared between a host and a SAN Volume
Controller system.

M-TID M-LUN modes

If a system is shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller system, you
must use M-TID M-LUN mode. Configure the system so that each LU that is
exported to the SAN Volume Controller system can be identified by a unique LUN.
The LUN must be the same on all ports through which the LU can be accessed.


A SAN Volume Controller system can access controller ports x and y. The system
also sees an LU on port x that has LUN number p. In this situation the following
conditions must be met:
v The system must see either the same LU on port y with LUN number p or it
must not see the LU at all on port y.
v The LU cannot appear as any other LUN number on port y.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 271

v The LU must not be mapped to any system port that is zoned for use directly by
a host in a configuration where the system is shared between a host and a
clustered system.

M-TID M-LUN mode enables LU virtualization by target port. In this mode, a

single LU can be seen as different LUN numbers across all of the controller ports.
For example, LU A can be LUN 0 on port 1, LUN 3 on port 2, and not visible at all
on ports 3 and 4.

Important: The SAN Volume Controller does not support this.

In addition, M-TID M-LUN mode enables a single LU to be seen as multiple LUN

numbers on the same controller port. For example, LU B can be LUN 1 and LUN 2
on controller port 1.

Important: The SAN Volume Controller does not support this.

Configuring HP 3PAR F-Class and T-Class storage systems

This section provides information about configuring Hewlett Packard (HP) 3PAR
F-Class and T-Class storage systems.

HP 3PAR supported models

SAN Volume Controller systems can be used with HP 3PAR storage systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

The HP 3PAR F-Class (Models 200 and 400) and the HP 3PAR T-Class (Models 400
and 800) are supported for use with Storwize V7000. These systems will be
referred to as HP 3PAR storage arrays.

Supported HP 3PAR firmware levels

You must ensure that the 3PAR firmware level can be used with the SAN Volume
Controller clustered system.

Firmware revision HP InForm Operating System 2.3.1 (MU4 or later maintenance

level) is the supported level of firmware for use with SAN Volume Controller. For
specific firmware levels and the latest supported hardware, see the following

Concurrent maintenance on HP 3PAR systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations while you
simultaneously perform maintenance operations on the HP 3PAR system.

Concurrent firmware upgrades (online upgrades) are supported as per HP


HP 3PAR user interfaces

Users can configure an HP 3PAR storage array with the 3PAR management console
or HP 3PAR command-line interface (CLI).

272 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

HP 3PAR management console

The management console accesses the array via the IP address of the HP 3PAR
storage array. All configuration and monitoring steps are intuitively available
through this interface.

HP 3PAR command-line interface (CLI)

The CLI may be installed locally on a Microsoft Windows or Linux host. The CLI
is also available through Secure Shell (SSH).

Logical units and target ports on HP 3PAR systems

Partitions (volumes) on HP 3PAR systems are exported as Virtual Volumes with a
Virtual Logical Unit number that is assigned (either manually or automatically) to
the partition.

For clarification, partitions in the HP 3PAR storage array are exported as Virtual
Volumes with a Virtual Logical Unit Number (VLUN) either manually or
automatically assigned to the partition.


HP 3PAR storage arrays have highly developed thin provisioning capabilities. The
HP 3PAR storage array has a maximum Virtual Volume size of 16TB. A partition
Virtual Volume is referenced by the ID of the VLUN.

HP 3PAR storage arrays can export up to 4096 LUNs to the SAN Volume
Controller (SAN Volume Controller maximum limit). The largest Logical Unit size
supported by SAN Volume Controller under PTF is 2TB. SAN Volume
Controller will not display or exceeded this capacity.


HP 3PAR storage arrays will identify exported Logical Units through SCSI
Identification Descriptor type 3.

The 64-bit IEEE Registered Identifier (NAA=5) for the Logical Unit is in the form

The 3PAR IEEE Company ID of 0020ACh, the rest is a vendor specific ID (for
example 50002AC000020C3A).

LUN creation and deletion

Virtual Volumes (VVs) and their corresponding Logical Units (VLUNs) are created,
modified, or deleted through the provisioning option in the Management Console
or through the CLI commands. VVs are formatted to all zeros upon creation.

To create a VLUN, complete these steps:

1. Highlight the Provisioning menu.
2. Select the Create Virtual Volume option.
3. Select the appropriate Virtual Volume and right-click the VLUN to modiy,
resize, or destroy a VLUN.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 273

Note: Delete the mdisk on the SAN Volume Controller clustered system before
deleting the LUN on the HP 3PAR storage array.

LUN presentation

VLUNs are exported through the HP 3PAR storage array’s available FC ports using
the export options on Virtual Volumes. The Ports are designated at setup and
configured separately as either Host or Target (Storage connection), with ports
identified by a node : slot : port representation.

There are no constraints on which ports or hosts a logical unit may be addressable.
To apply Export to a logical unit, complete the following steps:
1. Highlight the Virtual Volume that is associated with the Logical Unit.
2. Select Export.

Special LUNs
There are no special considerations forLogical Unit numbering. LUN 0 may be
exported where necessary.

Target ports on HP 3PAR systems

An HP 3PAR storage array may contain dual- and/or quad-ported FC cards. Each
WWPN is identified with the pattern 2N:SP:00:20:AC:MM:MM:MM, where N is the
node, S is the slot and P is the port number on the controller and N is the
controller’s address. The MM:MM:MM represents the system's serial number.

Port 2 in slot 1 of controller 0 would have the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of
20:12:00:02:AC:00:0C:3A The last 4 digits of serial number 1303130 in hex
(3130=0x0C3A). This system has a World Wide Node Name (WWNN) for all ports
of 2F:F7:00:02:AC:00:0C:3A.

LU access model
All controllers are Active/Active. In all conditions, it is recommended to multipath
across FC controller cards to avoid an outage from controller failure. All HP 3PAR
controllers are equal in priority, so there is no benefit to using an exclusive set for
a specific LU.

LU grouping

The HP 3PAR system does not support LU grouping.

LU preferred access port

There are no preferred access ports on the HP 3PAR storage arrays as all ports are
Active/Active across all controllers.

Detecting Ownership

Detecting ownership does not apply to HP 3PAR storage arrays.

Switch zoning for HP 3PAR storage systems

Switch zoning configurations for the HP 3PAR system include fabric zoning, target
port sharing, host splitting, and controller splitting.

274 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

There are no zoning limitations for HP 3PAR storage systems.

Fabric zoning

When zoning an HP 3PAR storage array to the SAN Volume Controller backend
ports, be sure there are multiple zones or multiple HP 3PAR storage arrays and
SAN Volume Controller ports per zone to enable multipathing.

Target port sharing

The HP 3PAR storage array may support LUN masking to enable multiple servers
to access separate LUNs through a common controller port. There are no issues
with mixing workloads or server types in this setup.

Host splitting

There are no host-splitting issues on an HP 3PAR storage array.

Controller splitting

HP 3PAR storage array LUNs that are mapped to the Storwize V7000 cluster
cannot be mapped to other hosts. LUNs that are not presented to Storwize V7000
may be mapped to other hosts.

Configuration settings for HP 3PAR systems

The management console provides configuration settings and options that can be
used with SAN Volume Controller.

The management console enables the intuitive setup of the HP 3PAR storage array
LUNs and export to the Storwize V7000 clustered system.

Logical unit options and settings for HP 3PAR storage array

From the HP 3PAR storage array Management Console the following dialog of
options are involved in setting up of Logical Units:

Creation of Common Provisioning Groups (CPG)

The set up of Common Provisioning Groups (CPGs).

Note: If Tiering is to be utilized, it is not good practice to mix LUNs with different
performance in the same SAN Volume Controller MDiskgrp.

Setup of ports

Each designated Host ports should be set to Mode: point.

v Connection Mode: Host
v Connection Type: Point

Setup of host

Host Persona should be: 6 – Generic Legacy. All SAN Volume Controller ports
need to be included.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 275

LUN creation
v Size limitations:
– 256 MB minimum
– 2TB maximum (SAN Volume Controller limit)
v Provisioning:
– Fully Provisioned from CPG
– Thinly Provisioned
v CPG: Choose provisioning group for new LUN, usually R1,R5,R6 or drive

v Allocation Warning: Level at which warning is given (%) (optional)
v Allocation Limit: Level at which TP allocation is stopped (%) (optional)
v Grouping: For creating multiple sequential LUNs in a set (integer value between
1 and 999)

To export LUNs to SAN Volume Controller, select the host definition that was
created for SAN Volume Controller.

Hot options and settings for HP 3PAR storage array

The host options required to present the HP 3PAR storage array to SAN Volume
Controller systems is 6 - Legacy Controller.

Quorum disks on HP 3PAR storage arrays

The Storwize V7000 clustered system requires managed disks (MDisks) that are
quorum disks for system metadata storage.

The Storwize V7000 clustered system selects disks that are presented by the HP
3PAR storage array as quorum disks. To maintain availability with the system,
ideally each quorum disk should reside on a separate disk subsystem.

Clearing SCSI reservations and registrations

The HP 3PAR storage array cannot be used to clear SCSI reservations and
registrations on volumes managed by SAN Volume Controller.

You cannot use the HP 3PAR storage array to clear SCSI reservations and
registrations on volumes that are managed by SAN Volume Controller. The option
is not available in the GUI.

Note: The setvv -clrsv command should only be used under qualified

Copy functions for HP 3PAR storage array

HP 3PAR copy, replicate, and snapshot features are not supported under SAN
Volume Controller.

The HP 3PAR copy/replicate/snapshot features are not supported under SAN

Volume Controller.

Thin provisioning for HP 3PAR storage array

HP 3PAR thin provisioning features are supported by SAN Volume Controller.

276 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

The HP 3PAR storage array provides extensive thin provisioning features. The use
of these thin provisioned LUNs is supported by SAN Volume Controller. The user
should take notice of any warning limits from the Array system in order, to
maintain the integrity of the SAN Volume Controller MDisks and MDiskgrps. An
MDisk will go offline and take its MDiskgroup offline if the ultimate limits are
exceeded. Restoration involves provisioning the 3PAR Array LUN, then including
the MDisk and restoring any slandered paths.

Configuring HP StorageWorks MA and EMA systems

This section provides information about configuring HP StorageWorks Modular
Array (MA) and Enterprise Modular Array (EMA) systems for attachment to a
SAN Volume Controller.

Both the HP MA and EMA use an HSG80 controller.

HP MA and EMA definitions

The following terms are used in the IBM and HP documentation and have
different meanings.

IBM term IBM definition HP term HP definition

container A visual user-interface container (1) Any entity that is
component that holds capable of storing data,
objects. whether it is a physical
device or a group of
physical devices. (2) A
virtual, internal controller
structure representing
either a single disk or a
group of disk drives that
are linked as a storageset.
Stripesets and mirrorsets
are examples of storageset
containers that the
controller uses to create
device A piece of equipment device In its physical form, a
that is used with the magnetic disk that can be
computer. A device does attached to a SCSI bus.
not generally interact The term is also used to
directly with the system, indicate a physical device
but is controlled by a that has been made part of
controller. a controller configuration;
that is, a physical device
that is known to the
controller. Units (volumes)
can be created from
devices, after the devices
have been made known to
the controller.
just a bunch of See non-RAID. just a bunch of A group of single-device
disks (JBOD) disks (JBOD) logical units not
configured into any other
container type.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 277

IBM term IBM definition HP term HP definition
mirrorset See RAID 1. mirrorset A RAID storageset of two
or more physical disks
that maintains a complete
and independent copy of
all data on the volume.
This type of storageset has
the advantage of being
highly reliable and
extremely tolerant of
device failure. Raid level 1
storagesets are called
non-RAID Disks that are not in a non-RAID See just a bunch of disks.
redundant array of
independent disks
RAID 0 RAID 0 allows a number RAID 0 A RAID storageset that
of disk drives to be stripes data across an
combined and presented array of disk drives. A
as one large disk. RAID 0 single logical disk spans
does not provide any multiple physical disks,
data redundancy. If one allowing parallel data
drive fails, all data is processing for increased
lost. I/O performance. While
the performance
characteristics of RAID
level 0 is excellent, this
RAID level is the only one
that does not provide
redundancy. Raid level 0
storagesets are referred to
as stripesets.
RAID 1 A form of storage array RAID 1 See mirrorset.
in which two or more
identical copies of data
are maintained on
separate media. Also
known as mirrorset.
RAID 5 A form of parity RAID in RAID 5 See RAIDset.
which the disks operate
independently, the data
strip size is no smaller
than the exported block
size, and parity check
data is distributed across
the disks in the array.

278 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

IBM term IBM definition HP term HP definition
RAIDset See RAID 5. RAIDset A specially developed
RAID storageset that
stripes data and parity
across three or more
members in a disk array.
A RAIDset combines the
best characteristics of
RAID level 3 and RAID
level 5. A RAIDset is the
best choice for most
applications with small to
medium I/O requests,
unless the application is
write intensive. A RAIDset
is sometimes called parity
RAID. RAID level 3/5
storagesets are referred to
as RAIDsets.
partition A logical division of partition A logical division of a
storage on a fixed disk. container represented to
the host as a logical unit.
stripeset See RAID 0. stripeset See RAID 0.

Configuring HP MA and EMA systems

The HP MA and EMA systems provide functions that are compatible with the SAN
Volume Controller.

Before you begin

This task assumes that the system is not in use.

About this task

Note: When you configure a SAN Volume Controller clustered system to work
with an HP MA or EMA, you must not exceed the limit of 96 process logins.

Perform this procedure to enable support of an HP, MA, or EMA system.

1. Verify that the front panel of the SAN Volume Controller is clear of errors.
2. Ensure that the HP StorageWorks Operator Control Panel (OCP) on each
system is clear of errors. The Operator Control Panel consists of seven green
LEDs at the rear of each HSG80 controller.
3. Ensure that you can use an HP StorageWorks command-line interface (CLI) to
configure the HSG80 controllers.
4. Issue the SHOW THIS command and SHOW OTHER command to verify
these items:
a. Ensure that the system firmware is at a supported level. See this website
for the latest firmware support:
b. Ensure that the controllers are configured for MULTIBUS FAILOVER with
each other.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 279

c. Ensure that the controllers are running in SCSI-3 mode.
d. Ensure that MIRRORED_CACHE is enabled.
e. Ensure that the Host Connection Table is not locked.
5. Issue the SHOW DEVICES FULL command to verify these items:
a. Ensure that none of the LUNs are TRANSPORTABLE.
b. Ensure that all LUNs are configured. For example, the LUNs report their
serial numbers and TRANSFER_RATE_REQUESTED correctly.
6. Issue the SHOW FAILEDSET command to verify that there are no failing

Note: To verify, there should be no orange lights on any disks in the system.
7. Issue the SHOW UNITS FULL command to verify these items:
a. Ensure that all LUNs are set to RUN and NOWRITEPROTECT.
b. Ensure that all LUNs are ONLINE to either THIS or OTHER controller.
c. Ensure that all LUNs that are to be made available to the SAN Volume
Controller have ALL access.
d. Ensure that all LUNs do not specify Host Based Logging.
8. Issue the SHOW CONNECTIONS FULL command to verify that you have
enough spare entries for all combinations of SAN Volume Controller ports and
HP MA or EMA ports.
9. Connect up to four Fibre Channel cables between the Fibre Channel switches
and the HP MA or EMA system.
10. Ensure that the Fibre Channel switches are zoned so that the SAN Volume
Controller and the HP MA or EMA system are in a zone.
11. Issue the SHOW THIS command and SHOW OTHER command to verify
that each connected port is running. This example is similar to the output that
is displayed: PORT_1_TOPOLOGY=FABRIC.
12. Issue the SHOW CONNECTIONS FULL command to verify that the new
connections have been created for each SAN Volume Controller port and HP
MA or EMA port combination.
13. Verify that No rejected hosts is displayed at the end of the SHOW
14. Perform these steps from the SAN Volume Controller command-line interface
a. Issue the detectmdisk CLI command to discover the storage system.
b. Issue the lscontroller CLI command to verify that the two serial numbers
of each HSG80 controller in the storage system appear under the ctrl_s/n
(controller serial number) column in the output. The serial numbers appear
as a single concatenated string.
c. Issue the lsmdisk CLI command to verify that the additional MDisks that
correspond to the UNITS shown in the HP MA or EMA system.


You can now use the SAN Volume Controller CLI commands to create a storage
pool. You can also create and map volumes from these storage pools. Check the
front panel of the SAN Volume Controller to ensure that there are no errors. After
the host has reloaded the Fibre Channel driver, you can perform I/O to the
volumes. For more details, see the host attachment information.

280 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Partitioning LUNs on HP MA and EMA systems
For SAN Volume Controller software version 4.2.1 and later, you cannot partition
HSG80 LUNs. To check if any HSG80 LUNs are partitioned, use the SHOW UNITS
command in the HSG80 CLI. Partition is displayed in the Used By column for the
LUNs that are partitioned.

Supported models of HP MA and EMA systems

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the HP MA and EMA systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Attention: The SAN Volume Controller only supports configurations in which the
HSG80 cache is enabled in writeback mode. Running with only a single controller
results in a single point of data loss.

Supported firmware levels for HP MA and EMA systems

The HP MA and EMA systems must use a firmware level that is supported by the
SAN Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Note: Concurrent upgrade of the system firmware is not supported with the SAN
Volume Controller.

Concurrent maintenance on HP MA and EMA systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an HP MA
or EMA system while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Note: HP MA and EMA maintenance documentation uses the phrase rolling

upgrade in place of concurrent maintenance. See this documentation because in some
instances you must reduce the level of I/O before you can perform the
maintenance procedure.

The HP MA and EMA systems allow concurrent replacement of the following

v Drive
v Blower
v Dual power supply (One unit can be removed and replaced. The fan speed
increases when only one power supply unit is present.)

The controller component is hot-pluggable, but concurrent maintenance of SAN

Volume Controller I/O is not supported.

The HP MA and EMA systems do not allow concurrent replacement of the

following components:
v Single power supply (in a single power-supply configuration, the enclosure is
disabled when the power supply fails.)

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 281

v SCSI bus cables
v I/O module
v Cache

Configuration interface for HP MA and EMA systems

The Command Console configuration and service utility is the configuration
interface for the HP MA and EMA systems.

The configuration and service utility can connect to the system in the following
v RS232 interface
v In-band over Fibre Channel
v Over TCP/IP to a proxy agent, which then communicates with the system
in-band over Fibre Channel.

For the Command Console to communicate with the HSG80 controllers, the host
that runs the service utility must be able to access the HSG80 ports over the SAN.
This host can therefore also access LUs that are visible to SAN Volume Controller
nodes and cause data corruption. To avoid this, set the UNIT_OFFSET option to
199 for all connections to this host. This ensures that the host is able to recognize
only the CCL.

Sharing the HP MA or EMA between a host and a SAN Volume

There are restrictions for sharing HP MA and EMA storage systems between a host
and a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

An HP MA or EMA can be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller

system under the following conditions:
v A host cannot be connected to both a SAN Volume Controller system and an HP
MA or EMA storage system at the same time.
v Target ports cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller
system. Specifically, if an HSG80 port is in use by a SAN Volume Controller
system, it cannot be present in a switch zone that enables a host to access the
v LUs and arrays cannot be shared between a host and a SAN Volume Controller

Switch zoning limitations for HP MA and EMA systems

There are limitations in switch zoning for the SAN Volume Controller and the HP
MA and EMA systems.

Attention: The HP MA and EMA systems are supported with a single HSG80
controller or dual HSG80 controllers. Because the SAN Volume Controller only
supports configurations in which the HSG80 cache is enabled in write-back mode,
running with a single HSG80 controller results in a single point of data loss.

Switch zoning

For SAN Volume Controller clustered systems that have installed software version
1.1.1, a single Fibre Channel port that is attached to the system can be present in a
switch zone that contains SAN Volume Controller Fibre Channel ports, whether the

282 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

HP MA or EMA system uses one or two HSG80 controllers. This guarantees that
the nodes in the system can access at most one port on the HSG80 controller.

For SAN Volume Controller systems that have software version 1.2.0 or later
installed, switches can be zoned so that HSG80 controller ports are in the switch
zone that contains all of the ports for each SAN Volume Controller node.

Connecting to the SAN

Multiple ports from an HSG80 controller must be physically connected to the Fibre
Channel SAN to enable servicing of the HP MA or EMA system. However, switch
zoning must be used as described in this topic.

Note: If the HP Command Console is not able to access a Fibre Channel port on
each of the HSG80 controllers in a two-controller system, there is a risk of an
undetected single point of failure.

Quorum disks on HP MA and EMA systems

Managed disks (MDisks) that are presented by the HP MA or EMA are chosen by
the SAN Volume Controller as quorum disks.

The SAN Volume Controller uses a logical unit (LU) that is presented by an HSG80
controller as a quorum disk. The quorum disk is used even if the connection is by
a single port, although this is not recommended. If you are connecting the HP MA
or EMA system with a single Fibre Channel port, ensure that you have another
system on which to put your quorum disk. You can use the chquorum
command-line interface (CLI) command to move quorum disks to another system.

SAN Volume Controller clustered systems that are attached only to the HSG80
controllers are supported.

Advanced functions for HP MA and EMA

Some advanced functions of the HP MA and EMA are not supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

Advanced copy functions

Advanced copy functions for HP MA and EMA systems (for example, SnapShot
and RemoteCopy) are not supported for disks that are managed by the SAN
Volume Controller because the copy function does not extend to the SAN Volume
Controller cache.


HP MA and EMA support partitioning. A partition is a logical division of a

container that is represented to the host as a logical unit (LU). A container can be
an array or a JBOD (just a bunch of disks). All container types are candidates for
partitions. Any nontransportable disk or storage set can be divided into a
maximum of eight partitions.

The following restrictions apply to partitioning:

v Partitioned containers are fully supported if the HSG80 controller is connected to
the SAN by a single port.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 283

v Partitioned containers are not configured by the SAN Volume Controller if the
HSG80 controller is connected to the SAN by multiple ports.
v Partitioned containers are removed from the configuration if a single port
connection becomes a multiport connection.
v Partitioned containers are configured if a multiport connection becomes a single
port connection.
You must partition containers such that no spare capacity exists because there is no
way to detect unused partitions. With a multiport connection, subsequent attempts
to use this capacity removes all partitions on the container from the configuration.

Dynamic array expansion (LU expansion)

HP MA and EMA systems do not provide dynamic array expansion.

Write protection of LUNs

Write protection of LUNs is not supported for use with the SAN Volume

SAN Volume Controller advanced functions

Volumes that are created from managed disks (MDisks) that are presented by an
HSG80 controller can be used in SAN Volume Controller FlashCopy mappings,
SAN Volume Controller Metro Mirror relationships, and SAN Volume Controller
Global Mirror relationships.

LU creation and deletion on the HP MA and EMA

Ensure you are familiar with the HSG80 controller container types for logical unit
(LU) configuration.

Table 64 lists the valid container types.

Table 64. HSG80 controller container types for LU configuration
Container Number of Members Maximum Size
JBOD - non transportable 1 disk size minus metadata

Attention: A JBOD
provides no redundancy at
the physical disk-drive level.
A single disk failure can
result in the loss of an entire
storage pool and its
associated volumes.
Mirrorset 2-6 smallest member
RAIDset 3 - 14 1.024 terabytes
Stripeset 2 - 24 1.024 terabytes
Striped Mirrorset 2 - 48 1.024 terabytes

Note: LUs can be created and deleted on an HSG80 controller while I/O
operations are performed to other LUs. You do not need to restart the HP MA or
EMA subsystem.

284 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring settings for the HP MA and EMA
The HP StorageWorks configuration interface provides configuration settings and
options that are supported with the SAN Volume Controller.

The settings and options can have a scope of the following:

v Subsystem (global)
v Controller
v Port
v Logical unit
v Connection

Global settings for HP MA and EMA systems

Global settings apply across HP MA and EMA systems.

The following table lists the global settings for HP MA and EMA systems:
Table 65. HP MA and EMA global settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
HSG80 controller default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
FAILEDSET Not defined n/a

Controller settings for HP MA and EMA

Controller settings apply across one HSG80 controller.

Table 66 describes the options that can be set by HSG80 controller command-line
interface (CLI) commands for each HSG80 controller.
Table 66. HSG80 controller settings that are supported by the SAN Volume Controller
HSG80 controller default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
COMMMAND_CONSOLE_LUN Not defined Any value
NOIDENTIFIER Not defined No identifier
MIRRORED_CACHE Not defined Mirrored
NODE_ID Worldwide name as on the Default
PROMPT None Any value
REMOTE_COPY Not defined Any value
SMART_ERROR_EJECT Disabled Any value
TERMINAL_SPEED 9600 Any value
TIME Not defined Any value

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 285

Table 66. HSG80 controller settings that are supported by the SAN Volume
Controller (continued)
HSG80 controller default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
UPS Not defined Any value

Port settings for HP MA and EMA systems

Port settings are configurable at the port level.

Restriction: Only one port per HSG80 pair can be used with the SAN Volume

The port settings are set using the following commands:


These values can be checked using the following commands:


Table 67 lists the HSG80 controller port settings that the SAN Volume Controller
Table 67. HSG80 controller port settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume Controller
Option HSG80 default setting required setting
PORT_1/2-AL-PA 71 or 72 Not applicable

Note: The HP MA and EMA systems support LUN masking that is configured
with the SET unit number ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH command. When used with a
SAN Volume Controller, the access path must be set to all ("SET unit number
ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=ALL") and all LUN masking must be handled
exclusively by the SAN Volume Controller. You can use the SHOW
CONNECTIONS FULL command to check access rights.

LU settings for HP MA and EMA systems

Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

Table 68 describes the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by the
SAN Volume Controller. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured
Table 68. HSG80 controller LU settings supported by the SAN Volume Controller
SAN Volume
HSG80 controller Controller required
Option default setting setting

286 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 68. HSG80 controller LU settings supported by the SAN Volume
Controller (continued)
SAN Volume
HSG80 controller Controller required
Option default setting setting
MAX_READ_CACHE_SIZE 32 Not applicable
MAX_WRITE_CACHE_SIZE 32 64 or higher
Note: DISABLE_ACCESS_PATH can be used to disable access from specific hosts. It must
always be overridden by using ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=ALL on all connections to the
SAN Volume Controller nodes.

Connection settings for HP MA and EMA systems

The HP MA and EMA systems provide options that are configurable at the
connection level.

Table 69 lists the default and required HSG80 controller connection settings:
Table 69. HSG80 connection default and required settings
HSG80 controller default HSG80 controller required
Option setting setting
UNIT_OFFSET 0 0 or 199

Mapping and virtualization settings for HP MA and EMA

There are LUN mapping or masking and virtualization restrictions for HP MA and
EMA subsystems that are in a SAN Volume Controller environment.

The HP StorageWorks configuration interface requires that you assign a unit

number to each logical unit (LU) when it is defined. By default, the LUN is the
unit number. It is possible for gaps to exist in the LUN range if the unit numbers

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 287

that are used in the configuration commands are not contiguous. By default, each
LUN is visible on all controller ports on both controllers.

LUN masking

The HP MA and EMA subsystems support the concept of connection names. A

maximum of 96 connection names that contain the following parameters are

Note: The SAN Volume Controller ports must not be in the REJECTED_HOSTS
list. This list can be seen with the SHOW CONNECTIONS FULL command.

You cannot use LUN masking to restrict the initiator ports or the target ports that
the SAN Volume Controller uses to access LUs. Configurations that use LUN
masking in this way are not supported. LUN masking can be used to prevent other
initiators on the SAN from accessing LUs that the SAN Volume Controller uses,
but the preferred method for this is to use SAN zoning.

LU virtualization

The HP MA and EMA subsystems also provide LU virtualization by the port and
by the initiator. This is achieved by specifying a UNIT_OFFSET for the connection.
The use of LU virtualization for connections between the HSG80 controller target
ports and SAN Volume Controller initiator ports is not supported.

Configuring HP StorageWorks EVA systems

This section provides information about configuring the HP StorageWorks
Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) system for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported models of the HP EVA

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the HP EVA.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for HP EVA

The SAN Volume Controller supports HP EVA.

See the following website for specific HP EVA firmware levels and the latest
supported hardware:

Concurrent maintenance on the HP EVA

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an HP EVA
while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

288 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Important: All maintenance operations must be performed by an HP Field

The SAN Volume Controller and HP EVA support concurrent hardware

maintenance and firmware upgrade.

User interface on the HP EVA system

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface that supports the HP EVA

Storage Management Appliance

HP EVA systems are configured, managed, and monitored through a Storage

Management Appliance. The Storage Management Appliance is a PC server that
runs a software agent called Command View EVA. The software agent is accessed
using a user interface that is provided by a standard web browser.

Command View EVA communicates in-band with the HSV controllers.

Sharing the HP EVA controller between a host and the SAN

Volume Controller
The HP EVA controller can be shared between a host and a SAN Volume
v A host must not be connected to both a SAN Volume Controller and an HP EVA
system at the same time.
v LUs and arrays must not be shared between a host and a SAN Volume

Switch zoning limitations for the HP EVA system

Consider the following limitations when planning switch zoning and connection to
the SAN.

Fabric zoning

The SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port from
each HSV controller in order to have no single point of failure.

Quorum disks on HP StorageWorks EVA systems

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system selects managed disks (MDisks) that
are presented by HP StorageWorks EVA systems as quorum disks.

Copy functions for HP StorageWorks EVA systems

Advanced copy functions for HP StorageWorks EVA systems (for example, VSnap
and SnapClone) cannot be used with disks that are managed by the SAN Volume
Controller clustered system because the copy function does not extend to the SAN
Volume Controller cache.

Logical unit configuration on the HP EVA

An EVA logical unit is referred to as a virtual disk (VDisk). An EVA system can
support up to 512 VDisks. VDisks are created within a set of physical disk drives,
referred to as a disk group. A VDisk is striped across all the drives in the group.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 289

The minimum size of a disk group is eight physical drives. The maximum size of a
disk group is all available disk drives.

EVA VDisks are created and deleted using the Command View EVA utility.

Note: A VDisk is formatted during the creation process; therefore, the capacity of
the VDisk will determine the length of time it takes to be created and formatted.
Ensure that you wait until the VDisk is created before you present it to the SAN
Volume Controller.

A single VDisk can consume the entire disk group capacity or the disk group can
be used for multiple VDisks. The amount of disk group capacity consumed by a
VDisk depends on the VDisk capacity and the selected redundancy level. There are
three redundancy levels:
v Vraid 1 - High redundancy (mirroring)
v Vraid 5 - Moderate redundancy (parity striping)
v Vraid 0 - No redundancy (striping)

Logical unit creation and deletion on the HP EVA

EVA volumes are created and deleted using the Command View EVA utility.

Volumes are formatted during creation. The time it takes to format the volumes
depends on the capacity.

Note: Selecting a host for presentation at creation time is not recommended.

Ensure that you wait until the volume has been created before presenting it to the
SAN Volume Controller.

Logical unit presentation

A volume must be explicitly presented to a host before it can be used for I/O

The SAN Volume Controller supports LUN masking on an HP EVA controller.

When presenting a volume, the LUN can be specified or allowed to default to the
next available value.

The SAN Volume Controller supports LUN virtualization on an HP EVA controller.

The LUN-host relationship is set on a per-host basis.

Note: All nodes and ports in the SAN Volume Controller clustered system must be
represented as one host to the HP EVA.

Special LUs

The Console LU is a special volume that represents the SCSI target device. It is
presented to all hosts as LUN 0.

Configuration interface for the HP EVA

The HP EVA is configured, managed, and monitored through a Storage
Management Appliance. The Storage Management Appliance is a server that runs
a software agent called Command View EVA. The Command View EVA is accessed
using a graphical user interface that is provided by a standard web browser.

290 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

In-band communication

The Command View EVA system communicates in-band with the HSV controllers.

Configuration settings for HP StorageWorks EVA systems

The HP StorageWorks EVA configuration interface provides configuration settings
and options that can be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

The settings and options can have a scope of the following:

v System (global)
v Logical unit (LU)
v Host

Global settings for HP StorageWorks EVA systems

Global settings apply across an HP StorageWorks EVA system.

Table 70 lists the system options that you can access using the Command View
Table 70. HP StorageWorks EVA global options and required settings
SAN Volume Controller
Option HP EVA default setting required setting
Console LUN ID 0 Any
Disk replacement delay 1 Any

Logical unit options and settings for HP StorageWorks EVA

Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

Table 71 describes the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by
other hosts. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently.
Table 71. HP StorageWorks EVA LU options and required settings
SAN Volume
HP EVA Default Controller Required
Option Setting Setting
Capacity None Any
Write cache Write-through or Write-back
Read cache On On
Redundancy Vraid0 Any
Preferred path No preference No preference
Write protect Off Off

Host options and settings for HP StorageWorks EVA systems

You must use specific settings to identify SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems as hosts to HP StorageWorks EVA systems.

Table 72 on page 292 lists the host options and settings that can be changed using
the Command View EVA.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 291

Table 72. HP EVA host options and required settings
SAN Volume
HP EVA Default Controller Required
Option Setting Setting
OS type - Windows
Direct eventing Disabled Disabled

Configuring HP StorageWorks MSA1000 and MSA1500 systems

This section provides information about configuring HP StorageWorks Modular
Smart Array (MSA) 1000 and 1500 (MSA1000 and MSA1500) systems for
attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported models of the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 system

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the HP MSA series of systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500

The HP MSA system must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following web site for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

User interfaces on the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that are used by
the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 systems.

You can use the following configuration utilities with HP MSA1000 or MSA1500
systems in a SAN Volume Controller environment:
v The CLI through an out-of-band configuration that is accessed through a host
that is connected to the serial port of the HP MSA1000 or MSA1500.
v The GUI through an in-band configuration that uses the HP Array Configuration
Utility (ACU).

1. If the HP ACU is installed in a configuration that HP does not support, some
of its functionality might not be available.
2. If you use an in-band configuration, you must ensure that LUs that are used
by the SAN Volume Controller cannot be accessed by a direct-attached host.

Logical unit creation, deletion, and migration for HP

StorageWorks MSA systems
Before you create, delete, or migrate logical units, you must read the storage
configuration guidelines that are specified in the HP StorageWorks MSA1000 or
MSA1500 documentation that is provided for this system.

292 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating arrays

An array is a collection of physical disks. Use the storage configuration guidelines

for SAN Volume Controller clustered systems to create arrays on the HP
StorageWorks MSA.

Creating logical drives

The following types of Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) are

v RAID 1+0
v RAID 1
v RAID 5
v RAID 6 (ADG)
RAID 0 is not supported because it does not provide failure protection.

All stripe sizes are supported; however, use a consistent stripe size for the HP
StorageWorks MSA.

Use the following settings for logical drives:

v Set Max Boot to disabled.
v Set Array Accelerator to enabled.

Note: If you are using the CLI, use the cache=enabled setting.

Presenting logical units to hosts

Set the Selective Storage Presentation (SSP), also known as ACL to enabled.

Use the following host profile settings:

Mode 0 = Peripheral Device LUN Addressing
Mode 1 = Asymmetric Failover
Mode 2 = Logical volumes connect as available on Backup Controller
Mode 3 = Product ID of ’MSA1000 Volume’
Mode 4 = Normal bad block handling
Mode 5 = Logout all initiators on TPRLO
Mode 6 = Fault management events not reported through Unit Attention
Mode 7 = Send FCP response info with SCSI status
Mode 8 = Do not send Unit Attention on failover
Mode 9 = SCSI inquiry revision field contains the actual version
Mode 10 = SCSI inquiry vendor field contains Compaq
Mode 11 = Power On Reset Unit Attention generated on FC Login or Logout
Mode 12 = Enforce Force Unit Access on Write

You can use the built-in Linux profile or Default profile to set the host profile
settings. If you use the Default profile, you must issue the following Serial port
CLI command to change the host profile settings:
change mode Default mode number

where mode number is the numeric value for the mode that you want to change.

See the documentation that is provided for your HP StorageWorks MSA for
additional information.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 293

Important: You must use the Serial port CLI or the SSP to recheck the connection
objects after the configuration is complete.

Migrating logical units

You can use the standard migration procedure to migrate logical units from the HP
StorageWorks MSA to the SAN Volume Controller system with the following
v You cannot share the HP StorageWorks MSA between a host and the SAN
Volume Controller system. You must migrate all hosts at the same time.
v The subsystem device driver (SDD) and securepath cannot coexist because they
have different QLogic driver requirements.
v The QLogic driver that is supplied by HP must be removed and the driver that
is supported by IBM must be installed.

Sharing the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 between a host and

the SAN Volume Controller
You must configure your environment so that only the SAN Volume Controller can
access all logical units on the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500. You can zone other
hosts to communicate with the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 for in-band
configuration, but nothing else.

Concurrent maintenance on the HP MSA1000 and MSA1500

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to an HP
MSA1000 and MSA1500 while simultaneously performing maintenance operations
on it.

You can perform nondisruptive maintenance procedures concurrently on the

following components:
v HP MSA1000 or MSA1500 controller
v HP MSA1000 or MSA1500 controller cache
v Cache battery pack
v Variable speed blower
v Power supply
v Disk drive
v SFP transceivers

Quorum disks on the HP MSA

The SAN Volume Controller cannot use logical units (LUs) that are exported by the
HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for the HP MSA

The SAN Volume Controller Copy Service functions and RAID migration utilities
are not supported for logical units (LUs) that are presented by the HP MSA.

Global settings for HP MSA systems

Global settings apply across an HP MSA system.

The following table lists the global settings for an HP MSA system:

294 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Option Required setting
Expand Priority All supported
Note: Performance impact of high priority
Rebuild Priority All supported
Note: Performance impact of high priority
Array Accelerator On
Note: Set on all logical drives that are used
by the SAN Volume Controller.
Read-Write cache ratio All supported
Name of controller Not important

Configuring HP StorageWorks MSA2000 storage systems

This section provides information about configuring Hewlett Packard (HP) 2000
family Modular Smart Array (MSA2000) systems for attachment to a SAN Volume

HP MSA2000 supported models

SAN Volume Controller clustered systems can be used with MSA2000 storage

See the following website for the latest supported models:

For SAN Volume Controller version, this is only the MSA2000fc dual
controller model that is configured with each controller module attached to both
fabrics. For details, refer to the HP StorageWorks Modular Model User Guide section
on connecting two data hosts through two switches where all four ports must be
used and cross-connected to both SAN fabrics.

Supported HP MSA2000 firmware levels

You must ensure that the MSA2000 firmware level can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

For the supported firmware levels and hardware, see the following website:

HP MSA2000 user interfaces

You can configure an MSA2000 system through the Storage Management Utility
(SMU), which is a web server on each controller, or with the command-line
interface (CLI).

To access the MSA2000 system initially you can go through either a serial interface
or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). You can also configure user
access and privileges.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 295

MSA2000 web graphical user interface (GUI)

The SMU is a web-based GUI that runs on each controller that is accessible
through the IP address of each controller. All management and monitoring tasks
can be completed on each controller.

MSA2000 command-line interface (CLI)

The CLI is accessible through Secure Shell (SSH), Telnet, and serial port. The CLI
includes all functionality that is available in the GUI.

Concurrent maintenance on MSA2000 systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations while you
simultaneously perform maintenance operations on the MSA2000 system.

Apply firmware upgrades to an MSA2000 system during a maintenance window

because the MSA2000 system takes both controllers offline simultaneously multiple
times during an upgrade.

Logical units and target ports on MSA2000 systems

Partitions (volumes) on MSA2000 systems are exported as logical units with a
logical unit number that is assigned to that partition.

LUNs on MSA2000 systems

The controller calls an array a virtual disk (VDisk). SAS and SATA disks cannot be
mixed within a VDisk, and the maximum number of VDisks per controller is 16.
VDisks can be divided into volumes, which are then presented to the host. There
can be up to 128 volumes per controller. The capacity of a volume is between 1 MB
and 16 TB.

SAN Volume Controller has an individual 1 PB managed-disk size limit.


LUNs exported by MSA2000 systems report identification descriptors 0, 3, 4, 5 in

the VPD page 0x83. The LUN IDs are based on the controller MAC addresses. For
# show volumes
Vdisk Volume Name Size WR Policy Class Volume Serial Number Cache Opt Type

VD0 VD0_V1 750.1GB writeback standard 00c0ffd76a330000a0fa124a01000000 standard standard

VD2 VD2_V1 750.1GB writeback standard 00c0ffd76a33000048fb124a01000000 standard standard
VD_HC VD_CAP_V1 37.5GB writeback standard 00c0ffd76a3300005efc124a01000000 standard standard
VD_1 VD_1_V1 750.1GB writeback standard 00c0ffd7648f000064851d4a01000000 standard standard
VD_3 VD_3_V1 750.1GB writeback standard 00c0ffd7648f0000a6851d4a01000000 standard standard
VD-R VD-R_V1 250.0GB writeback standard 00c0ffd7648f0000aa08234a01000000 standard standard
VD-R VD-R_V2 250.0GB writeback standard 00c0ffd7648f0000ab08234a01000000 standard standard
VD-R VD-R_V3 250.0GB writeback standard 00c0ffd7648f0000ab08234a02000000 standard standard
# show network-parameters
Network Parameters Controller A
IP Address :
Gateway :
Subnet Mask :
MAC Address : 00:C0:FF:D7:6A:33
Addressing Mode: DHCP

Network Parameters Controller B

IP Address :
Gateway :
Subnet Mask :
MAC Address : 00:C0:FF:D7:64:8F
Addressing Mode: DHCP

296 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

LUN creation and deletion

MSA2000 LUNs can be created, modified, or deleted either by the Storage

Management Utility (SMU) or the command-line interface (CLI). LUNs can be used
immediately with format to zeros as default background task.

Note: Disks appear as critical while this process is taking place.

To create a logical unit (volume from a VDisk), complete these steps:

1. In the Storage Management Utility SMU interface, go to Manage > Virtual
Disk Config > Create a VDisk. The SMU provides a wizard to create the
virtual disks.
2. You have the following options:
v Manual
v Virtual Disk Name
v RAID Type

Note: SAN Volume Controller does not support RAID 0.

v Number of volumes
v Expose to all hosts

Note: The Expose to all hosts option can cause confusion in multisystem
v LUN assignments

You can also modify, expand, or delete a volume or VDisk using either the SMU or
the CLI.

Note: Before you delete the LUN on the MSA2000 system, use the rmdisk
command to delete the MDisk on the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

LUN presentation

You can also use the SMU or the CLI to map and unmap MSA2000 LUNs.

To map a logical unit (volume from a VDisk), from the SMU complete these steps:
1. In the Storage Management Utility SMU interface, go to Manage > Volume
Management > VDisk or Volume > Volume Mapping.
2. Under the section Assign Host Access Privileges, select Map Host to Volume.
3. For each SAN Volume Controller WWPN, select SVC WWPN in the HOST
WWN-Name menu.
4. Enter the LUN number to present to the SAN Volume Controller. For example,
use 0 for the first volume, then use 1 for the second, until all volumes are
5. Select read-write for the Port 0 Access and Port 1 Access.
6. Click Map it. The resulting mapping is displayed in the Current Host-Volume
Relationships section.

Important: Use this section to verify that the LUN ID is consistent and all SAN
Volume Controller WWPNs have been mapped.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 297

Because there are 8 nodes in the following example, 32 WWPNs show in the show
volume-maps output (four ports per node).
example shown for an 8-node cluster, that is, 32 WWPNs;
# show volume-maps
Volume [SN 00c0ffd76a330000a0fa124a01000000, Name (VD0_V1)] mapping view:
CH ID LUN Access Host-Port-Identifier Nickname
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768012FFFFF
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801105CEE
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680110008A
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768011FFFFF
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768013FFFFF
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768014FFFFF
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680140008A
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680130008A
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680120008A
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801405CEE
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801205CEE
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801305CEE
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680110596B
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801305FB8
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801205FB8
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801405FB8
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801105FB8
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680120596B
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680140596B
0,1 0 0 rw 500507680130596B
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801400009
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801300009
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801100009
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801200009
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768014FFFFE
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768013FFFFE
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768012FFFFE
0,1 0 0 rw 50050768011FFFFE
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801200001
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801400001
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801300001
0,1 0 0 rw 5005076801100001

Note: LUNs from controller module A and controller module B can have the same
LUN IDs (0). Controller module A and Controller module B appear on the SAN
Volume Controller system as separate controllers. Managed disks (MDisks) on the
system should be in separate storage pools so that each controller module has its
own separate storage pool for its presented MDisks.

Special LUNs

Volumes can have a LUN ID from 0 to 126 on each controller. LUN 0 on the
MSA2000 is visible from both controllers, but can only be used to access storage
from the preferred controller. LUN 0 on the other controller does not present

Target ports on MSA2000 systems

The MSA2000 system has two dual-active controllers with two ports each. You
must set these as point-to-point using the SMU interface.

In the Storage Management Utility SMU interface, go to Manage > General Config
> Host Port Configuration. Select Advanced Options and specify point to point for
Change Host Topology.

298 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Each WWPN is identified with the pattern 2P:7N:CC:CC:CC:MM:MM:MM where P
is the port number on the controller and N is the address of the controller port (0
or 8), CC:CC:CC represents the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), and
MM:MM:MM is unique for the particular controller.
# show port-wwn
A 0 207000C0FFD75198
A 1 217000C0FFD75198
B 0 207800C0FFD75198
B 1 217800C0FFD75198

LU access model
The MSA2000 is a dual-active system. Each LUN has an owning controller, and
I/O is serviced only by ports on that controller. Failover automatically takes place
when one controller fails (shuts down). There is no way for SAN Volume
Controller to force failover.

LU grouping

The MSA2000 system does not support LU grouping.

LU preferred access port

The MSA system has two ports per controller. The I/O is through port 0, and port
1 is linked to port 0 of the other controller during a failure or a code upgrade.

Detecting ownership

The LUN is reported only by the target ports of the owning controller.


The only way to cause failover of LUs from one controller to the other is to shut
down one of the controllers. The MSA2000 system cannot normally present all the
system LUNs through both controllers. Therefore, it requires a four-port connection
to two SAN fabrics. Failover for MS2000 systems involves the surviving controller
taking its ports offline, then returning with one of its ports, emulating the WWPNs
of the failed controller.

Note: This behavior also means that half of the operational paths from the
surviving controller are taken away when failover takes place, which allows the
port from the controller that is shutting down to be emulated.

Switch zoning for MSA2000 storage systems

Switch zoning configurations for the MSA2000 system include considerations for
fabric zoning, target port sharing, host splitting, and controller splitting.

Fabric zoning

Each SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port
from each controller to have no single point of failure. This means, for example,
that the zone on the first fabric has Port 0 MSA Controller A with Port 1 of MSA
Controller B and the SAN Volume Controller ports. The zone on the second fabric

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 299

has Port 0 MSA Controller B and Port 1 MSA Controller A and the SAN Volume
Controller ports. For more information about the Fibre Channel dual-fabric setup,
see the relevant MSA documentation.

Target port sharing

Target ports may not be shared between SAN Volume Controller and other hosts.

Host splitting

A single host must not be connected to SAN Volume Controller and an MSA2000
system simultaneously.

Controller splitting

MSA2000 system LUNs must be mapped only to the SAN Volume Controller
clustered system. The four target ports are all required for dual SAN-fabric
connections and cannot be shared.

Configuration settings for MSA2000 systems

The MSA2000 System Storage Management Utility (SMU) provides configuration
settings and options that can be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered

Target port options

Table 73 describes the port settings that are supported by the SAN Volume
Table 73. MSA2000 system port settings for use with the SAN Volume Controller
Values (any limits on the
Option possible values) Description
Host Port Configuration 2 Gbps or 4 Gbps Set according to the fabric
Internal Host Port Straight-through Set to Straight-through for a
Interconnect point-to-point Fibre Channel
Host Port Configuration Point-to-Point Set to Point-to-point for use
with SAN Volume Controller.

LU options and settings

The MSA volumes can be created after you create a volume (RAID 0 is not
supported), or they can be added later to the volume. LUNs can be configured in
16K, 32K, and 64K (default) chunks by using the advanced option. Table 74 on
page 301 describes the preferred options available when you create a logical unit

300 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 74. Preferred options for logical units (LU)
Option Value Description
Expose to All Hosts Yes After the mapping of the volume to the SAN
Volume Controller completes, this is modified to
All other hosts (none no access). This can be
done under the Assign Host Access Privileges
Automatically assign Yes This forces option expose to all hosts and is
LUNs necessary for consistent LUN numbering.
write-policy write-back
optimization any
read-ahead-size default
independent disable This setting controls cache mirroring. Because
SAN Volume Controller requires mirroring, the
independent=disable option must be used.

Host options and settings for MSA2000 systems

There is no specific host option to present the MSA2000 systems to SAN Volume
Controller systems. Use Microsoft Windows 2003 (Microsoft Windows 2003) as the
host setting for SAN Volume Controller.

Quorum disks on MSA2000 systems

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system requires managed disks (MDisks)
that are quorum disks for system metadata storage. The MSA2000 system failover
method is not compatible with the requirements for these disks. Quorum disks
must be on another separate and suitable managed controller.

Copy functions for MSA2000 systems

The MSA2000 system provides optional copy and replicate features, called clone
and snapshot. However, these functions must not be used with SAN Volume

Configuring NEC iStorage systems

This section provides information about configuring NEC iStorage systems for
attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported firmware levels for the NEC iStorage

The NEC iStorage system must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN
Volume Controller.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Logical unit creation and deletion for NEC iStorage systems

You can create or delete logical units for NEC iStorage systems. See the storage
configuration guidelines that are specified in the NEC iStorage documentation that
is provided for this system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 301

Platform type for NEC iStorage
You must set all logical units that the SAN Volume Controller accesses to platform
type AX (AIX).

Access control methods for NEC iStorage

You can use access control to restrict access from hosts and SAN Volume Controller
clustered systems. You do not need to use access control to allow a SAN Volume
Controller system to use all of the defined logical units on the system.

The following table lists the access control methods that are available:

Method Description
Port Mode Allows access to logical units that you want to define on a
per-storage-controller port basis. SAN Volume Controller
visibility (such as through switch zoning or physical cabling)
must allow the SAN Volume Controller system to have the
same access from all nodes. The accessible controller ports
must also be assigned the same set of logical units with the
same logical unit number. This method of access control is not
recommended for a SAN Volume Controller connection.
WWN Mode Allows access to logical units using the WWPN of each of the
ports of an accessing host device. All WWPNs of all the SAN
Volume Controller nodes in the same system must be added
to the list of linked paths in the controller configuration. This
becomes the list of host (SAN Volume Controller) ports for an
LD Set or group of logical units. This method of access
control allows sharing because different logical units can be
accessed by other hosts.

Setting cache allocations for NEC iStorage

Cache allocations can be set manually; however, changes to the default settings can
adversely effect performance and cause you to lose access to the system.

Snapshot Volume and Link Volume for NEC iStorage

You cannot use Copy Services logical volumes with logical units that are assigned
to the SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring NetApp FAS systems

This section provides information about configuring the Network Appliance
(NetApp) Fibre-attached Storage (FAS) systems for attachment to a SAN Volume
Controller. Models of the NetApp FAS system are equivalent to the IBM System
Storage N5000 series and the IBM System Storage N7000 series; therefore, the SAN
Volume Controller also supports models of the IBM N5000 series and the IBM
N7000 series.

Attention: You must configure NetApp FAS systems in single-image mode. SAN
Volume Controller does not support NetApp FAS systems that are in
multiple-image mode.

The information in this section also applies to the supported models of the IBM
N5000 series and the IBM N7000 series.

302 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Supported models of the NetApp FAS system
The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the NetApp FAS200, FAS900,
FAS3000 and FAS6000 series of systems.

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the NetApp FAS

The NetApp FAS must use a firmware level that is supported by the SAN Volume

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

User interfaces on the NetApp FAS

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that support the
NetApp FAS.

See the documentation that is provided with your NetApp FAS system for more
information about the web server and CLI.

Web server

You can manage, configure, and monitor the NetApp FAS through the FileView


You can access the command-line interface through a direct connection to the filer
serial console port or by using the filer IP address to establish a telnet session.

Logical units and target ports on NetApp FAS systems

For the NetApp FAS systems, a logical unit (LU) is a subdirectory in an internal
file system.

LUs that are exported by the NetApp FAS system report identification descriptors
in the vital product data (VPD). The SAN Volume Controller clustered system uses
the LUN-associated binary type-3 IEEE Registered Extended descriptor to identify
the LU. For a NetApp LUN that is mapped to the SAN Volume Controller system,
set the LUN Protocol Type to Linux.

The NetApp FAS system does not use LU groups so that all LUs are independent.
The LU access model is active-active. Each LU has a preferred filer, but can be
accessed from either filer. The preferred filer contains the preferred access ports for
the LU. The SAN Volume Controller system detects and uses this preference.

The NetApp FAS reports a different worldwide port name (WWPN) for each port
and a single worldwide node name (WWNN).

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 303

Creating logical units on the NetApp FAS
To create logical units, you must identify a volume from which to create the logical
unit and specify the amount of space to use.

About this task

Perform the following steps to create logical units:

1. Log on to the NetApp FAS.
2. Go to Filer View and authenticate.
3. Click Volumes and identify a volume to use to create an LU. A list of volumes
is displayed.
4. Identify a volume that has sufficient free space for the LUN size that you want
to use.
5. Click LUNs on the left panel.
6. Click Add in the list.
7. Enter the following:
a. In the Path field, enter /vol/volx/lun_name where volx is the name of the
volume identified above and lun_name is a generic name.
b. In the LUN Protocol Type field, enter Linux.
c. Leave the Description field blank.
d. In the Size field, enter a LUN size.
e. In the Units field, enter the LUN size in units.
f. Select the Space Reserved box.

Note: If the Space Reserved box is not selected and the file system is full,
the LUN goes offline. The storage pool also goes offline and you cannot
access the volumes.
g. Click Add.

Note: To check the LUN settings, go to the Manage LUNs section and click
the LUN you want to view. Ensure that the Space Reserved setting is set.

Deleting logical units on the NetApp FAS

You can delete logical units.

About this task

Perform the following steps to delete logical units:

1. Log on to the NetApp FAS.
2. Go to Filer View and authenticate.
3. Click LUNs on the left panel.
4. Click Manage. A list of LUNs is displayed.
5. Click the LUN that you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. Confirm the LUN that you want to delete.

304 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating host objects for the NetApp FAS
You can create host objects.

About this task

Perform the following steps to create host objects:

1. Log on to the NetApp FAS.
2. Go to Filer View and authenticate.
3. Click LUNs on the left panel.
4. Click Initiator Groups.
5. Click Add in the list.
6. Enter the following:
a. In the Group Name field, enter the name of the initiator group or host.
b. In the Type list, select FCP.
c. In the Operating System field, select Linux.
d. In the Initiators field, enter the list of WWPNs of all the ports of the nodes
in the cluster that are associated with the host.

Note: Delete the WWPNs that are displayed in the list and manually enter
the list of SAN Volume Controller node ports. You must enter the ports of
all nodes in the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.
7. Click Add.

Presenting LUNs to hosts for NetApp FAS

You can present LUNs to hosts.

About this task

Perform the following steps to present LUNs to hosts:

1. Log on to the NetApp FAS.
2. Go to Filer View and authenticate.
3. Click LUNs on the left panel.
4. Click Manage. A list of LUNs is displayed.
5. Click the LUN that you want to map.
6. Click Map LUN.
7. Click Add Groups to Map.
8. Select the name of the host or initiator group from the list and click Add.

a. You can leave the LUN ID section blank. A LUN ID is assigned based on
the information the controllers are currently presenting.
b. If you are re-mapping the LUN from one host to another, you can also
select the Unmap box.
9. Click Apply.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 305

Switch zoning limitations for NetApp FAS systems
There are limitations in switch zoning for SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems and NetApp FAS systems.

Fabric zoning

The SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port from
each filer to avoid a single point of failure.

Target port sharing

Target ports can be shared between the SAN Volume Controller system and other
hosts. However, you must define separate initiator groups (igroups) for the SAN
Volume Controller initiator ports and the host ports.

Host splitting
A single host cannot be connected to both the SAN Volume Controller system and
the NetApp FAS to avoid the possibility of an interaction between multipathing

Controller splitting

You can connect other hosts directly to both the NetApp FAS and the SAN Volume
Controller system under the following conditions:
v Target ports are dedicated to each host or are in a different igroup than the SAN
Volume Controller system
v LUNs that are in the SAN Volume Controller system igroup are not included in
any other igroup

Concurrent maintenance on the NetApp FAS

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a NetApp
FAS while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

The SAN Volume Controller supports concurrent maintenance on the NetApp FAS.

Quorum disks on the NetApp FAS

The SAN Volume Controller can use logical units (LUs) that are exported by the
NetApp FAS as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for the NetApp FAS

The SAN Volume Controller copy and migration functions are supported for
logical units (LUs) that are presented by the NetApp FAS.

Configuring Nexsan SATABeast systems

This section provides information about configuring Nexsan SATABeast systems
for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

Supported models of the Nexsan SATABeast system

The SAN Volume Controller supports models of the Nexsan SATABeast series of

306 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

See the following website for the latest supported models:

Supported firmware levels for the Nexsan SATABeast

The Nexsan SATABeast system must use a firmware level that is supported by the
SAN Volume Controller. The current level is Nt66E.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

The minimum supported SAN Volume Controller level for the attachment of
Nexsan SATABeast is

Concurrent maintenance on Nexsan SATABeast systems

Concurrent maintenance is the ability to perform I/O operations on a Nexsan
SATABeast while simultaneously performing maintenance on it.

You can perform nondisruptive maintenance procedures concurrently on the

following components:
v Nexsan SATABeast controller
v Disk drive

User interfaces on the Nexsan SATABeast

NexScan is the Nexsan's web-enabled GUI. NexScan provides access to your
SATABeast system from any standard internet browser or host computer, either
directly connected or connected through a LAN or WAN.

NexScan is platform-independent and no software or patches are required.

Additional access is available through the RS232 serial interface DB9 (one per
controller). NexScan supports VT100 and is compatible with terminal emulation
software such as HyperTerminal and Kermit.

Logical unit creation, deletion, and migration for Nexsan

SATABeast systems
Before you create, delete, and migrate logical units for the Nexsan SATABeast, read
the storage configuration guidelines specified in the Nexsan SATABeast
documentation that is provided for this system.

Creating arrays

The following arrays are supported:

v RAID 0
v RAID 1
v RAID 4
v RAID 5
v RAID 6

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 307

Creating volumes

You create and configure volumes in the Configure Volumes section of the GUI.

Presenting logical units to hosts

Table 75 lists the host profile settings:

Table 75. Nexsan SATABeast host profile settings
Controller 0 Fibre Host 0 Fibre Host 1
Current Status New State Current Status New State
Topology P2P Full Fabric Auto P2P Full Fabric Auto
Loop ID (NA) Auto (NA) Auto
Link Speed 4Gbit Auto 4Gbit Auto
Auto Port Yes Yes Yes Yes
Controller 0 Fibre Host 0 Fibre Host 1
Current Status New State Current Status New State
Topology P2P Full Fabric Auto P2P Full Fabric Auto
Loop ID (NA) Auto (NA) Auto
Link Speed 4Gbit Auto 4Gbit Auto
Auto Port Yes Yes Yes Yes

Migrating logical units

You can use the standard migration procedure to migrate logical units from the
Nexsan SATABeast to the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Sharing the Nexsan SATABeast between a host and the SAN

Volume Controller
You must configure your environment so that only the SAN Volume Controller can
access all logical units on the Nexsan SATABeast. You can zone other hosts to
communicate with the Nexsan SATABeast for in-band configuration, but nothing

Quorum disks on the Nexsan SATABeast

The SAN Volume Controller can use logical units (LUs) that are exported by the
Nexsan SATABeast as quorum disks.

Advanced functions for the Nexsan SATABeast

Nexsan advanced functions are not supported with SAN Volume Controller.

Configuring Pillar Axiom systems

This section provides information about configuring Pillar Axiom systems for
attachment to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

308 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Supported models of Pillar Axiom systems
SAN Volume Controller clustered systems can be used with some models of the
Pillar Axiom series of systems.

See the following website for the latest models that can be used with SAN Volume
Controller systems:

Supported firmware levels of Pillar Axiom systems

You must ensure that the firmware level of the Pillar Axiom system can be used
with the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

See the following website for specific firmware levels and the latest supported

Concurrent maintenance on Pillar Axiom systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations to a Pillar
Axiom system while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on it.

Because some maintenance operations restart the Pillar Axiom system, you cannot
perform hardware maintenance or firmware upgrades while the system is attached
to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Pillar Axiom user interfaces

Ensure that you are familiar with the user interface applications that Pillar Axiom
systems use. For more information, see the documentation that is included with
the Pillar Axiom system.

AxiomONE Storage Services Manager

The AxiomONE Storage Services Manager is a browser-based GUI that allows you
to configure, manage, and troubleshoot Pillar Axiom systems.

Pillar Data Systems CLI

The Pillar Data Systems command-line interface (CLI) communicates with the
system through an XML-based application programming interface (API) over a
TCP/IP network. The Pillar Data Systems CLI is installed through the AxiomOne
Storage Service Manager. You can use the Pillar Data Systems CLI to issue all
commands, run scripts, request input files to run commands, and run commands
through a command prompt. The Pillar Data Systems CLI can run on all operating
systems that can be used with Pillar Axiom systems.


The AxiomONE CLI is installed through the AxiomONE Storage Service Manager.
You can use the AxiomONE CLI to perform administrative tasks. The AxiomONE
CLI can run on a subset of operating systems that can be used with Pillar Axiom

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 309

Logical units and target ports on Pillar Axiom systems
For Pillar Axiom systems, logical units are enumerated devices that have the same
characteristics as LUNs.


You can use the AxiomONE Storage Services Manager to create and delete LUNs.

1. When you create a LUN, it is not formatted and therefore can still contain
sensitive data from previous usage.
2. You cannot map more than 256 Pillar Axiom LUNs to a SAN Volume
Controller clustered system.

You can create LUNs in a specific volume group or in a generic volume group. A
single LUN can use the entire capacity of a disk group. However, for SAN Volume
Controller systems, LUNs cannot exceed 1 PB. When LUNs are exactly 1 PB, a
warning is issued in the SAN Volume Controller system event log.

The amount of capacity that the LUN uses is determined by the capacity of the
LUN and the level of redundancy. You can define one of three levels of
v Standard, which stores only the original data
v Double, which stores the original data and one copy
v Triple, which stores the original data and two copies
For all levels of redundancy, data is striped across multiple RAID-5 groups.

LUNs that are exported by the Pillar Axiom system report identification
descriptors in the vital product data (VPD). The SAN Volume Controller system
uses the LUN-associated binary type-2 IEEE Registered Extended descriptor to
identify the LUN. The following format is used:


where CCCCCC is the IEEE company ID (0x00b08), LLLL is a number that

increments each time a LUN is created (0000–0xFFFD) and MMMMMM is the
system serial number.

You can find the identifier in the AxiomONE Storage Services Manager. From the
AxiomONE Storage Services Manager, click Storage > LUNs > Identity. The
identifier is listed in the LUID column. To verify that the identifier matches the
UID that the SAN Volume Controller system lists, issue the lsmdisk mdisk_id or
mdisk_name from the command-line interface and check the value in the UID

Moving LUNs

If you want to migrate more than 256 LUNs on an existing Pillar Axiom system to
the SAN Volume Controller clustered system, you must use the SAN Volume
Controller clustered-system migration function. The Pillar Axiom system allows up
to 256 LUNs per host and the SAN Volume Controller system must be configured
as a single host. Because the SAN Volume Controller system is not limited to 256
volumes, you can migrate your existing Pillar Axiom system setup to the SAN
Volume Controller system. You must then virtualize groups of LUNs and then

310 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

migrate the group to larger managed mode disks.

Target ports

Pillar Axiom systems with one pair of controllers report a different worldwide port
name (WWPN) for each port and a single worldwide node name (WWNN).
Systems with more than one pair of controllers report a unique WWNN for each
controller pair.

LUN groups are not used so that all LUNs are independent. The LUN access
model is active-active/asymmetric with one controller having ownership of the
LUN. All I/O operations to the LUN on this controller is optimized for
performance. You can use the lsmdisk mdisk_id or mdisk_name CLI command to
determine the assigned controller for a LUN.

To balance I/O load across the controllers, I/O operations can be performed
through any port. However, performance is higher on the ports of the controller
that own the LUNs. By default, the LUNs that are mapped to the SAN Volume
Controller system are accessed through the ports of the controller that owns the

Switch zoning limitations for Pillar Axiom systems

There are limitations in switch zoning for SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems and Pillar Axiom systems.

Fabric zoning

The SAN Volume Controller switch zone must include at least one target port from
each Pillar Axiom controller to avoid a single point of failure.

Target port sharing

Target ports can be shared between the SAN Volume Controller system and other

Host splitting

A single host cannot be connected to both the SAN Volume Controller system and
the Pillar Axiom system to avoid the possibility of an interaction between
multipathing drivers.

Controller splitting

Pillar Axiom system LUNs that are mapped to the SAN Volume Controller system
cannot be mapped to other hosts. Pillar Axiom system LUNs that are not mapped
to the SAN Volume Controller system can be mapped to other hosts.

Configuration settings for Pillar Axiom systems

The AxiomONE Storage Services Manager provides configuration settings and
options that can be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

The settings and options can have a scope of the following:

v System (global)
v Logical unit (LU)

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 311

v Host

Global settings for Pillar Axiom systems

Global settings apply across a Pillar Axiom system.

Table 76 lists the system options that you can access using the AxiomONE Storage
Services Manager.
Table 76. Pillar Axiom global options and required settings
Pillar Axiom default SAN Volume Controller
Option setting required setting
Enable Automatic Failback of Y N/A
NAS Control Units
Link Aggregation N N/A
DHCP/Static - Any
Call-home - Any

Logical unit options and settings for Pillar Axiom systems

Logical unit (LU) settings are configurable at the LU level.

Table 77 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by other
hosts. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently. You can use the
AxiomONE Storage Services Manager to change these settings.
Table 77. Pillar Axiom LU options and required settings
SAN Volume
Pillar Axiom Default Controller Required
Option Setting Setting
LUN Access All hosts Select hosts
Protocol FC FC
LUN Assignment Auto Any

Attention: Do not
change the LUN
assignment after the
LUNs are mapped to
the SAN Volume
Controller clustered
Select Port Mask All On All On
Quality of Service Various No preference. See the
note below.
Note: If you do not know the Quality of Service setting, you can use the following:
v Priority vs other Volumes = Medium
v Data is typically accessed = Mixed
v I/O Bias = Mixed

Host options and settings for Pillar Axiom systems

You must use specific settings to identify SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems as hosts to Pillar Axiom systems.

312 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 78 lists the host options and settings that can be changed using the
AxiomONE Storage Services Manager.
Table 78. Pillar Axiom host options and required settings
SAN Volume Controller
Option Pillar Axiom default setting required setting
Load balancing Static Static

Quorum disks on Pillar Axiom systems

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system selects managed disks (MDisks) that
are presented by Pillar Axiom systems as quorum disks.

Copy functions for Pillar Axiom systems

Advanced copy functions for Pillar Axiom systems (for example, Snap FS, Snap
LUN, Volume Backup, Volume Copy, and Remote Copy) cannot be used with disks
that are managed by the SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Configuring Texas Memory Systems RamSan Solid State Storage

This section provides information about configuring Texas Memory Systems (TMS)
RamSan systems for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller.

TMS RamSan Solid State Storage supported models

SAN Volume Controller clustered systems can be used with the RamSan Solid®
State Storage systems.

For the latest RamSan models that can be used with SAN Volume Controller
systems, see the following website:

Supported TMS RamSan firmware levels

You must ensure that the RamSan firmware level can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

For the supported firmware levels and hardware, see the following website:

Concurrent maintenance on RamSan systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations while you
simultaneously perform maintenance operations on the RamSan system.

Apply firmware upgrades to a RamSan system during a maintenance window. A

power cycle of the RamSan system is required for the upgraded firmware to take

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 313

RamSan user interfaces
You can configure a RamSan system through a web GUI based on Java™ or a
command-line interface (CLI). You can also perform some system-critical
operations by using the front panel on the RamSan system.

RamSan web GUI

The web GUI is an applet based on Java that is accessible through the IP address
of the RamSan system. All configuration and monitoring steps are available
through this interface. Be default, the web GUI uses SSL encryption to
communicate with the RamSan system.

RamSan CLI

The command-line interface (CLI) is accessible through SSH, Telnet, and RS-232
port. The CLI includes all functionality that is available in the GUI with the
exception of statistics monitoring. The CLI includes a diagnostics interface,
however, for internal hardware checks.

Logical units and target ports on RamSan systems

Partitions on RamSan systems are exported as logical units (LUs) with a logical
unit number (LUN) that is assigned to the partition.

LUNs on RamSan systems

RamSan systems are shipped with a particular capacity of user space, which
depends on the model. A partition with this capacity is known as a logical unit.

RamSan systems can export up to 1024 LUNs to the SAN Volume Controller
through various exported FC ports. The maximum logical-unit size is the full,
usable capacity of the RamSan system.


RamSan systems identify exported LUs through identification descriptors 0, 1, and

2. The EUI-64 identifier for the LU is in the CCCCCCLLLLMMMMMM notation where
CCCCCC is the Texas Memory Systems IEEE Company ID of 0020C2h, LLLL is the
logical unit handle, and MMMMMM is the serial number of the chassis. The EUI-64
identifier is available on the detailed view of each logical unit in the GUI.

LUN creation and deletion

RamSan LUNs are created, modified, or deleted either by using a wizard tutorial
in the GUI or by entering a CLI command. LUNs are not formatted to all zeros
upon creation.

To create a logical unit, highlight Logical Units and select Create toolbar. To
modify, resize, or delete an LU, select the appropriate toolbar button when the
specific logical unit is highlighted in the navigation tree.

Note: Delete the MDisk on the SAN Volume Controller clustered system before
you delete the LUN on the RamSan system.

314 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

LUN presentation

LUNs are exported through the available FC ports of RamSan systems by access
policies. Access policies are associations of the logical unit, port, and host. A
RamSan system requires that one of the three items is unique across all available
access policies. LUNs that are to be presented to SAN Volume Controller must be
presented to all node ports in the system through at least two ports on the RamSan
system. Present each LU to the SAN Volume Controller on the same LUN through
all target ports.

To apply access policies to a logical unit, highlight the specific logical unit in the
GUI and click the Access toolbar button.

Special LUNs

The RamSan system has no special considerations for logical unit numbering. LUN
0 can be exported where necessary. In one RamSan model, a licensed Turbo feature
is available to create a logical unit up to half the size of the cache to keep locked in
the DRAM cache for the highest performance. No identification difference exists
with a Turbo or locked LUN as opposed to any other LUN ID.

Target ports on RamSan systems

A RamSan system is capable of housing 4 dual-ported FC cards. Each worldwide

port name (WWPN) is identified with the pattern 2P:0N:00:20:C2:MM:MM:MM where
P is the port number on the controller and N is the address of the controller. The
MMMMMM represents the chassis serial number.

The controller address is as follows:

04: FC-1
08: FC-2
0C: FC-3
10: FC-4
14: FC-5

Port 2B has a WWPN of 21:08:00:20:C2:07:83:32 for a system with serial number

G-8332. The same system has a worldwide node name (WWNN) of
10:00:00:20:C2:07:83:32 for all ports.

LU access model

On a RamSan system, all controllers are Active/Active on a nonblocking crossbar.

To avoid an outage from controller failure, configure multipathing across FC
controller cards in all conditions. Because all RamSan systems are equal in priority,
there is no benefit to using an exclusive set for a specific LU.

LU grouping

The RamSan system does not use LU grouping.

LU preferred access port

There are no preferred access ports for the RamSan system because all ports are
Active/Active across all controllers.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 315

Detecting ownership

Ownership is not relevant to the RamSan system.

Switch zoning for RamSan storage systems

Switch zoning configurations for the RamSan system include considerations for
fabric zoning, target port sharing, host splitting, and controller splitting.

Fabric zoning

To enable multipathing, ensure that you have multiple zones or multiple RamSan
and SAN Volume Controller ports for each zone when you are zoning a RamSan
system to the SAN Volume Controller back-end ports.

Target port sharing

The RamSan system can support LUN masking to enable multiple servers to access
separate LUNs through a common controller port. There are no issues with mixing
workloads or server types in this setup. LUN Masking is a licensed feature of the
RamSan system.

Host splitting

There are no issues with host splitting on a RamSan system.

Controller splitting

RamSan system LUNs that are mapped to the SAN Volume Controller clustered
system cannot be mapped to other hosts. LUNs that are not presented to the SAN
Volume Controller can be mapped to other hosts.

Configuration settings for RamSan systems

The RamSan GUI provides configuration settings and options that can be used
with SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

LU options and settings

When you create a logical unit (LU), the options in Table 79 are available on
RamSan systems.
Table 79. RamSan LU options
SAN Volume
Option Data type Range Default setting Comments
Name String 1 Logical unit Any This is only
character - 32 number for
characters management

316 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 79. RamSan LU options (continued)
SAN Volume
Option Data type Range Default setting Comments
Number Integer 0 - 1023 Next available 0 - 254 Some hosts
LUN have known
limitations of
254 as their
highest LUN
ability. One
logical unit
can appear at
LUNs. For
example, the
same data
could appear
at LUN 1,
LUN 7, and
LUN 124.
Size Integer 1 MB - Maximum Any MB and GB
maximum available are BASE2
capacity capacity offerings.
Sector size Option list 512 - 4096 512 512 SAN Volume
does not
support the
Backup mode Option list Writeback Writeback Writeback Use writeback
caching or caching caching caching in
writethrough production.
caching Use
strictly for
Device ID Integer Blank, Blank Blank Specific only
0 - 32768 to OpenVMS.
Report Checkbox Checked or Checked Checked Notifies the
corrected Unchecked host if ECC
media errors was used to
correct the
Report Checkbox Checked or Checked Checked Always report
uncorrected Unchecked uncorrected
media errors media errors.

Host options and settings for RamSan systems

No host options are required to present the RamSan systems to SAN Volume
Controller systems.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 317

Quorum disks on RamSan systems
The SAN Volume Controller clustered system selects managed disks (MDisks) that
are presented by RamSan systems as quorum disks. To maintain availability with
the clustered system, ensure that each quorum disk resides on a separate disk

Clearing SCSI reservations and registrations

You must not use the RamSan CLI to clear SCSI reservations and registrations on
volumes that are managed by the SAN Volume Controller. This option is not
available on the GUI.

Copy functions for RamSan systems

The RamSan system does not provide copy, replicate, or SnapShot features. The
RamSan system also does not provide thin provisioning.

Configuring Xiotech ISE systems

This section provides information about configuring Xiotech ISE systems for
attachment to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Supported Xiotech ISE models

SAN Volume Controller clustered systems can be used with the Xiotech ISE storage

See the SAN Volume Controller (2145) website for the latest Xiotech ISE models
that can be used with SAN Volume Controller systems:

Note: Thin provisioning is not supported for use with SAN Volume Controller and
is currently not supported for Xiotech ISE.

Supported Xiotech ISE firmware levels

You must ensure that the Xiotech ISE firmware level can be used with the SAN
Volume Controller clustered system.

See the SAN Volume Controller (2145) website for the supported firmware levels
and hardware:

Concurrent maintenance on Xiotech ISE systems

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations on a Xiotech
ISE system while simultaneously performing maintenance operations on the

Concurrent maintenance cannot be supported during I/O operations. Because

some maintenance operations, such as firmware updates, restart Xiotech ISE
systems, consult the appropriate maintenance manual at the Xiotech web site
before you perform maintenance:

318 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Xiotech ISE user interfaces
Ensure that you are familiar with the Xiotech ISE user interface applications. For
more information about the user interface applications, see the documentation that
is included with the Xiotech ISE system.

Xiotech ISE Storage Management GUI

The Xiotech ISE Storage Management GUI is a Java-based interface that you can
use to configure, manage, and troubleshoot Xiotech ISE storage systems. The
Xiotech ISE Storage Management GUI is designed and supported on Microsoft
Windows systems and has the following minimum requirements:
Internet Explorer v6.02800.1106, SP1, Q903235 or higher (JavaScript enabled;
XML/XSL rendering enabled)

Xiotech ISE CLI

The Xiotech ISE command-line interface (CLI) communicates with the system
through a serial port that is connected to a computer that runs a terminal
emulation program, such as Microsoft HyperTerminal or PuTTY. The Xiotech ISE
CLI is primarily used to configure the network adapter TCP/IP settings.

A null modem cable is required. Configure the serial port on the computer as
v 115200 baud
v 8 data bits
v No parity
v 1-stop bit
v No flow control

Logical units and target ports on Xiotech ISE systems

On Xiotech ISE systems, logical units (LUs) are enumerated devices that have the
same characteristics as logical unit numbers (LUNs).


An Xiotech ISE logical unit is referred to as a volume. Xiotech ISE volumes are
enumerated devices that all share identical characteristics.

A single Xiotech ISE volume can potentially consume the entire capacity that is
allocated for SAN Volume Controller storage pools, but it cannot exceed the SAN
Volume Controller 2 TB LUN size limit. Any LUN that is 2 TB or larger is
truncated to 2 TB, and a warning message is generated for each path to the LUN.


LUNs that are exported by Xiotech ISE systems are guaranteed to be unique. They
are created with a combination of serial numbers and counters along with a
standard IEEE registered extended format.

LUN creation and deletion

Xiotech ISE LUNs are created and deleted by using either the Xiotech ISE Storage
Management GUI or CLI. LUNs are formatted to all zeros at creation.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 319

When a new LUN is created, the Xiotech ISE system begins a background zeroing
process. If a read operation comes in to an area that has not been processed yet,
the system returns zeros as a read response. This is the normal procedure. If a
previous LUN with data was in that storage area, it is zeroed out. If a
non-zeroed-out area gets read, the system returns zeros if it has not been written to

LUN presentation on Xiotech ISE systems

Xiotech ISE LUNs are presented to the SAN Volume Controller interface using the
following rules:
v LUNs can be presented to one or more selected hosts.
v Configuration is easier if you create one host name for the SAN Volume
v No individual LUN volume on the Xiotech ISE system can exceed 2 TB in size.
v For the managed reliability features to be effective on the Xiotech ISE system,
use either RAID 1 or RAID 5 when you create volumes.
v The write-back and write-through cache options are available depending on the
performance requirements on each individual LUN. Generally, write-back
caching provides the best performance.
v Although either Linux or Windows can be used, Linux is recommended for
volumes that are intended for use on the SAN Volume Controller.

To present Xiotech ISE LUNs to the SAN Volume Controller, follow these steps:
1. On the Xiotech ISE system, create a single host name for the SAN Volume
Controller and assign all SAN Volume Controller host bus adapter (HBA) ports
to that host name as shown in Table 80.
Table 80. Host information for Xiotech ISE
Operating system
Name type HBA ports Mapping
SVC_Cluster Linux 500507680130535F Volume01 (lun:1)
5005076801305555 Volume02 (lun:2)

2. When you create new volumes that are intended for use on the SAN Volume
Controller, assign them to the host name that is used to represent the SAN
Volume Controller.

Special LUNs

The Xiotech ISE storage system does not use a special LUN. Storage can be
presented by using any valid LUN, including 0.

Target ports on Xiotech ISE systems

Each Xiotech ISE1 system has two physical Fibre Channel ports, and each Xiotech
ISE2 system has eight physical Fibre Channel ports. These are, by default, intended
to provide failover or multipath capability. The worldwide node name (WWNN)
and worldwide port name (WWPN) are typically similar, such as in the following

320 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

ISE1 example:
ISE1 WWNN: 20:00:00:14:c3:67:3f:c4
MRC1 WWPN: 20:00:00:14:c3:67:3f:c4
MRC2 WWPN: 20:00:00:14:c3:67:3f:c5
ISE2 example:
ISE2 WWNN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:78
MRC1 Port 1 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:78
MRC1 Port 2 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:79
MRC1 Port 3 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7A
MRC1 Port 4 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7B
MRC2 Port 5 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7C
MRC2 Port 6 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7D
MRC2 Port 7 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7E
MRC2 Port 8 WWPN: 20:00:00:1F:93:10:31:7F

LU access model

The Xiotech ISE system has no specific ownership of any LUN by any module.
Because data is striped over all disks in a DataPac, performance is generally
unaffected by the choice of a target port.

LU grouping

The Xiotech ISE system does not use LU grouping; all LUNs are independent

LU preferred access port

There are no preferred access ports for the Xiotech ISE system.

Detecting ownership

Ownership is not relevant to the Xiotech ISE system.

Switch zoning limitations for Xiotech ISE storage systems

Limitations exist in switch zoning for SAN Volume Controller clustered systems
and the Xiotech ISE storage system.

Fabric zoning

To avoid a single point of failure, the SAN Volume Controller switch zone must
include both target ports from each Xiotech ISE controller.

Target port sharing

Target ports can be shared between the SAN Volume Controller system and other

Host splitting

To avoid the possibility of an interaction between multipathing drivers, a single

host cannot be connected to both the SAN Volume Controller system and the
Xiotech ISE system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 321

Controller splitting

Xiotech ISE system logical unit numbers (LUNs) that are mapped to the SAN
Volume Controller system cannot be mapped to other hosts. Xiotech ISE system
LUNs that are not mapped to the SAN Volume Controller system can be mapped
to other hosts.

Configuration settings for Xiotech ISE systems

The Xiotech ISE Storage Management GUI provides configuration settings and
options that can be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered systems.

The only specific setting is the host operating system type: Windows or Linux. This
setting is irrelevant as it is not currently used by the system.

LU options and settings

Logical unit (LU) settings for the Xiotech ISE system are configurable at the LU

Table 81 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by other
hosts. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently. You can use the
Xiotech ISE Storage Management GUI or CLI to change these settings.
Table 81. Xiotech ISE LU settings
SAN Volume
Option Data type Range Default setting Comments
Capacity Int 1 GB to 2 TB No Any SAN Volume
supports up
to 2 TB.

Host options and settings for Xiotech ISE

You must use specific settings to identify SAN Volume Controller systems as hosts
to the Xiotech ISE storage system.

A Xiotech ISE host is a single WWPN; however, multiple WWPNs can be included
in a single host definition on the Xiotech ISE system.

A Xiotech ISE host also can consist of more than one WWPN. The recommended
method is to make each SAN Volume Controller node a Xiotech ISE host and to
make a Xiotech ISE cluster that corresponds to all the nodes in the SAN Volume
Controller system. To do this, include all of the SAN Volume Controller WWPNs
under the same Xiotech ISE host name.

Quorum disks on Xiotech ISE systems

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system selects managed disks (MDisks) that
are presented by Xiotech ISE systems as quorum disks. The clearing of Small
Computer System Interface (SCSI) reservations and registrations is not supported
by the Xiotech ISE system.

322 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Copy functions for Xiotech ISE systems
Advanced copy functions for Xiotech ISE systems such as SnapShot and remote
mirroring cannot be used with disks that are managed by the SAN Volume
Controller clustered system. Thin provisioning is not supported for use with SAN
Volume Controller.

Configuring IBM XIV Storage System models

This section provides information about configuring IBM XIV® Storage System
models for attachment to a SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

Supported IBM XIV Storage System models

SAN Volume Controller support for IBM XIV Storage System systems is specific to
certain models.

The supported IBM XIV Storage System models are:

v IBM XIV Storage System Model A14

Note: For Model A14, partially populated racks are supported.

See the following website for the latest IBM XIV Storage System models that can
be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered systems:

Supported IBM XIV firmware levels

You must ensure that SAN Volume Controller supports your IBM XIV Storage
System firmware level.

See the following website for the supported firmware levels and hardware:

Concurrent maintenance on IBM XIV Storage System models

Concurrent maintenance is the capability to perform I/O operations on an IBM
XIV Storage System models while simultaneously performing maintenance
operations on the system.

Some maintenance operations might require a complete restart of IBM XIV Storage
System systems. Such procedures are not supported when the system is attached to
the SAN Volume Controller.

Other concurrent maintenance procedures are supported.

Further information is available at the IBM XIV customer support site:

IBM XIV user interfaces

Ensure that you are familiar with the IBM XIV Storage System user interface
applications. For more information, see the documentation that is included with
your IBM XIV Storage System system.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 323

IBM XIV Storage Management GUI

The IBM XIV Storage System Storage Management GUI is a Java-based GUI that
you can use to configure, manage, and troubleshoot IBM XIV Storage System
systems. The IBM XIV Storage System Storage Management GUI can run on all
operating systems that can be used with IBM XIV Storage System systems.


The IBM XIV Storage System command-line interface (XCLI) communicates with
the systems through an XML-based API over a TCP/IP network. You can use the
XCLI to issue all commands, run scripts, request input files to run commands, and
run commands through a command prompt. The XCLI can run on all operating
systems that can be used with IBM XIV Storage System systems.

Logical units and target ports on IBM XIV Storage System

On IBM XIV Storage System, logical units (LUs) are enumerated devices that have
the same characteristics as LUNs.

An IBM XIV Storage System Logical Unit is referred to as a volume. IBM XIV
Storage System and volumes are enumerated devices that all share identical

A single IBM XIV Storage System volume can potentially consume the entire
capacity that is allocated for SAN Volume Controller managed disk (MDisk)
groups, and it can also exceed the SAN Volume Controller 1 PB LUN size limit.
Any LUN that is 1 PB or larger is truncated to 1 PB, and a warning message is
generated for each path to the LUN.

IBM XIV Storage System volumes consume chunks of 17,179,869,184 bytes (17 GB),
although you can create volumes with an arbitrary block count.


LUNs that are exported by IBM XIV Storage System models report Identification
Descriptors 0, 1, and 2 in VPD page 0x83. SAN Volume Controller uses the EUI-64
compliant type 2 descriptor CCCCCCMMMMMMLLLL, where CCCCCC is the IEEE
company ID, MMMMMM is the System Serial Number transcribed to hexadecimal
(10142->0x010142, for example) and LLLL is 0000-0xFFFF, which increments each
time a LUN is created. You can identify the LLLL value by using the IBM XIV
Storage System GUI or CLI to display the volume serial number.

LUN creation and deletion

IBM XIV Storage System LUNs are created and deleted using the IBM XIV Storage
System GUI or CLI. LUNs are formatted to all zeros upon creation, but to avoid a
significant formatting delay, zeros are not written.

Special LUNs

IBM XIV Storage System systems do not use a special LUN; storage can be
presented using any valid LUN, including 0.

324 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

LU access model

IBM XIV Storage System systems have no specific ownership of any LUN by any
module. Because data is striped over all disks in the system, performance is
generally unaffected by the choice of a target port.

LU grouping

IBM XIV Storage System models do not use LU grouping; all LUNs are
independent entities. To protect a single IBM XIV Storage System volume from
accidental deletion, you can create a consistency group containing all LUNs that
are mapped to a single SAN Volume Controller clustered system.

LU preferred access port

There are no preferred access ports for IBM XIV Storage System models.

Detecting ownership
Ownership is not relevant to IBM XIV Storage System models.

LUN presentation on XIV Nextra™ systems

XIV Nextra LUNs are presented to the SAN Volume Controller interface using the
following rules:
v LUNs can be presented to one or more selected hosts.
v XIV Nextra maps consist of sets of LUN pairs and linked hosts.
v A volume can only appear once in a map.
v A LUN can only appear once in a map.
v A host can only be linked to one map.

To present XIV Nextra LUNs to the SAN Volume Controller, perform the following
1. Create a map with all of the volumes that you intend to manage with the SAN
Volume Controller system.
2. Link the WWPN for all node ports in the SAN Volume Controller system into
the map. Each SAN Volume Controller node port WWPN is recognized as a
separate host by XIV Nextra systems.

LUN presentation on IBM XIV Type Number 2810 systems

IBM XIV Storage System Type Number 2810 LUNs are presented to the SAN
Volume Controller interface using the following rules:
v LUNs can be presented to one or more selected hosts or clusters.
v Clusters are collections of hosts.

To present IBM XIV Storage System Type Number 2810 LUNs to the SAN Volume
Controller, perform the following steps:
1. Use the IBM XIV Storage System GUI to create an IBM XIV Storage System
cluster for the SAN Volume Controller system.
2. Create a host for each node in the SAN Volume Controller.
3. Add a port to each host that you created in step 2. You must add a port for
each port on the corresponding node.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 325

4. Map volumes to the cluster that you created in step 1 on page 325.

Target ports on XIV Nextra systems

XIV Nextra systems are single-rack systems. All XIV Nextra WWNNs include zeros
as the last two hexadecimal digits. In the following example, WWNN
2000001738279E00 is IEEE extended; the WWNNs that start with the number 1 are
IEEE 48 bit:
WWNN 2000001738279E00
WWPN 1000001738279E13
WWPN 1000001738279E10
WWPN 1000001738279E11
WWPN 1000001738279E12

Target ports on IBM XIV Type Number 2810 systems

IBM XIV Storage System Type Number 2810 systems are multi-rack systems, but
only single racks are supported. All IBM XIV Storage System Type Number 2810
WWNNs include zeros as the last four hexadecimal digits. For example:
WWNN 5001738000030000
WWPN 5001738000030153
WWPN 5001738000030121

Switch zoning limitations for IBM XIV systems

There are limitations in switch zoning for SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems and IBM XIV Storage System systems.

Fabric zoning

To avoid a single point of failure, the SAN Volume Controller switch zone must
include at least one target port from each IBM XIV Storage System controller.

Target port sharing

Target ports can be shared between the SAN Volume Controller system and other

Host splitting

To avoid the possibility of an interaction between multipathing drivers, a single

host cannot be connected to both the SAN Volume Controller system and the IBM
XIV Storage System system.

Controller splitting

IBM XIV Storage System system LUNs that are mapped to the SAN Volume
Controller system cannot be mapped to other hosts. IBM XIV Storage System
system LUNs that are not mapped to the SAN Volume Controller system can be
mapped to other hosts.

Configuration settings for IBM XIV systems

The IBM XIV Storage System Storage Management GUI provides configuration
settings and options that can be used with SAN Volume Controller clustered

326 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Logical unit options and settings for IBM XIV systems
Logical unit (LU) settings for IBM XIV Storage System systems are configurable at
the LU level.

Table 82 lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by other
hosts. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently. You can use the
IBM XIV Storage System and XIV Nextra Storage Management GUI or CLI to
change these settings.
Table 82. IBM XIV options and required settings
System and SAN
XIV Nextra Volume
default Controller
Option Data Type Range setting setting
Capacity int 17,179,869,184 bytes None Any
(17 GB), up to the
total system

ORBlock count
v SAN Volume Controller supports up to 1 PB.
v LUNs are allocated in 17-GB chunks.
v Using a block count results in LUNs that are arbitrarily sized, but that still consume
multiples of 17 GB.

Host options and settings for IBM XIV systems

You must use specific settings to identify SAN Volume Controller clustered
systems as hosts to IBM XIV Storage System systems.

An XIV Nextra host is a single WWPN, so one XIV Nextra host must be defined
for each SAN Volume Controller node port in the clustered system. An XIV Nextra
host is considered to be a single SCSI initiator. Up to 256 XIV Nextra hosts can be
presented to each port. Each SAN Volume Controller host object that is associated
with the XIV Nextra system must be associated with the same XIV Nextra LUN
map because each LU can only be in a single map.

An IBM XIV Storage System Type Number 2810 host can consist of more than one
WWPN. Configure each SAN Volume Controller node as an IBM XIV Storage
System Type Number 2810 host and create a cluster of IBM XIV Storage System
systems that corresponds to each of the SAN Volume Controller nodes in the SAN
Volume Controller system.

Table 83 on page 328 lists the host options and settings that can be changed using
the IBM XIV Storage System and XIV Nextra Storage Management GUI.

Chapter 7. Configuring and servicing external storage systems 327

Table 83. IBM XIV Type Number 2810 and XIV Nextra host options and required settings
Storage System
Type Number SAN Volume
2810 and XIV Controller
Nextra default required
Option Data type Range setting setting Notes
Type Enum FC/iSCSI Not applicable FC The Type must be FC
for SAN Volume
XIV Nextra Enum default/hpux default default This command is used
map_set_special_type CLI by hpux hosts only.
command or IBM XIV Do not use the
Storage System Type command for SAN
Number 2810 Volume Controller
special_type_set CLI LUNs.
WWPN int64 Any Not applicable Node port For XIV Nextra, one
host for each node
port WWPN in the
clustered system must
be defined. For IBM
XIV Storage System,
Type Number 2810
one host port for each
node port WWPN in
the clustered system
must be defined.
LUN Map String Any Not applicable Any For XIV Nextra, each
SAN Volume
Controller host in the
XIV Nextra system
must be associated
with the same LUN
map because each LU
can be only in a single

Quorum disks on IBM XIV systems

The SAN Volume Controller clustered system selects managed disks (MDisks) that
are presented by IBM XIV Storage System systems as quorum disks.

Clearing SCSI reservations and registrations

You must not use the vol_clear_keys command to clear SCSI reservations and
registrations on volumes that are managed by SAN Volume Controller.

Copy functions for IBM XIV Storage System models

Advanced copy functions for IBM XIV Storage System models such as taking a
snapshot and remote mirroring cannot be used with disks that are managed by the
SAN Volume Controller clustered system. Thin provisioning is not supported for
use with SAN Volume Controller.

328 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows
The SAN Volume Controller provides support for the Microsoft Volume Shadow
Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service. The Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service can provide a point-in-time (shadow) copy of a Windows host volume
while the volume is mounted and files are in use. The Microsoft Virtual Disk
Service provides a single vendor and technology-neutral interface for managing
block storage virtualization, whether done by operating system software, RAID
storage hardware, or other storage virtualization engines.

The following components are used to provide support for the service:
v SAN Volume Controller
v The cluster CIM server
v IBM System Storage hardware provider, known as the IBM System Storage
Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service
v Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service
v The vSphere Web Services when it is in a VMware virtual platform
The IBM System Storage hardware provider is installed on the Windows host.

To provide the point-in-time shadow copy, the components complete the following
1. A backup application on the Windows host initiates a snapshot backup.
2. The Volume Shadow Copy Service notifies the IBM System Storage hardware
provider that a copy is needed.
3. The SAN Volume Controller prepares the volumes for a snapshot.
4. The Volume Shadow Copy Service quiesces the software applications that are
writing data on the host and flushes file system buffers to prepare for the copy.
5. The SAN Volume Controller creates the shadow copy using the FlashCopy
Copy Service.
6. The Volume Shadow Copy Service notifies the writing applications that I/O
operations can resume, and notifies the backup application that the backup was

The Volume Shadow Copy Service maintains a free pool of volumes for use as a
FlashCopy target and a reserved pool of volumes. These pools are implemented as
virtual host systems on the SAN Volume Controller.

Installation overview
The steps for implementing the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software must be completed in the
correct sequence.

Before you begin

Before you begin, you must have experience with or knowledge of administering a
Windows Server operating system.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 329

You must also have experience with or knowledge of administering a SAN Volume

Complete the following tasks:

1. Verify that the system requirements are met.
2. Install the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service and Virtual Disk Service software.
3. Verify the installation.
4. Create a free pool of volumes and a reserved pool of volumes on the SAN
Volume Controller.
5. Optionally, you reconfigure the services to change the configuration that you
established during the installation.

System requirements for the IBM System Storage Support for

Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk
Service software
Ensure that your system satisfies the following requirements before you install the
IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or 2008
operating system.

The following software is required:

v SAN Volume Controller must have licenses for FlashCopy enabled.
v IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software version 4.0 or later.
v Windows Server 2003 R2 or later or Windows Server 2008 operating system. The
following editions of Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 are
– Standard Server Edition 32-bit version
– Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version
– Standard Server Edition 64-bit version
– Enterprise Edition, 64-bit version

Installing the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft

Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service
This section includes the steps to install the IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software on a
Windows server.

Before you begin

You must satisfy all of the prerequisites that are listed in the system requirements
section before starting the installation.

Perform the following steps to install the IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software on the
Windows server:

330 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Log on to Windows as an administrator.
2. Download the IBM VSS Host Installation Package file from the following
Search for a download document named “Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service Support” to download the appropriate file.
3. Double click on the name of the file that you downloaded in step 2 to start
the installation process. The Welcome panel is displayed.
4. Click Next to continue. The License Agreement panel is displayed. You can
click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. To move back to previous
screens while using the wizard, click Back.
5. Read the license agreement information. Select whether you accept the terms
of the license agreement, and click Next. If you do not accept, you cannot
continue with the installation. The Choose Destination Location panel is
6. Click Next to accept the default directory where the setup program will install
the files, or click Change to select a different directory. Click Next. The Ready
to Install the Program panel is displayed.
7. Click Install to begin the installation. To exit the wizard and end the
installation, click Cancel. The Setup Status panel is displayed.
The program setup verifies your configuration.
The Select CIM Server panel is displayed.
8. Select the required CIM server, or select Enter the CIM Server address
manually, and click Next. The Enter CIM Server Details panel is displayed.
9. Enter the following information in the fields:
v In the CIM Server Address field, type the name of the IP address of the
SAN Volume Controller cluster. For example, enter
cluster_ip_address:5989 where cluster_ip_address is the SAN Volume
Controller cluster IP address.
v In the CIM User field, type the user name for the SAN Volume Controller
that the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service and Virtual Disk Service software will use to gain access to the CIM
v In the CIM Password field, type the password for the user name that the
IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service
and Virtual Disk Service software will use to gain access to the CIM server
and click Next.

a. If these settings change after installation, you can use the ibmvcfg.exe tool
to update Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy and Virtual Disk Services
software with the new settings.
b. If you do not have the IP address or user information, contact your SAN
Volume Controller administrator.
The InstallShield Wizard Complete panel is displayed.
10. Click Finish. If necessary, the InstallShield Wizard prompts you to restart the
11. Make the IBM Hardware Provider for VSS-VDS aware of the SAN Volume
Controller, as follows:

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows 331
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Change directories to the hardware provider directory; the default
directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Hardware Provider for VSS-VDS\.
c. Use the ibmvcfg command to set the cluster ID for the SAN Volume
Controller cluster, as follows:
ibmvcfg set targetSVC cluster_id

The cluster_id value must be the SAN Volume Controller cluster ID. To find
the cluster ID in the management GUI, click Home > System Status. The
ID is listed under Info.

Configuring the VMware Web Service connection

The IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software provides support for VMware virtual platform since
version 4.2, enabling the Shadow Copy Service in the virtual hosts with RDM

About this task

Note: Only Shadow Copy Service for the RDM disks, acting as raw disks, and
presented to the virtual host in physical mode is supported.

To manipulate RDM disks in the virtual host, the IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software must
interact with the VMware ESX Server. This is accomplished through the VMware
Web Service exposed by the ESX Server, which holds the virtual host.

VMware tools, which collect host information such as IP address, hostname, and so
on, must be installed so that the virtual host can communicate with the vSphere
Web Service.

There are four parameters available only in the VMware virtual platform:
v vmhost
v vmuser
v vmpassword
v vmcredential

Table 84 describes the parameters.

Table 84. VMware parameters
Parameter Description
vmhost Specifies the vSphere Web Service location on the ESX
Server, which holds the virtual host.
vmuser Specifies the user that can log in to the ESX Server and
has the privileges to manipulate the RDM disks.
vmpassword Specifies the password for the vmuser to log in.
vmcredential Specifies the session credential store path for the
vSphere Web Service. The credential store can be
generated by the Java keytool.

Using the ibmvcfg command, perform the following steps to configure each

332 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

1. To configure vmhost, issue the following command: ibmvcfg set vmhost
2. To configure vmuser, issue the following command: ibmvcfg set vmuser
3. To configure vmpassword, issue the following command: ibmvcfg set
vmpassword password
4. To generate the credential store path for the vSphere Web Service and set
vmcredential, do the following:
a. Create a directory named VMware-Certs (at the root level) for the
certificates, such as: C:\VMware-Certs
b. Install the vSphere Client on the virtual host.
c. Launch the vSphere Client and then navigate to the ESX Server. A security
warning message is displayed.
d. Click View Certificate to display the Certificate Properties page.
e. Click the Details tab.
f. Click Copy to File to launch the Certificate Export wizard.
g. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (the default), and click Next.
h. Click Browse and navigate to this subdirectory: C:\VMware-Certs
i. Enter a name for the certificate that identifies the server to which it belongs:
j. Import the certificate using the Java keytool utility: keytool -import -file
C:\VMware-Certs\<servername>.cer -keystore C:\VMware-Certs\

Note: The key tool is located in C:\Program Files\IBM\Hardware Provider

for VSS-VDS\jre\bin\keytool.exe.
k. At the Enter keystore password: prompt, type a password for the keystore.
l. At the Trust this certificate? [no]: prompt, type yes and press Enter. The
message, Certificate was added to keystore, is displayed.
m. Set vmcredential to be the vmware.keystore.path: ibmvcfg set
vmcredential "C:\VMware-Certs\vmware.keystore"

Creating the free and reserved pools of volumes

The IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software maintains a free and a reserved pool of volumes.
Because these objects do not exist on the SAN Volume Controller, the free and
reserved pool of volumes are implemented as virtual host systems. You must
define these two virtual host systems on the SAN Volume Controller.

About this task

When a shadow copy is created, the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft
Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software selects a volume
in the free pool, assigns it to the reserved pool, and then removes it from the free
pool. This protects the volume from being overwritten by other Volume Shadow
Copy Service users.

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows 333
To successfully perform a Volume Shadow Copy Service operation, there must be
enough volumes mapped to the free pool. The volumes must be the same size as
the source volumes.

Use the management GUI or the SAN Volume Controller command-line interface
(CLI) to perform the following steps:

1. Create a host for the free pool of volumes.
v You can use the default name VSS_FREE or specify a different name.
v Associate the host with the worldwide port name (WWPN)
5000000000000000 (15 zeroes).
2. Create a virtual host for the reserved pool of volumes.
v You can use the default name VSS_RESERVED or specify a different name.
v Associate the host with the WWPN 5000000000000001 (14 zeroes).
3. Map the logical units (VDisks) to the free pool of volumes.

Restriction: The volumes cannot be mapped to any other hosts.

v If you already have volumes created for the free pool of volumes, you must
assign the volumes to the free pool.
4. Create host mappings between the volumes selected in step 3 and the
VSS_FREE host to add the volumes to the free pool. Alternatively, you can use
the ibmvcfg add command to add volumes to the free pool.
5. Verify that the volumes have been mapped.

What to do next

If you do not use the default WWPNs 5000000000000000 and 5000000000000001,

you must configure the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow
Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software with the WWPNs.

Verifying the installation

This task verifies that the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software is correctly installed on
the Windows server.


To verify the installation, follow these steps:

1. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services from the
Windows server task bar. The Services panel is displayed.
2. Ensure that the service named IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft
Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software appears and
that Status is set to Started and Startup Type is set to Automatic.
3. Open a command prompt window and issue the following command:
vssadmin list providers
4. Ensure that the service named IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft
Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software is listed as a
5. If pertinent, use the ibmvcfg list all command to test the connection to the
IBM System Storage Productivity Center.

334 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide


If you are able to successfully perform all of these verification tasks, the IBM
System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual
Disk Service software was successfully installed on the Windows server.

Changing the configuration parameters

You can change the parameters that you defined when you installed the IBM
System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual
Disk Service software. You must use the ibmvcfg.exe utility to change the

Table 85 describes the configuration commands that are provided by the

ibmvcfg.exe utility.
Table 85. Configuration commands
Command Description Example
ibmvcfg showcfg Lists the current settings. showcfg
ibmvcfg set username <username> Sets the user name to access the CIM set username johnny
ibmvcfg set password <password> Sets the password of the user name set password mypassword
that will access the CIM server.
ibmvcfg set targetSVC <Cluster ID> Specifies the cluster ID of the SAN set targetSVC 0000020060600772
Volume Controller. It can be found by
using the lssystem command.
ibmvcfg set backgroundCopy Sets the background copy rate for set backgroundCopy 80
ibmvcfg set timeout Set the timeout of CIM Agent's idle set timeout 5
time that provider can wait when it
has no responding.

The time setting is in second. 0 is for

infinite time.
ibmvcfg set storageProtocol This setting is to support iSCSI for set storageProtocol auto
SVC 5.1 or later.
set storageProtocol FC
There are three settings: auto, FC, or
iSCSI. set storageProtocol iSCSI

Auto can be either FC or iSCSI if

both protocols have been connected
and defined. FC protocol will be
ibmvcfg set incrementalFC Specifies if incremental FlashCopy ibmvcfg set incrementalFC yes
has to be used on SAN Volume
Controller for the shadow copy.
ibmvcfg set usingSSL Specifying the Secure Sockets Layer ibmvcfg set usingSSL yes
(SSL) protocol is required to use a
CIM server.
ibmvcfg set cimomHost <server IP> Sets the CIM server for the cluster. ibmvcfg set cimomHost
or <server name>
ibmvcfg set cimomHost

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows 335
Table 85. Configuration commands (continued)
Command Description Example
ibmvcfg set namespace <namespace> Specifies the namespace value that ibmvcfg set namespace \root\ibm
master console is using.
ibmvcfg set vssFreeInitiator Specifies the WWPN of the host. The ibmvcfg set vssFreeInitiator
<WWPN> default value is 5000000000000000. 5000000000000000
Modify this value only if there is a
host already in your environment
with a WWPN of 5000000000000000.
ibmvcfg set vssReservedInitiator Specifies the WWPN of the host. The ibmvcfg set vssFreeInitiator
<WWPN> default value is 5000000000000001. 5000000000000001
Modify this value only if there is a
host already in your environment
with a WWPN of 5000000000000001.
ibmvcfg set vmhost Specifies the vSphere Web Service ibmvcfg set vmhost
https://ESX_Server_IP/sdk location on the ESX Server, which
holds the virtual host.
ibmvcfg set vmuser username Specifies the user that can log in to ibmvcfg set vmuser root
the ESX Server and has the privileges
to manipulate the RDM disks.
ibmvcfg set vmpassword password Sets the password for the vmuser to ibmvcfg set vmpassword pwd
log in.
ibmvcfg set vmcredential Specifies the session credential store ibmvcfg set vmcredential
credential_store path for the vSphere Web Service. "C:\VMware-Certs\vmware.keystore"
The credential store can be generated
by the Java keytool located in
C:\Prorgam Files\IBM\Hardware
Provider for VSS-VDS\jre\bin\

Adding, removing, or listing volumes and FlashCopy relationships

You can use the ibmvcfg.exe. utility to perform the pool management tasks of
adding, removing, or listing volumes and FlashCopy relationships.

The IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software maintains a free pool of volumes and a reserved pool
of volumes. These pools are implemented as virtual host systems on the SAN
Volume Controller.

Table 86 describes the ibmvcfg.exe commands for adding or removing volumes

from the free pool of volumes and listing or deleting FlashCopy relationships.
Table 86. Pool management commands
Command Description Example
ibmvcfg list all -l Lists all volumes, including ibmvcfg list all
information about volume ID, UUID, ibmvcfg list all -l
volume name, size, operational state,
health status, type of volume,
volumes to host mappings, and host
name. Use the l parameter for output
in verbose-list column format.

336 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 86. Pool management commands (continued)
Command Description Example
ibmvcfg list free -l Lists the volumes that are currently ibmvcfg list free
in the free pool. Use the l parameter ibmvcfg list free -l
for output in verbose-list column
ibmvcfg list reserved -l Lists the volumes that are currently ibmvcfg list reserved
in the reserved pool. Use the l ibmvcfg list reserved -l
parameter for output in verbose-list
column format.
ibmvcfg list assigned -l Lists the volumes that are currently ibmvcfg list assigned
in the assigned pool or host. Use the ibmvcfg list assigned -l
l parameter for output in verbose-list
column format.
ibmvcfg list unassigned -l Lists the volumes that are currently ibmvcfg list unassigned
in the unassigned pool or host. Use ibmvcfg list unassigned -l
the l parameter for output in
verbose-list column format.
ibmvcfg list infc -l Lists all the FlashCopy relationships ibmvcfg list infc
on the SAN Volume Controller. This ibmvcfg list infc -l
command lists both incremental and
nonincremental FlashCopy
ibmvcfg add Adds one or more volumes to the ibmvcfg add
free pool of volumes. 600507680181801DC800000000000000
ibmvcfg add vdisk17
ibmvcfg rem Removes one or more volumes from ibmvcfg rem
the free pool of volumes. 600507680181801DC800000000000001
ibmvcfg rem vdisk18
ibmvcfg del Deletes one or more FlashCopy ibmvcfg del
relationships. Use the serial number 600507680181801DC800000000000002
of the FlashCopy target to delete the ibmvcfg del vdisk19

Error codes for IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software
The IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software logs error messages in the Windows Event Viewer
and in private log files.

You can view error messages by going to the following locations on the Windows
server where the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service and Virtual Disk Service software is installed:
v The Windows Event Viewer in Application Events. Check this log first.
v The log file ibmVSS.log, which is located in the directory where the IBM System
Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk
Service software is installed.

Table 87 on page 338 lists the errors messages that are reported by the IBM System
Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk
Service software.

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows 337
Table 87. Error messages for the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software
Code Message Symbolic name
1000 JVM Creation failed. ERR_JVM
1001 Class not found: %1. ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND
1002 Some required parameters are missing. ERR_MISSING_PARAMS
1003 Method not found: %1. ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND
1004 A missing parameter is required. Use the ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM
configuration utility to set this parameter:
1600 The recovery file could not be created. ERR_RECOVERY_FILE_

1700 ibmGetLunInfo failed in ERR_ARELUNSSUPPORTED_
1800 ibmGetLunInfo failed in FillLunInfo. ERR_FILLLUNINFO_IBMGETLUNINFO
1900 Failed to delete the following temp files: ERR_GET_TGT_CLEANUP
2500 Error initializing log. ERR_LOG_SETUP
2501 Unable to search for incomplete Shadow ERR_CLEANUP_LOCATE
Copies. Windows Error: %1.
2502 Unable to read incomplete Shadow Copy ERR_CLEANUP_READ
Set information from file: %1.
2503 Unable to cleanup snapshot stored in file: ERR_CLEANUP_SNAPSHOT
2504 Cleanup call failed with error: %1. ERR_CLEANUP_FAILED
2505 Unable to open file: %1. ERR_CLEANUP_OPEN
2506 Unable to create file: %1. ERR_CLEANUP_CREATE
2507 HBA: Error loading hba library: %1. ERR_HBAAPI_LOAD
3000 An exception occurred. Check the ERR_ESSSERVICE_EXCEPTION
ESSService log.
3001 Unable to initialize logging. ERR_ESSSERVICE_LOGGING
3002 Unable to connect to the CIM agent. ERR_ESSSERVICE_CONNECT
Check your configuration.
3003 Unable to get the Storage Configuration ERR_ESSSERVICE_SCS
Service. Check your configuration.
3004 An internal error occurred with the ERR_ESSSERVICE_INTERNAL
following information: %1.
3005 Unable to find the VSS_FREE controller. ERR_ESSSERVICE_FREE_CONTROLLER
controller. Check your configuration.
3007 Unable to find suitable targets for all ERR_ESSSERVICE_INSUFFICIENT_
3008 The assign operation failed. Check the ERR_ESSSERVICE_ASSIGN_FAILED
CIM agent log for details.

338 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Table 87. Error messages for the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software (continued)
Code Message Symbolic name
3009 The withdraw FlashCopy operation failed. ERR_ESSSERVICE_WITHDRAW_
Check the CIM agent log for details.

Uninstalling the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume

Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software
You must use Windows to uninstall the IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft
Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service software from the
Windows server.

About this task

Perform the following steps to uninstall the software:

1. Log on to the Windows server as the local administrator.
2. Click Start > Control Panel from the task bar. The Control Panel window is
3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. The Add or Remove Programs
window is displayed.
4. Select IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
Service and Volume Service software and click Remove.
5. Click Yes when you are prompted to verify that you want to completely
remove the program and all of its components.
6. Click Finish.

The IBM System Storage Support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and
Virtual Disk Service software is no longer installed on the Windows server.

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and Virtual Disk Service for Windows 339
340 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix. Accessibility features for IBM SAN Volume Controller
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.

Accessibility features

These are the major accessibility features associated with the SAN Volume Controller
Information Center:
v You can use screen-reader software and a digital speech synthesizer to hear what
is displayed on the screen. PDF documents have been tested using Adobe
Reader version 7.0. HTML documents have been tested using JAWS version 13.0.
v This product uses standard Windows navigation keys.

Keyboard navigation

You can use keys or key combinations to perform operations and initiate menu
actions that can also be done through mouse actions. You can navigate the SAN
Volume Controller Information Center from the keyboard by using the shortcut keys
for your browser or screen-reader software. See your browser or screen-reader
software Help for a list of shortcut keys that it supports.

IBM and accessibility

See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center for more information about
the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 341

342 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
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344 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

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Notices 345
346 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Numerics C compatibility
IBM System Storage DS4000
2145 UPS-1U cache allocations models 235
operation 22 Bull FDA 201 compatibility models
NEC iStorage 302 IBM System Storage DS3000 235
Call Home 58, 61 IBM System Storage DS4000 235
A capacity
real 49
IBM System Storage DS5000 235
about this document IBM XIV storage system models 323
virtual 49 Pillar Axiom models 309
sending comments xviii
changes in guide RamSan 313
about this guide xiii
summary xiii Xiotech Emprise 318
access control
changes summary xiii Compellent
Bull FDA 201
clearing SCSI reservations and configuration 201
NEC iStorage 302
registrations creating servers 201
Access Logix 204
HP 3PAR 276 creating storage pools 201
CLI commands creating volumes 201
disability xiii, 341
detectmdisk 194 mapping volumes to servers 201
features 341
rmmdisk 194 compressed volumes
keyboard xiii, 341
upgrading software 157 thin-provisioned 42
navigation 341
clustered system concurrent maintenance
overview xiii
copy methods 140 EMC CLARiiON 208
repeat rate
clustered systems HP EVA 289
up and down buttons 341
adding nodes 174 IBM XIV storage system 323
shortcut keys 341
backing up configuration file 18 Nexsan SATABeast 307
Call Home email 58, 61 Pillar Axiom 309
publications 341
configuration backup overview 18 RamSan systems 313
administrator user role 63
creating 151 Xiotech Emprise systems 318
advanced copy
high availability 55 configuration
Pillar Axiom systems 313
IP failover 15 balanced storage system 184
advisor tool
management 15 Compellent 201
Storage Tier 37
operation 16 converged network adapter 112
Assist On-site remote service 57
operation over long distances 136 DS3000 series Storage Manager 234
audience xiii
overview 14 DS4000 series Storage Manager 234
automatic data placement
powering on and off 18 DS5000 series Storage Manager 234
Easy Tier 38
quorum disks 134 Enterprise Storage Server
overview 35
replacing or adding nodes 169 balanced 184
AxiomONE CLI 309
state 17 general 229
AxiomONE Storage Services
commands Fujitsu ETERNUS 226
Manager 309
detectmdisk 192 IBM DS6000 240
ibmvcfg add 336 IBM DS8000 242, 243
ibmvcfg listvols 336
B ibmvcfg rem 336
IBM ESS systems 229
IBM Storwize V7000 storage
bitmap space 137 ibmvcfg set cimomHost 335 systems 199
Brocade ibmvcfg set cimomPort 335 IBM System Storage DS5000, IBM
switch ports 121 ibmvcfg set namespace 335 DS4000, and IBM DS3000 233
browsers ibmvcfg set password 335 maximum sizes 55
See web browsers ibmvcfg set storageProtocol 335 node details 116
Bull FDA systems ibmvcfg set timeout 335 node failover 15
access control methods 201 ibmvcfg set trustpassword 335 Pillar Axiom 309
cache allocations 201 ibmvcfg set username 335 restoring 18
configuring 200 ibmvcfg set usingSSL 335 rules
logical units 200 ibmvcfg set vmcredential 335 SAN 105
platform type 200 ibmvcfg set vmhost 335 SAN details 103
snapshot volume and link ibmvcfg set vmpassword 335 storage systems
volume 201 ibmvcfg set vmuser 335 array guidelines 181
supported firmware 200 ibmvcfg set vssFreeInitiator 335 data migration guidelines 183
target ports 200 ibmvcfg set vssReservedInitiator 335 FlashCopy mapping
ibmvcfg showcfg 335 guidelines 182
upgrading software 157 image mode volumes 183
comments introduction 179
sending xviii logical disk guidelines 181

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012 347

configuration (continued)
storage systems (continued)
D error messages
IBM System Storage Support for
storage pools 182 data migration Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
switches 120 IBM DS5000 Service and Virtual Disk Service
term descriptions 104 partitioned 236 software 337
user authentication 63 deletion Ethernet
web browsers logical units link failures 15
settings 5 HP StorageWorks MSA 293 Ethernet connections
configuration examples dependent write operations nodes 117
SAN Volume Controller 125 overview 77 evaluation modes
configuration node description 53 Easy tier 35
upgrading 167 details event notifications
configuration rules converged network adapter 112 inventory information email 61
summary 104 zoning 140 overview 58
configuration settings disability examples
HP 3PAR 275 accessibility xiii, 341 clusters in SAN fabric 103
HP MSA2000 systems 300 discovery SAN environments 143
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM logical units 189 SAN Volume Controller
DS3000 238 disk controllers configuration 125
connection settings See storage systems expansion
HP MA and EMA systems 287 documentation logical units 190
connections improvement xviii external storage systems
Fibre Channel over Ethernet 122 drives overview 23
consistency groups firmware upgrade 163
FlashCopy 75 DS3000
configuring 232
Metro Mirror 92
controllers DS4000 F
configuring 232 fabric
See also storage systems
DS5000 SAN overview 103
switch zoning
configuring 232 features
HP StorageWorks EMA 282
accessibility 341
HP StorageWorks MA 282
Fibre Channel connections
converged network adapter
configuration 112 E nodes 117
Fibre Channel over Ethernet
copy functions Easy Tier connections 122
HP 3PAR 276 automatic data placement 35, 38 host systems 112
MSA2000 system 301 evaluation mode 35 Fibre Channel switches
copy methods modes 34 details 120
comparison 140 overview 33 firmware
Copy Services Storage Tier Advisor Tool 37 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM
bitmap space emails DS3000 235
total 137 Call Home IBM XIV 323
configuration event notifications 60 Pillar Axiom 309
space allocations 137 inventory information 61 TMS RamSan 313
FlashCopy inventory information 61 upgrading drives 163
incremental 67 EMC CLARiiON Xiotech Emprise 318
mappings 67 updating 208 FlashCopy
multiple target 67 user interface 208 applications 66
overview 65 zoning 209 bitmap 78
states 67 EMC Symmetrix consistency groups 75
Global Mirror port setting 217 consistent image creation 97
overview 80 sharing 214 copy rate 78
Metro Mirror Volume Logix 219 Global Mirror
overview 80 EMC Symmetrix DMX valid combinations 101
overview 65 configuring 213 host considerations 66
zoning initiator settings 218 incremental 67
Metro Mirror and Global logical unit settings 218 mapping events 73
Mirror 148 port settings 217 mappings
copying volumes 45 sharing 214 overview 67
creation Volume Logix 219 volumes 75
clustered systems 151 EMC VMAX Metro Mirror
logical unit configuration 219 valid combinations 101
HP StorageWorks MSA 293 fibre-specific flag settings 224 multiple target 67
systems 151 logical unit settings 224 overview 65
port setting 223 states 67
sharing 221 storage system requirements 188
thin-provisioned 75

348 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

FlashCopy (continued) Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family of HP StorageWorks EVA (continued)
Virtual Disk Shadow Copy systems copy functions 289
service 329 quorum disks 266 global settings 291
Fujitsu ETERNUS settings 271 host settings 291
configuration 226 support 264 logical unit options 291
logical units 229 supported topologies 266 quorum disk 289
zoning 229 host bus adapters SnapClone 289
configuration 111 system settings 291
host mappings VSnap 289
G description 53
host objects
HP StorageWorks MSA
logical unit configuration 293
Global Mirror
NetApp FAS 305
bandwidth 95
host settings
configuration requirements 88
consistency groups 92
HP StorageWorks EVA 291
Pillar Axiom 313
gmlinktolerance feature 99 I/O governing 52
XIV 327
intersystem link 91 I/O groups
host systems
migrating relationship 96 overview 20
Fibre channel over Ethernet 112
monitoring performance 98 uninterruptible power supply 20
overview 80 IBM ESS systems
FlashCopy 66
partnerships 83, 89 configuring 229
flushing data 67
relationships 81 IBM System Storage DS3000
overview 52
relationships between systems 83 advanced functions 236
traffic 91
requirements 187 configuration settings 238
zoning 140
restarting relationships 97 configuring 232, 233
upgrading system software 157 data migration 236
clearing SCSI reservations and
zoning considerations 148 global settings 239
registrations 276
global settings interface 237
configuration settings 275
HP MA and EMA systems 285 logical unit 237
copy functions 276
HP StorageWorks EVA 291 logical unit settings 239
logical units 273
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM models 235
quorum disks 276
DS3000 239 settings 240
switch zoning 275
Pillar Axiom 312 system settings 239
target ports 273
governing IBM System Storage DS4000
thin provisioning 277
I/O overview 52 advanced functions 236
HP 3PAR systems
grains configuration settings 238
configuration 272
FlashCopy bitmap 78 configuring 232, 233
firmware levels 272
data migration 236
supported models 272
global settings 239
user interface 273
logical unit creation and deletion 237
logical unit settings 239
hard disk drives connection settings 287
models 235
Easy Tier 33 definitions 277
settings 240
HBAs global settings 285
system settings 239
See host bus adapters HP EVA
IBM System Storage DS5000
HDDs concurrent maintenance 289
advanced functions 236
See hard disk drives HP MA
configuration settings 238
HDS Lightning connection settings 287
configuring 232, 233
logical units 248 definitions 277
data migration 236
HDS TagmaStore WMS global settings 285
global settings 239
mapping and virtualization HP MSA systems
logical unit settings 239
settings 258 global settings 294
settings 240
quorum disks 252 HP MSA1000 systems
system settings 239
support 250 sharing 294
IBM System Storage DS6000
HDS Thunder HP MSA1500 systems
configuration 240
mapping and virtualization sharing 294
quorum disks 242
settings 258 HP MSA2000 systems
sharing 242
quorum disks 252 configuration 295
IBM System Storage DS8000
support 250 configuration settings 300
configuration 242
supported topologies 252 firmware levels 295
quorum disks 244
high availability 55 logical units 296
sharing 244
split-site system 127 quorum disks 301
IBM System Storage hardware provider
Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS supported models 295
installation procedure 329
1000 switch zoning 299
system requirements 330
mapping and virtualization target ports 296
IBM System Storage N5000
settings 258 user interface 295
logical units 303
quorum disks 252 HP StorageWorks EVA
target ports 303
support 250 configuration settings 291
zoning 306

Index 349
IBM System Storage Support for
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service
K Metro Mirror (continued)
consistency groups 92
and Virtual Disk Service software keyboard intersystem link 91
configuring VMware Web Service accessibility xiii, 341 migrating relationship 96
connection 332 overview 80
creating pools of volumes 333 partnerships 83, 89
error messages 337 L relationships 81
ibmvcfg.exe 335, 336 LAN relationships between systems 83
installation overview 329 configuration 103 upgrading system software 157
installation procedure 330 legal notices zoning considerations 148
overview 329 Notices 343 migration
system requirements 330 trademarks 345 data
uninstalling 339 link volume partitioned IBM DS5000, IBM
verifying the installation 334 Bull FDA 201 DS4000, and IBM DS3000 236
IBM XIV storage systems NEC iStorage 302 logical units
CLI 324 logical unit configuration HP StorageWorks MSA 293
concurrent maintenance 323 HP StorageWorks MSA 293 volumes
configuration settings 327 logical unit numbers image mode 48
configuring 323 NetApp FAS 305 mirrored volumes 45
copy functions 329 logical units modes
firmware 323 adding 194 operation
host settings 327 discovering 189 Easy Tier 34
logical unit options (LU) 327 expanding 190 modification
logical units 324 Fujitsu ETERNUS 229 logical unit mapping 190
models 323 HDS Lightning 248 monitoring
Storage Management GUI 324 HP 3PAR 273 software upgrades
target ports 324 HP MSA2000 systems 296 automatically 162
user interface 324 HP StorageWorks EVA 291 manually 163
zoning 326 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM MSA2000 system
ibmvcfg.exe DS3000 237, 239 copy functions 301
changing configuration IBM XIV 327
parameters 335 mapping
volumes and FlashCopy
relationships 336
modifying 190 N
NEC iStorage 302 navigation
icons NetApp FAS 304 accessibility 341
See also presets Pillar Axiom 312 NEC iStorage
consistency group states unconfigured 196 access control 302
FlashCopy 75 LUs cache allocations 302
Metro Mirror and Global See logical units platform type 302
Mirror 92
snapshot volume and link
volume 302
storage systems 179
image mode volumes
M NetApp FAS
maintenance creating host objects 305
overview 48
EMC CLARiiON 208 creating logical units 304
thin-provisioned 50
Nexsan SATABeast 307 deleting logical units 304
image-mode volumes
managed disks presenting LUNs to hosts 305
migrating 48
deleting 194 zoning 306
information center xiv
discovering 198 NetApp FAS3000
expanding 190 logical units 303
CD image files 162
overview 24 target ports 303
rebalancing access 198 Nexsan SATABeast
IBM System Storage Support for
removing unconfigured 196 updating 307
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
management GUI user interface 307
Service and Virtual Disk Service
introduction 5 node canisters
software 330
management nodes 56 configuration 19
interswitch links
mapping events node verification
congestion 124
FlashCopy 73 upgrading 167
maximum hop count 121
mappings nodes
oversubscription 124
FlashCopy adding 174
inventory information
copy rate 78 configuration 19, 116
emails 61
events 73 connectivity constraints 117
event notifications 58
maximum configurations 55 failover 15
MDisks host bus adapters 116
configuration 113
See managed disks increased connectivity 117
memory settings 137 overview 19
See also interswitch link
Metro Mirror replacing 175
See interswitch links
bandwidth 95 replacing nondisruptively 169

350 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

nodes (continued) Pillar Axiom (continued) related information xiv
replacing or adding to system 169 user interface 309 relationships
upgrading individually 165 Volume Backup 313 Global Mirror
volumes 116 Volume Copy 313 overview 81
notifications zoning 311 Metro Mirror
Call Home information 61 port speeds overview 81
inventory information 61 node configuration 118 remote service 57
sending 58 ports renaming
iSCSI 113 storage systems 193
powering on and off 18 replacing
O presets
description 7
operating system 162
software 162
object descriptions 12
management GUI replacing nodes
object naming
icons 7 nondisruptively 169
overview 14
presets 7 when faulty 175
obtaining software 162
publications requirements
operating over long distances 149
accessing 341 2145 UPS-1U 22
optical connections
reserved pool volumes 333
nodes 117
optical fiber connections 136
options Q configuration 18
hosts quorum disk
HP StorageWorks EVA 291 overview 134
Pillar Axiom 313 quorum disks S
XIV 327 creating 197 SAN (storage area network)
overview HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 configuring 103
Copy Services features 65 HDS Thunder 252 fabric overview 103
Easy Tier function 33 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 SAN fabric
object naming 14 family 266 configuration 103
objects in environment 12 HP 3PAR 276 SAN Volume Controller
product 1 HP MSA2000 systems 301 example configurations 125
SAN fabric 103 HP StorageWorks EVA 289 hardware 1
standard and persistent reserves 55 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM overview 1
System Storage Productivity DS3000 236 software
Center 56 IBM DS6000 242 overview 1
zoning 143 IBM DS8000 244 SAN Volume Controller library
IBM XIV 328 related publications xiv
Pillar Axiom 313 SAN Volume Controller nodes
P RamSan systems 318
system operation 16
adding to clustered systems 174
Xiotech Emprise systems 323 Fibre Channel network 198
software, obtaining 162
rebalancing MDisk access 198
software, revised 162
Global Mirror 89 R See small computer systems interface
SCSI (small computer systems interface)
Metro Mirror 89 RAID
back-end support 179
performance configuring space allocations 137
statistics 62 levels 27
comments xviii
storage systems 188 properties 27
persistent reserves total bitmap space 137
actions, uninterruptible power
overview 55 RamSan
supply 22
Pillar Axiom concurrent maintenance 313
remote through Assist On-site 57
CLI 309 configuration settings 316
user role 63
concurrent maintenance 309 configuring 313
configuration settings 311 copy functions 318
configuring 309 firmware 313
HP StorageWorks EVA 291
copy functions 313 logical units 314
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
global settings 312 models 313
IBM DS3000 238
host settings 313 target ports 314
Pillar Axiom 311
logical unit options 312 user interface
HDS TagmaStore WMS 258
logical units 310 CLI 314
HDS Thunder 258
models 309 web gui 314
Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and
quorum disk 313 zoning 316
AMS1000 258
Remote Copy 313 reader feedback
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
Snap FS 313 sending xviii
family 271
Snap LUN 313 real-time performance 62
system settings 312 rebalancing
HP StorageWorks EVA 291
target ports 310 managed disk access 198
Pillar Axiom 313

Index 351
settings (continued) storage controllers storage systems (continued)
hosts (continued) adding concurrent maintenance (continued)
XIV 327 using the CLI (command-line HDS USP 261
HP MSA systems 294 interface) 194 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
IBM DS5000, DS4000, and removing family 264
DS3000 240 using the CLI (command-line HP 3PAR 272
logical unit creation and deletion interface) 195 HP MSA1000 294
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and storage pools HP MSA1500 294
IBM DS3000 237 definition 30 HP MSA2000 systems 296
logical units overview 30 HP StorageWorks EMA 281
HP StorageWorks EVA 291 storage systems HP StorageWorks MA 281
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and addition HP XP 261
IBM DS3000 239 using the CLI 194 IBM DS6000 242
Pillar Axiom 312 advanced functions IBM DS8000 244
sharing Compellent 201 IBM N5000 306
HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 294 EMC CLARiiON 210 IBM XIV Storage System 323
shortcut keys EMC Symmetrix 216 NetApp FAS 306
accessibility 341 EMC Symmetrix DMX 216 Nexsan SATABeast 307
keyboard 341 EMC VMAX 222 Pillar Axiom 309
Snap FS Fujitsu ETERNUS 229 RamSan systems 313
Pillar Axiom systems 313 HDS Lightning 246 Sun StorEdge 261
Snap LUN HDS NSC 263 Xiotech Emprise systems 318
Pillar Axiom systems 313 HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 configuration
SnapClone HDS Thunder 252 EMC CLARiiON introduction 204
HP StorageWorks EVA systems 289 HDS USP 263 EMC CLARiiON settings 210
snapshot volume Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 EMC CLARiiON storage
Bull FDA 201 family 266 groups 206
NEC iStorage 302 HP MSA 294 EMC CLARiiON with Access
SNMP traps 58 HP StorageWorks EMA 283, 284 Logix 204
software HP StorageWorks MA 283, 284 EMC CLARiiON without Access
full package 162 HP XP 263 Logix 207
overview 1 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and EMC Symmetrix 213
package IBM DS3000 236 EMC Symmetrix DMX 216
obtaining 162 IBM Enterprise Storage EMC Symmetrix settings 216
revised 162 Server 232 EMC VMAX 219, 222
upgrade package 162 IBM N5000 306 Enterprise Storage Server 229
upgrading automatically 162 NetApp FAS 306 Fujitsu ETERNUS 225
software upgrades Nexsan SATABeast 308 HDS Lightning 244
using the CLI (command-line Sun StorEdge 263 HDS NSC 259
interface) 157 Bull FDA HDS SANrise 1200 250
solid-state drives access control methods 201 HDS TagmaStore WMS 250
configuration rules 118 cache allocations 201 HDS Thunder 250
Easy Tier 33 configuration 200 HDS USP 259
split-site system firmware 200 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
configuration 127 logical units 200 family 264
configuration using ISL 131 platform type 200 HP 3PAR systems 272
configuration without ISL 129 snapshot volume and link HP EVA 288
SSDs volume 201 HP MSA1000 and MSA1500 292
See solid-state drives target ports 200 HP MSA2000 systems 295
SSPC cabling HP StorageWorks EMA 277
See System Storage Productivity Compellent 201 HP StorageWorks MA 277
Center Compellent HP XP 244, 259
standard reserves configuration 201 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
overview 55 concurrent maintenance IBM DS3000 233
states Compellent 201 IBM DS6000 240
consistency groups 75, 92 DS4000 series 235 IBM DS8000 243
statistics DS5000 series 235 IBM N5000 302
real-time performance 62 EMC CLARiiON 208 IBM N7000 302
status 17 EMC Symmetrix 213 IBM System Storage DS3000,
node 19 EMC Symmetrix DMX 213 DS4000, and DS5000 232
storage EMC VMAX 220 IBM XIV storage system 323
external 23 Enterprise Storage Server 231 NEC iStorage 301
internal 23 Fujitsu ETERNUS 229 NetApp FAS 302
storage area network (SAN) HDS Lightning 245 Nexsan SATABeast 306
configuring 103 HDS NSC 261 Pillar Axiom 309
fabric overview 103 HDS TagmaStore WMS 250 RamSan Solid 313
HDS Thunder 250 Sun StorEdge 244, 259

352 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

storage systems (continued) storage systems (continued) storage systems (continued)
configuration (continued) firmware (continued) logical unit settings (continued)
Xiotech Emprise systems 318 Sun StorEdge 259 EMC Symmetrix 218
configuration details TMS RamSan 313 EMC VMAX 224
general 107 Xiotech Emprise 318 HDS TagmaStore WMS 257
configuration guidelines global settings HDS Thunder 257
general 180 EMC CLARiiON 210 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
configuration settings EMC Symmetrix 217 family 270
HP StorageWorks EVA 291 EMC Symmetrix DMX 217 HP StorageWorks EMA 286
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and EMC VMAX 223 HP StorageWorks MA 286
IBM DS3000 238 HDS Lightning 248 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
IBM XIV 327 HDS TagmaStore WMS 254 IBM D5000 239
Pillar Axiom 311 HDS Thunder 254 Lightning 249
RamSan systems 316 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 logical units
Xiotech Emprise systems 322 family 268 Compellent 201
configuring HP StorageWorks EVA 291 HDS Lightning 247
IBM Storwize V7000, IBM Storwize IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and HDS NSC 260
V7000 Unified, or Flex System IBM DS3000 239 HDS USP 260
V7000 external 199 Pillar Axiom 312 HP StorageWorks MSA 293
introduction 179 host settings HP XP 260
logical disk 181 HP StorageWorks EVA 291 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
controlling access 179 IBM XIV 327 IBM DS3000 237
copy functions Pillar Axiom 313 NEC iStorage 302
HP StorageWorks EVA 289 host types Sun StorEdge 260
IBM XIV 329 HDS NSC 262 logical units and target ports
Pillar Axiom 313 HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 IBM XIV 319, 324
RamSan systems 318 HDS Thunder 252 NetApp FAS3000 303
Xiotech Emprise 323 HDS USP 262 Pillar Axiom 310
external Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 RamSan 314
configuration details 107 family 266 mapping settings
overview 23 HP XP 262 EMC Symmetrix 218
fibre-specific flag settings Sun StorEdge 262 EMC Symmetrix DMX 218
firmware concurrent maintenance 272 migrating volumes
Compellent 201 HP MSA2000 systems Compellent 201
EMC CLARiiON 207 concurrent maintenance 296 models
EMC Symmetrix 213 identifying 179 EMC CLARiiON 207
EMC Symmetrix DMX 213 Initiator settings EMC Symmetrix 213
EMC VMAX 219 EMC Symmetrix 218 EMC Symmetrix DMX 213
Fujitsu ETERNUS 226 interfaces EMC VMAX 219
HDS Lightning 245 HP StorageWorks 291 Fujitsu ETERNUS 225
HDS NSC 259 HP StorageWorks EMA 282 HDS Lightning 244
HDS TagmaStore WMS 250 HP StorageWorks MA 282 HDS NSC 259
HDS Thunder 250 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and HDS TagmaStore WMS 250
HDS USP 259 IBM DS3000 237 HDS Thunder 250
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 logical unit creation and deletion HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200,
family 264 EMC CLARiiON 210 AMS 500, and AMS 1000, and
HP 3PAR systems 272 EMC Symmetrix 216 HDS TagmaStore WMS 250
HP MSA1000 292 HDS TagmaStore WMS 253 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
HP MSA1500 292 HDS Thunder 253 family 264
HP MSA2000 systems 295 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 HP 3PAR systems 272
HP StorageWorks EMA 281 family 267 HP EVA 288
HP StorageWorks MA 281 HP EVA 290 HP MSA1000 292
HP XP 259 HP StorageWorks EMA 284 HP MSA1500 292
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and HP StorageWorks MA 284 HP MSA2000 systems 295
IBM DS3000 235 IBM Enterprise Storage HP StorageWorks EMA 281
IBM DS6000 241 Server 232 HP StorageWorks MA 281
IBM DS8000 243 Nexsan SATABeast 307 HP XP 244, 259
IBM Enterprise Storage logical unit options and settings IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
Server 231 HP StorageWorks EVA 291 IBM DS3000 235
IBM N5000 303 IBM XIV 327 IBM DS6000 242
IBM XIV 323 Pillar Axiom 312 IBM DS8000 244
NEC iStorage 301 logical unit presentation IBM Enterprise Storage
NetApp FAS 303 HP EVA 290 Server 230
Nexsan SATABeast 307 logical unit settings IBM N5000 303
Pillar Axiom 309 EMC CLARiiON 212 IBM N7000 303

Index 353
storage systems (continued) storage systems (continued) storage systems (continued)
models (continued) settings (continued) target ports (continued)
IBM XIV 323 EMC CLARiiON 211 RamSan 314
NetApp FAS 303 HDS TagmaStore WMS 254, 256 Sun StorEdge 260
Nexsan SATABeast 307 HDS Thunder 254, 256 Xiotech Emprise 319
Pillar Axiom 309 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 updating configuration
Sun StorEdge 244, 259 family 268 existing system using CLI 194
TMS RamSan Solid State HP StorageWorks EMA 285 user interfaces
Storage 313 HP StorageWorks MA 285, 287 Compellent 201
Xiotech Emprise 318 HP StorageWorks MA EMA 287 EMC CLARiiON 208
port selection 192 Lightning 248 EMC Symmetrix 214
port settings sharing EMC Symmetrix DMX 214
EMC CLARiiON 211 Compellent 201 EMC VMAX 220
EMC Symmetrix 217 EMC CLARiiON 209 Fujitsu ETERNUS 226
EMC Symmetrix DMX 217 EMC Symmetrix 214 HDS Lightning 245
EMC VMAX 223 EMC Symmetrix DMX 214 HDS NSC 260
HDS Lightning 249 EMC VMAX 221 HDS TagmaStore WMS 250
HDS TagmaStore WMS 256 HDS Lightning 245 HDS Thunder 250
HDS Thunder 256 HDS TagmaStore WMS 251 HDS USP 260
Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, AMS HDS Thunder 251, 252 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000
1000 256 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family 264
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 family 265, 266 HP 3PAR systems 273
family 269 HP EVA 289 HP EVA 289
HP StorageWorks EMA 286 HP StorageWorks EMA 282 HP MSA1000 292
HP StorageWorks MA 286 HP StorageWorks MA 282 HP MSA1500 292
quorum disks IBM DS6000 242 HP MSA2000 systems 295
Compellent 201 IBM DS8000 244 HP XP 260
EMC CLARiiON 209 IBM Enterprise Storage IBM DS6000 242
EMC Symmetrix 215 Server 231 IBM DS8000 244
EMC VMAX 221 Nexsan SATABeast 308 IBM Enterprise Storage
HDS Lightning 246 StorageTek D 236 Server 231
HDS NSC 261 StorageTek FlexLine 236 IBM N5000 303
HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, storage IBM XIV 324
and HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 external 23 NetApp FAS 303
HDS USP 261 switch zoning Nexsan SATABeast 307
Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 EMC CLARiiON 209 Pillar Axiom 309
family 266 EMC Symmetrix 215 RamSan 314
HP MSA1000 294 EMC Symmetrix DMX 215 Sun StorEdge 260
HP StorageWorks EMA 283 EMC VMAX 221 Xiotech Emprise 319
HP StorageWorks EVA 289 HDS Lightning 246 Volume Logix and masking
HP StorageWorks MA 283 HDS NSC 260 EMC VMAX 225
HP XP 261 HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 zoning
IBM Enterprise Storage HDS Thunder 252 HP 3PAR 275
Server 232 HDS USP 260 HP MSA2000 systems 299
IBM N5000 306 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 zoning details 140
IBM XIV 328 family 265 Storage Tier Advisor Tool
NetApp FAS 306 HP EVA 289 performance data 37
Nexsan SATABeast 308 HP XP 260 strategy
Pillar Axiom 313 IBM Enterprise Storage software upgrade
RamSan 318 Server 231 using the CLI (command-line
Sun StorEdge 261 IBM XIV 326 interface) 157
Xiotech Emprise 323 NetApp FAS 306 summary
registering Pillar Axiom 311 changes in guide xiii
EMC CLARiiON 205 RamSan 316 summary of changes xiii
removing Sun StorEdge 260 switch zoning
CLI 195 Xiotech Emprise 321 EMC CLARiiON 209
renaming target port groups HP 3PAR 275
CLI 193 Enterprise Storage Server 242 HP MSA2000 systems 299
requirements target ports IBM XIV 326
FlashCopy, volume mirroring, HDS NSC 260 NetApp FAS 306
thin-provisioned volumes 188 HDS USP 260 Pillar Axiom 311
servicing 198 HP StorageWorks MSA 293 RamSan 316
settings HP XP 260 Xiotech Emprise 321
AMS 200, AMS 500, AMS IBM XIV 324 switches
1000 254 NEC iStorage 302 Brocade 121
configuring Hitachi TagmaStore NetApp FAS3000 303 Cisco 121
AMS 2000 267 Pillar Axiom 310 configuring 120

354 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

switches (continued) systems (continued) upgrading (continued)
director class 125 global settings software automatically 162
Fibre Channel 120 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and upgrading software
McData 121 IBM DS3000 239 strategy
mixing 121 host type using the CLI (command-line
operating over long distances 149 Hitachi TagmaStore AMS 2000 interface) 157
zoning 143 family 266 user authentication
syslog messages 58 interfaces configuration 63
system IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and user roles
concurrent maintenance IBM DS3000 237 service 63
EMC CLARiiON 208 logical unit creation and deletion types 63
Nexsan SATABeast 307 IBM DS5000, DS4000, and using ISL
copy functions DS3000 237 split-site system 131
HP StorageWorks EVA 289 logical unit settings
global settings IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
HP StorageWorks EVA 291
host type models
IBM DS3000 239 V
HDS TagmaStore WMS 252 IBM DS5000, DS4000, and
overview 9
HDS Thunder 252 DS3000 235
symmetric 11
HDS USP 262 sharing
VMware Web Service connection
HP XP 262 IBM DS6000 242
configuring 332
Sun StorEdge 262 IBM DS8000 244
Volume Backup
host types storage system settings
Pillar Axiom 313
HDS NSC 262 IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
Volume Copy
logical units IBM DS3000 238
Pillar Axiom 313
NetApp FAS3000 303
Volume Logix
management 15
EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix
powering on and off 18
T DMX 219
target ports volumes
StorageTek D 236
HP 3PAR 273 bitmap space
StorageTek FlexLine 236
MSA2000 systems 296 total 137
switch zoning
thin provisioning cache modes 42
NetApp FAS 306
HP 3PAR 277 compressed 42
target ports
thin-provisioned volumes configuring space allocations 137
NetApp FAS3000 303
compressed 42 converting fully allocated to
system requirements
converting fully allocated 51 thin-provisioned 51
IBM System Storage Support for
converting to fully allocated definition 30
Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
volumes 51 FlashCopy 75
Service and Volume Service
FlashCopy 75 free and reserved pools
software 330
image mode 50 creating 333
system settings
overview 49 image mode 50
HP StorageWorks EVA 291
Tier 0 overview 48
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and IBM
Easy Tier 33 migrating 48
DS3000 239
Tier 1 mirroring 45
Pillar Axiom 312
Easy Tier 33 storage system requirements 188
System Storage Productivity Center
trademarks 345 nodes
troubleshooting configuration details 116, 117
event notification email 58, 61 overview 39
advanced functions
using Assist On-site 57 states 41
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and
IBM DS3000 236
compressed 42
Bull FDA
access control methods 201 U converting to fully allocated 51
image mode 50
cache allocations 201 uninterruptible power supply
overview 49
configuration 200 2145 UPS-1U
storage system requirements 188
firmware 200 operation 22
logical units 200 overview 22
HP StorageWorks EVA systems 289
platform type 200 I/O groups 20
snapshot volume and link operation 22
volume 201 upgrading
target ports 200 configuration node 167 W
configuration firmware 163 web browsers
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and individual nodes 163 configuring 5
IBM DS3000 233 preparation steps 165 requirements 5
firmware node verification 167 who should read this guide xiii
IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, and nodes without ISL
IBM DS3000 235 except configuration node 166 split-site system 129

Index 355
write operations
dependent 77

Xiotech Emprise
CLI 319
models 318
Storage Management GUI 319
Xiotech ISE
concurrent maintenance 318
configuration settings 322
configuring 318
copy functions 323
firmware 318
logical units 319
target ports 319
user interface 319
zoning 321
XIV storage systems
See IBM XIV storage systems

details 140
Fujitsu ETERNUS 229
Global Mirror 148
guidelines 140
hosts 140
Metro Mirror 148
NetApp FAS 306
overview 143
Pillar Axiom 311
RamSan 316
storage systems 140
Xiotech Emprise 321

356 SAN Volume Controller: Software Installation and Configuration Guide

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