Bar Review Tips
Bar Review Tips
Bar Review Tips
(This topic is a thread in the Discussion Board)
I came across this booklet while I was reviewing for the Bar in U.P. Diliman. The
author is a graduate of the UP College of Law. If I can still remember right, he
graduated in 1992. He did not mention if he had honors when he graduated but
he did mention that he was a member of the UP College of Law Debating Team.
He did not immediately take the bar. Instead he worked as a car sales man for five
years before taking the bar in 1997.
When he applied for a leave he was given only a month before he was going to
take the Bar. He had less than a month to prepare and realizing this he
formulated strategies to aid him in his review. This is the birth of his "Guerilla
Tactics in Passing the Bar" (I might not be accurate about the title but we lovingly
just call it Guerilla Tactics). This guy did not only pass the bar, he ranked 11th.
Proving that with hard work and determination, there is always hope.
Oyson says that one should have a systematic and organized gameplan in
reviewing for the bar. He also said that prayers are very important. I agree, I
prayed a lot not only during the pre-bar review but during my law shool days. He
enumerates the following tips in the first chapter of his book:
7. Remedial Law - Get hold of the Codal Provisions... Revised Rules of Court... I
used both volumes of Regalado's Book because that was what I used when I was a
8. Legal Ethics - now this is free for all... but I suggest you just memorize the
Attorney's Oath, Read and put to heart the Canons of Professional Ethics and
Judicial Ethics too. For the Forms, I have to admit I did not study for this, but I paid
attention to the hand outs given to us during the review.
So, that, in a capsule is the list. I hope it could help you in formulating your
gameplan for your review. The most important thing is that you know yourself,
you know your weaknesses, your strengths and formulate your plan according to
what you know.
1. Less is more.
Early in the review, decide which materials to read and stick to them. It is better
to master a few materials than to cover too many and not read them well.
3. Read the bar questions and answers first before starting every subject. Take
note of topics frequently asked.
According to Florin, during the bar he had no difficulty answering because all the
questions were familiar to him. BQA gives you an overview of how bar questions
are phrased.
4. Read the Philippine Law Reports (contains digests of recent cases) 1 1/2 years
6. Take a rest every hour of studying. Pause and take deep breaths. If you feel like
continuing for more than an hour, do so but make sure to take a rest when you
feel your brain can't take in information anymore.
Florin studied 5 days and had 2 days rest every week. He watches moves every
Wednesday. Contrary to claims, he doesn't believe exercise works. He gained
weight during the review.
7. Take a rest after eating a full meal as most of the blood concentrates on the
stomach at that time. He eats a light breakfast during the review.
8. During the exam, read all the questions forts before you start answering. Florin
says that since you've already read all the questions, your brain is already starting
to process the answers.
9. Bring a clock inside the exam room. Count the number of items and divide your
time accordingly. This will ensure you will be answering at a correct pace.
10. When answering the exam, take a brief break after every 30 minutes. Do
breathing exercises and rest your eyes.
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>>>>comment: supposedly, read daw miravite to spot his many errors, i say
"daw" kse for the life of me, nung nagreview ako, 2 lang ata nakita kong parang
mali, persuaded naman ako sa mga sagot niya
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