Pop! Goes The Weasel

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Did you know? Pop! Goes the Weasel isa fig that dates back over 200 years to England. The tune is also known from jack-in-the-box toys. When the * the “jack™ pops up. tune gets to “PO! Can you sing this song with your teacher before you play it? Quickly San B LH.Q@) over — POP! ‘lessen p.17 (Youna Hunter st — Pop! Goes the Weasel 17th Century English Song mul - ber - Fy Ton th Scanned with CamScanner p Pe Sp Play and shout! peleeewedericg down Ltt.) over 2 F POP! E f: be a Play the LOWEST CI a " Circle the time signature, What does it mean? Frio # Scanned with CamScanner

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