General Principles of Law of Contract & Specific Relief Act

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Seat No.

: _______________

General Principles of Law of Contract & Specific Relief Act.

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100

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FLB-08 1 P.T.O.
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FLB-08 2
Seat No. : _______________

General Principles of Law of Contract & Specific Relief Act.

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : (1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(2) Quote the same question number in your answer book.

1. Discuss in detail with the help of illustrations the Provisions Pertaining to “Mistake”
under the Indian Contract Act. (16)
Define “Acceptance” and discuss the essentials of a valid Acceptance.

2. Explain the principle in the case Mohoribibi Vs. Dharamdas Ghose and discuss
fully the law relating to minor’s agreement. (16)
Explain “Doctrine of Frustration” with the help of illustrations. Discuss in detail
exceptions of this doctrine.

3. Define contract and discuss essential elements of a valid contract. (16)

“An agreement without consideration is void.” discuss this statement. State whether
there are any exceptions to this rule in the Indian Contract Act.

4. Explain (any three) : (16)

(1) Devolution of joint rights and liabilities.
(2) Fraud and Misrepresentation.
(3) Appropriation of payments of debt.
(4) Novatio
(5) Void agreement and voidable agreement
(6) Liquidated damages and penal damages.

FLB-08 3 P.T.O.
5. Discuss the facts and principles laid down in any two of the following cases. (16)
(1) Harvey V/s. Facy.
(2) Lalman V/s. Gauridutt.
(3) Currie V/s. Misa.
(4) Chinaya V/s. Ramaiya.

6. “The jurisdiction to decree specific performance is discretionary and the court will not
grant it merely because it is lawful to do so.” Explain this statement. (20)
Explain (any two) :
(1) Mandatory Injunction.
(2) Recovery of immovable property.
(3) Rectification of instruments.
(4) Appointment of Receiver.


FLB-08 4

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