301 sTEEL
301 sTEEL
301 sTEEL
R=19720022812 2019-06-24T15:13:59+00:00Z
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Revised by
R. F. Muraca
J . S . Whittick
April 1972
C R -123 780
Prepared for
Chapter 1 1
Chapter 2 3
Chapter 3 i
Chapter 4 17
Chapter 5 2i
Chapter 6 31
Chapter 7 37
Chapter 8 67
Chapter 9 77
Chapter 10 83
Chapter 1 1 89
I. Chapter 12 95
Austenitic stainless steel
Full commercial ranges of sizes and proauct forms a r e available in
annealed, 114 hard, 112 hard, 314 hard, fvll hard, and extra full hard
Weldability -- --- ------ - ---- - - - --- methods) Excellent (fusion and resistance
Alloy exhibits excellent carro sion and oxidation r e r i r t a m e and har
good creep strength a t elevated temperaturer. High rtrengthr a r e
developed by cold working.
Degree(s) Celsius
Subscript Hcompres~ionlt
Cold drawn
Cold finished
Specific heat
Cold rolled
CW Cold worked
CVM Consumable vacuum melted
D or Dia Diameter
DPH Diamond pyramid hardnes s
Elongation in percent
Modulus of elasticity, tension
Modulus of elasticity, compree sion
Ratio of edge distance to hole diameter
Secant modulus
Tangent modulus
Electron volt(#)
Modulus of rigidity
HAZ Heat affected zone in weldments
hcp Hexagonal close pack
hr Hour (8 )
HT Heat treat
IAGS International annealed copper standard
in Inch
ipm Inches per minute
Degree(s) Kelvin
Stress intensity factor; thermal conductivity
Measure of fracture toughness (plane s t r e s r ) a t point of
crack growth instability
Plane strain fracture toughnes a value
Thouaandpounds per square inch
Theoretical elastic s tree s concentration factor
Long transverse (same a s transverse)
M Bending moment
m Meter
M Subscript Itmean"
Max h&ucimum
ml Milliliter
A4IL Military
Min Minimum
mm Millimeter
N Cy . ' :r; to failure
NSR Not -.i: strength ratio
NTS Notch tensile strength
Oil quench
Part6 per million
Point; part
Reduction in area; Rockwell hardnerr A rcale
Rockwell hardnemr B wale
Rockwell hardness C scale
Revolutions per minute
Room temperature
SA Solution a r i e a l
sec Second
S- N S = etrere; N = number of cycles
v Spec Specificationr; specimen
ST Solution treat; short transverse
STA Solution trested and aged
T Transverse
t Thickness; time
Temp Temperature
tw Typical
Var Variable
VHN Vickers hardness number
Water quench
To Convert To Multiply By
angstrom units millimeters
~ t u / l b / 'F cal/gI0 c
~ t u / f t '/sec/O F-inch cal/g/cm'/sec/O~-cm
circular mil square centimeters
cubic feet cubic m e t e r s
cubic feetlminute liters/second
cubic inches cubic centimeters
feet meters
foot-pounds kilogram-meters
gallons (U. S. ) liters
inches millimeter s
ksi (thousand pounds kilograms/rquare millimeter
p e r square inch
microns millimeters
mils millimeters
ounces (avoir ) . grams
ounces (U.S. fluid) milliliter r
pounds (avoir. ) kilograms
pounds /foot kilograms /meter
pounds /cubic foot g r a m s /cubic centimeter
square feet (U.S.) square met e r r
square incher (U.S.) square centimeter6
Temperature in ' C = (OF 32) (519)
Temperature in O K = O C t 273.15
Chapter 1
1.3 The alloy cannot be hardened by heat treatment, but it hardens rapidly
by cold working. It i s possible to r a i s e tensile strengths as high a s
275 ksi (192 kg/mnia) a t room temperature. Wrought Type 301 is
ordinarily used in either the annealed o r cold-rolled condition. In
the annealed condition, the mechanical properties a r e those of sub-
stantially s t r e s s - f r e e austenite. Generally, the tensile strength will
be between 85 and 110 ksi (60 and 77 k g / m m a ) with high ductility,
comparatively low yield strength, high resistance to impact, relative
insensitivity to notch effects, and low resistance to forming. Cold
working increases hardness, strength, and elastic properties, but
consequently reduces ductility and makes forming operations m o r e
difficult to a degree dependent upon the amount of cold work that h a s
been applicd (ref. 1.3).
1.4 Type 302 stainless steel has a slightly higher alloying compositior
than Type 301. b4any of the specifications for Type 302 have a c l o s ~
enough range of composition for chromium and nickel to include T! r
301 in its lower range. Their properties a r e only elightly different;
while 302 i s slightly inferior to 301 in strength, i t has a better r e -
sistance to corrosion (ref. 1 . 4 , 1.5).
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Blue Sheet - Stainless Steel Type 301,"
a 2.2
Procurement S ecifications. AMS specifications that apply specif-
ically to Type 0 as o h a y 1971 and equivalent
specifications a r e listed in table 2 . 2 .
- Military and ASTM
2.3 Compzrison of Specifications. The three AMS specifications and
ASTM A177-6'1 a r e specifically f o r Type 301 stainless steel. The
other ASTM specification A167-63, and all the Federal and Military
specifications a r e for a general classification of corrosion-resist-
ant steels, o r chromium-nickel steels, o r sometimes (more spec-
ifically) the classification of 18-8 steels. F o r sheet and strip, the
maximum mechanical properties for the various degrees of cold
working correspond with AMS, ASTM, and Military specifications .
2.4 Major Producers of the Alloy (U.S.). Practically all alloy and
stainless steel mills make this alloy under their own proprietary
name o r under AISI Type 301 specifications. Representative pro-
ducers are:
Chapter 3
Source AMS (ref. 3.1) 1 AISI ( r e f . 3.2)
Min 1 Max
I + -
Copper - -
Manganese - 2.00
Molybdenum - -
Nickel 6.00 8.00
Phosphorus - 0.04
Silicon -- 1.00
Sulfur 0.03
Iron Balance
k o u r ce I Ref. 3.11
Alloy 1 Type 301
Electrolyte I Cathode
Current density
NaCN 10 g
Alcohol (methyl) 90 m l
Ha0 100 ml precipitation
1 a m p . , 5-10 s e c
NaCN 10 !3 S i g m a phase
Ha0 100 ml
1 a m . , 15 sec-2 min
Oxalic acid 1 0 Z! Sigma phase, then
Ha 0 100 ml carbide
6V-0.75 amt,. precipitation
FIGURE 3 . l ,- Iron-chromium-
nickel equilibrium diagram at
constant chromium content of
400 18 lercent. (Ref. 3 . 3 )
Nickel, percent
O c
Chromium, percent
FIGURE 3 . 2 . -
Iron-chromium-nickel equilibrium diagram
at constant nickel content of 8 percent.
(Ref. 3 . 3 )
0 10 20 30 40 50
Nickel, percent
FIGURE 3 . 3 . Iron-chromium-nickel equ'libriwn
diagram at l200OF ( 6 4 9 ' ~ ) .
(Ref. 3.2)
Chromium, percent
FIGURE 3 . 4 .- Effect of vorirtions in chromium and nickel
in quenched-annealed Type 301 conbining 0.10C.
O.4OMa. and 0.30Si. (Ref. 3.7)
FIGURE 3 . 5 . -
Effect of rolling reduction and comporition
on tensile properties of 300 eerier steelr.
(Ref. 3 . 1 2 )
Carbon, per cent
FIGURE 3 . 6 .- Effect of carbon on the constitution of
stainless steel containing 18 percent chromium
and 8 percent nickel.
(Ref. 3 . 3 )
FIGURE 3 . 7 . -
Structure of 18 percent chromium,
8 percent nickel steel, water -quenched from
1 0 5 0 ~ ~mag.,
; 100X.
(Ref. 3 . 9 )
Chapter 3 - References
The Reactcr Handbook, C. R. Tipton, E d . ,
Interscience Publishers, New York, 1960.
Vol. 1, "Materials,"
Metals Handbock, Vol. 1, I1Properties and Selection of Metals,"
Am. Soc. f o r Metals, Novelty P a r k , Ohio, 1961.
Chapter 4
4.2 Hot Working. The equipment that is used to heat and roll austenitic
stainless steel ingots i s the same as that used f o r carbon steel ingots.
The austenitic stainless steels a r e generally stronger than f e r r i t i c
sleels a t rolling temperatures and equire m o r e power for deform-
ations. The steel i s susceptible to grain growth and overheating should
be avoided. During the heating, special precautions should be taken
to keep the sulfur content of the furnace or soaking pit atmospheres
a t a minimum because this steel after being heated in such atmos-
pheres tends to tear and crack during rolling. The initial forging
temperature range f o r Type 301 i s 2100' to 2300'F ( 1 1 4 9 ~to
1 2 6 0 ' ~ )( r e f . 4 . 2 ) .
4.3 -
Cold Working. Of the austcnitic stainless steels, the Type 301
compos itian is best suited for the production of high strength
steeis by work hardening (see the discussion on cold working in
Chapter 3).
Chapter 4 - Referenccs
4.1 F.H. Keating, Chromium-Nickel Austenitic Steels, Rutterworths
Scientific P,iblication, London, 1956.
The best grade of tool steel should be used f o r blanking and punching
dies. They should be kept sharp, rigidly backed, and clearance should
be close. Suggested clearances a r e a s for shearing, 1/20 of the metal
thickness with a maximum of 0.003 inches (0.076 m m ) . The power
for blanking or punching m u s t be 50 perccnt higher and speed 213 of
that for carbon steels (ref. 5.1).
5.4 Machinin .
Because of the work hardening characteristics of Type
d a i n precautions and modifications of machining xnedhods used
for mild carbon steels must be employed. However, Type 301 will
machine with little trouble a e long a s the proper tools and l u t r i -
cants a r e selected. Rigidity ie a necessary factor to prevent
chatter and springing and consequently hard epote in the metal.
Oversize motors a r e recommended for all equipment because they
will permit heavy cuts without chattering. Precautions should be
taken to prevent the tool f r o m riding on o r glazing the work. Tools
should be kept eharp to prevent the surface f r o m hardening due to
rubbing action. Proper selection of the cutting tool may also be the
deciding factor for successful machining. Table 5.3 shows recom-
mended cutting speeds and feed speeds for various tool materials
and machining operations. The procedures listed h e r e can only a c t
a s a guide. Most production men who machine stainless steel will
e s t a r t with the average speeds recommended and feel their way to
the proper cutting speeds and feed epeeds for their own particular
tools, equipment, and applications (refs. 5 . 1 , 5 . 6 ) .
Flutes with a spiral of the same hand will help in chip removal. The
special angle should not be too large o r tearing and oversize threads
will result. Filling blind holes with heavy paste o r g r e a s e helps in
chip removal. Holes to be tapped must be properly sized. The tape
should be as large a s possible, especially when a fine pitched thread
i s used. Correct lubrication must be provided for successful tapping.
A mixture of su1.fv.r-chlorinated petroleum oils with active sulfur
i s recommended. The lubricants should be placed in the hole rather
than on the tap and should be continuoue i f poreible (ref. 5.1 ).
Self-opening dies a r e recommended for threading. Solid dies will cut
satisfactory threads, but a r e m o r e likely to tear them when they a r e
backed-off. The standard thread chasers a r e used with a slightly
modified grind. Die heat chasers f o r straight threads should be ground
with almost a 15' hook angle. Tangent and circular type c h a s e r s re-
quire a rake angle of 20' to 25'. External pipe thread c h a s e r s should
have a 10' hook angle, Tap chasers should have a 20' lip hook for
straight threads and a 15'. radial hole for tapered threads. A mix-
t u r e of sulfur base and paraffin base oils is recommended a s a proper
lubricant for successful threading ( r e f . 5.1).
Type 301 can be broached. The broach must be without nicks on the
cutting edge. The back-off angle on internal broaches should range f r o m
2' to 5'. Larger angles will shorten the life of the broach. The recom-
mended lubricant for broaching i s a sulfur-base paraffin-base oil mix-
t u r e (ref. 5.1).
In reaming, enough metal should be allowed such that the tool can take
a definite cut. A high speed spiral fluted r e a m e r with a 30' to 35' cham-
f e r angle and 2 7' helix is suggested. Taper reaming may be performed
on Type 301 and an ordinary finish can be obtained in this way. For
precision work, a taper reaming attachment should be used. All ream-
ing must be well lubricated with sulfurized oil (ref. 5.1).
TABLE 5.1.- - Relative Formability of Annealed Austenitic Stainless 4
,/ Steels in Order of Decreasing Formability
Ref. 5.11
! 180° Bend,
0.010 inch Min Str :ch Forming
Radius o r 1070
Stretch 1c)
20 - -
30°/o 30 35'70b)
i 301 301
. ,'- 201 201
I 302 302
202 202
305 305
304 -
3 16 -
321 -
347 -
-- -
- -- - - - -
I -
Ref. 5.1
- - -- - -
1 1 1
Source 1 Ref. 5.12
Condition ~ i r z hSpeed Tool I Ca ,bide Tool
Operation Cutting Conditions speed ~ ; e d Tool Speed Feed
Hardness- BHN fpm ipr rnat11 &
Turning, Annealed 135- 185 0.150 in, depth of cut 80 0.015 T5,T15 5;;f 0.015
Single point 0.025 in, depth of cut 100 0.OC7 T5, T15 135 0.007
box Cold Drawn 225-275 0.150 insdepth of cut 0.015
0.025 in, depth of cut 0.007
Turning, Annealed 135- 185 0. SOOin, f o r m tool width 0.005
F o r m tool 0.750 in, f o r m tool widtl 0.004
1.000 in, form tool widti 0.004
1.500 in, form tool widtl 0.0035
2.000 in, form tool widtI 0.0035
Cold Drawn 225-275 0.500 in, form tool width 0.005
0.750 in, form tool widtl 0.004
1.000 in, f o r m tool widtl 0.004
1.500 in, f o r m tool widtl 0.0035
Boring Annealed
2.000 in, form tool widtl
135-185 0.010 in, depth of cut
0.050 in, depth of cut 0.007
0.100 in, depth of cut 0.009
Cold Drawn 225-275 0.010 in, depth of cut 0.005
0.050 in, depth of c ~ t 0.007
0.100 in. depth cf cut 0.009
Face Milling Annealed 135-185 0.150 in, depth of cut 0.010
0.025 in, depth of cut 0.008
Cold Drawn 225-275 0.150 in, depth of cut 0.010
0.025 in, depth of cut 0.008
End Milling, Annealed 135- 185 114 in cutter diameter 90 0.001 M2, M6
Profiling (0.050 in, depth cut) 112 in cutter diameter 90 0.002 M2, M6
314 i n cutter diameter 90 0.002 M2, M6
1 t o 2 in cuttef diamete: 90 0.003 M2, M6
Cold Drawn 225-275 114 i n cutter diameter 70 0.001 M2, MI0
(0.050 in, depth cut) 112 i n cutter diameter 70 0.002 MZ, MI0
314 i n cutter diameter 70 0.002 M2, MI0
1 t o 2 in cutter diamete: 70 0.003 ML, MI0
Drilling 1/8 in nominal hale dian: 50 0.003 (a)
1/4 i n nominal hole diam I
1/2 in nominal hole d i m
1 i n nominal hole diam I
Cold Drawn 225-279 X I 8 in nominal hole diam 45 0.002 (a)
41' i n nominal hole diam I 0.003
1/2 in nominal hole d i m 0.005
1 in nominal hole diam 0.01 1
2 in nominal hole diam 0.01 6
(a) M10, MI, M7 Noie: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
centimeter a
5.6 Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Data Sheet, Crucible 301 Stainless
Steel," September 1954.
E. Von Hambach, "Making of Stainless Steel," Metal P r o g r e s s , 57 (6),
781 (1950).
1 Magnesium
N 1966
LOG M (gm)
-- - ... - . .
6.5 -
L. E. Kaechele and A. E. Olshaker, I1Meteoroids Implications f o r
May 1960.
the Design of Space S t r u c t u r e s , Aerospace ~ n ~ i n e e r i n19,
6.13 .
K. S Clifton and P. J. Naumann, f l P e g a e u s Satellite Measurements
of Meteoroid Penetration," NASA T M X-1316, 1966.
Specified P r o p e r t i e s
NASA specified properties (none known)
AMS specified properties
AMS specified mechanical properties for sheet and s t r i p ,
table 7.121.
Military specified properties
F e d e r a l specified properties
ASTM specified properties
ASTM specified properties f o r plate, sheet, and s t r i p ,
table 7.151.
Effect of aging t e m p e r a t u r e on h a r d n e s s of 47 percent cold rolled
Type 301 sheet, f i g a r e 7.31.
Effect of hydrogen environment a t elevated t e m p e r a t u r e ox. s u r f a c e
h a r d n e s s of half-hard Type 301 sheet, figure 7.32.
AISI typical hardness values, table 7.33.
7.4 airength P r o p e r t i e s
7.41 Tension
7.41 1 Design tensile properties
7.41 11 Design mechanical properties f o r plate, sheet, and s t r i p , table 7.41 11.
7.41 12 Effect of cold reduction on tensile properties of sheet, figure 7.41 12.
: 7.412 S t r e s s - s t r a i n d i a g r a m s (tension)
7.4121 S t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s for sheet and s t r i p cold-rolled to 114-hard and
!: 112-hard conditions, figure 7.4121.
I 7.4122 S t r e ~ s - s t r a i nc u r v e s for sheet and s t r i p cold-rolled to 314-hard and
full-hard conditions, figure 7.41 22.
7.4123 S t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s for sheet and s t r i p cold-rolled to extra-hard
temper, figure 7.4123.
7.4124 S t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s for sheet in e x t r a full h a r d condition a t low
temperatures, figure 7.4124.
7.4125 Typical tensile s t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s a t room and eleveted t e m p e r a t u r e s
for full-hard Type 301 (longitudinal), f i g u r e 7.41 25.
7.4126 Typical tensile s t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s ( t r a n s v e r s e ) a t r o o m and elevated
t e m p e r a t u r e s f o r full-hard Type 301, figure 7.4126.
7.41 3 Eifect of t e s t t e m p e r a t u r e on tensile p r o p e r t i e s
7.41 31 Effect of temperature on ultimate tensile strength of half-hard Type
301, figure 7.4131.
7.4132 Effect of temperature on tensile yield strength of half-hard Type 301,
figure 7.4132.
7.4133 Effect of t e m p e r a t u r e on ultimate tensile strength of full-hard Type
301, figure 7.4133.
7.41 34 Effect of t e m p e r a t w e on tensile yield strength of full-hard Type 301,
figure 7.41 34.
7.41 35 Tensile strength of sheet in various conditions a t low temperatures,
figure 7.4135.
7.41 36 Yield strength of sheet in various conditions a t low t e m p e r a t u r e s ,
figure 7.41 36.
7.42 Compression
7.421 Design compression properties
7.421 1 Design compression properties for plate, sheet, and sti-ip, s e e
table 7.4111.
7.422 S t r e s s - s t r a i n d i a g r a m s (compression)
7.4221 S t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s in compression f o r Type 301 annealed sheet a t
elevated temperatures, f i g u r t 7.4221.
7.4222 Typical compressive s t ~ e s s s-t r a i n c u r v e s a t r o o m and elevated temp-
e r a t u r e s f o r full-hard Type 301 (longitudisal), figure 7.4222.
7.4223 Typical compressive s t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s a t r o o m and elevated temp-
e r a t u r e s for full-hard Type 30 1 [ t r a n s v e r s e ) , f i g u r e 7.4223.
7.423 Typical compression properti -ti
7.4231 Effect of t e m p e r a t u r e on c c m p r e s s vc ~ yield strength of half-hard Type
301, figure 7.4231.
7.4232 Effect of temperature on compressive yield strength of full-hard Type
301, figure '1.4232.
7.43 Bending
7.44 Shear and torsion
7.441 Design s h e a r prrjpe.-?.ls.s, s e e table 7.41 1I..
7.442 Effect of temnerafure .:n rhe ultimate s h e a r strength of half-hard Type
301, figure 7.442,
i 7.443 Effect of tcm,peraturc on t?m ultimate s h e a r strength of full-hard Type
! 301, figure 7.443
Design bearing properties, s e e table 7 . 4 1 11.
Effect on temperature on the ultimate bearing strength of Type
301 (half-hard), figure 7.452.
Effect of temperature on the bearing yield strength of Type 301
(half-hard), figure 7.453.
Effect of temperature on the ultimate bearing strength of Type
301 (full-hard), figure 7.454.
Effect of temperature on the bearing yield strength of Type 301
(Iull-hard), figure 7.455.
Notch strength
4611 Effect of test temperature and cxposure time on notch strength
of 60 percent cold-reduced sheet, figure 7.461 1.
4612 Effect of cold reduction and t e s t direction on sharp notch
strength of sheet, figure 7.4612.
7.4613 Effect of tevt temperature on net fracture s t r e s s of full-hard
sheet, figure 7.4613.
TABLE 7.121. - AMS Specified Mechanical P r o p e r t i e s f o r Sheet and S t r i p ( a )
Allcy Type 301
Source Ref. 7.1 Ref. 7.3, Ref. 7 . 3
Condition 1/ 4 H a r d 112 H a r d Full Hard
Thickness, i n c h ( b ) NmeGiven 50,015 >0.015 (0.015 >0.015
Source 1 Ref. 7 . 4
Type 301
1 Plate
114 H a r d
Sheet z ~d S t r i b
I 112 Hard 1
314 H a r d
I Full Harc
Ftu(rnin), k s i ( a ) ( 75.0
F min), k s i
1 30.0
e(2 in), m i n 70
>0.015 in
Hardness, m a x
Brineil 202
I; B 94
TABLE 7.221. - Design Values of E, Ec and G f o r Sheet and S t r i p (a)
Source 1 Ref. 7 . 9
Alloy Type 301
Condition Ann i 14 Hard 1 12 t l a r d 3 14 Hard Full Hard
Sheet, s t r i p Annealed 85 RB
114 h a r d 25 RC
112 h a r d 32 RC
3 14 h a r d 37 RC
Tull h a r d 41 RC
[Plate ( Annealed 1 165 BHN
TABLE 7.41 11. - D e e i m Mechanical Prowerties f o r Sheet and Platc
Sour c e I Ref. 7 . 9
Alloy AISI 301
- (i
5 10 15 20 25 30
Tangcnt Modulus, l o 3 k s i
- Typical tangent-modulus curves (transverse)
FIGURE 7 . 2 5 2 .
for Type 301 sheet and pl2.k at room temperature.
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
5 10 15 20 25 30
Tangent Modulus, 1 O3 k s i
FIGURE 7 . 2 5 3 .- Typical tangent-modulus curves (longitudinal)
for T v ~ e301 sheet and plate at room temperature.
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
1 O3 kg /mm2
. ' * ;
;h!..lL, I
I ' I .
I I ' j I ' I , , :
! P , !
. .
1 ' .
5 10 15 20 25 30
Tangent Modulus, l o 3 k s i
FIGURE 7 . 2 5 4 . -
Typical tangent-modulus curves (transverse)
for Type 301 sheet and plate at room temperature. 1
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1233'~'
Aging Temperature
FIGURE 7 . 3 1 . -
Effect of aging temperature o n h a r d n e s s
of 67-percent c o l d - r o l l e d Type 301 s h e e t .
(Ref. 7 . 1 1 )
1200 1600
FIGURE 7 . 3 2 . -
Effect of hydrogen environment a t
elevated temperature o n s u r f a c e h a r d n e s s of
Type 301 half-hard sheet; thickness. 0 . 0 1 2
iich ( 0 . 305 mm).
(Ref. 7 . 1 2 )
--.. .
, , , m,. , ,,-. .. -, .
20 40 60
Reduction, percent
- Effect of cold reduction on tensile
FIGURE 7 . 4 1 12.
properties of Trpe 301 sheet.
(Ref. 7 . 1 3 )
p0.002 -q
Strain, lengi>.;iength
FIGURE 7.4121. - Stress-strain curves for Type 301 sheet
and strip co1.d rolled to 1/4 hard and half hard conditions.
(Ref. 7 . 1 0 )
*O ,002 4
Strain, length/length
FIETIRE 7 . 4 1 2 2 . Stress-strain curves for Type 301 sheet and
strip cold rolled to 3 / 4 hard and full hard conditions.
(Ref. 7 . 1 0 )
- --,- .
, ,
I . .
0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain, 0.001 lengthllength
FIGURE 7.4126. - Typical s t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s ( t r a n s v e r s e ) a t
r o o m and elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s f o r Type 301 (full-hard).
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
0 200 600 1000 1400
- Effect of temperature on the ultimate
FIGURE 7 . 4 1 3 1.
tensile strength of Type 301 (half-hard).
(Ref.7 . 9 )
FIGURE 7.413 2 . - Effect of temperature on the tensile
yield strength of Type 301 (half-hard).
(Ref. 7.9)
FIGURE 7.41 3 3 . - Effect of temperature on the ultimate
tensile strength of Type 301 (full-hard).
(Ref. 7.9)
FIGURE 7.41 3 4 . -
Effect of temperature on the tensile
yield strength of Type 301 (full-hard).
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
Test Temperature
FIGURE 7.41 3 5 . --
Tensile strength of Type 301 sheet in
various conditions at low temperatures.
(Ref. 7 . 8 )
r - .-
-- Full Hard. id 0.016 in
(0.41 rnm) --
. . .
. .- . .
0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain, 0 . 0 0 1 lengthllength
FIGURE 7 . 4 2 2 3 . -
Typical c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s
at r o o m and elevated temperatures for Type 301 (full-hard).
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
. . , , , ,
Strength a t t e m p e r a t u r e I
Exposure up to 1 /2 h r
, ,
800 1000
FIGURE 7.4231. - Effect of t e m p e r a t u r e on the com-
p r e s s i v e yield strength of ~~~e 301 (half-hard).
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
' :LURE 7.4232. -
Effect of t e m p e r a t u r e on the
compressive yield strength of Type 301
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
0 200 600 1000 1200 O F
FIGURE 7.442. -
Effect of temperature on the ultimate
shear strength of Type 301 (half-hard).
(Ref. 7 . 9 )
4 I Strength at temperature
+ -I Exposure ur, to 1 / 2 hr It
FIGURE 7 . 4 5 4 . -
Effect of temperature on the
ultimate bearing strength of Type 301
(Ref. 7.9)
0 20 40 60 80
Cold Reduction, percent
FIGURE 3 . 4 6 1 2 . Eifect or^cold reduction and teal; direction
on sharp notch strength of Type 301 sheet; thickness,
0.063 inch (1.60 mm).
(Ref. 7.17)
Test Temperature
7.12 -
H. Stier et a l . , "Material Aluminum, Columbium, Magnesium,
Nickel-Base, Stainless Steel and Titanium Alloys, -
Zffect of
Hydrogen Environments a t 400' to 2400' F," General Dynamics
Report No. 8926-010, January 1961.
7.19 *411oy Digest, "AISI Type 3Cl," (Filing Code SS-54), Engineering
Alloys Digest, I n c . , April 1957.
Chapter 8
General. Type 301 has good dynamic and time dependent properties.
m n n e a l e d condition, the alloy exhibits good impact strength
down to cryogeni: temperatures. The alloy can be used a t moder-
ately elevated temperatures because of i t s excellent c r e e p and
rupture properties. It has good structural stability for long time
use a t temperatures up to 800' F (427' C). When held in the temp-
e r a t u r e range f r o m 800' to 1600' F (427' to 871°c), however,
carbides a r e precipitated which m a y lower the resistance of the
alloy to corrosion. Exposure of cold-reduced material to temper-
atures above 900'F (482'C) results in a reduction in room temp-
e r a t u r e properties (refs. 8.1,8.2,8.3).
Specified Properties
Izod impact strength of annealed sheet, 110 ft-lbs (15.2 kg-m)
( r e f . 8.4).
Effect of low temperature on impact strength of annealed plate,
figure 8.32.
Effect of room and low temperature on impact strength of annealed
and 112-hard bar, figure 8.33.
Creep and creep rupture curves for Type 301 half-hard sheet a t
elevated temperatures, figure 8.41 .
Creep rupture curves for Type 301 full-hard and s t r e s s relieved
sheet at elevated temperatures, figure 8.42.
Creep and creep rupture curves a t 800' F (427' C ) f o r Type 301
full-hard sheet, iigure S . 45.
Time-temperature parameters
Isochronous s t r e s s - s t r a i n diagrams
Effect of exposure a t low temperatures on room temperature tensile
properties of extra hard sheet, figure 8.51.
Effect of temperature and exposure time on tensile properties of
60-percent reduced sheet, figure 8.52.
Effect of cest temperature and exposure time on shear strength of
Type 301, s e e figure 7.442 and 7.443.
Effect of teniperalure and exposure on bearing properties of Type
301, see figures 7.452 and 7.453.
8.55 Effect of test temperature and exposure time on notch strength of 60-
percent cold reduced sheet, see figure 7.461 1 .
8.6 Fatigue
8.61 S - N curves in flexure for extra full hard sheet at low temperatures,
figure 8 . 6 1 .
8.62 Results of fatigue tests before and after exposure for 26,300 hours
at 288' C , table 8.62.
- - R e s u l t s of Fatigue T e s t s Before and After Exposure f o r 23,600 Hours at 2 8 8 ' ~ (550'1
-TABLE 8.62.
Source I Ref. 8.11
Alloy Type 301, 50 p e r c e n t cold rolled
Before Exposure M t e r Exposure
KT = 1 ( a ) KT = 4 (a) KT = 1 (a) KT = 4 ( a )
Smax Fatigue life, Smax Fatigue life, Smax Fatigue life, Sm, '
Fatigue life,
kilocycles kilocycle s kilocycles
kg/hsm2 k s i kg/mm2 k s i kg/rnm2 k s i k m a k s i kilocycles
98.4 14G 18 49.2 70 17 94.9 135 35 52.7
~ 18 37
I I 21 213 I
65 2~' 87.9 125 43 45.7
28 60
30 23 1
60 43 >lo, 000 42.2
52 >lo, 000
59 >lo, 000
>lo. 000
57 62 80.8 115 83 38.7
103 88
7,529 3.486
>:LO,000 77.3 110 196 35.2
>lo, 000 >lo, 000
>lo, 000 >lo, 000
55 94 66.8 95 16
108 23
27 1 52.7 75 397
50 2,018
lo6 7,904
I 176 >lo, 000
2 10
>lo, 000
' a ) KT = 1, unnotched s p e c i m e n s ' KT = 4, edge-notched specimens
- 300 -200 -100 0 100' F
Test T e m p e r a t u r e
FIGURE 8 . 3 2 . - Effect of low t e m p e r a t u r e on impact s t r e n g t h
of Type 301 annealed plate; thickness, 0.50 inch (12.7 m m ) .
(Ref. 8 . 5 )
0 1 9 5 0 ° ~ (066Oc),l 30 min,
WQ (166 BHN)
8 CD, 195 0' F, 3 0 min, WQ
+ 14% CD (281 BHN)
Half Hard
...- ..
i... -1 - ..--.; .. .. . - I .--.-.-
I I ] I . !
a = 0.187 - 0 . 1 8 8 in d i a (3 h o l e s )
b = 0.808 2 0.002 in
c = 0.378 f 0.002 in
d = 0.47 f00.002 in
e = 0.700 f 0.002 in
f = 1.400 0.002 in
g = 0.40
(Note: 1 i n = 2 5 . 4 mm)
Chapter 8 - References
:IAISI Type 39l1! (Filing Code SS-54), Engineering
April 1957.
V. N. Korvobok and R. D. Thomas, J r , I1Impact Tests of Welded
Austenitic Stainless Steels," Welding Journal, Research Suppl.,
September 1950.
d 0.292 lblin3 ( r e f s .
Specificgravity, 7 . 8 6 - 7 . 9 4 ( r e f . 2)
. 9.21
Thermal conductivity (K), figure 9.21.
Thermal expansion (a),s e e figure 9.21.
Specific heat (cp), see figure 9.21.
9.24 Thermal diffusrvity, figure 9.24.
Alloy - Type 301
Condition Annealed I 60% C W
I r r a d i a t i o n temperatiurc
I r r a d i a t i o n exposure,
3.9 x 10' Control 2.0 x 1017 Control
n(m-" ?
'rest temperature -
lcsi ( k g / m m 2)
e, p e r c e n t
RA, p e r c e n t
Hardness, RB
-400 0 400 800 I200 1600 OF
Test Temperature
FIGURE 9 . 2 4 . - Effectof temperature on thermal diffusivity
of Type 301 (annealed).
(Ref. 9 . 5 )
Teat Temperature
FIGURE 9 . 3 1 . -
Effect of temperature on electrical
resistivity of Type 301.
(Refe. 9 . 7 , 9 . 8 )
FIGURE 9.52. - Effect of
i r r a d i a t i o n below 1 0 0 C~
(212 ' ~ )on yield strength
of Type 301 (annealed).
(Ref. 9 . 1 1 )
0 2 4 6 8
Integrated Neutron Flux (1 MeV), lo1' nvt
Test Temperature
FIGURE 9.61. - Effect of t e m p e r a t u r e and s u r f a c e
t r e a t m e n t on e m i s s i v i t y of Type 301.
(Ref. 9 . 1 0 )
Chapter 9 - References
Stainless Type 31 0 Gold
Stainless Type 316 Platinum
Lead-tin solder
Nickel (active) (Electronegative)
Chapter 10 - Refercnces
11.2 Scale Removal. The very high temperatures that a r e attained during
welding, annealing, and forging will produce sufficient scale on
Type 301 to make its removal necessary. Such a scale will impair
the metal's appearance and resistance to corrosion. If the alloy i s
to be fabricated by cold working o r welding, i t must be s c a l e - f r e e .
Scale left on a surface that i s to be cold worked may lead to tearing
and induced corrosion attack. Descaling may be c a r r i e d out by
various pickling solutions, sand blasting, o r electropolishing (ref.
11.1 ). Scale-removing p r o c e s s e s must be controlled with g r e a t
c a r e ; otherwise, fabrication i s hindered and impairment of anti-
corrosicn properties may result (ref. 11.2).
The scale o r oxide formed on stainless steel under very high temp-
e r a t u r e s may be heavv and difficult to remove. In such c a s e s it
may be n e c e s s a r y to employ m o r e than one pickling bath to remove
the scale. An initial bath i s used to soften the scale and a second
bath to remove the scale. F o r m o r e tenacious scales, a n inter-
mediate bath I l i . y be n e c e s s a r y to a s s i s t in the softening of the scale.
Under a number of annealing conditions, the scale may be light
enough to be removed by a one bath p r o c e s s (ref. 11.3). The acids
most commonly used in making up pickling solutions for descaling
stainless steel a r e nitric, hydrofluoric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric
(ref. 11.5). Nitric acid is a n oxidizing agent whereas the other
acids a r e reducing. -4n oxidizer will promote and p r e s e r v e the p a s s -
ivity of stainless steel; reducers will descale by reducing the oxide,
but will also reduce the protective oxide film (ref. 11.5).
Solution B
15 to 20 percent nitric acid (Sp. G. 1 / 4 2 ) by volume
Balance water, maintain a t 150' F (66' C).
Solution D
5 to 10 percent sulfuric acid (Sp.G. 1.84) by volume
2 to 4: percent hydrochloric acid (Sp. G. 1 . 1 9 ) by volume
Balance water, maintain a t 160'F (71°C).
11.4 --
Standard Finishes. F o r flat r d l e d stock, the mill finishes a r e div-
7 0 categories: unpolished and polished finishes. Table
11.1 shows the finishes available for flat rolled m a t e r i a l and for
bar and wire.
The bright and dull finishes for mill rolled sheet a r e produced by
applying a light cold roll?d pass on either polished or dull rolls.
The varicvs polished finishes a r e accomplished with abrasives and
buffing procesces to produce the finish d e s i r e d .
11.5 Protection of Finish. Stainless steel should be properly protected
during the various fabrication p r o c e s s e s to avoid unnecessary scratches
and contaminations. Not only do such scratches and contaminations
s c o r e the surface of the stainless steel, but they also f o r m a nucleus
for pitting and corrosion. Protection of the m a t e r i a l can be made by
the use of plastic coatings o r adhesive paper which can be peeled off
l a t e r . Ample lubrication should be used during drawing operations ;
paper under hold-down pads and adhesive paper on the edges of brakes
will avoid excessive marking and scoring.
Areas adjacent to welds may turn brown under some alternating wet
and d r y conditions. This i s an oxide film that should be removed.
Stainless steels a r e tougher than ordinary carbon steels and they tend
to drag and wear out wheels m o r e rapidly in the grinding, polishing,
and buffing p r o c e s s e s . Since they conduct heat away m o r e slowly, they
will overheat and warp m o r e easily. It i s therefore recommended that
a lubricant be used on a l l finish-grinding operations. All wheels, buffs,
dies, etc. should be checked constantly to s e e that they a r e not con-
taminated with other metals. These metals, when imbedded in the s u r -
face of the stainless steel, may cause galvanic corrosion under moist
conditions. Buffing and greasing components should be f r e e of iron
o r iron oxide.
TABLE 1 1 . 1 . - F i n i s h e s Available f o r Tvne 301 S t e e l
Source Ref. 11
F l a t Rolled Material B a r and Wire
and pickled
No. 1 finish cold r c l l e d annealed Hot rolled and annealed
Hot rolled annealed and pickled
No. 2 finish bright cold rolled Hot rolled and rough turned
No. 2 finish bright annealed Hot rolled annealed and rough
Sheets turned
No. 1 finish - hot rolled annealed
Hot Rolled Wire
and pickled
No. 2 B finish - bright cold rolled Hot rolled
No. 2D finish - dull cold rolled Hot rolled and annealed
Hot rolled annealed and pickled
Hot Xolled P l a t e s
Hot rolled
Cold Finished B a r
Hot rolled and annealed
Hot ro?led annealed and pickled Annealed and cold drawn
Heat t r e a t e d and cold drawn
Mill Polished F i n i s h e s Annealed and c e n t e r l e s s ground
(on one o r both s i d e s ) Annealed c e n t e r l e s s ground anc
Sheets and P l a t e s polished
No. 3 finish i n t e r m e d i a t e polish Heat t r e a t e d c e n t e r l e s s ground
and polished
No. 4 finish - s t a n d a r d polish
No. 6 finish - Tampico b r u s h e d
Cold Finished Wire
No. 7 finish high l u s t e r polish Annealed and cold drawn
No. 8 finish m i r r o r polish Heat t r e a t e d and cold drawn
Chapter 11 - References
Where use requires the same corrosion resistance for the welded
joint and the parent material, the welded p a r t s should be fully an-
nealed and then rapidly quenched to dissolve the carbides. Because
of the rapid heating and cooling possible with resistance welding,
carbide precipitation along grain boundaries is minimal. ConsequentlY,
corrosion resistance i s usually not adversely affected when the
material thickness i s l e s s than 118 inch (3.17 mrn). When thicknes s
i s greater than 1 / 8 inch and the welded structure i s to be subjected
to a corrosive exposure, a low-carbon o r stabilized grade of stain-
l e s s steel should be used (ref. 12.15). Great c a r e must be taken
in cleaning the welded a r e a of any carbonaceous material8 that
may be picked up in e a r l i e r stages of fabrication. Thc carbonaceous
material r a i s e s the carbon content of the weld and will reduce i t s
resistance to corrosion. The coefficient of thermal expansion of
austenitic stainless steel i s about 60 percent g r e a t e r than that of
mild steel. Warpage o r distortion a t the weld will result if these
thermal properties a r e not properly accounted for in the design
of welded equipment and welding fixtures (refs. l ? . 1, 12.3). The
most effective means to prevent fissuring o r cracking of the weld
metal is to adjust the composition of the weld deposit to include
small amounts of f e r r i t e . This can be accomplished by proper selec-
tion of filler metal composition. Ordinarily, 3 lo 4 percent f e r r i t e is
adequate. If the welds a r e in heavy sections, 6 to 7 percent f e r r i t e
may be required. The amount of f e r r i t e in a weld i s basically a func-
tion of i t s chemical composition and can be predicted from the Schaeff-
l e r Diagram (see iigure 12.1 ). Cooling r a t e and subsequent heat
treatment also influence the amount of f e r r i t e in the weld (ref. 12.1).
The most widely used process for producing welds of high quality
a r e the two inert-gas arc-welding processes, TIG and MIG. The
TIG method i s perfotmed on this metal with a. single nonconsumable
tungsten electrode with an opening in the welding torch f o r the inert
gas (usually argonj to be introduced around the a r c . The MtG method
i s generally used for 1IS-inch thick (3.17 m m ) steel o r heavier and
employs a filler metal a s the electrode fed f ~ o m
a r e e l of wire
through the welding gun into an inert gas atmosphere. The gas
mixture used i s 98 percent argon and 2 percent oxygen. These
methods provide excellent quality welds at high speeds with no flux
removal problems (ref. 12.2).
Solderin Both soft and h a r d soldering may be performed success-
u y on ype 301 s t a i n l e s s steel; 50 percent tin and 50 percent lead
solder i s most commonly used for soft soldering. Higher tin p e r -
centages up to 100 percent m a y be used to c r e a t e better color match
and a stronger joint. Roughening the s t e e l s u r f a c e helps the solder
to adhere, for i t i s difficult to make solder adhere to a bright o r
highly polished s t a i n l e s s s u r f a c e ( r e f . 12.3).
1 18
5/32 O.O87-O.5OO 24-25 125-150 95-110 125-140
3/16 0.375-0.750 25-27 155-195
1 14 >O. 375 26-28 240-290
5/16 - -
27- 30 325-375
8 EQ spaces
7 EQ spaces
Chapter 12 - References
W. L. Wilcox, "Welding S t a i n l e s s St3el,lt Metal P r o g r e s s , 85(6),
96 (1964); Metal P r o g r e s s , 86(1), 121 (1964).
United S t a t e s Steel, "USS 301 A Standard AISI Type S t a i n l e s s
S t e e l Cold-Reduced to Higher P r o p e r t i e s i o r A i r c r a f t and
Missiles," June !959.
J Goodford, I t Joining of Crucible R c z i s t a l S t a i n l e s s Steel,"
Crucible S t e e l Company of A m e r i c a , 1954.
12.19 W. Illg and L.A. Imig, "Fatigue c;f Four Stainless Steels
.. ..before and a f t e r Exposure to Elevated T e m p e r a t u r e s
for up to T h r e e Years,!! NASA T N D-6145, April 1971.