(123doc) - Operons-Va-Qua-Trinh-Dieu-Hoa-Hoat-Dong-Cua-Gen

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Chapter 18 - Operons

Control of Gene Expression in

Sample Pathway for Control of
Promotor (RNATryptophan (trp) Expression
polymerase binding
Enzyme 1
Gene 1
Each enzyme
Enzyme 2
catalyzes the
Gene 2 next series of
Enzyme 3 reactions
Gene 3 necessary for
noi t pi r cs nart

noi t al s nart

Enzyme 4 production
Gene 4

Gene 5 Enzyme 5

mRNA trp
DNA 2 Negative Feedback
(transcription unit) shut-off systems
Basic Vocabulary
mRNA Transcription Unit:
- grouping of mRNA genes with related
- 2 advantages ~
1. organization
2. easy regulation – one “on/off” switch
can be used to control an entire cluster
of related genes
Basic Vocabulary
- an entire gene-regulating system in
PROKARYOTES, which includes the
operator, promotor, and all corresponding
Basic Vocabulary
- “on-off” switch to genes
- controls the access of RNA polymerase
to genes
- found within the promotorLet’sregion or
take a closer
look at the tryptophan
between the promoter and(trp)gene-encoding
example of a
regions “repressor” system
Trp operonofcontrols
the Trp Operon
of the aminoComponents
acid tryptophan
r. Trp promotor
Repressor 5 Genes needed for
Gene tryptophan production
rp. RNA Pol. o. Operator
binding site
r. rp. o. Gene 1 Gene 1Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5

RNA polymerase
mRNA transcription unit
mRNA for trp

Enz 1 Enz 2 Enz 3 Enz 4 Enz 5 trp

Trp repressor protein
translated in its
“inactive” form
How is the trp operon turned off
once enough trp is made?
Trp repressor RNA pol operator
gene binding site

trp trp trp


Inactive trp
Increased concentration of trp (co-
repressor) increases chances of trp
binding to allosteric site of inactive trp
How is the trp operon turned off
once enough trp is made?

RNA polymerse,
therefore is
physically blocked Active trp repressor
from transcribing can now bind to
genes for trp operator
Why is this a repressor system?
The trp operon is a repressor operon, meaning
gene expression of the operon is repressed
by the presence of the co-repressor,
Watch this animation to fully
understand and review this operon,
then take the on-line quiz together
as a class

Overview of Inducible Lac Operon
The Lac operon controls the production of
the ß-galactosidase, an enzyme that
catalyzes the hydrolysis (break-down) of
lactose into glucose and galactose.
This is an inducible operon, meaning gene
expression ß-galactosidase is stimulated
by the presence of an co-inducer, lactose.
Inducible Lac operon
Genes that
promote ß-
crp: helps rp: RNA o. operator galactosidase
RNA pol. pol.binding production
I. Lac
to bind site

I. crp. rp. o.

mRNA for
inducer RNA pol.
protein blocked from ß-
inducer transcription
protein in without lactose
“active” co-inducer
TWO regulatory mechanisms used
to turn on lac operon
1) Presence of lactose as a co-inducer
** reason?
ß-galactosidase is not needed unless lactose
needs to be broken down
2) Low amounts of glucose
** reason?
Recall that lactose breaks down into glucose and
galactose. Low glucose levels signals the cell
for more lactose to be broken down.
Both conditions must be met for the lac operon to turn on.
TWO regulatory mechanisms used
to turn on lac operon
RNA polymerase can bind
only with the help of CRP
transcription factor

RNA pol.


CRP Transcription
Factor 1) Allolactose co-
2. cAMP attaches to CRP inducer attaches to
transcription factor when allosteric site of induce
glucose is scarce protein, inactivating it
Lac Operon Animation
Watch this animation to fully understand and
review the lac operon!

How are genes controlled in
1) Regulation of Chromatin Structure
2) Pre and post Transcriptional Regulation
3) Pre and Post Translational Regulation
Regulation of Chromatin Structure

N-terminus (amino group) of histone proteins face outwards

from nucleosome
Tails are thus able to be modified chemically
Regulation of Chromatin Structure

•• Methylation
Histone Acetylation – neutralizes
 Promotes (+) charges on
tails, which prevents
• Phosphorylation binding
 can to adjacent
prevent condensation, if
nucleosome  loose chromatin structure results,
phosphorylation is adjacent to methyl group
allowing for increased transcription
Pre-Transcriptional Regulation
• Similar to methods used in bacterial
operons, using proteins that inhibit or
promote binding of RNA pol.
– Distal and Proximal Control Elements
– Proteins involved include:
• Transcription factors
• Activators
• Mediator Proteins
Post-Transcriptional Regulation
RNA Processing
– differential/alternative splicing can produce
different 20 mRNA transcript
Differential splicing redefines
which RNA segments are
considered introns and which
are exons
Post-Transcriptional Regulation
• Time of mRNA degradation can vary
Pre-Translational Regulation
Initiation of Translation
- can be blocked by regulatory proteins
that prevent ribosome binding
- shortened polyA tails in mRNA prevents
translation (polyA tails can be added
during appropriate time)
- global regulatory control of all mRNAs in
Post-Translational Regulation
• During protein processing, folding
• Timing of protein degredation can vary
• Proteasomes degrade proteins that are
tagged by ubiquitine molecules

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