High Performance Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash As A Supplementary Cementing Material
High Performance Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash As A Supplementary Cementing Material
High Performance Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash As A Supplementary Cementing Material
339 2,177
2 authors, including:
Min-Hong Zhang
National University of Singapore
All content following this page was uploaded by Min-Hong Zhang on 16 November 2019.
This paper presents results on the physical and chemical properties of rice the effect of incineration conditions on the pozzolanic prop-
husk ash (RHA), and deals with the properties of fresh and hardened con- erties of the ash, and a summary of the research findings
crete incorporating the same ash. The properties of fresh concrete investi- from several countries on the use of RHA as a supplementary
gated included workability, bleeding, setting time, and autogenous cementing material.
temperature rise, and those of the hardened concrete included compressive, Prior to 1970, RHA was usually produced by uncontrolled
splitting tensile, and flexural strengths, modulus of elasticity, drying shrink- combustion,10 and the ash so produced was generally crys-
age, resistance to chloride ion penetration, resistance to freezing and thaw- talline and had poor pozzolanic properties. In 1973, Mehta11
ing damage, and salt-scaling resistance. In addition to the effects of the published the first of several papers describing the effect of
percentage of RHA and the water-cementitious materials ratio on the prop- pyroprocessing parameters on the pozzolanic reactivity of
erties investigated, the properties of the RHA concrete were also compared RHA. Based on his research, Pitt12 designed a fluidized-bed
with those of the control portland cement concrete and silica fume concrete. furnace for controlled burning of rice husks. By burning the
The test results indicate that the RHA is highly pozzolanic and can be rice husks under a controlled temperature and atmosphere, a
used as a supplementary cementing material to produce high-performance
highly reactive RHA was obtained.
concrete. Although it requires a higher dosage of the superplasticizer and
the air-entraining admixture compared with those of the control concrete The objective of this research is to provide information on
and the silica fume concrete, the RHA concrete can be produced with satis- the utilization of RHA as a supplementary cementing mate-
factory slump, air content, and setting time. The RHA concrete had higher rial for producing high-performance concrete. This paper
compressive strengths at various ages up to 180 days compared with that of presents data on the physical and chemical properties of
the control concrete, but a lower value than that of the silica fume concrete.
RHA and discusses the properties of the concrete incorporat-
The flexural and the splitting tensile strengths, modulus of elasticity, and
drying shrinkage of the control concrete and the concrete incorporating ing the ash as a supplementary cementing material. In addition
RHA or silica fume were comparable. The RHA concrete had excellent re- to the effects of the percentage of RHA as cement replace-
sistance to chloride ion penetration, and the charge passed in coulombs was ment and water-cementitious materials ratio on the proper-
below 1000 both at 28 and 91 days. The RHA concrete also showed excel- ties investigated, the properties of the RHA concrete were
lent performance under freezing and thawing conditions, and its resistance
also compared with those of the control portland cement
to deicing salt scaling was similar to that of the control concrete and mar-
ginally better than that of the silica fume concrete. concrete and the concrete containing silica fume.
Silica fume
The silica fume (SF) used was a dry uncompacted powder.
The chemical composition and physical properties of the sil-
ica fume are given in Table1. (a)
The coarse aggregate was crushed limestone with a maxi-
mum nominal size of 19mm, and the fine aggregate was local
natural sand from the Ottawa area. Both the coarse and fine ag-
gregates were separated into different size fractions and recom-
bined to a specified gradation shown in Table2. The coarse and
fine aggregates had specific gravities of 2.69 and 2.70, and wa-
ter absorption of 0.82 and 1.10 percent, respectively.
A superplasticizer of sulfonated naphthalene formalde-
hyde condensate was used for most of the concrete mixes.
The superplasticizer is a dark brown solution containing 42
percent solids.
Air-entraining admixture
A multicomponent synthetic resin type of air-entraining
admixture was used in all concrete mixes. (b)
Fig. 2—Scanning electron micrographs of RHA particles
Mix proportions
The proportions of the concrete mixes are summarized in
Fig. 7—Autogenous temperature rise in 152 x 305-mm con- Fig. 8—Development of compressive strength of concrete with
crete cylinders RHA and silica fume [w/c, w/(c + RHA), or w/(c + SF) = 0.40]