Mica 2 Dot

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▼ 3rd Generation, Quarter-Sized

(25mm), Wireless Platform for
Smart Sensors

▼ Designed Specifically for Deeply

Embedded Wireless Sensor

▼ Battery-Powered, Low-Mass

▼ Fits Anywhere, Wireless


▼ Wireless Communications with

Every Node as Router Capability
MICA2DOT Processor and Radio Platform
▼ 868/916 MHz, 433 MHz or The MICA2DOT Mote is a third The MPR500CA is based on the
315 MHz Multi-channel Radio generation mote module used for Atmel ATmega128L. The
Transceiver (MICA2 Compatible) enabling low-power, wireless, ATmega128L is a low-power
sensor networks. The MICA2DOT microcontroller which runs TOS
Applications is similar to the MICA2, except from its internal flash memory.
for its quarter-sized (25mm) form Using TOS, a single processor
▼ Wireless Sensor Networks factor and reduced input/output board (MPR500CA) can be
channels. The following features configured to run your sensor
▼ Temperature and Environmental make the MICA2DOT better application/processing and the
Monitoring suited for commercial network/radio communications
deployment; stack simultaneously. The
▼ Remote Data Logging

▼ Smart Badges, Wearable Comput-

· 868/916MHz, 433MHz or
315MHz multi-channel
MICA2DOT features 18 solderless
expansion pins for connecting 6
ing transceiver with extended range Analog Inputs, Digital I/O, and

▼ Active 2-Way “Smart” Tags · TinyOS (TOS) Distributed

Software Operating System v1.0
a serial communication or UART
interface. These interfaces make
with improved networking stack it easy to connect to a wide

and improved debugging variety of external peripherals.
· Support for wireless remote Sensor Boards:
wireless sensor networks

18 Pin Expansion Connector

reprogramming Crossbow offers a growing family
Antenna · Compatible with MICA2
(MPR4x0) Mote
of compatible sensor and data
acquisition boards for the
Logger Flash
· On Board Temperature Sensor,
Battery Monitor, and LED
MICA2DOT. These Boards are
connected to the MICA2DOT via a
Analog I/O
Digital I/O
ring of 18 solderless expansion pins.
Temperature TinyOS 1.0 is a small, open- These pins allow boards to be
source, energy efficient, software stacked both above and below the
Tunable Radio
operating system developed by MICA2DOT Processor/Radio Board.
UC Berkeley which supports large Custom sensor and data acquisition
MPR500CA Block Diagram scale, self-configuring sensor boards are also available. Please
networks. The source code and contact Crossbow for additional
software development tools information.
are publicly available at:

▼ Document Part Number: 6020-0043-04 Rev C

c r o s s b o w t e c h n o l o g y, i n c ▼ 41 daggett drive ▼ san jose, ca 95134-2109


Processor/Radio Board MPR500CA MPR510CA MPR520CA Remarks

Processor Performance
Program Flash Memory 128K bytes 128K bytes 128K bytes
Measurement (Serial) Flash 512K bytes 512K bytes 512K bytes >100,000 Measurements
Configuration EEPROM 4 K bytes 4 K bytes 4 K bytes
Serial Communications UART UART UART 0-3V transmission levels
Analog to Digital Converter 10 bit ADC 10 bit ADC 10 bit ADC 6 channels, 0-3Vin
Other Interfaces DIO DIO DIO 9 channels
Current Draw 8 mA 8 mA 8 mA active mode
< 15 uA < 15 uA < 15 uA sleep mode
Multi-Channel Radio
Center Frequency 868/916 MHz 433 MHz 315 MHz ISM bands
Number of Channels 4 / 50 4 5 programmable, country specific
Data Rate 38.4 Kbaud 38.4 Kbaud 38.4 Kbaud manchester encoded
RF Power -20 - +5 dBm -20 - +10 dBm -20 - +10 dBm programmable, typical
Receive Sensitivty -98 dBm -101 dBm -101 dBm typical, analog RSSI at AD Ch. 0
Outdoor Range 500 ft 1000 ft 1000 ft 1/4 Wave dipole, line of sight
Current Draw 27 mA 25 mA 25 mA transmit with maximum power
10 mA 8 mA 8 mA receive
< 1 uA < 1 uA < 1 uA sleep
Battery 3V Coin Cell 3V Coin Cell 3V Coin Cell
External Power 2.7 - 3.3 V 2.7 - 3.3 V 2.7 - 3.3 V connector provided
User Interface 1 LED 1 LED 1 LED user programmable
Size (in) 1.0 x 0.25 1.0 x 0.25 1.0 x 0.25 excl. battery pack
(mm) 25 x 6 25 x 6 25 x 6 excl. battery pack
Weight (oz) 0.11 0.11 0.11 excl. batteries
(grams) 3 3 3 excl. batteries
Expansion Connector 18 pins 18 pins 18 pins all major I/O signals
Specifications subject to change without notice

Base Stations:
The MICA2DOT communicates with ▼ MIB510CA Mote Interface Board
base stations that use the MICA2
radio module. These include a
standard MICA2 (MPR4x0) mated to
a serial interface board (MIB510CA),
as well as the MIB600CA for TCP/IP-
based Ethernet networks.

The MICA2DOT is presently distributed
as a stand-alone subassembly without
packaging. In future, a small plastic

wireless sensor networks

housing will be available.

Developers Kits:
Crossbow offers a variety of
development kits for the MICA2
and MICA2DOT Motes.
Ordering Information
Model Description
MOTE-KIT5040CC Professional Developer’s Kit (4X MPR500CA, 4X MPR400CB, 3X MTS310CA, 2X MTS510CA, 2X MDA500CA, 1X MIB510CA)
MOTE-KIT5141CC Professional Developer’s Kit (4X MPR510CA, 4X MPR410CB, 3X MTS310CA, 2X MTS510CA, 2X MDA500CA, 1X MIB510CA)
MOTE-KIT5242CD Professional Developer’s Kit (4X MPR520CA, 4X MPR420CB, 3X MTS310CA, 2X MTS510CA, 2X MDA500CA, 1X MIB510CA)
MPR500CA 868/916 MHz Processor/Radio Board
MPR510CA 433 MHz Processor/Radio Board
MPR520CA 315 MHz Processor/radio Board
MTS510CA Light, Acoustic, 2-Axis Accel Sensor Board
MDA500CA MICA2DOT Prototype/Data Acquisition Board
MIB510CA MICA, MICA2, MICA2DOT Mote Interface & Programming Board

phone: 408.965.3300 ▼ f a x : 4 0 8 . 3 2 4 .4 8 4 0 ▼ e-mail: [email protected]

Document Part Number: 6020-0043-04 Rev C

▼ web: www.xbow.com ▼

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